· committee on fertilizer...

CONTENTS JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY VOL. IV, 1912 JANUARY. E ditorials : Some Applications of Wrought Tungsten and Molybdenum. . “ The Fellow Who Doesn’t Know Any Better” .............................. O riginal P apers : Deterioration and Spontaneous Heating of Coal in Storage. By Horace C. Porter and F. K. Ovitz .................................... The Distillation of Alcohol. By A. B. Adams, Chief Chemist, Internal Revenue Bureau ............................................................ Pure Linseed Oil. By E. J. Sheppard ................................................ Arsenic in Glass. By S. R. Scholes ..................................................... The Determination of Chromium and Its Separation from Vana dium in Steels. By J. R. Cain ................................................. The Bismuthate Method for Manganese. By D. J. Demorest.. Salt-Rising Bread and Some Comparisons with Bread Made with Yeast. By Henry A. Kohman ............................. .. A Rapid Method for the Determination of Sulphur in Roasted Blende. By C. C. Nitchie ............................................. ............. Jamaica Camphor. By H. W Emerson and E. R. Weidlein.. . The Index of Refraction of the Mixed Acids of Fatty Oils. By W. B. Smith ...................................................................................... The Chlorine Content of Milk. By Paul Poetschke ..................... Temperature Corrections in Raw Sugar Polarizations. By W. D. Horne ............................................................................................. L aboratory and P lant : An Electric Laboratory Furnace. By Raymond C. Benner.. . A Still for Absolute Alcohol. By Ralph H. McKee ..................... An Automatic Pipette. By T. O. Smith ........................................... A New Melting-Point Apparatus. By D. S. Pratt ........................ A ddresses : Address at the Unveiling of the Bust of Wolcott Gibbs. Charles E. Munroe ................................................................ Chemical Industries in Sweden. By Thomas H. Norton.. Fuel Economy in Factories. By C. E. Lucke ........................ By Deflocculation. By Edward C. Acheson ............................................ 62 The Chemist and the Cotton Seed Oil Industry in America. By David Wesson .............................................................................. 14 16 17 19 30 33 36 3 N otes and C orrespondence : Correction: The Preparation and Properties of Metallic Cerium The Méker Burner ........................................................................................ Imports and Exports of Farmers’ Materials ...................................... W hat Our Rivers Carry ............................................................................. Cement Production co 1910.......................................... ; ......................... World’s Production of Coal ...................................................................... The Mineral Production in North Carolina during 1908-10 .... Chief Geologist, Geological Survey ........................................................ Nation's Coal Production .......................................................................... Cuba Iron-Ore Production ........................................................................ Greatest Iron-Producing Region in the World ................................. . Illinois Coal Production ............................................................................. Coal Exports in 1910....................... .. ......................................................... Oil in Alaska ................................................................................................... Bureau of Mines Appropriations. Civil Service Examination ............. 41 Book Reviews: 43 46 47 47 48 51 58 N ew P ublications . R ecent I nventions . 64 65 66 66 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 Pure Food and Drug Law in Montana ................................................. 69 69 69 Handboek ten Dienste van de Suikerriet-Cultur en de Reitsui- kerfabricage op Java; The Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid and Alkali; Die Metallurgie des Wolframs mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Elektrometallurgie; Annual Tables of Constants and Numerical Data (Chemical, Physical and Technological) ....................................................... M arket R eport . 69 70 72 74 FEBRUARY. E ditorials : Potash from the Pacific Kelps ................................................................. 76 Surface Combustion ..................................................................................... 77 Physical-Industrial Chemistry .................... 79 O riginal P apers : Some Problems in Chemical Engineering Practice. Manufac ture and Testing of Shipping Cylinders for Anhydrous Ammonia. By F. W. Frerichs ................................................. 80 The Manufacture and Testing of Carbonic Acid Cylinders. By John C. Minor, Jr ............................................................................ 88 The Composition of Some Mine Gases, and a Description of a Simple Methane Apparatus.By G. A. Burrell ..................... 96 Salt-Rising Bread and Some Comparisons with Bread Made with Yeast. By Henry A. Kohman ........................ 100 A Study of the Viscosity of Fish Oils. By George F. W hite.. . 106 L aboratory and P lant : Hardness of Plasters and Cements, and a Simple Chronographic Apparatus for Recording Set. By Chas. F. McKenna. . 110 Recent Improvements in Filtration Methods. By Ernst J. Sweetland ............................................................................ 114 An Electric Still Adapted for Difficult Distillations. By I. C. Allen and W. A. Jacobs ................................................. 118 The Carbon Dioxide Recorder as a Factor in Fuel Economy. By E. A. Uehling ............................................................................. » 123 A ddresses : Mineral Wastes: The Chemists’ Opportunity. By Chas. L. Parsons ................................................................................ 125 P erkin M edal A ward : Introduction. By M. C. W hitaker ......................................... 131 Presentation Address. By C. F. Chandler ......................... 132 Address of Acceptance. By Herman Frasch .................... 134 Geology of ■ Jae Sulphur and Sulphur Oil Deposits of the Coastal Plain. By Captain A. F. Lucas ........................................... 140 Sulphur Mines of the Union Sulphur Company in Louisiana. ByF. H. Pough ............................................................................... 143 Scientific Societies : Forty-fifth Annual Meeting A. C. S. Program of Papers 147 Minutes of Division of Industrial Chemises and Chemical Engi neers .................................................................................. 148 Minutes of Division of Agriculture and Food Chemistry .............. 149 Minutes of the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry .................. 150 Minutes of Meeting of Fertilizer Division ........................................... 151 Minutes of the Meeting of the Rubber Section ................................. 152 N otes and Correspondence : Note on the Production of Mercury Fulminate. By Charles E. Munroe ................................................................................................ 152 Tungsten Production in the United States in 1911......................... 153 Clay Products in 1910 ................................................................................. 153 Lead Industry in 1910...................................................... 153 Consular and T rade N otes : German Potash Interests ........................................................................... 154 Norwegian Guano Shipments to United States ................................ 154 Glass Paving Blocks in France ................................................................ 154 Palm-Oil Industry of West Africa .......................................................... 154 Increased Custom Duties in Bolivia ...................................................... 154 B ook R eviews : Addresses to Engineering Students; Die Polarimetrie der Erdöle. 155 N ew P ublications ................................................................................................... 156 R ecent I nventions ................................................................................................. 157 Market R eport ............................................................................................. 158

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    V O L. IV, 1912

    JANUARY.E d i t o r i a l s :

    Som e A pplications of W ro u g h t T ungsten and M olybdenum . . “ T he Fellow W ho D oesn’t K now A ny B e t te r” ..............................

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    D eterio ra tio n and Spon taneous H eatin g of Coal in S torage.B y H orace C. P o r te r an d F . K . O v itz ....................................

    T he D istilla tion of Alcohol. B y A . B . A dam s, Chief Chem ist,In te rn a l R evenue B u re au ............................................................

    P u re Linseed Oil. B y E . J . S h ep p a rd ................................................A rsenic in G lass. B y S. R . Scholes.....................................................T he D eterm ination of C hrom ium and I t s S epara tion from V ana

    d ium in Steels. B y J . R . C ain .................................................T he B ism u th a te M ethod fo r M anganese. B y D . J . D em o rest.. S alt-R ising B read and Som e Com parisons w ith B read M ade

    w ith Y east. B y H e n ry A . K o h m an ............................. ..A R ap id M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of S u lp h u r in R oasted

    B lende. B y C. C. N itch ie ..........................................................Jam a ica C am phor. B y H . W E m erson and E . R . W e id le in .. . T h e In d ex of R efraction of th e M ixed A cids of F a t ty Oils. B y

    W . B . S m ith ......................................................................................T he C hlorine C onten t of M ilk. B y P au l P o e tsch k e .....................T em pera tu re C orrections in R aw S ugar P olarizations. B y W .

    D . H o rn e .............................................................................................

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    An E lec tric L ab o ra to ry F urnace. B y R aym ond C. B e n n e r . . .A Still fo r A bsolu te Alcohol. B y R alp h H . M cK ee.....................A n A u tom atic P ip e tte . B y T . O. S m ith ...........................................A New M elting-Poin t A pp ara tu s. B y D . S. P r a t t ........................

    A d d r e s s e s :

    A ddress a t th e U nveiling of th e B u s t of W o lco tt G ibbs.C harles E . M unroe................................................................

    Chem ical In d u strie s in Sweden. B y T hom as H . N o r to n . . F uel E conom y in Facto ries. B y C. E . L ucke ........................


    Deflocculation. B y E d w ard C. A cheson............................................ 62T he C hem ist an d th e C o tton Seed Oil In d u s try in A m erica. B y

    D avid W esson..............................................................................





    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    C orrection: T he P rep ara tio n an d P roperties of M etallic CeriumT he M éker B u rn e r........................................................................................Im p o rts and E x p o rts of F a rm ers’ M aterials ......................................W h a t O ur R ivers C arry .............................................................................C em ent P ro duction co 1910.......................................... ; .........................W o rld ’s P roduction of C oal......................................................................T he M ineral P roduction in N o rth C arolina du ring 1 9 0 8 -1 0 . . . .Chief Geologist, Geological S u rv ey ........................................................N a tio n 's Coal P ro d u c tio n ..........................................................................C uba Iron-O re P ro d u ctio n ........................................................................G rea tes t Iron -P roducing R egion in th e W o rld .................................

    . Illinois Coal P ro d u c tio n .............................................................................Coal E x p o rts in 1910..................................................................................Oil in A laska ...................................................................................................

    B u reau of M ines A ppropriations. Civil Service E x am in a tio n .............

    4 1 B o o k R e v i e w s :

    434647 47


    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .


    6566 66 67 676768 68 68 68 68 68 68 69

    P ure F ood and D rug L aw in M on tan a ................................................. 696969

    H andboek te n D ienste v an de S u ikerrie t-C ultu r en de R eitsu i- kerfabricage op J a v a ; T he M anufactu re of S u lphuric Acid and A lkali; D ie M etallurgie des W olfram s m it b esonderer B eruecksichtigung d e r E lek trom etallu rg ie ; A nnual Tables of C onstan ts and N um erical D a ta (Chemical, P hysical and T echnological).......................................................

    M a r k e t R e p o r t .





    FEBRUARY.E d i t o r i a l s :

    P o ta sh from th e Pacific K elps ................................................................. 76Surface C om bustion ..................................................................................... 77P hysical-Industria l C h em istry .................... 79

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    Som e Problem s in Chem ical Engineering P rac tice . M anufactu re and T esting of Shipping C ylinders for A nhydrousA m m onia. B y F . W . F rerich s ................................................. 80

    T he M anufactu re an d T esting of C arbonic A cid Cylinders. B yJo h n C. M inor, J r ............................................................................ 8 8

    T h e Com position of Som e Mine Gases, and a D escrip tion of aSim ple M ethane A ppara tu s. B y G. A . B u rre ll..................... 96

    S alt-R ising B read and Som e Com parisons w ith B read M adew ith Y east. B y H en ry A . K o h m an ........................ 100

    A S tu d y of th e V iscosity of F ish Oils. B y George F . W h i te . . . 106

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    H ardness of P las te rs and C em ents, and a S im ple C hronographicA p p a ra tu s fo r R ecording S et. B y Chas. F . M cK enna. . 110

    R ecen t Im provem en ts in F il tra tio n M ethods. B y E rn s t J .S w eetland ............................................................................ 114

    A n E lec tric S till A dap ted fo r D ifficult D is tilla tions. B y I. C.A llen an d W . A . Jaco b s ................................................. 118

    T he C arbon D ioxide R eco rder as a F a c to r in Fuel Econom y.B y E . A . U ehling ............................................................................. » 123

    A d d r e s s e s :

    M ineral W astes: T he C hem ists’ O p p o rtu n ity . B y Chas. L .P a rs o n s ................................................................................ 125

    P e r k i n M e d a l A w a r d :

    In tro d u ctio n . B y M. C. W h itak e r......................................... 131P resen tation A ddress. B y C. F . C handler......................... 132A ddress of A cceptance. B y H erm an F ra s c h .................... 134

    Geology of ■ Jae S u lp h u r and S u lphu r Oil D eposits of th e CoastalP la in . B y C ap tain A. F . L u cas ........................................... 140

    S u lphu r M ines of th e U nion S u lp h u r C om pany in Louisiana.B y F . H . P o u g h ............................................................................... 143

    Sc ie n t if ic So c ie t ie s :F o rty -fifth A nnual M eeting A . C. S. P rog ram of P a p e rs 147M inutes of D ivision of In d u s tria l Chemises and Chem ical E ng i

    neers.................................................................................. 148M inutes of D ivision of A gricu ltu re and Food C hem istry .............. 149M inutes of th e D ivision of P harm aceu tica l C hem istry .................. 150M inutes of M eeting of F e rtilize r D iv ision ........................................... 151M inutes of th e M eeting of th e R u b b er S ec tio n ................................. 152

    N otes and Co r r espo n d e n c e :N ote on the P roduction of M ercury Fu lm inate . B y C harles E .

    M unroe................................................................................................ 152T ungsten P ro duction in th e U n ited S ta te s in 1911......................... 153Clay P ro d u cts in 1910................................................................................. 153L ead In d u s try in 1910...................................................... 153

    Consular and T rad e N o t e s :G erm an P o ta sh In te re s ts ........................................................................... 154N orw egian G uano S h ipm ents to U nited S ta te s ................................ 154Glass P av ing B locks in F ran ce ................................................................ 154Palm -Oil In d u s try of W est A frica .......................................................... 154Increased C ustom D uties in B oliv ia ...................................................... 154

    B ook R e v ie w s :A ddresses to E ngineering S tu d e n ts ; D ie Po larim etrie d er E rdö le . 155

    N ew P ublica tio n s ................................................................................................... 156

    R ecen t I n v e n tio n s ................................................................................................. 157

    Mark et R e po r t ............................................................................................. 158

  • iv T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . Dec., 1912

    MARCH.E d i t o r i a l s :

    C onservation ................................................................................................... 160

    Min er a l W a stes S ym posium :

    Carbon W astes. B y J . A. H olm es..................................................... 160Zinc Losses. B y W . H . B asse tt............................................................ 164N eed of Special A lloys for Special Purposes. B y W . H . B assett. 167 W aste and C onservation of P o ta sh and Phosphoric Acid. B y

    F . K . C am eron ................................................................................. 169Losses of Com bined N itrogen. B y Jo h n D. Pennock ................... 172T he A buse of B rand . B y A. D. L i ttle ............................................... 178T he R elation of th e Silicate In d u strie s to C onservation. B y A.

    V. B lein inger..................................................................................... 180New Uses to R educe A buses in C onservation. B y W . R.

    W h itn ey .............................................................................................. 182M ineral Losses in Gases and Fum es. B y F . G. C o ttre ll 182M iscellaneous M ineral W astes. B y Chas. L. P a rso n s ................ 185

    Orig in a l P a p e r s :

    A New M ethod fo r T esting P a in t F ilm s and P reserva tive C oatings for Iro n and Steel. B y W . C. S lade ............................. 189

    A S h o rt M ethod for th e D eterm ina tion of Soluble A rsenic in Com m ercial Lead A rsenates. B y B . E . C urry and T . O.S m ith ................................................................................................... 198

    V aluation of F luorspar. B y E . B id te l............................................... 201D eterm ina tion of M anganese in S teel. B y Jam es J . B oyle. . . . 202C arbon D ioxide: I ts V olum etric D e term ination . B y Leon T.

    B ow ser................................................................................................. 203T he V alue of th e H igher Phenols in W ood-Preserv ing Oils. B y

    Sam uel C abo t.................................................................................... 206Com position of D ry G lu ten and its R elation to th e P ro tein Con

    te n t of F lour. B y Geo. A. O lson ............................................ 206A C om parative S tu d y of M ethods for th e D eterm ina tion of

    H a rd and T o ta l S o ft R esins in th e H op. B y H . V. T a r ta r and C. E . B ra d ley ................................................................... 209

    The C hem istry of A naesthetics, IV : Chloroform . B y CharlesB askerville an d W . A. H a m o r ................................................... 212

    L aboratory and P l a n t :

    A Modified W iley E x tra c tio n A p p ara tu s. B y W . D. R ich ard son and E . F . Scherubel............................................................... 220

    A S u b s titu te for th e B la s t L am p. B y W . A. E r n s t ..................... 221A C onvenient F iltering A ppara tu s. B y G. S. W illiam s, J r . . . . 222A n Im provem en t on th e K je ldah l D istilling A p p ara tu s. B y

    W . L. H ad lo ck ................................................................................. 222

    C o m m i t t e e R e p o r t s :

    C om m ittee on Fertilizer Legislation. Fertilizer D iv ision 223C om m ittee on Po tash . Fertilizer D iv ision ....................................... 224C om m ittee on P hosphate R ock. F ertilizer D iv ision ................. 225C om m ittee on N itrogen. Fertilizer D ivision .................................... 225C om m ittee on S tan d a rd Specifications and M ethods for A nalysis.

    In d u s tria l D ivision......................................................................... 225C om m ittee on D efinition of In d u stria l Term s. In d u s tr ia l D ivi

    s ion ........................................................................................................ 226Commictee on Professional Code of E th ics . In d u s tria l D iv i

    sion ........................................................................................................ 226

    N o tes and Co r r espo n d en ce :

    A N ote on Sam pling. B y W . J . Sharw ood ...................................... 227L ab o ra to ry P rep a ra tio n of L itm us P a p e r ........................................... 229P erilla O il......................................................................................................... 229B arleys E xh ib ited a t the Second In te rn a tio n a l B arley and H op

    Prize E x h ib it.................................................................................... 230E igh th In te rn a tio n a l Congress N o tes ................................................... 230

    Ob it u a r ie s :

    D r. Naokichi M atsu i.................................................................................... 230

    Consular and T rade N o t e s :

    G erm an B ronze-Pow der In d u s try ...................: ..................................... 231E lec tro ly tic R ecovery of Z inc...................................... . . ................... 231S u lphu r M ines in M exico............................................................................ 232A m algam ation of B ritish C em ent C om panies.................................... 232A rgen tina’s W ine In d u s try ....................................................................... 232P etro leum O u tp u t of th e W orld .'........................................................... 232Oil from Sunflower S eed ............................................................................ 232Gas P roduction and C onsum ption in E n g lan d .................................. 232

    B ook R ev ie w s :

    Some Chem ical Problem s of T o-day ; The M anufacture of Chem ical M anures; T he Technical A nalysis of B rass and th e N on-ferrous A lloys; P u re Foods. T heir A dulteration , N u tritiv e V alue and C ost; P la n t Food. I ts Sources, C onservation, P rep a ra tio n and A pplica tion ......................... 233

    N ew P ublica tio n s ................................................................................................... 233

    R ecen t I n v e n tio n s ................................................................................................. 236

    Ma rk et R e po r t ......................................................................................................... 238

    APRIL.E d i t o r i a l s :

    T he Purification and Softening of W ate r by P e rm u tite 240T he P a in t and V arn ish In d u s try of th e U nited S ta te s ................ 241

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    C arbon B rushes. B y W . R . W h itn e y ................................................. 242T he R elation of th e R efractive In d e x of Soda Lim e Glasses to

    T heir Chem ical Com position. B y E dw in W ard T illot-son, J r . .......................................................................................... 246

    A New M ethod for the D eterm ina tion of V anadium . B y D. J .D cm orest............................................................................................ 249

    A R apid M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of V anad ium in Steels,Ores, etc .. B ased on its Q u a n tita tiv e Inclusion b y th e Phosphom olybdate P rec ip ita te . B y J . R . Cain an d J .C. H o s te tte r ....................................................................................... 250

    A New M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of V anad ium ; a n E x p lana tion . B y J . R . Cain and D. J . D em o rest.................... 256

    T he R ap id D eterm ina tion of V anad ium in S teel. B y F ran kG a rra tt ................................................................................................ 256

    T he D irec t D eterm ina tion of Sm all A m ounts of P la tin u m inOres and Bullion. B y F rederic P . D ew ey............................ 257

    T he D eterm ination of M oisture in Coals. B y E . H . A rchibaldand J . N. Law rence........................................................................ 258

    A M ethod for th e U tilization of L ead F u rnace Fum e. B y L.S. H ughes........................................................................................... 262

    A M ethod fo r T esting O u t Problem s in A cid P hosphate M anufactu re . B y F . B. P o r te r ........................................................... 264

    O n th e D eterm ina tion of C arbon D ioxide in Soils. B y LeonT. B o w se r ......................................................................................... 265

    T he Phenom enon of th e A p p aren t D isappearance of th e H igher Boiling Phenols in Creosoted W ood and its E x p lana tion .B y Sam uel C abo t............................................................................ 266

    The F lu id ity of F ish Oil M ixtures as an A dditive P ro p erty . B yGeorge F . W h ite .............................................................................. 267

    C om parative V alue of Irrig a ted and D ry -F arm ing W h ea t forF lo u r P roduction . B y R o b er t S te w a rt and C. T. H irs t. 270

    T he Influence of C arbon upon N itrification . B y H . W . Clarkan d George O. A d am s.................................................................'. 272

    A cid ity in W h ea t F lo u r; its R elation to P hosphorus and too th e r C onstituents. B y C. O. S w a n so n ............................ 274

    T he C hem istry of A naesthetics, IV : Chloroform . B y CharlesB askerville and W . A. H a m o r ................................................... 278

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    T he A dap tion of th e C entrifugal P um p to Chem ical Problem s.B y F . G. W heeler................................................................ 288

    New Form s of Gas A nalysis A pp ara tu s. B y G. A. B u r re l l . . . . 297A n Im proved E x tra c tio n A pp ara tu s. B y W . C. B la sd a le . . . . 302N otes on a New Form of E x tra c tio n Thim ble. B y P . A.

    B oeck ........................................................................................ 303

    A d d r e s s e s :

    F ertilizer Chem istry'— A R ep o r t of Progress. B y Pau l R ud-n ick ....................................................................................................... 304

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    Progress of th e C hem istry of P ap erm ak in g ..................................... 307R ecen t Investiga tions on A lloys............................................................. 307S iloxide............................................................................................................. 308E x tra c tio n w ith N ap h th a len e .................................................................. 308F ire E x tin c tio n .............................................................................................. 309

  • Dec., 19 12 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . v

    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    T he C entenary of th e In tro d u ctio n of G as ......................................... 309A m erican E lectrochem ical Society, T w enty-first G eneral M eet

    ing, B oston, A pril 18th to 2 0 th ................................................. 309A m erican Commission on O rganic N om enclatu re ............................ 309E ig h th In te rn a tio n a l Congress of A pplied C h em istry ................... 310Correction. A Convenient F iltering A p p a ra tu s .............................. 310T he B usiness A spect of th e K elp P roposition . B y F rederick

    P . D ew ey............................................................................................ 311Im p o rta tio n s of Acetic A n h y d r id e ..................................................... 311

    C o n s u l a r a n d T r a d e N o t e s :

    E nglish M unicipal G as W o rk s .............................................................. 312U tiliza tion of N a tu ra l G as in H u n g a ry .............................................. 312Sw edish Coal S itu a tio n ............................................................................... 312

    Cork T rade of th e U n ited S ta te s ............................................................M alaysian T in E x p o r ts ...............................................................................S hark ’s L iver Oil In d u s try P roposed ...................................................

    B o o k R e v i e w s :

    T ransactions of th e A m erican In s ti tu te of Chem ical Engineers; The Technology of B read-M aking, Inc lud ing th e Chem is try and A naly tical and P rac tica l T esting of W heat, F lou r and o th e r M aterials Em ployed in B read-m aking and C onfectionery; D ie Chemie der trocknenden Oelc. .

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s ..............................................................................................................................

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .............................................................................................................................

    M a r k e t R e p o r t .......................................................................................................................................

    E d i t o r i a l s :

    T he U nited S ta te s P a te n t S ystem .

    P a t e n t S y m p o s i u m :

    The In v en to r, th e Public and th e Law . B y W alter F . Rogers. P a te n ts and Chem ical In d u s try in th e U nited S ta tes . B y B.

    H erste in ..............................................................................................T he A buses of O ur P a te n t S ystem . B y L . II . B ae k e la n d ..........

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    Som e R ecen t D evelopm ents in W ood D istilla tion . B y Thos.W . P r itc h a rd .....................................................................................

    T he M anufacture of C hloroform from B leaching Pow der andE th y l Alcohol. B y F . W . F r e r ic h s . .....................................

    T he Causes for V aria tions in V olatile M atte r D eterm inations.B y S. W . P a r r ..................................................................................

    M onel M etal. B y R ichard H . G aines..................................................F ree Lim e in P o rtlan d Cem ent. B y H . E- K ie fe r.........................T he C hem istry of A naesthetics, IV : C hloroform . B y Charles

    B askerville and W . A. H am or....................................................T esting M ethods of R u b b er C onten ts in R aw and V ulcanized

    R ubber. B y W . A. D u cca .......................................................T he V olatile A cid ity of G um T rag acan th C om pared w ith th a t

    of In d ian G um . B y W . O. E m e ry .......................................T he E x tra c tio n of P o tash and A lum ina from Feldspar. B y H .

    W . F oo te and S. R . S cho lcs.......................................................A C olorim etric M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of C arbon in Iro n

    and Steel. B y Jerom e F . K o h o u t..........................................

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    T he D is tribu tion of Pow er in P o r tla n d C em ent M anufacture.B y R ichard K . M eade...................................................................

    New F orm s of A p p a ra tu s fo r G as A nalysis. B y F . M. W illiam s.

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    MAY.The D ecolorization of S ugar Ju ice w ith “ E p o n ite ” .......................

    31g T he P reven tion of Iro n and S teel C orrosion ......................................L ohm annizing ................................................................................................T h e Influence of A dditions to B ronze..................................................Copper Fung icides ........................................................................................

    320 T he U tilization of th e P o tassium C onten t of M inerals..................Purification of W ater b y Forced O x id a tio n .......................................

    328 T he “ C hloride” W ate r Purification P rocess .......................................333 T he Serpek Process of N itrogen F ix a tio n ............................................

    D iasta fo r in th e T ex tile In d u s try ..........................................................W ood P reserv ing ...........................................................................................A New F iltering M aterial for A lkaline L iqu ids ................................

    33 s Pumps..................................................................“ R a tisa l,” a T rap S u b s titu te ...................................................................

    3 4 5 A D ry F ire E x tingu isher fo r E lec tric In s ta lla tio n s .........................A New P a tte rn in S p ray N ozzles...........................................................

    3 5 2 T h e D igby an d Biggs D ionic W ate r T e s te r.......................................... New T an k V alve ...........................................................................................354

    358N o tes and Co r r espo n d en ce :

    362 T he P a in t an d V arn ish In d u s try ..............................................................D eterm ina tion of M anganese in S teel. A N o te ..............................

    372 A pocynuin o r In d ia n H em p, R u b b er. B y C harles P . F o x .N a tu ra l G as .....................................................................................................

    374 N a tu ra l C em ent versus P o rtla n d C em ent............................................E lectric P roduction of F e rro -T ungsten ................................................

    377 B u reau of S tan d a rd s A nalyzed Sam ples...............................................

    378 B ook R e v ie w s :

    “ R u b b e r ;” P a in t Technology and T es ts; Chem icals, Oils and P a in ts ; C ircular on R egulations fo r Illu m in a tin g G as; M etallurgy of Iro n and S tee l; Casein, its* P rep ara tio n an d Technical U tiliz a tio n ............................................................378

    380N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    T an n ery W astes in Sew age....................................................................... 382Scientific M ethods for E arth en w are M anufac tu re ........................... 383 M a r k e t R e p o r t .

    E d i t o r i a l s :

    T he Scope of Pharm aceu tica l C hem istry ............................................

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    S tru c tu re of G alvanized Iron . B y W alte r A rth u r and W illiamH . W alk e r..........................................................................................

    T he E s tim a tio n of O xygen an d O ccluded G ases in Copper and a C orrection to th e E lec tro ly tic A ssay in th e Com pleteA nalysis of Copper. B y George L. H e a th ...........................

    Som e O bservations on th e D isin teg ra tion of C inder C oncrete.B y George B orrow m an .................................................................

    T he M anufactu re of C hloroform from B leaching Pow der andE th y l Alcohol. B y F . W . F re rich s .......................................

    C om parison of Som e M ethods fo r th e E stim a tio n of S u lp h u r in Vulcanized R u b b er w ith Especial Reference to E lec tro ly tic O xidation . B y D . Spence and J . Y o u n g ................

    A M ethod fo r D eterm in ing th e V alue of Com m ercial S tarchesfo r Use in C o tton Mills. B y G. M. M acN ider................

    T he C hem istry of A naesthetics, IV : Chloroform . B y CharlesB askerville and W . A. H a m o r ...................................................

    Som e D a ta on th e M anufactu re of Sm oking O pium an d I t s Chem ical Com position. B y A. B . A dam s and Jam e s M. D o ra n ...................................................................................................

    JUNE.T h e Com position of th e Pacific K elps. B y J . W . T u r re n t in e . . A N o te on the D eterm ina tion of Iodides by D irec t T itra tio n .

    B y J . W . T u r ren tin e ......................................................................D eterm ina tion of T o ta l Pocassium in M inerals. B y Charles J .

    Schollenberger..................................................................................N o te on th e N eu tra l P e rm an g an a te M ethod fo r th e A vailab ility

    397 of O rganic N itrogen. B y Jo h n Phillips S tr e e t .................A c tiv ity of O rganic N itrogen as M easured by th e A lkaline

    P erm an g an a te M ethod. B y C. H . J o n e s .........................402 The E ffect of th e “ W et P rocess” on th e A vailab ility of Low-

    G rade N itrogenous M aterials. B y B u r t X . H artw ell405 and F . R . P em b e r...........................................................................

    N eu tra l A m m onium C itra te Solution. B y A. J . P a tte n and C.406 S. R o b in s o n .....................................................................................

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :413

    T he M anufactu re of G elatine. B y Ludw ig A. T h iele ................417 A P u n ch fo r S tra ig h t R u b b er T e s t Pieces. B y H a rry P . Mills.

    A L ab o ra to ry G enerato r fo r H ydrochloric A cid G as. B y E d-422 win D ow zard .....................................................................................

    Two Pieces of L ab o ra to ry A ppara tu s. B y H aro ld C anningC hapin .................................................................................................

    429 U nique W a te r B ath . B y S. W . W iley ..............................................






    383383384 384 384 384384385 385 385 385 385385386 386 386 386 386

    387387387388 388 388 388















  • vi T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . Dec., 19 12

    A d d r e s s e s :

    O ccupational Poisoning in Chem ical T rades. B y W . G ilm anT hom pson .......................................................................................... 454

    T he Progress of th e W ork on th e R evision of th e U n ited S ta te sPharm acopoeia. B y J . P . R em in g to n .............................. 457

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    459The In d u s tria l Uses of O zo n e .............................................N on-Freezing M ix tures ............................................................................ 460A New L iquid M ixer..................................................................................... 460T he S terilization of P o tab le W a te r s ................................................. 461P o rtlan d C em ent........................................................................................... 461B leaching Pow der as a Soap S u b s titu te .......................................... 416W ater-G auge G lasses................................................................................... 461P ack ing in S team P la n ts ........................................................................ 461D evelopm ents in S team G eneration ...................................................... 462T he C on tact Process of Sulphuric A cid M anufac tu re ..................... 462F o rto lin e ........................................................................................................... 462T he U tilization of S torage B a tte ry S ludge......................................... 462The M anufacture of W h ite L e a d ............................................................ 462The P u r ity of Com m ercial M eta ls.......................................................... 462T he C ost of C hlorine................................................................................... 463S y n th e tic Organic D yes an d P a te n ts fo r th e M anufacture of

    th e Sam e, 1907-’l l ......................................................................... 463T he M anufacture of A lum inum F o il......................................... 463Som e New “ N on-C orrosive” A lloys...................................................... 463K u p ro n iz in g . ............................................................................................ 463

    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    T he G erm an P a te n t S ystem .....................................................................O rig inality of In v e n tio n s ...........................................................................R ep o rt of th e D elegate to th e J o in t Conference of th e P a te n t

    S y s tem ..................................................................... ...........................R ep o rt of th e C om m ittee on Q u a n tita tiv e M ethods.......................T he Technical A nalysis of B rass and th e N on-Ferrous Alloys:

    A u th o r’s N o te ...................................................................................V o la tility of M etals of th e P la tin u m G ro u p . .................................C hem istry and th e L ithograph ic In d u s try .......................................C on tam ination of L ab o ra to ry Sam ples b y Iro n D erived from

    Crushing M achinery........................................................................C om bating M iners’ D iseases.....................................................................

    B o o k R e v i e w s :

    S tren g th of M aterials; F ertilizer an d F ertilizer H in ts ; D ie Chemie der Cellulose w ith P a rtic u la r R eference to th e T ex tile and Cellulose In d u s trie s ; Chem iker K alender; T he M anufacture of V arnishes, an d K ind red In d u strie s ; Technical M ethods of Chem ical A nalysis Cocoa and Chocolate, T heir C hem istry and M anufac tu re ; A M anual of F ire A ssaying..............................................................................

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ...........

    E d ito r ia ls :T he P roduction of E th y l Alcohol from W aste P ro d u c ts ..............O ccupational D iseases......................... ......................................................

    Original P a p e r s :Corrosion of Iro n in P u re W a te r and A ir Com bined; th e E lec

    tro ly tic T heo ry again Confirm ed. B y W illiam R .F lem ing ..............................................................................................

    T he R elativ e Corrosion of Iro n and Steel P ipe as F ound in S ervice. B y W illiam H . W alk e r...................................................

    D escrip tion of th e Explosion T e s t a t th e E xperim en ta l M ine of th e U nited S ta te s B ureau of M ines, F e b ru a ry 24, 1912.B y George S. R ic e . .....................................................................

    T he E xpansion Coefficient of G raph ite . B y A rth u r L . D ay andR o b er t B, S osm an ..........................................................................

    A V olum etric M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of T horium in the Presence of O ther R are E a rth s . T he A nalysis of M onazite Sand. B y F . J . M etzger and F . W . Z o n s . . . .

    T he R esenes of R esins and O leoresins. B y Charles H . H e rtyand W . S. D ickson.........................................................................

    A M ethod o f E xam in ing China W ood Oil. B y P a rk e r C. Mc-Ilh in e y ..................................................................... ..................

    O n th e Ind ices of R efraction of China W ood Oil. B y LouisE lsberg W ise .....................................................................................

    The R efractive In d ex of Beesw ax. B y L . F e ld s te in ...................T he C hem istry of A naesthetics. IV : Chloroform . B y Charles

    B askcrville and W . A. H a m o r...................................................L ab o ra to ry S tud ies of R ennin . B y A. Z im m erm ann ................M icro-Chem ical T ests for th e Iden tifica tion of Som e of th e

    Alkaloids. B y E a rl B . P u t t ....................... ..............................A n Im proved M ethod of A ssay fo r A rom atic S u lphuric A cid.

    B y L inwood A. B row n..................................................................A M ethod fo r A ssaying S p ir its of C am phor. B y A rth u r T . Col

    lin s ........................................................................................................Suggested M odifications to th e U . S. P . A ssay o f O pium . B y

    R . N orris S h r e v e ................................................................................A N ote on th e D eterm ina tion of th e D igestive V alue of Papain .

    B y J . R . R ip p e to e ..........................................................................T he B rom ine an d Iodom etric M ethods fo r th e V olum etric D e

    te rm in a tio n of Cresol. B y C. M. P ence ..............................The A ccu rate V olum etric D e term ina tion of Phosphoric A cid in

    P h o sp h a te R ock. B y Jo h n G. F a irch ild ............................T he D eterm ina tion of T o ta l M anganese in Soils. B y R oss A.

    G o rtn e r and C layton O. R o s t . ..........................................A ltering th e Com position of In d ia n Corn b y Seed Selection.

    B y L . H . S m ith . .......................................................................R elation of A ctive P o ta sh to P o t E xperim en ts . B y G. S.

    F ra p s ................................ ..................................................T he D e tec tion of Fo rm ic A cid in F ru it P roducts . B y F . L.

    S h an n o n ..............................................................................................The D etection of P russ ian B lue in T ea. B y F red W e s t............

    JULY.A M odification of th e F ra ry E lectrodynam ic S tirrin g Device.

    478 B y J . M. K n o te and W . R . W o rk ............................................480 T he U nderw rite rs’ L abora to ries E x tra c tio n A pp ara tu s. B y

    H en ry J . C ary-C urr........................................................................A d d r e s s e s :









    499 506











    526 528

    T he P resen t S ta tu s of th e G as In d u s try and I t s Outlook. Charles E . M uiiroe................................................................

    B y

    Cu r r en t I n d u strial N e w s :Selenium G lass...............................................................................................H e av y Oil E ng ines.......................................................................................T he Classification of S oaps........................................................................T he S pontaneous C om bustion of C harcoal.........................................A rtificial R u b b er from Seaw eed..............................................................“ T em pered C opper” Tools.......................................................................T he Purification of A ir by O zone...........................................................T he Use of Coke-Oven G as................................................................T he P reservation of W ood w ith ■‘B ellit” . .................................Chrom e-Nickel B ronze ................................................................................

    N o tes and Corr espo n d e n c e :N otes on th e Com position and A nalysis of D esiccated M ilk and

    C ream ...................................................................................................A M odification of th e B abcock T e s t as A pplied to th e E stim a tio n

    of Fac in D esiccated M ilk ............................................................A lundum n o t C onstan t in W eigh t......................................... ................T he C entenary of th e In tro d u c tio n of G as ..................................A m erican E lectrochem ical Society R esearch F u n d ............... ..M aine Section of th e A m erican Chem ical Socie ty ...........................O rganization of C om m ittees fo r S tu d y of In d u s tria l D isea ses ..O rganization of R u b b er S ec tion .............................................................P a in t and V arnish in th e U . S . N a v y .................. ...............................A Colorim etric M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of C arbon in

    Iro n an d Steel, A N ote of P ro te s t.........................................A C olorim etric M ethod fo r th e D e term in a tio n of C arbon in

    Iro n and S teel. A N o te .................................... .........................V aluation of F luo rspar—A C orrection .................................................G eneral B akelite C om pany S ta r ts In fringem en t S u its ..................The E n d of th e C ooperative G lass F ac to rie s in I ta ly ....................In te rn a tio n a l Congress of A pplied C hem istry . A nnouncem ent

    of Section I, A naly tical C hem istry ..........................................B ook R e v ie w s :

    Corrosion of Iro n and S tee l; Technologic P ap ers of th e B ureau of S tandards , No. 3 ; T ests of th e A bsorp tive and P e rm eable P roperties of P o rtlan d C em ent M ortars and Concretes, to g e th e r w ith T ests of D am p-proofing and W aterproofing C om pounds and M aterials; A D ic tionary of A pplied C hem istry ; A llen 's Com m ercial O rganic A nalysis; T he C hem istry of B read raak ing ; T he L ab o ra to ry A p p ara tu s B lue B ook ..................... ........................... ..

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :F ac to rs D eterm in ing th e C apacity of a F il te r P ress. B y C.

    A lm y, J r ., and W . K . Lew is........................................ 528Im proved S u lphuric A cid C ham bers. B y Thom as H . N orton . 532

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s . .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ...........




    471 471








    539540541541542 542 542 542 542 542


    544544545546546547 547 547


    548 548 548 548






  • Dec., 19 12 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . vii



    E dito r ia ls:

    T he E ig h th In te rn a tio n a l Congress of Applied C hem istry .

    Orig in a l P a p e r s :

    T he M anufacture of C arbon B isulphide. B y E dw ard R . T ay lo r .......................................................................................................... 557

    T he O ccurrence of Efflorescence on L av a B ricks. B y W illiamM cGeorge............................................................................................ 559

    E nam els fo r Sheet S teel. B y R o b ert D. L a n d ru m ...................... 561T he P roduction of Excessive H ydrogen Sulphide in Sewage

    D isposal P lan ts an d C onsequent D is in tegration of the Concrete. B y W illiam M. B a r r and R . E . B u chanan . . 564

    M arking Porcelain and Silica Crucibles, e tc . B y P. A. Y o d e r . . 567O n th e Q u a n tita tiv e E s tim a tio n of Sodium H ydrox ide in

    “ B lack L iquo r.” B y E dw in S u term eis te r and H aro ldR . R afsk y ........................................................................................... 568

    T he C hem istry of A naesthetics, IV : C hloroform . B y CharlesB askerville and W . A. H a m o r ................................................... 571

    O n th e S ta rch of G lutinous R ice and its H ydrolysis b y D iastase. B y Y oshio T a n a k a .......................................................... 578

    T he E ffect of Sulphurous Acid on F e rm en ta tio n O rganism s.B y W . V. C ruess.............................................................................. 581

    Concerning th e S ugar C onten t of W aterm elons. B y Carl P .Sherw in and Clarence E . M ay .................................................... 585

    T he D eterm ina tion of B enzaldehyde on M araschino Cherries and M araschino L iqueur. B y A. G. W oodm an andLewis D avis....................................................................................... 588

    Com m ercial C innam on and Cassia. B y H a rry E . S inda ll 590T he R ipening of H ops. B y C. E . B rad ley and H . V. T a r t a r . . 591A nalysis of Som e F a ts of th e A m erican Buffalo (B ison). B y

    R o b ert II . S m ith ............................................................................. 592T he D eterm ina tion of E uca lyp to l (Cineol) in E ssen tia l Oils.

    B y F rancis D. D odge .................................................................... 592R ecen t A nalyses of th e S a ra to g a M ineral W aters. B y Leslie

    R ussell M ilfo rd ................................................................................ 593D eterm ina tion of L ith ium . B y Leslie R ussell M ilford.................. 595A New V olum etric M ethod fo r T in. B y W ilbu r W . P a trick

    and G. C. W ilsnack ......................................................................... 597A New A p p ara tu s fo r th e V olum etric D eterm ina tion of C ar

    bon D ioxide. B y H ow ard W . B ru b a k e r ............................ 599A M odification of th e Sw eeney M ethod fo r C rude F iber. B y

    Cornelia K e n n ed y ............................................................................ 600S tud ies on Soil H um us. B y S herm an L e a v i t t ................................ 601A n E x am in a tio n of C ity S tre e t Sweepings. B y J . J . Skinner

    and J . H . B ea ttie ............................................................................ 604Inorgan ic P hosphorus in P la n t Substances—A M ethod of E s

    tim ation . B y R . C. C ollison ....................................... 606

    L aboratory and P l a n t :

    Design an d E q u ip m en t of th e Chem ical E ngineering L ab o ra to ry a t th e U niversity of W ash ing ton . B y H . K .B enson ................................................................................................. 609

    A New A p p ara tu s fo r th e D eterm ina tion of C arbon Dioxide.B y E . W . G a ith e r........................................................................... 611

    A utom atic F ilte r Feed. B y Thos. A. M itchell................................ 613N ote on P ro tec to rs for G lass Stopcocks. B y W alte r O. Snell-

    ing ......................................................................................................... 613

    A lundum Crucibles in G rav im etric A nalysis. B y GuilfordL . S pencer.......................................................................................... 614

    A ddresses :

    N atu ra l G as Investiga tions of th e B ureau of Mines. B yGeorge A. B u rre ll............................................................................ 614

    A P lan for th e S u p p o rt of Chem ical R esearch an d fo r th e B e tte r Teaching of In d u s tria l C hem istry. B y John S te w a rt ................................................................................................ 616

    Cu r r en t I ndustrial N e w s :

    T he M anufacture of N itra te s from th e A tm osphere ....................... 619A Process for th e F ix a tio n of A tm ospheric N itrogen ..................... 619The Corrosion of Iro n and S tee l............................................................. 619Uses of A lu m in u m ........................................................................................ 620B riq u e ttin g M etallic W as te ....................................................................... 620T he R ev ival of th e K elp In d u s try ......................................................... 620L igh ting b y N eon T ubes ............................................................................ 620“ G ra n a c i t" ...................................................................................................... 621T he D estructive A ction of Acids on C oncrete ................................... 621“ Iron izing ,” o r “ F errozincing” .............................................................. 621A New Process for E lectro-Z incing ........................................................ 621T extilose ........................................................................................................... 621T he B leaching of L inen .............................................................................. 621Phosphorus Slag as an In sectic ide ......................................................... 621O xygen A dditions to Iro n F u rnace B la s t........................................... 622New Com posite S heet M etals................................................................... 622A New Use fo r B o ro n .................................................................................. 622V anad ium B a b b itt M eta l........................................................................... 622A New V acuum G auge............................................................................... 622A New F orm of V alve fo r G as C ylinders............................................ 622The M easurem ent of S team C onsum ption .......................................... 623A New J o in t fo r Steel P ip e ....................................................................... 623

    N otes and Co r r espo n d en ce :

    Sea-weed, P o tash and Iodine. A C ritic ism ...................................... 623N igerian T in D ev elo p m en ts ..................................................................... 624T he Oil of P o ch o te ....................................................................................... 625L ectu res on th e Sm oke P ro b lem ............................................................. 626D etection of F orm aldehyde in F o o d s ................................................... 626L ab o ra to ry G enerato r fo r H ydrochloric Acid G as.......................... 626

    B ook R e v ie w s :

    A n In tro d u c tio n to th e S tu d y of F uel; A nnual T ables of Cons tan ts and N um erical D a ta ; Chem ical, P hysical and Technological; T h e C hem istry of th e R ad io E lem ents;T he C hem istry of th e R u b b er In d u s try ; G erm an V arnish M aking; In d u s tria l O rganic C hem istry ; V inegars and C atsup, In te rp re ta tio n of S tan d ard s , Analyses,E tc ......................................................................................................... 626

    N ew P ublica tio n s .................................................................................................... 628

    R ec en t I n v e n tio n s .................................................................................................. 629

    Ma rk et R e po r t ......................................................................................................... 632

    SEPTEMBER.E d i t o r i a l s :

    O ur G uests .............................................................................. 634F u ssy A d m in is tra tio n a. ................................................................. 634

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    E pinephrin from th e W hale. B y E dw ard R . W e id le in . . . . 636T he Chlorides of C arbon as Solvents, I : C arbon T e trach lo r

    ide. B y Charles B askerville and H . S . R ied ere r 645O n th e Surface Tension of S ilicate and B orosilicate G lasses.

    B y E dw in W ard T illotson, J r . . , ..................... 651T he D e tec tion and D e term ina tion of C yanogen and H y d ro

    gen Cyanide. B y F . H . R hodes ..................... 652R ap id and A ccu rate M ethods fo r D eterm ining Phenol. B y

    L. V. R edm an and E . O. R h o d es .................... 655T he C olorim etric D eterm ina tion of Iro n in L ead and its

    O xides. B y Jo h n A. Schaeffer........................ 659A R ap id M icroscopical M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of

    A rsenic, as O rp im ent, in Shellac. B y R o b er t Schw arz. 660Som e P rac tica l M ethods fo r T esting and Iden tify in g Colors fo r

    P rin tin g In k s and S im ilar P igm ents. B y Sam uel L ev inson . ....................................................................... 661

    T he E ffect of Ign ition on th e So lub ility of Soil Phosphates.B y Chas. B . L ip m an ...................................................................... 663

    T he D eterm ination of H um us in H aw aiian Soil. B y W . P.K elley and W m . M cGeorge......................................................... 664

    T he Com position of Fusel Oil from B ee t M olasses. B y M.C. Boswell and J . L. G ooderham .............................................. 667

    Difficulties in th e Colorim etric E s tim a tio n of Vanillin. B yW . S. H u b b a rd ................................................................................. 669

    A New C olorim etric M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of Vanillinin F lavo ring E x tra c ts . B y O tto Folin and W . D e n is . . 670

    M ethod fo r D eterm ining F a t in Sugared E v ap o ra ted Milk.B y F . C. B roem an ................................................................ 672

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    A New T ype of Ino rgan ic F il te r fo r L ab o ra to ry Purposes. B yM. A. W illiam son and P . A . B oeck.......................................... 672

    C alculation of Sulphuric A cid S tock b y A pprox im ate vs. A ccu ra te M ethods. A Special Slide R u le fo r This P u rpose. B y H . C. M o o re ............................................................ 677

    A Sim ple and Inexpensive C onductiv ity Cell. B y Carl A.N ow ak ............................................................ 679

  • viii T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . Dec., 1912

    A p p ara tu s for Fum eless K jeldah l N itrogen D igestion. B yA. P . S y ............................................................................................. 680

    A Sim ple M ethod fo r P urify ing D rink ing W ater . B y J . L.Sainm is................................................................................................ 681

    Sam pling Cone. B y C. W . KnefT.......................................................... 682A L abora to ry G lass F u rnace . B y S. R . Scholes.................................. 683The D eterm ina tion of C arbon in Steel by D irec t Com bus

    tio n in the N ew est Form of S h im cr Crucible, w ith th e A id of a P erfo ra ted Clay Disc. B y F ran k O. K ich-line........................................................................................................ 683

    A Modified V icto r M eyer A p p ara tu s. B y H aro ld C anningC hap in ............................................... v ................; ........................... 684

    A D ouble-Oiling System P um p .A ir-Je t Chim ney V en tila to r........The U tilization of P e a t ................

    A d d r e s s e s :

    T he A n a ly st versus T he Chem ist. B y J . S. B rogdon.

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :


    F ac to ry In sp ec tio n ....................................................................................... 686Factory ' V en tila tion ..................................................................................... 686Mercury' Poisoning........................................................................................ 686Specifications for R efracto ries ................................................................. 686T he U tilization of S u lph ite L iq u o r........................................................ 687Ita lia n Sh ipm ents of C arbon D isulphide............................................. 687T he C ondition of th e Chilean S a ltp e te r I n d u s try ............................ 687M ethyl Chloride as a R efrigerating A g en t.......................................... 687A ccelerating P a in t D ry ing w ith Ozonized A ir.................................. 687A New Process fo r P roducing S tearic A cid........................................ 687T he R apid P roduction of P u re Cream of T a r ta r .............................. 687“ D u riro n ” ....................................................................................................... 688Lead for Calking J o in ts .............................................................................. 688“ V analium ” .................................................................................................... 688“ A rg ilite” ........................................................... 6S8A W ater Flow R ecorder............................................................................. 688T he M anufacture of Suction H ose ......................................................... 688H e a t T ransm ission in V acuum E v a p o ra to r T ubes.......................... 689A New C rude Oil E ng ine ........................................................................... 689

    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    Seaweed, P o tash and Io d in e ....................................................................O rd inary W ritin g F luid for M arking Porcelain C rucib les............T he N eed of Chem ical C ontro l in F u rnace O p e ra tio n ................The E stim a tio n of Oxygen and O ccluded Gases in Copper, E tc .

    A u th o r’s N o te . .................................................................................Chem ical Industrie s of N orw ay ...............................................................Cem ent P roduction and T rade in th e F a r E a s t . ..........................S ulphur, Py rite , and Sulphuric A cid ....................................................Chemical In d u s try of G erm an y .............................. ................................G erm an P o tash and S a lt S ta tis t ic s .......................................................The W ide Use of A rsenic.......................... ................................................Swiss F a c to ry S ta tis tic s .............................................................................T itan iu m an d A lloys of S tee l...................................................................Good Increase in P la tin u m P ro d u c tio n ...............................................P a in t P roduction in 1911..........................................................................W aste in Coke M aking................................................................................Coal E x p o rts in 1911...................................................................................

    B o o k R e v i e w s :

    Correction. T horpe’s D ic tionary of A pplied C hem istry ; A D ictionary of A pplied C hem istry ; P o r tla n d C em ent; T he C em ent In d u s try in 1911; P rac tica l C hem istry for Engineering S tu d e n ts ; Snap Com m ercial A naly-sis.

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s . .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ...........

    OCTOBER.I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n g r e s s o f A p p l i e d C h e m i s t r y :

    T he Inaugu ra l M eeting a t W ash ing ton ................................................ 707T he New Y ork M eeting.............................................................................. 711T he In te rn a tio n a l L ec tu res ....................................................................... 712T he Sectional A ddresses............................................................................ 712The Sectional M eetings.............................................................................. 713T he Social F ea tu res of th e C ongress..................................................... 713The Closing Session...................................................................................... 715F a c to ry V isits and E xcu rsions................................................................ 715The Societies a t th e Congress.................................................................. 716

    O r i g i n a l P a f e r s :

    T he C ontrol of D u st in P o r tla n d Cem ent M anufacture by theC ottre ll P rec ip ita tion Processes. B y W alte r A. S chm id t. 719

    C ontact Sulphuric A cid from B rim stone . By’ G. W . P a t te rson and L . B. C heney............... 723

    S m elte r Sm oke C onservation. B y George C. W e s tb y .............. 725N otes on a S tu d y of th e T em pera tu re G rad ien ts o ff s e tt in g

    P o rtlan d Cem ent. By' A llerton S. C ushm an .................... 728C obalt Driers. B y V. P . K rau ss ........................................................... 731T he D evelopm ent of H ydrosu lph ites in T heir R elation to

    M odern D yestuffs. B y Philip S. C la rk so n ....................... 733T he Effect of “ L im e-S u lphur” Spray' M anufacture on the Ey'e-

    sight. B y Jam e s R . W ith ro w ................................................... 735Phenol-F orm aldehyde C ondensation P roducts . B y L . H .

    B aekeland ........................................................................................... 735

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    A p p a ra tu s fo r th e E xam ina tion and S tu d y of th e B ehavior of V alve and C ylinder Oils an d o th e r Pe tro leum L ubrica tin g Oils in S a tu ra ted and S uperhea ted S team , C arbon D ioxide, A ir and O ther G ases. B y P . H . Conradson. 744

    A New C alorim etric B om b w ith Special A dvan tages as to M aterial of C onstruction and M ethod of O peration.

    . B y S. W . P a r r .................................................................................. 746

    Som e T ests on a New C alorim etric B om b. Jesse, J r ............................................................

    B y R ich ard H .

    A d d r e s s e s :

    The L a te s t A chievem ents and P roblem s of th e Chem ical I n d u stry . B y Carl D uisberg ..........................................................

    S y n th e tic A m m onia. B y H . A. B ern th se n ......................................Progress in In d u s tr ia l C hem istry. B y R udolph M esscl..............O xidation of A tm ospheric N itrogen and D evelopm ent of R e

    sulting In d u s trie s in N orw ay. B y Sam uel E y d e ............

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    A New W ood P rese rv a tiv e ............................................................A ir Com pressor L u b rica tio n ..........................................................The O xy g rap h ....................................................................................The M anufacture of L itliopone....................................................The Pollu tion of S tream s by S p en t G as L iq u o r...................The M elting P o in ts of F ire B rick s..............................................“ P e rs il” as a B leaching A g en t....................................................T h e D isinfection of P o tab le W aters b y Chloride of L im e.A m m onia E vap o ra tio n and T ransfo rm ation in Soils..........T he Location of U nderground P ip es .........................................The C asting of M agnesium A lloys..............................................

    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    O bituary'— Frederick J . M ayer................................................................T h ird In te rn a tio n a l R u b b er C onference..............................................M unicipal W ater C onservation E x h ib it of th e C ity of Ph ilade l

    p h ia ............................................. .........................................................

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ------

    NOVEMBER.E d i t o r i a l s :

    M orris L oeb ..................................................................................................... 784The Incongru ities of A m erican P a te n t L i t ig a t io n ........................ 785

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    D istilla tion of R esinous W ood by S a tu ra te d S team . B y L.F . H aw ley and R . C. P a lm er..................................................... 789

    T he D eterm ina tion of O xygen in Iro n and Steel by' R educ

    tio n in a n E lec tric V acuum F urnace. B y W m . H .W alker and W alte r A. P a tr ic k ..................................................

    T he M ethods of th e U n ited S ta te s Steel C orporation fo r th e Com m ercial Sam pling and A nalysis of P ig Iro n . B y th e C hem ists’ C om m ittee of th e U. S. S teel C orporatio n .......................................................................................................

    T he S ynthesis of H ydrocarbons a t H igh T em pera tu res and Pressures. B y J . N- P rin g an d D. M. F a irl ie ...................


    690691 691

    691691694695695696696697 697 697 697697698








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  • OL/


    Dec., 19 12 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y .

    Glass Form ulas: A Criticism . B y A lexander S ilv e rm a n .. . . 818O n th e D ensity of Som e B o ra te and S ilicate G lasses. B y

    E dw in W ard Tillotson, J r ................................................. 820E x tra c tio n of T horia. B y Charles B askerv ille .................... 821T he P roduction of A vailable P o tash from th e N a tu ra l Sili

    cates. B y A llerton S. C ushm an and George W . Cogge-sh a ll............................................................................................ 821

    P o tash , Silica and A lum ina from Feldspar. B y E dw ardH a r t ..................................................................................................... 827

    Com position of the Salines of th e U n ited S ta tes . B y J . W . T urren tine , w ith analyses by A. R . Merz and R . F .G ard n er............................................................................................... 828

    T he D e term ina tion of P hosphorus in Com m ercial A cetylene.B y L. M. D ennis and W . J . O ’B rien ....................................... 834

    T he D eterm ina tion of Lead S u lphate an d th e U ltim a te E s tim ation of Sublim ed W hite Lead in R ubber. B yJo h n A . Schaeffer............................................................................ 836

    The E ffect of K iln-D rying a t 145° F . on th e Com position ofth e H op. B y H . V. T a r ta r and B . P ilk in g to n ................ 839

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    C om bination of th e C ontact Process w ith the O rd inary Lead C ham ber o r Tow er System s; an Im p ro v em en t in the M anufacture of Sulphuric A c id .' B y W illiam W ilk e . . . 840

    A Sim ple T est for th e D eterm ina tion of B u tccr-fa t in B u tte r.B y Jam es M. D o ran ....................................................................... 841

    A p p ara tu s an d M ethod for S u lphu r D e term ina tion in P e tro leum Illum inating and L ubricating Oils. B y P . II .C onradson.......................................................................................... 842

    C arbon D ioxide A bsorp tion B o ttle . B y W . A. K oen ig 844A New Alloy w ith Acid R esisting P roperties. B y S. W . P a r r . 844M odified B unsen V alve. B y Leslie R ussell M ilford ................... 845A Sim ple F o rm of L ab o ra to ry S u pport. B y T. L insey Cross-

    le y ................................................................................................

    O b i t u a r i e s :

    M orris Loeb.



    T he D en atu ra tio n of Alcohol w ith Pyrid ine. ............................T he S ta tu s of th e A rtificial Silk In d u s try ..........................................A no ther R u b b er S u b s titu te ......................................................................T he S ta te of th e P la tin u m M arket........................................................Increasing th e R esistance of Alloys to Chem ical A c tio n ..............T he Purification of B oiler-feed W a te r ..................................................T he A lkali Industry ’ in G rea t B rita in du ring 1911.........................S u lphu r D ioxide from Iro n P y r ite s .......................................................A H ydrogen-supply for D irigible B alloons.........................................“ D u ro b ax ” G lass.........................................................................................“ T rip lex ” G lass ............................................................................................Im p o rts and E x p o rts of C hem icals................................................A cid-resisting A lloys....................................................................................T he Sclioop M etallizing P rocess..............................................................T he S ta te of th e A ntim ony M ark et.......................................................P orous M etals.................................................................................................P e a t F ue l for th e P roduction of P ow er...............................................A New W ate r-jc t A ir-p u m p .....................................................................T he Park inson P a te n t F u rn ac e ...............................................................R einforced G alvanized Spiral P ip e . ..................................................A New A u tom atic W ate r-Je t A ir-P u m p ............................................T he Use of G raph ite in B o ile rs ..............................................................

    N otes and Co r r espo n d en ce :

    T he T h ird In te rn a tio n a l R u b b er E x h ib itio n ...................................T he U nderw rite rs’ L abora to ries E x tra c tio n A ppara tu s: A

    N o te .....................................................................................................B u reau of S tan d a rd s A nalyzed S am ples.............................. .............T he D eterm ina tion of B enzaldehyde, M araschino Cherries and

    M araschino L iqueur: A C orrec tion ........................................Phenol-form aldehyde C ondensation P roducts : A C orrection.

    B ook R e v ie w s :

    In d u s tria l C hem istry ; F oods and D rugs; D ie A nalyse der seltenen E rden un d der E rd su a ren ; R esearches in Cellulose; M ethods of O rganic A nalysis..........................................

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    Pluinbism in New Y ork C ity ................................................................... 849The Chem ical In d u strie s of F rance in 1911....................................... 849

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s . .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ...........

    E d i t o r i a l s :T he R esearch C orpora tion , an E x p e rim en t in Public A dm inis

    tra tio n of P a te n t R ig h ts ....................... ......................................O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    A S tu d y of th e V aria tions of th e P hysical and Chem ical P ro p erties of R ed Lead. B y O. W . B row n and A. R . N ees. . 867

    T he C ontinuous P urification of Coal G as w ith W eak A m m oniaL iquor. B y J . G. O ’N eill............................... 876

    S tud ies on F ish Oils, I I I : P ropertie s of F ish and V egetableOil M ixtures. B y George F. W h ite and A drian T hom as 878

    T he R ela tio n of th e R efractive In d ex of S oda-B arium and Soda-L im e G lasses to th e ir Chem ical Com position. B yE dw in W ard T illo tson, J r .....................• .................................... 882

    T he C om position of th e Salines of th e U n ited S ta te s I I . N a tu ra l (S u b te rran ean ) B rines and M other L iquors from N a tu ra l B rines. B y J . W . T u rren tin e , w ith A n alyses by A. R . Merz and R . F . G a rd n e r ............................ 885

    T he D eterm ina tion of Zinc by E lectroanalysis. B y EllwoodB. Spear and Sam uel S. S tr a h a n .............................................. 889

    T he K a in b ara E a r th . A D eco loriz in .. M aterial fo r M ineralOils, etc. B y K . K obayaslii...................................................... 891

    In v es tig a tio n of th e M ethods fo r th e D eterm ina tions of T o ta l F a t ty Acids in C otton-Seed F oo ts . B y F ra n k N .S m alley ................................................................................................ 893

    T he D e term ina tion of Chrom ium and V anad ium in S teel. B yD. J . D em orest................................................................................. 895

    A R ap id C ontrol M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of Oil inG rains. B y E . P . H a rd in g and Lillian L. N y e .................. 895

    Soy B ean Cheese. B y W illiam V. L in d e r ......................................... 897L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    A New F orm of O rsa t A ppara tu s. B y L . M. D en n is ........... 898T he S to rm er V iscosim eter an d th e V alue of V iscosity D e

    te rm in a tio n s by its Use. B y G ilb e rt R igg and J . L.C arp en ter............................................................................................ 901

    A p p a ra tu s an d M ethod fo r “ C arbon T e s t and A sh R esidue”in P e tro leum L ubricating Oils. B y P . H . C o n rad so n .. . 903

    A Self-F illing M easuring W ash B o ttle . B y O. C. S m ith 905

    lan fo r O rganized R esearch an d A naly tical C hem istry Successful Chem ical M anufacturing . B y W illiamC. F e rguson ........................................................................................

    864 T he E lec trica l P rec ip ita tio n of Suspended P artic le s by theC ottre ll Processes. B y L inn B rad ley ....................................

    The C ontrol of T em p era tu re in th e O pera tions o f A naly tical C hem istry . B y T heodore W . R ich ard s ................................

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    “ V itreosil” in th e N itric A cid In d u s try .................D evelopm ent of th e S u lph ite In d u s try ..................P roblem s in P ap erm ak in g .............................................T he A u tu m n M eeting of th e In s ti tu te of M etals.Solid d i l as a M arine F u e l.............................................H igh-P ressure G as L igh ting , ................................T he P roperties of M otor F u e ls .....................................T he C onsum ption of O xygen ........................................“ P lam b o x an ” .....................................................................A lum inum A lloys..............................................................M etallurg ie ...........................................................................A New T ype of C ontinuous F u rn ace .........................A rtificial S ilks.....................................................................

    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    O bituary'— T hom as P rice ...........................................................................A Suggestion R egard ing th e G rad u a tio n of H y d ro m ete rs ...........T he E ffect of “ L im e-Sulphur” S p ray M anufac tu re on th e

    Ey'esight.— A N o te .........................................................................T he A ndrew Carnegie R esearch S cho larsh ip .....................................A m erican In s ti tu te of Chem ical E ngineers.........................................T he C hem ical Societies in New Y ork C ity ..........................................O n th e S ta rch of G lutinous Rice an d its Hy’drolysis by D iastase.

    — A C orrec tion .................................................................................B o o k R e v i e w s :

    P a p er P u lps from V arious F o res t W oods; T he M etallographv of Iro n an d S tee l, A nalysis of M etallurgical and E n g ineering M aterials.............................................................................

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s . .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ...........

    niSLlDTEK̂ VJYi


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