commander windstride

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  • 8/11/2019 Commander Windstride


    ShasO VashYaKoShaVai

    Commander Windstride

    Tau HQ Special CharacterShasO VashYa KoShaVai, or Commander Windstride as he is more commonly known, is one of the

    most prominent commanders of the VashYa Sept. Characterised for his own blend ofruthless mobile

    warfare, he is one to take advantage of the extensive companionship between the Air and Fire Caste of

    VashYa. Commander Windstride himself is one to make use of revolutionary technologies and tactics to

    achieve victory and even though he pushes them to the end, and in various occasions his same dedication

    has played against him and turned into defeat, he receives the help of the VashYa Earth Caste who trust

    him for the trials of new technologies.

    Commander Windstride arose to prominence during the Battle of Merulia Prime. During the battle,

    Swifstrikes Cadre managed to isolate and eliminate the 66th

    Cadian regiment with an incredibly low rate

    of losses. Windstrides use of mobile infantry and Apocalypse teams proved extremely effective,

    engaging the Imperial forces on a continuous retreat, without allowing them time to establish defensive

    positions and so decimated them. Windstrides Cadre continued the advance until they reached Darulis

  • 8/11/2019 Commander Windstride


    Hive, where their swift destruction of the Hive defences allowed for the Air Caste to conduct extremely

    effective air strikes upon the hive and finally eliminate the remaining Imperial resistance.

    Commander Windstrides latest assignment is the testing of a new variant of Battlesuit weaponry and

    equipment. The XV92-8 he pilots is specialised for heavy urban combat and sacrifices the mobility of the

    normal Hazard teams for upgraded firepower, additional armour and greatly improved processingpower, enabling it to coordinate fire from the whole cadre and across castes. Commander Windstride is

    the head of the VashYa Coalition that is now fighting on Belkir. His forces there have received an

    upgrade in available equipment, with experimental weapons readily available to them.

    Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Windstride 245 4 5 5 5 4 3 4 10 2+

    Shasvre 85 3 3 5 4 2 3 2 8 2+



    Unit Size:

    1 Commander Windstride


    XV92-8 AnnihilatorBattlesuit with:

    o Twin-Linked Particle Accelerator Cannons

    o Two Plasma Rifles

    Coalition Support Interlink

    Photon Casters (Defensive Grenades)

    Jet Blast Projectors

    Hard-Wired Drone Controller

    o 2 Shield Drones

    Hard-Wired Multi-Tracker

    Hard-Wired Blacksun Filter

    Stimulant Injectors


    Commander Windstride may be accompanied by a Bodyguard Team composed of 1-2 XV88

    Apocalypse Battlesuit Shasvre instead of the normal XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Bodyguards.

    Character: Commander Windstride may exchange one or both of the Plasma Rifles for a Phased Ion Gun (+5

    points), a Fusion Cascade (+10 points) or Pulse Submunition Rifle (+15 points).

    Commander Windstride counts as the 1+ Commander required in a Tau army.

  • 8/11/2019 Commander Windstride


    Special Rules:

    The XV92-8 carries an experimental stabilisation system that allows it to fire his heavy weapons

    while on the move. The XV92-8 provides Commander Windstride the Relentless special rule.

    Models equipped with Advanced Stabilization Systems may use them as if this model had them.

    The XV92-8 Battlesuit grants the user a better sight, even at night. It grants the user the Acute

    Senses special rule.

    Commander Windstride and any unit he has joined may always attempt to regroup, regardless

    of other modifiers.

    Special Issue equipment can be taken multiple times on an army led by Commander Windstride

    rather than just once.

    Particle Accelerator Cannon

    A recent development by the Earth Caste, the Particle Accelerator Cannon accelerates ionic particles to

    ultrasonic speeds, bombing and piercing armour and flesh alike. Initial trials show it to be extremely

    effective and even capable of piercing the armour of guela tanks.

    Range Strength AP Type

    Particle Accelerator Cannon 48 8 2 Heavy 2, Rending

    Coalition Support Interlink

    A further refinement of the Positional Relay, it allows its user to coordinate complete inter-caste

    operations and strikes with incredible refinement as well as coordinating units awaiting deployment with

    almost perfect timing.

    The Coalition Support Link allows a single unit per turn in reserve to arrive on a roll of 2+ regardless of

    other modifiers, the rest of units must roll as normal. Once per game, he may call in an Air Caste Strike

    against an enemy unit within LOS during the shooting phase with one of the following profiles, the strikewill always deviate 2D6-3 unless a hit is rolled:

    Range Strength AP Type

    Seeker Barrage Unlimited 8 3 Heavy 4, 3 Blast, Barrage

    Naval Strike Unlimited 10 1 Heavy 1, 5 Blast

    Jet Blast Projectors

    The Jet Blast Projectors are a series of auxiliary rockets in the armour that may only be fired for a very

    short burst to slow the battlesuits descent. Alternatively they may be fired to create a fiery blast around

    the battlesuit and burn down enemies nearby.

    The Jet Blast Projectors allow Commander Windstride to deploy as per the Deep Strike rules. If he does

    not do so, then he may choose to use the Jet Blast Projectors once per game to create a conflagration

    around him. Place the 5 Blast template centred over Commander Windstride. All models under the

    template except for Commander Windstride suffer a S4, AP5 hit.

  • 8/11/2019 Commander Windstride


    The Particle Accelerator Cannon System [Development]

    Recently developed in the field from the requirement ofVashYaassault teams to carry a more

    compact and lightweight anti-armour weapon. It combines the magnetic technology behind both

    plasma and Ion weapons systems. With greater understanding in refining the Ion based weapons of

    the Demiurg, the Particle Accelerator Cannon is one of the first XV8 mounted Ion weapon systems.

    Whilst not requiring much of the support systems XV8's utilise, the energy usage of the dual Particle

    Accelerator Cannons requires the XV8 to become a close infantry support platform, much like the

    larger XV88. It could be considered a step back, yet the systems allow significant firepower to be

    inserted into urban combat environments.

    Being a lighter, smaller design, the weight saved was translated into more armour around the

    weapons themselves. Heavy sheathing has been placed upon the outer barrels while the more

    vulnerable capacitor blocks have been internalized, shielded by the weapon's own structure.

    This has proven to boost the survival of the weapon system when under fire by light arms, much

    higher survival rate than the current XV8 mounted rail systems. An issue addressed by the more

    recent Rail-Rifle mountings. [Ref: XV8.22J Stealth Experiment]

    Additionally, to allow a greater degree of modular system swapping required by our urban units,

    targeting arrays are part of the weapon units. Hard-Wired Multi-Trackers are standard issue to the

    weapon units as a result of the requiring using its weapon systems against multiple targets.

    Overall, a superb replacement for the Rail system in use by most XV88s, allowing a lighter more

    nimble urban XV8 access to firepower of similar effectiveness.