colonialism in belize

Chapter 2 History of Belize

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Page 1: Colonialism in Belize

Chapter 2

History of Belize

Page 2: Colonialism in Belize

History is the game that the dead play amongst the living.”

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Colonialism begun in the 15th century in the Americas.

In this process, Africa, Asia and Oceania were all controlled by the Europeans.

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ColonialismThe process of taking control of foreign lands.

This was done to acquire land and resources.

Indigenous people were made to become slaves.

Empire: a group of countries ruled by a single supreme authority.

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Because of colonialism, Belize is a multicultural nation.





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Effects of Colonialism

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European Rivalries in the Caribbean

Main colonizers: Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, France, Britain

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Advantages for these nationsExpanded their political control

Expanded their economic systems

Expanded their cultural influences in Africa, Asia, Oceania & the Americas

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The Portuguese were the first to set out on explorations.

In 1415 they captured the city of Cueta in North Africa.West Coast: gold, Ivory & Silver

In 1498, Vasco Da Gama sailed around Cape of Good Hope.

He sailed around Africa for the 1st time in history.

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The Spanish

The Spanish explored the east, the Spanish explored the west.

The Spanish believed that the world was round (Arabian ideology)

Christopher sailed East ( 10 weeks) hoping to reach China and India.

Christopher Columbus first sighted Bahamas (New World) on October 12th, 1492.

People in Americas were called “Indians” and Caribbean Islands “West Indies”.

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This lithograph shows famed explorer Christopher Columbus in 1492 departing on his first voyage in search of a quicker route to Asia. On this voyage Columbus encountered the islands which became known as the West Indies, in the Caribbean Sea. Here, Columbus takes leave of Ferdinand V and Isabella, the king and queen of Castile, who sponsored his first expedition.

Columbus Setting Sail in 1492

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The Spanish Empire

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The ContinentThe continent itself was later named America after explorer, Amerigo Vespucci, who reached “new world” in 1499.

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These sailors and navigators were 1st to set out on voyages & explorations.

In 1415, city of Cueta in North Africa was captured.They also conquered West African coast.

Coast was rich in gold, ivory and silver.

Vasco Da Gama sailed around Cape of Good Hope, going around African continent for the first time.

This opened up a sea route to India for Europe.

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Portuguese Empire

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British Supremacy in the CaribbeanSpain had MONOPOLY.

Monopoly means having total control over or having the sole rights to trade or provide a service.

Destroy island peoples (Arawaks and Caribs).

Destroy Aztec and Inca civilizations on the mainland.

New World riches attracted other European powers:The British, Dutch and French challenged Spain’s monopoly in the 17th century

The used piracy, smuggling and war to set up colonies.

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The British Empire

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18th centuryThe British and French fought for supremacy over the “New World”.

By the 19th century, the British were the main superpower in the Caribbean.

The power of the British extended all around the world.Americas




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