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Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение «САХАЛИНСКИЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ ИСКУССТВ» МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ И РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ К САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЕ СТУДЕНТОВ ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ «ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК)» 2 КУРС ОБУЧЕНИЯ для студентов специальности ДИЗАЙН 2 курс для студентов специальности НАРОДНО-ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ТВОРЧЕСТВО 2 курс для студентов специальности «Социально-культурная деятельность» 2 курс ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЬ: СЕРЫХ А.П. e-mail: [email protected]

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Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение«САХАЛИНСКИЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ ИСКУССТВ»




для студентов специальности ДИЗАЙН 2 курсдля студентов специальности НАРОДНО-ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ТВОРЧЕСТВО 2 курс

для студентов специальности «Социально-культурная деятельность» 2 курс

ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЬ: СЕРЫХ А.П.e-mail: [email protected]


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Настоящие методические указания имеют целью помочь студентам в успешной организации самостоятельной работы по освоению учебного материала дисциплины в форме развития практических навыков говорения (грамматически правильное оформление речи) чтения и перевода литературы на английском языке.

Учебный материал дисциплины представлен в нескольких разделах, в зависимости от формы языкового материал (аудиоматериал, диалог, текст и т.д.) и направления развития практических навыков (говорение, чтение, письмо и т.д.)

Каждый раздел учебного материала начинается теоретическими основами данного направления развития языковых навыков. Перед выполнением заданий практической части учебного материала студенту следует внимательно ознакомиться с содержанием теоретической базы: объяснениями, таблицами и схемами. По всем возникающим вопросам и в случае затруднений студент может обратиться к преподавателю за консультацией, разъяснением, совместным выполнением упражнений, контролем качества освоения учебного материала, представлением устных и письменных работ. Данная работа осуществляется в режиме видеоконференции (скайп) и электронной почты. Предмет, цель и содержание последующей консультации определяется как домашнее задание в ходе предыдущего сеанса связи.

Рекомендуемый график выполнения заданий самостоятельной работы студентов

№ раздел / тема / блок форма срок способ1 Грамматика:

Modal Verbsписьменно в

тетрадидо 22.05 Фото вацап

Грамматика:Sequences of Tenses

письменно в тетради

до 30.04 Фото вацап

2 Работа с текстом:Shopping + Plastic Money

устное изложение

до 25.04 видеосвязь

Работа с текстом:Museums

составление диалога

до 03.04 видеосвязь

Работа с текстом:At the Concert

составление диалога

до 30.04 видеосвязь

Работа с текстом:Leonardo Da Vinci

устное изложение

до 05.04 видеосвязь

Работа с текстом:Michelangelo

устное изложение

до 24.05 видеосвязь

Работа с текстом:“A Life on the Streets”

устное изложение

до 15.05 видеосвязь


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1. Согласование времен / Sequence of TensesВыбор времени сказуемого дополнительного придаточного предложения зависит от

времени, в котором стоит сказуемое главного предложения. a) если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, то

сказуемое придаточного предложения может стоять в любом времени, которое требуется по смыслу:

I am sure that they didn’t stay in the hotel because it is too expensive. Глав. Прид. Прид. (наст.)

b) Если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени, то сказуемое придаточного предложения должно стоять в одном из прошедших времен.

I was sure that they hadn’t stayed in the hotel because it was too expensive. Глав. Прид. Прид. (прош.)

Tense changesPresent Simple Past SimplePresent Continuous Past ContinuousPresent Perfect Past PerfectPresent Perfect Continuous Past Perfect ContinuousPast Simple Past PerfectPast Continuous Past Perfect ContinuousWill/ Shall Would/ Should

2. Модальные глаголыМодальные глаголы – это небольшая группа глаголов, которые не выражают конкретных

процессов (действий), а показывают лишь отношение говорящего к действию, оценку действия, т. е. возможность, необходимость, предположительность, долженствование, разрешение и т. д.  В русском языке для этого используются обычные глаголы: могу, способен, должен, обязан, разрешаю, необходимо (сделать что-либо, быть где-либо). Само действие выражается обычным глаголом — инфинитивом без частицы «to», который в обязательном порядке используется вместе с модальным глаголом. 

Модальный глагол

Эквивалент Значение Примеры

Can Could

To be able toмочь, уметь, неужели (вопр.),не может быть (отриц.), возможно

I can play tennis.He could not help you.Can you give me a piece of advice?She was able to do it yesterday. Will she be able to come in time?


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May Might

To be allowed toTo be permitted to

можно, разрешается, возможно

You may take my pen.May I come in?It may rain soon.He might not walk long.He will be permitted to stay with us for the weekends.

Must To be toTo have to

должен, должно быть, нельзя (отриц.)

It must be cold outside.Must I learn it by heart?You must not go there.I shall have to do it tomorrow.We didn’t have to buy it.


Согласование времен / Sequence of TensesExercise 1. Translate the sentences into English.1. Он сказал, что провел там пять дней. 2. Они сказали, что никогда не забудут этой поездки. 3. Она сказала, что сразу же пришлет телеграмму. 4. Он сказал, что никогда не простит этой лжи. 5. Она сказала, что из Мэри получилась хорошая хозяйка. 6. Он сказал, что никогда не путешествует дневным поездом. 7. Они сказали, что расскажут все позже. 8. Она сказала, что сама приготовила бутерброды для нашего пикника. 9. Он сказал, что на будущий год ему будет 60, и он уйдет на пенсию. 10. Аня сказала, что она в прошлом году закончила университет. 11. Он сказал, что пишет письма домой каждую неделю. 12. Эксперты сказали, что ситуация в стране улучшится через два года.13. Он спросил, ездили ли мы на море в прошлом году. 14. Она спросила, буду ли я сдавать экзамен по английскому языку в конце года. 15.Продавщица спросила Катю, примерила ли она уже это платье. 16. Мама спросила Ника, часто ли он принимает участие в концертах. 17. Дети спросили отца, поможет ли он сделать им модель самолета. 18. Соседка спросила меня, выращиваю ли я цветы на даче. 19. Она спросила, будет ли у меня завтра время сходить с детьми в кино. 20. Он спросил, устроила ли их эта цена.

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into English.1. Друзья спросили меня, приду ли я на вокзал проводить их. 2. Он спросил, часто ли Джон поёт на школьном концерте. 3. Она спросила его, когда он видел их последний раз. 4. Студенты спросили, будут ли они читать этот роман в оригинале. 5. Она спросила, что он купил на день рождения мамы. 6. Туристы спросили, когда они поедут в Павловск. 7. Он спросил, сколько времени длится это путешествие. 8. Дети спросили, когда начнутся каникулы. 9. Она спросила, кто присматривал за домом зимой. 10. Она спросила меня, где мы обычно останавливаемся в Москве. 11. Она спросила, когда отправится последняя электричка в Сосново. 12. Он спросил, где они обедали вчера вечером. 13.Мама спросила, кого я приглашу на вечеринку. 14. Он спросил, когда показали вторую часть этого фильма. 15. Она спросила, кто помогает ей убирать квартиру. 16. Он спросил, где мы будем ждать его. 17. Он сказал, что завтра будет дежурить в школе. 18. Он спросил, когда они вернулись с туристической базы (tourist camp) 19. Билл спросил, буду ли я учить английский на будущий год. 20 Мама спросила, сходил ли я за покупками.Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English.


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1. Аня спросила, сколько дети пробудут в Москве. 2. Студенты спросили, когда начнется зимняя сессия. 3. Они сказали, что сделали все вовремя 4. Он спросил, устраиваем ли мы вечер на Новый год в своей фирме. 5. Мама спросила, какие предметы мы учим на этом год. 6. Они спросили, когда я покажу им город. 7. Она сказала, что она работает в школе. 8. Он сказал, что никогда там не был. 9. Он сказал, что был там на прошлой неделе. 10. Она сказала, что видела их вчера в парке. 11. Она сказала, что видела их много раз. 12. Я сказала, что я ему уже позвонила. 13. Я сказала, что звонила ему час назад. 14. Мама сказала, что сегодня она была очень занята. 15. Мама сказала, что была в гостях вчера. 16. Дети сказали, что никогда не видели страуса (ostrich) 17. Дети сказали, что они могут видеть много животных в зоопарке. 18. Он сказал, что они часто ходят в театр. 19. Он сказал, что не видел еще этот спектакль. 20. Он спросил, знаю ли я какие-нибудь английские стихи.

Модальные глаголы / Modal VerbsExercise 3. Complete the sentences with the according forms of modal verbs or its equivalents. 1. He is very fit for his age. He (to run) really fast. 2. I'd like (to work) with you one day. 3. If they hadn't phoned for an ambulance, he (to die). 4. I love (to spend) all morning in bed at the weekends. 5. We (go) to that concert tomorrow if the tickets haven't sold out. 6. I (not to un-derstand) what he says: he speaks too quickly. 7. Kerry's rather late. She (to miss) the train. 8. Travellers' cheques (to be exchanged) at most banks. 9. You (to work) when I came into the room, not talking. 10. I (to tell) him what you really think of him next time you see him if I were you. 11. The wedding's been cancelled so I (not to buy) that new suit: it was a waste of money. 12. I (to take) the children to school every morning before I go to work. 13. I'd like you to come to the meeting but you (not to come) if you don't want to. 14. This letter (to be hidden) where no one will ever find it. Its contents (to remain) a secret for ever.

Exercise 2. Write what to say using can, could, may, might, shall, must, would, would you like, would you mind. There may be several possible answers.

1. Offer to open the door for a stranger. 2. Ask someone to answer the phone for you. 3. Invite a friend to go for a swim this morning. 4. Offer to make someone a sandwich. 5. Request an ap-pointment to see your bank manager, Ms Arnold. 6. Give someone permission to use your phone. 7. Suggest going for a picnic this afternoon. 8. Ask someone to wait here for you. 9. Give your son permission to go out but tell him to be back before dark. 10.You are in a train. Ask another passenger if you can open the window. 11. You are the teacher. Give your students permission to work outside today but tell them not to talk too much. 12. Offer to answer the phone. 13. Ask a friend for a pen.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English.1. Говорите громче. Ничего не слышно. 2. Мне надо приготовить салат на ужин.3. Мне надо было сначала перевести статью. 4. Доктор, можно мне купаться в море? 5. Детям не разрешили пойти в кино вечером. 6. Можно ли ему посмотреть этот фильм по TV. 7. Я ничего не вижу на доске, так как в комнате темно. 8. Ты должен много читать по-английски? 9. Я не могла нигде купить книгу вчера. 10. Сможет ли он перевести эту статью без словаря? 11. Он сможет скоро плавать. 12. Дети не должны играть со спичками. 13. Нам незачем торопиться, мы можем дойти до станции пешком. 14. Самолет должен подняться в воздух в час ночи. 15. Боюсь, я не смогу двигаться после такой тяжелой тренировки. 16. Могу ли я проводить вас домой? 17. Выбора не было, и ему пришлось согласиться на наше предложение. 18. Надеюсь, вам не пришлось долго ждать, не так ли? 19. Не надо переводить весь текст. Каждый должен выбрать 10-предложений. 20. На следующем уроке, возможно, у нас будет контрольная работа.


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III. РАБОТА НАД ТЕКСТОМТочное и полное понимание текста осуществляется путем изучающего чтения.

Изучающее чтение предполагает умение самостоятельно проводить лексико-грамматический анализ, используя знания специальных предметов. Итогом изучающего чтения является точный перевод текста на родной язык. Проводя этот вид работы, следует развивать навыки адекватного перевода текста (устного или письменного) с использованием отраслевых, терминологических словарей, словарей сокращений.

После прочтения теста студенту необходимо составить список новых слов и выражений, выполнить их перевод на русский язык. Для освоения новой лексики и подготовки собеседования или устного изложения по содержанию текста студенту следует составить план повествования всего текста в форме вопросительных предложений. Ответы на вопросы должны завершаться изложением личного мнения, отношением к предмету, комментариями, собственными впечатлениями о содержании текста.

ТЕКСТ 1. Read, translate and describe trade centers services in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

SHOPPINGIf you are in another city or country and do not know where to shop, the best thing to do is to visit a visitor centre. There are many such centres around the world. For example, in Great

Britain you can find a vast amount of information on many cultural and other questions you are interested in. It is here where you can get the best advice on accommodation, travel, attractions and other everyday activities for a person who is making a holiday. And don’t forget about web-sites. Websites cover the same type of information and are famous for rich details. And this is, probably, what you need most of all. To be able to discuss shopping freely, you must know very welt a certain number of words and expressions. Look into the dialogue given below and see if

you know all such words and phrases in English and Russian.

Jane: Frank, as far as I know, you have some shopping experience. Can you answer some of my questions? Would you like to compete with me in giving the right names of shops?Frank: With pleasure! It’s true I’m a good shopper.Jane: How do they (often) call shops in the USA?Frank: In the USA the places where goods are sold are usually called stores, while in Great Britain they are known as shops. You know that, don’t you? I believe we should realize that shops may be of different type and, therefore, they may have their special company names. Sometimes (if you don’t know the place well enough) you may not even be aware that some of the names belong to famous shops.Jane: Should one choose his shop depending on an individual taste?Frank: Suppose you are right.Jane: And how do they sell books? In a shopping mall? Or in a supermarket?Frank: To begin with, books are usually classified as hardcover and paperback editions. And they are sold in different places depending on their quality.Jane: What about a grocery store? What can one usually find in a grocery store?Frank: If you go to a grocery store, that means that you are ready to buy food first of all. That’s why they are called “groceries”.Jane: And what about a supermarket?Frank: You know quite well what a supermarket is. But, anyway, I can describe it. A supermar-ket, as I see it, is a kind of shop where you can buy almost everything. It is a food shop and a shop of many other household items (such as TV sets, sofas, carpets and the like).Jane: And if I want to buy bread, cookies and cakes, where should I go?Frank: Go to a supermarket. It’s the same story around the world. Or go straight to a bakery.Jane: And can I buy goods if I want to pay by credit cards?Frank: Certainly!6

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ne: Once I saw a word deli. What does it mean?Frank: I know that sometimes a delicatessen store/ delicatessen is called deli.Jane: What is a liquor store?Frank: A liquor store is an American name for a store where alcohol is sold.Jane: 1 think that a drugstore is the place where they sell drugs prescribed by doctors.Frank: What can you buy in a drugstore? I mean in addition to drugs?Jane: I know that in America you can also buy other items in a drugstore, for example, maga-zines, newspapers and the like.Frank: I like hardware shops.Jane: What is the name of a shop that sells seeds for plants and so on?Frank: 1 know that in the USA such shops are called garden centres (= амер. garden centers).Jane: And 1 like boutiques. As anywhere else, boutiques sell fashionable clothes and decora-tions.Frank: I am sure that some stores are called convenience stores in the USA.Jane: What do they sell there? Why are they called “convenient”?Frank: They are open 24 hours each day (= operate round the clock) and are really convenient. You can buy food, newspapers, magazines there and so on.Jane: What about department stores? What do they sell?Frank: Don’t you know? Almost anything. If you do not know American English, you may not know what the expression public rest room means.Jane: So what does it mean?Frank: It means a toilet. Other names are also used more often: for example, lavatory (especially in a public building), men’s room, ladies’ room, and restroom.Jane: What about an outlet store?Frank: As the name suggests, it is a shop that sells things for less than the usual price. Naturally, one should be very attentive to make sure that the quality of goods is good.Jane: I wonder what a warehouse store is in America. Is it just a warehouse?Frank: Not exactly. The word warehouse just shows that it is a shop of a very large size (just like a big warehouse). As to warehouse as a store, it sells things in large amounts (suits for men, dresses, blankets, wool jackets, etc). As a result, the prices are lower. These stores are for bar-gain hunters, for people who like to hunt for a good buy (= good purchase). What is the name of a shop where they sell records and music?Jane: My guess it is called music shop/record shop.Frank: If you want to buy some cigarettes, where do you go?Jane: I know the answer. You go to tobacconist’s.Frank: And where can I buy healthy food?Jane: Naturally, at a health food shop.Frank: And where can I have my shoes repaired?Jane: I don’t know. I am interested in flowers. You can buy flowers at a flowers shop.Frank: Yes, it’s true. But quite often it is called florist’s in British English.Jane: And what are antique shops for?Frank: As the name suggests, antique shops are for selling old furniture and pictures (= antiques). As I see, going shopping is a true art and a real job.Jane: One thing is clear to me. The matter is that there is a lot of merchandise in shops. And if you are not an experienced shopper, it will be rather difficult for you to choose what you want. (Shopper = customer/ client/buyer.) Sometimes it is essential to ask the advice of a salesperson. He/she may also give you some advice on the existing payment plans. I hear that one of the pay-ment plans is known as is instalment?Jane: I thought you knew that an instalment is one of the series of regular payments that you (as a buyer) can make. You make such payments until you have paid all the money you owe. So a sales clerk may tell you: you can pay for this computer in twelve monthly instalments. So (you see) it’s just a certain method of payment. Another payment arrangement (though it may be 7

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something different as far as terms are concerned) is to buy on credit. You make such an ar-rangement with a bank or shop etc., that allows you to buy something (some goods) and pay for it later.Frank: As I see, there are many payment plans. Do you want one more useful phrase?Jane: Certainly!Frank: It’s about wrapping service. So my advice is “don’t forget to wrap your purchase” if it is meant as a gift. In many shops there are so called gift wrapping services.

Read, translate and use this information for describing trade centers services in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. P L A S T I C M O N E Y

Thirty years ago, credit cards were rare. Today, billions of them (not to mention cheque cards, phone cards and cash cards) are used every day. Here, we examine the global 'plastic money'

revolution. PLUS ... What will twenty-first-century money be like? Future Finance predicts tomorrow's economic advances.

CHEQUE GUARANTEE CARDSThese are called cheque cards for short and they're a form of identification. When you give someone a cheque, you show them the card, too. This proves you're the person whose name is on the cheque. It also means that your bank guarantees to pay the cheque (up to a certain amount). Banks advise their customers to keep cheque books and cheque cards separately. Why? Because if a card is stolen, it can’t be used without the cheque book and vice versa.

TELEPHONE CARDSLots of public phone boxes don't accept cash these days - they only take cards. Here's how the system works. When you buy a phone card you get a fixed amount of telephone time (which is measured in 'units'). After that it's simple. All you do is use the card until you've run out of units. And then? And then you buy another one. The advantage of phone cards is that you don't need cash to make a call.

CREDIT CARDSThe idea behind credit cards is simple. When you buy something you give your card to the shop assistant. He or she fills in a form. You sign it. Then, at the end of the month you receive a bill from the credit company. This lists everything you've bought on credit in the past four weeks. You can pay the bill in two different ways, either... (a) all at once, or (b) a little at a time. If you pay a little at a time the bill obviously grows month by month. But that's not all. You also pay a high rate of interest on top of the unpaid amount. Why? Because in reality you're borrowing money from the credit company. For some people this can become a real problem. They spend too much, can't afford to pay it back, and get into debt. For some people, though, credit cards are 'flexible friends' - a useful and convenient alternative to cash.



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These are called cash cards for short. Nowadays some of them are cheque guarantee cards, too. That means you only need one piece of plastic to... (a) get money from a cash dispenser, (b) prove your identity when you sign cheques. The information printed on cards includes:• the identification number of the card itself;• the dates between which the card can be used;• the name of the card-owner;• the code number of the card-owner's bank;• the card-owner's bank account number.

ТЕКСТ 2. Read, translate and make up your own dialogue about museums in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

MuseumsIn many cities of the world you may find all kinds of museums — from immense repositories of

treasures to small special galleries. Some of them are quite expensive, some of them are free. Al-ways buy a guidebook on museums to get all the precious details and tell your friends about your

experiences later.

Jane: Frank, do you like arts? What can you tell me about museums?Frank: There are many museums of fine art and art galleries around the world. You should cer-

tainly see most famous of them. Find out in advance what kind of museum collections a country (you go to) can boast of. Get an exact address and telephone. And visit an exhibi-tion (= show).

Jane: And what kind of collections do you mean?Frank: Collections of pictures or sculpture, or collections of gifts to famous personalities.Jane: What about special museums?Frank: Some museums can boast of ancient collections which are also interesting to see. But

sometimes you can see exhibitions of modern art.Jane: And if I am keen upon graphics?Frank: If you are interested in graphics, there are also exhibitions of graphical art. There are also

quite exotic exhibitions.Jane: Can I get an idea about the development of civilizations?Frank: You can see art of civilizations of some countries. I would like to add. There are also col-

lections which are very close to art. I mean collections of earliest printed books, or reli-gious books, or illuminated manuscripts and even of book bindings. Some people enjoy collections of old clothes, including military uniforms or arms, or swords, or kings’ thrones and carriages. Get information on it in your special guidebooks.

Jane: If you are fond of natural history, don’t forget about museums of natural history. As a rule, they also offer much to enjoy. Some exhibits are fantastic.

Frank: They cover all phases of natural science from all periods of history. It may be fun for your kids too. And don’t forget that there are so-called tape- recorded tours.

Jane: So you can go around listening to a curator’s lecture. You can say the same about many planetariums or halls of science. All such places will look even more interesting if you read about them in advance when you get ready for your trip.

ТЕКСТ 3. Read, translate and make up your own dialogue about the last concert you at-tended.

At the ConcertGoing to a concert is a great pleasure. Everyone looks forward to a great show. It may be a ballet, an aqua show, a dolphin show, burlesque show, cabaret, circus, comedy, dancing, a theatrical per-


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formance, a fair, a parade, disco, a puppet show for kids, a tragedy, a play, a music show and the like. It is even difficult to mention all types of entertainment because there are so many of them. Many places may be described as centers of dramatic arts. Actually you can see everything from

charming musicals to amusing comedies. And all the time you’ll be tempted to talk about a theatrical concert, ballet, cinema and other cultural events with your friends or guests. It is a delightful time

when you can truly express yourself and show your preferences with regard to the types of concerts you love most of all. Find below a little dialogue relating to concerts. Make sure that your English is

easy and natural.

Frank: Attending concerts is, certainly, one of the popular activities of many people. It is a popular activity whether you remain in the place where you work or travel around the world.

Jane: And the repertoire is it often new?Frank: It certainly is. There are different types of music and songs you can hear at concerts.Jane: Can you be more specific?Frank: First of all, I mean popular types of music.Jane: Again, be more specific.Frank: Well, I mean such music as: jazz, rock, blues, calypso, country, disco, Dixieland, folk mu-

sic, fusion, gospel, heavy metal, hip-hop, jazz-rock, mainstream jazz, modern jazz, pop, rap, rock and roll, soul, swing, swing beat, techno, world music (in general).

Jane: What about classics?Frank: Certainly, I can mention classical music such as: classical music, expressionism (concerning

expression of feelings), impressionism (a style of music that produces feelings and images by the quality of sounds rather than by a pattern of notes), and neoclassical music (do re-cently hut in the classical style), romantic music, salon music (music played at fashionable gatherings).

Jane: And as to songs?Frank: As to songs, I’d like to mention popular songs, gypsy songs, and so on.Jane: Let’s hurry up. I am sure that I’ll enjoy the show. I think it’s much more interesting than just

reading the papers to catch up with the news or chatting with friends about the weather.Frank: Jane, don't forget that you can also come across some friends at a show. And who knows,

maybe later you can go to the bar.Jane: Frank, think about the concert, not the bar. As far as I am concerned, I don’t want to go to the

bar, but I may go to a good club.

ТЕКСТ 4. Read, translate and retell the main facts about Leonardo Da Vinci.LEONARDO DA VINCI

(1452-1519)The coming of the sixteenth century saw the rise of great artists in Italy — Raphael,

Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Their names have never lost their enormous fame. High Renaissance style was founded by one of the most gifted individuals ever born. Leonardo da Vinci, who has always been famous because of the fantastic range of his genius, fulfilled the Re-naissance ideal of the Universal Man. He was not only a great painter and sculptor, but also an outstanding architect, an inventor, an engineer, a musician, and the leading physicist, botanist, anatomist, geologist and geographer of his time.

Leonardo's fame as an artist is based on eighteen paintings that came down to us, some of them incomplete, some damaged as a result of his experimental techniques. Leonardo's art sur-passed the achievements of his time. In an era when the continuing power of the Church com-peted in men's mind with the revived authority of Classical antiquity, for Leonardo there was no authority higher than that of an eye, which he characterized as «the window of the soul». When Leonardo began his campaign to modernize painting the artist was still a craftsman and a guild member; before the High Renaissance was over, a great master could live like a prince.


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Leonardo da Vinci was born in Tuscany. By 1469 he was Verrocchio's apprentice. In Verroc-chio's workshop Leonardo obtained the best education of his time.

The Adoration of the Magi is Leonardo's first masterpiece. It was commissioned in 1481 for a church outside Florence. It was never carried any further than the monochrome underpaint. Leonardo used the pyramidal composition. The groups are based on “the actions of the compo-nent figures and dissolve as soon as they move. Leonardo did not know it, but this discovery was made in Greece in the 5-th century B.C. In this work Leonardo started with the moment of feel-ing, form came next.

Leonardo's power as an artist and thinker is evident in the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa, his two most famous works. Leonardo's Last Supper was painted on the end wall of the refectory of the Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan in 1495. In the fresco Christ discloses to his followers that soon one of their number will betray him and their cause. The composition is the product of the moment of action and meaning. The Apostles are presented in four groups of three each. Each of these numbers has many meanings: the multiplication of the Gospels by the Trinity is only one, and twelve itself is not merely the number of the Apostles but of the months of the year and the hours of the day and of the night. The numerical division helps to throw the fundamental character of each of the Apostles into full relief, from the innocence of John on Christ's right to the horror of James on his left and to the protestation of Philip, who placed his hand on his breast. Only Judas knows, and the light does not shine upon his face. The Last Sup-per is a humanistic interpretation of the narrative. Leonardo has painted a higher reality, thus making a complete break with the Early Renaissance and establishing the ideal world in which Michelangelo and Raphael later operated. Leonardo painted his masterpiece in an oil-and-tem-pera emulsion on the dry plaster, and it began rapidly to peel off. As a result the surface is se -verely damaged.

Although Leonardo's paintings are badly preserved, they are all fascinating. Leonardo created an enigma to which he gives no answer.

From 1503 until 1506 Leonardo was painting a portrait of the wife of the prominent Floren-tine citizen. The painting is known today as the Mona Lisa. The figure sits in a relaxed position, with hands quietly crossed, before one of Leonardo's richest and most mysterious landscape backgrounds, traversed by roads that lose themselves, bridges to nowhere, crags vanishing in the mists. This attitude of total calm became characteristic for High Renaissance portraits. The face has suffered in the course of time but nothing has spoiled the sad half smile that plays about the Ups.

For a year or two Leonardo worked for the notorious Cesare Borgia, designing battle en-gines, siege devices and making maps. The Florentines commissioned Leonardo to paint the Bat-tle of Anghiari on a wall of a newly constructed Hall of Five Hundred in the Palazzo Vecchio. This painting depicted an event from 15th century history. It was part of a general programme to celebrate the newly revived republic.

Leonardo's later life was a succession of trips between Florence, Milan and Rome. He painted little in his later years. At his death Leonardo's artistic influence was immense, but much of his scientific work had to await later rediscovery.

ТЕКСТ 5. Read, translate and retell the texts.

THE INTERVIEWSteve was in a terrible accident at work. He fell through a floor tile and ripped off both of his

ears. Since he was permanently disfigured, he settled with the company for a rather large sum of money and went on his way.

One day Steve decided to invest his money in a small, but growing telecom business. And, after weeks of negotiations, he bought the company outright. But after signing the contract he re-


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alised that he knew nothing about running such a business and quickly set out to hire someone who could do that for him. The next day he had set up three interviews. The first guy was great. He knew everything he needed to and was very interesting. But at the end of the interview Steve asked him, "Do you notice anything different about me?" And the gentleman answered, "Why, yes. I couldn't help but notice you have no ears." Steve got very angry and threw him out. The second interview was with a woman, and she was even better than the first guy. But he asked her the same question, "Do you notice anything different about me?" and she replied, "Well, you have no ears." Steve again was upset and tossed her out.

The third and last interview was the best of all three. It was with a very young man who was fresh out of college. He was smart. He was handsome. And he seemed to be a better businessman than the first two put together.

Steve was anxious, but went ahead and asked the young man the same question. "Do you no-tice anything different about me?" And to his surprise, the young man answered, "Yes. You wear contact lenses." Steve was shocked and said, "What an incredibly observant young man. How in the world did you know that?"

The young man fell off his chair laughing hysterically and replied, "Well, it's pretty hard to wear glasses without any ears!"

THEY CAME TO SEE ME OFFThe porter saw three men who arrived at the railway station at about half past nine in the

evening. On of them came up to the porter and wondered at what time the next train was to start for London. The porter told the man that the trains for London went every hour.

The three men decided to go and have a drink. They came to the refreshment room and ordered three drinks. A minute or two after ten o'clock they approached the porter and asked him if the 10 o'clock train had gone. The answer was affirmative. Besides, the porter added that the next train was to start at 11 sharp.

The three men returned to the refreshment room for another drink. They missed the 11 o'clock train in the same way. The porter had to warn them that the next train was the last. If they missed it, they would have to spend the night at the railway station.

Twelve o'clock came and the last train was just starting out when the three men came out of the refreshment room running as hard as they could. Two of them managed to get into the car-riage just when the train was starting off.

The third man could not run so fast and train went on leaving him behind. The man stood at the platform watching the train disappear in the distance. The porter who saw all that was very sorry for the man.

When he came up to the man, he saw him laughing. The porter couldn't understand why the man was laughing. He wanted to as him a question, but at that moment the man said to the porter:

"Did you see those two boys get on the train and leave me behind?""Yes, I saw them", answered the porter."They came to see me off, explained the man to the porter."

ТЕКСТ 6. Read, translate and retell the main facts about Michelangelo.MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI


The sixteenth century in central Italy was dominated by the colossal genius of Michelangelo Buonarroti. Michelangelo learned the techniques of painting during a year of his boyhood spent in Ghirlandaio's studio, sculpture he studied with Bertoldo di Giovanni, the pupil of Donatello. His ear-


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liest masterpiece is the Pieta, done in 1498—99/1500 during his first stay in Rome. The perfect for-mation of the slender Christ, lying across the knees of his mother, excited the admiration of Michelangelo's contemporaries. The exquisite Virgin looks as young as her son. The ageless Virgin is a symbol of the Church, she presents the timeless reality of Christ's sacrifice. The extreme deli-cacy in the handling of the marble and the contrast between the long lines of Christ’s figure arid the crumpled drapery folds produce passages of a beauty that Michelangelo never surpassed, despite the grandeur of his mature and late work.

The heroic style for which Michelangelo is generally known is seen in the David more than 14 feet in height, which was carved in 1501—04, for a lofty position on one of the buttresses of the Cathedral of Florence. When the statue was completed, it was so beautiful that the Florentines could not sacrifice it in such a position. It was placed in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, where it became a symbol of the republic ready for battle against its enemies. The David became the first true colossus of the High Renaissance.

In 1505 Michelangelo was called by the warrior pope Julius II to design a tomb for him. This project with more than forty over-life statues in marble and bronze relief would require a lifetime. After several successive reductions the tomb was brought to completion only in 1545. Three statues remain from the 1505 version. The world-famous statue of Moses was intended for a comer position on the second story of the monument so that it could be seen from below. Like all of Michelangelo's works, the Moses, is symbolic and timeless. Moses is conceived as an activist prophet, a counterpart to Saint Paul. The bulk of the figure is almost crushing. Moses' head with its two-tailed beard, is one of the artist's most formidable creations; the locks of the beard are lightly drawn aside by the fingers of his right hand. The drapery masses enhance the compactness of the figure.

In 1508 Michelangelo was given a commission to fresco the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The upper walls had been frescoed in the 1480s by Botticelli, Ghirlandaio, Perugino and Signorelli. Julius II asked Michelangelo to paint the ceiling, more than 130 feet long. It was the most ambitious undertaking of the entire Renaissance. The painting represented the drama of the Creation and Fall of Man and consisted of nine scenes, beginning with the Separation of Light from Darkness and end-ing with the Drunkenness of Noah. The Fall of Man combines the Temptation and the Expulsion in a single scene, which in one motion leads the eye from the crime to punishment, linked by the Tree of Knowledge, represented as a fig tree.

Michelangelo's vision of a new and grander humanity reaches its supreme embodiment in the Creation of Adam. Instead of standing on earth as in all earlier Creation scenes, the Lord floats through the heavens and is enveloped in the violet mantle he wears in all the scenes in which he ap-pears. The violet colour is required for the vestments of the clergy during Advent and Lent, the peni-tential periods before the coming of Christ at Christmas and his resurrection at Easter. The Lord is borne by wingless angels. Michelangelo's Creator for the first time makes believable the concept of omnipotence. A dynamo of creative energy, God stretches forth his hand, about to touch with his fin-ger the extended finger of Adam. Adam reclines on the barren ground below, longing for life, and love about to be instilled by this finger. Adam means «Earth» and the finger is shown ready to be charged with the energy that will lift him from the dust and make him a «living soul». Adam's body is the most perfect structure ever created by Michelangelo. It embodies the beauty of Classical antiq-uity and the spirituality of Christianity.

The final scenes as one moves toward the altar were also the last in order of execution. The Lord Congregating the Waters was held to foreshadow the foundation of the Church. The Creation of Sun, Moon, and Plants shows the Lord twice, once creating sun and moon with a cruciform gesture of his mighty arms, then seen from the rear creating plants. Just above the altar the Lord separates the light from the darkness. The final phase of the Sistine Ceiling is one of the supreme moments in the spiritual history of mankind. It was created during the years when Julius II, who commissioned and inspired the Sistine Ceiling, was fighting on the battlefield for the continued life of the Papal States against the armies of King Louis XII, and completed when the victory was won.


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Учебник Spotlight 10 - стр. 85 (Appendix) TEXT “A Life on the Streets” / чтение, перевод, включение информации в основной пересказ по теме Shopping.