common safety method (csm) for risk assessment for risk... · inland transport of dangerous goods -...

Slide n° 1 Workshop on “risk evaluation and assessment” in the context of inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9 th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment Common Safety Method (CSM) for risk assessment (Regulations 352/2009 & 402/2013) Workshop on “risk evaluation and assessment” in the context of inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9 th October 2013 E-mail: [email protected]

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Page 1: Common Safety Method (CSM) for risk assessment for risk... · inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment Slide n°Workshop on “risk

Slide n° 1 Workshop on “risk evaluation and assessment” in the context of

inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Common Safety Method (CSM) for risk assessment (Regulations 352/2009 & 402/2013)

Workshop on “risk evaluation and assessment” in the context of inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th October 2013

E-mail: [email protected]

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Slide n° 2 Workshop on “risk evaluation and assessment” in the context of

inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Introduction Common safety instruments for opening railway market

When opening the railway market, in order to:

1) Maintain at least the existing level of safety in the EU railways, and increase it when reasonably practicable

2) Create a basis for mutual trust

with many new railway actors and interfaces

It is necessary to set up a common approach for:

Safety regulation (WHO does WHAT?) Safety management (Common Safety Methods) Safety supervision (check of compliance with the

applicable legislation)

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Slide n° 3 Workshop on “risk evaluation and assessment” in the context of

inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Introduction Impact of Directive 2004/49/EC on the EU railway system

Historical railway situation: “react and fix” approach

Existing national railway systems usually based on compliance with national rules and a retrospective review of «bad experiences» from the past.

Directive 2004/49/EC introduces the obligation for RUs, IMs and ECMs to control and manage their risks through a Safety Management System and a Maintenance Management System. The concept of Risk Management requires to look both FORWARD and RETROSPECTIVE.

New and proactive approach: “Predict and Prevent”

«What are the likely risks and the risk control measures I should put in place to manage safely my business?»

In a “risk based approach” the key question is:

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Slide n° 4 Workshop on “risk evaluation and assessment” in the context of

inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Risk Management Origins

Mathematical instruments for the decision making process have been used already in the XVIII century by shipping insurance companies to assess risks. Since then the decision making process based on a “probabilistic approach” has become a modern tool for “forecasting” unwanted events, preventing them and ensuring financial benefits to the business.


Domains of application

Due to continuous refinement and improvement, the Risk Management has become a reliable instrument to perform business and to grant safety in the following domains:

Finance, banking, capital investment

Medicine Nuclear power

Telecommunication Energy Aviation Railways Etc.

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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

In many domains a gradual improvement of safety resulted from costly experiences and lessons learnt from accidents

Prevention of similar events was regulated reactively (after the occurrence of such events) with the establishment of new national “laws, codes of practice, rules or standards”

Reactive approach for risk management

Changes in the legislation, rules, standards or codes of practice were done to avoid the repetition of a new occurrence of the same type of accident.

This way of doing does not protect the system from other hazards than those that caused the accident

Event Reaction

Accidents are used to prevent same accidents

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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Modern and proactive approach for risk management

Hazards are identified & Causes and Consequences (risks) are analysed Acceptable Risk Control Measures are defined and implemented to prevent

the hazard and/or to protect from consequences

A proactive safety management based on risks ensures, before the event actually occurs, that:

Analysis Safety measures Event

Competence and analysis are used to prevent accidents

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Slide n° 7 Workshop on “risk evaluation and assessment” in the context of

inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Comparison of Proactive vs Reactive approaches

Accidents are used to prevent same accidents

Competence and knowledge are used to control risks and then to prevent accidents

Costly with high impact on the system and the society Unable to control unknown risks

No impact on the system and the society Can effectively prevent the occurrence of events

Reactive approach

Proactive approach

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Slide n° 8 Workshop on “risk evaluation and assessment” in the context of

inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

A definition of "Risk Management"

Risk Management is a logical and systematic method of identifying the hazards and analysing, treating and monitoring the associated risks involved in any activity or process of a company

Risks can be managed by:

building your knowledge looking at the past (Reactive)

using your competence and analyses techniques for foreseeing consequences of changes, actions, etc. (Proactive)

A decision making process based on Risk Management allows the company to improve its efficiency, facilitating the allocation of resources, protecting the business from unexpected financial outcomes, due to sudden and unwanted/unplanned events

Risk Management is based on the analysis of past

events and probable events i.e. PAST & FUTURE

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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Different between a “hazard” and a “risk”

What is a RISK?

Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event and the severity of injury, damage to environment or damage to property that may be caused by the event

Risk is the likelihood of harm resulting from a hazard

What is a HAZARD?

It is a source or situation or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or damage to environment or both (e.g. Toxic or flammable substances, electric energy, working at heights etc.)

Hazard is something that has a potential to cause harm or injury

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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Relation between Hazard – Risk Importance of the system

The system has a relevant importance on the identification of the hazards. Something that could be hazardous in one context, could be totally innocuous in a different one.


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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Risk Parameters

As shown, risk is typically described in two dimensions

Risk= Frequency x Severity




Severity of Consequence

Increasing Risk

How often will an event occur?

If the event does occur what could be the consequences?

E.g. one person injured, €10000 damage, multiple fatalities

E.g. once per year, once every 10 years, every day…

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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Basic principles for assessing the risk

Independently on whether complex or simple, Risk Assessment follows a common 4 step process

You 1st identify hazards

Identify Hazards

Estimate Frequency

Estimate Severity

Estimate Risks

Reduce Risks where


1 2 3 4

… for each hazard you estimate risk by

estimating frequency and severity

… you then evaluate acceptability of risk

and prioritise …

… If necessary you then take action to

mitigate/control risk

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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

A general overview on Risk Management - ISO 31000

Regardless of type of business, activity or function of company, Risk Management is 7 step based process

Defining context (System Definition)

Risk Assessment

Hazard/Risk Identification Risk Analysis Risk Evaluation

Risk Control

Risk Monitoring and Review

Communication with and consult staff on company and their activity risks

System Definition


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Communicate and Consult on risks

Hazard/Risk Identification

Risk Analysis

Risk Evaluation

Risk Control

Risk Monitoring and Review


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‘Risk’ is dynamic and subject to constant change,

so Risk Management process includes continuous


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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Overview of the Common Safety Method (CSM) for Risk Assessment

(Regulations 352/2009 & 402/2013)

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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Overview of existing Regulation N°352/2009 WHO shall apply the CSM? The proposer Art. 3(11)

(a) a railway undertaking or an infrastructure manager which implements risk control measures vs. Art. 4 of Directive 2004/49;

(b) an entity in charge of maintenance which implements measures in accordance with Article 14a(3) of Directive 2004/49;

(c) a contracting entity or a manufacturer which invites a NOBO to apply the “EC” verification procedure in accordance with Article 18(1) of Directive 2008/57 or a designated body according to Article 17(3) of that Directive;

(d) an applicant for an authorisation for the placing in service of structural sub-systems [Manufacturer, RU or Keeper];

Directive 2004/49 - Through RU/IM SMS & ECM Maintenance System

Directive 2008/57 - Authorisation for placing in service (APIS)














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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Overview of existing Regulation N°352/2009 WHEN shall the CSM be applied?

WHEN? when making a significant change to railway system which can impose new risks on infrastructure or on operations:

applied since 2010 for technical systems,

applied since 2012 for operational or organisational

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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

A common risk assessment process

(a) System definition

(b) Identification of hazards/risks & associated safety measures

(c) Risk analysis based on exiting risk acceptance principles

(d) Risk evaluation for checking acceptance of risk(s)

(e) Definition of safety requirements from identified safety measures

Demonstration of system compliance with identified safety requirements

Requirements for mutual recognition:

(a) Hazard Management (b) Independent Assessment (Body)

Iterative Risk Management Process “triggered” by a Significant Change

Overview of existing Regulation N°352/2009 Risk Management Process and Independent Assessment

CSM for RA is an iterative process defining:

Demonstration of Compliance with Safety Requirements

Preliminary System






















RISK EVALUATION (vs. Risk Acceptance Criteria)

Safety Requirements (i.e. safety measures to be implemented)






Codes of Practice

Similar Reference Systems

Explicit Risk


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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Do not forget that risk management includes control but also monitoring of risks, as well as communicating these risks

Most important concepts to remember about hazards & risks

What can go wrong?

How likely is it to happen?

What are the impacts or consequences?

What is the level of risk?

Manage the risk

Frequency Severity

Risk = Hazard Frequency x Hazard Severity


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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Why giving importance to Risk Management and Risk Assessment? (1/2)

All domains of industry and social life consider "risk" as "source of danger" and a possibility to face damage or accident for their company with financial consequences

Risk is understood as potential for damage linked to company activities that can result from current company organisation, current processes and mode of operation of the company, technical systems or from any future events

Risk Management is a formal tool to identify and prevent the cause of damage or accident to occur or to reduce the consequences if the occurrence cannot be avoided

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inland transport of dangerous goods - Lille, 8-9th September 2013 CSM for risk assessment

Why giving importance to Risk Management and Risk Assessment? (2/2)

Risk assessment is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The aim is to keep people safe, not have good paperwork

The risk analysis process depends on the experience, knowledge, imagination, creativity and integrity of the individuals doing the analysis. The only application of these techniques without appropriately talented/competent staff does not ensure a proper and thorough risk analysis result.

The most important step in any risk assessment is that hazards can only be controlled if they are identified

You must not say ‘never.’ Risk assessment predicts probabilities. Although a particular event may be infinitesimally improbable, the probability is always greater than zero.


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