columbine report pgs 5901-6000

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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    FI).302a (Rev, 10-6-951


    COntlnuationofFD.302of Mark Galleron Hengel ,On 0 4 / 2 7 / 1 9 9 9 , P a g e ~ = =

    black b e r e t . Morris once to ld him, "I don' t bel ieve in God, Ifollow Satan 's Commandments" an d "We are a l l p a r t of a b igcomputer game an d someone e lse co n t ro l s our l i ves . "

    Morris a lso once to ld Hengel an d o the r s tu d en t s how tomanufacture napalm, an d d es cr ib ed th e procedures an d ingred ien tsrequ i red . Morris d id not indica te he ha d ever made napalm, butgave the impression he knew what he was doing.

    Hengel i den t i f i ed Klebold a n d ~from th ephotograph in the at tached lA envelope, Hengel was unable toiden t i fy E ri c H ar ri s, whom he does not know.

    Also at tached in a lA envelope i s a diagram o fColumbine High School indica t ing the l oca t ion o f Hengel and th etwo ~ n d i v i d u a l sdressed in blaok.

    JC.o01 005901

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    JC.o01 005902

    CONTINUATION cRepOrtingAgency ReportingOmeef Case ReportNo

    SUPPLEMENT X JCSO LUCIANO 99.76258Cousecang Case Report >10 Victim Name Original Repctt Date This Report

    COLUMBINE 101399-0 0c ,C1!!J(i1l 0 Offense SW\l.S: Dpen E.\etptiOna.lJyC ~ RecommendCase; Review 0

    R ~ l t i i i f k a t i " " ,0 Clearedby Armt 0 Unfwmitd 0 Closure 0

    t ~ g tIQuantiry I BrandName I Dest!iPliotl ISerial No ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 value ! VllJlleR ac avered l li .mJ-! ld


    On October 7, 1999, Columbine High School student MarkHengel was reinterviewedat the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office,

    His father Michael Hengel was present during the interview,

    The purpose for the reimerview was to clarify Hengel's observations during the April 20 shootings at Columbine High School.

    Specifica lly to sta tements made by Hengel dur ing an interview with Task Force Investigators on April 27, 1999 In that

    interview, Hengel sta ted that he was hiding behind a pil larin

    the hallwaynear

    the top of the sta irs that lead downto

    thecafeteria. As gunfire was eruptmg, Hengel looked down the north/south hallway beyond the library Hengel reported seeing

    a tall, skinny shooter near the far end of the hall. Hengel a lso told investigators that he saw another person next to the ta ll,

    sk inny shooter Henge l s ta ted this o ther per son was dressed in a b lack t rench coat bending over a large duffle bag. This

    -iersons back was to Henge l an d he could no t provide a descr iption other than he had the impression he (the other person)

    appeared to be overweight.

    Mark Hengel told me that he was approximately 50-60 feel away from the shooters. Hengel statedthat the shooters were where

    the hallway intersects just inside the west upper doors. Hengel sta ted that the tall, skinny shooter was shooting down the

    hallway toward the gym. Hengel ha d a side view of this shooter. Hengel could no t recall if the shooterwas wearing a hat

    In reference to the gun the shooter was using, Hengel could only descr ibe it as a long gun.

    Hengel told me that he now cannot posit ively say that the other person who was bending over the duffle bag was wearing a

    trench coat. Hengel sta ted that the person did look overweight. Hengel never saw the person stand up. Hengel told me that

    the tall person who was shooting was wearing a trench coat. Hengel stated that his observations of these two persons was for

    just a couple of seconds and he then ran east down a hallway away form the shooting.

    I then expla ined to Mark Hengel and his fa ther that the investigation into the Columbine High School shootings has been

    extremely thorough. [further explained that the overwhelming evidence i ll this case clearly reveals that Eric Harris and Dylan

    Xlebold acted alone. This is to include the planning aswell as the actual shootings, Additionally, I explained that there is no

    OfHfj7J: Unit Nv:mber Suptl'lisor Initials andDate Assigned To Page- 1L Iur. ' ; 'W - 61 ./)',11 1 I () 1 7 " tf 01

    D f l J C ~ ' ; ; Y 1"\ ESTfG"TOR V1CTT\1 SERVlCES I Onli;ll. I

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUATION 0ReportingAgency Reponing otrwer Case ReplJf\ No

    SUPPLEMENT x JCSO LUCIANO 99-7625-8Coneectmg Cast Report No Victim Name Original Report Date ThisReport

    COLUMBINE 10-1399l-

    to 0 0 Recommend C1I.'!e: 0, .icatiQI'I Om:nse Stliu$; o ~ , Ex;;cptioPally C ~ a a t d Review


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    KREY, S

    JC.o01 005904

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINlJA n O N 0Reportmg Agency ReportingOfficer C * Report No

    SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-EEC O M ~ j n gCase Jtepott No Viaim NameOriginalReport Date This Report

    05-26-99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X;u:io" O1T_SitM: ~ ::C:fIIiOMlly Ctll:lll'lld Cl ~ o m m t n dCase: Review ClR j u l O i f i ~ a \ ; o no C ~ b j ' A 1 m ICl Unfcurn:!eli o Closure Cl

    I I ~ : rIQuAtnil')' IBrtll'ldNlltM I""",,,,,,,,, IS..nalNu ~ = 1R. V I 1 l 1 1 ~I valueel:lwe Dilmlilged


    Shane Michael Krey, dob/01-17-845045WestChristenson DriveLittleton. Colorado 80123(303]795-8677Student at Columbine High School

    Theresa Krey, doh/08-23-62same as above

    JohnKreysame as aboveI Work: self-employed (303)471-1338pager: (303)563-5733


    )n 05-26-99. at 0830 hours, I responded to 5045 WestChristenson Drive to contactand interview Shane Krey, whoisa student

    at Columbine High School. This interviewwas in reference to theshooting that OCCUlTed on 04-20-99, at Columbine High


    Shane Krey was interviewed in the presence ofhis mother. TheresaKrey. Shane Krey toldmeon 04-20-99, at about0800 hours.

    hearrivedin thecafeteriaat Columbine High School whereha gOI something to drink. Hesaidhe left thecafeteria at about 0820

    hours. andwentupstairs to his Scienceclass on the second level of the high school. The Scienceclasswas scheduledto start

    at 0825 hours. Shane Kreysaid whenhewent upthestairs,he didnot seeor hearanythingunusual in the cafeteria. I showed

    Shane Krey thephotographs efthe duffle bag and propane tank thatwerelaterrecovered inthe Columbine High Schoolcafeteria.

    Shane Krey said he did not see either item prior to orduring the incident. Hesaid while he was in the cafeteria at this time. he

    was ateithertable "G" or ''LL'' onthodiagram of the cafeteria. Hecouldnot rememberwhere exactly he saton that day. Shane

    Kreysaid he was with friends by the name of Steve Dreaden, Margo Brown. and Gustavo(unknownlast name).

    Shane Krey said on 04-20-99, at about 1120 hours,he went back down the SWtS from the secondlevelto the lower level. and

    intothe cafeteria. He saidhe did not sit down in the cafeteria. but didgo to theRebelComer. After buyingsomething at the

    ""OffICerSignature Unit Number Sl1petVlsot Initialsand D.mJC-001005905 Page 1

    AI'L...,. i."'o r-'_.< , I 01 iQRJGTNAL II'Hs.TlG",TOR lilCrlM SERVlCl:S IOTHER T ASAfJ 4198 JCSD/I6.7

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUA n O N 0Reporting Agency RelXlning Oflic:cr C ~ RepettNo

    SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-EEConncctingCase Rl:PCn No \liclimName Origirtal Report Date this Re'p(Jn

    05-26-99.:atIO!\ X FiRST DEGREE. MURDER O f f e r ~ S ~ :Open X t , , ~ a i \ ;

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUATION 0RepoctingAgency ReportingOfficer CaseReportNo

    SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON l)4)-7625-EECmmc:ctfngCase ReportNo Victim Name: Original !apart DateThis Report

    05-26-99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Ot'fe:l$Stll'l'lJ$; Opi:'n X E,'(c:;;tionll.llyC!eued 0 Recommend Case: Review caecn

    ~ r l O l l i < m0 C 1 ~ b y A t l ' t ' $ !0 UnfolJl'\ded o Closure 0

    11SW IQuantity ! Srnnd Nail'll!' lO=ti?'ltl>1'I ISllJ"illiNl'l ~ ~ \ ~ t R Value t 0 Valuel I l : o v m $1'l1ll.SIl:tlShane Krey said priorto this incident, he did notknow whoDylanKleboldor Eric Harriswere; although, he saidhe had seen

    students wearing trenchcoats in andaroundthe school. Hesaid thestudents in trenchcoats wouldgatherunderneath a stairway

    alongthe eastside of the cafeteria, He describedthe trenchcoat students as "gothic," Shane Krey said he did not see anybody

    who harassed thetrench coat students; however,he said he had seenthetrenchcoatstudentsharassing "thejocks," Shane Krey

    said he couldnot tell whatthe trenchcoat studentswouldsay to "the jocks;"however, he could tell they weresayingsomething

    to "the jocks" in a harassingmannerby the reaction"the jocks" had to whatwas said, Shane Kreysaid this is whatmadeit

    obvious that "the jocks" were being harassed. He said he did not see "the jocks" react or retaliate in a. violent way however. to

    whathadbeentoldto themby thetrenchcoat studems. ShaneKrey saidhe hasnotheardofanybody whomay be manufacturing

    explosivedevices and/or possession firearms,

    Shane Krey said on 04-20-99, he Wa5 wearing khaki coloredcargo pants; however,he said he could not rememberanyother

    clothing hewaswearingthatday, Hesaidhe hada brown backpackthathada brown leather bottom on it. Hesaidhehad school

    workinside of it withhisnameon it,and said he wits nOIsure,butsaidhe mayhavehad apair of wrestlingshoes inside the bag

    also, Shane Kreysaid he left the backpack in his Mathclassroom whenhe left the school.

    ShaneKreysaidhe does use the Internetand has a screennameof"SKREY41144:' Shane Kreysaid he doesnot use the chat

    lines. however. Shane Krey said on04-20-99,he did not see whatthe"thought of the day" was on the Rehel News Network

    (RNN),but he laterheard ithad a messageof"4120" in bold numbers,therest unknown,withinthe "thought of the day," Theresa

    Krey saidsheheardsincethe incident thatthe "thought of theday"wassomething to the effectof "It's a had day, youdon't want

    to be here:'

    Shane Kreytold me hehas had noproblems dealingwith the incident. Theresa Kreytold me Shane Kreyhas had a coupleof

    nightmaressince the incident, but sherelt he isnowdoing well, I leftmy businesscardwith ShaneandTheresa Krey, and asked

    them to call me if they wanted to talk to a JC50 Victim Advocate in the future, and told them I would make the necessary

    arrangements for them.JC-001005907

    Officer Signature Unit Number S l . i p e l V j ~ Q 1fnh:ials andDmc A ~ i g n e d T o ?,ge 1U).- ~ ..-. , , 0 = of i

    O ~ O r s A l . I f S V : E . S T I G A T O ~ VlcnMSERVlca I OTItril 1 ASAF3 4198 JCSDfI6'4

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUATION 0R e p c r t i n ~Agency ReportingOfflcr Clise R!;pc)f\: Nu

    SUPPLEMENT y JCSO PETERSON 997625-EEConnting Case Rpcrt No. Vicljm NlUT\$OriginalReport D a t e T h l s ~ n

    052699- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER XmiM O ~ S - l 1 . I l :Open E . ~ o o t l l l 'C'.-.ed o !tt'CommendCa!lC: Review oRelusifiIl3tl

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000



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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    LADD, J .

    JC.Q01. 005911

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUA nO N 0Reporting Aeency ~ p o r t i n gOffi::er CaseReport No

    SUPPLEMENT v JCSO MCFADDEN 99-7625-FFC 4 n n ~ t i n gCase Rc:pon No Victim Name Orig1l'ia1 Rc-pon Date This. Repolt

    06-t4-99''dfOl1 X First Degree Munier O ~ S w u t :Op.m X ~ i l h l a l i yCliWeO c RecommendCase: Review D

    Regw.s.iffca:licn D C t ~ h y A l ' t f l (0 U l ' l f c ~ o Closure D

    I ~ I~ I""",N _ IDut:ription ImSeri&lNo t ~ I ~ I Value I \ 'JljlteRec,wml1 DamtpdTELEPHONE INTERVIEW WITH JONATHAN LADD REFERENCE CONTROL #3996


    On June 14. 1999. at about 0945 hours. I contacted Jonathan Ladd at his residence. telephone number (303) 933-7488,

    concerningthe incidentthat happenedat the Columbine HighSchoolon 4-20-99. Laddstated that on 42099 he had fourth

    periodoffand ate his lunch. Laddstatedthat duringhis "A" lunch, startingat about 1100 hours. he wentto the TechLabon the

    second 1100r. Laddstated that he is a studentassistantin that classand he helps teachers. Ladd stated on 42099 he was with

    Peggy Dodd and teacher Richard Long. Laddstatedthat at about 1120hours he left the Tech Laband walkedinto the main

    hallway and was on his way to the restroom when he noticedstudents running towardsthe from of the building. Ladd stated

    at aboutthistimehe alsoheardeight gunshots. which ricocheted off the lockers in his area in the main hallway. Laddstatedthat

    he knew they were gunshotsbecause he hadbeen around weapons before, to include targetpracticingwith his family

    Laddstatedthatafter hearingthe gunshots, he ran downa hallway by the art departmentandexiteda door on the northeast side

    ofthe schooland ran to ClementParle Laddstated thathe obtained a ride from persons unknownto his residence. and stayed

    at home.

    Ladd statedthat he knew thename Eric Harrisand Dylan Klebold to be associated with the"TrenchCoat Mafia." Ladd stated

    that both individuals woredark clothing, to includetrench coats.

    When askedaboutthe "TrenchCoatMafia"whathe thought this group was about, Ladd stated, "Guns and things." Ladd further

    statedthat due to theschool videoshe hadobserved,he thoughtthe "Trench Coat Mafia"and malicious undertones.

    Laddstatedwhenasked to give additional information. thathe was aware that there were bullet holes in a signat the parkacross

    the street from theschool (Leawood Park).

    JC-00100 5912DI Ffi

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    JC.o01- 005913

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    FBI174A-DN-S7419rcso 99-7625Investigator: Glenn Moore - Golden Police Department 1(303) 384-8080

    RE: CONTROL # 3775SOURCE: Raellel Nelson

    LEAD: Interview AdamLinebur whom was saidto have observed Dylanshooting victims.

    TELEPHONE INTERVIEW:LINNEBUR, Adam (OOB:062982)6033 W. Fairview AvenueLittleton, CO 80123(303)972-9843


    LlNNEBUR confirmedhis being a student in hisjunior yearat ColumbineHighSchool, Hebegan by sayinghe ha d been absent fromschoolon Monday, April 19 ih dueto being upset over his girlfriend breaking-up with himjust prior to Prom which was the

    previous weekend, He said he didhoweverattend the Prom, wherehe brieflyspoke with"Dylan" (KLEBOLD), Hedescribed this brief conversation being limited to a generalgreeting. In this brief conversation hesaid "everythingseemedfine, nothing appearedwrong with him," but added that hedid not knowDylanto ascertain this verywell.

    LINNEBUR said on April 20ll> hedid not havea first hour class,and was absent fromhis secondhour WorldHistoryclass. Hesaid he attended third hourEnglish class, andhis4

    thhourActing class. His fifth hour class was Guitarwhichwas held in the


    LlNNEBURthoughtit hadbeen about 11:IOam whenhe exited the Auditoriumto gotherestroomby the Commons area. As he exited the Auditorium he heard a malevoiceyell, "he has a gun!" LlNNEBUR said he then lookedinto the Commons I Cafeteria areaand sawwhom he thought he recognized as Dylan standing in the Cafeteria. He said hewas not surewhom it was but hadthought it to beDylandue to his height, blonde hairand thathe was wearing a black trenchcoat, as he typicallydid. He added that hethought "Dylan" was wearingblack shoes or boots,and possiblya black hat of somekind. Headded that he is nearsighted and was not wearing his eyeglasses that day, so hecould not see as wellas he does with corrected vision.

    LINNEBUR said he watchedas "Dylan" faced away from him towards theCafeteriatables firinga gun. He described this gun as being shorterthan a shotgun.but longer thana handgun. He said he initially thought it to be a painthall gun. Hesaid he heard about tenrounds fired. in semi-automatic fashion. He further described that "Dylan" appeared to be"spraying" his shots aroundthe room in a downward direction, at the students hidingunderthe tables. LlNNEBUR thought he had seenone of the studentsin the Cafeteriathathad beenshot as the boy's his shirt was bloodynear his kidneyarea.

    JC-001_ 005914


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    FBI174A-DN57419JCSO 99-7625Investigator. Glenn Moore- GoldenPoliceDepartment 1(303) 384-8080


    Havingseen this LINNEBUR said he becameextremely frightened, and ran back intothe Auditorium, followed by a "flood of students." He then ran to the upperend of theAuditorium where additionalstudents ran in from those doors. After about 20 to 50studentsand about five teacher camein an unknown teacherlockedthe doors, and theyhid in the back rows of seating. He believed they hid this way for about ten to twentyminutesduringwhichhe heard twoor three explosions whichwerelouder than shotgunblasts. He thoughttheseexplosions hadcome from the top of the stairs by thecommonszcafeteriaarea.

    LINNEBUR could only recall two of the teacherthat were in the Auditorium withhim. These were "Mr. ANDRES, Jr." "MIS. ABBOTT," and fellow-student "ScottCARLAN."

    Again, after what he believed to be about ten to twenty minutesa schooljanitorunknownto him openedthe door and told themtheycould exit. Theyall thenran out ofthe school, exiting by the Foreign Language classrooms, and waitedacross thestreetatLeawoodPark. Whilefleeing the building LINNEBUR said he did not see any othersuspectsnorother victims.

    LINNEBUR added that be had notknown Eric HARRIS, however, knew a studentnamed "ThadiusBOLES" wasa Trench Coat Mafia memberdue to his havingseen himlast year wearing similar clothing at school, He did not recallseeingBOLESwearingthese typeelothes nor "hangingout" with thesepersons this year. He also said he knewChris MORRIS froman Acting class theyhad attended together. He said he knew

    MORRIS was in this group as he alsoworethe black trench coat and black clothing and"hung out" with other Trench Coat Mafia members. He described MORRIS as otherwiseunremarkable as he "had been nice, and had gottenalong witheveryone." Hedoes recallMORRIS talking about havingpaintball fights, and this waswhyhe had initially thoughtDylanwas shooting a painthallgun in theCafeteria.

    New leads were generatedfor Scott CARLIN and Mrs. ABBOTT.

    Mr. ANDRES JR. was found to havean existingRapidStart LeadNumberof #3153,As wellas ThadiusBOLES (BOWLES) #1155, 111008, #1348,and several regardingChris MORRIS.

    JC-001 005915

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    JC-001 005916

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    CONTINUATION 0ReportiDS Aponcy R ~ p o r t i D 8otrreer C l l $ C ~ N o

    S'lJpPLEMENT X Jeso ERZEN 99-7U5-XXXCooncctingCase R ~ p o r tNO' Victim NameOriginalRepcn Date This ftepol11 ' ~ 1 #4332 07-16-99- X FIRSTDEGREE MURDER.1wtoo 0fftnR: s . a : OJ* X EaceptiOlllillyCICllR'd a R.ccoomtendCase:: Reviw a~ ! f i O O i O l J0 Ctnn!dby Afft'!It 0 u_'" o ClO$1.lrt 0

    ~ IQ!;wltilY IBtand NlIl'M I~ r i p t i o n ISeri&lNo. ~ ~ I ~ ' t ~ l ~ADDmQNALWITNESS;


    6563 SouthSauisburyCourt

    Littleton,CO 80123

    (303) 933-2284

    Student-Columbine High 5

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    JC-001 005918

    CONTINUATION CJR ~ p o r t i n gAgerll;j' Reporting Officer Case Report Nil

    SUPPLEMENT X JCSO ERZEN 'I9-762Sx.xxCOnlWl:tlngCast ReportNe. Victim. N ~ l ;OrigmafRqlQrt De- Thi!l

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUATION 0Reporting A,gc:l(;)' Repcttl:l'lgOt'tkcr CaM! R ~ N o

    SUPPLEMENT V JCSO ERZEN 997625XXXCi>Mmln8 Cue: Report No. Victim Name OriginalReport Date This Repon

    P"il4332 071699.;, .lcancn X FIRST DEGREE MURDER O ~ S W l : t l :Open X ~ Q n a ! l y C I i l l l l . t ' C dCl Reccmmend Case: Review ClR = ~ i / b l i Q J lD CI. . . . by AMit 0 Ull.f"\IlIllM o Closure Cl

    I ~ I_.., I . , . " , ! N ~ ,IDetcrlPliOIl. i SiW1,1No : I ~ ~ I ~ on inside the school.

    Jessica was unable to provide any ad

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    JC-001 005920

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    Page_\_ of \ Pages


    Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT

    C_ NO. _

    O.1:e of 8irth I Serial No.

    aa-at,- 83

    cue ::oW Q \oJ" Qui-siao i "J,fu 0 . ~ \ J I D5

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000




    Defendan t : H ar r i s /K leb o ld

    D a te : A p r i l 27, 1999

    Depu.ty D.A. :

    Docket Number:

    C as e N um be r: 99A062

    I n v e s t i g a t o r : Ga l l a g h e r M.

    On A p r i l 27, 1999 t h i s i n v e s t i g a t o r conducted an i n t e rv iew with

    J e n n i f e r M atthew s. Also p resen t was J e n n i f e r ' s mother Karen

    Matthews. Ms. Matthews i s a sophomore s t u d e n t a t Columbine Highseneca ar id sa w Br i a n Anderson g e t sho t . Ms. Matthews made t h e

    f o l l o wi n g s t a t e m e n t s .

    On A p r i l 20, 1999 Ms. Matthews was working i n az t .endance .

    ApprOXimate ly 1 1 : 20 A. M. she and anothe>: u n i d e n t i f i e d boy went t o

    p i c k up ac t endance from the v a r ious c lass rooms. Her frienCl Br ian

    Anderson, who a l s o workeCl i n a t t endance was walk ing ahead o f them.

    As t h e y approached th e d o o r s down by the l i b r a r y on th e nor thwes t

    s i d e Br i a n saw E r i c H ar r i s stanCling ou t s ide . Br i a n tnrrried to h e r,and s a i d w i th a pUZZled look , what i s he {Eric) doing o u t t h e r e .

    Ms. Matthews s t a t e d E r i c had h is ~ ~ po in t e d toward th e

    s t u d e n t s , who were o ut s i d e e a t i n g lu.nch by the c a f e t e r i a . Th e gu n

    looked l i k e a p a i n t b a l l gun. She desc r ibed E ric a s wearing a whiteT s h i r t and b l a c k / a r my c o lo r e d p a n t s . He had on a b u l l e t p r o o f v e s t .

    E r i c t u r n e d around and s h o t Bria.'1 th rough a winClow i n th e

    c h e s t . The b u l l e t wa s d e f l e c t e d by a gOld c ha in Br i a n was wear ing .

    However, th e s h o t ~ ' 1 o c k e dBr ian down. There wa s a l s o a blond femalej e w e l r y t e a c h e r i n th e h a l l . Brian grabbed th e t e a c h e r and they

    both proceeded t o go to th e l i b r a r y where the t e a c h e r used th e phone

    t o c a l l 911.

    JC -001- 005922


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    Ms . Matthews s t a t e d she fo llo w ed Brian and th e t e a o h e r i n t o t h e

    l i b r a r y . She sa w a f r i e n d i d e n t i f i e d as B r i t t a n y B o ll er ud s ta n di ng

    by a t a b l e i n th e middle s e o t i o n o f th e l i b r a r y . Br ian was l ay in g on

    t h e f l o o r beh ind th e f r o n t desk i n th e l i b r a r y. Sh e d id n o t know

    where t o go to B ri t t a ny o r t o Br i a n . She f i n a l l y chose Br i a n .

    Ms. Matthews s t a t e d t h e y hea rd a bomb go o f f fo l lowed by

    g u n sh o t s . B r ia n was a b l e t o grab h e r an d took l ler i n t o th e magazine

    room i n th e l i b r a r y . Also i n th e room was Peggy Dodd. who i s an

    t e a c h e r ' s a s s i s t a n t . They nurned o f f the l i g h t s and lock ed bo th

    doo r s .

    Dur ing th e t ime

    Matthews he a r d one o f

    hea rd gUllshots .

    t h e y were locked i n th e magazine room MS.

    th e sunmen s t a t e "Hey n igge r F you" and t h e n

    Th e n e x t t e n to f i f t e e n m in utes th ey heard more gunsho t s .

    A ft e r t h e gunsho t s they h ea rd p eo ple t a l k i n g i n th e l i b r a r y . They

    opened t h e door and sa w k id s ~ ~ i n gtoward th e e x i t on th en o r t h we s t s i d e o f t h e l i b r a r y . They too ra n o u t th e e x i t . They sa wa p o l i c e c a r and ra n to th e p o l i c e c a r wllere they h id .

    Ms. Mattr.ews was a s k e d how d i d she know i t was E ri c H a r r i s .Ms. Matthews s t a t e d Br ian Anderson t o l d her i t was E r i c H a r r i s .

    Ms. Matthew wa s a s k e d i f t h e t e a c h e r. who made th e 9 11 c a l l

    came back t o th e magazir.e room w i th them. MS. Matthews s t a t e d th e

    t each er d i d n o t come back t c th e roam with them.

    I n f o r ~ m a t i o n :J e n n i f e r Matthews

    DOB 2-26-83 JC.o01.005923

    6647 W. Weaver Av e

    L I t t l e t o n , Co. 80126


    Karen Mat thews

    DCB 3-2: \ -54

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONT!SUATION 0Rll:pcrtins Age1lCY Roporting Officer Case R

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    JC.o01 005925

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUATION 0ReponingAgeecy ReportingOflker Calle R1;port No.JeSO MOORE 9'.1-7625-.1UPPLEMENT

    "'onncctjng c ~ Repn No VictimName Original RIl:p.>" Date Thill Report

    04-29-9'.1CbuiftCtiiol'l X First Degree Murder O f f ~$W\:S: Opm X ~ t t Q M i l yC'W'e'd 0 RecommC1HI Case: Review oP , e d l l . u i H ~ l l l l ( l I 1 .0 Gu m by ".lWot 0 Ul'lfu,.l\dea 0 Cltr.iUre 0

    1 ~ g 'IQuantity i 5rand 'came- IO e ~ l P l h ; l l ' l ISffial No Vatu" I Vll!\lll" I V t l t ~Sto;o;m Re

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUATION 0R ~ g A p n e y ~ i n iOfficer Case Report No

    SUPPLEMENT v- JCSO MOORE 997625J>Ilnhng Cast Repett No Vi..ltm Name Original Report Oate Thi. Report

    042999ClBsii'ieatlill\ X FiNt Degree Murder O f f e n s e ~ ;{)pw1 X ExctWWily Clftred Cl Recommend Case: Review 0

    R ~ I ; u ~ i f t < : ; < l I d o "Cl Clutt'd by A rm l o lJrtfulJl1derl Cl Closure ClI t ~ mI. IBrandName I~ r i p O O n ISui," Nc Value I V;liui' I V ~ 1 1 J e\/0 QUMltity Stell'n Rteo>'i'rN D.1I1'111geUat whichtimeshe wentinwa storage room/office areain the science section of theschool. and she saw a broken brown bottle,

    whichshe believed to bea Molotov cocktail. Milletsaid that the room was on fireand she utilizeda fireexnnguisherto put it

    out. Millerestimated forme thatshe believed therewas 200to 250 students that she had lockeddownin the science are. when

    this was occurring.



    Officer Signature Unit Number Supervisor Initials and[la,e A s $ i g n ~ Q10P'll' ~

    ...--. Yb'J r : ,r ~- '

    ~ j G N " ' LP I r ~ t " U n Q A T O R . "tCTlM Sf.:R\lCS Ioruex I ASAf34193,1CSOIJ6i ...

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    JBlI'FDSON COllll'rY DISTRICT A':t'':t'Oll.lllBY'S Oll'FICll:



    Date .

    Deputy D.A. :

    Har r i s / Kl ebo l dMay 5, 1999

    Docket ltWIlber.

    Caa. ltWIlber.

    Inves t iga tor.

    99A062Gallagher M.

    On May 5, 1999 t h i s i n v e s t i g a t o r conducted an i n t e rv i ew withTheresa Mil l e r i n re fe re nc e to th e above case . Ms. M i l l e r i s achemis t ry t e a c h e r a t Columlline High School . MS. M i l l e r made th efo l lowing s t a t em en t s .

    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d she d id n ot seen anyth ing on the sc h o o l TV ormarquees p e r t a i n i n g t o t h a t i t was going t o be a bad day nor an yr e fe ren ce t o H i t l e r ' s b i r th d ay.

    Me. M i l l e r s t a t e d she d id not have a f i f t h hour c l a s s . OnTuesdays she has h a l l du ty. I t i s h er r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t o watch th es ta i rway from th e commons a r e a t o make sure the s tu d en t s go to the

    l i b r a r y fo r s tudy and no t wander o f f down th e h a l l s where thescience rooms are lo ca t ed .

    At approximate ly 11:21 t o 11:22 A.M.t o he r s t a t i o n when she sa w a student,Therr ien , rUIUling up th e s t a i r s carry ingwa s two b ig " n o ' s ' fo r t h i s s tu de nt to be

    she was a few minutes l a t el a t e r i d e n t i f i e d a s Chr is

    h i s pan f r i e d p i z z a . This

    doing .

    Ms. Mi l l e r s t a t e d she y e l l ed fo r him to s t op . Th e s t uden t kept

    on going.Sh e

    l a t e r l ea rn edfrom

    ano ther t e a c h e rt h a t

    Chr isTherr ien t o l d t h i s s to ry o f him running up the s t a i r s by thecommons. This o t h e r t e a c h e r t o l d Ms. Mi l l e r t h a t Chr is wa s one of

    th e f i r s t peop le who sa w s om et hi ng h ap pe ni ng i n r e f e r ence t o the

    shoo t ing .

    JC.001 005928


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    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d she sa w three o th er s tu de nt s looking down th eh a l l . She recognized one of them to be John Veigel . Veigel to ldMs. Mil l e r t he re were a couple of guys down th e h a l l with guns. Ms.

    Mil l e r s t a t e d she heard gunf i re .

    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d she ran to th e Biology classroom to c a l l thef ro n t desk. A a t ru d e r i t , who answered the phone t o ld Ms . Mil l e r theAdmin is t ra t ion was aware of the s i tua t ion and they were on t he re waydown to th e a rea .

    lola. Mil l e r s t a t e d ahe went over to M r. P e t e r s e n ' s classroom,who was also th e Department Chair fo r th e Science Department to t e l l

    him about the s i t u a t i o n . Mr. Petersen was s i t t i n g a t h is desk an dh is s tudents were t ak ing a t e s t . She to ld Mr. Pe t e r s en t h a t t h e rewere gunmen i n t he b ui ld in g.

    At th a t p o i n t kids were comingcould h ear more g u n f i r e . She and

    up th e s t a i r s i nMr. Petersen t o ld

    hoards . Shethe k ids to

    slow down. There was more gunf i re an d she saw a bunch o f kids h i tth e deck. They a l l ducked down on th e f loo r. Ms. M i l l e r and M r.

    Petersen to ld th e kids to go in to th e science rooms. A s th e kidswere going to th e sc ience rooms she saw Dave Sanders ( teacher)l ay ing down behind th e k id s . Richard Long another t each er went overto help Dave Sanders. Sanders face an d ches t was covered i n blood.

    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d she asked Dave Sanders WhereMr. Sander ' s t e e th wereanders sa id i n the mouth.

    he f e l l to th e f loo r.Johnson 's sc i ence room.

    Mr. Long took Mr.

    he was h i t . Mr.knocked ou t when

    Sanders down to Doug

    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d somewhere in t h i s t ime frame th e f i r e alarm

    went o f f . Sh e sa w k i ds in the ch o i r room at tempt ing to come o ut ofth e choi r room. She to ld the kids to s t ay in the ch o i r room.

    Ms. Mil l e r s t a t e d h e r f i r s t thoughts were to g e t f i r s t a id fo rDave Sanders . She opened the door to Mr. Pe te rs en ' s room and a l l

    JC.001. 005929

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    th e k id s were huddled in th e room. She found ou t l a t e r Mr. Petersenha d gone t o g e t help .

    101$. M i l l e r s t a t e d she re turned to h e r room when she sawapprox ima te ly one hundred kids running towards h er. She t o l d thosek id s to r e t u r n t o t he r e classrooms and lock th e doors . A fte rf i n a l l y g e t t i n g back to her classroom she found th e door locked .

    She looked over and saw Kent F r iesen ( t e ache r ) . Ms. Mi l l e r t o l d Mr.F r iesen t h a t she needed somebody t o give f i r s t a id t o Dave Sanders .Mr. F r iesen and a s tu d en t i d e n t i f i e d a s A aro n H ancey went to DOugJohnson ' s sc i en ce room to a t t en d t o Mr. Sanders .

    Ms. Mi l l e r s t a t e d she was w orried a bo ut the chem is try s to rageroom where they keep a l l th e Chemicals $ 0 she s tayed by th e s to rag eroom to make sure i t was locked .

    MS. Mi l l e r then went to Doug Johnson ' s room t o a s s i s t with Mr.Sanders . Kent Fr iesen along w ith Aaron Hancey were help ing Mr.Sanders . Mr. F r iesen took o f f h i s s h i r t to help s top th e b leed in g .They had to keep Mr. Sanders lay ing on h i s stomach because he had somuch b lood i n h i s mouth. Kevin Sta rkey a l so a s s i s t e d i n a t t end i ngt o Mr . Sanders . They kept t a l k i ng t o Mr. sander-s t o keep hi m

    consc ious . Doug Johnsen made a s ig n which read One Bleeding toD eath and put th e s ign in the window.

    MS. M i l l e r s t a t e d yo u cou ld see th e ambulances and paramedicsdown i n th e pa r k ing l o t b u t they f a i l e d t o see th e s ig n . F i n a l l y

    Mr. F r iesen s t a t e d he was going t o go a ~ d get he lp .

    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d a s tu d en t i d e n t i f i e d a s David Batche lder,who i s l e g a l l y b l i nd was cry ing because he d id no know what wasgoing on. He was lay ing on th e f lo o r i n f r on t o f th e door. They

    moved David behind a desk.

    Ms. M i l l e r

    Dylan Klebold .

    beh ind Dylan .

    s t a t e d she loo ked out Doug Johnson ' s door and sa wShe saw someone she t h in k s was Eric Har r i s r i g h t

    Dylan was walking towards h e r. Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d

    3 JC-001 005930

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    Dylan wa s wear ing a black s h i r t an d ca r ry in g something i n bo th bands

    o u t i n f r o n t o f him. Ms. Mil le r sa w a r i f l e b a r r e l on a shoulders t r a p .

    MS. M i l l e r s t a t e d she had Dylan i n h e r c h e mi s t r y c l a s s l a s t

    y ear. She de sc r i be d Dylan as an angry s t u d e n t . Dylan borde red on aD/ F range f o r g r a de s . He d id n o t apply h im se lf w hi le i n h e r c l a s s .Sh e s t a t e d a f t e r c l a s s wa s o v e r Dylan wouJ.d walk o u t o f th e c l a s s

    and slam h e r d o e r a g a i n s t th e w a l l . Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d she

    ev en tu a l ly conf ronted D yla n a nd he s to pp ed d oin g i t .

    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d she a l s o had E ric H arr is i n a p r e v ious

    c l a s s . H ar r i s had a B/C range f o r g r a d e s .

    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d a f t e r she sa w Dylan i n th e ha l lway by th esc ience rooms he walked by Doug Johnson ' s room. She surmises t h e y

    looked i n t o th e reom and sa w Mr. Sanders and p r o b a b l y f i gu r e d he wa s

    dead because o f a l l th e b lood .

    Dylan and E r ic c o n t i n u e d on to th e nex t room. Ms. M i l l e r h e a r d

    s h o t s . Sh e h e a r d a b o t t l e break . They d id no t h e a r any more

    sounds. Ms. M i l l e r looked o u t i n th e ha l lway. Ms. M i l l e r

    remembered E l i z a b e t h Schne ide r ( t e a c h e r ' s aid) was h id in g i n th esc ience o f f i c e . She y e l l e d f o r Ms. S c h n e id e r t o come o v e r t o Doug

    J o h n s o n ' s room.

    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d she saw some dark l i q u i d on th e f l o o r . Ms.M i l l e r then saw a f i r e . She b e l i e v e s Dylan o r E r ic th rew a molotov

    c o c k t a i l . She wa s a b l e t o p u t o u t the f i r e with a f i r e e x t i n g u i s h e r.

    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d t h e r e wa s a phone i l l the rOom and she was

    a b l e t o c a l l h e r husband t o l e t hi m know sh e wa s a l l r i g h t .

    When asked i f she knew th e t ime she c a l l e d . Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d

    th e t ime on t h e i r answer ing machine wa s 11:08 A. M. which r e a l l y

    meant 12;08 P.M. because they never changed th e r eco rd e r t o d a y l i g h t

    sav ings t ime .JC-001 005931


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    Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d she l e t A aron Hancey c a l l h is f a th e r. WhileAaron was t a lk ing to h is fa the r, the fa the r got a c a l l from h iso th er son Adam, who s ta ted he was in the ' ch o i r rooro and he was a l lr i g h t .


    ca l led91 1

    and.they were

    ab le toconverse with

    th e 91 1 o p era to r i n g et t in g in st ru ct io ns to take ca r e o f Mr.Sanders .

    Ms. Mil l e r s t a t e d sh e to ld th e 91 1 o p era to r t h a t Dylan Klebcldwas on e of th e gunmen.

    As t ime went on Mr. Sanders ha d more blood i n h is mouth an d wasge t t ing weaker. At approximately 3 :30 P.M. the Po l ice Swat Teamrescued a l l of them from the science rooms. Mr. Sanders was s t i l l

    a l ive but h is breath ing was becoming a l abor to him.

    Ms. Mil l e r s ta ted she l e f t her black purse in h er chemistryroom. The con t en t s of the purse were he r checkbook, c r e d i tca r ds, sung la s se s , money (does not know how much) and d r i v e r ' s

    l i c ense . Sh e a l so ha d a br ie fcase with th e s tuden ts grades .

    In ad d i t i o n Ms. Mil l e r re l a t ed on Monday n ig h t be Ecz-e theShooting between 5 P.M. to 5 , 3 0 P.M. she saw two boys on e dr e s sed ina s l eeve le s s T shi:t"t with blue jeans p u l l i n g a d o l ly t h a t conta ineda box as b ig as a Big Screen TV . She saw anoche r s tu d en t behindhim. Ms. M i l l e r s t a t e d however, she d id not know e i t h e r boy.

    Ms. Mil l e r was asked i f she knew who th e Trench Coat Mafiamembers were. Ms. Mil l e r s t a t e d she ha d never heard of th e TrenchCoat Mafia.

    Information; Theresa M i l l e rDOB 8 - 11 - 5 8

    2535 Estes S t .Lakewood, Co.303-232.-S608

    s JC001 005932

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    MORlUS, G

    JC..o01- 005933

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    F(,...102 (Key. lQ-6-9S)



    Date oftr::liuctiption 4/30/99

    Gary Morris, Date of Eir th , May 26, 1982, 8972 West IdaPlace, Li t t l e ton , Colorado 80123, telephone number (303)9049687, was in te rv iewed a t h is residence in the presence of h isparents Arthur an d Eecky St ienberger. Afte r being advised of thei d e n t i t y o f the interviewing Agents an d the natu re o f th ein terv iew, Morris furnished th e following information:

    Morris i s a Ju n io r a t Columbine High School . On Apri l20, 1999, a t approximately 11:15 a.m., Morris was at tend ing aspec ia l English class in the Ace Room. This i s a two-hour blockc lass d ur in g p er io ds 4 and 5. The c lass begins a t 10:20 a.m. ,an d ends a t 12:05 p.m. Morris was alone in th e Ace Room as ther e s t of h is c lassmates had gone to the Tech Lab Morris d id nothave any work to do in the Tech Lab an d was t o ld he could s tay inthe Ace Room an d read a book or do other work. At approximately11:20 a.m. , Morris l e f t th e Ace Rocm to ge t a dr ink of water a t afountain down the h a l l . After ge t t ing h is dr ink he was walkingback to the classroom an d heard an explosion in th e f ront uppercommons area . He then heard the f i re alarm go o f f an d beganfollowing th e f i r e escape p lan . AS he was leaving the bui ld inghe heard someone say, "he has a gun".

    Afte r ex i t ing the school on t he n or th si de , Mcrris wentto ' t he p i t " . Other s tuden ts were ta lk ing t ha t i t must of been a

    senior prank u n t i l an o ff i c er s ta ted th at there was a man with agun. The s tuden ts were p ushed back to Clement Park and Morrisjumped th e fence an d went to the parking l o t by the basebal lf i e l d s . He was again pushed back to the s ch oo l p ar kin gl o t (Clement Park area) and then out to Eowles Avenue. During h ise x i t from the school, Morris ran in to his fr iend Nathan Vanderau.Vanderau i s also a Junior a t Columbine High School.

    After reaching Bowles Avenue, Morris saw a f r iend ' scous in named Tabatha Last Name Unknown (LNU). Tabatha LNU ha dprev iously graduated an d possib ly ha d gone to a no th er s ch oo l.Tabatha Lmfs cousin i s B i l l Greaber, a Jun ior a t Columbine HighSchool and a member o f the Ace C lass w ith M orris. Tabatha LNUand an unknown female rid ing in her car, agreed to give them

    (Morris an d Vanderau) a r ide to Morris' house. Thev ar r iveda t

    approximately lZ : lS p.m. , a t Morris ' residence. Atapproximately

    Investiglllion on


    JC.o01 005934

    Control N u ~ b e r#DN3

    This document co sus neither reccrneeoceecns not c o n C : l u ~ i ( J o sof the FBI It is the propenyof the; pm andis !Qm-ed to youragency;it and iu corneras re : 'lot ~ c be ;JiSlrjhute;! outside your agenl;j

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000



    2Page _Morris_ ~ E Z . l : ! : ~ : : ! : : . . . . . . .on 4/23/99Con.tltn!atinn of FD-302 of

    12:30 p .m ., M orris' s t epfa the r Arthur St ienberger a r r ived a t theres idence.

    Morris ha d been working on a pro jec t fo r h i s Ace c lassa t the time of th e shoot ings a t Columbine High Sohool. He wasworking on th e computer making correc t ions to h is c lass p r o j e c t .The o lass ha d read the book "Into Thin Air" concerning a mountaincl imber who died climbing Mount Everest . The t each er gave theo lass a pro jeo t to prepare a l e t t e r o r report as i f you only ha dtwo hours to l i v e an d what was the l a s t th ing yo u would say ordo . M or ris w ro te a l e t t e r as i f he was in a wa r b a t t l e . l ike a tthe beaches o f Normandy. Attaohment A. M or ri s c on fi rm ed was th er epo r t t ha t he was working on . Miss Paula Reed i s th e teacher ofthe Aoe Class an d had gone to the restroom j u s t p r i o r to Morrisl eav ing the classroom.

    Morris was not personal ly famil ia r w ith Eric Harr is o rDylan Klebold. Morris knew Eric Fr iesen to be a member o f th e .Trench Coat Mafia. Friesen was in Mor ri s' f re sh ma n German c la ss .Friesen graduated or droppea o ut of Columbine High School l a s tyear. Friesen 's fa the r i s a Science t eacher a t Columbine HighSchool.

    All th e s tu de nts a t Columbine High School l e f t themembers o f the Trench C oa t M af ia alone. The group a l l s a t a t th e

    same t ab le in the commons area in the morning and s a t toge ther a tlunch on a bench. This group of s tuden ts was in to g et tin ga t t e n t i o n an d th e more a t t e n t i o n they got the more they l i k e d i t .

    Morris l e f t h is backpack in th e Ace Room. The backpacki s a black Jansport with a brown l ea ther bottom. There's a holein th e bottom o f th e backpack. M or ris do es have a TexasInstrument Tra6 c a l c u l a to r in th e backpack.

    Morris' locker i s located by the gym h a l l , but he hasnot used i t in years . He could n ot r eoa l l th e lo ck er number.

    Attachment B i s a map of the SChool t ha t he an d Nathan

    Vanderau made along with two o th er f r iends . The map shows wherethey were a t th e time the inc ident began.


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    Gary Morris

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    I'm about to go intobattle and the chances of me coming out of this battleare

    slimto none, I am in the first wave Which means thatwe are the first to go into battle

    and we are basically on a suicide mission, We leave in the morning and I hope that

    you are not visited bY any officers, but I guess if you werenot going to be visited by

    the armyyou would not be reading this leiter,

    Mom, I would just like to say that I loveyou and you did a great job in raising me,

    don't everdoubt that, Even though I didn't show it, youtaught me a lot Do not let

    Madisongrow up not knowing me, Keep me in her life as much as if I warestill alive,

    Tail her that I toved every minute I spentwith her, andeven though we couldn't talk, I

    felt like I knew What shewas feeling, Tell Raena that even though I didn't show it

    much, I did loveher a lot and if she weren't around to annoyme so much, I don't know

    What I would have done. I want you ail to remember mebythe goodtimes we had,

    .' Raena I hopeyou learnedfrom my mistakes, and if need be, makean example of me

    rather than a role modeL I don't want to sound like the parents, but keep your gradesup andtry not to Pal'll: to much. Tell Arthur that he madea great step-oad andthat I

    enjoyed every minute. He jumped in at probably one of the mostdifficult placesin our

    lives, I was 14 and Raena was 6, Even though you jumped in there you madea g r ~ a t


    Dad, even thoughwe didn't see nearly enough of each other, I feel that the time

    we did spendwas worth it. I think that maybe it was the lack of time together madethe

    times wedid havethat much morevaluable. We never reallyfought, we just had a


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    good time. Tell Brianna that I love her and that I'm sorry I wasn 't up there all so much.

    I just can't be comfortable up there with all the tension. I have to admit that I do not like

    the way Kate and her kids treat you and everybody else. I fel t that Raena was

    mistreated, you were never there to see it. Kate always acted different towards Reana

    and I when you were not around. I don't know whether it was jealousy or what but we

    were mistreated. Sometimes I don't think you realize ho w much sh e mistreats you.

    You have just been around it so long, you don't notice. I know we've already discussed

    it, but I think you still need to get out of that relationship. There is always a way to fi x a

    mistake, and I \IIIOU1d hate for you to have to live with her for the rest of your life. This

    part is to all a the step-brothers and step-Sisters. You all need to stop acting like

    spoiled brats and start thinking about other people. Sharla you are worst of them all.

    remember when I went up one weekend so I could fix my car and you were whining

    about not gelting to drive th e prelude. You could have driven the truck, but you said

    you would rather have called in sid< to worlt I'm sorry but you do not own any of the

    cars you drive, so you cannot complain about which one you get stud< with driving.

    When you bu y a car then you can drive that car. Wally and Pat neverhad any

    problems with the parents driving their cars. You guys need to stop bickering and

    fighting for what you can get. It feels iii lot better to give, you were never laught that


    Well. I guess I'm off to battle and I'm going to die for my country. No matter what

    I said in this letter I want everyone to knowthat we all went through good and bad times

    but try to remember the good.

    JC001 005937Sincerely,

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    ------ u ' - P ,- : - ,'1"', t- : i I , r, ,n --"".'- ~ . - i I , I : , \,.'l:l-! ii ,_.....L..J......,.l_-- . i . I "\ '"' i , i , : . ~ ~ - W I-- u - . __ ......-'-+!""'""!-, , .X;' i r- I I TT ,I"" .. . i I I- - '.f:' ' " r t" l-- -- ';:: .. i - : I : ' ~ ' f"- . .I R- .. " ' , - I .-+ - - .,.- ~ .. .. :.::1........ . : : - ' ~I : , i i ~ f, J -t l ....t"- , . . - - : - ~ - - - , -~ - . " ,.

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    L A I t E l ' l O O D

    0,. , . . FIRST DEGREE MURDERVi c t i m: SCOTT_ " " I I 73 STEFFES, TlMOTliY'nv" t , 1197 GIRSON

    P O L I C E D E P A R T H E N ' ' l . '

    "",, 990388560 " . . , 05/18/99i 'ag_: 1 Qf .2

    Kay' 1 1 . ' 1 o a 4 6 ~ k 1 1 ~S l 1 P P L E H E N ' l . '


    Jefferson County Sher iffs Off ice C.R., 99-7625FBI c o n ~ r o lnumber, 174A-DIV57419



    MULVEY, John MichaelnOB, 03/08/837755 South Kendall CourtL i t t l e t o n , CO. 80123(3031 932-9383

    Lynnda Mul-"eyRichard Mulvey


    On May 10, 1999 I was assigned an i nt er vi ew w i th Columbine High Scheols tuden t , John MUlvey, who may have b een in the c a f e ~ e r i a .On May 17th Ispoke with John 's mother, Lynnda Mulvey, an d made an appointment fo r aninterivew on May 18th a ~ 0800.

    On May 18th I ar r ived a t 7755 South Kendall Court a t 0750 andc o n ~ a o ~ e dJohn an d Richard Mulvey.

    John reported t h a t he does at tend Columbine High School and i s in the~ e n t hgrade. John fu r the r advised t ha t he was in school on Apri l 20, 1999.John r e l a ~ e dt h a t he has f o u r ~ hhour f ree , an d had met some f r iends in thec afe te ria t o decide where they were going to lunch. John advised t h a ~hemet h is f r iends in the area of ~ a b l ei d e n ~ i f i e das I 'LL". John continued ~ osay tha t they remainded in the ca fe t e r i a on ly abou t f ive m i n u ~ e sbeforegoing ~ o lunch. John advised t h a t he used the e a s t s t a i r way ~ o g et to thec a f e t e r i a .

    John s t a t e d t h a ~while he was in the c a f e t e r i a he did not n o ~ i c eanyl ar ge d uf fe l type bags on the f loo r o r t ab les . He fu rth e r sa id th at whilehe was in the the c a fe t e r i a he d id not see anyone bring such a ba g i n ~ o~ h ec a f e t e r i a John advised tha t he an d h is f r iends l e f t th e schaal an d walkedto Clement Park where Ben Cahn's car was parked. John said t h a t he went tolu nc h w ith Ben Cohn, Jock P e ~ e r s o n ,Kyle Gumnere, an d Luke Jenson. Bendrove ~ o a McDonalds where they obtained lunch. John cont inued ~ o say tha tthey returned to th e park , an d Kyle and Luke returned t o school . He, Ben,an d J oc k r em ai ne d in the park.


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    - i i , : I , , I I I I I I , , , . I. , , I I , , I- I I i ! ! 1 I ! I , i I' I I ! , I i.

    I, I , 1 ,

    !I",' I ; { I l

    1! I


    I, , i , , , I , ! ~ ' ; " i r'" ~ I II II , i 1 II I , , I, , , , I I , ' I I ' I , I 1 I 1 ! )IX . .-1" ,, , , ., ; ;S"\ ' ~ , , ; : - !r::!:'-, I , I ! , ! 1 i';;' '.'1 0' 1, , ,I ' = / : , ; - 'r'J . 1


    , I I , ... ~

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    JC001 005943

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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    Page_I_01 2..- Pages.1Uo!/j/Z,O' tI/J.(' LJ//t:C'/V kt/eL7c't.o

    /9./1-0 13/21C /I/j /2 /2 .s.

    i ' '-d' ; ; t="a; C' I/. ' / 2 / 2 / $ A / F /2- C? / Z ?' I . ("4 !J..( fJ/ 1 / /1 } I f ' /Z.... H.(J't/S e C't1 ifJ,O /;f;:

    I ha"" read tJ"j IOregoing staTement and the facts contamed therein arB true to the best of m Knowledge and belief. Ido nor maintain rhtIt it contains alJ of the facts or details o f the incident, but only those fa bou)..which I have beenasJt.tIId. 3(1)1"'1 l!>A-.r.L

    tf l;)..(l I ?r- f i D ; ' i S - ~ -f-.J".J ~ "T _ ~ C Q m p l e 1 e d ~ ~ ~ m

    JC-001 005945 , U l l l l m ~ 0 6 0 0

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    Page !).. of ~ Pages Case IJ _Summary of Statement {c;ont.l - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - -

    r wfl,oft C' )C? p.s S lIe t l t / f ~N' 011. / FlbfaV1t?-vJ Ct J{ t l M6r n t ' ,K:./l..til/.S

    I tA ttl/I;

    JC-001 005946

    tJ/iS/1'(jtt, ) I } B a J ? V I ( / ! ~e Mtlt ,eJ / 'rf//Jic it(/C/I/t?-- /11/(,0;,4.. S/f{q>eI have reed the foregoing statement ""d the facts contained /herein ale true to rile best of my knowiedge and belief. I

    do not maintain thet it contains filiiof the facts or details of the i n c i d e n ~bu t only those, - ' .enasked.

    58! !Jaros [ ; (S .S C ( ~ f J / 2 f Sco }0v, 4, 14/!C/f:('MY m1J=./4r/((JJ,v S / l I e M I -/2./C $tf>/tt 'S

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000



    C?". ExcepttQt'l811y C h J t l f ~a Unfounded

    I Sotial No.

    ~ n a eSlilll.l$: 01'''0Ctllar>!d tJy AmlS1

    , t:, dIC"victim Nama OrIgInal:Flapotl


    ; b ~ ~

    - ' L 2 t ? 2 7 5 ~ k ~ ~ , v ' / . v # / f -/ ~ I ' < I f l ! I ~ ~ . 1 ' ~ ( J , 6 t i r .".z & ~ ~ 4 . r 712. ,r%P"f/,v t & ~ A ' r & g ~iiJti' m ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ g / f ; f. ~ ~4f'fC / P / K I / ~ r~ > ~ t ' f ./1fJ!!lZiIlfiE . . : r - ~ . M ~'f!/ ~ ~ L?r ~ , . ~. ~ . 4 : ? . r ~ , t 1&/U4C l " ! f ( ~~ ~

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    Col'Pfthipe Task PoroeFBI# 174A-DN-57419 / JCSO #99-7625


    Aff i l i a t i o n : Past Student-Columbine High SchoolDOB: 07-14-1982Sex: MaleAddress: 7183 West Walden Drive, L i t t l e t o n , ColoradoTelephone: 303-973-5068Friend of o the r TCM members

    Rapid Sta r t# : DN#3760

    On 08/18/1999, Inves t iga to r Donald Estep, DNJTTF-DT in te rv iewedSTEPHEN PARTRIDGE, who advised the following:

    PARTRIDGE, was a fel low c la s s mate an d f r iend of DYLAN KLEBOLD.He advised they sh ar ed th e same limousine to th e prom an d hespoke t o him b r i e f l y a t a f t e r prom.

    PARTRIDGE advised he was not aware of KLEBOLD's plans fo r A pr i l20 , 1999. He advised he was shocked to f ind out about KLEBOLD's'sinvolvement in th e i nc id en t.

    PARTRIDGE was unaware of an y ind iv iduals t h a t may have a s s i s t e dDYLAN an d ERIC HARRIS on Apr i l 20, 1999.

    PARTRIDGE was asked i fHARRIS may have known.h er.

    he knew of a SUSAN t h a t DYLA.'1 an d ERICHe repl ied no, he was not famil ia r with

    J C-oO 1. 005 948

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    JC..o01 005949

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    F D 3 0 2 I _ . llJ-6-95)

    . 1 -



    On Ap r i l 29, 1999, JENNIFER PLATO, d a te of b i r t h 10-2081, s o c i a l secu r i ty number 464-95-4089 , 8160 S. Marshal l Ct . ,L i t t l e t o n , Colorado, phone number 303-933-2421, was interviewedin the presence of h er mother by Chr i s topher T. Schaefer, whoiden t i f i ed himsel f as a Special Deputy United Sta tes Marshallcu r ren t ly ass igned to the Federal Bureau o f Inves t iga t ion Jo in tTer ror i s t Task fo rce .

    PLATO, a f t e r b ei ng a dv is ed of the i d e n t i t y of th e

    in terv iewer, was to ld o f the FBI's inves t iga t ive i n t e r e s t in theshooting a t Columbine H ig h S ch oo l on Apr i l 20, 1 9 9 9 .

    PLATO a dvis ed the following.

    PLATO i s a s tuden t a t Columbine an d was walking in thehallway on the south s id e o f th e gymnasium when h er f r iend P h ~ lVanderau grabbed her an d to ld her t h a t someone had a gun. PLATOran out of the school on the northwest s ~ d eo f th e b u i ld in g an dcontinued running to a shed located by th e v a r s i t y b aseb a l lf i e l d . PLATO along with Vanderau took cover behind the shed fo rapproximately f ive minutes. She s ta ted t h a t dur ing t h i s time sheheard screaming as w ell as gunf i re an d explos ions . He r an dVanderau ran from th at lo ca tio n up to the t r ack , over a fence an d

    took s h e l t e r in a ma in te na nc e s he d fo r approximately 2 an d~

    hours before th e po l i ce oame an d got them. PLATO continued tohear g u n f i r e an d e xp lo si on s f or approximately two hours.

    Located in th e shed along with PLATO an d Vanderau wereapproximately ten s tu d en t s , one t eacher (Mr. Lowry), an d twow o r k e r s .

    PLATO did not see anyone shoot ing or s e t t i n g o f fexplos ive devices . PLATO d id ~ , o wwho the sh o o te r s were a f t e rthey were i d e n t i f i e d by the media. PLATO d id not know thesuspec t s by name.


    lnvesuganon on 04 - 2 9 - 9 9

    run 1 HA-DN-5 H1 9

    M L i t t l e t o n , Colorado

    Date dictated

    by Christ-ooher T. Schaefer 1.1::

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    JC..o01- 005951

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    JC.(101 005953

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CON11NUATION 0Reporting. Agency Reponing Officer Case Jtt'pon No

    SUPPLEMENT v rcso ESTER 99-7625-Pr- ' ~ l n g'.:'ase Report No Victim Name O r i ~ a lRePQrt Oak This Report


    X First Degree Murder Otl'I'IH Swus; Opm X 'EIU:CPUQnallyC lem

    0 Recommend C a s ~ Review aReellwifi:ation 0 C1N/"td by AM!fl. 0 Unf

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000



    JC.Q01 005956

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000



    SUPPLEMENTIConlleetil'lg C an R&portNQ

    ClI" 'Stion 0Re, ,Je31ien 0

    0",-1'15111Status; OpIJf\ 0Clelir-&d by AI"rIll$f 0

    ExeepliQnally C1&areo 0 Recommend Case; RSVIDW 0Unrounded CJ CJ

    S 9 r l ~ jNo.

    INl1iJ6'!6.. ..


    U T ~ e : o ~ < ' ! . /K A - 1 H A - h ~~ !.'bE

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000




    JC-001 005958

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    '5 A I!J::JI::lL!i'lL i L I A J,.JCtiHiu47'74.'1 .3 'i)crps...; n -l . ~ cau:.l $>41z"J

    3.. lYle. ' ~ J111""". __. ':I.If.a:. _.__'l::I::1:'D, 'M:lr i ~ 1 : ! !Il ""'" 'u.t I i ~ ,$ HJ:; 1W ll j ~ """'-=b ' . . A. d A r - 1

    __'" l : 1 ~ r r f ).. __ ,..fla., WIJJ- .NC."l:" . : :n v - r J i C . C ; ; 1 . l 1 ' a ~. A N ' t ~:-nMr DAy. i

    JC-001. 005961

    La:sp4l"7'QnN< : ) p ( ! ; ~


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000



    SCHLYER, RUSSELL- ~ - - - ' - ~ " . ' ~ ~ -

    JC-001 005962

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    - I -



    Russe l l "Rusty" Schyler, date of b i r t h Ju ly 25, 1982,7996 West walker Drive, Li t t l e ton , Colorado 80123, teleohonenumber (303) 973-7465, was in terviewed a t h i s home. Afte r beingadvised o f the i d e n t i t y of the interviewing Agent an d the natureof th e in t e rv i ew, Schyler furnished the following information:

    Schyler i s a Jun ior a t Columbine High School. OnApri l 20, 1999, he attended a DECA banquet a t the Wilshire In nlocated a t Colorado an d Hampden. Approximately t h i r t y Columbinestud en ts a tten de d th e meeting with school adminis t ra tors . Theadminis t ra tors a t tending included Frank DeAngel is , pr inc ipa l ;Miss Studanka, Dean; Sid Keating, Campus Supervisor; and KathyFrommer, DECP. Supervisor. A ll of the s tu d en t s a tt en d in g the DECAbanquet were excused from t h e i r second, t h i r d an d f ou rt h p er io dc lasses . After being excused from the b a n ~ ~ e t ,schyler d id havetime to go back to the school and make a p a r t o f h is four thper iod marketing c la ss whic h e nd ed a t 11 : 1 0 a.m. Schyler decidedhe ha d an excused absence from h is four th hour c lass so he didn ' thurry back. Afte r f ou rt h p er io d he has "A" l un ch b eg in ni ng a t11:15 u n t i l 11:45.

    Schyler went back th e high school t o meet CoreyDePooter in the l i b r a r y an d then attend h is f i f t h per iod c l a s s .Hi s f i f t h period c lass was world His tory with Mr. Fleener. Sincehe was going to be in the school fo r only a shor t perio d o f t ime,he decided t o park in a one-hour p ar king s po t on Fai r St ree t nextto Leawood Park. Leawood Park i s d i r e c t l y across Pierce St ree tfrom the hig h s ch oo l. Fair Stree t i n t e r sec t s with Pierce a t at ra f f ic l ig h t.

    Schyler parked h is car an d walked in the main en t ranceof th e school . He thought i t waS approximately 11 : 1 0 a.m. whenhe en te red the school . He was approximately h al fw ay b ac k t o th el i b ra ry when he r ea l ized he ha d fo rgo t ten h is backpack a t home.He went back to h is car an d drove quickly home. He again parkedin the one-hour p ar kin g s po t a t Leawood Park. S c hy le r a d vi se d hel i ves j u s t a few minutes from the high school . After p ar ki ng t hecar, he began t o walk toward the school. The campus ResourceOff icer, Nei l Gardner, was in h is vehicle a t th e corner of Piercean d Fai r. SCh yl er wal ke d pas t hi m an d as he did , Gardner tu rnedon h is l i g h t s an d s i rens . Gardner pe eled ou t an d S ch yl er h ea rd

    Investigation 0tI 5 ( 1 3 / 9 9JC-001- 005963

    n ~ 1 174A-DN-S7419 an d Jeffee ~ 9 9 - 7 6 2 5

    by SA John M. Elvig/ms

    0". die""'" ..;6""1""3""'1""9"'9 _

    Control Number #DN2452

    This document coruams reuner recommendations not Cl)t'!CllHlons or the FBI 11 is tnt"property of the FBI ami 15tcaned 10your agency:i! 2!lJ us o-ruenu are not be d i s l l , t l . : ( ~ - ' :c'dsiJe ,,)\H apencv

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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    174A-DN-57419 an d Jeffco 99-7625

    3Page _-e::. _ _ussel l Schylerdressed l i k e th a t i n d iv id u a l in the hallway before an d was basingh is iden t i f i ca t ion of the ind iv idual b e i n g " ' b a s e d so le ly onhow t a l l he was an d h is c lo th in g.

    This i n d iv id u a l began shooting toward Schyler . Schylertu rned around and began to run eas t down the hallway. He heardb u l l e t s r icochet ing o f f lockers . He ra n th ro ug h the r i g h t s ideof the f i r e doors. There i s a wall above the f i r e doors t h a tconnects to th e ce i l ing . As he ran through the f i r e doors therewas dus t coming down from th e ce i l ing o r th e wall above th e f i r e

    doors. He c on ti nu ed r un ni ng down the hallway, hugging th e wal lu n t i l he reached the Teacher Resource C e nt er h al lw ay. Schylercontinued to hear gunShots as he ra n down the hallway. He doesnot know i f a l l the ~ u n s h o t swere directed a t him, but he assumesthey were as he does not remember anyone e l se being in thehallway. He ran down t ha t hallway u n t i l he reached theMath/Science hallway. He remembers being the only person in th ehallway. He doesn't know how many rounds were sho t a t him byt h i s ind iv idual . He thought he h eard ap pro xim ately 20 rounds gooff .

    After he turned the corner an d en tered the TeacherResource Center hallway he doesn ' t remember hear ing an y shoot ing .When he ar r ived a t th e Math/Sc ie nc e h a llwa y, he looked r i g h t orwest down th e hallway. He saw l o t s of s tuden ts running down thehallway from what he thought was probably th e c a f e t e r i a . Heturned l e f t down the hallway an d ran toward the e x i t by the mathrooms. As he was running down th e hallway he d id hear moregunshots down near the west en d of th e Math/Science h a l l . Heheard two d i s t i n c t gunshot s o ~ ~ d s .After ex i t ing the school heheard th e f i r e alarm go o f f . He kept run nin g an d was th e f i r s tperson t o cross pierce S t re e t . He met h is f r iend Patr ick Liekera t Leawood Park. They both got in to Schyler 's c a r an d drove i n toClement Park to re t r i eve L i e k e ~ scar. Schyler then gave anothers tuden t a r ide to th e King Soopers located a t Kipl ing an dBelleview. He didn ' t know th e name of the student but thes tuden t sa id he worked a t t ha t King Soopers. He descr ibed thes tuden t as a white male, app ro ximate ly 5 '1 0 " i n h eig ht w ithblonde h a i r. He did know th e s tuden t to have a s i s t e r t h a t a lsoat tended Columbine High School.

    The second individual i n the hallway Schyler saw wasfacing down the hallway toward the l i b ra ry. The two individuals

    JC.001- 005965

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    l74A-DN-574l9 an d Jeffeo 99-7625

    4p,,,,,_..::.._-ussel l Schylerontinuation of fD

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    FD-30za (Rev. l O ~ 9 5 )

    174A-DN-57419 an d Jeffco 99-7625

    Continuation QfFD)02 of Russe l l Schyler

    Schyler 's locker i s number 1355 an d i s loca ted with inth e f i r s t s e t of lockers in the south en d of th e main h a l l .In side th e lo ck er are books, papers and h is swim team j acke t . Hea lso has mixing b o t t l e s in h is locker tha t he used fo r var ioussupplements t h a t he takes . As p a r t of his weight t r a in ingrout ine , he t akes Creat ine , Norandro, 5AD, Tr ibu l i s , a carbodr ink an d a pro te in drink. He uses the b o t t l e s in h i s locker tomi x these varying supplements .

    Attachment A i s a diagram of th e i n t e r i o r of ColumbineHigh School . Schyler i n d i ca t ed on the diagram h is approximateloca t ion when he saw the Subjects and th e loca t ion of the twosub jec t s . He fu r the r i n d i ca t ed on the diagram how he exi ted theschool .

    JC-001 005967

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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    J C.(l01 005969

    CONTINUATION IJReponing Agenq Reponins Officer Case Report No

    SUPPLEME.'1T y JCSO PETERSON 99.7625[IIf COMeth"!!Case Report No Vielim Narne Ongmal Rqx>It Date This Report'

    t 06-1599I .... ,o.ojine.lion X First Degree Murder Offense S w u : l ~Ol:om x meptionllily Clelltlld IJ Reecmmend Case: Review U: 0 0R e \ : l l l i ! I S t f i c ~ i O l 1 C ~ h y A I W S I UtifollmllSl IJ

    Closure 0

    ! j ~ I~ l t yIBrMd Name IDmriplioo ISmalN ~ \ ~ IR VallJe I Valueeeeveee OamqedWITNESSES,



    Linleto, Colorado 80123

    (303) 973-7465

    Sruden!: ColumbineHighSchool


    Same as above


    OnJune 15, 1999,at about 1445 hours. I contacted witness RussellSchyler by phone. Russell wasa srudent at Columbine High .

    School. This interview was in referenceto the shooting that occurred on 4-20-99 at Columbine High School.

    Russell Schyler advised me on 4-20-99 he didattendhis firsthourclassat Columbine HighSchool. Russell said atter hisfirst

    hourclasswasover,which was approximately 0820 hours, he leftthe school and wentto a Deccabanquetfor school. Russell

    saidthathe returned to the schoolon 4-2()''J9, at approximately 1120 hours. Russell said that uponhis rerumto the school. he

    saw JCSO Deputy Neil Gardner at what he believed was South Pierce Streetand WestFair Avenue in a marked JCSO vehicle.

    andsaw Gardner tu m onhis emergencyequipment and from there possibly wentintothe parking lot of the highschool. Russel.

    saidthatafter parking his vehicle in thestudentparking lot,he entered Columbine High School through theeastmain doors next

    to the administrative offices at Columbine High &0001. Russell saidthat for all the events after this he has previously been

    interviewed by AgentJohn Elvigof the FBL

    I asked Russell Schylerabout hisknowledge and previous dealingswiththe "Trench Coat Mafia" at Columbine High School

    Russell saidapproximately a year ago, and although he could not confirm what month it was,hedid say it wasin 1998. ashe

    was walking through the commonsarea of me cafeteria at Columbine High School, there were "TrenchCoat Mafia" students

    o m ~ : : : , Unit Number Sllperviwf Initials and Dare Assigned To Page 1

    ........ t,",...) ~ ) , f z110(;:'\' ~ L I "vrvnc , "'011 VIC7t"' l 5..'

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUA n O N 0Reporting Age'M:)' RtPQl1ingOfficer Case Repon No

    SUPPLEMENT .- JCSO PETERSON 99-7625.II!ConnectingCazeRepro No Vk:!im Name Original Report DateThis Report

    061599C....... l'i1 ,>I\\I(S. m T ~ ) m f l l ; I ASAFJ-I!98,1(5D W'.,I:

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000




    JC-001 005971

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000



    Otfanse $tatull;: Open...e-- E x c e o t l O n a l ~ClearedC!eamd by Arrest 0 UmouMed

    'S c...HO-r-7,. m:;rc;.Nliii!..t..l!ii. (;>9 / U ; 'i'79.3 Z l.l.l Ol \.l. I i n;re ' D ~' " "Tl>J / C a . u : l ~ aarz: !

    ,3.0:1- 'ZJ'3,,'7l:.3,a.

    +'11 ' 6 S J : T 6 A ' n n , ~_;,;r . . : J t ' t JU_ JAJ:Z:TU 1 Y \ I ~ " 4 ; ._ /h;-":;-El2li::M:..lS" -r7-./E. .,:5'BfU:J.-zn..1..

    QIwi Al'a:zt.. ZQ . Sl+a; SA2J'O - r YAT SHIZ W9J! =b.< 71Je 1 l ' I ~I::!JlI..Li".,,.; I i boD d a:: I !", 'i). , (J N ..s11=. ~ I i cs: ,. '" -....J ., . n.t'i> G " ~

    ~ " ' , , " . . . . . n . l . < o41

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000



    Server ts J P.


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000








    Paul D. Serverts DOB 07127/81

    6333 S. Saulsbury Ct. Littleton CO 80123



    On 4-30-99 I contacted paul Serverts by phone reference the incident at Columbine.

    erverts stated.that he had never

    even talked to Kliebold or Harris. Serverts stated that he had seen the two in the school, along

    withothers wearing the trench coats, hilt not on the day of the incident

    ~ ~~ r ..-oReport by: number/date

    b ~ ~ - r - 1 "Approved by: number/date:

    Page I of !JC-001- 005974

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    JC-001 005975

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONl1NUA110N Cl

    SUPPLEMeNT .er 1_" '_ """" I- " . """"to. r " ' Y ~ " ' 1 " f '- ..-C o n _ " . e a . . _ ~ vICtim Name

    ""tb..... . . .. r . - ~ . "Date 11'M


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000




    JC.o01 005977

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    . . s ~ N J1lN-AIol. t& ..lDG..3 7 I.W H:r::1J.s.oAUi;. m Aus:'t'7:1!JJ 6 l) U J . fb:JI ~

    _ 3.d3"! '7?:::' J '(as

    OfttMe Ste.Is: Oflen ~ E x ~ t l O I ' l & U yC168l'&d Cl Rftoomm&nd easEI-: l1&\tlli'NCleared by AITMt 0 Untounded 0

    SUPPLEMENT a -conndng CaM ~ t l $ ) O r tNo


    C!IjIiI!l!\jflcahollF :Jfkalion,...


    , ._ ;rw V e A 7:Tt?p r m )

    f--'-- ..,;r. s P l l . ~v. a - n l . . . AAUJ4A i ~

    . ~ . It 11m:: '- U l . . SI 1 E .St.:Id':P- T1la"C" s H.& .Us-j:7- .s c..1k:Jd (.. -.. _.2A=r:-. . ( ! t : l Ju T ' . i L " U : I . / J . ' / I . ~- ~ .~ . c : z : o. IJ.{J 1 " ' . 3 < : : 4 . p",,"T1#:.7'1>..Co. ~ l J ~ ~

    .. ..$I:Ic..-. -_lJ.lA,s. .. j . J ~ r - .:J:;:'t..t-:t'1;J(ii.... ~ ( ; r J ; ' T S : p ; r A. ~ T : : r " " , - C ' _ . _ ~ . c r - .~ "I'

    Jc..o01.00 5978

    .... + - - j, f

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUA n O N 0Reporting Ago:ncy RQ)rting Officer Case: RcponNo

    SUPPLEMENT X JCSO OBBEMA 99-7625-(1COflPeCting case R ~ r tNo Vi:::1Jm NameOriginal Repcn Date This Repon

    COLUMBINE 07-19-99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X: 'I"" Offenu: $ 1 3 t \ E $ ~~ E;o;cepri

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUATION IReponing Agency rtepcnittg Officer C _ ~ N ( )SUPPLEMENT X JCSO WCIANO 99-76Z5-EC(lnMl:ti.D,Case Report No Vic-timMImeOriginal Report Dt.le This ~ t t

    COLUMBINE mGB 111'-99r l ' \ l $ i ~ ; c t IX HOMICIDE 0 - . s.."" ""'" X E ~ U yCIIW'ed Rec.:l:lIO.ll$ttKIc

    . . : lUviow,ifleatkm Clelled by AtnlId t."'1!lfOWIdod ClO$lIt'

    - ~ ' I itf ll ~ ~ n t i l YI StM!d Nl1ml1 , "",,rip

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000




    JC-001 005981

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    TOY, L

    JC.o01- 005983

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CO"l1...." ~ A T I O N0Reponing A j ~ ~ Rq:lon:ing Officer Cue Rpou No

    SUPPLEI>1ENT JCSO PETERSON 99-1625-DDCOOMCtinlgCas.:: RpOrtNo Victim NameOrigiaalReport D.tcThi! Rqxm

    - 05-25-99t .. " X First Deg. . . . Murder ~ S t a M ~ O p mx Exception&ll.y CIW(d a R . ~ n d . C a s e :lUvi"w oR ~ I a . W t i e a i I O l lo Clftl'e!:l by Alml: o U n t b ~ 0 Closure 0

    I ~ : :

    l~ I i ! ) '

    ISl'4ml N r . ~

    I~ r i p ! : i a n

    I$trili Nt) ~ =I VlI.llH! 1 Value

    R !

    A . n ~>.11.-. 1.- .... of !

    OIllGfSAl , I " i V ~ T f C A r O R V/C1'IMSR.vtea! IOTHER I ASAF3 4/9, JCSO,1614

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONlI'lUATION 0R.epQrting Agency RtponingOtm:er Cu e ReportN(l

    SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-DDCoont'Cting Case Report N., Vi\:tim Name OriginalReport DatI:'This R.eporT

    05-2599( " ill

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONU'IIUATION 0Repolting Agern;y Rqxming Offic!:r Case: Rl:lPQI1No

    SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 997625-DDCOrlMCtingCase R.epon No vkum NameOriginalRepcn Dale This Report

    0525-99- Firs, Detr.., Murder Offim.!e s ~ Opeq EM:lI':pfiornillC ~ 0 RtcommtmdCue: Review acwo/! x XRImiticlIIro-n C C l ~by J\ttt51 0 U n r. . - C CIOI1fl; 0

    l ~


    IBnM Nmte

    I~ p t k l n

    I~ . J N 6 ~ ~ ~ l Value I veeeR t ( ; Q ~ D a m a ~

    LynaeToy saidshe had beenawareof the "Trench Coat Mafia." however, prior to theshooting incidentshe did not know the

    namesof any of thesuspects, DylanKlebold or Eric Harris, LynaeToy said she had seen the "Trench Coat Mafia"students II I

    the hallways of Columbine High School in the days prior to the shooting, Shedescribedthe "Trench Coat Mafia" students she

    had seen as being quiet. She also said the male"TrenchCoat Malia"students would where black baseball hats on backwards.

    trench coats, and saidthe rest of theirclothingwould be blackin color, LynaeToywas not sure if !here were any female "1' rench

    CoatMalia" studentsor not. however, did no t recall seeing females with the maletrenchcoat students.She couldalso notretail

    any females at Columbine High Schoolor in thatarea Wearing trench coats, LynaeToysaid she did no t see any ofthe "Trench

    CoatMafia"students getharassed, nordidshe seeanyof the"TrenchCoatMafia"studentsharassanybody else, LynaeToysaidin fact she did not see anyoneat ColumbineHighSchoolharassing anybody,

    Although LynaeToy said she was not in the cafeteria .t.1I on 4-20-99, I showed her photographs of the dum. bag and the

    propanetank that was laterrecoveredin thecafeteria at Columbine HighSchool, LynaeToy said shedid notsee eitherof these

    iems on 4-20-99or prior to that date, She told me she has not seenanyonecarrying Itemssuch as these.and the closestthing

    she has seen would he the duffle bag, the Columbine HighSchoolbaseballplayer, carry. however. she said these bag, are a

    lighter colored blue,

    Lynae Toy saidon 420-99 she was wearing khaki coloredpants and a whiteshirt under. whiteand black over shirt. She said

    she bad. blue Jansportbackpack.and said it shouldhaveher Identification Init, LynaeToy said the backpack was left on the

    secondlevel of ColumbineHigh School on 4-20-99 when she went outsideof theschool,

    Lynae Toy toldme she has no knowledgeof anyonewho may be manufacturing explosivedevicesand/or possessing firearms,

    Lynae said shewouldcontactme ifshe heardor sees anythingof thisnaturein the future, Lynaesaidshe does not know anybody

    whohasa doublepiercedeyebrow. andalsosaid shedoesnotknowwhatthe "thoughtof the day" wason 4-20-99overthe Rebel


    JC.o01 005986I asked Lynae Toy how well she has beendealing with this incidentsince 4-2099, Lynae told me she has been doing well,

    however. hermother,RondaToy, indicated differently, RondaToy saidshe believes Lynaewasdoingfairly well until 5-24-99,

    otr::er Signat\lR: Unil NlIDlber Supervisor fl'litial$and Date A$s:igned To PIll .....J)_,

    -1''''' r - ~ . l 5""'''> of ~OltIGTr'"Al. Il!' IOmER ~ ASAn 4198 JCSD/161,J

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTI>;UATlON 0Reponing A p m y Reponi.ngOfficer Calle Repon No

    SU;>PLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99-762S-DDConnecting Cu e ReportNo. Vll.'\im Name Origlnai Repcn l:>al. This Repcn

    05-25-99- Fint DogroeJl1urder Otfm$e S - Opm n Recommend Case: a' ~ " " x X ~ i a l l l l . H yCleared ReviewR f : ( I l . W j ~o Cltartdby Amft a Unfcllt'ldcd Cl Closure: o

    l ~ IQuantity IBr:vui I"""",,,,,, lSII!MlNo l : ~ Iv,,",

    I" I " ,

    Rcc:1.lvcn:d ~ g e d

    Ronda Toysaid on 5-24-99,while LynaeToywas attending school at Chatfield HighSchool,a bombthreatwas calledintothat

    schoo]. Ronda Toy said. suspect was arrested for calling in this bomb threat, however, th.t incidentseemedtohave scared Lynae

    Toy. While [ was talking withLvnaeToy about the bomb threat that occurred onthatday, she began tocryandwas upset I tried

    to talk withLynaefora while,tryingto easeher mind, and I also gaveher,alongwithher parents.mybusiness card, and asked

    themto consider tallcing to a JCSO VictimAdvocate. l toldthem[fthey wantedto speak with a JCSOVictim Advocate they

    could contactme and [ wouldmake all the necessary arrangements forthem.

    DISposITION: Case remainsopen, pendingfurther investigation.

    JC-001- 005987

    'Offieet Sigtlature Unit Number $UpcrvlWiniltals and Date Asil.igned To Page i

    A Q . ~ . ~=..., " . . ~\ ~ of !ORIGI'!"..,L I i ~ V l : S T l G ATOR V1CTlM SERVICEs. IOTHER I ;\SAFJ 419'8 JCSDiI974

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    ;0302 IRev IIJ.6.95)



    04-28-99ate of transcrrpuon _": : : " ' ' - '= - ' ' ' ' ' - _ _

    On Apri l 28, 1999, PHILLIP VANDERAU, da te of b i r t h09/07/1983, 8031 S. Lamar S t . Li t t l e ton , Colorado, phone number303-971-0536, was in terviewed b y Trooper Chris topher T. Schaefer.who i d e n t i f i e d himse l f as a Specia l Deputy United Sta t esMarsha l l , cur ren t ly ass igned t c the Federal Bureau ofI n ve s ti g at io n J o in t Terro r i s t Task Force .

    VANDERAU, a f t e r b ei ng a dv is ed of th e i d e n t i t y o f th ei n t e r v i e w e r I was t o l d o f t h e FBI's i n v e s t i g a t i v e i n t e r e s t i n t h es h o o t ~ n g ' sa t C ol um bi ne H ig h School on Apri l 20 , 1999.

    V A N D E R ~ U ,p r o v i d e d t h e f o l l o w i n g i n f o r m a t i o n .

    VANDERAU was l oca t ed in a classroom in th e auditoriumon th e day of the shooting. VANuERAU l e f t h is classroom to useth e res tro om loca ted on the e a s t s i de of th e of the commons areaon th e lower l eve l . As V A N D E ~ ~ UwaS walking towards th e bathrooman unknown s t uden t pushed hi m back i n to the a u d ~ t o r i u mand t o ldhim t h a t someone ha d a gun. V A h ~ E R A Uhad heard what he thoughtwas f i r e c r a c k e r s , however he dismissed i t as a sen io r prank.VANDERAU informed h is t e ache r {Mr. Andes J r. ) t h a t someone in thec a f e t e r i a ha d a gun. Mr. Andes l e f t the room and re turned shor t lyan d t o ld a l l of th e s tudents to run.

    VANDERAU ran th roueh th e auditorium an d ex i t ed on the

    top l eve l a t the doors on the north s id e . VANDERAU ran p a s t thegymnasium w here h e saw a fe l low c l a s s m a t e t h a t h e knew, J e n n i i e rPla to . VANDERAU grabbed Plato an d t o ld her to run . Both e x i t e dth e b u i ld in g a t the doors loca ted on the northwest s i de o f th eb u i l d ~ n g .As VANDERAU was running he saw d i r t Come up by h ~ sfee t . He i s unsure as to wether t h i s was a b u l l e t or a rock.VANDERAU turned around an d saw tha t Pla to was s t i l l behind hi man d th e two cont inued to r u ~ between the v a r s i t y baseba l l f i e l dan d the s o f tb a ll f ie ld , where they to ok cover behind a shed. Boths ~ a y e dbehind th e shed fo r approximate ly two minutes . V k ~ ~ E R A Uheard numerous ~ ~ n s h o t sas well as loud bangs; but d id not seeanyth ing .

    V A N D E ~ ~ Uan d Plato ran an d found s h e l t e r in a

    m ai nt en an ce s ha ck l oca t ed around"Columbine H ~ l l


    lnve,ugauon on 0 4 / 2 8 / 1 9 9 9 M L i t t l e t o n , Colorado

    Flle. 1 7 4 - D N - 5 7 4 1 9

    by Chris topher T. SchaeferCrS

    Date dIe",rl 0 4 /2 9/:..1"'9=9::;9 _

    JC-001 005989

    n u s document contams neither recorranendancns nc r CQT'\C1US100Sof th e FSI It is the propertyof th e F at a nd ISloaned to your agency:rt and it s contents are not to be dretnbutec outside y OU! age:1CY

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    C,7. ,,---r""""'-- , , - -,;:

    - ZiJ


    r~ !'2 I..;:?





    Jc.o0 1- 005991

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000




    JC001 005992

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CONTINUATION 0Repon\ng AllerlCY ReportingOfficer Case Reoort:.lo

    SUPPLEMENT y JCSO OBBEMA 99-7625-LCoenecung Case Report No ViclimName Ongir.1ll Re; OlueThisRepNt


    JIWn X FirstDegreeMurder OITt'O'lJOe SllltliK Optll X E1ctpliMlIJly Cld1aJ 0 Recommend Case: Review 0

    RI1\,;,,,\Mt"C:;;lioo c Clmlj Or ' \ ' ~ l 0 U"fDWldcd 0 CIOSUn:: 0

    j ~ ~IQJamity IBralldNsme I{)e.criplim-. !WlMNo ~ ~ ) ~ I It Valkle:mj! V ~ l v

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000



  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000



  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 5901-6000


    CGNTINUATION 0 R,cportmgA S ~ ~ Ret:'Onmg Offi1:f case fU);Xlfl: No