colony news of the week………… mea culpa \may-uh-kool-puh\ noun - a formal acknowledgment of...

Page 1 CELEBRATING THE MOMENTS! COLONY NEWS A Weekly Newsletter for Members and Staff of Meredith Bay Colony Club #168 December 29, 2013 A GREAT CHRISTMAS PARTY!

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A Weekly Newsletter for Members and Staff of Meredith Bay Colony Club

#168 December 29, 2013


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January 12th Susan Humphrey January 23rd Anne Stevenson

AND THE ANNIVERSARIES………… December 30th Joyce Mabey 3 years January 17th Dorry Sykes 4 years

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Only one

Winner this

week: Sue P.

was the only

one to find this

filial on top of

one of the lamps in the sitting area

outside the Library!

This week an Easy One! It is so easy

you won’t need any hints at all – but I

will give you one anyways: This is not

a decoration.

Please put your answers in the Suggestion Box!


A man and his wife are sitting at the kitchen table, which is next to the window. The man's name is Rudolph, and since he is Russian, people call him "Rudolph the Red." Rudolph looked out the window and said to his wife, "Oh look honey, it's raining outside." She looks out as well and says, "No, I think that is snow." He looks at her and says, "Rudolph the red knows rain dear."

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DATES TO KEEP IN MIND…………. Thursday January 2nd Next Hymn Sing! Thursday January 9th Meeting at 3p in the Bistro with Jim and

Diane with all who Shop and/or have errands to run.


“This year we will be doing a country theme for our New Year’s Eve party. I will have bandanas available on a first come first serve basis. If anyone wants to wear cowboy hats or boots that day it would be awesome. Also, activity staff will be dressed for the occasion in jeans and cowboy hats.”

“It’s a country New Year’s Eve this year with Don Smith at 2:30pm on Dec. 31 in the bistro. Bubbly beer will be served for a toast in place of champagne because saloons don’t generally carry champagne. We will have wine as an alternate beverage for the party.”

---------- Diane Ruggiero

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9 am Exercise in the Fitness Center 9 - 9 :45 am Pool Fitness 9 am Pedicures / Manicures / Waxing - Hair Salon (by appt) (Every Other Monday) Please Call Sherrie at 254-4726 11 am Chair Chi – Community Room

TUESDAY December 31ST New Year’s Eve

9 - 9 : 45 am Pool Fitness (Cancelled) 10 am Salon Cuts - Hair Salon (By Appointment) 11a & 1p Member Shopping (Reservations Required) 12:30 – 4p Bridge - Tavern (Cancelled) 2:30p Country New Year’s Eve Party - Bistro 3:30 – 4:45p Yoga with Dave Sousa - Community Room (Check Schedule)

WEDNESDAY January 1st New Year’s Day

1 pm Member Errand Run - (Errands Cancelled Today) 2 - 4 pm Chess Club - Terrace Private Dining Room or Bistro 3:30 – 4:45p Yoga with Dave Sousa - Community Room (Check Schedule)

THURSDAY January 2nd

8:30 am Men’s Breakfast - Bistro

9 am Salon Cuts - Hair Salon (by appointment) 9 – 9:45 am Exercise in the Fitness Center 11 am Chair Chi – Community Room 1:30 Mah Jongg - Tavern 3:30 – 4:45p Yoga with Dave Sousa - Community Room

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FRIDAY Friday January 3rd

9 – 9:45 am Pool Fitness 12 p Massage with Dave DeSousa (By Appt every other Friday) 2 to 4 p Wii Bowling - Community Room (Cancelled) 7:00 p Friday Night Movie - Community Room (Note New Time!)

SATURDAY January 4th 2 pm Knitters, Crocheters & Observers in the Puzzle Room

SUNDAY January 5th

10:15 am Catholic Communion - Inn Activities Room


BISTRO BREAKFAST 7 :15 – 10 am Monday - Saturday

BISTRO LUNCH 12 – 2 pm

Monday – Saturday DINNER TERRACE DINING ROOM 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Reservations Required Monday - Saturday


Reservations Please SUNDAY TERRACE BRUNCH 10 am – 1 pm (later with Reservations)

Reservations Please

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Mea culpa \may-uh-KOOL-puh\ noun

- a formal acknowledgment of personal fault or error EXAMPLES The mayor's public mea culpa didn't satisfy his critics. "Here's my mea culpa: I admit I'm carrying around 20 pounds I could do without and also don't exercise enough." — From an article by Eli Amdur in the Patriot News (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania), November 10, 2013 DID YOU KNOW? "Mea culpa," which means "through my fault" in Latin, comes from a prayer of confession in the Catholic Church. Said by itself, it's an exclamation of apology or remorse that is used to mean "It was my fault" or "I apologize." "Mea culpa" is also a noun, however. A newspaper might issue a mea culpa for printing inaccurate information, or a politician might give a speech making mea culpas for past wrongdoings. "Mea culpa" is one of many English terms that derive from the Latin "culpa," meaning "guilt." Some other examples are "culpable" ("meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful") and "culprit" ("one guilty of a crime or a fault"). Read more at

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“THE VERDICT” 7:00 in the Community Room

Please Note the Earlier Time!!!!!

A washed-up, ambulance-chasing attorney gets a chance at redemption when his friend tosses him an open-and-shut medical malpractice case. But instead of accepting an easy cash settlement, he takes the powerful defendant to court.

A Review…..

The Verdict" is a masterpiece. This is one of the most underrated of the great films that emerged from the 80's. This is the best courtroom drama I've ever seen. It absolutely destroys all the John Grisham pretenders. It is also a powerful character study. This film has a brilliant David Mamet script, and taut direction from Sidney Lumet(. It is the stunning performance from Paul Newmanthat is

at the center of this show. His genius is on full display. He gives us a portrait of a man who fell from young, idealistic golden god to an ambulance-chasing alcoholic loser, only to have his soul awakened by this heartbreaking case. Note for note, he is perfect, it is a performance for the ages. Newman's delivery of his famously stirring closing argument, is a career highlight. When the jury was ready to announce the verdict, I was on the edge of my seat, riveted to the screen. "The Verdict" remains one of my personal favorites. You will be moved as well as entertained. You'll see greatness, and watch an artistic triumph-yes, a true masterpiece!

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By Iain MacLeod, Executive Director of the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center.

December 20th, 2013

Thank you so much for your contribution to the Squam lakes Natural Science Center and our “Meredith Osprey Nest Improvement Project.” The support shown by the Members of the Meredith Bay Colony Club for these Ospreys is truly wonderful.

Right now the MBCC Osprey pair is sunning themselves in South America, unaware of our plans here in snowy New Hampshire. They will start their migration north in March and be back in Meredith by early April. I hope we have a nice surprise for them when they get here.

I have all the permits and permissions from the State that I need to move the nest and I have contacted the owneres of the cell phone tower. I need their cooperaetion and support in order to proceed with removing the next and altering the tip of the tower to prevent the pair from rebuilding there. I have also contacated a contractor wiho can provide and install the utility pole. I will keep all of you informed about the progress as it happens .

Thank you again for all your suupport and for inviting me to join your festivities last week.

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy – and Osprey – filled New Year.

Iain MacLeod

Executive Director

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Please do not water the Poinsettias because much water is as bad as too little. Kathy will be doing the honors.

The Hymn Sing will now be on the 1st Thursday of each month --- Next Hymn Sing will be on January 2nd.

On January 9th at 3p there will be a meeting in the Bistro with Jim and Diane of All Members who shop or give lists. There will be no errands on New Year’s Day and we will do shopping trips at 11a and 1p on New Year Eve’s Day. Club and Inn Members who are interested in playing Poker and/or Pokeno are asked to let Diane know. New Years Eve and New Years day will have normal Terrace Dining and Bistro hours. On Tuesday December 31st, New Year’s Eve, at 2:30p in the Bistro we will be hosting a “Country New Year’s Eve” with Bob Smith on guitar. All are encouraged to wear their Western best!


Every other Saturday the Laconia Citizen publishes our Newspaper Column that usually has something to do with aging issues --- But you can also find it on our Facebook Page, on our Website or just by asking for copy. I can also add you to an Email list if you would like a copy sent to you automatically.


Each Wednesday at 8:35 on 1350 WEZS, MBCC sponsors AGING WELL co-hosted by

the Voice of the Lakes Region Allan Harrison along with MBCC’s Jim Murray.

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I received this by email and while I cannot tell you if it is true or not --- I can tell you that it is a remarkably touching story. I choose to believe that just maybe there is someone in a ‘dead letter’ center somewhere who has a heart of gold …………..

The Story………………… Our 14-year-old dog Abbey died last month.

The day after she passed away my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey.

She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her.

I told her that I thought that we could, so she dictated these words: Dear God,

Will you please take care of my dog? Abbey died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much.

I 'm happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick. I hope you will play with her. She likes to swim and play with balls.

I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog.

I really miss her. Love, Meredith

We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey & Meredith, addressed it to God/Heaven.

We put our return address on it.

Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she

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said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office.

A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had. Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, 'To Meredith' in an unfamiliar hand.

Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, 'When a Pet Dies.'

Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope.

On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith,

Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help and I recognized her right away.

Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart.

Abbey loved being your dog.

Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in so I'm sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me.

What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you.

I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. By the way, I'm easy to find. I am wherever there is love.

Love, God

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But it would seem that our local Turkeys made it through hunting season unscathed……


The last newsletter of 2013! Where did the year go? For the New Year I want to wish you all the Best of Health, of Friendship and New Discovery to You and to Your Families! While there is much in this world that we can and should worry about – there is also much in our own little corner of the world that we can take comfort in. Thank you for letting me be a part of your world!

----- Howie