coming insurrection


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Post on 06-Jul-2015




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A global view of resistance to Western Oppression


Page 1: Coming Insurrection


Page 2: Coming Insurrection

B a r c e l o na

Page 3: Coming Insurrection

Black Panthers

Page 4: Coming Insurrection


Page 5: Coming Insurrection

Sea Shepherd

Page 6: Coming Insurrection

S t r e e t s o f

S e a t t l e

Page 7: Coming Insurrection

Lawyers against Marshall Law

Page 8: Coming Insurrection

Free Tibet

Page 9: Coming Insurrection

Heroes get arrested.


Page 10: Coming Insurrection

C o n s e j o N a c i o n a l

d e l T r a b a j o

Page 11: Coming Insurrection

Direct Action

Page 12: Coming Insurrection

Green is the new Red

Page 13: Coming Insurrection

Bastille Day - The Beginning of Riot Porn.

Page 14: Coming Insurrection

Behind the masks we are you!!!

Page 15: Coming Insurrection
Page 16: Coming Insurrection

La France

Page 17: Coming Insurrection

Black Panthers

Page 18: Coming Insurrection

Oregon Activism

Page 19: Coming Insurrection

S u p p o r t p i r a c y ! !


Page 20: Coming Insurrection


Page 21: Coming Insurrection

B a r c e l o na

Page 22: Coming Insurrection

In your back yard

Page 23: Coming Insurrection

Heroes Get Arrested.

Rosa Parks

Page 24: Coming Insurrection

B a r c e l o na

Page 25: Coming Insurrection

Activist Real Estate

Page 26: Coming Insurrection

Black Panthers

Page 27: Coming Insurrection

The World is ready

Page 28: Coming Insurrection

In your back yard

Page 29: Coming Insurrection

DNC 1968

Page 30: Coming Insurrection

Behind the masks we are you!!!

Page 31: Coming Insurrection

DNC 1968

Page 32: Coming Insurrection

Mai ‘68

Page 33: Coming Insurrection

La France

Page 34: Coming Insurrection

Sea Shepherd

Page 35: Coming Insurrection

Heroes get arrested.

Emma Goldman

Page 36: Coming Insurrection


Page 37: Coming Insurrection

They can’t scare the green out of us!!!

Page 38: Coming Insurrection

In your back yard

Page 39: Coming Insurrection

Mai ‘68

Page 40: Coming Insurrection

Tagging on the

Washington State Capitol

Page 41: Coming Insurrection

The World is ready

Page 42: Coming Insurrection

Remember, remember. Never forget, never surrender.

Page 43: Coming Insurrection


Page 44: Coming Insurrection

In your back yard

Page 45: Coming Insurrection

Scars and Stripes

Page 46: Coming Insurrection


Page 47: Coming Insurrection

Mai ’68

Page 48: Coming Insurrection

Oregon Activism

Page 49: Coming Insurrection

Emma Goldman

Page 50: Coming Insurrection

S t r e e t s o f

S e a t t l e

Page 51: Coming Insurrection


Page 52: Coming Insurrection

An im a l R ig h t s

Page 53: Coming Insurrection

Pakistani Lawyers Revolt

Page 54: Coming Insurrection

Unemployment in Palestine

Page 55: Coming Insurrection

The combination of both brutal state repression and abusive

access to consumer goods stifles the vigilance of the people.

+ =

Page 56: Coming Insurrection

Food Not Bombs!

Page 57: Coming Insurrection

Oregon Activism

Page 58: Coming Insurrection

Rainforest Action Network

Page 59: Coming Insurrection

Sea Shepherd

Page 60: Coming Insurrection

S t r e e t s o fS e a t t le

Page 61: Coming Insurrection

R e a lly R e a lly F r e eM a r k e t

Page 62: Coming Insurrection


Page 63: Coming Insurrection

An im a l R ig h t s

Page 64: Coming Insurrection

S t r e e t s o f

S e a t t l e

Page 65: Coming Insurrection

Food Not Bombs!

Page 66: Coming Insurrection

They can’t scare the green out of us!!!

Page 67: Coming Insurrection

R e a lly R e a lly F r e eM a r k e t

Page 68: Coming Insurrection

Oregon Activism

Page 69: Coming Insurrection

Draft Cards Make Great Kindling!

Page 70: Coming Insurrection

Civil Rights are fought for.

Page 71: Coming Insurrection


Page 72: Coming Insurrection

Biscuit Forest

Page 73: Coming Insurrection

Biscuit Forest

Page 74: Coming Insurrection

Biscuit Forest

Page 75: Coming Insurrection

Biscuit Forest

Page 76: Coming Insurrection

Biscuit Logging

Page 77: Coming Insurrection

Logging of Vital Old Growth Legacy Trees

Page 78: Coming Insurrection

Logging of Vital Old Growth Legacy Trees

Page 79: Coming Insurrection

Logging = Erosion

Page 80: Coming Insurrection

Resisting Biscuit Logging

Page 81: Coming Insurrection

Logging Truck on Sheriff’s Patch: Police = loggers’ bodyguard

Page 82: Coming Insurrection

Really Free Real Estate, Really Free Markets

Page 83: Coming Insurrection

They can’t scare the green out of us!!!

Page 84: Coming Insurrection

Free All Earth Defenders!!!

Page 85: Coming Insurrection

Civi l Liberties Defense Center

Page 86: Coming Insurrection

Civi l Liberties Defense Center

Page 87: Coming Insurrection

Forest Defense

Page 88: Coming Insurrection

Jensen: “Hope is a longing for a future condition over

which you have no agency”

Page 89: Coming Insurrection

Hunt Sabotage

Page 90: Coming Insurrection

Hunt Sabotage

Page 91: Coming Insurrection

Br i ana Wat e r s

• : Convi c t e d of t wo c ount s of

ar s on f or he r r ol e as a

l ookout i n t he de s t r uc t i ve

f i r e at t he' uni ve r s i t y s

Cent e r f or Urban

.Hor t i c ul t ur e• : 6 SENTENCEye ar s

Page 92: Coming Insurrection

Dani e l McGowan

• : Convi c t e d of Se ve r al c ount s

, of ar s on pr ope r t y

de s t r uc t i on and c ons pi r ac y

• : 7 SENTENCEye ar s

Page 93: Coming Insurrection

Er i c McDavi d

• : Convi c t e d of c ons pi r ac y t o

de s t r oy pr ope r t y by

means of f i r e or e xpl os i ve s

• : 19 SENTENCE 7 ye ar s and

mont hs

Page 94: Coming Insurrection

Fr e e Je f f" Fr e e ” Lue r s

: , Convi c t e d of of ar s on , c r i mi nal mi s c hi e f

unl awf ul manuf ac t ur e of , a de s t r uc t i ve de vi c e

unl awf ul pos s e s s i on of , a de s t r uc t i ve de vi c e

, at t empt e d ar s on and at t empt e d c r i mi nal

.mi s c hi e f: SENTENCE Or i gi nal l y 23 , s e nt e nc e d t o ye ar s

r e duc e d on appe al and he i s due f or r e l e as e

2009.i n De c embe r

Page 95: Coming Insurrection

Grant Bar ne s

• : Convi c t e d of one c ount of

us i ng an i nc e ndi ar y

, de vi c e and one c ount of s e c ond de gr e e ar s on

f or bur ni ngSUVs

• : 12 SENTENCEye ar s

Page 96: Coming Insurrection

– Jac ob Conr oy 7SHAC

• : Convi c t e d of vi ol at i ng t he

Ani mal Ent e r pr i s e , Pr ot e c t i on Ac t Cons pi r ac y t o

, St al k t hr e e s ubs t ant i ve

c ount s of I nt e r s t at e

, St al ki ng and Cons pi r ac y t o

Vi ol at e t he Communi c at i ons

1934. Ac t of• : 4 SENTENCE ye ar s

Page 97: Coming Insurrection

Josh Harper – SHAC 7

• : CONVI CTED OF Cons pi r ac y t o

vi ol at e t he Ani mal Ent e r pr i s e

, Pr ot e c t i on Ac t Cons pi r ac y t o

Har as s us i ng aTe l e c ommuni c at i on s De vi c e

• : 3 SENTENCE ye ar s

Page 98: Coming Insurrection

– Kevi n Kj onaas SHAC7• : CONVI CTED OF

Cons pi r ac y t o vi ol at e t he

Ani mal Ent e r pr i s e , Pr ot e c t i on Ac t Cons pi r ac y t o

, St al k t hr e e c ount s of

I nt e r s t at e, St al ki ng

Cons pi r ac y t o Har as s us i ng a

Te l e c ommuni c at i on s De vi c e

• : 6 SENTENCE ye ar s

Page 99: Coming Insurrection

– Laur e n Gaz z ol a 7SHAC

• CONVICTED OF: Conspiracy to violate the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, Conspiracy to Stalk, three counts of Interstate Stalking, Conspiracy to Harass using a Telecommunications Device

• SENTENCE: 4 years, 4 months

Page 100: Coming Insurrection

– Andy St e pani an 7SHAC


Cons pi r ac y t o vi ol at e t he Ani mal

Ent e r pr i s e Pr ot e c t i on

Ac t

• : 3 SENTENCEye ar s

Page 101: Coming Insurrection

Dar i us Ful mer – SHAC 7

•CONVI CTED OF: Conspi racy t o vi ol at e t he Ani mal Ent erpr i se Prot ect i on Act

•SENTENCE: 1 year, 1 day


Page 102: Coming Insurrection

Jonat han Paul

• Convi c t e d: of ar s on

• : SENTENCE51 mont hs

Page 103: Coming Insurrection

JoyannaZache r

• Convi c t e d: of ar s on

• : 7 SENTENCE 8 ye ar s

mont hs

Page 104: Coming Insurrection

Mari e Mason

• Convi c t e d: of Ar s on

• : SENTENCE21 ye ar s

10 andmont hs

Page 105: Coming Insurrection

Tr e Ar r ow

• Convicted of: conspiracy, arson, attempted arson and use of destructive devices

• SENTENCE: 6 ½ years

Page 106: Coming Insurrection

Special Thanks to…Photographers:

- Marc Gaede (Sea Shepherd)

- Jody Boyman (Sea Shepherd)

- All RAN photographers

- Tom Jenner