command yule message from col. frank l ... rang news 11.pdfcommand yule message from col. frank l....

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam ...keeping the memories alive Phan Rang News No. 11 In this issue COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace Christmas at home with the family. However, even though we are thousands of miles away from Christmas as we know it, let us not forget the real meaning of this season--"Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men." I know each of you join me in the fervent hope that peace and good will which men have always sought will someday become a reality. We have a difficult task here, you all know that, but I want to express my appreciation for your efforts in the past year and ask for your continued support throughout the coming year. I am personally very proud to serve with such a group of dedicated and capable people and I hope that next year will be a time when everyone can have Christmas at home. To each and every one of you, I extend my personal wish for a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Colonel Frank L. Gailer Jr. Commander, 35th Tactical Fighter Wing

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Page 1: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

In this issue


I feel sure that we can all agree

that Christmas by mail will never

replace Christmas at home with the

family. However, even though we are

thousands of miles away from

Christmas as we know it, let us not

forget the real meaning of this

season--"Peace on Earth, Good Will to


I know each of you join me in the

fervent hope that peace and good

will which men have always sought will

someday become a reality.

We have a difficult task here,

you all know that, but I want to

express my appreciation for your efforts in the past year and ask for

your continued support throughout the

coming year. I am personally very proud to

serve with such a group of dedicated

and capable people and I hope

that next year will be a time when everyone

can have Christmas at home.

To each and every one of you, I

extend my personal wish for a Merry

Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Colonel Frank L. Gailer Jr.

Commander, 35th Tactical Fighter Wing

Page 2: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

Our Detachment NCOIC and Doug Severt...according to

Kenneth Rowsey.

Page 3: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

Kenneth Rowsey and the other guys are

all from Det. 8, 14th Aerial Port Sq.

Doug Severt: I can’t remember specifics

about that day, but I had a friend that was an

aspiring singer and guitar player and it’s sad,

but I can’t even remember his name. I’ve

thought so much about it and I can’t even re-

member where he worked, but since he lived

in our barracks he must have worked at the

Aerial Port but I don’t know where. Anyway

he sang the song C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S in the

day room and I thought it was so wonderful.

Each letter represents something about

Christmas and it explains why there’s a

Christmas day. Later I realized that Jim

Reeves sang that song and it wasn’t really one

of his originals, but today, I still remember

Christmas at Phan Rang AB because of that


Page 4: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No.

George Carrie December 7th ("remember Pearl Harbor") '69 got busted by QC jumping on a tractor towing a Hun with a lit cigarette after the visit at refueling to inform the driver the bird was going to a new revetment. Damn! Next thing I heard I had "volunteered" for 2nd in charge of the skeleton crew for a long, bor-ing Christmas day on the flight line! Grrr!

Boyd Pettitt: Christmas 1969...I remember the food. It was

flown in from Hawaii. Hot real food with no rice. Ham and

Turkey with all the trimmings. Long lines at the chow hall.

Carols at the chapel.

Ken Swickard: 1968 and I was working the perimeter patrol as Bluebeard

One (Medic) and we were asked to transport a guy from the dispensary to

the Army compound on the east side of the base. He gave us a tour of his

quarters and introduced us to his Lt. The Lt. was drunker than a skunk and

he was upset that us Air Force types had such good quarters on the other

side of base. He stands up and lobs two hand grenades into the canal behind

his hooch. Boom, Boom, and the security tower reports incoming rounds.

The base sirens go off and spooky is scrambled and the F-100's get off of

the alert pad. The base commander fought that battle for over 3 hours be-

fore all was calmed down about 3am. I never told anyone what really hap-

pened. LOL.

David Knighton: No doubt

Christmas night we were

back at work dropping off

bombs at the flight line for

the next day’s festivities.

Sorry Charlie but the only

presents we had for you

made a lot of noise.

Craig Lord: ... I too worked

the fence that night with my

trusty side kick “Winston”. Sort

of a let down after getting back

from R&R on the 24th. I don't

really remember Christmas

much that year other than I was

with my buds.

Charles W. Johnston: Christmas Eve 1969 my best Bud Rich Grosse

(deceased) and I spent the night at the MMS Squadron Bar. Christmas morn-

ing, slightly inebriated we decided to walk to the Post Office and check our

mail. I finished the beer I was drinking just as we approached the Post Office.

I threw my can at the trash can by the Post Office but missed and I just kept

walking. After I took a couple steps I heard someone holler Sergeant. I turned

around and there sat a Colonel in a Jeep. He motioned me to come over and I

walked over and popped to attention and gave him the best salute I could con-

sidering the shape I was in. He told me to get in his Jeep and sit down. He

introduced himself as the Base Commander and asked me if I knew what the

policy on PR was for littering. I said, no sir and he informed me that if you

got caught littering you had to police the base. He then told me that since it

was Christmas Day he would let me slide with an Ass chewing. I saluted

again and thanked him and told him I would go pick the can up. He said,

that's ok, your buddy already picked it up for you. Rich and I then checked

mail and went back to the MMS Bar.

Tom Parsons : I remember in 1968 I had been in country just a couple of

months at Christmas time. I had come straight from Taiwan so this was

going to be my second straight Christmas away from home. I had to work

on Christmas Day and after work I came back to the barracks feeling sorry

for myself and discovered what was the best Christmas gift I got while I

was there. On my bunk was a small net bag with some hard candy and an

orange. It had a nice red bow and the card said "Merry Christmas from the

Red Cross and the Donut Dolly's". I've always had a soft spot for the

Donut Dolly's ever since.

Page 5: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

John Reeves: My Godchild's family sent a small table

sized Christmas tree. Lights, tinsel, ornaments, and

opened like an umbrella. We all enjoyed it. Let it for

those who would be there for Christmas ‘69. Unfortu-

nately no pictures...just in my mind and memories.

Craig Lord: Yes, had a tiny little tree. Got back from R&R on Christmas Eve...that was sort of a bummer. But then I was with my K9 buds so we made it the

Bob Pahl: Flew the last sortie on the 24th hit-

ting the target right before sunset and

start of the 24 hour cease fire.

Sam Lewis: a care package from the family with those goodies and a Graded School Class in my hometown adopted me and sent me a little tree, goodies, thank you letters and cards from the kids in the class. Reading all that stuff, setting up that little tree, and eating the goodies in the tower Christmas ‘67 was special.

Little did any of us know that in a couple of weeks Tet ‘68 would break out all over Nam including Phan Rang.

James Brewster: On Christmas day 1969 I went with the chaplains along the perime-

ter to visit the guards in their towers. It was very dark and desolate. They were very

lonely there and we wished them all a Merry Christmas. It was certainly a memorable

Christmas for me and a lonely one for them. Not that we weren’t all lonely, that

Christmas, away from our families.

Archie T. Pinkley: Dancing around

David Kravits’ Hanukkah Bush!!

Sam Lewis: Although it was supposed to be against regula-

tions most of us stashed little transistor radios and listened to

Armed Forces Radio in the towers . I remember sitting in the

tower that Christmas Day 1967 on the NW perimeter and

watching Charlies Mountain being lit up as usual listening to

Christmas Music and eating those goodies . .

Bill Fisher: I got to go down to Bien Hoa and attend the Bob

Hope show in '71. Had a cold can of Beenie Wienies for

Christmas Dinner while waiting for the show to start. Flew

down on a C130 sitting on a pallet. Ten guys to a pallet. All

pallets were full. It was worth it!

Page 6: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

“Phan Rang Dang Dang” Bob Hope

John Hennigar: Spent Christmas 1970 on alert, at

Andrews Hall.

Page 7: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

Cartoon from Phan

Fare, 19 December.

The banner above is

from the same issue of

Phan Fare.

Paul Hinzman: Spent the day at

the beach. My first Christmas

without snow. Got to see Bob

Hope show, Dec. 1967.

Page 8: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

(Original graphics from Phan Fare)

James F. Wachowski:

Christmas 1968 was just an-

other work day. It didn't bother

me because I knew Christmas

1969 would be a lot better!

Toby Chieffi: Christmas '71. At midnight

on Christmas morning, all of us along the

fence line set off flares as did the mortar

crews. Lit up the whole valley.

Robert Kellington: I was there 67-68 Aussies were a lot of fun - went with them to Singapore . more good times & memories.

Page 9: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

Danny Navey: Spent Christmas Eve 1969 with my good friend and work partner, Gary Gano and my other friend for that night "Jack Daniels." Back to work on night shift in the LOX Plant Christmas Day.

Robert Kellington: Spent time with the Auzzies - Got

drunk and we had a Yank vs Auzzie run at each other -

trying to get to the other side of bar - kinda like charg-

ing each other head on. Fun not sure if there was a

winner :-) I guess we were all winners = camaraderie.

Ken Miller: Robert, I knew that

game as "carry the can" in which

you had to reach a wall carrying

an empty beer can.

Jim Hewitt: It was a good Christmas

in 1967. Went to Mass and was an

Alter boy for Father Verbuuggi and

back to the barracks. Got together

with some buds and don't remember

much after that! Woke up the next

morning still drunk and had to be on

the flight line in ten minutes. As time

passed the less drunk I got the more

hung over I became. Took me two

days to get to feeling right...Christmas

of ‘67.

Page 10: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

Chuck-Jan Olds: Good Morn-

ing Happy Valley. I am Chuck

Olds. I was 19 years old with

two stripes when I entered

Phan Rang in Jan of 1971 and

a 20 yr old when I left. I re-

member that Christmas in 71.

I was in Security Police. All of

our guys had received care

packages from home with

canned hams and turkey and

lots of other goodies. We put

them all together and had one

big party.

Jerry Leonard: In 1967, I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day at

the Beach House. It was My first Day Off since the 4th of July!!!!

Page 11: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

John T. Weigelt: Christmas 1968.

Huey flew over dropping soap

flakes for snow. Everybody got

wasted. (I wonder if he meant to

say everybody got ‘washed”?)

Jerry Leonard: The Post

Office ate My Mothers

Chocolate Cake. They said it

was Good!!!

Art Lapre' : I recall having the flu that

day (1966). Convalesced in my

hootch...and missed, what I was told,

was a great Christmas dinner put up

by the chow hall. I seem recall that

was also the day that AFRTS reached

Phan Rang. I'm sure someone here

can set me straight on that. Anyway,

in my bunk listening to my little

(Japanese) transistor radio, drinking

canned juice that I had just received

in a 'care' package. Merry Christmas


Page 12: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

Christmas 1970 in the 35th FMS Weld Shop. I am

(Dave Hooton) front right. The only other ones whose

names I remember are Gary Johnson, Dave Dima and

Larry Snyder.

A Different Christmas Poem The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, my daughter beside me, angelic in rest. Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, transforming the yard to a winter delight. The sparkling lights in the tree I believe, completed the magic that was Christmas Eve. My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, secure and surrounded by love I would sleep. In perfect contentment, or so it would seem, so slumbered I, perhaps I started to dream. The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near, but I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear. Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow. My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear, and I crept to the door just to see who was near. Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night, a lone figure stood, his face weary and tight. A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old, perhaps a Trooper, huddled here in the cold. alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled, standing watch over me, and my wife and my child. "What are you doing?" I asked without fear, "Come in this moment. It's freezing out here! put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve, you should be at home on a cold Christ-mas Eve!" For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift, Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts. To the window that danced with a warm fire's light then he sighed and he said, "It's really all right, I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night."

"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line, that separates you from the darkest of times. No one had to ask or beg or implore me, I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me. My Gramps died in Europe on a day in Decem-ber," Then he said, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers." I've not seen my own son in more than a while, but my wife sends me pictures. he's sure got her smile. Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag, the red, white, and Blue American Flag. I can live through the cold and the being alone, away from my family, my house and my home. I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet, I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat. I can carry the weight of killing another, or lay down my life with my sister and brother. Who stand at the front against any and all, To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall." "So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright, your family is waiting and I'll be all right." "But isn't there something I can do, at the least, "Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast? It seems all too little for all that you've done, for being away from your wife and your son." Then his eye welled a tear that held no re-gret, "Just tell us you love us, and never forget.

Page 13: COMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L ... Rang News 11.pdfCOMMAND YULE MESSAGE FROM COL. FRANK L. GAILER JR. I feel sure that we can all agree that Christmas by mail will never replace

News from many sources from “Happy Valley” Phan Rang AB, Vietnam

...keeping the memories alive

Phan Rang News No. 11

Both personally and in behalf of the officers and men of the

315th Special Operations Wing, I take this opportunity to

wish all Phan Rang personnel a Merry Christmas and a

Happy New Year.

At this season it is appropriate that every organization in

the "Happy Valley" family pause to reflect with pride on the

important contributions which each of us has made in our

diversified unit missions toward bringing a meaningful

peace to Vietnam.

While looking back at 1968 with considerable satisfaction,

we must also look forward to the coming year with added

personal resolve to increase our efforts in the months ahead.

As we enter this year of challenge, as we strive toward

Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men, let us do so with

the knowledge that our contribution to this Great Crusade is

the best that we can muster.

Colonel John W. Pauly

Commander, 315th Special Operations Wing