collie rescue (rough & smooth) · with the help of rough collie rescue. her circum-stances were...

COLLIE RESCUE (Rough & Smooth)

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Page 1: COLLIE RESCUE (Rough & Smooth) · with the help of Rough Collie Rescue. Her circum-stances were very sad, her beloved mum had passed away and she and her brothers and sisters all

C O L L I E R E S C U E ( Ro u g h & S m o ot h )

Page 2: COLLIE RESCUE (Rough & Smooth) · with the help of Rough Collie Rescue. Her circum-stances were very sad, her beloved mum had passed away and she and her brothers and sisters all

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Hope you all had a lovely summer with your dogs. The last few months we have had a few ups and downs in rescue. We had to say goodbye to some of our golden oldies and I know they are very much missed by their foster carers and their families. Thank you all for making the last years of their lives happy and comfortable. Without you, who knows what would have happened to them. We are now being asked to help bring over collies from other countries and we have re-homed a few this year.. As much as we would like to say yes to all of them, our funds do not always run to it. Our vet bills every year are tremendous and care must come first to our older collies of which we now fund 35 of them, as well as the normal expenses such as kennelling, transport etc. Many thanks to all who got involved in getting these dogs over here, they are settling in nicely. It is very up-setting, I know that we cant help them all but we are after all Collie Rescue UK

Have a lovely

Christmas Chris Slater




due to his poor mobility and his desire to still be out and about with the

rest of the pack on their walks, he has been bought his very own set of

wheels which he uses when his legs get too tired. His mum says that

when he wants to go out for a walk he stands at the garage doors (where

his buggy is stored) and barks ... He is such a star and has everyone

wrapped around his paws ...


Here is another girl who has her mobility sorted too. Dusty, who lives in

the Outer Hebrides, along with Jude and Bowmore, has also been bought

her own set of wheels by her mum and dad as she, too, struggles on her

walks. She has got bunting on hers with her

own name. Al-

though she still

likes to walk, she

uses her buggy

when her legs get

too tired and the

need to sit down is

all too evident.


Contact Chris Slater - 0114

2347440 (evenings) to

place your orders

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My beautiful Izzy came into my life last November with the help of Rough Collie Rescue. Her circum-stances were very sad, her beloved mum had passed away and she and her brothers and sisters all needed to be found new loving homes. Although a little strange at first Izzy settled well in my home along with all my other 5 dogs. Just days after her arrival, Izzy and I were requested to attend her mums funeral. She and I led the funeral cortege for the first 100 yards, her mum would have been so proud. Izzy behaved impeccably at the church and at the crematorium, she was a credit to her mum and everyone was so happy she was there. Izzy is the most beautiful girl, inside and out, a little subdued at first which is fully understandable, she has blossomed into one of the sweetest, friendliest and happiest dogs I have ever had the pleasure to own. She adores my other dogs and her partner in crime is my 5 year old German shepherd dog, Sacha, also a rescue. They are inseperable and so funny together, chasing just about anything that moves when we are on long country walks. I can't remember life without Izzy, she seems like she was always here. I just wish she had come into my life in happier circumstances. My daughter, Sinead has been away teaching in Korea for 12 months, she is home in November and I can't wait for her to meet Izzy, she is going to ab-solutely love her. A big thank you to the rescue for being an integral part in finding Izzy and her companions loving new homes. Her mum will be smiling down fondly on all

of them. X Hilary Bradshaw




Long term fos-tered sisters Dusty and Jude will be 14 in January, 2015. Both girls are happy and content and have been with us since May 2011, then aged 10 years . I hope we have the girls for a long time to come staying healthy and happy. They have shown us how an older dog can adapt to a new environ-ment and new family. They have always been patient and kind girls so very sweet, I hope their previous owner can look down on them and see what a fantastic job she did with them. They are a credit to her who ever she was. Rewards are far more than any extra work with an older collie. (or two) Jude had a stroke earlier in the year, but apart from now being deaf she is healthy and recovered well. Jude can walk miles without over tiring. She has energy and stamina. And she is always in my face. Even follows me to the loo. Dusty is growing older with dignity, she has had mobility problems we think most of her life. We bought her a doggy stroller last year but she only uses it on occasions and is happy to walk the beaches here on the islands. Dusty has arthritis in her hips and this is being treated with pain killers and homeopathic remedies. She needs a hand to stand if she has been laid any length of time, but once up on all fours she plods slowly. She knows how to get our attention -stares at us and points her head at what she is wanting, so funny bless her. And she always gets her way too! Bowmore we adopted last year, cannot believe it but over a year ago. Still a joy to have around Bowmore just walked into our lives and fitted in. We did not have to adapt he did all that what a good boy he is. He is now 8 years old, a healthy soppy big boy. I look at him and see all the scars around his face and feel so sad how they might have happened. He has never shown anything but kindness to any other dogs, cats and people. He is a big love bug and we are very lucky to have found him. Bowmore has to play. As soon as we get on the beach he demands the ball. Brilliant considering he did not seem to know how to play. We meet dogs on the beach some friendly. some not, but he and the girls are excellent ambassadors for their breed, calm and friendly. All three dogs love each other, eat together , sleep together and look out for each other. Did we win big time??? yes we did. Our daily routine is to get brushes, collars on and off to the beach. Walk, rest and play on the beach then come home.

The trio then have lunch and sleep for most of the after-noon. Then food again, sleep and to bed and it all gets repeated tomorrow! What a hard life! One we all enjoy . Mary and Steve xxx






Page 4: COLLIE RESCUE (Rough & Smooth) · with the help of Rough Collie Rescue. Her circum-stances were very sad, her beloved mum had passed away and she and her brothers and sisters all

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HARVEY is doing very well at

the moment, enjoying his life,

although on his rules and not

ours !! Harvey never rushes

anywhere - ”in my time and

when I’m ready” - unless their

is food about then it is “now” !!

Although he suffers with arthri-

tis in his neck, spine and legs

this is supported with herbal

remedies and he does just fine. He can climb

the stairs, jump on the bed and settee and run,

when the mood takes him. He loves his cara-

van holidays on the coast and going for his daily

walks on the beach becomes the highlight of his

day. I think he finds the sand easy to walk and

run on, as he would spend all day there if we

would let him. He is also very good at finding

beach “contraband”, although he’s not brought

us anything of value YET !! mainly dead things

!! Such a joy to own !!

TARA is now a really old girl, probably

about 14 years old. Margaret took

her in as a 'Golden Oldie' collie 3 years

ago this April, and at the time was

told that her age was somewhere

around 10 years.

Tara on the whole is not doing too

badly, but sadly has recently been di-

agnosed with a badly

functioning liver, after

having a blood test because she had a spell of being

quite under the weather for a couple of months.

She is not able to have any

treatment due to her

age. She is on a very

bland/invalid diet which

seems to be agreeing with

her at the moment, so hope-

fully she will plod on for a good time yet, let's


TIA has been in good health since we last re-

ported on her progress. She and her sister,

Shadey, still enjoy life with Julie, their foster


A big change has just happened - they all

moved house on September 26th. This could

be a good move for Tia in particular. The rea-

son for this is because where they have moved

to there is a much larger, very secure back gar-

den, where both collies can exercise, without

always having to be taken out, especially Tia

whose very

poor eye-

sight is a

great con-

cern. Let's

hope that

they all set-

tle in well.

We received some very sad news at the

end of August from Maria, our Manches-

ter representative who told us that

SHAUN, the collie she has been foster-

ing for the past 7 years had sadly passed

away. He became very distressed one

evening and then again into the early

hours. He was taken to the vet first thing

next morning but sadly there was nothing

that could be done as he was suffering

multi-organ failure, so he was put to sleep.

Shaun was found about 8 years ago, by a member of the public, lying

at the side of the road with a badly broken leg, probably the victim of a

hit and run. Collie Rescue took over his care as he had no microchip

and had not been claimed. In Manchester, Maria knew of a marvel-

lous Orthopaedic specialist vet, who carried

out a lot of work and operations, (2 years in all), and finally got Shaun

mobile again.

Through all this lengthy treatment, Shaun was so patient and

never became grumpy. Maria says she was so proud of him for his

bravery. For his last 4 years he was pain and operation free and has

had a very peaceful and happy time.

Maria says Shaun was a pleasure to own and will miss him dearly.











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The “Island Dogs” -

Dusty, Jude and Bow-

more - guarding their

beach contraband

Sir Fudge enjoying a

nice juicy bone ... love

the state of your feet,

boy !!

Anyone for a

collie coffee ? BEAUTIFUL

The Nottingham team of fundraisers

Margaret, Margaret and Jean, were out in

force again, this time at the local village

Easter Table-top sale, back in April, 2014.

Here is Margaret pictured with one of the

many prizes to be won -

I don't think she wanted to let this one



Mischief and

mayhem in the


Meet Loobylou

A good job well

done, Loobyloo !!


Mum, Tula with Looby-


Loobylou’s litter broth-

ers and sisters

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Hi everybody., Buddy reporting for duty !! Well, what a chaotic 6 months I have had. What’s that saying? If you never ask, you never get. Well, I didn't ask for a little sister but I got one! Tyler Valentine arrived on Valentine’s day and none of us have had any peace since. It seems this little puppy knows no boundaries and it is my job to teach her. I could not possibly comment on some of her be-haviour because I did exactly the same when I first arrived here. However, I had to put her in her place when she started using my bed as the toilet, a quick nip round the ears did the trick! Everything

that once was mine, is now ours! Don't get me wrong I love my little sister to bits but I thought I was in retirement, not a kindergarten. The first few weeks Tyler had no concept of the idea of sleep and rest. We could often be found out on the lawn every hour of the day (and night!) trying to teach Tyler that this was where the toilet was. The trouble is, Tyler would rather play & chase the cat round the garden. In the summer I was very poorly for quite a while and the vet thought I had Addison’s disease but after taking steroids, I seem to be back on top form now. When Tyler came in to season, I was very poorly, (I think mum was relieved in a strange way). Tyler was put in a crate at night because mum said she was not taking any chances! Dad slept on the sofa for 3 weeks to stop me from howling because I could not gain access to Tyler. I should have told dad I had a headache and Tyler was safe but I don't think he would have believed me! I just wish I had half the energy Tyler has, she is always getting up to mischief. The experts reckon Tyler is blind too, but I’m beginning to suspect Tyler is just pretending. Tyler’s crate has now been dismantled but I wish it was still available sometimes so I could sneak off for some peace and quiet. Mum said the crate will be returning very soon because Tyler is going to be speyed on the 21st October and she will have to sleep in the crate at night to stop her chasing around. We still go to where mum works to visit the old people but now madam has to come too. The residents don't complain because they now have two of us to make a fuss of. Some of the old people have to have blankets placed over their legs so we don't catch their delicate skin with our claws. It appears I am not allowed to retire just yet because I have to guide and protect my little sister and believe me, that is no easy task as neither of us can see what the other one is doing!! Mum has wrote a book, all about ME! it is currently at the printers being printed. The book, “Buddy, My Guiding Light” will be avail-able through Chris Slater and half the profits are going straight to rescue to help all doggies needing help in the future!

Hi everybody, I am Tyler Valentine, I was advertised on Gumtree as being blind & 3 months old. (I was actually 4 months old!) Everybody thinks I am naughty but I can’t see what I am doing so how am I supposed to know whether I am doing something wrong? When I arrived I was hyperactive and mum suspected all was not well. I was sent to animal hospital every Thursday for 6 weeks, for the day. I had scans, MRI, blood tests and every other nasty procedure possi-ble. After this time it was discovered all my problems were due to inbreeding. It was decided to let me be and live my life to the full. I am not poorly, just geneti-cally modified! I make the most of every day and do not waste much time sleeping. I love my big brother Buddy even though he can be a spoilsport at times. When

we go walking, I follow Buddy. I love to chase him round the fields but he soon gets tired and wanders off, out of my way. I spend my days carrying everything I can get hold of outside on to the lawn. I have been known to lock myself in the toilet several times. A closed door does not stop me as I have learned how to open them with my feet. I have mastered the art of looking too cute, I can get away with murder, well, almost. I am Daddy’s girl and in his eyes, I can do no wrong. Like Buddy, I have lots of doggy friends who love to chase round the fields. Mum said I am almost as tall as buddy now and I will be one year old on the 25th October. I know Mum is making very special plans for that week, I think she is taking me some-where very special and Buddy is not allowed to come with us? I had my first season back in July and quite fancied the idea of being a mum but things did not go according to my plan. I thought Buddy would happily participate in my plans but no, he just lay on his bed, almost lifeless. Apparently

Buddy was very poorly and by the time he was better, I had changed my mind about being a mother to a litter of unruly puppies! I have a very impressive CV for saying I am not yet 1yr old! My talents include wallpaper stripping, opening tin cans, digging tunnels, house clearance, opening the fridge door, taking the washing out (all over the gar-den) scaring off strangers from my street. People need to accept that once I have something in my mouth, it becomes mine! I cannot see my reflection but everybody says I am so cute. I guess no one will blame me for using my looks to get on in life. I may be disabled but I have no intention of letting my disability stop me from enjoying life. Mum says night time is for sleeping but how are Buddy and I supposed to know when it is bedtime when we cannot see darkness or daylight?


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My story started in Bosnia. I was all alone, no one cared for me. My coat was all knotted and I was very uncomfortable and sad. I felt so cold and all alone. I was tied up and I could not move very far. I just did not understand what I had done wrong. I wished that some-one would help me then to my surprise one day a lady came. She was very kind and gave me food she then took me some where safe where I was shown love and care . My coat had to be shaved off because I was so sore and in such pain, but then I began to feel better. I was told that Collie Rescue UK was going to help me. On Tuesday 22nd July 2014, I started my big adventure. I was

very scared because I did not know what was going to happen to me, but when I arrived in the UK a lovely lady collected me. I had a short rest and then I was on my way again in the back of a car. My new family came back from their holidays early - it was Thursday 24th July 2014. It was very dark and the car stopped and we got out the car and there was a man and lady waiting at the door. I was so scared I could hardly walk, but once I got inside I met Bradley and Lillie and their mum and dad. They did not even know that I was going to arrive .The lady that I was in the car with went home with her dad. They were so very kind to me making sure that I was ok .It was very late so my mom carried me to my bed it felt nice and soft .Then I knew that I was home. Written by Lillie - aged 8 years (well done Lillie, a lovely story)

OCTOBER, 2014. Just a little bit about Lassie Grace. Each day she is doing well, her fur is growing back, she is putting on weight and she loves life. She is slowly learning to play games like fetch, she loves a game of tug-

’o-war and she loves her walks and her food and especially treats. We all love our Lassie so very much. We

would like to thank ROUGH COLLIE RESCUE for everything that they all did for our Lassie

and we would all like to thank Mia, in Bosnia, for all that she did for our Lassie.


Kara has been with us 17 months now, and Jazz 10 months. Both are well settled in and very much at home. They get on well,

and 12 year old Kara regularly tries to play with 9 year old Jazz, but playing isn't really his thing. He does play a bit but quickly

loses interest. Kara's gentle affectionate nature is offset by having her anxious alarm mode on a hair trigger. The list of things that

will suddenly set her off into a demented, piercing, barking panic is very long. One or two things, such as opening the freezer, are

much less of a problem than at first. But she's made up for that by adding new triggers. There's a cupboard in the conservatory

that she absolutely hates to be opened. We took advice from a canine behaviourist friend of ours and made changes to her diet

and exercise routine, both of which seem to have been beneficial, but she remains a very nervous dog, which is almost unbeliev-

able when you see her lying on the sofa with her head in a lap or back to back with Jazz.

Little disturbs Jazz on the other hand. He was rather nervous of other dogs in the park at first, and put on displays that could eas-

ily be mistaken for aggression. But slowly introducing him to new friends that I knew well overcame that, and he soon had lots of

pals. Con’t .. Page 8


Rescued from Bosnia










Written by Lillie - aged 8 years


Page 8: COLLIE RESCUE (Rough & Smooth) · with the help of Rough Collie Rescue. Her circum-stances were very sad, her beloved mum had passed away and she and her brothers and sisters all

Page 8 Then two things went wrong for Jazz. First he developed a bowel problem,. He lost

weight, but veterinary intervention couldn’t remedy the problem, although his

weight loss was reversed. So after a long talk with a member of Collie Rescue,

we drastically changed his diet, giving him nothing I hadn't prepared myself. That

worked and he was more or less back to normal and getting some regular dog

food in his meals when, a short while ago, he had a sudden return of the prob-

lem. At the time of writing I have just switched back to the basic diet he was on

when it was first changed. Fingers crossed.

Second, he was attacked in the park, which drastically affected his confidence. He went right back to the defensive dog he had

been when he came to us. We were working on it and seeing some painfully slow improvement when a friend of ours became ill

and her two dogs came to stay. They were with us for 4 weeks. Jazz and Anna, a big, strong-minded and confident German Shep-

herd had known each other for some time. Now, with her in the house and walking with us twice a day, something rubbed off on

Jazz. He seemed much more relaxed straight away. Perhaps Anna relieved him of his perceived responsibilities. Now she has

gone home but Jazz seems to be altogether more confident, much more like his old self. Earlier today I collected Anna for our

morning walk. She leaped into the car next to Jazz, giving him a massive face lick. At the park they bounded out together and

raced off side by side. It's lovely to see him with such a good new friend.

This has been a challenging year for both dogs, but as winter approaches we're looking forward to better things ahead.


Bonnie-Prince (in his own words) and Mum, Margaret

Mum says “We must never forget that Bonnie-Prince is only a young boy of five and has a great

need to completely fulfil his life and his new freedom and spend most of his time playing, and mak-

ing up for lost time”. She says that because I didn’t have much of a childhood in Ireland, but I have

been with them now for 18 months and I am thoroughly enjoying my life, my dad plays with me and

cuddles me all the time, my mum looks after me, gets my food and also cuddles me, gives me a

kiss “night-night” and always makes sure I have my cushion to lay my head on. Mum jokingly calls

me “naughty boy” because every time she leaves her gardening bucket I run off with it, as I am on a

mission to “kill it” and feel very proud of myself. She also says “it looks as if butter wouldn’t melt in

my mouth”. I suppose this is true, ‘cos I have been able to do what I want as long as I do not run

and chase the stupid little dog next door ... he runs up and down the hedge barking all the time, so

she tells me “not to encourage him”.

I do enjoy pinching mum’s bucket that she gardens with because as I run off with it I can hear the

weeds jumping out to safety, muttering something like “thank you” ... only to set themselves some-

where else in the garden. I play cowboys and Indians with the special bucket mum gave to me

saying “this is your own bucket, be careful not to break it”, so here I am running round and round

the garden with my bucket in my mouth ... I think I am at the OK Corral !! This bucket isn’t as heavy

as the big black one mum uses, so I can toss it into

the air and wait for it coming down again , catch it

and swish it around - I love these games ! Mum

laughingly says “it’s like Billy Smart’s Circus in this

orchard to-day”, I have never heard of them, but one

day I hope I may be good enough to have a Circus

of my own, then I can play tossing buckets and foot-

ball all day. Mum also said I am one of the best

clowns she has ever seen ... One day when I grow

old enough I may go and visit a Circus myself to see what it is like. During all this time, my sister,

Ailee, was sat outside on “our” dad’s rug while he was taking a wheel off the motor home ... She

loves to be with him and always stays waiting for mum to bring tea and biscuits out ... I think they

have them in secret ‘cos I never get chance of one, all I have are gravy bones !!

His mum says - we let Bonnie-Prince do what he wants with his bucket, contorting his body as if it

was made of rubber, I am sure he does not have proper bones, just rubber ones. He never gets

tired, has five minutes break now and again then off we go either bucket throwing or football. He

has oodles of energy, but at least while he is doing that he is leaving my plant pots alone, that is

until he finds a plant he fancies then that will get thrown out so he can demolish the pot !!

I know why we love dogs ... There is not a dull moment when he is awake, he is on the go all day,

playing and then a game of “chase the pigeons”, but he sleeps very soundly at night.

Finally, after tea we all zonk out ... not sure which one of us is the most

tired, it may be me, ‘cos I must have run,

walked and jumped six miles to-day - I have

been on the go since 7 o’clock this morning.

All I want now is a lay down, with my head on

my cushion, a teddy bear under my paw and

plenty of Zzzzzz’s.

What a lovely day I have had to-day.


by Bonnie-Prince

The day dawned when

it was the time for my

yearly booster. Dad

put my harness and

lead on, telling me

softly that no harm

would come to me and

they would bring me

back home after a short

journey in the car. I fully understood that

as I had been in the car quite a few times

and liked it. Dad lifted me into the car and

clipped my lead on a security ring—I did

not really need that as I wasn’t going to

escape anywhere, I was far too happy to

be with mum and dad wherever I went and

I knew I was safe, ‘cos I could hear them

talking to me all the time.

When we arrived at the vet’s dad took me

in and then tried to sit me on this “thing

against the door” that started moving

slightly and making a clicking noise ...

Then the vet gave him a hand to hold me

steady ... I could tell by their voices they

were very happy with me and mentioned

26 kilo’s ... Not sure what that is but mum

gave me a big hug and a kiss and said

“well done”. When it was my turn I went

into the consulting room ... The vet was

very nice and just stood looking at me and

said what a beautiful boy I was ... I felt

about ten feet tall, no-one at the vets had

said that to me before - I thought “I don’t

mind coming here” - he continued to feel

around my body and prod me in certain

areas, but I didn’t worry, I could tell mum

and dad were happy with me ... Then he

stuck this needle into the back of my neck

which made me wince a little, but mum

and dad had their hands on me, quietly

letting me know he wasn’t going to do me

any harm. It wasn’t long after that I was in

the car again and on my way home to

Ailee, some gravy bones and my own

garden ... I was soon back playing with my

football and bucket and my trip to the vet

became a distant memory.