comic book quiz vibes 2014 kmc manipal

The Thomas & Martha Wayne Memorial Quiz A Comic Book Quiz The Finals

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The Thomas and Martha Wayne Memorial Comic Book Quiz conducted by Jaikaran Mansingh and Sriram Gonakoti during Vibes '14, the annual literary event of KMC,Manipal.


  • 1. TheThomas & Martha WayneMemorial QuizA Comic Book QuizThe Finals

2. HostsSriram Gonakoti & Jaikaran Mansingh 3. 8 Rounds Unmask The Hero-1 Differential-1 Infinite Pounce-1 Long Connect-1 Differential-2 Long Connect-2 Unmask The Hero-2 Infinite Pounce-2 4. Unmask The Hero 5. Unmask The Hero Has a Ph.D. in Physics from Oxford University . Married to Ororo Munroe (Storm), which was laterannulled. . Has Olympic level strength, speed, stamina, reflexes,and agility, due to the Heart-shaped herb. . Wears a sacred Vibranium suit . Is said to be the richest character in his own universe. 6. Black Panther 7. Differential -1Rules:1. 6 written questions.2. Questions based on Comic Family Trees thatappear in the comics and the movieadaptations of the comics.3. Scoring (6-x) * 5x=number of teams that answered right 8. Batmans Parents are Dead 9. Example 10. Thor 11. #1 12. #2 13. #3 14. #4 15. #5 16. #6 17. Exchange Sheets 18. #1 19. #1 20. #2 21. #2 22. #3 23. #3 24. #4 25. #4 26. #5 27. #5 28. #6 29. #6 30. Infinite Pounce #1 Infinite Bounce/Pounce +10 for correct answer +20/-10 for pouncing 31. #1 _________! Immortal X! We shall never bedestroyed! Cut off one limb and two moreshall take its place! We serve the Supreme X,as the world shall soon serve us! On April 6, Kevin J tweeted a picture of Bertand Ernie from Sesame Street saying________. Soon after, Clark Gregg, posted apicture of My Little Pony, also saying ______. 32. Hail Hydra 33. #2 Book 1: Europe after the Reign Book 2: The Vicious Cabaret Book 3: The Land of Do-as-you-Please 34. V for Vendetta 35. #3Facts about X is single and has few friends as a result of his poor social skills. wears a tie which is always curved upwards. became pregnant via a disastrous science experiment and gavebirth to a hillbilly-robot-alien-bovine-billionaire-engineer hybridbaby. has a strong immune system and is therefore less likely to get sickthan his co-workers. is skilled at badminton. killed by a wild deer and Mother Nature and later cloned back tolife.X Please 36. Dilbert 37. #4 Cletus Kasady is a psychopath and a homicidal sadist. Kasady is a deeplydisturbed individual with a dark past: as a child, he killed hisgrandmother by pushing her down a flight of stairs, tried to murder hismother by throwing a television into her bathtub, and tortured andkilled his mother's dog. After the latter, his mother then tried to killCletus, and was apparently beaten to the brink of death by Kasady'sfather, who received no defense from Kasady during his trial. Asan orphan, Kasady was sent to the St. Estes Home for Boys, wherehis antisocial behavior made him the target of abuse from both theother orphans and the staff. Kasady gained revenge by murdering thedisciplinarian administrator, pushing a girl (who laughed at him forasking her to date him) in front of a moving bus, and burning down theorphanage. It was during his brutal years at St. Estes that Kasadyacquired his philosophy that life was essentially meaningless and futile,that "laws are only words", and came to see the spreading of chaosthrough random, unpatterned bloodshed as "the ultimate freedom." 38. Carnage 39. #5 X first appeared in his own comic series in 1962. X has been seen as a reaction to the Cold War and the threat ofnuclear attack .This interpretation corresponds well when taken intoaccount alongside other popularized fictional media created duringthis time period, which took advantage of the prevailing senseamong Americans that nuclear power could produce monsters andmutants. In the debut, the writer chose grey for the X because he wanted acolour that did not suggest any particular ethnic group. The comiccolourist however, had problems with the grey colouring, resultingin different shades of grey, and even green, in the issue. After seeing the first published issue, Lee chose to change the skincolour. Xs original series was cancelled after issue #6 and X was aguest star in other comic book series. 40. The Hulk 41. #6 X has the distinction of being the best sellingmanga in history as well as the manga with themost number of volumes. Its full name isKochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Ken MaeHashutsujo. Unlike most shonen manga, X does not takeplace in a fantasy world with powers, but takesplace in the normal world. The plot mainly involves the main charactersattempts to gain money. 42. Kochikame 43. #7 #18 44. 9/11 Attacks 45. #8 Where do you find the following names? Rob DenBleyker Kris Wilson Matt Melvin Dave McElfatrick 46. Cyanide and Happiness 47. #9 Supremo ,a comic book character in the series TheAdventures of _______ _______ was based on the actor Xwith his approval and published for over 2 years. Creator Pammi Bakshi stated that the name Supremo cameabout from Randhir Kapoors tag for the actor X. He conceals his identity by wearing large glassesresembling welding glasses, a skin tight suit with a wrapwhich resembles those worn by fisherman on the Indianwestern coast and a chakra pendant. He has two side-kicks, Vijay and Antony ,a dolphin namedSonali, and a falcon scout Shaheen. The comics occasionally carried messages from the actor tohis fans. 48. X-Amitabh Bachchan 49. #10 While considering ideas for an appropriateenemy for _______, writer and artist JoeSimon saw a hot fudge sundae melting andnoticed it resembled a human figure. Inspired,Simon at first considered calling his new villain"Hot Fudge". However, as the cherry on top ofthe sundae seemed like an exposed head, hefinally decided on X" as a more appropriatemoniker. 50. Red Skull 51. #11 52. Frank Miller 53. #12 He possesses the following weapons and items- A magic lamp that can summon a four-headed djinnwith mystical powers A Temporal Assimilator that allows time travel. Persian "flying carpets" and a "flying cape" thatallowed flight An infinity gem (at some points in the storyline) Obedience Potion Cosmic Viewer, with which he can monitor events onvarious worlds Snake-Eyes, an enormous alien serpent with hypnoticpowers Gigantic robot guards, a stun beam, and stasis beams 54. The Collector 55. #13 56. Matt Groening 57. #14 The Four Chinese Gods- Seiryuu, the azure dragon, representing Spring and Wood, to thewest Suzaku, The Vermillion Bird, representing Summer and Fire, to theSouth Byakko, The White Tiger, representing Autumn and Metal to theWest Genbu ,The Black Tortoise, representing Winter and Water to theNorth Kry , The Yellow Dragon (the fifth, mentioned in some stories),representing the Changing Seasons and Earth to the Center Put funda 58. Beyblade Bit Beasts 59. #15When Bill Batson transforms into X,he is grantedthe following powers1. The Wisdom of Solomon2. The Strength of Hercules3. The Stamina of Atlas4. The Power of Zeus5. The Courage of Achilles6. The Speed of MercuryX Please ? 60. Shazam 61. #16 X is an ill-tempered, funny looking characterintroduced by Marvel in 1973. He has no specialpowers, except for a kung-fu he developed himself. Healso has some mystic talent, but refused to be trainedby Stephen Strange. He is most famous for his movie, which was the firsttheatrical release of Marvel in over 40 years. Despitebeing directed by one of the most famous directors ofthat time, the movie was considered to be one of theworst movies of all time, with several of the cast failingto get major roles in the future due to theirperformance in this movie. 62. Howard the Duck 63. #17 X is a fictional town in ______ comics. X's location was never clearlydefined. Based on the clues mentioned over the years, X is thought to belocated in either Iowa or California A few notable places in X include Pickens Park and the ChocklitShoppe In one of the issues , when one of the readers wrote in with thequestion of "Where is X located?", the editor replied that X is moreof a state of mind than an actual physical location. It could beanywhere that kind people live and just have fun, like _______ andhis friends. It could be in the Midwest, or along the EasternSeaboard, or even a town in Canada, Mexico, or England.What is X ? 64. Riverdale, Archie Comics 65. #18 Starfish Island, though it has only beenreferred a few times in the comics, is a verysignificantlocation. How isit better knownas? 66. Arrows Island 67. #19 68. Professor Calculus 69. #20 Group 1- Vegetables Brocolli Carrots Radish Asparagus Cabbage Group 2- Fruits Apple Pomelo Chinese Gooseberry RaspberryGroup 3- Food and DrinksChinese TeaBreadRiceChestnutDim SumFried Rice Group 4- Milk Products Butter Cheese Milk Yogurt Cream Group 5 Musical Instruments Tambourine Cymbal Piano Drum _________Group 6- UnderwearTrunksBraBriefsBloomers 70. DBZ Naming Scheme 71. #21 72. Doctor Octopus (Doc Ock) 73. #22 X: Child of Dreams by Kia Asamiya X: Death Mask by Yoshinori Natsume The Secret History of X in Japan by Jiro Kuwata These are the 3 major full-length mangafeaturing the character X, mostly involving histrips in Japan as he uncovers part of his past. X? 74. Batman 75. #23 In 2013, researchers at the University of BritishColumbia identified a novel protein namedHowlett as the healing factor found in thecharacter _________. According to the study, Howlett is nearly identicalto the Amblox protein in axolotl which is knownto be responsible for the amphibians limbregeneration and blocking the translation ofHowlett and Amblox severely reduced theorganisms capacity to regenerate. 76. Wolverine 77. #24 ________ McFadden was a young human boywho went sledding on a cold winter night, andsubsequently caught pneumonia and died. His close friends are Stretch, Stinky and Fatso. How is he famously known? 78. Casper the Friendly Ghost 79. #25 The image most closely associated with the company Y is that of Alfred E.Neuman, the boy with misaligned eyes, a gap-toothed smile and theperennial motto "What, me worry?" While the original image was a popular humorous graphic (was once usedto advertise painless tooth extraction) for many decades before Y adoptedit, the face is now primarily associated with Y. The boy's face was first used in November 1954. His first iconic full-coverappearance, in which he was identified by name and sported his "What,me worry?" motto, was as a write-in candidate for President in 1956). Hehas since appeared in a slew of guises and comic situations. According to the writer Frank Jacobs, a letter was once successfullydelivered to Y through the U.S. mail bearing only Neuman's face, withoutany address or other identifying information. 80. Y-MAD Magazine 81. #26 Green- Soul Orange- Time Purple- Space Blue- Mind Yellow- Reality Red- Power 82. Infinity Gauntlet 83. #27 84. Got Milk ? Ads 85. #28 "You don't understand... I really didn't want toleave you ______. I really planned never to goback to Arkham Asylum. But I left you _____anyway. So I... I have to go back there. Because Imight need help. I... I might actually be crazy. The above character is said to suffer from aneurotic compulsive disorder, and is mostfamously known for his ________. 86. The Riddler 87. #29 X is a show that aired in the late 1960s and was the firstanimated adaptation of the comic series X. The series wasinfamous for its bad art and often over-the-top script . The show reached a newfound audience in 2009 afterepisodes were officially available for streaming via itswebsite. At the same time ,4chan users of the board /co/ (cartoon)began threads inviting users to watch original episodes ofthe show together via streaming services. After the viewingof each episode, users would post screenshots in thethread with summaries of episode highlights. As time went on, these screenshots were saved for furthercirculation and evolved into ___________. 88. Spider-Man 89. #30 GoGo Tomago Honey Lemon Baymax Hiro Takachicho Wasabi-no-Ginger Fred (Sunfire and Silver Samurai) 90. Big Hero 6 91. Audience Question X's original paint colour was yellow. Aftergetting his ears gnawed off by a robot mouse,he slipped into depression on top of a tower,where he drank a potion labelled "sadness".As he wept, the yellow colour washed off andhis voice changed due to the potion. As aresult, he developed a morbid fear of mice. 92. Doraemon 93. Long Connect #1 60/-30 40/-20 20/-10 10Each question can be answered(written down)by every team.Right answer to each question gets you +10/0 94. X ? Journals is a collection of writings and drawings by X.Though the content is undated, it is arranged in anapproximation of chronological order. It was publishedin 2002. Its release polarized fans, some of whom felt itconstituted an invasion of X's privacy, and others ofwhom saw it as an opportunity to better understandhim.(Image) 95. Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) 96. NirvanaThai FoodDisco 97. Put Funda/Unblank 98. Moon Landing 99. NirvanaThai FoodDiscoMoon LandingI Love LucyStar Wars 100. ID (Image) This location has been in the news for quitesome time. In 2010,a part of it was up for demolition so alot supporters took pictures of themselves anduploaded them to social networking sites. ID the location . 101. Berlin Wall East Side Gallery 102. NirvanaThai FoodDiscoMoon LandingI Love LucyStar WarsBerlin Wall (Up+Down)RockyTroubleman Soundtrack 103. X ? The first instalment of the manga series known asX" is now on Japanese newsstands in the Aprilissue of a monthly publication called Kiss. Created by award-winning manga author MariYamazaki , the book plays out as a manga versionof Walter Isaacson's authorized biography of X. Since his death in 2011, X has been the subject ofseveral books, including Isaacson's biography.He's even been the star of his own comic book .But this is the first time he's been given themanga treatment for a Japanese audience. 104. Steve Jobs 105. Connect. Nirvana Thai Food Disco Moon Landing I Love Lucy Star Wars Berlin Wall (Up+Down) Rocky Troubleman Soundtrack Steve Jobs 106. Steve Rogers List 107. Comic Book Edition 108. Rules:1. 6 written questions.2. Questions based on Iconic Vehicles thatappear in the comics and the movieadaptations of the comics.3. Scoring (6-x) * 5x=number of teams that answered right 109. #1A 1964-1966 Chrysler Imperial and is a car like no other. Suicide doors with 12-Gauge machine guns, A minigun in the boot, An m2 flamethrower in the front grill, 12 stinger missiles, Giant spikes that come out of the wheels and itsbulletproof (of course) All these features somewhat detract from the lack ofluggage space 110. #2 This car is based around the 1955 Lincoln FuturaShow Car Some of its lines are meant to be inspired by theMako shark; the rest, presumably, by _______. As for the on-board gadgets, well, theyre in aleague of their own, including lasers, rockets, aradar, a mobile computer, a smoke emitter, abattering ram, a rear-facing camera, a policebeacon, two parachutes (for performing 180degree turns), a voice control Relay Unit. 111. #3 This aircraft was first modelled after Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" spy plane. Hence the nameBlackbird was given to the aircraft in the earlierissues of the series. It was modified to carry several passengers, aswell as for Vertical Take-Off and Landing & hasbeen destroyed and rebuilt numerous times The features of the plane include hi-tech weaponsystems, holographic active camouflage, andengines capable of hypersonic speeds. 112. #4 This car is designed to compete in a type of "open formula" racing, where cars areusually built with the maximum power and minimum of weight. It resembles the Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa , a race car built by Ferrari in the 60s. The vehicle has the following buttons1. Auto Jack2. Belt Tires3. Cutter4. Defensor5. Evening Eye6. Frogger7. Gizmo8. Horning In 2000, a prototype was produced as a concept car. 100 production models wereplanned to be made in 2002 as a street legal vehicle. The Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, California has a mid-engineprototype of the vehicle in its collection. 113. #5 This vehicle is a red hovercapable 1962 Chevrolet Corvette. The car bears a California license plate reading 681 PCE. Flying Capabilities Weapons - At the push of a button, machine guns extendout of its headlights. Speed Flamethrowers The Worlds Finest GPS System Most of the equipment was designed by Howard Stark. 114. #6 This is vehicle is a space craft introduced forthe first time in the cinematic adaptation ofthe comic book It is named after the lead characterschildhood crush from the TV show Whos theBoss? It is one of the only spaceships to have a tapedeck 115. Exchange Sheets Please 116. #1A 1964-1966 Chrysler Imperial and is a car like no other. Suicide doors with 12-Gauge machine guns, A minigun in the boot, An m2 flamethrower in the front grill, 12 stinger missiles, Giant spikes that come out of the wheels and itsbulletproof (of course) All these features somewhat detract from the lack ofluggage space 117. The Black Beauty fromThe Green Hornet 118. #2 This car is based around the 1955 Lincoln FuturaShow Car Some of its lines are meant to be inspired by theMako shark; the rest, presumably, by _______. As for the on-board gadgets, well, theyre in aleague of their own, including lasers, rockets, aradar, a mobile computer, a smoke emitter, abattering ram, a rear-facing camera, a policebeacon, two parachutes (for performing 180degree turns), a voice control Relay Unit. 119. Batmobile from the 1966 TV series 120. #3 This aircraft was first modelled after Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" spy plane. Hence the nameBlackbird was given to the aircraft in the earlierissues of the series. It was modified to carry several passengers, aswell as for Vertical Take-Off and Landing & hasbeen destroyed and rebuilt numerous times The features of the plane include hi-tech weaponsystems, holographic active camouflage, andengines capable of hypersonic speeds. 121. X-Jet from the X-Men 122. #4 This car is designed to compete in a type of "open formula" racing, where cars areusually built with the maximum power and minimum of weight. It resembles the Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa , a race car built by Ferrari in the 60s. The vehicle has the following buttons1. Auto Jack2. Belt Tires3. Cutter4. Defensor5. Evening Eye6. Frogger7. Gizmo8. Horning In 2000, a prototype was produced as a concept car. 100 production models wereplanned to be made in 2002 as a street legal vehicle. The Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, California has a mid-engineprototype of the vehicle in its collection. 123. The Mach Five from Speed Racer(Manga) 124. #5 This vehicle is a red hovercapable 1962 Chevrolet Corvette. The car bears a California license plate reading 681 PCE. Flying Capabilities Weapons - At the push of a button, machine guns extendout of its headlights. Speed Flamethrowers The Worlds Finest GPS System Most of the equipment was designed by Howard Stark. 125. Lola from Agents of Shield 126. #6 This is vehicle is a space craft introduced forthe first time in the cinematic adaptation ofthe comic book It is named after the lead characterschildhood crush from the TV show Whos theBoss? It is one of the only spaceships to have a tapedeck 127. Milano from Guardians of the Galaxy 128. Long Connect #2 129. #1 In Nolans Batman trilogy, the following 5 actorsform an exhaustive group with a uniqueachievement among them. Christian Bale- Bruce Wayne Micheal Caine- Alfred Pennyworth Gary Oldman- Commissioner Gordon Morgan Freeman- Lucius Fox Y-X Give X and Y, put funda 130. Scarecrow I scare people, but nothing can scare me.Nothing but the Batman 131. #2 132. Lex Luthor Lex Luthor, You want it all 133. #3 X is the older princess of Xebel, a forgottenextradimensional penal colony for an ancient group ofseparatist Atlanteans, banished behind a sealed portal inthe Bermuda Triangle. Trained since birth, along with her younger sister Siren, Xwas sent by the King of Xebel, unable to send more thanone soldier at time through a small fissure in spacetime tothe main universe. They were to confront Y and kill him inretaliation for the exile of their common people. However,this plan backfired when X fell in love with Y. She lied about her history, claiming to be escaping from thecriminal Leron, who was later defeated by Y. 134. Mera Since the death of Aquaman, you have feltgreat rage 135. #4 Lynda Carter is an American actress, who wasalso Miss World USA in 1972, and was voted"The Most Beautiful Woman in the World" byThe International Academy of Beauty and TheBritish Press Organization in 1978. She has had several minor roles in TV and film,and has been the voice actress in several ElderScrolls games. How does the comic universe know her as? 136. Wonder Woman Diana, nobody loves the earth more than youdo 137. #5 Give XA Matt Murdock Bruce WayneB Johnny Storm Steve RogersC Ororo Munroe Selina KyleD Wade Wilson Hal JordanE Yukio KatanaF Clark Kent X 138. Ray Palmer (Atom) You still feel bad for Jean. She was a terribleperson, Ray. Compassion, Its so hard to find inthis society, isnt it? 139. #6 In a 1990 edition of thecomics Quasar, Marvelintroduced thischaracter, who wasintroduced in themiddle of acompetition and wenton to win it. He had norecollection of his past,except that he wassome sort of a BuriedAlien, which is thename he went by.Additionally, he did notreturn in any futurecomics. Put funda. 140. Barry Allen We need to run in, take charge and kick asslike we were born to.And Ray? Mera? We were born to 141. Lantern Recruits/Emotional Spectrumin Blackest Night 142. Unmask The Hero 143. Unmask The Hero The group, Female Furies are fanatically loyal to him. . Was modelled on Adolf Hitler and his planet on NaziGermany. . Invulnerable to Green Lantern ring & is immortal (onlykilled on one occasion but regenerated moments later). . Famous for his use of Omega Beams. . Believed to have killed the Batman. 144. Darkseid 145. Audience Question What did X really want? He wanted to rule theworld. Now, think about this. You could walkacross the street against a traffic light and get asummons for jaywalking, but you could walk upto a police officer and say "I want to rule theworld," and there's nothing he can do about it,that is not a crime. Anybody can want to rule theworld. So, even though he was the _________'sgreatest menace, in my mind, he was never acriminal! - Stan Lee on X 146. Dr. Doom 147. Infinite Pounce #2 Infinite Bounce/Pounce +10 for correct answer +20/-10 for pouncing 148. #1 X was founded in 1898 and has been published daily eversince. Its most famous editor, Y, joined X when he was still inhigh school, and then purchased it, using funds inheritedfrom his father-in-law. Y purchased the Goodman Building on 39thStreet and Second Avenue in 1936 and moved its entireeditorial and publishing facilities there, where the newbuilding called the X building was constructed, which isforty-six stories tall. The Now magazine and the Woman magazine are alsopublished under X, but less occasionally. X is known for its stance against a certain group of people. The Staff includes Betty Brant, Justin Grant, Ed Brubaker, andIsabel Bunsen 149. Daily Bugle 150. #2Connect Harley Quinn John Diggle Phil Coulson 151. Characters introduced in comicsafter they gained popularity inother media 152. #3 The Martian Manhunter, often said to be as powerful asSuperman, has had 2 weaknesses, which effect his wholespecies. X is his more famous weakness, but at various times it hasbeen explained as psychological, or only against X of amagical nature. Y is a weakness explored in a specific line of comics, whichhas a highly addictive nature for martians, producing severewithdrawal reactions when taken away.(similar to narcoticsin humans).Martian Manhunter then exorcised the Yaddiction from his body, forming a living beast whichstarted attacking other members of JL. However, oncedestroyed, MM became free of the addiction, though hehas been seen eating Y off and on later. When MM died ,Batman placed Y on his tombstone as a memorial. 153. X=Fire, Y=Oreos 154. #4 155. Manga written by Stan Lee 156. #5 Three wise men of _______They went to sea in a bowl,And if the bowl had been strongerMy song had been longer The story of the Wise Men of ______, is a very early name given to thepeople living in a county of Nottinghamshire, in allusion to their reputedsimplicity. However, rumour has it that the people were not as simple asonce believed. According to the 1874 edition of Blount's Tenures of Land, King John'smessengers "found some of the inhabitants engaged in endeavouring todrown an eel in a pool of water; some were employed in dragging cartsupon a large barn, to shade the wood from the sun; others were tumblingtheir cheeses down a hill, that they might find their way to Nottingham forsale; and some were employed in hedging in a cuckoo which had perchedupon an old bush which stood where the present one now stands. However, it is believed that the villagers simply feigned imbecility to avoidhaving King John construct a highway through their area. 157. Wise Men of Gotham 158. #6 X was first deposited on Earth by a meteorite 10,000 yearsago. The first documented discovery of X was during a humanexpedition to Antarctica. This particular isotope of X wasdubbed "Anti-Metal" due to its property of dissolving othermetals. During the early 1940s, a small amount of X came into thepossession of the scientist Myron MacLain. He tried tocombine X with iron to form a new tank armour, but wasunable to fuse the elements. One morning, he found that the two materials had bonded ontheir own in an unknown manner. McClain worked fordecades to duplicate the accident. During a trial in the 1960s,he developed the metal Y 159. X-Vibranium Y-Adamantium 160. #7 Franklin is said to be the most powerful earth-bound mutantin the Marvel universe, with his powers being described asbeyond Omega-level. Cosmic entities such as Galactus andInfinity have taken note of his powers, and he was onceplanned to be retrieved as a celestial himself. He has mass psionic abilities as well as the power to alterrealities. He created his own pocket universe, subconsciously,and can rearrange the molecular structure of matter. His vast psionic powers that have manifestedas telepathy, telekinesis, energy blasts of concussiveforce, precognition, and astral projection. However, he is only a child, and hence his full powers havenot been unleashed yet. He is the son of 2 famous Marvelcharacters. Name them. 161. Reed and Sue Richards 162. #8 I got there. They put me in ___________s suit. It didnt evenfit properly, and I stood in it and I went I feel like an idiot.What kind of guy walks around, dressed like this? And is thengoing to go Hello, how are you? Just ignore that Im dressedas this. Of course, hes meant to be doing this. If you look atthe history of the guy and the pain that he went through. Iwent I cant do this in a normal voice. I have to become abeast in order to sell this to myself. I went home that evening, and my wife said, Howd it go? Iwent, I kind of did this. And I showed her, and she went, Oh,you fed that one up, didnt you? Thank God they went forit. Whose words? 163. Christian Baletalking about his Batman audition 164. #9 165. Its over 8000!! 166. #10 The actor X portrayed Jor-El in the 1978 film Superman. He agreed to therole only on assurance that he would be paid a large sum for whatamounted to a small part & that he would not have to read the scriptbeforehand and his lines would be displayed somewhere off-camera. Hewas paid $3.7 million for two weeks of work. He also filmed scenes for the movie's sequel, Superman II, but afterproducers refused to pay him the same percentage he received for thefirst movie, he denied them permission to use the footage. However, after Xs death, the footage was reincorporated into the 2006 re-cutof the film, Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut and in the 2006film Superman Returns, in which both used and unused archive footage ofhim as Jor-El from the first two Superman films was remastered for ascene in the Fortress of Solitude. 167. Marlon Brando 168. #11 169. Fullmetal Alchemist 170. #12 Teaching with X is a rare educational book written byLinda Holmen and Mary Santella-Johnson. It uses X toteach students with learning disabilities, and isconsidered a collectible due to the opposition of thecreator of X to merchandise his characters. The onlyreason the book was officially recognised was after theauthors personally communicated with the creator toshow that his characters were actually helping children. The book was only released in limited print, and hassold for as high as $1000. Only 12 libraries in USA have this book. 171. Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes 172. #13 As per Judge Jack Love of New Mexico, what isthe significance of this comic? 173. Electronic ankle monitor 174. #14 A long-running gag on the show was never to reveal this character'sname, with other characters referring to him as X". The writers had intended to name the character as early as his firstepisode, but they could not think of a name for him, and they calledhim X", with the intention of naming the character the next timethey used him. Finally, in 2005, X tells another character :"My name is Jeff Albertson, but everyone calls me X'". It was later revealed that this was specifically done to make peoplereally mad. We just tried to pick a generic name. It was alsothe Super Bowl show. We did it so the most people possible wouldsee it." The creator stated that he had originally intended him to becalled Louis Lane and be "obsessed and tormented by" Lois Lane,but he was not present when the writers chose the name. 175. X-Comic Book Guy 176. #15- Name the website 177. 178. #16 The history of A' traces back to the merger of The StateMutual Life Assurance Company of Worcester,Massachusetts; and Guarantee Mutual Company of Ohio. The merger resulted in low employee morale. In an attemptto solve this, Harvey Ball - an American commercial artist -was hired as a freelancer .He ended up designing A,which he completed in about 10 minutes and was paid $45. A has also been used by the superhero B , as an elementof his suit and thus became a symbol for the whole series. A and B 179. A-SmileyB-Comedian from Watchmen 180. #17 This comic waspublished in 1976with the splashheading : Presentedby: CarmineInfantino and StanLee. Unblank andput funda. 181. Superman, First Marvel DC Crossover 182. #18 There have been various crimes/arrests made involving X. In Brussels,in 2007 there was an incident noted asMangamoord, or the X murder, where a mutilated bodywas discovered with a note saying "Watashi wa kira dess In 2008, In Alabama , two sixth graders were arrested forpossession of X. They had listed out severalclassmates/teachers as potential targets, though therewas no proof that anything was planned. A high schoolsenior from Virginia and a middle schooler from SouthCarolina were suspended for similar reasons. In 2014, a student in Florence was taken to a treatmentfacility after threatening to harm the other students with X. 183. Death Note 184. #19 Well here comes _______Good ol __________ Yes sirGood ol __________How I hate him ! 185. Charlie Brown, first Peanuts strip 186. #20What is this a list of ? Holy ______ B@man It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark 187. Musicals based on comics 188. #21 X is the best selling sports manga of all time, by TakehikoInoue. He was inspired to write two more manga about thesame sport, Y, called Buzzer Beater and Real. Inoue has received special commendation from the Japan YAssociation for helping popularising the sport. He alsoorganised a X scholarship, for students trying to play Y. As a youth Inoue started playing Y to be popular with thegirls, but later became interested with the sport in and ofitself. This was mirrored in the character of HanamichiSakuragi, who starts playing Y to be popular with the girl helikes, to later become truly fond of the game. The name X comes from a term in the sport Y. 189. Slam Dunk 190. #22 Batragon Lepirax Centipor Ghilaron Red Ronin Yetrigar Beta-Beast Rhiahn Krollar Triax Robotic Devil Dinosaur XX being the most famous in the list of _________?Unblank and X 191. Godzilla &Kaiju (that appeared in comics) 192. #23 X is said to have mental strength exceedingmost characters in the DC Universe. In one ofthe most famous and well received DC ComicsY, The Joker shoots and permanently disablesone of his family members, and tortures Xwith pictures of the same. X not only avoidsbecoming insane from the ordeal, but returnsto action almost straightaway, with a definingstatement, I want him brought in by thebook! We have to show him our way works! 193. Jim Gordon, The Killing Joke 194. #24 195. Dennis the Menace 196. #25 Along his journey, X has to face various oddenemies, including- Matthew Patel, an Indian-Canadian with mysticalpowers of light and fireballs. Lucas Lee, a pro skateboarder turned movie star Todd Ingram, a bass player for a rival band Roxie Richter, a ninja Kyle & Ken Katayanagi, expert robotists Gideon Gordon Graves, owner of Chaos Theatreand GGG heavy industries. 197. Scott Pilgrim 198. #26 This comic character made his debut in January1983. He was born out of 3 narrative stories sentby Sameer Salman from Trichy which was latermade into comic format by Ram Waeerkar. He has a rectangular head, long nose and threetufts of hair. The character is ignoramus butfaithful . His stupidity has cost him many times.Which comic character are we referring to ? 199. Suppandi 200. #27 On February 14, 2006, the parody troupe My WayEntertainment released a video called Y, whichwas a dubover of an episode of the animatedshow X. With the rise of Youtube, the videobecame popular, and gradually became aninternet meme. The video had the character Z, repeatedly say thedialogue Y. It became so popular, that when Zappeared in the live-action movie based on X, itwas included as one of his main dialogues, and isone of the dialogues most popularly associatedwith the character. 201. Im the Juggernaut, Bitch 202. #28X is an annual event founded in 1970 by Shel Dorf, Richard Alf, KenKrueger, Mike Towry, and Greg . It started out as the Golden StateConvention organized by Shel Dorf as a one-day convention in SanDiego, California .He described it as a kind of 'dry run' for the largerconvention he hoped to stage.Dorf went on to be associated with it as president for years until heleft the organization .Alf co-chaired the first convention with Kruegerand became chairman in 1971.Initially held at The U.S. Grant Hotel. Other locations in the includedthe El Cortez Hotel, the University of California, San Diego, Golden Hall, San Diego Convention Centre since 1991 203. San Diego Comic Con [SDCC] 204. #29 X Mountain from the show Y, is based onMount Rushmore from real life. It appearsright from the very first scene of the show,where it is vandalised by the main character,and is a setting for many future event. Xtranslates to Fire Shadow. 205. Hokage, Naruto 206. #30How do we better knows this team? Doc Fission Minuteman Marionette Mod-Man Miss Fortune Terra-Firma Poltergeist Go-Go 207. The Justice League(alternate identities in order to defeat the Injustice League) 208. Spare Questions 209. #1 Thunderbird, was a superhero introduced in1975. At this point, the superhero X was goingto be killed off by the creators, but the writerof that time, John Bryne, insisted that Xremained. Hence, Thunderbird was killed offinstead, soon after he was introduced,because his personality matched that of X. Xremains a popular comic character to thisdate. 210. Wolverine 211. #2 The X is a prize awarded by Marvel. It was inspired by thepolicies of many other comic book publishers of the time namely, that if a fan found a continuity error in a comic andwrote a letter to the publisher of the comic, he or shewould receive a prize of cash, free comics, or somethingsimilar. When readers began pressuring Marvel to start giving out asimilar prize, Stan Lee created X basically as a joke by theMarvel staff on the readers X had been intended as a reminder for Marvel readers to"lighten up" and read comics for pleasure rather than forprizes, or at least the thrill of being recognized for theirefforts 212. No Prize 213. #3 ________ Puzzle ________ Eye ________ Ring ________ Key ________ Scale ________ Rod ________ Necklace 214. Millennium Items 215. #4 There have been only 2 Marvel characters to haveachieved this, namely Deadpool and Punisher, inone-shots dedicated to their name. Both these incidences happen in separateuniverses, from each other, as well as the mainstoryline. Deadpool does so after becoming even morementally unhinged than normal after a failedexperiment by Psycho-man. Punisher does so after his family is killed in abattle between the Avengers and an alien army. 216. Kill the Marvel Universe 217. #5 This very popular comic was originally madeas a parody of the following 4 strips 218. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 219. #6 Jervis is obsessive-compulsive, and highly delusional. He'sgot an immature self-image, so he identifies more withchildren than adults. Oh and he's a genius, too. The scientist Blakloch also notes that when agitated, Tetchbegins rhyming as a defence mechanism. Tetch oftenquotes and makes reference toCarroll'sWonderland novels, and sometimes even fails todiscern between these stories and reality. In addition to hisobsession with Lewis Carroll, Tetch has also shown anadditional obsession for ____. In Secret Six, he will not eat apiece of food that does not have a _____ on it, and statesthat he is not interested in the sight of his nakedteammate Knockout because ________. He may also be apedophile. 220. Mad Hatter 221. #7 222. Thors hammer, Mjulner 223. #8 My name is _________ After many years on a hellish island I have come to Starling City with one goal To seek revenge for the woman I loved But to do so, I cant be the friendly mercenary Ionce was To honour my loves memory, I must be someoneelse I must be something else. 224. Slade Wilson 225. #10 X is based off a comic strip called Twisted Toy FairTheatre. It is a sketch comedy that parodies variouspop-cultures through the use of stop motion animationof toys, action figures, and claymation. The show's name was inspired by a dish on the menuat a West Hollywood Chinese restaurant, Kung PaoBistro The creators are Seth Green, and Matthew Senreich,and the show has gone on to 7 seasons. Both the show and the comics it was based on,frequently portray Marvel and DC superheroes ascaricatures of the original. 226. Robot Chicken 227. The Collector 228. #12 Which group (named after a real group) consistsof the following members as its originalmembers? Tony Stark Namor Reed Richards Stephen Strange Black Bolt Charles Xavier 229. The Illuminati 230. #14 In blackest day, in brightest night, Beware your fears made into light Let those who try to stop what's right, Burn like my power(*)... X's might(**)! 231. Sinestro 232. #15 X is the best selling manga magazine in Japan.The manga series within the magazine targetyoung male readers and tend to consist of alarge number of action scenes and a fairamount of comedy. Some of the most famous manga such as OnePiece, Bleach, and Naruto are all serialized inthis magazine to this date. 233. Weekly Shounen Jump 234. #24 A mix of James Bond and Indiana Jones withthe bank account of Donald Trump, _______isan altruistic adventurer who travels the worldhelping the less fortunate! This was a character description by ApeEntertainment FITB 235. Richie Rich 236. #12 This term is commonly used in the broader scopeof the Marvel multiverse, and refers to the maincontinuity of the series. I can tell you for sure that those of us actuallyworking on the books virtually never use the term and I kind of wince inside whenever I hearsomebody use it. It just sounds so stupid to myear, and so counter to the kind of mindset we tryto foster in regard to the stories we create andthe thinking we try to employ.- as per theexecutive editor of Marvel, Tom Brevoort.