common assessment

Common Assessment Lily Akrapongpisak

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Page 1: Common assessment

Common Assessment

Lily Akrapongpisak

Page 2: Common assessment

In my presentation…

• Products in my life that show my values• The image/perception connected to the product• The values the product is associated with• Beliefs connected to the product/brand• What influenced me to buy the product

The main focus and purpose of this presentation is to show how that what you buy affects your identity.

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iPod Touch:

The images that are connected to an iPod Touch are wealthy/high class, modern, and convenient. An iPod Touch is not cheap, (it is actually expensive) and it is not a necessity. So when you see

someone with an iPod Touch, you immediately know that they are not poor. In addition to just buying the iPod Touch, you also have to have money to buy apps and music and videos from AppStore! Also, the people that have iPod Touches could be classified as High or Middle Class (Mostly High). This is because it means that they have time to play games, listen to music, and watch videos. Many low-class people have to work all day in order to have enough money to support themselves. However, not all High or Middle Class people have time to do those things. This means that the image portrayed with iPod Touches is that you are a High/Middle class person who has time to play on their iPods.

Another perception/image is that the people who have iPod Touches care about convenience, and that they like to have something with them at all times. An iPod touch is very convenient. If you want to listen to music, you would rather pull out their iPods and listen to it rather than go home and turn on a song from the radio.

iPod Touches are also trendy, and modernized. Many elders do not know how to function an iPod Touch which shows that in order to have an iPod and use it to its fullest ability, you have to modernized and know how to use it. Also, if you’re modernized, you would use an iPod Touch, and not a Juke Box.


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iPod Touch:The marketing technique used to advertise iTouches is values association. The values associated

with an iPod Touch are joy, freedom, excellence, and community/acceptance. Joy is a value that consumers mostly look for, because many people want to be happy/have joy in their lives. Apple wants consumers to believe that with an iPod Touch, they will be happy. And I believed it too. Joy had gotten associated with iPod Touches from the advertisements that Apple made, and the consumers. For example, in the ad above, it says “iPod touch. The funnest iPod ever.” and it shows a games on the iPod, music playing, and videos. Also, when using an iPod, many people are happy because they get to listen to their favorite songs, a favorite movie, or play a really fun game. Also, when my friends had iPod Touches, they seemed so happy when they were playing on it. It seemed like they were having a lot of fun.

Freedom is associated with an iPod Touch because when people use their iPods, it makes them feel like they are free. Free to listen to any song they want, play any game they want, watch any video they want, etc. Also, when people are using an iPod Touch, they feel like there are no limits to what you can do with it. Apple has many ads that show a person listening to their iPods and dancing with a solid color background. For example, in the ad on the right, there is a woman dancing to her iPod with a solid green background. This shows that when you are using your iPod, there are no limits. There are no boundaries to stop you. The solid green background represents that fact that there are no limits, and that you are free.

Excellence is another value associated with an iPod Touch. When my friends had iPod Touches, I was amazed at how good quality the touch screen was. Many other products that try to make touch screens end up breaking down, and you have to press multiple times on the screen before it actually works. On iPod Touches, it works immediately! Also, I know a couple of friends who dropped their iPods regularly , and even one who dropped their iPod Touch into the toilet! The iPod wasn’t broken, and I was very amazed at how the quality was so good.

Community and Acceptance are other values that are associated with an iPod Touch. Apple has an ad that shows three friends playing the same game on their iPods. This makes consumers feel that when they get iPods, they will be accepted into a community. When my friends had their iPods, sometimes when we were bored they would take out their iPod Touches and have a competition of who can stay alive the longest in a certain game, etc. This made me want to fit in as well so that I would be able to part of their community and play my iTouch with them.


Conformity is also a value associated with an iPod. Most of my friends were starting to get iPods, and in the end, I conformed and I got one as well. I acted like other people so that I could fit in when they were playing on their iPods, and that I wasn’t the only one bored without an iPod Touch. I’m pretty sure that some other people bought iPod Touches just to conform with their friends as well. Many people are starting to get iPod Touches now, so conformity is becoming a value associated with this product.

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iPod Touch:

Common beliefs that are connected to an iPod Touch are that it will make you happier, it is cool, and that it is excellent. Many people believe that once they get an iPod, they will be happy while playing the games, listening to the music, etc. Also, Apple has ads that make the consumers believe that. For example, the ad that says “The funnest iPod ever” shows that you will have fun, and therefore be happy with an iTouch.

Another belief is that iPod Touches are cool. When people see iPod Touches, it seems like they believe that iPod Touches are cool. Since they believe that they make you happy, they also believe that they are cool, because whatever makes you happy is normally looked at as cool.

iPod Touches are also to be excellent. Many people view it as something that has good quality, and won’t break easily, unlike other electronic products. Even though an iTouch’s screen is made out of glass, it is very hard to break, and is very durable. Many people believe that it takes a lot to break an iPod Touch. Mac/Apple products seem to be believed that they are better quality, and won’t break down as much as other products do.

One last belief connected to an iPod Touch is that it is easier to use than other electronics. The touch screen is easier to click, and the design and system of the iPod is very simple. Mac products have an advantage over other brands because at the moment, many people believe that it is much easier to use than other brands such as Windows.


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iPod Touch:

Almost all of my friends had iPod Touches, and so did my sister. It seemed so convenient and every time they were bored, or wanted to play games, or wanted to listen to music, they would pull out their iPod Touches. It seemed so cool and I was also in love with the quality of the touch screens. Many touch screens from other brands weren’t as good, you would have to touch countless times until it worked, and the screens always broke down. For iPod Touches, the quality was unbelievable. I would always ask to play on my friends’ iPods, and many times, they would reply with “No! get your own iPod!” I did have an iPod classic, but that wasn’t nearly as good. Also, all of my iPods have been hand-me-downs from my sister. I had never gotten a new iPod. And since I was definitely in love with iTouches, it seemed fair that I would buy it. Every time I went shopping, I would stop by at the iStore and play on the iTouches. I remembering thinking that the apps that were available on iTouches were better than video games, and that they were also portable! I would also think about how iPod Touches had Notes –the app, and that with it, be able to have an electronic diary if I wanted to! I have a friend that knows how to jailbreak iPods as well. This was definitely something that encouraged me to buy an iPod Touch, since I knew that it was definitely going to be worth it when I jailbroke it. (Jailbreaking is when you can get apps for free on an iPod, and customize the settings) I also really liked how you could really personalize your iTouch, I could just tell by the differences between my friends’. Each iPod had a different style to it. I was really lookin forward to getting an iPod, and to be able to play with my friends on it as well.

What influenced me to buy it.

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The images and perceptions connected to it are middle/high class (many middle class Thai’s have blackberries now), social, organized, convenient, modern and in-trend, and portable.

A Blackberry is expensive, and is not a necessity either. Even if people needed to get a phone, they would be able to buy phones for 1/10th of a blackberry’s price. This shows that blackberry users are high class. However, in Thailand now, blackberries are becoming so in-trend, that many people start to save up for blackberries. So now, the image given out with blackberries are that the users are middle or high class.

Another image/perception connected to a Blackberry is that blackberry users like to socialize, or talk to a lot of other people. A Blackberry has BBM, and many other ways to connect with friends/co-workers/family. These chatting methods are pre-paid, and then unlimited for the rest of the month. This means that whoever uses a Blackberry must use their phone and talk to other people a lot, so then they can save money and make their pre-paid money be worth it for the amount of times they text/chat to other people.

A Blackberry has a lot of tools/gadgets and seems like it has everything in it. Except for games. This means that the image connected to blackberries must portray that the users are either business people, or they are people who don’t play games as much, and might find more joy in talking with their friends. A blackberry is very convenient, so you can tell that whoever has a blackberry cares about convenience. For example, if they have to call a friend, email a friend, update their status on facebook, etc. they can just take out their blackberry and do it.

Blackberries are very organized and so an image/perception connected to a blackberry may also be that users are organized with their things. There is a calendar for a blackberry, memo notes, and many other things in the device.

The last image/perception connected with a blackberry is that the users are in-trend, and are modern. At the moment, many people are using blackberries and have many blackberry communities. If you are supposedly ‘in-trend’, you would have a blackberry. Also, blackberries are pretty hard to function as well. This means that users have to be modern and know how to work technology.


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Blackberry:The marketing technique used to advertise blackberries is

values association. The values associated with a blackberry are Community, Conformity, Friendship, and Excellence.

Community is a value associated with blackberries because there are BBM groups. The groups are where you can post pictures, make calendars, chat, and make lists with other members in the group. This can form a community. Also, being an accepted and valued member of your social group might mean that you want to buy a blackberry so that you can BBM your friends all the time. There are always blackberry communities, where you just see a bunch of people hanging out together with their blackberries out as well. Conformity is another value associated with Blackberries. This is because once almost everyone obtains a blackberry, you have to get one. You have to act and think like everybody else to fit in, and in this case many people buy blackberries so they can fit in. When a lot of my other friends in Thailand got blackberries, they wanted me to get a blackberry as well so that we could chat with them. After I got a blackberry, my friends started getting it too since they wanted to conform after a lot of people started to have blackberries. Conformity is a value that is easily connected to blackberries since BBM only works with other blackberries. Therefore, after everyone starts getting blackberries, everyone else wants to get it too. The Blackberry company is trying to use conformity as a value to get more consumers to buy the product as well. There is an ad that says “Everyone is doing it now. Are you?” This automatically makes the viewers feel they have to fit in, and therefore buy a blackberry.

ValuesConformity is another value associated with Blackberries. This is because once almost everyone obtains a blackberry, you have to get one. You have to act and think like everybody else to fit in, and in this case many people buy blackberries so they can fit in. When a lot of my other friends in Thailand got blackberries, they wanted me to get a blackberry as well so that we could chat with them. After I got a blackberry, my friends started getting it too since they wanted to conform after a lot of people started to have blackberries. Conformity is a value that is easily connected to blackberries since BBM only works with other blackberries. Therefore, after everyone starts getting blackberries, everyone else wants to get it too. The Blackberry company is trying to use conformity as a value to get more consumers to buy the product as well. There is an ad that says “Everyone is doing it now. Are you?” This automatically makes the viewers feel they have to fit in, and therefore buy a blackberry. A Blackberry increases how much you talk and socialize with other people as well. Ever since I got a blackberry, I’m always BBM-ing my friends, and talking to them a lot more than usual outside of school. With a normal phone, I only text for a little bit and talk on the phone. But then I’m scared that I’m going to spend a lot of money. With blackberries, I BBM all I want. The reason why many people buy blackberries is also because they want to interact with their friends without having to pay a lot of money.Blackberries are also connected to the value Excellence. In their ads, they are trying to get consumers to believe that blackberries have everything, and therefore are quality work and products. In the ad, it lists all the applications and things that a blackberry can do. This makes viewers feel like a blackberry is really good and contains everything that you need.

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Beliefs that are connected to a Blackberry are that it will make you happier, it is cool, there are many functions to it, and that it is worth the money.

People think that a blackberry will make you happier since you will be able to chat with your friends as much as you want on a blackberry. Also, with a blackberry, people think that once you get a blackberry, you will seem cooler. This also connects to the idea that you will be happier with a blackberry too. Consumers think that if people look at them like they are cool, then it makes them happy because everyone wants to seem cool.

Ads that the Blackberry company has make you believe that a blackberry has a lot of functions. That you will be able to do A LOT of things with it. Even though, in reality, a Blackberry does not have that many things to do on it. This is still a belief that many consumers believe.

One main reason why blackberries are so popular and many people buy it is because consumers believe that a blackberry is worth the money you pay for it in the beginning. Since a blackberry has BBM, which is pretty much pre-paid unlimited texting, consumers believe that if you text a lot, then you will be saving money. They believe that the pre-paid money will eventually break-even with the amount that they have been texting, and are saving money by texting a lot.


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My friends at church all had blackberries, and so did all of my sister’s friends. I thought that it would be cool if all of my friends would have blackberries as well and then we could be able to BBM each other all the time. It also seemed like having a blackberry would never be boring, because every time they were bored, or in an awkward situation, they would just take out their blackberries and BBM their friends. Also, my friends at church are all adults and they can all drive. Many of them are such blackberry addicts that when there is traffic, they are happy because then they can go on their blackberry. Sometimes, I would always see a bunch of people hanging out with each other and they all have their blackberries out.

BBM is a special component that really made me want to have a blackberry. I’m someone who likes to text my friends a lot, and so I thought that if I had a blackberry, I wouldn’t have to pay a lot of money, and instead I could just BBM all the time. Also, before this, my mom wouldn’t want me to be text my friends a lot because it would waste my money, but I thought that if I had a blackberry, my mom would want me to BBM my friends because that way it makes our pre-paid money worth it.

I am someone who is in love with keypads. I really like all phones that have an actual keyboard on the phone. It makes it easier to type, and just like the way it looks as well. Since a blackberry had a keypad, it made me want to get one even more.

Blackberries have this thing called EDGE where you also pre-pay, and then you get unlimited internet access everywhere. This was the final component that made me really want to get a blackberry. I would always see my friends updating their statuses via Blackberry, and it made me jealous of them because whenever I wanted to update my facebook status, I would have to go home and get on my computer. Also, I found out that since blackberries had internet all the time, Iw ould be able to get on chat (not only BBM), and chat with my other friends who were on the computer the same time I was on my blackberry.

What influenced me to buy it.

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Electric Guitar:

Images and perceptions connected with an Emily the Strange Custom Epiphone Electric guitar is that it is cool, pretty, middle/high class, has a quality sound, and easier to play than acoustic guitar.

Electric guitars in general already seem to portray an image that the people who have it are cool. This might be because of the way it sounds, or the way that it looks, or just the fact that rock stars (who people think of as cool) all have electric guitars. With an Emily the Strange Guitar, the image connected to the guitar is that it is pretty-looking. The patterns and colors make it look better than other electric guitars that might not even have a pattern at all. Also, the product (all electric guitars) have a perception that they are prettier than acoustic guitars or classic guitars.

Custom Epiphone is a brand that produces quality sounds. It sounds better than other brand of electric guitars. Many experts have claimed that before, and many professionals use this brand of guitar as well. Electric Guitars in general also have a perception that they are better sounding than acoustic or classic guitars. Many people think that it sounds better because they might like the effects that you can put on an electric guitar, and how it Amplifies.

Another image connected to an Electric Guitar is that it is easier to play than acoustic and classic guitars. At first; however, I thought that it seemed to be harder since everyone who played electric guitars were really good at playing. But then, when I played on it, my fingers would hurt less, and the music and rhythm came more smoothly to me.

Consumers who have an electric guitar are mostly middle or high class. This is because an electric guitar is pretty expensive, even though you could just buy an acoustic or classic guitar instead.


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Electric Guitar:

The marketing technique used to advertise this product/brand is values association. The values connected to an Emily the Strange Electric Guitar are learning, creativity, beauty, and excellence.

Learning is a value connected to an electric guitar because when you buy one, you start to play on it more since you like the way it sounds better, and it is easier to play. This is gaining more skills in playing guitar.

Expressing oneself in an original manner through the arts (Creativity) really connects to an Electric Guitar because it is in instrument which produces music. When consumers play on their guitar, they are expressing themselves through arts.

Beauty is a value that is connected to mainly to the brand of Emily the strange. This is because the only reason why a lot of people would choose this electric guitar instead of other ones is because it is prettier than the other ones. I know that that was the the deciding factor for me. Since a lot of the electric guitars had good sound, I decided to choose by looks. In an Ad for Emily the Strange electric guitar, there is a paragraph explaining how it looks like. The value associated with that ad would be beauty because they are not advertising how good it sounds, or how creative and how you would be learning when you buy the guitar. Instead, they are advertising the appearance of the guitar.

Excellence is the last value. It connects with the brand Custom Epiphone, and an electric guitar. Custom Epiphone is a great brand that has a great sound. Many consumers buy Custom Epiphone guitars because it has good quality sound, and therefore has excellent sound. Also, electric guitars connect with the value too because many consumers think that an electric guitar sounds better and is more excellent than an acoustic or a classic. Therefore, they choose to buy an electric guitar instead of an acoustic or a classic.


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Electric Guitar:

Beliefs associated with a Custom Epiphone Electric Guitar is that it is harder or easier to play than an acoustic or classic guitar, and that it has a good sound and good quality.

Some people believe that it is harder to play than an acoustic or classic guitar because they have never tried to play on an electric guitar before, and they have only seen professionals play on guitars. This makes them believe that electric guitars are only for professionals and so they wouldn’t be able to play an electric guitar until they are able to play on an acoustic or classic guitar. Some people believe that an electric guitar is easier to play than an acoustic guitar because it doesn’t hurt your fingers. For me, I believe that too. Now that I play electric guitar, it is very hard for me to play on an acoustic or classic guitar not only because I’m not comfortable playing on it, but also because it hurts my fingers more. Also, on an acoustic or classic guitar, I have to press harder on the strings.

Consumers also believe that an electric guitar has good sound and good quality. This is because there are many professionals and rock stars around the world who play electric guitars, and this make consumers feel like the reason why they bought an electric guitar is because it sounds good and has a good quality. Also, many people have heard electric guitars and think it just sounds better because of the way it sounds when you amplify it and you turn it on overdrive.

These are beliefs because they are not facts, and different people believe different things.


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Electric Guitar:

My older friends had electric guitars, and when they played on it, it seemed really fun and cool.

Also, almost everything that you played on an electric guitar sounded good, and so I knew

that it would motivate me more to play and practice guitar. Since before I got an electric

guitar, I didn’t want to play on my acoustic guitar at all because it didn’t sound very good, and

the only songs that did sound good were songs that I didn’t like too much. An expert that was

my friend influenced me to get this electric guitar because she said that it had very good

sound quality. This made me even more sure of my choice. Another thing that influenced me

to want to buy an electric guitar in the first place was that everytime I went shopping, I would

pass by the guitar shop, and everywhere around the glass walls hung really cool-looking

electric guitars. They looked so nice and pretty, unlike my acoustic guitar that I already had.

What influenced me to buy it.

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The images and perceptions connected to Adidas sneakers are comfortable, good quality, pretty, and high/middle class.

These pair of Adidas sneakers have a cushion in them, and feels very comfortable when worn. They do not give my feet any blisters, and when I run in them, it feels light and comfortable. Many people will view these sneakers as comfortable.

Adidas is a brand that everyone knows makes good quality shoes. Sneakers that are made especially for sports, so then it doesn’t stop your athletic ability when wearing them. Adidas sneakers portray an image that it is good quality because a lot of people buy them, and even professionals wear Adidas sneakers.

These specific pair of sneakers seem pretty to me. They have pink stripes a long the side of the shoe. I view this as pretty, but some people might view it as ugly. However, the image that these sneakers portray to me are that they are pretty.

People who wear these sneakers would be classified and viewed as middle/high class. This is because these pairs of shoes are about 2,000 baht, and that is pretty expensive for just a pair of sneakers. If low-class people were to get sneakers, their sneakers would be 500 baht, or they just wouldn’t buy sneakers at all. Also, Adidas is a brand for middle/high class people as well since it has good quality and is not cheap.


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Sneakers:The marketing technique used to advertise Adidas sneakers is values association. The

values are Athleticism, Action, Comfort, Freedom, and Excellence. Athleticism is a value that most consumers buying this product would value. Sneakers

are made so that you can do sports, and doing sports is part of being athletic. Adidas has an advertisement that shows a famous athlete. There is a caption that talks about being fast. This represents Athleticism because speed is part of being athletic, and the famous athlete is represents Athleticism as well.

Action is another value that goes along with Athleticism because Athleticism is being physically active and strong. While Action is being in motion rather than being still. If you’re doing sports, you are moving around a lot, and doing sports requires a lot of action. Therefore, Adidas is also connected to Action because if you’re going to be doing a lot of Action, then you can wear Adidas sneakers. That way you can exaggerate and be better at whatever action you are doing.

Most consumers look for comfort in a product because they don’t want to get blisters and hurt themselves; especially with sport products. Thus, when they try on Adidas shoes and find out that it is comfortable, they want to buy it.

Freedom is another value that is associated with Adidas, mostly with the ads that Adidas makes. They’re slogan is “Impossible is Nothing.” This makes consumers feel like there is no limit to Adidas, and that when they wear Adidas, they will be able to do the impossible.

Excellence is the last value that is connected with Adidas. Adidas is already considered a good brand, and therefore many consumers will buy it because they know it has good quality. When consumers are looking for sneakers to buy, they normally buy sneakers that have the best quality, and maybe not how pretty it looks. Since they are going to be using the shoes for sports, and not for fashion.


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A Belief that is connected to Adidas Sneakers is that they are good quality shoes. Consumers believe that Adidas Sneakers are good quality, and therefore will make them

better at sports. Consumers believe that Adidas will increase their running speed, make them jump higher, etc. They might believe that from other professional athletes who were Adidas sneakers, or they might just think that because Adidas produces good quality products. Also, Adidas shoes are good quality because they are durable. Many people believe that Adidas is a durable brand, as well, and they also believe that the sneakers will not break easily. Therefore, consumers believe that they can use their sneakers a lot, before destroying them.

What influenced me to buy these sneakers was its appearance, it’s quality, and because I had to buy sneakers anyway since I played a lot of sports. Since I had to buy sneakers anyway, when I went into the shop, I was looking for two brands: Nike and Adidas. These were the two brands that I knew had good quality and were light on your feet. Since both brands were good quality, I decided to pick which shoes to buy by appearance, since they was no other factor to help me pick which shoes to buy. When I saw these pairs of shoes, I liked the color of the stripes on the side, and so I decided to get it.

Beliefs and What Influenced me to Buy it.

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The images connected to Fake Rayban Sunglasses are trendy, modern, stylish, middle class, colorful, and cool.

When I see people wearing fake Raybans, I immediately think that they are trendy, modern and stylish. At the moment, a lot of teenagers are wearing raybans, specifically fake ones since we don’t wear them for UV, we only wear them for fashion. Also, everyone that wears raybans seem to be stylish and trendy because at the moment they are in-trend since almost everyone owns at least a pair of rayban sunglasses.

Consumers that buy fake Raybans are middle class. This is because Ray bans are not a necessity, and Fake Raybans are only for fashion. They do not benefit you in any way except for making you look good. Low-class people wouldn’t buy these because there is no good purpose in buying them, even though they are very cheap. Middle class people would buy fake Rayban Sunglasses because they would be interested in fashion sunglasses, but might not want to spend a lot of money on real sunglasses. (since real sunglasses are very expensive, and these sunglasses are around 70 baht per pair.

Being cool is an image that many people portray when wearing these sunglasses. This might be because of it’s appearance, because it’s colorful, or because it is currently in-trend at the moment.


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Sunglasses:The marketing technique to advertise Rayban Sunglasses would be values association.

The values associated with this product and brand are beauty, conformity, and frugalness. (not health because fake Raybans do not have UV protection)

Beauty is a value that is associated with Raybans because many consumers buy this brand of sunglasses because they think it is pretty. Especially for fake Raybans, consumers buy it only for fashion, and that is one of the very little reason that they would buy the sunglasses. Also, since beauty is the main value that Is associated with Raybans, there are ads that show Beauty as well.

At the moment, a lot of people have Ray Ban sunglasses and it seems like a lot of people also buy these sunglasses to conform with everyone else. Since a lot of people have it, consumers buy these glasses to fit in. In the beginning, I didn’t have any RayBan sunglasses and when almost all of my friends had them, I wanted them too because I wanted to have it like they did. (However, I mainly wanted it because they looked pretty)

Frugalness is a controversial value that might be associated with these sunglasses. The reason that it is debatable is because people might think that consumers that buy this product are frugal since they buy the cheaper sunglasses. However, others might say that consumers are not frugal at all because Ray Ban Sunglasses are not a need, and they are just a fashionable product. For me, however, I think that I am being frugal when I buy this, because instead of me buying real Raybans for about 5,00 baht, I buy fake ones that are about 7o baht a pair. I think of this as saving money.


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Beliefs connected to Fake Rayban Sunglasses are that they make you look cool, and that other people do not know that the sunglasses are fake.

When people are wearing the sunglasses, they believe that they look cool since everyone else is wearing the sunglasses too. Consumers believe that they look good since the product is pretty, they look cool since the sunglasses are in-trend, and they look in-trend since everyone wears the sunglasses.

People who are wearing the fake Raybans believe that other people do not know that the sunglasses they are wearing are fake. That’s why they do not care that they do not have real Raybans, and that they just have a fake version of it.

What influenced me to buy it was that a bunch of my friends had fake Raybans, and I really wanted to get some too since they had it as well. Also, I thought that the Raybans were really pretty, and they were one of the few sunglasses that actually fit my face properly and weren’t too big for me since a lot of sunglasses are still big for me. Another thing that influenced me to buy this product was because my sister had bought a pair, and as much as I hate to admit it, my sister is like a influencer to me. Most of the things that she buys, I like.

Beliefs and what influenced me to buy it.

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This presentation connects to a bigger concept, which is that the products one has, contributes to their identity. And also that your values contribute to what you buy and your identity is pretty much made up of the values of the products.

This project relates back to what we learned in class a few weeks ago. That would be Ad Analysis, and also when we learned about finding images to go with a product (Hundred Bucks of Happy, etc.), and their source.