commitment to sj modules

Running head: COMMITMENT TO SOCIAL JUSTICE Commitment to Social Justice: Service-Learning Modules Nicole Gottleib, Megan Segoshi, Brody Tate Loyola University Chicago 1

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Commitment to Social Justice: Service-Learning Modules

Nicole Gottleib, Megan Segoshi, Brody Tate

Loyola University Chicago


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Table of Contents1. Pre-Service Module Page 3

a. Overview Page 4 b. Resources Page 5 c. Discussion Prompts and Rubric Page 8

i. Discussion Instructions/Prompts Page 9 ii. Discussion Rubric Page 11

d. Essay Prompts and Rubric Page 13 i. Essay Instructions/Prompts Page 14

ii. Essay Rubric Page 15 e. Blog Prompts and Rubric Page 17

i. Blog Instructions/Prompts Page 18 ii. Blog Rubric Page 20

f. Multimedia Prompts and Rubric Page 22 i. Multimedia Instructions/Prompts Page 23

ii. Multimedia Rubric Page 25 2. Mid-Service Module Page 27

a. Overview Page 28 b. Resources Page 29 c. Discussion Prompts and Rubric Page 32

i. Discussion Instructions/Prompts Page 33 ii. Discussion Rubric Page 34

d. Essay Prompts and Rubric Page 36 i. Essay Instructions/Prompts Page 37

ii. Essay Rubric Page 38 e. Blog Prompts and Rubric Page 40

i. Blog Instructions/Prompts Page 41 ii. Blog Rubric Page 42

f. Multimedia Prompts and Rubric Page 44 i. Multimedia Instructions/Prompts Page 45

ii. Multimedia Rubric Page 47 3. Post-Service Module Page 49

a. Overview Page 50 b. Resources Page 51 c. Discussion Prompts and Rubric Page 54

i. Discussion Instructions/Prompts Page 55 ii. Discussion Rubric Page 56

d. Essay Prompts and Rubric Page 58 i. Essay Instructions/Prompts Page 59

ii. Essay Rubric Page 60 e. Blog Prompts and Rubric Page 62

i. Blog Instructions/Prompts Page 63 ii. Blog Rubric Page 64

f. Multimedia Prompts and Rubric Page 66 i. Multimedia Instructions/Prompts Page 67

ii. Multimedia Rubric Page 69


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Pre-Service Module


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Pre-Service Reflection Module Overview

Commitment to Social Justice can be defined broadly as one’s commitment to contributing to a more equitable society. Social justice can mean different things to different people, especially depending on their field of study. For different definitions of and perspectives on social justice, you can reference our Resources page.

The pre-service modules in the Commitment to Social Justice will require students to reflect on how they anticipate social justice to play a role in their service experience. They will be asked to think extensively about what social justice means to them, and develop a working definition of social justice. The pre-service module will also ask them to consider their multiple social identities, a key part of understanding their social location and notions of privilege and oppression.

Learning Outcomes:After completing the pre-service Commitment to Social Justice service-learning reflection module, students should be able to:

Explain your understanding of social justice, considering your identities and social location.

Describe how social justice is connected to service-learning. Use their current understanding of social justice to guide the goals of their service-

learning experience.


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Resources for Commitment to Social Justice Modules

Defining Social JusticeSocial justice can mean different things to different people and different professions. Commonly accepted definitions of social justice include:

From Education:“...full and equal participation of all groups in a society that is mutually shaped to meet their needs. Social justice includes a vision of society that is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure.” Teaching for Social Justice and Diversity by Adams, Bell, & Griffin, 1997.

From Catholic Social Teaching:“Social justice implies that persons have an obligation to be active and productive participants in the life of society and that society has a duty to enable them to participate in this way.” Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy

“This form of justice can also be called ‘contributive,’ for it stresses the duty of all who are able to help create the goods, services, and other nonmaterial or spiritual values necessary for the welfare of the whole community.” Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy

“The meaning of social justice also includes a duty to organize economic and social institutions so that people can contribute to society in ways that respect their freedom and the dignity of their labor.” Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy

From Social Work:“Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.” National Association of Social Workers (

From Economics and Social Sciences:“Social justice may be broadly understood as the fair and compassionate distribution of the fruits of economic growth… [and ensuring] that growth is sustainable, that the integrity of the natural environment is respected, that the use of non-renewable resources is rationalized, and that future generations are able to enjoy a beautiful and hospitable earth.” United Nations International Forum on Social Affairs (

Dictionary of Social Justice Terminology:

Jesuit Commitment to Social Justice:


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Related TopicsThe following topics are related to but different from social justice:

Environmental Justice:“Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. EPA has this goal for all communities and persons across this Nation. It will be achieved when everyone enjoys the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (

Human Rights:“Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.” United Nations Human Rights Council (

Civil Rights:“A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury. Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, and assembly; the right to vote; freedom from involuntary servitude; and the right to equality in public places.” Cornell University Law School (

Charity versus Social JusticePlease create a link to the PDF document submitted along with this document, titled “Two Feet of Justice – Love in Action”

Resource for Structural Injustices and Inequalities:

“Structures refer to the relation of social positions that condition the opportunities and life prospects of the persons located in these positions. This positioning occurs because of the way that actions and interactions reinforce the rules and resources available for other actions and interactions involving people in other structural positions. The unintended consequences of the confluence of many actions often produce and reinforce opportunities and constraints, and these often make their mark on the physical conditions of future actions, as well as on the habits and expectations of actors. This mutually reinforcing process means that the positional relations and the way they condition individual lives are difficult to change. This, then, is what it means to say that structures are the subject of justice.” - Iris Marion Young, Political Responsibility and Structural Injustice (p. 6-7)


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Exploring PrivilegeMcIntosh, P. (1989). White privilege and male privilege: A personal account of coming to see correspondences through work in women’s studies. Wellesley College.


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Discussion Prompts and Rubric


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Pre-Service ReflectionDiscussion Instructions

For this discussion, you are to engage with others by posting comments asynchronously in a D2L discussion forum (be sure to check out the “tools” and “special considerations” sections below). Start your participation in the discussion by responding to the questions below by Wednesday, and then responding to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Saturday. Be sure to consult the grading rubric attached below to guide your efforts.

Prompt 1:What does social justice mean to you? What role has social justice played in your life so far? What role does social justice play in your field of study? How has social justice affected your life, or how have social injustices - inequalities in society and the exclusion of some groups from participation in certain areas of society - affected your life?

Prompt 2:Do you have any fears or anxieties about your ability to contribute effectively to social justice through your service project? What do you look forward to the most in your service project? What scares you the most?

Prompt 3:What does social justice have to do with service-learning? Develop three goals specific to your service-learning experience that relate to your understanding of social justice. How will your service-learning experience allow you to develop a commitment to social justice, and why do you think that is important?

Resources:Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

Submission:You should submit your work by posting it as a new post in the designated D2L discussion thread created by your instructor. Don’t forget to reply to two other classmates’ posts!

Guidelines:View the Pre-Service Reflection Discussion Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your discussion will be assessed.

Tools:You should use the D2L discussion thread created by your instructor to create your discussion post (please do not upload your response as an attachment).

Special Considerations:Some things to consider in completing your assignment:

It is important that you support your contention(s) with observations, examples, and/or references to relevant resources or readings. If you support your contention(s) with


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information from an online resource, consider including a link to that resource in your posting.

Please be sure to proof and edit your post before submitting it.


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Pre-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeDiscussion Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Explore your understanding of social justice, considering your identities and social location.

You have developed a clear and concise definition of what social justice means to you.

You have developed a satisfactory definition of what social justice means to you.

You have developed an unclear definition of what social justice means to you.

You have failed to develop any definition of what social justice means to you.

So What:You are to describe how social justice is connected to service-learning.

You have described the connection of both social justice and service-learning in great detail.

You have described the connection of both social justice and service-learning in some detail.

You were not clear in connecting social justice to service-learning.

You did not draw any connections between social justice and service learning.

Now What:You are to apply your current understanding of social justice to guide the goals of your service-learning experience.

You have clearly articulated three goals of your service learning experience, and all three are clearly connected to social justice.

You have articulated three goals of your service-learning experience, which are more or less connected to social justice.

You have articulated two or fewer goals of your service-learning experience, which are more or less connected to social justice.

You did not articulate any goals related to your service-learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.


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Now What:You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future learning.

You have included a detailed description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have Included some description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have included a limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have included no description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

You have clearly articulated their response to the prompt, and replied to others within a timely fashion. You have utilized terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

You have submitted a basic response to the prompt, and replied to others within a somewhat timely fashion. You utilized some terminology and information from the course to convey a limited understanding of the material. Your writing contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

You have submitted a limited response to the prompt, and may not have replied to others within a timely fashion. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained spelling and grammatical errors.

You did not submit a response to the prompt, did not reply to others within a timely fashion, or their response was not clear. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course and did not convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


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Essay Prompts and Rubric


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Pre-Service ReflectionEssay Instructions

This essay is geared to help you reflect on issues before you begin your service-learning experience. Please including the following elements in your essay:

Prompt 1: What does social justice mean to you? What role has social justice played in your life so far? What role does social justice play in your field of study? How has social justice affected your life, or how have social injustices - inequalities in society and the exclusion of some groups from participation in certain areas of society - affected your life?

Prompt 2:Do you have any fears or anxieties about your ability to contribute effectively to social justice through your service project? What do you look forward to the most in your service project? What scares you the most?

Prompt 3:What does social justice have to do with service-learning? Develop three goals specific to your service-learning experience that relate to your understanding of social justice. How will your service-learning experience allow you to develop a commitment to social justice, and why do you think that is important?

Resources: Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

Submission: Submit your work in the Pre-Service Reflection Essay Dropbox Folder by the date specified in the syllabus.

Guidelines:View the Pre-Service Reflection Essay Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your essay will be assessed.

Tools:You may use any word processing program for this assignment that creates a file that is accessible by the instructor, though a Word document is likely the most universal.

Special Considerations:Some things to consider in completing your assignment:

It is important that you support your contention(s) with observations, examples, and/or references to relevant resources or readings. If you support your contention(s) with information from an online resource, consider including a link to that resource in your posting.

Please be sure to proof and edit your essay before submitting it.


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Pre-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeEssay Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Explore your understanding of social justice, considering your identities and social location.

You have developed a clear and concise definition of what social justice means to you.

You have developed a satisfactory definition of what social justice means to you.

You have developed an unclear definition of what social justice means to you.

You have failed to develop any definition of what social justice means to you.

So What:You are to describe how social justice is connected to service-learning.

You have described the connection of both social justice and service-learning in great detail.

You have described the connection of both social justice and service-learning in some detail.

You were not clear in connecting social justice to service-learning.

You did not draw any connections between social justice and service learning.

Now What:You are to apply your current understanding of social justice to guide the goals of your service-learning experience.

You have clearly articulated three goals of their service learning experience, and all three are clearly connected to social justice.

You have articulated three goals of their service-learning experience, which are more or less connected to social justice.

You have articulated two or fewer goals of their service-learning experience, which are more or less connected to social justice.

You did not articulate any goals related to their service-learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.


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Now What:You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future learning.

You have included a detailed description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have Included some description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have included a limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have included no description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

Your writing was clear and concise, integrating course material into their essay. The essay was well structured and flowed nicely. The essay was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Your writing was somewhat clear and concise, with room to integrate additional course material into their essay. The essay had basic structure and contained a few hiccups in flow. The essay contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

Your writing was limited in clarity, with limited course materials included in their essay. The essay had little to no clear structure and contained multiple hiccups in flow and style. The essay contained spelling and grammatical errors.

Your writing was not clear and concise, with little to no course materials included in their essay. The essay lacked structure and lacked flow and style. The essay contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


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Blog Prompts and Rubric


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Pre-Service ReflectionBlog Instructions

This blog exercise is geared to help you reflect on social justice issues before you begin your service-learning experience.

For this blog, you are to create and maintain a reflection blog (see “tools” and “special considerations” below) and create two post due by the dates instructed in the syllabus. This reflection is a post about the status of your commitment to social justice and the service-learning experience you are about to embark upon. Please respond to the following prompts:

Prompt 1:What does social justice mean to you? What role has social justice played in your life so far? What role does social justice play in your field of study? How has social justice affected your life, or how have social injustices - inequalities in society and the exclusion of some groups from participation in certain areas of society - affected your life?

Prompt 2:Do you have any fears or anxieties about your ability to contribute effectively to social justice through your service project? What do you look forward to the most in your service project? What scares you the most?

Prompt 3:What does social justice have to do with service-learning? Develop three goals specific to your service-learning experience that relate to your understanding of social justice. How will your service-learning experience allow you to develop a commitment to social justice, and why do you think that is important?

Resources:Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

Submission:You should submit your work by posting it as a new post in the designated D2L blog site.

Guidelines:View the Pre-Service Reflection Blog Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your essay will be assessed.

Tools:Utilize the the D2L blog site as well as creative uses of video, text, imagery and any other innovative mediums that could enhance your blog reflection.

Special Considerations: Some things to consider in completing your assignment:


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Think critically about your own background that you bring to this service-learning project.

Focus more on content than the formatting and design. Edit and proofread your submissions


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Pre-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeBlog Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Explore your understanding of social justice, considering your identities and social location.

You have developed a clear and concise definition of what social justice means to you.

You have developed a satisfactory definition of what social justice means to you.

You have developed an unclear definition of what social justice means to you.

You have failed to develop any definition of what social justice means to you.

So What:You are to describe how social justice is connected to service-learning.

You have described the connection of both social justice and service-learning in great detail.

You have described the connection of both social justice and service-learning in some detail.

You were not clear in connecting social justice to service-learning.

You did not draw any connections between social justice and service learning.

Now What:You are to apply your current understanding of social justice to guide the goals of your service-learning experience.

You have clearly articulated three goals of their service learning experience, and all three are clearly connected to social justice.

You have articulated three goals of their service-learning experience, which are more or less connected to social justice.

You have articulated two or fewer goals of their service-learning experience, which are more or less connected to social justice.

You did not articulate any goals related to their service-learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.


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Now What:You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future learning.

You have included a detailed description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have Included some description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have included a limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have included no description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

You have clearly articulated their response to the prompt, and replied to others within a timely fashion. You utilized terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

You have submitted a basic response to the prompt, and replied to others within a somewhat timely fashion. You utilized some terminology and information from the course to convey a limited understanding of the material. Your writing contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

You submitted a limited response to the prompt, and may not have replied to others within a timely fashion. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained spelling and grammatical errors.

You did not submit a response to the prompt, did not reply to others within a timely fashion, or their response was not clear. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course and did not convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


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Multimedia Prompts and Rubric


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Pre-Service ReflectionMultimedia Instructions

This multimedia exercise is geared to help you reflect on social justice issues before you begin your service-learning experience.

For this multimedia project, use any of the tools below to creatively convey your commitment to social justice and your insights throughout this course. You may combine different elements and use multiple tools to present your reflection. If you choose a creative approach that addresses these areas figuratively, please include a written explanation that describes your intent and meaning upon submission of the assignment.

Prompt: In your video, you should respond to the following questions: What does social justice mean to you? Develop your own working definition. How does your definition apply to the service site to which you have been assigned? How do you plan to contribute to social justice through your service site? Why do you think it is important to develop a commitment to social justice? Be sure to connect your responses with material from class.

If using photos and video of your service site and individuals at that location, you must receive permission from that location/those individuals prior to including the footage or photos in your reflection assignment.

Resources:Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

You may also consult Marquette’s Digital Media Studio for information on loaning or using various technologies.

Submission:Submit your work in the Pre-Service Reflection Multimedia Dropbox Folder by the date specified in the syllabus.

Guidelines:View the Pre-Service Reflection Multimedia Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your essay will be assessed.

Tools: Video: Vimeo, Youtube, iMovie, etc.. PowerPoint/Prezi Webinar Webpage Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram campaign

Special Considerations:Some things to consider in completing your assignment:


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It is important that you support your contention(s) with observations, examples, and/or references to relevant resources or readings. If you support your contention(s) with information from an online resource, consider including a link to that resource in your posting.

Some multi-media software can take time and effort to learn. Keep things simple and add more flare to them afterward if time permits.

Edit and proofread your submissions


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Pre-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeMultimedia Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Explore your understanding of social justice, considering your identities and social location.

You have developed a clear and concise definition of what social justice means to you.

You have developed a satisfactory definition of what social justice means to you.

You have developed an unclear definition of what social justice means to you.

You have failed to develop any definition of what social justice means to you.

So What:You are to describe how social justice is connected to service-learning.

You have described the connection of both social justice and service-learning in great detail.

You have described the connection of both social justice and service-learning in some detail.

You were not clear in connecting social justice to service-learning.

You did not draw any connections between social justice and service learning.

Now What:You are to apply your current understanding of social justice to guide the goals of your service-learning experience.

You have clearly articulated three goals of your service learning experience, and all three are clearly connected to social justice.

You have articulated three goals of your service-learning experience, which are more or less connected to social justice.

You have articulated two or fewer goals of your service-learning experience, which are more or less connected to social justice.

You did not articulate any goals related to your service-learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of


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social justice. understanding of social justice.

social justice.

Now What:You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future learning.

You have included a detailed description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have Included some description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have included a limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have included no description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

You clearly articulated meaning through creative methods and effective use of technology. Student conveyed an understanding of the material in a clear and articulate manner. Your method of presentation was well-organized, demonstrating an understanding of the course material. Presentation was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

You used creative methods and effective use of technology to articulate meaning, with an understanding of the material conveyed clearly, though some room to deepen the content. Your method of presentation was fairly well-organized, demonstrating a basic understanding of the course material. Presentation contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

You used limited creativity and use of technology to articulate meaning, not quite suited for the assignment. Your method of presentation was slightly disorganized, demonstrating a limited understanding of the course material. Presentation contained spelling and grammatical errors.

You did not use creativity or technology effectively to articulate meaning. Your method of presentation was not clearly organized and did not demonstrate an understanding of the course material. Presentation contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


Page 27: Commitment to SJ Modules


Mid-Service Module


Page 28: Commitment to SJ Modules


Mid-Service Reflection Module Overview

Commitment to Social Justice can be defined broadly as one’s commitment to contributing to a more equitable society. Social justice can mean different things to different people, especially depending on their field of study. For different definitions of and perspectives on social justice, you can reference our Resources page.

The mid-service modules in the Commitment to Social Justice will require students to reflect on their service-learning experience while they are in the midst of their service. They will be required to differentiate service-learning from charity and explain which one they feel is more relevant at their service site. They will also be asked to start thinking about social inequality on a larger, structural scale, rather than just an individual level.

Learning Outcomes:After completing the mid-service Commitment to Social Justice service-learning reflection module, students should be able to:

Explain the ways in which social justice differs from charity. Demonstrate an understanding of structural inequalities. Describe how issues of social justice at their placement site connect to their service-

learning course.


Page 29: Commitment to SJ Modules


Resources for Commitment to Social Justice Modules

Defining Social JusticeSocial justice can mean different things to different people and different professions. Commonly accepted definitions of social justice include:

From Education:“...full and equal participation of all groups in a society that is mutually shaped to meet their needs. Social justice includes a vision of society that is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure.” Teaching for Social Justice and Diversity by Adams, Bell, & Griffin, 1997.

From Catholic Social Teaching:“Social justice implies that persons have an obligation to be active and productive participants in the life of society and that society has a duty to enable them to participate in this way.” Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy

“This form of justice can also be called ‘contributive,’ for it stresses the duty of all who are able to help create the goods, services, and other nonmaterial or spiritual values necessary for the welfare of the whole community.” Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy

“The meaning of social justice also includes a duty to organize economic and social institutions so that people can contribute to society in ways that respect their freedom and the dignity of their labor.” Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy

From Social Work:“Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.” National Association of Social Workers (

From Economics and Social Sciences:“Social justice may be broadly understood as the fair and compassionate distribution of the fruits of economic growth… [and ensuring] that growth is sustainable, that the integrity of the natural environment is respected, that the use of non-renewable resources is rationalized, and that future generations are able to enjoy a beautiful and hospitable earth.” United Nations International Forum on Social Affairs (

Dictionary of Social Justice Terminology:

Jesuit Commitment to Social Justice:


Page 30: Commitment to SJ Modules


Related TopicsThe following topics are related to but different from social justice:

Environmental Justice:“Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. EPA has this goal for all communities and persons across this Nation. It will be achieved when everyone enjoys the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (

Human Rights:“Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.” United Nations Human Rights Council (

Civil Rights:“A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury. Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, and assembly; the right to vote; freedom from involuntary servitude; and the right to equality in public places.” Cornell University Law School (

Charity versus Social JusticePlease create a link to the PDF document submitted along with this document, titled “Two Feet of Justice – Love in Action”

Resource for Structural Injustices and Inequalities:

“Structures refer to the relation of social positions that condition the opportunities and life prospects of the persons located in these positions. This positioning occurs because of the way that actions and interactions reinforce the rules and resources available for other actions and interactions involving people in other structural positions. The unintended consequences of the confluence of many actions often produce and reinforce opportunities and constraints, and these often make their mark on the physical conditions of future actions, as well as on the habits and expectations of actors. This mutually reinforcing process means that the positional relations and the way they condition individual lives are difficult to change. This, then, is what it means to say that structures are the subject of justice.” - Iris Marion Young, Political Responsibility and Structural Injustice (p. 6-7)


Page 31: Commitment to SJ Modules


Exploring PrivilegeMcIntosh, P. (1989). White privilege and male privilege: A personal account of coming to see correspondences through work in women’s studies. Wellesley College.


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Discussion Prompts and Rubric


Page 33: Commitment to SJ Modules


Mid-Service ReflectionDiscussion Instructions

For this discussion, you are to engage with others by posting comments asynchronously in a D2L discussion forum (be sure to check out the “tools” and “special considerations” sections below). Start your participation in the discussion by responding to the questions below by Wednesday, and then responding to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Saturday. Be sure to consult the grading rubric attached below to guide your efforts.

Prompt 1:What do you believe are the differences between charity work and social justice work? How have your perceptions of service changed since you have started this course? What factors have influenced your understanding of service? How has your service-learning experience helped or hurt understandings of charity and social justice thus far?

Prompt 2:What main issues concerning social justice exist at your service site? How do these issues connect to larger scale structural injustices and inequalities? Do you feel like you are having a positive impact through your service? Why or why not?

Resources:Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

Submission:You should submit your work by posting it as a new post in the designated D2L discussion thread created by your instructor. Don’t forget to reply to two other classmates’ posts!

Guidelines:View the Mid-Service Reflection Discussion Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your discussion will be assessed.

Tools:You should use the D2L discussion thread created by your instructor to create your discussion post (please do not upload your response as an attachment).

Special Considerations:Some things to consider in completing your assignment:

It is important that you support your contention(s) with observations, examples, and/or references to relevant resources or readings. If you support your contention(s) with information from an online resource, consider including a link to that resource in your posting.

Please be sure to proof and edit your post before submitting it.


Page 34: Commitment to SJ Modules


Mid-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeDiscussion Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:You are to explore the ways in which social justice differs from charity.

You have clearly distinguished social justice from charity, provided examples, and have determined which is more relevant to your service site.

You have distinguished social justice from charity and determined which is more relevant to your service site.

You have somewhat distinguished social justice from charity.

You have failed to distinguish social justice from charity.

So What:You are to demonstrate an understanding of structural inequalities.

You have clearly articulated what structural inequality is, provided examples, and have differentiated it from inequalities that exist on an individual level.

You have defined what structural inequality is.

You have provided an incomplete definition of structural inequality.

You have provided an incomplete definition of structural inequality.

Now What:You are to apply your understanding of issues of social justice at your placement site to your service-learning course.

You have clearly identified and explained several issues of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have identified and explained some issues of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied some understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have identified at least one issue of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied a limited understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have failed to outline any issue of social inequity specific to your placement site.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

Now What: You have included a detailed You have Included some You have included a You have included no


Page 35: Commitment to SJ Modules


You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future learning.

description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

You clearly articulated their response to the prompt, and replied to others within a timely fashion. You utilized terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

You submitted a basic response to the prompt, and replied to others within a somewhat timely fashion. You utilized some terminology and information from the course to convey a limited understanding of the material. Your writing contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

You submitted a limited response to the prompt, and may not have replied to others within a timely fashion. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained spelling and grammatical errors.

You did not submit a response to the prompt, did not reply to others within a timely fashion, or their response was not clear. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course and did not convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


Page 36: Commitment to SJ Modules


Essay Prompts and Rubric


Page 37: Commitment to SJ Modules


Mid-Service ReflectionEssay Instructions

This essay is geared to help you reflect on issues as you continue your service-learning experience. Please including the following elements in your essay:

Prompt 1:What do you believe are the differences between charity work and social justice work? How have your perceptions of service changed since you have started this course? What factors have influenced your understanding of service? How has your service-learning experience helped or hurt understandings of charity and social justice thus far?

Prompt 2:What main issues concerning social justice exist at your service site? How do these issues connect to larger scale structural injustices and inequalities? Do you feel like you are having a positive impact through your service? Why or why not?

Resources: Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

Submission: Submit your work in the Mid-Service Reflection Essay Dropbox Folder by the date specified in the syllabus.

Guidelines:View the Mid-Service Reflection Essay Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your essay will be assessed.

Tools:You may use any word processing program for this assignment that creates a file that is accessible by the instructor, though a Word document is likely the most universal.

Special Considerations:Some things to consider in completing your assignment:

It is important that you support your contention(s) with observations, examples, and/or references to relevant resources or readings. If you support your contention(s) with information from an online resource, consider including a link to that resource in your posting.

Please be sure to proof and edit your essay before submitting it.


Page 38: Commitment to SJ Modules


Mid-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeEssay Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:You are to explore the ways in which social justice differs from charity.

You have clearly distinguished social justice from charity, provided examples, and have determined which is more relevant to your service site.

You have distinguished social justice from charity and determined which is more relevant to your service site.

You have somewhat distinguished social justice from charity.

You have failed to distinguish social justice from charity.

So What:You are to demonstrate an understanding of structural inequalities.

You have clearly articulated what structural inequality is, provided examples, and have differentiated it from inequalities that exist on an individual level.

You have defined what structural inequality is.

You have provided an incomplete definition of structural inequality.

You have provided an incomplete definition of structural inequality.

Now What:You are to apply your understanding of issues of social justice at your placement site to your service-learning course.

You have clearly identified and explained several issues of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have identified and explained some issues of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied some understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have identified at least one issue of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied a limited understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have failed to outline any issue of social inequity specific to your placement site.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

Now What: You have included a detailed You have Included some You have included a You have included no


Page 39: Commitment to SJ Modules


You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future learning.

description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

Your writing was clear and concise, integrating course material into their essay. The essay was well structured and flowed nicely. The essay was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Your writing was somewhat clear and concise, with room to integrate additional course material into their essay. The essay had basic structure and contained a few hiccups in flow. The essay contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

Your writing was limited in clarity, with limited course materials included in their essay. The essay had little to no clear structure and contained multiple hiccups in flow and style. The essay contained spelling and grammatical errors.

Your writing was not clear and concise, with little to no course materials included in their essay. The essay lacked structure and lacked flow and style. The essay contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


Page 40: Commitment to SJ Modules


Blog Prompts and Rubric


Page 41: Commitment to SJ Modules


Mid-Service ReflectionBlog Instructions

This blog exercise is geared to help you reflect on social justice issues during your service-learning experience and the knowledge, insights, and personal growths you are encountering up to this point in the course. Please respond to the following prompts:

Prompt 1:What do you believe are the differences between charity work and social justice work? How have your perceptions of service changed since you have started this course? What factors have influenced your understanding of service? How has your service-learning experience helped or hurt understandings of charity and social justice thus far?

Prompt 2:What main issues concerning social justice exist at your service site? How do these issues connect to larger scale structural injustices and inequalities? Do you feel like you are having a positive impact through your service? Why or why not?

Resources:Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

Submission:You should submit your work by posting it as a new post in the designated D2L blog site.

Guidelines:View the Mid-Service Reflection Blog Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your reflection will be assessed.

Tools:Utilize the the D2L blog site as well as creative uses of video, text, imagery and any other innovative mediums that could enhance your blog reflection.

Special Considerations:Some things to consider in completing your assignment:

Think critically about your own background that you bring to this service-learning project.

Focus more on content than the formatting and design. Edit and proofread your submissions


Page 42: Commitment to SJ Modules


Mid-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeBlog Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:You are to explore the ways in which social justice differs from charity.

You have clearly distinguished social justice from charity, provided examples, and have determined which is more relevant to your service site.

You have distinguished social justice from charity and determined which is more relevant to your service site.

You have somewhat distinguished social justice from charity.

You have failed to distinguish social justice from charity.

So What:You are to demonstrate an understanding of structural inequalities.

You have clearly articulated what structural inequality is, provided examples, and have differentiated it from inequalities that exist on an individual level.

You have defined what structural inequality is.

You have provided an incomplete definition of structural inequality.

You have provided an incomplete definition of structural inequality.

Now What:You are to apply your understanding of issues of social justice at your placement site to your service-learning course.

You have clearly identified and explained several issues of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have identified and explained some issues of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied some understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have identified at least one issue of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied a limited understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have failed to outline any issue of social inequity specific to your placement site.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

Now What: You have included a detailed You have Included some You have included a You have included no


Page 43: Commitment to SJ Modules


You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future learning.

description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

You clearly articulated their response to the prompt, and replied to others within a timely fashion. You utilized terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

You submitted a basic response to the prompt, and replied to others within a somewhat timely fashion. You utilized some terminology and information from the course to convey a limited understanding of the material. Your writing contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

You submitted a limited response to the prompt, and may not have replied to others within a timely fashion. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained spelling and grammatical errors.

You did not submit a response to the prompt, did not reply to others within a timely fashion, or their response was not clear. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course and did not convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


Page 44: Commitment to SJ Modules


Multimedia Prompts and Rubric


Page 45: Commitment to SJ Modules


Mid-Service ReflectionMultimedia Instructions

This multimedia exercise is geared to help you reflect on issues as you continue your service-learning experience.

For this multimedia project, use any of the tools below to creatively convey your commitment to social justice and your insights throughout this course. You may combine different elements and use multiple tools to present your reflection. If you choose a creative approach that addresses these areas figuratively, please include a written explanation that describes your intent and meaning upon submission of the assignment.

In this project, include: Outline/explain how your service site focuses on social justice issues and/or charity work

o Define and explain the differences between social justice work and charity worko Express, especially with visual images, why you believe your service site focuses

on social justice work, charity work, or a combination of both Connect that understanding social justice and charity to your coursework, using relevant

readings and resources to support your understanding Identify how the services offered at your site connect to larger scale structural injustices

and inequalities Demonstrate how your role at the service site, and your current coursework, will allow

you to take a step toward alleviating social injustices and inequalities

If using photos and video of your service site and individuals at that location, you must receive permission from that location/those individuals prior to including the footage or photos in your reflection assignment.

Resources: Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

You may also consult Marquette’s Digital Media Studio for information on loaning or using various technologies.

Submission: Submit your work in the Mid-Service Reflection Multimedia Dropbox Folder by the date specified in the syllabus.

Guidelines:View the Mid-Service Reflection Multimedia Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your essay will be assessed.

Tools: Video: Vimeo, Youtube, iMovie, etc.. PowerPoint/Prezi Webinar


Page 46: Commitment to SJ Modules


Webpage Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram campaign

Special Considerations:Some things to consider in completing your assignment:

It is important that you support your contention(s) with observations, examples, and/or references to relevant resources or readings. If you support your contention(s) with information from an online resource, consider including a link to that resource in your posting.

Some multi-media software can take time and effort to learn. Keep things simple and add more flare to them afterward if time permits.

Edit and proofread your submissions


Page 47: Commitment to SJ Modules


Mid-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeMultimedia Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:You are to explore the ways in which social justice differs from charity.

You have clearly distinguished social justice from charity, provided examples, and have determined which is more relevant to your service site.

You have distinguished social justice from charity and determined which is more relevant to your service site.

You have somewhat distinguished social justice from charity.

You have failed to distinguish social justice from charity.

So What:You are to demonstrate an understanding of structural inequalities.

You have clearly articulated what structural inequality is, provided examples, and have differentiated it from inequalities that exist on an individual level.

You have defined what structural inequality is.

You have provided an incomplete definition of structural inequality.

You have provided an incomplete definition of structural inequality.

Now What:You are to apply your understanding of issues of social justice at your placement site to your service-learning course.

You have clearly identified and explained several issues of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have identified and explained some issues of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied some understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have identified at least one issue of social inequity specific to your placement site and applied a limited understanding of social justice to site experiences.

You have failed to outline any issue of social inequity specific to your placement site.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.


Page 48: Commitment to SJ Modules


Now What:You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future learning.

You have included a detailed description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have Included some description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have included a limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

You have included no description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future learning.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

You clearly articulated meaning through creative methods and effective use of technology. Student conveyed an understanding of the material in a clear and articulate manner. Your method of presentation was well-organized, demonstrating an understanding of the course material. Presentation was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

You used creative methods and effective use of technology to articulate meaning, with an understanding of the material conveyed clearly, though some room to deepen the content. Your method of presentation was fairly well-organized, demonstrating a basic understanding of the course material. Presentation contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

You used limited creativity and use of technology to articulate meaning, not quite suited for the assignment. Your method of presentation was slightly disorganized, demonstrating a limited understanding of the course material. Presentation contained spelling and grammatical errors.

You did not use creativity or technology effectively to articulate meaning. Your method of presentation was not clearly organized and did not demonstrate an understanding of the course material. Presentation contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


Page 49: Commitment to SJ Modules


Post-Service Module


Page 50: Commitment to SJ Modules


Post-Service Reflection Module Overview

Commitment to Social Justice can be defined broadly as one’s commitment to contributing to a more equitable society. Social justice can mean different things to different people, especially depending on their field of study. For different definitions of and perspectives on social justice, you can reference our Resources page.

The post-service modules in the Commitment to Social Justice will require students to reflect on their service-learning experience, connecting the material they have learned in their course to their commitment to social justice. They will be encouraged to think through ideas of how they can continue integrating social justice into their life beyond the course and in their future careers.

Learning Outcomes:After completing the post-service Commitment to Social Justice service-learning reflection module, students should be able to:

Articulate ways in which your service has strengthened their commitment to social justice.

Describe how social justice has influenced their perspectives on service-learning. Integrate their understanding of social justice to their life beyond this service-learning



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Resources for Commitment to Social Justice Modules

Defining Social JusticeSocial justice can mean different things to different people and different professions. Commonly accepted definitions of social justice include:

From Education:“...full and equal participation of all groups in a society that is mutually shaped to meet their needs. Social justice includes a vision of society that is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure.” Teaching for Social Justice and Diversity by Adams, Bell, & Griffin, 1997.

From Catholic Social Teaching:“Social justice implies that persons have an obligation to be active and productive participants in the life of society and that society has a duty to enable them to participate in this way.” Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy

“This form of justice can also be called ‘contributive,’ for it stresses the duty of all who are able to help create the goods, services, and other nonmaterial or spiritual values necessary for the welfare of the whole community.” Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy

“The meaning of social justice also includes a duty to organize economic and social institutions so that people can contribute to society in ways that respect their freedom and the dignity of their labor.” Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy

From Social Work:“Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.” National Association of Social Workers (

From Economics and Social Sciences:“Social justice may be broadly understood as the fair and compassionate distribution of the fruits of economic growth… [and ensuring] that growth is sustainable, that the integrity of the natural environment is respected, that the use of non-renewable resources is rationalized, and that future generations are able to enjoy a beautiful and hospitable earth.” United Nations International Forum on Social Affairs (

Dictionary of Social Justice Terminology:

Jesuit Commitment to Social Justice:


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Related TopicsThe following topics are related to but different from social justice:

Environmental Justice:“Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. EPA has this goal for all communities and persons across this Nation. It will be achieved when everyone enjoys the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (

Human Rights:“Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.” United Nations Human Rights Council (

Civil Rights:“A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury. Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, and assembly; the right to vote; freedom from involuntary servitude; and the right to equality in public places.” Cornell University Law School (

Charity versus Social JusticePlease create a link to the PDF document submitted along with this document, titled “Two Feet of Justice – Love in Action”

Resource for Structural Injustices and Inequalities:

“Structures refer to the relation of social positions that condition the opportunities and life prospects of the persons located in these positions. This positioning occurs because of the way that actions and interactions reinforce the rules and resources available for other actions and interactions involving people in other structural positions. The unintended consequences of the confluence of many actions often produce and reinforce opportunities and constraints, and these often make their mark on the physical conditions of future actions, as well as on the habits and expectations of actors. This mutually reinforcing process means that the positional relations and the way they condition individual lives are difficult to change. This, then, is what it means to say that structures are the subject of justice.” - Iris Marion Young, Political Responsibility and Structural Injustice (p. 6-7)


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Exploring PrivilegeMcIntosh, P. (1989). White privilege and male privilege: A personal account of coming to see correspondences through work in women’s studies. Wellesley College.


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Discussion Prompts and Rubric


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Post-Service ReflectionDiscussion Instructions

For this discussion, you are to engage with others by posting comments asynchronously in a D2L discussion forum (be sure to check out the “tools” and “special considerations” sections below). Start your participation in the discussion by responding to the questions below by Wednesday, and then responding to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Saturday. Be sure to consult the grading rubric attached below to guide your efforts.

Prompt 1:Reflect on your service and the impact that you feel you had on your service site and the population it serves. In what ways has your service challenged your previously held notions of social change? How has your commitment to social justice evolved since the beginning of this course? What specific experiences have influenced your understanding of and commitment to social justice?

Prompt 2:How can you connect your service-learning experience with your future career aspirations? What is your responsibility to social justice and how will you act upon that responsibility moving forward, based on your service-learning experience?

Resources:Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

Submission:You should submit your work by posting it as a new post in the designated D2L discussion thread created by your instructor. Don’t forget to reply to two other classmates’ posts!

Guidelines:View the Mid-Service Reflection Discussion Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your discussion will be assessed.

Tools:You should use the D2L discussion thread created by your instructor to create your discussion post (please do not upload your response as an attachment).

Special Considerations:Some things to consider in completing your assignment:

It is important that you support your contention(s) with observations, examples, and/or references to relevant resources or readings. If you support your contention(s) with information from an online resource, consider including a link to that resource in your posting.

Please be sure to proof and edit your post before submitting it.


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Post-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeDiscussion Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:You are to explore the ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have clearly articulated at least three ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have identified three ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have identified two or fewer ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have not identified any ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

So What:You are to describe how social justice has influenced your perspectives on service-learning.

You have clearly identified several ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have identified some ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have demonstrated a limited understanding of how social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have failed to identify any ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

Now What:You are to apply your understanding of social justice to your life beyond this service-learning course.

You have clearly articulated several ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

You have articulated some ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

You have articulated a limited understanding of ways in which you can live a more socially just life.

You have failed to articulate any ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.


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Now What:You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future career.

You have included a detailed description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have Included some description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have included a limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have included no description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

You clearly articulated their response to the prompt, and replied to others within a timely fashion. You utilized terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

You submitted a basic response to the prompt, and replied to others within a somewhat timely fashion. You utilized some terminology and information from the course to convey a limited understanding of the material. Your writing contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

You submitted a limited response to the prompt, and may not have replied to others within a timely fashion. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained spelling and grammatical errors.

You did not submit a response to the prompt, did not reply to others within a timely fashion, or their response was not clear. Student did not utilize terminology and information from the course and did not convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


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Essay Prompts and Rubric


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Post-Service ReflectionEssay Instructions

This essay is geared to help you reflect on issues as you bring to a close your service-learning experience. Please including the following elements in your essay:

Prompt 1: Reflect on your service and the impact that you feel you had on your service site and the population it serves. In what ways has your service challenged your previously held notions of social change? How has your commitment to social justice evolved since the beginning of this course? What specific experiences have influenced your understanding of and commitment to social justice?

Prompt 2:How can you connect your service-learning experience with your future career aspirations? What is your responsibility to social justice and how will you act upon that responsibility moving forward, based on your service-learning experience?

Make sure to use terms, theories, and direct references to what was learned in this course as you connect your role in society with a commitment to social justice and your service-learning experience.

Resources: Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

Submission: Submit your work in the Post-Service Reflection Essay Dropbox Folder by the date specified in the syllabus.

Guidelines:View the Post-Service Reflection Essay Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your essay will be assessed.

Tools:You may use any word processing program for this assignment that creates a file that is accessible by the instructor, though a Word document is likely the most universal.

Special Considerations:Some things to consider in completing your assignment:

It is important that you support your contention(s) with observations, examples, and/or references to relevant resources or readings. If you support your contention(s) with information from an online resource, consider including a link to that resource in your posting.

Please be sure to proof and edit your essay before submitting it.


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Post-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeEssay Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:You are to explore the ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have clearly articulated at least three ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have identified three ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have identified two or fewer ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have not identified any ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

So What:You are to describe how social justice has influenced your perspectives on service-learning.

You have clearly identified several ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have identified some ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have demonstrated a limited understanding of how social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have failed to identify any ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

Now What:You are to apply your understanding of social justice to your life beyond this service-learning course.

You have clearly articulated several ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

You have articulated some ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

You have articulated a limited understanding of ways in which you can live a more socially just life.

You have failed to articulate any ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.


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Now What:You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future career.

You have included a detailed description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have Included some description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have included a limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have included no description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

Your writing was clear and concise, integrating course material into their essay. The essay was well structured and flowed nicely. The essay was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Your writing was somewhat clear and concise, with room to integrate additional course material into their essay. The essay had basic structure and contained a few hiccups in flow. The essay contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

Your writing was limited in clarity, with limited course materials included in their essay. The essay had little to no clear structure and contained multiple hiccups in flow and style. The essay contained spelling and grammatical errors.

Your writing was not clear and concise, with little to no course materials included in their essay. The essay lacked structure and lacked flow and style. The essay contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


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Blog Prompts and Rubric


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Post-Service ReflectionBlog Instructions

This blog exercise is geared to help you reflect on social justice issues and the knowledge, insights, and future action in regard to your service-learning experience. Respond to the following prompts in your reflection blog postings.

Prompt 1:Reflect on your service and the impact that you feel you had on your service site and the population it serves. In what ways has your service challenged your previously held notions of social change? How has your commitment to social justice evolved since the beginning of this course? What specific experiences have influenced your understanding of and commitment to social justice?

Prompt 2:How can you connect your service-learning experience with your future career aspirations? What is your responsibility to social justice and how will you act upon that responsibility moving forward, based on your service-learning experience?

Resources:Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

Submission:You should submit your work by posting it as a new post in the designated D2L blog site.

Guidelines:View the Post-Service Reflection Blog Grading Rubric for guidelines on how your reflection will be assessed.

Tools: Utilize the the D2L blog site as well as creative uses of video, text, imagery and any other innovative mediums that could enhance your blog reflection.

Special Considerations: Some things to consider in completing your assignment:

Think critically about your own background that you bring to this service-learning project.

Focus more on content than the formatting and design. Edit and proofread your submissions


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Post-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeBlog Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:You are to explore the ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have clearly articulated at least three ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have identified three ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have identified two or fewer ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have not identified any ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

So What:You are to describe how social justice has influenced your perspectives on service-learning.

You have clearly identified several ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have identified some ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have demonstrated a limited understanding of how social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have failed to identify any ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

Now What:You are to apply your understanding of social justice to your life beyond this service-learning course.

You have clearly articulated several ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

You have articulated some ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

You have articulated a limited understanding of ways in which you can live a more socially just life.

You have failed to articulate any ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.


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Now What:You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future career.

You have included a detailed description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have Included some description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have included a limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have included no description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome Your

Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

Your clearly articulated their response to the prompt, and replied to others within a timely fashion. You utilized terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

You submitted a basic response to the prompt, and replied to others within a somewhat timely fashion. You utilized some terminology and information from the course to convey a limited understanding of the material. Your writing contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

You submitted a limited response to the prompt, and may not have replied to others within a timely fashion. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course to convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained spelling and grammatical errors.

You did not submit a response to the prompt, did not reply to others within a timely fashion, or their response was not clear. You did not utilize terminology and information from the course and did not convey an understanding of the material. Your writing contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


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Multimedia Prompts and Rubric


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Post-Service ReflectionMultimedia Instructions

This multimedia exercise is geared to help you reflect on issues after completing your service-learning experience.

For this multimedia project, use any of the tools below to creatively convey your commitment to Social Justice and your insights throughout this course. You may combine different elements and use multiple tools to present your reflection. If you choose a creative approach that addresses these areas figuratively, please include a written explanation that describes your intent and meaning upon submission of the assignment.

In this project include: Articulate what you have learned and experienced in this project (using terminology and

readings from the course) to clarify anything that troubled you or expanded on your current knowledge, course concepts, principles, issues, and learning objectives you explored throughout this course.

Continuing questions you have about commitment to Social Justice and Service-Learning.

Have your personal values changed in regards to social justice? How will you go forward with a commitment to Social Justice and social change?

If using photos and video of your service site and individuals at that location, you must receive permission from that location/those individuals prior to including the footage or photos in your reflection assignment.

Submission:Submit your work in the Post-Service Reflection Multimedia Dropbox Folder by the date specified in the syllabus. Please provide links, PDF’s, or screenshots of your reflection if using a medium that may not link directly to the D2L submission site.

Resources:Please view our Resources tab for more information about social justice and service-learning.

You may also consult Marquette’s Digital Media Studio for information on loaning or using various technologies.

Guidelines:Review the Post-Service Reflection Multimedia Project Grading Guidelines

Tools: Video: Vimeo, Youtube, iMovie, etc.. PowerPoint/Prezi Webinar Webpage Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram campaign


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Special Considerations: Some things to consider in completing your assignment:

Think critically about your own identities and privileges that you bring to this Service-Learning project, creatively addressing social issues and reflection throughout your semester.

Some multi-media software can take time and effort to learn. Keep things simple and add more flare to them afterward if time permits.

Edit and proofread your submissions


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Post-Service Reflection Rubric – Commitment to Social JusticeMultimedia Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Commitment to Social JusticeThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:You are to explore the ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have clearly articulated at least three ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have identified three ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have identified two or fewer ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

You have not identified any ways in which your service has strengthened your commitment to social justice.

So What:You are to describe how social justice has influenced your perspectives on service-learning.

You have clearly identified several ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have identified some ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have demonstrated a limited understanding of how social justice is integrated into service-learning.

You have failed to identify any ways in which social justice is integrated into service-learning.

Now What:You are to apply your understanding of social justice to your life beyond this service-learning course.

You have clearly articulated several ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

You have articulated some ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

You have articulated a limited understanding of ways in which you can live a more socially just life.

You have failed to articulate any ways in which you plan on living a more socially just life.

Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course ContentThe Outcomes

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYWhat:Identify course theories, concepts, materials, and/or objectives that relate to social justice and your service learning experience.

You have clearly identified and explained a number of connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified and explained some connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have identified limited connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

You have not identified or sufficiently explained connections between course concepts, theories and/or objectives, your understanding of social justice, and your service learning experience.

So What:You are to provide examples that relate the relevance of your service experience to your learning in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a number of clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included some clear examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.

You have included a limited number of examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social

You have not included examples of the ways in which service learning may be relevant to or has informed the knowledge gained in the course and your understanding of social justice.


Page 70: Commitment to SJ Modules


justice.Now What:You are to apply the insights you have developed to guide your future career.

You have included a detailed description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have Included some description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have included a limited description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

You have included no description of how the insights you have made thus far can inform or guide your future career.

Domain Being Assessed = CommunicationThe Outcome

Your Work is to Demonstrate

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS WORK UNSATISFACTORYYou have used the appropriate methods of communication in response to prompts.

You clearly articulated meaning through creative methods and effective use of technology. Student conveyed an understanding of the material in a clear and articulate manner. Your method of presentation was well-organized, demonstrating an understanding of the course material. Presentation was free of spelling and grammatical errors.

You used creative methods and effective use of technology to articulate meaning, with an understanding of the material conveyed clearly, though some room to deepen the content. Your method of presentation was fairly well-organized, demonstrating a basic understanding of the course material. Presentation contained a few spelling and grammatical errors.

You used limited creativity and use of technology to articulate meaning, not quite suited for the assignment. Your method of presentation was slightly disorganized, demonstrating a limited understanding of the course material. Presentation contained spelling and grammatical errors.

You did not use creativity or technology effectively to articulate meaning. Your method of presentation was not clearly organized and did not demonstrate an understanding of the course material. Presentation contained multiple spelling and grammatical errors.