come and see

Come and see By Bugs Tan -Ratana Taman Eng Klang 2 nd Dec 2011

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Here are the slides for the Dhamma talk "Come and see'


Page 1: Come and see

Come and seeBy Bugs Tan

Ti-Ratana Taman Eng Klang 2nd Dec 2011

Page 2: Come and see

What is good for me?

• What is the purpose of life?• Where did I come from?• Where do I go after death?• Why I cannot finish paying

my housing loan?• Why my neighbor stole my

mangos?• Where is the weapon of

mass destruction?• Why I get hungry when I

don’t eat?• Why never kena lottery?• Is Christian good for me?• It’s nice to marry 4 wives!• I wished for a 3 months

holiday in Europe

• Why do people fall sick and died?• Why study Math and Science in BM?• Money not enough. Why huh?• Why did Chong Wei lost to Lin Dan?

5 Wives and 1 Husband

Confused man…#*&^!@?

Page 3: Come and see

Religion of the world

• Hinduism

• Buddhism

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Religion of the world

• Confucianism

• Taoism

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Religion of the world

• Islam

• Judaism

• Christianity

Page 6: Come and see


• Sanātana Dharma – the eternal law• Hinduism grants a great degree of freedom of belief and worship. • Hinduism is formed of diverse traditions and has no single founder• Oldest living religion in the world

• Major scriptures include Upanishads, Puranas, Mahabharata and Ramayana.

• The Bhagavad Gita is of special importance – philosophy into its discussion of good conduct and life


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• Most Hindus believe that the spirit or soul — the true "self" of every person, called the atman — is eternal

• The goal of life is to realize that one's ātman is identical to Brahman, the supreme soul

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• Concept of God• Devas and avatars• Karma and samsara• Yoga

Human purpose :-Dharma ("righteousness)Artha ("livelihood, wealth")Karma ("sensual pleasure")Moksa ("liberation, freedom”)

Lord Ganesha

Lord LakshmiLord Krishna

Page 9: Come and see

Hindu Gods

Garuda Maya





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• Any soul that has conquered its own inner enemies and achieved the state of supreme being is called a jina ("conqueror" or "victor")

 is an Indian religion that prescribes a path of non – violence towards all living being. Its philosophy and practice emphasize the necessity of self-effort to move the soul towards divine consciousness and liberation

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• The downstairs area houses an array of deities and saints, including an image of Ganesh that recalls historical links between Jainism and Hinduism. –

The triple gems of Jainism - right vision or view, right knowledge and right conduct - provide the path for attaining liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth.

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Hare Krishna• Hare Krishna Hare Krishna• Krishna Krishna Hare Hare• Hare Rama Hare Rama• Rama Rama Hare Hare

one's original consciousness and goal of life is pure love of God (Krishna)

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Hare Krishnas became confused with the hippie subculture.

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The revelation was imparted to Guru Nanak. Around the year 1,500 he mysteriously disappeared while bathing in a river. On reappearing three days later he said: "since there is neither Hindu nor Muslim, whose path shall I follow?

I'll follow God's path. God is neither Hindu nor Muslim, and the path I follow is God's." His authority for those assertions, he went on to explain, derived from the fact in his three day absence he had been taken to God' court, where he was given a cup of nectar (amirt, from which Amritsar, Sikhsim's holy's city is named).

Guru Nanak

Page 14: Come and see


If there is one name with which Chinese culture has been associated it is Confucius -Kung Fu-tzu or Kung the Master.

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Loa Tzu translates as “The old boy,” so these titles were probably all honorific

Many scholars doubt that the man even really existed              Lao Tzu was born around 604 BC

He is said to have become upset at man’s refusal to cultívate goodness in reaction, he packed his bags, and set off for the border on a water buffalo stopped by a guard at the Hankas Pass and asked to leave a record of his beliefs in three days, he emerged with the Tao Te Ching (The Way and its Power)

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 God gave the 10 commandments to the people through Moses on Mount Sinai. They are;

1.     I'm the Lord your God2.     You shall not make for yourself an idol3.     Do not take the name of the Lord in vain4.     Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy5.     Honour your father and mother6.     You shall not kill7.     You shall not commit adultery8.     You shall not steal9.     You shall not bear false witness against yr neighbor10.   You shall not convert your neighbor's wife     

It is said that 1 in every 3 people in the west has a Jew's name. The Jew's influence is far and wide. It lasted a long long time and the commandments too was brought down from generation to generation till today.  

Page 17: Come and see

Christianity Christ = Messiah

Jesus Christ the son of GOD

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

According to the World Christian Encyclopedia (year 2000 version), global Christianity had 33,820 denominations with 3,445,000 congregations/churches composed of 1,888 million affiliated Christians.

Christianity is one religion. Catholicism, Protestant, Methodist etc. are just branches of christianity. 

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Sunnah– the practice of Muhammad

Muslim are basically divided in two

major factions, Sunnis and Shias (shia-t-Ali)

Al Quran – the words of GOD

Hadith – Islamic laws

Shariah – Moral code of Islam

All Muslims must observe these 5 pillars before they die:

1.To believe that God is One, and that Prophet Muhammad was a prophet of God.

2. To fast from sunrise to sunset in the month of Ramadan.

3. To offer solat, formal prayer, five times per day.

4. To perform the hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca, once in the lifetime, if the person can afford it and is in good health.

5. To pay zakat, an annual tax, if one has enough money and property saved.

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BahainismThe Bahai Faith is is a monotheistic religion by Bahaullah in the19th century Persia emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. There are an estimated 6m Bahai around the world in more that 200 countries

3 core principle establish a basis for Bahai teaching and doctrine:- the unity of God, the unity of religion and the unity of humankind

Page 20: Come and see

Buddhist Mahayana

Mahayana tradition

1 Human aspiration are supported by divine powers and the grace they bestow

2 Key virtue is compassion

3 Religious practice is relevant to life in this world and thereafter for laypeople

4 Ideal is centered on the Bodhisattava

5 Buddha is a savior

6 Elaborates metaphysics

7 Put emphasis on ritual

8 Practice includes petitioner prayers

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Buddhist Varjarana

Vajrayana ritual and devotion employs mantras (esoteric verbal formulas), mandalas (diagrams and paintings used in visualization practices), and a complex array of other rituals. Great emphasis is placed on the role of the guru in the Vajrayana; these are religious teachers who have mastered the philosophical and ritual tradition.

The Tibet translation of guru is "lama," and the various Tibetan schools of the Vajrayana trace long lineages of gurus who serve both as religious and political leaders (the Dalai Lama is the most well known of Tibets Lamas).

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Buddhist TheravadaHinayana (Theravada) tradition

1 Human being are emancipated by self-effort without supernatural aid

2 Key virtue is Wisdom

3 Attainment require constant commitment and is primarily for monks and nuns

4 Ideal is centered on an Arathan remains in Nirvarna after death

5 Buddha is a saint, the supreme teacher and inspirer

6 Does not emphasize so much on metaphysics

7 Does not emphasize on rituals

8 Main practice is centered on meditation

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Kalama Sutta

• The Buddha’s chatter of free inquiry

• Ehi passiko (come and see)

• Welcoming careful examination at all stage of path to enlightenment

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Ehi passiko is one of the qualities of the Dhamma. The Dhamma, unlike the teachings of other religions, does not require blind faith. The Dhamma invites one to come and investigate to see and experience for

oneself. It does not fear examination or critical analysis.Ehi passiko is certainly not a strategy for the dissemination of the Dhamma. The Buddha did not just sit under a tree wishing that those who will be impressed with his aura would approach and ask him questions.

On the contrary, the Buddha actively walked the Ganges valley teaching and benefiting people from all walks of life. This is again reflected in his admonition to the first 60 arahants when he asked them to "go forth and teach the Dhamma for the welfare of the world

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In this sutta, Gautama Buddha passes through the village of Kesaputta and is greeted by the people who live there: the Kalamas. The Kalamas greet the Buddha and ask for advice.

According to the Kalamas, many wandering holy men and ascetics pass through the village, expounding their teachings and criticizing others'. The Kalamas ask the Buddha whose teachings they should follow. In response, he delivered a sutta that serves as an entry-point to Buddhist tenets for those unconvinced by revelatory experiences.

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Discerning Religious Teachings

The Buddha instructs the Kalama People on which basis one should decide which religious teaching to accept as true. The Buddha tells the Kalamas to not just believe religious teachings because they are claimed to be true by various sources or through the application of various methods and techniques.

He urges that direct knowledge from one's own experience should be called upon. He counsels that the words of the wise should be heeded and taken into account when deciding upon the value of a teaching.

This is not a dogmatic acceptance but rather a constantly questioning and testing acceptance of those teachings which can be proven to reduce suffering.

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Kalamas, when you yourselves know: "These things are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness," enter on and abide in them.'

1. Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing,

2. nor upon tradition,

3. nor upon rumor ,

4. nor upon what is in a scripture,

5. nor upon surmise,

6. nor upon an axiom,

7. nor upon specious reasoning,

8. nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over,

9. nor upon another's seeming ability,

10.nor upon the consideration, "The monk is our teacher."

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• Thus, the Buddha provides ten specific sources which should not be used to accept a specific teaching as true, without further verification:

1. Oral history2. Traditional3. New sources4. Scriptures or other official texts5. Logical reasoning6. Common sense7. One’s own opinions8. Authorities or experts9. One’s own teacher

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• Instead, he says, only when one personally knows that a certain teaching is skilful, blameless, praise worthy and conducive to happiness, and that it is praised by the wise, should one then accept it as true and practice it.

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5 Khanda

• Examination and analysis of things internally;-• The eyes for visible objects,• The ears and sound,• The nose and smells• The tongue and tastes, the body and tactile impressions,• The mind and ideas.

…. Rejecting the bad and adopting the good way

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Fake Monk

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Buddhist Faith

• Saddha : trustful confidence based on knowledge.

Buddhism has no place for blind faith

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Let’s Sing together

Ehipassiko come and see you’ll knowThe Teaching of Peace the Teaching of LoveThe Teachings of the Buddha is for allWho want to be free forever more

But don’t just believe InvestigateDo not simply accept what you hear or seeNot even if it is uttered by ME

So don’t just agree you’ve got to verifyWhen you know that it’s goodAnd it’s praised by the wiseThen live up to it the rest of your life 


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Go and see


Thank you and now you……