colyton high school year in review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work...

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT As pen goes to paper, or rather, fingers on the keyboard, to produce this final Principals’ Report for 2018, it is incredible how fast the year has gone. Schools have become increasingly busy places and Colyton High is no exception, with so many things happening on a daily basis and across the whole year. Consequently there is many people to thank and this newsletter does not have enough space to do justice to them all. So, I will start with a huge THANK YOU!!!! to all the students, parents, teaching staff and non-teaching staff, as well as all our community partners and Department personnel who have worked tirelessly in genuine partnership to improve wellbeing and educational outcomes for our students, your children. 2018 saw the first year of implementation of our new School Plan (2018-2020). Our strategic directions keeping us firmly on the road to excellence and centred on initiatives around three key areas of Learning, Teaching and Leading. I thank all the Teachers and their Head Teachers across the Key Learning Areas, as well as the SASS non-teaching staff for their relentless pursuit of excellence in their classrooms. I was very pleased about the number of conversations I had with students who described strong levels of Colyton High School Year In Review 2018 Important Dates Term 4 December 3 - 7 Y10 Transition Week December 3 P&C Meeting December 4 Y7 (2019) Orientation Day December 11 Whole School Presentation Night December 13 Reward Day Excursion December 14 Y10 Formal December 19 Students’ Last Day The next P&C Meeting will be held on Monday December 3 in the Common Room at 7.00pm All are welcome to attend

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Page 1: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank


As pen goes to paper, or rather,

fingers on the keyboard, to

produce this final Principals’

Report for 2018, it is incredible

how fast the year has gone.

Schools have become increasingly

busy places and Colyton High is no exception, with

so many things happening on a daily basis and

across the whole year. Consequently there is many

people to thank and this newsletter does not have

enough space to do justice to them all. So, I will

start with a huge THANK YOU!!!! to all the

students, parents, teaching staff and non-teaching

staff, as well as all our community partners and

Department personnel who have worked tirelessly

in genuine partnership to improve wellbeing and

educational outcomes for our students, your


2018 saw the first year of implementation of our

new School Plan (2018-2020). Our strategic

directions keeping us firmly on the road to

excellence and centred on initiatives around three

key areas of Learning, Teaching and Leading. I

thank all the Teachers and their Head Teachers

across the Key Learning Areas, as well as the SASS

non-teaching staff for their relentless pursuit of

excellence in their classrooms. I was very pleased

about the number of conversations I had with

students who described strong levels of

Colyton High School

Year In Review

2018 Important Dates

Term 4

December 3 - 7 Y10 Transition


December 3 P&C Meeting

December 4 Y7 (2019)

Orientation Day

December 11 Whole School

Presentation Night

December 13 Reward Day


December 14 Y10 Formal

December 19 Students’ Last Day

The next P&C Meeting

will be held on Monday December 3

in the Common Room

at 7.00pm

All are welcome to attend

Page 2: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

improvement in their own classes due to teachers

embracing engaging teaching practices and

effective use of new technology. It has been a great

start but there is still much to do as we continue to

implement our Curiosity and Powerful Learning

Model, supported by other key models around

differentiated learning, literacy and numeracy. Our

aim here was to develop ‘connected, successful,

thriving learners’; Strategic Direction No.1 as well

as ‘great teachers leading inspired learning’;

Strategic Direction No.2.

Our future directions across 2019 and 2020 will be

continuing to embed those teaching and learning

models into every classroom, every day, for the

benefit of every student. We are excited about

where we are heading with these projects and have

in 2018, set up strong connections with our primary

partners in a Stage 3/4 literacy project. This will

help students with their transition to high school as

high school teachers become more familiar with

successful practices in primary schools, so that the

good work of primary teachers can continue more

seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank Mrs

Setefano and Ms Gibson for leading this wonderful

initiative. I also thank the Technology Team led by

Mr Kanaan and Mr Kirby for their outstanding work

in bringing exciting technologies into being in the

classrooms. Thanks also to every teacher and every

faculty that has embraced new technology in their

teaching. I have been amazed by the work led by

our HSIE Faculty introducing virtual reality into

their students’ learning opportunity, as well as

Science leading the STILE online learning

initiative. These are just a few things across the

faculties. Look out for more in 2019 including

Robotics, led by Mr Stratford and Ms Rodriguez in

the TAS Faculty. Exciting times!

Our Wellbeing programs have again provided

invaluable support to students and I thank our

dedicated, hardworking Wellbeing Team led by

Mrs Gorman. It is a big team of Student Advisers,

Deputy Principals, Learning Support Staff,

Counsellors and Youth Worker / Chaplain. They

are supported by our wonderful community partners

including Fusion, Bridging The Gap, Community

Junction and Christ Mission Possible. Our

community partners are an integral part of our

school and provide the extra dimensions to our

Wellbeing programs that support our students so

well. In 2019 you will begin to hear more about the

highly successful Berry Street Education Model

(BSEM), in which, our whole teaching staff and

teaching support staff, will be trained. It brings the

best of Positive Education and Trauma Informed

Research from high functioning schools in Victoria,

to Colyton High School. We are one of the early

adopters of this model in NSW and it will train

teachers to better support students through a clearer

understanding of key aspects of student wellbeing

and some successful strategies to make it happen.

BSEM compliments our ongoing work

implementing other wellbeing models such as

Choice Theory, ENVOY and Mental Health First

Aid. We remain committed to fostering positive

wellbeing at Colyton High School across students

and staff.

One of the key growth areas in our work in 2018

was in the domain of Leading. Our Strategic

Direction in this domain is expressed simply as

‘Everyday Leadership’. We are committed to

developing students as ‘everyday leaders’ across

the school and into the community. There has been

some outstanding work performed in this domain at

Colyton High School in 2018 and this has been led

by Miss Ciacciarelli (Project Leader) and Jodie

Mitchell (Community Liaison Officer). They have

been working on the structures, policies and

opportunities in relation to student leadership and

are setting the plan for a strong push in 2019 to

embed enhanced leadership structures and practices

into Colyton High School daily life. This will

include identifying student leaders and promoting

their development through successful leadership

programs. We are seeking a stronger student voice

in the governance of the school as we look for

student leadership in key areas of uniform, positive

relationship building, healthy diet in schools and

other areas identified by the students. We are

building authentic, not token, leadership


Under the umbrella of Everyday Leadership have

been many other teams and projects. These include

our Liven Deadly Program and Aboriginal Student

Leadership Program, that in 2018 demonstrated the

Page 3: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

firm beginnings of a thriving Aboriginal culture at

Colyton High School. The student leaders were

magnificent in representing the school, their

families and their culture at some big moments

including the Healing Feeling gathering at

Blacktown, NAIDOC celebrations at St Marys

Public School and our own school, as well as

Showcase. Leading up to Showcase 2018, our

students welcomed primary Aboriginal students

from local schools, shared stories around a campfire

in the Aboriginal Learning Space at school and then

practiced an authentic Aboriginal welcome dance to

kick off the Showcase events. A big ‘shout out’ to

Jie Pittman, Ms Parfoot, Mr Lane and Ms Taylor for

helping the student leaders connect with and share

culture across our school and community.

House Leadership kicked off in a big way in 2018

and I thank Miss Ransom for her excellent work in

this area, supported by our PDHPE staff. Students

formed teams for friendly competition across a

range of sports with games held at lunchtime,

providing a healthy distraction for students. It also

formed the beginnings of Miss Ransom’s work in

growing house leadership; identifying and

developing aspiring leaders across the houses with

a view to leading teams at school sports events and

contributing to forums representing student views.

Watch out for exciting things in this sphere in 2019.

Other key leadership groups across the school

include our SRC; acting to represent all students

across all years, led by outgoing 2018 School

Captains Catherine Eyre, Toby Stevens and Metita

Taefu and in 2019 by Mayada Sinno, Jordan

Tuita’alili Mailei and Shabach Mua. We thank our

Captains and the amazing Miss Harman, for their

outstanding leadership of the student body this year

and a big thank you to our SRC across all years. In

2019 we will be embedding some solid Everyday


2018 was another year of outstanding achievements

of students and staff who represented the school in

various fields of arts and sport. Our students

proudly represented at zone, regional and state

levels as well as the many knockout competitions.

Our students play hard and fair and represent the

school with distinction. Thank you to all the staff

who supported the sports activities of our students,

including Mr Morgan (HT PDHPE) and his PDHPE

staff. I also thank our Creative and Performing Arts

staff, especially Mrs Forbes and Ms Bouras

(Dance) and Mr Lane (Music and Production) for

the incredible amount of work they have done again

in fostering the performing arts at Colyton High

School. Once again, we made the finals at Bring It

On where the students performed brilliantly!

Our SASS staff, led by our Office Manager, Ms

Morrissey have once again done an outstanding job

keeping the school running from behind the scenes

and from the front of house. Our SASS team have

led us through a huge change in finance and HR

systems this year and did this with great

professionalism for a successful outcome and with

as little inconvenience to daily operations as

possible. Our SASS team have supported students

and parents at the front office, on the phones and put

countless Band-Aids and ice packs on bumps and

bruises. They have supported teachers both in and

out of class and have maintained our gardens,

classrooms and buildings to keep the school looking

great and running well. Thank you to this amazing

team of caring workers. We could not function

without you!

And I cannot finish without acknowledging the

incredible work of two long serving staff members

who are taking leave before retiring and won’t be

with us in 2019. Ms Parfoot is retiring from her

position of Head Teacher Creative Arts, while Ms

Taylor is retiring from her position of English

Teacher. The legacy they leave behind will be the

many students who have passed through Colyton

High School and benefited from the nurturing and

quality teaching they received from these two

outstanding teachers, and then becoming better

people for it. They will be deeply missed,

especially in the Aboriginal Leadership Team

where they supported the programs to connect

students with culture and kept us connected to our

local AECG. Thank you for being dedicated

teachers, Ms Parfoot and Ms Taylor.

Finally, but definitely not least, thank you to our

Senior Executive team, Miss White (DP Yr 8/11),

Mr Kanaan (DP Yr 7/10) and Ms Gibson (DP Yr

Page 4: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

9/12) who again worked tirelessly in supporting you

and your children this year. And thank you to our

students and you, their parents and carers, for your

valued support this year in making it a very

successful school year.

We look forward to continuing our relentless

pursuit of excellence in 2019 and working in

partnership with you once more! Have a wonderful

and safe Christmas and New Year break.





From the desk of Ms White,

So another year has come to an

end and a lot of really good things

have happened in this time. The

school has moved a little closer to

its vision of becoming a place where students are

safe, connected and thriving in their Learning and

Wellbeing. Students are an integral part of ensuring

that this vision comes to fruition, with the help of

the community and teachers. Together we can work

towards this common goal of transforming Colyton

High School as a place of high quality learning and

engagement. Many processes are being put in place

to bring this to a reality. Staff and students are

working together to build capacity in each other.

The future looks promising and bright.

The place would not function without the support of

the many staff members who come to work every

day to ensure that the school is working well. Some

are at the forefront while others work quietly in the

background. Their contributions are greatly

appreciated and valued. We thank everybody who

has contributed in making this year a successful one

and we look forward to continuing this relationship

in 2019. These staff make the school an exciting and

pleasant place to work.

Lots of very exhilarating things happened

throughout the year, events such as team building

days, debating, Principal’s Morning Tea, Wellbeing

days, camp, excursions, sport carnivals, sporting

tournaments, Elevate, Career days, public

recognition ceremonies and working closely with

our primary schools, as well as celebrations within

the classroom have added to the experiences of the

students at this school. We value these

extracurricular activities as they enrich the lives of

the teachers as well as the students. 2019 will see

the continuation of these events with the view to add

more exciting and learning experiences for all.

Nothing will be possible without the organisation

and dedication of the staff who plan, implement and

deliver these opportunities for growth. I take this

opportunity to thank all of you for the time and

effort you have put into organising the events. The

students appreciate these experiences.

The Year 12 students have completed their formal

years of high school and now venture into the world

of adulthood, with its own set of rules and

expectations. I am confident that they will continue

to broaden their horizons and add to the learning

that they have obtained at Colyton High School.

They have very strong foundations to build their

future learnings on and I am sure that they will

succeed in whatever they chose to do. It is sad to

part ways with them but I am happy that we at

Colyton were able to contribute to their lives and

have built capacity in them to be successful in their

lives. I wish them all the best and hope to hear of

their success stories in the future. The Year 10

students now enter into Stage 6 and start working

towards their future. We will continue to support

them and guide them as they navigate these difficult

but exciting years. Some of the student will leave us

and go to other schools to continue their education.

I wish them the very best at their new school and in

the HSC. We have built enough capacity in them to

be successful no matter where they go.

My Year 8 cohort have continued to impress and

lead by example. I am so thankful to Ms Ciacciarelli

Page 5: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

and Ms Chambers for helping me to work

successfully with this group. They bring a vast

knowledge of student wellbeing to the team and

have moulded this cohort into aspirational students.

I am so proud of this year group and the Advisers

that lead them. We have achieved so much this year

and 2019 is looking so promising. We have the Year

9 camp to look forward to as well as many team-

building activities. So start putting money away for

the camp in early 2019. We will have a great time

as well as learn some lifelong skills. The majority

of the year group have thrived in 2018 and it has

been a pleasure to see them develop into confident

young adults. I look forward to many successful

years with them and I am confident that when they

leave Colyton High School, they will have left a

legacy of high expectation, a love for learning, pride

in wearing the Colyton Uniform and building

foundations for success.

My Year 11 cohort are now the leaders of the

school. I am so happy to see them develop into

responsible and mature students. They have worked

hard to change their view of education and are now

engaged in their learning. It has been a joy to see

them grow in confidence and ability from Year 9.

They have been led by Ms Taylor and Mr Sewak

from Year 7. The Year Advisers have worked

tirelessly throughout the years with them and have

established a strong bond with the group. The

students have also forged a relationship with each

other and continue to grow. It is sad to bid farewell

to Ms Taylor who is leaving us to pursue other

things. We take this opportunity to express our

gratitude to her for her hard work, commitment,

love and above all, passion for these students. We

wish her the very best in her future endeavours. You

will be greatly missed but always remembered

because you are a part of us.

To the parents and caregivers, the students and I say

a huge thank you to you all. You go beyond your

duties to cater to the needs of the children in your

care. You guide and support them when they are at

their most vulnerable and never falter from your

responsibilities. I have had the opportunity to meet

many of you throughout the year and will continue

to establish strong ties with you, for you and I share

a common dream. I am thankful that you have

trusted us enough to put the care of your loved ones

into our hands. At Colyton High School, we will

continue to build capacity in students and help them

to find their passion, and work towards obtaining

the very best education they can have.

So as we come to a close of 2018, I thank all that

have added to the success of our school and wish

you all a very safe and enjoyable Christmas and a

very beautiful start to 2019. May the holidays be

safe, exciting and relaxing, as well as full of love

and laughter. Looking forward to 2019 and the

beginning of another exciting year.





2018 has been a rewarding year

that has seen many positive

developments in the school. Year

7 have almost completed their

first year at high school. I can

recall seeing the many excited and (some) anxious

faces in the hall on the first day of school and when

I reflect upon the year gone by, it is hard to believe

that so much has transpired since that day and that

we will be welcoming in the next group of Year 7

students shortly.

Over the year, I have been able to interact with

many Year 7 students, be it in classes, the

playground, at camp or swim school. At times, I

have had to work with Year 7 students and their

parents when things have not gone smoothly, and I

have been greatly heartened to see the positive way

that these students have stepped up to meet

expectations; demonstrating a willingness to

improve and a great capacity for resilience and

learning. I would like to thank the parents of

students who I have worked closely with this year,

Page 6: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

for their support and allowing us to work in

partnership, as this is the only way to achieve

meaningful and long-term gains for students.

Year 7 students have involved themselves in all

aspects of school life from the class rooms to the

sporting fields and the performing arts. Year 7

students have taken up leadership roles in the

Student Representative Council and many have

taken part in the myriad of academic, wellbeing and

cultural programs on offer at Colyton High School.

I have been pleased by the way in which Year 7

have adapted to life in high school this year and I

am excited to see how they face the challenges of

being in Year 8 in 2019.

By the time this newsletter is distributed, Year 10

will be very close to celebrating 4 years of high

school with their school formal. 2018, has been a

challenging year for this year group. Students have

had to deal with the pressures of increased academic

demands, the shifting sands of friendships and peer

relationships and the responsibilities of being senior

students. It has been an eye opening experience for

some, reflective of the realities of life beyond


For many, this year has been a defining year, as they

have made decisions about their futures, subject

choices for next year and the paths that they wish to

follow. Sadly for some, the end of the year marks

‘farewell’ as they move into apprenticeships or

continue their educational journeys at other schools

or educational settings.

For the majority, 2019 will present its own set of

challenges as students undertake study to meet

requirements for the achievement of the Higher

School Certificate. To those students I say, reflect

on your efforts in Year 10, set goals for yourself,

make yourself accountable for your actions and the

relationships you forge with your teachers and

peers. Think about your hopes and dreams for the

future and focus your energies on creating a path for

yourself to realise those dreams. Learning is the key

to unlocking your potential and developing the

qualities required for success in adult life.

Thank you to the Year Advisers of Year 7 and Year

10, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Boxwell, Mr Fisher and Miss

Pitt for your tremendous work supporting and

advocating for the students in your year groups. The

students are very lucky to have such dedicated

people in their corner.

I wish everyone a fantastic festive season and look

forward to a productive year next year.





As 2018 draws to a close, it is time

to reflect on the achievements of

students and staff at Colyton High

School. Our school is a

tremendously busy place, with so

many opportunities for students to be involved in

academic and extracurricular activities. It has been

my pleasure to work with the Year 9 and 12 cohorts

this year. Both year groups have shown a

commitment to their learning and I am very proud

of the accomplishments and growth that so many

have attained this year.

Year 9 have reached the end of their junior years

here at Colyton. During the course of the school

year, students have engaged in a number of

Teambuilding activities each term, coordinated by

their Year Advisers. It is always encouraging to see

students interact in positive ways as a cohort.

Watching the students work together to problem

solve, or to play against each other competitively to

build cohesiveness. I would like to express my

gratitude to their Year Advisers, Mr Lane, Miss

Grewal, and Miss Cameron who have worked so

tirelessly with these students, always mindful of

students’ wellbeing as they navigate their high

Page 7: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

school career. The role they play in students’ lives

is invaluable.

Beyond their school work, many Year 9 students

have participated in a range of athletic, academic

and leadership opportunities. Students have

represented their year group at the Athletics

Carnival, Swimming Carnival, Cross-Country, as

well as knock out sport. Big congratulations to

Blake Pinchback who has recently been selected for

the West Tigers Harold Matthews Train-on Squad.

Our Junior Debating Team had an excellent year

with Alicia Dean, Caitlin Buchanan, Emily Payne

and Joshua Lee demonstrating their ability to argue

with skill and confidence whilst competing against

other schools. This year group has also engaged

with the leadership opportunities available at

school. From the SRC to Peer Support Leaders, our

Year 9 students are having their voices heard as they

take on more visible leadership roles across the

school. It will be exciting to see who has put their

hand up to be House Captains for 2019!

Students will be looking forward to receiving their

end of year reports, which are due to be distributed

at the end of Week 9. I encourage students to reflect

on the work they have done this year and use the

comments and outcomes they have achieved to help

them set some learning goals for 2019.

Year 9 students can also look forward to donning

the senior uniform as they become Year 10 students

in 2019. It is an excellent opportunity to dress to

impress and set an example for our younger

students. I would like to see everyone in their new

senior uniforms when they return in the new year!

Congratulations to our Year 12 students! It has been

a strange place without their presence this term. We

have seen some coming to speak to their teachers

before and after their HSC exams, and of course, as

they signed out. I can imagine the feeling of relief

many have experienced as they finished their last

exam. Now the wait is on to find out their results.

These will be released by NESA on December 13,

2018. They will be available in Students Online and

sent to students by email and SMS. Students can

also download and print their full credentials from

Students Online on December 19, 2018. All VET

certificates will be delivered by NESA from

January 21, 2019.

After all the studying and stress that the Year 12s

have experienced this term with their HSC

examinations, they completed their time as Colyton

High School students celebrating at their formal.

Besides Graduation Day and Presentations Night,

their Formal is definitely a highlight for Year 12

students. A night where they can dress up and enjoy

each other’s company over dinner and dancing.

This year’s formal was held at Nurragingy Reserve

on November 27th. Together with the students on

the Formal Committee, their Year Advisers, Mr

Stratford and Miss Taufa worked tirelessly to put on

an elegant affair. A huge thank you to all teachers

who attended on the night to support and celebrate

with these students.

I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday.

Best Wishes for 2019!




Students should not be sent to school without adequate care being taken of injuries already received, or if

sickness is anticipated. If your child suffers from a disability please notify the school of this at the time of


If your child becomes sick at school, they will be required to get an out of class note to take to A Block

office. You will then be contacted by A Block Office Staff to collect your child. Your child is not to

contact you directly to collect them. It is school policy that all students are to be collected and are not

permitted to leave the school unaccompanied

Page 8: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

HSIE The HSIE staff have been working exceptionally hard over the past year to engage and spark curiosity among

our students within our lessons. The HSIE staff have engaged in professional learning in the hope of learning

new future focused pedagogical methods which will allow our students to thrive in our classes, with the hope

of improving their learning outcomes.

Some of our biggest successes this year has been to acquire new

teaching resources such as Virtual Reality Goggles and phones,

which give our students the chance to immerse themselves into

the topics they are studying. Many of our students have virtually

visited a variety of biomes in Geography or experienced what life

was like for our soldiers during WWI by walking around trenches

and experiencing warfare. Particularly some of our senior

students have enjoyed getting to see archaeological sites up close

which allows them to analyse and evaluate sites and how they

can problem solve such issues as conservation and preservation

of sites.

Next year we will be complementing our current teaching and

learning strategies by implementing 4D technology and allowing

students to create their own Virtual Realities with a 360° camera.

Watch this space.

Throughout the year we have also run some exciting excursions where students have been able engage with

experts in their fields who have been able to shed more light on the topics our students have been studying.

Year 10 History classes were taken to the Sydney Jewish Museum to listen to Holocaust survivors who spoke

about their experiences of being persecuted by the Nazis during WWII. Students discussed various written

and archaeological artefacts from WWII, in order to improve their understanding of their course and to also

develop their tolerance and empathy skills.

Year 7 History classes were given the opportunity to go to Macquarie University to engage with archaeological

sources in the museum. Students were given hands-on experience to study artefacts from the ancient past.

They went on a scavenger hunt in the museum using clues to find objects and also completed problem solving

activities just like archaeologists and Historians do every day.

Congratulations to those students who have achieved success in HSIE this year and we look forward to

working with our students and community next year to continue working towards creating inclusive, engaging

and thriving classrooms.



Page 9: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

SPORT REPORT 2018 has been an extremely busy sporting year at Colyton High School. We started

with our swimming carnival at Emerton Leisure Centre, which was a highly

successful and engaging day. The weather was much kinder to us this year and the

student attendance reflected the positive impact of last year’s carnival and our 2017 Swim School.

The day produced some fantastic results

and we sent a strong team through to the

Werrington Zone Carnival. While our team

was small in number, we saw some

fantastic results, with three students

progressing through to the Sydney West

Swimming Carnival.

The School Athletics Carnival was held

again at Blacktown Olympic Park, and

once again we saw an exemplary display of

talent. We sent a strong team to the

Werrington Zone Athletics Carnival in

Term 2 and some of our talented athletes

produced some very pleasing and

competitive results.

Our Cross Country day was held before our Easter break and once again, our athletes displayed a high level

of competitiveness and talent. The Werrington Zone Cross Country was also held during Term 2, with some

fantastic results, with several students representing the zone at the Sydney West Carnivals.

2018 has seen the revival of our houses - Bradman Blaze, Freeman Flyers, Laver Lightning and Milton Magic

- within the school. We began our house sporting competition and the success of this was evident in both the

numbers of students participating and engagement of those students involved. The structure of the house

competition is divided into seniors (Years 10, 11 and 12) and

juniors (Years 7, 8 and 9) playing against each other in house

groups in a variety of sports. Houses’ are allocated points based

on not only win, loss or draw, but also on the number of

participants in each game.

Our Term 1 sport was volleyball for both our seniors and juniors,

and it was hotly contested. After playing the rounds, the final was

between Freeman and Laver in the juniors, and Bradman and

Freeman in the seniors.

In the junior final, the lead changed multiple times throughout the

match, however, Freeman proved too strong in the end, winning

the game 25-23.

The senior final was also a highly competitive game, with

Bradman coming away victors narrowly at the finish 27-25.

Term 2 saw juniors competing in basketball and seniors playing

Oz tag. Once again, this competition was incredibly well received

and participation levels high. Despite a very tight competition,

Laver came away as victors in the junior final, beating Freeman 14-12. However, Freeman and Milton shared

victory - 2 all, in the seniors.

Page 10: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

We once again changed our house sports for

Term 3 and the junior students were given the

opportunity to play Oz tag, while the senior

students were able to showcase their talent in

futsal, played in the school quad. This term

produced some of the closest games to date, with

several matches drawn between the teams

playing. In the final, though, Laver were too

strong in the juniors, beating Milton 4-1, and

Freeman got the points over Laver in the senior

game 4-1 also.

With the success of sports being played in the

quad, allowing greater participation and

spectators, Term 4 saw juniors playing futsal,

and seniors competing in European Handball. It

is a very close competition at the moment and is

building for an exciting final few weeks.

We are looking at appointing House Captains to

represent and lead our house groups in 2019 and

I encourage all students in Years 9, 10 or 11 who

are interested in this role to indicate that interest

to their roll call teacher, allowing your name to

be added to the ballot that students and staff will

vote on. The appointment of House Captains in

2019 is an important one to further build and

enhance our house structure and pride amongst

our students.

Our house system is developing cohesiveness

among our students and the vision for the future

of the houses will see house pride among all

facets of schooling endeavours, not just within

a sporting context.

I look forward to further developing the house

leadership group throughout 2019 and working

collaboratively with our students to continue

this fantastic program.



Page 11: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

Music It has been a busy year for Music this year. Colyton High School music students have had many opportunities

to showcase their talents throughout the year at the Mt Druitt/Minchinbury Public Education Concert,

Westfield Performances, Colyton Learning Community Showcase, Outdoor Concert, Year 12 Graduation and

many more.

Many students from Years 7 to 12 had the opportunity to perform Music and Dance items as part of the

Colyton High School Performing Arts Night. We enjoyed dance acts by the Bring It On Crew, Dance

Ensemble, an Indian dance performance, Year 12 Dance Elective and dance compositions from Year 11. We

were amazed by the solo and ensemble performances by the many musicians ranging from Years 9 to 12. A

huge thanks has to go to the gigantic efforts of Mrs Forbes, Mr Lane, Mrs Bouros, the sound and light

engineers, the countless hours of rehearsal by the students and the endless support of the parents, family,

students and staff of Colyton High School.

Colyton High School hosted the Colyton Learning Community Showcase this year

which is a celebration of public education showcasing a range of music and dance talents from the primary

and high schools in the Colyton Learning Community. We hosted a film competition again which was a huge

success with the winners from Bennett Road showcasing the impact their school chaplain has had on the

school. This night saw over 200 students perform and over 800 guests attending across three nights. Across

the three nights we saw amazing performances from recorder groups, a combined choir, rock bands, cultural

dances, energetic hip hop and jazz ensembles and emotional lyrical dances. These nights were very positive,

enjoyable and energetic. The schools involved in the CLC Showcase were Colyton High School, Penrith

Valley Learning Centre, Bennett Road Public School, Colyton Public School and St Marys South Public

School. The CLC Showcase would not have been possible without the endless support of the teachers, parents

and the efforts from all the students involved.

Page 12: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

The Outdoor Concert was bought back to life this year with

performances from students in Years 9 to 12. This concert took part in

Term 2 during lunch time under the COLA and showcased the talents from

music and dance students. Students from all years were entertained by rock

songs, reggae covers and a hip hop dance routine. This concert was very

positive and was enjoyed by all staff and students. A thank you has to go

to Mr Lane and Mrs Forbes for making this concert happen.

As part of Education Week, Colyton High School was part of the Minchinbury/ Mt Druitt Public

Education Concert held at Rooty Hill RSL where Jordan Tuita’Alili Mailei entertained the audience with

sweet, warm and calming electric guitar tunes and a unique cover of “Titanium” sung by Sotonye Warmate.

The Bring It On Crew amazed the audience with their hip hop dance routine and showcased the students

many talents and skills. Music students from Years 9 and 11 and the Bring It On Crew performed at Mt

Druitt Westfield as part of Education Week. The students were very professional and wowed the audiences

with their performance skills, presence and friendly nature.

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Japanese It has been a huge year in the Japanese courses this year. Years 9 and 10 have had an excursion to the Japan

Foundation again for cultural infusion, shopping and lunch. This time

we did a class on how to do furoshiki (the gift-wrapping cloth) and did

roleplays on how to visit a Japanese home. Mr Butler came along this

time, and we all had a great time, especially the eating and shopping

bits, where the students offloaded a lot of money in Daiso, the Japanese

two-dollar shop. This excursion has been a fantastic cultural experience

for Years 9 and 10 – they have had the opportunity to see and do things

they have never experienced before.

Year 10 have enjoyed a Friday afternoon tea session once a fortnight,

with Japanese tea and treats while we do our work.

Both year groups also had a cooking lesson; Sushi for Year 9, and

Teriyaki Chicken for Year 10. The main things that they all had to say

after tasting their dishes were: ごうちそさまでした!and

おいしかったです!Both of which mean “It was delicious!"

Year 8 have done many great activities in their learning of Japanese this year, for example playing Bingo to

learn their vocabulary, watching some anime, and even doing calligraphy with brushes and ink. The chopstick

challenge was fun, as we learnt how to use chopsticks the correct way without offending anyone! We are

looking forward to learning more new things next year in Japanese!

Most importantly, all students of Japanese have realised the benefits of learning another language through

their study of spoken and written language, as well as the culture.

In the music classroom, students have been learning to play a range of instruments, experiment

with sound, learn to record, set up equipment for live music, look at music through the ages and incorporate

future focused learning techniques to engage students and enhance their learning experiences.

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Aboriginal Education At Colyton High School we strive to provide many opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

students so they are engaged, successful and thriving in school and the wider community. Throughout the

year, students have been engaged in many programs, leadership opportunities and cultural experiences.

Students have been involved in the Liven Deadly Program working with Jie Pittman. This program allows

students to learn about their heritage, engage in leadership opportunities and practise their culture. Each week

Jie comes out to Colyton High School and works towards many projects throughout the year. Jie has helped

students get in touch with their culture through discussions, learning songs, playing the digeridoo, practising

dances and speaking the Dharug language.

Students have had many leadership and performance opportunities throughout the year, at the Year 7

Welcome, the Healing Feeling Gathering, NAIDOC Ceremony and the CLC Showcase. Students from the

Liven Deadly Program have been working together with the Colyton Learning Community primary schools

and have been able to develop their leadership skills and share their knowledge by teaching the students

traditional Aboriginal dances and songs, body painting with ochre, traditional clothes and teaching the students

about many cultural customs. The students that have been a part of this program have had lots of fun, extended

their knowledge, understanding, and practise of their culture. A big thank you has to go out to Jie Pittman and

Ms Susan Parfoot, for all your hard work, energy and commitment throughout the year.

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NAIDOC Ceremony

The Healing Feeling Gathering

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Students from Years 7 to 12 have been part of the AIME Mentoring Program. Students go to Western Sydney

University Kingswood campus and engage in group mentoring, cultural activities and develop positive

relationships with other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from the community. Thank you to Mrs

Jannine Taylor for your hard work and for taking students to the program throughout the year.

The Aboriginal Leadership Program, run by Jemma Laverty from Community Junction has been running

throughout the year for students in Years 7 and 9. Students have participated in this mentoring program each

Wednesday, developed their skills as leaders and planned and run the ALP Games successfully. Students from

the program have planned, organised, set up and run traditional Aboriginal games on three Fridays in Term 4.

These games saw the Aboriginal students shine as leaders and many students from the school got involved in

playing the games.

Students in Years 10 and 11 have started to work with Gregory Waddell who runs the School to Work Project

from the NRL. This program is an education and employment program that support and encourage young

aboriginal students to complete their schooling and successfully transition into further education or

employment. This provides students with work experience, mentoring and leadership opportunities that lead

to a successful outcome. Although this program has started in Term 4, it will continue into 2019 and Gregory

will continue to work with our Aboriginal students.

An opportunity is available for Year 11 and 12 Aboriginal students to go to Camp Aspire from January 22-

24, 2019. This camp will enable students to experience an area of Macquarie University, choose an area of

study, gain knowledge and experiences that will allow students to make a decision on what tertiary study

options are available to them after high school and participate in cultural activities. This camp is a wonderful

opportunity for students that is free and if you want to find out more information, please see Mr Lane.

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In December, we have two Year 11 students attending the UTS: Galuwa Design Experience. It is an Aboriginal

program that allows students to get an idea of what is on offer at UTS. It is a five day program where students

undertake a range of workshops on offer and students can nominate the workshop/s that they would like to

attend. Activities include practical workshops, industry speakers, screenings, a campus tour, information

sessions on university pathways and Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building courses, plus social events.

As part of the program, the students will work in studio groups within their nominated workshop to produce

a hands-on finished project. These projects will be exhibited at an event on the final afternoon of the workshop.

We wish the girls best of luck in this program and hope they have a wonderful time creating art works and

walk away with a wealth of knowledge and experiences.

A big thank you to Ms Parfoot for your continuous hard work, effort, commitment and drive you bring to all

of these programs. Thank you to Ms Taylor for your hard work with AIME and thank you to all the other

teachers who have helped over the year with the many programs.



Visual Arts It has been a big year for the Creative and Performing Arts Faculty. A big thank you to the devoted and

amazing Creative Arts team for their constant dedication and hard work in providing excellent, engaging and

creative learning experiences. Students undertaking Visual Arts from Years 7 to 12 have created many

artworks like Ta Moko designs and clay fantasy creature heads. Students have been able to experiment with

different media like paints, water colours, clay, graphite, wire and charcoal. Students have enjoyed taking

many photographs throughout the year in Photography and enhancing their skills with Photoshop. Senior art

classes have enjoyed experimenting with spinning clay on the wheel and creating wonderful artworks. Year

12 art students have worked hard this year and have submitted their creative artworks for their HSC, and

congratulations on completing Year 12. These and many more wonderful artworks made by students from

Years 7 to 12, were displayed at the annual Art Exhibition held on November 29, in the Colyton High School


Back in March, students in Years 10 to 12 Visual

Arts and Year 10 Photography enjoyed a great

day at the Art Gallery of New South Wales.

Students participated in a special art program that

explores the artworks in the Gallery’s collection

with a focus on photomedia. The day included art

making activities, inspiring students to work

across all expressive forms and building

confidence in developing their ideas and

artworks. All students involved in the day had a

great day and have bought back a wealth of

knowledge and ideas.



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Library – 2018 Year in Review

We added to our games collection by introducing

several decks of UNO. These have been a real hit with

the students. We also bought additional Connect Four

games, which brings out the competitive nature of the

students. It is always a sight to see students trying to

outsmart each other to win. There has been quite an

atmosphere of friendly rivalry in the library.

We participated in Science Week in August. The theme was Game Changers and Change

Makers. Various activities were made available for students – from building a suspension

bridge or pyramid, to watching video clips on ‘The Mind Controlled Bionic Arm with a

Sense of Touch’ and ‘Sydney’s Harbour Bridge’. It was just amazing to see how far

technology has developed. Science week also celebrated the 200th anniversary of Mary

Shelley’s Frankenstein and the International Year of the Reef. We had many book displays in

various areas of the library depicting the Science week theme.

Welcome to the Colyton High School Library. 2018 has come and gone in what seems like a blink

of an eye. Our 2018 – Year 7 cohort had a library orientation lesson where they became familiar

with the library layout, searching for books and most importantly borrowing to read and enjoy.

Page 20: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

Our recent author focus was on Liz Braswell. Her books take the

classic fairy tale to another level. These twisted tales pondered the

questions of:

What if it was Belle’s mother that cursed the Beast? (Beauty

and the Beast.)

What if Aladdin didn’t find the magic lamp? (Aladdin.)

The twist involves exploring what would have happened if key

points of the story did not work out as planned and questions the

‘happily ever after’ aspect. I will be looking at increasing this

collection next year with the other two tales based on Sleeping

Beauty and the Little Mermaid. Be sure to keep an eye out for these

new books coming to the school library in 2019.

The library is a shared school space that is always being utilised for its learning spaces, resources

and during breaks – to take a time out and socialise with friends or read a good book. It is always a

buzz with various activities such as:

Scripture on Monday mornings

Homework Centre on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons

Senior study classes, other class bookings

Norta – Tuesday and Thursday

Careers Adviser – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

Various Programs – eg: JobQuest, Get that Job, Year 10 Transition Program and many more

Some exams and assessments are also held in the library (and it is probably the quietest

moment you will encounter at our library).

Colyton High School’s Art Exhibition featured in the Library from November 29-30, 2018. This

exhibition highlighted the artistic talents of our students.

On the whole, 2018 has been quite a busy year in the library with many positive achievements and

interactions of our school community highlighted.

We look forward to having you join us next year!



Page 21: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

Mathematics Faculty Year 2018 This year has been a very busy and successful year for the Maths Faculty staff at Colyton High School. The

highlights during this year were the implementation of the Maths in Trade course for Year 9 - 5.1 students,

Year 10 Mega Maths day excursion to Sydney University, Year 10 - 5.3 Maths in Surveying excursion to

Homebush Bay and the World of Maths day incursion for Year 7. We also had three student teachers this year

to complete their final practicum with us and two of them have already received employment as Maths teachers

in the Western Sydney region.

Maths in Trade course is a new initiative taken by the Maths Faculty together with two other high schools,

Rooty Hill and Shalvey. Head Teachers of these three schools have received the Executive Director’s Award

for significant contributions to public schools reflecting the values of the NSW Department of Education’s

Strategic Plan 2018 - 2022. The students who study Mathematics in Trade could benefit themselves when

preparing for an apprenticeship entry assessment, and/or improve their mathematics, numeracy and financial

literacy skills in Stage 5. The content in this course is aimed at the level that is needed for students to have the

best opportunity to improve their mathematics and numeracy skills specifically for trades. Students of

Mathematics in Trade are able to apply their mathematics and numeracy knowledge and skills in a real-world

context. Students who have completed the course will be receiving a course completion certificate, which can

be used as an added qualification to enter the workforce. I thank Mr Butler, our Principal and Mr John Meng,

Co-Deputy Principal at Rooty Hill High School for their initiative and support in this course.

Year 10 - Mega Maths Day Excursion in Term 2 to University of Sydney was another experience for our

students who are willing to undertake Mathematics and Science related courses for their tertiary level

education. The excursion was about inspiring students to see the importance of mathematics in whatever career

they choose in the future. Some of our students set a goal for themselves to go to Sydney University for their

tertiary education and all students agreed that the experience they had was worthwhile. I thank Miss Harman

for giving our students an opportunity to get such a valuable experience on higher studies and Mr Sewak for

organising the event.

Students from Mr Sewak’s Year 10 - 5.3 Maths class went on another excursion in Term 3 to Homebush Bay

for Maths in Surveying. Students had the opportunity to demonstrate and consolidate the practical use of

Mathematical skills they have already learned in class. Mr Sewak and Mr Haynes, a student teacher,

accompanied the group and the teachers said that students had a very valuable experience in using

mathematical skills in the practical context. Our students were grateful for having these opportunities and they

behaved extremely well on both excursions. I thank

teachers for giving up their time in organising such

excursions and students for going out of their comfort

zone to take the challenges we offer.

Page 22: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

World of Maths day incursion is another event organised by the Maths Faculty to improve problem solving

skills in our Year 7 students. It has become an annual event to celebrate

the Literacy and Numeracy Week in Term 3. Year 7 students enjoy the

experience of been able to do hands on

activities to improve their numeracy

skills. I thank Mr Sewak for organising

the event

and Mrs


for her


We hope our Year 12 students have successfully completed their HSC exams and find their way to the real

world with pride. I thank all teachers for preparing them for HSC exams and also as young adults who can go

out to the work force with lots of skills. Our Year 11 senior Maths students have followed the new Mathematics

Standard course for the first 3 Terms and have started the Mathematics Standard 2 ATAR and Category B

Mathematics Standard 1 courses in Term 4 this year. Students who follow the Category B Mathematics

Standard 1 course still have the opportunity to sit for the HSC exam and it will count towards their tertiary

education. Mrs Hussain and I attended the Professional Learning sessions for the new senior Maths syllabus

at Rooty Hill High School during last term, which was organised by the Mathematics Association of NSW.

Last but not least, I thank all teachers of the Mathematics Faculty for their tireless effort throughout this year

with endless work such as preparing workbooks for the new senior syllabus, staying afterschool supporting

students in Maths tutoring, doing holiday tutoring sessions for HSC students, organising excursions and

incursions etc. Finally, I wish all our students and the Colyton community, a safe and enjoyable holiday season

and a Happy New Year 2019.



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Wellbeing It has been a great a year for the Wellbeing Team.

In Term 1, Year 7 participated in Real Girls and

Real Boys. This program was designed to help

students adjust to high school and give them an

opportunity to explore and ask questions about a

range of issues. The program was run by Fusion

Youth and our Supervisor of Boys.

This was complemented by Brainstorm

Productions Cyberia Program that had a focus on

Cyber Bullying for both Year 7 and 8. The SRC,

Miss Harman and myself organised an assembly to

raise awareness for the National Day of Action

against Bullying and Violence. Students were

asked to show their support by wearing a purple


The term ended with a Bully Busters Seminar run

by Fusion Youth for all Year 7 and 8 students. This

was an interactive seminar that invited students to

discuss important issues and ask questions about

bullying. They learnt about being a bystander and

how they could prevent and support those being


In Term 4 last year, the Wellbeing Team revised

the Anti-Bullying and Racism Policies and have

worked extensively to improve the current

structures to make reporting and dealing with

incidents easier for staff and students. The revised

structures have been implemented this year and this

includes an Anti-Bullying Plan, Flow Chart and

Support Documents.

At the Wellbeing Conference this term, the team

will be reviewing these structures to make them

stronger and easier to implement.

In Term 2, Year 10 participated in a new program

called Love Bites, run by Fusion Youth and Penrith

City Council. Love Bites was a program run across

Australia that addresses Domestic and Family

Violence and Sexual Assault prevention. Students

were engaged and enjoyed the program.

Bridging the Gap came to the school and ran

Managing the Bull. This program was a 4 week

course in which teens who have been bullied or are

at risk of being bullied can explore some of the

issues, build resilience and learn strategies through

games, activities and discussions. Students in Year

8 and 9 attended. Students were engaged and stated

that the program was useful.

ICAN and Get that Job are also being run by

Bridging the Gap for Year 9 students. In these

programs students are encouraged to think about

their future and how their choices today have

consequences on the accomplishment of their

goals. Students also learn to build resilience and are

equipped with the necessary skills to get a job.

These programs have been offered each term for

our students.

In Term 3, Rock and Water ran in two sessions, one

run by Fusion and another run by our Youth

Worker Kris Adams. The Rock and Water program

is an experience that provides young people with a

pathway to self-awareness and increased self-

confidence and social functioning. Each participant

of the Rock and Water program undergoes a

journey where they learn about responding to life

with either a "rock" or "water" attitude. The use of

symbolism is central to the success of the program

and one of the many reasons why young people are

drawn to it.

Next year, Boys Shed run by Community Junction,

will be extended to Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students.

This is very exciting as we will be able to cater for

more students who are disengaged or at risk of

being disengaged at school. We will continue to

offer 3 intakes over 11 weeks.

The Resilience Seminar will occur in Week 7 for

all Year 7 and 8 students. This seminar will be run

by Fusion. The presentation is aimed at helping

young people recognise what they are feeling, how

to develop self-help strategies and when to seek

help. It does touch on some sensitive areas related

to mental health but it is sensitively handled and

will be supported by the school’s wellbeing staff.

Notes went out to caregivers in Week 6.

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Team Building Activities are being organised for

Term 1 next year for all year groups. Year 7 and 9

will have a Camp and all other years will have an

outing. A huge thanks to our Year Advisers for

their organisation of these activities.

The Supervisors of Girls and Boys have also run

their own individual programs this year and we

plan on having more programs offered in 2019

including a new program called Fearless,

partnering with Wesley Mission.

I would like to wish all our families a very Merry

Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I look forward to another great year in 2019.



SRC Report 2018 The SRC of Colyton High School has had an

interesting year. In Term 1 we welcomed the newly

elected members from Year 7 to join the

representatives from Years 8 to 12 and set about

establishing our focus areas. These areas were:

Increasing House Pride

Representing Colyton High School in the


Tackling Racism and Bullying

Achieving the Impossible

In the first area the students came up with a number

of suggestions including painting the doors of the

classrooms in each block with the appropriate

colours, changing the sports shirt so that one sleeve

represented your house colour, having house

competitions based on academic pursuits not just

sports, reverting back to house based teams in the

House sport competition held on Wednesday

mornings. Some of these ideas have been taken up

and others are still in the investigative stage.

In the second focus area many students have

represented the school at various community

functions such as the St Marys Anzac March, Dawn

Service, Long Tan commemorations and the 100th

anniversary of the Armistice. Students have also

participated in CLC functions, represented the

school during Education Week at local shopping

centres and through the mantra of “Everyone is a

leader everyday” many students have sought to

bring positive recognition to the school simply by

wearing their school uniform with pride in the local

community. At the beginning of Term 2 we

welcomed several distinguished guests and

community members to our school to help us

commemorate Anzac Day in the proud Colyton

tradition – with 52 students involved in this moving

service, they certainly did not let the school down.

Our Anzac Service has been mentioned in

Parliament a number of times in past years.

The third focus area saw the students present an

Anti-Bullying assembly to the whole school on

World Anti Bullying day. The students worked

together, as a team, to put this assembly together to

convey the message that bullying is never okay and

that we do not tolerate it at our school. The junior

members of the SRC presented a dance asking ‘RU

OK’. Further to this, on RU OK Day in September

the SRC were out and about asking their peers “R

U OK?” and giving out sweets as a token of

friendship. The second part of the focus area was

not fully addressed due to time constraints. We had

intended to enter the worldwide “Playing for

Change” initiative where a requirement was that

the theme song had to be “What a wonderful

world” however, trying to get everyone together

within the time frame and not disadvantage

students trying to prepare for exams, did not see

this materialise – maybe next year.

With our fourth focus area we achieved some

things but not others. We plan to support

Movember on November 30, by selling fake

moustaches to raise awareness of Men’s health – a

charity designed to send the message that it is okay

to ask for help and it is okay to go to the doctor and

get that check-up.

On a finishing note – the SRC of Colyton High

School is a group of students from many diverse

backgrounds who all work together for one cause -

promoting our school and ensuring that it maintains

its reputation as a safe place of learning for students

in the local community. However, we are all

everyday leaders and it is up to each and every one

of us to support these students in their endeavours

to be the best that they can be.



Page 25: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

English 2018 has been a great year for the English Faculty. The staff, including Mrs Malik, Miss Taufa, Mr Fisher,

Miss Chambers, Mrs Gorman and Ms Taylor have been busy writing programs for the New English Syllabus

and developing engaging lessons for students. We welcomed Miss Chambers into the faculty at the beginning

of this year and she has quickly become a valued member of our team. The English staff are a dedicated group

of teachers who strive to assist students inside and outside of the classroom. I would like to use this opportunity

to thank them for their efforts and to congratulate all our students for the completion of another successful




Year 7

Year 7 have had an exciting year in English! We began the year getting to

know each other with a unit titled Identity, in which students explored

personal texts, autobiographies and biographies. Students then showed off

their ICT skills when creating a short Animoto video, which documented an

anecdote of an important event in their lives.

Term 2 saw students diving deeper into the world of literature during a Novel

Study titled Narrative Voice. Students read a selection of valuable and

interesting titles, including Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Trash and The Cay, before

analysing elements of these texts in a discussion essay.

In Term 3, students discovered the magic behind film with a Thematic Unit. Ms Taylor’s class studied Heroes,

while Mr Fisher and Miss Chambers’ classes studied Greek Myths and Legends. Students became film critics,

writing reviews of film adaptations that used stories and concepts they had studied throughout the term.

Finally, we are finishing off 2018 with an introduction to William Shakespeare in the unit Shakespeare

Timeless. Students are sampling the world of Shakespeare by developing their knowledge of Shakespearean

English phrases, The Globe theatre and some of his most famous plays. We have had a lot of fun together this

year with Year 7, and we can’t wait to let the good times keep on rolling with Year 8, 2019!



Year 8

In 2018, Year 8 completed the following units - Close Study of a Novel, Teen Speak, Short Stories, Coraline

and Genre.

By completing these units students were able to improve their reading, writing and literacy skills. Students

examined the way that characters and settings are developed in novels, how to respond to a range texts and

how to successfully write an engaging piece of writing that adheres to the conventions of a particular genre.

Students also learnt about visual literacy techniques, such as colour and vectors, and how these create meaning

in images. The Year 8 assessment tasks were designed to allow students to convey their understanding in a

number of diverse ways. Students composed essays, created a webpage on youth culture, wrote short stories

and created a two-page spread for a graphic novel.



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Year 9

Year 9 English students completed a range of units in English

this year. The year started with a Genre Study of Gothic Horror

in Term 1, where students engaged in a close reading of the

graphic novels Dracula by Bram Stoker and Frankenstein by

Mary Shelley. Students were able to develop their essay

writing skills and understanding of gothic horror conventions.

During Term 2, students extended their understanding of a

common term, Conflict. They engaged in a close reading of

William Shakespeare’s classic tragedy Romeo and Juliet, as

well as Morris Gleitzman’s contemporary play Two Weeks

with the Queen. Students were given the opportunity to

demonstrate their presentation skills with a speech.

In Term 3, a Close Study of a Novel was completed by each

class. Novels studied were The Princess Bride by William

Goldman, The Giver by Lois Lowry, The Hunger Games by

Suzanne Collins and Tomorrow When the War Began by John

Marsden. The focus of the unit encouraged students to think

creatively and critically about characterisation, themes and plot

and allowed them to develop their collaborative skills.

To end this eventful year, Y9 students studied an Australian Perspectives Unit. The combination of written,

visual and audio texts allowed students to understand what it means to be Australian from different




Year 10 We hit the ground running in Year 10 English this year! Students began their first year as senior students by

analysing Transformations of Shakespeare, with a focus on one of his most famous tragedies Macbeth.

Students examined the plot, character and themes of Shakespeare’s original play, before comparing and

contrasting it with Mark Brozel’s modern interpretation titled Macbeth Retold.

Our students then jumped into Term 2 with a close study of a novel. They read a variety of famous titles,

including To Kill a Mockingbird, Maze Runner and Of Mice and Men. Students demonstrated their

A screenshot of a Prezi from Miss Taufa’s

English class.

Year 10 applying their knowledge of Camera Angles and Shots to create various effects.

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understanding of characters, themes and events by filming a personal Vlog, which further developed their

communication and ICT skills.

Term 3 marked the beginning of a Persuasive Unit titled Documenting Our World. In this unit, students

developed an understanding of how texts are created to persuade an audience. Students learnt by viewing and

analysing titles such as Before the Flood and Bowling for Columbine, before creating their own documentary

focusing on issues of either social or environmental sustainability.

Now, we finish with Term 4, and a valuable unit of learning regarding Prejudice. This unit provides insight

into prejudice and its effects within our society, as demonstrated by the texts it produces. We have had a year

filled with valuable learning experiences and interesting topics! We wish Year 10 all the very best in 2019!



Year 11 Studies During Term 1, students learned some of the essential skills required to enter the working world through their

study of the unit, Achieving Through English: English and the World of Education, Careers and Community.

Throughout the unit, students analysed and composed various workplace texts, in order to broaden their

knowledge of various industries. Students also developed key skills required to assist them in seeking

employment outside of school, including job applications, cover letter and resume writing, as well as learning

about the legal framework for maintaining a safe and harmonious workplace.

In Term 2, students studied the unit, Playing the Game: Language in Sport, where they learned how the power

of language and persuasion can be used in a range of texts and settings to inspire sportspeople to achieve their

best at the local and international level.

Term 3 was devoted to the study of a new unit, Telling us About It – English and the media, where students

turned a critical eye to the news media, analysing how we as people consume, read and interpret news across

a variety of modes. Students then became intrepid reporters, choosing a topical issue to write their own online

article, which formed part of their final portfolio of work for the year.



Year 11 Standard

During Term 1, students completed the Common Module – Reading to Write. This module required students

to focus on the theme of Power and Protest. They read the George Orwell Classic, Animal Farm and examined

four other related texts. In order to successfully meet the outcomes of this unit, students needed to complete

regular writing activities that would help them develop their analytical and creative writing skills.

During Term 2, students completed Module A – Contemporary Possibilities. Students were expected to extend

their knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the ways people respond to digital, multimedia and

multimodal texts. Specifically, they studied the podcast Serial, along with a range of other short texts.

Module B – Close Study of Literature, was studied in Term 3. Students read and analysed Orson Scott Card’s

novel Ender’s Game. The close study allowed students to develop a personal response to the novel based on

key characters, themes, motifs and symbols. They examined stylistic features of the text such as the narrative

structure, narrative voice and foreshadowing.



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Year 11 Advanced

This year, Year 11 have studied a variety of texts including Animal Farm, The Handmaid’s Tale, V for

Vendetta, Othello and their first text for Year 12, The Crucible. They have gained multi-modal, analytical and

imaginative skills. They have created an Othello Wall to consolidate their understanding of the complex ideas.

They have already begun a new Wall for The Crucible. I look forward to continuing to work with the Advanced

class and seeing what they can achieve.



Year 12 Cohort have recently completed their HSC English studies course. Students enrolled in English

Studies had four modules starting Term 4 of 2017, including one mandatory and three electives. Through the

study of the mandatory module 'We Are Australians’, students had the opportunity to develop understanding

to live as respectable citizens and members of a community through the study a range of contemporary texts.

Our students started 2018 with the module Telling Us All About It- Media And English as their first elective.

Our students were engaged in developing a deeper understanding of the way language is used to report on

news and current affairs issues in various media forms and composing a range of texts to express their own

views, ideas and values in relation to contemporary issues which are relevant to them.

In Term 2, during the study of their second elective, The Big Screen – English in Filmmaking, students had an

opportunity to engage with, critique and enjoy a range of films.

Our students completed their HSC course with the study of the module ‘Part of a family – English and family

life’. Students were engaged in exploring and analysing various texts relating to the nature and values of

families, the roles of family within communities as well as their representations in text.

Our students were provided opportunities to further develop their reading, writing and listening skills further

during their HSC English Studies course.



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Year 12 Standard

The Year 12 cohort completed their final year of English at the end of Term 3, 2018.

For their Area of Study, students analysed the film ‘Life of Pi’ directed by Ang Lee. This part of the course

required students to understand the concept of Discovery. They needed to respond to unseen texts related to

the concept and compose both creative and analytical extended responses.

Module A – Experience Through Language: Distinctively Visual, required students to read John Misto’s play

‘The Shoe-Horn Sonata’. They analysed how Misto employed dramatic techniques to help his audience

visualise the horrific experiences women endured as prisoners of war during World War II.

Students familiarised themselves with the

war poetry of Wilfred Owen for Module B -

Close Study of Text. They analysed poetic

techniques used by Owen to convey the

horrors of war.

Lastly, students completed Module C – Texts

and Society: Exploring Transitions. Students

read ‘The Story of Tom Brennan’ written by

J.C. Burke. For this module, students

examined the transitions that key characters

experienced in the text and how the author

used structural and stylistic choices to

explore them.



Year 9 Drama

The Drama class this year has learnt about the Elements of Drama, Production Roles, Improvisation, Devised

Theatre and Melodrama. We have had fun in getting to know each other and working together. All students

have demonstrated growth in their performance and improvisational skills. Students have learnt the

importance of Record, Recount and Reflect in their journals to reflect on their experiences and to show their


I look forward to continuing to work with these students next year and further developing their skills in Drama.



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Careers Corner It has been a busy term for all, students and teachers. Our Year 12 students have completed their exams and

are waiting for their results. Throughout the year students received multiple opportunities, and some of them

have availed these opportunities and set up examples for the other students. Many students have completed

their work experience in different areas and successfully gained part time jobs in the area of their interest.

Miss Harman organised student visits to the different universities and explored various options and

opportunities. I collaborated in organising the STEM engineering incursion by the UTS and students

participated well in all the workshops. Let us briefly refresh some of the important events in this newsletter.

Students can access a further range of resources by entering the Students Secure

Area. Registration is free and once registered, students can complete the interests

test to discover what type of work they may be suited to. This is an excellent tool

if you have no idea where you are heading – it may allow you to consider some

paths you hadn’t previously thought about.

We have introduced this Jobjump website this year. Jobjump is a comprehensive website with a huge

variety of careers information. This tool has the added benefit of allowing you to register your areas of

interest and you will be emailed opportunities when they arrive.


JobQuest program was completed and students have successfully attained a Certificate II in Vocational

Studies. As a part of this program, students have completed a few projects; breakfast barbeque was one of

the most successful projects. The whole school participated in it and enjoyed the breakfast BBQ. JobQuest

students raised some funds through this program.

JobQuest students visited “The Star” as a part of the program, and students gained valuable information on a

variety of jobs available in the hospitality industry.


Our senior students attended Career Expo at Homebush, and it was an excellent opportunity for all our

students. Students met university representatives, and training and apprenticeship companies.

Year 12 – ATAR Enquiry Centre – ATARs will be released Fri Dec 14 2018. UAC is opening a UAC

Enquiry Centre for students who have queries about the calculation of their ATAR – 1300692827,

December 14 – 19 2018. (For general enquiries about your ATAR, call 1300275822.)

1. Year 12 – Download and print your ATAR Advice Notice when the ATARs are released in Dec 2018.

Free access until February 2019, after which a charge will be in place for digital or printed copies


1300 Apprentice

200+ Apprenticeship Vacancies – 1300178776

Ai Group Apprentices and Trainees

Apprentices R Us

Apprenticeship and Traineeship positions available for 2019 – Australian Training Company

Information Sessions Jan 23 2019, 9.30am start, 30-32 Pomeroy St. Homebush

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Australian Brick and Block Training

Australian Federation of International Freight

Australian Training Company – Current Apprenticeship and Traineeship vacancies

Automotive Apprenticeships –

Business Traineeships – Reception, Customer Service, Banking [email protected] 0288333933

Cabinetry and Furniture Apprenticeships

FEE-FREE Apprenticeships

Master Builders Apprenticeships

Master Painters Apprenticeships

MEGT Apprentices and Trainees

MEGT Apprenticeships and Traineeships Career Hub (register for

access to the dedicated Apprenticeship and Traineeship Job Board)

My Gateway – Apprenticeships and Traineeships available for 2019 – NOW HIRING

Coder Academy – October School Holiday Workshops – Coding, 3D Modelling, Game Design, Virtual

Reality (VR) [email protected] 0283553822

Employment – *Hundreds of specific occupations *Summary of the main

tasks done in the job *Future prospects of the job *Indication of how much workers are paid

*Information on the average educational level of workers *Type of personality traits that are most

relevant to a job.

Indigenous Students – Electrical Apprenticeship Readiness Program

Indigenous Students – Year 12 – Apprenticeships and Traineeships available. Contact


NSW Police Recruitment




Page 32: Colyton High School Year In Review...successful practices in primary schools, so that the good work of primary teachers can continue more seamlessly, as students’ progress. I thank

Science 2018 As 2018 comes to a close, the Science Faculty is

proud to reflect on the accomplishments of students

and staff this year. Our dynamic team of Ms White,

Mrs Raj, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Joseph, Mrs Taneja, Mrs

Neill, Mrs Johal, Mrs Abiwahab, Ms Grewal and Ms

Halatanu have worked tirelessly throughout the year

to deliver the Science curriculum across Years 7-12.

We also started teaching the new Senior syllabus in

Year 11 for Chemistry, Biology, Physics and

Investigating Science.

Some of the highlights of 2018 are:

Earth Hour Years 7-12, Planet Ark National

Recycling activities, VALID Year 10, VALID Year

8, Biology excursion to the Museum of Diseases

Year 12, Year 6 Transition Science Program,

Science Week celebrations Years 7-12, Science

Expo WSU Years 9 and 10, UTS STEM workshops

Years 7-11 and Science mentoring Year 10

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Next meeting: 3 December 2018

For more info call 9623 2789

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