combatting bittorrent protocol

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  • 8/8/2019 Combatting Bittorrent Protocol


    Combating Bittorrent Protocol

    Balazs SzemesPh.D. Student of

    Legal Faculty, University of Pecs


    November 2008

  • 8/8/2019 Combatting Bittorrent Protocol


    Introduction and Major Topics

    If we want to talk about law concerning technology,we must talk about technology itself as well

    Brief History of File Sharing

    File sharing from a network viewpoint

    Defining Bittorrent

    Bittorrent and Net Neutrality

    Three major reactions of Rightholders

    Parting thoughts

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    Brief Overview of Illegal ContentDistribution

    Introducing the Darknet concept, and 'Footnet'

    Centralized networks, downloading using FTP

    Involving users in spreading content: Direct Connect(DC++), Audiogalaxy, KaZaa, etc.

    Fully decentralized networks: eMule, Gnutella

    An open, simple file sharing network: Bittorrent

    Earlier versions have not perished! (warez networksstill functioning, playing major part)

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    Network viewpoint of file sharing

    Early network: university mainframes, end-to-end Server-client architecture

    Passive and active roles strictly separated

    Non always-on connections required it (ie. Dial-in)

    Return of end-to-end connections (often called p2p),multiple uses:

    Instant messaging (ie. Jabber XMPP)

    VOIP, Video over IP Online gaming

    Gtalk: IM, Video-oIP, File sending

    Microsoft Office Groove: p2p collaboration using desktop office

    It iis irrelevant for the network what the transferred data is, uses thesame TCP/IP, UDP/IP packets

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    Introducing Bittorrent I.

    Made by Bram Cohen

    Reqs: website fordistributing .torrent files

    Tracker for managingconnections

    Client software


    Not covered: website

    'Bittorrent' client

    Bittorrent company

    Only Bittorrent protocol ismentioned (so Bittorrentalways refers to theprotocol in thispresentation)

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    Introducing Bittorrent II.Legality

    No content on tracker

    .torrent files onwebserver

    .torrent files contain ahash of original content

    The original content

    cannot be reproducedfrom the hashes

    Files on clients'computers

    Some files can legally beredistributed



    Public domain

    Allowed by rightsholder

  • 8/8/2019 Combatting Bittorrent Protocol


    Reaction to Bittorrent:Copyright Holders and ISPs

    From the ISPs' viewpoint

    Bittorrent users generates

    more traffic than usualusers

    Bittorrent is problematicon some networks

    Cable networks WLAN, net trough mobile


    Copyright holders

    Sue (the users)

    Block (Bittorrent via ISPs)

    Compete (by providingservices worth paying for)

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    Bittorrent and Net Neutrality

    Every ISP manages its network

    Question of discrimination: different apps andprotocols behave differently (so should they be treatedthe same way?)

    Prioritizing: 'real-time' apps (low latency req.)

    Differentiating based on content should not be allowed

    Problems of imperfect (last mile) market

    Transparency needed, special problems of verticalmonopolies

    Questions of network and copyright should be


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    Sue(Reaction of Rightsholders I.)

    RIAA campaign in theUS (against KaZaa)

    No real decisions yet


    Negative publicity

    Problems of providingproof

    IP addresses are notpersonal Ids (ie. NAT)

    Providing actualinfringements

    Bittorrent even moreproblematic

    Small pieces only from a

    single user

    No IDs of users

    No usernames

    Closed trackers

    Effective suing of userswould requiring retoolinglegal processes(elimination of courts and

    due process)

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    Block (the 'French way')(Reaction of Rightsholders II.)

    Main aim: try to force users off the net

    Bypassing the court system, making ISPs copyrightcops (and quasi courts and making them carry out thedecision as well)

    Breaching an independent contract for copyrightenforcement purposes


    Identifying copyrighted content, and that the copying takingplace is illegal

    Effective remedies against false claims

    Rejected by most countries (and by EP and Ministers

    Council as well)

  • 8/8/2019 Combatting Bittorrent Protocol


    Compete(Reaction of Rightsholders III./a)

    Taking illegal downloading as a form of competition(therefore offering a worse, more expensive and more

    restrictive option is not effective) Identifying and providing possible plus services,

    offering advantages

    The current strife between legal norms and reality

    (conducts of persons) leads to new, innovative options Some extremely monopolistic markets are less prone

    to change

    Leading agents are mostly IT-related, or smaller actors

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    Steam: the future of PC gaming(Reaction of Rightsholders III./b)

    Created by Valve (publisher of games, ie. Half Lifeseries)

    An unbiased marketplace for PC games (not tilted

    toward Valve) Personal accs, DRM, must be logged in to play games

    bought there, therefore

    Rejecting 'copy' logic, embracing 'license' logic

    Can install on multiple machines

    Can delete and reinstall later

    Offering advantages (ie. automatic patching; onlinecommunity, chat; online multiplay options)

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    NiN: Independent Music distribution(Reaction of Rightsholders III./c)

    Nine Inch Nails US music band, Trent Reznor

    Last two albums released without major publisher

    Both under CC-by-nc-sa


    First disc put up to Pirate Bay (used as marketing)

    The others sold in a variety of forms (including vinyl)

    Made at least a few million dollars

    The Slip

    Offered fully free before a major concert tour

    In a number of formats (mp3, Apple lossless, FLAC)

    Distribution costs minimized by Bittorrent

  • 8/8/2019 Combatting Bittorrent Protocol


    Parting Thoughts

    Changes in tech brought changes in copyright

    ie. printing (minor change compared to digitization)

    First intent was trying to limit the new tech (by royal privileges)

    Failed, because of some Scottish lowlifes, thus copyright wasborn

    Yet copyright has not been changed yet

    License versus copy

    Making copyright a public law (instead of private law) Moral rights and big business

    Bittorrent is neither the first, nor the last nor the onlyway of copyright infringement

  • 8/8/2019 Combatting Bittorrent Protocol


    Thanks for the attendance

    Reach me at: [email protected]

    Background by Nine Inch Nails (from Ghosts pdf booklet,available under CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 US)

    Any Questions?