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Increasing Employee Engagement for a Safer Patient Experience and a Better Bottom Line Collaborative Healthcare Culture THE © 2015 Ayutopia International, LLC

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Page 1: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

!Increasing Employee Engagement

for a Safer Patient Experience and a Better Bottom Line

Collaborative Healthcare Culture


© 2015 Ayutopia International, LLC

Page 2: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

© 2015 Ayutopia International, LLC

The Collaborative Healthcare Culture: Increasing Employee Engagement for a Safer Patient Experience and a Better Bottom Line

Solutions for the Ideal Business

Page 3: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and




present one of the biggest FIXABLE problems facing

businesses today.

1Source: State of the Global Workplace (Gallup, 2013)










Page 4: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

IN THE US HEALTHCARE SYSTEM 66% of doctors + 67% of nurses

are either DISENGAGED or ACTIVELY DISENGAGED.22Source: State of the American Workplace (Gallup, 2013)

Page 5: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and


e m p l o y e e s w o r k w i t h passion and feel a profound c o n n e c t i o n t o t h e i r c o m p a n y . T h e y d r i v e innovation and move the organization forward.1

Not Engaged employees are essentially “checked out.” They’re sleepwalking through their workday, putting time — but not energy or passion — into their work.1

Actively Disengaged

e m p l o y e e s a re n ’ t j u s t unhappy at work; they’re b u s y a c t i n g o u t t h e i r unhappiness. Every day, these workers undermine w h a t t h e i r e n g a g e d coworkers accomplish.1

1Source: State of the Global Workplace (Gallup, 2013)

Disengaged and actively disengaged employees cost employers & the economy hundreds of billions of dollars. Actively disengaged employees alone cost the US

$450-550 billion

and cost UK employers

£52-70 billion each and every year.1

© 2015 Ayutopia International, LLC

Page 6: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

MEDICAL ERRORS can be reduced with increased employee

safety and employee engagement.33Source:

!In studying almost 50,000 work units, Gallup found that organizations with high employee engagement had 41% fewer patient safety incidents

than those with low employee engagement.11Source: State of the Global Workplace, (Gallup, 2013)

Page 7: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

In addition, those organizations with high employee engagement had:

No matter what your culture is like now, we can help you make it:

More Safe ✓ More Loyal ✓ More Engaged ✓ More Fun! ✓

• 25-65% lower turnover • 37% lower absenteeism • 28% lower shrinkage

(theft) • 48% lower staff safety


• 22% higher profitability • 21% higher productivity • 10% higher customer

satisfaction • higher earnings per share1

1Source: State of the Global Workplace, (Gallup, 2013)

© 2015 Ayutopia International, LLC

Page 8: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

By creating a 43% increase in employee engagement , The Medical Center of Plano (TX) decreased turnover of first-year employees by 40% and received recognition as a leading hospital by their parent company HCA.7

!In a 4-year culture shift

(which included annual surveys and over 40,000 employee seminars internationally),

the Cleveland Clinic found that as employee engagement increased,

so did patient satisfaction (HCAHPS) scores.4

!By increasing employee

engagement over 3 years Medical City Dallas

Hospital reduced contract labor costs by 75%.5

!In one hospital, when employee

engagement rose from the 20th to the 70th percentile,

overall hospital turnover decreased from 22% to 15%

& RN turnover

decreased from 25% to 13%.6





Real World Examples

Page 9: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

The Bottom Line Employee Engagement and Happiness at Work: • increases patient safety, • decreases turnover & recruitment costs, • makes your organization a better place to work.

© 2015 Ayutopia International, LLC

Page 10: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

How We Help



Based on the Nursing Process





A l o n g w i t h i n - p e r s o n observation, we conduct evidence-based, anonymous s u r v e y s a n d s t r a t e g i c interviews to determine the root causes of dissatisfaction, disengagement, burnout, etc. in your organization.

Our team will tabulate the results & compile them in an easy-to-review report along with our observations so you can better understand the challenges you face. We give our recommendations for the initial and ongoing priorities.

W e c o n d u c t f o l l o w - u p surveys and interviews to evaluate the implemented strategies. This highlights successes and achievements while also identifying areas of ongoing adjustment.

Along with a select group of key employees, we wi l l strategically implement the approved plan; concurrently monitoring your culture (resistance, response, results) as we move forward.

Together, we will choose the initial priorities, then our team will devise a systematic plan to make gentle, yet powerful changes. Our plans make the adjustment as easy and understandable as possible for you and your employees.

© 2015 Ayutopia International, LLC

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Workshops, Seminars, & Training employee/ executive education on various topics including self-care practices, stress management, work/life balance, and more

Focus Groups & Small Group Work employee empowerment via increased communication, active listening, problem-solving, and solution-oriented brainstorming

Managerial & Executive Coaching individualized attention and support to empower and enhance individual leadership skills, innovation, creativity, and more

© 2015 Ayutopia International, LLC

Page 12: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

Train the Trainer

As part of your consulting engagement, you can designate 4-8 licensed professionals from your organization to become organizational trainers in our proprietary 5-step Magic of Mojo® process which:

• increases passion for one’s work • increases one’s sense of purpose in life • rids one of the sense of apathy & disconnection • brings greater enjoyment and fun into one’s life

so you can keep your employees engaged internally.

© 2015 Ayutopia International, LLC

Page 13: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

Other ServicesSpeaking

America’s Mojo Maven, Ariana Ayu is National Association of Professional Women’s  2014/15 Woman of the Year.  An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and brand strategist, Ariana is the CEO and founder of several companies including Ayutopia International, LLC, which develops profitable and collaborative corporate cultures, personal celebrity brands,  and  custom branded websites, as well as brand and business strategies. Ariana is the author of the column: Business Mojo on

Ariana has worked as a high-level executive and board member for a multi-million dollar consulting company as well as working for or with companies ranging from 1 person to over 10,000. She earned her Masters degree in Advancing Nursing Practice at the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland, UK, and is an internationally respected author, speaker/singer, trainer, and coach, as well as the founder and creatrix of the Bodacious Branding system, Sacred Business Summits™, and the Magic of Mojo™ series. Ariana’s press includes national and international radio interviews and articles in USA Today, International Business Times, ABC, CBS, CBS Money Watch, the CW, Eyewitness News, FOX, NBC, Newsday, Virtual-Strategy Magazine, and the World’s Luxury Guide, among others.

A native of the Washington, DC area, Ariana lives in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. She is a member and supporter of The Women of Global Change (WGC), the Alliance for Women in Media,  the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC),  the National Association of Professional Women (NAPW), I AM WOMAN (UK-based), and the National Organization for Women (NOW): organizations focused on positive societal change through the empowerment and advancement of women. Ariana is proud to support non-profit organizations such as The National Wildlife Federation, World Wildlife Fund, Habitat for Humanity, Edmarc Hospice for Children, and The Make It Right Foundation.

Ariana Ayu, our CEO and Founder, is available for:

• single speaking engagements,

• single workshops,

• workshop series,

• keynote addresses, and

• corporate/ executive retreats.

Page 14: Collaborative - Ayutopia International, LLC · Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. An entrepreneur, author, interpersonal expert, Registered Nurse, and business and

© 2015 Ayutopia International, LLC

Solutions for the Ideal Business


202.599.0890 [email protected]