commercial lease agreement template

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  • 8/16/2019 Commercial Lease Agreement Template



    THIS LEASE AGREEMENT is made and entered into [DATE], b and bet!een[NAME], !"ose address is [ADDRESS], #"ereina$ter re$erred to as%Landlord%&, and [NAME], !"ose address is [ADDRESS], #"ereina$ter re$erred

    to as %Tenant%&'


    Landlord, in *onsideration o$ t"e rents to be paid and t"e *o+enants and areements to be per$ormed and obser+ed b t"e Tenant, does "ereb lease to t"e Tenant and t"e Tenantdoes "ereb lease and ta-e $rom t"e Landlord t"e propert des*ribed in E."ibit %A%atta*"ed "ereto and b re$eren*e made a part "ereo$ #t"e %Leased /remises%&, toet"er!it", as part o$ t"e par*el, all impro+ements lo*ated t"ereon'


    Se*tion l' Total Term o$ Lease' T"e term o$ t"is Lease s"all bein on t"e *ommen*ementdate, as de$ined in Se*tion 0 o$ t"is Arti*le II, and s"all terminate on [DATE]'

    Se*tion 0' Commen*ement Date' T"e %Commen*ement Date% s"all mean t"e date on!"i*" t"e Tenant s"all *ommen*e to *ond1*t b1siness on t"e Leased remised, so lon ass1*" date is not in e.*ess o$ si.t #23& das s1bse41ent to e.e*1tion "ereo$'


    T"e parties "ereto ma ele*t to e.tend t"is Areement 1pon s1*" terms and *onditions as

    ma be areed 1pon in !ritin and sined b t"e parties at t"e time o$ an s1*"e.tension'


    T"e Tenant arees to pa t"e Landlord and t"e Landlord arees to a**ept, d1rin t"e term"ereo$, at s1*" pla*e as t"e Landlord s"all $rom time to time dire*t b noti*e to t"eTenant, rent at t"e $ollo!in rates and times7

    Se*tion 8' Ann1al Rent' Ann1al rent $or t"e term o$ t"e Lease s"all be [AMO9NT]Dollars #:[;]&, pl1s appli*able sales ta.'

    Se*tion 0' /ament o$

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    *alendar mont" immediatel $ollo!in t"e Commen*ement Date, t"e Tenants"all also pa to t"e Landlord rent at t"e said rate $or an portion o$ t"e pre*edin *alendar mont" in*l1ded in t"e term o$ t"is Lease'

    Re$eren*e to earl rent "ere1nder s"all not be implied or *onstr1ed to t"e

    e$$e*t t"at t"is Lease or t"e obliation to pa rent "ere1nder is $rom ear to ear, or $or an term s"orter t"an t"e e.istin Lease term, pl1s ane.tensions as ma be areed 1pon'

    A late $ee in t"e amo1nt o$ [AMO9NT] Dollars #:[;]& s"all be assessed i$  pament is not postmar-ed or re*ei+ed b Landlord on or be$ore t"e tent"da o$ ea*" mont"'


    T"e Tenant "as deposited !it" t"e Landlord t"e s1m o$ [AMO9NT] Dollars#:[;]& as se*1rit $or t"e $1ll and $ait"$1l per$orman*e b t"e Tenant o$ all t"e terms o$ t"is lease re41ired to be per$ormed b t"e Tenant' S1*"s1m s"all be ret1rned to t"e Tenant a$ter t"e e.piration o$ t"is lease, pro+ided t"e Tenant "as $1ll and $ait"$1ll *arried o1t all o$ its terms'In t"e e+ent o$ a bona $ide sale o$ t"e propert o$ !"i*" t"e leased premises are a part, t"e Landlord s"all "a+e t"e ri"t to trans$er t"ese*1rit to t"e p1r*"aser to be "eld 1nder t"e terms o$ t"is lease, and t"eLandlord s"all be released $rom all liabilit $or t"e ret1rn o$ s1*"se*1rit to t"e Tenant'


    Se*tion l' /ersonal /ropert' T"e Tenant s"all be liable $or le+ied aainst an lease"old interest o$ t"e Tenant or personal propert and trade $i.t1res o!ned or pla*ed b t"e Tenant in t"e Leased/remises'

    Se*tion 0' Real Estate' D1rin t"e *ontin1an*e o$ t"is leaseLandlord s"all deli+er to Tenant a *op o$ an real estate andassessments aainst t"e Leased /ropert' )rom and a$ter t"e Commen*ementDate, t"e Tenant s"all pa to Landlord not later t"an t!ent(one #08& dasa$ter t"e da on !"i*" t"e same ma be*ome initiall d1e, all real and assessments appli*able to t"e Leased /remises, toet"er !it" aninterest and penalties la!$1ll imposed t"ereon as a res1lt o$ Tenant>slate pament t"ereo$, !"i*" s"all be le+ied 1pon t"e Leased /remises d1rint"e term o$ t"is Lease'

    Se*tion ?' Contest o$' T"e Tenant, at its o!n *ost and e.pense,


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    ma, i$ it s"all in ood $ait" so desire, *ontest b appropriate pro*eedins t"e amo1nt o$ an personal or real propert ta.' T"e Tenantma, i$ it s"all so desire, endea+or at an time or times, b appropriate pro*eedins, to obtain a red1*tion in t"e assessed +al1ation o$ t"e Leased/remises $or ta. p1rposes' In an s1*" e+ent, i$ t"e Landlord arees, at

    t"e re41est o$ t"e Tenant, to @oin !it" t"e Tenant at Tenant>s e.pense insaid pro*eedins and t"e Landlord arees to sin and deli+er s1*" papersand instr1ments as ma be ne*essar to prose*1te s1*" pro*eedins, t"eTenant s"all "a+e t"e ri"t to *ontest t"e amo1nt o$ an s1*" ta. and t"eTenant s"all "a+e t"e ri"t to !it""old pament o$ an s1*" ta., i$ t"estat1te 1nder !"i*" t"e Tenant is *ontestin s1*" ta. so permits'

    Se*tion ' /ament o$ Ordinar Assessments' T"e Tenant s"all pa allassessments, ordinar and e.traordinar, attrib1table to or aainst t"eLeased /remises not later t"an t!ent(one #08& das a$ter t"e da on !"i*"t"e same be*ame initiall d1e' T"e Tenant ma ta-e t"e bene$it o$ an la!

    allo!in assessments to be paid in installments and in s1*" e+ent t"eTenant s"all onl be liable $or s1*" installments o$ assessments d1e d1rint"e term "ereo$'

    Se*tion B' C"anes in Met"od o$ Ta.ation' Landlord and Tenant $1rt"er aree t"at i$ at an time d1rin t"e term o$ t"is Lease, t"e present met"odo$ ta.ation or assessment o$ real estate s"all be *"aned so t"at t"e !"oleor an part o$ t"e real estate, assessment or o+ernmentalimpositions no! le+ied, assessed or imposed on t"e Leased /remises s"all,in lie1 t"ereo$, be assessed, le+ied, or imposed !"oll or in part, as a*apital le+ or ot"er!ise 1pon t"e rents reser+ed "erein or an partt"ereo$, or as a ta., *orporation $ran*"ise ta., assessment, le+ or *"are, or an part t"ereo$, meas1red b or based, in !"ole or in part,1pon t"e Leased /remises or on t"e rents deri+ed t"ere$rom and imposed 1pont"e Landlord, t"en t"e Tenant s"all pa all s1*", assessments,le+ies, impositions, or *"ares' Not"in *ontained in t"is Lease s"allre41ire t"e Tenant to pa an estate, in"eritan*e, s1**ession, *apital le+,*orporate $ran*"ise, ross re*eipts, trans$er or in*ome ta. o$ t"eLandlord, nor s"all an o$ t"e same be deemed real estate as de$ined"erein 1nless t"e same be imposed in lie1 o$ t"e real estate'


    Se*tion 8' Impro+ements b TENANT' Tenant ma "a+e prepared plans andspe*i$i*ations $or t"e *onstr1*tion o$ impro+ements, and, i$ so, s1*" plansand spe*i$i*ations are atta*"ed "ereto as E."ibit %% and in*orporated"erein b re$eren*e' Tenant s"all obtain all *erti$i*ates, permits,li*enses and ot"er a1t"oriations o$ o+ernmental bodies or a1t"orities!"i*" are ne*essar to permit t"e *onstr1*tion o$ t"e impro+ements on t"e


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    demised premises and s"all -eep t"e same in $1ll $or*e and e$$e*t atTenant>s *ost'

    Tenant s"all neotiate, let and s1per+ise all *ontra*ts $or t"e $1rnis"ino$ ser+i*es, labor, and materials $or t"e *onstr1*tion o$ t"e impro+ements

    on t"e demised premises at its *ost' All s1*" *ontra*ts s"all re41ire t"e*ontra*tin part to 1arantee per$orman*e and all !or-mans"ip andmaterials installed b it $or a period o$ one ear $ollo!in t"e date o$ *ompletion o$ *onstr1*tion' Tenant s"all *a1se all *ontra*ts to be $1lland *ompletel per$ormed in a ood and !or-manli-e manner, all to t"ee$$e*t t"at t"e impro+ements s"all be $1ll and *ompletel *onstr1*ted andinstalled in a**ordan*e !it" ood enineerin and *onstr1*tion pra*ti*e'

    D1rin t"e *o1rse o$ *onstr1*tion, Tenant s"all, at its *ost, -eep in $1ll$or*e and e$$e*t a poli* o$ b1ilder>s ris- and liabilit ins1ran*e in as1m e41al, $rom time to time, to t"ree times t"e amo1nt e.pended $or 

    *onstr1*tion o$ t"e impro+ements' All ris- o$ loss or damae to t"eimpro+ements d1rin t"e *o1rse o$ *onstr1*tion s"all be on Tenant !it" t"e pro*eeds $rom ins1ran*e t"ereon paable to Landlord'

    9pon *ompletion o$ *onstr1*tion, Tenant s"all, at its *ost, obtain ano**1pan* permit and all ot"er permits or li*enses ne*essar $or t"eo**1pan* o$ t"e impro+ements and t"e operation o$ t"e same as set o1t"erein and s"all -eep t"e same in $or*e'

     Not"in "erein s"all alter t"e intent o$ t"e parties t"at Tenant s"all be$1ll and *ompletel responsible $or all aspe*ts pertainin to t"e*onstr1*tion o$ t"e impro+ements o$ t"e demised premises and $or t"e pament o$ all *osts asso*iated t"ere!it"' Landlord s"all be 1nder no d1tto in+estiate or +eri$ Tenant>s *omplian*e !it" t"e pro+ision "erein'Moreo+er, neit"er Tenant nor an t"ird part ma *onstr1e t"e permissionranted Tenant "ere1nder to *reate an responsibilit on t"e part o$ t"eLandlord to pa $or an impro+ements, alterations or repairs o**asioned bt"e Tenant' T"e Tenant s"all -eep t"e propert $ree and *lear o$ all liensand, s"o1ld t"e Tenant $ail to do so, or to "a+e an liens remo+ed $rom t"e propert !it"in $o1rteen #8& das o$ noti$i*ation to do so b t"e Landlord, in addition to all ot"er remedies a+ailable to t"e Landlord , t"e Tenants"all indemni$ and "old t"e Landlord "armless $or all *osts and e.penses,in*l1din attorne>s $ees, o**asioned b t"e Landlord in "a+in said lienremo+ed $rom t"e propert and, s1*" *osts and e.penses s"all be billed tot"e Tenant mont"l and s"all be paable b t"e Tenant !it" t"at mont">sre1lar mont"l rental as additional reimb1rseable e.penses to t"e Landlord b t"e Tenant'

    Se*tion 0' 9tilities' Tenant s"all pa $or all !ater, sanitation, se!er,ele*tri*it, li"t, "eat, as, po!er, $1el, @anitorial, and ot"er ser+i*es

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    in*ident to Tenant>s 1se o$ t"e Leased /remises, !"et"er or not t"e *ostt"ereo$ be a *"are or imposition aainst t"e Leased /remises'


    Se*tion 8' LANDLORD>S Repairs' S1b@e*t to an pro+isions "erein to t"e*ontrar, and e.*ept $or maintenan*e or repla*ement ne*essitated as t"eres1lt o$ t"e a*t or omission o$ s1blessees, li*ensees or *ontra*tors, t"eLandlord s"all be re41ired to repair onl de$e*ts, de$i*ien*ies, de+iationsor $ail1res o$ materials or !or-mans"ip in t"e b1ildin' T"e Landlord s"all-eep t"e Leased /remises $ree o$ s1*" de$e*ts, de$i*ien*ies, de+iations or $ail1res d1rin t"e $irst t!el+e #80& mont"s o$ t"e term "ereo$'

    Se*tion 0' TENANT>S Repairs' T"e Tenant s"all repair and maintain t"eLeased /remises in ood order and *ondition, e.*ept $or reasonable !ear and

    tear, t"e repairs re41ired o$ Landlord p1rs1ant "ereto, and maintenan*e or repla*ement ne*essitated as t"e res1lt o$ t"e a*t or omission or nelien*eo$ t"e Landlord, its emploees, aents, or *ontra*tors'

    Se*tion ?' Re41irements o$ t"e La!' T"e Tenant arees t"at i$ an$ederal, state or m1ni*ipal o+ernment or an department or di+isiont"ereo$ s"all *ondemn t"e Leased /remises or an part t"ereo$ as not in*on$ormit !it" t"e la!s and re1lations relatin to t"e *onstr1*tiont"ereo$ as o$ t"e *ommen*ement date !it" respe*t to *onditions latent or ot"er!ise !"i*" e.isted on t"e Commen*ement Date, or, !it" respe*t to items!"i*" are t"e Landlord>s d1t to repair p1rs1ant to Se*tion 8 and ? o$ t"isArti*le and s1*" $ederal, state or m1ni*ipal o+ernment or an ot"er department or di+ision t"ereo$, "as ordered or re41ired, or s"all "erea$ter order or re41ire, an alterations or repairs t"ereo$ or installations andrepairs as ma be ne*essar to *ompl !it" s1*" la!s, orders or re41irements #t"e +alidit o$ !"i*" t"e Tenant s"all be entitled to*ontest& and i$ b reason o$ s1*" la!s, orders or t"e !or- done b t"eLandlord in *onne*tion t"ere!it", t"e Tenant is depri+ed o$ t"e 1se o$ t"eLeased /remises, t"e rent s"all be abated or ad@1sted, as t"e *ase ma be,in proportion to t"at time d1rin !"i*", and to t"at portion o$ t"e Leased/remises o$ !"i*", t"e Tenant s"all s"all be depri+ed as a res1lt t"ereo$,and t"e Landlord s"all be obliated to ma-e s1*" repairs, alterations or modi$i*ations at Landlord>s e.pense'

    All s1*" reb1ildin, alterin, installin and repairin s"all be done ina**ordan*e !it" /lans and Spe*i$i*ations appro+ed b t"e Tenant, !"i*"appro+al s"all not be 1nreasonabl !it""eld' I$, "o!e+er, s1*"*ondemnation, la!, order or re41irement, as in t"is Arti*le set $ort",s"all be !it" respe*t to an item !"i*" s"all be t"e Tenant>s obliation torepair p1rs1ant to Se*tion 0 o$ t"is Arti*le 6II or !it" respe*t to


  • 8/16/2019 Commercial Lease Agreement Template


    Tenant>s o!n *osts and e.penses, no abatement or ad@1stment o$ rent s"all be ranted pro+ided, "o!e+er, t"at Tenant s"all also be entitled to*ontest t"e +alidit t"ereo$'

    Se*tion ' TENANT>S Alterations' T"e Tenant s"all "a+e t"e ri"t, at its

    sole e.pense, $rom time to time, to rede*orate t"e Leased /remises and toma-e s1*" non(str1*t1ral alterations and *"anes in s1*" parts t"ereo$ ast"e Tenant s"all deem e.pedient or ne*essar $or its p1rposes pro+ided,"o!e+er, t"at s1*" alterations and *"anes s"all neit"er impair t"estr1*t1ral so1ndness nor diminis" t"e +al1e o$ t"e Leased /remises' T"eTenant ma ma-e str1*t1ral alterations and additions to t"e Leased /remises pro+ided t"at Tenant "as $irst obtained t"e *onsent t"ereto o$ t"e Landlordin !ritin' T"e Landlord arees t"at it s"all not !it""old s1*" *onsent1nreasonabl' T"e Landlord s"all e.e*1te and deli+er 1pon t"e re41est o$ t"e Tenant s1*" instr1ment or instr1ments embodin t"e appro+al o$ t"eLandlord !"i*" ma be re41ired b t"e p1bli* or 41asi p1bli* a1t"orit $or 

    t"e p1rpose o$ obtainin an li*enses or permits $or t"e ma-in o$ s1*"alterations, *"anes and=or installations in, to or 1pon t"e Leased/remises and t"e Tenant arees to pa $or s1*" li*enses or permits'

    Se*tion B' /ermits and E.penses' Ea*" part arees t"at it !ill pro*1reall ne*essar permits $or ma-in an repairs, alterations, or ot"er impro+ements $or installations, !"en appli*able' Ea*" /art "ereto s"alli+e !ritten noti*e to t"e ot"er part o$ an repairs re41ired o$ t"e ot"er  p1rs1ant to t"e pro+isions o$ t"is Arti*le and t"e part responsible $or said repairs arees promptl to *ommen*e s1*" repairs and to prose*1te t"esame to *ompletion dilientl, s1b@e*t, "o!e+er, to t"e delas o**asioned b e+ents beond t"e *ontrol o$ s1*" part'

    Ea*" part arees to pa promptl !"en d1e t"e entire *ost o$ an !or- done b it 1pon t"e Leased /remises so t"at t"e Leased /remises at all timess"all be $ree o$ liens $or labor and materials' Ea*" part $1rt"er areesto "old "armless and indemni$ t"e ot"er part $rom and aainst an and allin@1r, loss, *laims or damae to an person or propert o**asioned b or arisin o1t o$ t"e doin o$ an s1*" !or- b s1*" part or its emploees,aents or *ontra*tors' Ea*" part $1rt"er arees t"at in doin s1*" !or- t"at it !ill emplo materials o$ ood 41alit and *ompl !it" allo+ernmental re41irements, and per$orm s1*" !or- in a ood and !or-manli-emanner'


    Se*tion 8' TENANT>s Co+enants' Tenant *o+enants and arees as $ollo!s7

    a' To pro*1re an li*enses and permits re41ired $or an 1se made o$ t"e


  • 8/16/2019 Commercial Lease Agreement Template


    Leased /remises b Tenant, and 1pon t"e e.piration or termination o$ t"isLease, to remo+e its oods and e$$e*ts and t"ose o$ all persons *laimin1nder it, and to ield 1p pea*eabl to Landlord t"e Leased /remises in oodorder, repair and *ondition in all respe*ts e.*eptin onl damae b $ireand *as1alt *o+ered b Tenant>s ins1ran*e *o+erae, str1*t1ral repairs

    #1nless Tenant is obliated to ma-e s1*" repairs "ere1nder& and reasonable!ear and tear

     b' To permit Landlord and its aents to e.amine t"e Leased /remises atreasonable times and to s"o! t"e Leased /remises to prospe*ti+e p1r*"aserso$ t"e 1ildin and to pro+ide Landlord, i$ not alread a+ailable, !it" aset o$ -es $or t"e p1rpose o$ said e.amination, pro+ided t"at Landlords"all not t"ereb 1nreasonabl inter$ere !it" t"e *ond1*t o$ Tenant>s b1siness

    *' To permit Landlord to enter t"e Leased /remises to inspe*t s1*"

    repairs, impro+ements, alterations or additions t"ereto as ma be re41ired1nder t"e pro+isions o$ t"is Lease' I$, as a res1lt o$ s1*" repairs,impro+ements, alterations, or additions, Tenant is depri+ed o$ t"e 1se o$ t"e Leased /remises, t"e rent s"all be abated or ad@1sted, as t"e *ase ma be, in proportion to t"at time d1rin !"i*", and to t"at portion o$ t"eLeased /remises o$ !"i*", Tenant s"all be depri+ed as a res1lt t"ereo$'


    Se*tion l' Indemnit and /1bli* Liabilit' T"e Tenant s"all sa+e Landlord"armless and indemni$ Landlord $rom all in@1r, loss, *laims or damae toan person or propert !"ile on t"e Leased /remises, 1nless *a1sed b t"e!ill$1l a*ts or omissions or ross nelien*e o$ Landlord, its emploees,aents, li*ensees or *ontra*tors' Tenant s"all maintain, !it" respe*t tot"e Leased /remises, p1bli* liabilit ins1ran*e !it" limits o$ not lesst"an one million dollars $or in@1r or deat" $rom one a**ident and:0B3,333'33 propert damae ins1ran*e, ins1rin Landlord and Tenant aainstin@1r to persons or damae to propert on or abo1t t"e Leased /remises' A*op o$ t"e poli* or a *erti$i*ate o$ ins1ran*e s"all be deli+ered toLandlord on or be$ore t"e *ommen*ement date and no s1*" poli* s"all be*an*ellable !it"o1t ten #83& das prior !ritten noti*e to Landlord'


    Se*tion 8' 9se' T"e Leased /remises ma be o**1pied and 1sed b Tenante.*l1si+el as a [DESCRIE], to be -no!n as a [DESCRIE] '

     Not"in "erein s"all i+e Tenant t"e ri"t to 1se t"e propert $or an


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    ot"er p1rpose or to s1blease, assin, or li*ense t"e 1se o$ t"e propert toan s1blessee, assinee, or li*ensee, !"i*" or !"o s"all 1se t"e propert$or an ot"er 1se'


    Se*tion l' E.terior Sins' Tenant s"all "a+e t"e ri"t, at its sole ris- and e.pense and in *on$ormit !it" appli*able la!s and ordinan*es, to ere*tand t"erea$ter, to repair or repla*e, i$ it s"all so ele*t sins on an portion o$ t"e Leased /remises, pro+idin t"at Tenant s"all remo+e an s1*"sins 1pon termination o$ t"is lease, and repair all damae o**asionedt"ereb to t"e Leased /remises'

    Se*tion 0' Interior Sins' Tenant s"all "a+e t"e ri"t, at its sole ris- and e.pense and in *on$ormit !it" appli*able la!s and ordinan*es, to

    ere*t, maintain, pla*e and install its 1s1al and *1stomar sins and$i.t1res in t"e interior o$ t"e Leased /remises'


    Se*tion 8' Ins1ran*e /ro*eeds' In t"e e+ent o$ an damae to or destr1*tion o$ t"e Leased /remises, Tenant s"all ad@1st t"e loss and settleall *laims !it" t"e ins1ran*e *ompanies iss1in s1*" poli*ies' T"e parties"ereto do irre+o*abl assin t"e pro*eeds $rom s1*" ins1ran*e poli*ies $or t"e p1rposes "ereina$ter stated to an instit1tional $irst mortaee or toLandlord and Tenant @ointl, i$ no instit1tional $irst mortaee t"en "oldsan interest in t"e Leased /remises' All pro*eeds o$ said ins1ran*e s"all be paid into a tr1st $1nd 1nder t"e *ontrol o$ an instit1tional $irstmortaee, or o$ Landlord and Tenant i$ no instit1tional $irst mortaeet"en "olds an interest in t"e Leased /remises, $or repair, restoration,reb1ildin or repla*ement, or an *ombination t"ereo$, o$ t"e Leased/remises or o$ t"e impro+ements in t"e Leased /remises' In *ase o$ s1*"damae or destr1*tion, Landlord s"all be entitled to ma-e !it"dra!als $roms1*" tr1st $1nd, $rom time to time, 1pon presentation o$7

    a' bills $or labor and materials e.pended in repair, restoration,reb1ildin or repla*ement, or an *ombination t"ereo$

     b' Landlord>s s!orn statement t"at s1*" labor and materials $or !"i*" pament is bein made "a+e been $1rnis"ed or deli+ered on site and

    *' t"e *erti$i*ate o$ a s1per+isin ar*"ite*t #sele*ted b Landlord andTenant and appro+ed b an instit1tional $irst mortaee, i$ an, !"ose $ees!ill be paid o1t o$ said ins1ran*e pro*eeds& *erti$in t"at t"e !or- bein

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     paid $or "as been *ompleted in a**ordan*e !it" t"e /lans and Spe*i$i*ations pre+io1sl appro+ed b Landlord , Tenant and an instit1tional $irstmortaee in a $irst *lass, ood and !or-manli-e manner and in a**ordan*e!it" all pertinent o+ernmental re41irements'

    An ins1ran*e pro*eeds in e.*ess o$ s1*" pro*eeds as s"all be ne*essar $or s1*" repair, restoration, reb1ildin, repla*ement or an *ombinationt"ereo$ s"all be t"e sole propert o$ Landlord s1b@e*t to an ri"tst"erein o$ Landlord>s mortaee, and i$ t"e pro*eeds ne*essar $or s1*"repair, restoration, reb1ildin or repla*ement, or an *ombination t"ereo$ s"all be inade41ate to pa t"e *ost t"ereo$, Tenant s"all s1$$er t"ede$i*ien*'

    Se*tion 0' S1broation' Landlord and Tenant "ereb release ea*" ot"er, tot"e e.tent o$ t"e ins1ran*e *o+erae pro+ided "ere1nder, $rom an and allliabilit or responsibilit #to t"e ot"er or anone *laimin t"ro1" or 

    1nder t"e ot"er b !a o$ s1broation or ot"er!ise& $or an loss to or damae o$ propert *o+ered b t"e $ire and e.tended *o+erae ins1ran*e poli*ies ins1rin t"e Leased /remises and an o$ Tenant>s propert, e+en i$ s1*" loss or damae s"all "a+e been *a1sed b t"e $a1lt or nelien*e o$ t"e ot"er part'

    Se*tion ?' Contrib1tion' Tenant s"all reimb1rse Landlord $or all ins1ran*e premi1ms *onne*ted !it" or appli*able to t"e Leased /remises $or !"ate+er ins1ran*e poli* t"e Landlord , at its sole and e.*l1si+e option, s"o1ldsele*t'


    Se*tion 8' Abatement or Ad@1stment o$ Rent' I$ t"e !"ole or an part o$ t"e Leased /remises s"all be damaed or destroed b $ire or ot"er *as1alta$ter t"e e.e*1tion o$ t"is Lease and be$ore t"e termination "ereo$, t"enin e+er *ase t"e rent reser+ed in Arti*le I6 "erein and ot"er *"ares, i$ an, s"all be abated or ad@1sted, as t"e *ase ma be, in proportion to t"at portion o$ t"e Leased /remises o$ !"i*" Tenant s"all be depri+ed on a**o1nto$ s1*" damae or destr1*tion and t"e !or- o$ repair, restoration,reb1ildin, or repla*ement or an *ombination t"ereo$, o$ t"e impro+ementsso damaed or destroed, s"all in no !a be *onstr1ed b an person toe$$e*t an red1*tion o$ s1ms or pro*eeds paable 1nder an rent ins1ran*e poli*'

    Se*tion 0' Repairs and Restoration' Landlord arees t"at in t"e e+ent o$ t"e damae or destr1*tion o$ t"e Leased /remises, Landlord $ort"!it" s"all pro*eed to repair, restore, repla*e or reb1ild t"e Leased /remises#e.*l1din Tenant>s lease"old impro+ements&, to s1bstantiall t"e *ondition

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    in !"i*" t"e same !ere immediatel prior to s1*" damae or destr1*tion' T"eLandlord t"erea$ter s"all dilientl prose*1te said !or- to *ompletion!it"o1t dela or interr1ption e.*ept $or e+ents beond t"e reasonable*ontrol o$ Landlord ' Not!it"standin t"e $oreoin, i$ Landlord does noteit"er obtain a b1ildin permit !it"in ninet #3& das o$ t"e date o$ s1*"

    damae or destr1*tion, or *omplete s1*" repairs, reb1ildin or restorationand *ompl !it" *onditions #a&, #b& and #*& in Se*tion 8 o$ Arti*le 5III!it"in nine #& mont"s o$ s1*" damae or destr1*tion, t"en Tenant ma atan time t"erea$ter *an*el and terminate t"is Lease b sendin ninet #3&das !ritten noti*e t"ereo$ to Landlord , or, in t"e alternati+e, Tenantma, d1rin said ninet #3& da period, appl $or t"e same and Landlords"all *ooperate !it" Tenant in Tenant>s appli*ation' Not!it"standin t"e$oreoin, i$ s1*" damae or destr1*tion s"all o**1r d1rin t"e last ear o$ t"e term o$ t"is Lease, or d1rin an rene!al term, and s"all amo1nt tot!ent($i+e #0B& per*ent or more o$ t"e repla*ement *ost, #e.*l1si+e o$ t"e land and $o1ndations&, t"is Lease, e.*ept as "ereina$ter pro+ided in

    Se*tion ? o$ Arti*le 56, ma be terminated at t"e ele*tion o$ eit"er Landlord or Tenant, pro+ided t"at noti*e o$ s1*" ele*tion s"all be sent bt"e part so ele*tin to t"e ot"er !it"in t"irt #?3& das a$ter t"eo**1rren*e o$ s1*" damae or destr1*tion' 9pon termination, as a$oresaid, b eit"er part "ereto, t"is Lease and t"e term t"ereo$ s"all *ease and*ome to an end, an 1nearned rent or ot"er *"ares paid in ad+an*e bTenant s"all be re$1nded to Tenant, and t"e parties s"all be released"ere1nder, ea*" to t"e ot"er, $rom all liabilit and obliations "ere1nder t"erea$ter arisin'


    Se*tion 8' Total Ta-in' I$, a$ter t"e e.e*1tion o$ t"is Lease and prior to t"e e.piration o$ t"e term "ereo$, t"e !"ole o$ t"e Leased /remisess"all be ta-en 1nder po!er o$ eminent domain b an p1bli* or pri+atea1t"orit, or *on+eed b Landlord to said a1t"orit in lie1 o$ s1*"ta-in, t"en t"is Lease and t"e term "ereo$ s"all *ease and terminate as o$ t"e date !"en possession o$ t"e Leased /remises s"all be ta-en b t"eta-in a1t"orit and an 1nearned rent or ot"er *"ares, i$ an, paid inad+an*e, s"all be re$1nded to Tenant'

    Se*tion 0' /artial Ta-in' I$, a$ter t"e e.e*1tion o$ t"is Lease and prior to t"e e.piration o$ t"e term "ereo$, an p1bli* or pri+ate a1t"orits"all, 1nder t"e po!er o$ eminent domain, ta-e, or Landlord s"all *on+e tosaid a1t"orit in lie1 o$ s1*" ta-in, propert !"i*" res1lts in ared1*tion b $i$teen #8B& per*ent or more o$ t"e area in t"e Leased/remises, or o$ a portion o$ t"e Leased /remises t"at s1bstantiallinterr1pts or s1bstantiall obstr1*ts t"e *ond1*tin o$ b1siness on t"eLeased /remises t"en Tenant ma, at its ele*tion, terminate t"is Lease b


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    i+in Landlord noti*e o$ t"e*ise o$ Tenant>s ele*tion !it"in t"irt#?3& das a$ter Tenant s"all re*ei+e noti*e o$ s1*" ta-in' In t"e e+ent o$ termination b Tenant 1nder t"e pro+isions o$ Se*tion 8 o$ t"is Arti*le 56,t"is Lease and t"e term "ereo$ s"all *ease and terminate as o$ t"e date!"en possession s"all be ta-en b t"e appropriate a1t"orit o$ t"at portion

    o$ t"e Entire /ropert t"at res1lts in one o$ t"e abo+e ta-ins, and an1nearned rent or ot"er *"ares, i$ an, paid in ad+an*e b Tenant s"all bere$1nded to Tenant'

    Se*tion ?' Restoration' In t"e e+ent o$ a ta-in in respe*t o$ !"i*"Tenant s"all not "a+e t"e ri"t to ele*t to terminate t"is Lease or, "a+ins1*" ri"t, s"all not ele*t to terminate t"is Lease, t"is Lease and t"eterm t"ereo$ s"all *ontin1e in $1ll $or*e and e$$e*t and Landlord , atLandlord>s sole *ost and e.pense, $ort"!it" s"all restore t"e remainin portions o$ t"e Leased /remises, in*l1din an and all impro+ements madet"ereto$ore to an ar*"ite*t1ral !"ole in s1bstantiall t"e same *ondition

    t"at t"e same !ere in prior to s1*" ta-in' A @1st proportion o$ t"e rentreser+ed "erein and an ot"er *"ares paable b Tenant "ere1nder,a**ordin to t"e nat1re and e.tent o$ t"e in@1r to t"e Leased /remises andto Tenant>s b1siness, s"all be s1spended or abated 1ntil t"e *ompletion o$ s1*" restoration and t"erea$ter t"e rent and an ot"er *"ares s"all bered1*ed in proportion to t"e s41are $ootae o$ t"e Leased /remisesremainin a$ter s1*" ta-in'

    Se*tion ' T"e A!ard' All *ompensation a!arded $or an ta-in, !"et"er $or t"e !"ole or a portion o$ t"e Leased /remises, s"all be t"e sole propert o$ t"e Landlord !"et"er s1*" *ompensation s"all be a!arded $or dimin1tion in t"e +al1e o$, or loss o$, t"e lease"old or $or dimin1tion int"e +al1e o$, or loss o$, t"e $ee in t"e Leased /remises, or ot"er!ise'T"e Tenant "ereb assins to Landlord all o$ Tenant>s ri"t and title toand interest in an and all s1*" *ompensation' Ho!e+er, t"e Landlord s"allnot be entitled to and Tenant s"all "a+e t"e sole ri"t to ma-e itsindependent *laim $or and retain an portion o$ an a!ard made b t"eappropriatin a1t"orit dire*tl to Tenant $or loss o$ b1siness, or damaeto or depre*iation o$, and *ost o$ remo+al o$ $i.t1res, personalt andimpro+ements installed in t"e Leased /remises b, or at t"e e.pense o$ Tenant, and to an ot"er a!ard made b t"e appropriatin a1t"orit dire*tlto Tenant'

    Se*tion B' Release' In t"e e+ent o$ an termination o$ t"is Lease as t"eres1lt o$ t"e pro+isions o$ t"is Arti*le 56, t"e parties, e$$e*ti+e as o$ s1*" termination, s"all be released, ea*" to t"e ot"er, $rom all liabilitand obliations t"erea$ter arisin 1nder t"is lease'



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    Se*tion 8' LANDLORD>S Remedies' In t"e e+ent t"at7

    a' Tenant s"all on t"ree or more o**asions be in de$a1lt in t"e pament o$ rent or ot"er *"ares "erein re41ired to be paid b Tenant #de$a1lt "erein

     bein de$ined as pament re*ei+ed b Landlord ten or more das s1bse41entto t"e d1e date&, reardless o$ !"et"er or not s1*" de$a1lt "as o**1rred on*onse*1ti+e or non(*onse*1ti+e mont"s or

     b' Tenant "as *a1sed a lien to be $iled aainst t"e Landlord>s propertand said lien is not remo+ed !it"in t"irt #?3& das o$ re*ordationt"ereo$ or

    *' Tenant s"all de$a1lt in t"e obser+an*e or per$orman*e o$ an o$ t"e*o+enants and areements re41ired to be per$ormed and obser+ed b Tenant"ere1nder $or a period o$ t"irt #?3& das a$ter noti*e to Tenant in

    !ritin o$ s1*" de$a1lt #or i$ s1*" de$a1lt s"all reasonabl ta-e more t"ant"irt #?3& das to *1re, Tenant s"all not "a+e *ommen*ed t"e same !it"int"e t"irt #?3& das and dilientl prose*1ted t"e same to *ompletion& or

    d' Si.t #23& das "a+e elapsed a$ter t"e *ommen*ement o$ an pro*eedin b or aainst Tenant, !"et"er b t"e $ilin o$ a petition or ot"er!ise,see-in an reoraniation, arranement, *omposition, read@1stment,li41idation, dissol1tion or similar relie$ 1nder t"e present or $1t1re)ederal an-r1pt* A*t or an ot"er present or $1t1re appli*able $ederal,state or ot"er stat1te or la!, !"ereb s1*" pro*eedin s"all not "a+e beendismissed #pro+ided, "o!e+er, t"at t"e non(dismissal o$ an s1*" pro*eedins"all not be a de$a1lt "ere1nder so lon as all o$ Tenant>s *o+enants andobliations "ere1nder are bein per$ormed b or on be"al$ o$ Tenant& t"enLandlord s"all be entitled to its ele*tion #1nless Tenant s"all *1re s1*"de$a1lt prior to s1*" ele*tion&, to*ise *on*1rrentl or s1**essi+el,an one or more o$ t"e $ollo!in ri"ts7

    I' Terminate t"is Lease b i+in Tenant noti*e o$ termination, in !"i*"e+ent t"is Lease s"all e.pire and terminate on t"e date spe*i$ied in s1*"noti*e o$ termination, !it" t"e same $or*e and e$$e*t as t"o1" t"e date sospe*i$ied !ere t"e date "erein oriinall $i.ed as t"e termination date o$ t"e term o$ t"is Lease, and all ri"ts o$ Tenant 1nder t"is Lease and inand to t"e /remises s"all e.pire and terminate, and Tenant s"all remainliable $or all obliations 1nder t"is Lease arisin 1p to t"e date o$ s1*"termination, and Tenant s"all s1rrender t"e /remises to Landlord on t"edate spe*i$ied in s1*" noti*e or

    ii' Terminate t"is Lease as pro+ided "erein and re*o+er $rom Tenant alldamaes Landlord ma in*1r b reason o$ Tenant>s de$a1lt, in*l1din,!it"o1t limitation, a s1m !"i*", at t"e date o$ s1*" termination,


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    represents t"e t"en +al1e o$ t"e e.*ess, i$ an, o$ #a& t"e Minim1m Rent,/er*entae Rent, and all ot"er s1ms !"i*" !o1ld "a+e been paable"ere1nder b Tenant $or t"e period *ommen*in !it" t"e da $ollo!in t"edate o$ s1*" termination and endin !it" t"e date "erein be$ore set $or t"ee.piration o$ t"e $1ll term "ereb ranted, o+er #b& t"e areate

    reasonable rental +al1e o$ t"e /remises $or t"e same period, all o$ !"i*"e.*ess s1m s"all be deemed immediatel d1e and paable or

    iii' Jit"o1t terminatin t"is Lease, de*lare immediatel d1e and paableall Minim1m Rent,, and ot"er rents and amo1nts d1e and *omin d1e1nder t"is Lease $or t"e entire remainin term "ereo$, toet"er !it" allot"er amo1nts pre+io1sl d1e, at on*e pro+ided, "o!e+er, t"at s1*" paments"all not be deemed a penalt or li41idated damaes b1t s"all merel*onstit1te pament in ad+an*e o$ rent $or t"e remainder o$ said term' 9ponma-in s1*" pament, Tenant s"all be entitled to re*ei+e $rom Landlord allrents re*ei+ed b Landlord $rom ot"er assinees, tenants, and s1btenants on

    a**o1nt o$ said /remises d1rin t"e term o$ t"is Lease, pro+ided t"at t"emonies to !"i*" tenant s"all so be*ome entitled s"all in no e+ent e.*eedt"e entire amo1nt a*t1all paid b Tenant to Landlord p1rs1ant to t"e pre*edin senten*e less all *osts, e.penses and attorne>s $ees o$ Landlordin*1rred in *onne*tion !it" t"e relettin o$ t"e /remises or 

    i+' Jit"o1t terminatin t"is Lease, and !it" or !it"o1t noti*e to Tenant,Landlord ma in its o!n name b1t as aent $or Tenant enter into and 1ponand ta-e possession o$ t"e /remises or an part t"ereo$, and, at landlord>soption, remo+e persons and propert t"ere$rom, and s1*" propert, i$ an,ma be remo+ed and stored in a !are"o1se or else!"ere at t"e *ost o$, and$or t"e a**o1nt o$ Tenant, all !it"o1t bein deemed 1ilt o$ trespass or  be*omin liable $or an loss or damae !"i*" ma be o**asioned t"ereb, andLandlord ma rent t"e /remises or an portion t"ereo$ as t"e aent o$ Tenant !it" or !it"o1t ad+ertisement, and b pri+ate neotiations and $or an term 1pon s1*" terms and *onditions as Landlord ma deem ne*essar or desirable in order to relet t"e /remises' Landlord s"all in no !a beresponsible or liable $or an rental *on*essions or an $ail1re to rent t"e/remises or an part t"ereo$, or $or an $ail1re to *olle*t an rent d1e1pon s1*" relettin' 9pon s1*" relettin, all rentals re*ei+ed b Landlord$rom s1*" relettin s"all be applied7 $irst, to t"e pament o$ anindebtedness #ot"er t"an an rent d1e "ere1nder& $rom Tenant to Landlordse*ond, to t"e pament o$ an *osts and e.penses o$ s1*" relettin,in*l1din, !it"o1t limitation, bro-erae $ees and attorne>s $ees and *ostso$ alterations and repairs t"ird, to t"e pament o$ rent and ot"er *"arest"en d1e and 1npaid "ere1nder and t"e resid1e, i$ an s"all be "eld bLandlord to t"e e.tent o$ and $or appli*ation in pament o$ $1t1re rent ast"e same ma be*ome d1e and paable "ere1nder' In relettin t"e /remises asa$oresaid, Landlord ma rant rent *on*essions and Tenant s"all not be*redited t"ere$or' I$ s1*" rentals re*ei+ed $rom s1*" relettin s"all at


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  • 8/16/2019 Commercial Lease Agreement Template


    s1*" de$a1lt prior to t"e e.piration o$ said !aitin period is reasonablne*essar to prote*t t"e Leased /remises or Landlord>s interest t"erein, or to pre+ent in@1r or damae to persons or propert' I$ Tenant s"all $ail toreimb1rse Landlord 1pon demand $or an amo1nt paid $or t"e a**o1nt o$ Tenant "ere1nder, said amo1nt s"all be added to and be*ome d1e as a part o$ 

    t"e ne.t pament o$ rent d1e and s"all $or all p1rposes be deemed andtreated as rent "ere1nder'

    Se*tion ?' TENANT>S Sel$ Help' I$ Landlord s"all de$a1lt in t"e per$orman*e or obser+an*e o$ an areement or *ondition in t"is Lease*ontained on its part to be per$ormed or obser+ed, and i$ Landlord s"allnot *1re s1*" de$a1lt !it"in t"irt #?3& das a$ter noti*e $rom Tenantspe*i$in t"e de$a1lt #or, i$ s1*" de$a1lt s"all reasonabl ta-e more t"ant"irt #?3& das to *1re, and Landlord s"all not "a+e *ommen*ed t"e same!it"in t"e t"irt #?3& das and dilientl prose*1ted t"e same to*ompletion&, Tenant ma, at its option, !it"o1t !ai+in an *laim $or 

    damaes $or brea*" o$ areement, at an time t"erea$ter *1re s1*" de$a1lt$or t"e a**o1nt o$ Landlord and an amo1nt paid or an *ontra*t1alliabilit in*1rred b Tenant in so doin s"all be deemed paid or in*1rred$or t"e a**o1nt o$ Landlord and Landlord s"all reimb1rse Tenant t"ere$or and sa+e Tenant "armless t"ere$rom' /ro+ided, "o!e+er, t"at Tenant ma *1rean s1*" de$a1lt as a$oresaid prior to t"e e.piration o$ said !aitin period, !it"o1t noti*e to Landlord i$ an emeren* sit1ation e.ists, or a$ter noti*e to Landlord , i$ t"e *1rin o$ s1*" de$a1lt prior to t"ee.piration o$ said !aitin period is reasonabl ne*essar to prote*t t"eLeased /remises or Tenant>s interest t"erein or to pre+ent in@1r or damaeto persons or propert' I$ Landlord s"all $ail to reimb1rse Tenant 1pondemand $or an amo1nt paid or liabilit in*1rred $or t"e a**o1nt o$ Landlord "ere1nder, said amo1nt or liabilit ma be ded1*ted b Tenant $romt"e ne.t or an s1**eedin paments o$ rent d1e "ere1nder pro+ided,"o!e+er, t"at s"o1ld said amo1nt or t"e liabilit t"ere$or be disp1ted bLandlord, Landlord ma *ontest its liabilit or t"e amo1nt t"ereo$, t"ro1"arbitration or t"ro1" a de*larator @1dment a*tion and Landlord s"all bear t"e *ost o$ t"e $ilin $ees t"ere$or'


    Se*tion l' S1bordination' Tenant s"all, 1pon t"e re41est o$ Landlord in!ritin, s1bordinate t"is Lease to t"e lien o$ an present or $1t1reinstit1tional mortae 1pon t"e Leased /remises irrespe*ti+e o$ t"e time o$ e.e*1tion or t"e time o$ re*ordin o$ an s1*" mortae' /ro+ided, "o!e+er,t"at as a *ondition to s1*" s1bordination, t"e "older o$ an s1*" mortaes"all enter $irst into a !ritten areement !it" Tenant in $orm s1itable $or re*ordin to t"e e$$e*t t"at7


  • 8/16/2019 Commercial Lease Agreement Template


    a' in t"e e+ent o$ $ore*los1re or ot"er a*tion ta-en 1nder t"e mortae bt"e "older t"ereo$, t"is Lease and t"e ri"ts o$ Tenant "ere1nder s"all not be dist1rbed b1t s"all *ontin1e in $1ll $or*e and e$$e*t so lon as Tenants"all not be in de$a1lt "ere1nder, and

     b' s1*" "older s"all permit ins1ran*e pro*eeds and *ondemnation pro*eedsto be 1sed $or an restoration and repair re41ired b t"e pro+isions o$ Arti*les 5III, 5I6 or 56, respe*ti+el' Tenant arees t"at i$ t"emortaee or an person *laimin 1nder t"e mortaee s"all s1**eed to t"einterest o$ Landlord in t"is Lease, Tenant !ill re*onie said mortaee or  person as its Landlord 1nder t"e terms o$ t"is Lease, pro+ided t"at saidmortaee or person $or t"e period d1rin !"i*" said mortaee or personrespe*ti+el s"all be in possession o$ t"e Leased /remises and t"erea$ter t"eir respe*ti+e s1**essors in interest s"all ass1me all o$ t"e obliationso$ Landlord "ere1nder' T"e !ord %mortae%, as 1sed "erein in*l1desmortaes, deeds o$ tr1st or ot"er similar instr1ments, and modi$i*ations,

    and e.tensions t"ereo$' T"e term %instit1tional mortae% as 1sed in t"isArti*le 56II means a mortae se*1rin a loan $rom a ban- #*ommer*ial or sa+ins& or tr1st *ompan, ins1ran*e *ompan or pension tr1st or an ot"er lender instit1tional in nat1re and *onstit1tin a lien 1pon t"e Leased/remises'

    Se*tion 0' K1iet En@oment' Landlord *o+enants and arees t"at 1ponTenant pain t"e rent and obser+in and per$ormin all o$ t"e terms,*o+enants and *onditions on Tenant>s part to be obser+ed and per$ormed"ere1nder, t"at Tenant ma pea*eabl and 41ietl "a+e, "old, o**1p anden@o t"e Leased /remises in a**ordan*e !it" t"e terms o$ t"is Lease!it"o1t "indran*e or molestation $rom Landlord or an persons la!$1ll*laimin t"ro1" Landlord '

    Se*tion ?' onin and Good Title' Landlord !arrants and represents, 1pon!"i*" !arrant and representation Tenant "as relied in t"e e.e*1tion o$ t"is Lease, t"at Landlord is t"e o!ner o$ t"e Leased /remises, in $eesimple absol1te, $ree and *lear o$ all en*1mbran*es, e.*ept $or t"eeasements, *o+enants and restri*tions o$ re*ord as o$ t"e date o$ t"isLease' S1*" e.*eptions s"all not impede or inter$ere !it" t"e 41iet 1se anden@oment o$ t"e Leased /remises b Tenant' Landlord $1rt"er !arrants and*o+enants t"at t"is Lease is and s"all be a $irst lien on t"e Leased/remises, s1b@e*t onl to an Mortae to !"i*" t"is Lease is s1bordinateor ma be*ome s1bordinate p1rs1ant to an areement e.e*1ted b Tenant, andto s1*" en*1mbran*es as s"all be *a1sed b t"e a*ts or omissions o$ Tenantt"at Landlord "as $1ll ri"t and la!$1l a1t"orit to e.e*1te t"is Lease $or t"e term, in t"e manner, and 1pon t"e *onditions and pro+isions "erein*ontained t"at t"ere is no leal impediment to t"e 1se o$ t"e Leased/remises as set o1t "erein t"at t"e Leased /remises are not s1b@e*t to aneasements, restri*tions, onin ordinan*es or similar o+ernmental


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    ot"er part>s *onsent to or appro+al o$ s1*" a*tion on an one o**asions"all not be deemed a *onsent to or appro+al o$ said a*tion on ans1bse41ent o**asion or a *onsent to or appro+al o$ an ot"er a*tion on t"esame or an s1bse41ent o**asion' An and all ri"ts and remedies !"i*"eit"er part ma "a+e 1nder t"is Lease or b operation o$ la!, eit"er at

    la! or in e41it, 1pon an brea*", s"all be distin*t, separate and*1m1lati+e and s"all not be deemed in*onsistent !it" ea*" ot"er, and no oneo$ t"em, !"et"er*ised b said part or not, s"all be deemed to be ane.*l1sion o$ an ot"er and an t!o or more or all o$ s1*" ri"ts andremedies ma be*ised at t"e same time'

    Se*tion ' Disp1tes' It is areed t"at, i$ at an time a disp1te s"allarise as to an amo1nt or s1m o$ mone to be paid b one part to t"e ot"er 1nder t"e pro+isions "ereo$, t"e part aainst !"om t"e obliation to pat"e mone is asserted s"all "a+e t"e ri"t to ma-e pament %1nder protest%and s1*" pament s"all not be rearded as a +ol1ntar pament and t"ere

    s"all s1r+i+e t"e ri"t on t"e part o$ t"e said part to instit1te s1it $or t"e re*o+er o$ s1*" s1m' I$ it s"all be ad@1ded t"at t"ere !as no lealobliation on t"e part o$ said part to pa s1*" s1m or an part t"ereo$,said part s"all be entitled to re*o+er s1*" s1m or so m1*" t"ereo$ as it!as not leall re41ired to pa 1nder t"e pro+isions o$ t"is Lease' I$ atan time a disp1te s"all arise bet!een t"e parties "ereto as to an !or- to be per$ormed b eit"er o$ t"em 1nder t"e pro+isions "ereo$, t"e partaainst !"om t"e obliation to per$orm t"e !or- is asserted ma per$orms1*" !or- and pa t"e *osts t"ereo$ %1nder protest% and t"e per$orman*e o$ s1*" !or- s"all in no e+ent be rearded as a +ol1ntar per$orman*e ands"all s1r+i+e t"e ri"t on t"e part o$ t"e said part to instit1te s1it $or t"e re*o+er o$ t"e *osts o$ s1*" !or-' I$ it s"all be ad@1ded t"at t"ere!as no leal obliation on t"e part o$ t"e said part to per$orm t"e sameor an part t"ereo$, said part s"all be entitled to re*o+er t"e *osts o$ s1*" !or- or t"e *ost o$ so m1*" t"ereo$ as said part !as not leallre41ired to per$orm 1nder t"e pro+isions o$ t"is Lease and t"e amo1nt so paid b Tenant ma be !it""eld or ded1*ted b Tenant $rom an rents "ereinreser+ed'

    Se*tion B' TENANT>S Ri"t to *1re LANDLORD>S De$a1lt' In t"e e+ent t"atLandlord s"all $ail, re$1se or nele*t to pa an mortaes, liens or en*1mbran*es, t"e @1di*ial sale o$ !"i*" mi"t a$$e*t t"e interest o$ Tenant "ere1nder, or s"all $ail, re$1se or nele*t to pa an interest d1eor paable on an s1*" mortae, lien or en*1mbran*e, Tenant ma pa saidmortaes, liens or en*1mbran*es, or interest or per$orm said *onditionsand *"are to Landlord t"e amo1nt so paid and !it""old and ded1*t $rom anrents "erein reser+ed s1*" amo1nts so paid, and an e.*ess o+er and abo+et"e amo1nts o$ said rents s"all be paid b Landlord to Tenant'

    Se*tion 2' Noti*es' All noti*es and ot"er *omm1ni*ations a1t"oried or 


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    re41ired "ere1nder s"all be in !ritin and s"all be i+en b mailin t"esame b *erti$ied mail, ret1rn re*eipt re41ested, postae prepaid, and ans1*" noti*e or ot"er *omm1ni*ation s"all be deemed to "a+e been i+en !"enre*ei+ed b t"e part to !"om s1*" noti*e or ot"er *omm1ni*ation s"all beaddressed' I$ intended $or Landlord t"e same !ill be mailed to t"e address

    "erein abo+e set $ort" or s1*" ot"er address as Landlord ma "erea$ter desinate b noti*e to Tenant, and i$ intended $or Tenant, t"e same s"all be mailed to Tenant at t"e address "erein abo+e set $ort", or s1*" ot"er address or addresses as Tenant ma "erea$ter desinate b noti*e toLandlord'


    Se*tion l' Loss and Damae' Not!it"standin an *ontrar pro+isions o$ t"is Lease, Landlord s"all not be responsible $or an loss o$ or damae to

     propert o$ Tenant or o$ ot"ers lo*ated on t"e Leased /remises, e.*ept!"ere *a1sed b t"e !ill$1l a*t or omission or nelien*e o$ Landlord , or Landlord>s aents, emploees or *ontra*tors, pro+ided, "o!e+er, t"at i$ Tenant s"all noti$ Landlord in !ritin o$ repairs !"i*" are t"eresponsibilit o$ Landlord 1nder Arti*le 6II "ereo$, and Landlord s"all$ail to *ommen*e and dilientl prose*1te to *ompletion said repairs promptl a$ter s1*" noti*e, and i$ a$ter t"e i+in o$ s1*" noti*e and t"eo**1rren*e o$ s1*" $ail1re, loss o$ or damae to Tenant>s propert s"allres1lt $rom t"e *ondition as to !"i*" Landlord "as been noti$ied, Landlords"all indemni$ and "old "armless Tenant $rom an loss, *ost or e.pensearisin t"ere$rom'

    Se*tion 0' )or*e Ma@e1re' In t"e e+ent t"at Landlord or Tenant s"all bedelaed or "indered in or pre+ented $rom t"e per$orman*e o$ an a*t ot"er t"an Tenant>s obliation to ma-e paments o$ rent, additional rent, andot"er *"ares re41ired "ere1nder, b reason o$ stri-es, lo*-o1ts,1na+ailabilit o$ materials, $ail1re o$ po!er, restri*ti+e o+ernmentalla!s or re1lations, riots, ins1rre*tions, t"e a*t, $ail1re to a*t, or de$a1lt o$ t"e ot"er part, !ar or ot"er reason beond its *ontrol, t"en per$orman*e o$ s1*" a*t s"all be e.*1sed $or t"e period o$ t"e dela andt"e period $or t"e per$orman*e o$ s1*" a*t s"all be e.tended $or a periode41i+alent to t"e period o$ s1*" dela' Not!it"standin t"e $oreoin,la*- o$ $1nds s"all not be deemed to be a *a1se beond *ontrol o$ eit"er  part'


    Se*tion 8' Assinment and S1blettin' 9nder t"e terms and *onditions"ere1nder, Tenant s"all "a+e t"e absol1te ri"t to trans$er and assin t"is


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    lease or to s1blet all or an portion o$ t"e Leased /remises or to *easeoperatin Tenant>s b1siness on t"e Leased /remises pro+ided t"at at t"etime o$ s1*" assinment or s1blease Tenant s"all not be in de$a1lt in t"e per$orman*e and obser+an*e o$ t"e obliations imposed 1pon Tenant"ere1nder, and in t"e e+ent t"at Tenant assins or s1blets t"is propert

    $or an amo1nt in e.*ess o$ t"e rental amo1nt t"en bein paid, t"en Landlords"all re41ire as $1rt"er *onsideration $or t"e rantin o$ t"e ri"t toassin or s1blet, a s1m e41al to $i$t #B3& per*ent o$ t"e di$$eren*e bet!een t"e amo1nt o$ rental to be *"ared b Tenant to Tenant>s s1blesseeor assinee and t"e amo1nt pro+ided $or "erein, paable in a manner *onsistent !it" t"e met"od o$ pament b t"e s1blessee or assinee to t"eTenant, and=or $i$t #B3& per*ent o$ t"e *onsideration paid or to be paidto Tenant b Tenant>s s1blessee or assinee' Landlord m1st *onsent in!ritin to an s1*" s1blessee or assinee, alt"o1" s1*" *onsent s"all not be 1nreasonabl !it""eld' T"e 1se o$ t"e Leased /remises b s1*" assineeor s1blessee s"all be e.pressl limited b and to t"e pro+isions o$ t"is


    Se*tion 0' )i.t1res' All personal propert, $1rnis"ins and e41ipment presentl and all ot"er trade $i.t1res installed in or "erea$ter b or att"e e.pense o$ Tenant and all additions and=or impro+ements, e.*l1si+e o$ str1*t1ral, me*"ani*al, ele*tri*al, and pl1mbin, a$$i.ed to t"e Leased/remises and 1sed in t"e operation o$ t"e Tenant>s b1siness made to, in or on t"e Leased /remises b and at t"e e.pense o$ Tenant and s1s*eptible o$  bein remo+ed $rom t"e Leased /remises !it"o1t damae, 1nless s1*" damae be repaired b Tenant, s"all remain t"e propert o$ Tenant and Tenant ma, b1t s"all not be obliated to, remo+e t"e same or an part t"ereo$ at antime or times d1rin t"e term "ereo$, pro+ided t"at Tenant, at its sole*ost and e.pense, s"all ma-e an repairs o**asioned b s1*" remo+al'

    Se*tion ?' Estoppel Certi$i*ates' At an time and $rom time to time,Landlord and Tenant ea*" aree, 1pon re41est in !ritin $rom t"e ot"er, toe.e*1te, a*-no!lede and deli+er to t"e ot"er or to an person desinated b t"e ot"er a statement in !ritin *erti$in t"at t"e Lease is 1nmodi$iedand is in $1ll $or*e and e$$e*t, or i$ t"ere "a+e been modi$i*ations, t"att"e same is in $1ll $or*e and e$$e*t as modi$ied #statin t"emodi$i*ations&, t"at t"e ot"er part is not in de$a1lt in t"e per$orman*eo$ its *o+enants "ere1nder, or i$ t"ere "a+e been s1*" de$a1lts, spe*i$int"e same, and t"e dates to !"i*" t"e rent and ot"er *"ares "a+e been paid'

    Se*tion ' In+alidit o$ /arti*1lar /ro+ision' I$ an term or pro+isiono$ t"is Lease or t"e appli*ation "ereo$ to an person or *ir*1mstan*es"all, to an e.tent, be "eld in+alid or 1nen$or*eable, t"e remainder o$ t"is Lease, or t"e appli*ation o$ s1*" term or pro+ision to persons or *ir*1mstan*es ot"er t"an t"ose as to !"i*" it is "eld in+alid or 


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    1nen$or*eable, s"all not be a$$e*ted t"ereb, and ea*" term and pro+isiono$ t"is Lease s"all be +alid and be en$or*ed to t"e $1llest e.tent permitted b la!'

    Se*tion B' Captions and De$initions o$ /arties' T"e *aptions o$ t"e

    Se*tions o$ t"is Lease are $or *on+enien*e onl and are not a part o$ t"isLease and do not in an !a limit or ampli$ t"e terms and pro+isions o$ t"is Lease' T"e !ord %Landlord% and t"e prono1ns re$errin t"ereto, s"allmean, !"ere t"e *onte.t so admits or re41ires, t"e persons, $irm or *orporation named "erein as Landlord or t"e mortaee in possession at antime, o$ t"e land and b1ildin *omprisin t"e Leased /remises' I$ t"ere ismore t"an one Landlord, t"e *o+enants o$ Landlord s"all be t"e @oint andse+eral obliations o$ ea*" o$ t"em, and i$ Landlord is a partners"ip, t"e*o+enants o$ Landlord s"all be t"e @oint and se+eral obliations o$ ea*" o$ t"e partners and t"e obliations o$ t"e $irm' An prono1n s"all be read int"e sin1lar or pl1ral and in s1*" ender as t"e *onte.t ma re41ire'

    E.*ept as in t"is Lease ot"er!ise pro+ided, t"e terms and pro+isions o$ t"is Lease s"all be bindin 1pon and in1re to t"e bene$it o$ t"e parties"ereto and t"eir respe*ti+e s1**essors and assins'

     Not"in *ontained "erein s"all be deemed or *onstr1ed b t"e parties "eretonor b an t"ird part as *reatin t"e relations"ip o$ prin*ipal and aentor o$ partners"ip or o$ a @oint +ent1re bet!een t"e parties "ereto, it bein 1nderstood and areed t"at neit"er an pro+ision *ontained "erein,nor an a*ts o$ t"e parties "ereto, s"all be deemed to *reate anrelations"ip bet!een t"e parties "ereto ot"er t"an t"e relations"ip o$ Landlord and Tenant'

    Se*tion 2' ro-erae' No part "as a*ted as, b or t"ro1" a bro-er int"e e$$e*t1ation o$ t"is Areement, e.*ept as set o1t "ereina$ter'

    Se*tion F' Entire Areement' T"is instr1ment *ontains t"e entire and onlareement bet!een t"e parties, and no oral statements or representations or  prior !ritten matter not *ontained in t"is instr1ment s"all "a+e an $or*eand e$$e*t' T"is Lease s"all not be modi$ied in an !a e.*ept b a !ritine.e*1ted b bot" parties'

    Se*tion ' Go+ernin La!' All matters pertainin to t"is areement#in*l1din its interpretation, appli*ation, +alidit, per$orman*e and brea*"& in !"ate+er @1risdi*tion a*tion ma be bro1"t, s"all be o+erned b, *onstr1ed and en$or*ed in a**ordan*e !it" t"e la!s o$ t"e State o$  ' T"e parties "erein !ai+e trial b @1r and aree to s1bmitto t"e personal @1risdi*tion and +en1e o$ a *o1rt o$ s1b@e*t matter  @1risdi*tion lo*ated in Co1nt, State o$  ' In t"e e+ent t"at litiation res1lts $rom or arises o1t o$ t"is Areement or t"e per$orman*e t"ereo$, t"e parties aree to reimb1rse


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    t"e pre+ailin part>s reasonable attorne>s $ees, *o1rt *osts, and allot"er e.penses, !"et"er or not b t"e *o1rt as *osts, in additionto an ot"er relie$ to !"i*" t"e pre+ailin part ma be entitled' In s1*"e+ent, no a*tion s"all be entertained b said *o1rt or an *o1rt o$ *ompetent @1risdi*tion i$ $iled more t"an one ear s1bse41ent to t"e date

    t"e *a1se#s& o$ a*tion a*t1all a**r1ed reardless o$ !"et"er damaes !ereot"er!ise as o$ said time *al*1lable'

    Se*tion ' Contra*t1al /ro*ed1res' 9nless spe*i$i*all disallo!ed b la!,s"o1ld litiation arise "ere1nder, ser+i*e o$ pro*ess t"ere$or ma beobtained t"ro1" *erti$ied mail, ret1rn re*eipt re41ested t"e parties"ereto !ai+in an and all ri"ts t"e ma "a+e to ob@e*t to t"e met"od b!"i*" ser+i*e !as per$e*ted'

    Se*tion 83' E.traordinar remedies' To t"e e.tent *oniable at la!, t"e parties "ereto, in t"e e+ent o$ brea*" and in addition to an and all ot"er 

    remedies a+ailable t"ereto, ma obtain in@1n*ti+e relie$, reardless o$ !"et"er t"e in@1red part *an demonstrate t"at no ade41ate remed e.ists atla!'

    Se*tion 88' Relian*e on )inan*ial Statement' Tenant s"all $1rnis"*on*1rrentl !it" t"e e.e*1tion o$ t"is lease, a $inan*ial statement o$ Tenant prepared b an a**o1ntant' Tenant, bot" in *orporate *apa*it, i$ appli*able, and indi+id1all, "ereb represents and !arrants t"at all t"ein$ormation *ontained t"erein is *omplete, tr1e, and *orre*t' Tenant1nderstands t"at Landlord is relin 1pon t"e a**1ra* o$ t"e in$ormation*ontained t"erein' S"o1ld t"ere be $o1nd to an ina**1ra* !it"in t"e$inan*ial statement !"i*" ad+ersel a$$e*ts Tenant>s $inan*ial standin, or s"o1ld Tenant>s $inan*ial *ir*1mstan*es materiall *"ane, Landlord mademand, as additional se*1rit, an amo1nt e41al to an additional t!o #0&mont"s> rent, !"i*" additional se*1rit s"all be s1b@e*t to all terms and*onditions "erein, re41ire a $1ll e.e*1ted 1arant b a t"ird parta**eptable to Landlord, ele*t to terminate t"is Lease, or "old Tenant personall and indi+id1all liable "ere1nder'

    IN JITNESS JHEREO), t"e parties "ereto "a+e e.e*1ted t"is Lease t"e da andear $irst abo+e !ritten or "a+e *a1sed t"is Lease to be e.e*1ted b t"eir respe*ti+e o$$i*ers t"ere1nto d1l a1t"oried'

    Sined, sealed and deli+ered in t"e presen*e o$7




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    Jitness  Jitness

    STATE O)

    CO9NT< O)



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    T"e $ollo!in des*ribed real propert, toet"er !it" all impro+ements t"ereon7

    !"i*" "as a street address as $ollo!s7

    Initials7LANDLORD  TENANT  



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