college bulletin 1931 november

Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran College at Tacoma and Parkland, Washington. Entered as second·class matter April 26, 1927, at the postoffice at Tacoma, Washington, under the Act of August 24, 1912. VOL. XI NOVEMBER, 1931 THE REVEREND J. C. K. PREUS Executive Secretary of the Board of Education of The Norwegian Lutheran Church of America His visit, November 19·23, 1931, inspired the contents of this issue of the BULLETIN. No.3

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Page 1: College Bulletin 1931 November

Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran College at Tacoma and Parkland, Washington. Entered as second·class matter April 26, 1927, at the postoffice at Tacoma, Washington,

under the Act of August 24, 1912.


THE REVEREND J. C. K. PREUS Executive Secretary of the Board of Education of

The Norwegian Lutheran Church of America

His visit, November 19·23, 1931, inspired the contents of this issue of the BULLETIN.


Page 2: College Bulletin 1931 November



Pacific Lutheran Co)[ege has reached the point in its developmenr when its sup­porters have to face fundamental problems of 'cope, p licy, and financial support. The solution of these problems requires an analysis of the situation and some under­standing of the problem of higher Christian education as it confronts the whole Luth­crQ.ll Church in America. A the fourth largest Cluistian denomination in the United States, and as the third largest Protestant gr up, the Lutheran Church has a heavy part in the responsibility for the maintenance of such a measure of Chcistian civilization in America as circumstances make possible.

1. The Lutherdll Church in America.

A. Organization.

Since th organization of the American Lutheran Conference 111 October, 1930, nearly 977i· of the Lutherans in America are included in three organizations: the 'United Lutheran Church, which has its main strength in the East; the American Lutheran Conference, with its chief strength in the North Central States; and the Synodi I Conference, which also has its main strength in the Middle West. In size these three groups are almost equal, Dr. Kieffer's statistics of December 31, 1930, giving the United Lutheran Church 1,399,408 baptized members, the American Luth­eran Conference 1;�C)O,472, and the Synodical Conference 1,351,201. Each of these groups is composed of several synods.

B. Schools.

Experience has taught the Church that it cann t expect to survive without Chris-6an schools. The Church knows, too, that it has a far greater responsibility than that of mere survival. The extent to which this conviction bears fruit in the form of certain types of schools within each group in North America appears from the following table, bas d on the Lutheran Warld Almanac (1930):

Theological Jr. Colleges Seminaries Colleges and Academies

United Lutheran Church 13 15 15 American Lutheran Conference 8 14 37 Svnodical Conference 4 4 21 Other Synods 4 10

Total in North A'1�erica 29 34 83

Consolidations. eliminations, and errors corrected will reduce these figures some­what in the next edition of th AlmanaC": but rhe total will remain impressive.

In the \Vestern two-fifths of the 1:.] nited State.'i, however, only four such institu­tions operate at the present time: Pacific Theological Seminary, operated at Seattle, Wash., by the Pacific Synod of the United Lutheran Church; Pacific Lutheran Col­lege, oper ted as a co-educational junior college and academy at Parkland, \'V'a.'ih., by rhe Pacific istrict of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, with the coopera­tion of th American Luth ran Church: Concordia College, an academy, at Portland. Oregon, and Concordia College an academy and junior college, at Oakland, ali­fornia, both operated f r boys only, by the Missouri Synod (of the Synodical Con­ference). acific Lutheran Colleg is (he only school of its specific r pe in his We t rn "land of the future_"

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C. Educational Program. Th educational program, or programs, of each of these Lutheran groups is at

present in a state of considerable flux. In each group the problem of Christian edu· cation i acute.

The United Lutheran Church has paid out thousands of dollars for a survey of its whole system of schools, and has published the results in three volumes under Columbia University auspices.

The Synodical Conference has, since the reorganization of Valparaiso University as a Lutheran 'chool, been face to face with the question of fundamental educational policy; and the report of the Missouri Synod's committee on education is at present rhe subject of vigorous discu sion.

The Commission on Higher Education of the American Lutheran Conference is fa ing the most complex educational problem of all.

ll. The American Lutheran Confl'Yenre. A. Constituent Synods.

The merican Lutheran Conference at present consists of five synods, as fol1ows: American Lurheran Church, 510,153 members; Norw gian Lutheran hurch of merica , 486,412 members; Augustana Synod, 317,594 members; Lutheran Free Church, 45,000 members; United Danish Lutheran Church, 31,3 I 3 members.

B. Schools. ach of the synods in the American Lutheran Conference maintains schools and

has an educational program. Theological seminaries are maintained at Columbus, Ohio, (Ameri n Luthaan Church); Dubuque, la., (American Lutheran); Rock Island, II!., (Augustana)' St. Paul, Minn., ( orwegian uthrran); Minneapolis, Minn., (Lutheran Free); and Blair, Neb., (United Danish). The work of these professional training schools for ministets of the Gospel is ab ve both the present and the projected scope of Pacific Lutheran College.

In Canada there are three schools within the American Lutheran Conference: Luther College of Regina, Sask., (American Lutheran Church); Outlook College, Outlook, Sas ., and Camrose College, Camrose, Alberta, both within the Norwegian Lutheran Church of Canada. The scope of these schools is somewhat the same as that f Pacific Lutheran College; but the international b undary line sets the problem of these schools apart as distinct and separa teo

Within the United States no school within the American Lutheran Conference may expect at present to solve its problem without due consideration of the distribution, scope, and policies of the other schools within the onference. The schools naturally fall, howev r, into four regional division: Eastern, Southern, Central or Mid-Western, and Western.

In the Eastern division, the Augustana Synod maintains Upsala College at East Orange, N. T., and the American Lutheran Chmch maintains St. John's College and Academr at Petersbarg, Xl. Va., and Capital University at Columbus, Ohio.

r n the Southern division, the American Lutheran Church, with the cooperation of the Allgusrana Synod, maintains Lutheran College at Seguin, Texas, and the Nor­wegian Lutheran Church if ton College at Clifton, Texas. Both are of the academy. junior college type.

The Central r Mid- Xlestern division presents an impressive array of Christian higher schools. In Illinois, the Aup;ustana Synod maintains Augustana College at Rock Island, and the orwegian Lutheran Church Pleasant View Luther College (an

Page 4: College Bulletin 1931 November

academy) t Ottawa. In Wisconsin, the Norwegian Lutheran Church has two acade­

mies Gale College at Galesville and Central Wisconsin Col[ gc at Scandinavia, the latter wich a junior co[ [ege division_ In Iowa, che Arneri an Lutheran Church main­

rains Wartburg C [[ege at Clinton and Wartburg Normal College at Waverly; and the No wegian Lutheran Church maintains Luther CoIIege at Decorah and Waldorf College (academy-junior college) at Forest Cicy. Minnesota has nine schools: four senior colleges, namel , Gustavus Adolphus (Augustana) at St. Peter, St. Olaf (Nor­

wegian Lutheran) at Northfield, Augsburg (Lutheran Free) at Minneapolis, and Con­cordia (Norwegian Lutheran) t Moorhead; three schools of the junior college-academy type, namely, Red \Ving Seminary ( Norwegian utheran) at R d Wing, St. Paul­Luther (American Lutheran) at St. Paul, and Park R gion Luther College ( Norwegian Luthe ran) t Fergus Falls; and two academies, nam ly, Lutheran Normal School (Norwegian Luth ran) at Madison, and North Star College (Augustana) at Warren .

At Fargo, N. Oak., th� Luth eran Free Church operates Oak Grove Seminary for girls. In South Dakota, the Ameri an Lutheran Church has Eureka Lutheran Col lege (academy. junior college) at Eureka, and th Norwegian Lutheran Church of America has Augustana Colleae at Sioux Falls and Augustana Academy at Canton. In N -

braska, rbe United Danish I.utheran Church mnintains Dana College in connection with Trinit ' Lutheran Seminary at lair; the Augustana Synod operates Luther Col lege (an academy) at Wahoo; and tbe American Lutheran Church has Hebron College and Academy at Heb ron . In the center of Kansas is located Betha ny College, of the Augustana Synod, at Lindsborg_

In th Western tw()-fi fths of rhe United Sta tes there is within the American Lutheran Conference only one Chri�tian school PacifiC" Lutheran Coil gc. No other division of the Lutheran Churcb has a similar school within this vast territory. Other Christian denominational sch oo l s are few, except within the Catholic Church. About

two- th i rds of the people are with ut any hurch connection. In the tate of Wash­

ington alone, accord in. to censu figures of 1926 there wete 1,179,000 unchurched as comp red wich 384,182 churched. And yet "westward the course of empire takes its way." What an opportunity! What a responsibility! What challenge!

C. Efforts at Coop ration.

Within the American L utheran Conference this year rhe Augus tana Syn d is co­operating with the Ameri an Luth tan Church in the maintenance f Lutheran ,allege at Seguin, Texas; and the American Lutheran Church is similarly cooperating with the Norwegian Lutheran Chutch in maintaining and developing p, cific Lutheran ollege. Similar action is under consideration in other places. The present coopera tion at Pacific Lutheran College is unqualifiedly successful. The Columbia Conference of the Augustana Synod vot d unanimously at its la t convention to support such a policy of intersynodical coopera tion and el ct d two rep res ntatives to serve on the committee of six that has the further development of such a policy in charge with respect to Pacific Lutheran College.

Similarly, rhe ommission on Higher Education is under mandate from the Execu­

bv Committee of the American Lutheran Conference to give rhe question of futth r cooperative support of Pacific Lutheran C [[ ge its early and serious attention.

llI. The NorwegidTI LlIt.�erdTl C{,urch of A merica .

A. Distl."ict Organization. The Norwegian Lutheran Chu rch of America consists of nine districts, eil!ht of

them in the United States, th ninth heing known as the Norwep:ian Lutheran Church of Canada. Five of the seventeen higher schools in the Norwe gi an Lutheran Church of Am rica are owned and operat d directly by thl' Church as a wh Ie. Pa ific Luth·

Page 5: College Bulletin 1931 November

eran College is owned by the Pacific Lutheran College Ass ci tion, which at pre ent is identical with the Pacific Di. trict of the Church. In the management of the school, however, the American Lutheran Church is also represented.

B. Educati nal Program. Divergent educational views retarded the formulation of a definite educational

program after th union of 1917_ Luth r C !lege, for example, represented one tra­dition; Red Wing Seminary another; St. Olaf College, for example, yet another; certain academies still another. The economic depression has forced some adjustment of issues; and the o�ganizacion f the American Lutheran Conference has provided a new motive and vi wpoint for the imm diate formulation of a more definite and a distinctly forward-looking educational program for the Church. Thi is the problem which the n wly app inted Executive Secretary of the Board of Education, the Rever­end]. C. K. Preus, is, with th assisran e of others, m ing his special study.

C. Current Educational P oblems. Among the current educational problems of this Church which also touch Pacific

Lutheran College arc the following: 1. The adjustment of conflicting educational traditions and policies. 2. The relative claims of academies, junior colleges, and senior colleges to legiti­

mate attention on th part of the Church and its officials. 3. The allocation of the budger far e du cation in the face of accumulated deficits. 4. Legitimate and desirable forms of int rsynodical coop ration in the work of

Christian education.

D. Attitude Toward \V'e�tern School. That the official attitude of the Church toward Pacific Lutheran College is un·

qualifiedly friendly, is evident from the following transcript from the official minutes of the last general convenrion of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America (May, 1 9 3 0 ):

"WHEREAS Pacific Lutheran College is now 11' only Lutheran school of its type in the we stern 40 pe; cem. of the United States; and is serving the cause of Christ in a home mission territory in ",hich an endowment fund of $290,000 has been pledg d and will be in process of collection for anather two years or more; and

"WHEREAS the prospective development of our last national frontier imposes upon our Church the responsibili y of d veloping an educational institution that shall, by the grace f God, be 'a tower of strength on the walls f Zion' which the Lutheran Church is called upon to build in the West; and

"WI-IEREAS the Pacific Disnic c of the N. L. C. A. is the owner of Pacific Lutheran College and has by the adoption and prose cu tion of a development program for the school definicely faced and accepted this responsibility, and has, through th Pacific Lutheran C 11 ge Development Associaci n, provided a satisfactory device for carrying thi program through to success, God willing; and

"WHEREAS the prospective federati n of Lutheran synods makes the need as well as rhe possibility of maintaining Pa ific Lutheran Co llege gre ter and more ap­parenr; and

"WHEREAS the appropri rio already voted by the N. L. C. A. ($[0,000 a year for 1931 and 1932) i inadequate and places an annu I operating deficit of $16,-000 in prospect, while, on the other hand, the present accredited status of the institution cannot be maintained if further deficits are incurr d;

uB IT RESOLVED, t ba t the N. L. C. A. encourages its members ev rywhere to support Pacifi Lutheran College by prayers, by gifts, and by joining tbe Development Association, whose membership is already 4294, and whose slogan is 'At least a dollar at I st once a year.''' ( Page 3 55. ) "Ad pted!' (Page 2[8).

Page 6: College Bulletin 1931 November

"BE IT FURTHER RESOL YEO, that, in the case and to the e.tent that the support from other sources prove inadequate for the maintenance of the present ac­credited statlls of Pacific lutheran CoUege, the Board of T rllstecs of the Norwegian Lutheran Chl,lrch of America he authorized, on recommendation of the Board of Edu­cation, to make an emergency appropriation sufficient to avoid operating deficits at Pacific Lutheran College dllring the next biennium, it being the purpose of the Church by this resolution to assure the uninterrupted survival of the school in rdet that Pacific District may cheerfully promote the further development of Pacific Lutheran College, and it being the understanding of the Church that such emergency appropriation shall in no case exceed $17,500.00. Adopted." (Page 358).

It was on the strength of this resolution that the College received an emergency appropriation of $16,901.58 on July 28, 1931, to avoid a net loss for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1931.

The same Annual Report of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America for 1930 records the history and endorsement of the present cooperative arrangement with the American Lutheran Church, under the heading, "Pacific District and Joint Synod Resolution," as follows:

"By action of the Board of Directors of Pacific Lutheran College the president of the College, Dr. O. A. Tingelstad, and two of the members of the Board attended the annual convention of the Northwestern District of the Joint Synod of Ohio, meet­ing in Spokane, Washington, two weeks ago. The following resolution was adopted by the Northwestern District:

' 1 . That the Northwestern District petition Joint Synod to set aside an annu I appropriation of at lea. t $2,500.00 f6r Pacinc Lutheran ·ollege.

'2. That we, the Northwestern District, throw open our congre.gations for the solicitation of members for the Pacific Lutheran College Development Association.

'3. That, for the $ake of fostering interest in Pacific Lutheran College, we con­sider it advisable to have a properly qualified Joint Synod pastor on the teaching staff of Pacific Lutheran College, that Joint Synod have an advisory member on the Bard, and that the president of [he Northwestern District be this advisory member.

'4. That a committee, similar to the present Spokane College Committee, be created and instructed to function in the interest of Pacific Lutheran College.

'5. That we, as a district, pledge ourselves to support Pacific Lutheran College by sending of students nd in every way that wLlI be conducive to the pr per development of Pacific Lutheran �ollege.

L. LUDWIG, President. E. R. PF UEGER, Secretary.'

"This resolution was presented hy Dr. O. A. Tingelstad in the Pacific District meeting.

"The motion prevailed that Pacific District endorse these resolutions and recom­mend them to the General Convention of Out Church.

"We present this resolution together with the. recommendation of our Pacific District in the hope that the above action may receive the endorsement of our Church body.


Committee. "These resolutions were endorsed by the convention." (Page 358).

Page 7: College Bulletin 1931 November

This friendl" attitude toward our Western school was confirmed by the Oregon Ciry convention of the Torthwestern District of the American Lutheran Church last May, and by the Portland convention of the Columbia Conference of the Augustana Synod last April, both of which conventions approved the creation of the Committee of Six on intersynodical co peration in the support of Pacific Lutheran College, as did the Pacific District convention at Parkland last June. Members of this committee are: from the Augustana Synod, Dr. C. R. Swanson and Rev. C. A. V. Lund; from the American Lutheran Church, Rev. L. Ludwig and Rev. Amo E. Minneman; from the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, Rev. J. A. E. Naess and Mr. M. H. Forde, with Rev. R. Bogstad as alternate.

Similar endorsement of this friendly attirude has been f rmally expressed by the Executive Committe of the California Conference of the Augustana Synod, by the Executive Committ>c of the American Lutheran onfcrence, and by the Lutheran Pastor a l Conferenc of Greater Tacoma.

IV. Pacific Lutheran College.

A. Present and Potential Constituency.

By the constituency of a school, as the word c nstituency is here used, is meant not simply the students, teachers, officers, and workers who form a part of the personnel of the school, but rather all those whom the school represents and as whose representa­tive the school is under obligation to discharge the responsibility for such education as the school is designed to foster and promote. It may be difficult to determine the actual constituency, as above defined; but it will be agreed that every scho 1 has such a constituency, to which the school is responsible.

The immediate Ie al constituency of Pacific Lutheran College is the membership cf the Pacific District of the Norw gian Lutheran Church of America; and this, ac· cording to the latest available figures (for the year 1929), is 15,930 souls, of which number 10,931 confi.rmed� For the previous year the corresponding figures were 15,325 s uls and 10,792 c nfirmed members.

If we include in the c n,tituency all those members of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America who live closer to Pacific Lutheran College than to any similar school within till' Church, we discover a present constituency of approximately 22,000 souls. The territory within which these 22,000 church members live comprises Ala s ka. the western part of British Columbia (a part of rhe Pacific District of the. Church), Washingron .. Oregon . California (except Imperial County), Arizona (Mohave County only), Utah (except 3 counties), \Vyoming (4 western counties), and the western half of Montana (sa far eas as Blaine, Fergus, and Stil lwater counties). The line of di­vision between Pacific Luthetan College and Concordia College, the neare t school to the easr, would fall in the n ighhorhood of Havrc, Lewistown, and Big Timber, Montana.

If we include in the constituc.ncy the membership in the other four constituent synods of the American Lutheran Conference within this rerritory, we shall approxI­mately triple rhe above figure of 22,000 sl)uls.

Pacific Lutheran College, however, accepts a responsibility over toward a much larger constituency. b�causc of the uniquen's5 and the relative isolation of the College as a Christian school of its specific type and scope. Not only are all Lutherans of whatevcr sY'nodical affiliation included in this larger constituency, but also all other Christians within cerrain geographical limits, likewise a vast number of unchurched pc ple to whom the College can be of some service. The College also regards it,e1f as having a certain type of responsihilit), tow3.rd aU citizens within irs territory. It

Page 8: College Bulletin 1931 November

realizes, too, that it may be, and is, regarded as a community asset to Greater Tacoma and the surrounding territory.

However the constituency of the College may be defined, all will agree that the IJotential constituencv is much greater than the present constituency, for Pacific Luth­eran College is located in horne mission territory and in "the land of the futllr ."

B. Enrollment and Student Body. Since Pacific Lutheran College was reopened in 1920 as a merger of wo former

schools, the enrollment has shown a steady increase, as follows:

Year 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 Opening Enrollment 16 37 43 56 61 52 Year's Enrollment 68 87 84 117 162 143

Year 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Opening Enrollment 70 91 106 129 144 158 Year's Enrollment 157 178 187 214 237 ?

The enrollment for the current has already reached last year's total, in spite of the economic depression. Computed statistically on the basis of the enrollment figures for the past eleven years, this year's total enrollment will reach 244; similarly computed on the basis of the figures for the past five years, it will be 253; thus com­puted on the basis of the enrollment figures for the past three years, it will be 263. The corresponding estimates for next year (1932.33) would be 260, 273, and 288 respective­ly. These estimates are made on the assumption that the present scope of the institu­tion will not be changed.

The student body represents about fifteen Christian denominations. Between seventy and seventy-five per ccnt. are Lutherans. Among the Lutherans, the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America claims about two-thirds; next in order com the American Lutheran Church and the Augustana Synod. The present student body represents at least fourteen racial strains or national antecedents.

c.' Synodical Investment.

S ince 1917, the year of its organization, up to and including 1930, the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, according to fi!!ures made public in its Annual Report for 1930, has spent in direct appropriations about $64 per student per year in its higher schools (academies, junior colleges, senior colleges, and theological seminary): on each student at Luther Theological Seminary per year about $299; on each student at th four senior colleges per year an amount varying from about $54 at one college to about $127 at another; and on each student at each one of the surviving academies and junior colleges an amounr varying from about $9 at one institution ro more than $100 at another. The amount spent per student per year at Pacific Lutheran College during these years was $46.89. These figures are based on the enrollment figures made public annually hy the Executive Secretary of the Board of Education of the Chur h. Because the actual enrollment figures were in many cases higher (the Secretary's figures being collected before the close of the school year in many cases), the figures for synodical inv tment per student per year are actually a little lower than here reported.

The year 1931 is not included in the above calculations, because the appropriation figures are not as yet officially available.

D. Drawing Power.

The drawing power of an institution may be measured by the ratio between th enrollment and the constituency within a given territory or radius. The drawing power

Page 9: College Bulletin 1931 November

of Pacific Lutheran College, thus measured, is such that there is one student enrolled at the College for every twenty members of the Church within a fifty-mile radius. Pacific Lutheran College now shares with Clifton College, of Texas, the distinction of having the greatest drawing power, thus measured, among the schools of the Church. This i proof of the special need of such schools in home mission territory.

Pacific Lutheran College draws 78% of its students from within a hundred miles, whereas other similar schools draw 907'0. The territory from which the students came during the three years, 1928-31, is indicated in the following table:

Washington Oregon California Alaska British Colllmbia Montana North Dakota Idaho Minnesota Alberta Hawaii Nebraska Norway South Dakota


1928-29 158

13 5 5 2 o o 1 o o o


E. Location.

1929-30 1930-31 167 193

20 18 4 5 3 5 5 4 6 3 6 3 2 3 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

214 237

Parkland, where Pacific Lutheran College is located, is a suburb of Tacoma. The College is eight miles south of the heart of the city, a mile and three quarters beyond the city limit, three miles east of the Pacific Highway and two and a half miles east of rhe Pierce County Airport (Tacoma Field), two blocks west of the Mountain High­way, an is reached by two paved roads.

The qnestion has often been raised as to the best location for such a school. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Longview, Seattle, Everett, Bellingham, and Spokane have all been suggested instead of Tacoma. As far as the Pacific District of the Nor­wegian Lutheran Church of America is concerned, however, as long as only one such school can be maintained in the District, no location is better than the present one, if one take as the criterion the number of members of that Church who live within 150 miles. according to the latest detailed figures (Annual Report for 1929). Tacoma would come first with 10,335 souls, Seattle second with 9,649, Everett third with 9,629, Bellingham fourth with 9,059, Longview fifth with 7,445, Portland sixth with 4,900, Spokane sevt>nth with 3,281'5, San Francisco \!ighth with 1,688, and Los Angeles ninth with 1,438. With a 50-mile radius, Seattle would come first, Everett second, and Tacoma third; with a lOO-mile radius, Everett would come first, Seattle second, and Tacoma third; but the 150-mile radius seems most acceptable in a country of paved roads, especially since that would include all the Western Washington constituency and, in the case of Tacoma, also most of the Oregon constituency of the Church.

The distribution of the remaining Lutheran constituency on the Coast is believed to b . such that the above findings in regard to location would not be seriously altered if calculations were based thereon.

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F. Scope and- Standards.

The present scope of Paci1ic Lutheran College includes a four-year High School Division and a two-year Junior CoIIege Division. The latter is again divided into the Liberal Arts Courses (or Department) and the Normal Department. The Normal Department trains elementary school teachers for the public schools in Washington and certain other srates. The requirements for such training are now in process of revision upward in the State of Washington; for this reason Pacific Lutheran College f r the fiI'st time in its history is offering third-year college work, namely, in its

Tormal Department, but in its Normal Department only. \'V'hether the College shall expand into a full four-year Liberal Arts college

dep nds upon the extent to which financial support will become available, as well as upon the type of educational policy which will com t o prevail in the Church, especially, at this time, in the American Lutheran Conference.

As for standards, Pacific Lutheran College has spent much mon�y during the pa t three years to meet Washington standards, which are relatively very high. As a result, the annual visits of inspectors, whether from the University or from the State Department of Education, are very pleasant and helpful. In the State of Washington, Pacific Lutheran College is fully accredited in all its divisions. By virtue of this accr ditation, the College has obtained membership in the American Association of Junior Colleges. As soon as the future scope of the College is more definitely de­te rmined, the College will seek proper accreditation in the Northwest Association of Col leges and Secondary Schools.

G. Capital Investment. The growth in total assets, or capital investment, at Pacific Lutheran College, IS

shown below:

Endowment O t her Capital Fund . sse t s Assets Inves tment

July :n , 1 28 _ _ _ _ _ . ______ . __ . . .. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 51,654.04 $217,333.23 $26 ,987.27 July 3 , 1 9 29 .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ . _ __ 76,573.90 23�,457.41 309,031.31 July 3 , 1930 _ . _ _ _ ... _ . _ . _ _ _ 95.R22.32 2 4 3.123.66 838.748.08 Jul. 31. ] 931 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 0,274 .69 27·1,505_52 384 ,780.21

This increase in assets, or in capital investment, bs not been accomplished, how­ever, without increasing the indebtedness. In order to put the institution in shape for unqualified accreditation, it was necessary to e�tablish a certain amount of bank­ing credit, and to usc it. The point has now been reached in the institution's develop­ment, at which no further increase in the indebtedness is necessary or desirable or con­templated, except for special income-producing projects, as, for example, the proposed dormitory for girls. The relationship between the total indebtedness and the surplus of assets (exclusive of the endowment fund) over liabilities is indicated in the follow­ing table:

SUl'plus of Total Total _ �et: ovel' Amount o r Valuation

Llabil i t i R Tndebtedness of P _ L. C. July 31 . 192:;: $167,776.83 $ 49.556.40 $217,333.23 July 31 . 1 9 28 _ _ _ . . ,, _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ 167,988.17 64.469.24 232.457.41 .July 31. 1Q30 1 G S ,030.99 75.095_67 243.126.66 July 31, 1 931 _ 1 8 7.597.99 106,907.53 274,505.52

The debt service progr m which was worked out in 1928, and which was set a t naught b y the demands made b y the new standards for accreditation, will, i t is hoped, be put into effect l1ext year.

The apparent decre;!se in the surplus of assets over liabilities during the year

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ending July 3 1 , 193 1 , is caused by the segregation of a student loan fund of $433.00. There has been no n e t loss dur ing these years. For the year ending July 3 1 , 1929,

there was a net gain of $2 1 1 .34, and for the year ending July 3 1 , 1 930, a net ga in of $42.82. or the year ending July 3 1 , 193 1 , current income matched current expenses through an emergency appropriation of the Church to the extent of $16,90 1 .58.

H. Current Expenses.

Cu rrent opera ting expense may be grouped under a few general heads to revea l the general trend, as is shown below, 193 1-32 figures being estimates :

1928 -29 1929-30 J 930 -31 1 31-32


1929 - 3 0

1930- 3 1 1 931-32

1928 -2G 1929-30

1930-31 1 931-32

192�- 2�J 1 9 29-30 1 930-31 1931-32

The ments.

Teachers' SalarieH

�g 25,fiG3.30 32,f,95.90 40,578.5 7 :39,500.00

Hermirs & Heplaeemen ts

$ �44 .3R 593.27

J ,0J 4. 2 1 ,000.00

Board of 'J'l"US tees

SG9 .35 87.00

106.00 100.00

• Mid-WE'st ;ampai 1S . , 1 ,473.S3

3.305 . . 0

Hea t , .Jani tor,

Watchman �5,�3:U2

G,1 52.64 5,736.99 5,2!i0.OO

Li�ht & Water

$1,074 . 1 3 945.29 968.85

1 ,000.00

.:et Library E.'penscs

$6 69.43 230.00

1l4.88 100.00

Traveling Exp nses $ .. .

2,373.95 2,78 .78 . . . . . .. _... . 2,500.00

above figures do, of course, not include the

r. Current Income.

o [ [ice Expense

$4,123.10 3,700.53 4,4Gl.ll 5,000.00

General Expense

$2,664.80 2,972.28

5�O.97 GOO.OO

Sundry I tems

$129 .35 4 54.13 364.97



$ 455.76 1,938.23 2,659 .27 2,500 .00

I11suI' aIlce $ 191.83

293.3� 305.78 400.00

Intere · t $2,940. 5!J

2) 058.72 3, 710.64 4,000 .00

Operating Total E.'pense Current

(,Jet) ExpenSCfl $41,337.10 $45, 32.97

4�,97 1.fi9 5.J-,83 6 . 1 1 ri6 ,872.01 6o,73!!.:! 55,� 50.00 61,950.0U

outlay for permanent improve·

The urrem income may be similarly displayed under a few pertinent heads. The hrst of these, Operating Income, includes all items contributed directly or indirectly by the students. The figures f 19:n-3Z are estimates.

1928 -29 1929 -30 1930-31 1931-32

1 928-29 1929-:3 0 1930-31 193 1 - 32

Operating IncoDlP

$ r ,37'7.04 22,719.11 27,442 . • 2 30,000.00

15% Enrlow't COllections

Enduw't. In t.eres t $ 5GO.92 $4,39GAfi

3,360.03 2,588.33 3,000.00

1 .217.1 0 l,83G.2fi 2,750.00

. L. Church A. ppropria tion $ 5,500.00

5,000.00 24.401.58 10,000.00

Donations & Sund ries

$469.47 8 3 5 .00 807.56 200.00

American Luth. Church Appropria tion

$ . . . , .. . . . . -4,999.96 2,708.29 2,500.00

Development ssociation

. 16,740.43 1 6,747.73

5, 954,55 13,500.00

Page 12: College Bulletin 1931 November

Only half of the endowment interest is appli d to current expenses. The ower h If is used to amortize (pay into the fund) the expenses incurred i n the endowment app I of 1927.

J. Projected Development. On the basis of a campus survey by architect Charles Altfillisch in April, 1929,

the campus and the physical plant of Pacific Lutheran College are being developed according to a well-conceived plan a rapidly as conditions demand and circumstances permit. Two new laboratories, substantial dditions to library and equipment, the President's residence, an enlarged campus, and the beginnings of landscaping are the :nost conspicuous results of this plan to date. These tllings were made possible through the cooperation of more than 7,200 members of the Pacific Lutheran College Develop­ment Associari n, which was launched on September 23, 1928, with the slogan, "At least a doliar at least once a year," and which produced, in the form of voluntary gifts, over $40,000 in the first three years of its existence.

Every forward step has been taken in response to a definite need and after earnest consideration of the fundamental question: "What does the Lord now want us to do?"

The next great need at the College is the first unit of a dormitory for girls. Mr. L. C. Elliott, 1 0 1 9 \Vashingcon Bui lding, Tacoma, \XT ashington, district manager of the Lutheran Mutual Aid Society, of \'Vav('rly, Iowa, is in charge of the raising of funds through a funding plan which is unique in the advantages which it offers both to the participant and to the College. It is the present plan to feature this project in the next issue of this BULLETIN (Feb ruary , 1932) .


The next greate t n ed is a library building, with other important developments to follow. The need, the opportunity, the responsibil ity are here. A bit of whole­hearted co peracion will give our one \'\' estern school all these things as they are needed. "At least a dollar at least once a year" from ev n a majority of the con­firmed members of the Pacific District alone would accomplish wonders.

v. Questions to Be Answered Now. A. What Shall Be the Future Scope of p. L. C.?

Is the present scope of Pacific Lutheran College too ambitious? The present administration believes not. To drop the High-School Division would be to cut the foundation from under the College Division, to deprive Church and community of a needed service, and to weaken contacts with th newly confirmed members of the Church; also, it would leave a two-year insti tution only, with an annual turnover of ov r fifty per cent. in the student body ; and to overcome this by an extension upward would greatly increase the expense and would divert the energies of the Church from foundation.laying and character.building to professional specialization, which latter is less properly than the former the Chu rch's task. On the other hand, to drop the Junior Col lege Division would be so great a backward step that support would be very hard to recruit for what would be left. To eliminate the Liberal Arts Courses from the Junior College would be to cut out what the Church needs most; and to abandon the Normal Department would be tantamount to e liminating two-thirds of the College students and forsaking a form of social service that has won for itself a very high measure of social approval . Pacific Lutheran College cannot curtail its present program without serious neglect of responsibility .

Shall the College expand into a full four-year collegiate institution? The answer to this question will depend in large part upon the fundamental educational policy of the Church and upon the ability of the College and the Church C O secure a sufficiently large and table income to carry a minimum annual operating budget of $100,000.00. For accreditation purposes in the tate of \X'ashington, it would also require a min-

Page 13: College Bulletin 1931 November

imum productive endowment fund of $500,000.00. It would probably also mean, by force of present Washington law, that the Normal Department would have to be eliminated. Nevertheless there is a strong, urgent, insistent, and more or less legiti­mate demand for such a four-year College within the Lutheran Church on the Pacific Coast.

B. What Shall Be the Educational Policy of P. L. C.?

Shall the Pacific District of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, in cooperation with the American Lutheran Church, carry on alone, if need be, on a curtailed program? Or shall more, or all, of those bodies who have declared altar- and pulpit-fellowship in the American Lutheran Conference work together, sharing the load and the responsibility?

Shall Pacific Lutheran College, in this h me mission territory, limit its service to one or tWo groups, or shall it continue to face its full responsibility in the perpetuation of Christian faith, ideals, and civilization?

Shall control and ownership be shared, and, if so, with whom, and on what terms? Control and ownership may be shared with brethren in the faith; service is due all fellow-Christians and all others who are in need of such service as Pacific Lutheran Colle e as a Christian educational institution can render.

C. Whence Shall Come the Financial Support?

Shall not the Development Association be relieved of its present strain in striving to meet the annual operating deficits, and be allowed to promote the development program proper without this gn>at handicap? May not the constituent synods of the American Lutheran Conference justly be asked to share the load, and to assume each a fair share of the needed annual appropriation of $30,000, or whatever the required sum may be from time to time? The�e questions should be faced and answered now.

D. The Final Question.

The ultimate question is ah aI's this, for Chri tians: \X!hat does the Lord want us to do? Whatever the problems, His command still s tands :

GO! (Matthew 28: 1 9) .


Below appears the list of endowment pledges paid in full between August 1, 1 93 1 , and November 2 3 , 1 93 1 . I t contains 1 70 names. These pledges were made in 19 27, at which time Dr. O. H. Pannkoke led the appeal which resulted in pledges for $290,-00(1 over a five-year period, 1 927-32. The first list of paid-up pledges was published last February and contained 693 names. The second list, containing 67 names, appeared last August. Another list will probably appear in the February BULLETIN.

Namt: Dall' Pdid in Full dna Amount of Pledge Ab<rg, G.orge, Oct. 30, 193 1 $ 2 5 . 0 0 Amundson, C. R . . Sept. 5 , 1 9 3 1 ._ 2 5 0.00 Amundson. L. M., Aug. la, 193 1 '' __ ' 1 00.0U An derson , Ingeborg. Sept. 5, 1931 _ 3 5 .00 Anderson, Nick, Sept. 2 1 , 1 93 1 _ _ _ 60.00 AndviJc. B. M . . Oct. 30, 193 1 _ 25.00 A r n =n, Dora M., OCt. 3, 1 9 3 1 100.00 Ashland, H .• AUij. 5 , 193 1 1 25.00


Nt.!m£ Ddtf.! Paid in Full dnd Amount of P{edg� Au.enhus, Fred, Nov. 6, 193 1 _ . . 500.00 Beliman, Aug. J., Oct. 28, 193 1 7 5 . 00 Benson, Inga, Aug. 5. 1 93 1_ 7 5 .00 Berg, A., Nov. 14, 193 1 ___ 7 5 .00 [JerR. E. B . . Aug. 20, 193 I _ �O.OO Bethel Norw. Ladies' Aid, N. Sacr:tmcnto,

Cal.. Oct. 28, 193 1 ___ 54.00 B("chlchem Luth. Lurhllr League., Santa Rosa.,

Page 14: College Bulletin 1931 November

Name Date Paid i11 Full fJnd Amolwl (;,1 . , Oct. 1 5 , 1 9 3 1 .

fijt:'rmcland. IVIl"!i. Helmer, ov. 4. 1 93 1 Bjorn, P . " Oct. 3 , 1 93 1 oo""h, M. P., Oct. 1 9, 1 9 3 1 Hr,ndrud. Rev. O. T., Oct . 1 9 , 1 93 1 B"ivik, Rev. G. I., Sept . 5, 1 93 1 flrd:kc, Lars 0 .• Sept. 3D, 1 9 3 1 Br�um) tats, Sept. 5, 1 93 1 . B r[JIa nd .. Muildd r S(',pt. 2, 1 9 3 1 Ch ,rl ' ton, [ 1<1. Edith, Nov . 1 7, 193 1 "hr;'«".on, J. P., Aug. 3 1 , 193 1 Chrl!ltcn,cn, Re.v . fvL A" AUl;. 20, 1 93 1 Chn.llri;uu;�n. Htnry, Nov . 9, 1 9 3 1 :hriJtlanscn, Mrs. R., Sept . 3 0 , 193 1 '::1.u,e", 1.,.1". [3. A., Sopt. 25, 1 9 3 1 . Day, Am o rette. Nov. 2, 1 93 1 __ _ Dokken, T., Oct. 1 5. 1 9 3 1 Dr:Jgnrss, lC"orlle, Aug. 3 1 , 1 93 1 Egtvedt. Mrs. Mary, OeL 19, 1 9 3 1 Elling$on, Mo. John , Aug. 5, 1 9 3 1 b.Im�u�dt. rbt�n H" Sept. 2. 1 9 3 1 Eri c",. n . Mrs. D. K . . Oct. 24, 1 9 3 1 Emben, Liard . , Sept. 1 5 , 1 9 3 1 Encbo�. Andrew, Nov. 1 7! 193 I FinSl·th . nna lvi.. Oct. [ '5 , 1 9 3 1 Fans Lh, Gina Henriett .... Oct. 1 9 , 1 93 1 Pi .th, Mrs. O. K. , Oct. 1 9 , 1 9 3 1

ixcn, N . 0 . , Sept. 3 3, 193 1 I'1·e1d. Mutin, Oct . 6, 1 93 1 r oren. Rev. L. J . , Aug. 5 , 1 93 1 .

locree, .'\nton. Nov. 2. 193 1 l'ord, C. M . , Sept. 2, 193 1 Fuhr, Mrs. M., Aug. 26. 193 1 G .. d , M •. Karl, <pt. 4, 1 9 3 1 GrlIDll, Mrs. Ole, Oct. 2 2 , 193 1 _ H.:.l', Mrs. Ann., Aug. 1 0, 1 9 3 1 Hall, N. A .. Sept. 1 ', 193 1 Halverson, hri,., Aug. 1 0, 1 9 3 1 Halvorson, . IvI.. Olot. 28, 1 93 1 I-b. m i tton, L n . Ann it.·, Nov . I I , 1 93 1 Iian .. n, B. B . , . liS. 1 0 , 1 93 1 _ H:1I'l.5on. Alfred, Sept. 4/ 193 1 H.1Il.S.On. Mr:;. Anna, Oct . 1 9 , 1 9 3 1 i-basson, Mrs. Andrew, Oct. 22, 193 1 I bltcberg, \'\'m . . Sept. 2, 1 93 1 __ H'R�cm, Capt. I . . Nov. 14, 1 9 3 1 Hj «.,,,, Mrs. Anno, Oct. 24, i 93 1 Hugborg, John L . , Sept. 1 0 , 1 93 1 __ H}'tmo, Ole. Sept. 4, 1 93 1 _ Imm:mud Ladi�s' Aid. Seattle, \Xfash.,

Oct. 28, 1 9 3 1 Immanuel uther. Ladies' Aid, Custer,

WWI., ov. 9. 1 93 1 [ vo"on. Mobo!, Sept. 3D, 193 1 Jawon, John. Aug . 3 1 , 1 9 3 1 Jacoba-on, Chru:, Oct. 3 0 , 193 1 J >cohsen. Mr> . L. H . . Aug. 26, 1 9 3 1 J.lCobson, M . , ept. 4, 1 93 1 Jon'en, F, D., Oct. 22, 1 9 3 1 .revning, O. M., Sept. 1 0 , 193 1 Johnsen, Martin N . , Aug. 26, 1 93 I Johnson, E. 0., ov. 14, 1 9 3 1 _ .1oh n,on, M " . J. A., Nov. 1 4. 1 93 1 Johnson, Hannah P., Nov. 2, 193 1 Johnson, P., Aug. 3 1 , 1 9 3 1 .. JurA'f:oseo, Mrs. Elsa. Oct. 22, 193 1 . Ktd, HaDS, Au . 20, 1 93 1 __ Klippen, M,rie, Aug. 1 7, 1 93 1 __ _ KnudtsoJl, ndr�w, Nov. 4. 1 93 1 Knut2en. R,lph, Nov. 4, 1 9 3 1 __ Knutzen, W. J . . Nov. 23, 193 1 _ Ltdie!' Alc of Kent Lutheran Church, 1 5 , 193 1 Larson, Otto, Sept. 25, 1 9 3 1 __ _ Urson. Syver A . . Aug. 3 1 . 193 1 Lee. \Y/ . Fred. Sept . 4, 1 9 3 1 _ Lcgard, 0., Sepc. 1 0, 1 9 3 1 Lie n &' Selvig. Sepc . 1 8 , 1 93 1 LII1'stad. Mrs. Ole, Sept. 1 0 , 1 93 1 Lund. Helen. Aug. 26, 1 9 3 1 Lund, M<1. M., Aug. 26. 193 1 Lund. O. M . . O<t. 1 5, 193 1 Lundh'. O. c.. Nov. 1 1 , 193 1 Lutheran L:�dj('s' Aid, Orlllnd, Ca1.,

Nov. 2, 1 93 1 _____ _

0/ Plcdg. 50.00 25.00

1 2 ) .00 0.00

)0.00 25.00 50.00

1 00.03 1 2 5 .00

50.00 50.00 50.00 2 5 . 00 60. Dll

1 00.00 1 5 0.00

5 0 .00 I llO.OO

2 3 .00 50.DO 2 5 .00 2 5 .00 2 j .Oll 2 5 .00

100.00 100.00

3 5 .00 1 00.00

50.00 100.00

50.00 100.00 250.00

25 .00 25.00 25.00

1 25.00 60.00 50.00 1 0.00 25.0n 25.03 2 5 .00 7 5 .00 50.00

1 2 5 . 00 2 5 .00

500.00 50.08

2 5 0.00

5 0.00 1 00 .011

3 7 . 5 0 2 5 . 0 0 1 0.00 25 .00 50.00

1 50.00 2 5 .00 5 0 .00 7 5 . 0 0

1 00.00 50.00

1 00 .00 60.00 50.00

1 00.00 1 50.00

1 ,000.00

75.00 125.00

60 .00 1 00.00 1 00.00 3 75 .00 1 00.00

50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00

1 00.00

lVamc Dati! Paid in Full and Amount 0/ Plcdgt Matson, Charles, Aug. 1 0, 1 9 3 1 50.00 Mat,oD, J . T., Sept . 30, 1 9 3 0 1 00 . O J N'Ia!:son, Oscar. ug. 26, 193 1 50.00 "Ievig, H. P., Cct. 30, 1 93 1 2 5 .00 Michel .. n, Mrs. aas . . Nov. 9, 193 1 1 0 0.00 Mitr�t, J . . , Oce. 3 0. 1 9 3 1 25.00 Moen, Nels, Aug. 1 0, 1 9 3 1 200.00 Moen, O. J .. Oct. 3 D, 1 9 3 1 2 5 . 00 Monsen, i\·l". H. M., cpt. 1 5, 1 93 1 2 5 .00 N 'h, Harold, Sept. 2 , 193 1 50.00 Neggen, John, Nov. 23, 193 1 50.00 Nessen, Menton, Oct. 3D, 1 93 L 1 00.00 N .. jc, Nel" Sept. 2, 1 93 1 . 50.00 Ntw�a rd , H. T., Sept. 1 0, 1 9 3 1 25.00 Nielsen, .M3rfl�rct NI .. Nov. 1 1 . 1 93 1 lOO.OO Nielson. Kids. Aug. 1 0 , 1 9 3 1 _ 25.00 Oakland, S . . Ocr. 3 , 1 93 1 60.00 Oi., O le , Aug. 1 0, 1 9 3 1 1 00.00 Olsen, Chas. , Sept. 30, 1 93 1 1 25.00 Olsen, Gudrun. Sept. 1 8 , 1 93 1 5.00 01"·,,, John. Oct. 20. 1 9 3 1 50.00 Olson, Bernhard, A u g . 5 , 1 93 1 5 0.00 Op.lahl. Iver, Sep<. 2') , 1 93 1 25.00 Onnlmk, Eslek, Oct. 3 D , 1 9 3 1 50.00 0,10 Ia c i e.' Aid, Ewrett, Aug. 20 , 193 1 50.00 Ombo, Edl,'ard. Sept . 1 0 , 193 I _ 1 00.00 O"erl i . P . , Oct. 1 5. 1 9 3 1 1 00.00 O:l�l:rlic, Arne, Nov. 9, 193 1 5 0 .00 Pappas, Mrs. Andrew. Aug. 3 1 . 193 1 _ 1 0D.00 Pedersen, C. E., Aug. 26. 193 1 2 5 .00 Pedersen, Lou is, N ov. 1 1 , 1 93 1 5 0 .00 Pedersen. P. J . , Nov. 4, 1 9 3 1 1 00.00 Peterson, C. S., S<pt. 2. 1 93 1 1 00.00 Peterson, Rosa B. , Aug. 5 , 1 9 3 1 50.00 Rasmussen, Karen M., Sept . lJ, 1 9 3 1 1 0 .08 Reswick, Lars p . . Aug. 5 , 1 9 3 1 60.00 Rodsidc. Mrs. N. H., Aug. 3 1 , 1 9 3 1 2 5 .00 Rude, J. A . . Nov. 9, 1 93 1 5 0 .00 Rude. Ole, Nov. 17, 1 9 3 1 5 0 .00 Ryk.k.en. Dr. F. C., Oct. 19, 1 9 3 1 2 5 . 00 Scarseth, Iv lrs. Louise, Aug. 10, 1 93 1 50.00 Selmer, S . . Oct. 3 , 193 1 2 5 . DO S.mb, B. B .. Nov. 9, 1 9 3 1 1 00.00 Simicness, Mrs . r., Nov. 9, 193 1 2 5 . 0(' Siver«on, 0 .. Nov. 4, 1 9 3 1 75 .00 Slettedahi. Rev. E. B . . Aug. 20, 1 9 3 1 100.00 Sotland, Roy. Sept. 5 . 1 93 1 50.00 Solberg, P . O ., Oct. 30, 193 1 1 2 5 .00 St;'lIsber�. Knut. Nov. I I , 193 1 '5D.OO Stavig, Rev. Llw�ncc M .. Oct. 6, 193 1 _ 1 25.00 Sten,cud, Dr. Edward M., Sept. 10, 193 1 100.00 Storkiog, Lewis B., Sept. 10. 193 1 100.00 Stokke, Louis. Sept . 30. 1 93 1 _ 50 .00 Storey, Mrs. S. W . , Sept. 5, 1 93 1 2 5 .00 Swol"tu,n, Ruth. Nov . 1 4 , 1 93 1 . 25.00 S,Y •• n. C. J. , On. 3 1 . 193 1 50.00 S" dow, E"hcr. Nov. 14, 1 9 3 1 1 80 . 0 0 Syl". b e > . Sept. 3 0 , 1 9 3 1 5 0 . 00 Tallar,.on, Mrs. T., Sept. 1 8. 1 93 1 25.00 Tomte. J . H . . Aug. 20, 1 9 .3 1 50.00 T Ilompson, Han�, Sept , 2. 1 9 3 1 2 5 . 00 Tietjen, H . . Nov. 4. 1 9 3 1 5D.00 Tingelstad, Mart in. Oct. 28, 1 9 3 1 1 0 0.00 Tore""on. Mrs. N . . Sept. 1 8, 1 9 3 1 25.QO Torkelson, H.. Sept . 2. 1 9 3 1 500.00 Torkelson. Hans. Sept. 2, 193 1 1 , 000.00 Tvt!Cc, rvlr.�. Gurin£'. Aug. 20. 1 9 3 1 1 25 .00 Tvetcr, cis. Sept . 4, 1 9 3 1 2'j.0�1 Ullcbnd, H",ld, Auf,. 5. 1 9 3 1 250.00 Vaara. Anton, Ort. 3 0 , 1 9 3 1 25.00 Vinkenes. H . . Ocr. 3 . 1 9 3 1 30.00 Vist':LUnt't. John, Oct. 3 0 , 193 [ 25.00 Web", H. P .. 30. 19 3 1 25 .00 Youn?, Ladies' Auxiliary, Pilrkland.

Sept. 10. 1 0 3 1 _. 250.08 Zion Luth . bdics' Aid, ent, Aug 5, 193 1 1 50 . 00

Pledges paid in full since J u l y 3 1 , 1 9 3 1 $ 1 5 , 1 7 6 . 5 0 Pledge! p a i d in full to July 3 1 , 1 9 3 1 56,382.27

Total pledges p,id in full to Nov. 23, 1 9 3 1 _ .$ 7 1 , 5 5 8 .77

Partial payment$; on all other pl�dges_ 62,227 . 1 3

Total paid , Novtmh.r 2 3 , 1 9 3 L_ $ 13 3 ,785.90

Page 15: College Bulletin 1931 November



The Pacific Lutheran College Developmcnr Association, whose slogan is "At least a dollar at least once a year," now 7,210 members, of whom the following have con­tributed since September 23, 1930.

Srriltl No. 1 1 93

1 1 9



6583 6490 6'f37

1 1 2


7 1 0

7 1 1





1 168

7 1 72

6 166



5 720







5767 1 279



7 1 07 4642


7 1 63

4 1 73

iVamt, A ddress, t1nd Motlth of C0711ribul;on Aaberg. Mrl. E. E., Spanaway. \'Vash.­Apr.. Feb.. Feb. Aaberg, Marcaret, Sp;\naway, W ash.­Apr.. Feb., Feb. (In Memoriam) , Oct . , Nov. Aadland. Rev. N. Nov., Nov., Oct. Aadland, Mrs. Nov" 0'1 'r Oct.

J., Orland, Calif.-Oct . •

) . , Orland, Calif.-Oct.,

. me. John, Rout� 2, Everett, \"V'ash.-Apr. Aaland, Josie, Howa.rd, So. Dak.-l\1ar. A.lbu, Knut, 3 1 07 Colby, Everett, Wash .­Feb. Aamodt, Anna, Galata. Mont-Sept., Feb. , Jan . Aamodt. Lauritz, Clatskanie. Ore.-Feb .. Jan. , lon. Aamodt, Mrs. Martha, CIa (c:tnie. Ort..­Feb .. Jan., Jan. Aamodt. Martin, Clatsk.anie, Ore.-Feb .. Jan. ( In MemoriJm ) . Jan. Aamoth, Rev. \XI . 1. and Congregations. Elk Point, So. Dak,-S,pL Aarstol. lvlrs. Thomine, Route 2, Ever�on. \�.,h.-Nov. Auen, Rtv. A. 0., 920 E 1 9th , Vancollver, B. C.-Mar . . ivIar . . Nov. Aasen, �In. A. 0., 920 E 1 9th. Vancouver. B. C.-Mar. . July, Nov. Aasg .. rd, Dr. J . A . . 408 5th Ave. S .. l: inneapolis, l'vlinn.-Apr.� J u ne, Nov . , Oct. Aas);Jard, Mrs. J. J . , 932 St. Loui� A W ' I Long Beach, Calif.-Nov. Abelson, Mrs. Berth:!, Route 2, Bow, Wash. -J an . Abraha.mon, M. I . , Oldham , So. Dak.­ Acker, 1'\,lr5. Peeq' M., Cambridge Apts., Aberdecfl. \Y/ash.-Dec. Ahlvrrs, Arthur, 1 1 4 E 8th, Port Anseles. Wa>h.-Oct. Ahola, Axel, 2 I 2 \V 4th, Port Angeles, \""h .-Oct., Sept. Ajax, Ada, Route I. Stanwood. Wash .­Nov. Ajax. Anna. Rout� I, Stanwood, Wa,;h.­Nov. Alb<rg, J ulius. 5 1 2 E. 1 st. Port Ana.I.s, \X'ash.-Oct . . Oct. Alb",., Henry, 63 1 N. 20th. Salem , Ore. -Feb. Allard, J . J . , 96th III Pacific, Tacoma, W"h. -Sept . Alseth. MCl. Ida. Stanwood. Wash.-Nov. Altfillisch, Charles, Decorah, Iowa.-Apr., Nov., Oct .. Oct. Alverson, RO!)3 D., 1 1 3 1 Hoyt. Evrrett. Wash.-Apr. Atvestad, Mr,;. Peter, Gig Harbor, Wash.­July Alvnt's!, Alice, South Bend, \Y/ f1sh.-Oct . Amdahl. Gudmund, Route I , Trent. So.

D.Ie.-July, Sept. Amdal. Chr�. Route I , Pearson, Wash.­Oct. Amundsen, Emil, 14227 Calvert St., Van Nuy •• Calif.-Nov. Amundson, Rev. A. H" Moorhead, Minn.­Apr., July, J une

Sn;(Ji No.



Na11lc1 A JdreJJ, dnd A10nlh 0/ Contribtllion Amundson, Arne. Route 1, Marysville.

\'<' .. h.-Apr. Amundson, C. R.t E. Stanwood, \�­Feb.

6298 Amundson, Llord, E. Stanwood, Wash.­Feb.

6299 Amund.on, Llo)'d M., E. Stanwood, \X'ash. -Feb.

1 296 Amundson, \X'ellington, E. Stanwood. \Vash. -Apr . . Feb .

0526 Andersen, Chris, 1 1 5 5 Commercial, Astoria, Ore.-.Nlar.

5723 Andersen, Mrs. E. , 1 2 1 W. 1 1 th St., Port Angeles, \X' ash .-Oct . , Oct.

1 579 Andersen , Dr. J. N .. . 3954 1 4th Ave. S .• l'vlinncapolis, �Iinn.-June, J une, July

6886 Anderson, Mrs. A . , 1 669 Peninsula Ave., Portland, Orc .-J uly

6 3 6 1 Andi!rson . A. B .. Route 3, NIt. Vernon , \Vash.-Feb .

6 1 67 Anderson, Abel, Routt I, Bo\'o', Wash.­Jon .

68 1 2 Anderson. Adolph , Reardon, \'V"i1Sh.-June 3 1 80 Andec$on, Mr�. Acnethe. Zumbrot:1 , NIinn.

-AUG .• Feb. Hl14 Anderson, Albert. Route 2, Bow, Wash.­

Oct., Jan. 167 Anderson , Rev. Albl,rt, 1 1 1 27 Lemay St . .

Van Nuys, l if .-Oct., Nov. 7 1 65 Anderson, Mrs. Albert, 1 4 1 27 Lem.l ,' St.,

V.ln Nu}'s, Calif.-NO\'. 3866 Ande.rson, Alex B . t Silvana, Wash.-Jan ,

Jan. 44 1 4 Anderson, Alfred E., D. h Point, Wash.

--J une, July 7 1 50 Anderson, Amanda, Hrmct, C:tlif.-Nov. 1 1 48 Anderson. Mrs. Anna, 1 1 09 S . J St., Ta·

coma, \'(fash.-Mar., Apr., Mar. 6527 Anderson, Anton, Chinook, \'(/ash .-M3t. 70 1 6 Anderson , A n ton, Box 75, Millto\fo·n. Mont.

-Sepr. 3 625 · Ande 011, B n , Routt' 2, Bow, \Y/ash.-Oct.,

Jan. 6569 Anderson, C. B . . 246 Mill St. . Silverton,

Ore .-Apr. 6948 Andl'rson, Mrs. 0 .. Polson. Mont .-

Aug. 4575 Anderson. Mrs. Carl. Bbck River Falls. \\lis.

-July, Aug . 1 724 Anderson . Mrs. Carl , Route 2, Bow, Wash.

-J uly. Nov. 6265 Anderson. I'vlrs. Carrie, Route 2, Ferndale,

\X' a.<h.-Jan . 6 1 68 nder50n, Mrs. Crlia, Route 1 , Bow. Wa!h.

-Jan., July 1 1 3 Ander.,on, E. J., Parkland. W"ll .-Sept . .

Oct . . Dec .. Sept. J 548 Anderson . Eivind. 5 1 7 N. I St., Tacoma,

Wash.-M.y. lvloy. M3Y 4259 Anderson. Mrs. Eivind . 5 1 7 N. r St., Ta·

coma, \Vash.-May, May 4200 i l ') l


Anderson, Fred. Canby. Ort.-Apr., May Andf'rson, G. \,(/" Hemet. Calif .- "ov. Anderson. Geo. J., Patterson. Calif.-}:m .. Dec., Mar.

1 648 Anderson. George W . . Luther Seminary. St.

3 623 Paul, Minn.-July. July. Sept.

nduson. l\irs. H., Route 2, Bow, Wash. ---Oct., Jan.

Page 16: College Bulletin 1931 November

Serial No.

1 0 5

4 4 1 3

1 5 1 2

7 1 68

1 725

1 726


44 1 5

7 1 5 2 1 1 33

6037 63 0 1 6 3 0 2

3 2'5

3 906


45 1

4 1 2 1

1 1 07


7 1 ,}3 5784

52 9

683 1


6949 4 1 93


6'191 1 5 3 4


6 1 5 8


7 1 5 4 5606

1 4 3 0


5707 6 1 69

�875 7 1 5 5 5607


6881 5608


Nttmc., AddreJ"J� and l'1011th of Contribution Ande rson , H. E., 92<1- Pacific Ave.. Ta­coma, \Y./ ash.-Sept., June, July Anderson, Nlrs. H. E., Dash Point, Wash. -June, July Anderson, Hanna, Petersburg, Alaska-May, July, Sept. Anderson, Harry M., P;ukland, W3sh.­No .. ·.

Anderson, Helen M., Route I, Bow, Wash. -July, Nov. Anderson, Hdena, Route 1, Bow , Wash.­July, Nov. Anderson, He nry, Box <1-46, Parkland, \,<,ash. --Sept. AnderSon, Henry, \Voodburn, Ore .-Ma}-' Andl'rson, Herman, Route 2, Bow, Wash.­Oct., Jan. Anderson. Herman E., J r. , O:tsh Point, Wash.-J une, J u ly Anderson. Hilma. Heme t. Calif.--Nov. Anderson, J, F., 2083 N. Marengo Ave . •

P�sadena, Calif .-lvlar., Dee., Nov. Anderson, Mrs. J. M., Kent, \'\fash.-Dec. Anderson, J. P., Flore nce, \Y/ ash.-Feb. Anderson, Mrs. J. P., E. Stanwood. \'\Iash . -Feb. And('rson, Jens K. B., Kent, \Y/ash.-Nov., Dec. Anduson, John, Lakewood , Wash.-J an. , Noy. Anderson, John A., Colfax, \Xfis.-July. Aug. Anderson, John L., Silverton., Ore.-Dec.. J an .• Mar., Mar., May Anderson, Mrs. John L., Silverton, Ore.­M3.r., Nbr., M3.Y Anderson, Johnny H., 1 0 1 2 N. McCadden Place , Los Angele.s, CariL-Mar., Mar.. Nov. Anderson, J u lie, 902 6th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash.--Oct. Anderson, Lena, Hemet, C11if.-Nov. Anderson, M . • Route 3, Box 274, Tacoma, Wash .-Nov. Anderson, M. S.. Henning, Minn.-Jan., Jan., Jan. Anderson, Mrs. M. S., Henning, Minn.­Aug. Anderson, Mrs. rvlagnus, Route 3, Ferndale, Wash .-Nov. , }an. Anderson, Marie. Polson, NIont.-Aug . Anderson, Mr$. Marie, Route 2, Woodburn, Ore.-Apr., May Anderson, Mrs. Mattie, Rosholt, Wis.­J u ly, Oct. Anderson, Mia, Howard, So. Dak.-Mar. Anderson. Ole, Route. I, Blaine, \Y/ash.-Mav. l\.1ay. May •

Anderson, O. C., 2035 28th St., Tacoma, \'<'ash.-May, June Anderson. Ovid;} A.. 1 708 Ferry St., La· Crosse, \Y/is.-JOln. Anderson, Mrs. P., 5 3 1 W. Shoshone St .•

PflSCO, \Vash.-Apr., May Anderson. R. \'V., Hemet, CaliL-Nov. Andl'rson, Richard, Route 3 , Box 379. Ta­coma, Wash .-Sept . Anderson, S., Route 3, Maple HeiGhts. Everett. \V'ash.-l\1:w, May, May Anderson, lvlrs. S.. 690 Haddon Road, Oakl,md, Calif.-Jan. , Dec., Jan. Anderson, Selmar, Colfax, \V'is.-Oct. Anderson, Severin, Route I, Bow, Wash.­Jan . Anderson. Mrs. Soren, Bow, \'(Iash.-Nov. Anderson. Victor. He met, Calif.-Nov. Anderson, Wm. , P.arkla nd , Wash .-$ept. , Sept, Andl!!rson Brothers, Black Earth, Wis.-July, 0 '1 ,

Andcsrad, Edn., Cromwell, W ash.-July Andrak, !vir. and Mrs. Henry, Route 3, Bo:l. 1 20, Tacoma, W"b.-Sept. Andreasen. Joe, Rou te 3, Bo:l. 3 1 9, Tacoma . Wash.--Oct.

Snidl .lvo.


623 1

6296 3720 6735 1 685

6 1 65 682 1

3 598

3 599



4 18 5


4 1 84

620 7030

703 1


1 64 2


7069 7070 5725

1 3 2 2

1 3 2 1


42 2 1

4 2 2 2

648 1

1 743

6899 5567

1 2 1 4

1 2 1 5



1 2 J J

523 1


3 503



6 1 1 6

3 0 7 1

1 585

Name, Addrl'H� and [Month 0/ Contributi.on Andresen, \'\Im., 6 1 0 Jl!fferson, Qr gon City, Or-e.-Nov. Annis, Mrs. Ho ..... ard. 403 4th Ave. S. E., Puyallup, W ash.-J 'n. Anonymous. Florence, \VOlsh.-Feb. Anonymous, Parkland, Wash.-NQv., Sept. Antonson, Hans, Po ulsbo, \Y./ash.-June. Arnc:oon, P rof. Arthur H., Madison, I'vJ inn. -July, M.r. Arne.son, Geo. C., Starbuck, Minn.-Jan. Ar neson, O. G., 4227 N. Howard, Spokane. Wash .-J une Arntzen, R., Route 1 . Burlington, .ash.-Oct., Jan. Arntzen, Ivlrs. Ragnhild, Rout� 1. Burling . ton, \Y/ ash.-Oct., Jan. Arvcsen. C. B., Echo, lvlinn.-Aug .. July. Aug. Arvidson, Mrs. Axel, Box 385, Port A n­gele:i. Wash.� Oct., Nov. Ashl.nd, Hal,or, 1 0 5 9 Young St .. Wood­�urn, Orc.-Apr., lvb.y Ashland, Nels, Route 3 , Box 1 6 3 , \\food· burn, Ore.-lvlay Ashland. Mrs. Nels, Route 3, Box 1 63 . Woodburn, Ore.-Apr., lvIay .'\splund, Olaf, Patterson, C1lif .-Jan., Mar. Atchison, rvlrs. Clyde, 1 0 2 1 S. Princeton. Port land , Ore.-Sept. Atchison, Mrs. G�o .• 1620 \X'illamettc Blvd., Pord.lnd, Ore.-Sept. Attletweed, O. c., 5925 Broadway, O.k­land, Calif.-Jan., Jan., Dec. Aubolee, Mrs. M. 0., 4058 Chaumone Ave., E. San Diego, Calif.-J uly, July, Aug. Aune, Ella, 22 1 1 l ith A'Ie. N. . Seattle, Wash.-Oct. Aune, G. G., L:t Crosse . Wash.-Oct. Aunt', G. J . , La Crossr-, Wash.-Oct. Aur3., \V'm., Route I, Poct Angeles, \VAsh. -Oct., Oct. Ausenhus, Carrie, E. Stan ..... ood, Wash,­Apr., Apr., June, July, July Ausenhus, Fred , E . Stanwood, Wash.-Apr., Feb., J un£, Jan. Ausenhus. Hannah, E. Stanwood , Wash.­Feb., Feb., J une, Aug .. Sept. Austin, Rev. O. G., Newman Grove, Nebr. -Apr., May Austin, Mrs. O. G., Newman Grove, Nebr. -Apr ., May A.d.l, A. S.. 2245 1 5 h St.. Son Fran­cisco, Calif.-Mar. Baalson, Rev. Elmo 0., Hayward , Wis.­J uly. July. July Baalson, Mrs. E. a., Hayw3.rd, Wis.-July BaaIson. Herm :ln A. A., Sunburg, Minn.­Sept., May BaaIson. Rev. H�rman E . , Sunburg, Minn. -Apr . . Aug., Jan., July, May Baalson, lYlrs. H. E . , Sunburg, Minn.­Apr ., Aug., Jan., J uly. May Baalson. Kilrsten E. 0., Sunburg. Minn.­S�pt.. M<ty Baar, Mr. and MrS. W. A.. 1 2 1 6 E. 2nd , Pore Angeles , \, Oct.

B. cke, A. J .. 1423 S. M, Tocoma . Wash. -Apr . . Jan. B3g1e�', O. K .• Route 2. Spring Grove. Minn. -July, Aug. Bailey, Iv'lrs. Bertha, Routl' 3, Box 1 2, Ta· comO'l, \V'ash .-Aug .. Nov., Nov. Bailey, Will. L., Ro ute 3. Box 1 2 6, Ta­coma, Wash .-AuH .., Oct. Bakke, A. 0.. 3 1 1 S. Haren, Spokane, .-June Bakke, Gilbert P., Decorah. Iowa-Au g . •

Dee., Mr . Jacob, 1 3 1 9 Hu mboldt St., Bellingham. Wash.-Jan. Bakken, Hans ] . , Rushford, Minn .-Aug .. Sept . Bale, Caroline, Fergus FOllis, Minn.-Junt:> , July, Nov.

Page 17: College Bulletin 1931 November

Seritll No.� AdduJJ. and A10nth of ContributiorJ

1 586 Bale, Mrs. Jennie, Fergus Falls, Minn.-June, July, Nov.

6248 Ball, Mrs. Elsie, 2 1 4 E. Pion .... , Puyallup, .-Jan.

6900 B,II.nd, M.lvin, City Hall, Everett, W3Sh. -July

5609 Ballard, E. H., Box 22, SpaMway, Wash. -Sept.

6776 Bang, M., \'\Toodburn, Ore.-June 6777 Bang, !vIrs. M., \'(loodburn, Ore.-June 6586 B3ngs, lvlrs. Ben., Route 2, Everett, W 3sh.

-Apr. 6300 Bang-s, Mrs. CuI, Stanwood. \'\1ash .-Feb. 3 73 6 B>rdon, P. J . , 4 5 1 8 16th N. E . , Seattle,

\'\1ash .-Nov., Sept. 3744 B.rdon, Mr>. P. J., 4 5 1 8 1 6th N. E.,

Sea ttl., W.,h.-Nov., Sept. 69�1 Bariop, Nlrs. Anna, E. Stanwood, Wash.­

July 438 Barr, R. Lot 1 802 Hewett Ave., EVt'rett, .-Feb . 6399 Barrick. Mrs. L . E . . 5 3 5 N. Winter, Sal,m,

Ore.-Feb. 6362 Barsn , Ivlrs. Alma. Route 3, Mt. Vernon.

\Vash .-Feb. 6864 Bartel , Elizabeth, 695 E. 44th St., Portland.

Ore.-J une "i800 B:lthcn. Mrs. Chris. Custer. Wash .-Nov. 6400 Batta!' n. C. R., 720 S. 1 8th, Salem. Or<.

-reb . M O l fhtt.lion. MrS. M . . 6 8 5 N . High. Sal.",.

Or •. -Fcb. 6402 Batt.lion. Rose, 685 N. High St . , Sal,m,

Ore.-Feb. 6103 Battalion. Tena, 68 5 N. High. Salem, 0".

-Feb. 6404 B"terman, H. F., 2 1 68 Mill St . . Sal.m,

Ore.-Feh., Apr. 6627 Battleson. Ben. Canby, Ore.-May 683 5 B.uer, Mrs. M . . H W . Torry, Portland.

Ore.-June 5991 B:;J.uman, rvfrs. Paul, Route 3. Aurora. Ore.

-Dec. 6628 Beck. A lbert. Route 2, Woodburn. Ore.­

M.y 3 7 3 7 Beck. Alvar J.. 2333 S. L St., T"oma,

\'(fash.--Nov., Oct. , Nov . •

5785 Becklund. W . . Route 4. Box 63 2. Ta· coma. W.'lSh .-Nov .

6029 Beer. C. H., 1 1 99 Bidw.lI. Vancouver, B . C,-Dec.

4263 BC ll:ste in , Rev. Emmett, Port Angeles. Wash . -M,y. Oct . . Oct.

429 [ Beito, Rpv. G. G . , Terraee-. Minn.-May. Jan.

3997 Stitz, Joe. Route 3. Box 1 1 0, Tacoma, \V"h .-F.b . . Oct.

6 1 1 7 Bdlman, Aug . J.. Route 3, Bellingham. Wash.-Jan.

4 1 78 Bellm.n, Mrs. A. J . • Route 3, Bo. 1 3 7, Bel l ingham . Wash.-Apr . . Jan.

1 707 Belnum. Rev. H. 0 . . Flandreau. So. Oak. -July. Nov.

70)5 Bellman. Gus. Rour. 1. Bellingham. Wash. ct.

1 7 1 3 Be nj3 m i n , J . . Custer. Wash .-NQv., Oct . , Oct.

2 3 8 &nrud. OS(;1r p" Parkland. Wash.-Nov . . Aug., Sept.

")876 Benson, Af:nes, Bow. Wash.-Nov. 6 1 70 Benson, Mrs . AI. Route 2. Bow, Wash .­

jan. 7 Ben�on. Ben, P.uktand. Wash.-Sept . . Oct.,

Sept. 8 1 4 Benson, Mrs. C. 1.. Route 2, Silverton, Ore.

-Mar., Feb., May 6482 Benson. Mrs. E. P . . 502 1 2th ., Seattle.

W.,h.-Mar. 6 1 7 1 Benson, Kermit, Route 2. Bow, W3sh.­

J.n. 690 Benson. f\tlrs. Lauril, Parkland. Wash.­

J:tn., Oct. '568 Benson, �brie. 1 1 0 1 �1ain, Whitewater,

Wis.-Oct., Oct.

Seridl No.

1 727

6 1 72


6492 1605

I 02


1 604

1 607


6629 258

2 5 7

3 7 1 5 6630

583 1

643 9

6766 5665 4 1 9 1

4 1 43

6266 205


626 1 4 3 26

7 193


6 1 1 8






5808 4903


0876 3688

6 1 1 9



1 287



Nd.m�� Add r�H� and MotJth of Cont ributiorJ

Benson, Ruby, Route 2, Bow,, Nov. Benson, Walter, Route 2, Bow, W3:1h.­Jan. Bentley, Mrs. Louise, 875 Aldine St., St. Paul, Minn.-Apr. Bentsen, Marit., How3fd, So. Dak.-Mar. Berentson, Anita , 1 3th &: H Sts., Ana· corte-", \'Vash.-July, Mar., Nov. Berentson, H3rold, 1 3 th Be H Sts., Ana­cortes, \'Q"ash.-j'uly, Aug., Nov. Bere-ntson, John, An3.cortc!, Wash.-July, Aug., Nov. Berentson, Mrs. Jo .• I1, Anacortes, Wash.­July, Aug., Nov. Berentson, Stanley, Anacortes, Wash.-July, Aug., Nov. Berg, Prof. A. c., M.yville, No. Oak.­Oct. Berg, Albert, Woodburn, Ore.-May Berg, Mrs. Alfred, Rout. 1. Bo. 1 9 1 , Puy. allup, .. Oct., Nov. Borg, Alfred, Rou .. 1. Bo. 1 9 1 , Puyallup, Wash.-Nov., Oct. , Nov. Berg, Anton, Custer, Wash.-Nov., Jan. �rg, Arthur, Route 2, Woodbu rn, Ore.­May Berg, M rs . Berth:t, Route 3, Bell i ngh am , Wash .-Nov. Berg. Christian, 2230 Lombud, Everett, Wash.-F.b. BerR, E. M., Casper, Wyo.-June Berg, Henry, Mt. Horeb, Wis.-Sept. Berg, Mrs. I. C., Route 2, Woodburn, Ore. -Apr., May Berg, J. P., Route I, Cathlamet, Wash.­Apr., Mar. Berg, John, Route 2, Ferndale. Wash.-Jan. Berg. Rev. J05. H.. 175 E. Mountain St .•

Pasadena, Calif.-Oct., Jan., Dec., Jan., Nov. Berg. Mrs. Jos. H., 175 E. St., Pasadena. CaliL-J;tn., Dec.. Jan .. Nov. Btrg, Lenora, Custer. Berg. M. J.. 15 09 E. 1 9th St., Portland. Ore.-M.y. June Berg. N. J . . 1 4 2 1 Highla nd Ave., Glendal •.

Calif.-Nov. Berg. Ole, Route 5, Mt. Vernon, W3�h,­Feb. Berg. Osborn, Hotel Leopold. Bellingh,m. Wash.-J.n . Bug. Mrs. T .. 4 1 0 E. Front, Port Angeles, Wa,h .-Oct. Berge. Ben, Route t , Box 104, Puyallup, Wash.-Nov .. Nov . , Nov. Berge, Carl, Route 1, BOl{ 104 , Puyallup. Wash.-Nov .. Nov . • Nov. Berge, Mrs. Marie. Route I, Box 1 04 , Puy­allup. Wash.--Nov .. Nov . . Nov. Berge. Rev. O. A . . 2202 Hoyt Ave . . Everett. \V.,h.-M.y. Nov. Berger, Henry. Castle Rock, Wa,sh.-Nov. Bergesen. Rev. B. E . . 2 5 1 9 Lyndalt, Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn .-July, Aug. Bergman. Odin. 4 2 1 Prospect St., S�3ttlt', Wash.-May Berntsen, Anton. Cromwell, Wash.-July Berntson. M rs . T .. Route 1, Box 1 2 3 , Puy­allup, .-Nov. , Nov. Berven, Mrs. Inger S., 4 1 1 Magnolia St .. Bell ingham . Wash .-Jan. Berwold, J., 5838 S. Lawrence, Tacoma, Wash.-J.n., Oct. Bt'thany Luthcr<tn Church, c/o C. MOlrtin, 25th & Franklin Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. -July. Sept. Bethany Lutheran Circle. c/o Mrt. L. P. Biorlie. 2838 Elli" Bellingham, Wash.­Apr., Apr., Apr. Bethany Lutheran Congregation, c/o Rev. E. R. Rorem, S!:l.ter, Iowa-Nov. Bethel Ladi.,' Aid. c/o Mrs. L. H. Olsen, Brush Prairie. Wash.-Oct.

Page 18: College Bulletin 1931 November

Snial ""o.


69 2 2

�690 6039 6338 60 1 2


28 1

1 900

1 9 0 1

1 902

6 9 1 8



, 0

68 1 8

1 1 29

1 1 30

1901 6062 6063 663 1




6965 4665 1 594

6570 604

70 1 7

1 3 1 3

1 3 1 4

1 3 30

1 3 1 0


1 7 1 4

8 4 1

1 825

6 1 73 6 1 74

2 24

1 729

6 1 75 1 72 2 ] l98 1402

Name, Address, and lWonth 0/ Contribution

Bethlehem Congregation, c/o R�v. E. R. Rortm, Slattr, IO ..... ;l-Nov. Bethlehem Ladies' Aid. Corner Harrison Be E. G St . . Torem., \'if .. h .-Aug . Bilden. Edwin, Mayville, Ne. Dak.-Oct. Bilstad, O. J . . Fargo, No. Dak.-D.c. Bilstad, \'if. a., Fargo, No. Dak.-Dec. Birkeland, Olaf, 45 1 7 46th St. N. E . . S�attle, \VI ash .-Dec. Birkelaad, Mrs. Ol.f, 4 5 1 7 46th St. N. E . . Se3ttle , Wash .-Dec. B I Ck,lid, E. B., Route I , Box 3 0 1 ·A, Kent, \,(fash.-Nov., Nov., Dec. Birkelo, Carl P., Mayville, No. Dak .-Aug . , Oct. Bi,kdo, Mrs. Carl P. , Mayvi lle. No. Dak.­Aug .. Oct. Birkelo. Judith rvlinerva. Mayville. No. Oak. -Aug., Oct. Bi,kelo, R. C., 1925 5th St., Bcem.,ton, \'({ .. h .-July Bi,k.lo. M". R. c., 1 9 2 5 5th St., Bremer· ton, \'({"h.-Feb., July Bi,k. tal, Mes. 01., E. Stanwood , Wash.­j3n. B i,kestrand, Peof. H. O. S.. Luth., Col· legc.. Decorah. Iowa-Sept., Oct. Bjo,d.I, T. T., S. 807 Sherman, Spokane, \'({.,h.-June Bjorli., L. P . . 2838 EIli." Bdlingh.m, Wash. -lVIar., Mar ., Apr. Bjorli.. Mes. L. P.. 2838 El l is St. , 8<1-tinaham. Wash.-Mar.. Mar., jan. Bjorn, Alfced , Lakewood, Wash.-Jan. , Dec. Bjorn. Otto. Lakewood, \'Q'ash .-De.c. Bjorn. Paul, Lakewood, Wash.-Dec. B jornus. Mrs. O. T.. Woodburn, Ore.­Mal', E. G., 4 3 5 4th Ave. E., Kal ispell , l\I'ont.- UR. Bjo,neby , Geo., 61 3,d Ave. N. E . . Kalis­pell, Mant.-Aug. Ble�.n, Rev. Allen R .. Lisbon, !It .-July, Aug. Bleg.n, N. T., 4 1 2 5th Ave. W .. Kalispell. Mont.-Aug. Bll."isOf'r. Gus. R . . Fairfield. Wa.c;h.-Nov. Bl i l ie, Rev . .T. A .. Flandreau. So. Dak.­Junt. June. Aug., Jan . Block. Lillian. Silve-rton. Ore.-Apr. Blomgeen, Olaf A., 76 Pond St., San Francisco. Calif.-Jan . . Jan., jan. R lomquist, M". C. a., 2205 S. 7th St .. Mi!'sQula. lVIont .-Sept . Bloom. Art, E. Stanwood, W.,h.-Apr., Dec., Feb. Bloom. Mrs. Art. E . Stanwood. \"'35h..­Apr., Dec., Feb. Oloom. Mrs:. Bertha. E. Stanwood, Wash.­"-pr., Anr . . Mar.. Oct. Rloom. O. B., E. Stanwood, W"h .-Ap, . . Feb . Bluhm. Mrs . o,,;s, 225 Pearl St . . Oce�on Citv. Ote..-Nov. R1yhcr". G .. 43 1 Killingsworth Ave., Port· hnd. O,e .-Julv. Seot . . .Tun. Blyherp.. Mrs. G.. 43 1 Killin�'worth Ave., Portbnd. Ore.-Mar .. Seot . . June Rock.,""n. Dr. M�rcus 0 . . 1 4 1 5 W. Gran· thorn St.. Sr. Paul, Minn.-Aug.. July. Tunc . Roe, Adell •. Route 1 . Bow, W3Sh .- hn . Boe.. f\1Ni. Anton . Route. 1 , Bow, Wash.­lrtn, Boe. Dr. L. W., Northfield, Minn .-No •. , Ap, .. Apr., May Bot'. T..inie. Route I. Bow. \"V'ash .-Julv, Nov. Boe., Martin. Route 1 . Row'. Wa�h .-Jan. Roc. Dr. 0 . . Decorah. Iowa-July. Nov. Aof'. R ;lsm lls. Routt" I. E. St:mwood. Wash. -M.v. Feb. Rnt". Mr... Rasrnus. Route- I. E. Stanwood. W.,h.-May, Feb.

S�Tia{ �Vo.

5992 59Z8


66 2 1 1

2 1 2



4 2 7 1


1 1 82

1 1 83

1 5 9 1

1 592


3633 3637

6303 6304 1 3 6 1

1 1 97

2 1 77

3 5 6

1 1 3 5

1 1 36 7137

(,0 1 5



6736 56 1 1 6 1 76 4202



6678 6679 4909


643 748


1 1 4 1



NdtrfC, A ddrt:iJ� and IWonth of Contrjb"tion

Boeche, Karl, Route 2, Aurora, Ore.-Dec. Boettcher, Laura, 3 1 8 vnter St., Oregon City. Ore.-Nov. Bogen, John c., 9 1 0 2 1 st St., S. Belling· h�m, W:lsh.-Nov. BOClitad, I., Box 5 1 5, P"kl.nd . \Vash.­Sept., Sept. Bogst.d, Rev. R., 1 72 W. 1 2th Ave., Eug!'ne, Ore .-Nov., Aug., Apr., June Bogstad, Mrs. R., 172 W . 1 2th Ave., Eu· gene, Ore.-Nov .. Aug., Apr., June BOfl>tad, Rudolph, 172 \'if . 1 2th A ve. , Eugene, Ote.-jan., Apr .• June Bogstie, M". CI.ra E., 2736 Copley Ave., San Diego, Calif.-Jan., Dec., Nov. Bogstie, Nettie. 3 3 3 '5 Gr;tn:lda Av�., San Diego, C.lif.-May, Nov. Bolland, Oscar, Route 3, Aurora , Orl.'.­Oct. Bolsud, H. D., Bo< 8 1 0, Eve,.", Wash.­Apr., Ap'., Mac. Bolstad, Mr>. H. D., Box 8 1 0, Wash.-Apr., Apr .. Mar. Barnstead, O. H., 415 S. 34th St., Tacoma. \'ifosh.-Ju"" Nov. Barnstead. M". O. H., 4 1 5 S. 34th St . , Tacoma, Wash.-Junt', Nov. Bom" .. d, Mrs. Olive, 29 1 5 N. 2 5th St., T3coma. Wash .-Oct. , Nov. Bondy, Mrs. El izabeth H . . Parkland, \Vash. -Oct. , Dec .. Oct. Bondy, G. A . , 4 1 0 2 E."ern Ave., Se.ttle, \'ifash .-Oct. , Dec.

Boreson, B., Stanwood, \'(fash .-Feb . Roreson. Mrs. B. , Stanwood, \Vash.-Feb. Boreson, Lowell, Stanwood, Wash.-Apr .. Feb. Borge, Rev. D. J., Byron , Minn.-Apr .. Aug .. Dec., Nov. Borge, Mrs. D. J . , Byron. Minn.-Aug., Dec . . Nov. Bo,ge, M". M. A. , Poulsbo, Wash.-Nov. , Sept., Jan., Jan. Bo,g., Rev. a., Roddale, Wis.-Mar., Ap, . . July, Nov. Rorg •. Mrs. 0 .. Rockdale. Wis.-Mar., Ape., .July, No . Borsvold, R. H., Route t, Box 462, Mon­rovia, C3.lif .-Noy� Borwold, \Vm . , 5836 S. Warren, Tacoma, \'if .. h.-Dec. Ratti", W. B . , 1 82 5 Cu,tis, Poctland , 0". -June Bottler. Mrs. W. B . , 1 8 25 Curtis. Port­bnd. Ore.-Junt". BO}'d, Lewi�. Poulsbo, Wash .-June Bove" Mrs. J. c., Route 3, Box 30, Ta· coma. Wash .-Sept. Bra:ldland. Marie, Burl inp,ton , Wash �-Jan . Brachmann. Julia, Woodburn, Otc.-Apr., May Brackett. S.. Albeet St. &: Rlvd., Port An· ''!eies. \Va�h.-Oct. R,."kett, Mrs. S., Albert St. &: Blvd. , Port Angel... W •. ,h .-Oct. Budy. Roy, Silverton. Ore.-Apr. Brager. Clarissa, Silverton. Ore.-May Brandenbocr., Gus. 2 1 00 28th Ave. S .. M in· neapolis. M inn .-July. Au� . Bcandrud, Rev. O. T.. 823 Athens A .... Oakland. Calif.-Jan .. Oct . . Sept., Sept. Brandrud. M". O . T.. 823 Athen. Ave .. Oakland, lif.-Jan .. Oct .. Sept .. Seot. Branc1t. Dr. O. E .. No. 3. Luther Semin­ary Campus. St. Paul. Minn .-Feb . . Dec.. lui)', Feb . . July Brandt. M ... . O. E . . No. 3 . Luther Sem· inary Campu�. St. Paul, Minn.-Feb., Dec . . Tuly. F.b .. July Braudt. Rev. Rolf D .. Corne ll. W is.-Mar . . Apr . . Mar . Br:tndt. Thorwald. Routt" 3. lvlt. V€'rnon, Wash.-Feb. Brandt, Valbo'g, Conway, \Vosh.-Feb.

Page 19: College Bulletin 1931 November

Srridl No.

6 04D

604 1 44.1 7

430 6737 6764 6738 I l l !

1 3 07


1 298

6 66

2485 2486













1 5 06


1 5 07

6 548



4433 '1432

4434 1 294 6306

65 1 8

5 1 02

� 1 20

(, 1 77 (, 1 78

6 1 1 1


3 7 1 1

371 1

J'Vflme, Il ddrcH, and Month 0/ Contribution Br>ndvold. Mrs . Sissel, 1 1 2 3rd Ave . N. W . . Faribault. �'I i n n .-D�(.

8r.atrud. Dr. Theo ., \'(1 arrent Minn.-Dec.

Bn�ivik, Rev. G. 1.. 1 1 02 S. Lawrence St .•

Ta coma , Wash.-July, July Brekhus, John, Silv:tn.:1 , Wash.-Fl�b. Bre.klc�, 1\IJ rS. 1 nga, Poulsbo, \'V' ash .-J une aTe mm r, R . C.. Kennewick, \'\Iash.-June Btt:nde . .n. Nlrs. �rhrit. Poulsbo, \'V;:!,sh.-June Brcum, A . L. , Rout!!' I, Box 77. E. Stan­wood. W sh.-Apr., Nov. Brcum, Mrs. A . L.. Route I , Box 77. E. Sttnwood. W:tsh.-Apr., Nov. Breum, Mrs. Chris, E. Stanwood , \X'ash.­Feb. Breum, Mrs. Lars, E. Stanwood. Wash.­Apr. , F,b. Bnvig, O. �IL, Route 5, Mt . Vernon, Wash. -Feb. Briar, Horner. Clc. ar Lake. Iowa-July, Nov. Briar, M nl. Horner. Clear Lake, Iowa­July, Nov. Brodl.nd . G. H., Route 3, Mt. Vernon, :q .. h.-Feb. Brodahl, F. 1'.1., Rout. 2, Ferndale, W •• h. -J.n . BrodJ.hl. Mrs. F. M . . Route 2, P('rndale, Wuh.-Jan. Brono, Ivirs. J. H., Wiilmar, Minn .-Aug .•

July, Aug. Brooten, Inez, 1 3 0 1 24th St., S. Belling· ham , .-Nov . • Nov. Brnot<n, John. 1 3 0 I 24th St., Bellingham. Wash .-Nov. Brooten. Mr •. John. 1 30 I 24th St., S. Bel­tinghllm. \Vash.-Nov . . Nov. Brott, L. J . , Routt.' 4. Box 275, Tacoma, W.4.-Nov . Bromm. J. L" P"kland. \'('ash.-Sept., Sept . . Sept.. Oct. Btcttem. Mrs. J. L.. Parkland, \'(' ash.­Sept. , SIr'Dt., Oct. Brown, Char les, 2937 Federal, Everett. \'V :15h. -Fcb. Brown. Dr. J. N .. Moorhead, I\11nn.-Nov .. Jan ., Nov. Brown. IVirs. L!!'na, 2320 O;lites Aw . • Ever­('tt,�,rav, Ju ne. Mar. Brown, Ol ive I., Bo .• 24, Parkland, Wash. -Sept, Brown, Ruth. 2320 Q;akes Ave., Everett, \V •• h.-M" " June. Mat. Brudvik, MrS. B . L . . 300 N. 41st St., Se;ttle. W;tsh.-Apr. Bwdwitk, Ole, Route 2, Ferndale, \'('ash.­lan . Brue.., Jacob, 9 4 1 Scmtinc Dri ve, V�ncouver. B. C.-l u ll' BrUle, Ole, KE'n nc\\tick. \'Vash.-.Tuly, Apr. Bru., 1'.1". Ole. Kennewick. W"h.-Ju!y, Apr. Beue, Brue, Blue. P.b,

Ott:!r, K£'nnewick. Was ll .-July, Apr. Stanwood� Wash.-Apr.. FLb.

�frs. Thomas, St::mwood. \Vash.-, H. A., 400 Cambrin S., Bre-merton. W;:Ish. ar. Brull.t Ladies' Aid, c/o Rev. A. E. Lien. Port land, No. Dakota.-J uly. ( In Memor· i:.m S. C. Swenson) Apr., June Rruge" Alfred, 8 1 6 Lake St .. BeIlinRhJm, W"h.-Tan. Brugct. John, Rout(' 1 . Bow. Wash.-Ja n . B r ufttt, Mrs. John, Route: 1. Bow. W:lsh.­Jan. Rrtlhnd, A., 2 2 1 7 Gr.nt St . • Bellingham, W . . h.- Jan . Bruland. Mr.. aerth.. 20 1 5 24th St.. S. Bellingham. Wash.-Nov. Rrubn d. Mrs . C. R .. Route 2, Box 82, Fcrn dalL', Wa.h .-Nov . . . 13n. Bruf .. nd. Casper. Route 2, Ft' rndalc , W:t:'ih. -Nov" Jan

Serial No. J.Vam�� Addr�fj, alld Month of Conlribrftion

6270 Bruland, Esther, Route 2, Ferndale. \Vash. -Jan.

5890 B ruland, Mni., 20 15 24th St., S. B.lling­ham, \Xr"ash.-Nov.

589 1 llruland, Matilda, 2014 24th St., S. Bel· lingham, \Vash.-Nov., Nov.

487 Bruland. Osborne, 1 0 5 0 Knott St., Portland, Ore.-Jan., Apr., �Iay

627 1 Bru land , R. C. Route 2, Ferndale, Wash.­Jan .. July

728 Bruland, Mrs. R. C., Route 2, Ferndale, Wash.-Feb., Apr . . Jan., July

5993 Bru nnu . Arthur \V., Box 1 1 5 '5 , Winlock, \Vash.-Dec.

5 8 1 0 Brunner, F. G., Route I, Winlock,­Nov.

5 8 1 1 Brunner, Mrs. F. G., Route I , Wi nlock, \Vash .-Nov .

5 8 1 2 Bru nner.' Gertrude, Route I , Winlock, \'VI ash. - lov.

5 8 1 3 Brunner, Walter, Route 1, Winlock. Wa.!!h. -Nov.

1 226-Brunsdale, Sen. C . N., Mayville, No. Dak. -Apr., Apr., June

5696 B runsda le. G E., Mayville, No. D.k.-Oct . 6950 Brusl.tten, O. L., Polson. Mont.-Aug.

3 7.7 Bruun, A. A., 9270 50th Ave. S., Seattle, Wash.-Nov . • Apr .. May, May

328 Bruun, M rs. Dagny, 9270 50th Ave. S., Seattle, Wash.-Nov., Apr . • May, May

5 1 6 Brynildsen. S, 0.. 9 Mission St., San Francisco. Calif.-Jan . • Jan . • Oct.

6930 Bu.. M". Sina, 650 E. A St.. Moscow, Idahcr-Aug.

3 5 3 8 Buli . Gilb«t , Parkland, Wa,h.-Sept., Sept .•

Sept. 689 Bul l , Mabl., Parkland, Wash,, Sept ..

Sept., Jan. 573 Buli, Ole, Parkland," Oct . .

Sept., Jan" July 5327 Buli, Oscar, Parkland, Wash.-Aug" Sept"

Sept. 5950 Bul i , Thomas, Box 3 2 1 , Parkland, \Vasl1.­

Dec. 6441 Burklund, Mr., 1 207 Colby, Everett. Wash.

-Feb. 6442 Burklund, Mr> .. 1 207 Colby. Ev«ett, Wash.

-Feb. 7 190 Burtness. Dr. H. I., 3 1 7 \V. Pueblo St ..

S�nta Barbara, Calif.-Nov. 6 5 1 9 BlIrwig. H. C , 646 \Vashington St .. Brem·

l"rton. \�!ash .-Mar. I I I Buschmann. August, 377 Colman Bldg., Se­

attle, \Vash.-Sept . . F.b .. Mar" Apr .. May 3 583 Buschmann, E .. 1 3 55 Dexter Horton Bldg.,

Seattle, Wash.--Oct. , Nov. 303 Buschman n . Mrs. Mathilde, 939 Federal Ave"

Se:lttle. Wash.-Nov., Aer., May 6405 Bush , Cart, 5 1 5 Hood St" Salem. Ore.­

Feb. 6866 RlIten<rhoen. A . J.. 1 3 1 4 Campbell St"

Portland. Orc .-July 6867 Butrn""",,n, Mrs. A. J.. 1 3 14 Campbell,

Portland, Ore .-July 6838 Butenschoen, E. A . . I 37 5 Gr�eley, Portbnd.

Ore.-Tune 6839 Buten,�hoen. Mrs . E. A" 1 375 Greeley.

Porthnd, Orc.-TunC' 1>840 Butenschoen. John B., 279 W. Hallock.

Portland, Ore.-J une 60 10 R"tenshon. R,,·. E. M .. 1 3 09 S. I, Tacoma,

Wa<h.-Dec .. Oct. 4 1 6 Ruth. Mrs. Henrit'tta. Route 3, Box '508.

TacClm., . W:\:'ih.-Nov . . Sect. 4011 Ruth. M. H . . FairfiC"ld. W:tsh.-Nov. 1 859 Buttorf f. Berenice P . . 3624 S . J St" Ta·

rnmJ.. Wash .-Jan . . J;'In. 400 Rvnerr', Jon;]s J . , Sitvt'rton, Orc.-Dec.,

hn., Nov. (,966 Rvl.n, Gust. 1 004 2nd Ave. E . . Kalispell,

Mont.-Aut!. ')696 c.;'\r1sen , Elias. Routt' 1, Rox 33'5 . Kent.

\'(7:\!i.h.-NfW .. Nov. 7066 Carlson . Alfred H., Hay. \Vosh .- Oct.

Page 20: College Bulletin 1931 November

Ser;al No.

707 1 4084


70n 5749


596 1 68 1 7 68 1 6

, 6 1 3

6774 4 1 88


5852 1486


1 488

105 28

7 1 67


6307 1 457

3 3 1 7





6493 7 1 1 7


7 1

5 6 1 4

56 I S

62 1 1






1 060

1 1 20



604 1



NdmeJ AddTl.'JI, and Month 0/ Contribution

Carlson, C. J., LaCrosse, \'Vash.--Oct. Carlson, LVlrs. Dayid, Olalla, Wash.-Mar., July Carlson, Mrs. E . \V/ ., 1 105 Hoyt. Everett, \ C<lrison, Edwin J., L:"Crosse, \V/ash .-Oct. Carlson, Gladys K . , 1902 S. M, Tacoma, \V.,h.--Ocr., Oct. Carlson, Mrs. Morris, Gig Harbor. \V/ash. -July Carlson, Mrs. Ole, Kasson, M inn.-Dec. Car$tens, Arthur A., Reardon. Wash.-June Carste.ns, Mrs. Emma, Reardon. Wash.­June Casad},. Robert. Box 423, Parkland, Wash. -Sept. Casperson, Cha�. C., Conrad, Mont.-Aug. Christensen, C., Route 2, \V/oodburn. Orc. -Apr., May Christensen, Clara M., 2002 Hoyt, Everett. Wash.-May, June, Feb. Christensen, Ethel, Lakewood, \V/ ash .-Noy. Ch,istensen, Rev. M. A . , 4 1 7 29th St. , Astoria, Ore .-�1aYI Feb., Jan. Christensen, Mn. M. A " 4 1 7 29th St., Astoria, Ore.-Oec. , Feb., Jan. Chri:rotensen. Olive T., Lutheran Mission Home, Hankow, China-Apr .. Junt', Apr. Christensen, \V/ .:dter. 4 1 7 29th St . , Astoria. Orc.-Mar. Chri'5terson, J. E.. S:ln Fernando. Calif.­Nov. Christiania Luther League, c/o Rev. rvl. Endrescn, Kindred, No. Dak.-Dec. Christiaml!n, Emil, Stanwood, \Y./ ash.-Feb. Christofferson, Mrs. C. A., Box: 467, Marys­ville, \V .. h.-May, May, May Chrinopherson. C. H. , BoX' 145, Hartland, Minn.-July, Noy., Nov. Christopherson, K. A . • Zumbrota, Minn.� May, Noy. Clar.:1 Knutson's Sunda}' School Class. S. Bend. Wash .-f\1ar . • Mar. Clace Ladi,,' Aid, c/o Rev. O. H. Hov" Colman. So. Dak.-Dec. Clare.Midway Luther Lugue, c/o Rev. O . H. Hove, Colman, S o . Dak.-Mar. Clementsen, Tina.. Howard, So. Dak.-Mar. Coast Sash and Doo, Co., P. O . Box 1 3 34. Tacoma, \V/ash.-Noy. Collins, Helen Louise. P:lrkland, \V/ash.­Sept. Coltom, Emmy, Box 324, Parkland, \V/3sh.� Sept . . Oct.. Sept. Conrad, F. W., Parleland. W"h.-Sept., Oct. Cook. Geo. M., Rout. 3, Box 1 02, Ta· coma, \Vash.-Sept. Corcoran. l\1ni. G. H . • E. Stanwood, Wash. -J.n. Corrodi, Fred. 1 604 Olemcketa, Salem. Ore. -Feb. Corrodi. Mrs. Fred. 1 604 Chcmeket.J., Sairm, Oce.-Feb. Corthell. f\1r50. Hannah. 802 Massa husett�; Ave .. Portland, Ore.-Junl� C"bb. Z. WI .. Route 1 0 , Box 408. Poet· land. Ore.-Ma}' Crabb. Mr>. Z. \Xl .. Route 10. Box 408. Portland, Ore.-May Crews. Fort"st L., P·:lrkland. Wash.-Mar .•

Oct .. Sept. Crews. Mrs. Forest L . . Parkland. \V/ash.­Mar .. Oct.. Sept. Cronqui�t. Ge-o . . Gig Harbor, Wash.-rvtar .. Tune. Feb. Custer·Ferndale Luther League:. c/o Esther Bruland. Route 2. Ferndale. Wash.-.Tulv Cyrus Lutheran Congrl"gation. c/o Adolph ,Tohmon. C}'ru:s.. Minn .-Dcc. Cyrus Lutheran Ladies' Aid, c/o Mrs. Alf. SoJvie. Cvru:,. Minn .-Dec. Da Brainier, Henry, Route 1. Box 130, Win· lock, \X' ash.-Nov.

Sahli No.

5 3 73 7 1 73

9 8 1

7 1 9 5


43 1


6939 5044

Name, Addrt'JS, and lvlonth 0/ Contribution

Dagerforder, H. H.t Rockford, Wash.-Nov. D3glum� Mrs. Bertha, 1 847 YL IVlyctle Aye., Long Beach, Calif .-Nov. Dagsland, Edna, Route 2, E. Stanwood, W;'lsh.-Mar., June, Mu. Dahl, Alma, 1 0 1 9 y, W. Kensington Rd., Los Angeie:s, Calif .-Noy. Dahl, Mrs. Ann3, Stanwood, Wash.-J uly, Feb . . Oct. Dahl, Arthur, 1 1 9 S. Center St., Silverton, On�.-Dec . • May Dahl, Mrs. Arthur, 1 1 9 S. Center St . . Silverton, Ore.-May Dahl, C. 0., Cocu, d' Alene, Idoho--Aug. Dahl, Constance, 1 0 1 9 Y:l W. Kensington Rd., Los Angel." Calif.-July, Nov. D.hl, H. L. J., Parkland, Wash.-Sept .. Oct., Sept., Sept.

9 Dahl, Mes. H. L. J., Packland, \Vash.­Sept., Oct., Sept., Sept.




Dahl, Halvor, 808 Broadway, Silverton, Orc.-JunE', June O.J.hl. Mrs. Halvor. 808 Broadway, Silver· ton, Orc.-June, June Dahl. H;'tns Leonard Jr., Parkland, \V/ash.­Ap'., Sept.

10 Dahl, hene, Packland, Wash. ept . , Ott . ,

5477 7 1 4 8

4053 1 1

6 1 79 1 207



6 1 80 3 5 25

692 5 6926 6927 6 1 22

2 3 7

1 3 5


5 6 1 6

2 3 6

6659 4807 6549


70 1 8 6 3 68






1 1 52

7 1 2 1


Sept., Sept. Dahl, J . H., Trail, rvJinn.�Aug., Aug. Dahl. Mes. O. G., 1 99 3 5 Lonack St., Can· OlP. Park. CaJif.-Nov. D.hl, Ole, Pearson, Wash .-Feb., Mar. Dahl, Orwoll F., Parkland, W"h.-Sept., Oct .. Sept., Sept. Dahl, Oscar, Route 2. Bow, \"X'ash.-Jan. Dahl, S. E., 5 0 1 5 S. Pine St., Tacoma, Wash.-Apr .. Sept., Sept. Dahl, Mrs. S. E., 5 0 1 5 S. Pine St .. Ta· coma, \V/ash.-Apr., Aug. Dahl, Stanley, Parkland. Wash.- ept . . 0<, . . Sept. , Sept. Dahl, T .. Edison, Wash.-Jan. Dahle, Rev� Elmer H.t Shishmaref, A Llika --J uly, Mar., May Dahlen. Ca.rl, Newport. Wash.-Auc . Dahlen, Emil, Newport, \X'ash.-Aug. Dahlen, HartviB. Newport. \'Vash.-Aur,. Dahlen, Michal, 33 I 2 N. W. Ave., Belling. ham, Wash.-Jan. Dale, Anga, Parleland. Wasll.-Sept . . Sept., Sept. Dale, MrS. Anna J., P"kland, W ash.­Sept., Sept.. Sept., Sept. Dale, H. F., 4 1 3 Hill St.. Decorah, Iowa -Sept., Sept. Dale, Mrs. H. 0., Oh'mpi3. Wa:r;h.·­Sept. Dale, Martin, Parkland, \V/"ash.-Nov .. Sept., Sept., Sept. Dalen, Mrs. Amanda, C.mb�'. Orc.-May Daley, E. S., De Focest. Wi,.-July. Au�. DaIle, Mr.;. A. N., 4 1 0 1 Woodlawn Ave. N., Seattle. Wash.-Apr. Damback. Msr. Henry. l 09 1 8th St .. Ort'· p,:on City, Ore.-Nov. D:miels. W. F., Wilbur, W,]sh .-Sept. D<lnielson. Donald, Route- 3. Mt. Ve-tnulI, Wash.-Feb. Danielson, Mr�. Donald, Route 3 , Mt. Vcr· non, \X' :lsh.-Feb. Danielson, Edward, 1 1 24 Cleveland Ave., Mt. Vt>rnon, \V/ Danielson, Mrs. Edward. 1 1 24 Cleveland Ave . • rvlt. Vernon. Wash.-Jan . D3nielson. John, Route l, Arli ngton, Wash. -Nov. Danielson, Lars, Rou tr- 3 , Mt. Vernon. W .. h.-Feb. Danielson. Rev. P . C.. 3 5 0 5 Lindemann Ave., Racine, \V/is.-Apr . , Aug . , July. Nov. Daneri. Mrs. M., 1 2 2 6 Brd St.. San Diego. CaliL-Nov. Danke, Mrs. E., 1 52 3 Wilson Ave.. Spo. une. Wash.-June

Page 21: College Bulletin 1931 November

Saial No. Name, Address, and {Wont/' of Corlt ribr4tion

4449 Davidson, H., 1 224 Fauquier St., St. Paul, Minn.-June, Sept.

4739 Davidson, Rev. O. K., R. 6, Box 443, N. Sacramento, Calif.-July, July

1 3 6 Davi:s, Mrs. Esther, Parkland, Wash.-Oct., Sept., Sept., Aug.

7 0 3 3 Davis , Geo. L. , J r . , Parkland, \X'ash.-Sept. "') 6 1 7 Davis. Virginia, Parkland, \X'ash.-Scpt.,

Sept. 1 867 Day, Lii(i:tn Amorette, Route 3, Box 1 27.

Tacoma. \X'ash.-Aug .. Nov. 3497 Day, Mrs. T . G., Route 3 , Box 1 2 7, Ta­

coma, \X'ash.-Aug., Nov. �709 Delavan Luther:m Congregation, c/o Karl

S. \'Vroolie, Delavan , Minn.-Oct. 3 1 1 9 Dell Rapids Lutheran Chu«h, c/o Oluf

HeGge, Dell Rapid" So. Dak .-Aug., Feb. 3999 Demers , Mrs. A. J., 22 1 S. 96th St. , Ta­

coma, \'\1ash.-Feb .. Feb. 6474 Dempster, Wn., 3242 Hudson St., Seattle,

\"{'a,h .-Feb. 7 1 0 1 Dengler, Fr<d, 2 140-7th Ave. W" Seattle,

Wash.-O,t. 5994 Dcnow, Al bert, Route 2, Hubbard, Ore.­

Dec. 703 5 Dippel , Alq:, Route 2, Farmington, \'X'ash.­

Sept. 940 Diseth. Irene, Coram, Mont.-Mar., Apr.,

Apr. 6 5 7 1 Dokken, T., Silverton, Orc.-Apr. 3822 Dolven. Rev. A. 0.. Box 694, E. San

Diego, CaliL-Oec., Nov.! Oct. 5730 Donahue. Mrs. F. P .. 924 S. Pine St . ,

Port Angeleli. \'\I ash .-Oct. 6928 Donnum, Nlrs. Olc, Newport, \Va5h.-Au�. 1 5 76 DorrulO, Prof. I., Decorah, Iowa-June,

Ju ly. July 1 9 1 3 Dovre. Olaf, fvlinneota, Minn .-July, Nov. 6 t 05 D ragness, Hans, Route 3 , Kent, \'\Iash.­

Jan. 421 1 Drens, Rev. J . D., Box 385, Elbow. Minn.

-Apr. , May fif)80 Dullum, Tena, Silverton. Ore.-May 1 1 4 6 Dunham. Mrs . Bectha, 2534 S. 1 St . . Ta·

CQm.:1, \Vash.-Mar.. Nov . . Jan ., Oct. �71 1 Durke., Mrs . H. C, Box 483, Port An·

�el('s. \'\1 ash.-Oct. 837 Dybevik. \'\1 illiam, Route 2, Silverton, Ore.

-IV"Iar., IV"Jar., Ma r. 4206 Dybvad, Mes. Tom, Route 2, Hubbard. Orc .

-Apr., May 2370 Dl'rdahl, Albert, Oldham, So. Dak .-Aug.,

Sept. '5 7 1 1 East D�lavan Congregation. c/o Rev. O. E.

Dolven. Dl'iavan, M inn .-Oct. 5662 East Ladies' Aid, Rosenie Congregation, c/o

Mrs. Isaac Lykkcn, Alcestrr, So. Dak.­Sept.

I? 15 Easn'old, O. A., Mayville, No. Dak.-Aug . . Oct.

1 574 Eastvold, Rev. S. C, Madison, So. Dak.­June, June. Jan.

3677 Ebeling, 0.. 1 70 I Larnbee, Bellingham . \"{'ash.-Nov .. Oct .. Oct.

"379 1 F-bcl ing, Mr�. Louis�. 1 7 0 1 L;]rrabce. Bel· lingham. \Vas-h.-Nov., Oct:.

6 1 06 Eckland. Mrs. Fred, Route 3 , Box 1 5 5 A. Kent, \'('ash .-Jan.

6967 Edmeston. Mrs. J . G . . 745 1st Ave. E . , Kalispell, Mont.-Aug.

11588 Edmunds, Archie, Route I, Everett . Wash. -Apr.

5 7 1 Edwacds. Benjamin, 6 1 9 N. Golden, Fuller­ton. Ca l iL-Jan . . Nov.

572 Edward" Mrs. Benjamin, 6 1 9 N. Golden, Fullerton, CaliL-Jan., Nov.

4 1 5 3 Edwuds. David Joseph, Parkland, \"{' .. h.­Apr., Mar.

1 3 7 Edwords, Joseph, Parkland. Wash.-Ocr., Oct., Nov .. Sept., Sept.

138 Edw:trds, Mrs. Joseph, Parkb.nd. W:'tsh.­Oct . . Oct .. Sept., Sept.

6968 Edwards, Minnie. Route 4. Kalispell. Mont. -Aug,

Serial No.

48 1

1 1 1 5

693 1

7 1 96

7 1 97





569 570

7 1 56 226




6 1 23

1 290

5 7 1 3


7 1 14 623 2

5 3 2

, } 3

100 1


680 1

5877 2620

5618 56 1 9 4456







5620 1780





2 2 5

Nam� J A ddr�H, and Month 0/ Contribution

Edwards, Rev. O. J . , 1 209 S. I St., Ta­comll, Wash.-Dec., May, May Edwards, Mrs. O. J., 1 2 09 S. St., Ta-coma, \'\Iash.-Mar., Apr., May Edwin, Mrs. Anna, 204 N. Hay('.s, Moscow, Idaho-Aug. Eger, Rev. Olaf, 1 2 1 8 W. 39 PI.", Los Angeles. Calif.-Nov. Eger, Mrs. Olaf, 1 2 1 8 W. 3 9 Pl.,ct, Los Angel." Calif.-Nov. Egge, Mrs. Albert, 5 1 8 E. 1st St., Cte Elum, Wash.-Aug., Nov .. Oct. Esgen, Mrs. A. N., 526 2nd Ave. S., Kent, W35h.--·Mar., Nov. Eggen, Rev. Almer N., 526 2nd Ave. S. , Kent, \Vash.-fvlar., Nov. Egge,n, Bernice, 5 2 6 2nd Ave. S., Kent, Wash.-Mar., Nov. Bggen, E. a., Hemet, CaliL-Oct., Nov. Eggen, Mo. E. D., Hemet, Calif.-Oct. , Nov. Eggen, GeQ. H., Hemet, Cal if .-Nov. Eggen, N. J . , Parkland, Wash.-Nov. , May, Nov., Sept., Aug. Eggen, �J rs. N. G., Parkland, \Vasll.-Nov., �lay, Nov ., Sept., Aug. Eesen, Orville, 526 2nd Ave. S., Kent, \Vash.-Nov., Dec. Estvedt, Arthur, 3 2 3 5 W. 67th, Seattle, \'<!ash.-JunE'. Eid' Luther Le<lguc, Big Stone Congreg.1. tion, c/o Robe rt Elli ngson, Ortonville, Minn. -Jan. Eide, Mr . Kirsti, Stanwood, Wash.-Apr., July, Feb_ Eide Ladies' Aid, c/o l\1rs. Andrew Steen, Clinton, M inn.-Oct .

Eidsather, Miss B . , B06 \"{' . 64th St., Se­

attle. Wash.-Oct. Bilers, August, Sumner, Wash.-Nov. Eil(>.rs, Wm., Route I, Sumner, Wash.­Jan., Nov. Eimon, P:!.ul, 524 W. Pueblo. Santa Bar· bara. Calif.-Jan., Jan., Apr. Eimon, Mrs. Paul, 524 W. Pubclo, anl:t Barbara, CaliL-Jan., h.n., Apr. Eklund, Mrs. A . H., U 10 S. 27th. Ta­coma,, Apr .. Ap r. Eklund, K«m it, U I 0 S. 27th St., Tacoma, \V'"ash.--M:u., Apr" Apr. Eldenburg. Pauline, 3 2 W. 2nd Ave .. Spo­kane, \'\1 :1:osh,-June El iason , Mrs . Magnns , Bow, Wa!'ih .-Nov. Elken , Andrew H., Hamberg, No. Oak.­Aug., Dec. Ellef,on, Carl, Parkland, W.,h .-Sept .. Oct. Ellefson, Goodwin, Parkland. Ellefson, Rev. Elmer D. , Phillip. So. Oak. -July, Jul y Ellestad, Isabella. 5 1 7 W. Buckthorn. In­glewood , C.lif .-Feb .. July. Nov. Ellestad, Tom, Route It lYIr . V-ernon. Wash. -Jan. Ellestad, Mrs. Tom, Route I, f\ift. Vernon , Wash.-Jan . EUestad, Victor, Star Route, Mt. Vernon. \"{' ash.-Jan. Elligsen. G. H., Wil13 mette, Orc .-Nov . . Nov . EJlin gson, Clarence, E. Stanwood , \'\1ash.­Feb. Ellingson, Clar{'nce, Parkland. Wash.-Scpt. Ellingson, Mrs. Else , Spring Grove. Minn. -Aug. , July. Aug. Ellingson, Iver, Route 1. Kt'nt. W <1sh .­

Nov., Nov., Dec. Ellingson, Mrs. John, E. Sta nwood, \Vash. -Feb. Elliott, L. c., 1 1 04 S . Pine, Tacoma. \"{'ash. -July Ellison, Jalmer. 66 1 5 �8th Ave. S. E . . Portland. Ore.-Dec.. l\1lay. Nov. Elncss. Mrs. Julia. Parkland, \XTash.-Nov . . Oct., Dec.. Oct.

Page 22: College Bulletin 1931 November

Serid! No.

6044 lQ67


1 0 7 1

1 070

1 073

1 069

1 3

7073 7067 6508




6 1 8 1







3 7 1 6

3 7 1 7

6234 6233 6998


1 9 [ 8



1 1 54



5952 3756

3 7 5 5

'1 1 8 1

7 1 45

3 547



5621 5622

6045 177

60 [ 1

Nam�, A ddress, 4nd Month 0/ Contr;bJuion

Elthon, H. 0 . • Nerstrand, Minn.-Del:. ELvestrom. A. B., Blue Earth, M inn .-Mar. ,

epr., Nby Elvestrom. l\IJrS. A. B., Blue E�cth, Minn. -Mar .• Sept., May Elvestrom, Adelia, Blue Earth. Minn.-Mar.. Sept., May

lvestrom, Arnold , Blue &rth, Minn.­Mar .• Sept. , May Elvestrorn, Ben, Blue Earth, lVIinn .-!vla r., Sept., May blvestrom.. Emily. Blue Earth, lVlinn.-!v1ar., Sept., lVlay Elvcstrom, Viccor A., Pa rkland , \'\1ash.­Sept . , l\dar. , A pr.. Sept., J an . • May, rvlay, May, Oct. Emerson, Brown, La Crosse, \Y/ ash.-Oct. Emt-cson, Joseph, Sr" Hay, \'t/ ash.-Oct. Enesc\'edt, Jorgine, 3 3 14 Oakes Ave., EvE'c ctt, \'(/ ilsh.-�1ar. Enesevedt, Sophia, 3 0 1 4 Oak� Ave., Ever­ett, Wash.-Jan., lvlar. Engebretsen. Ed., Port Mad ison , Wash.­May Engebretson, Oscar, 1 0 1 7 1se Ave. \Y./ . • Kill·

i,pcll, Mont.-Aug. Encebritson, Mrs. Clata, Route, 1, Bo"",, Wosh .-Jan . Engclland, Fred, 3 16 2 Kingsway, Vancouver, B. C.-Dec. Engelland, Mrs . John, 3706 Patterson Ave .•

Vancouver, B. C.-Dec. Encelson. �Irs. Josephine, ROlltt" 2, F,:rn­dal<, W.,h.-Jan. Engelson, L., Route 2, Ft"rndale, \'\l ash.­Jan. Engelstad, Mrs. L. G., 2360 Maiden Lane, Altade na, Calif.-]an . . Dec., Mar. Encclnoen, "'Irs . C. E., Route 3, \Vood­burn. Ore.-May Eng('st'th. N .• Blaine, \Xlash.-Nov., Nov., Jan. Engeseth, Mrs. N., Route 2, Blaine , \X'<lsh. -Nov., NO\·., Jan. Engf�r, John, Orting, \\7 !sh.-]an., Nov. Encfer, Karl. Orting:. Wa!ih.-Jan. Engh, Rev. H. M., Conrad , Mont.-Aug. Engley, E. H., 5 1 8 S. 7th St., Tacoma. Wosh.-Feb . . Sept . Engum, A. P., BOI: 2 16, Cottonwood. !Vl i nn. -July, Nov. Ennen, Addbert, 2226 B, Bellingham, \V Jsil. -Oct. Ennen, Hrrman, 2226 B. Bellingham, \'(I;'I�h. -Oct. Ensberg. Rev. M. D .• Route 3, Beresford. So. Dac.-Apr .. June, May, Aug .. Sept. Epporly, E. S., Route 2, Hubbard, Ore.­Dec . . Oct. Erbsland, Mrs. Louis.e, Aurora, Dre.-Dcc .. Oct. Ericksen , G. T., Bothell. Wash .-Dec. Erickson, A. H. 0.. Box 3 8 7 . Aberdeen, Wash.-Nov., Oct., Sept. Erickson, Mrs. A. H. 0 .. Box 387, Aber· deon. W .. h.- ov .• Oct .. Sept. Erickson. Albert, 1 4 1 4 King St. , Belling· ham, W3sh.-Apr., Jan. Erickson, Andrew L., Route 2, Conrad, Mont. -Nov. Erickson. Mrs. Arthur, Parkland, \"(Iash.­Oct .. Oct. Erickson, Arthur, 4 1 1 N. 1 St., Aberdeen. \Vash.-Dec. Erickson, IVIes. Bertha, 63 \V/. Bond. Astor ia, Orc.-Mar. Erickson, E. J . . Sylvan. Wash.--Sept. Erickson. E. 0_. Route 3 . Bo< 373. T.· coma, Wash.-Scpr. Erickson. E. S., Kasson, Minn .-Orc. Erickson, Emil H" Live Oak, Calif.-Oct., Oct .. Oct. Erickson, �Irs. H. L., 2244 Minor Ave. N., Seattle. Wash.-Dec., Aug ., Nov.

S�rial No.




63 7 1 7 1 46

7 1 4 7


6046 6047 4058





6739 5nO






6000 6429


1 744


3 570

3 5 7 1

2 [ 69

697 1



2 1 7 1


3 7 24



1 5

[ 0 5 4 242


24 1

1 450


7 5 6

Name� ,4ddrcss .. QlId Month 0/ Contribution

Erick,o n, 1. J., 2 10 I N. )7th Sr., Seattle, \'V'ash.-Jan., Jan., ug. Erickson, Mrs. J . T., 3702 Rockefeller. Everctt, Wash.-Apr. Erickson, Mrs. L. M., \VI oodburn. Orc.­May Erickson, Leonard, Fir, Wash.-Feb. Erickson, Lloyd, Route 2, Conrad, 1V'lont.­Nov. Eric - ·on, Mable, Route 2, Conrad, Mont.­Nov. Ericbon, Melvln, 2832 Park Dri\'e, Belling· ham, \Y./ash.-Nov. Erickson, So. Kasson, M inn .-Dec. Erickson, �Irs_ S .• Kas50n, !\tEnn .-Dec. Edandsen, Mrs. W .. 3 2 2 Callow Ave. N . . Bremerton, \V/ash.-Fcb., lvlar. Ernst, Mrs. T .. 730 N. K incsley Drive, Los Ance:ie-s, CaUL-lOln., Jan., Jan. Ersin, Mrs. H. 0., 728 3 rd Ave. W .. Kal ispe l l, Mont.-Auc . Espeda[, O. A . , Arcade Bldg., Hoquiam, Wa.s:h.-Nov., Dec. Espehnd, Mrs. Francine, 2924'iS Lombard Ave .• Ever te, \'(/ash.-Nov . Espclund, Mabel, Poulsbo, \'(/ ash.-June E pescth, Otto H., Kent, \X/ash .-Oct .. Oct. Espseth, Peter H" Route 3, Kent, \'\Iuh.­-Nov., Jan. Espeseth, Mrs. P. H., Route 3 , Kent. \'Vash . Nov., Jan . Etzi!l. Herman, Route 1, Aurora, Ore.­Dec. Etzel, John. Route 3, Aurora. Ort::.-Dec., Oa. Etzel, Rudolph, Route I, Auron, Orc- .­Dec . Etzel, W 01., Route 2. Aurora. Ore.-Dec. Evangelical Lutheran Dell Rapid!i L:td ies Aid. c/o Oluf Hegge, Dell Rapids. So. Dak. -Feb. Evanr,elicnl Lutheran Zion's Church, c/o Rev. H. Polond. 1833 Terry, Seattl •. \'({ash .­Feb. Evans, Rev. Le.if E., Sisseton, So. Oak.­July, Sept. Evanson, Dell., 638 W. 2 1 st St .. Los An· geles, C.ljf.-Jan., July . Aug. Evanson, E!la, 4222 2nd N . E., s".ttr., \V.,h.-Oct., Oct . . Oct. Eva.nson. Olga. 4222 2 nd N . Suttlf". Wash.-Oct., Oct . . Oct. Evensen, Henry. Stew;\rtvillc. Minn .-Auv.., July, AUf:. Evenson. Mrs . G. H . , 676 2nd Ave. E. N _. Kali:-,pc[l, lvlont.-Attg. Evenson. J. J., rvl�n}' bcrrie$, Albcrta-tvIar., Apr ., May Evens.on, Mrs. ]. ] .• Ma.nyberries. Alberta­Mar., Apr .. May Evenson, Oscar, Route 1 , StcwJ.rtvllte. Minn . -AuR .. July. Aug . E\·�rett. Carl \XI.. Route 1 . Port Angeles. W.,h.-Oct. Evjen, Martin. Route 2, Ferndale. a�h .-Nov . . Jan. Fadnes.<. B. K.. Parkland. \'({"h .-Sept .. Oct . . Sept. Fadness. Mrs. B. K.. Parkland. Wa:-,h.­Sept .. Oct., Sept. Fadness. Irene, Pa.rkl::tnd, Wa:;:h .-Sept., Oct .. Sept. Fadness, John , Parkland. \V.,h.-Mar . . Sept. F�dnrss, Lawn�n,e, P::trkbnd. \V/ilsh.-Sept., Oct .. Sept. FJdness. l\'brgaret. Parkland. Wa h.-Mar . . Sept. Fadness. Ruth, Parkland, W.,h.-Sept., Oct . . Sept. F •• 'tad, E. M . . 20 1 8 Oakes. Everett. Wash. -May. May. June Farmer, �'1rs. Louise, 45 1 2 Auro� Ave . . Seattle . Wash .-May Fatland. Ch ... . 1 9 3 5 6th Ave. W .• S.attle. .. Oct., Oct . . Oct.

Page 23: College Bulletin 1931 November

Sm4/ No.


3 9 9 6




4042 6780

67S [

1 3 9

6001 4292

69' [ 6 1 0 1


6942 37 1 0




7036 6845

7037 1 006

7 1 74

3928 3876


I 3 I Z

� I Z4

6 1 Z5

2 5 5 498


70 1 3


502 1




6 3 1 0

3 0 5 1

��20 1 480

1 4 8 1



amt, A Jdrt.u, and tWonth 0/ Contribution adand. Ch"lcs L., 1935 6th Ave. W .•

Seattle, \'V'ash.-Feb., Apr., May .1tnes, Annat 3 5 3 6 5th Ave.., Los AnQ;ctes,

Calif.-Feb . . F.b. Fatncs, Rt'v. P. J., 3536 5th Ave .. Los Angel Calif.-Feb., Feb. Fedde. Andr('as \V " 3 1 Yz Ave .. POl dena, CaUL-Oct.. Dec .. Dec., Nov. Fedde, l'vI::..y A., 3 1 Yz Harkness, Pasadena, Calif.-Mar., Dec., Dec., Nov. Fedt, Petu, Pearson. \'Vash .-Feb., Feb. Fendler, Mrs. A. B . , W. 32 1 1 Walton, Spo. kane. \'>V .. h .-J unc

endler, L. C.. WI. 3 2 1 1 Walton. Spokane. W:uh.-June Fe.nney, Mn. nna, P:u-kland, \'Vash .-Oct .• Sept ., Sept. Fensk.e. J " Route I, Aurora, Cre.-Dec. Feroe, Pror. A. K . . Madison, Minn.-LVlay, June FClh'Og. Geo. 0., Potson, Mant.-Aug. Feuerstein, J . . 1 2 1 5 S . 14th . Tacoma. \V"a:;;h. -Jan. Field, Rev. L. ., 3 3 2 5th Ave. W., Kalis· pell, Mont.-Aug.

ie.ld. Mrs. Oscar, Libbr. Mont .-AuR: . FinRalson, E. 0., Rout. 2, Ferndale, Wash. -Nov .• J:1o. First nglish Lutheran Aid, c/o Mes. Chas. i\1aiers, unby, Minn .-Oct. First Lutheran Church, c/o Re.v. A. K. Vinje, Ev�rett. ''''ilSn.-Apr. First Lutheran Church Tithers Association. c/o J . R. hosen, 1 1 1 2 Wheeler St . . Janes. ville, W is .-J an . Fischer, Adam, Farmi nr:ton, Fi.d,er. Edward, 163 E. Buffalo St .. Port· ldnd. Ore.-June Fischer, John, Fa_emington. \Vash.-Scpt. Fi,her, Mrs. Henry Clay, 2 0 Millbrook St . . \'(/ore tec, lv'bs .-Mar.. May. May Fitz.<rad, Dr. F. E., 5 1 6 E. 7 St .. Long BC3Ch. l if.-Nov. Fix-en, 0.. Route 2, Everett. \Vash.-Jan., Apr. Fix-cn, Ole. Route 2, Everett, \'(fash.-Jan . . Apr. Fixen, h'Jrs. Ole, Route 2. Everett. \'(1 ash. -Jan., Apr. FjarIie. Ole. E . Stanwood, Wash .-Apr .. Feb.

jeld, M., Bakrc St . . Bellingham, Wa.h.­Jan. Fjeld, Mrs. M . . Ba r St., B('I1ingh�lIn. W.1.�h.-.ran. Fjeld ... MnL Gu ri , Parkland. Wash.-Nov" Aug., S pt.. Aug. Fyeldsgaord, T., Karb.l , Humboldt Co . . Calif.-J.n., Feb .. Feb. Fjelstad, Rov. Olin C .. 2 1 2 S. Elm St ..

w.atonna. Minn.-July, July Fjelstad, P . A.. 3 1 8 3rd Ave. N.. Great F,lls, Monr.-Aug. Flemming. A., 4 1 0 N. 1 8th St .. Salem, Oce.-Feb. Flo, Andrew, 629 S. Front St.. Mankato. Minn.-July, No,,' Fl ockei. G�orge. Route 2 . Fer nda le, Wash. -J.n. Flockoi , John. Route 2, Femdale, Wash.­Nov .. Jan. Flockoi. Peter, Route 2 , Ferndale,­NO\f . . (In l'vlcmoriam) . Jan. Floe. Mrs. Andrew, E. Stan\\'ood, \'(Iash .­Feb. Flom. Emma. Belvie.w, Minn.-Aug .. lui}', Sept. Flom. H. M . . Gary, Minn.--Sept . . Nov. Floren. R v. L. J., Poulsbo, \Vash.-M.)" June, June Floren, Mrs. L. J., Poulsbo, W .. h.-May, J un£', Ju ne Florida Lad ir.s' Aid. c/o Rev. M. E. Hau�c. Canby. Minn,-Sept. Flotree, Anton, 2 2 1 5 I St.. Bellingham, Wuh.-Nov.

o. Namt� AddrtJJ� dnd Month 0/ Conlribution

Flatree. Ida, Route. 2. Everson, \Vash.­Nov.




63 1 1

6 2 1 2 63 1 2 5671 5894


1 75

3 1 6

1 8

9 26



6872 6873

1 500

6 1 07 3798

6 1 26




4 3 5


3 1 8

3 1 9




6 1 27

6 1 2 8

6572 6894

6550 655 1 4 4 3 0

443 1

6 5 5 2 2 2 8


70 1 5

679 1

1 28;

Flotree, Ole, Route 2, Everson, \VI ash.­Nov. Falco, Margaret, 50) E. 27th, Tacoma, Wash.-Nov. Folden. �In. Andrew, Route 1, E. Stan· wood. W"h.-Feb. Folden. August, E. Stanwood, \X'ash .-j:J.n . Fold.n, John, E. Stanwood, Wash.-Feb. Folsbnd Brothers, Oldham, So. Dak-·Sept. Ford, Chas. M., 2800 La kew,y, Bdlingham, \"1 ash.-Nov. Ford, M or ns .• 6726 S. Ty ler, Tacoma. \Y/ash ,-june, Oct. Forde, M. H., Stoke, Bldg., Everett, Wash . -Oct .. , jan., Jan. Forde, Mrs. M. H., 1 0 1 5 Colby, Everett . Wash.-Nov . . Jan., Jan. Fore, Nel , Route 3. Box 368, Tacoma , W",h.-Sept. , Sept., Sept" Sept. Forsberg, Leon., 5 6 1 6 S. Oakes St., Ta· coma, W ash .-Mar ., Mar .. Oct. Forseth. Geo., Route 2, Everett, \Y/ash.­Apr. Fosen, John J . , !O64 Mandana Blvd., Oak· land. CaliC-Jan .. Mar. Fosness, Chris, Gig Harbor, \Y/ash.-july Fosness. Mrs. Chris, Gig Harbor, Wash.­July Fosness, O. E., Gig Harbor, Wash.-IvIay, J uly, Nov. Foss. Aage, Route 1. Kent. Wash .-Jan . Fos:;, Agnes, 779 Lakeview Blvd., SI:!:1ttle. W.,h.-Nov .. Feb., June Foss, C. J.. 1 247 Fra nklin, B ell i ngham , Wash.-Jan . Foss, Rev. Carl L . , 2 1 1 1 N. 46th St .. Seattle, Wash.-Scpt., Nov., Dec.. Ot.-r.., July Foss, Mrs. Cad L" ZI I I N. 46th t., Seattle., Wa�h ,-Nov" Oct., July Foss. Geo. K.. Route 3. Houston . Ivlinn.-­Aug., Nov. Foss, Rev. H. L.. Silverton. Orc.-Dec., Mar. , Nov., May Foss, Mrs. H. L.. S ilverton, Ore.-Dec.. l'vtar., Nov., MOl}' Foss. Jo,n, 2 1 1 1 N. 46 th St .. Seattle, Wash. -Dec., 0 ., July Fo$S, Rev. L. C . . 779 Lakeview Blvd . . So· :J.ttle, Wash .-Nov., Oct., Dec. Foss, Mrs. L. .. 779 Lakeview Blvd., Seattle, .. Dec., Dec. , Fcb., Aug. Foss. !'vl rs. Louis, 802 Suttee St . . San Diego. Cal if .-D c., Dec., Nov. Foss, Magd., 779 Lakeview Blvd., Seattle. \"Iash.-Nov., Feb. Foss, Margaret, 779 Lakeview Blvd., Seattle, W"b .-Nov" Feb. Foss, O. A., 1 247 Franklin St .. aelling. h,m. \'Vash.-Jan. Foss, Olga, 1 247 Franklin St.. Bel l i n�. ham, Wash .-Jan . Foss. Patricia Eli:;e, 506 N. 2nd, Sil vt'tton . Ore.-Apr. Foss, Peder, 2047 Parker St. . Vancouver. B. C.-·July Fossel , Eileen. Chinook, \V.,h.-Apr. Fossel: joyce, Chinook. \'Uash.-Apr. Fossd, Rev. Paul , Chinook. Wash.-Julv. Ap,. Fossel, Mrs. Paul, Chinook, \'Vash.-J uly. Apr. Fossel . Wilma. Chinook, \Y/ash.-Apr. Fosse.n, Clan, Parkland, Wuh.-Nov., ov . . Oct. Fossum, Emma B., 695 S. Hudson Ave., Pasadena . CaliL-Jan., Dcc., Feb. Fowler, Sophia R., 3 9 1 0 S. Yakima Ave . . Tacoma. \Vash.-Sept., Oct., Nov. Franke. G. H., Route 4, Spobnc, \'(/ash.­June Franklin Ladies' Aid, c/o Re\'. L. J. Floren. Poulsbo, Wa,h.-Apr., Jan" Jan.

Page 24: College Bulletin 1931 November


62 1 0

641)7 '1 1 68

6634 6470

5844 1 2 1 2



595 1

1 3 3 3

1 3 3 4

1 563



668 1

668 2

6 2 1 3 3867






Nd11'JC, Address, and Month 0/ Contribution

Frederickson, Albert, Pekin, No. Dak.-

j��derickson, Mrs. Albert, Pekin, No. Dak. -Jan. Frctheim, Edward, Albert l.:ea, Minn.-Feb. Fretheim, Rev. S. J., Scarville. Iowa-Apr.,

����an J. W., Woodburn, Oee.-May Fries, Mrs. A., 4603 Angelinr. St.. Seattle. Wash .-Feb. Fritz, Rev. \Verner,, \Vash .-Nov. Froiland, Rt'v. H. S . , Ma yville, No. Dak. -Apr., J u ne, Oct . Frolich, H. J . , 1802, Everett, Wash.·-Feb. Fro�t. Louis. 3 29 E. Broadway, Portland, Ore.-J un Frostad, Ada, 425 Walker Bldg., Seattle, \Vash.-Dec. Frostad, K. P .. Route I, Stanwood. Wash. -Apr.. Nov .• Oct . Frosta-d, Mrs. K. P . . Route I, St.:lnwood. Wash.-Apr .. Nov., Oct. Frostad, Nellie, Stanwood, \V asll.-June. Nov .• Oct. Funk, Karolena, 1 5 07 M ob i le St., Portland, Ore .-J u ne Funk, Mrs. Rosina, 1 507 Mobil . Port· land, Ote.-J une Funruc, !-'1rs. H. K., Silverton, Ore.­May Funrue, Mrs. !C .• Route I , Silverton, Ore . -May Furness. John, Nonnan, Wa:;h.-Jan. Furness, Mrs. John, Norm:m, \VI.:lsh.-Jan . . Jan. Fuhr, H. Borghild, 2501 Virginia St., Even�tt, Wash.-Apr. Fuhr. Mrs. Johanna. 2 5 0 1 Virginia St., Everett, \'(1 ash.-Apr. Fubr, Rev. M. J. K., 20 1 2 F St., San Diego, Calif.-Jan., Dec .. Nov. Fuhr, Mrs. M . ]. K" 20 1 2 F St.. San Diego. C.Ollif.-J an., D�c.. Jan. Fuhr. Mrs. Olga. 2501 Virg inia St., Everett. \Vash .-Apr. Gaard, Conrad, Parkland .. Wash.-Sept., Sept . , Sept., Sept.

22 Gaard, Gntce, Parkland. W .. h.-Sept., Sept., Sept .. Sept.

1 2 7


66 1








6372 3966



3 6 5 5

1 546

1 2 5 1



G.,rd, Mrs. K. K . . Parkland , Wash.­Sept.. Sept . . Sept.. Sept. Gabrio, Fred c., Box 43 3 , Parkland, Wa<h. -Sept. . Gagst.d. M " . A . . 3526 Kin�sley, Oakland. Calif.-Jan., Mar. Gammersvik. L., 1 70 2 S. Ainsworth Avt'., T;\coma, \Vlash.-Dec . . Nov. Gandrud Family, Routt' I, Callaw.:l Y. Minn. -Dt'c. Gangsei, Rev. N. A . . K.:lnawha, Iowa-Jan., Jan., j uly, Jan. Gangsei. Mrs. N. A . . K3nawha. Iowa-J an., Jan. , july, Jan., Roy, 7 1 2 Mapl St . • Bell ingham . W ash .-Sept. Gano, Mrs. Roy, 7 1 2 Ma ple St .. B.lling· ham. Wash.-Sept. Ganske. J u l i us. Route. 3. Aurora, Ore.­Dec .. Oct. Garborlio1:. Arne, Conwa �'. W.:lsh.-Feb. Gardlin. Edward, Chinook, \Vash .-Feb .. Mar. Gardlin, john. Chinook , \V.,h .-Sept., May, Mar. Garlick, WI . . c/o Rev. N. B . Thorpe, 550 Dawso n Avr: .. Long Beach. Calif.-Mar. Garthe. Mrs. Lena� Route I. Box 88, Pouls­bo. \Vash.-Nov .. Oct . Garvik. Mrs. Kristi. E. Stanwood. Wash.­May, Ma\,. Feb. Gaustad, Mrs. B . . 454 N . 42n d St . . Seattle, Wash ... -Aor .. May Gaust.d. E. L . . Route 2, Kalispell. Mont.­

Aug. Gebert, \VI., Route I . A urora. Ore.-Dec .

Serial No.



63 1 3 6293





6850 6249



3 5 28






5672 140




5 3 4 8



1 1 84

1 1 85



6494 5673

4 1 3


4 1 4

4 1 2

4 1 1

4 1 5



4 1 0

6 1 6


5 8 1 4

7 1 70 842

iVdmCJ Addreu, aTld lvlonlh 0/ Contribution Gedstad, A., E. Stanwood. Wash.-Apr.. Feb. Gedstad, Mrs. A., E. Stanwood, Wash.­Apr .. Feb . Gedstad, Albe", E. Stanwood, W.,h.-Feb. Gehri, Mrs. A., 1 4 1 6 S. 5th, Tacoma, \'Vasll. -Feb. Gcrkensmc},cr, E. F., 1640 O�trandcr Ave . . Spokane, Wa$h .-J une Gerkensmeyer, Ernest, E. 1 807 2nd Ave . . Spokane, Wash.-J une Gcrkco.!lmeyer, \'Vm., E. 1807 2nd Ave., Spokane. W.:lsh .-June Gerkensmeycr. W. J . , E. 1 4 1 8 \XI alton Ave., Spokane, Wasl1.-June Gerstmann, Frit'Z, P uyallup. \"/ash.-Nov. Gerstmann, Karl, 3 40 4th St. S. E .. PU)" allup, W.:lsh.-Jan., Nov. Gertz, M rs. \VI . \VI. , 1 �85 Chase Sr .. Port· land. Ore .-J une Geschke, Carl, 1 129 Lenor.:l. S. Belltngham. Wash.--Oct. Giere, Arthur F., Galcsv ille, W, Jul y, J uly, Oct . Giere, Mrs. Arth ur F., Galesville, \'Vis.­Oct. Gilberg, Mrs. C. M., Route 2. Custer. \VI ash. -Jan. Gilbert, P. H., 6 2 2 6th St. E . . Kalispell, lvIont.-Aug. Gilbertson, Evelyn, 905 3 ed Avt'. \VI ., Kali ... · pell, Mont.-Aug. Gilbertson, Mrs. J. N., 905 3rd Ave. W . , K.lispell , Mont.-Aug. Gildseth, Bennie, Oldham, So. Dak.-Scpt. Gi lma n, O. E., P ark lan d, \Vlash.-Oct . . Nov., Sept., Oct. Gilmore, Dorothy , 3402 N. 25th, Tacoma , Wash .-Oct . Gisness, A. E., E. 8 1 1 1 29th St., Spokane, \Y/ <1sh.-J une Gimes>, Mrs. A. E . , E . 8 1 1 1 29th St. ,

Spokane, Wash.-Junc. Gjerdingen, Willit.', Spring Grove, Minn.­Aug., Nov. Gjevre, �Jartin H" Decorah. Iowa-J uiy, Nov. GI41sow, Arthur. Kennewick, Wash.- ug., Apr. Glesne, Re'r'. 0., Decorah, Iowa-Apr., Apr.. May Glesne, Mrs. 0., Decorah. Iowa-Apr., Apr., May Gohs. Mrs. Catherine� 1 807 E. 5th Ave., Spokane. Wash.-J une Gooding, Mrs. Geo. X., Aurora. Ore.­Dec.. Oct. Goold, A nna , Howard, So. Dak.-Mar . Goose River Younr; People's Society. c/o Soph ia Pladsen, Hatton. No. Dak.-Sept. Goplerud, Charlotte. Silverton, Ore.-D('c .. Mar . . Mar, Goplerud. Cornelia. 43 5 N. Water St . •

Silverton. Orc.-Dec., Feb . . Feb. Goplr:rud, rnga, Silverton, Orc.-D�c.. M.J.r .. Mar . Goplerud, John C., Siln.rtcm, Orc.-Dec.. Mar .. Mar. Goplerud. Mrs. John C . . Silverton, Ore.­Dec.. Mar., Mar. Goplerud. John C.. Jr., SIlverton, Ore.­DC'c .. Mar" Mar. Goplerud, John c., Sr., Parkland, Wash.­Sept. Goplerud. t-.1rs. Marie, 4 3 5 N. \Vlater St .. Silverton. Orc.-Dec., Jan., Jan. Goplerud , \Vlattt'r. Silverton. On!.-Dcc.,

�:;d�r�Ialarlotte'. 403 Jefferson St.. De­corah, Iowa-Ja n. , Feb . . Feb. Gottenberg, Arthu r. 3 1 2 Oak St., S ilverton.

Ore.-Apr. Gottwald, joseph , Ca stle Rock, W3sh .-Nov . .

��,jIv�e CongrC'gation. Anaheim, C31if.-Nov.

Gra nd •. A . .T .• 7404 55th Ave. S. E .. Port· land, Ore.-Mar., Nov.

Page 25: College Bulletin 1931 November

Scrjdi No.


70 1 1 4373

'�07 965

3 763 6753 5602



6 1 29

689 1

4 3 2 5

1 03 1





5 1 2


685 1




5695 569 1 %93 ,8 1 5 2 149



1 68


3 3 3



5962 6754 7074 6 5 3 0

6 5 3 1

6 5 3 2

1 54 1

1 542

95 1



Ndmt, Addrl'JI, dTld Month 0/ Cotltribution

Grant, S. A., Route 1. Box 534, Span :lway, Wash.-Sept. Gr:1sdock, Mrs. O le, Fairfield, Mont.-AuR. Gray, Harold, 2 1 39 S. L, Tacoma , W,1Sh. -June. Mac. Greco, Joe, Parkland, \X'ash .-No\' . Greco. Louise. Parkland, \'lVa,'ih.-l\tJar .. Oct.. Sept., Aug. Gre&crson. 1 1 0 Ontar io S t . . W .. h.-Nov .. Dec. Gregerson, cIs, Poulsbo. \'IV ash.-J une Grer:ory, l'v1cs. Lottie: P., Route 3 , Box 522. T.1Coma, \'IV :tsh.-Sept. Gregory, .W. c., Rout 3 , Box 522, Ta· coma. \VI ash.-Scpt. Gronmll, Geo ., 906 5th S. W.. PUy.1IiUP, Wa,h,-Nov. Grimlund, Nellie, 8 1 6 Key St., BellinR­ham , Wosh .-j an . Grim,by, Rev. O. M . . 403 Grand St . . Missoula, Mont.-july, july Gri mstead , Cheste r Han ley , 39 1 5 N. 25th St., Tacoma. \Vash.-May, June Grimstead. S.. Washington Bldg, Tacoma, \'<'a,h.-Mar., May, juno Grimstvedt, A. 0., 3 2 5 E. 23rd St., Port· land, Ore.-De c.. Jan .. June Grimstvedt, Mrs . A. 0., 325 E, 23rd St. , Portland. Ore.-Dec., jan. , June Grimstvedt, Clyde, 3 2 5 E. 23rd St. , Port· land, Ore.-lVlar., Ja n ., J u ne Grimstv,dt. Doris M., 3 2 5 E. 23rd St . . Portbnd, Orc .-Jan . , Ju ne Groensbcrc, Rev. Ole, 9 Mis sion St., San Francisco, Ca�if.-Jan.. . (In Memor Apr. Grosch, Mrs. Rudolph, 7 2 1 E. 3rd Ave., Sp bne, \,<,ash.-june Gros>, C. H., 11 7 E. 3 0th N., Portland. Ore.-June. Gro!ismcyer, lvIrs. 1.. 1709 Z! State St., Bellln�h:lm, W.1sh.-Nov. Groth, Bernold, Mayville. No. D31e.-Oct. , Sept. Groth, Bert S., Mayville, No. D.k .-AuR .. Oct. Groth. Erlin I Mayv ille , No. Dak.-Oct. Groth, K. S . , Mayville. No. Dak.-Oct. Groth , Selmer, Mayville, No. Dak.--Oct. Grotvik. Einar. Castt� Rock. Wash.-Nov. GrovdahI. Hans, Ha},field, M inn.-Aug. , Dec. Grovo, Am., 1 85 1 st Ave. W. N .. Kalis· poll, Mont.-Aug. Grytten, john, Cromwell, W.,h.-july, Nov. Gud.1. j . M. 0.. 3 624 5 th Ave.. Los Angeles. Calif .-Oct., J an. , Sept., Au�. Gudmunsen, Ovidia. 4325 1 st Ave . . Chico. Calif.-Ja.n" Nov . . Nov. Gulbransen, J. 0., Route 3, Bellingh:am, Wash.- ov. , Feb . . Dec., j uly GulbconSfn, Mr<. j. 0.. Route 3, BellinR' ham, Wa,h.-Dec . . Feb . . Dec . . july Gulhr:tmen. Mrs. Karine, Route 3 , Belling· ham, W.,h.-Feb .. j ul y Gulbranson. O. H . . Hayfield. Minn.-Dec. Guldjord, Thorstien, P·oulsbo. Wash.-June Guldsech. Nrl.s. La Crosse. \Vash.-Oct. Gulhaugen. Grace Elaine, South Bend. Wash. -Mar. Gulh:auAcn. Martin, South Brnd. \V ash.­Mar. GulhCtugrn, Rumohr, South Bend. Wash.­Mar. Gulh,ugcn, Rev. T .. South Bend, W .. h.­May, ].1n. Gulhaugfn, Mrs. T., South Bend. Wa.lih.­May, Mar. Gulleson. Ne.lma. Parkland. Wash.-Mar .. May, Oct. Gull,tad, Solvei�, c/o Mr. and Mrs. jor' J!en Anderson. Route I. Stanwood. -(Tn Memoriam) Nov. Gundersen. Gustav, 2 1 5 7 Union St. . Eureb" Cal if.-jan . . Feb. , Feb.

Serj.l No.


1 3 48

1 3 5 1

1 3 50


6574 436




5000 6799


f./dme, AddreH, dnd ;Wonlh 0/ Contribution

Gunderson, Albert, E. Stanwood, Wash.­Sept., july, May, Sept. , Dec. Gunderson, C. J . . E. Stanwood , Wash.­Apr., july, july Gunderson, Mrs. C. J . . , E. Stanwood, \Vash. -Apr., july, july Gunderson, Cl:ayton B. , 240 E. D rlaware .

Chicago, I ll .-Nov. Gunderson, J. lv!., Route 3, Mt. Vernon, W .. h .-Feb . Gun derson. M. G., Silverton, Ore.-Apr. Gunderson, I'vlrs. M. G . , 338 N. Church St .. Silverton. Orc.-Dec., Dec., Nov. Gunderson, Martin, 1 2 28 3rd St., Mt. Vernon , \Vash .-Jan . Gunderson, Mrs. Martin, 1 228 3rd St., Mt. Vernon. \'qash.-J a n . Gunderson, Rev. S., Mt. Horeb. \V is.-­july, Aug. Gumz, Otto. \'\Iaveely, Wash.- ov. Gu", Frank j. , Frankl in Hall Apts., Spo· kane, Wash.-June Gu,h, Ch., . . 1 1 05 W. 23rd Ave., Spokan •.

Wash .-june 74 Haake nson, Erik. Route 3, Box 3 6 1 , Ta-



com;"l, \Vash.-Sept., J ul}" May, Sept., Nov., Nov. Ha:tke nson. G., Route 3, Box 3 6 1 , Tacoma.. Wash.-Feb ., Sept . . july, Sept. Haakenson, lYles. G., Route 3 . Box 3 6 1 , Tacoma, \'<'a,h.-Feb., Sept . . j uly, Sept.

77 Haakenson. Mrs. Id:1, Route 3, 80x 3 6 1 .

6 1 8 2 3 6 1 6

3 6 1 7

3 584


3 1 7

3 586

3 43



827 1 3 1 6

7 1 22



5403 i l 42 6863

5 768


423 I 1 1 7

1 1 8

6 1 3 0

6 1 3 1


Tacoma, \Va5h.�ept .• July, Nov . , Nov. Haaland. Anne, Route 2, Bow. Wash.-J:tn. Haalan d, john, Route 2, Bow, W"h.-Oct., jan. Haaland, Mrs. John, Route 2 , Bow. \'I.1:5h. -Oct., Jan. Ha:avik, Arthur, 2006 W . 65th St .. Seattle, \Vash.-Oct .. Dec. Haavik, Carol, 2006 W. 65th St., Seattle, Wa,h.-Oct . . Dec. Haavik, Rev. O. L.. 2006 W. 6 5th St .. Seattle. \V.lsb.�ept .. Oct . . D"c. Haavik, Mrs. O. L .. 2006 W. 6 5th St .. Seattle. Wash.--Nov .. Oct . . DeC". Haavik, Obert, 2006 W . 65th St .. Seattle, Wash.-Oct., D.c. Haberly, Mrlli. Roy , Poulsbo, Wash.-Nov .. J a n . . J une Haere, Andrew. Route. Z, S ilverton. Ore.­lvlar . , Apr. Hacre. Mrs. Andrew, Route 2, Silverton. Ore .-Mar. . Apr. Haere, S},lvia, Silverton. Ore.-rvlar . . Apr. Hafstad, Mrs. Helen, St<l"wood, W.lSh.­Apr., Feb. Hage, Mrs. O. C, 432 I Marlborough, San Diego, CaUL-Nov. Hagedorn, Mrs. 0 . . 632 E. 34th N .. Port· land. Ore.-Dec., June Hagen, C. L . , 2006 S. 7th, Tacoma, Wash. -Jan . . Oct. H3r,en, Carl . Decorah. Iowa-Aug . . Nov. Hagen, Mrs. Carl, Decorah. Iow<l-Nov. Ha�en. Eleanor. Route 3. Box 3 30, Tacom<%, W .. h.--j uly, Nov. Hagen, Mrs. Freda, Route 1, Stanwood. \,<,ash.-Nov. HaRen, Mrs. Hans j . . E. 1 856 1 2th Ave. , Spokane. Wash.-June Hagen. N . E., Reserv(', lvlont.-May. J;tn.

Hagen. O . 0., Route 3. Box 330, Tacoma. W.,, Aug. . Mar., Sept., july, Nov. H.g,n, Mrs. O. 0 . . Route 3, Bo. 3 3 0, Ta· coma, Wash.�ept.. Aug., l\1ar., Sept .. july. Nov.

Hagen, Rudolph, 1 7 22 Humboldt St . . B,I· l in�ham. Wash.-J;tn.

Hagen, Mrs. Rudolph. 1 722 Humboldt St . . BellinRham, W .. h .-Jan .

Hagen('ss. Ol;ti. Route 1. GiR' Harbor, Wash. -Apr .. J une

Page 26: College Bulletin 1931 November

Smot/ No. 706




2 1 ,

1 6 6 1


63 1 4

Ndme .. AddrcSJ� and Nlonlh 0/ Contribution H.go .. , Rev. 0., 4 3 1 4 N. 19th Ave., Ta· coma, \X/.l:)h.-Jan., Apr .• J uly, cb., ( In Memoriam) Dec. HaG-oes, Mrs . 0., 2938 1st Ave. N., Se.lttle. W:l5h.-J an .• Apr., J ul)" F,b., Jan. H,ll. Mrs. Anna, 2 5 1 2 S. K, Tacoma, W':lSh.- ae .• Apt., [Vlar. Hall, orman, 2 1 3 8 S. J St., Tacoma, W.,h.- lar., hr., Feb. Hall, Mrs. No rcu.n, 2 1 38 S. J St'l Tacom::L, \'" Mar., o v . Hallan. lmet L., 5 2 1 S. Division St. , Ann Arbor, Nhch .-J ul)" J uly. On. Hallen, C. H., Route I, Box 268, Pu),allup. \X/ash.- OV., Nov., Nov. Hals, Mrs. John , E. Stanwood, Wash.­Fcb., July

26 H a isten. 1\1rs. rYIary, Canb},. Orl'.-Scpt., Mar" Jan., ug., Sept., May


1 469



4 1 28



3 707

5895 563

3 9 1 5





1>67 [

6 7�

5 9 1 6 5699 6070

7 1 1 3

3967 574

;87 1

1 7 3 1



4 2 1 2

70 [ 9

6495 6 3 1 6

63 1 7

6 1 83 6 1 84

Hauten, 01 I Canby. Orr.-Sept. , iVlar . , Jan., Au .. Sept., May Halverson. tbert, Rou� I, E. Stilnwood, W .. h.-May, J.n., Nov. HQlv�rson. Erline, Route I, E. Stan wood, Wa�h.-Nov" Nov. Halverson. O. Clifford. A ugustana College, Sioux Falls. So. Dak.-Nov. Halverson. Toroln E., Ossian, Iow-a-(Vlar . , Mar. Halvorsen, Inuvald, 8 1 0 Burrill St., Eureka, Calif.-J:l!1 . . Nov., Oct. Halvorsen, O. C., Route 2, Evcrt'tt. \Vash. -Apr. Halvorson, H. B., Route I, Bl:tine, \VHh. - ov., Ja.n. H:tlvorsont Henry, Lawrence, Wash.-Nov. Halvor$()n, Hilda. Hemet, Calif.-Oct., Jan. , Nov. Halvorson, Id:t. Hemet , Calif.-Oct., Jan .• Nov. Hal \'orson� Stanwood, H"lvorson. Sept,

John, Route I , Box 3 05 , E. :lsh.--Jan .. Noy. lvt., Padd:tnd, \Vash.-Oct.,

Halvors n , Ole, Rout" 2, Bolt 74, Decorah. Iowa-AuSt .. Nov., Nov. Harnisch, F,.d, 1 0 1 8 7th Av'. S . E .. Puy· allup, Wash .-J an. , Nov. H:mdkaOlert Barb:ua, 1 848 1st Ave. \XI . . Vancouvr:r. B . C.-LVlay H�ndbmer. Caroline. 1 848 bt Av('. \'(,1 . , Vancouver. B . C.-lvIay Handkame-r. Charies, 1 848 1M Av('. '\(! Vancouver, B. C. b>, Handkamer, Rudolph. [R48 I ,t Ave. WI .. Vancouver, B. C.-lvlar HandJcll.mer. IVIrs. Rudolph. 1 848 b it A\'e. \Y/ .. :lOCOuvt'r. B . C.-May Handy. Alfred. E. Stanwood. W.,h .-O<c. H.ndy, Frank, Par"land . Wash.-Ort. Han,ch, E.. 5627 S. Lawrence. T:lcoma. \' .-Jan. Hn.nstn. Mrs. Anna. Port Blakely. \'\1�'ih.­Nov. Hansen. Chris. Chinook. W/:tsh -Feb., Mar. H:\nsen. Einar. Kl.'nt. \Y./ a�h -J.ln . . Nov . . Nov . . Jan .. Aug. ""["nsen. Mrs. Einar. Route 1. Bo:t 79. Kent. W .. h.-Nov., Aug. H.ns<n. Elb. Rout. I. Bow. Wa<h.-J u l y. Nov. H:tnS€'ll. H. E.. 1 220 Kt'usingtol1. Astoria. Orc.-Fcb . . Mar. Hansen. H. \'1/. , Rou te 3. Box 389. Tacoma . W.,h.-Sept. Hansen . Rev. Harold. Box 593. iVlilaca. lvtinn .-May. ivIay HJ.nsen. fvfrs. Herman. 3 1 '5 S. 1st W . . Missoula. Mont.-Sept. H.lnS{"n. 1nFt.l. How;ard, So. Dak.-l\1u. H.J.n:'cn. j.lme.s J . . E. Stanwood , \"'(Iash.­Feb. Hanscn. Mn. j:tmes j . . E. Stanwood. Wash -Feb. Hansen. 5 . . Burlington. \V3sh.- Jan. t Hansen, l\'lrs. S . , Burlington, \'Vash.-Jan.


Serial J o.


7 198

7 1 23


7 1 9 1 6 1 3 2

6 1 3 3

6374 6 1 85

63 1 8 6 1 86 63 1 9 6375



396 63 20 2365




1 64 3





6 3 2 1

65 1 5 63 22


6 1 77


76 1

1>2 " 6005

7 1 1 0





6575 4 1 72

1 1 70

1 1 7 1

1 765

1 28


Name, A ddr�JSI and i\lJOllth of Coniribul-ion Hansen . \"V . H., 1 1 06 96th St., Tacoma . Wash.�Sept. Hametb. l ver, Parkland, \YJa h.-Sept., Apr., Nov., Oct . . Jan. Hanson. A. H .. , 1 1 877 Athens Way, Los Anceles) Calif.-Nov. Hanson. NIn. Anna. 1 226 2 3 rd St. . Sa n Dieco, Calif.- ov. Hanson, Anton, 729 1 4th Ave. E., Van­couver, U. C.-July Hamon, Anton, Avon, Idaho-Nov. Hanson, Chri!lo.. 142.4 Grant St . • Bellini;' ham, \Xl ash.-Jan. Hanson. Mrs. Chris, 1 4 24 Grant St., Bel· lingham, \'Vash.-Jan. Hanson, Mrs. Chds, Conway, \XTash.-Feb. Hamon, NIrs. Clara, Route I , Bow, W/a.::.h. -Jan. Hanson. Ed .• E. Stanwood. \XTash.-Feb. Hanson, Ella, Route I, Bow, \Vash.-Jan. Hanson. Gcn;;a, E. Stanwood, \'<f:tsh.-Feh. Han on. �Irs. George, Route 3, Mt . Vernon. W .. h .-Ftb. Hanson, H., 6 1 1 2nd Ave. W ., Kalispell, Mont.-Aug. Hanson, H . . 3 1 17 Alaiu St., Seattle, Wash. -Feb. Hanson. H. 5., Silvt'rton, Orc.-Dcc., Apr. Hanson, H:lOn:Jh, E. Stanwood, \'U3sh.-Feb. Hanson, Han!>. Route 2, Box 2 1 , Oldham. So. O.k.-Aug., Sept. H.ln�cn, Henry E., F.uminr,ton, lVlont.­Aug. Hanson, iVIrs. Henry E., Farmington, rvIont. -Aur.. Hanson. 1. W., 3 1 2 6th Ave. E., Kalispcll. Mont.-Aug. Hanson. J. C. M . . 5227 Ingleside Ave .. Chicago, lll.-July, J uly H,:mson, Ja.nice J oyce, 4837 E. 4 1st, S<!attlt:!. Wash.-Oct. Hanson. John G., Route Nit. Ve-rnol1, \V ash.-Jan. Hanson. Mf'5. J ohn G .. Route 2. Mt. Vf![" non. \'{fash.-Jan. Hanson. K<lrl. Lutht'r Coll�gc. Decorah. Iowa-Dec.. Jan., Ft'b. Hanson, M�. L. P., E. Stanwood , \'V ;tsh.­Feb. Hanson. O. P .. PC:l.rson \'Ua$h.-Mar. Hanson, Oscar. Route I, E. Stanwood, \'(1 ash. -Feb. Hanstad. Gilbert. ROllte '5. !'vlt. Vl'rnon. Wash.---Feb. H.].n�t ... d. 01(', Route 5 , Mt. Vernon, \Xf.l ii /, . -F.b. Ham,tad. Mrs. Ole, Route 5. Mt. V�rnon. \Vash.-Feb. Hansteen. Otilia M . . 2808· 14th Ave. W . , St:1.ttle. Wash.-Fcb .. Oct. H:udtke. Herman, foJIcMilIin. Wash .-Jan . Harms, Mrs. D. C., Route I, Aurora . Ore. -Dec. Hartert. Clart'nce. 2 1 7 E. Pacific Ave., Spa· kane, W/ash.-Nov. Hartman, Fred. Route 4. Aurora. Ore.-· Dec .. Oct. Harverud. Louis. 5 1 2 Al ic" St.. Albert Lt'a. 1\1inn.-Junc H"lund. Harald . 1 6 5 2 St. Anthony Avo .. St. Paul. Minn .-Jull'. Nov. H:tttrberg, M. 0.. Siiv('rtCto. Ort'.-Dtc.. . f"Jar., Apr. H:1.ttebt'rr. . . O. L., Silverton. Ore.-Apr. Haugan, Rt'v. A. \V . . 1 5 3 1 Brannon St. ,

St. Paul. lVlinn.-Apr . . l\1ar. Hauge. Doris , 38Z2 Miller \'(fay. Sacra· menta. Cal;f.-Apr . . July Hauge. Esther, 3822 lVlillcr \'(Iay. Sana· mento. Calif.-Apr .. July Hauge, 1. J . , B lackduck, Minn .-July. Aur. .. Aug. Hauge. Janet. ParkL:..nd. W;ash .-Sept .. Jan . . June , jun� Hauge., Dr. L. ]. . Howard . So. Dak.-Mar . . Nov.

Page 27: College Bulletin 1931 November

Serial ND. 799


1 2 9

8 1 5

1 1 72

1 3 0

13 1


1 1 73

1 1 69




65 1 2



6896 6049 1396

-1 183


6934 963

5964 45'>

4 1 40


3 8 1

3 1 26

3 1 27

5965 03




5878 6179 6890 3769

1 1 22

7 1 89

5 7 1 5 1 719

675 2 6484




.Vanu. . Add,, lind MonJh 0/ Contribution Haugt. lYles. L. J, " Howard, So. Dak..-Mar.. a v . , Mac.

Hauge, 1'.1(s. Laurence, Kent, \'Vash.-Nov.

Hauge, Lawrence, Parkland, \VI ash.-Sept., j:m .• J une, June Hau�e. IVIes. O. S., Silverton, Occ,-lvJar., Apr. H.uge, Pearl G., 3822 Miller Way, Sacra­mento, Glif.-Apr., July Hauge, Philip E., Parkland,, June. ct., J une Hauge, Mrs. Philip E., Parkland, \V"h.­Sept., J unc, J unc, J une H.auge, Philip Eugene ( In Memoriam) . Park· bnd, \'V'ash.-l'vIa.r . . June, June Hauge, Ronald T., 3822 Miller \Vay, Sacra· mento, Ca.l if .-Ap c .. July Hauge, Mrs. S. J . , 3822 Miller Way, Sacramento. Cal if.-Apr. , July HauKen, Rev. Clacenco!, Canby, Minn.­July, Sept., June Haugen, Donald J.t Decorah, Iowa-July. July, ov. Haugen. IvIes. Donald 1 . , Decorah, 10\\'a-July, J uly, o v . Ha ugen, M . J. N., 75 1 Younc St., \Vood­burn, Oce.-Mat. HaUntll. John. 3 5 1 8 Rockefeller, Eve-rett. \VI .. h.-Feb. Haugen, Hoi Route I , Decorah, Iowa-Aug., July, Aug. H:JuBen. K. 1., Decorah, 10w..1-July Hauj:.;en, O. T .. Nerstrand. IVlinn.-Dec. Haugen, Peter, Box 696, Garden Grove. C.lir.-Apr., Nov. HaugeD, T. j" Route 2, \'Voodburn, Orl.":.­Apr., May Hauglie, John, 2209 23rd St., Everett, "","h.-reb. H:\ur.�n(>.s. Anton, Sandpoint, ldaho--Auc. Haub .. , Mrs. Aslaug. Hdyficld, M inn .­Dec. Hauba •• John, Hayfi<ld, Minn.-Dec. Hauke. E. B., 3 1 4 3 1 st St . , Astoria, Ore.­Dec., Mar. Hauke, Eleanor, Route I, Astoria, Ore.­Mar., Mar. Hauke) Elmer. 1 4 7 1 Frankl in St., Astoria. Orc.-Nov .. rvlar., Mar. Hauk!!, Hold!!n, Rout!! 1. Box 89 1 , Astoria, Drc.-Nov., Nov . Hauk"i. G. R.. Aberdeen, \Vash.-A ug . . J u l y . Dec.. Sept. I-huhli, Mr>. G. R . . Ab<rd<en. \V"h .­Aug . . J uly. Sept. H.ukom, L. E . . H.yfidd, Minn.-Dec. Hawkins, H., Route 2, Box 74 1 , Sant<1 Rosa, Calif.-Jan . . Jan . . Mar. Haynes, Mrs. Ch... D., 509 Brooks St .. Missoula, lvfont.-Sept. Hebbe, J. .• 18 E. Rustle, Portland, Ore. -June. Hedman. Th('o., Lamberton , Min n.-July, Nov . , No\r. Hegebtqt. j\!ane tt£'. Bow. Wash.-Nov. H'geb<rg, John. Fir. \Vash .-Fcb . HfI!R, Rev. J. E .• W.verly, Iowa-J uly Hegg, Jacob, 1 5 1 6 \V. 5th St . • Aberdern . Wash.-Nov .. Dec. H�Rr,. lohn , Sr., Route 1 . Box 24, Decor;'lh, Jow9.-�f:,r., Aug .. Nev., Nov. He�� , R",. , M .. 823 N, Ainsworth. Ta­coma, Wash.-Nov. Heggl:!, rver. Rout -4. \Vestby. \'V'is.-Oct. Heglle. Rev. M. H., Stoughton . Wis.-July. May. May Hog'!en. C, Poubbo. Wash.-June Hegland. M . N" N. Los Angeles, Calif.­M r. Heg"ne,. H. E., 834 2 nd Ave. . . Kalis-pell, Mont.-Aug. H gr. Ladi ... • Aid. c/o Rev. O. H. Hove, Colman. So. O,K.-Dec. Hcgtvdr:. G. T., 6 4 E. Everett, Portland. Otc.-Jan., Oct.

Serial No.





1 26 1



7 1 75

6088 1 57 2


1 3 06

593 1

6050 6 1 6 1 3 579

3 5 80





1 700

7 1 24

7 1 1 8



6903 73 5


1 1 49

1 1 50

4 1 3 9


1 250


4461 5848


6635 7 1 62

6 2 1 7 6796

6 1 34

6 1 00


5689 5626

Name, Address) and iWontb of Contribution, Mrs. G. T., 684 E. Everett, Port­bnd. Or<.-Oct. Heiberg, Mrs. Harry, 626 E. 19th N ., Portland, Ore.-June Hcimdahl. Ern3. Fir) \VJ ash.-Dcc.

Heimdahl, Miriam, Fir, \'Vash.-Mar . • Feb., Mar. Heimd.hl, Rev. O. E., Fir, W.,h.-Apr., Jan., Feb., July Heimdahl, Mrs. O. E., Fir, \Vash.-J.n. , Feb. Hein. Dr. C. C., 926 Studer Ave., Colum­bu>, Ohio-May, May Held, Arthur. 21 1 0 Chestnut Ave., Long Beach, C.lif.-Nov. HeIde, Ole, Mt. Vernon , \'qash.-Jan. Helgen, Prof . C. B., orrhfield, Minn.-J unc, Feb., Feb. Helgesen, Oliver, Route 2, Everson, \Vaili.­Nov. Helland, Mrs. B •• Stanwood, \Vash.-Apr., Feb. Hellberg, \Vm . • Route 5, Ort'gon City, Ore. -No , Hellerud. Oscar, Nerstrand, lVlinn.-Dcc. Hellie Brothers, Albert Lea, Minn.-Jan. Hellman, Rev. \V. H.. Hebro" College, Hebron, Nebr.-Oct . • Oct . • Oct. Hellman, Mrs. \V. H., Hebron College, Hebron, Nebr.-Oct., Oct . , Oct. Helpenstell, Mrs. Annie, 1 62 5 Railroad A,· . , Pasco, Wash.-Apr. Hemold, Henry, Route I, Sumntr, \Vash.­Jan. Hemold, Herman, Route I, Sumner, \V' ash. -Jan. Hemold, William. Route 1. Sumner, \Vash. -Jan .. Nov. Hender3on. Id. M arie, 2 1 5 Yz Church St., O,hkosh, \Vis.-July, Nov . . Apr., MOt. Henderson. Mrs. Lena. 4384 HJ.milton Ave . . San Diego. Calif .-No,·. Hendrichen, N. C, 3 0 1 0 N. 25th, Ta· coma, \'<1ash .-Nov . Hendriksen, H. A., Box 3 2 1 , Paso Robles, Calif.-Feb .. May. May Henkel, Fred, 2 1 07 S. Ainsworth. Tacoma, \Va,h .-Jan. Hennins, Peter, E. Stanwood, \Vash.-Julv Henninr,scn. Mrs. Joe. 258 33rd St . . Astoria. Ore .-Feb . , Feb., Mar. Henninp,sen, Mrs. P., Route 1. Astori:l, Otc.-Fe.b .. Mar., Mar. Henrie 1:'0, Rev. Geo., 67 IO Gt�enwood. Seattle, \'1/ ash .-Mar., Nov. Henriksen, Mrs. Geo., 67 1 0 Greenwood, Se-attle. \Y/ash.-M.1r., ov. Henrihen, Mrs. H. B . . 940 1st Ave. E .. KalispelJ. Mont.-Mar .. Nov. Hfnryson, T. T., Story City. Iowa-Aug . . Feb. Herb�rg. Mrs. Anne, 6053 Palatine Ave . . Seattle, Wash.-Apr., July Herder. Mrs. E., 1020 Leonard, Pordand . Ore.-June Hergert, Henry, Endicott. \Vash.-July, Aus;:. Herm3nsen, H.. Route 1 . Box 2 1 2. Span­aW3y, \V:lsh.-Nov. Hermo, Borghild, 8 1 4 7th Ave. W . . Kalis· pell. Mont.-Au�. Hernan, Fred, Hubbard. Orc.-May, Ole E., 1 8485 Napa St., N. Los Angeles, C.lif.-Nov. . Hevely, Mrs. E. A .. Florence, \X' Heyer, Julius, 1923 E. Sinto Ave.. Spo· kane. Wash.-June Heyes. Mrs. Ernest. Cissna Apts ., Br:lling. ham. Wash.-Jan. Highby. Paul R., Parkland. \Vash.-J.n . . Oct . . Nov. Highland Ladles' Aid. c/o Rev. Stgutd M . Moe, Brandt. So. Dak.-Sept. Hill. J. J . . McCall,burg, Iowa-Oct. Hinder/ie. Ed., Route 3, Box 509 C, Ta· coma. Wash.-Sept.

Page 28: College Bulletin 1931 November

SCTldl No.


3 5 5 0

3 5 5 1

5228 5229 6982

686 1



1 I 0 t

l i DO

6 1 36 6 1 3 7 70G3

1 497

5679 1703

1 7J2

6 1 3 5 972



2 1 6

1 7 0 1 (,(1(17

(;409 6008

6 1 0�

7029 6497 5 9 3 2 4925


1 2 38

1 239

1 063

1 240

3 883

6520 197





7 1 94

1 824


Namc, A ddrcH, dnd Month 0/ Contribution

Hindedie, Ida, Gig Ha rbor, Wash.-Sept., Ocr., s.,pt. , Ocr. Hinderlic, Ray, Route 3, Box 509 C, Ta­coma, \X!a5h.-Oct., Sept ., Nov. Hindecliet S., Route 3, Bax 509 C, Tacoma, Wash. ept., Sept., Sept . Hindcdic. Mr�. S . , Route 3, Box 509 C, Tacoma, Wash .--Oct. , Srpt., Oce . . Nov. Hippe, Elll.'.Jl, Edgerton, \'lil.-July, Nov. HipPl:. Martina, Edgerton, \'\1 is.-j uly, No\·. Hitchcock . lVlrs. Theresa, Ford Block, Killis­pell. Mont.-Aug. Hjelman, M". H., 4508 38th Ave. S . , Seattle, \'(' •• h .-Ju l y Hjerrnstad, Rev. H. A. L., 1 0 1 8 20th St .•

Anacottcs. \X! ash.-Dcc. Hj<rm>tad, Mrs. H. A. L., 1 0 1 8 20th St., Anacortes, \Vash.-Dcc. HJ ",,,,,,ad , Martha, 1 0 1 8 20th St., Ana· cortes, \X!a�h.-Mar.. Ja n., Dec. Hjermstad, Signe. Riverton Sanitd.rlUOl, Se­attle, Wash.-�1ar . . Oct., j:.n., Dec. Hoff, C. H" Lawrence, Wa:oih.-J a n . Hoff, Mr:.. . C. H .• Lawrence, Wash.-j;1n. Hodge, Mrs. E. , Route 3, Box 126. Tacom;1, Wash.-Oct .. Nov . Hod, Rev. C. S. B . , 425 So. 4th St., Min· nenpolis. Nlinn.-May, Nov. Hoel, Rev. Olaf, (In M�moriilm ) , c/o R('v. C. Haur;en. Canby, Mi nn.-Sept . Hoff , Harold, 605 jefferson, Decorah. Iowa -July. Sept., July Hoff, Helen . 605 Jefferson. De corah , Iowa -July. Jllly, Jul\' Hoff. H('rbcrt, Dryden, \V' ash.-jan. Hoff, rver. Keyport, \'(!Jsh.-Mar . . Nay. Hoff, Rev. P . 8., 624 5th St., Red \Ving, Minn .-Dec.. Mar. Hoff, Mrs. P. B., 624 5th St., Red \Ving, rv1inn.-Dec.. Mar. Hoff, Rev. T. A., 605 Jefferson, Decorah, Iowa-No v . , Ju ly, Sept.. July Hoff, M". T. A., 605 Jefferson, Decorah. l owa--J uly . J ul y. J uly Hoffma.n. l\llrs. Ca rl . Route Aurora. Ore. -Dec. Hoffman, E . . Roulf: 6, Salern. Orc.-Feb. Hoffman . Mrs. Paul ina , Hubbard. Ore.­Dec . . Oct. Hoffman. Re uben, Route 3 . K rn t, WaJh.­J3.n. Hofstad, Mrs. A" Petersburg. Alaska-Sept. Hogan , Curie, Howard, So. D<l k.-Mar . Ho�g, F., Oregon Ci ty . Ore .-Nov . Hohner, Gus. H., Fairfield, \Vash.-Nov. Hokemtad, Elvera. 2 3 2 \"V' ashington Ave .•

Bremerton, \Vash.-NI.Jr.. IvIar., Feb. Hokcnstad , M. T . . Route I , Snohomish. \V.,h .-Apr .. ]nn .. Feb. Hokenstad. Ivlrs. M. T.. Route I, Sno­homish, Wash.-Apr., Jan . . Feb. Hokcnstad. fvlargarct. 232 \Vashin�ton Ave., Bremerton. Wash.-lVlar . . rvlar.. Mar:. Hokenstad, Norman, Snohomish, Wash.­Apr., Jan . . Feb. Hokensud. Rhod'l, Snohomish. \"'\'ash.-Jiln .. Feb. Hokenstad. Teddy. Bremerton. Wash .-M;ar. Hoh.mtad . Rev. Thea.. L utherJ-n Brother· hood HOlnC', Bremerton , Wa.a:h .-Oct . • Mar.. Mar., July Hokcn'itad. Mrs. Thea.. Lutheran Broth tr­hood Home, Bremerton. \'(/ash.-Oct., �tfar., Mar.. July Hokensta d , Warre n , Route 1, Snohomish. Wash .-J" . . . Feb. Holand Con�rl'gOJtion, c/o Nels G. Nelson. Gar\,jn, Minn.-No\'. Holden. Alfccd, 29 St. . Kalispdl. Mont.-Aug. Holen. rvIrs. Synneve, 3 1 9 \"'X,I. C�rrieo.s Ave .. Gh·ndale. C�lif.-Nov. Holland. P. O. , St. Olaf College, North· field, Minn.-Aur. . . July. AUf!. Holm. Al fred. Route 3. Box 3 3 1 . Tacoma. W'ash.-Sept.

Swa! No.

675 1



6 2 6 3

3 80 3





6 2 5 t






63 8 1


1 1 7 5

1 1 76

670 1



1 99


3864 3 725

3 7 26


5 3 66

1 73 2

6 1 87 6 1 88


593 3

2 1 9

7047 7202

597 1 6596

5663 6616 6984

3 5 3 9



5835 6 1 3 8, A ddrcSI� arid klonth 0 / Contribution

Ho lm, A. 0., Poulsbo, Wosh.-Jun. I--folrn, Ole. Rou te 3, rvIt. Vc.rnon, \Vash.­Feb.

Holman, lVlary, 257 S. Grand, Pasadena. Cahf.-hb . , Jan.

Holme. O. C., Route r , Cu�(er, \'\1arsh.­Jan. Holmes, Albert. Routt: I , N('w \'qestmin istl'r. B. C,-Nov .. Dec. Holmes, Charles. 4 1 'j 1Vlont�omery St.. !vlt. Vernon, \'\1ash.-Jan. Holmes, l\1ary E., Route 3, Bo.'I( 405, Ta­coma, \'\1 ash.-Scpt. Holm·Jensen, H., Danol Colleoe, Blair, Neb. -Mar. Hobt, Gustav, Ro ute 2, Puyallup, \V'ash .­jan .• Nov. Hobt, J. H., I I S. W., Puyallup, Wash.­J an .• Nov. Holst, Mrs. J. H., I t th St. S. W.. Puy. allup, Wash.-J;tn., Nov. Holt, J. J., Route I. [vlt. Vernon , \X'ash.­Jan. Holt, Mrs. J . I., Route I , l\k Ve eno n, Wash.-Jan. Holte, Grace, Route 2 , Mt. Vernon . Wash. -Sept. Holte , J ulian , Route 3. Bo� 390, Tacoma, W.,h.-S<pt. Holte, P., Route 5, Mt. Vernon, \V'ash.­Feb. Holte, rvlrs. P" Route 5, Mt. V ernon . \'Vash. -Feb. Holum, Rev. J. 0., W .. tby, Wis .-Apr .. May. July Holum. Mrs. J . 0., Westby, Wis.-Apr .. May, J uly Holum, Minnie, Box 8 1 0, Everett, \'Vash . -May Holzmeyer. lVIrs. Marth;,., Dund�e. Ore.­Oct. !-Ion., A. K . , 1 203 S. 96th St .. Ta com •.

\X! a:-h.-Scpt. Hon.,. N. J., P .rk l.nd. WasIL-Oct .. Oct.. July. J une . Oct . . Nov. Hon •. Mr>. N. J . , Parkland , Wash.-Oct . . Oct . . Julv, June Hong, O. D., Packla nd. Wash .-J.n . . pt. Hong, P. K . . Box 5%, Ferndale. Wash.­Nov .• Oct., Jan. Honr., Mrs. P. K" Ferndale, \V';t:;;h.-Nov .. Oct . . Sept. Honsie, Mar ie. 529 \'(/a ter St., Albert Lea, Minn.-Au�., Aug. Hom:ie, Ren;]. 529 Water St., Albert Lea. Minn.-Auv, . , Auf,. Hood. Alma, Route I, Bow, \X'ash.-]uly. Nov. I-{ood. Erik. ROllte 2. Bow, \X/ ash .-J;1n . Hood, Mrs. Erik, Routp. 2, Bow. \Vash.­J:tn. Hope Lutheran Church, c/o j. L. Caldw<11. \VhcOJton . Ivlinn .-Dec. Hopp. Albert, 207 17th St., «Ron Cit\" Ore.-No\' . Horn. Bertram. 1 1 0 5 S. St., Tacoma, \Vasll.-Oct . . Oct. Hovd. Mrs. J . . Packland. W.,h .-Ocr. Hovde. Chris. J" 2 50 3 State St.. Santa Barb:}ra. Calif.-No\l. Hov(h�. CI:1.ra, Volga. So. Dak.-Nov. Hovde.. L, Rouee 1 . Snohom ish . \'('ash.­Apr. Hovde. Ole, ROLltC' 4. \V'e'Stby, Wi5 .-Sept. Hove. Mr..s. A. C., \Voodburn. Orc.-ivlav Have. 01('. Route. 2 , Kali5pell. lVlont .­AUf:. HovC'bnd. H., ROllte:> 3 , Box 360. Tacoma. \Vash .-Oct. , Nov. Howe. \V illiam. c/o Pioneer. Inc., Tacoma. W;t�h.-Jun , june Howell. Mrs. Jame:s. Mdvlillin. \"\IJ."h.­hn. Howem, Lars. Lawr('nc.£>. W�"h .-No"' . . Nov. Howem, S., Route I, Everson, W:tsh.-Jan.

Page 29: College Bulletin 1931 November

Serral No.


4 1 3 1 � 1 3 2

5836 � 8 3 7



1 388

1 3 87

1 3 89

684 1 5793

4 2 1 0

3775 5(,03 �7 1 9 6829

4 1 3 3 673 I

60 1 7

6 3 0

6288 5682


4 1 71

1 1 8 1

698 5

3 5 1 7

700 1 3940




3927 1 63 1

1 9 1 1 6793




5(,98 5872



1 4 2 1

lVam�, AddreH" and Month of Contribution

Howem, Mrs. S.� Route I, Eve.rson, \'V'ash. -J:ln . !-Iowem, S. J.. L:1wren cf', \'V'ash.-Mu. , No\,. Howem, Mrs. S. J . . Lawr�nce, Wash.­Mar . , Nov. Howem, Sigurd, Lawrence. \"\lash.-Nov. Howem, Mrs. Sigurd. L"wrence, \,\fash.­N ov. Hawick. A . . E. St:lnwood, \Vash.-Feb. Howick, M:.lrvin M.. Route 2, Olympia, Wa,h.--Sopt., Oct. Huebenbecker, �Irs. Max, 837 Stro n�, Port· land , Ore.-June Huebner, Emanuel, 1 1 25 S. Ivanhoe , Port­land, Ore.-Ju nc Hug-dahl. Gena, 1 9 1 4 R:lin ier, Everett, \"\lash. -Apr . . Ivb,., Apr. Hur;dahl, James.. 1 9 1 4 Rainier, Everett , \'V'ash.-Apr .. May, May Hughdahl. Carrie, 1 9 1 4 Rlinier, Everett, \'\fash.-Apr., Nm' . , Apr. Hugo, Ivlrs. Tom, Pou lsbo, Wash.-June Hupcrt, Mrs. G., 1 3 5 0 Humboldt . Belling­ham. \V:\sh.-Nov. Husby, Anton , J. O. P. Home, Stanwood. Wash.-Mar. Hushy, N. B . . 8 1 3 W. \'V'i,hbh St . . Aber· deen, \"{fash.-Nov., Nov . . Nov . Hustvedt, P. T., Decor:lh , Iowa-Sept. Hu:Hvedt. W. S . . Decor:lh. Iowa-Oct. Hu,om, Mrs. L. p . . 1 5 07 E. 9th Ave . , Spo­bne. \'V'ash.-June Hutchen , J. 1 . , Everson. W:t:-h .-Mar .. Mar. Hvatum. O. 0.. 6045 Palatine, Seattle , Wash,'-:' May Indhcrrl d Congreg:ation! c/o Rev. G. O. Ford!!, StJrbur..k, Minn.-Dec. Ing('bre.tS£Il. Karl, Rout� I. Box 6. Patter· son, CaEL-J an . • Noy .• l'vTar. lngcmanson. Alfr�d, Nunda. So. Dak.-Feb. Irwin, J. A . . Route. 3. Rox 'j 0 1 , Tacoma. \'V' . . Sept. Isaacson, Ida. 3748 Porclan d Ave.. Min­ne:lpol is. lvIinn .-Sept. Isl:lnd Lake: Luther Lear-ue . c/o Rudolph Olson, Route' 1, Manette. \'\'ash.-Apr.. Nov. Tsolany. Rev . G. N .. \'V'all\alla. No. Dak.-

pr . Apr., M:lY T •• rson. E. W . . 848 4th Avc. E . . Kalis­od!, Mont.-Aug. Iver�on. Edwin H., 47 1 8 Acacia Place. Se· attle. \\!:lsh .-Sept" Sept. lverson, Harold. Conrad. Mont.-Aug. Tverson , 1. , Route 3 , Mt. Vernon . \'Vash.-13n . . Ja n . Tve>r�on. NfrS, 1 . . Route> 3. rvlt. Vernon. Wasil .-Tan . . Jan . herson, Philip. Route 3. !\tIt. Vernon. Wash. -Jan . . Jan. Justad. E. Rushford. l'vlinn.-Aup, . , Oct. hchon. I\.lrs. A. D.. Routf' 2. Box t 1 0. Everett. Wosh .-Jan . . Aur. Tacobs. M1rgarH. 1 1 "3 22nd Av£' . . Se><lttlE'. Wash.- ent. .T:lcobsen. Carl, ROllte I. Rox VH . E . StJII' wood, \'Va�h .- Jnn . . ov. l:lfOb.'ien. F. I·I.. 2"l F 28th Avf.' , . SPOk:Hli', W/ a.�h -J unt" j:lct"'!hsen . Harold. 1 3 1 4 Coop<!r St" lvIis· �ou I J . Mont.-Se'pt. I"oh"n. Mrs. L. H . . 1 83 I 23rd St. N., Seattle. \'{f,lSh.-May. Jul},. Dec. T�cobson. A . . Route 1. B laine. W3sh.-­bn. ]acobso.,. Andrpw. Rout!!" 3 . Box 240. T,l ' coma. \'XTash.-Oct. lambson_ BerGer. ?c:lrson, Wash.-Nov . . Nov. Tacob'ion. C. A .. 5 5 2 2 St. Andrl'ws PIaCl'. LOJ Ant?;f.'les . Cahf.-}an . • Nov. T:-t robson. CafTaU , Lakewood. W/.l sh . - J a n . , Dec. Tarobson, Mrs. E., Lake P" ddcn Road. S. B.llin�ham, Wa<h.-Mal'. Nov.

Serial No.



6637 2383

6 5 2 1

1 5 6 1

1 562

5 7 5 2


1 5 1 6


7 1 87






1 178

71 44


693 5 6 1 4 0

8 3 6

1 560



65 1 1


�241 3 80


3 706

{' 1 4 1

3 1 6

B 7



3 882

6750 5546



4 1 79


flame, A ddreJf. and Month of Contribution

Jacobson. Mrs. E. S., Rou te 2. Ferndale, Wash.-Jan. Jacobson, Geo.. 1 1 1 1 Harris St., Belling· ham, Wash .-No .... J acobson. H. H .. \X'oodburn, Orc.-May Jacobson. Hon . J. N .. Hills, Minn.-Aug., Nov. Jacobson, John J., Box 1 2 3 , 1\1anette, \V.Ish. -Mar. Jacobson, John N . , Lakewood, Wash .-J une , J>n . . Dec. J:tcobson� Mrs. John N., Lakt:wood. \'Q""sh. -] une, Jan ., Dec. Jacobson, Margare.t, P:ukland, Wash .-Nov . . Oct. Jacobson, Mrs. Margaret , 1 2 1 9 2nd St . . Mt. Vernon. Wa5h .-J<ln . Jacobson. Nils. Lake ..... ood, \'Vash.-Nby, Jan .. Nov. Jacobson, Mrs. Nils, Lakewood. \'V'ash.­J3n . . No\·. Jacobson, O. J., 1 1 1 8 Avalon Ave. , Wil­mington, Ca l if.-Nov. Jacobson. P., 1 407 Euclid Ave.) Santa Bar· o",a, Calil.-Nov. Jacob. on, lYlrs. Peter, 1 407 Euclid Ave . . Sa nta B arbara , Calif .-Nov. Jacobson, Richard. 1 407 Euclid Ave. .• Santa Barbara , Ca l if.-Nov. Jacobson, Severin, (In l'vlcmori:l.ln) c/o !'vlrs. C. Jepsen. 3816 S. D, Tacoma. \\lash.·­Jan. Jacobson Sisters, 806 N. Water St., Silver· ton. Or('.-Dec., Jan., Nov .. Nov. lahr, Hannah. 2 5 5 0 Jefferson St. N. E . . Minnc:lpolis, l'vlinn.-Aug . . Au� . . Oct . . Oct. Ja hren . Rev. H. C. M., Waterfor d , \V is.­Apr . . June. Nov. Jahren, lYlrs. H. C. M .. Waterford. Wis.­Nov. James. Mrs . Earl, Box 1 58, Spanaway. Wash. -·Nov. Tennestad. O. M . . S:lndpoint. Tdaho--Aur-. .Jensen. A. Tillman. 1 000 Key St., Bellin�­ham. Wash.-Jan. Tem"'". Alfred, Silverton. Orr.-Mar . • I\hr . . Mar. .Jense'n. Alice. Route 2, Silverton. Or(' .­June. Oct .. l'vb.r., Mar. Ten<;en. Mrs. Andrew, PC'ar.son. \'V'a!ih.­June :Tensen. !'vIr:>. An na K . . Route 2. Sil verton . Orc.-Dec.. June, Oct .. MJ.r . . lvbr. 1 f'nscn. l'vlrs. Frank. 303 S. 5th St . . Kent. \'V'ash.-Mar. Ti'ns�n, G. H., Route 3. Box 408. Taconu. \YJ .sh .-Sept. Jemen, H . . Orting. \"l(fash.-Jan. Jensen. Hans. Silverton. Ort.-Nov.. J�l n . , Dec . . Julv T('nsen. Mrs. Hans. S i lvl!rton . Ore.-Nov. , T>n .. Dec . . July Tl'nRn. Lars. Route 2 . Ferndal('. \'I('ash.-­Nov . . O(t.. l;ln. l"'ns ... n. Li l l bn . 1 000 Key S t . . Rel l ingh:lm WJ;Jsh .- T a n . Jf'll!iifn . M. J . . Route 2. Pnursbo. \"{!ash ­Nfw" 1\".,1[ . . ·Mar . . .Tun e T,·ns;·I1. MC5. M. T . . Rout.. 2. Ho� 228. Poul.�bo. \'Vash.- ov" Mar . . Mar. Tun,. Jen�e n, l'vfelvin. Route 2. Ferndalt'. \'Vash.­J"n. Tp,:nsen. Norm :m. 311 �J ill St . . Silverton . Ort>.-Nov .. Tan . . Drc . . Anr. T ... nsen. O. L.. HarYe' �'. No. D:lk .-.Tan . . Dec. Tensen. R�inhardt. Poulsbo. Wash .-T u n p Tensen. Mrs. S. C . . Gig H.lrbor. Wa�h.­

Seot . . Sent. Tpn.�('n. Thea. Silul'rton. Ort".-Dec. . Dec.. Mar . . Jan . . Jull'. Nov. Tp'ns('n. Victor. 1000 Key St . . Bcll inp.ham. W"h .-May, Apr . . Jan. Tensen. lVTrs. Victor. 1 000 KC':y St . . Belling· h:lm. \V,l!'<ih.-Apr . . h n . J�nsen, Wl . A .. Polson. Mont,-AuR.

Page 30: College Bulletin 1931 November

S";di 1 D,

b9S3 253


4 2 0 1




1 03 3

1 596



1 73




3 7 1 8




6852 6383 3080

6 1 89 6 1 90



61 9 1 6554 6 5 5 5 �732 6277

9 1 7






2,00 0576


0 3 7



Ntlmt, AddT�JS, dnd l110nlh 01 Con/ribution lenient lVIrs. Wm . , Polson, l\1ont.-Aug. Jenson, Rev. J, M., 303 Church St .. Silver­ton. Orc.- ov., Jan . , Aug .. Apr. Jenson, Mr •. J. M .. 3 03 Church St., ilver· ton, Oec.-Nov,. Jan., Aur, .. Apr. Jenson, James Marlowe, 3 03 Church St .. Silverton. Ore..-Apr .. Apr . Jern'StJ ont, Mrs. K . V . . Chinook, Walh.­Mar. jes!le, R. ' . c/o J. C. Penney Co., Brem-reton, W •• h.-M>r .. Feb., July Jbsen, Poter G. W., (In Memoriam) c/., Philip E, Houg , Parkland, \V"h.-Mar . . June, June Jetl:'tnd, I. A., 912 Pacific Ave., T.\lcom:t, W •• h .-Mar., Mar" Apr. J •• ning, Mrs. O. M., 25 1 0 James St., Bel l ingham , W • • h.-J une, Sept .. Sept. Joergon.on, Adolph, E. S nwood, Wash.­Feb . . Feb. Johann, Mr>. P. H., Route 4, Box 276, Tacoma, W:lsh .-Nov. Joh:tnn sen, Ralph A., 465 N. La Jolla A.e., Los ADlLele., Calif.-Oct., Jan., Feb. Johllnun, Florence M'I 586 Kensington, Astoria . Orc.-M:tr. Johansen, 01., Rout. I, Femdal •. , WlSh.­Noy., J:1n. ]oh:tnJen. Mrs. Ole, Route I , Fernd;t!(', W.,h.-Nov., Jan. Johnsen. Jentoft. Route I, Custe r, W,;ash.­Nov ., J.n. Johnsen, Mrs. Jentoft. Rout� I . Custer. 'I .. h.-J,IO. Joh nson, A. M., Route 1, Arl ington , 'V'/..,h. -Nov. n, A:aF:ot. Rout� 3 , Box 3 5 5 , Tacom a. Wash.-Feb .. Sept .. Sept. Johnson, Mrs. Agnes E.. 1 1 66 G3Cfiold

ve.. Portland, Or� -J unc Johnson, Alex, Fir, Wash,-Feb. Johnson, Rev. lfrrd 0., Spring Grove, Minn.-Au"., July, Aug. Johnson, Arne, Roure 2, Bow. Wash .-J an. Johnson. Arthur. Route t . Bow, \­Jan. Johnson, Brn, Route 4, Box 43 7. Tacoma, WlSh.-Sept_ Johnson, Beni .. 900 Newell St., Bell ingh.m, Wo,h.-July. Nov. Johnson. Berger, Route 2. Bow, Wash.-Jan. Joh nson, C, M .. Fir. Wash _-Apr. Johnson, Mr!. C M _. Fir, \Vash.-Apr. Johnson. Carl P.. 307 \V . 6th, Port An­�eI('s. Wash.-Oct. Johnson. Chris. Route l. Ferndale. Wash. -Tan. Johnson. Christine J " Preston, Wash .-Mor .. M .... M.r. Johnson. Clam. ROl1t� I , Arlington, \V:uh. -Nov. Johnson _ [ s . Constance. Box 9 '5 , YeHow.

tone P'ark. Wyoming-JulY. July .Tohl150n. �rf"$. Erise. Arlington , ash.-Au"., D,c. . Tohnson. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer, S i lverton,

re.-DcC' . . Feb .. Nov. Tohn ... on. Emilie. 1 8 3 3 Bucki ngham RO:ld. Los Ancel .. , Ca lif.- Tan . . Feb .. F.b. lohmon. G. T .. Poulsho. \V:t"h.-lunr lOhn!>on, Mrs. Gu�t:l V. Route 2. Box 149. Pern da.le. Xlash .-Nov .. Jan. .lohnson . Pvfrs. Gu�t:lV:l. DE'corah. rowa­Aun., Feb, John$on. Dr. H. E .. 1 00 Main St . . Silver­ton. Orc..- pro lohnson, M", H. P.. 401 Mecha nic St., Decorah. Tow2-Aug., Nov. lohoson. Ha ra ld V .. 6 9 1 9 McKinley Ave . . T,1coma. W:l.�h.-M,],r" Ma Inh n'on. Mrs. Henry, 1 2 24 S. 2nd St . . Mt. V"rnon , ll�h.-l:tn. lohnson. Tr,. Poulsho . Wa"h.-lnnt' lohnson. Mrs. ette E.. 3702 Roch· fr-ller. Ever('tt. W:l ... h .-A llt". John,on. Joh n. Woodburn. Ore.-May

Serial No.




3 780



6759 729

6 1 57

6750 6923


1 5 64


6639 783

653 5

3 3 �

7 1 25

7 1 Z6

1 5 58

G I 92


9 1 6

1 733










� 6 1 0

577 1

1 258

9 3 9

6677 902

6683 6684 4 2 1 7

4 2 1 8


Namt, Addreu, and Month of Contribution J ohnson, John A., Route I I Port Angelei:. Wash.-Oct. Johnson, Dr. John Amason, 6919 Mc­Kinley Ave., T:J.coma, \Vash.-Oct.. May. M:lY Johnson. l'vlrs. John Arn ason , 69 19 lVIc­Kinley Ave.. Tacoma, \Vash.-Oct., I'vIay, May Johnson, John S., 426 W. 6th St., Aber· deen. \Xlash.-Nov., Dec. Johnson, L. A .. c/o Johnson·Cox Co. , Ta· coma, \Xlash.-l\thr., Apr., Apr. Johnson, L. J. , Rout 4 , Box 4 1 6, Tacoma. Wash.-Sept. Johnson, LeHer, Poulsbo, Wash.-J une. Johnson, Lottie E., 3 2 8 Maple St. , an D iego, Calif.-Ft'b., Dec., Nov. Joh nson, M., 3 5 02 Lombard, averett , \V.,ll. -Jan. Johnson, M. B.t Poulsbo, Wash.-June Johnson, M. 0., 2446 Ballou St., Chie>go, Ill.-Aug. Johnson, Capt. M. a., PArkland , Wash.­Sept., Oct. Johnson, Martha H., 2 4 1 2 8th Av •. \V., Seattle, Wash.-June, June, June Johnson, MJ.r'tin, Route 1. Aurora. Ore.­May Johnson. Melvin. Woodburn. Orc..-May Johnson. Mr>. p .. 1830 39th A.e., Oaklond, C.lif.-Fcb . . Apr .. M.r. Johnson, Mrs. P. H.t 146 47th St., AstoriJ.. Orc.-Mar. Johnson, P. a., Box 1 093, Poulsbo, \Va,h. -Nov., Nov. Johnson. P. S . . 3 3 3 5 Gr:lnada, San D iego. C.lif.-Nov. Johnson, Mrs. P. S., 3 3 3 5 Grana da, San Dier.o, CaIif.-Nov. Johnson. Pa l ma C , R. F. D., Bo 180, Manette, W:lsh.-June, Nov. lohnson. Mrs. R, " Route Z, Bow. \'(Iash.­Jan. Johnson. Dr. S. H., Ala,ka Bldg., BeUinr.­h.m, W.,h.-Nov .. Nov. Johruon, Sena, Minlc, Mont.-Mar ., M"ar., Mar-. lohnson, Stella, Route 1 . Bow, \'7:uh.­July , J uly , No •.

Johnson. W, E., North field, Minn.-Aug., May, Aug. Johnson. I"les. W. E., Northf ield , Mi nn.­Aug . . May. Aur.. Johnson, \'X'altl'r, Route I , Port Anr:eles, W.,h .-Oct. Johnson, Wm.. 1 5 3 0 San Andres, Santa Barbara, Cali f.-Nov. Johnson. Mrs. Wm. , 1 53 0 S�n Andres, S.1nta Barhar:t. Cal iL-Nov. Johnson Brothi!fS, Chinook:. Wash.-Feb . . Mar. Johnsrud. L . H.. Parkland. Wash.-Dec.. .Tan . . Ja n . lohnsrud, Mrs. L. H.. Parkland , W .. h.­Dec . . Jan . . J.n . Johnstad, Agn ... 709 1 4th Ave. N . . Se­.ttt.. \Vash.-July Jones, E. H., 9601 Pacific. Tacoma. Wash. -Sept. Jones. Emm:t, Routt' [. Stan ...... ood. Wash.­Nov. lordahl. Rey. V. T . . 6 1 2 2 Belmont Ave . . Dalbs. Texa1(-Apr . . M�y. rvb .T orr.:�nson, Reanc:t. ROllte 2, E. St:1nwood, W;\�h.-M .. r . . Mar . . I'vJ.l r. ,Torgt'nson. C. E., Si lvf'rton . Ore.-Mav Jorl!uson. Mr:'>. C . E.. Silverton. Ore.­M:tr . . Mar . . Aor. TOCf�en!!on. Elsie. Saverton. Or�.-M :lv .Torr-cnson. Mrs. H . . S ilv('rton. Ort'.-MJY Torgenson. H. B.. Sir verton . Ore.-Apr .. May Jorgenson, Mrs. H. 8.. S ilverton, Orc .-­Apr.. May Jorgenson. Selma. Sit verron . Or� .-Dcc.. May

Page 31: College Bulletin 1931 November

Serial No.



4 1 94 6640 6279 1684

7 1 99

64 1 0 6 104


5 � 1 6 5 8 1 7 64 1 1


5973 5974


5 9 3 4 6763 3 7 3 1

373 2



1 88

1 5 1 1

4 3 6 1





71 19 1 1 27

1 44

1 45

70 59


3 1 28

7082 7075 6028

1\� 24 6804

6661 6 , 2 5 6 3 2 1i ';868


73 1

1 (, 1 1

5 R70

Ntmtt, AddTCH� and i'1.0Ylth of Conlribulion Jurgenson, l'vlr.5. Els-:l. 2002 Hoyt, Everett. 'XillSh .---Nlay. Mal'. Fcb.

Just, Rev. O. T., 5 10 E. 1 2th St., Port­land, Orc.-May

J uve , Iberr. Woodburn, Or •. -Apr., Mav ju\'e, Ole. Woodburn, Ore-.-lv1ay J uv.r, E. N . . Ferndale, Wa,h.-J.n. Kaas., Dr. L. J., Albert Lea. Minn.-July, . $"pt. Kllasa, Ole, 3 9 22 D enker Ave" Los An­�.I , C:ll i f .-Nov. Kalb. Geo., Route I . Aurora, Ort.-Feb. Kalheim. Andrew. 1 9 3 1 1 st W'O S�:lttlE:. W.m.-J.n. :'lnikkcberg, Christ, Route 3, Everett. \X'asI1. -Feb. K.upisch, E., Toledo, \V .. h .-Nov .

upisch, rvfn. E . . Toledo. Wash .-Nov. Kehrberget". August. 1 740 State St . , Salem, Ore.-Peb. Kl!il, Me & Mn. Charles, Route 3. Aurora . Ore.-Dec., Oct. Keit, Fred, Route 3, Aurora, Ore.-Dec. Keil, Hugo, Route .J, Aurora, Orc.-Dec., Oct. Kendall. Oscar E., 5 83 0 Cerritos, Long Be.,ch, Oalif .-Jan .. jan., Nov . Kerb . Fred. Oregon City. Ore.-Nov., Nov. Kuchem, Geo., Ke.nn('wick, \'(/nsh .-.Tune Kid. Hans. Route 2, Box 204, Ferndale, Wash.-Nov .. Oct. Kid. Mrs. Hans. Rout.� 2. Box 204. Fern· da le, Wa.$h .-Nov . . Oct. Kid. H<nry, 3 1 6 E. 6th St . . Port Angel.5, \X'>sh.-Oct., Oct.

ilian, Mrs. Olette, Route 3. BOl( 77 C, Puy­allup, \'{'"h.---$ept., Oct., Oct. Kili.n. Paul G . . Route J. Box 77 C, Puy­.lIup. Wash.-Sept .. Oct . . Oct. Kinu, Maren, 2940 Pine St . , Evcrett, Wash. -May� May. June King. l ice G., 7646 S. Yakima Ave., Ta· rom;], W"1:IIsh.--.Tune, June' King, G. A . . Bo� 92. Spanaway. Wnsh.­Nov. Kiostcrud. Mrs. F" 43 ' I P"k Blvd., Oak· land. . . Dec. . .. DeC'. Kirk bo, R. L., Route 3 , Box 423, Purall up . Wa. h .--iYl:ir . . Iv'-a},. Nov .. Nov .

irkebo. Mrs. B. L . . R. 3, Bo,< 423 , Puy­allup. \'\'\.1.u" l'vhv. Nov. FGrke o. Gerhard. 3 2 1 6 E. G St . . Tacoma . \V"h .-Nov. Kirkcidc. C. I.. 4827·6[h Ave" Tacoma. July Kittelson, IVIrs. CuI. Pa,.kland. \Vash.-0 ... . Nov . . Sept. Kittelson, MrS. K" Parkland. \V .. h.-Oct . . Sept . , Oct. Kitzel, l\.1rs. Fred. 2425 Ku!.odHm. Bel l inv.. ham, \'\'ash.-Oct. Kitzd, lvIrs. L . , 242') Ku l :llhan . Be'llingham. Wash. ct. KjorIiluit. R(>v. Petr-r F. . Wa ukon, Towa­Aur, . . Nov . Kiosnes. Tnh n . L� Crou-(', \XT�.�h .--()ct. Kiosnes , Ole T . , La CrM!i{', Wa�h .- ·O,..t . Klaus. l\.1rs. R . , Route 1 . A u rora . Ort>-.­T)�(". KTptt. Harold. E. Stan\\·nod. W.1-;h -Frh. Klein. Me<. H. 1 620 E. PaCIfic, Spa· Kane, Wa .. h .-TlIne

reve, A. L.. Routf' 2, C:lnby. Orr.-IVfay KI�,,('n . .Tohn, Stanwood, \xra�h .-Prb. Kleven , l'vIrs. John, St:tlw.rood. \Vash .-F�b.

I ipPl!.n. A'!t1e5 H . . 6J C:. rmelitJ St . . San Frlitncisco, C!lljf.-No\·" Nov. Klfppen. G('rda. (;1 Cumelita St.. San Francisco. C�l i f .-No\'" No\'. Klippen, d, Parkhnd. \'{1,1<h .-Fob" Nov" Nov. K lippen. O . T. 9 l'v!l .. ion St . . San F",n· .ic;ro. Cal i r .-Tufv. Nov . . Nov. Kl iopen. Ulrik C . . c:; . . 6 1 Cum el it:l St., San Frand."co, Calif.-NoV' . • NoV"�

�tria' No.

43 3 3

5 8 1 8




1 4 3 3

5024 426 1



68 1 9


6943 6327 6328


4 1 6 2



4 1 63



3 79 1 1 547

6507 6280


3 0 3 9

1 277

1 1 28

62 1 4 64) I 643 2 3 680

62 1 5 62 1 6 6 1 9 3 6 1 45

3 5 9 3

3 '94 3590

3 5 9 5

4 3 44

3 5 9 1

7 1 09

3 60 1

3 634

3 6 3 5

3 5 9 6

Ndm�, AddreH1 dnd Month o f Contribution

Klo,ter, Min«va G., 3 3 4 E. 5 1st St . , Se­attle. Wash.-May, Sept.

Kluth, E. 4 0 , Box 245, Castle Rock, \\1ash. -Nov.

Knaux:, H('ncy, Orting, \Vash.-Jan., Nov.

Knaack. Mrs. Henry, Orting, \\Tash,-jan., Nov. Knaplund, C. M., etchikan, Alaska-May, JUl\e Knapp, Dor3. E., 2402 Virginia. Everett, \'{1"h.-May, J uly, Sept. Knoff, Herman, Manbto, Minn.-July, July Knorr. Rev. A. F,. Box 482, Aurora. Ore.­May, May Knorr, Otto, Rout 3, Aurora. Ore.-De..::.. Oct . Knudsen, Peter, 700 Randall , Aberdeen, W .. h ,-Nov" 0«, Knudson, Charl,y, 2203 E. 3rd Ave., Spo. hne, Wa,h.-June Knudson, John, Route l, Bell ingham . \X'ash . -Nov. Knudson, John, L;bby. Mont.-Aug. Knudson, K., Stanwood, WiUh.-Feb. Knudson, Mrs. K., Stanwood, \Vasl1.-Feb. Knutsen. Bcrdine, Parkland, Wash.-M:lr .• J unc, Oct . Knutsen, C. J. . 1 004 Key St., Bellingham. \Vash .-Apr " jan. Knutsen, Carl, 2224 Cornw.1I Ave., Belling­ham, .-July Knut�en, Ctarn . 285 Ross St., Portland. Ore. -Dec., Jan., }>n, Knutsen. Mrs, Ellen, l O l l Key St" Belling· ham. \\7ash.-Apr . . Jan . Knutsen. Elmer. 2224 Cornwal l Ave., Belling. ham, Wnsh ,-July Knutsen. Eva, 285 Ross St,. Portland, Ore.­Mar.. (In Memorioilm) Sept. , I\1ay Knutsen. Is.1ac, ChinOOK, Wash.-Feb . . Jan. Knutse.n . Julia. Stanwood, W:tSh.-May. July. Jan" Apr ., July Knutsen, K. A., Stanwood. Wa!ih.-Mar. Knuuon, Casper, Route 2, Ferndale. \"'\'ash. -Jan, Knutson, Mrs. Ch ... , 1 03 1 24th St.. Bel­lingham. Wash .-Nov. Knutson. Christ, Bel\.iew, Minn.-Aug., Nov . • Nov. Knutson. Clara R.. South Bend. Wash.­Apr" Dec., Feb., J a n . Knutson, l\irs. J . . 2 1 27 S. L S r . , TacomOl, \V"h .-Mar . . Nov. Knutson, J. P .• S ilvana . \xr,,�h.-Jan. Knutson, K. T., Si lvana. \xrash .-Feb. Knutson. Mn. K. T., Silvana, \\7ash .-Feb. Knut<on . P. K" 1 0 1 2 1 7 th St., S. Bellin�· ham . \Vas;h .-Nov .. Nov. Knutson, W. S . . Silvana. W'"n. K'nut<ion, Mr�. W . S . . Silvana. \'V".15h.-]31l, Knutzen. Arthur. Burlin�ton. W3sh.-Jan. Knutzen. Chris. 1 1 0 1 Grant St.. Be ll in�· ham. Wash .-Jan. Knutzen. Chris, Burlington. Wash .-Oct . . Dec. Knutze n , Mr:!. Chris. Burl ington. \Vasll.­Oct . . Dec. Knutun, E. H . , Bu rl ington, Wash .-Oct . . .Tan. Knutz('n, Ein.1r. Burlington . Wash.-Oct .. Dl'c. KnutZE'n, Etmer, Burlinp,ton, Witsh.-May, .hn. Knutzt'n, Geo., Burlington. \V3sh .-Oct . . Oct., Oct, Knutzen, Mr�. Geo., Burlington, \"'Ua�h.­Oct. Knutzen. G[adys. I t 1 t Bor('n Ave . , Seatt!<" Wa<h.-Occ . . July. July. July. Aur, . . Sepr . . Oct., Nov. Knutzr.n. Hans. Burlington. Wash .-Oct .. hn. Knutzen . l\.1rs. Hitns. Burlington. Wash.­Oct .. Jan . Knuu:cn. Tver, Burlington. W:lsh.-Oct . . Dec.

Page 32: College Bulletin 1931 November

Serial No.


1 05 3

3 605

3 6U6


3 604

6 1 9 5

64 1 2

3 654




� 900

5 90 1

4 2 8 8

1 570


80 1


1 649



/170 )







5 9 3 5

4 4 1 7

9 1 5

9 1 2

6 1 64

5 R 1 8 6 8 2 2


67 1 1


Namc1 A cldreH, dnd Month of Contribulion

Knut'lcn, Jess, Route 2, Burlington, \V ash.­Oct., Jan. Kn utzen, Robert J. , Burlington, Wash.­Mar., Jan . Knutzen, Victor, Route 2, Burlington, \'(Iash. -Oct., Jan. Knutzen. W. J . t Route 2, Burlington, Wash. -Oct., Jan. Knutzen. Mrl>. \'(1 . J . t Route 2, Burlington, W"h.-O" ., J.n . Knutzen, \\!i!i iam, Routt 2, Bur1in�ton, W"h.-Occ., Jan. Koch, August, 3 1 5 4th Ave. S . E., Puyallup, Wash .-Jan . . Nov. Koeneke, John, 1 6 20 Center St.! Salem, arc. -Foq. Kopanf\'. J. P . , Route 1 , Caledonia, l\1inn.­Oct .. Oct .. J u ly, Nov. Koppang , rvIr� . M ar ic, 20 \"(Ioodland Ave., Kalispell, Mont .-Aug. Kopperd.hl, Geo., 2 1 0 2 H St., Belling­ham, \Vash.-Nov. Koppcrda hl , Mrs. Geo., 2 1 0 2 H St . . Bel­lingham, Wash.-Nov. Kopperdahl, Gladys, 2 1 02 H St., Belling­hi1m. \Vash .--Nov. Kopperdahl, Hazel, 2 1 02 H St., Bell in,,­ham. Wash.-Nov. Koren. Mrs. A. H" 60 Seymour Ave. S . E . . Minneapolis. Minn.-May, May Koren, Rev. Paul, Decorah, Iowa-Jun". Nov. Kraabel. A. T., 287 Gran d Ave. N., Porr­land. Ore.-Mar., Apr., Oct. Kraa bel , M". A . T., 287 G,.nd Ave. N_. Portland. Orc .-Mar .. Apr., Oct. Kraabel. Rev. Alf. M . . 287 Grand Ave . N . . Portland. Ore.-Oct., Oct., Nov. Krnabel. Rev. M . 0., Circle, Mont.­Jul)'. Nov., Nov. Kranel. Mrs. F. J . . 1 92 7 W. Shannon. Spo-

ne. Wash .-J une Krause, Lenn, 4 1 5 S. Spokane, Spokane, W .,h .-J unc Krause. Rev . Aug .• 880 E. Kelly St . . Port· land. Orc..-Mny Krause. G. F . . 880 E. K.lly .St . . Portl,nd. Ore.-May Kr:1U5e. Ma rth:t, 16 W . FarrJgut. Port la nd. Ore.-June Kr>vik. Mrs. G . H . . 3 � 1 4 O.k" Ave . . Everett. Wash .-May. J a n . , Mar. Kraxberger, Adolph. Route 1 . Aurora, art'. -Dec. ... a.-,:Duv,er, F. J.. Route 3 . Aurora. Ore.­D�c., Oct. Kraxbcrger. Joh n . Route 1 . Aurora, Ore.­Dec. Kr:lxber�e.r. Otto, Route t . Canby, Orr.­Dec.. Oct. Kraxben!cr. Ruth, 7 1 4 Jefferson. Oregon City. Or{' .-Noy. Krcb5. Rev. E. E .. Castle. Rock. Wash.­lu!},. Oct. KrcifH. Mr:o.. Eide'. 6 1 ') Pottf'r St . . BelIin�. hnm. \Xlash.-Nov .. Oct . Kreidler. Burton D . . Parkbnd. \xr�sIL .­F • . . Oct .. Oct . Kreidler. M . 1.0'" B . . Parkbnd. W .. h.­Sent.. Oct .. Sept . . Sf'Dt. Xreidlpr. Myron B., Parkland. Wa�h .-Feb .. Oct .. Sept. Krieger, Frf'd . 3 5 1 5 S. '6th St . . Tacoma. W"h.-J.n. Krin�f'n. La rs , L1.wrence. Wash.-Nov. Kro�h . .I. c.. E. 1 1 3 1 3 2nd St .. Spokane. WHh.-Tune l( -ooh. ·Oliver. E. 1 1 3 1 3 2nd. Spobn •.

Wlash.-Tufu Krn..,h, V iolet E .. Routf' 1. Stanwood , Wash. - Nov. Kront'r, A . . Lake Road, Milwaukie. Ore.­May lCruf'�er. Mr:iii. H., Box 632, Port AnR("les, Wa<h.-Oct.

Serial p.,ro.



7 1 02






67 1 0

6641 7076 6642 7064 5858



5 8 1 9

6 3 29 6778

6 1 43



6954 5801 5802

6643 7 1 27

7 1 28

3652 7R9



1 60

3 1 1

6907 70 1 0

1 3 7




9 3 1

3 5 4 1


lVam�, Address, and flllo11th of Contribution

Krug, F . H., 3 0 4 · Rust Bldg.. Tacomo. \V asll ,-June, L'vlay Krull, IVirs. Geo.. 5233 Un ion Ave.. S. Tacom a, \Vash .-May Kruss. Mrlli. J . R.o 22 1 8 \'(farren Ave . •

Seatde, \X'ash.-Oct. Kruzer, Mrs. J , . 1 2 1 4 W. North Sr., Bel· linr.ham. Wash.-Nov. Kuclpl!.r, John , Route 2, Box 96, Puyallup, \X/ash .-Jan. , Nov. Kuelper, Jul ius . Route 2, Puy;tllup, \�ash . -Jan. Kummer, A. R., P-' E . Cnruthers St . , Portland, Ore.-Ma' Kumme.r, Mrs. A. R., 838 E. C:uuther!:t St . , Portl.nd, Ore .-May Kummer, Wm. F .. 838 E. Caruthers St . . Portland. Orc.-May 1',110, H . • Mol.lla. Ore .-May � ,110, H. P . • LaCross •• Wash .-Oct . Kyllo, Ole, Aurora. Ore .-Ma y Kyllo, Thos . • Penawawa. \"(Iash. ct. Kylling. Alma, Route 1, Marys\'illc, \·Vash. -Nov. Kylling. Andrew. Route 1, MJ.rysv ilie . \'(Iash. -Nov. Kylling, IVlrs. Andrew, Route I, !\1arYfVillt". Wash.-Nov. Labes, \"(Im . , Route I, \Xl inlo<k. W;:Lsh .­Nov. Lade, Matt. E. Stanwood, Wash.-Feb. Ladiu' Aid, Estherville Lutheran Church, c/o Rev. L. A. Mathre, Estherville. Iow3-Jun� Laird. Dr. T. T., She rwood . No. Oak.­Mar. Lake Madison Ladies' Aid. c/o Mrs. Art Halseth, Madison, So. D:lk.-Oct. Lake Madison Luther Leagui'. c/o tvTil l ie Holvick. Madison, So. Dak.-Oct. Lampe. John H .. Pnlson, Mont.-Au�. Land. E . . Route I, Stan wood, \X';lSh .-Nov. Land. Mrs. E . . Route I, Stanwood. \Vash.­Nov. Landsam. L;us. \'(!oodburn. Ore.-May Londsrud. I.all.. 3943 Illinois St. . S,n

Diego. Calif.-Nov. Landsrud. Tina. 3943 rUinois St.. San DiE-go. Calif.-Nov. Lane, ARn("s. Libbv. Mont .-Nov . , Oct. Lane. Rev. Geo. 0 .. 3832 Burke Av . . . S.­attle. W •• h .-Feb .. Oct .. July. Julv I.ane. M". G,o. 0 . . 3 832 Burh A,'e . . S.· attle. .-Feb .. Nov .. July. July L:me. Gf'o .. Jr .. 3 8 3 2 Buch Ave . . Sc�ttle-. Wa�h.-SeDt . . Sect . . Mar . . Ju lv Lane. Gprhard. 3 8 3 2 Bu rke Ave. , S{'attil'. Wash .-Nov .. Acr.. Nov . . Oct. Lane. I, W . • Pa rma. Idaho--Nov., Apr . . Tuly 1.:1n(>. MTs. r. \'(l . . Parmo. Tdaho-Julv [>ne. M-,. L. C . 2 1 9 6th Avo .. Hel,n •.

l'vTont.-Seot. Lanfl3unet. LudviR:. ROlltf' 2, Poulc;f,o. \V;l"h . -Nov" Feh . . Jan. L:lOP,aUnf>t, o . .1. . Polsnn Mon t . - A u � ,�('. A URust. Route ') . O re-eton Ort>. -Nov. T..:tn)!t'. F.n p"w al'" Fir. \"(Iasll -Tan . . Fr.!, Lanr,er . Mr! . F. E . . Port Orchard. \'Ua ... h .­Nov .. Nov .• Nov,"lo. A. K . . Golet,. Calif.-Jan .. Jan . . Mar .. Nov. T.:tn�"!lo. l'1rs. A. K., Gott?t3, Calif .-Jan . . Tan . . Mar .. Nov. Ltnp.lo. T. Monroe, Flint J unior Collcf,le, Hint. Mich .-Nnv. L:tn qlo...... Anna E.. ?!14 S. l I th St.. Ta­("I)m:l \"(Ia�h .-Tan .. M:1.v r.�np"to�·. Palma . 1 62() State- St.. S:tnta R:v!--;V:1,. C�lif.-M�r .. Anro o Al")r.

L;ttlning. H. 0 . . Routp 3 . Box 493. Tacoma. \'{'''sh.-O .... t " Seot .. Oct. Lanning, Mrs. H. 0 . . Route 3. Bo:'( 493, Tacoma, W3sh .-Oct.

Page 33: College Bulletin 1931 November

Soia! Nn. 5 3 <1

3 89 2




3 �O

1 '59

7 1 8 1

7 1 80

7 1 0 3

4 0 3 8

fi662 O Y 3 6 7 0 2 l



1 , Id

6 1 46

Q 1 9

1 86G




62 5()

625 7

" 33 1

1 -\29

63 3 2

1 299


3 0 ')

6 9 1 0

69 1 1


69 1 2

3 5

1 6

1 mile, Addrt:.$.Sj and iHonth o f Contrihulion L.nstn, R�y. Dirman, 2029 Bath St., Santa HOlrb;}I:;}, C::dif .-Jan .• Jan . , Nov. Lar.sen, �1r�. Oitman, 2029 Bath S c., Santa BarbJ.r�, Calif.-J.ln., Nov. Larsen, L ill iJ.u, 1 9 1 7 S . K St., Tacoma, \'Vash.- { I n i\1I."IDoriam) !'vby Lanen, Mrs. �vL, 2867 !\tlorgan A\'e .. Oak· hnd. Cal if .- J.m. , .Mar. Lars�·n. Mr"!l. M. 0 . . 19 1 7 S . K S t. , T;;acoma, \\1ash .-l\;br . , �,/I.1r . , Nov . LarM!'n, Rl·V. N . Astrup , 1 0 10 6th St. , Si�ux City, Iowa-J uly, Feb. Larsen, Irs . N. A:-;trup, 1 0 ro 6th St. , Siou.x City, Iowa-Feb . Larsen, Tils, ]t.rome, Idaho--Nm·., Feb . ,

OV . . N o .... Llf'1'iCn. Stiffl.'n, Ro utl.' 2, Box 204, Pouhbo . \W'ash.-Nov., Jan . . Dec .. Nov. Lanon , Aleck, 1 247 Lakl1H' Ave., \Vilming­ton, Cal i f.-Nov. Larson. ifrrd, J 2 47 Lalunc Avt.' . , W il m i nr, · �on, Cahf .-Nov. L�lI·'OIl. A[v ina , 7 1 4 \'\1 . Howl'. Seattle, \'V ,15h .-Oct. urson, Andn�w, Pllrkland. W.lsh.-Ftb . ,

N o v . , (In �1emoriam ) Oct. L:Hson, Bertha, 3 2 2 5 Lomb<lrd, Everett. \'Vash. -Feb . L�rwn, Bc.ttha M., Canby , Ore.-wlay L-lrson, . L.� San dpoint , Idaho---A ug . Llrson, C. 0'1 '508 \Voodford, Mi.,soula, Mo n t..-S< pt . Larson, Clfl S . , Th id River F.1.Hs, !'vlinn.­Dec. Larson. Carrie , 3 220 Ho},t Ave_, Evcrett, Wash.-M.y, Apr., cb. Larson, rrie. 3 38 N. Church S L , Silver· ton, Or'-f.�, Nov. Lar!ion. Mrs. Chri _�t ine . Srn Rou te , Mt. Vernon. \Vas!L-]an. Larson, Clarence , E. S�anwood, \Vash .-Apr . , Feb. L1 fson. Mrs. Cl yde, '50 3 Gladstone S t. , Bel· lingh.:un. \X1ash.-J.l n . Larson, Edgar, Parkland, \V\Ilar . , Nov. , , J u l y , Sop,., Rrv. Elmer R . , 3 5 2 N. Jack'ion St., i l le, \V is.-A u g . , July L:arsonr Franccs. Route 2. Bell ingham. \Vash . -F,·b. Larson, Mrs . Frank. Route 2, Be l l ingham, Wash.-F�b. L:1non, t\'lr�. Gbdy;5. 1 2.20 Boren Ave., Se.­attll.', \Vash.-DeC'., 'lar. , Mar. Larson, H . , 3 1 03 Orleans St • • Be l l ingham. W .. h.-J:m . Ltr�on. lYIrs. H�, 3 1 0 3 Or!r;.ln.$ St . , Belling· ham . \V il"h.-j::ln. L:lr�on, H . M . . Route 4, Box 4 3 0, Tacoma, \'\!a;;h.-5ept . . N ov . , Oct" Nov. Larsen, Harry R. . S ilverton, Ore.-Dec . . Dec. , i\thr . , Jan., D ec . , Apr . Lanon, Helen i\:larjorie. E. Stanwood, \Vash . - feb. Larson, tvI r5 . In)�t.·borg, 3 22.0 Hoyt, EV!'.rrtt, \V;,.:-;h .-May , reb. Larson. Mri. Ivrr, E. Stanwood . \XTash.­Feb. L:tnon. Iver, E. SLlI1wood, \Vash .-Apr ., Pcb. LJ[son, L . M., S i lverton , Ol'c.-Dc(., Mar . , Jan. , Apr. L:1I"Son , LCQ[l;1rd G . , 3 00 Ce ntral FHd,�., Se­attle, W a. �h .� Nov. , St.�pt., Jan . . S�pt. Latson. Lii!ian , Rou te. 2. Be l l ingham , \X'ash. -J uly L:lr.lion, Lioydl Rouff.: 2. Bellingham, \Vasll. -July I arson! t'drs. Lou is, iVlt. Vernon, \\1a$h .-

[��;on. Louise. Route 2, Be l l i n gham, \'Vash. �'.! -July LusoH, Ludvig. Parkland. \XTash.-Sept..

ov" Sept., jul}" Sept. La.rson, f.JJr... Ludvig, Parkland, \\1ash.­Sept'. , Nov. , Sept . , j uly. Se-pt .

Scrial No.

7 1 76

1 89

1 3 5 9

6577 4 1 76




'i840 38




7 1 77

1 2 1





9 5 4

586 1

6944 7002 4260





6 3 84


5966 6 3 8 5

5 8 1


79 1

3 674

o J 8b

70 1 2 82 5

64 5 1

4 4 1

6685 1 48

!Vam�., AddrcH, and Month of Conlribtdion Larson , i\IIrS. Martha , 1 240 Orange Ave" Long Beach, Calif .-Nov .

Lanon, lYIrs. 1\1artho. , Parkland, Wash.­Sept., ( In Memoriam ) Feb .t Jan . Larson, IVIaynard, E. Stanwood, \\1 ash .­Apr . , Feb . Ll.rson, Merl , S ilverton, Orc .-Apr. Larson, Minnie T., 3 220 Hoyt , Everett. \'(Tash.-Apr., Feb. L:)'Don, Nettie, 377 Colm;tn Bldg., Seattle, \'(Tash .-M ay, Sept., ] a n . , Sept. Larson, O. A. , 1 220 Boren Ave., Seattle. \XTash .-Dcc . , MaL, IvIar. Larson, Ole 0., Route 3, Box 368, Tacoma , \ Sept . , Sept.. Sep . Larson. Otto, Lawrenc�, \X/ash.-Nov. LU:5on, P. T., Parkland, Wash.-Sept., Apr., Oct., Sept., Jan., SI.'-pt . , Sl'pt . Larson, NIrs. P. T . , Parkland, \Xi ash .-Sept., Apr.. Oct., Sept., Jan., Sept., Sept . Larson, Paul. Parkland, \Vash.-M;ar . . Nm' . , Sept., J u ly, Sept . Larson, Pauline, Parkland, \Vash .--Sept . , Nov . . Sept . , J ut}', Sept . Larson, Perry H ., Route 2, \";Toodburn. Ore. -Apr . , May Larson. S. 0 . , 2278 Liml.'. Av('" Long BI.';1ch, Calif.-Nov. La non, Sylv ia, Nur:;;es' Hom e, Seattle Gen· eral Hospital. Suttle, \XT ash .-Sept . , Nov., Sept., J u ly, Sept . Larson, \Vallace. 2 1 0 2 Lombard Ave . • Everett, \X1ash.-Apr. Laurens. Frances, 3 27 E. 4th , Port Angele5-, \XTash .-Oct . . Oct . Laurens, Mrs. Ida, 327 E. 4th/ Port Angcle5, \XTash .-Oct. . Oct. Lavarin i . Ernest, Route 3, Box 404, Tacoma, Wash.---.:.Sept. La Ville, Mrs. H. c., c/o P. T. Larson . Parkland. \\1ash.-Mar., Nlar, J unt' Lcckvold, Nlath ilda, Route 1 , Arlington , \X'ash.-Nov. Lee., Agnes, Libby. Ma nt.-Aug. Lee .. E. A . , Conrad , Mont .-A ug . Lc�. Frank J . , 3 1 2 \XTash. Bldg., Tacoma, \XTash .-!\tby . A ug . Ll'.e, Dr. G. T . , 4 2 5 S. 4th Sl., �\'Hn neapol i$ . l\1 i nn .-l\'lay , May Le�. John L, 2026 Broadway, Everett, Wash. -Feb. Ll.'c, 1\1rs. John L., 2026 Broadway , E\'erett, Wash.-Fcb. Lee, Mes. J udith, 4 3 27 E. 5th, Long Beach, Calif.-Jan . . Julr, Nov. , No\!. Lee, Nel l ie, Route 3 , �1 t. unon, \XTash .-Feb. Ll'.c, Prof. OLav, 1 1 1 5 St . Olaf Ave .• North­field, Minn.-May, May Lt'c, Ole L.. Kasson, Minn.-Dec. Lee, Oscar, Route. 3, Mt . V(·rnon. \XTash .­Feb. Lt:(", ad A" 1 240 Ful ler Ave . . Hollywood, Calif.-Jan., Jan . . Jan . Le�, P. P . , 900 Gard(, !l St .• Be.l l ingham , \X:!ash.--Nov .. July Lee, NlrS. P. P . • 900 Garden St . , Bl.' ll ing· ham, W.lsh .-Feb., NI-ar . , June LE'.e, Mrs . Palmer C., 14th & Easton, Btd· lingham, \\1ash.-Nov . • Nov. Lee. Pet�r. Route 3 , !\tIt. Vernon, Wash.­Fe.b. Lee, !\tlrs. Peter. Fairf ie ld , Mont .-AuG. Lc.e-, T. M . , S ilverton, Ore.-Mar.. Mar . , Apr. Lee, \X'. Fred. 2409 Baker. Everett, \X'ash.­Feb. Legard. Nlrs. A. 0., S ilverton, Ore.-Dr,c.. June, l\1ar. . Nov .. Ma}', Nov. Le,�ard, Alvin, Si lverton. Ore.-May Lehmo.nn , Alvin R., Parkland, \Vash.-Sept., Oct.. Sept., Sept. Leirfallom, Asia ug , E. Stanwood, Wash.­Apr . . Feb . Lekncs, A. L., Stanwood, \Va_�h.-Nov., Apr., Dec., Nov . . Feb., J uly

Page 34: College Bulletin 1931 November

Serial iVa.

1 3 02 1 '> 24

1 5 2 .

6788 6790

6578 60H

6 l H 63H �85 1 5850 367:)

3 67 1

5 9 3 7

5686 60n

1 788

6956 7 1 3 8


7 1 1 9

1 1 1 1


63 3 0 / 3 44

<;1 3 5 6485

6 3 3 6 6 3 3 7 1 295 7049 6869


3 5 1 8 3 5 19


J 040

1 7 1 0


3783 3784 4066

63 3 8 5053 '\743

!Vamt"� Address, and A10nlh of Contribution

Lcknes, Mrs. A. t., S tanwood . \Vash.-Apr., J une . Feb.. July Lckne:;, 3tha ri nt, 6228 Pa lat iHt:.' Ave., Se-attle. W.1Sh .-M.y, July. Jul)' Lcknc�. Soph ia, 62. 28 Pat�ci ne Avr. , SC:1ulr, Wash.-May. Ju ly. July Len I Ernest. 2 207 S. Elm St" Spok:lne, Wash .-J une LE"n e. Gu..nav, 524 S. Scott St., Spobnc, Wash.--June Lentsch, 1\1.1tt. S i l vetton , Ore.-Apr. Lent.smann, M isJ L., Up pH Lynn, 8. C.­Dec:. Lcque, Martin, StJo nwood , Wa5h.-Feb. Leque, Mrs. Ma rti n. Stanwood, Wash .-Feb. Lr-qu(', Maq' Ann, Stanwood , \'Vash .-Nov. Lcque. Myron, Stanwood. \'Val5h.-Nov. Lequ<. N. M.. I 1 1 5 1 3 th St . , S. Belling· ham. W .. h.- ov . . Nov . . July LeQue. Mrs. N. M .. 1 1 l 5 · 1 3 th St .. Belling· ham, Wash.- tov .. Nov. Lettenmaier. Wm " 722 Harrison St., Oregon City, Orc:.-No\'. Lcum, Henry, l\1ayvillc, No. Dak .-Oct. Leuthold, Mrs. AIm.:'! B . . , Minn.­Dec. uvorson. Rev. j., Irene, So. Dak.-Aug .• J ul)'. Sept. L� .... · js, T. j., Polson, Mont.-Aur, . Licbcrg, Leslie, 9 l l E. Colorado. Pasadena, Calif.-Nov. Lieb0'll, P. O . . 462 N . Eucl id. P,,,,,dcna, C,Jlif.-Dec,. Oct., Dec. , Nov. Lieberg, \V . C.. 773 rlham. Pasaden.o\, C,l i f.-Nov . Lien, Rev. A. E .• Por tlJ.n d , No. Dak.-l\1al' .•

['vJae . . Apr., MM., Mar. Lien. i\1rs. A. E., Port la nd . No. D:lK.­Mar . . M.r. Lien. 5., tanwood. \Vash,-" Pf'b. Lien. Conrad , Stanwood. \'<' i1,\h .--Apr., Nov . .

.b. Lien. l\tlrs. Conrad , Stanwood. \'(Ia�h .-F�G. Lien. M ... . G.. 1 4 4 5 Ward t . . Berk.I,y,

alif.--Feb. Li('n, He.nry H .. Bonner, Mont. �pt.. Lien, IVlabel K., 1 4 1 7 N ... �iJentor Av � .•

Pas.ldt'na, a l i f .-J <l n . , Drc, Lien. Otto, St:mwood, Wa::;h.-Feb. Lien. !'vlrs. Otto, Stanwood, \'(Tash .-Fcb. Lien, Trygn' , Stanwood, \V asll .-Apr. , F(.'b. Lien, \'<1. N., Bonner, Ivlont.-Oct. L i lgc, Clair. 1 669 Pcn ninsul a , P()rtland, Orc. -J,d)' Lillebo, Ben. 442 Columhia, Astoria. O �.­

Feb . No . Lima, R. H . . Route 2, \'�oodburn, Ore.­Sl!Pt., Apr., i\.1ay Lima. �Jr.$. R . H., Route Z . \'(1oodburn, Ore. - epr.. ov. LLnd, Nlrs. john , Route 4, Ro.t 269, Tacoma. W/.Bh.-No· ... L indberg. Mr •. Olga B . . Route 4, Box 307

, T.l com I:l . \V3sh.-Noy. Linde, Lucille, 4221 E. 3rd St., Lone: Beach, Calif .-Jon . . Feb. Linde. M i ldred. 4 21 1 E. 3 rd St.. Long B.Jeh. GEf .-J an .. Feb. Lindeli,n. 5., 6702 S. B St., Tacoma. \'(fash. -OCt. Lindquist. C. E .• 29 1 1 N. 2 1st. T:1coma, \""ifa:sh.-M:u. , �}ta�' , Mav Lin&u�.th, Rev. S. J . • Borup, M i n n .-JlIly, Scpc • • Nov. Lindstrom. Arthur, Roule 4 , Bm: 28 1 , Ta· com ... . \Vash.-Nov. Li !1d.�trom. A . . 424 l'v"lcKinlcy St . • Abe r-der-rl. \'\';Jsh.-Nov .• Dec. Lnd:-trom, lYlrs. E. A 'I 424 McKinley St.,

berdcen. Wash.-Nov., DC'c. Lionb('rg('f , Mrs. H. L., 1 206 Gregory \Vay. Brcmerton.. \XTa.s h .-lvlar . . July. Mar., Juh' Liscom. Mrs. F. A., Auburn. \'(las-h.-Feb. Llu!e, H. ivl . , asson. Min n.-Dec' Liudahl, E. A., (In rvremoriam) c/o Dr. O.

Tingdstad, Parkland, \Va'ih .-Oec.

S��rial iVO.

4 9 1 2

3 642

('686 6 1 47

6 1 48 6 1 49

4 0 5 5

63 3 9

6340 63 4 1

6 3 4 2 7 1 78

1 806 4 6 2



1 1 99

1 200

925 6072

5 7 8 1

5754 3 1 08


7 1 1 5 3 5 57

6200 6987

1 9 0




3 562

3 874

660 1


677 1

7045 5636

3 1 1 3 1 2

7 0 1 4

3 0 7


6 5 3 6 7 33 8 5841

ame, Address, and "to nth 0/ Contribution

L ivdahl. Rev. A. N., Hettinger. No. Dak. -July. Sepr. Livedalen, K. O.t I f) 17 fvLtnlo Ave., Lo� AnKde-�, Cali f.-Oct., Sept . . Oct. I....ocKe. �/lr'5. Frank. Ro u t t. I , Rox 53', Spanaway, \'1ash.-Sept. LOL', O'!;car, Silvl·rton. Ore.-.r"h�' Loft. Anna, 9 1 6 Kentucky St. , Bellini;ham. W.lSh.-Jan. Loft, fvlr.�. Carrie, 916 Kentucky. Bcllin�' ham, \'Vash.-jan. Loft. Dor thy-, 9 1 6 Kentucky, Bcllinr,h:lm, Wa.h.-Jan. Lofthus, E. and bnHl}" I QI) State St., L�r{'merton. \Vash.-Feb . • Jan ., July Lot-:an. Mrs. Andrea , E. Stanwood , \\1:1sh.­F,b. LOf.;lO, Peter. E. Stanwood. Wri�h .-Feb . LoS<ln, (Vl rs. Peter, E. Stanwood, Wash.­Feb. Logan, Thurston. E. Stanwood, \"'VJsh .-Pcb. Lokken, John . 1 2B lIv1ain Ave., Long 13e<lch, Cali f.-Nov. Lomen. hristinc, Decorah, Tow.1-july, No\'. Lom.n. O..,,,r M . . 1 706 Jefferson St . • Mad i· ,on. Wis.-Dec . . July. July Lonclahl. Rev. IVlarinius M., Box 7. Bend, Ore .-iVlar'J Nov. Lonc: y, l\Ilr"i. Belle, Ro ute 2. Fe rnd ale, \'(/a:;h. -Feb. Lana. R,v. Mikkel, 9 1 2 S. 1 7th , Tacoma. \''(Ia�h.-Apr .• Apr .• Oct. Lono. Mrs. Mikkel, 9 1 2 S. 1 7th . TJeoma. Wi ash.-Apr . . Apr., Oct. Loreen, Rllb�l. Route 3, Lynden. Wash.­�·f.lT .• jUlle, june Lorenz. Mr!.. 0., 6 1 0 N. . , Tacom;"l, \V;J.:;h. -J.\O. Lo velace, R. H . , Rout.::' 4, Tacoma. \'(1ash.­Nov. Loviirn. Andrew, R. F. D .. Ml'tdison. So. D"k.-Nov. Love-H, Ole, Decorah, Iow.l-Aug . . Al1� . • Oct. Lucky. Roy. Carl E . • Page. No . Dlk.-Dec . . Jan. , Nov. Lucky, !Vlrs. Carl ., Potgc, No. Dak.-Nov . Ludwig. Rev. L . . 24- WI. Lomb"d St . . Porrland. On'.-Oct .. N v., Nov. Lueck, August. Orting, \'(1.:15h.-J:1O. Lund. C. J . . 343 3 rd Ave. E., Kalispell. Mont.-Aug. Lund. Clarence.. 6 1 J � S. Park, Tacoma, \Vash. cpt., Oct . • Sept . Lund, Helen, 647 Elsl<: Ave., San Leandro. Calif.-Ja Ll . , Dec.. 0\1.'

Lund, I. H . , Route 2. Everett, \ ,­Ap,. Lund, l\'lr�. r . H . . Route 2 . Everett, \xrash. -Apr. Lund. Mrs. j. B . . Route I , Arlin�ton, WasIL-Oct . . Oa. Lund, jame.:!, Roate 1 . Arl inr.ton , \'Vash.­Jan . . Nov. Lund, John, Roule 2, Everett. \'(I<15h.­Apr. Lund, 1\.lr5. john, Routt' 2 , Eve-rett, \ -Apr. Lllnd, l\1rs. Mary. 1 2 1 S. Cowley, Spa ne, \Vash.-AuJit. Lund. O. C . . Parkland. W.1Sh.-.sept. Lund. lVlrs. O. c ., Parkland, Wash.-S<pt. Lund. O. 0., 9th St. III 1 0th, PU)':t \[uP. W.lSh .-Nov . . July. Oct. Lund. Mrs. O. 0 . . 9th St. III 1 0th, Puyallup, \'(fash .-No .... . . July, Oct. Lunde. Re ... . A . . 1414 3 r d A\,c:. N ., Great Falls. Monr.-Aug. Lunde. C. WI .. Parkland. \\f .,h .--Oct . . Oct.. .1 " n . , j,111 . • Feb. Lund£', ore, Route I, Pc;tr:<ion. \Vasb.­Feb . . MH. Lundeen, Ted. Chinook. \Vash.-rvlar. Lust. J. EoO Colfa.< , Wash.-Sept. Lutheuin Church of Lalc.ewood. La kewood. \V.,h.-Nov.

Page 35: College Bulletin 1931 November

$ni"l J o.




4 1 2 6

'1 2 1. 3

63 1 3 4 0 1 8

1 2 3 0

1 1 3 9

1 1 40

7 1 1 6

1 2 10

1 2 1 1

67 1 2

1 055

B I 2 5760

1 1 66

1 1 67


42 1 9


64 3 5 6M3 6073


582 1


68 1 1 69 1 9 6486

1 096

1 698

1 6 1 2


5746 7 1 40


. 66 1

'; " 3 7

1 042


)879 5880 1 7 34

54 1 582 3 64 6

Name, AddreH. dud lWonth 0/ Contribution

Lutheran Daughters of the Reformation. c/o Alice' Kortgaard. :"'1ahomen. iVlinn .-Dec. LUlheran Dorc.Jiji Societ}'. c/o Brlic Preszler , Menno. S . D.k.--Feb. Lutheran L.ldics· Ai d, c/o Rev. L. E. Ev.l ns . Sisseton. So. Dak.-Sept. Lutheran Ladies' Guild. c/o Mr . Adeline Jacobson , 1 7 1 9 Park Ave., Bremerton, \'{fash. -Mar., Apr. Lutheran M i :>::.ton Socir.-ty, c/o Mr . Bert Hamilton, L:nVfcnce, \X1al<ih.-Apr.. Nov. , Nov. Lutz.hoft. 1\Ilrs. A .. Reardan. \'(fash.-Junc Luva:ls, Rrv. P. J . , 241 E. 6th AVf! ., Eugene, Or<.-F.b .. Mac. Lynn, C� 0., 717 S . Ta.coma Ave . , Tacoma. Wash .-Apr . . Apr., May Lr .. nt�. Rev . Olaf. Clinton, \,(/ is.-Mar., M.y. May , MrS. ObE, Cli nton . \'XI is.�l'tlar. , May. M.y IVla"kutild, Carrie E . . San Fr;).nc isco Hos­pital, San Francisco. Calif.-Nov. M.13ktSta d, Rev. \'(/. J . . Petersburg, Al.lJka. -Apr.. June.

hakestad, Mrs. \'V . J., Petersburg. Ala:.ka - Apr. , j une M.... M<.. R. C. 7 1 5 1 0th. Portl.nd. O".- Mav l'vbd,en. M<s_ C.nic. 2 3 6 1 E. 29th St . . Oakland. Colif.-M.r. Mad.!;cn, Victor. Silverton, Orc.-Nl ar., Apr. lvlagdse n, joh.1n , Route 1, Stanwood. \X' ash. -Nov . Magel)jtn. Re\,. F . . Albert LcJ., Minn.-Apr., f\r., 1vlay M:JReI -st'n. �l rs . F., Route 2, Albert Lt'.3, M inn .- pr�. Apr ., �'iay LVbgcIsscn, Rev, H. G., utton's fhy, lvliC'h . -Fob.. p<., 'Ia<. Magt'issrn, Johannes. Albert Lea, Minn .­Apr., M.w Ml1�nu,sen, lVlrs. Ann=l. Route Z. Hubbard. O r e,-De .. Nov., Nov., ;Vb.y �1.ahle. J\1roi. Peter, Stanwood, \X'ash .-Feb. Ni:Jhlum, J01mcs. "by. Ort.-May M.hnck,. M<s. E., 1307 S. 8th. Tacoma, \'(1 .. h.-j.n. 1\lahnckc, Fr.t nk. \�i nlo(k, \'(!;uh .-Nov .. Nov. M!lhnch, IVlrs. Frank , \'\finlock, Wash.­Nov., Nov. Mah nckc, Virginia, \'Vinlock, Wask.-No v . , Nov. M;'IhQt, Hcn r}" R(·ardan. \V:lslt.-June !'>.1;thrc. Otto E . . \X1 aukon. Wash.-AuQ. M.lm " r., E. A . . 607 Florence St . • Tudock, C3 Iif.- M3<. M:dmin. Prof . Gunnar J . , Bl3ir, teb r.-Mar., pr.. Mu. M.lmin. Rev. O. G . . 225 St. j<>< St . . Rapid City. So. D.k.-j uly. july. Aug. Malmin. Rev. R . . 425 S. 4th S . • M inne · apolis . rvlinn.-July. Apr. , June M.lo,k.. Mrs. Lina, 22 19 E. Queen. Spa· k'lnt, \VJsh .- Jun� /vI,n,bhl. joe. Sed<o Woolle)·. "'a,h.-Oct. rvlann, nn.l, 496 Cra ig Ave . . P:'tSadena. C,l if.-No\,. Marquardt. Mrs. A. G., E. 9 3 0 1 6th Ave . . Spoknnl:'. \Y./iJ:'ih.-J unt' M . ro<h. C. C . . Flax 238, Pa<kland,

cpt . . M.rshall. G _ A . . Box 1 7 5 . Pukland. W •• h. -Sept . . Aug. MUlinsr-n. Freda , 15 N. E.. Apt. 304, 'T:lcoma. \V;J..lh . -M�r .. Apr . . Apr. Martin:.en. rvrrs. Lrna, 1 9 1 9 Gillespie St.,

�nt:l Barba.ra., Cal if .- ov. Martin:son. Bessi�. Bow. \Y./ash .-Nov. Marti nson , Milrgaret. Bow, \Vash.-Nov. lvlartinson, Thelma. Rouee 2, Bow, \�ash .­

j uly. No\,. I arx. Julius. Route 1, Rickreall, Orc.-Feb. Maschke, Martin. Vadtr. \'V'ash.-Nov. ,Ma.thies, Hermine, Stanwood, Wasb.-Feb.

Serial 1 o. Ndmc. Address, 'lI1d It!otrth 0/ Contribution

7 1 34 M.thi,. L. H . . 2538 9th Ave. W .. Seattle, Wa,h .-Oct.

1 6 1 l �/latlHC. Rev. L. A., 924 E. Ho""d. E,th,,· ,·ille. Iowa-july. july. june

2. 1 3 Mat.son. Chili., Parkland, \V,l ash.--Ocl . . J u n e . Oct .. i\1;a r., fo..lar.

1 297 Ma tson, M .. Route. 1, b. Stanwood. \'(lash. -Apr . • Feb.

1 292 Matson, �·1rs. M., Rout I, E. StJnwood. Wash .- Apr. , Feb.

5688 J\tIatson, Ruth, E. Stanwood, \'V"ash.--Oct. 4 1 '5 l Matteson, O. rvl. , C�nby. Ort.- Apr . . May 6229 M.u, F<ed, Colf3x, Wash.-J.n. 3663 M.u. Rev. H., Colfax, Wasll.-Nov . . Ma)',

Aug. 6713 ivlcCarth}'. Mrs. Ern�[int, 367 I I th Av'!.

E., Portland. Orc.-i\1a}1 67 1 4 McC.rthy, john. 367 1 1 th Ave. E., Port·

land. Orc .-Nby 4 3 3 2 McClanahan. lVlrs. Gertrude P .• +43 Has.:;.alo

St., Portland, Orc.-l'tlay, iVlay 6 1 5 3 [\·lcCuken. B. L .• I I I E. Holly St .. Bolling·

ham. \X! ash.-jan. 6 1 54 McCr3ken. M<,. B. L.. I l i E. Hal!), St ..

Belli ngham, \'Vllh.-Jan . 5638 McKenzie. K. S . . Sp.n.w.)·. Wash.- &pt.

4 1 99 M.hlum, l'vl<,. Tom, Route I. C.nby, Orc. -Apr . . May

4 1 90 Melby. Mrs. L., Route 2, Woodbum. 0«.­Ap<.. Ma)'

6644 Mclb)'. .ul G., R. F. 0 . . Sil verton. Orc.­M.y

5 7 1 7 Mclhns, jens 0 . . c/o T. O. M,lhus. Denni-son, Minn .-( In MC'moriam) Oct.

6387 Melkild. john L., Con w3Y , Wosh.-F.b. 68 1 4 Mellom , P. T., ivlondo vi. \'('<lsh.-jull(' 5772 f,'lcllum, Burwel l. Route I, Su nwood . \X!ash.

-! OV.

6665 Mclium. johnC'y. C;}nby, Orc.-MlJ.)' 6666 Melum, \X1. 0 .. Canby, Ore .-Ma }'

6343 fl.1elville. Fred, E. Sunwood. \'(li\.5h.�Ft:b. 1i7 1 5 Men', Soci<t)' of St. P.ul'. Church. 1 2th

& Clinton St:s., PorrI3nd. Orr .-�iJ ay 5755 Me" 'e<. j. S .. Rutl.nd. So. Dak.-No,·_ 5980 l\1crtz. ' " Routt I. mora. , Orc.-Occ. Od. 6414 l\·l,)'er, A. W . . 639 1 5th. Sakm, Oro.-

Fe-D. 64 1 5 MeYH, H. J ., 1 86'5 l\ila rht St., S"I(·m. Orl'.

-Feb. 1 4 .�dcycrs, Mrs. Ra.}', Ta.homa ApUi., 1 1 7 N

Tacom;). Ave., TJ.coma., \'V'ash. Scpr.. Oct , Sept.

5 7 1 8 l\'l ickcbon. Elliott. Bl,ck Ea<th. Wis.-O, •. 227 iVIidbac. Andrew J., PJ.rkland. \va.:.ll.-Nov ..

O(t.. Nov. 6 1 6 2 Midthun. Ole, A lbert Le •. M .nn .-Jan . 6066 M id",. y Ladics' Aid. c/o Rev. O. (-I. Hove.

Colman, o. Dak.-Dec. 176 lvIikkcL!len, Rey. A. , 706 N. Andtr:o n St . .

Ellensburfl. Wasb.-Oct., July. J:ln. 6556 Mikkcl"n. M<s. Ingebo<�. 706 N. An dc<,on

St .. Ellen,bu<g. Wa,h.-Apr. 6883 Mikwol d . Mrs. julia, Gir, H.rbor. W .. h.­

july 6487 Milho.n . M<s. M. E .• 750 ral,on> St . . S.n

Fr:lncisco, alif .-M�r. 5904 �Iil l e r, Arthur. Bellingham. \'V.'l .. h.-Nov 5905 Mil!er, Mrs. Arthur, Bt'lIin�b.1m, \'Vash.­

Nov. 6789 M il le r. Geo . . E. 7 1 4 26th Av< .. Spoka ne.

\'1/ ash .-j lIn(" 6009 �Il iller, J<lCob, 2 3 2 5 S. Grilol. Tacnm:t, \'C'a.'f.h .

-Dec. 6 1 ' 1 Mill er, L. W . . 2639 P"k Drive. Dellin�' .. m ,

\V .. h.-j.n. 6 1 5 2 Mill«, M<s. L. W . . 2639 Pa<k Dr i ve. Bel·

linr,ham, \'Va!>h.-J an. 712 l\1illcr, Mes. Mamie, Star Rout� 2, a.l ndon .

Ore.-jan .. june. july. Ju!)' 6 1 50 Miller.A.sen, M<s. Olga, 2824 Ell;. Sr . .

Be-llineham. \,(Tolsh.-jan. 65'57 lvI ills. Fr:lnk, Kennewick. \"'ilsh.-Apr.

6558 Mills, Fred, Ken newick, .;uh.-Apr.

6559 Mills, Mrs. Fred, Kennewick. \'\' pro

6945 Mind., john, Libby, Mont.-Aug.

Page 36: College Bulletin 1931 November

Sui«i No.

64 1 6

64 1 7

64 1 B

64 1 9

64 20

1 5<45

7 1 29




S Z ;

64 1

1 9 3 5

6 1 '14 6687 6688 3943

6388 473 474







609 l6 1 1 3 6 1 2 3 6 1 0 5702

6560 76()



1 593


6H5 70 2

6246 6247 1778


4 1 25


1 005


Natrt'l Address. and IWonth of Contribution

Mlnncm ,l n. Rev. mos 1 750 St.)tc St., S.lem. Ore.-Feb. Minncman. Irvlrs. Amali E.. 1 7 '5 0 State St .. Salem. Orr.-Pcb. Minneman. Edwin, 17 50 State St. . Salem.

f(" .-Feb. M, nn�man. John. 1 7 50 State St., Salem, Orc.-F,b. fvJinncmo.n, L;)ura , 1 7 '5 0 State S t . . S.,lem.

re.-Feb. IVlission Society of Hob' Trjnit�· Church. c/o Rn. E. H. Port Angeles , \'{';'Ish.­M.y. Juh·. Sept. IVlwion Society. Our S:lVior's Luther;}"

hurrh, r/o Rev. M. 1. K. Fuhr. 20 1 2 F St . . San O ieso . C:tlif.-Nov.

oe, Geo . • 5 1 9 J rd Ave. W .. Kalispell. Mont .-Aug. M.,.,. HaM J . . Route J. Box 1 56. Kent. Wash.-Feb . . F.b . . Feb. ivlnc. Mrs. Ham J . t Route 3, Box 1 56, Kent. Wa,h.- F.b. . F.b.. Feb. MoE', J., Si lverton. Or:('.-Mar., Apr., Apt. Moe. Olaf. 393 1 Grand. Eyerett. Wash.­Feb. !'vIa n.

Wash. Moen. Moen. Moon. Morn,

l'vlr:s. Arnt. Route 3 . Mt. Ve.rnon . 1.n . • F.b.

G. 0 . . Mt. Vl�rnon. W:l.!ih .-Jan. [v r, Silverton, Orc .-iVlay l'vlr.s. Ivcr, Silverton, Ore.-MOoY John, Route 2, Everett, \'C'ash .-]on"

pro Moen. Mrs, Nil.s, Ml. Vernon. \,\fash .-Fcb. Moen . Woodburu. Ore.-Dec.. Oct , May !vlaen, lvles. 0., \X'oodburn, Ore.-Dec., OCt . . May �Ioen. lvIr,;. Ol ive, Routt Z. Braham, linn. -May l'vlQ(:n. Peder 0 . . Wen tworth. So. Dak.-


Mol e:r-get. O. C . . Route 1 3 . Box 25. Sc.:1ttlc, Wash.-May Moldrom. M r<. O. J.. 1 8 1 4 Larrab.. St. . Bell ingham. W"h.-No,· " Oct" Sept. l\1olcrl;'.rn, Dina. 1 8 1 4 La rr.1hec St., S. Bd­l ingham. Wa.h -Feb . • Nm'" 0 . , Sept. Moldr m . Malia p_. 1 8 1 4 Larrabee St . . S. Bell ingham, \Xfash .-M<1L, Nov . . Nov. Moltrr. Rev. F. 1 . . 36� 1 0th W . . V.ncouver. B. _ . ct. {\tfong, Harold . Edi ... on. Wa.h.-Oct., Jan. Mo nR. NcI�, Edi�Qn. \V�5h.-Oct., J.111. Mong. Mrs. Ne ls. Edison. Wa.h.-Oct .• jan. Mong, Norris. Edi.�on. \VI asb.-Oct., Jan. 1 onS;l:\S. lVlargarel. Port Blakdy, Wash.­Oct.

or":. " . R. .• Kennewick. \X1a:sh.-Apr . "'!ork. H. H . . 67 1 7 40th Ave. S .• Se.ttle. \'if .. h.-Feb .. Oct .• Oct.

'Iortimer. S. W.. 4 1 5 kane, \V:J�h.-June

3rd Ave .• po·

l\Ifortvedt Rf!v. A. 0 . . 4 1 6 Hunter Ave . . JoIi,t. III.-lune. luI,' Mr. View Luther�n L�di6J Aid . c/o Mrs. Alfred Be<ll. Route I . Box 1 9 1 . Puy.llup. W sil.-Juue, l'vlJ.r. Mowre-y, Mn;:. R. A . , 2009 8th St., Brern· rrton. W:)sh.- pro lVlu('hler. Otto. Ortinr.. W.uh .-Jan. l'vluenscher, Fr.:lnz, Route I, Everson. \ -Oct. Muller. Fred. Ortin!1. \'\Iash.-Jan. , ov. fv1uller. Henry. Orting, \V:1sh .-Jan .. ov. Muller. l\1Irs. Turi. Sprinr. Grove, Minn.­AUR . . July. AUR. M unda l. M P. S .• Custer, Wash.-Nov.,

{1:�son. Mr<. J . P., 706 N. Anderson . Ellensburg. \Vash .-Mar .. Feb.

lVh· Soph ie, Howard. So. Da.k.-Mar.

�1�'hre. C. Oscar, Rolpftt., No. D.:lk.-Mar., Molr., Ma .

Myhre. O. A . , 2855 Corn wall Ave., Be.ll ing­h:'lm, \Vuh.-Nov., Nov.

Scrilll No.

3 67

1 000

1 �7

1 3 1 9

1 2 88

7077 7 1 06


693 8 6623 7 1 4 1 6344 {;345

6346 6347


3 1 23

3 1 24

2 3 2

J I 22

3 1 2 5


430B 7 1 43

1 147








6499 5739

1 224

40B3 6064

3 �3

7 1 79



6537 6749

25 1



7 1 80

1 7M


Name, AdJrcl!, dnd Month of Contribution

Myhre, Mrs. O. A.. 2B55 Cornw.1I Ave . . Bellingham. \V'ash.-Nov . • Nov. Myhre. Peter 1 .. 2006 23rd A.e. N .. Se· attle, \V.lSh .-Mar ., Mar., Ma r. , Nov., Nov . Myhre. Mrs. Peter 1., 2006 23rd Ave. N .•

Se:lttle, \'Vash.-Aug., Ang., Nov •. Nov. Mykland, A. A.. Court House. Eyerett . \V� sh.-Apr .• Noy . . Noy. Ml'klebust. K. T.. 1 260 Commercr, Long· view, \'V, J .1n. Myklebust. T. A .. LaCross<. Wash.-Oct. Myr<boe. H. S . . 2 1 1 6 8th Ave. W .. S,·attle. \V"h.-Oct. Myreboe. Selmer H. T . . Poulsbo, Wa�h.­June N. ., Coeur d'Alent', Idah<r-Auc. N. N .. Evcrett, \Vash.-Apr. N . N., Pasadena. CaI iL-Noy . Naas. AJfred. E. Stan ..... ood, \'<fash.-Feb. N:u ... Mrs. Alfred. E. tanwood. \Va$h.­Feb. Na.1s. Gundl'r, E. St anwood. \VJ l1sh.-Fl'b . Naa.<. Mrs. Gunder. B. Stauwood. \VI a�h. Feb. Naeseth. Rev. \Vm. K .• 22 6th Ave. S. E . . Rochester. rvIinn.-J uly, J u ly. No ... ., h.1rlotte, 1 1 1 0 S. 3rd St .. Tacoma. \Vash.-Aug., Nov .. Oct. Naess. Erl ing, l l l O S. 3 rd St., Ta coma . \Vash.-Aug .. Nov., Oct. Na,,,. Rey. J. A. E . • 1 1 10 S. 3rd St .. Ta· com:l, Wash .-Nov .• Aug., No\'. , Oct . Nam. l\'lrs. 1. A. E.. 1 1 1 0 S. 3 rd St . . Tacoma. \,\/ash.-Auc . . Nov., Oct. N>lcss. J. A., Emanuel. Jr., 1 1 1 0 rd St. . Tacoma. \Vasb.-Al1f� .. Noy. , Oct . Nag icstad, Rev. Carl J., EHsworth. Iowa­Apr.. M.y Narvl'rud. L.. Alben Le:t. Minn .-May, June Natvig. OIBa. c/o P;trk Region Luther Col · le�e. Fergus Falls, Minn.-Nov. N,verdol. John J .. 71 S. Cushman Ave . . Tacoma. \Vash.-Mar., Apr • • Molr. Nl'deriee, Han3, Box 164. Sta nwood. Wash. -Feb.

edrud. Agnu. 1 3 3 2 Rucker, Everett, \Vash. -Feb. Ncitul. Mrs. E. L . . 398 E. 3lnd St" Port­bnd. Ore.-June Nellermoe. Mrs. N. A.. 896 1 Sp llh'eda Blvd . . San Fernando, Calif.-l\IIar. Nelson. nev. Alfred. Cohtosn. Wis.-luly. Sept. Nelson, Al£red. Silverton. Orc .-F'e.b . , Mar . . Apr. Nelson. Anton, Route I, Stanwood. \'q;uh. -Nov. i elson. Bertha. Howard, So. Dak .-Mar. Nelson , r..tlu. Bertha . 1 1 34 E. 2 nd St. , Port Angeles. \V/ash .--Ocf. Nelson, Re\'. Byron C . . 260 State St . . Peith Amboy. . 1.-Apr .. Nov_ Nelson. Chas F .. Olalla. .• July

elson, Dr. • L .. Kasson. Minn.-D",c. Nelson, David T., Decorah , Iowa-Nov., July, Aug. Ncbon, Edward N., 244 P:lcific Ave . , Long Beach , Calif.-Nov. Nelson. v . Routt 3. Box 3 0 1 , Tacoma. Wash.-Sept. Nelson. Mrs. Geo. E . . 984 V:).ncouyc-r Avc., Portland, Ore.--June Nelson, Halvor. Ch inook, \V/ash.-i\llar. NeI:::on, Hans. Poulsbo. \'Va�h.-June Nd,on. Rev. 1. E., Box 552, Newpo rt. Wash. -Nov. . Feb.. Apr.

ebon, Mrs. J. Box 552. Newport , \V .. h.-Nov .. Feb . . Apr. Nt>lson, John C.. Nelson Service St at ion , 96th & Pacific, Tacoma, W:lsh.-J uly Nelson. Mrs. !VIaren , 1433 Hellmitn Sr . Long Beach, Calif.-Nov. Nelson, Olaf. Rugby. No. O.k.-Aug .• Nov"

Nov . Ndson, P., Box 2 1 2, Parkland. \V/ash.­Sept.

Page 37: College Bulletin 1931 November

SI: Ti a l !'-lo.




56 I 4452

674 6

6 1 H 7068 6 1 09

1 0 2 1



5 574


768 642 1

656 1

4 1 57 4 1 5 8

3 7 2 1


6� 3 8

4330 0)39

6H9 6 3 5 0 6 4 5 4


6 2 0 1

6 0 5 6


1 473

3 805

3806 5529

6924 5 9 8 1

5 9 8 2

1 1 1 0


5 2 1


3 8 1 9

Name� Address, and Month o f Contribution

Nelson, Sa.rn, 1 0 1 7 24th St.) Bellingham, Wash.- 'ov. t'!.I, n. To",.I. 1 2 1 3 24th St.. Bellingham. \V/ash .-Nov. Nelson. Wm. N . • 4 2 1 4th St., Albe rt L .. . Minn.-Feb. Nelstll1 Service Stltioo, 9602 Pacific Ave . . Tacoma, Wash.-Scpt.

('fison. Rev. G . H., I I I \'V yoming A \'e., Billing,. Monr.-J uly, July Nerison. Mrs. G. H . • 1 1 1 \'\fyoming Avl'., Bil1in�s. IV1onr.-J uly Nervig, Rev. Caspcr' B . • Roseau, Minn.-Mar . Nervie. Mrs . E., Hay, \'\fash.-Oct. Nesland. A. B., Route I, K(,tl.t, \,\ ­Jan. N .... S. p . . 733 E. Couch. Portland, Ore.­I J r ., M.;y, J u ne NCHC, R ·v. Theo. P . . 4 1 2 E. 5th, Ana ­(ond;1. , Mont.-July, Nov. Neste. Mrs. Theo. P., 4 1 2 E. 5th. Anaconda. NIonL-July, Nov. Nestos. Hon. R. A . . �linot. No. Oak.-Sept., us. Ntsvi ll, R .. ,. M. L.. 1 5 0 Valley St .. Seattl • .

Wash .-Feb . . jan., Oct . • Ocr. N.,vig, Mr . M. L.. 1 5 0 Valley St., S attie,

' ilsh.-Feb" O..:t.. Oct. N.n , G. H .• Route 4, Box 1 23 B B. Salem, Oro.-Feb. Neumann. \Y/ . N., 528 Yakima St., P::asco, W.,h .-Apr. Newb<r�. A. J., 5006 N. 27th St . • Tacoma. Willh.-Apt . • Mar. N •. wborg, lvIrs. A. J . . 5006 N. 27th St., Tacoma, \'\fash.--Apr.. Mar. Newton. Mn. Albe.rt, Route 2. Box 440, Puyallup, Wash .- ov,. Oct., Oct. Nid::aros Ladi�' Aid, </0 Rev, H. Ragen, \Voodburn. Ore.-M.ay Nldscn. Mrs. Jt'nl, IS28 Duane , Astori:l, Ore.-Nlar. Nielsen, Ma rgaret M., 404 ['vlorcis St . • Port ­

l.and. o rt'r-May, J\!Jay Nie.lsE:n, Johanna L.. 1 82 2 Duane. AstoriJ. . Ore.-�'Ia.r. Nielson. Gladys. E. Stanwood. Wash.-F<b. Nielson, Nils, E. Stanwood. \':\fash.-Feb.

iemyer, L., 243 0 Broadway, Everett. \'Vash. -F<b. Nils n. Neil, 1 006 Park St" Albert Loa. Minn.-Mnr . Nilson, Nib, Pelican RilPids. lvlinn.-Dec.

iz. �Jnl:. Herman, Route 2, Box 1 0 1 , Puyallup, \"Vas.h .-Fl'b. Nix, !vIa. R., Route 2, Bo 62, Puyallup, W,sh.-J,n. Nora Norwegian Lu rhcran Congregacion. c/o Thorvald Rosb}'. Fuwell, Minn.-Dec. Norby, Henry. 6 5 27 J ones. Seattl�, \'Vash. -Oct. Norby, Rev. J. Torv,l. 1 3 1 2 Franklin St . •

Bellingham. Wash.-lvIal', May. Jan. Nordby, Clara D .• Ferndale , \'Vash.-Noy . . Oct. Nord by • ./ . E . . Femdale, Wash.-Nov .. Oct.

ordh},. Osc;!;r H., Gary. lVIinn.-Sept., Nov. Nordby. R. F. . • Gcn(&.sc�. Idaho--Au g. Nordhau�f"n. Mrs. G., Aurora, Ore.-Dcc., Oct. Nordhausen. Miss S . , Aurora, Ore-.-Dec. OCt. Nordli.. Hetman C.. 503 6th St. S . •

Moorhe::ad, Minn.-----Nlar. . Apr., rviay Nordlund, J. A., Box 37. Parkland, \Vash. -Sept. Nords<th. H. J . . 1241 Napl es St . . San FranCiltco, Calif.-Jan., Dec.. D('c. NordstOI. S., 3652 3rd Ave .• Los A ngeles.


Nordstrand. B. . 65 Hcrnand�z Ave.. an Fr.lncisco, Collif .-Dcc. , Jan.

Nord!otr3nd. . , 4 6 M arcella Ave.. San Francisco, Calif.-Jan., Dec., Nov., Nov .

S.ridI No.



2 1 8

59 1 7

6748 6747

6 2 9 1


1 70

44 5 7


7 1 69

1 565


1 286


1 1 3 7










685 5


1 699



4 3 0 1 5004







1 22



Name. Address, and A-lonth of Conlr·ibulion

Norgard , E . \'V al ter, 1 3 1 5 Oakes, Everett, W •• h.-F"b. Norkg:1ucr, J. Leonard, 5205 tvb yflower. Seattle, Wash.-Apr. Norlie. Dr. O. M., Hartwick College. One­ontJ. New York- ov .• ]an. , Jan., Sept.

ermana Young People.... ocler y, c/o Gust

Bakken, Evansville, Minn.-Dec. Narum. A. H., Poulsbo, \ Norum, Mrs. A. H., Poulsbo, \'(Iash.­June Norst:1d. RE'v. l\1 art i n. 425 S . 4th t., tvlin ­ne:tpolis. lvlinn.-Fcb ., Nov. Norswing, John E., Northfidd, M inn.­July. Nov. Norswin,8. Knute 8'1 Fullerton, Calif .-Oct . •

Nbr . . Ape-" Nov . • Nov. North Waterford Ladies' Aid, c/o Rev. L. �,II . Stavi � North field, Mien.-July, Sept. Normn. Edga.r A., Court House. Tacoma, Wash.-Sept. Norwegian Luthera n Church of America, North Puget Sou nd Circuit� c/o Rev. S. J . N. Ylvisilker, Stanwood. \Va.:5 h . -Nov . Norwe.gian Lutheran Ladies' Aid, c/o Mrs . 1. A. Nlesford. An:..cortes, \Va..'9h.-Juot!,

ov., Feb. , May Nuttall. Mr>. .. 384 W. Farragut, Port-l.and, Ny[l,1Cd. T. H., p.tkl, nd, Wosh.-Apr., Au� . • Sept., Sept., Se. pt. Nyholm. Mrs. Fred, Route 1 , Port An­geles, Wash.-Oct., Oct. Nyhus. L. G., Route 5, rvrt. Vernon, Wash. lVbr . . Nov . • Dec.. July Nyhus, lVIn. L. G . . Rout!! 5. Mt. V ernon. Wash.-Nov .. Nov., Mar., July N)'lander , P . • Route. 4, 80% 296, Tacoma, W.,h.-Nov. Nyman, W ilb ert, La ..... rence. \'{fa,sh.-Aug. , J uly. Nov. Nysuther. 1. 0., 2 2 10 Rockefeller. Eve rett, Wash .-Feb. Oakland. G .• 92� S. 6th St . • Mt. VernoD, Wash.-Jan. Oakland, M",. G" 925 S. 6th Sr., Mt. Vernon, \'Vash.-J::au. Oakland, Otto, W . Mt. Vernon, \"<I:uh.­Jan. Oberleitner, MC$. L., 1 0 17 St,,. St.. 8.1-itnghaln, \'Vilsh.-Nov .• Oct. Oberndorfer, l\rIc.. Wm . • Gig Harbor, \'V'ash . -July O'Connell. Mt·s. E. ]., Route 2 , Vancouwr. Wash .-Junt Odden. H., 2 6 1 3 \Y/ ashin ton, Sl' ttle, WasIL-Feb. , Oct . • Oct. Ode, Esther, Decorah, Iowa-July, J uly, Aug. Odegaard. Rev. A. 0.. lola. Wis_-Moy, May Odegaard. Mr.. A. 0.. lola, Wi,.- May, May Odegaard, Erling A . • lola, \Xiis.-Nlay, M::ay Odegaard, M. R . . E. 607 2 5 t h Ave_. Spo­ka ne, Wash.-July. June Odin, O. H . • 5 1 7 Marquette. A ve . • Min­neapolis, Minn.-June, J unl' Og>rd, E. H.. 23 1 4 McDoug,lI. Eve"tt. \Vash.-Feb. Oksendahl. NIrs. r. L., Route 1, St;Qnwood, W::Ish.-Nov. Oksendolhl. Irene, Route I, St.anwood, Wash. - ov. Oksne .. , S . S . , 3814 S. L St . . T.coma. WasIL-Oct . . Jan .. Sept .. July Olau5cn. Mrs. A. E., E . Stanwood, WiJ,sh.­Fob. Olausen, Anthoni, Route 3, BOI 3 3 0. Tn­coma. \'V:lsh.-Sept., � Mar., July,

Feb., July Ohuson, Mrs. Pete, Port Blakelr. \"'{fash.-­

why Oliphant. Mrs. M. M.. 4 1 5 Fort St . , Mis.soul::at Mont.-Sl.'pt.

Page 38: College Bulletin 1931 November

S .. ;di 1\'0. l\'l3m�� A JdrcJS, r:ina klonth of Contributio1J

3699 Oliv.", Mrs. A. 0" Route 1, Box 3 5 0, Kent', \'qJ,SI1.-Nov., Jito.

5"68 livcrson , Clara, Hemet, Calif.-Oct., Nov. -t4 1 2 0I m�fl'ad. A. Co, 109 Jefferson St., J ancs­

'v ille, Wi..:i.-J un�, June 1 1 4 5 Olsen, Mes. A . , 4 2 1 8 N. 1 5 th St.. Tac.oma,

\V';'\sh.-�'l:J.r., June. July 986 Olsen. C. Arthur, Luther Collegt, Decorah ,

Towa-M:u., M:JL, lvbr. ,3 9 76 OIS"!;!n, ri�, Chinook, Wash.-Fcb., �'lar. 3 849 o I.", n , M".. E. G., 480 Hudson St., Oak·

i.and, C;ll if.-D�c.. > Jan. 3 8 ') Olst:n, Elmer Stlverton, Ore . -Nov"

Mar . . Apr. 4435 O l,en , Evd),n. L.kcb.y, W"h .-July, Nov. 1 '1 (14 Olsen, H. Garvik, 1 7 2 0 Wells, Enom·

elaw. \V.,h.-Ma)'. july, Feb. 37�6 Ol,en, H.rr), , , 1 1 0 N. M St . . Aberdeen.

Wa.5h.-Nov., Oct., 6690 Olsen, Hilda J., Silv('rton, Ore.-May H I ) Ol •• n. M I', J. A., E, Stanwood, W"h.­

May. J u l),. Feb. 6540 Ol .. n, John E., 2657 Ash, A.toria, Ore,­

IVhr. 1 1 26 Olsen, Knut, 1 6 1 6 S. J S,. , Tacoma, Wash.

-MaL, M�r, ]Llne 6733 011<0 , Mabel, 42 I Prospect St" S.attl<,

\V.,h .-M.", 4 1 44 or'!;e'n, f\.14rtin . Route I, Box 1 2 5 . C!­

lamcr, \'V3sh .- Apr., lIvhr. 1\2.64 Oh�n , Olaf, eune.r, \'V'.lSh. Jan. 1 244 Olsen, Olc C . • Box 8, R:.tymond , \'\1;)'')h.­

Apr., May, May 4778 Obcn, O[e J . , Baldwin, Wis .-Jul)', No\,. 3977 Olsen. Oscar S . . Chinook, \X1ash.--Fc b "

�L1r. 738 Olsen, Mrs. Randi, Chinook, Wash.-Fcb.,

Feb . • Jan. 6667 Olsen. Mr •. W. J . , Canby, O re.-May 6 I lI):; Olson. A . A . , 1 0 80 Libc.rty, Bellingham.

\" ash.-JlIn . 66S!) Ouon, Albert, Silvc rtoll, Ore.-May

700 Olson, Ann:l H., Parkland , \Y/ ash .-J a n . , Oct., Nev.

6') l4 O!.s.Ofi, Arthur H .• 13m: 8 1 0 , Everett, \'\f:tsh. .--Mar'.

1 7 9 Olson, Benh<I, Parkland, \'\I:ao5h .-Oct . , Jan., Oct .,,

6 1 5 6 Ol'on. Mrs. C. J. , 2 j B King St., Bell ing·, \Vash.-J a n .

7 1 66 Obon, C. M. , Whitti'r, Ca1 if .-Nov. 7 0 3 4 Olson, R,\,. Carl J., 1 7 1 0 1 1 th Ave., Se·

attic. Wash.-----,scpt. 1 1 1 4 OI.5on, Mr�. arrie, 1 6 1 4 S . NI, T.:lcomJ.

\'V3:5h .-Mar.. ?vbr., �hr. 6 3 '5 1 Olson, Chri�toph('[, E. Stanwood , \'Vas.h.­

Feb. 1 077 Olson. alffod, P"k13nd, Wash .--lvlar. ,

Mar., IVlar •• rvl3.r. , Sept. 3 5 5 2 Ol,on, Mrs. Clifford, Parkland, W ... h.­

Oa., S e pt ., Sep.t. 2422 Olson , Edwin, Story, Iowa-July, Nov. �908 Olson, Em il, 2 3 0 5 South St., Bellingham,

\'\!ash.-Nc\l'. 6 1 1 Olson, Elmo, 3 7 8 3 \Vilson Ave., San D iego,

Calif.-Jan., Nov. 5909 OI-nn, 1\>'". Em i l , 23 05 South St., Belling·

h::lm, \,\7;]$h.--- ov. 4 2.04 01:o;:on, Ftc.d, rvIolaIla, Orc.- Apr., M.lY

83 Ol<on. Mrs, G. P" Parkhnd, Wash,-S.·pt., J:1O . . Nov., Oct.

7 1 3 4 O l l;on . H. J . t 675 Atlanta St., PU3denJ, alii.-Nov.

3 9 3 Ol ,on, Hannah NI., Si lverton , Ore.-Dcc.. May. M.,.

70 :::4 Olson, H.:lrU, 1 6 S. 3rd \'<lo, Missoula, Mont. - Sept.

6433. Olson, Mrs. Hilorry , E. Stanwood , \X1ash.­Feb .

5757 Olson, H!:'nry 0" Madison, So. D;lk . -Nov. 1 7$ Obon, In,':a, Tacoma General Hospital, T:l·

C Q m a , \Vjsh.-Oct., Jan . • Oct. 1).? I 8 Olson, John. Silv:l.lla, \XTash.-J;ln. 1 072 Olso n � r-."Jr!'i. L. A .. Forest City, Iowa-Mar.,

Sept . • M.V

Sai,,[ No.

I S !


5 7 5 8

3 1 3

6696 7 1 3 0

1 9 1




509 1

l 63 0

1 73 5

3 5 97

6 1 96 '8 8 1 6 1 97 3 627

6 1 9 8

3 62 9

6 2 8 1

6 1 99

G 5 Z Z

6 8 5 8


4 2 1 4 42 1 5

6 5 2 3

1 549

3 703

3 7 0 1

3 70 2

669 1 "5 9 1 0

1 8 6

5 9 5 3 2 5 0



1 5 2

693 2


5 1 0 1

Name� Address, and j"" onth 0/ ConrributlOn

Olson, Olaf S., Route 4, Box 43 1 . TJ. corna. , Wash.-Oct., Sept., Sept. Olson, Olga (In lVlcmoriam ) . c/o IV<lr 01son� NIr. & rvlrs. L. Tronsdal, Stt"riing. W.,h.-Ma Obon, Oscar A" \'</C'ntworth, So. Oak.­Nov . Olson, Dr. Oscar L., Luther College, Dl'­cor-;,h , Towa-Nov . • Nov., TOV. Olson, Sam, Port BLl.kely, \'Vash.-May Olson, j\1 r3. Sitona, 3 3 3 8 3 1 st S t . , S:1n Dirge, Ca l iL-.I. ov. O lson. T. H., Parkla nd, \X1ash .-Oct . , Oct. , Sept.. Oct. Olson, M". T. H., Box 444, Parkland , \Vash.-Sept., Oct. Olson, Thora A., 80% 444 , Parkland, \'Vash. �Scpt., Oct., Sept . .

Olson, Wm.. 1 627 4th Sr., Brt'merlon, \Xl ash.-Nlar. , �1ar. Olsrud, Rev. Oscar L., CIarbton, \\! ash.­July, Aog. Omdal, Ben, Route 1, Box 1 0 2, Bow, \V .. h. -Oct., Jan . Omd:ll, Bertha, Rout(� 1 , Bow, \Vash.­July, Nov. Omd21. BOl/it"', Route 2. Bow, \Vash.-Oct . . Jan. Omdal, Lars, Route 2, Bow, \"Vash.-J a n. Omdal, j\"'�rg"lret. Bow, \1t' ... sh.-Nov. Oro da l , Neh. Route 1 . Bo" . . ·, Wash.-J::IO. Omdal, Prder [\.'1 . , Route 1, Box 1 :)2, Bow, W .. b.-Oct., J a n . Omcial, NIrs. Peder. Route I . Bow. W.lsh.­}an. Omdal. Sanford, Route 1 , Box 102, Bow, Wasn.-Oct., Jan. Omli�, T. A . , Route 2. Ferndale , Wash.­Jan. Omundson, f...rlr:-;. Inger, Route 1. Bow, Wa�h.-Jan. O'Ne.!' Mrs. A. D., 2<16 2nd St., Brem · e,rton, \Vash .-tv!a.r. Onstad, Dr. P. G . , 1 0 1 7 Stark St., Port· land, Ore.-June Opdahl, T. E., 2 1 7 l rd St. , Albert Lea, Nlinn.-June Oped.::tl, Lao, Silverton. Oa'.-Apr., lVlay Opcdai, 1\1 rs. L . , Silverton., Ore.-Api . . �.1:1}' Opsara, Stephen, I l 24 Hewett, Br-("merton. \'(1 ash.-rv1ar. Opstad, her A�, Iow.1 City. Iowil�rv!ay . May, June Opstad. L. A ., 523 C;tSS, Port Townsend.. \Vash.-Nov., Oct., Oct. Opstad, Lars 0.. Blaim�, \Y/ ash.-Nov., July, Au�. Opst;td, �lrs.. Lars 0., Blaine, Wash.-Nm'., J oly, Aug. Opsund. G. M . • Si l verton . Ore .--NIay Ordal, Doroth}" 1 7 1 3 NlcKenzie, S. Be l l ing ­ham. \Va5h�-No v. Ordal, Rev. O . J. . 1 7 13 McK.nzie, S . Bel· lingh:1m, \'\lash.-Oct . . No�' .. Jln. Onnbre-k, Sick. BothE'l l, Wash.-Det:'. Os la nd, Bi,!,er, 1 20 S. La Salle St" Chi· cago, I1 l .-Nov,. Jan . . Dec . Osby. Andrew, Routt' 5. Box 262. SC'j,tti('. \'V::lsh.-Oct. O�tlilho, Mrs. Cd., 2625 GranJ Ave., EVl.'r Ht, Wa:;h .- Apr. , Sept.

Osttdi. Mn;. Astrid, 707 E1 Camino Avt'. , N. Sacramt>nto, Calif.--Jan . . Feb .. Mar.

Ostll1nd, CuI, Parkland. Wash.--5ept.

Ostlund . rvIrs . Carl, Parkland, Wbh.-Oct., Sept., Sept.

Ost ;;Jt, Mrs. E. E., 323 N. H(lwJ.rd. Mos­�ow. Id;l,ho-�Au�.

Otto, Charlc�. 1 80 5 D Se. , Bdlip1;ham. \Vash.- Nov . . Oct.

Our Sa vior',!! Ladies' Aid. c/el A . E. Li.en, Portl and, No. Dak.-July, July

Page 39: College Bulletin 1931 November

S"idl No.



4 1 45



6 9 i 7

3 787

3 788


1 08






1 426



708 3


5983 4078

6 3 5 2




5829 5 74 1


10 5

1 080

7 1 92 3619





3 682

�lame, t1ddTtH, dnd fl.-tonth 0/ Contribution

Our- Savior's L:J.die5' A id, c/o Mrs. \V. R. Gilroy. 745 Cedar Ave., LonG" Beach, Calif. -juiy, Nov. Our Savior's Luther Lugue. c/o L. J . ROflgst::Jd. Dovray. �1inn.--FlI::b. . Our S;;t ... ior's Luthet".1.n Church, c/o 'i:t rt In C. Olsen, \'(!f'..$tport, Ore.- pr .• May Our Sa'Jior'� Lutheran Church, c/o H. E. Anderson , 924 Pacific AVf: . . Tacoma. \X'ash . -Nov. Our Savior's Lutheran L.J.dics' A id, c/o rvlr::: . R. Hoidal, Route 1, ArlinGton, \'(/a::;h.-

l.)�;' ��7�r'$ Sunday chooL c/o Rev. Thea. Hokem'ltad, Brelnerlon. Wash.-July Ove, Rev. T. T., 4 i l N. I St., Aberdeen , \'V', D�c. O�C, Mo. T. T., 4 1 1 N. I St.. berdeen.

ash .-Noy" Dec. Overg'iacd, Rev. Raymond. Gia H3rbor. Wuh.-Nov., Apr., Fcb., Fcb., juiy, Nov. Overg�:ud. Mrs. R. 0 . . Gig Harbor, Wash. -Aug., May, July, Feb., july, Nov. Overiil!, Erl:J.nd� E. Lewis St., PaJco. \Vash.

Ove��·nd. Ed., Sih.'�rton. . . Juh',

• 1ay Ovcrluod, Mrs. Ed., Route 2, Silverton ,

re.-Mmr" Juiy, May Overfund. Oscar R . , Route 2, Silverton.

r�.-�rh .MaL, rvl.u·. vr:(�on. T. G . , 425 S. 4th St . , }\tt in­

ncapolis, f.t1 1n.D.-Ma}' Oyen, Arnt, Poulsbo. W.lsh.-No\t J:1n . , Jail. Oyso,d, Macnh ild , QuiIliy Clin.i<, Ev.ret<, \"'o,h.-Mav, july, Mar. P de, B.n, 640 N. 1 5 th, Sal,m, Ore.­Feb. Palmer, Stewart, Route 3 . TJ.cotnJ., .-

�:��kokc, Dr. O. H.t 447 Lombard, Oak Park, Il I .-O<t. Pappas, Mrs. Andrew, Box 256, Bremerton, Wa,h.-M.r .. Feb. Pardey, Mrs. Elise, Auror:l, Ore.-Dec.. Oct. Paulson, Rev. Charles T.. Frederick, So. Dok.-Mar., M,lr. Paulson, Mrs. Julia, E. Sunwood. \"\la5h.­Feb,

h Paulson, Paul, Route I , rvlarysville, \Vas . -No\'. Pau on, Peter, Routt: I, t'vbry$villt, Wash. -Nov. P;lulson, �1rs. Peter. Route I , M;uysville, \V/.u. h .-NO\I . Pau lson, Tominf:, Bnon. l'vlinn.-Oec. Pearson, Pe.tru�. Port Angeles, \'V'ash.-Oct.,

?ec;;son, Mrs. R . Lee, 1 6 3 7 Florida St.,

Lonl{ , Calif.-F ... b., lv1ar., Mar. Pedersen, Berent. 651 1 4th Avt. N. E.,

cattle \X'ash . -lVIar., Jan. Ped=�, Mrs. llorghi ld . 65 1 1 4th Ave. N. E.t Seattle, \'V'.lSh.-lvlar . . J:ln. Pl'dencD. H., 1 2 3 1 S . State, Tacoma,, -july, F.b. Pcdcr�f'n, PJ.ul, lakewood, \Vuh .-Nov . . P.d,,,,,,"_ P. E., 243 1 I l ,h Ave. 5., Mm· nnpoli:'ll, Minn.- ug . . July, Nov. Pedf:r$on. Pernie. orno & Pierce, St. Paul, Minn. ar., Apr., IYlaL, Nbr. Pederson, R.o Camarillo. Calif.-Nov. Pederson. TalloK, Route I, Bow, \'(Iash.­Oct., J.n.

h P<pper, F. W" Box 103, Parkiand, W'as . --Sept. Peter, rvfrs. I-t W., Route 3, Aurorl, are. -Oct. Pe.[crsen, J. C., Parkland, P:lrkland, Wash.-Mar., Oct., Sept., Sept. PHerson, Mrs. A. p" 1 3 1 3 i 9th St. , S. BelllO-'tham, W:l:ih .-Nov . , Oct.. ov. p.,erson, A. P .. 1 3 1 3 19th St., S. Belling· ham, WJ..m.-Nov., Oct., No\,.

Serial No.

69'7 1 045

2 3 6 1


66 5


2 0 1 4

1 5 3

6509 65 1 0

1 3 79


591 I

5 9 1 2

1 5 88 ')9 1 3

1 506

59 1 4

1 697

59 I 5



3 9 1 2

7 1 20

1 73 7

5882 3 540

7 1 49 4425



1 49 3


68 1 5 6 1 63

68 7


7 1 8 2

7 1 1 i


1 1 89

/\1dtnc� A dd":H, and Al07zth of Contribution

Peterson , Al1dr�w, Polson, Mont.-Aug. Peterson, Anton. 2 3 5 5 S. L St., Tacoma , Wasb .-M;)r., Nov. Peterson, RC'v. Austin rvI., O ldham , So. Oak. -July, Sept. Peterson, ivlrs. Ben, Black River Fall:ol, Wis. -Juh', Nov. Peterson, C . H .• 3 62 2 Oakes. Everett, Wash. -Apr. Peterson, �1rs. C. H., 3 622 Oakes, Everett, \'(fash.- pr. Peterson, C. 1\1.. Mayville, No. Oak.­Aur. . . Oct. Peterson, C. S., Route 3. Box 3 4 3 , Tar corn.J., \�., OCt" Sept. , Sept. , Sept. Peter,on, Mrs. C. S . , Rou,. 3, Box 3 4 3 , Tacoma , \'\fash.-Oct., Oct., Sept . • Sept . Pl'terson, Carl J., St:J.nwood. \"'Va h.-Mar. Peterson, ivfrs. Carl J . , Stanwood, Wash .-

ar. Peterson, Carl Lyl�, St:mwood, \'(fash.­Apr., Mar. Peterson . fvhs. Cttrric ([n M-tlmotbml . c/o Mrs. L. C. Foss, 779 Lakeview Blvd., Se· ,ttie, \"'a'h.-Fcb .• Feb. Peterson, Cha,. W., i 2 1 2 22nd St., S . Bcllingh:t.:TI, \'\1 a:5h.-Nov. Peterson, Mrs. Chas. W . , 1 2 1 2 22nd St.. S. BdlinghJ.m , \'Va.5h .-Nov. Pete.rson, Enoch E . • Fayoum . E�ypt-June Pt'terson , Frances, 1 2 1 2 22nd Sr., S. Bel. l i ngham, \'\lash .-NO\,. Peterson. FrJ.nk \VI., Sonora, Calif.-June, Nov. ! Nov. Pccerson. Hiida. 1423 23rd St., S. Belling . ham, \'(lash.-Nov. Pet('rson, Rev. John, 425 S. 4th St., Min· ne:lpoli:s, Minn.-July. June, July Peterson, Leslie, 1 2 1 2 22nd St., S. Bel· lingham, \X'ash.-Nov. Pt'terson, Mrs. Louis, Parkland, \Vash.­Sept., Sept., Oct., Oct. I;>eterson, Manda, 1 906 Rockefeller, Everett, \\:ra sh.-- M:w. Nov. Peterson. Paul, Route 1 , . Stanwood, \'(/".lsh . -Jan., Nnv. Peter::o:on, Roy. 3 5 8 5 E . G St., Tacoma, \"'ash.-Nov. Peters-on, Sophie, Route I, Bow, W­Juiy. Nov . . J an. Peterson, Theodora, Bow, Wash.-Nov. Peter!>on, 1\1lr5. Thorwald, Parkland, \'VasIl.­Oct .. Sopt. Pl'"tr�aon. Hans, Fu l lerton , C.,lif .-Nov. PfIucg" r,

. Rev. E. R., 3756 Angeline St.,

Seattle, Wash .-July . July PfIuc>!«_ Rev. J . P., Parkla.nd, W3Sh.­Jul". Oct. Pflueger, Mrs. j. P., Parkland, Wash.­Sept., Oct. Pierce. O. P.. 1204 No. Steett', Tacoma, Wash.-i"fay Piper, L., Route 3, Spokane, 'X'3sh.-June Plaster, Roy. W.J. ukon , \'V'3sh.-June Pochert, H. c., 9 1 6 S . K, Tacoma, Wash. -Jan. Potnth, A. \"'., 287 W. Parragut St . . Port· land , Ore.-Junc Porath, Marguet, 287 \'(1. Farracut, Port· bnd. Ore.-May, May Powell, Mrs. R . R., 723 Euclid Ave" Long Beao:h. Calif .-Nov. Prahin,ki, Mrs. John, E. 367 Fifth "e., Spokane, \V:lsh.-Nov. Preus, Prof . C. K., (In Memoriam) . c/o Dr. O. A. Tingrlst:td. Parkland , \V/, Nov., Oct. Pre us, Mr:;-. C. K., 60 Sf_yrnour Ave. S. E., Ivlinncapolis, I\1inn.-l\IJar., Apr., (In Me­mori:lm) Apr., Apr., May, �flay Preu,. Dr. Herman A. , 2308 Elliot Ave. S., �1inn('apolis, lvlinn.-IvLty, J un!!, Nov.

Page 40: College Bulletin 1931 November

s,,;,,/ No. Name" Addn:;;� and l'Jonth of Contribution

46 1 Preus, Rev. J. c. K., 408 5th Ave. 5., Minnc3poli.!., Minn.-Dec.t Feb . • July

4599 Pm"" P,ul A., Porkland, W,lSh.-J u ly, Jun�. Oct.

4600 Preus, M Paul A., Packland, W.,h.-July, June

204" Preus, \'qilliam C.. 1 005 Rand Tow(" [ " Mlnnupo!is, Minn.- AuH., juI}" Aug.

3 6 U 7 Pulver, Mrs. Rudolph, Buding(on, Wash. -Oct., Jan.

7209 Purdum, Mrs. Mabel M., 2012 Monterey, Sant'l Barbara. Calif.-Nov.

5938 Quade. M rs. E., Route 5, Oregon City. Ore. -Nov.

4 1 02 Qua l , Millard, Milwaukee, Ore.-Mar., Sept,

2027 Qualley, Arnold, 1906 Bilttnoro St. N, W., W.,hillgton, O. C,-A ug ., Nov.

2473 Qualley, 0, W., Decoc>h, Iowa-Aug., Aug., AUIl,

8 1 3 QuaIsu, Mrs. Tone, Sil verton, Ore.-Mar., Nov.

645 8 Quam, Halvor, 2407 24(h Sr., Everett, \'i/ ash.-Feb.

1 4 3 1 Quam, John, 261 1 Grand, Everett, Wash. -May, Apr., Feb,

1 6 0 Qua mme n. Rev. A. G., Cyrus, �'Iinn.­July, Nov .

6500 Quanda!.I , ather, Howard, So. O.k.-Mar. 5281 Qua,v., Ella, Spring Grove, Minn.-J ulr,

u • 6 057 Quj�1 Henry, Nerstrand. Minn.-Dec. 5959 Raftshol, Rev. K. O. and Congregation,

Churchs Ferry, No. O.k.-Dec, 420 Ramb<rg, Chn., \'i/oodburn, O ... -O.c.,

Oec'l J,n., May 4 1 89 Ram�erg. Mrs, H. A ., Woodburn, Ore.­

Apr .. May 6946 Ramlo. P., Libby, Mont.-Aug.

44 Ramstad, Rev. A. \'i/. , Parkland, W .. h.­S(�Pt., Dec., D c.

4� Ramstad. Mrs, A. W .,, Wash.­Sept .• De ., Dc .

43 Ramstad, Alice , Parkland, \'i/ ash ., Dec., Dec.

J 8 1 8 Ramstad , Hehn Ruth Lydia, Parkland, Wash.-Dec., Dec.

864 Ra'fnjUd, Lydi.t J., San Franci:ico Hospita l , S,tn Fr3ndsco. Calif.-lvlar., lVlay, Nov.

7 1 83 Ramstad, 0 ' 1 3 2 2 Onnge Ave. , Lone Beach, li£,- ov.

'2930 Ramstad. S. Edward. Route 2. Sunburg, Ivlinn.-Aug .. July. Sept.

46 Ramstad, \'i/m . , Parkland , Wash.-Sept., Dec .. Dec.

6501 Rand, Ida, Howard, So. O.k.-MM. 6502 Rasmussen, Emily. Howard, So. Dak.­

Mar. 3 559 Rasmussen, H.rry, E. Stanwood, Wash.-

0« .. Nov. 3 5fi:J Rasmussen, Mrs. Harry, E. Stanwood. W:1sh.

-Oct . , Nov. 737 Rasmuss.en. Mrs. loga, Route I, Box 853,

Astoria. Ore.-Feb., Apr . . Mar., Aug. 382 Rasm uli�en. Johanna, Route 1, Box 853.

Astoria, Ore.-Nov . • Nov., Oct., Oct. 773 Rasmus.$et1, Miss L.. 1 1 08 Harvard N., Se­

attl" W .. h.-Feb., Nov. 1 474 Ra..<;nlus:sen. Rt'v. L . • Bu rlington , \X'.1sh.­

May, Apr., r-hy 6 Ra..smu.ucn, Mrs. L.. Burl ington, \Xf ash.­

Sept., MaYT Apr., May 1 477 Rasmu en, Lenore. Burl ington, \Vash.­

May, Apr., May 7005 Rasmu,.cn. N. J . , Route I , Box 853,

A$toC13:, Otc.-Aug:. 6563 R asm en, Ole, 914 S. 5th St., P.sco,

Wash.-Apr. 6564 Rasmussen, Mrs. Ole, 9 1 4 S. 5th, Pasco.

\Xf.,h.-Apr. 383 R.umus�en. Thora, Route I. Box 853. Anoria..

Ore.-Nov., Nov., Oct., Nov. 1475 Rasml.lSsC!o, Victoria. Burlin ton, \Vash.­

Ma>'. Apr., May

Seridi No.

1 476 6503



1 4 5 1

1 43 2


6579 6877 6074

602 5


4926 5742

7 1 05



6 2 1 9 6220


5 3 68 6353



67 1 7

67 1 8

7 1 1 2

5 677



6800 687 1 1 68 1

1 682

1 5 ') 3




2 l n

5 9 1 3


43 3 7

5528 1 5 4 5


Nt1me� A ddress, �nd tWonth 0/ Contribution Rasmussen, \V illiam. Burlington, \\J'ash.­May, Apr., June Rauenhorst, .Marte, Howard, So. Oak.­Mar. Raymond, Burt H.. 9 1 8 Commerce St • • Tacoma. \X'ash.-lVhr., Dec. Reep, E. G., 3602 rand Ave., Everett. W .. h,-Feb . Reep, Mrs. E. G., 3 602 Grand Ave .. Everett. \Y/.uh .-MiIoY, Jan. Recp, Ellen, 3602 Grand Ave., Everett, Wash.-May, Jan. Reep, R . T., 3602 Grand A'.Ic., Bvtrctt,, Jan. RefsiJ.nd, E.. Silverton, Ore:.-Apr. Rehn, H., Gig H<ubor, \V ",h.-J uly Rehn, J3cob, 2333 S. Gunt. Tacomot. W�5h . -J,n. Reid, Raymond, 9 14 19th St'l Anacortes, W .. h .-De,. Rei«son, Mrs. R. 5., White Bluffs. \'Vash. - av., Fe-b. , Jan. Reifenbe.rser, \X1m., Fairfield. \V3$h.-Nov. Reifers, Mrs. Anna, 1 3 6 \V. 13th St., Port Angeles, \Y/ ;J�h.- ,t., Sept. Reim3n, Bcnj;1min, 24 42nd W . • Seattle, Wash.-Oct. Reinarr,on, Richard A., Polson, Mont.­Aug. Rein!cth , MrS". Ole, RO[He I, Arlington, W .. h.-Feb. Reinseth, S., E. Stanwood, Wash.-jan. Reinsclh, Mrs. 5.) B. Stanwood , \VI ilsh.­Jan. Reirer, M ... . Julia, al9 5th Ave . W . , Kali,­pel l , Mont. Aug. Reitz, R�v. O. \V., Fairfield, W.1sh.-Nov. Rekdal, Astrid, Stanwood, \xra�h.-Fcb.) Oct. Remedes. Mr$. S., 6041 S. Warner, Ta· com;!, \V.lsh.-Feb . , Feb. Renaas. Alfred, \V/ cntworth. So. Oak.­Nov. Renken, John, (05 E. 15th St., Portland, Ore,-May Renken, R . . 105 E. 15th St .. Portland, O,e. -May Rensch, Me>. A., \Xf. Z4 n Second Av< .. Spokane, \V/ash.-Nov. Reque, S. S., 208 Hill St., Decorah, 10\-\1:1 -Sept., hr. R�que, Rev. S. T . • 49) P:lrk Ave .• St. Paul. Minn.-Sept. Rhod(', RH. \'\lm, , l'\IIdv'lillin. \V/ash .- J.1n ., Nov. RichJlrd, Geo., '12'S Cowlcy, Spokanc., \Y/a5h . -Junt" Riebe. Otto A., 2 9 2 Fremont St.� Por.t1and, Ore.-J une Rindahl, Rev. O pii! S., 1 1 4 W. Rosser, Bis­marik. No. Dak .-J uly , Juroe-, Dec. Rinc!.u.I, Mrs. Opi. 5 . . 1 1 4 W. Rosse, Sr. , Bi,marck, No. D�k.-J uly, J unc, Dec. Rindahl. Rev. \V . . , 373 Comme"ial Road, Piett'rmJritzburg, Na.tal, So. Africa -Junt>. June, July, Sept. Rindahl. Mrs. \IV. 0.. 373 Commercia l Road, Pietermacitzburg, Natal, S o . Afrlcl­J ull'. Sop,. Ringm:1n, H. \'V., 3702 Hoyt, Evrrf:'tt, \'\f • .sh.-Apr. Ringnes5. ]., Route I. Pearson, \Vash.­Feb .. M.r. Ringoen, Elmer, Ridgeway, IO\>.7a-Auc . . Nov. Ring.tad. Geo .. 429 14rh St . . Bcllin[,ham. \'(/a.!'h.- OY . RipP"t. R. c.. 55 E. 1 6th St . , Ponland, Or� .-tvby, June Rippor, Mes. R. c., 55 E. 1 6th St., Port· bud. Ore.-Why, June Rishof. Gotfred. Gary. 'rv1inn.-Sr-pt., Aut; Ristad. Rev, D . G . . 7 1 1 N . 9rh St., Mani· towoc. Wis.-Oct. , Oct. Robbin. F. 0. , Kali,pell. Mont .-A ug .

Page 41: College Bulletin 1931 November

6992 3Y78 3869 6ZZ 1

122 584

5883 5884 3658


1 478



67 1 9


672 1





475 1 160

1 16 1


49 1 1





5824 6947


1 748

4085 1 408

7 1 3 2

tl 3 �4 3924


5825 (9)7 5826 1 !6 1

1 263


1 2 6'5


1. ram�, Addft:SJ . IHld Atlon/h 01 ConiTibuliotJ Rebbin. Knut, 1 14U S. Main, K3Ii�pell. Mont.-AuQ. Robbin ;and Robbin, Kal ispell, �r1ont,-A uG. Robt:rtson, E. R.o Chinouk. \Xlash.-Fcb . •

Mar. Rod. Arthur, NOl'1TWl, W.,h.-Jan., Ja n .

ad , �/Irs. Arthur. Norman, \X/ash.-Jan. Rod, Hartvig, orman, \'Q'ash.-Jan. Rod nin8. K ristle. 640 W. 2 1 st St., Los An�dcs. Calif.-J an. , Jan. , J a n . Rod .... d l , Gladys, B o w , \'(ra�h,-Noy . Rodvelt, hordys, Bow, \X! as h.- OY. Rot', GociHn.'d, Pukb. nd, Wash .-Nov OCL, Sept. Roc, Herman, Northfield. M inn.-A",., Nov. Roe, Rev, K.hner N., 606 North St. , De· cop.h, Iowa-May, M� y, �Iar. Roe. Mo. K . N .• 606 North St., Decor.h, Io",a.-�br. Rot, Mr . Rangd i, Parkland, Wash.-Sept., Oct., Sept., Sept. R""d<r, A. E" 595 E. 2 5 th St., Portl.nd. Or<.-Ma) Roethc. Dora M .• Route 1 0 , Box 408. Port ­land. Orc.-iV1:Jy Roethe, E. E., Route 1 0, Box 408. Portland , Orc,-rvlay Roerhc, lYJrr.. E. E.. Rou[c 1 0 , Bo 408, Portl. nd, re,-May Roerlu, ErrH�t F. G., Route 1 0, Box 438, Portland, Orc-.-May ROlen, Alv in, Route. 2, \V'oodburn , Ore.­Dec., Dec., Jan. ROQ:cn, Rev. H,. Routt· 2. \Xloodburn. Ore. -Dec., Oct .• Jan., Jan. Ro�en. l\.Irs. H.. Route 2, \'</ dburn, Ore. -Dcc .• Oct., J3n. ROg!:r1', B. M., Route- 3, TaCOlTl3, \VI ash.­Apr., Oct., Nov. Rogers, Mrs. B. M.. Rou te 3. Tac.oma, Wmsh.-Apr., Oct., Nov. ROl-lnt�. Mrs. &rin-a, 80% 1 5, itvan.], \'X/,lSh. -Joln ., Jan. RogntsS. Alvin. Augu5tJIl:1 Co\ (eg(', Sioux, So ",.-July, Aug. Rout, ] . L.. 717 S. Ad2ms "t., I\rIOSCOW. rdaho-A ug. Rollef n, Edward . 44 8th Avo ., Spcbne, W ,h .-reb., June Rolldson, M". E! ward, 44 8th Aye" Spo· kane, W.uh.- June Rolle fson. r!i. 1. K .• 1 7 1 7 Lomba.rd A ve . •

Evoco::! ct. Wash .-Apr. R 11('[, ' Feed, "stlf." Rock, \'<Iash.· No.,.

ct. Rohcth, I., Libby, Mont.-Aug. Roman, M... V<rnon. Herald B ldg . , Brl· Iingh:Jm, \Va. h.- ce . . J.10., J;m. Romnc55. Rev. H R. . Barnesville, IVl inn.­Jul)·, Stpt . , Aug. RonHen, Ole, OI,lIa, Wa5h.-M"., July Ronn�!';u.d, La ..... rence., Route 2, E. St:lnwoad, W"h .-M.y, Fob. Ronni .. , 1\4:n. Car rie. E. SC:1nwood, \'\fash.­F. b. Ronnir, ·1r$. Louis. 3338-3 1 $[ St., S�n Dic�o. Calif.-N�v. Ronnie. Orvt. Stanwood. \"(!,uh .-Feb . R mad. K. L" Sil vana . � • h .-J.n" Jan . Ru[vik. Mu. nno, ! 3 8 W . Florence. Ln� Angol . Calir.-J '" . . Dec.. Nov. Ro.s.�. G. . . ;1";;tI� Rock. \'V'I!>h. Nov. Rosholt. . J . , Jndpoint. ldaho-- u g. E . . C.l�tlc Rock. \Va5h No,-. R05oS. R('v. D, B., Silv;tna. \'V:uh_-Apr . . J.n" Oct" J uJ,' R h. Mr>. D. fl.., W. h.-Ap, , Tan" rt .. Ju ly Ross. Mn;. ErnClt. Gig Harbor. \'Vash .­July ROSJ. Oct .. Rn<;5. Oct. 1

Tcrom<':, S i lvana. July

Rolf. Silvan,], July

W.1.<h.-Apr. , Jan . . Wa�h.- pr., Jan . .

S�rial No.

3 1 2 1

7 1 08 2 3 76 1687







6 2

70Z8 5 9 1 9 5920

5984 5773 1 1 1 2


1 1 5 3

1 247



6356 1 3 9 1

1 3 7 3

1 345

1 34

1 382



1 196

60 1 6




57 1 2

575 3


4 1 8

4 1 9


6389 5577

1 1 1 9

Name, A ddress, and Month of Contribution Ro>sing, Rey. T. H., Nunda, So. Dale.-

ug., Nov. Ros-so, Mrs. E., Parkland, Rossurn, �lina, Hills, 1\1nin.-A ug., Feb. RostOld . M. L., Comertown, NIont.-J uly, July, Aug. Rostvold. Mrs . Kristine, Route 2, Wood­burn, Or -Dec. , 1 an. , tvlay Rostvold, Martin, \XI oodburn, Orc.-Dec . •

May Rostvold, Mrs. Ivlartin, \Voodburn , Ore.­Dee.. May Rorh. Mrs. • c., 1620 ;(Iabash Av •. , Portland, Ore.-J un� Rotto, Rev. Isaac M. , Berthold, No. Dak.­Feb. Rudd, Mr:;. Josephine, Menno, So. Dak.­Sept. , Oct. Rude, J. A .. 56 Nac., P iedmont, Calif.­JJ.n . . Dec . • Nov. Rude, Dr. J. 0.. Petersburg, AIo.u-Sept. Rue, Augusta, 6 1 4 1 3 rh S r., S. Bellingham, Wash.-Nov. Rue, John, 6 1 4 1 3 rh St ., S. Be llingham , Wash .-Nov . Rueck, Carl. A urora , Ore.-Dec., Oct, Rued, Ole, Route 1. Stanwood , \Vash.-Nov . Rugland, Sigv,ut L . , l\,'lason City, 10"-':)­Mar., Apr., iVlar. Running. Re .... A. 0 . . Dallas, \Vi , .-M ay . l\1ay Running. Rev. A. S.. Z umbrota , rvlinn.­Apr., M;tr. May RunJ:vold. Gerhard 0., Krnt, \'V::uh .-Apr . . Jun Ru nS\'old, Rey. J . D . , 3 6 1 Mu1tnom., h Sr . . Portla.nd. Ort.-June Run,vold, Peter, 1 046 S. M ain St .. Kalis· pell, Mont.-Aug. Rydjord, Olaf, E. Stanwood. Wash.-Feb. Rydjord, Mrs. 0" E. Stanwood, Wash .­May, M,. y, Feb., July R�'gg. Adolph, 1 9 1 8 Hewiu Ave . • EVl'rett, Wa.h .-Apr" M,y. May, July Ryg�, olc A., 1 9 1 Hew itt Ave., Ever.: .t, Wash.-Apr'j M�YJ May, Jul}.

RYi8. i\1rs. bJ.!lc ., 1 9 1 8 Ht'w itt "t.,

Ev�rctt, W:l.!�h.-Apr., May, l'vta)f. July R�ig. l'vlauric(' , 1 9 1 8 Hewitt Ave . . E ... erett, Wa.h .-Apr .. May, May, Jul y Rykk.n. Dr. F. c., 7 1 6 1 6th St., Belling· h;]Ol, \" RyHe n. Mr>. F. . , 7 1 6 1 6th St" BellinG' h.m, Was h.-No •• Sacbs. J . F., 2 ... 6 7th Ave. \'<1 . , Vancouver, B. C.-Dec. Sagen, sw�ld K.. Luther COllCNt'. Of'-corah. Iowa-Apr., Sept. St. Joha nnes ConRre�ation . c/o Rev. G.

orde. S tubuck. M i nn.-Dec. St. John', I..dies' Aid, c/o Rov. l'vl. En· dresen, Kindred. No. DOl k.-J a n . St. Joh n', Ladie,' Aid. c/o R,,·. L. M. S viII', 1 3 04 St. Olaf A v e . , Northfield. Minn.-Ocr. St. Paul Ladi«' Aid. c/o Mrs . O. L Steen , Clinton. Minn.-Sept . St. Peterl, L:ldie!) Aid. c/o M n 1 . J . Lohr('. Route 2 , Burbank, So. Dolk.-Oct St. Pet er's L.di" Aid. c/o Mrs. E. E. Li ud" hl , Spr in Grove. rvtinn ,-No\'. St. Stephen I!) ngrcgation, c/o Rev. CIar· l·.nc(' Haugen, C:mby. iVlinn .-J unr Sa.latcr, John, Parkland, WasIl.-No 'j Oct . , Sept. Sabt<r. Mrs. John, Parkl.nd, \V.,h.- ov., Oct., Sept. Salmela. Mrs. H. J" 1936 5th Sr. , Brem· crton, Wash.-Fc-b., Jan. S,l,.th, John 0., Fir, W ... h.-Feb. Sotlvcson, Osmun d G.. Luthtr Th�tosi(al Semi nary . St. Polul. lVlinn.--Sept . • Se p t .

Sand, N il. L., 48 1 5 N. 13 th St., Tacoma, \'V' ash.-lVfar.. pr., Mar.

Page 42: College Bulletin 1931 November

S.,itd 1 '0. 1 6�0

6 3 9 1


! 3 1 5

I ' 3 6

69 1 3 470


937 8 l J

8 3 4


6 8 1 409

1 4 1 0

7 1 M)

813 1 5> 1 1 2 0 1

1 � 1 0

706 1


4339 'Jj fl9 5371 5985



! 5 j

1 �6



.Yam£, Addrcu, arid ,l101l11: 0/ Conlribr,lion Sandagcr , Rev. C. N., .Marshalt, fI.·l inn.­July. l\lby, Jul;' S.lndc. 1vh', . lVlarit, Route 3. rVIt. Vernon, Wa.'I1.· Fch. Sandc-, Sigrid. Route 5, Mt. Vernon, \X/ash. -reb. Sa od.sness, J . J., Canby, Or(',-O(,( . . Nov .• Oct, ! Oct. Sa ndslll'S5, tvtrs. J, J" Canby, Orc.-D('c, Nov.) N ov., Nhy Sandvig. 1\,1r�. �. J" Pou15bo, \\f;'H�h.-Noy. , M a L . AUi!'� Dec., !vIar . , Nov" rvbr., A p r . , J une San d, ig. lar L.. 1 0 1 4 1 7th St. , S. Bdling· ham, \'V' ;u.h .- Nov. Silndwidc, K., StanwooJ, \'V'ash.-A p r . ,

OV" OC(. Sandwick, rvIr� . A. K., Slanwood, \'\!atioh.­Apr., Nov., O c t .

.1.ndwick, l=ro::.ta d , Stanwood, \V' ash.-Jul }. Silnnerud. Arline. Frid;'\}' Harbor. \Vasll-­Dec.. Feb., M.1r., Nov. Sas.\l:nhay;w, 1\-10. \X' ilh drnina, E . 1 808 l i th An., Spokan.r, \Y/a,Sh.-j unc Sater, P., Route 3 , Ivlt. Vernon, \'\1a'sh.­j;:an., eb. Satern, Ole, S i lverton, Orc.-·1vI.a r . , Jun�. Apr. Satern, Nfr�. Ok, S i lverton, Ore.-fvlar., June, Apr. S;}rh�r, Cui, Routt 2, C'.'e.rl!tt, \'V'­f\pr. Sather, Geo., Mobil;), On'.-NlolY SJthc.r, John, Ro ut · I , E. Stanwood, Wash. - ov. S.Ih". J o b n. G i g l-brhor. Wash .-J uly

.1lr" , Thtodon', E. Sllln wo d. \XI.:Ish.­M..y, Feb. Satl".!, Mr�. Theodore, E, Stan ...... ood. \Va�h. -May, Feb Satrum, A. A . , Nonnan, Wash .- Jan. Satrum, A. G . , Silverton, On�·.-A pr. Sarrum, Mrs. A. G., Silverton . 0[('.- pr. Sa tru m , Gilman. Silverton, Orc.-Nlay S;).trum, 05(ar, Silverton, Ore-.-May S<lI1��.stad, 1. J . , 1 762 E. First St.. LonG }j('ach, C.l1il.-Nov . Sa ll�,�t.1d , lVles. I. J . , 1 7 () Z E. Fir:;t St., LOIlf, Stach, Calif.- o v .

Saw},e!', tyl rll . Jcssi" E . . 1 1 0 I.:. 80th Sr. PortianJ. Orr.-�'ar., iVIOlc., rvl.a r. Sarvic, KtnnNh Sigurd, Story ity, Iowa

-May, Dec., May , Frb. ci4tvie, Rev. \'{/ alter B . , Story City, Iow;1-

Apt'. , Apr .• Aug., Sept.. O('t., Dec., ivla}" Pob., Mo<. Sart'ic, Mr :" . \'V'altcr B . , Story City, Iowa - "hy, May. F.b.

St("lCJl't, E. Fred, 26 14 Don:t\';(I1, S. Belting­ham, \Y.! .-Oct . Schader, F. L., 2 6 1 4 [)ona v<ln , S. Bell ing· ham, \'V' a sll .- O n . Sche(·l. Fred. Bcd!evut, \Viuh.-M.:ty, J3n. Sclw('I�. J . P., Fairf iel d, \X'a sh.-Nov. Scheele, Theodore-, r:\irflcld, Wa sll.-Nov. Scheer. Mrs. Marth:t, Rout(: l, A u rora, Ore. -Dec. SchieL Ha rol d A" 1 2 1 9 1 3 th t . , Oregon City, Orr:.- Ov.

rhi rnlCytr, G. B., 407 La CrQS$(', Spokane, Wash.-May. June \XI <l5h.-Jane. Schiman�kj, GutUav, 1 3 3 3 Nina Av . , Spok:tn{" \'V'a .. h.-J unc ·,h i m,,,,,ki . Mr>. Rudolph R . , 2 3 27 E.

H:;).rt50n. Spokanr , \'q;).sh.-June Schbnbus I , Gust, Route 3 . Box 5 1 3 , Ta­com;'!, \Vas!l .-O(t., J.1n . . Nov. S("hl: tnbm.("h, lVlrs. Gu�t, Rout� 3 , Box '5 1 3 , T.1com:'l. \X'ash.-Oet .• Nov. , Nov.

S,hleed. "Irs. 0 .. 8 1 > E. 1 4th St., Ta­com.)., \\7a:5h.-Jan., Oct.

Schmchn. J. E., Route 2, �v1t. Vernon, Wash.-hn.

Scridl No .



5940 84<1

J ) B9

4426 6994



594 1

7 1 3

1 5 1 1

4 1 2 9






3 74 2

3 7 <J ,




3 60

3 � 2 )

5 7 0 1

1 280

5 5 70


57 1 6 6 1 3

1 80






lVamc/ AddreH� dtJd A10nth of Contribution Schmidt , T. W., 229 E. 7th Ave., Spokan�. \Y./ ash.-Junc Schnt.kl'nbHg. \Y! . C., l U I 7 Tacoma Ave. N., Tacoma, \'\Iash.-Dcc . , jan., Nov. Schnour. NIrs. G . . \'\I i llamcttc, Ore.-Nov. Schoe ler, Rev. Wm., 205 N. 1 1 th , Cor­vallis, Ore.-i\1ar., MaL, Feb. Schons, Mr . Ann ie, 1 3 3 POJ1tiU5 Ave., Seattle, \X/ " sh.-Oct., Dec. Sch ra mm , Rev. \Y./ . E., Butler, Prnn.­july, J une Schramz, Mrs. l\1., 280 2nd Av('. E.

� al!spell, Mont.-Au8 . Schreiber. 1\1,-,. G.. 1 1 1 6 S. J. T.coma, WJsh .-Jan., Oct. Sch reiner, J. F.r 830 E., Port ­land, On�.-iVby Schroetl in. P(>.«·r, 1 2 1 9 9rh St. , Oregon City, Or:�.-Nov . Schrotkc� tvIrs. Hann;}h, Bothell, \\1 .1sh .­F�b., .Mar., Nov. Schrotke. \\lm., Bothel l , Wash.-tvby, !VIac , Nov. Schrotk�. Wm., Jr. , Bothell, Wash.-�Iar" Nov. Schuh, Fred. 2007 G St" B,lIinghom, Wash . -Nov., Oct. Schuknechr, Fred, Route 2, H ubbard , On:. -Mal' Schwabaucr, J. H" Route 2, Auror:!, Orc. -Dec. Schwarti:. \'\Ilo . , 1 1 1 2 9th St., rCRon Cit}" O rl" . -Nov . 5mbe)'. Rev. H. 0 . . 3 5 2 I E. G St . . Ta· com:t. \Y./ ash.-Aug. Score, Enn M., (In l'vlcmori.lm) c/o Rev. :'Ind i',·1rs. L. . 05 . 779 L: iew B l v d . ,

(,.Jule, \V;1�h .-Oct " Sept. cori!, !\1n. G��O(Bia, Z 2 1 (l O;)kcs Avl.: . ,

Everett, \V'.:I�h .-Nov., �Llt. Score, Stanle}', 2 2 1 0 Oakes Ave . . Everett. \Xl il S h .-Nov., Mar. Scott, IVI rs. Iona. RoutE' 1 , Stanwood, Wa1h . -Nov, Scott, Rey. W. J . , Parkland, \:' . sh.-Sepl., Oct. Seiclstad. E, E., 1 933 Mol in St . . La Crossl', \'V is.-Oct. Sl.'.ic.rstad, Aleda, Pou lsbo. \X'a ... h.-Nov., Dec. S�' ierst:td, Edna, Poulsbo, \V .1:.-.h . JunE' Scierstad, John, Pouhbo, \X'::tsh.-Nov., M.'lr., Moll'.

crwold, Olaf, Sr., Poulsbo, W',;Ish .-J unl.'" Sether, Cl a ra , G l rn d::l le. Otl'.- J a n . , Nbr. , Jul,.

Sc.thrr. Ff{'d. 4 ') 2 Albl'tta, Pasadttn., Calif. -Dec. , v . Shrtll Rock Lldies' A i d , c/o 1\·lr5. CheistilH' J\lf},l i , Northwood. Iowa-On . . Nov. Shcfvtl:tnd, Rev. Axel, D:tlton , M inn .-Apr., M;l�f, o v .

Sh<pa rd. Erne.. E . . Rout 3 . Bo.< J J 3 . Tacom.l . \Y,J .; SIH:phi>fd, Don . 23 ') 211d Av {' . E., Ka l isp�H , Mont.-Aug. Shepro, Mrs. A. L . . Parkland, \'qash.-On . Shcrv�m. H{'nry 0., Fir!(t & Belmont. Fresno. C:?l if.-Jan .• S�Pt .. Oct. Sht"r"Ven1, Robert, 4534 Bagley, Seattle. \'(1.1sh.--Oct., De-c., Dec. Shevl and, Frr-d. ROllte 3 , Box 248. Tacoma, W/ash.-$€'pt. Shurson. Rev. Gr.o . , (i 57 Tu pper St., S .. nta Ro�a, Calif.-J.:I n . , J " n . , !vIar. Shu('>on. Rev. H. 0 . . 425 S. � th St .• Min ­

nc:tpolis. 1\,'l inn .-rvIav, !VI:t)'. 1'vh}, Sir-bens, Frank J . , 1 27 t Ch('m('hr<l, S:t1cm, O".-F,·b. Sicr;zel, GC'org� , Route 3, l\rlt. Ve.rnon, \ -Feb_ Siegel. \\1i1bul'. R out.e 3 , (-'1t. Vernon. \Xla.ib . -Moe . . Feb., J u ly Sigel. Mrs. CuI. ) Q ; � 42nd S. . Seattl,. Wash .-Peb,

Page 43: College Bulletin 1931 November

Serwi No.

3 ' 23

1 709

3 7 3


66·1 9

6 2 94

(-.,)4 !






Name. Addrcs:.. dnd /\:l(Jnlh of Contrlbuliot!

S ih l(l!", Re·l. E. \VI., Ckubrook , rvlinn.-<pt . , July, A U$.

Sihler . . Margarl'l, ' � 3 ) Ke nwo�)d J\,'e., Ch i· cago, 1 I 1.-J uly. J uly. No •. Sihl" •• Dr. W ill iam, DeccU3.h, Iow3.-De(., J uh'. Au g., S l'pc . • Sept. Sih'l�n, 1'1r$, A" Route 1 , Pearson , \Va ... h.-·­Feb . . J u l r, NIaL SiLntnons, R. L., Route 2 , \Voodburn, Orl'. ---.!.\r1ar S immons, 1\iln. R. L . , Route- 2, Woodburn. O r •. -M"y Simon, iviis) 1\11 . , 8! 7 S . Fife, Tacoma, \'(l.1�h.- Feb . S imon:>cn, Ann:l. Chinook, \' .--lvhr. S imonson , S. 0 . , A lbl�rt Lea , l'vl inn.-Nbr SlmolBon, Soren , 743 Mil it a.r>' Drive. Cour d ' AIl·nl'. Id::dlO- Aug. Sinai Ladi�:.' Aid, c/o rvlr!'>. L. T. LU:Km, S ina l . So. Oak.-Dc(. S. nland, Mrs. In.i:u. P.uldaild, \Va,�h .·­Scp� . . Sept., Nov. , Ocr. Sinbnd, T. G., Parkland. \· p t . . Oct.


88 S inhnd . N!r�. T. G. , ParkLmd, \'Vash.­Sepl. . Oct.

1 1 80





f i692 6397

':: 792


399 1

1 772


I B I 4

1 873

42 1 2

1 1 62

66 1 (l

00 1 1



5 [ 04

S iVerS(lll, 1\,lr1L Hulda, 1 286 N . S ier-ra Bonita Ave., Pil.!l4de.n :t, C;dif .-De-c. Sivcr:::.<::H1. \V. F . . Ch i nook , \\/Jsh.-whr. Sivert�,on, A rthu r. Route I, Box 1 98, Puy . al luP! \Va s h .-Oct., Oct. 51 \"('rt.';("Ill , C. J . . 40(l() N. 3 7th, Tac.oma, \Xla�h.-Oct . , Oct. S ivt'n-�on, M�. Joh anna . 2 3 1 5 S. Gra nt , Tacollltl, \Vl�h .-Apr.r Apr . , M�t"" Nov. Sivtlt:.on, IvI4gda . Route- t, 50.... 1 98. Puy· a l l up. \Vastl .-Nov .. Oct .• Oct . S i vertson . 0 . . RouU! 1 . Box 1 98 . Puyallup, \Va�.h.-.Nov., Oct . , Oct . • Nov. S i \/I."rt�on. �rC"S. 0 . , Routt" 1 . Rox 1 98, Pu," allup. \o/ash .-Nov" Oct., Oct . Siv�rr<;on. SigvJrd, Route I , Box 1 98, Puy· a l l u p, \'<'aw .-Nov., Oct . . Oct. SjoV;jni�n. Mrs. C., S i lHrton . On:.--r-,I!ay Sb;ll(". P. J . , 1 ,3 6 E, Lincoln St . , Portland, Ore. J u l r Sk.3�i·n, Rn·. J . , Rento'h, \V,1sh .-A u g . Sk:tJ!en, O . H., Route- 3 . Kent , \\/ • .'-1 1.--­J':1I1 . Sk' r!¥ru d. Dr. A. 5 V'1 Bod-c-c H i d;: . . Ahcrdn'!L \X/,v;h.-Nnv . , Nov. Skartbnd. Mr:\. Tii!il' , 627 W . Columbi;1 St . , P3.1CO, \\!,lsh.-Apr. Sb.rlr.rtut, A. E . . Port BIJ.krly, \'\la::.h.­Feb.. Fob. Skarn 't'dt. Agnt.:>. Port R!ahly, \xr�sh�­J ul\'. Jul)" Oct. Sk..a.rtw·clt. Lola� I �t V f' . \\/ &. L('l' S t . , St!Clttlc, . . Oct. Sk-arr\"('dt, Rev, Pt.'tc.r, Port BlahIr. \,\ra�h . -Nov .. Apr . . Feb .. July. J u ! ;.-', OCL Sk:artv�dt. !vIrs. Peter, Port Blakely, \Va::;h . - Uii .• F.:b . , JllI},. Oct. Skattebol. Rev. 0 . , 2 1 1 N . , Abe:rd ... e. n . �':Jsh.-i\ Ua: . . J a n . Sk:cp::;t:;I.d, Re" . John. S t e p.h e N , r-,'l inn .-Apr.. 1\·1:))' Skilbrl'd. Rev. � Apr . . Apr . . Skipl!.!.,.·. John -Api .

Overt, W,. ndt1l(>l:e . No. Dak. iVb}' L" Route' 2, Even· t t . \"(7.1.:;11.

Sk.ip!e�· , NIr:,;. John L . , Rnute 2. EV('fdt, \'\ .-Apr. sr·jdst,ld,. Mr:-.. !vIar it , L1.wnnce, \X'ash.-­Nov. Sko�mo, H., RCJut� I , B u rl ltl�ton . \Vash .­Jan. S kojiiJ rno, J\frs. 0 . , R()ut{' I. B url ington . \\f,lsh.·-J a n . Skord.lsvold, J . J . . 425 S . 4 t h St. , Min-nc.a.poi!s, l l inn.-Julr, uE.

3823 SkQuge, l'vIrs. Gee., 4 [ (i 2 3 (lth St . • San Diep,o, C:tlif .- Dcc., Dec . . Nov.

')076 Skol'. L . 0 . • Conrad. r-vfonr.- f\ug;.

Suiai JVo.


6392 6 2 8 2

(i260 7078 40'19

3 1 8 1

4-4 2 9 3 7 3 8

3 897

5 6 5 1 1 3 2()

1 0 5 0

5 7 9 7

, 7n

646 1




99 1

'i 229 4 2 3 0

6 7 2 5


3 8 30

3 6 2


69 2 1


6 6 5 tS

6 1 1 1

6 1 1 2

6713 '1 1 3 4



69 5 9


Nam�} Addr�ss,) and �Ionth 0/ ContTibution

Skov, /v!". T. K., 2 1 3 8 S. J St., T,coma, \'Vash.-Nov., Mar., Drc., D� c. SkrondaJ, John, Conway, \'Vuh ,-feb. Slatebrck, Sig .• Route 2, Fernda le , \'(/ :tsh .­Jan . Slater, Ole, Route 1 , Blaine-, \'\!ash .-Jan . Shnd, 01('. La Crosse, \'V'ash.-Oct. SmebackJ E., 1 9 2 ) t Ith St.. Bre mertonl Wash .-F'eb . , Fe-b. Smeby, Rev. H. C., Holme.n , \'{f is.-Aug., l\1ay, J une Smith, 1'vlrs., Parkb.nd, \VJsh .-Sept. Smith, A lf red I . , ('nnc-wick, \\l.ash.- Apr. Smith, r-,1r:>. Ingwall, Kennewick, \'(/a5h.­AuS-., Apr. Smith, L., Kc-n ntwick, Wash.-J ul" , Apr . Snartemo, Mrs. I. B . , E. Stanwood. \\ �No"" 1 Nov. Snt-v", E. 0., Silvana, W,lsh.-Jan . . , Jan. Snl've, N. A., Si lvana , \Vash.- Jan. $od('rLerg, Bertha , Silverton, Orc.-Apr. Soiland, Rev. Ea rl, Shelby, �ilont.-Jul}' , Jan. Soine. C. S . , Route I , Box 2 54, Me Vcr· non , \'\!:}:;h.---Jan., j :t n . Soine, i\rluricl, R:::t},. No. D,.k..-Scpt. So !ber�, Gina, 1 1 1 6 Lombard Av(�., Eve.n�tt, \Va�h.-Apr., r-,'f.l}, , Apr. Solberg, P . 8., 2 1 3 6 S . A insworth A v e . , Tacoma, \Vash.-fvIar. . Nov. Solf. Elb and mma, Route I , Port An· fdes, WI ;:t�lL-Nov. Salf, r-,'I rs. John , Route I , Port Angek::i, \V:tsh.-Nov. Solie. Chri.:t.[ J., 2 1 1 0 Virginia, Everett, \'\iash .-Fl'b. Solie. Hans J . • 2326 Colb}" EV{'fett. \'Vash. .-�yi:ty, Feb. Solit'. �\if r�,. H.lm, 2 3 2 6 Colbr, Everett. \,\i ;lsh .-Fcb. Solit·, ]. A . , 2 1 3 1 Baker, Everett, \Vash .­Feb. SOlil'. John 1.,. , 1 1 1 4 Colby, Even'tt , \'\'''5h. --Feb. Sollie, .T . • Cmbv. Orc. .-Apr . . l'vIay, fvhy Sol l ie , Mrs. J" Canby, O rc..-May Soli if ' , Tom, 1 1 7 S . r-,1onroe, Abl'rdi'f'n, \"X1ash.-Nov., D .. c . Solum, E .... c-Irn. Silverton, Ore �'hr., M,H . . MOL Sol u m , R . 0 . , S i lvt'rton . Or('.-ro..1.1.�', Ma; Solum, 1\·lr"!-., R. 0 . , S ilverton , Orc..- [Y!ay, May SOlllmerfl'ld, G. A . , 6 5 7 Serrr-tt Ave . . Port· land, On'.-·Nb>, Sommerfeld. r-,Ifr�. G. A . , 6 5 7 Se-rrett Ave. , PQrtbn d . Orc .- lvIa}' Somml'rstad, E. T . . 2 1 66 E. 1\1ounta i n , P a.sadt'na. Ca ! i f .-D+'c.. Nov. Sonju, Nfrs. Petra, PoulsLu, W�h .-Nov.,

Sept.. J a n . , Jan. Soo;;, .bas. , 440 N , 1 7t h . SaleJD, Ole.-Feb. Sorbo('. Stella. 1\11 . . 1 3 1 '5 E. Fa. irbJn ks. T;'Lconu, 'X'ash.-Autj. Soren. P. L . , 1 077 N. \x/ilson, Pao;adena. . Cal i f .- J;:tn., Nm'. Sorcl1g. r-,;Irs . NI . .. Route 2. \Y./oodburn , Ore. --M.l), Sore :'ien. Chri:;; , Route 3, K�nt, \X/ash.­Jan. Sor�ns('n, Mrs. Chris, Route 3, Kr-nt, \'Vash . -Ja n .

Sorcnsen. I\1rs. Jul ia, Poulsbo, \\/.il.:>h.-J u n e

SOrt'l1sen. Sam , Roure 2. E\'('r�on , \\/ash.­j"l;u. , Nov. Sorenson, lvlrs. L i l l ie. 1 3 46 K ing Sr., B(' I· f ingh.l(n, '\v·;1sh.-Nov.

Sorenson, Rev. Sigurd. Albert ua, r-,'f inn.­July', JunC':

Sorg, ivIrs. Ida, Polson. rvfont.- ug.

Sorlie, Mrs. Guri n(', 1 2 1 4 "X'. North St. , Bdltngham, \'\fash.-Nov.

Page 44: College Bulletin 1931 November

So,idi Nt). Nttmt, Addr�IJ, tlnd Month oi Contribution

6 1 J3 Sortun, tvhrtin, Route 1 , Ktnt, \VJ .l Sh.-Jan .

6 0 1 8 outhworth, Mrs. CIus., Box 543, Park· I,nd, W •• h.-Dec.

484 ovik. 1rs. Ann. T.. ioshan, Honan, Chin1-Dec . . Nov" Jan.

48 � Sovik, Rev. Edward. Kioshan, Hon,ln, China - cC., Nov •• J;m.

6960 Sp,b.rg, Ch3$. S., Polson, Mont.-Aug. 5799 Spees, Mn. Anne, I I I C ntrQ.l St .. Belling­

ham, Wash.-Nov., Oc t. 4)8 Spc: rad, arlo A ., Decorah, Iowa-Dec_.

Dec" Jan. 409 S);t<!r:1ti , Mrs� rlo A., Decorah, 10w3-

Dec" Dc . , Jan. 7 1 60 Spi lde, A. L . , N. La! Angel." Calif.- ov. 7 1 6 1 Spilde, P. L., N. Los Angele., Calif.-Nov. 6 7 Sponhe im, Chris. St. mwood. '\ ash.-Fcb.

54/'", Sponhcim. Clara, 1 4 1 7 Tempt\! Ave., Long, Cali .-Jan., Jan., Jan.

' 5 � Sponheim . H. P., 1 4 1 7 Temple Ave ., Long Bcach. C�lif.-lan'J J�n., Jan.

560 Sponhcim . O:)Of, 9 1 6 P ine Ave., Lons B<:ach, liL-Jan., j .m., �r.

561 Sponhcim. Mrs. OSc;1r, 9 16 Pine Ave., Long Bud). Calif.-Jan ., JOIn., Mar.

1 575 St3bo. r� T., t03 Water St., Decorah. IO�·:l-J unc. Aug., Aug., Nov.

56 2 Stacey, A., Route 3, Box 3 70, Tacoma, W<l.5h.- cpt.

6 1 42 SUilJ.:S, f\..lrs. BQ�'d, 2720 Vi('tor, Bellingham, W"h .-Jan.

6283 .. tar.1und, C. P . , Route 2, Ferndale , \'qash. -Jan.

588 SUJJckcst.l d, Mrs. Sig.) Bow, \V.lsh.-Nov. 5943 Stall , H.. Z 1 3 17th St. , Or gon City, Ore.

-Nov . 7008 St.lland. Dr . M. Co , na Rice S t . , St.

Paul, Minn.- cpt. 7 1 3 5 Stamm. G. G., 1 75 E. Mountain St . .

P".�dena� C1lif .--Nov. 7 .13 6 Stamm . S:u3h 0., ! 12 N. t.1liuJ., Pa�a·

den'], a hf.-Nov. 6476 Stand"d Ill: Standard, Ph""nix. Ore.-F.b. 688l Ston", M ..... A., 1 624 S . J. Tacoma. Wash.

-luI>, 886 S pn .... M Pete, Bow, Wash.- ov.

39 0 Scotswick. E. ., Route 2. Everett, \Vash .­Jail,. }an.

1 1 88 Stovi�, Rev. L . M., 1 3 04 St. Ol,f Ave . . North f ield, Minn.- pr . . July. July. J uly

2296 Stavig. M". L. M., 1 3 04 St. Olaf Ave., Northfield, Minn.-Aug .. J uly. July

1" 1 0 2 Stdhow, Mi . A., 1 0 [0 S, 6th, T.lcorna. \'<Ia�h.-J .. n.

6693 tce, A. A .. Silverton. Ore.-May �l 1 2 2. Stle�n, �1rs. Anna. Silo.'r.rton, re,--Mar . .

Mar.. p t. 6 2 S � Stelling. P. J., Route 3. Puyallup, Wa .. h.

jan. 61 t4 Stend.ll , rvfrs . Bertha. Route I, Kent. ash.

-Jan , 4796 St�nsll nd . Hcnt H . , 848 lenifer, l'vloldison.

Wis.-J uly, No y. l 504 St<DslanJ. Krist, Rout. I. R.dmond , Wash.

-May. Jan . . Jon. '526 Stensrud, D t . Edward rvl.. 2222 Howard

St., San ranc1.sco, Calif.-Ja n. ')967 Sttnsrud, Halvor. ScC'w.atcvi l lt', 1inn .-Dcc.

r; I SlflnulH', Mr�. Gurit 2545 S. P6rtl and Ave ••

M innc:1poli,. lVl in n .-NcH'. , Nov. , Fen" Jan, 99 Strnt:rue. 1 . K ., 2'54 5 POr'IiJ.nd AVl· . • Min-

nt:1polf�, �t inn. ('pl., ov, . Fe-h . . Jan. 7079 Steph-cmon. B . M.. La Crosse, \'</'ash,­

Oc t. 5 3 Stinud. Adolph. 1 1 1 4 ! 9th N., S •• ttle,

W", OCt., 0". '54 Stinud, Chl'.)cer R., 1 1 1 4 19rh N . Seattle.

Wolsh.-. tpt .. Oct . . Oct. 9R8 Sri" d, . T. E.. 4553 P ..... dcro Ave . .

Oc .. n B.ach. Calif.--Mu., 0 . , 0". Stixrud. Lydia B . . 1 1 1 4 1 9th N . . S.,,,I., \V"h.-S. t., " .. Oct., Oct.

987 Stixrlld. M",. Thora S.. 1 1 1 4 19th Sf'attlc, Wuh.-Ivh.r . . Oct.. Oct.

Serial iVa. 542


1 090

6475 73 Z

43 1 1



6 S 8 1


83 5

3 5 53

43 1 5 6929

/ 47 1

66 1 2

3 794


Name, Addr�H� ami IltJonth o f Contribution

Stocking. B., 3828 W i lton St., Long Beach. Calif.-Oct., Jan., Jan. Stocking. Mr>. L. B., 3 828 Wilton St., Long Beach, a lif .-Oct . . J.111., Jan. Stokke, Carrol H., 1 3 06 Vone St., La Crosse, Wis.-Mar., Apr., Apr. Stokke, Joel E., La Crosse, \'\fis.-Feb.

tolee, Rev. H. J., 1 0 1 9 Portland Avc .. IVlinncapolis, lYIinn.-Feb,. July, Sept. Stolee, Dr. I. 1 . , l 4 1 9 Grantham St., St. P.lOl, Minn.-May. May Stof;Jasli, Geo . • E. 380 8th Ave., Spok.a ne. Wash .-J ul>" July Stordock, Mrs. H. 0., 1 09 iVIissoula, LVlont.-Sept.


Storruste, Chester Gerhard. S i lverton. O�. -Apr. Storrus te. M . C., S ilverton, Ore.-Dec., ivIar., Mar, Storruste, tvles. M. C., Silverton, Ore.­MaL, M3r. , Mar. Storl'ick, R. 0., 223 S. Hazel Ave., Ames, Iowa-Oct.. Dec. Storvik. Anton, Nohly . �Iont.---lvby Straalsund, Mrs. H.. Newport. Wash.­AUG. Strand. F. H., 1 9 1 8 B,;;er St., E"erett. \'<fash,-a: oly. }an., Nov. Str;1 nd, �1rs. F. H .• 1 9 1 8 Baker St., Evec£>tt, Wash.-Apr. S trand, Gus, t 2 1 \'<Iash.- ov., Ore.

Spur St .• bc-rdccn,

Strand. Hjorciis, 266 3 8th St.. Astoria, Ore. -1\13r.

89 Strand, Inev.,ld, Parkland, \Vash.-Sep t" Sept., Sept., Oct.

90 Strand, Mrs. Incvald. Parkl and, W" h.­Sept., Sept., Se pt .• Oct.



6767 5944




1 520

/ 52 1


6761 2 1 0




Str.1nd, l\1able. 2426 S. ormandie. Los Angelc:s, Calif.-Jan" Dec., Nov. Strand. cis. 1 7 1 5 Knox St., Bcllin�ham. \Vash.-Nov.. v, SU<lnd. S . . W', Iow;a-J un� Strcnmcyer. l'v1rs. E. H .• 422. Division St., Oregon Cit�' . Ore .- av. Strohmeye.r, lYlrs. Thea., 3 1 7 Pearl St .. Oregon City, Ort· .-Nov. Strom, Dr. rl W., D�cor�h. Iow<l-De .•

July, Aug. Strom. Mrs, July. ug.

rl \V.,, Iown-

Stub, Rev. H. A.., 1 2 1 5 bcrn:Jt'O. SeauIl:', \Vash.-l'vlay. Feb., July Stub. Mrs. H. A . . 1 2 1 5 Thoma�. Scattle. \'<'" h.-why . F.b. Stub, Dr. H. G., 806 Sheldon Ave.. St. Paul, Minn.-J uly. J ul>, Stub. r-s. H. G . . 80(, Sheldon v, . . St. Paul. Minn.-July, July Stubb, H. 0., Pearson, \'V.uh.-Junt Stubb. L. 0 .• Norman, WilSh .-Nov .. jan,. jan., July Stubb. M". L. 0., Nonnan, \'<' ash.­Jan. StuC'n. John. Jr .• PJrlclan d, \'7.lsh,- ('pt.. Sept., Aug. Stuen. :vlui, ( In tVlcmoriam) P. L. C. Fac· u lty , P:lrkl.tnd. W'ash .- Jan .

56 Stuen, O. J. . Parkland . W"h.-Sept . . Sept.. Sept.t AUf!.

57 Stuen, Mrs. O. J . . Parkland. Wa<h.-. pt . .

6 3 94 62R4


1 708

601 4

6 1 59

Sept . . Sept. , Aug. Sund. Alfred. Conw.,>·. W" h.-·Feb. . Sundt l\1rs. rne, Route 2, Fcrnd.1.1c. \'<'"h.-Jan . Sund;::.v . School. Our Sa v io r Luthrran Church. c/o MrS. K. S. Folden. 2 5 1 8 Grand A ... ·c .. Eve:rett. \'<I3sh.-J uly Sundby, Rev. G. A . . Rio. W is.-July. No>'.

Suth r. Mrs. Stin • . 1 2 3 6 E. 1 02nd St.. Se· attle. Wash.-De:c.

Svare., Bcrs:lior M . . Parkland, \'{fash.-Jan., Oct.

6524 Svare, Donald E., Parkland, \,<,ash.-Mar.

Page 45: College Bulletin 1931 November

S�r;aI No. Nom_, Add'-H, and Month of Contribution

b525 vatc, erhndt T., Parkland, \Vash.-Mar., Oct.

43tlb var , rs. O. H., Lukficld, Minn.-June, No .

7094 S" ore, Ole H . . ( In Memoriam) , c/o T. O. Svue. P.lrkl3.nd, \'V'ash.--Oct .

4124 SYne, Richard John, Parkland,, Mor.

6 1 60 vare, Robert 0 .. p .. ldand, W3Sh.-Jon., Oct.

58 vore. Rev. T. 0 .. Parkbnd. Wash.- cpt., l'vlar., Jan., Nov., Oct.

5 9 Sv.,,·, Mrs. T. 0., Parkland,­cpt., Oct., Feb., J.:lll., Oct.

2304 Svebakkcn, Dr. Otto 0 . , 300 Y, W. Water St .• Decoroh, Iowa-Aug., Julv, Aug.

1 5 1 8 ·w.les,uen, Rev. J. D., 3 7 1 W. Otlifornia ve., Glendale. Calif.-lVlay, May, OV.

1 5 1 9 walesluen. Mrs. J . D., 3 7 1 W. California Av ... Glendale, Calif.-May, May, Nov.

�B67 Swalling, John, Route I , Arl ington, Wash. - ov.

707 Sw anst!n, H. Fred. 606 S. J ohnson t., low. ity, Iowa-Feb., June, Sept.

70 26 wa.ns n. Irs. H fred, 06 S. johnson St., low", City, Iowa-Sept.

'!i 806 Swanson. 1\1rs. A. E., Route t. Stanwood, Wilsh..-Nov.

900 Swanson. Ernest H., Parkland, W .uh.-MJ.t., Oct.

9l S wanson, M. G., Parkland. W. ,h.-Sept .. Sept., Sept., 0([.

1 5 8 Swan, n, Mnl. 1\'1 . G., Parkland, Wash.­Sept .• Sept.. Sept., Oct.

4086 Swanson, Oscar H.-, Gig H:trbor, Wash.­Mar., July

6742 SW:lnson, Peter, Poulsbo, Wash.-June 56. wamon, Ruth , Route 3, Box 342, Tacoma,

sh.-Scpt., Nov, 978 Swenl.nd, Gladys, Parkbnd. W.,h.-Mar.,

May, M av 5653 Swenbnd, Martin. Parkland, W.,h.-Sept ..

Sept. '5968 Swens n, P.lul, Kasson, �Iinn.-Dcc. 2020 Sv,cnson, Hon. S. C., Portland, No. Oak.­

UR ., (In l\llemoriam) J u ly, Apr. 6030 Swindell" M., 2 1 8 1 7th Ave. W., Van·

CQuV'l!r, B. C.-Dec. 297 Swoc.'n, Tim, Route 1, Ktnt, \'V' ash.-Nov.,

Jan. 1 104 Sydo,,', Re •. Arthur. 515 S. 27th. Tacoma,

\XI. "h.- �far., Mar., F�b. 1 1 05 Sydow, Mrs. Arthur, 5 1 5 S. 27th, Tacoma.

W".sh.-fvJar., Mar., Feb. 974 SydoW'. Gerrrude, I) ['5 S. 27th, TJcom:l,

\X';lsh.-M.:lr " Mar .• Feb. 1 3 4 Sne, Raymond. Route- 2, Evenon,­

Oct. , Nov . 6489 Tackle. Mrs. A. J. , 2532 Piedmont Ave . .

BerkelC'y, Calif.-M:lr. 674 1 Tall.1Rsoll, Mrs. T .. Poulsbo. W .. h.-June

890 T.llalaen. Norman H .. Willmar. Minn.­Aug .. July, Aug.

4363 Tallent, Hugh. 1 743 S. M S t . . Tacom" \'(,falh.-June, June

5789 Tangen, Nil., 1009 S. BroadlYay, Albert L . M inn.-Nov.

977 Ta\Y', Vi ola. Liberty Bond. \Vash.-M3r., Nov.

6285 Ta.dahl. Torke l. Rout. I, Ferndale. Wash. -Jan.

575 1 Taylor. Bertrand. Parkland. W . . h.-Oct .. Oct.

60 Tay lor. Mrs. Bertrand. Parkland, W.1,sh.­Sept. , Oct. , Oct.

5360 Tay lor. J. S., 1 207 S. K St., Tacoma. Wash.-Aug., Aug., UR.

4 1 54 Teien. '0. c. , Poulsbo. WJsh.-Apr., June

4 J1 j 5 T�ien, Mrs. George, Poul!ibo, Wash.-Ap�., June

1 636 Te15berll, C. 0.. 136 Bedford St. S. E., Min neapolis, Minn .-July, Feb., Feb.

Serial '0.

1 4 54




3 9 '; 8

1 693

1 694

66 1 3

705 1


1 3 2

7099 7 1 0 0 1 3 1 7




7003 7004

6 1

7 1 7 1

6 6 1 4 6067



69 1 5 4640

66 1 5 6616



1 5 57




661 7

720 1


1 7 1


1 1 65




Nam�, AdduIIJ and Month 0/ Conlribution Tennyson. F1oren'� L., 2002 Hoyt Ave.., Even\tt, Wash.-l\-1ay, June, J uue Tenwick, John. Box 506, Aberdeen, W •• h. -Dec. Tenwick, Mr>. John, Box 506, Aberdeen, Wa!:h.-Dcc. Terkildsen, p .. 2509 Web'ter St., Berkeley, C.,lif.-J.1O., ]3n., Jan. Te"smcr, EnOl H., 6 t 8 Girard St., San Fr::anCls(o. entif .-Feb., cb Tctiie. Rev. joseph, Madison, lV1inl1.-july, July , July TctJi Mn. joseph, !vI�di.son, l-vlinn.-July, July, July Theodorson, D., Route 1, Snohomish, Wash. -Apr. Theu .. , Rev. Frod H., 1 70 N. 24th St., Salem, Ore. ct. Thiel, rnest, Route 2, Auton, Dce.-Dec., Oct. Tholo, Mrs. G. 0., P.1rkhnd, \Vash.­Sept . . Oct., Sept. Tholo, Ruth, Cathlaml!t, Wash.-Oct. Tholo, Stanley, athlamet, \\fash.-O<t. Thomle. Erna Be.rnict, t3n\"'ood , \"'3sh. -Apr .. Dec. Thampson, B., Rouu 2, Ffrnd:tle. \Vash. -Nov., Jan. n. r..1rs. A. B., Route 2, Fernd:lte, W:t!'h.-Jan. Thompson, A. �r.. Bbck Rivl:'.r Fall.';, Wis� -July. Julv Thompson, A. R., Conr:ld, Mont.- \Ii;. Thompson, Mrs. A. R., onrad, :Mont.-Aug. Thompson, Albert. Pa rkland. \"'(Iash. fpC., Sept., Oct. Thomp�on. Anna, 2247 Blanche t . , Pasa· dena. Calif.-Nov. Thompson, Anna, lVbrysville, \VI .. "h.-Ap r. Thompson , E . , p .. kland, W . . h.-J.n . . Jan. Thompson, I'vlr. and Mrs. J . . 4023 Mass. St., Long Cal if.-Jan .. Jan . , Mar. Thompson. John. Bo% 3 9 , L.kewood. \Vash. -Jan., Nov . . Nov. Thompson, L. B., Stanwood , Xl�sh.- uh' Thompson" M., Black River Falls, Wis. J uly, ug. Thompson. Ole, Marysvilll!, \Va,sh.-Apr. Thompson, Mrs. Ole, M.uY.lIville.­A!,r. Thomsen, Mrs. John A., t 836 DU:ln{! St., A storia, Orc.-Feb., !Vhr. Thor.son. Mr.,. G. , 6 1 3 W. 17th St., Sioux l"al1s, So. Dale.-AuG., Sept . . Oct. Thoreson, �111be.l A., Mont(' Cristo Hotel. Everett, \'Q'ash.-Junc, MolY, May Thorgrimson, Rev. H. B., I'vloor-hud, Minn. -J uly Tho:-pE", Rev . N. B . , 5 5 0 D:lW50n Avf' , Long 8(,, CaIiL-Nov., Jan., Feb., Nov. Thorpe. M r<. N. B.. 553 Dawson Ave., Long B,.ch. Calif.-Nov . . Jan . . Feb . . Nov. Thonen, Mr!'i. Louise, 1 9 1 7 \Vetmore Ave . . Evere tt, W::tsh.- pr.. Thorsen. Dr. Made. 426 S. Kl'nmore Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.- OV.

Thorson, C. M., 1 3 06 O.kes, Eve"m, Wash. -F.b. Thorson, O. H . . 18 0 Petry, Oakland, Calif. -O(t., Dec., Nov. Thorson, lV!N. O. H., 1 80 Perry St .. O.k· land. Calif.-Oct .. D,e., Nov. Thorson, RC'v. P. E., Route 2. Cl ifton, Tex:t$-Apr.. M;t.y, May Throndson. Albert. 1 5 24 Waller St., San FrJ.ncisco. C;,l i f .-Jan., Aug., June Tin�, B.. 1 1 3 Ce.nter St.. Silverton ,

Ore.-Dcc:.. June, Mar., Feb., Apr.

Tin�clstJd. Mrs. B., 1 1 3 Center St., Silver­ton, Ore.-DC' . , J unc, Mar I Feh�

Tio).1f'lili;t,d, Edwin. Parldand. WJ.,h.-Du . . july. Sept , Dec., tpt.

Page 46: College Bulletin 1931 November

Sa;,,' No. N��, AddTt:H� and Month of Contribution 3 74 Tingrlstad, Mrs, E., Parkland, Wash.-Dec"

jan. , Dec., Sept , 256 Tinr.e1stad, Ger tru de, P;lrkland, \\Iash.­

Nov . , A U R . . Sept., Aug, 2. 0 1 Tinc('br ad, Helen, 1 0 4 1 Jefferson St., Salt'nl,

Ore.-Ocr " Nov . , Oct., Ocr. A4tJ Tinr;elsr-ad, Leona, 1 0 4 1 J effenon St., Sa lem ,

Ort'.-M;'Lr., Oct., Oct.. Oct. 3fi6 Tingel).tad, rvt ric, 1 1 3 Ce.nter St., S i l vcrron .

Ore.--Dec., J une, l'vltlr . , Feb. .367 Tingels[ad. MJ.rtin , 1041 jefferson St"

Sa lem, Ot�- Dc.(,. Oct. , Oct., Oct. 36,., Tingelstadt Mrs. Martin, 1 04 1 Jeffe-rson St.,

S::!.lem. Ort.-Dt'c., Oct., Oct., Oct. 63 Tingelstad. O . A., P;'Lrkland. \'Vash .-Srpt . ,

lVI:tr, , l\IIay. Nov . . rvby, Sept., !VI a r, . Sept. 1 3 3 T,ngcISl,d, M",. 0 . A., Parkland, Wash.­

Sept . . J u l y , Oct . , Aug .. Aug, 3 1 1 0 Tincdst,d, SOphU5 B . , McVille, No. Dak.­

Aug., July, Apr. (13 �8 Tjcrn�. Irs. Hrlen�. Stllnwood, \Vash .-

F,b. 4 0 1 9 Tjornhom. Rev. T., Fergus Fall!) . Minn .­

Feb., Apr. �8B7 Tollefson. I\1rs. Carl, Bow , \'Va:,>h .- o v . ,

lon. ')006 Tol ldHud. Rev. M . [L, E. 3 2 4 29th Ave . .

S p k;lnt . \V'�sh.-Jul}', june 5007 Toll.fs",d, Mrs. M. B., E. 3 1 4 29th A v e . ,

Spobn., W.,h.-J uly, Jun. 4 1 3 8 Tollum, Anton, Lawrence, \X/nsh.-Mar.,

No\'. , Nov . 4 1 3 6 Tollum. Mrs . Hdga , L.lwrt'nce, \X/ ash .­

M;:tr., Nov" Nov. 4 1 37 Toll um . Marit, L3wrence, \XTash.- M:tr.,

Nov" Nov. '845 Toll um , N I�I!l. Rout£, 2, Everson, \X'ash.­

No\,. 169() Talo, R , v . G. W.. Fort> !, . Minn .-July,

J u ly. Aug. 1 '5 08 Tolot Rev. T. 0 . , Otyol'ah, I owa-M3Y,

Aug., Octq Oct. 1 5 09 Tolo. Mr<. T. 0.. Decornh, Iowa-May,

On .. Ocr. 3 fJ I I Tomnwrvik. S . , Routt' I . Arlington. \'V':lsh.

-Jan.. (lV.

7 1 4 Topn ... , Rev. S. M . . 800 E. Ma;n St . , Stoughton, \'V is.-Feb., Apr . . �'l!l Y

(,99� Torgwon, C. 0., 3 2 5 2nd Ave. E . N . . Kalispell. Mont .-A ug.

7 1 3 3 Torkelson. Mrs. Ida. 2 5 20 Po lk Ave ., San Dif'go, Cal lL-Nov .

4392 Torrison. Dr . Geo. A . . 30 N. MichiGan Blvd., "h i,a�o , I1I.-Jul�', Aug.

322 Totrison, Rev. I. B., Decorah, IawOl-Nov., (fn Mf'mori!Jm ) Dec., Nov.

6699 Torvanr-er. M att in , Port Blakely. \X'ash.­rvIay

7 2 7 Torwnd. B., Route 2, S i lverton, Ore.-Feb .. Feb . . Feb.

lES Torvend , Samuel, Silvertcn, Or(' . -De('.. Mar . • r.,iIar ,

"l t 24 Torve t'l d , Mr:.. Samuel, S i lverton, Ore.­M il L . M tlr.

fi'H4 Torvilc. Knut, hinook, \"X"' ... r. 366 1 Totland. J.. 2 2 1 0 Young Sr.. Iloll in".

!tam, \X/ash.-Nov . , Oct., Oct. (; 14 Towf', Rev. A. J . , 9 8R Lovely SL. Port·

l<'Ind, Or1:".-Jan . , T u rtr, T u l y , July. Nov. 6 1 5 Towe, Mrs. A. J . . 988 Love ly Sr., Port·

l o n d , 0".-Jan . . F,b., Feb. '>.3 37 Tow e , Arthur. c/o Pacific Fru it & Produce

Co., Seattle. \Vasb.-Auc- .. Sept . 437 Tow(', E�tht't A . , Silverton, Ore-.-Dcc . .

Se-pt. , Nov . :!�R Towc. Rllth R£'rnicl', 988 Lovely St. , Port·

land. O ... . -Oct .. F.b., Feb. 4 1 9 5 TMiI.,ud. 0. T.. 7 1 9 Young St., \'\Iood·

hurn. On' .-Apr . . lVt.u. 44 r; : Trinitv Gtlild. c/o Mrs .. Lottie P. Gregory,

fJ:trkland. \Vash .-Tui y, Sf'pt . , ur.. �h 8n Trin itv Ladfi.'s' Aid. c/o IVtr.J. A. O. Tollef·

'on, 2 1 6 LC'e Ave.. N . Madi"nn, So. Oak.­Sopt .

Sl'riai No. Ntmlt, A ddress:. and l1.--tonth of ContributiolJ

'5 1 00 Trinity L:ld lt'j' id, c/o Re\,. A. E. Lien, Porrbnd, No. Dak.-J u l)' , July

'5 5 78 Trin i[y Lmher Le:)gue. c/o Arlyne Burr, Ivladison., So. Dak..-Scpt ., Aug.

568 1 Trinity Lutht'r Lngut'. l'/O Rc\'. L. E. vanS, Sisseton, So. Dak.--Sept.

l 5 ,)5 Trin i ty Youne People's LU[h�r L(,.1gue:, c/o Herman Larson, Route 4, BOll: 4 3 0 , Tolcoma , \\1 ;l!'h ,- OV.

3567 Trinity YounG People" <=> Society, c/o Harry K. Luson, Si l verton . Or<-.-Oct., Dec.

3 389 Troen. Be nja mi n , Starbuck. Mi nn .-j an . , Jan., ov.

6395 Tronsdal. joh n, Route 3, .Mt. Vt'.rnon, W.,h .-F.b.

6396 Tronsda[, Mrs. john, ROllt ... 3, "'It. V{"rnon, Wa,h.-Feb.

6205 Tromda l , Lars, Route I, Burlington, \X; sil. -Jan.

6206 Tronsdal, Mrs. Ll Rout� I , Bud inijton , \X'-ash.-J. n.

'; 946 Troxel , Mrt. . A., 8 1 6 "'th Sr . , Oregon Ciry. Ort.-N oy.

�76 Trucd,on. Mrs . E. P . • 428 2nd S'- N. E .. Puyallup, \Vash .-IVh r., Jail .

(;"()2.2 T rubon , uln a , 1 '5 0 2 I Zrh St. . AIl" i"ort \X/ as h.-Dec.

3 Y48 'Trulson, H. L., 1 '02 1 2th St., An.l.cortes. WJ.�h ,-Jan., Dec.

3949 Trulson, Mrs. H. L., 1 5 02 1 2 th St. , Ana­cortes, \,\fa!'h.-J:m., Dec.

o()23 Trulson , Harold, 1 502 1 2th St.. An,lcortc<s, \o/ash.--Dcc.

5303 TutinO, Rev. A, l'!., Lah Andes, So. Oak. -Jul y, Jul y

�304 Tunno, Mrs. A . M., Lak. Andes, S o . Dak. -AUfl., Jui)'

'5644 urne.r, A. F . • Rout 3, Box t �5 , Tacom a . \'(/ash .-5cpt.

'56"' 5 Turner. r...rrs. Hf'Il'11 H . , Route 3, Box 1 5 5 . Tacom a, Wash .-Sept.

7 l 8(1 Tvedt, I'vlr� . Knut, 1 880 Corrine P bC1!. Lon�! Bc.alth, Ca!if.-Nov.

64 Tv£tc, M" . G . . 1 9 1 1 N. 46th S t . , Se attle . W.,h, J u l y , May. Jan.

J 7 �O TV("[t!. K . K " 222 19th Aw., SI..':Ht1c, \'V' ash . -J u ly, J u l y, Aug.

[ fi 1 6 Tvete. N. ' t (In Memoriam) , c/o A. TingelsQd, PJrkland, \V ash.-Nov. , Noy .. Oct.

65 Tvetc, Norman P., 4 5 1 4 5th Ave. N. E . • SeattlE', \V ash. ""pt., jul}'. ivtay, Jan.

.cs l Tv�tc, Nrr:'>. Norman F . , 45 1 4 '5th A\'� . N. E . . SClI ttlr. \Xfash.-S('pt., Nov . , O,t., Oct.

6379 T,'cter, �Jt rl. N i ls, Gis H .. ub or, \'V'ash.­July

6'5(;7 TWe€'dt, Lewis. enne ..... ick. W/a:l:h.-Apr. 1 2 S t Tweten. Rev. J. 0., Dl' For-est. \'Iil.- pr.,

M:lY .. July, Nov. '604 Twining , WI . A . , 2 1 4 S. 96th , Tacoma.

\Y/ash.- cpt. 3 '5 (\9 Twito, Hel mer, COi;swdl , No. Dak.-Oa-. .

Feb. 6506 Tystad, Helt"n. How. rd . So. :1k.- iVlar. 69 1 6 U. ('If Ke nt. c/o Rev. A l m e r N. Eggi'n,

Kent, \V",h .-July 5783 Udd , Mrs. John, Route 4 .. Box 26), TacolTi.J.

\'\I3S'h .-Nov. ZQJ Ulldand, Astrid, Route 3 , B x 3 1 0, cut.

\X';'lsh.-Oct . , Nov" Oct., IO\'. 298 IJI lt'l :md . C. N . , Routt:' 3 . Box 3 1 :) , Kent,

W:lsh.-Nov., Nov . , Nov., Nov. ,99 Ulldand. Mrs. C. N.. Rou" 1, Box 1 ill .

Kcnt, \X/ash.-Nov .• Nov., Nov" Nov. ,00 1)11,1, nd, Harald, Route 1 . Box ., 1 2. , Kenr.

\Xfa.5- h.-Ncw., Nov., O\' . . Ocr. � ( I U! !e:l a nd. I\/lrs. H :lrald . Routr, �, Box 3 1 2. ,

K('nt, \'Vash.-Ntw . . Nov . . Nov " Or·t. � 1 1 5 lI.1and, Nels, RoUl< 3 , K'nt . W" h.-

Jan. '> 75 Ullensvan�. M. L . . N . Lo� A nRl'lt''''C. Calif.

-Jan .• Nov . "i71'l Ull£"nSIJanc. M·t,!;. Pvbrip ilox "7. N. to.:.

A n r:t·jcs. Calif -.Tiln . . Mar.

Page 47: College Bulletin 1931 November

S<ri.1 lVO.


3808 1 567

709 1

6397 10 1 0

7 1 ' 7 : 1 �8 7 1 5 9 l i b]

1 1 61



1i% 1 61)�2 M5 1 tlJ4 1

6765 6059 1099

6 7 1 6


61> 1 8 M I 9


402 1

6464 3414

1 266

1 267


3 946


5?t;9 4 1 4 1

9 1 1


I Z ! 3

1 2 59

63 59 6727 ('72R


Nam�, Address,. dnd Month 0/ ConJribution Ulvildpn, Rev. R . , 5 1 5 Walders St., Minot, No. Dak.-J une. June Un idcruified Donon_ ov. Nov., J uly Urne:l, Rev. J. A .• Cranfill's G p, Texas -June, Oct. U,tod, Xl., 3B25 5th A v. . E. , Se.ttl., \YJ a ... h .-Occ. Utg.rd. P. . . Conway, \'\f"h.-Feb. Utiu::tnrd. Anton A., 214 S. 96th, Tacoma, Wash.-Feb., Sept. Utir,urd, K. B., Hemet, Calif.-Nov. Utigaard, O. B .• Hemet, C.llif.- ov. UrigJ;)rd . 1\1r5. O. B . . Hcmd, utlif.-Nov. Vaalcr, Rev. Arnt, \V illmar. I'"lmn,-Apr . , Aug., J ul)" Nov. Vaaler, Mr:-. rnt, \'V illmar, lvlinn.-Apr . . M.y, Nov. Vandinburf:. lYhric, Lakrbay, \X/as.h.-May, Nov. Yang. Rtv. C. S . • 2344 S., bury A" ., Min· neapolis, Minn .-June, Aug. V.Hhing. Iver, Polson, Mont.-Aug, ing. K. S .. Polson, MGIlt.- ue. V .. I Ie . Ole L " Molalla, Ore .-M. y V('lde R(·v. S . F . . 8 1 4 '5 t h S t . , Coeur d' AI('nc. Idnho---Aug. Velure, J. J., 927 1 st S., i'vlarshficld. Orl'.­Apr. Vc.tville. Mrs. N. A., Pasco. Wash .-June Vcsledal, S. S .• \'V'iuger. NIinn.-Oec Vickner, Dr. E. J . . 5 5 2 1 1 2th Ave. N. E . . Se ttle. \'\fash.-Mar .. l'vlar., l'vbr. Vioth, Mrs. H., 1 1 85 E. 3 2n d N., Port· land. Orc.-May V igel ius, Berth3, 6 1 2 4th Sr., Ort'r,on City. Ort!.-Nov. Vik. Ernest. Route 2. Everctt. \V::1..�h.-Apr. Vi� Mr'$. L. H., Route 2. Everett, -Apt·. Vikdal. P. G .• Route 2. Everett, \'Va�h.­Apr. Vi�I1l·:'''' . Dr. L. A . , 425 S. 4th St., l'vli n · neapolis, i'vlmn.-Feb . . Apr.

Vik. I . , Route 2, E\'cr('tt . \'\f::tsh.-Ft'b. Vilh, John E.. \X'e.'itbrook, M inn.-July, July. Au�. Vinjc, Rev. A. K.. 1 7 1 2 Everett Ave. ,

ver('tt, \Vash.-Apr . . Oct . . Jan., J:.UI. Vin; . Mrs. A. K.. 1 7 1 2 Eve.rett Ave., Everett. W\lsh.-Apr .. J;1O .. Jan. Vinje, Doris. 1 7 1 2 Evt'rett Ave.. Everett. iXl'ash.-J:lIl .. Jan. Vinje. How�lrd, 1 7 1 2 Everett Ave . , Ev f(·tt, \'Vash .-Ja n . . Jan. Vinje, John H . . RouCt- 2. Ferndale. \'Vash. -Jo n. Vin ie . Ruth A . . 1 7 1 2 Ev('rl'tt Ave .. Everett. Wash . - Jan . . ].111. Vinl:. ...... Arth ur. Havfield. Minn.-De" Viu:JI, Arthur I=' .. 909 :,� Pacific Ave., Ta· coma. \X/ash.-l'vhr., Nov, Vi'$ra. Cora, Route I, Gig Harbor. \XlJ.1'h. -�hr .. I'vfar .. l\tlar. Viste.. Henry, E. 602 3 I st Ave.,, Wash.�jllne Vo('lkrr, C .. Du Pont. \Vash.-Apr., Ap,., y VorU"'r, Mr'!'. A. C., Du Pont. \Vash.­ADr . . M.w. May Vohdal. Emma, Howard. So. Oa.k.-l'vtar. VOfpD. :vlr.<;. A dolph. \\7 il bmeuc, Or('.­Nov. \X'a.� !('. Torstcin. E. Stanwood, \Xf ash .-Feb. 'X':wl:'nknecht. �l:Jx. Rout(> 1 0, Box 70, rvlil­w:Hdcie. Orr.- May WagcI1kl1o:! hr. Mn. Max, Rout« 1 0, Box 70, Milwaukie. Orr .-l'vlay Wahl . 01.f H.. FNt Hall. ldah<>--}an . . jllnr, P l' b . . Dec.. Sept. Wahl. R . ] . . 2 1 1 7 l'vIcDoll B:I I I. Ever�tt, \Vash.-Feh . Wilkh. J. C , noutl' 2 . Aurora, Orc.-·'·Occ.,


Serial No.


1 1 5 8

1 5 56


66)2 6653

6773 5 3 9 2


3 795

3 53 3


4 l l B



5 3 3 9

5 3 4 0

4 1 8 1


6862 1 1 89



6 5 1 6

6 5 1 7

I I 94



5828 (,828 5 9 5 B

57 1 0


() 3 60 6505


1 25 2

/i227 6657


70BO 70R I 7065




Nt1m�. Add.,.;:ss, and Month 0/ Contribution \'(lalch. l'vlichael, Route Z, Aurora. Orc.­D<'c., Oct. \'\fald,I,'nd. DL M. E ., 6 1 0 E. 4th St., Northfield, lvl inn .-Apr. Wall, lviar garet, 1423 Fernwood Road, Vic-torin, 13. .-June, Apr.! NIar. \X'alU'r, Fred, 40S·6th Ave., Tacoma, \'V'ash. -M,u., ,,--faL, Mar. \'VaI tt'tl Martin, \'(loodburn, Ore.-t\i1ay \'(l ... ltH. Nlrs. Martin, \'\IoodblItn, Ore.­M,y Wang. Rev. J . A . , \'V' itcenbcrg, \'\I is.-June \'(lang. Rev . \"Ialter L .. Rushford, Minn.­AUG" Nov. \X' ard, lvlrs. Francis H., 3 2 7 E. 4th, Port An.1c1u, W:tsh.-Oct. 'Xlarn .... J. E . , 1 2 1 W. 5th, l><rdetn. \Vash.-Nov., Dec. \'!l;tthne, Ole, Fern Hill Station, Tacoma, \'V' ash.-Oct., Sept., On. \V ebb. Charity, Rout!! 2, Bo.� 284, San J os.e. C.lif.-Fcb. Webb, Mrs. F. P., Rout,· 2. [JOK 2B4, S.l n J o ... GliL- May, July \V eber. Mrs. H . P. . 28tH PE'ilbody Sf , Rdli ngb:1ln. \·Vash.-feb. \\lcb",rg. PCtl'r, 3 2 9 5th Ave. ., K:tlispt::I I , t\.10nt.-Au�. \Xl cdum, j . \Xl .. Box 1 06 3 . Gb�cO\\', Mont -Aug . . Aug. \V'edum, t\tfn.. J. \Xl . • Glasgow, Mont.­Aug .. Aug . \\lee. Rev. Morris, 2 I G N. Lake St., rvIadi­son, \,{/ is.- ar. , Feb. \'{/e�L:md, i\1rs. Rosa, 3 5 /H Fawcett Ave., Tacoma. \'\fasn .-Mar., june, Oct. \'(1 eener, Otto. Reardan. \Xl ash .-j line \V ein, Rev. H. J . , 408 Centcr St. , \V inona. lVlinn.-Apr., rvby. Sl·Pt.. Au[;. Weisner. J . . 6044 S. Pugf't Sound. TacolTIJ.. W.,h.-j,n. , Oct. \\lelk. fr; . Henry R . , 1 1 0 1 9th. Oregon City. Orr.-Nov. \Xlcll�r. PC't�r , Bo."{ 9 0 . Pearson, \'Vash.­i\1.1r. \X' el ter. l\.·1rs. Peter. Box 90. Pearson. \XI .1s h . -rvIar. \'X' cU"'tt. �1n. Cad. Box 459, Olympia. W.,h.-Apr . . Feb., Feb. \'{/c.>lt; C. 0 .. 40 I MC'chanic Sr., Dc(oruh, rO\�·a-Aug . July, Aug. \\{ enbcq;. Oscar. Routl� I , E . Stanwood. W"h.-JIH. \X.Tcndtl"f1l�, Gus. W inlock. Wilsh.---Nov. \\1cndlendt. \'Valter, RI"<lrd3n, \V:\sh.-june \X'('rs�n. Lewis G., 6 1 7 \XI . 4th, Aberd('('n. \'V a.·· h . --Dec., Nov. \'\.'·"It Oebvan Congn:iiPtion. c/o R Y. O. E. r,,,,: ! · .:11. Delavan, Minn .-Oct. '� estby. �,Jlrs. Atlanta. J O I !) E. North St., Rf'lIingh.lnt. \'{/i2;:!Ih .-J., n . Westby. Helen M . . Du Pont, \'\f b.-Foh. \X' ey�.tnt. Ruth, Howard, So. Dak.-M:lr . Wh.ll. .lui ius .T., Route 1 . Box 3 1 4. Kent, \'\ . . Nov., Oct .. Nov .. St'pt. \"x' ick. Martin. 3 1 5 N . BOth St. . Seattle', \X':l!ih.-Apr . . Nov. \'l ick. P . C . . Silvana. W.lsh .-j<l ll. \X'id:.:;trand, A. L.. Route 2. Aurora, O'E'.­May \X'iustrand. Mrs. A . L. . RoutE· 2 . urora, Of(·.�OI:'c.. Feb . . Apr. \'V'igl"n, J. T.. L,1 Crosse , W,uh.-Oct. \,{/ igl"n. T. R . . La Cruue. \Xlal5h .-Oct. \'{liAen, Mis. R . . 2308 \VI . 3 rd St.. Spokanc. W:\sh .-Oct. \ Oliver. Route � . Twin Valley, l\II inn . - Nov. \\l i lhpfmsen. Rosal ie . Sprinr, Grove. fvtinn. -.T1I!}'. 1\.1av \X'i l l i am<: . A. F .. Route I , Bo.'( 1 0. Huh­">rd. Ore.-Mal' \'V' ill iam<;. 0 .. ROl\[(> I . fio:f 200. Pu aIluf'. \'V'a�h .-Nov. , Od . . Oa.

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7043 6740



26 1 6



662 1


1 73Q

1 1 3 2


1 1 �2

6 1 03

1 8 1 6

Ntmlr, A dd,.IS, and Month o f Contribution

Willi mo. Mrs. 0., Route I. BOI ZOO. Puy. :1IIQP, Wash .-Nov., Oct., Oct. Wilhog Workers. c/o Tomin. Soiland, 77 Landers St., San Fr. ncisco, Calif .-May. Mar. Feb. W illing Worun, c/o Rev. L. M. St ,lv ig" 1304 St. Olaf Ave.. Northfield, Minn.-

cr. \'\Iillo Creek Luther Le.gue, c/o Alec Sundal. Baltic. So. O.k.-Dec. Willow Cre.k Ladies' Aid. c/o Alec Sund. l . Baltic. o. Dak.-Dec, \V/illow Creek oDgcegation. c/o lee Sun-doU. BoUtle. So. Dak.-Aug., Dec. Winge. Hugo, Routt. 4, Dox 422, Tacoma. W" .• Oct . . Mar . • Sept . WiMor. Dorothy. Parkl.nd. Wash opt. Winter. Mrs, Paul, Poulsbo, \'Vash.-June '\ ioterhollso. dolf. Route I. Box 1 1 0 Puy.llu Wuh.-Nov .• Jan . • J.n. \'Vim .... Rev. ) . .• Wahpeton, No. Oak. -July. Aug. Wi,n .. , Hilda J .. Minnewaubn. No. O.k. -Aug . • Aug . . Nov. \'\I i,o", R., MaddocK. No. D.k.-A ui., july. Oct. Witto,f, Henry. E. 1 1 09 1 1th Ave . . Spo­bn • Wash.-June Wold. C. E" 2502 Summit ve,. Everett, '\ .. h .-Apr. Wold, C. M., 2502 Summi ve .• E teett, Wash.-Apr. Wold, C. M.t ROUf_C 3. Box 242, T::a rn<l, Wash.-Sept. \'\Iold. Mrs. . M.. Route 3, Box 21 . Tacoma, ash.-SC!'pt . \VI old, Pete, Route I. Sta.nwood. W:uh.­Nov . . Oct. Wolden, August. Route I, Bo\'l, \Xf3.Sh.­Oct . . J,n. Wolden, Mrs. August . Route I, Bow. \'(fil.�h. -hn. \'\Iolden. GI. ys. Route I, Bow. XI ,h.-July, ov. \VJomrn'. Mi�sionary Feder<l tion. North Pu· get Sound CIrcuit, c/o Jorgint' Enestvedt. 3 0 1 4 O:\k �. E\·tcl:'tt. W.1�h .-M;lt . • Nov., Oct .• Oct. Women's Mi�sion.lrY Fr.dtl.c::ltion. Oregon Circuit, c/o Tena Dullum, Silverton, Orc.­Nov . . Jun< Woman's lvIi"sionary Fl'de-rarioo, St. Petcr'� Church. c/o Rev. W. B. SCOTvi.. Stacy City, Iowa-Dec. \Women'.s Missionury F deration . South Pu· Iter Sound Circuit. c/o Ivlr!S. Bertha �iI . Fcaflo,d, 2 2 1 W. 5th St . • Abcrde"l, W.,h. -Mar .. Oct . . Oct .• Oct. \"{fornubtckl'r. MI.". and Mrs. H., 56 E. Rroadv.�.l)'. Vancouver, B. C.-Jan Wormsb«ker. john H .• 1 3 2 WI. 1 1 th Ave .• VJncou\'cr, B. C -O('c. Woven, E., Esmond, No . Dak-.-Aur, . • Dec.

S<ria/ No.

4 67

6668 3 508

1 5 9

1 0 !


1 03

1 02

1 04


1 6 5

665 5






1 1 44



3 8 1 /







Name, A dreiS, lind Monlb 0/ Contribution W"'n�. <0., 1 8 1 1 Eldridg. Avt., B.llina· ham, W .. h.-Apr., F.b. \'\IrI5ht. Adele. P, rk land, W"h.-Sept . W rigot, \V. 0 . • Box 345, Bork.I,y , l i f . --&pt.. .pc. \'\1 rol"ad. L. G., nby, O, •. -May WUeJ.t, Rtv. E. G., 709 RJ.le.y, Pendluon, Ore.-Aug .. S,pt., u�. XaVier, lviI'S. M'I B o. 245, P3rkland, \'(Iosh.-Oct., S,pt., Nov. Xavier, Barb:Jra R., Parkl a nd, \Xfash.-Scpt. , july. Oct., Sept.

Xavier, G. W.o c/o John X�vier. Parkbnd, \'V:lsh.-Mar., Apr.

Xavier. Rev. J. U., P:,Ukbnd, \X!ash .-Sept.. July. Oct . • Sept. X<l.vto!r, Mrs. J. 0, ParkbnJ. .uh .-Sept . . July. Oct . . Sept.

avi(!r. P<11.11, Parkland, \X'ash.- topr . • July. .. r. , Se�t.

Y:J.(CQ. L.. 2993 8th Alit!. W 0 , I ancouvu. B. C.-D.c., M2[. Ylvinhr, Rev. N. M . . 425 4th St. 5_. iVlinneapolis, Minn .-Oct . , May. U8., Apr .• M:lY Yoder, Mrs. C. ., Route 2, Hubbard, Ore. -May Yost. ehr., Roul. 4. Bn x 905, Portland. Or .-July Yost, Mrs. Marth:., Routt! I , Aurara. , O r e. -Dec., Oct. Young, Frisbie L.. Park Region Luther Col· Il!gi:!, Fergu!) Ollis. I'vl inn .-AuK., Sep!:,. ov. Young, 1 . G., Rout£.' +, 8m 3 1 0 , T a.coma, \V/a. :;h .-No v. Younll Peopl�'s Luthl'r L�aguc , Sourh Pug�t Sound Circuit. c/o Alfrrd Stan�, 2'5 1 9 S. J St .• T.lcom,. W.,h.-).n . . De<.. Sept., Oct. Young People's Luther Le.1�uc, ZiQn Luth-eran hurch. c/o M L. R �"m u 5�lI!n. BLlr-l ington. Wash.-l\Ibr. , pr., June Young P pl '$ Luth('r LCJ.gue, Tdnity Con­grega.tion. c/o ThorT.lld E. Hall. n, West­brook. Minn.-Feb. Youn� People's Mi�sion dtry. c/v Re.v T. 1 . S�vcrt'5on. E3�le Groye, Iowa S�Pt. Young People's Socitty, N id3rM CClngrega· tion. c/o �bhcl M. Str:md , Woodburn. OrC'. -Nov .. Mar. Zacktison. John P.ark.bnd. \VJ3sh.-Ocr .• Oct. Zahl. . C, 24ll St. Jo,"pJ. "e.. Lon� Beach. Calif.-j,n., Feb.

Zehrn. Wm.. 1 504 E. 3rd "' .. Spokane. Wasn.-Jullc

Zidesch. lbert. Route 2. Rickreall, re.­May

Zimmerman. Rev, • 207 Ki'ntuck-y Sr .. Bellingham. Wa"h.-Oct. Zion Lutht!ran lis ion,uy SOC"itty, c/o Mr5. D:ln Wohlgemuth, Ne wburg, Oct.-Oct.




