colonial historynotespart2

Colonial History Notes, Part 2 Analine Hernandez Culture&Geography Mr.Meza Period: 5 March 27,2012

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Culture & Geography


  • 1. Colonial History Notes, Part 2Analine HernandezCulture&GeographyMr.Meza Period: 5March 27,2012

2. Define:Genocide: The deliberate killing of a largegroup, those of a particular ethnic group ornation.Natural Resources: Materials or substancesuch as minerals, forests, water, & fertile landthat occur in nature and can be used foreconomic gain. 3. One reason many European countriescolonized other lands and peoples is becausemany European countries were running out ofnatural resources. 4. In Europe by the 1500s and on, there wasmuch deforestation and poverty, and thepopulation was becoming too great for the landand government to handle. 5. By colonizing the Americas, for example,English, French, Portuguese, and Spanishcolonists were able to have new lands andopportunities, but the in the process millions ofNative Americans were killed, enslaved,intermarried, or forced to leave their land. 6. Indeed, the european colonization of theAmericas was perhaps the bloodiest and mosthorrific time in human history. 7. Besides the genocide of Native Americans,European colonists brought African slaves tothe Americans to work, especially after findingout that Native Americans would just die inslavery. 8. Image this: men, who youve never seenbefore, come to your house and your neighborshouse and they all have as much weapons asthey can carry. 9. Then they can start killing or enslaving you,your family, and your neighbors. 10. And you and your family and your neighborsfight back but are crushed by the menssuperior weapons. 11. And soon, you and most of your family andyour neighbors are gone-- killed, enslaved,intermarried, or forced to live somewhere else. 12. This is what colonialism is: it is death, it isslavery; it is the end of one group and theexpansion of another group.