colonial empires in the americas

{ Colonial Empires in the Americas 1492-1776

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Colonial Empires in the Americas. 1492-1776. Empires of Spain Empires of France Colonies of Britain Colonies of the Dutch. Major Themes. Explain the early Spanish settlement of the Americas Describe the colonial society in New France. Empires of Spain. Hernan Cortez Diego Velazquez - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Colonial Empires in the Americas


Colonial Empires in the Americas


Page 2: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Empires of Spain Empires of France Colonies of Britain Colonies of the Dutch

Major Themes

Page 3: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Explain the early Spanish settlement of the Americas

Describe the colonial society in New France

Empires of Spain

Page 4: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Hernan Cortez1. Diego Velazquez2. Cuba

Invasion1. Yucatan Peninsula2. Maliche (Dona Marina)3. Tlaxcalan4. Montezuma5. Quetzacoatl6. Tenochtitlan

Strategy1. hostage2. “noche triste”3. small pox

Conquest of Mexico

Page 5: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Mexico City Conquistadors Pizarro

1. Incas2. Atahualpa

Other Conquistadors1. Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca2. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado3. Hernando de Soto

Borderlands1. New Mexico2. presidios3. mission houses4. El Camino Real

The Colony of New Spain

Page 6: Colonial Empires in the Americas

hidalgos encomienda system class structure society

1. peninsulares2. criollos3. mestizo4. mullatos

Council of the Indies food

1. haciendas2. vaqueros

Spanish American Society

Page 7: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Why were the Spanish successful in defeating the Aztecs?

Why did many Spanish conquistadors set out on expeditions to America?

How were social classes determined in the Spanish colonies in the Americas?

Review Questions for Empires of Spain

Page 8: Colonial Empires in the Americas

King Francis I (1524)1. Giovanni da Verrazano2. Northwest Passage

Jacques Cartier fur trade Quebec

1. Samuel de Champlain2. Coureurs de bois3. Jesuit missionaries

New France1. problems2. solutions

Mississippi River1. Louis Joliet & Jacques Marquette2. Robert de La Salle

St. Augustine (1565)

French Empire in America

Page 9: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Why were the Spanish successful in defeating the Aztecs?

Why did many Spanish conquistadors set out on expeditions to America?

How were social classes determined in the Spanish colonies in the Americas?

What was the main purpose for establishing the colony of New France?

Why did the French begin importing enslaved Africans to Louisiana in the early 1700’s?

Review Questions

Page 10: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Explain the religious and economic reasons why England became interested in America.

Describe the founding of Jamestown and explain why it succeeded.

British Colonies in America

Page 11: Colonial Empires in the Americas

John Cabot (1497) Lack of colonization

1. financing2. signs of wealth3. Catholic claims

Protestant Reformation (1517)1. Martin Luther2. John Calvin3. English Reformation

a. King Henry VIIIb. Anglican Churchc. Puritans

Enclosure Movement1. transition from agriculture to trade (wool)2. Surplus3. joint stock companies


Page 12: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Martin Frobisher1. market for wool2. Northwest Passage

Rivals Military Bases

1. Sir Humphrey Gilbert & Sir Walter Raleigh2. Lost Colony of Roanoke3. Virginia

The Return to America

Page 13: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Virginia Company1. James River2. Jamestown (1607)

Troubles1. swamp2. settlers3. John Smith & Powhatan Confederacy

Incentives1. land2. tobacco (John Rolfe)3. House of Burgesses4. headrights5. royal colony (1622)


Page 14: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Lord Baltimore, George Calvert refuge for Catholics proprietary colony


Page 15: Colonial Empires in the Americas

What religious and economic changes led to England’s interest in establishing colonies in America?

Why did England come to the aid of the Dutch in the mid-1500’s?

Why was the settlement of Jamestown in trouble from its beginning?

Why did Lord Baltimore establish the colony of Maryland?

Review Questions for English Colonization

Page 16: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Discuss why John Winthrop founded Massachusetts and describe the Puritan society established there.

Describe why New England settlers such as Roger Williams and Anne Hutchison let the Massachusetts Bay colony.

Puritan New England

Page 17: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Separatists1. Mayflower (1620)2. Cape Cod

Plymouth Colony1. William Bradford2. Squanto3. Thanksgiving


Page 18: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Puritans1. King Charles I2. wool

John Winthrop1. Massachusetts Bay Company2. “City Upon A Hill”3. Great Migration

Massachusetts Bay Colony1. General Court2. role of the church3. heresy

Puritan Massachusetts

Page 19: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Puritan intolerance Roger Williams

1. “would not officiate to an 2. unseparated people”3. view of Native Americans4. Providence, Rhode Island

Anne Hutchison1. banishment2. Portsmouth

Connecticut1. Rev. Thomas Hooker2. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut3. Pequot War

New Hampshire & Maine1. Captain John Mason2. Sir Fernando Gorges

Other New England Colonies

Page 20: Colonial Empires in the Americas

peace after the Pequot War Wampanoag trial Metacomet significance

King Philip’s War

Page 21: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Why did the Pilgrims immigrate to America?

Why were many Puritans willing to leave England for America during the early 1600’s?

Why did the General Court in Massachusetts banish several of its colonists?

What disagreement did Thomas Hooker have with the Massachusetts government?

What event led to King Philip’s War?

Review Questions

Page 22: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Discuss the ideas of William Penn and the Quakers.

Analyze the “holy experiment” in the colony of Pennsylvania.

Explain why the English colonies were successful in population and economics.

Middle & Southern Colonies

Page 23: Colonial Empires in the Americas

King Charles I (1642) Parliament Oliver Cromwell “Lord Protector of

England” Colonial support

1. Virginia2. Maryland3. New England

Restoration (1660)

English Civil War

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Dutch East India Company1. Henry Hudson2. New Amsterdam

Colonial Availability1. open policy2. diversity

James, Duke of York Colony of New Jersey

1. Sir George Carteret &Lord John Berkley2. Incentives

New Netherland

Page 25: Colonial Empires in the Americas

William Penn (1680)1. petition for a grant of land2. Quakers

Beliefs1. “inner light”2. Pacifism

“the Holy Experiment”1. complete religious & political freedom2. Treaty of Shackamaxon – Lenni Lenape3. Philadelphia



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eight other friends and allies “Carolina”

1. sparse settlement2. exporters of naval stores3. South Carolina

Georgia Experiment1. James Oglethorpe2. home for debtors

Southern Colonies

Page 27: Colonial Empires in the Americas

Why did Maryland’s leaders support the king instead of Parliament?

Why did people from many parts of Europe settle in New Netherland?

Why did William Penn establish the colony of Pennsylvania?

Why did North Carolina develop slowly as a colony?

Review Questions