commissioning group scheme of authorisation including statutory & regulatory duties...

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016 The powers of those Officers defined in the Constitution as Chief Officers are set out in Section 15 (Responsibility for Functions, Annex B, Scheme of Delegated Authority to Officers). Statutory Officers (Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer and Assurance Director) and Commissioning Directors have a series of general delegated powers. Chief Officers also have a specific set of delegations relating to the specific statutory powers or other functions that fall within their remit. The Constitution provides that Chief Officers may sub-delegate these powers to other senior officers (Delivery Unit Directors, Delivery Unit Assistant Directors, Strategic Leads, Commissioning Leads, Heads of Service, Service Managers or Team Managers). Whilst actions and decisions taken using authority delegated by a Chief Officer will be taken in the name of the individual officer with delegated authority the Chief Officer is accountable for ensuring that decisions taken are lawful and in accordance with the Constitution. The Chief Officer should monitor the effectiveness of decisions taken under delegated powers, including ensuring that officers are appropriately skilled to exercise those powers. Chief officers must exercise the following powers: Restructures where management arrangements at Head of Service level or above are proposed to be changed Entry into formal partnership arrangements with other public bodies to deliver services Adding items to the work programmes of the themed / commisioning committees Section 15 (Responsibility for Functions) of the Constitution sets out restrictions to the exercise of delegated powers and these must be considered before exercising delegated powers. The Chief Executive is authorised to discharge any functions delegated to Commissioning Directors. This scheme sets out the authorisation of the Chief Operating Officer (Section 151 Officer and Chief Finance Officer), Director of Resources (Deputy Section 151 Officer) and Commercial and Customer Services Director for the delegation of the following powers (as is their right under the scheme of delegation within the Constitution) to relevant managers within the Commissioning Group. The Commissioning Directors referred to in Appendix 1 maintain their own schemes of authorisation for the functions that sit within their remit.

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Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

The powers of those Officers defined in the Constitution as Chief Officers are set

out in Section 15 (Responsibility for Functions, Annex B, Scheme of Delegated

Authority to Officers). Statutory Officers (Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer

and Assurance Director) and Commissioning Directors have a series of general

delegated powers. Chief Officers also have a specific set of delegations relating to

the specific statutory powers or other functions that fall within their remit. The

Constitution provides that Chief Officers may sub-delegate these powers to other

senior officers (Delivery Unit Directors, Delivery Unit Assistant Directors, Strategic

Leads, Commissioning Leads, Heads of Service, Service Managers or Team

Managers). Whilst actions and decisions taken using authority delegated by a

Chief Officer will be taken in the name of the individual officer with delegated

authority the Chief Officer is accountable for ensuring that decisions taken are

lawful and in accordance with the Constitution. The Chief Officer should monitor

the effectiveness of decisions taken under delegated powers, including ensuring

that officers are appropriately skilled to exercise those powers.

Chief officers must exercise the following powers:

Restructures where management arrangements at Head of Service level or

above are proposed to be changed

Entry into formal partnership arrangements with other public bodies to

deliver services

Adding items to the work programmes of the themed / commisioning


Section 15 (Responsibility for Functions) of the Constitution sets out restrictions to

the exercise of delegated powers and these must be considered before exercising

delegated powers.

The Chief Executive is authorised to discharge any functions delegated to

Commissioning Directors.

This scheme sets out the authorisation of the Chief Operating Officer (Section 151 Officer and Chief Finance Officer), Director of Resources (Deputy Section 151 Officer) and Commercial and Customer Services Director for the delegation of the following powers (as is their right under the scheme of delegation within the Constitution) to relevant managers within the Commissioning Group. The Commissioning Directors referred to in Appendix 1 maintain their own schemes of authorisation for the functions that sit within their remit.

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

Scheme of Delegation review procedure: The Schemes of delegation must be reviewed on annual basis. The review should commence in the first week of April each year and will aim to conclude within a month. Commissioning Directors are responsible for reviewing and signing off their Scheme of Delegation. HB Public Law should be engaged in the annual review of the schemes to ensure that they reflect current legislation. Following sign-off and publication to the website, Directors are responsible to communicate the new schemes to Delivery Units. If any urgent changes need to be made before the scheduled annual review (i.e. updates to legislation or constitutional changes which impact on the scheme) then schemes should be updated on an ad hoc basis (with HB Public Law engaged as appropriate) and published.

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

General Powers of Commissioning Group Officers


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

PROCUREMENT-subject to Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) as set out in Barnet Council’s Constitution – in the event of dispute, the CPRs take precedence. Authorisation to commence a procurement process under £10,000

Audit trail including Head of Service level sign off. Reasonable means of selection as defined in section 17.23 in CPRs and evidence of having sourced and considered the local Barnet supplier market


Acceptance process below £10,000 Audit trail retained

by DU as per

definition of

acceptance in 17.1

of CPRs


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

Variation or extension acceptance for contract value below £10,000

Must move to the next threshold if above £10,000


Authorisation to commence a procurement process between 10,001 to £25,000


Forward Plan and

Summary DPR.

Head of Service

level sign off,

recommended to be

on procurement

forward plan over


Minimum 2 written


quotations received

– under OJEU


Commercial and

Customer Services

Director may

waive the

requirement of 2

written quotes,

subject to a

Summary DPR,

demonstrating that

Summary DPR

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

the market place

has been fully

tested and we have

obtained value for


All procurements

above £10,000

must be advertised

on the E-Portal and

be subject to

Tender Review.

Acceptance process up between £10,001 to £25,000 (including contract signature)

Summary DPR

Variation or extension acceptance for contract value between £10,001 to £25,000 (including contract signature)

Head of Service level sign off

Summary DPR

Authorisation to commence a procurement process £25,001 to £164,176

On Procurement Forward Plan Minimum 2 competitive quotations received No PQQ –

If not on Procurement Forward Plan, Full Officer DPR

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

Suitability Assessment Questions only All procurements over £25,000 must be advertised on UK Contracts Finder

Acceptance process £25,001 to £164,176 (including contract signature)

Council officer approval according to the Scheme of Delegation

Summary DPR

Variation or extension Acceptance for contract value £25,001 to £164,176 (including contract signature)

N/A Summary DPR

Authorisation to commence a procurement process over £164,176

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Procurement

Forward Plan, or

Report to relevant

theme committee

Works and Concession Contracts: Full OJEU Tender


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

above £4,104,394 Beneath threshold above £100k minimum 5 competitive quotations Goods: Full OJEU Tender Services: Full OJEU Tender Health, educational, cultural and social care related services: Light Touch Regime Tender above. £589,148)

Acceptance process over £164,176 (including contract signature)

If within budget – council officer in consultation with

If within budget and agreed

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

Chairman of relevant theme committee, or Policy and Resources Committee

savings target on Procurement Forward Plan – Officer Full DPR

Variation or extension Acceptance for contract value over £164,176 (including contract signature)

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A If within budget – relevant theme committee


HUMAN RESOURCES – all delegated powers to be exercised in accordance with the Council’s Human Resources Policy and Section 15 and 24 of the Constitution.

Agree advertisement and appointments to vacant posts at the same level or lower than the delegated officer (with the exception of Assistant Director and Director level posts that require GFC approval)

No vacant posts at Assistant Director level or above shall be advertised or recruited to without prior Committee approval and all new posts at Assistant Director level or above shall be created by committee


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

decision (P&R, GFC or Urgency Committee) and not by delegated powers.

Officers to undertake arrangements and participate in recruitment selection panels

Officer to be 1 level above being recruited to


Recruitment selection decision for Assistant Directors, Strategic Leads, Commissioning Leads and Head of Service

Commercial & Customer Service Director

Director of Resources


New starters paperwork to be reviewed including pre-employee checks for official sign off

HR form/ Letter/Core HR


Changes to location / position of roles (and/or individuals) advised in writing to HR. For post within the directorate only and limited to posts below the notifying officers level

HR letter N/A

Authorise loans and payments in advance to employees

HR form/ Letter/Core HR


Collective market factor supplements in accordance with policy

Commercial & Customer Service

SCB/General Functions Committee


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)


Director of Resources

Authorise salary change and accelerated increment (excluding national and annual increments and restructures) movement through the range and above where appropriate

HR form/ Letter/Core HR


Authorise overtime payments to SCP28

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Authorise overtime payments above SCP28

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Authorise car allowance claims

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Authorise season ticket loans

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Authorise Honoraria/acting up allowances

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Sick absence return to work meeting

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Authorise annual leave / flexi leave / TOIL

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Authorise annual leave carry over within policy

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Authorise special leave – unpaid

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

Authorise special leave – paid

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Authorise time off/ facilities for Trade Union officials (internal)


Notification of leaver to HR

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Termination of agency employee contract

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Disciplinary or capability action up to and including final written warning

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Hear appeal against dismissal and other disciplinary action as appropriate


HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Issuance of at risk and notice of redundancy letters in relation to major restructures and situations where TUPE would apply for 20 or more employees

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Sign off establishment list changes within financial envelope

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Change in designation of a post within the organisation structure without change in grade

HR form/ Letter/ Core HR


Agree settlement/instruct lawyers to defend Employment Tribunal


Reporting Industrial injury in compliance with RIDDOR


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

Disclosure and Barring Service / Border agency / HMRC statutory bodies enquiries


Consultants: check status and compliance


Agency worker deployment including placement of order and recruitment selection


Finance and Business Planning – authorise change at end of Finance and Business Planning consultation

Directors (Chief Officers)

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

Incorporate into business planning report to P&R and Full Council


Service restructures - opening of service consultation

Directors (Chief Officers)

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

N/A Yes

Service restructures – authorisation (less than 20 officers)

Directors (Chief Officers)

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

N/A Summary DPR

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

Director of Resources

TUPE in and out (less than 20 officers) Directors (Chief Officers)

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

Workforce Board approval required


Authorise ad hoc Voluntary Redundancy, Compulsory Redundancy, Early Retirement, severance in line with Management Of Change and <100k

Directors (Chief Officers)

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

HR form/ Letter/HR Core


Redundancy and payment authorisation after consultation

Directors (Chief Officers)

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

Write off monies owed by employees Directors (Chief Officers)

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

HR form/ Letter/Core HR


UK Border Agency - Licence under the Home Office Certificate of Sponsorship Scheme (to take decisions on behalf of the Council as required)

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer

Director of Resources


Authorisation of payroll – scheduled and adhoc payments

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer

Director of Resources

Deputising arrangement – Head of Finance


Pensions discretions as defined and agreed by the Pensions Fund Committee

Chief Executive Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer

Director of Resources



Ensuring that all staff in the Commissioning Group are aware of the Financial Regulations as required by Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972

Commercial & Customer Service Director


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

Maintaining a scheme of Financial Delegation for the Commissioning Group Reporting substantial breaches of Financial Regulations the Commissioning Group to the Section 151 Officer

Director of Resources

Approve changes to fees and charges within the Commissioning Group annually where the change is broadly in line with inflation

Commercial & Customer Service Director

Director of Resources


- Manage the Commissioning Group within the budget set by the council

- Ensure that any expenditure incurred within their service is in accordance with both the purpose and objectives of the services being provided and provides value for money

- Ensure that their revenue cost centre managers do not enter into commitments before satisfying themselves there is sufficient approved budget provision

- Notify the Section 151 Officer of forecast revenue budget or capital project overspends

Commercial & Customer Service Director

Director of Resources


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

- Submit proposals to the Section 151 Officer for offsetting any forecast revenue overspend

- Notify the Section 151 Officer of all revenue underspend, over-recovery of income or windfall benefits arising within their revenue budgets

- Ensure that their capital project managers do not enter into commitments before satisfying themselves there is sufficient approved budget provision

- Notify the Section 151 Officer of all underspend, over-recovery of income or windfall benefits arising within their revenue and capital budgets

- Submit accurate forecasts to the finance function in line with the monitoring timetable set out by the finance function

- Communicate forecast overspends on approved capital projects to the Section 151 Officer immediately and submit options to the Section 151 Officer for offsetting the forecast overspend

- Notify the Section 151 Officer if there is the possibility of expenditure slipping past a funding deadline

Commercial & Customer Service


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

- Explore all feasible options that maximise external funding available to the Council within the Commissioning Group

- Provide the Section 151 Officer with details of all bids for external funding within the Commissioning Group

- Advise the Section 151 Officer of all grant and subsidy notifications as soon as they are received

- Ensure that all external funding is received from the paying body and, wherever possible, received ahead of the planned expenditure

- Ensure that all conditions associated with external funding are met and that information and evidence required to complete grant and subsidy claims are provided on time

- Ensure compliance with all requirements for the audit of external funding where applicable


Director of Resources

Ensure all adequate financial controls are in place before entering into a partnership with another organisation that involves pooling some of the Council’s budgets. A financial risk assessment must also be prepared and monitored over time

Commercial & Customer Service Director

Director of


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)


Ensure that Commissioning Group adheres to the timetable and requirements set out by the Section 151 Officer for the closing of accounts, and provide any information and evidence required in relation to this

Commercial & Customer Service Director

Director of Resources


Ensure that staff in Commissioning Group who use the Procurement Cards adhere to the requirements of the LBB Purchasing Card (PCard) Guide and Terms and Conditions

Commercial & Customer Service Director

Director of Resources


Ensure the proper security of all buildings, stocks, furniture, equipment and cash etc. within their service

Commercial & Customer Service Director

Director of Resources


Notify the Section 151 Officer immediately of all new areas of risk and of any change of circumstances likely to affect existing insurance risks within Commissioning Group

Commercial & Customer Service Director


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive/ COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements

DPR (Delegated Powers Report)

Director of Resources

Agree financial settlement where recommended by the Ombudsman or a court.



Authorisation of final responses and decision on redactions for Freedom of Information (FOI) requests within Commissioning Group

Director of Resources

Head of

Information Management

Information Manager

Statutory requirement to respond within 20 working days


Approval of responses to Subject Access Requests (SAR) for Commissioning Group

Director of Resources

Head of

Information Management

Information Manager

Statutory requirement to respond within 40 working days


Business continuity decisions for Commissioning Group

Director of Resources

Head of

Information Management (in absence of DCOO)


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

Specific Powers of Commissioning Group Officers

Decision/Power Authority of

Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive / COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements



To be the Council’s statutory Chief Finance Officer / Section 151 Officer

Chief Operating Officer

Deputising arrangeme

nt for statutory

purposes - Director of Resources


To be the Council’s statutory Deputy Finance Officer / Section 151 Officer

Director of Resources

Deputising arrangement for statutory purposes –

Head of Finance


Authorisation to sign off financial implication of committee reports

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer



Director of Resources

Head of Finance


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

Decision/Power Authority of

Officer with Delegated Authority (to lowest relevant level) Recording of Delegated Powers

Chief Executive / COO

Director / Commissioning Director

Strategic Lead / Head of Service

Service Manager

Team Manager

Other requirements



Authorisation to sign off financial implication of Delegated Powers Reports

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Director of Resources

Head of Finance


Maintain the Financial Forward Plan Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Director of Resources


Determine which budget developments are to be held within the central contingency

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Director of Resources


Approve expenditure on projects requiring matched funding contributions before the external funding has been confirmed

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Director of Resources


Maintain the Insurance Strategy Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Director of Resources


Handle all insurance claims, in conjunction with the Chief Operating Officer and/or the insurance company if proceedings are issued

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Director of Resources

Head of Finance


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Sign off and submit statutory returns and subsidy claims: NNDR 1 NNDR 3 QRC returns CTB 1 Subsidy claims and estimates

Chief Operating Officer /Section 151 Officer


and Benefits Manager

Some returns require physical sign off by Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Authorise write-offs of Council Tax and NNDR

Chief Operating Officer / Section 151 Officer


and Benefits Manager

N/A Yes

To consider and authorise all discretionary awards for Council Tax and NNDR

Chief Operating Officer / Section 151 Officer


and Benefits Manager



Senior Information Risk Officer (SIRO)/Chief Information Officer responsibilities including decisions on the acceptance of information risk

Chief Operating Officer / Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Director of Resources

Head of

Information Management (in absence

of Director of Resources)


In incidence of data breach authorisation to notify the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

Chief Executive Chief

Operating Officer

Director of Resources

Head of

Information Management (in absence

Information Manager (in absence of DCOO

Specialist advice to be sought from Data Protection Officer or Information


Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

of Director of Resources)

and Head of Information Management)

Governance Officer in their absence

In incidence of data breach powers to: - assess risks - decide on data recovery process - decide on notifying affected


Chief Executive Chief

Operating Officer

Director of Resources

Head of

Information Management

Information Manager


Emergency planning – decision on incident response for Silver category incidents Use of resources to mitigate the effects of an emergency (up to £5,0000

Chief Executive Chief

Operating Officer

Director of Resources

Head of

Information Management


Planning Manager


Decision on whether a complainant falls under policy as an unreasonably persistent complainant

N/A Head of

Information Management



Authorisation of: Acquisitions Lease in (as tenant) Lease out (as landlord) for rent or Consideration Licences, Easements and Consents Compensations, Settlements and Covenants Less than £25,000

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer

Chief Operating


Commercial & Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

Head of Estates Management


Summary DPR

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

Authorisation of: Acquisitions Lease in (as tenant) Lease out (as landlord) for rent or Consideration £25,001-£100,000

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer in

consultation with the

Chairman of the

appropriate Committee

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

In consultation with the

Chairman of the

appropriate Committee

N/A Full DPR

Authorisation of Licences, Easements and Consents, Compensations, Settlements and Covenants. £25,001-£100,000

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer in

consultation with the

Chairman of the

appropriate Committee

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

In consultation with the

Chairman of the

appropriate Committee

N/A Summary DPR

Authorisation of Acquisitions Lease in (as tenant) Lease out (as landlord) for rent or Consideration

Chief Finance

Officer /Section 151 Officer

- - - - - N/A

Report to Assets, Regeneration and Growth

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

Licences, Easements and Consents Compensations, Settlements and Covenants, Disposals. More than £100,001

Committee (ARG)

Authorisation of ‘Non-Value’ Variations post Authorisation for: Acquisitions Lease in (as tenant) Lease out (as landlord) for rent or Consideration Licences, Easements and Consents Compensations, Settlements and Covenants

Chief Finance

Officer /Section 151 Officer

- - - - - N/A DPR (The type of DPR will depend on the type of DPR which was initially agreed).

Non-Value’ Variations post Authorisation for: Disposals

Chief Finance Officer /Section

151 Officer


Operating Officer

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

- - - Report to next Asset, Regeneration and Growth Committee

Summary DPR

Authorisation of disposals Up to £100,000

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of

N/A Full DPR (unless a Less Than Best transaction, which must be reported to

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

Resources Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee-ARG)

Authorisation of disposals Over £100,001

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer

- - - - - Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee Report

Acceptance of: Acquisitions and disposals Less than £10,000 And where acceptance meets Authorisation Criteria and is Compliant

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

Head of Estates


N/A Summary DPR

Acceptance of: Acquisitions and Disposals £10,001 to £25,000 And where acceptance meets Authorisation Criteria and is Compliant

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

N/A Summary DPR

Acceptance of: N/A Summary

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

Acquisitions and Disposals £25,001-£100,000 And where acceptance meets Authorisation Criteria and is Compliant

Chief Finance Officer /Section 151 Officer

Chief Operating

Officer Note to Assets,

Regeneration and

Growth Committee


Acceptance of: Acquisitions and Disposals More than £100,000 And where acceptance meets Authorisation Criteria and is Compliant

Chief Finance

Officer /Section 151 Officer

- - - - - Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee Report


Acceptance of: Acquisitions and Disposals Less than £10,000 And where acceptance does not meet Authorisation Criteria or is not Compliant

Chief Finance

Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

N/A Summary DPR

Acceptance of: Acquisitions and Disposals £10,001-£25,000 And where acceptance does not meet Authorisation Criteria or is not Compliant

Chief Finance

Officer /Section 151 Officer


Operating Officer

Commercial &

Customer Service Director

Director of Resources

N/A Summary DPR

Acceptance of: Acquisitions and Disposals

Chief Finance


N/A Full DPR

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

£25,001 -£100,000 And where acceptance does not meet Authorisation Criteria or is not Compliant

Officer /Section 151 Officer

Operating Officer

Acceptance of: Acquisitions and Disposals More than £100,000 And where acceptance does not meet Authorisation Criteria or is not Compliant

Chief Finance

Officer /Section 151 Officer

- - - - - Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee Report



Ensure compliance with The Department for Transport issued "The Secretary of State's Statutory Guidance to Local Authorities on the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions" (the "Statutory Guidance" in February 2008) as updated or replaced. The Statutory Guidance is published by the Secretary of State under section 87 of the Traffic Management Act 2004. Section 87 (2) requires local authorities to have regard to the Guidance in the delivery of Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions

Commissioning Director for Environment


l & Customer Service Director

Ensure consideration of the Department for Transport guidance issued in November 2010 to all local authorities ("Operational Guidance to Local Authorities: Parking Policy and Enforcement – Traffic Management Act 2004"). The DfT Guidance sets out the policy framework within which the Government believes all local authorities

Commissioning Director for Environment


l & Customer Service Director

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

should be setting their parking policies.

Ensure that compliance with the Traffic Management Act 2004 is maintained. With the implementation of Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 in 2008, this became Civil Parking Enforcement. The Council has been operating decriminalised parking enforcement since 1994.

Commissioning Director for Environment


l & Customer Service Director

Ensure that The Council’s Parking Enforcement Plan (PEP) forms part of the Council's Local Implementation Plan (LIP) and is consistent with the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS), and supports the Barnet Corporate Plan

Commissioning Director for Environment


l & Customer Service Director

Ensure that every street lighting column and illuminated traffic sign, or bollard, maintained by the Authority (including funded through the Street Lighting PFI Contract) complies with the current version of any relevant legislation and/or standards, including: The Management of Health and Safety Regulations (1999); The Electricity at Work Regulations (1989); The Electricity Supply Regulations (1988); The Environmental Protection Act (1990); Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (2002); CDM Regulations (2015); Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions

Commissioning Director for Environment


l & Customer Service Director

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

(TSRGD) (2002); BS5489-1:2013 & BS EN 13201 and all other relevant European and British Standards for road lighting.


Authorise any changes to Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages scheme made under Section 14 of the Registration Service Act 1953

Commercial & Customer Service Director

Head of

Customer Strategy and Programmes

N/A Yes

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016


Note: Details of Commissioning Directors Commissioning Leads and Strategic Leads

are set out in the Commissioning Directors individual schemes of authorisation

Commercial & Customer Service


Director of


Director of

Public Health

Director of Strategy

Commissioning Director for

Adults & Health

Commissioning Director for


Chief Operating Officer

Chief Executive

Strategic Lead for

Programmes &


Head of Communications

Head of Customer Strategy &


Partnership Relationship

Manager (Growth & Development)

Partnership Relationship

Manager (Support)

Commissioning Group Scheme of Authorisation including Statutory & Regulatory Duties and Powers December 2016

Commissioning Director for Children &

Young People

Commissioning Director for Growth &


Head of Information


Head of


Head of Safety, Health and Wellbeing

Head of


Head of Programmes

Head of Performance

Parking & Infrastructure


Head of Estates