commitment and awareness of 5s

Chapter 1 Introduction Nowadays many companies are going into 5S implementation to enhance their company’s productivity and reduce wastage. Through the implementation of 5S the companies can move forward and being more competitive in the future. In 5S it promoted continues improvement in daily activities, so this will foster the effectiveness and efficiency of work flow at work place. It encourages positive working attitudes and teaches employees become more discipline. It also becomes the hallmark for the companies to represent “good housekeeping” and embarking towards lean journey. 5S is not a complex system; it is the simplest system which is has 5 philosophies that need to be followed. The most important things are cooperation and commitments to achieving and sustain 5S implementation. 5S is originally comes from Japan and being develop by Hiroyuki Hirano who is just-in-time expert and international consultant. The approach of the implementation of 5S is it controls the work floor conditions rather than the employee’s behavior. The workers itself need to ensure their work station or workplace is according to the 5S principles. Beyond the 5S implementation, it encourages proactive approaches that prevent problems and waste before occur and worsen. There is no chance for efficiency or quality improvement within dirty work place, waste of time and scrap, that why companies needed 5S to eliminate this things. The basic assumption states "wastes are potential gain, eliminating

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Page 1: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Chapter 1


Nowadays many companies are going into 5S implementation to enhance their

company’s productivity and reduce wastage. Through the implementation of 5S the

companies can move forward and being more competitive in the future. In 5S it

promoted continues improvement in daily activities, so this will foster the effectiveness

and efficiency of work flow at work place. It encourages positive working attitudes and

teaches employees become more discipline. It also becomes the hallmark for the

companies to represent “good housekeeping” and embarking towards lean journey. 5S

is not a complex system; it is the simplest system which is has 5 philosophies that need

to be followed. The most important things are cooperation and commitments to

achieving and sustain 5S implementation.

5S is originally comes from Japan and being develop by Hiroyuki Hirano who is just-in-

time expert and international consultant. The approach of the implementation of 5S is it

controls the work floor conditions rather than the employee’s behavior. The workers

itself need to ensure their work station or workplace is according to the 5S principles.

Beyond the 5S implementation, it encourages proactive approaches that prevent

problems and waste before occur and worsen. There is no chance for efficiency or

quality improvement within dirty work place, waste of time and scrap, that why

companies needed 5S to eliminate this things. The basic assumption states "wastes are

potential gain, eliminating wastes is a gain". It is inexpensive for the company to

implement and it makes the employee’s job easier and safer. Thus it also can reduce

the potentially accident from being happened.

This good housekeeping approach can lead to a smoother running operation and

enhance the productivity of companies. It is a series of improvement models to create a

faster, better way of working without high cost and maximizes efficiency. The 5S

philosophy is generally focusing on effective work place organization, simplified work

environment, strive waste reduction while improving quality, team work and safety. It

provides a practical method for dealing with the real problems that employees face

every day.

Page 2: Commitment and awareness of 5S

The 5S philosophy is referring to the principles of continues improvement in the

workplace. The philosophy of 5S principles are: seiri, seiton, seison, seiketsu and

shitsuke when it been translated into English, start with letter “S”. The meaning of 5S in

when it been translated in English are: sorting, straightening, systematic cleaning,

standardizing and sustaining. Sometimes, there are two other principles included, which

is safety & security to strengthen the 5S philosophy. Why almost in the world trying to

implement 5S in their organization structure? The reason is 5S show efficiency in time,

transforming the physical environment of work area and spirit of all employee levels.

Thus it will motivate the employees to work hard in a safe, clean and organize working


These terms can be described as follows:

1. Seiri or Sort is the first step in the process and mandates that necessary items are

kept within the workplace. Useful, but less often used, tools and items are delegated

to storage. Unnecessary items or waste are tossed out. This will create a leaner but

more efficient operating space. Recommended way of sorting is to take the

workspace and red tag all items not needed to complete the job. These items are

moved to a central location and from there deemed necessary or waste. This clears

a workspace of broken, obsolete or "just in case" items.

2. Seiton or Systematic Arrangement is the next step and allows for the organization of

needed tools and equipment in the right places. This is the what, where and how of

each job. Decide what is needed, where it is done, and how many are needed. Tool

carts that provide needed tool sand equipment are a great example of seiton.

Defining work areas is also part of this step.

3. Seison or Sanitary demands cleanliness. For some establishments this means a

thorough cleaning first, and then follows up with a regimen of daily cleaning tasks to

maintain a sanitary environment. By keep equipment and areas clean, the lifespan

can be extended and maintenance issues can be detected earlier. This also creates

a safe work environment.

Page 3: Commitment and awareness of 5S

4. Seiketsu or Standardizing requires SOP, or standard operating procedures. These

will support and maintain the effort put forth in the first three steps of the process

and is key to keeping the program vital. Communication is a key component in

implementing standard procedures. Develop them with input from employees, make

sure they are informed, and post them visibly in the workplace to serve as a

reminder of the goals.

5. Shitsuke or Sustain the program needs continuing education, reinforcement of goals

and adjusting procedures that become outdated and no longer work. This gives

credence to the program and is the backbone of maintaining the goals of a better,

more efficient workplace ( Teresa Aira,

Page 4: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Company Background

Maces Sdn Bhd (Malaysian Chemicals And Engineering Services) was incorporated

under Malaysia Companies Act 1956 on 12th March, 2003. This company consists of a

group of specialists which have integrated both the chemicals capabilities along with

engineering capabilities. Maces is an ISO 9001:2000 certified plant since 2004 and

assured the customers with the highest quality product delivered all the time, every

time. Its key strengths lie in its highly trained, experienced people with extensive

knowledge of the industry and their ability to apply the right technology to provide you

value added solution.

The motto of MACES is Focus, Innovate and Execute.


Our experienced pool of people are fully dedicated with their core competence and

committed to deliver only the best products and services to our customers.


Our dedication and commitment to deliver only the best products and services demand

continuous creative and innovative working process for improved value to our



Our creativities and innovations are practical and realistic that all solutions are

deliverable and meeting customer specific needs.

Strategic Intent

One-stop center for chemicals and water management needs with local expertise

meeting world class standards.

Strategic Mission

Deliver the essentials of life, protect the environment and contribute to the community.

Page 5: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Background of Study

The purpose of this study is to figure out of the implementation of 5S at MACES. From

this study we can know how effective and proactive their 5S implementation and is that

they can sustain 5S in the future. Besides that through this study also major problem

can be identify. This will help MACES to overcome the problem and eliminated it. Thus

it can improves and sustain 5S implementation the future. The researcher will be

analyzed and identified the major problem and try to come out with suitable solution

towards to sustain 5S implementation.

Problem Statement

Based on the background of study, the main problem of MACES is that their employees

are giving fully commitment towards 5S implementation and is that their employees are

aware and giving fully cooperation to achieve 5S standard at MACES. Even MACES try

delivered the best strategy, activities, programme etc to ensure the successfulness of

5S implementation but still can’t achieve the target and goals. The researcher chooses

commitment and awareness, consistency of implementation and promotional activities

and practices as a subject to be studied to identify is that this thing is the major

influences that would be effected to the implementation and sustainable of 5S


Objective of Studies

The objective of this study is to figure out the implementation and sustainable of 5S

based on commitment and awareness, consistency of implementation and promotional

activities and practices at MACES. Besides that to determine the most significant factor

that has strong influence towards 5S implementation and sustainable.

Page 6: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Scope of Studies

The scope of this study is to investigate the influences of commitment and awareness,

consistency of implementation and promotional activities and practices that is contribute

to the successfulness and sustainable of 5S implementation at MACES. This research

will measure the relationship of commitment and awareness, consistency of

implementation and promotional activities and practices towards the implementation

and sustainable of 5S. To complete this research lot of data and interview session

needs to be gathered to ensure the information that been obtain is accurate. The data

can be obtained through secondary data.

Significance of Study

To understand which the most important factors that influences the implementation

and sustainable of 5S at MACES.

To help MACES to find out the major problem that causes to the unsuccessfulness

of implementation and sustainable of 5S.

To help MACES to improve and know the weakness of their implementation and

sustainable of 5S.


Page 7: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Chapter 2

Commitment and awareness of 5S’s

5S’s is not being the responsibility of a concerned few. It is a concern of everyone to

act. All level of management should take part in decision making required to ensure

5S’s implementation. Incorporate 5S’s activities as part of company’s small group

activities (Noeradji Prabowo,2003). It is really about developing a culture that insists on

employees thinking and acting in a disciplined way to keep their work areas organized

and visible (Arthur V. Hill,2009). The 5S’s will not be taken seriously until the managers

and even the company president take personal responsibility and interest on its

implementation (Noeradji Prabowo,2003). A visual work area provides cues that help

workers and supervisors immediately know the current status of the system and quickly

identify if anything needs immediate attention (Arthur V. Hill,2009).

As suggested by (Ho,1999), training is the 5S’s key of success. Without proper training,

the employees haven’t captured the 5S implementation properly and are not able to

standardize the 5S’s activity. The full benefits of the 5S’s cannot be experienced in the

business sector until all the obstacles associated with implementation of the technique

are recognized, fully understood and addressed (Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, Nor

Kamaliana Khamis, Rosmaizura Mohd Zain, Baba Md Deros and Wan Hasrulnizzam

Wan Mahmood, 2010). The success of the system requires the recognition of all these

operations by everyone and its continuous observation. Another important factor

required for its successful application is that everyone has “teamwork soul”( Korkut et

al.,2009). Organizing the 5S’s team is an important approach in solving many potential

problems. In the other hand, the 5S’s practice is a technique used to establish; maintain

quality environment in an organization effectively and promised the employees to be

more self-discipline (Ho, 1999a; Pheng, 2001). If entire organization is not committed,

5S’s program will be short-lived. Commitment is not possible without top management's

visible support for the program. All employees must believe that the organization is

committed to the program. (Jim Parrie, 2007).

Page 8: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Involve everyone, no one is an observer and continually repeat the 5S’s cycle order to

reach higher standard (international labor organization, 2008).Everyone in the

organization must be fully committed to implementing the 5S’s process. Workers and

management at all level must take responsibility to keep their work area clean and

orderly if 5S’s is to be achieved (international labor organization, 2008). Begin to

develop a disciplined culture of keeping the work area up to 5S standards at all times.

This involves developing the habit of always putting things back in the proper place,

making sure that everything is always in the right place, and removing items of little or

no value (Arthur V. Hill,2009). (Warwood and Knowles, 2004) stated that the

implementation of 5S is tended to depend on the stage of the 5S programme. Most

Japanese companies claimed that the 5S benefit is not only for improving their physical

environment, but also improving their thinking processes as well. The most significant

barriers identified are related to lack of communication and gap between the top

management and shop floor employees and also the lack of training and consciousness

of this activity amongst the staff. Poor communication will influence the poor results in

managing the resources i.e. time, budget and materials with resultant lowered morale

and motivation amongst employees (Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, Nor Kamaliana Khamis,

Rosmaizura Mohd Zain, Baba Md Deros and Wan Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood,

2010),as supported by (Gapp et al. 2008).

Without proper training, the employees haven’t captured the 5S implementation properly

and are not able to standardize the 5S activity. Continuous assessment in both

companies is believed one of the key drivers to changing the culture of the organization

(Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, Nor Kamaliana Khamis, Rosmaizura Mohd Zain, Baba Md

Deros and Wan Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood, 2010). Furthermore, it should have

reached to a total quality culture developed as to not cause any problem regarding the

success of the recommendation and opinions coming from sub-departments and

workers (Karabulut, 1999). 5S is an approach that can be easily applied in all

organizations. Its simplicity and easy recognition is the superior side of 5S (Korkut et


Page 9: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Consistency of 5S’s Implementation

5S activities should not be performed in a secret or disguised such as overtime work.

Get management approval for all 5S activities (Noeradji Prabowo,2003). 5S is a simple

and effective lean methodology that helps organizations simplify, clean, and sustain a

visible and productive work environment (Arthur V. Hill, 2010). Don’t do things halfway.

Once 5S promotional organization methods have been established, get started stick

with it (Noeradji Prabowo,2003). Grout (2009) argues persuasively that 5S is a good

starting point for process improvement. He argues further that if an organization cannot

do 5S, it cannot keep its work areas clean, cannot get people to agree on the process

design, and cannot implement standards. 5S is far more than just keeping a work area

clean. It is really about developing a culture that insists on employees thinking and

acting in a disciplined way to keep their work areas organized and visible (Arthur V. Hill,

2010). O’hEocha (2000) confirmed that 5S is an effective technique that can improve

housekeeping, environmental performance, as well as safety standards in a systematic


Don’t stop with 5S: Follow through with zero defects, cost reduction, and other

productivity and quality improvement (Noeradji Prabowo,2003). The results of a good

5S program include improved visibility, safety, morale, cost, cycle time, quality, and

labor productivity, along with reduced waste, and an increased sense of ownership of

the work area. Ultimately, a good 5S program will result in lower cost, increased

revenue and increased profit (Arthur V. Hill, 2010). A place for everything – each thing

in its place” is one of the basic rules in the implementation of the 5S system. The 5S

system of rules is based on order and discipline within all departments involved in the

manufacturing of exhaust systems (Gheorghe Dulhai,2008). 5S approach forms the

basis of the other improvement activities conducted at the company and leaves positive

impact on the motivation of the personnel (Sarıcoban, 2006). Forming

a ground for the other improvement activities, 5S is an important term that carries

priority in improvement at a company (Celebi, 1997).

Page 10: Commitment and awareness of 5S

In Malaysia, the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia or SIRIM has

played an effective role to encourage the utilization 5S concept among Malaysian

industries (Ho et al., 1995). (Ho, 1999) found that most of operating companies in Hong

Kong has successfully improved quality of product as well as increasing the working life

underneath of 5S deployment. The 5S concept is applicable for many industry types or

business natures, including service sectors. (Ho and Fung, 1994) stated that 5S is one

of the strongest tools for enhancing the success factor of TQM implementation. In case

if 5S awareness is combined with the work, then the targeted objectives are achieved in

a faster manner (Korkut et al.,2009). A successful 5S application is dependent on the

trainings to be provided by the directors to the personnel. Even a smallest levity that

may form during the training challenges the achievement of expected results. These

kinds of studies should be continuously supported by the planned training programs

(Sevim Korkut and Erdinler, 2003).

The audit process of the study place, it enables each organization to identify the

potential level of quality improvement in real situation (Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, Nor

Kamaliana Khamis, Rosmaizura Mohd Zain, Baba Md Deros and Wan Hasrulnizzam

Wan Mahmood, 2010). 5S audit could be categorized as a crucial tool to ensure that the

accurate deployment of 5S in an organization (Ho, 1999). The 5S auditing criteria must

be relevant to the business nature or working environment, as well as align with

organization policy and vision (Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, Nor Kamaliana Khamis,

Rosmaizura Mohd Zain, Baba Md Deros and Wan Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood, 2010).

The 5S method begins each programme of improvement. It is the tool for helping the

analysis of processes running on the workplace (J. Michalska; D. Szewieczek, 2007).

5S is a system applied for providing order and discipline at companies, provides the

supervision of both simple and even the smallest details of the company and forms the

basis of the other improvement activities (Erdal, 2007).

Page 11: Commitment and awareness of 5S

5S Promotional Activities and Practice

The elements of 5S are all valuable in their own right but they simply form part of the

bigger picture of establishing best practice (Ian Henderson, 2004). Company managers

must take a strong leadership role in 5S promotional meetings and other 5S event

(Noeradji Prabowo,2003). It is important to find a visible way to measure your progress,

perhaps by printing posters or signs that can be written on as important quotas are met

(Nilesh R Arora, 2007). The history and culture of the company or the specific plant

have to be taken into account when this decision is taken(Ian Henderson,

2004). .Present actual example of successful of 5S implementation, or take participants

on tour to successful 5S workplace (Noeradji Prabowo,2003). Understand 5S as we

understand all aspects of other types of improvement and problem-solving activity and

then to agree a change programme for our own business (Ian Henderson, 2004).

Management should endorse the formal 5S plan and set dates for implementation

(David McBride, 2003). Organizations with successful 5S programs measure their

performance with weekly audits using checklists and score sheets (Jim Parrie, 2007).

Conduct a general monthly meeting where company and managers can address the

issues and themes (Noeradji Prabowo,2003). Identify what is to be done, by whom, and

ensure that schedules are updated and clearly visible (Ian Henderson, 2004). People

tend to resist change and even the most well structured 5S plan will fail if not constantly

reinforced. Look for ways to emphasize the positive results of a 5S program. Catch

phrases and slogans can be used to make sure no one forgets the significance of your

goals (Nilesh R Arora, 2007). Organizations should also consider engaging informal

shop floor leaders by utilizing 5S coordinators, who are volunteers charged with

harmonizing, monitoring and leading implementation (Christopher D. Chapman, 2005).

rewarding for everyone involved. As employees grow into the 5S system, the will find it

energizing and fulfilling (Nilesh R Arora, 2007). The employees doing the day-to-day

maintenance of 5S, a designated management champion should be responsible for

visibly supporting the process, providing top management feedback and going to bat for

5S if needed (Christopher D. Chapman, 2005).

Page 12: Commitment and awareness of 5S

What is 5S

The 5S philosophy focuses on effective workplace organization and standard work

procedures. It is based on five Japanese words that begin with S. This document

contains a translation of those words and their corresponding meanings in the English

language (Nilesh R Arora, 2007). Set of techniques providing a standard approach to

housekeeping within Lean Manufacturing (Ian Henderson, 2004). 5S is a process of

work place organization and housekeeping carried out gradually and systematically

(Noeradji Prabowo,2003). 5S is a simple and effective lean methodology that helps

organizations simplify, clean, and sustain a visible and productive work environment

(Hill, 2010). The method is a structured program to implement workplace organization

and standardization. A well organized workplace motivates people, both on the

shopfloor as well as others (Noeradji Prabowo,2003). The 5S visual management

system is designed to create a visual workplace – a work environment that is self-

explaining, self-ordering, self-improving. A good 5S condition is a clean, well-ordered

workplace that is the foundation of improvement (Oakland University Pawley Learning

Institute, 2006).

The Japanese characters for 5S are (Chu, 2009):

• Sort (separate, scrap, sift) – Separate the necessary and unnecessary items and get

rid of the unnecessary items.

• Set in order (straighten, store, simplify) – Organize the work area and put everything

in its place.

• Shine (scrub, sweep) – Sweep, wash, clean, and shine everything around the work


• Standardize – Use standard methods to maintain the work area so it is visible, clean,

and in a constant state of readiness.

• Sustain (systematize, self-discipline) – Ensure that all 5S policies are followed

throughout the entire organization by means of empowerment, commitment, and


Page 13: Commitment and awareness of 5S

The 5S is the acronym of five Japanese words which stands for seiri (organization),

seiton (neatness), seiso (cleanliness), seiketsu (standardization) and shitsuke

(discipline) (Ho et al., 1995; Ho, 1997; Sui-Pheng and Khoo, 2001). Organizing the 5S

team is an important approach in solving many potential problems. In the other hand,

the 5S practice is a technique used to establish; maintain quality environment in an

organization effectively and promised the employees to be more self-discipline (Ho,

1999; Pheng, 2001). 5S is systematic and organic to lean production, a business

system for organizing and managing manufacturing operations that requires less human

effort, space, capital and time to make products with fewer defects. It creates a work

environment that is disciplined, clean and well ordered (Christopher D. Chapman,

2005). The 5S is the methodology of creation and maintaining well organized, clean,

high effective and high quality workplace. Its result is the effective organization of the

workplace, reduction of work’s environment, elimination of losses connected with

failures and breaks, improvement of the quality and safety of work (J. Michalska; D.

Szewieczek, 2007).

Page 14: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Chapter 3

Problems towards Implementation and sustainable of 5S

It is not easy to implement something new in the company and make it became sustain.

This is because certain company is comfort with ordinary work culture. That why it

become hardest part to changes the work culture and environment in the company. To

changes the company culture it needed team work, cooperation, effective management

system, discipline etc. It can be start to changes the simplest one first until face it the

hardest part. Even the changes take time but at least the progress of the program can

be seeing in the company.

In order to implement 5S systems at MACES, there are several problems that incur

according to the MACES employees opinions. These problems need to be solve

immediately to ensure the successfulness of implementation and sustainable of 5S

systems at MACES. Even it is the simple problems, it needed to take seriously and look

down into a solution. Cooperation and team work is important to generate the solution

for these problems. The participation of all MACES employees would be better to find

out the solution. At least even the ordinary employees can come out the brilliant ideas to

solve these matters. This time is the top management can see the performance of their

employees and at this time also ordinary employees can show their ability to solve kind

of matters.

The main problem that always been come out in the 5S implementation is cooperation

and team work among MACES employees. Even the top management had advise the

employees to gave the cooperation to ensure the successfulness of 5S systems but

these cooperation and team work are long lasting been performed by employees. They

only care about their job scope only. In the 5S even the top ranking in the company also

need to involve showing good role models to their employees. These can be seemed in

the Japanese company, the top ranking people also involve actively in the

implementation of 5S. By doing this their employees will be automatically feel embraces

if they are not involve and giving up the cooperation towards this programme.

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Another thing is the sense of ownerships of employees towards their work station.

Sometimes they are not responsible for their work station and just leave it anything after

been used and expected someone else will be covered. If any measures not been taken

it would be being habits and in the future it becomes the company culture. This is

because when someone else doing liked that others will be followed. They think the

company is not really care about this thing. To avoid this matter become worsen drastic

measure need to be taken and ensure it not be repeatedly happen in the future. This is

because they are chance for a certain period and would back again to their old habits.

That why disciplinary is important to teach them to be responsible and care about their

job scope and work station.

It is not worth it if taking care only for an implementation only but not focusing towards

the sustainable of 5S systems. This will makes the development of 5S systems become

not systematic. When we are implementing something we need to make sure it is flow

like as we are planned and not stuck at a certain stage. That why it needed to be

sustaining to ensure it flow smoothly as planned. When it move smoothly, it is easy to

monitor it. It needed to balance between implementation and sustainable of 5S systems.

By sustaining and maintain the 5S systems, the employees also will take seriously

about this implementation and give fully cooperation to make it the successfulness of

the programme.

Besides that the investment of money towards 5S also playing a role to support the

implementation and sustainable of a 5S systems. This is because anything to setup

things needed money, so it is one of the efforts to use in term of generating the

successfulness of 5S. For example it can be used to decorate the office to looks more

nicely, give reward and incentive for the employees who show outstanding performance

towards 5S implementation, design a shirt for 5S awareness for all employees etc. In

this case MACES needed to allocate sum of money into this program to ensure

sustaining this implementation. MACES can create employee of the month who is

perform well to support the implementation and giving up he reward and incentive. This

will motivate the employees to enhance their performance.

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Chapter 4

Recommendation Towards 5S Implementation and Sustainable

Chu (2009) presents a 5S framework to summarize these benefits:

• Sales – Increased sales (market share).

• Savings – Decreased costs.

• Safety – Safer working environment.

• Standardization – Standardized operating procedures.

• Satisfaction – Satisfied employees and customers.

Grout (2009) emphasizes that a 5S program supports a visual work environment that is:

• Self-explaining

• Self-ordering

• Self-regulating

• Self-improving

The implementation can’t be realized without fully cooperation and commitment been

giving up by employees. So the management needs to do something to chance the

working culture to ensure all employees are following the order and instruction given.

The first need to be considered is by making sure the employees are enjoying the

implementation of 5S, this will makes the 5S system can be sustainable and

contributing to the successfulness of the implementation. If they are enjoying, they are

motivate to do something in return to the companies especially the implementation of

5S system.

Page 17: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Basic rules are making sure the employees are interested with the 5S system. Educate

them and lets them aware that the companies are serious about this thing. Give them

opportunity to participate towards this implementation by allowing them to voice up their

opinion. Another ways is by put up the suggestion box, anyone are freely to comment or

says something to improve the implementation of 5S anytime without anyone know. The

management also needs to open minded to hear all of the comments, suggestion,

opinion etc. This will create two ways communication between the management and

employees. They can channel up anything that in their mind either direct or indirect


Besides that, the company also should do aggressive promotional activities to ensure

the implementation of 5S is not only for a certain period only. This can be done through

plan properly the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly events of these 5S programs and

advertise it. This will make them aware about the activities and they know 5S are the

company system that they need to following up. The company also can put up the

posters or anything else to remind them about the 5S system. The company creates

one day for 5S day to show the commitment of company into 5S system and to keep the

system is running in the company. In this day all employees need to wear 5S shirt. The

company can design special shirt for this day and need to change every year. At the

shirt the company can put up the motto need to be achieved every year.

The commitments among the employees are the main issues that contributing to the 5S

success. In the 5S implementation it is impossible to achieve is it is involve one man

show. All of the employees need to participate and contributing something towards its

successfulness. The company need to encourage and the enforcement if the

employees are not showing their interested toward 5S. If the company organizes any

event involving 5S make sure all employees are participating either from top level to the

ordinary staff.

Page 18: Commitment and awareness of 5S

This is because if everyone in the company is participating this will motivate each others

to realize the 5S system and ensure the sustainable of 5S in the future. Cooperation

and commitment are important in the 5S system and anyone should know their roles in

the 5S system and done their responsibilities to ensuring the sustainable of 5S in the


In the nut shell, to ensure all employees are participate in the 5S system is through

giving them rewards and incentives. They will be appreciable toward their hard work to

realize the 5S implementation in the company. If rewards or incentives will be given,

these must be on the basis that everyone celebrates and participates in success

together because all parts of the organization have achieved a shared target. Setting up

individual area rewards is dangerous, as it pits groups against one another and destroys

a team approach to enterprise-wide commitment to excellence.

Below are activities or progress can be implied at the company towards the 5S systems

in order to achieve the successfulness and sustaining it:

Sort – sort out what you don’t need (when in doubt, throw it out). Use the “Red Tagging”

tool to identify unneeded items during the sort phase of 5S. Listed on the red

tagged items:

Item classification

Item ID and quantity

Reason for red tagging

Work section


Page 19: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Take the red tag items to a removal location. Anyone can plead the case for the item to

stay. The team makes the final decision.

Set in order – organize what’s left so as to minimize wasted motion (a place for

everything, and everything in its place). Keep in mind how to place machines,

storage shelves, and equipment, and so on to reduce the waste of motion.

Shine (and Inspect) – Nothing raises a team’s spirit like a clean, well-ordered

workplace. This involves:

What to clean

How to clean

Who will do the cleaning

How clean is clean

Develop checklists of what should be cleaned

Cleaning responsibilities and schedules should be prominently posted

5S stations should be set up and stocked with cleaning supplies

Page 20: Commitment and awareness of 5S

Standardize – maintain the good condition by applying standards for sort to shine.

Remember that the best standards are clear, simple, and visual.

Effective standards make the out-of-standard condition obvious.

Example: an office equipment board tells us

1. What equipment should be there

2. What equipment currently are there

3. Who has taken equipment and when they will return it.

Sustain – ensure that 5S develops deep roots through involvement. 5S must belong to

each team member through:

Promotion and Communication (report boards, contests, 5S core group)


Source: Oakland University (Pawley Learning Institute)

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These are the five stages of the understanding benefits of 5S and it can be as a

guideline for a company to implement of 5S systems in the company. If the employees

well understand the benefits of a 5S they will be more disciplined and know their roles

and responsibilities in order to make sure the sustainable of 5S systems in the

company. It also would be easy to instruct any continues improvement program towards

5S in the future. Below are the five stages of understanding benefits of 5S program that

the employees should be know. These five stages are described as follows:

Five stages of understanding the benefits of a 5S program

• Clean – People often assume that 5S is just cleaning up the work area. Cleaning a

work area is a good practice, but this is only the beginning of understanding a 5S effort.

• Standard – People soon learn that 5S is about making this improved work process a

standard work process and keeping it standard. This makes it easy to find things

because everything has a place and everything is always in that place. However, clean

and standard is just the beginning of understanding 5S.

• Improved – People then understand that 5S is about improving the standards for how

work is done. 5S challenges people to always be looking for better ways to organize

their work to make the work simple, visible, error-proof, and wasteless. When a better

way is found, it becomes the new standard. However, 5S is more than just clean,

standard, and improved.

• Visible – People understand that 5S is about making work more visible so that

workers can focus on their work and so that anything out of place “screams” for

immediate attention. A visual work area provides cues that help workers and

supervisors immediately know the current status of the system and quickly identify if

anything needs immediate attention.

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• Disciplined – People finally understand that 5S is about developing and practicing a

highly disciplined mindset for how work is done. In this stage, workers wholeheartedly

embrace the concept and find that this discipline carries over into everything they do.

This is the suggested practical steps for implementing of a 5S program in the company,

through this practical steps company can enhance and advance the implementation of

5S and keep update the progress of 5S program in the company. These also show the

commitment of a company to realize the implementation of 5S in the company. It also

would be as a source to strengthen the already make 5S program in the company.

Implementing the sort step

• Take photos before you begin – Before implementing a 5S program, it is a good

idea to take photographs to document and encourage improvement.

• Identify low value items – Identify all excess items from work areas, including scrap,

old parts, unneeded supplies, duplicate supplies, personal items, and duplicate tools,

instruments, and equipment. A good rule of thumb is to identify and eliminate any items

that have not been used in the last three months. Recycle or throw away all items that

clearly have no value.

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• Create red tags – Create a red tag for all items of possible value that are no longer


The red tag usually includes the current date, number of items, and the category.

Common red tag categories for a manufacturer include:

• Raw materials

• Work-in-process

• Finished goods

• Tools or fixtures

• Equipment

• Maintenance or MRO supplies

• Office equipment or supplies

• Other

• Move red tag items to the red tag area – Move red tag items into the red tag area to

be evaluated.

• Evaluate and dispose of red tag items – If items in the red tag area are not claimed

or sold after a month, discard or recycle them. Some firms use a green tag to indicate

that the item should definitely be kept and a yellow tag to indicate that no decision has

yet been made.

Implementing the set in order step

Remember that the key idea here is “a place for everything and everything in its place”

and that the goal is to make the work area simple, visible, error-proof, wasteless, and


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• Organize the physical layout – Start by organizing the physical layout of the work

area to improve visibility and workflow and reduce wasted steps and motion. This might

include removing unnecessary doors, walls, and other barriers that inhibit visibility,

movement, or travel. For example, removing doors from cupboards is often a good way

to improve visibility and save time. Lay out the storage area along the wall to save

space. 5S generally requires that almost nothing touch the floor other than table legs

and equipment supports.

• Make proper use of carts, containers, and holders – Use carts, containers, and tool

holders to organize, move, and store tools, jigs, and measuring devices. Design storage

areas with a wide entrance and shallow depth. Do not stack items together. Use racks

and shelves when possible. Use small bins to organize small items. Use

see-through/transparent covers and doors for visibility.

• Locate items to reduce walking and motion – Move tools, supplies, materials, and

reference materials as close as possible to the point of use and make sure that the

items used most often are closest to the point of use. Store similar items together and

different items in separate rows.

• Make the area safe – Identify safety issues and mitigate all significant risks.

• Make the area standard and visible – Clearly label items, shelves, and other areas

to improve visibility. Use colors to quickly identify items. Use shadow boards for tools.

Paint the floor to indicate where larger pieces of equipment should be stored and where

people are to walk and not walk.

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Implementing the shine step

It is often better to do the shine step before the set in order step. This is because it is

often better to clean and shine before putting things back in the work area.

• Clean – Sweep, wash, clean, and shine everything around the work area, including

the floor.

• Arrange cleaning materials – Practicing 5S means that all employees should have

their cleaning materials in a standard place close to the work area.

Implementing the standardize step

• Create the standard for the work area – This includes listing the items and the

number of items allowed in storage. This standard will be the basis for 5S audits.

• Implement across all units – This new standard should be implemented across all


• Create a standard cleaning procedure – The standard cleaning procedure should

include a cleaning checklist and should be posted close to the work area. It should also

define how often the area will be cleaned.

• Be quick to revise the standards – It is important to not only have a standard, but to

update it as often as needed.

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Implementing the sustain step

• Take and post “after” photos – One simple way to encourage participation and

improvement is to take photographs to document the improvement.

• Schedule regular audits – These audits should be done to provide accountability.

Many organizations make it “standard work” for supervisors to “scorecard” work areas at

least once per week. See the appendix for a suggested simple 5S scorecard.

• Learn from mistakes – When an area is found to be out of compliance with the 5S

standard, ask “why” five times to address the system of causes for the problem. For

example, people might have a bad habit of putting tools and papers on a table or desk

when they should instead immediately put them away.

• Empower people to change to a new standard as needed – With respect to quickly

changing standards, Bodek (2009) quotes Ohno, the former Vice President of

Production at Toyota Motor Corporation, “Something is wrong if workers do not look

each day, find things that are tedious or boring, and then rewrite the procedures. Even

last month’s manual should be out of date.” One healthcare worker reported that “Our

exam room was 5S’ed and they removed things that we need to keep in the room. I’d

like to bring the items back in, but I know that violates the 5S concept. I wish I knew who

to talk to about this.” This quote highlights the need to have involvement of the people in

the “gemba”6 to create the standard, one person who visibly “owns” the standard, and a

simple process for this person to change the standard as needed.

• Develop the culture – Ensure that 5S goes beyond just keeping the work area clean.

Begin to develop a disciplined culture of keeping the work area up to 5S standards at all

times. This involves developing the habit of always putting things back in the proper

place, making sure that everything is always in the right place, and removing items of

little or no value.

Source: Professor Arthur v. Hill

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Chapter 5

Conclusion towards 5S Implementation and Sustainable

MACES had gone through the implementation and sustainable of 5S and everything is

well documented and planned an activities and programme to support the

implementation and sustainable of 5S. What MACES really needed to strengthen the

implementation and sustainable by adding newest approach to encourage the

involvement of employees towards this implementation and sustainable this programme

in the future. MACES need to establish clear methods and standards to make sure their

employees are known and clear about the mission and vision of MACES towards 5S.

Thus it can enhance awareness and the employees are known their responsibilities to

make sure the successfulness of 5S programme.

The outcome of an implementation of 5S can be seeing at MACES and lots of thing had

been changes into more productive and effective. Only for a certain part that needed to

be improve in term of team work, cooperation, awareness etc in order to sustaining the

implementation of 5S at MACES. To implement of 5S is not a one day jobs, it need to

consume lots of time to planned, implement and sustain it. Besides that 5S also not a

one man show work and it needed cooperation each employee to support the changes

of work culture to be better in the future. Without cooperation and team work this

implementation can stay for a certain period and it will be forgotten if any measures not

been taken to improve it.

The 5S is need to be improve every time as a benchmark for continues improvement

(Kaizen). So, the latest implementation into 5S is keep update and knowing what is the

latest scenario on the 5S systems. From this the rules and standard operation

procedure are always been up to date due to the current situation. This will enhance the

company performance and the employees will know about the latest trend or issues into

5S systems. It can be done in the form of monthly 5S newsletter announcement to let

the employees aware about it.

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