coming meeting i at richmond onday - library of...

I IVIAINLY /YbOUT 1 EOPLE Do You Want a Watch? We willsell you one for ONE DOLLAR CASH AND FIFTY CENTS A WEEK or TWO DOLLARS A MONTH. Our watches have either the Elgin or Waltham movement. The cases are the world famous BOSS, guaranteed tor twenty years. We sell more than any other concern in the city and do business all over Call at our offices and see our line before purchasing and we will be sure to pltase you. OUR DEALINGS »A#IN CUSTOMERS. LD IJFOMINiON WVATCH WOMPANY. OFFICES: 802 EAST MAIN STREET, Mail orders given prompt attention. COMING MEETING IN PETERSBURG Ten Thousand Confederate Veterans Expected. WILWAINE HAS CLEAR FIELD. Will Be Rcnotninatcd for the Senate Without Cp,x>sit!oa -Petersburg Had the Best Drilled Pytfcians at Ocean View. BEACH PARK A SUCCESS, meeting d! the fifteenth annual fair of the Chesapeake Agricultural Fair Asso- ciation, which will be held October Sth to 13 th inclusive. A force of men are fit work >putting the grounds and buildings in order. EVANS—PULLMAN. Interviews with several prominent Presbyterians seem to b^ar out tho state- ments as made by Mr. Rover, Many be- lieve* Dr. Arthur is being persecuted, nnd others disposed to blame him for general indiscretion. "All things considered, the punishment meted out to him Is entirely too severe, and I believe that my views are fully concurred in by all who have a fullknow- ledge of the facts." "1. for one. hope that the people of Roanoke, who have been reckoned among the friends of Dr. Arthur, will do what they can to urge his reinstatement to the ministry at an early day. "The finding of tht; Presbytery is a great surprise, to all of Dr. Arthur's iriends, and was strongly argued against by Dr. "VV. C. Campbell and liis brother, of Salem, Vsu, both members of the pres- bytery; yet in the face of their protests the presbytery, as a body, have- suspended from the ministry *or an Indefinite period one of the most promising and popular young ministers in our midst— an eloquent and a good man. who commands the love and respect of all Uie right-thinking peo- ple who have the privilege of knowing him intimately. Icharges wire brought ,i>efore tho pres- bytery by vi committee irum the 'iaiJlj- felrevi cnurch, Petersburg, to which he hsd recently ucea ca'"«cd- ••Nothing is further from the truth. Tho tact is, ihe Tabb-Strctt Church sent a committee 10 Koanoku 10 investigate the rumors circulated wgalnst Ijr. Artnur, and jUtvr due deliberation exonerated him from all blame or wrong intent, and wrvu; him the strongest kind of letter, which he now has in his possession, urging him to come to them as soon as iv; could secure His release from the Montgomery Presbytery. Harris—Harrison. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) BOYKINS, VA., Sept. 20.—Mr. Edgar Mortimer Harris, a prominent business man of Branchville, rlfo a justice of the peace for this 1 county, was married last Wednesday in that place. His bride. Miss Kate Turner Harrison, is the pretty and attractive daughter of Mrs. Sarah A. Harrison^ Rev. T. O. Edwards officiated, according to the beautiful ritual of the Methodist Church. Mrs. J. D. Woodard' rendered! isrendels- sohn's wedding march. Mrs. Lula. Spiers was matron of honor, and. Mr.J. E. Har- rison was the best man. L.EESBURG, VA.. Sept 20.— The nuar- ••"•;v meeting of Loudoun County Wo- man's Christian Temperance" Union was held ih Parish Hall, Hamilton, Wednes- day, the exercises being in part a cele- bration of tho tenth anniversary of the organization. The 'following officers were elected: President, Miss Laura Smith; 3liss Martha Brown, corresponding sec- retary; Mrs. R. Brown, treasurer, and Miss Rachel Jloge, recording sec- retary- Loudoun W. C. T. U. fSrrcinl Dispatch to Tho Times.) A large barn is being erected on Bcecher farm, owned by Major Dooley. in place of the one lately destroyed by fire. Mr. E. L. L-'nseomb lost a very fine young mule yesterday from getting hung in vie stall. Preparations A'rcady Begun for Extensions for Next Season. (Special IMspatch to The Times.) WEST POINT; VA.. Sept.' 20.— West Point is now settling down to business, after a season of pleasure. Beach Park is closed, and work of putting it in better shape for next season's business has com- menced. The company will have most of the buildings erected this year pulled down and larger. and better onts ertcted. The oyster business is getting on full headway and the pacKers arc looking happy. Sportsmen are daily seeking to destroy the whole brood of sora. but are not meet- ing with much success along this line. The memorial services at the Methodist Church yesterday were largely attended. Several families have recently moved here, and desirable dwelling houses are as scarce ns the proverbial "hen's teeth." Business houses are all occupied and seve- ral applications are in for more. 'Ine West Point Academy opener.' to-day with good prospects for a successful ses- sion. SMUGGLERS IN NEWPORT NEWS EXCURSION KATES T BUFFALO WASHINGTON, Sept. 20.—A moot- ing of insurance agents was held at tbe Ebbitt House to-day. Among those press- ent from Virginia were: W. X. Coney, Richmond; J. H. Chapman. Salem: I. \V. Eppes, X'orfolk; George W. Bond, Coa- burn: John Mayler, Petersburg 1 ; \V. U. Llghtfoot and A. L. Davis, Richmond; T. B. E. Spencer, Mathows Courthouse; 3. D. Jones, Hampton; A. C. Freeman, G. P. Reed, Irwin Tucker. X'orfolk; J. .V Ford. Lynchburg; \V. P. Venable and E. 11. Easley, Farmville; C. C. Hyatt, Jonesville; Harold Child. Xorfolk: V. P. Patterson. Ciark'svil'le'; O. W, Hughlett and J. S. Efford, Wliitestone; J. W. Lock- wood, Jr.. Orange, and W. IT. Graham, Richmond. Insurance Men. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) The orchestra lrom the battleship Kear- sarge, flagship of the North Atlantic squadron, anchored off Old Point, played tbe march from Lohengrin as the brio'al party entered, and Mendelssohn's as thu ceremony was completed. Miss Virginia Evans, sister of the groom, was maid of honor, and Miss Frances O'Reiiley was bridesmaid. Both wore beautiful gowns of blue crepe, trim- med in black lace, and carried" white car- nations. The bride wore a gown of white crepe, trimmed In white lace, and white tulle veil fastened by a niamond brooch. She carried lilies of the valley. Mr. Har- old Sewell, of Boston, ufficlated as best man, and Xaval Cadets Philip O'Reiiley «-md Charles Fitzpatrick wore ushers. A light wedding supper 3t the home of Admiral Evans followed. To-night Mr. Ann Mrs. Evans took the Xew York boat for a honeymoon in the North. The wed- ding was very quiet, there being present only a few invited guests. NEWPORT NEWS, A*A., Sept. 20.— Lieutenant Frank Taylor Evans, son of Rear-Admiral Robley D. Evans, and Miss Gertrude Elizabeth Pullman, daughter of Captain Pullman, U. S. A., formerly sta- tioned at Fort Monroe, now 01 New York, were married at the residence of Major O'Reiiley in tho Fort Monroe enclosure at 4 o'clock this afternoon, Chaplain Rey- nold's, U. S. X., officiating. Bride. fpoclnl Dispatch to The. Tim.'*.') Fighting Bob's Son Takci a Fcir STATE FEMALE NORMAL Disappointment was great to both companies. TA.MPICO, VA., Sept. :».—The presi- dent of tho Chesapeake Telephone Com- pany called an illegal meeting of the stockholders to-day at Yorktown for the purpose of selling a portion of pole iine from Lee Hall to Toana to the long dis- tance company of Virginia. The by-laws call for thirty days' notice for all general meetings of the stock- holdrs and they had only three days. An Illegal Aletin?. (Special Dispatch to The Tlmos.) It is alleged that the cigars were smug- gled in on the steamship Stenoe'.i. from Antwerp. The nun are supposed '.o have bad accomplices on the- steamer, but fhe sniW for Antwerp Thursday and the ac- complices are safe for the. present. Thte prisoners arc the woman, "W. TV. Lawrence, tobacco drummer; Jack Law, ealoon keeper, and A. A. Huffman. The. case wa;-» continued to Monday, and the accused held for J^.yOO bail. Tho first development ca:rne to-day, whe:i about 500 pounds of fine imported tobacco goods, worth about §1,700, was found in tlie house- occupied by a woman named Ada de Forrest, residing just cast of the city. The case came before Com- mlssioner Garrett this aifternoon. It wi-ii go to the Federal Court. X'BW'FORT NEWS, VA.. Sept, M.— Some months ago it wris discovered that a good deal of smuggling was going on at this port. Articles of cutlery, line ra- zors and the like were to be purchased l.Vom third-class shop-s on "The Acre" at marvelcusly low rates. Fine cigars were to be obtained at small figures. The lo- cal authorities Informed the Treasury Department o: their suspicions, and a special agent was .sent here. Arrest. fSppclsl DUpatcli to Tho Tlmpß.) A Woman, a Drummer cnJ Saloon Man Under Account Pnn»American E.\position- vln K. P & 1* ami Cuntiec tions. Season tickets, with stop-over privi- leges, S"24.S"> round trip front Richmond, on sale until October 01st inc'usiv-. o"0od to return until November Wtb. lnmclad signature tickets, good going; only on date ot" sale and for continuous passage in .a>-ii direction, $17.65 r.'::r.d trip. sold until October 20th .. isive, limited to 15 days rom date of sale. Apply to Richmond Transfer Company, 903 East Main Street; Jlurphy's Hotel. or ticket ofTues at V.'.bn. Byrd-Street and S. A. L.. Stations. W P. TATXOK Traffic M.inager. GRAYSON BOYS IN TROUBLE. CHURCH SISKVtOES. SU.\"l>.\Y OU'XIXGS Only Routine BusineF. Lee Camp held a, very brief session last night, adjourning before 9 o'clock. Only routine business was tranacted. Anotbsr Session. (Special Pispatch to Tho Times.) FARMVIL-UK, VA.. Sept. 20.—The State Female Normal School opened its doors this morning. Tho exercises were simple a.nd brief. Dr. Robert Frnzier, president of the school, delivered an :id- dre=s of welcome, followed with short talks by other members of the faculty. The school grounds and bnlldlngs have undergone extensive improvements dur- ing the summer months, all the rooms have been kalsomined. and the buildings newly painted. It now has its own steam laundry, :in d is to soon furnish its own electric lights with many other conveniences. Tiiis Splendid liu-tiiutiDn Opens its Doors for TO SETTLE LOCAL CONTESTS. Via G. & O. Il.iiHv.iy. Every Sunday l>;it in:r the Autumn. \ fast train leaves Richmond, with parlor car. at S:3O A. M.. tor Newport News, Norfolk, Old Point and Ocean arri' 1 Richmond 10 P. IL. maktn-" no st< ps excep r»t Jefferson . \u25a0• - n , ; ,.. Newport News. With the approach of autumn these outings i me very In- viting; , .. jl round trip to rl ilk, Newport News, Old Point 01 Ocean View. A meat enjoyabK entertainment was given at tht home' of Miss Maud Davis, No. IMWo Floyd Avenue ThuMday. P.w freshments were served and th^ young p.j(>.ple t-njoy.-il themselves innn.-n---.-ly. A-mong thosu present were MJsaes ..Maud Davis, Derilse Morris, Mary I^ecky, and Miss Lecony; Blessrs. V. Dickinson, George Jordan, D. Ray and E. J. Bohan- non. Mr , b. H. Fitzhugii has returned from near Warrenton, Va.. where she- has scent the summer. Mrs. Fitzhugh will have her nUce. Miss Margaret Barten- stein, with her on a visit during the winter. Mirs William Gordon Robertson ar- rived in the c-ity Thursday, joining her husband, member of the Constitutional Convention from Roanoke. She and her husband are stopping at Mrs. I'itzer's. Third and Franklin. Mrs. George K. Anderson, of Clifton Forge' lias joined her husband. Judge Anderson, at No. 215 East Franklin Street. Mrs. Anderson's little son, Geo. K. Anderson, Jr.. occompanietl her in her visit to the city. "Mr. Xorvell, of North Carolina, is spending several days with friends In Richmond, ilo and 'Mrs. Norveil have recently returned from a. pleasant visit to the Buffalo 'Exposition and Atlantic City. Oscar H. Blunt, wlif> was operated on a week ago at the Virginia Hospital, is resting comfortably, and. under the skillful treatment she is receiving, her prompt recovery is looked for. Mrs William B. Newton and; little Miss Roberta andi Master William Newton, of Norfolk, will be guests of Mrs. John B Newton. Xo. 1008 Floyd Avenue, until next Thursday.-- September 26th. of Rom?, will arrive in New York to- day on tbe steamship Campagnia. He will spend some time ir. Richmond visic- ing the Mesdames Brauc-r. Rev. Dr Thomas S. Dimaway. of Fred- ericksburg. is in the city, the guest of Dr. George B. Steel, Xo. 400 Kast Main Street. MARION, Sept. 20.— When the passen- ger train due here about 0 o'clock Wedn- esday night reached a point three miles west of tins place, rock? were thrown into it by parties standing near the track and one man hit about the temple and another in the breast, but neither seriously hurt. A number of Grayson county wagon" were camped for the night close by, and five boy? who were with theso wagons were arrested and> are now in jail here to be trieck Their names are Wiley Red- ford', Eugene Young, Leonard- Spencer, William Spencer and \V. C. Xeikirk. all' of respectable families and from thirteen to eighteen years old. Nelkirk is saidi to have made a confes- sion and given names of tVR- other boys. They telephoned to their friends; to come over ami 2<-t- them out. of trouble. All waived examination' to-day, ami four were bailed in th<- Hum of 53,000. Tlv other, not being able lo give bail', is still in Jail. Two People Hurt. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) Five Rocked a Train enj One Confessed. (tjpfK-10l I>!«pnt<-h lo Tie Tim»«.) TKTEhwnrr. VA.. Stpt. W.-Dr. M'.yS'r cl.alrma« of the Esltert.Ul.ment Co:r,mittK, haa hoard from most of tho Oi»nccd«3»to camps in the State with ref- erence t<> (piartera In Petertburg: dr.rjng U»e reunion In October. Many will bo aecomnnnodated by private families. Tht> meeting will pn*ably 'bring 10,000 I>co;)l'> to roton-tnirg: TUB -SI3NATOU. TJie S- nat»ri«l Convention off UIVS Twen- ty-ninth Senatorial -.'District will meet at ru-e courthowwj here October Rth. Tho convention will Iw composed of twenty- «ix' dcJeeates from Tetersbtirg and IDln- wltiOi''. Kistcen of which will i>e. from rcfT-sburg. W. 33, Mcllwaine is the only imn* mentioned, and he will be unani- mously rcnominatod. In tin- Hustings Court, which opened th^ morning. O~boruo Ridley, charged wi:.h housetoroaJdns, was laorjuiited. Xannie Tinker, charged with Bt«aMng Ejeven dollars -:rom tbe peiwon of Xeal Simon, v.-as give!) two ywirs in the .pen- Itenflarj'* "WUMaan KiJig, charged with burglary, "wsis acquitted. Waiter Jones. charged wUh Btoallng from Samuel Thornton, w«s acquitted. Thomas H. I#cacsV who broke into his b-xirding- liotise whje in this city and stole articles belonging to otiiw boarders, plead guilty and went t«) jail for thirty days. IP.KST DIRIL-LED 'PYTJIIAXS. Tho Petcr^Mirg Company. Uniform Rank of Pythians. were highly compli- mented in Xorfolk Wednesday by staff \u25a0<»ffk«»n* of the regiment who witnessed llir drill at Ocean View. The opinion esgx-eseed by tho oflicers was that the Peter«l)urg Company was the best equipped and best drilled company In the State. . TJie-Clty Finance Committee to-day jTTjr-.hny-J 1530,000 worth oT Xonfolk city 4 per' cent, bonds at 102. The bonds are for thr sink. lie fund, which has been ErndunHy growing and now am-mnts to J' (KHt. Mj>. M.irlha C.-o.v.'J'.t, seventy six y«:iih old, lives i 1! UinwiC(J..-> county, about twentj'-flve rni'-'s from Petersfjurg. Hh^ came t<> Petersburg .'i few da>-s nso to attend the funeral ot her brother, the late J. H. Westmorland. This te Mrs. •Orowder's* fiist visit to Petersburg for forty-lnnr years! Shie has 7iever been on a railroid train and manifested no dcs-ire to travel on one. In her section •she is considered to be a fortune teller of considerable ability. PJ^RSOXAL. Miss Mary IRaXteson has returned to (Petersfjurg IPnim Stauhton. where she went with hr-r sister. Miss Anna 33eH Pattesor.. whom she entered for the ses- sion at M'isy Baldwin's College. NathaniH Hiirrison. son of W. 11. H. Raraison; Tom OlMiam, son of Robert CJilliajn. a.nd Garnett SpraUey, son of R. J. J. Ppratl.y. bay left Cor Smith Beth- lahem. Perm., to begin a course at Lehish rnivcrsltv. Oscar JJunting, son o!P Rev. O. S. Runt- Jng, of Bt. P:iul's Church, has entered tbe .preparatory school to Leiiighi Uui- reralty. "V\". G. Clark, who recently escaped, from the Eastern .State Hospital, was taken "back to-day by W. G. Sweeny, one of the guards. Mr. John W. Cocke was paralyzed at his homo on Old Street last evening. His right .«ide its affected and his condition is critical. Rev. John T. 'Bosnian, (pastor of Park- PCbjcc CJliuroh, Elchmond. and Ilcv. Fj-ank L. Wolis. pastor of Market-Street Church. Petersburg, wall exchange pulpits Sun- day. R. IT. Mann, counsel for Charles H. Moore, who sues the Sou thern Express <'om|ian\ for $lo.("fi damages, lias flJed tiv d«*clnrntion. 3nmes M. Quirk.;, .it-., counsel for the company, has lil^j a pt-- tition for the removal of tin- sisit to the United States District Court of the Kast- i-rii District •>( Virginia. The Finance Committee of the c-ity or Petersburg to-day purchased $ih.- 000 worth of Xorfolk city 4-per cent, bunds at 102. Mr. J. W. Clarke was paralyzed last night. COLLEGE STARTS OUT WELL DR. ARTHUR DEFENDED. BAY LINK IO KAIiTXMOKE "ia \u25a0-• i*. x.j-UAuy i*i-a oXd Toint. U. 3. iiail Route. L,c-av r KicDOQOtiil via Cheaaoeaka and Ohio Railway, daily. eAC>-bt ii-.iuduy. AC \u25a0i -i.i V M.. conntccing at. Old t'»mi; wltti th" superb steamers of the Old Buy Lino; leaving it 7:10 f. ii.. arrivtns ttultliuoi* (1:30 A In time tv mulce connection with a!l trains North. I-ast and Wt»t, Short rail ride and all nisht ->n r >r.<.- oZ th«» nnest st'nincrs In southern waters. Fur tickets and genera! information ao- aly at "sen'-nd offii--.-; Cheßapeake ai.1 Ohio Railway. Klchniond Transfer Com- pany, and S3B East M dn Street. AMUSEMENTS. The Democratic Executive Committee ha.s. in accordance with authority grant- ed it by the State Central Commitee, or- dered a primary election to be held by the Democrats In Shenandoah on November sth, the day of the general election, to elect anew County Committee. There are and have been for several years two or- ganizations in that oounty. On>- is he.iM- ea and led by Messrs. Miley, Bauserm»Ji and Brennamon, and the other by Messrs* Rhodes. Newmaai and Walton. It _has been a long and a bitter light. There are now dual oounty committees. Tlie Executive Committee will nvet hare next Thursday night to consider tlie mat- ter of the party troubles in Norfolk coun- ts'. There are rival organizations there and each one has nominated a candidate for the House. Mtornoy-GeneraJ Montague will adclress the" voters of Fredericksburg next nesday night, the 25th. Col J C Summers has accepted an in- vitation to address the voters of New- port News, in behalf of the Republican ticket, on October 10th. Primary Ordered In Sher.andoah— Committee to Consider Norfolk County fa=e. SPECIAIj EXCURSION TO PAN'- AMEKICAX, Bl Ft AliOX. V.. The Finding of the Presbytery a Surprise to His Friends. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) ROA.VOICE 1 , VA., September 20.— The following card signed by Mr. O. Howard Rover, a member of the Second Presby- terian Church, ha? been issued iiere: "1 notice articles in various iiapers headed "Dr. Arthur Suspended.' In these articles ih? statement is made that the Via the Popular Tork River Line, H5.95 round trip, limit fteen days. Tickets on sale daily except Sunday; leave Rich- mond 4:30 P. M- For detailed information call at ticket offices. ALEXAXDRTA, VA.. Sept. 20.—At the morning session! of Uie Xew York an- nual conference, Free Methodist Church. lv. !d in the old' First Presbyterian Church in this city, a dramatic scene was> mad? when Mi*. .Tames Gray, of Brooklyn. X. V.. a prominent delegate, suddenly and formally severed! his connection with the conference and withdrew from the church. Mr. Gray, who was referee on a com- mittee appointed! to select a place of meeting for the conference, refused l to surrender certain papers which Bishop Coleman ruled sliou'd 1 be in the custody; of the conference secretary. Appealing from the decision of the chair he was voted- down', and; then Mr. Gray arose andi. bidding his former associates in/ religious work adieu, went out of the church. fer; n:e. fSpci'inl Dispatch to TTio Tldips.) Dramatic Episode ia the Free .Methodist Con- HE LEAVES THE CHURCH. To-r.ight the Philologian Uterary So- cieti- will have their ronnion. Rev. Dr. T. S. Dunaway is in Tiich- mond atteridiiig a meeting of a special oommittpe appointed: by the trustees of the college. Dr. J. B. Hawtfcbrrre spoke nertt. I re- took as his subject "Active Membership of Societies. "" Arnon? others- who spoke were: Dr?. S. C. Mitchell and. J. A. C. Chandler; Hons. J. Garland Pollard and E. C. Folkep, Profs. H. Lee Mcßain and L. H. Walfon. ar.d Revs, F. AY". Moore, of Crewe, and- T. R. Sanfdrd-, or" Chtster- field. Last night the Jlu- Sigma Rho- Literary Society held its reunion. The hall was crowded jwithi ol«3 and; new stnilonT.s. The exercises opened with prayer by Dr. J. B. Hawthorne. Alter a, few re- marks of welcome by the president. J. P. McCabe. Mr. E. M\ GathriKbt. the orator of the evening, made an able and admirable address on "The Constitution." In the afternoon the Thomas Museum Lecture Committee was in session. They Invited a noted lecturer to fill the va- cancy cairsed by tho death of Dr. Fiske. lYof. Winston, chairman of the com- mittee, said last night that he would be able to announce tho gentleman's name in a few days. Prof. Boatwrlght was busy all day yes- terday matriculating students at Rich- mond College. Many new students ar- rived' Kits last night. The professors organized their classes ydar^srdiay and there were a large number enrolled in each tleuiirtmpnt. Many New Students Arrive-Reuaiona of Literary Societies. NEWPORT NEWS, VA.. Sept. 20.—The Merchants" andi Minors" steamer Sta.te of Texas is temporarily out of commis- sion-. The vessel has been doim? substi- tute duty. Yesterday afternoon when she arrived h^re mi some way her en- gines sx>t beyond control and the vessel did r->ot resnoiia to the wheel. A colli- sion with tho pier was narrowly averted when a landine? was attempted- The ves- sel shot into the slip between, piers 5 and G andi would' have butted into the break- water but for the fact that the engineer managed to reverse his engines just in time. The ship was carried 1 back, colliding with a- barsre and tearing her propeller blades off. No other serious damage was done. There were no passengers on board. Ship Running Wild. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) TO UNVEIL THE WINDOWS. ; BELONA. VA.. 20.—Th© second session of "Oak Grove Academy" opened Thursday hiorning with a sood line of pupils. Rev. James K. Cooke, of Rich- mond, delivered an ivoproprinte address. Miss F. Es'.elle Kudd. princlj^al. has an able corpe of assistants, viz: CMiss Mary Louise Goode, d? Richmond; Miss Broad- dus, of Caroline, and Miss Lena Rudd, o<f Powhatan. Rev. James E. Cooke, of LRichmond, i-a conducting a series of meetings ait Prov- idence Ohuirch. O&k Q:ove Academy. rjSppcial nisftatcl, to The Tiraos.) The service at Monumental Episcopal Church to-morrow morning: will !»\u25a0 one of special interest. The -three handsome Tr^mf/riaa -ivlndcvr, recently priced in> the church will be unveiled anti the row ofTeriiyr n-ntes-. ?s wpII as other b»n»- rials, will be used- for the first time. The windows to be unveiled are in memory of Chief Justics Johre Marshall, B'shop Changing: Moore, and the late George D. Fisher ante his sons, Robert H. and- -Edward Fisher. The windows are very handsome ones and have beea jrreatly admired. Dr. Evans win preach a sermon ap- propriate to this memorial occasion at the 11 o'clock service ar.d there will also be special nuistc Church To-Morrcw. Service of Special Interest at Monuments! The Bijou Theatre will open for the season next Monday night. Thn sale of pea.ts Wciri? this ro-^rninr. when- ar- rarjrementa msy «lso be made for seats to be reserved for th«> scss*n, om thp Rflm^ t<TTn» as last senson. Manager T^ ? «»lls will present a" very *tron«r vaudo- vl'le sb th« op»n^n.- nttraction. for Mon- e>av, TXieeday,- and 'Wednesday. There will be a special' matinee on Tuesday.- On Thur»da.y the vaudeville attraction will give vnvy to tho Crazy Guy, a. new fare«farc« comedy, which employs th« ser- vices at thirty-seven people. :, , 4lJ _^ THE BIJOU OFEXIKG. \ large auaience witnessed! the pre- senteUore of "The- Prisoner of Zenda StvSS Academy last night. The play Sil douhUess live for ninny years. It anneals to all dßsses. and it is one of g£Kt rotn^tio play. of recent W It was for a lons time n el^f. e^ opinion that a play, particular y of this typo. should toave a happy ending. That tradition widely^ sh^teredv fg^Jg SdS!aithoueb "the "'lovers were parted at the end. Harry Leighton enacted the clnal role last night and pave a credit^le rendition of the part, although ho lac.Ud the grace and or bearins that char- acterl«a his predecessors, in the.^ole, Ellen Rowland, was the Princess FiaMa. and while she was fairly satisfactory. chc lacked personality. While there were no stars the company, as a whole, grave a performance that pleased those who were present. The play will be repeated at matinee performance to-day, and to-night "Rupert of Hentzau" will be riven. "A POOR RKLATUONV In consequence of the enforced retire- ment for another year of Mr. So! Smith Russell on accbirn't of ill health. Mr. Fred G. Berger, his manager, has retained tho entire supporting 1 company and has ef- fected an engagement with that artistic aet-cr FYeder'.ck Sutnmerfield. who will tion." in which, duriner the past twelve years, Mr. Russell has established himself "in the. he-arts of the plav-poingr public of America as stroncly as Mr. Jefferson hns as Rto Van AVinkle. "A Poor Relation"* is moro an idyl capable company, maice it a play that everybody should see. The entragrenT'ivt tnke«> place next Mon- day evening. September ?S. GET UP! That's the morning call of Chanticleer. It's a wtlcome cr\- to a well man. But to a man whose sleep peems to have been only an unicfreshing *Jf)*» stupor; who wakes W»/i with burning eyes, ft&L, %dh throbbing hend, and J^Srf* fP# a bad taste in the i«3'^-> v <J^^7 mouth, it means r ,\\<^^>^^T;^t only a new day's »<^Wffi^R»s§£^ miserj 1 . v?^^fl»s^^^ Insuch a physic?.l V(^i'^ condition health is most surely and .rfC-sjr*'* 'fi swiftly rcs'ors-d by <^S?*-^___j-~ tlie use of Doctor f : *~~^~. w . Picrce'sGoldon Mcd- "^^ •>r-v». v *iS»'U ical Discovery. It "^^j^^^'V cures diseases of the " ... stomach and organs v.'-VAy^gf of digestion and nu- . v \\*':'tW trition, and it cures 1^ I through tbe stomach >T^ffl diseases of liver, <v""^--^v ""^--^ *3Js?v lungs, kidneys, etc., >rfr ~^ \u25a0which have their *———————* origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Itincreases the activity of the blood -tiiakisig glands, and every orjjan is benefited by the resulting in- crease oi rich, pure blood. "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaiuc and other narcotics. ••Year 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Dr. Sage* Catarrh Hcmeay have been of Kreat benefit to me," writes (Prof.) Pleasant A. Oliver, of Viol*, Fulton Co., Ark. "Beforr I used the above mentioned remedies tnv sleep was not •ousd 1 ; , digeitiou bad ; * continual feeling of taittry. I aow feel like a new man. Any one in reed ofmedical treatment for naaal catarrh rouli do no better than to take trcatmeot of t)r. X. V, Pierce. I know life medicine* are all' rignt in tui* claw of diseasca.* The Common Sente Medical Ad\iser, elotlJ binding, seat free by the author, ion receipt of 31 one-cent stamps, to pay expense of ma:ling only. Inpaper covers CAPE CHAiKILES, VA.. S®?t. 20.—Sweet T.o*»to<?s hnve been moving: pretty lively from the [Eastern Shore during the -past ten days. have been -very good, ranging from $1.25 to J1.75 per barrel. i Prepaxa-tioua *r« beins mad* far titm » Cape C'.«3rl:s PoJnts. fSiv-inl nimmtch ta Tbn Tlmf*.l PERFECT &N ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY, Used by people of refinement \ for over a Quarter of a century. Sg^P<?|^ PACKER'S E&7^*'rfA'^Ji-iCi«Me« fci^ twi'itSP.cj the _balr. WfrftfrSj^ ?ij;» to Hestoro Oray Wsfr'ht '-'V-r-Sfen Hair to lta Youthful Color. W liSllll HaUM Cured at iaTS»n»--or. g E?>Bal j c:n 1q 80 days. ITmi.l.'i*l» take place to-morrow afUrnonrt at four o'clock in the library room ot the buCd- inc. The speaker will be Rev. Dr. J. V,. Hutson of Pint-Strcft Baptist Church, antf the theme will be "'I he phristjan Gentleman as a Knight of the New Chivalry-" A cbrdtal invitation is ex- tended to both members and strangers to> attend this meeting. The Bible Training Class vsi'.l meet in. the parlor at 5:15, followed by th« Workers' League at S:ls. Dr. Pell -will resume the Saturday after- noon study oi the Suniay-school :e?3-vns in the Association auditorium, begir.alna Saturday. October sth. The nlsht educational dosses* at tha Association will commence Monday. Sep- tember 30: the gymnasium c"a-s?s begas list Monday, with a rooJ Bttendanc?. All of the gymnasium classes will be conduct- ed in the regular order, anrt mb»r» should begin their systematic exercises ; early, thus getting beneiit ot th« entlz* 1 season. Si "" EPISCOPAL. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. CORNER NfXTJ and Grace Streets, Rev. ROBSJJT STRANGE, D. D., rector.—Rev. ROBERT W. BARNWELL, of Florence, S. C. wJU officiaU-*t UA. M. >nd at 8:15 P. ij. WEST-END CHRISTIAN CHURCH. ON' Morris Street between Main and Flovd Avenue.— V reaching to-morrow by the pastor. Rev. HE.NRY PEARCE ATKINs! at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Morning subject, !;ii lc J Beq > J?^v°Ju J " u "." Nißht subject. "Shadows with the Power to Heal " Sun- day school at 0:30 o'clock. Seats free 4. cordial welcome awaits all. MARS PI AL L-STREET CHRISTI\N CHURCH— Marshall Street between Gra- ham and Hancock.— Preaching at 11 A M by Rev. CHARLES F. MYERS, of Union Theological Seminary. So service at night. Public cordially invited. SEVENTH-STREET CHRISTIAN Church, corner Seventh and Grace Streets.— Services Sunilav at 11 A. M and S:l"> P. M., conducted by Rev W L FISHER. Seats free and' a cordial wel- come extended to all, especially strangers and" those who have no church home Sunday school meets at £K;0 \ M CHRISTIAN. GRACE-STREET PRESBYTERIAN— Rev. JERE WiTHERSPOOX. D. D., pas- tor. Preaching at 11 A M by the pastor and 8 P. M. by Prof. S. C MITCHELL, of Richmond College. Sabbath school at l>:3«> A. M. Wednesday night service at S o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Grace' and Madison Streets Rev. ROBERT P. KERR, D. D., pastor.—Ser- vices at 11 A. M and S P. M. All are welcome. CHURCH OF THE COVENANT (PRES- BYTERIAN)—Rev. J. CALViN STEW- ART, pastel"-— Preaching at 11 A. M. and S I.M. by- the pastor. Mid-week ser- vice Wednesday evening- at S o'clock. Sab- bath school meets at 9:30 A. M. Seats free and' a hearty welcome to ail services. PRESBYTERIAN. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH—WORSHIP at 11 A. M.—Preaching r.y the pastor. Dr. f'OOPKR. Bible school at 0:30 A. M. CliurcTi business meeting Monday night. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH—SER- vices at 11 A. M. and S P. M.—Preaching by the pastor, Dr. W. R. L. SMJTH. Eve- ning subject, "Lessons from the Nation's Sorrow!" Bible school at !«:15 A. M. GROVE-AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCF.. Rev. J. B. HAWTHORNE, D. D.. pastor. Sunday school at- 9:15 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. by the pastor. Subject, "The Optimism of the Bible." No services at nlghL Prayer-meeting Wednesday night at S:ls o'clock. LEIGH-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH (corner Twenty-iifth and Leigh Streets) M. ASHBY JONES, Pastor.— Preaching at 11 A. M. and S P. M. by the pastor. Subject for the morning, "Love vs. Law as a Motive for Life;" evening- theme, "The Contest for Character a Duel." BAPTIST. . .VIOX STATION M. B. CHURCH'— Preacl'.ing at 11 A. M. and" 3 P. M. by Rev. LEWIS STAFFORD BETH', one of the rising young men of. the Virginia Confer- ence. HIGII LA ND PARK METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH—Kov. EDGAR A. POTTS, pastor.— Services at 11 A. M. and S P. M., Rev. J. N. LATHAM, of Ports- mouth, preaching. CE-NTENARY METHODIST CIIURCH- Rt'V W. \V. LEAR, pastor.— Preaching by Rc-v. FRA.VK WELLS, of Market-Street Cliurcli, Petersburg, at Jl A. M. and S P. M. Mid-week service at d I. M. Wednes- day. ST. JAMES M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. Twenty-ninth and Marsnall .Streets.— Preaching at 11 A. M. and 5 I J . M. by the pastor, Hey. R. it. BENNETT. Subject at night. "William McKiuley, the Well Beloved." BROAD-STREET M. E. CHURCH corner liroati ana Tentii Streets, ttev. w'. li. BEAUCHAMP, pastor.— Services Sun- day at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.— Preaching by the pastor. Morning subject. "Chris- tianity in Earnest;" evening, "The Zeal of Jesus for the Purity or the Church." Sunday school '):'MA. M. ISpworth League Monday evening- at S o'clock. Mid-week service "Wednesday evening at S o'clock. A cordial invitation to all. METHODIST. Rev. J. B. rfntson to Sseak. Tho sixth of the most pttraofive «°rtrs of meetings being- held at the Young Men' 3 Christian Association uprn ti.e mai i th^m*, "TUa Christian Gentleman t "- will Messrs. James A. Warde and Walter Slzer ieft Thursday for Xew Haven, Conn., to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law. Eugene Moore, who was accidentally killed. Sit Moses Ezekiel, ta« tamous sculptor j Mrs. Llllls Sponmburs has been very ill for the past ten days at her residence. No. 714 North Fourth Street, and still continues sick. Mr. P. H. Curtis has returned from a trip to (Petersburg. iliss ißosa Marks is visiting Miss Diary "Walker, in .Farmville. Mr. Walter J. Davis has returned Ifrom a trip to Prospect, Va, Ctfrs. K. U Morris is registered at the Kennert Hotel, Baltimore. Judge Timothy Rives, of Pinnee George county, is in the city on business. Messrs. Arthur and Frank T. Glasgow, .; . returned to Richmond Thursday. (Miss Preston Womack is visiting her mother, in Prince Edward oounty, Va. Mrs. C. A. Leonard is visiting the fam- ily of Mr. D. E. Alley, in Petersburg. Miss Mary Bailey, of Mulberry Grove, Js visiting her aunt, airs. James Wright. •Miss ißettie Smithie, o-f Marl Hill,New Kent county, is visiting friends in this city. Miss Katie Jones has just g-otten home from an extended northern and Canadian tour. Mrs. J. T. Neal and children have just returned after a delightful trip to New York. Miss Mason, of Pearisburg, will be the guest of the Misses Dart, during the Car- nival. iMr. Hayes Roane, Jr., is seriously ill at his home. No. 2."03 East Marshall Street. Miss Annie L». Lapscomt) has returned from a trip to West Point and other places. Miss Lottie Williams is visiting Mrs. A. L. Elsom, at Monte Vista, in Nelson county. Qlr. and Mrs. Water C. Mercer have rned i"rom a trip to Washington and other places. Mrs. K. L. Morris, of Richmond, was registered at the Rennert, in Baltimore, on Thursday. Miss Virginia Hagan. of No. 420 South Pine Street, is visiting her brother in Charlottesvil c. Mr. Carl Ligon, of Lovingston, has ar- rived here tt> accept a position with a wholesale firm. Miss Wilile Hill, oV AVest Point, who '".\u25a0is been visiting- -Miss Sailie Hockaday, Was returned home. Miss Alma L. Lipscomb, who has been spending some time at West Point, Va., has returned home. Mrs. J. T. FowHces, who has returned to her home, near Meherrin, is much, improved in health. Miss AHce S. Delaney has returned from Norfolk, where she has been spending the past two weeks. Mrs. William Cooke has returned to me city, after a. delightful visit to rela- tives, in New Jersey. Misses Alma and Pearl Mclntyre have returned to the city after a delightful sojurn in Chesterfield. Miss Alma. 1.,. Lipscomb has returned to the city from a pleasant visit to friends in West Point. Miss Florence Massie, daughter of ißiitrid Massie. ha,s gone to Charlottes- vine to attend school. Miss Berrilce Wright, of Caroline coun- ty, is visiting Mrs. S. G. King, at No. S3l West Marshall Street. Mrs. Isadore Iteinach and her daugh- ter, Miss Carolina, of Petersburg, are visiting .friends in thig city. 'Mrs. Warren C. Arsell will leave Tues- day for Lynchburg- to visit her husband, who is now located there. L T nion Council. No. 11, Daughters of Liberty, paid over to the widow of L>. Scott Thompson the sum of $200. Miss IBright Hall, a daughter o*f Ser- geant llali, ha.s returned home after a visit to Ifriends in Newport News. The Rev. J. N. Wells and his wSfle, ot Wilmington, N. C, are stopping at Mrs. iDuval's, on. East Franklin Street. IMrs. J. M. Seay has arrived here with her son, Frank, from Nelson county. He will enter one of the schools here. Mr. Marshall Lewis arrived in the city from "West Point Wednesday, where he matriculated at Richmond College. Mr. Washington Carter and son, who 'have been visiting Mr. S. L. Carter, in Lovingston, have for their home. IMrs. L. L. I^ewis has as her guests her mother, Mrs. Looney. and her sister, Miss May Looney, <JJ Memphis, Term. Mrs. J. IE. Page and aEaster Holt Page have returned .from a delightful stay with relatives and friends' in Lync-hburg. Miss Nonie Death and Jier niece, Miss ißoki lilkk, have returned to the city, after spending the summer at Lnray, \ r a. Miss Willie Hill left Monday for her home, in West Point, after a delightful stay with the Misses Hockaday in this city. Miss Wiliie Hii'l, of West Point, has left far her home, after a delightful \u25a0visit to the (Misses Hockaday, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stacy, Iformerly of Richmond, tout now residents of Ronce- verte, W. Va., axe spending a few days here. Miss 18. M. Dansey, who has been for tQia summer with friends in King Wil- liam oounty, Va., has returend to Rich- ir-ond. (Misg B. CM. iDansey, of Richmond, who has been spending the summer with Miss J. T. Iteed, West iPclnt, has returned home. Mrs. Benj. Rives Allen and little son, from Burdett, Miss., are visiting Mrs. O. S. Allen and family, of Amelia Court- house. Miss tLucy Thornton, of Smith ville, Charlotte county, is in the city, and . was on the floor otf the convention yes- terday. Miss Daisy B. Hamilton, who has been nursing a private case at Bluefield, W: Va., for the last month, returned to the city Thursday night. Misses Marion Owens and Marie Har- \u25a0grave, of West Point, will be students at the Richmond Female Seminary dur- ing the coming year. Miss Martha Byrd will shortly leave for Passadena, Cal.. where -=he win pay a. visit of some months to Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke Jones, o: that city. Messrs? O. B. and M. F. James, of Church Hill, clerks in the office of the C. & O. Railway Co., are spending their vacation at the Buffalo Exposition. Miss Tanner, of No. 6 East. Main Street, returned from New York last night, and is the guest of Capt. and Mrs. Gifford, No. 115 East Main Street, until October Ist. Miss Julia Wills, of Nelson county, Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. AVa'ter Sub- lett. She will leave to-ilay for Clar-a- mont, where she will spend the winter. Mrs. Moncure Perkins and Mrs. James 'D. Patton. Mrs. Corydon Sutton and IMrs. G. D. Christian, with their respec- tive families, have also returned to the city. Mr.Clifford- Dudley Bird passed through the city Thursday, en route from King and Queen county, where he has been spending the summer, to his home, in Baltimore. Mr. James A. Warde and Mr. Walter Sizeray left for New Haven Thursday to attend the funeral of their brothsr-In- law, Mr. Eugene Moore, who was acci- dentally killed. AT RICHMOND ONDAY * _, , Sept. 23d- THE HIGHEST CLASS CIRCUS, IN THE WORLD, THE GREATEST. GRANDEST AND BEST OF AMERICA'S BIG TENTED ENTERPRISES! Three Rings, Half-MURace Track, 1,000 Fenturcs. 100 Phenomenal Acts, 25 Clowns. 20 Hurrl- cane Races, 50 Cages, Drovc3 of Camels, 15 Open Dens, Herds oi Ulepbants. 5i.000.00 daily expenses. . MUSEUM, MENAGERIE. AI^D ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME. The Greatest Performers in the known wcrU era with the GREAT WALLACE SHOWS thlt Season, iiKltuJLi ; ((&lF«tK:rcw miand s^eeiy s'ao -.'kmtx cfwtKfrsr.'s <my erws mmaeseuun a mskg urn«ouix^j^ THE SEVEN STIRKS. Bicycle and Skating Experts. THE TEN DELLAf^EADS, Statuary Artists. MILE. NGRADA FRENCH. iViysterious Globe* 10 Principal Male and Female Equestrians, 10. Leon and Sing- ing Mules. The Livingstons, Arial Bar Extraordinary. The Sisters Vortex, Triple Revolving Trapeze. «ffc nJL JL S*& j At 10 A iM. Daily, is the finest ever pat on the VT^OQT P^r^flP streets - A Sunburst of Splendor. A Triumph Excursion Ran on Every Line of Travel- No Gambling Devices Tolerated. NEVER DIVIDES. NEVER DISAPPOINTS. 6 THE TIMES: BICHMOND. VA. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21. 1901*

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WEEK or TWO DOLLARS A MONTH. Our watches have either the Elgin or

Waltham movement. The cases are the world famous BOSS, guaranteed tor

twenty years.We sell more than any other concern in the city and do business all over

Call at our offices and see our line before purchasing and we willbe sureto pltase you.


OFFICES: 802 EAST MAINSTREET,Mail orders given prompt attention.


Ten Thousand Confederate VeteransExpected.


Will Be Rcnotninatcd for the Senate Without

Cp,x>sit!oa -Petersburg Had the Best

Drilled Pytfcians at Ocean

View. BEACH PARK A SUCCESS, meeting d! the fifteenth annual fair ofthe Chesapeake Agricultural Fair Asso-ciation, which will be held October Sthto 13 th inclusive.A force of men are fit work >putting

the grounds and buildings in order.


Interviews with several prominentPresbyterians seem to b^ar out tho state-ments as made by Mr. Rover, Many be-lieve* Dr. Arthur is being persecuted, nndothers disposed to blame him forgeneral indiscretion.

"Allthings considered, the punishmentmeted out to him Is entirely too severe,

and Ibelieve that my views are fullyconcurred in by all who have a fullknow-ledge of the facts."

"1. for one. hope that the people ofRoanoke, who have been reckoned amongthe friends of Dr. Arthur, will do whatthey can to urge his reinstatement tothe ministry at an early day.

"The finding of tht; Presbytery is agreat surprise, to all of Dr. Arthur'siriends, and was strongly argued againstby Dr. "VV. C. Campbell and liis brother,of Salem, Vsu, both members of the pres-bytery; yet in the face of their proteststhe presbytery, as a body, have- suspendedfrom the ministry *or an Indefinite periodone of the most promising and popularyoung ministers in our midst— an eloquentand a good man. who commands the loveand respect of all Uie right-thinking peo-

ple who have the privilege of knowinghim intimately.

Icharges wire brought ,i>efore tho pres-bytery by vi committee irum the 'iaiJlj-

felrevi cnurch, Petersburg, to which hehsd recently ucea ca'"«cd-

••Nothing is further from the truth.Tho tact is, ihe Tabb-Strctt Church sent

a committee 10 Koanoku 10 investigatethe rumors circulated wgalnst Ijr.Artnur,

and jUtvr due deliberation exoneratedhim from all blame or wrong intent, andwrvu; him the strongest kind of letter,

which he now has in his possession,urging him to come to them as soon asiv; could secure His release from theMontgomery Presbytery.

Harris—Harrison.(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

BOYKINS, VA., Sept. 20.—Mr. Edgar

Mortimer Harris, a prominent businessman of Branchville, rlfo a justice of thepeace for this1 county, was married lastWednesday in that place. His bride. MissKate Turner Harrison, is the pretty andattractive daughter of Mrs. Sarah A.Harrison^ Rev. T. O. Edwards officiated,according to the beautiful ritual of theMethodist Church.

Mrs. J. D. Woodard' rendered! isrendels-sohn's wedding march. Mrs. Lula. Spierswas matron of honor, and. Mr.J. E. Har-rison was the best man.

L.EESBURG, VA.. Sept 20.— The nuar-••"•;v meeting of Loudoun County Wo-man's Christian Temperance" Union washeld ih Parish Hall, Hamilton, Wednes-day, the exercises being in part a cele-bration of tho tenth anniversary of theorganization. The 'following officers wereelected: President, Miss Laura Smith;3liss Martha Brown, corresponding sec-retary; Mrs. R. Brown, treasurer,

and Miss Rachel Jloge, recording sec-retary-

Loudoun W. C. T. U.fSrrcinl Dispatch to Tho Times.)

A large barn is being erected on Bcecherfarm, owned by Major Dooley. in placeof the one lately destroyed by fire.

Mr. E. L. L-'nseomb lost a very fineyoung mule yesterday from getting hungin vie stall.

Preparations A'rcady Begun for Extensionsfor Next Season.

(Special IMspatch to The Times.)WEST POINT; VA.. Sept.' 20.— West

Point is now settling down to business,

after a season of pleasure. Beach Parkis closed, and work of puttingit inbettershape for next season's business has com-menced.

The company will have most of thebuildings erected this year pulled downand larger.and better onts ertcted.

The oyster business is getting on fullheadway and the pacKers arc lookinghappy.

Sportsmen are daily seeking to destroythe whole brood of sora. but are not meet-ing with much success along this line.

The memorial services at the MethodistChurch yesterday were largely attended.

Several families have recently movedhere, and desirable dwelling houses areas scarce ns the proverbial "hen's teeth."Business houses are all occupied and seve-ral applications are in for more.

'Ine West Point Academy opener.' to-daywith good prospects for a successful ses-sion.



WASHINGTON, Sept. 20.—A moot-ing of insurance agents was held at tbeEbbitt House to-day. Among those press-ent from Virginia were: W. X. Coney,Richmond; J. H. Chapman. Salem: I. \V.Eppes, X'orfolk; George W. Bond, Coa-burn: John Mayler, Petersburg 1; \V. U.Llghtfoot and A. L. Davis, Richmond; T.B. E. Spencer, Mathows Courthouse; 3.D. Jones, Hampton; A. C. Freeman, G.P. Reed, Irwin Tucker. X'orfolk; J. .VFord. Lynchburg; \V. P. Venable and E.11. Easley, Farmville; C. C. Hyatt,Jonesville; Harold Child. Xorfolk: V. P.Patterson. Ciark'svil'le'; O. W, Hughlettand J. S. Efford, Wliitestone; J. W. Lock-wood, Jr.. Orange, and W. IT. Graham,Richmond.

Insurance Men.(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

The orchestra lrom the battleship Kear-sarge, flagship of the North Atlanticsquadron, anchored off Old Point, playedtbe march from Lohengrin as the brio'alparty entered, and Mendelssohn's as thuceremony was completed.

Miss Virginia Evans, sister of thegroom, was maid of honor, and MissFrances O'Reiiley was bridesmaid. Bothwore beautiful gowns of blue crepe, trim-med in black lace, and carried" white car-nations. The bride wore a gown of whitecrepe, trimmed In white lace, and whitetulle veil fastened by a niamond brooch.She carried lilies of the valley. Mr. Har-old Sewell, of Boston, ufficlated as bestman, and Xaval Cadets Philip O'Reiiley

«-md Charles Fitzpatrick wore ushers.A light wedding supper 3t the home of

Admiral Evans followed. To-night Mr.

Ann Mrs. Evans took the Xew York boatfor a honeymoon in the North. The wed-ding was very quiet, there being present

only a few invited guests.

NEWPORT NEWS, A*A., Sept. 20.—Lieutenant Frank Taylor Evans, son ofRear-Admiral Robley D. Evans, and MissGertrude Elizabeth Pullman, daughter ofCaptain Pullman, U. S. A., formerly sta-

tioned at Fort Monroe, now 01 New York,were married at the residence of MajorO'Reiiley in tho Fort Monroe enclosure at

4 o'clock this afternoon, Chaplain Rey-nold's, U. S. X., officiating.

Bride.fpoclnl Dispatch to The. Tim.'*.')

Fighting Bob's Son Takci a Fcir


Disappointment was great to bothcompanies.

TA.MPICO, VA., Sept. :».—The presi-dent of tho Chesapeake Telephone Com-pany called an illegal meeting of thestockholders to-day at Yorktown for thepurpose of selling a portion of pole iinefrom Lee Hall to Toana to the long dis-tance company of Virginia.

The by-laws call for thirty days' noticefor all general meetings of the stock-holdrs and they had only three days.

An Illegal Aletin?.(Special Dispatch to The Tlmos.)

Itis alleged that the cigars were smug-gled in on the steamship Stenoe'.i. fromAntwerp. The nun are supposed '.o havebad accomplices on the- steamer, but fhesniW for Antwerp Thursday and the ac-complices are safe for the. present.

Thte prisoners arc the woman, "W. TV.Lawrence, tobacco drummer; Jack Law,

ealoon keeper, and A. A. Huffman. wa;-» continued to Monday, and theaccused held for J^.yOO bail.

Tho first development ca:rne to-day,whe:i about 500 pounds of fine importedtobacco goods, worth about §1,700, wasfound in tlie house- occupied by a womannamed Ada de Forrest, residing just castof the city. The case came before Com-mlssioner Garrett this aifternoon. Itwi-ii go to the Federal Court.

X'BW'FORT NEWS, VA.. Sept, M.—Some months ago it wris discovered thata good deal of smuggling was going onat this port. Articles of cutlery, line ra-zors and the like were to be purchasedl.Vom third-class shop-s on "The Acre" atmarvelcusly low rates. Fine cigars wereto be obtained at small figures. The lo-

cal authorities Informed the TreasuryDepartment o: their suspicions, and aspecial agent was .sent here.

Arrest.fSppclsl DUpatcli to Tho Tlmpß.)

A Woman, a Drummer cnJ Saloon Man Under

Account Pnn»American E.\position-

vln K. P & 1* K« ami Cuntiec


Season tickets, with stop-over privi-

leges, S"24.S"> round trip front Richmond,

on sale until October 01st inc'usiv-. o"0odto return until November Wtb.

lnmclad signature tickets, good going;

only on date ot" sale and for continuouspassage in .a>-ii direction, $17.65 r.'::r.d trip.

sold until October 20th .. isive, limitedto 15 days rom date of sale.

Apply to Richmond Transfer Company,903 East Main Street; Jlurphy's Hotel.or ticket ofTues at V.'.bn. Byrd-Streetand S. A. L.. Stations.



SU.\"l>.\Y OU'XIXGSOnly Routine BusineF.

Lee Camp held a, very brief session lastnight, adjourning before 9 o'clock. Only

routine business was tranacted.

Anotbsr Session.(Special Pispatch to Tho Times.)

FARMVIL-UK, VA.. Sept. 20.—The

State Female Normal School opened itsdoors this morning. Tho exercises weresimple a.nd brief. Dr. Robert Frnzier,president of the school, delivered an :id-dre=s of welcome, followed with shorttalks by other members of the faculty.

The school grounds and bnlldlngs haveundergone extensive improvements dur-ing the summer months, all the roomshave been kalsomined. and the buildingsnewly painted.It now has its own steam laundry, :ind

is to soon furnish its own electric lights

with many other conveniences.

Tiiis Splendid liu-tiiutiDn Opens its Doors for

TO SETTLE LOCAL CONTESTS.Via G. & O. Il.iiHv.iy.Every Sunday

l>;it in:r the Autumn.

\ fast train leaves Richmond, with

parlor car. at S:3O A. M.. tor Newport

News, Norfolk, Old Point and Ocean

arri' 1 Richmond 10 P. IL.maktn-" no st< ps excep r»t Jefferson . \u25a0•

• -n,;,.. Newport News. With the approach

of autumn these outings i me very In-viting; ,..jlround trip to rl ilk, Newport News,

Old Point 01 Ocean View.

A meat enjoyabK entertainment wasgiven at tht home' of Miss Maud Davis,

No. IMWo Floyd Avenue ThuMday. P.wfreshments were served and th^ youngp.j(>.ple t-njoy.-il themselves innn.-n---.-ly.

A-mong thosu present were MJsaes ..MaudDavis, Derilse Morris, Mary I^ecky, andMiss Lecony; Blessrs. V. Dickinson,George Jordan, D. Ray and E. J. Bohan-non.

Mr,b. H. Fitzhugii has returned fromnear Warrenton, Va.. where she- has

scent the summer. Mrs. Fitzhugh will

have her nUce. Miss Margaret Barten-stein, with her on a visit during the

winter.Mirs William Gordon Robertson ar-

rived in the c-ity Thursday, joining herhusband, member of the Constitutional

Convention from Roanoke. She and her

husband are stopping at Mrs. I'itzer's.

Third and Franklin.Mrs. George K. Anderson, of Clifton

Forge' lias joined her husband. JudgeAnderson, at No. 215 East FranklinStreet. Mrs. Anderson's little son, Geo.

K. Anderson, Jr.. occompanietl her inher visit to the city.

"Mr. Xorvell, of North Carolina, isspending several days with friends InRichmond, ilo and 'Mrs. Norveil haverecently returned from a. pleasant visitto the Buffalo 'Exposition and AtlanticCity.

Oscar H. Blunt, wlif> was operated

on a week ago at the Virginia Hospital,

is resting comfortably, and. under the

skillful treatment she is receiving,

her prompt recovery is looked for.

Mrs William B. Newton and; little Miss

Roberta andi Master William Newton,

of Norfolk, will be guests of Mrs. John

B Newton. Xo. 1008 Floyd Avenue, untilnext Thursday.-- September 26th.

of Rom?, will arrive in New York to-day on tbe steamship Campagnia. Hewill spend some time ir. Richmond visic-ing the Mesdames Brauc-r.

Rev. Dr Thomas S. Dimaway. of Fred-ericksburg. is in the city, the guest ofDr. George B. Steel, Xo. 400 Kast MainStreet.

MARION, Sept. 20.— When the passen-ger train due here about 0 o'clock Wedn-esday night reached a point three mileswest of tins place, rock? were throwninto it by parties standing near thetrack and one man hit about the templeand another in the breast, but neitherseriously hurt.

A number of Grayson county wagon"

were camped for the night close by, andfive boy? who were with theso wagonswere arrested and> are now in jail hereto be trieck Their names are Wiley Red-ford', Eugene Young, Leonard- Spencer,

William Spencer and \V. C. Xeikirk. all'of respectable families and from thirteento eighteen years old.

Nelkirk is saidi to have made a confes-sion and given names of tVR- other boys.

They telephoned to their friends; to comeover ami 2<-t- them out. of trouble. Allwaived examination' to-day, ami fourwere bailed in th<- Hum of 53,000.

Tlvother, not being able lo give bail',is still in Jail.

Two People Hurt.(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

Five Rocked a Train enj One Confessed.

(tjpfK-10l I>!«pnt<-h lo Tie Tim»«.)

TKTEhwnrr. VA.. Stpt. W.-Dr.M'.yS'r cl.alrma« of the Esltert.Ul.mentCo:r,mittK, haa hoard from most of tho

Oi»nccd«3»to camps in the State with ref-

erence t<> (piartera In Petertburg: dr.rjng

U»e reunion In October. Many will bo

aecomnnnodated by private families.Tht> meeting willpn*ably 'bring 10,000

I>co;)l'> to roton-tnirg:TUB-SI3NATOU.

TJie S- nat»ri«l Convention off UIVS Twen-ty-ninth Senatorial -.'District will meet at

ru-e courthowwj here October Rth. Tho

convention will Iw composed of twenty-

«ix' dcJeeates from Tetersbtirg and IDln-wltiOi''. Kistcen of which will i>e. fromrcfT-sburg. W. 33, Mcllwaine is the only

imn* mentioned, and he will be unani-mously rcnominatod.

In tin- Hustings Court, which opened

th^ morning. O~boruo Ridley, charged

wi:.h housetoroaJdns, was laorjuiited.

Xannie Tinker, charged with Bt«aMngEjeven dollars -:rom tbe peiwon of XealSimon, v.-as give!) two ywirs in the .pen-Itenflarj'* "WUMaan KiJig, charged withburglary, "wsis acquitted. Waiter Jones.charged wUh Btoallng from SamuelThornton, w«s acquitted. Thomas H.

I#cacsV who broke into his b-xirding-

liotise whje in this city and stole articlesbelonging to otiiw boarders, plead guilty

and went t«) jail for thirty days.

IP.KST DIRIL-LED 'PYTJIIAXS.Tho Petcr^Mirg Company. Uniform

Rank of Pythians. were highly compli-mented in Xorfolk Wednesday by staff

\u25a0<»ffk«»n* of the regiment who witnessedllir drill at Ocean View. The opinionesgx-eseed by tho oflicers was that thePeter«l)urg Company was the bestequipped and best drilled company Inthe State. .

TJie-Clty Finance Committee to-dayjTTjr-.hny-J 1530,000 worth oT Xonfolk city4 per' cent, bonds at 102. The bonds arefor thr sink. lie fund, which has beenErndunHy growing and now am-mnts to

J' (KHt.Mj>. M.irlha C.-o.v.'J'.t, seventy six

y«:iih old, lives i1! UinwiC(J..-> county,about twentj'-flve rni'-'s from Petersfjurg.Hh^ came t<> Petersburg .'i few da>-s nsoto attend the funeral ot her brother, thelate J. H. Westmorland. This te Mrs.•Orowder's* fiist visit to Petersburg forforty-lnnr years! Shie has 7iever beenon a railroid train and manifested nodcs-ire to travel on one. In her section•she is considered to be a fortune tellerof considerable ability.

PJ^RSOXAL.Miss Mary IRaXteson has returned to

(Petersfjurg IPnim Stauhton. where shewent with hr-r sister. Miss Anna 33eHPattesor.. whom she entered for the ses-sion at M'isy Baldwin's College.

NathaniH Hiirrison. son of W. 11. H.Raraison; Tom OlMiam, son of RobertCJilliajn. a.nd Garnett SpraUey, son of R.J. J. Ppratl.y. bay left Cor Smith Beth-lahem. Perm., to begin a course at Lehishrnivcrsltv.

Oscar JJunting, son o!P Rev. O. S. Runt-Jng, of Bt. P:iul's Church, has enteredtbe .preparatory school to Leiiighi Uui-reralty.

"V\". G. Clark, who recently escaped,from the Eastern .State Hospital, wastaken "back to-day by W. G. Sweeny, oneof the guards.

Mr. John W. Cocke was paralyzed athis homo on Old Street last evening. Hisright .«ide its affected and his conditionis critical.

Rev. John T. 'Bosnian, (pastor of Park-PCbjcc CJliuroh, Elchmond. and Ilcv. Fj-ankL. Wolis. pastor of Market-Street Church.Petersburg, wall exchange pulpits Sun-day.

R. IT. Mann, counsel for Charles H.Moore, who sues the Sou thern Express<'om|ian\ for $lo.("fi damages, lias flJedtiv d«*clnrntion. 3nmes M. Quirk.;, .it-.,counsel for the company, has lil^ja pt--

tition for the removal of tin- sisit to theUnited States District Court of the Kast-i-riiDistrict •>( Virginia.

The Finance Committee of thec-ity or Petersburg to-day purchased $ih.-000 worth of Xorfolk city 4-per cent, bundsat 102.

Mr. J. W. Clarke was paralyzed lastnight.



"ia \u25a0-• i*. x.j-UAuy i*i-a oXd Toint. U. 3.iiail Route.

L,c-av r KicDOQOtiil via Cheaaoeaka andOhio Railway, daily. eAC>-bt ii-.iuduy. AC\u25a0i -i.i V M.. conntccing at. Old t'»mi; wlttith" superb steamers of the Old Buy Lino;leaving it7:10 f. ii.. arrivtns ttultliuoi*(1:30 A In time tv mulce connectionwith a!l trains North. I-ast and Wt»t,

Short rail ride and all nisht ->n r>r.<.- oZ th«»nnest st'nincrs In southern waters.

Fur tickets and genera! information ao-aly at "sen'-nd offii--.-; Cheßapeake ai.1Ohio Railway. Klchniond Transfer Com-pany, and S3B East Mdn Street.


The Democratic Executive Committee

ha.s. in accordance with authority grant-

ed it by the State Central Commitee, or-dered a primary election to be held by theDemocrats In Shenandoah on Novembersth, the day of the general election, to

elect anew County Committee. There areand have been for several years two or-ganizations in that oounty. On>- is he.iM-ea and led by Messrs. Miley, Bauserm»Jiand Brennamon, and the other by Messrs*Rhodes. Newmaai and Walton. It _has

been a long and a bitter light. There arenow dual oounty committees.

Tlie Executive Committee willnvet harenext Thursday night to consider tlie mat-ter of the party troubles in Norfolk coun-

ts'. There are rival organizations thereand each one has nominated a candidate

for the House.Mtornoy-GeneraJ Montague will adclress

the" voters of Fredericksburg nextnesday night, the 25th.

Col J C Summers has accepted an in-

vitation to address the voters of New-port News, in behalf of the Republican

ticket, on October 10th.

Primary Ordered In Sher.andoah— Committeeto Consider Norfolk County fa=e.


The Finding of the Presbytery a Surprise toHis Friends.

(Special Dispatch to The Times.)ROA.VOICE1, VA., September 20.— The

following card signed by Mr. O. HowardRover, a member of the Second Presby-terian Church, ha? been issued iiere:

"1 notice articles in various iiapers

headed "Dr. Arthur Suspended.' In thesearticles ih? statement is made that the

Via the Popular Tork River Line, H5.95round trip, limit fteen days. Tickets onsale daily except Sunday; leave Rich-

mond 4:30 P. M-For detailed information call at ticket


ALEXAXDRTA,VA.. Sept. 20.—At themorning session! of Uie Xew York an-nual conference, Free Methodist!d in the old' First Presbyterian Churchin this city, a dramatic scene was> mad?when Mi*. .Tames Gray, of Brooklyn. X.V.. a prominent delegate, suddenly andformally severed! his connection with theconference and withdrew from the church.Mr. Gray, who was referee on a com-mittee appointed! to select a place ofmeeting for the conference, refused l to

surrender certain papers which BishopColeman ruled sliou'd1 be in the custody;of the conference secretary. Appealingfrom the decision of the chair he wasvoted- down', and; then Mr. Gray aroseandi. bidding his former associates in/religious work adieu, went out of thechurch.

fer;n:e.fSpci'inl Dispatch to TTio Tldips.)

Dramatic Episode ia the Free .Methodist Con-


To-r.ight the Philologian Uterary So-cieti- will have their ronnion.

Rev. Dr. T. S. Dunaway is in Tiich-mond atteridiiig a meeting of a specialoommittpe appointed: by the trustees ofthe college.

Dr. J. B. Hawtfcbrrre spoke nertt. Ire-took as his subject "Active Membershipof Societies.

""Arnon? others- who spoke

were: Dr?. S. C. Mitchell and. J. A. C.Chandler; Hons. J. Garland Pollard andE. C. Folkep, Profs. H. Lee Mcßain andL. H. Walfon. ar.d Revs, F. AY". Moore,

of Crewe, and- T. R. Sanfdrd-, or" Chtster-field.

Last night the Jlu- Sigma Rho- LiterarySociety held its reunion. The hall wascrowded jwithi ol«3 and; new stnilonT.s.The exercises opened with prayer by

Dr. J. B. Hawthorne. Alter a, few re-marks of welcome by the president. J.P. McCabe. Mr. E. M\ GathriKbt. theorator of the evening, made an able andadmirable address on "The Constitution."

In the afternoon the Thomas MuseumLecture Committee was in session. They

Invited a noted lecturer to fill the va-cancy cairsed by tho death of Dr. Fiske.lYof. Winston, chairman of the com-mittee, said last night that he would beable to announce tho gentleman's namein a few days.

Prof. Boatwrlght was busy all day yes-terday matriculating students at Rich-mond College. Many new students ar-rived' Kits last night. The professorsorganized their classes ydar^srdiay andthere were a large number enrolled ineach tleuiirtmpnt.

Many New Students Arrive-Reuaiona ofLiterary Societies.

NEWPORT NEWS, VA.. Sept. 20.—TheMerchants" andi Minors" steamer Sta.teof Texas is temporarily out of commis-sion-. The vessel has been doim? substi-tute duty. Yesterday afternoon whenshe arrived h^re mi some way her en-gines sx>t beyond control and the vesseldid r->ot resnoiia to the wheel. A colli-sion with tho pier was narrowly avertedwhen a landine? was attempted- The ves-sel shot into the slip between, piers 5 andG andi would' have butted into the break-water but for the fact that the engineermanaged to reverse his engines just intime.

The ship was carried1 back, colliding

with a- barsre and tearing her propeller

blades off. No other serious damage wasdone. There were no passengers onboard.

Ship Running Wild.(Special Dispatch to The Times.)


; BELONA. VA.. 20.—Th© secondsession of "Oak Grove Academy" openedThursday hiorning with a sood line ofpupils. Rev. James K. Cooke, of Rich-mond, delivered an ivoproprinte address.

Miss F. Es'.elle Kudd. princlj^al. has anable corpe of assistants, viz: CMiss MaryLouise Goode, d? Richmond; Miss Broad-dus, of Caroline, and Miss Lena Rudd,

o<f Powhatan.Rev. James E. Cooke, of LRichmond, i-a

conducting a series of meetings ait Prov-idence Ohuirch.

O&k Q:ove Academy.rjSppcial nisftatcl, to The Tiraos.) The service at Monumental Episcopal

Church to-morrow morning: will !»\u25a0 oneof special interest. The -three handsomeTr^mf/riaa -ivlndcvr, recently priced in>the church will be unveiled anti the rowofTeriiyr n-ntes-. ?s wpII as other b»n»-rials, will be used- for the first time.

The windows to be unveiled are inmemory of Chief Justics Johre Marshall,B'shop Changing: Moore, and the lateGeorge D. Fisher ante his sons, RobertH. and- -Edward Fisher. The windowsare very handsome ones and have beeajrreatly admired.Dr. Evans win preach a sermon ap-

propriate to this memorial occasion atthe 11 o'clock service ar.d there will alsobe special nuistc

Church To-Morrcw.Service of Special Interest at Monuments!

The Bijou Theatre will open for theseason next Monday night. Thn sale ofpea.ts Wciri? this ro-^rninr. when- ar-rarjrementa msy «lso be made for seatsto be reserved for th«> scss*n, om thpRflm^ t<TTn» as last senson. ManagerT ?̂«»lls will present a" very *tron«r vaudo-vl'le sb th« op»n^n.- nttraction. for Mon-e>av, TXieeday,- and 'Wednesday. Therewill be a special' matinee on Tuesday.-On Thur»da.y the vaudeville attractionwill give vnvy to tho Crazy Guy, a.newfare«farc« comedy, which employs th« ser-vices at thirty-seven people. :,,4lJ_^


\ large auaience witnessed! the pre-

senteUore of "The- Prisoner of Zenda

StvSS Academy last night. The play

Sil douhUess live for ninny years. It

anneals to all dßsses. and it is one ofg£Kt rotn^tio play. of recent W

It was for a lons time n el^f.e^opinion that a play, particular y of thistypo. should toave a happy ending. That

tradition widely^sh^teredv fg^JgSdS!aithoueb "the "'lovers were parted

at the end. Harry Leighton enacted the

clnal role last night and pave a credit^lerendition of the part, although ho lac.Udthe grace and or bearins that char-

acterl«a his predecessors, in the.^ole,Ellen Rowland, was the Princess FiaMa.

and while she was fairly satisfactory.

chc lacked personality. While there wereno stars the company, as a whole, grave

a performance that pleased those who

were present. The play will be repeatedat matinee performance to-day, and

to-night "Rupert of Hentzau" will be


Inconsequence of the enforced retire-ment for another year of Mr. So! SmithRussell on accbirn't of illhealth. Mr. FredG. Berger, his manager, has retained thoentire supporting1 company and has ef-fected an engagement with that artisticaet-cr FYeder'.ck Sutnmerfield. who will

tion." in which, duriner the past twelveyears, Mr. Russell has established himself"in the. he-arts of the plav-poingr public ofAmerica as stroncly as Mr. Jefferson hnsas Rto Van AVinkle."A Poor Relation"* is moro an idyl

capable company, maice it a play thateverybody should see.

The entragrenT'ivt tnke«> place next Mon-day evening. September ?S.

GET UP!That's the morning call of Chanticleer.

It's a wtlcome cr\- to a well man. Butto a man whose sleeppeems to have beenonly an unicfreshing *Jf)*»stupor; who wakes W»/iwith burning eyes, ft&L, %dhthrobbing hend, and J^Srf* fP#a bad taste in the i«3'^->v <J^^7mouth, it means r,\\<^^>^^T;^tonly a new day's »<^Wffi^R»s§£^miserj1. v?^^fl»s^^^Insuch a physic?.l V(^i'^condition health ismost surely and .rfC-sjr*'*'fiswiftly rcs'ors-d by <^S?*-^___j-~ •

tlie use of Doctor f :*~~^~.w.Picrce'sGoldon Mcd-


ical Discovery. It "^^j^^^'Vcures diseases of the

" — ...stomach and organs v.'-VAy^gfof digestion and nu- . v \\*':'tWtrition, and it cures 1^Ithrough tbe stomach >T^ffldiseases of liver, <v""^--^v""^--^ *3Js?vlungs, kidneys, etc., >rfr

~^\u25a0which have their


origin in a diseased condition of thestomach and other organs of digestionand nutrition. Itincreases the activityof the blood-tiiakisig glands, and everyorjjan is benefited by the resulting in-crease oi rich, pure blood.

"Golden Medical Discovery" containsno alcohol and is entirely free fromopium, cocaiuc and other narcotics.

••Year 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Dr.Sage* Catarrh Hcmeay have been of Kreatbenefit to me," writes (Prof.) Pleasant A. Oliver,ofViol*,Fulton Co., Ark. "Beforr Iused theabove mentioned remedies tnv sleep was not•ousd1;,digeitiou bad;* continual feeling oftaittry.Iaow feel like a new man. Any onein reed ofmedical treatment for naaal catarrhrouli do no better than to take trcatmeot oft)r.X.V,Pierce. Iknow life medicine* are all'rignt in tui*claw ofdiseasca.*

The Common Sente Medical Ad\iser,elotlJ binding, seat free by the author,

ion receipt of 31 one-cent stamps, to payexpense ofma:lingonly. Inpaper covers

CAPE CHAiKILES, VA.. S®?t. 20.—SweetT.o*»to<?s hnve been moving: pretty lively

from the [Eastern Shore during the -pastten days. have been -very good,ranging from $1.25 to J1.75 per barrel.i Prepaxa-tioua *r« beins mad* far titm

» Cape C'.«3rl:s PoJnts.fSiv-inl nimmtch ta Tbn Tlmf*.l



Used by people of refinement\ for over a Quarter of a century.


E&7^*'rfA'^Ji-iCi«Me« fci^ twi'itSP.cj the _balr.WfrftfrSj^ ?ij;»to Hestoro OrayWsfr'ht '-'V-r-Sfen Hair to lta Youthful Color.

WliSllllHaUM Cured at iaTS»n»--or.g E?>Bal jc:n 1q 80 days. ITmi.l.'i*l»

take place to-morrow afUrnonrt at fouro'clock in the library room ot the buCd-inc. The speaker will be Rev. Dr. J. V,.

Hutson of Pint-Strcft Baptist Church,

antf the theme will be "'Ihe phristjanGentleman as a Knight of the NewChivalry-" A cbrdtal invitation is ex-tended to both members and strangers to>

attend this meeting.The Bible Training Class vsi'.l meet in.

the parlor at 5:15, followed by th«Workers' League at S:ls.Dr.Pell -will resume the Saturday after-

noon study oi the Suniay-school :e?3-vnsin the Association auditorium, begir.alnaSaturday. October sth.

The nlsht educational dosses* at tha

Association willcommence Monday. Sep-tember 30: the gymnasium c"a-s?s begas

list Monday, with a rooJ Bttendanc?. Allof the gymnasium classes willbe conduct-ed in the regular order, anrt m«mb»r»should begin their systematic exercises

;early, thus getting beneiit ot th« entlz*1 season. Si



and Grace Streets, Rev. ROBSJJTSTRANGE, D. D., rector.—Rev. ROBERTW. BARNWELL, of Florence, S. C. wJUofficiaU-*tUA.M.>nd at 8:15 P. ij.

WEST-END CHRISTIAN CHURCH. ON'Morris Street between Main and FlovdAvenue.— Vreaching to-morrow by thepastor. Rev. HE.NRY PEARCE ATKINs!at 11A.M. and 8 P. M. Morning subject,!;iilcJ

Beq>J?^v°Ju J"u"." Nißht subject."Shadows with the Power to Heal

"Sun-day school at 0:30 o'clock. Seats free 4.cordial welcome awaits all.

MARS PI ALL-STREET CHRISTI\NCHURCH—Marshall Street between Gra-ham and Hancock.— Preaching at 11 A Mby Rev. CHARLES F. MYERS, of UnionTheological Seminary. So service atnight. Public cordially invited.

SEVENTH-STREET CHRISTIANChurch, corner Seventh and GraceStreets.— Services Sunilav at 11 A.M andS:l"> P. M., conducted by Rev W LFISHER. Seats free and' a cordial wel-come extended to all, especially strangersand" those who have no church homeSunday school meets at £K;0 \ M



—Preaching at 11 A M by the pastor

and 8 P. M. by Prof. S. C MITCHELL,of Richmond College. Sabbath school atl>:3«> A. M. Wednesday night service atS o'clock.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.Grace' and Madison Streets


ROBERT P. KERR, D. D., pastor.—Ser-vices at 11 A. M and S P. M. All arewelcome.

CHURCH OF THE COVENANT (PRES-BYTERIAN)—Rev. J. CALViN STEW-ART, pastel"-— Preaching at 11 A. M. andS I.M. by- the pastor. Mid-week ser-vice Wednesday evening- at S o'clock. Sab-bath school meets at 9:30 A. M. Seats freeand' a hearty welcome to ail services.


FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH— WORSHIPat 11 A. M.—Preaching r.y the pastor. Dr.f'OOPKR. Bible school at 0:30 A. M.CliurcTi business meeting Monday night.

SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH—SER-vices at 11 A.M. and S P. M.—Preachingby the pastor, Dr. W. R. L.SMJTH. Eve-ning subject, "Lessons from the Nation'sSorrow!" Bible school at !«:15 A. M.

GROVE-AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCF..Rev. J. B. HAWTHORNE, D. D.. pastor.Sunday school at- 9:15 A. M. Preachingat 11 A. M. by the pastor. Subject, "TheOptimism of the Bible." No services atnlghL Prayer-meeting Wednesday nightat S:ls o'clock.

LEIGH-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH(corner Twenty-iifth and Leigh Streets)—

M. ASHBY JONES, Pastor.— Preachingat 11 A.M. and S P. M. by the pastor.Subject for the morning, "Love vs. Lawas a Motive for Life;" evening- theme,"The Contest for Character a Duel."


. .VIOX STATION M. B. CHURCH'—Preacl'.ing at 11 A. M. and" 3 P. M. by Rev.LEWIS STAFFORD BETH', one of therising young men of. the Virginia Confer-ence.HIGIILAND PARK METHODIST

EPISCOPAL CHURCH—Kov. EDGAR A.POTTS, pastor.— Services at 11A. M. andS P. M., Rev. J. N. LATHAM,of Ports-mouth, preaching.

CE-NTENARY METHODIST CIIURCH-Rt'V W. \V. LEAR, pastor.— Preaching byRc-v. FRA.VK WELLS, of Market-StreetCliurcli, Petersburg, at Jl A. M. and S P.M. Mid-week service at d I.M. Wednes-day.

ST. JAMES M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH.Twenty-ninth and Marsnall .Streets.—Preaching at 11 A. M. and 5 IJ.M. by thepastor, Hey. R. it. BENNETT. Subjectat night. "William McKiuley, the WellBeloved."

BROAD-STREET M. E. CHURCHcorner liroati ana Tentii Streets, ttev. w'.li. BEAUCHAMP, pastor.— Services Sun-day at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.—Preachingby the pastor. Morning subject. "Chris-tianity in Earnest;" evening, "The Zealof Jesus for the Purity or the Church."Sunday school '):'MA. M. ISpworth League

Monday evening- at S o'clock. Mid-weekservice "Wednesday evening at S o'clock.A cordial invitation to all.


Rev. J. B. rfntson to Sseak.Tho sixth of the most pttraofive «°rtrs

of meetings being- held at the Young

Men'3Christian Association uprn ti.e mai ith^m*, "TUa Christian Gentleman t

"- will

Messrs. James A. Warde and WalterSlzer ieft Thursday for Xew Haven,Conn., to attend the funeral of theirbrother-in-law. Eugene Moore, who wasaccidentally killed.

Sit Moses Ezekiel, ta« tamous sculptor j

Mrs. Llllls Sponmburs has been veryill for the past ten days at her residence.No. 714 North Fourth Street, and stillcontinues sick.

Mr. P. H. Curtis has returned from atrip to (Petersburg.iliss ißosa Marks is visiting Miss Diary

"Walker, in .Farmville.Mr. Walter J. Davis has returned Ifrom

a trip to Prospect, Va,

Ctfrs. K. U Morris is registered at theKennert Hotel, Baltimore.

Judge Timothy Rives, of Pinnee Georgecounty, is in the city on business.

Messrs. Arthur and Frank T. Glasgow,.;. returned to Richmond Thursday.

(Miss Preston Womack is visiting hermother, in Prince Edward oounty, Va.

Mrs. C. A. Leonard is visiting the fam-ily of Mr. D. E. Alley, in Petersburg.

Miss Mary Bailey, of Mulberry Grove,

Js visiting her aunt, airs. James Wright.

•Miss ißettie Smithie, o-f Marl Hill,NewKent county, is visiting friends in thiscity.

Miss Katie Jones has just g-otten homefrom an extended northern and Canadiantour.

Mrs. J. T.Neal and children have justreturned after a delightful trip to NewYork.

Miss Mason, of Pearisburg, will be theguest of the Misses Dart, during the Car-nival.iMr. Hayes Roane, Jr., is seriously ill

at his home. No. 2."03 East MarshallStreet.

Miss Annie L». Lapscomt) has returnedfrom a trip to West Point and otherplaces.

Miss Lottie Williams is visiting Mrs.A.L. Elsom, at Monte Vista, in Nelsoncounty.

Qlr. and Mrs. Water C. Mercer haverned i"rom a trip to Washington and

other places.Mrs. K. L. Morris, of Richmond, was

registered at the Rennert, in Baltimore,on Thursday.

Miss Virginia Hagan. of No. 420 SouthPine Street, is visiting her brother inCharlottesvil c.Mr. Carl Ligon, of Lovingston, has ar-

rived here tt> accept a position with awholesale firm.

Miss Wilile Hill, oV AVest Point, who'".\u25a0is been visiting- -Miss Sailie Hockaday,Was returned home.

Miss Alma L. Lipscomb, who has beenspending some time at West Point, Va.,has returned home.

Mrs. J. T. FowHces, who has returnedto her home, near Meherrin, is much,improved in health.

Miss AHce S. Delaney has returned fromNorfolk, where she has been spendingthe past two weeks.

Mrs. William Cooke has returned tome city, after a. delightful visit to rela-tives, in New Jersey.

Misses Alma and Pearl Mclntyre havereturned to the city after a delightfulsojurn in Chesterfield.

Miss Alma. 1.,. Lipscomb has returnedto the city from a pleasant visit tofriends in West Point.

Miss Florence Massie, daughter ofißiitrid Massie. ha,s gone to Charlottes-vine to attend school.

Miss Berrilce Wright, of Caroline coun-ty, is visiting Mrs. S. G. King, at No.S3l West Marshall Street.

Mrs. Isadore Iteinach and her daugh-ter, Miss Carolina, of Petersburg, arevisiting .friends in thig city.

'Mrs. Warren C. Arsell willleave Tues-day for Lynchburg- to visit her husband,who is now located there.LTnion Council. No. 11, Daughters of

Liberty, paid over to the widow of L>.Scott Thompson the sum of $200.

Miss IBright Hall, a daughter o*f Ser-geant llali, ha.s returned home after avisit to Ifriends in Newport News.

The Rev. J. N. Wells and his wSfle, otWilmington, N. C, are stopping at Mrs.iDuval's, on. East Franklin Street.

IMrs. J. M. Seay has arrived here withher son, Frank, from Nelson county. Hewill enter one of the schools here.Mr. Marshall Lewis arrived in the city

from "West Point Wednesday, where hematriculated at Richmond College.

Mr. Washington Carter and son, who'have been visiting Mr. S. L. Carter, inLovingston, have for their home.

IMrs. L. L. I^ewis has as her guestsher mother, Mrs. Looney. and her sister,Miss May Looney, <JJ Memphis, Term.

Mrs. J. IE. Page and aEaster Holt Pagehave returned .from a delightful staywith relatives and friends' in Lync-hburg.

Miss Nonie Death and Jier niece, Missißoki lilkk,have returned to the city,after spending the summer at Lnray,\ra.

Miss Willie Hill left Monday for herhome, in West Point, after a delightfulstay with the Misses Hockaday in thiscity.

Miss Wiliie Hii'l, of West Point, hasleft far her home, after a delightful\u25a0visit to the (Misses Hockaday, of thiscity.

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stacy, Iformerly ofRichmond, tout now residents of Ronce-verte, W. Va., axe spending a few dayshere.

Miss 18. M. Dansey, who has been fortQia summer with friends in King Wil-liam oounty, Va., has returend to Rich-ir-ond.

(Misg B. CM. iDansey, of Richmond, whohas been spending the summer with MissJ. T. Iteed, West iPclnt, has returnedhome.

Mrs. Benj. Rives Allen and little son,from Burdett, Miss., are visiting Mrs. O.S. Allen and family, of Amelia Court-house.

Miss tLucy Thornton, of Smith ville,Charlotte county, is in the city, and .was on the floor otf the convention yes-terday.

Miss Daisy B. Hamilton, who has beennursing a private case at Bluefield, W:Va., for the last month, returned to thecity Thursday night.

Misses Marion Owens and Marie Har-\u25a0grave, of West Point, will be studentsat the Richmond Female Seminary dur-ing the coming year.

Miss Martha Byrd will shortly leavefor Passadena, Cal.. where -=he win paya. visit of some months to Mr. and Mrs.Pembroke Jones, o: that city.

Messrs? O. B. and M. F. James, ofChurch Hill,clerks in the office of theC. & O. Railway Co., are spending theirvacation at the Buffalo Exposition.

Miss Tanner, of No. 6 East. Main Street,returned from New York last night, andis the guest of Capt. and Mrs. Gifford, No.115 East Main Street, until October Ist.

Miss Julia Wills, of Nelson county, Is

the guest of her sister. Mrs. AVa'ter Sub-lett. She will leave to-ilay for Clar-a-mont, where she will spend the winter.

Mrs. Moncure Perkins and Mrs. James'D. Patton. Mrs. Corydon Sutton andIMrs. G. D. Christian, with their respec-tive families, have also returned to thecity.

Mr.Clifford- Dudley Bird passed throughthe city Thursday, en route from Kingand Queen county, where he has beenspending the summer, to his home, inBaltimore.

Mr. James A. Warde and Mr. WalterSizeray left for New Haven Thursday toattend the funeral of their brothsr-In-law, Mr. Eugene Moore, who was acci-dentally killed.

AT RICHMOND ONDAY*_, , Sept. 23d-


AMERICA'S BIG TENTED ENTERPRISES!Three Rings, Half-MURace Track, 1,000 Fenturcs. 100 Phenomenal Acts, 25 Clowns. 20 Hurrl-

cane Races, 50 Cages, Drovc3 of Camels, 15 Open Dens, Herds oi Ulepbants. 5i.000.00daily expenses. .

MUSEUM, MENAGERIE. AI^D ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME.The Greatest Performers in the known wcrU era with the GREAT WALLACE SHOWS thlt

Season, iiKltuJLi;

((&lF«tK:rcwmiand s^eeiy s'ao -.'kmtx cfwtKfrsr.'s <my erws mmaeseuun a mskg urn«ouix^j^

THE SEVEN STIRKS. Bicycle and Skating Experts.THE TEN DELLAf^EADS, Statuary Artists.

MILE.NGRADA FRENCH. iViysterious Globe*10 Principal Male and Female Equestrians, 10. Leon and Sing-

ing Mules. The Livingstons, Arial Bar Extraordinary.The Sisters Vortex, Triple Revolving Trapeze.

«ffc nJL JL S*& j At 10 A iM. Daily, is the finest ever pat on the

VT^OQT P^r^flP streets-

A Sunburst of Splendor. A Triumph

Excursion Ran on Every Line of Travel- No Gambling Devices Tolerated.