commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania...

COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1987 SESSION OF 1987 171ST OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 70 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPEAKER The Hou\e convened a1 2:13 p.m., c.\.t T H E SPEAKICR (K. LKROY IRVIS) IN THk: CHAIR PRAYER REV. DR. DAVII) K. HOOVLR, chaplain of the House of Kepresematives, from McConncllsbul-g. I'ennsyl\ania, offered the followinr prayer: .. . Almighty and Everlasting Ciod, in the midst of life's ;icti\- ities we come apatl l o spend a feu quiel mornen15 \\ill> Thee. We thank Thee for Thy graciori\ presence a ~ ~ d inra~rifold blessings in all of life, and \ve desire io slioi\ forili our pit- itude by (he lives we live. Reach out to ilicse ~lewards of iliine \rill1 Thy guiding hand and directive presence, Sill them wilh Tlry po\vcr and stre~igtli in the ;~ccomplishmcnts of all that is 'Thc SI'EAKEK. For the infor~nation o f the members, copies of the commission's report and copies or the Cover- nor's speech will be on your desk\ \rl?en you conre back to the lloor after caucusing. Copiss of the comrnission'i report and copies of Ihe (iovcrnor's speech will be on your desks when you return l o tlie floor afler lhe caucus. The SPEAKER. Keprcscnlati\e Jarolin has as guests here his brother, Einil Jarolini; his nephews, Mark and Dennis J;rroli~rr; and Marino Siri~onctti.Arc Ihey lo the left of the Speahe~'! Welcoinc to lhe lrall of thc Houie. We are delifhtcd ro ha\c yo11 here. (The Pledge o f Allegiance * . ; I S dcli\ered hy rncmbc~\ arid ~iiilors.) good and great, and share with ihem the bcnediciio~r oSTliy hcavcnly peace. This we a\k in the confidcncc of Thy care and concern, in the assur;~ncc 111 Th) irrdwellin.r spirit, and in the blcshedness olThy croivnin lo\.e. Amen. discu\s the important consideration of delegate selection for next war'\ I'le\ideirtial election. In addition lo that. Mr. The SPEAKER. T l ~ e <:hair recognizes Lt~e gentlcman from Allegheny, hlr. Ithin, on the announcemenr o f caucus. hlr. I I'KIN. Mr. Speaker, today \ve will havea very special caucu\. We habe gl~csI\ corni~rg to nieet with ihe members to S\\eet \\.ill piescnt an o\ervie\v o f the rccoirrmelrdalions of the Tax ('nniniission arid the Ciovcrnor. And Sinally, there are a number of bills uhich nrilsr he caucused on in order for us to JOURNAL APPKOVAI. P0STPONI~:I) proceed wilh \ole? 10 be taken later on this week. I 1Iii11k tl~is is a very ilnoortallt caucus, and I would urge all I'lic SPEAKLK. Thc Chair is infor~ned thal itre .lournal fur 'A'edne~day. Octohe~ 28, 1987, is not ye1 in print. Slicre- fore. Lhe approval of that Journal will he delayed until the Journal is in print, unless thcrc he objection, a11d the Chair hears no objection. ~. . Ihe rirernbcrs on [hi\ side of the aisle to be present. Mr. Speaker, I cxpcct Ihe caucus to t a k e We will lry to he as expeditious ;is pos\ible, but I belicvc \be bill need about an hour and a half. rlic SPEAKER. 'The C'h;tir thanks the gentleman. JOURNALS APPROVEI) I REPUB1,ICAN CAUCUS The SPEAKER. Ilo\vcver, llre .lonrnal\ for Monday, Seplcnlber 28; 'luod:~y, September 29; Wednesday, September 30; and Monday, October 5, 1987, are in print, and uriless the C'hai~ hears objection. Itiose .lournals will stand as approbed by the llouie. and the Cliail hears no such ohjcclion. The SPEAKEK. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Cessar. Z4r. C'ESSAR. Thank you, M r . Speaker. There will bc a Republican caucu? immediately on the call of lhe recess. Tlrc SPEAKFR. The Chair recognires the gentleman from Allcghcny, hlr. Irkin. Mr. ITKIN. Mr. Speaker, I !van1 to makc it clear beiore the members leave the hall that we will he hack here this aFter-

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Page 1: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general






The Hou\e convened a1 2:13 p.m., c.\.t



REV. DR. DAVI I ) K. HOOVLR, chaplain o f the House o f Kepresematives, from McConncllsbul-g. I'ennsyl\ania, offered the followinr prayer: .. .

Almighty and Everlasting Ciod, in the midst o f life's ;icti\- ities we come apatl l o spend a feu quiel mornen15 \\ill> Thee. We thank Thee for Thy graciori\ presence a ~ ~ d inra~rifold blessings in all o f life, and \ve desire i o slioi\ fori l i our p i t -

itude by (he lives we live. Reach out to ilicse ~lewards o f i l i i n e \rill1 Thy guiding hand and directive presence, Sill them wilh Tlry po\vcr and stre~igtli in the ;~ccomplishmcnts o f all that i s

'Thc SI'EAKEK. For the infor~nat ion o f the members, copies o f the commission's report and copies or the Cover-

nor's speech will be on your desk\ \rl?en you conre back to the lloor after caucusing. Copiss o f the comrnission'i report and copies o f Ihe (iovcrnor's speech wil l be on your desks when you return l o t l i e floor afler lhe caucus.

The SPEAKER. Keprcscnlati\e Jarolin has as guests here his brother, Eini l Jarolini; his nephews, Mark and Dennis J;rroli~rr; and Marino Siri~onctti. Arc Ihey l o the left o f the Speahe~'! Welcoinc to lhe lrall o f thc Houie. We are delifhtcd ro ha\c yo11 here.

(The Pledge o f Allegiance *.;IS dcli\ered hy rncmbc~\ arid ~ i i i l o rs . )

good and great, and share with ihem the bcnediciio~r oSTliy hcavcnly peace. This we a\k in the confidcncc o f Thy care and concern, in the assur;~ncc 111 Th) irrdwellin.r spirit, and in the blcshedness o lThy cro ivn in lo\.e. Amen.

discu\s the important consideration o f delegate selection for next war ' \ I'le\ideirtial election. I n addition l o that. M r .

The SPEAKER. T l ~ e <:hair recognizes Lt~e gentlcman from Allegheny, hlr . Ithin, on the announcemenr o f caucus.

h l r . I I'KIN. M r . Speaker, today \ve will havea very special caucu\. We habe gl~csI\ corni~rg to nieet with ihe members to

S\\eet \\.ill piescnt an o\ervie\v o f the rccoirrmelrdalions o f the Tax ('nniniission arid the Ciovcrnor. And Sinally, there are a number o f bills uhich nrilsr he caucused on in order for us to

JOURNAL APPKOVAI. P0STPONI~:I) proceed wilh \ole? 10 be taken later on this week.

I 1Iii11k t l ~ i s i s a very ilnoortallt caucus, and I would urge all

I ' l i c SPEAKLK. Thc Chair is infor~ned thal itre .lournal fur 'A'edne~day. Octohe~ 28, 1987, is not ye1 in print. Slicre- fore. Lhe approval o f that Journal will he delayed until the Journal is in print, unless thcrc he objection, a11d the Chair hears no objection.

~. . Ihe rirernbcrs on [hi \ side o f the aisle to be present. Mr. Speaker, I cxpcct Ihe caucus to t a k e We will l r y to he as expeditious ;is pos\ible, but I belicvc \be bill need about an hour and a half.

r l i c SPEAKER. 'The C'h;tir thanks the gentleman.


The SPEAKER. Ilo\vcver, llre .lonrnal\ for Monday, Seplcnlber 28; ' luod:~y, September 29; Wednesday, September 30; and Monday, October 5, 1987, are in print, and uriless the C 'ha i~ hears objection. Itiose .lournals will stand as approbed by the l louie. and the Cliai l hears no such ohjcclion.

The SPEAKEK. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Allegheny, M r . Cessar.

Z4r. C'ESSAR. Thank you, M r . Speaker. There wil l bc a Republican caucu? immediately on the call

o f lhe recess.

Tlrc SPEAKFR. The Chair recognires the gentleman from Allcghcny, hlr . Irkin.

M r . ITKIN. M r . Speaker, I !van1 to makc it clear beiore the members leave the hall that we will he hack here this aFter-

Page 2: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general



noon. W e have an important vote t o be taken, and i \ e expect the memhcrs t o be in c a u c i ~ s and the11 return to the floor for ;I

ses,ion, ~h~~~ i s also by lcadcr to be substantial debate o n a s o n i e ~ hat co~itro\er\i ; l l issue. S o just be careful and be aware o f the fact that we will h a \ e s e ~ s i o n later o n this af ternoon.

The S P E A K E R . T h e Chair recognizes the gentleman iron1 Westmoreland, M r . Saloom, to make an annotincement.

Mr . S A I O O M . Mr. Speaker, at [he call o f this Iccesh I would like t o have a \cry brief rneetir~g of the I iquor Control Commit tee at the rear of the House. 7 hank you, Llr. Speaker.


The tinic o f recess t ~ ; ~ v i n g expired, the House war called to o ~ ~ ~ ~ .



H B 811. PN 881 By Rep. H U T C H I N S O N An Act designating a certain hridgc in the t3orou'h of C'lark,

Summit. Lackabranna County, as lhu Parker-\\'escort Vietnan~ Vctcrans Memorial Bridge.

T R A N S P O R T A T I O N .

H B 1703. PN 2433 (Amended) By Rep. H U T C H I N S O N

An Act amending Title 75 (Vehiclus) oS the Penns)li ;~nia Con- solidated Statutes, further providing for ilisplay of rcglstration plate; and exempting certain vehicles from the Catastrophic Losr Trust Fund chargc.


T h e clerk o f flre Sen:itc', being introduced. presented the ioilowin?: extract from the . lour~la l of the Senate, which was read a\ follo\vs:

I l l Ilie Sen:!tu, Navcmber 9. 1987

KESOL.Vkl1, (thc t i o t i e o i Kep~esuntali\cs concurring), Tlmr \ilicr~ t l ~ c Regular Session of the Scnate adiourns Ihis week it recoiiirne 011 h l o l ~ d n i . Novenihcr Ih, 19x7, unlcs\ soo~icr recalled hy the Prc\ideiil Pro Te~iipore of' Ihe Senate; and he i t l u r thc~

KI:SOI.VED, Tliat \\lien the Rcgi~lar Scs\ioil of the House o f Keprewmatiies :~diourni ihih i\eck it rcconvclic on Monday, November 16, 19x7, rlnlc\\ \oc)ncr rec;llleil hy the Speaker o f rhe Hoilsc of Rcprc\entari\c\.

Ordered. That the clerk present the hame to the House o f Kcpresentati\es for it\ concollencc.

O n t h e q u e l i o n , \\'ill the Houseconcur in (lie resolution o i t h c Senate? Resolution !$,a\ concurred in. Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly

k l B 1905, PN 2415 By Kcp. H U T C H I N S O N An Act designating the newly cunsrructed bridge in Pine

Grove Townshin. Warren County. as the Akeles Bridcc: and

T R A N S P O R T A T I O N .


T h e Secretar) to the Go\c rnor [ ~ r c s c ~ i t c d the f o l l o ~ i n . ~


tion sign.


requiring the ~ e p a r t r n e n t o f ~ral ; \porra t ion to e;rcr ;I du\iglia-


I communicat ion5 f rom 1[i5 ~ ~ ~ ~ l ] ~ n ~ ~ , the ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :

H B 1022. P N 2432 (Amended) By Rep. H U T C H I N S O N

An Act ammding Title 75 (Vehicle,) of the I'ennsylvania Con- solidated Statutes, further providing for tire5 and ciandardh foi motor vehicles with znodilird chassis.



The S P E A K E R . The House \+ill stand in recess until 4 p.m.; 4p.m.


'The time o f recess was extended until 4:15 p m

A P P K O V A L OF I IB\ N o . 7 8 , 9 8 , a n d 457.

C'on~mon\$cnltl~ 01' P e n ~ ~ \ y l ~ a ~ r i a Cio\urno~'c Office


October 29. 1987

T o the l io~iarahlc , the H o i ~ s c of Kepresentativr of the Commo~~\ \ca l l l i of Pcno\ylva~lia


Rohert 1'. Carey (io\crnor

Page 3: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general



I Gallagher should be recorded as "excused" D. Snydrl hhould be recorded as "excused"

Cornmoriuc~~ltli of Pcn~i ry l i a i~ i~ t (iovcrnor's Oificc

I larli\hurg

Octohc~ 30. I987

To the Hotlorahle. the llouse o l Kcpreientativc~ o f thc (:onr~non\vealtl, o f Pcnnshl\ania

I ha \c the honor to inl'orm you t l ~ ~ r t I lhabe 1111, ti3) a~>~>rovcd and sigtrcd liiru5e Rill 78, I'linter', Yo. 2223, cntitled "t\N ACT proiiding Tor the de5ignation o i cer1;lili tlue5 2nd I:tnd otl lllc g o u n d , o f the Statc Capitol i l l Harl-i\hiirp a \ 'Soldicn' (;robe' i l l

honol of u a i ieteran,: impo5irig dutiu, upon lhc L)r.parlnrcnl o f Gcncral Surbiccs; AND MAKING ,AN APPROl'R14TION."

Kobcrt 1'. C a x y C;ove~l,or

Comlnonisc;~lth 01' Pennsylva~ii;~ <;o\erlior'\ Ofl'iuv


October 30, I987

To the Honorablc, the Hoilsc of Reprcscntati\e\ o f the Coliinron\\calrh o f I'cnnsbl\atria

I ha \e the honor to inforni you t l~at 1 ha \c thi, da) a p p r o ~ c d and sisnerl House Rill 98, I'rirrler's Nrr. 2288, cntit1r.d "AN ACT creating a commis\ion to unsure the ci,ordilral~on ol' t iforts lo ohserie the 125th Arr~tivcrsary o f tlic Battle i r f Gcl i \sbi~rg and Lincoln's Gcityshurg Addrc5s; AND R14KlNC; ,\N API'KOPRI- ATION."

Robert P. Caw) Governor


John J . Zilbcck Chici Clerk House o f Rcprcsentati\es

(For list, see Appendix.)


r l l c SPEAKER. Tlic Spcaker submits For the record a list correction, of votes f o l 1986-87, \vhich [he wi l l f i le .

Thc iollo\ving list was submilted:


1~29.86 rir l l call on HB 367, final passagc Punt sliould be ~euorded ah la)" Pott \liouId he recorded as "lea"

3-11-86 loll call on HB 2098, A0915 (Nobe) Calta~icolie \Iio~lld hu lecordcd 215 "nay" Uroujm\ should he ircordcd as "bra"

4-8-86 roll call on HB 1876, AO967 (1,cvdansky) L>iet, should he rccorileil ar "nay" Kcnncy should bc recorded a \ "yea"

4-14-86 - roll c;1II on I IB 2079. A1 141 (Murl?h)) Kcnncdy should bc reci~lded as "not voting" Kcniicy slloi~ld he rcco~dcd a "nab"

4~14-$6 - roll call on HB 2079, A1151 (Ryan 2) Belardi should be rccoriled ar "yea" Hclfnnli should he rccorded as "nay"

4-16-86 - roll call ,311 HB 2174, A1299 (Dombrowski) Book 5liould he recorded as "eacuscd"

and Senate accordingly the list containing the nanres and addresses of the persons who have rcgihtered under that act. 'The clerk will file the report.

T h e SPEAKER. T h e Chair acknowledges receipt from Mark Corrigan, Sccrnary of thc Senate, and Johtl Zubcch, Chief Clerk of the House, in conipliancc wit11 Act No. 712 01' the 1961 session, the 1.obhying Regirtlatior1 and Regulation Act, and M r . Corrigari a n d Mr. Zubeck prcsent lo the Houhe

The Collowing communication was submitted:

Senate of Pennsylvania

4-16-86 ioll call on H B 1732, final passagc G . Snyder should be recorded a \ "yea" I). Snyder should hi. recordcd as "excused"

4-16-86 - ioll call on HU 1661, A1482 (Showers) R o u s r r shoiild be recorded as "not voting" Maiale should be recorded as "yea"

No\,cmber 9, 1987

To the Honorable, the Senate o f the Comnlonwealth o f Penns?lvania

To the Honorable, the House of Represcntati\us o f the Common\\ealrh of Pennsylvania

In compliance with Act No. 712 o i the 1961 Session and Acl No. 212 of the 1976 Session of the General Assernbl) titled the lob^ hying Registration and Rcgulaiioll Act," wr herebith jointly present a list containing the rlamcs and addrcsscs o f thr perionr who have registered Tronl Octobcr I , 1987 through October 31, 1987, inclusive. Tor the 171st Session of the Gelreral Assembly. This list also contains the namcs and addresses of the organird- lions rcprehrnted by these registrants.

Respectfully submitted: Mark R. Corrigari

Scurctary Srnate o f Pennhyliania

6-2-86 roll call on HB 852, filial passage Uclfanti should he (recorded as "nay" Belardi should he recordcd as "yea"

6-10-86 - roll call on HB 2508, A2529 (Arty) Rybak should be recordcd as "yea" Hirmelitl should be recordcd as "nay"

6 1 1 ~ 8 6 - roll clill on HB 2508, A2783 ('.rein*) hlerry should he recorded as "not voting" blicozric shoold be recorded as "yea"

611-86 - roll call on HI3 2508, A2635 (Kennedy) Langtry chould be recorded as "yea" Laihirlger should be recorded as "nay"

6-17-86 - roll call on HI1 433, firlal passage 11. Snyder should be recorded as "nay" G . Sriydcr should be recorded as "yea"

6-17-86 roll call on Iit l 361, n~ot ion lo recommit to Appropri- ations

Argall should he recorded ar "nay" Angstadt should hc recorded as "yra"

6-17-86 ioll call o n HB 1763, germanmess of A3249 J . I . . Wright ihould hc rocorded as "nay" R. Wright should be recorded as "yea"

Page 4: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general


9-30-86 - roll call on SB 483. A4566 (Sauirnan 2) 1.escovitz should he recordcd as "yea" 1.ctterman should be recorded as "nay"

IO-1-86 - roll call on SB 483, rnotion to reconsider A4602 Miller should be reoordcd as "nay" Micozzie should be recorded as "yea"

10-6-86 - roll call on SB 1276, A2921 (Gallen) Maiale should be recordcd a \ "not \oting" Lucyk should he recorded as "yea"

10-7-86 - roll call on SB 562, A4416 (Schect~) Coy should be rccorded as "na)" Daley should be recorded as "yea"

10-7-86 - roll call on HI3 2274. A4767 ( C a ~ l e y ) 1,loyd should he recordcd as "yea" Lucyk should he recorded as "nay"

3-17-87 - roll call on HB 215, l'inal pasragc Kennedy should be recordcd as "not botinp" Kenney should he recordcd as "yea"

4-21-87 -roll call on motion to su\pend rule5 (.larolin) J . 'Taylor should be recorded ;is "not voting" E. Z. Taylor should be recordcd as "yea"

4-22-87 -roll call on motion to ru\pend ruler (blanderino) Kennedy should bc rccorded as "not voting" Kenney should be rccurdcd as "yea"

4~22-87 - roll call on HR 84 Kennedy should be recordcd a\ "not votinf" Kcnncy should be recorded as "yca"

4-22-87 - roll call on HR 85 Kennedy should be rccorded as "not boring" Kennev should he rccordcd as "bra"

4-28-87 - roll call on HB 1000, A0625 (Tisue) Bclardi should be rccorded as ")ea" Bclfanti should be recorded as "nay"

4-28-87 - roll call on HR 1000, A0633 (Punt) Belardi should be rccorded as "yca" Belianti should bc recorded as "II;I)"

4~29-87 - roll ciill on HB 1000, final passage B. Smith should bc recorded as "yca" S . Smith should bc rccorded a "nay"


T h e SPEAKER. T h e Chair recognizes the majority leader. Mr. MANDEKINO. Mr. Speaker, I m o w that the follow-

ing bills be lifted froni the tabled calendar and placed on the active calendar:

H B 423; H B 1730; H B 1731; and H B 1733.

On the question, Will the House agree t o the motion? Motion was agreed to .


The SPEAKER. Thc Speaker is about to take llie nlastcr roll call lor the regular session. Members \ \ i l l procccd t o vote on the master roll call for tlic regular session.

Tlie follu\\ ill@ roll call u a s recorded:


HcI:iutli I.'cc')d Ilclla~~ti l i>cl>e~ 1 uc)L Hlrrnclin I lick \lcC,$ll Hlnck I O < I C I \lcCl;itchi


hlillcs Slci-In>cr IlocI?lili;,llll Stub;,,, hlr,rrir Siicri llov.i.r) T,b!loc, k, 7,. \ l r l ~ ~ ~ ~ i c T:!?l<)t, 1. h l u l p h ) 'R$!lor, 1. K;lllill I'i'lck NO)C I'~:tlc O'Hricn 1 rcIIo O'llonncll Tr i~ in : i~~ Ola\i \ ; # # I H i r r n l


Oliio Leon I'CIICI \'roan Pct~; t~c :% \V;mh:~cl~ 1'~11011L' \v:,,, I'l~illlp\ \\'i.\lun l'icc<,lJ \Z igpi,,, I ' t n \ h > \I ilioo l'i\tclla Wagail l z l l t \ \Io,niak l'rc\(!l1a111l Wright. D . K l'cc>totl Wright, 1. 1..

l)u\ ic, KCT~OC) I ' L I I ~ I W r i ~ h t . K. C llitu ida K O ~ ~ I K L I I<a)nio~ld Ya~~d~i ie i l~ \ llic~tcrtck huhoitch IUchc, Iji<itc~ I.,?C;ro!l;~ Kci~ldrtl I r > i < , t i I nltgtr! Kii.l~ard,oi~ Spcakc~ I>on:ttoii.> l a\lli~ipe~



Dininn! (ilttilia blico,,~~ Steiens

Dinlnni (;ruit,a Steien\


The SPEAKER. T h c Chair has appointed Jeff Cop as a House member Tor the Ilziltle o f <ieilyshurg 125th Annivcr- Far) C0nirnissioi1 atid \ent that appointnlcnt to the Governor.

Page 5: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general




OcVrrler Ke~rlcd) Punr \Vrcgln, I. I.. I>?\\ e o r kellnr). K;,) alonil \Vrigl~l, h . C, Il;!le) Ko,iliikl hcbcr Y:indri\cv~~i L>a~ic, Kuhaiicll Kclilnrd 1hnld;i LiiCiiou;% R~chardwn I t i i , .



HB 1387. P N 2434 (Arne~rded) By Re!?. GEORGE

An Act lplilcing a r ~ ~ o r i ~ t o r i l ~ r ~ ~ 011 the issual~ce o f perfnits for crrtain nasle il lcirlerato~\.

(I!n,ct 110nim1an Pclrarca Vroon Cn"C" H,IIIIcII Pctrone Viarnbai.11 (~',>l,ilclla t i~nih~n\on Phillip, \ \a \ \ Colc I tk in Ptc~ola \ V e t l i ~ i ( 'orneli l;~ch,on Pic\<k) \\'iggirn (orr~g;in ladlouicc I'~,~clla \ \ ' i Iwt ('cl\'cII laroliil I ' i~l \ \V0:311

CU) John<on I ' I c ~ \ I I I ~ ~ ~ Ua,x\iak 11eluc;i harunic Prc\tan \\ risl~l, 11. U .

and the gentleman f rom Dauphin County, M r . D I N I N N I , for the day.

The SPEAKER. The Chair thanks the gentleman, M r . Hayes. The leaves are granted.

Thc SPEAKER. M r . Hayes, for the record, do you ha le any leave, for thc regular session?

M r . HAYES. Yes, h l r . Spcaker. I requeit lea\e for thegen- tlernan frorn Luzcrne Coulltv. M r . STEVENS, for the day.

M r . O'Donnell, do you know o f any requests other than M r . Gruitza? The gentleman f rom Mercer, M r . GRUITZA , I'or the week. The leave is granlcd, there being no objcct ior~.

i;:::i:F I.anpliy Riceel Spcaicr I.ii\t!i~~pcr K~irc!




The SPEAKER. The Chair rccogni~es the majori ty leadel. M r . M A N D E R I N O . M r . Speaker, I move that the rules be

temporarily suspended so that we may immediately take up an Armisrice Day rcsolution, No. 189.

O n the question. Wi l l the House agree t o the m o t ~ o n ?

The f o l l ow~ng ro l l call %as recorded:

Y E A S 1 8 5


Arlgsladt Areall ,Arty Halduin Barle? Ilali i~lu Hslaidi BrllBnti Birrnzlin Black Hlaunl Hook Bortitcr Bowlcy Boa~er Bole\ Hrandt Braujoi Runt Burd Hurnr Bush ('allagiionr Cappabianca Carlion Cauley Cwar C'had\\ich t i i c r a Clark

Uaoibroutii D a r i D u l l y Llorllain bargo larmrr F:<t~:cl~ Fec I:,scl,cl Flick I.ortcr box Freeman I'rcind Gallrn (;annun Gcisl George Gladeck (;ndihall Gruppo Hagails Halwka fi:tr~>cr I la\ay Hnjdu~i Ha)ci Hccklcr tlerrn;~n Hci,lwv 1 l e i s

1,aoghiin 1.~11 1.c~iol i l i 1 etlerrniir l.sidan<Ly Linloll Liici~goorl 1.lnyd l ,,cyh \ IcCal l LlcClalchy hlcHalc McVerr) hlaine Llanderino Zlanrnillei \larko,ek hlayernik Melio Merry hlichlolic hlillcr Lloehlmsnn hlnrr!' blo\vcl) Nvllill N O ~ C O'Hricn O'l)oll,li'll Oldr, Pcr,el

Kobhillf Itoehuck KNdy K)an h?bah S;,loo,n Saurmrtn Sclizcl, Schulrr Semmcl Se~aliili Se\enty Sl!ili$er\ Siriaoni Smith. B. Sm~ih. S . 11. Snyder, U. \V Sn)rler. G. Stahbck Slillr5 Slci~l~ner Sluhacl S\ieel Ta)Ior, I . L. Taylor, I Ttt!lor, J . I CICL 1 i y ~ ~ r I rrllo \':,,, 1r,,,r,c Vcon

A nrajnrity 01' the menrhers elected to tile House having voted i n the aff irmalive, the que\t ion was determined i n the aff irmalike and the ~ n o t i o l i \+as agreed to.

I The SPEAKER. Theclcrk wi l l read H R 189.

I House Kesolulion Yo. 189


Llrgir~g the ringing o f chicich bells and the observance o l a moment o f silence at I I a.rn, on Noven~ber I I, 1987, and at the samc time and date ea<:li ycar tl~ereaf'tcr.

WHEREAS, Arrnictice Day, thc day o f the cndilrg o f World War 1, wai formerly markcd by the practice o f tlrc sounding o f church hells and sirens and the ohser\,ation of a mornent of silence at I I a.m. on No\.enrher I I each year; and

U 'HtKEAS, Armistice Day was later changed to Veterans' Day to honor ail Americaris u ho have served in 211 wals; and

\LHEREAS, I t would be appropriate to revivc thc practice of observing the I l t h hour ol'Novelnber I I each )ear; therefore he i t

KESOI VED, l h a t tlic t-louse o f Rcpreser~tativrc o f rhc Com- ~~ron~vea i th o f Pennsylvania hereby urgcs thar the hcIIs o f all churches and all sirens be sounded and that all c i t i~cns o f the Comrnonu.ealth, including all \tudcntc o f public school\ and posl-secondary insfitutioi~s. observe a moment o f silence at I I a.m. on November l I, 1987, and each ycar thereafter.

Robert E. Hclfanti, Jr

O n the question, Wi l l the Houseadopt the resolution?

The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman f rom Northurnherland, Mr. Eelfanti. D o you wish t o spcah before we vote?

Mr. R E L I ~ ~ A N T I . Mr. Spcaker, i l ls t very briefly. I would have no objecl ion i f every member o f the House \\auld like to cosponsor the resolution. I did not have the time t o habe that done or to circulate the resolution. But the Montour County beterans' asbociation asked for i t s introduction. I t restart\ ;In

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o ld tradition that has long since gone by the wayside, and I would have no objcci ion with every memher cosponsoring.

Thank you. The SPEAKER. Finc, M r . Bel fat~ i i .

O n ihe question recurring,

W i l l the House adopl the resolution?

The followtng ro l l call was recorded:

Baldwiji Harie) Battiilo Bclsrdi Brlfalili Ririnclln tllack Ulaum Rook Borlncr Uowley Howwr tl" ycs Brandl Hroujur Bunl Burd Hiirtii Bush Cultsgirone Cappabianua Cariron Carn Caulcy Cciiar Chadivich Ciicra Clark Clrmcr Cohcn Colafella Calc Cornell Corrigan Cowcli COY DeLuca DeVerter DeWeese IDalcy Uauic, Uswida Diellcrick Dirtier Donlbrouaki

" IFarnicr Fallah FCC I'i,cher FIIcL Fortel 1.01 Frecman Freiiid Cialien Gainhle (ianooo Geljt Ci"", ps (iladcck Cud\llall Gruppo Hagarly Haluska Harper Hasay Hayden Hayes Heckler Herlnan Herihe)' He<\ Honarnan Hughes Hiitchinion llkin .lack$on Iadlouicc Jarolln Joi~nson Josephi Kaaunic Kerlncdy Kenney Kohinrkt Kukobich 1.aCroua I.aoglry Lilshinger

ZlcHale LlcVi.rry hlncalc Maine hlandzrino Msc?millcr Zlarhosch Ma)crolk Frlelio Merry Michloilc hlillcr l l o s l ~ l n ~ a ~ ~ i ~ Morris Mourry Mrkonic Zlurph) Nahill Noye O'Bricn O'Donnell Olar, Olbier P~.r/el Perrarca Pctrone Pl~ill~ps Piccola Pievlky Pislclla Pills Prcssmann Preslon Pun1 Kaymond Krber Rcinard


Donalucci Howlell Richardson Evans Micofric


The question was determined in the 2

resolution was adopted.

Kildy K!n#i K!b3L Salooxll Saul nlnrl s c i i c c t i Sr.holcr Silri~nicl Scralilli S c ~ C I I i y Shoiier$ Si, ianni Smith, H . So~illl. S. H. Snyder, I>. U' Sr,!dcr, Ci. SiabilcL Stam Sleighncr S1uh;in S \ l cc l laylor, E. Z. Ta?Iur. F. Taylor. J T~leh 'rigwc Trello Van Horni \'eon V'OO" \Vambacll \v:,s5

Weilon \b'iggin\ \\liIson M Ogan \Volniak Wriebr, U. K. Wright. I . I.. Wrlghl. K. C. Yandri5evilr

Irb!,, Speaker

iff irmative, and the


The SI 'EAKLK. IJll lc\\ tl ie Clrair hears ;lti ohieclion, the

Chair wi l l instruct ilre clcrh i o append l o the r co lu l i on the

riame 01' cacti Repreientaii\c curre~r i ly \ i i t i n ~ o l i the f loor o f

i l ic H o u x . Docs thc Cliair llear all ohjcctioti? The Cliair lrears

no s~lct l ~ b j e c i i u ~ i . Mr. Clerh, yoit \\ill append I<) ilre re io l~ i t ion the rialtiel o f

al l i l iecurrent rneruber~ ~ i t t i n g o n the floor of the llouse.



The House proceeded l o seco~id consideralion o f H B 1727,

PN 2395, cniitlcd:

A n ,Zct amendins the aci o f hl:~?. 17, 1956 (1955 P. L. 1609, No. 537), knout1 as the "Pcnns?.l\ania indu\triol Ucvclopnrent A t~ lhur i i y Act," adding nrril amcnditig ccrlain defilritions; pcr- mill ing ccrtaiu dcfinitiotis; perliiilling certain board members to de\ipnatc other\ ro euerciw ihcir p o \ v c ~ as bo:~rd nlemhcrs; pro- viding for Sorfeitttre oS a hoard nrc~rrher'\ scat for unexcused absenccs from rncctinfs: probidins for ceriiiicalion of industrial dcbclop~nenl agmcio: making edilirriel cliatrges; prouiding lor loan, for induririai parks and nii~liilile-tenancy building prajccii; aurtioliring thc Aolhilriry to rcqr~ire addition;rl wcuriiy lor loans; deleting ;! requirement ihr~t all loan rcpaynic~ris be deposited in ltie lnductlinl Dcvclopinrni f-und; and requiring the Authority to promolgale repulalionc.

On the question,

Wi l l t l ie House apree t o the b i l l on second consideration?


The SPEAKER. The Cliair recognizes the majori ty leader.

Mr. M A N U E R I N O . M r . Speaker, I niovc that FIB 1727 be

recommitted t o the Committee on Appropriations for a fiscal


O n the question,

Wi l l ihe House asrcc to the moi ion?

Mot ion was agreed to.

The House proceeded t o second consideratiorr o f HB 1739, PN 2164, entitled:

A n Act amending the act of April 25, 1929 (P. L. 723, No. 315), entitled "An act rcyr~latitig ihc inveslment o f funds by administrative deparunents, boards, commissions, and officers o f the State Government," Surtlicr providing for investments o f Sunds.

O n the question, Wi l l the House agree t o the b i l l o n second consideration?


The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majori ty leader.

Mr. M A N D E R I N O . M r . Speaker, I nlove that H B 1739 be

recomniitted to the Committee on Appropriations for a fiscal


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O n the question, Wil l the House agree to the niotion'! h lo l ion \\as agrccd lo.

,\TI Act amending Tirlc 75 (Vel~icles) o l thc Pennsylvania Con- \olid;iled Starurcs. ik~rrher ~~rou id ing for the me of farm truck plntcs. for rear stop lights and for liiiiitations on length of p r o j ~ cctilic load,: arid i~nnosinc limitations on tlic disrribution of

* :, I I g:icocnc tax procccds r'c, muiicipalit it,.

The follo\\ing bills, liaving heen called up, \\.ere considered for the second time and agrccd lo, and o~derecl tr;~tlscribcd lor tli ird consideration:

O n the question, Wil l the llousc iiglee l o t l i e bi l l on third consideration? I . SWEE1 offered thc Sollowing amendments No.

* * * .\munil Title, page I, line 4, by inserting a period after 1 "L.Or\DS"

The Ilouse proceeded to hecond co~isider;~tio~r o f HH 275, PN 299, cntilled:

.An Act aurhori,ing tllc (;o\erlior lo appoint commissioners lo nesotiare an interstate cornpact \ \ i l l 1 states adioiriitla thir Com- monwealrh concerning ~naintci~ancc and repair of public high^ ways, tian\portatii~n facilities and righlr~of-i+ay O I I or along \talc l i nc~ .

On the question, \Vill the House agree to the hi l l on second colisideration?

The SPEAKER. The Chair recosnizes the n~ajor i ty leader. M r . MANDERINO. 1\11, Spcaker, I move lliat I IR 275 hc

recommitted to the Committee on Approptiations for a fiscal note.

On the question, Wil l the House agree to the motion'! Motion was agreed to.

* * *

The llouse proceeded to second conrideration o f H B 1224. PN 1396, entitled:

An Act amendins Title 75 (\'chicles) of t l i e Pennsylvania con^ solidalcd Statutes, further providing for t h e intponndmenl o f a

Ariicriil Title, p;~ge I, lints 4 and 5, by striking 11ot "; AND IRII'OSINC; I. lhl l l , \T10NS ON THE" in linc4. and al l o f l i ~ i e 5

m c n d Scc. 4. page 2, lines 27 through 30; page 3, lines I rhrougli I I. by 5trikingout LIII oisaid lines on mid pages

Amcnil Scc. 5 , page 3, linu 12. by sttiking oitt " 5 " and insell- in


O n the queslion. Will the liouse agrec to the amcndnients?

The SPEAKER. On r i l e amcndnrent, the Chair recognizes Ihe gentleman from Washington, M r . S\bcel.

M r . SWEET. 'Thank you \,cry iiiucli, M r . Spcakcr. h l r . Speahcl, I arn offering an amendment l o SB 637 that

would delete an amendtncrrl that was placed into the bill in the I louse Transportation Committcc.

X'ly ; ir i~e~~dmeril would lake out the language which gives the depa~tnrent the power to withhold liquid fuels paymcnls lo rnur~ici[jalities i l in the department's op i r~ ior~ the municipal- ity i s not i n compliance %ith sonic rule or law o f the Cotnmon- \vealth. The rcason, M r . Speaker, I am offering ihi? amend- nient to delete this lariguagc i s that I think i t i s the sort o f legal cqllivalrnt 01, shooting 3 Fly with a shotgun. I do no1 think

that \be ought l o give the Cornmon\\ealth and the depertment that hind o i authorilg, because I \\.auld hazard a guess, hlr. Spcaher, th;~t almost every legislative district has sonie local eobcrnment thal i s involved in some iq i~abble wilh some State

vehicle for the obrner's failure to pay the line and cost5 on a con- viction o f driving while operating priiilege i s suspetided or

.,., I rhcrel'ore, M r . Speaker, I \\'auld like to urge that we adopt

On the question, Wil l the House agree l o the bill on second consideration'!


The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes lhe rnajorily leader. M r . MANLIERINO. Mr. Speaker, I move that H B 1224 be

recomntittcd to the Committee on Appropriations for a fiscal note.

On the question, Wi l l the House agree to the motion? Motion %as agrccd to.


The llouse proceeded to third consideration o f SR 637, PU 1557, entitled:

I l l i s amendment because I think i t perhapr ester~ds too far in thc direction o f trying l o sol\e the problem that one o f the members o f House Transportation \\.as trying to addresr. So 1 ~vould ash for ;In affirlnatibc vote, M r . Speaker.

The SPEAKER. Ori the Sweet amendment, the Chair rcc- ofliizes the gentleman from Bucks, M r . Wilson.

M r . WIL.SON. Would the gentleman, M r . Sweet. submit to interrogation on the i\sue, plcese?

'The SPEAKER. The gentleman, M r . Sweet, indicates he will stand for interrogation. You are in order, and you may proceed, M r . Wilson.

M r . \VILSON. hlr . Spcakcr, r tc in thc (;corral Asscmbly pass laws and we expect them to be adhered to. I n this parlicn- lar cvctii we arc trying to put some sort o f teeth, I guess you would say, or some kind o f muscle, i f you wnnl. or some sort of effort to get them to adhere to a law that liar been on the books for 7 years. Could you tell nlc what your suggestion \\auld he to require the municipalities that havc had this law

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l iquid fuels money. So I just think i t i\ too strong a club. I mean, I think you

have a good i l l tenl ion with \vhat you are l ~ y i ~ i g to do, h i l l 1 think that the punishment i s too harsh and there are not really adcquatc safeguardr 1.01 due process. We are talkinp about a disagrecmcnt between two units o f govcrnment, and I do no1 think you ought t o give ur~ilaterirl authority l o one official o f

Statc Governmet~t t o determine n.licther ;my local govcriirnent i s i n violation o i a n y law.

Mr. WILSON. Thank you, M r . Speaker. M r . SWEET. You ale \+elcome. M r . WIL.SON. M r . Speaker, on theamendment? The SI'EAKEK. The gentleman may proceed un the debate

o f thean~endrnent.

to obey since 1980 as t o what substitute, i f you take this effort out, what substitute you would suggest t o take i l i place?

M r . SWEET. M r . Speaker, I am not i n a pori t ion to gibe you advice or1 that. M y judgment, when looking at thi \ arnendrnent, i r ihat i t just goes too Far. I t really goes se l l beyond what 1 think i s the intention o f t h o e who arc con- cerr~ed aboul local governments not complying with a particu- lar itatute, and I would think, Mr. Speaker. that t l~ose who have that concern ought t o work wit11 tile Departmerrt o f rranspi ir tat ion t o make sure that there can be some method worked out r o that communities do comply i r i t l i the law that you are interested in.

The problem with this language, though, i s that ebery local government that was i n a squabble with DER (1)epartrnent o f Environmental Resources), for example, niighr face tlie loss o i their l iquid fuels money hecau\e they did not agrcc with DER about a current interpretation o f la*. That is my only concern. 1 think your proposal is well inlended; I j u t think i t could cause tremendous difficulties t o local govcrnmentr as they try l o negotiate good-faith differences that they ~ n i g h i

have with the Commonwealth and its departments. Mr. WILSON. But, Mr. Speaker, we arc not talking about

n difference o f o p i ~ ~ i o n , we are not talkins ahoul a squabble; u e are talking about adherence to a Ian' that i s on the book?.

M y question t o you. M r . Speaker, is , do you not feel that tlie municipalities should obey the lais,? Yes or no?

Mr. SWEET. Yes, n~unic ipal i~ ies should obey the law, h l r , Speaker, but that i s not-

Mr. WILSON. If they do not obey t l ~ e law, do you not believe that there should be a penalty for not adhering t o ti le law?

Mr. SWEET. M r . Speaker, I think your penalty i s not corn mensurate with the purported crime. I mean. all the time around this legislature \ve define and impose niandatcr and requirenients on local govcrnment. What you arc doing i s saying that the Secrelary o f Transportalion i s going to bc judge arid jury, i l lat he i\ going to have the pouer to deter- [nine whether evely municipality i n this Statc i\ complying with al l l i ~ w s o f the Common\~eal th, and i f i n hi5 l h~~mh lc op i t~ ion l l ~ c borough o f L l l s u o ~ t h i n \Vasliington C i ~ u n t y i\ i n violati011 o f tile Clean Streams Acl , he could \vithhold t l ~e i l

OII the quer ion recurriilg, \\'ill the House agree to the amendment,?

l 'he fol lowing ro l l call Ma\ recorded:


hco\td I)orl i cl, I~IIICI Allp\r:dl 11011! l eicoill, KoI~h~nr h!g.tlt l>i!l lhaln l cllcr111311 I<oelitti.h 2,,! I-,,,,,\ I cidibllrh) Kud! Hilldii ill i i i luo L l n l u n K!.i81

Hailc) I iirincr I >nc>~p,>c~~t Kyh:il Halllilt> I rilliil? 1 lk,).d Sa1ut,111 llclaxdi I ci. 1 ui) h S ~ o t mar Ilellalll~ I:!\illc~ call Scllccl~ Hir~llrlin I.1tr.L ~ILCI;$I~I! Scl11~1cr I3l;icl I.',>\ \lillalc Scnllllcl Ulalml I r c c r l i i i l l hlcVcrry 5 , . .. . ir,il~lli Hook l.rcind 2lulnc SC\CII!! Ho!lr>ur (i;lllcn hta~~derl~lo 5l1,nq C P

Boi\lr) <;an>blc \li\~lnnllcr 5ihli1lllli

M r . WILSON. I suppo\e most o f the members are not inlcrested i n the reaion that I seek to have the municipalities adhere to the act, particularly Act I64 o f 1984. I n~u \ r also add ih;~t I have becn in discusion ~ i l h lhc Secretary o f Trans- p o r t a t i o ~ ~ , and not i l l s t this one but t l ~ c one heforc, 2nd they do no1 offer-Mr. Yeru\alim h:~s 1101 offered; M r . ,hlallery, the D e p ~ ~ t y Secret;lry o f A \ i:~tion, l i : ~ 1101 ofleled-any sog- gestion or solution to this pioblcm.

The n~onicipalitics simply \\ill no1 adhelc. I arn trying to put somc teeth in to n la\\ Il lat i s on t l ~ c hooks, and I would \+elcome f rom tile gc'~it lcma~i, h l r . Sweel, and also I would \\elcome froin the Secretary o f Tra l~\por tat ion sonle positi\,e leailer\hip, \omc direction, home idca o f \\Ilal he says we should do to cnforce tllis la\\. This i s a la\\' that has to do with lives. This i s a law that IILI~ to do with \;~fety. I 1 i s not a \\.him o f Ben Wilson's; i t i s \omct l~ ing that i s out tlrere and i t should

be done. Municip;ilities ha\e dorie i t . Bur I suggest to you, h l r . Spc;~her, that the Secretary o f T r a ~ ~ s p o r t : ~ I i ~ i i d o e have a respon\ihility to sec l o i t t l i ; ~ t t l ~ i h la\\' i s adhered lo, and i f he docs not l ikc (h i \ proce\\, \ \hicl i I understand he docs not, 1

suggest t o him, h l r . Yerusalim, you come up with a better idca.

The SPE,ZliCR. O n the amrnd rne~~ t . the Chair recogriiles thegentlemarl f rom l l aup l~ i n . M r . Piccola.

h l r . P ICCOLA. Tha r~h yoo, h l r . Speaker. I would 11l-c~ that l l le H o r ~ r e adopt the S\vcct amendment. I

agree \vil l i the remarks o f the gentle ma^^. M r . S\+eet, entirely. I believe there are n ~ iun tber o f reason\ u l i y n municiyaliiy might not be i n cornplinr~cc r i t h the law. One major reason ~ i i ig l i t be that many r n ~ n l l municipalil ie\ just calrnol af ford to he i n co i~~p l iance !villi the lam,, and t l ~ e penalty i b t o w i th l~o ld the very f ~ ~ n d s \\ l i ich might give them a fighting chance to sorneday bc i n conlpliancc with the la\\.

Secondly, thcy mag not he ill con~pli;lncc because there i s a differetice o fop in i i )n ~ I I tlie i111erpret;ition o f the law, 2nd by u i t l r l~o ld ing the funds. al l i\.c re d o i l r ~ i\ aggra\ating :tnd cau\inp rhal disagrecmcnt t o pcrIrap\ be litigated and adding additiorral expcnse hoth t o our c o ~ ~ s t i t ~ ~ c ~ i ~ s statcividc and our const i tue~~ts l o c ~ ~ l l y i n tho\c ~ i~unic ipal i t ie \ .

I ll1i11h l l ~ e Sheet a ~ i i e i ~ d r i i ~ ~ i t i s \veil p r o ~ ~ ~ ~ d c d , and I would urge the l iouse toadopt i t .

Page 9: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general


U<ia,er <;;u?not> hl;ilhowL 5,11,11,. 1%. I~O)CI (;ei,l b l ;~!c~~~ih S!~~itl,, S. I1 Hri!ndi (;corge hlclio Sn>c Ic~ , I). \\ Hroujr,\ (;ladci.h \lctr! Snbdc!. G . l l i ~ n l C~ri>plw \IIcIII<>\Ic S~ztha~L Ihrd kIag;~rly hlttlcr 51mr\

H:tlurk;~ hlocl~l>n;c~li~ Sli'8gllocr Bi!,l, C~llaglroor Harper \I,vxi\ Stlchiu~ (appabi;<ncs H:ma) h l o n c ~ ? Siseci ('iwlion Haydcn \Irhonii Rt!lo, l~.. L. C ~ r n Ha!?$ \lurpl~! Tii!loi. I C,iblc) 1ieckli.r Uallill T;i?lol. 1. C11adaii.h tlcrman No!e TcIch ( ' ~ t e z a i ic~\he? O'tlrii.~~ 11311.

CI;ili Hcs O'Ui,r!~,cll I ICIICI Cohcli Hoosman Oiav I I iui~nrlr

Ci ! lak l la llugi~ci Oliier \a,? jlort7c Cnlc I l k i n I'cr/el Vi'illi Cnrncli Jackrim I'elmica Vronll ('oirig;in ladloiiicc IPetro~le \ \ ' i~>l~tx!cI~ ( ' o ~ ~ c l l .lar011~ l'i~~llil>r \ \ a+ ( o! ioi>n\or Piccola \Yc\tw~ l > e l ~ i ~ c ; ~ l o i e p l ~ i I'it\hL> \Yiggi~~\ L)t\ cr~ci t i a w r ~ l c 1'1\1clli~ \ \ ' U ~ : ~ I I

I>e\\ cele Kc'rlned) Plrr, \\ o,,v;A U,~lc) hcnncy IPro\i~~liiil~l \\ri:l~(, 11. K. I)liiic( Kcwn,h8 I'rctloil \\li:111, K C. L).iiiida Kukoi l c l l I'UIII \ ' i c ~ l d ~ ~ ~ c \ ~ t , I)icrrcrich 1.aGrc111a K;i)n~oild l)l\tlc! l anpl!! Rclrcl lhw, I)omh~a\i,k, 1 a\hlnger Kleg~l Spmlcr 1)on:il~ic~i Inuhl in


Burn \ Cl!mc~ (;od+h;iil \i II,~I ('crrar IFJ(ICI Kcina~d \\ t~gI>l, 1. I


11~11\1511 hlmaic \lico,,~c d*orn Hulchi~~ro~~


I)ininl,i Sti.icli\ Grult~a

The question was determined i n tile a f i i rma t i ~c , and l l ie

amendments wcrc agreed to.

O n the question.

W i l l the House agree t o the b i l l or1 th i rd consideraiion as


. L . INT0N offered [l ie io l lou ing ;~rnendments No. 124093:

.Amend Titlc, pagr I, line 4, by in'crrilig alrcr "I.O:AUS;" fuilhcr p rm id i r~g for $af~.ty %at hell o r rcitiairi i sy\temr;

~,,,~,,d ~ i l l , I, lines 8 alld 9, by striking our all of <aid lines and itiserring

~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ , ~ I, section 102 ~ i ~ l ~ 75 i,l.Il,c ~~,,il,l,s~vania toll \olidatcd Statutes i s arncndcd by adding a dc f in i t iu i~ to read: $ 102. Definitions.

Sub,juct lo additional dcfinition5 contllincd in ,,,bjeq,,cnl \isions title ,\.llich are t o ,l)ccific l,rovi,io,ls of illis t,tic, ~o~lOwillE phrl,rc, ,,I,~,, i,,,d in tl,i, title s~,all have, l,nlc,s !hc eo,,lc.t clcarl, i,ldic,,lc, otl,e,.ui,r, ~ileaningsgive~i l o them in chi\ \ection:

* * * ~ a ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ,cat beit ll,(. ,A,l,, \l,.xl,. ,,,.h,,ilif or si,,,ila, -- -~--- -. -

dc,icc dt.,iglled t o ,eculu a i,, :, m~ll~,, i l l - - .. ~ ~ . ,,,iligale rc,ults of a,,? accidcln, including bui.~lc,, pa5tenc,., and i ns ta I la t i ,~hard \ r ;~ ru a\ specit icdh? Gdera l R l o l ~ Vchicle SaIcty Standard N u . 209.-


* Section 2. Section 1344 o lT i t l c 7 i s aliiendcd to read: A~r lcnd Suc. 2, p a ~ e 2, line X, I>) striking out "2" and insert-

ing 3

Arncnd Bill, page 2, h y inserting hct\ree~t lilies 19 and 20 Srul io~i 4. Suutiori 45x1 o f l i t l e 75 i s amendrd to read:

\' 4581. Rcstlaint iystr.m\. (a) [C l~ i l d passenger1 Occupallt protcctii~n.-[A parent or

legal guardian o f a child under iour years o f age] ( I ) Ally parson i l ho i s opeialing a passenger car, Class 1

truck. Class I1 truch, clashic rnotor \chicle, arltique lnotor ichiclc ol ,motor home registered in i'ennsylvania and who tramport, [such child] a child under four years o f age any- where in the motor \chicle, includitig the cargo area, \hall lasten such child scci!l-cly i n a child passenger restraint sy\tcrn, as delined in \uh\ection (d). This iubsection shall apply l a all [parelrrs or legal guardians] periorlr while they are opurators o f motel vehicles ~vliere a seating position i s availahlu \\hiell i s equipped \ v i l l i a scat ralety hell o r other mean, l a \ccilie the 5ystcms or \+liere the scaling position was originally eq~~ ippcd \ \ i t l i seat safct) belt\.

( 2 ) tucept for childien under four ?car\ o f age and except - a, provided i n paragraph ( I ) , cach dri\er and front seat occupant o f a passenger car, Cl;~ss I truck, Class I1 truck or -- motor holnc oper:itad in thi\ ( 'ornmonuealtl~ shall wear a -- propcl.l? adju5lzd a r~d fa\tcncd mfery scat belt s)htem. A cow v ic t io~i ~ ~ ~ i d c r Gs paraglaph hy Statr 0 1 local law ~.nCorce- men1 agencies rl1~1Il occur ilrily ;IS a sccondaty action \\hell a c l r i~c r <,fa [nolor ic%lc has hecri c o t ~ ~ j c t e d o l any olltcr pro- vision <,Ithi\ title. The driber o f a p:lrscnprr autoniohilc shall - secolc or c;rific to he secured in a properly adjusted and fas- lellcd cafut) seat bell syctcrn any occupant in thu front seat who i\ lour year5 o f a i ~ o r older and lt.\Tthali 18 ?c+i!& This paragraph 51lall not apply to:

(i) Az r i v c r ar front heat occupant o f ;ink vehicle man~,Saclured before . I~ l ly I, 1966. --

(ii) A driver or l lant seat occupant \rho po,sesse\ a \ \ l inen ver i t jcat io~~ l r o n ~ 3 physi~. ia~l that he 15 unable to \\car a salel? seal \y,leni for physical or rrledical - leasons

(ii i) A rural lctrcr calrier while operating any motor \ehiclc rluling the performance o f his duties as a United State, postal scrvicc r ~ i r a l letter carrier onlb hetueeri the fir51 and la5t delivery poinl,.

(iv) A d r i ~e r who t i~akc< frcquelit \tops and is I ra\ - cling less thari I 5 miles pel hool lo r tllc pllrpohe aldel iv- -- cling goods or \clviCe\\ihilc 111 the ~~.rl.ormali- diltic\ and only bct\\ccn the first and last dclibcry points.

I\ i iolariori o i Ihi, palagrapli -- \hall nor he subjccl In rhc :~s\e~imenl o f :in?. p i~ i lnh tirider wctinn 1535 (relaling to -- schcdulc o f convictioiis and points). (h) 0lfcnsc.-Anyone a i l ~ fails to c i~mpl? with rllc provi-

5io11s (11' [this \eclion] - subsuction (a)( l) shall hc guilty o l a summar) o f l c n x \i\ith a irinrimurn fine o l $ Z i . Tlic court impos- il ig arid collucting ally such fine\ \hall rransl'er the Sines rh i~s cob IecrcJ to t l i r Slate Ilea\urcr for dqos i t in the ('hild l'assungcr Rc\m:~int Fu~ id . pursuant 10 section 35x2 (rcl;iti~ig l o Child pa,^

\migctK~"t rat t i t I . i~~l t l ) . r \ t i y ~ ~ ~ ~ who i i o l a t c ~ \ uhxc t i o l~ (a)(2) e ! s l \ur~imary offun\e arid shall, upon con\iction, he en^

!cricrcl to p y :i l i n t o t SIO.E<) p c r s ~ ~ l ~ ~ l ~ a l l hccon\ictcd o f a iiol:~tiorr o l i~~h \cc t i i rn (a)(2) onlcsc rhc p e r o r i s also coniicrcd -i,thcr vioI;~tiori III this titlr u.liich occr~rrcil ;,I thr sanie time. N o co\r\ a\ dcxribed in 12 1';1.('.5. C 3725.1 (rclatins l o costA ~ ~ - i r n p o \ e r l lor suolmary con\~ct ian o f sohscction (a)(2). ( ' u r t ~ i c~ io r~ lrlidcr thi, wt;,cction h a l l not coli,lilotc a moving


Page 10: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general

( g Exemptions.-For any child hctivccn the ape, < ~ f o n u to four years, a seat iafety belt in tlie rear sear o f the motor vch~clc may hc rtsed in lieu o f a child pasictlger restraint sy\tcm. kuithcr cxemprions will be alloivcd i f i t i s dcrcrmined, according ro the rules and regulation\ o f the depart~rtent. that tlic ow o f a c l~ i ld passenger restrait11 iy i tcm ivould he impractical lor phyrical reasons including, but not linritcd to, i i~edical rc;l\on\ or \i,c o f the child.


~ ~

(h) Insurance--All iilholer ma) clot charge an i ou~rcd ~ 1 1 0 - .- has h e n con\icred o f a violatio~r o f this \cction a higher p r e t n i l ~ for a policy o f insoranee ill %hole or in part by rca\on o f t l~a t cam . . - -.

(c) M'aiber o f fine.-li a persrln rccci\e\ :I c i t a t ~ o ~ ~ i \ \ ~ ~ c d h> the proper a ~ ~ l h o r i t y for violation o f Ithi\ \obcl~apler] \ub\cctiou o(l), a di\trict juiticc., magi\tiate or judge 5h;iIl d i \mi \ i thu charges i f the pcrcon prior to or at 11i\ hearirlp ilirpla!\ c\~i lcncc o f acquisition o f a chlld p:i\scngcr rcstr;ti~~t 5y5tr.m l o si icl~ dibrricr justice, rnngis1r;lte or judge. Sufficienl e\ idenc~ \hall include a receipt mailed to tlie appri,piiatc courr offleer i\ lt ich ~.\idcnci.s pilrcliase, rent;il. trnniieral irom ; ~ ~ ~ o t h u r child sent onnec (e i l - denced h) ilorari/ed leuer) or bailrncnt f i o ~ n a hotla iide loalie~ progrant o f a child pa5srngcr restraint w\tern.

(d) Standards.-A child pa5scngcr rcstritint \ ) \ t e i r i \hall he used as designated h) tile manufacturer o f the \\stein i i r motor vehicle\ equipped wit11 ic;tt ialery belts a r~d chall mcct tile 1:cdcral Motur VclriclcS;tlct?S~andard (49 C.F.K. 4 ?71.?1?).

(e) Civil action\.-In no cvcnt \hall ;I i i o l ; i t i n~~ o ! alleged \,iolatio~r o f this sobchapter bv used a \ cviderrcc ill ;I tri;rl o t a n ? civil actioli: nor \hall an) jury ill a c i ~ i l actiori he in\ t l~ lc tc i l rhar any conduct did uonsritutc or ~.ould he interpreted 11) ttle~rl to con~t i lu tc a violation o f th i i \t~hchapter; lror sllall lailurc lo u\c a child pascngr l re\rlaillr iy i tcm or mfcty \eat hell \!stelti be colr- ridcrcd a co~rtrihutory ncglipct~cc rnor \hail failure to urc \uch n \ystrm bc admi\\iblc a\ uvirlcnce in the trial o l any cibil nctiotr: nor shall th i i subchapter irnpose art) legal ohligation upon or impurean) c i ~ i l liability i~~hat \oc\er to all o\\ncr, CIIIP~O~CI, I T I ~ I I -

ufacturer, dealer or person errgaped in the huines\ o f renting or leasirrg vehicles to the public to rqriip n vehicle \+it11 a cliild p a i ~ senger restraint sybtcm or to have u c l t cliild pai\cngcr rotrainr system available v.hcnc\cr their \chicle init! be uwd to transporr a child.

(f) Criminal prircecrling\.-The rcqairctnent, o f thi\ i u h chapter or evidence o f a biolation o f thic subchaptur are not admi\sible as evidence in a criminal proceeding eicept ill a [pro- ceeding for a violation o f this subchapter. No crirtl i~lal proceed~ ing for the crirtte o f liornicide by ~ehic le \hall he brougtit on the basis o f noncompliance a ith this subchapter.

Section 5 . Title 75 i \ aniunded b) adding a scctiac~ to read: 6 3586. Civil i r nm~~n i t y for lender> o f cI1iIcI pashengcr zuslrainl

i l l rln! III:IIIIICI to i i.\ci~ril I c d c ~ i i I tonlitt lit tic cr;t\11 p~otcctiorr \>\ICII? r e q ~ ~ ~ ~ r e ! t ~ c r ~ t \ . . l ~ l ~ c ~prcnt\ion\ o i 7 5 l':t.C.S. 3 45Xl(a)(2) \hall hucc>me inopcr.ltiic i,n~ncdi;>tcl) 1111011 the iliitc that tllc Sec- ~ctxr ! o f t l ~ c U ~ ~ i t c d Srxtc, I lc~~; i r tn~cnt 0 1 .rr:~c~\l>c~rt;ttioji~ or 1,is o r I~CI de l c~ t i ~c , cIcrcrn~it~c\ to rc\ i i11~1 t l ~ c lportio!~ o f IIIC 1:cdcr:iI Rlolor \:clliclc S:liel! S1ilil~l:~rd 208 1.49 ('.I..K. \( 571.20X), which ! c q ~ ~ i r c ? t l ~ c ! n ~ ~ ; ~ l l ; ~ t i ~ ~ n <,I ;tuton~:rtic re\Ir:~itlt\ in cnc~v pri\;lte ~p:i\bcnser ~ n ~ < > t < ~ r \c l> i~~ lc \ : lpro\ided, lho~+e~er, that \ecrinc~ J5Xl(:Ol2l \ l ~ a l l not heco r :~~ ~~,<~per; i t i ic i l ' t l~c bccret:rr?'s dcci5iorr 10 ~cscini l Standard 2118 i not h~15i.d ill ;I~I) respci.1 on the etr;tct~ TIICIII o r ~ ~ n ~ ~ t i t i u c ~ l o p e ~ w t i o ~ ~ ~ e c t i c ~ ~ t d?81(:1)(2).

Scetion ' I . The ilupal-tincnt ih:ill initi;~te CIII educational [irogr;lrn to befit1 ~lirrncdi;ltcly. I<> ;rlcrt the public ro the plovi- \i111i\ n l llri, :tct ;IIILI IIIC r c ~ q ~ ~ i r c ~ ~ ~ e n t \ ~IIICI ]pen~lItic\ \pccifiecl in thib ;tct. TIIC ~progr:~~tt \ l i ;~ l l ;IIW ~II~( I I I~: I .~ t11c (I\<: or \aicty scat hell r!\tcjnr :!i :$ rncnn, o t ruduc~ng thc lihk o i lh:icm to their urcrs :I\ ~ ~ c l l ;I\ 1 0 o t hc t~ . IIIC dep~111111c1it \Ira11 \uh~ni t to the C;eneral i \ i xn lh l ) ;I icporl ,111 tile ulfcct\ o l ' \uh~ec t io r~ (it)(?) hy ,Aupuit 31, 1989.

Sccrion 10. l o , n lpi'cirxl o f 120 il;~yr :$l'ter cnactnjcnt, oral 11;liarii n;ltning\ \liaIl he i i c n by tltc Pcnn\)lvania Stare Police oc liical cnlorccnrcnt ol l iccr\ l o in~olor ichiclc drivers and t'ront \cat I~XS\L.IICI\ U~IO i l ~ e trot \ \ e i r ~ i ~ ~ ~ : i f c t ) rC31 hells :IS required h y 75 P:i.C.S. \( 4581 (rcl;iring to r c ~ t r i ~ i l ~ t \y\te1111), hut IIO c i t a~ ti011 \l1n11 he i\hueil for \ocli \ ioIat io~r d o r i n ~ \itid 120-day period.

Airrcr~il Sue. 5 . p;tge 3. l ~ ~ r u 12, b\ s t~ ih inp i,itt all o f said line a r~d ir~\csti$ig

Section l I . ' I ~ l ~ i , act \h;iIl t;t!.eel'fcct :I\ f o l l ~ ~ ~ v s :

( I ) Sectiolr\ I, 4. 5 , 8, 9 ;tltd 10 oi thi, ;tct \hall take cffect irnn~edi:itcl:.

(2) The rcrn:iii~dur ol' thi, act \I1311 take cfkct in 60 d;rys.


\\:ill the Hoti \e agree to the anrendtncnl~?

The Sl'E,AKEK. On [lie amendment, the ('hair recognizes

tlre get~tleman f rom I' l~iladelphia. M r . I ititon.

M r . ILINTON. Tlratrh you, i l r . Speaker.

MI. Spcakc~, \+hat 1 :IIII [proposing today i s an opportunity

for (Ire niernbcts o f (hi\ I l o i ~ s c t o take a stand and \a\e lives i n

the Cot i i rno~r i \e;~ l t l~ o f FJunn\ylv:lnia.

On tiiltricrons O C C ~ S ~ O ~ I \1e i r a ~ e had before us mandatory ieathelt legirlation. Dur ing our la\{ debate many members o f

th i \ Housu P L I ~ forth i l l i~ t ry atrretidme~~ts to add t o the p ro l i -

sion, tila1 %ele provided in the Senate. Wh:~t we have hefore

115 today a i an ;~n~eni lment to SB 637 i s tlie best of those

amendtncnt\ that \\ere offcrcd by many nren~bets of this House, and I \!auld hope that finally i n th i \ House \be can put

to rest the issue o f \avirip li ies i n tite C:on~monwealth o f Penn-

sylvanin. \Ye can ;llso put to r e 1 sonle collcernc that were

recently brougl~t t o the :ittention o f th i \ House regarding the

Cat (('atastroplric) I.und. B y supportilrg ~ l i i s anrendmerlt 1

tlrirlk i t ih iinportnnt for tlre rrrciirbe~\ o f this I lou \c to recog-

ni/e that 84 pcrccrn ill tile clitiniarrls t o lltc Cat 1;und did not 6 ha ie e l t tbe l t i on ; ~ t the time tlrey \+ere invol \cd in ;tccidcnts.

Anrcnd Scc. 4, page 2, lirtc 27, by i tr ik inp out "4" and insert^ ~ ~

r l rcv \$ere 1101 ut i l i l ine tl icir scnthelts. So what \ve ha\e beforr ,118

7 Arncnd Bill, papc 3, by ir~icrt ing bcti+ee~, line\ I I and I ? Section 8. 11 i\ tlie policy o f thi\ Ci,moiorrir~.altir that rnact-

115 loday is . onc. 311 effort to \ a \? I~\CIC ;\lid 3150 i ~ t i opportu-

nity to deal i v i t l i thc r i \ ing co \ t i of our Cat I , l lnd.

I \vould lihc l o t;~hc a Iciv nlomcnt\ t o 2o throuxh the h i rh- munt ill the inandatory \a fe~y ',cat hclt ten^ ~ ~ s a g c pro\ i i iol l contained in 75 I'a.(.S. $ J S X I (relollrig to re\traint \!\tcins) i, intunilcd to hc conlpatihlc \\ i t11 iupporr Sol Federal iafuty srnn~ dardq req,,iri,lg aulo,llsl~c craitr arrd llot be I,,cLl

u - l i~~ l ts tile iltllell~lllellt, rile proPOSc. ~~,~l~~i~~~ reqilires that all front-sent occupants 01 ' pa\\enger car\, class I tr~tcks,

e l as l l truck\, and nrotor ho~nes use eatbelts. The driver o f

Page 11: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general

lire \cli iclc is trlso r c ~ ~ p o ~ i ~ i l ~ l c 1 0 i ~ , \ ~ r r c 1I1;rl I r ~ ~ ~ i t - \ c ; r l 0cc11- )ianl\ I c \ i lire11 I 8 ?c;rr\ o f age ~ c n l b c l l ~ .

I I c i l r t i o c 1 1 i 1 1 I r I I I c t l l in slallire \vIiich lequirc\ chi ld~elr u~rdcr 4 yi.:ir\ o l ;ISC to lhc \ccutcd i n a cl i i ld pd\\cn.i<,t ic \ i rn i i i t 1)'.1?111. t { c ~ u c \ c ~ ~ , IIIC l c ~ i \ l ; ~ t i ~ ) ~ i gee, ;I l i t l lc f ~ ~ r l l i c l ~ i n tl1;11 :II~:;I Ih~c,illsc it 11o\\ ~scq~~irch tliar LIII!~~ acI111t r c q ~ ~ i r e t1111t ~ I ~ i l ~ l r e ~ l 1111cIcr Ilrc asc o l 4 lhe 11I;iced i n :I c l ~ i l d rcsrr~rir~r \\f!c111. 1 . 1 1 ~ l cs i \ I : r t i~~~ i C~III~II I I~\

the \talrl lory langi~;ife \vIiich inlpo\ch a $25 l ine lo r r l l c lailuri. to restrain a clrild under !Ire ;rgc 01'4.

I l i c \iol;rlion f o ~ nil1 nearing \ ou r wathclt ~ ~ n d e r Ilii, p i o ~ pc~scd amendment i s a secondary oficllse. ~nrca~i in? ;IT, i i id i \ id- ual must he convictcii o l ;I p r i~ r ia r \ o i f e ~ ~ \ e hcfc,re rile 910 fine for xalbcl i , can lhc imposed. I lie legislation ;rlw i la tc \ 111;it

court cosl5 for \ io la l i l lg the \ c i r l h~ l I provi\ iol i c;rllll(ll lie irnpo\ed. Violation o l tlrc sc;~rhcll provi\ iun ; ~ l ~ o doc\ i lo l

constitute a rnoving \.iolalion. 4 very i rnpo~tan t p ro \ i s io i~ , i \h ic l i \ \ a \ oiiered by anretid-

ri1r111 by rnnrry mernher o f this Hot~sc , woirld also exempt ii idi\iduals f rom complying \\it11 tl i ir l au i f lire? Ii;i\e irrcdical reacorls. I t also cscnipls rural l c t l c l carrier, a i d i i l \o ekemplh iirdi\ldu;rls u h o arc i r r [;let ileliiciin. parccls dliritrp tile course o f their businc\s. Durin!! tl ic fir\r i leli\ery and bc~ivec~r (tie first and the la51 deliver). those i i rd i \ id l~a i \ \ \ho ;ire making cilstomary dcIivcrie\ ;IS part 111' rhcir b i~\ i i ic \h and ale traveling les\ than I S mile, per h o u ~ d r~ r i ng l l le c o ~ i ~ s c o f i l ro \e dclivcries \\ill bc exempt f rom t l i i r lef i4at ion.

4 major port ion o f llre b i l l also ;~ddre\sch an i \ \ r ~ c regardilrg airbag\. Very o f ~ c t i argurnentr ivere put for th or1 tile i loor o f this l l ou re (hat no one w a n t t o see this b i l l c~ iactcd i n a lorrri rtiat \voulcl relnove tl ie motor \chicle t i~a~r i~ facrurc rs i r i ln i Ira\'ing an obligation and a responsibility for m ; rh i n~ sure that

airbags are placed in rluio~nobilcs. \Vc ha je irr il1i.r proposed amendment a provision uh i ch is called the Cali lornia amend- ment, which i n fdcl slate\ that this p a ~ l i c t ~ l a ~ l:~a in iJcnnsyl- varria when enacted cannot be rrsed to rescind and rerno\.c the responsibility o f lhr' nroror \ehlclc riiain~factnli.~-\rers to \tax hiill thei l requested p r o ~ i s i o n t o ins~rre l l iat airbag, ;ire placed in ;lolornohilcs manufactured i n the Utrired Stato; to niake sirre that that provision, requiring airbag\. remai115 ;is rci l~jrsred by tl ie Secretary o f I r an~po r ta t i o i r . I would ask. M r . Spcnkcr, i l iat the members o f t h i s l lou ie ,

after looking a1 the many pro\ ision\ o f this legislalion \\here we ha \? niadc an effort to take on many o f the i \ \ ~ ~ c s tl lal you

have raised, that you wil l !IOU COIIIC for th and supporl (he saving of lixes i n Penii\yl\;lnia, Il lat you \\ill no\\ come for111 i n trying to mahc'.,ure tlr;~t u c ha ie a niandaii,r> \e:rlhelr lau i n the Co~nnronwealllr o f Pcn~~sy l \an ia , so th ; i~ ihme I2i)O individual5 u h o died i n automobile accide~irs i r i l'etii~syl\nni;l ill 1986 can be removed I r o n ~ that po\\ ihi l i t? wtth the oppor- trrrrily o f us liaving a law that wi l l inandate \c;tthcli\. As we slalld trcrc roclay, ct:rti\ric\ sIroi% that crcry d:~j i l i iee irldivii l- ualr die i n aulolnohile ;~ccidcn~s 111 I>ennsyli;rni:r. I f \ti. arc going t o makc an e f f on t o tr) l o nrakc \urc 01;tl \+e sa\c liic. i n Penns\;lvarria. today tl ic incniber\ o f t l i i f tl<,urc ha ie an opporlunit!. t o do so. We can do so h! s ~ i l i p o r l ~ ~ r y ih i \ arireird- men1 l o SU 63:. ' I l ialrh !'0u, M r . Spc;iker.

I I he Sl"rt\KEl<. O n 111c 1.i11to11 ; ~ ~ ~ i e r ~ ~ I t i ~ c ~ i t , Il le C'l~il ir rec- 1 ~?r?i,v\ 1l1c ~~~I~IIC~~II;III fro111 <'Ircstcr, hlx~ Yrooir.

I O N . h l r . Spc;ikcr, il i s m) p leaurc l o rise Ircrc loila) a \ co\pinrior o i ibis :~ i i i cn ( l ~ i~e~ r t along ~vi t l r OII?CI\ o i 111y c ~ l l i ~ : r ~ ~ ~ r c ~ . i i ~ d ii i, i t real p Ica \ i~ rc inr l i ic 10 $;I!.. plca'le, i o r c i o ~ rlii, O O d ; r t~ ie~ id~ncnt i r ~ r i i i l r i \ $ood b i l l .

YOII \\ill recall t l l : i r \ i c l la \e long \11i\cn 111 gel a \eatbelt h i l l p;t\rcd ill 111i5 t lou \c , \kc carrle v c ~ ~ y clmse to tIii\ clur i i~g ll ie

: I;I\I \c\ \ i<>r i \Ye cirni~, wit11i11 ;I i c n \ore, o i s c r t i ~ ~ g the final c o ~ ~ i c r c ~ i c e c ~ ~ m ~ n i ~ t c c r cp<~ r t pn\hcd i n the f[ouse, atid i t iel l

I I IIOIII~II~ ~ I I I I I I i ~ i ~ t i o i a l I . But at t l ~ i s par~icr i lar time. I am plca\cd t o \;I? ro ?\cry OIIC o i )OLI lihteri- ins Ilcrc toJay tlrar t l i i \ b i l l i, a final pr<ldui.t o f all o f our ef iorr \ IIIIOII~II IIIC pi151 LC\C~;II I I I C ~ I ~ I ~ ~ hirrcc rtre I~ISI eiforr 1li:ii \\e tilade la\[ tcrnl. I t corer\ c \ c ~ y leading complai~ i i that was ~nadc and e\er) Icndi l~p re:r\on ~ h ) lire b i l l \v;I\ defeated

;I[ rliat time. We think th i \ i\ an escellc~it bil l, and \vc think, h l r . Spc:~her, tIi;rt thi, i s particul;rtly ie ry . \cry impo~ran t i o ~ X I ~ S ;11 [his time.

'T\zerrly-nine Stales and 11ic 1)isrricr o f Columbia hakc alrcad) pa\\eil legiilnrioli oS this h i~ r i l . I'eopie arc rcall) prers- ins for the pa5rage 01' Ilii\ b i l l ill tire Stale 01' I'enns)l\;ltiia. ,\lid \or(. a\ \\ell a \ I, hilo\$ o l all the place\ ivhcrc we go arrd

we r l ~ i r rigrr and n c \cc tlrehc admo~ i i l i o~ rs all over rhe counlry\ide - hucklc up, Ibuchlc up, buchlc up i o r safety. I h c l i fe u l ~ i c i i you hill wve i f you buckle u p i\ not somctliing thai m;ry he your o u n b111 \\ill [lositivcly be your r1\\11, and l l ie l i fe tl ini i\ alfectcd b) !our using a rc:rtbell is no1 ju\t your o i v~ i , hut in rile case (>I reliori\, terriblc injr iry. your reluctance l o lnlchlc up inay ai icct \OII~ \\hole farnil) aird rriay af ieci you 1.01 all tlic rest o f yotir l i fe a\ \+ell and o i i ~kc yo11 a burder~ to )our fa~i r i iy i11ic1 SOC~CI?. \Ye can i l i inh o l \o man) dil'iereni

rettso11s n l ~ y s e \IIIIIII~ 1,;iss 1 J i i 5 lcgisl;11i11n ;II !11i> l i ~ i ~ e . We ha\c bccn a\ked irr thc part years and \be d id cornpl)

\ \ i th reqircjt\ i o r ilrings lihc liardliats for \ vo r kc~ r i n iactorics and especially i n lica\.) indirstry, wfety shoes, safely gopples,

carp l i~pr , and cvcii i n a hunting arc1i;l the rpecial hright- olanpe Irunrin: i~ni lorrrrh 10 protccl tlie I~urrter, a t ~ d all o f these ~ w r c mandaled h!. lit\\ ;I\ tl i ingr ilia1 you must use uhen )ou nark and ~\. l icn yon play. 1 do not l t i i t ik that i t i r unrea- %onable at all, and I am a lo\.er o f indi i ' idual liberty. I am a c l idn~pion o f free eiitcrptise, arid I am not going l o say a1 this lirrle rhat In) flee ei~lerprisc urge preients me f rom r ~ ~ g i l r g the p~rsjage o f this bil l. No. I think th i \ is irunlan life at stahe. I

\\ill put my ow11 individual feelings aside a ~ i d say tha! for the good o f human life in Pcn~rsyl\alr ia 1 tlrinh wc oughl l o pass Ih l \ ;11rd that i t i\ long 123st due.

I rtrotiply illy all ol you to car! a "ye\" \ore i o r this ; t~i ie~ri lmcnt.

The SPFAKEK. O n the i.inlotl an~endmc~i t . the Chair rec- ogni/e\ I l repentlc~i inn f lo in l.ehigii. Rlr. McHale.

h l r . \,lcHAI.E. I ' l ~ a l ~ h you, Mr. Spcsker. hlr. Speaker. I \\.auld l ~ h e to, first o f all. commend the gcti-

llcnialr, h l r . I . i t ~ t o t ~ , for nepo1i;rling u l ~ a t I rl i inh i s a re;rsoned c0111~710~11iic 011 t l i i 5 ihsue.

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There are two aspects o f the Linton amendment that I would like to briefly clarily for the fiouse. The members o f the House wil l recall that 3 years ago a e enacted Act 53, which was the Child Passenger Protection Act. That lau was

drafted i n the House Consumer Affairs Conirnittcc, and I was privileged to be the principal author o f that bill. I n the 3 years since that Ian, has been in effect, therc havc bccn home rather impressive ?tatistics in terms of its performance. O\er tllc past 3 years, child restraint use has increased from a level o f 21 percent before the law to a postlaw compliance rate as high as 75 or 80 percent. In the 3 years that the law has been in effect. the fatality rate resulting from automobile accidents has

declined by 55 percent with regard to those children covered by the law.

I n the Linton amendment which appears before us now, n.c take a major step to improve the provisions o f the Child Pas- senger Protection Act. We expand the applicability o f the law from the current provision pertaining to parents and legal guardians to a broader applicability affecting any driver o f a vehicle in which a child under 4 years o f age rides as a passen- ger. And secondly, we provide civil imrnunity for tho\c car- scat loancr programs that are attempting to aid lo\\.-incon~e families in their compliance with the la\\. Both o f those provi- sions havc previously passed the House by ovcr\vhclming margins and I hope today will become part o f the Child P21s- senger Protection Acl i n addition to thc provisions as origi- nally drafted.

Secondly, M r . Speaker, with regard to seatbelts then~selves and that specific issue, let me read to the memherc o f the House very briefly some statistics that I think tell the story quite succinctly. One life i s lost every I2 minutes in traffic crashes. The probability o f being in\'olved in a motor \,chicle

injury accide~it during a 75-year lifetime is better than 86 percent. I n 1985, 90 percent o f the occupants killed in motor vehicle crashcs were not wearing their safety belts. Traffic crashes ranked as the numbcr-onc killer o f Anlericarls ages 16 to 33. Eighty-four percent o f all Cat clainlants wrere injured in accidents at a time while they were not wearing their scatbclts. Let me close, Mr . Speaker, with this: One-half o f all the head injuries in our country are caused by auto accidents. One thousand two hundred and two people died in passenger car accidents in 1986. That i s an average 01' thrcc people per day since the last occasion on which we considered this issue.

Today, Mr . Speaker, wc have the opportunity to join 29 other States and the District o f Columbia by adopting a man- datory safety belt law. Meaningful action by the General Assembly i s long overdue. This bi l l does not reflect the provi- sions that I would draft i f I felt that wc could pass a morc stringent measure. I t does, howevcr, reflect I think a very meaningful compromise that is the best we can hope for the time being. I urge an affirmative vote on the 1.inton ameodmclu. I he Sl'CiAKEK. The Chair rccogni~es the gentleman from

Dauphin, M r . Piccola. Mr . PICCOLA. Thank you, V r . Speaker.

I:ir\t, allon inre to prelhcc my remarks by \aying that I an1 a

strong proponent o f tile use o f seatbelts. There i\ absolittely no doubt in mq mind that the use o f se;~tbclts save5 livch. I f there \va5 a uay to pas\ a la\\ today that would require and r~iakc e\eryone i n the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or eben a \ienilicantly large proportion o f the dri\ers on the road* o f the Comnlon\veaith bucklc their seatbelts, I would vote for i t today. But [ l i e ploponents c f fhi5 amendment, in auempting to pass this measure o f l 2% a mandatory seatbelt

1 la\!. are playing a cruel joke on the people o f I'cnnsyl\~ania. This amendment mandater nothing, M r . Spellher; i t man-

dates nothing. I f you dribc your vehicle in the Cornmon\vealth o f Pennsylv;tnia and obcq the labvs o f the Commonwealth o f Pennsylvania while doing so, you are not required to do a thing with r e ~ a ~ d to your seatbelt. And i f you are a passenger in a vel~icle, ?\en i l ~ o u ~ h this la\% says that you are supposed to uear your seatbelt, you cannot be chargcd u'ith not wearing your seatbelt in the event you arc caught doing so. Thcrc is absolutely no recourse for any In\% enforcement agency against the passenger i n the vehicle where he is not wearing a seatbelt. Now, i f that i s a mandatory scatbelt law, then I think we do not hnow \ \ l~at \be are t a l k i ~ ~ g about.

1 think what \%e are doing here, h l r . Speaker, rather than passing a mcaningl'ol statute 01 evcn passing a rrleaningful policy \vhich uould tell the people o f Pennsylvania what our intention\ arc and that seatbelts do 5ave lives, we are merely cluttering up our statute books u i th a law that, in my rieb, i s unenforceable; in my vie\&. \+ill seldo~n be enfotced; and i f i t

i s ever enforced, it \\ill beenforced unfairly. I, MI. Speaker, would urge that the Houhc defeat this

amendment, as i t has done in the past, and that we go hack to the drawing board and come up with sonicthing that i s truly

meaningful, i f [hat can be done, and I have my doubts about that. But 1 urge the dcfcat o f the amendment.

The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Uerks, h l r . Gallen, on the amendment.

M r . CiAI.I.EN. Mr . Speaker, would the gentleman, Mr . Linton, stand for interrogation'!

The SPEAKER. M r . Linton iridicates to the Chair that he wil l so stand. You are in order. You may proceed, Mr . Callen.

M r . GAL.I.EN. Mr . Speaker, I call your attcntior~ to page 3, the third pari~graph, in the niiddle o f the paragraph, the sen- tence that starts wilh "nor." Mr . Spcakcr. do you know, was this language in the previous seatbelt bill which we had belore us, having to do with la\%suits?

Mr . L I N f O N . ' I l l i s is the same language that was in the pre\ious bill.

Mr . GALLEN. The sanle language. Do you know, Mr . Speaker, \chether or 1101 a person today,

in the abscncc o f pasage o f this hill, can contend that there i s contributory negligence becausc o f the absence o f n penon or a pasenger bearing a seatbelt?

Mr . L I N I ON. This goes only to mitigation o f damage>. Mr . GALL.EN. Pardon? Mr . L INTON. This goes only to mitigation o f damages.

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M r . GAILLEN. The issue o f da~irages, ycs. The qucslion is, in the absence o f the passagc of rllis bill. can lhe fzlct that a permn is not nearin- a seathcli be considered as contributory negligence under today'\ lax'!

M r . L INTON. .lust aminute, Mr . Speaker. ('ould )ou ask yoitr questiot~ again, please? M r . GAI.I.LN. Ycs. Under the law t o d a y Mr. Speaker, co i~ ld we get \ome

order so that ihcgcntle~nan can liear my que\iion?

POINT 01; 0 R I ) E K

Tlie SPEAKER. Why does the gentleman from Chester, Mr . Vroor~, rise?

M r . VROON. Poi111 o l order, Mr . Speaker. The SPEAKEK. l l h a r is tllc point o f order? M r . VKOON. The point o f order is this: l l rc gentleman i s

intcrrogating Mr . I.inton, and the qucirion is, does he rcally want l o knou the ansucr l o that question uhich he kno\+s already?

Mr . GAL-LEN. I want to know theans\\er. Tlie SPEAKER. The Chair prcsurnes that the gentleman,

M r . Gallen, does not know the ansuer to the qoestion. That i\ the reason he would ash i t .

The gentleman may proceed. hlr . GALLEN. No\\, thc question, $1~. Speaker, is, undcr

current lau can a person be considered contrihutorily r iegli gent i f he doc\ 1101 uear a \eatbelr!

Mr. L INTON. You cannot use the current 13% to SII(IW cot1 tributary damages. You cannot use the currcnt la\\. to show contributory damages.

Mr . GALLEN. No, no; Ibrgei i l ~ e e l - in~i~ial la\%. Under today's la\\ can a person be considered to be contributorily rtegligent svl~en i t comes to dan~ages i f l i e docs not \\.ear a seat belt?

Mr . L INTON. No; he cannot. Mr. GALLEN. I n other \\ords, you are saying ttlic docs not

change the la\+. M r . 1-INTON. That i 5 correct. M r . GAL-LEN. Well, 1 think, M r . Speaker, t h a t Maybe I

did know the answer; maybe I did not krlo\\ the ansuer. You are telling me one I did not know.

That i s all of the interrogation, M r . Speaker. The SPEAKER. The gentleman may proceed on the debate

o f the antendmer~t. M r . GAI.LEN. M r . Speaker, one o f the biggest hucu and

cries we have heard i n the last year or two ii the high cost of automobile insurance, and oneor those things contributing to the high cost o f automobile insurance i s the unrealistic awards being made by juries. M r . Speaker, this legislation will have no effect other than to drive up the cost o f liability insurance. M r . Speaker, ii a person cannot defend himself as far a,

damages are concerned by letting the court knosr that l l l e person failed to use proper precaution himself, then, M r . Speaker, w e are going to have not l~ing but a continued escalation o f in51lrance ratcs.

M r . S p ~ i k e r , I could support this bi l l i f that paragraph ncrc not in hcrc. What we are doing here is saying let us have higher and higher a r~d higher awards and let us not make the pcrsulr be cautiou\, bc careful, be careful that thcy are not ncgligenl.

M r . Speaker, I opposc this bi l l based o n that alone, and I think, olrce again, the trial lawyers have their noie in our busi- nc\\. Tliank you, M r . Speaker.


The SPkAKER. Thc Chair wclcornes to the floor o f the House Johanna Hail ick, \\ho i s an active meniher o f the Kciircd Teachers Asiociation. She is h e ~ e as a guest o f Elinor 1-aylor. LVill you please rise. We are delighted to have you here. The Chair i s a retired teacher, too, and sometimes ilot so retired.

Susquehanna County Commissioner Gary hlarcho and Mrs. Marcho are here, and Clasper Frirsch, who i s a forcign chcharlge studel~t. They ale in the balcony. Welcome to the hall o f thc House. We are delighted to ha\,e you here. Thcy arc thr~ue.sts o f RepresmtatibeJerry Birmelin.


The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recogni~es the gentlemall iron1 Uradlord, h l r . Chadwick.

h l r . CHAI)WICK. Thank you, M r . Spe;lker. I apologize to my Kcpublican colleagues wlto heard this

speech in caucus. Along with hlr . Michlovic, I represent this hod) on t i l e board o f directors o f the Cat Fund, and ah you kilo\b. ".e ha\:c some i l l~ancial problen~s in thc Car i;und. R'e raised t l l e fee this year from $ 5 to $8, and that i s not nearly as high ns what \bc probably should havc raised i t to. I f w e were w i n g to fund the Cat Fund on an occurrence basi\, like an insurance company uould. u 'e should lrave charged $27.46 this year. and i t i s only going to get higher. We have an

i~n fu t~ded liability that is running into the hundreds o f milli-

on\ o f dollars that i s going to have to be paid off' in the iutnre, and ollc o f the big reasons for lhat is that we have a large number o f clainrants who uere injured u h o were not wcaring seatbelts.

You have already heard from a couple o f speakers \rho told you that 84 percent o f the Cat l u n d claimants were not wearing seatbelts when thcy were injured. Over 40 percent 01' the Cat Pund claimants were injured with the type o f injuries, head and neck, that occur just because you clearly were noi wearing a seatbelt and you hit the windshield. The Car Fund board o f directors, which has representatives o f all four

caucuscs o f the General Assembly, voled unanimously to urge l l l e General Assembly to enact rncanirlgful seatbelt le_eislalion. That i s how c o ~ ~ c e r l ~ c d (he board is over what is going on.

I strongly urgc )ou, i f you \\all1 to help l l l e viability o f thc Cat Fund, to vote for this amendment. Thank )ou, hlr. Spc;lkcl.

The SPEAKER. The Chair recog~~i,.es the gentleman from York, M r . Bortner.

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Mr. BOKTNER. Thank you, M r . Speaker. I would l ike t o answer tlic question :i\ked h) M r . Gallcn

arid answered at least partially lh) Reprcseniative 1.inton. The que\tioii conccrncd the c~i r re i i t state o i t l i e la\\ \%it11 rc\pect to scatbelt u i c and whcthcr u r not ii is considcreil or can be con- sidcrcd contributory negligcncc. The arr\i\a- given by I<cprc- sentativc L in ton was accurate. Illidel- the current \tale o f the Iau, i t cannot be coli\idcrcd or cannot be used to stio\\ ion- tr ibutory o r cornparatibe negligence. Ho\revei. i l l is le$i\l;t~ tion-and I think n~embers should uiider\tand illat-does make a change i n eri\tin&! law. Although i t ivould not allow seatbelt use l o be uscd for contributory negligence, i t \vould

also prohibit i t s introduction as cbidence t o mitip;tte darnages. Under current law, the use o r nonuse o f a \eatbelt could he admissible i n evidence t o \ l i on tliat damages \bould lint habe occurred o r would riot habe been ar great l iad a 5eathelt been

i n use. This legislation prohibits the admissibility o f seatbelt use ill

any civil action. I think members ought tu understand that when rhey vote on what i s a very important issue, Thank you.

The SPEAKER. The Chair recogni~cs tlie gentleman f rom Montgomery, Mr. Codshall, on theamendment.

M r . C O D S H A L L . Thank you, M r . Speaker. On that same point, o n thc answer by M r . l . in ton l o Repre-

sentative Gallen, I think i t should be known by the member5 that we are changing the law i n a very iinportant way. .lust recently an insurance company in my own district over i n Bucks County had an accident case. A man and ivolnan uerc driving together. The man put on the brakes and the woman flew in to the windshield. There was no other car involved, but there was a very substrintial a~bard handed out t o the woman who had broken her neck \\hen rhe hit tlie v,iiidshield.

Under the mit igat ion o f damages, the company \Iio\ved and proved that the wornan, i f she l iad been wearing her sealhell, would h a w suffered no injuries at all. There was a reduction i n the award because o f t l iat. This h i l l wi l l take that away, and

again, I guess you could call i t what you warit, but \\.list \\e are saying in this b i l l i s that you are again not responsible for your own actions. We arc saying you must wear a seatbelt. A t the same time, i f you do not, you cat~not contribute t o your own injuries through your own action^.

For this reason. I an1 opposing this bil l. The SPEAKER. O n the amendment, the Chair recognizes

thegentleman f rom Allegheny, M r . h,lichlovic. Mr. M ICb ILOVIC . Thank you, M r . Spcaker. Mr. Speaker, as the gentleman, M r . Chad\\ick, had indi-

cated, I a m the other member o f the House \vho is on the Cat Fund board, and I have thc disrinction o f having voted agaiitst the b i l l the last time i t was before me, but I think at my first meeting o f the Cat Fund, I learncd that the lack o f the use o l reatbelts throughout the Commonwealth i s costing us all. I felt. ;is soine o f my colleapitcs here have pointed oul, I felt that this i s riot really an issue that we sliould he betting invol\,ed i n - mandating this k ind o f t h i n g This i s !lot the hi l id o f issue tliat the State ought to be taking the 1c;td; i t is an indi- vidual judgmct~t; let the chips k ind o f fal l where thcy may.

I lie cliip, are Ialling. and t i le\ arc f .~l l ing on all o f u,. \\'c Ii:t\c t\vcl c l a i ~ i i ; i ~ ~ t \ ill t l ~ e Cat Ibt~tid t11;1t arc gc t t i~ i$ clmc to

' Ihc $1-il l i l l ion n ~ i i o u ~ i l t l i ; ~ t i\ tlic i.rtp on their amard. .Alter tliat point-hotli o f Ihcm ;ire ]p:~ral!/ed-thcy u i l l beconic \ \ a r d ~ o f i I t c Stitlc, i i i id l l ic t a \ ) ~ ~ i ? c ~ \ itrc paying to, that.

One otlicl i i i t c re~ t i ~ rp 1poi11t tliat w i i lpoilllcd 0111 i i ~ the cta- ti\tics gibe11 to II\ the 11tIler d;ty \$as tl inl o f l l lc rcniai~i i l ig 12 pcrccnt o r I 6 percctit of pcoplc wlro ale ill l l ic Cal ]Fund \\ho liad urcd ll leir \eatbcltr. tlicrc na, ,101 one lieail i ~ i j ~ i r y o f that grolip, :tild tl ial i\ a \ igi i i l ' ic:~~i i l i l ~ d i i i g hcci i t~\c mo\t o f tlie \ei iou\ cau\e\ o f irijurie5 i n the Cat l.'und are head injurics. hut not o ~ i c o f iliosc in ihe 1'1i11d nas a lic.a<I injury, nicaninp

thitt they were either inrilt? o f them were pedestrians not i n a po\i t ioi i o f using \c;ithclts, or people oti hicycles and otlier hi l id\ oF\~eliicle\.

So, MI-. Speaker, I am going t o cl~ai ige my vote t l i i i i~ i ie . I a111 goinp t o support thc lcgislatioi~, because I tli ink tli;tt short o l \uppolt inf i t , then \ve are all pityii lg for i t . I F we startetl using senibelts, tile \\hole society \ roulJ bcncfit. T h a i ~ h you, hlr. Speaker.

The SPEAKER. Tlie Chair thankr the gentlenian. The Clrair i e c o ~ n i ~ e s the gentlcnian from York, h l r .

Fosicr. Mr. FOSTER. M r . Spcahcr, I \rould l ike to pass at this time

and be liciird liiter.


Tlie SPEAKER. r i le Chail recog~iizes the gentleman from hlotitgomery, M r . R u ~ i t .

hlt. RUNT. h l r . Speaker, a question o f parliariientary inquiry.

Tl ie SPEAKER. The gentlen~ari \%ill state the question. M r . BUNT. h'lr. Speaker, page 4, section 9, would indicate

that th i \ particular a~nendment \vould require an expenditure o f rax do l l an t o initiate ;In educational program. My question is. M r . Speaker, should thir amendment be considered without a fiscal note?

' r l ~ e SPEAKER. l e t us clicck i t . A t first view, i t appears that YOU are right, but let us check i t . Somc o f the language here i r underlined and \ome i s not, and we want to check out \vhicli language is achrallq there.

The House wil l stand at ease. We are having some dif f iculty with the way thc language i s underlined i n certain placcs and not underlined i n others.

MI. L inton and h l r . Rortner both come up liere, please. The Cha i l suegcsts you pay some attention. M r . Bunt has

raircd rhc question, must the House h a w a fiscal rlole before i t considers the amendment offered by the gentleman, Mr . Linton'? The Chair i s not poinf t o rule on M r . Hunt's quesiion a i [ h i , moment bccau5e. frankly, the Chair is not certain o f the rul inf and II;IS to acquire fi lrthcr research. T11e Chair will co r~ t i i ~ue ihc debarc-libtcii carei~i l ly- i l l? ( ' l ~a i r \\ill c o ~ ~ t i ~ ~ u e tlic dchatc ~ i n t i l tlre debate is either e l idc~l or we have inlorii ia- l i on up Ilcre ;lt tlic de*k \ i l l icI i wi l l allow 11 to rule on Mr. Bunt's question.

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The problem thar u c Iia\e, h l r . Bunt, i s that i l ie i l r a l i i : ~ ~ o f the a ~ n e i i d n i e ~ ~ t dil'l'er\ radicall! Iron1 aliytl i it ig \ ic l i i i \c ).el seen. We have heell a d \ ~ \ c i I lha i thc l a n s ~ l q e \\ l i ich you rcl't'r t o i:. directory language i l l id \vill no ] ever1 appc;lr ill rllc acI, i f i t is an act o l I;ru. in Purdon's. \\'c have tic\cr Iheiisd o f i l lat one helore, hrtt i l lat I\ \vliat \ye \veic lo l i i \bar llit' scli\on tlie lang~~ape war i ~ v r i ~~~dc r l l nec l . \\jc ;ire not acccplilip i l i i i t tiecss- mri l) . Me ;Ire Ilabinp i t fu r t l i e~ rcsciticticd. \Vc nili p i i c ) o u

an ;ln\\rer hclore hie filii4r \\it11 rlrc cleh;~re and heforc Me call a \o tc .

Ye,, M r . I~lllll'!

M r . BUNT. hli. Speahci, i l ~ e lanfuagc doe. not appear ro me to he ambisuou5. II doe5 appcilr to be illandator!..

I he SPEAKF.R. h11. Runt. let tl ie Chair inlcrrupl you. The Chair d id 1101 ihe the lcrni ":lmbigi~or~s." I t i\ not a~nhiguor~h at all. The qucstion is \vliertier or nor, tinder rhc rul ing that \re For Iron1 L.cgi\lalive Rckrencc, nrcre!y dirrctory l an~uagc falls wi ihin the tules o f the House. Il' we decide il doe\, the^^ your objection \ r i l l he u c l l laken. I f we decide i t doc\ not. i t

\\ill not he \\ell t;iken, and \ye are no! ycr tcady 10 decide i t .

We are not talking about a~nbigui ty a1 all.


Mr. B U N T . Well. M r . Sneakel. I \\auld move t o recommir to the Appropriat ion\ CoriiirlitIce l o t a fiscal note.

The SPEAKER. 'Lloied by the gentlemati, \ I r . Hunt, that SB 637, lopether with rhe a~nendrnent olfered by M r . Llnton, he recommitted for a fiscal note t o the Committee on Appro- priations.

O n the questi<)n. Wi l l the House agree i o i l ic motion?

The SPEAKER. The Chair rccogni~e\ the majorir) leader. M r . hlatidetino, do you wish l o speak to t hc~no l i on?

M r . M A N D E K I N O . M r . Speaker, I am l iav i l~y dif f iculty. Even i f the ~ u l c \kould ;ipply, and the Speaker !has not yct decided wliclher o r no1 chis Ianguape is 5uch 1I1;11 i t t lece\\ i~ tales the e\penditurc ol' moneys or ir i\ ju\t directoly or \rhether il makes any sub\tanrial cllangc i n lhc law, u e arc aircads spending wrne $55 mil l ion on liceiising and mtcty administration throuf l i ihc Department o f Tran\portation. No\\', I krio\v that al l o f t ha t moriey docs not go 1,) wfety edu-

cation, hut this i s just another aspect of'sai'ety education. I a111 sure that ir can be done \viiIlin the origitlal allortcd money.

But my problcn~, really. \+ith i l ic motiotr I,) rccornrlrit i s tllat the rule ieelns l o sa! rhat tio l ina l vote u'ill he t a k c ~ ~ , and tl ic r1111Iioti l o rccl~mrnir doc\ not even g i \c an opportuni ly for ;I final vote ro he lahen after the distr ibi i l iol i o f a fi\cal ~ I O ~ C .

Iherefore. M r . Speaker, I \vould ask l l i a i \\c ilcl'eat the nlot ion t o recommit. arid I ;Im \rlri. that a fi5cal note, haviiig hccti icquesrcd fro111 tl ic .2ppropr1atiolir Cornmirtcc. w c l ~ u i l l !)e licre bclore f ind vote o n t h i mea5ure.

O n the qr~estion recr~r r i l~g , Wi l l tlic Hoi15c agrcc to l l ic motion!

l l i e fol lo\\ i l rg ro l l call i+n recorded:


4il$1',"11 ti.,, Ic) IIl,,,li.l,,, tll,iil ll,~,, ,c, !ill) c i

Ii~,,,, Ilurrl

<;tllpiil>!ania Clrappi, \I~r.hloiic r i ~ ~ l c C'arl\o~l lI:~~,tu~\ \lm>is Tlcllo ('0111 ll;!h,A;l \ l i ~ ~ p l ~ j \'an Huri~c ( 'a \dc> Iimpcr N i ~ l ~ ~ l l \ ' runt> ( 'c \ ,ar H~><ICII (i ' l lr~cn \V:tn>t?it<I, ( ' l ~ a c l ~ tck I i c r ~ l ~ a ! ~ ~ l ' l l ~ ~ ~ , ~ ? c l l \vav ( i i e r i i l l c ~ ~ l ~ c ~ 0I;tv \Vtgsi!,, ( ' Ia r l Hogl~c\ Olt\cl \<dx)t~ 1 I),licr I l i, ici~i,~w,~ I'CII:IICII \Vog:u C 1111~11 Itl i ln I'CIIOIIC U'oi~~i ;~h ( ' ~ ~ l ~ ~ l ~ l l ~ ~ 1.~01111 1~ltii.llii \Vrigh~. I). K . ('illi. .li,i~,,ll\ l'illi %,I&!!,,. I . I ( ' 0 ~IcII tiil>i~c) ~ ' ~ c I I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ \\'>#gI11, K . C . ( t o r r ! ~ ; ~ ! , h o \ l ~ h h ~ 1'1c) io i l \ andl~\ci~t\ ('~nicll huAoi l~11 l i a>~# i r rnd Co) I.a<;# 011:t KICII;~I~\,~I Ihii+. l l c l uL;! I :$II$II) Iticger Spi'aicr I)~.\\'cu\c


ll<,i\l~II !,~Ic<,~,,c l',c\,i! lr,ill1:111

\l:~i:~lc l'cr,cl Slairr \\ e \ l ,>~ t


I)l! i~ll~li C,~LIII,;L SICVCII\

'The qi lc\ l ion bras dr'tcrmincd i n the negative, and the inotion \v;15 1101 agreed to.

O n tile question rccurrillg, LYiIl the 13ou5c agree to the arnelidmcnts'!

r i l e SI'F:\KLR. On tlie L.inton amet~dmcnl, ( l ie Chair rcc- ogni/c\ tlie gentlcni:~n tram Allephrny, M r . McVerry.

h l r , h l cVLKKY. h l r . Spc:iher, I ri \c to \peak very hrielly in respoo\e t o conlrnellls tnadc I]\ the g f ~ ~ i l c r n a n ftorii

Page 16: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general


Montgomery, Mr. Godshall, wherein he recites a scenario o f a n innocent lady in an au to~nobi lc thrust into a \\indshicld through no faull o l her own who received some conlpensation as a result o f t h a t injury, and he wah quite upsel with the fact that the verdict was not reduced because she did rlot have a searbelt o n .

In fact, that is u h a t we are about today. We a t e here pro- moting safety. If this law had bccn in effect, maybe that lady would not have sul'lered the debilitating injury that she did. We want mandatory use o f seatbelts for occupants o f to save thcir lives and to keep them from having those injuries and t o keep insurance premiums at a minimum so that there are less expenditures fo r medical datnaacs. We are not herc and I d o not helieve that we should be herc today t o reurici or impact on the rights o f innocent victims t o recover damages that are due them when they have been injured through no fault o f their own.

I urge you to vote affirmatively on the Linton ;immdment. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes tlic gentletmarl from

Chester, Mr. Hershey, o n the [.inton amendment. Mr. HEKSHEY. Thank you, Mr. Speakcr. I rise in support o f this amendment. 1 an1 going to make m!,

coniments brief. Yesterday I visited a family in my district \vho lost thcir son

in a n automobile accident on Friday night. This y ( ~ u n e marl, 20 years old, was riding in !he backseat of an automobile; 11e was asleep. The driver fell asleep, and on impact he flew o p out of the backseat into the windshield and lost the side o f his head. He lived 24 hour?. In visiting \rith the family, the q l l es tion was asked, "Did he have a seatbelt on?" And ihc mothe l said, "No, he hadn't." And the conversation jusl kind o f stopped at that point.

I ask the members to vote in favor o f this amendment. Thank you.

The SPEAKER. The Chair r ccogni re thc gentlenlan from Chester, Mr. Flick.

Mr. FLICK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. ~ r . speaker , I worlder i f the gen t leman uould stand fo r

brief interrogation. The SPEAKEK. I l r . Linion indicates he hill stand for

l'urlher interrogation. You tnay proceed. hlr . FLICK. Shank you, hlr . Speaker. Mr. Speaker, about 2 weeks ago you a n d I had a telrphorle

conversation, at which time I asked you i f you nliglrt consider having any fine rnoney go to the Cat Fund. In light o f t l l c financial hitrden that 11ic Cat Furid ha\ on tile residents Pennsyl\ania, in liglit o f t h e fact that 84 percent o f those i n d i viduals w l ~ o are now recipient, o f Cat i.und rnoncy, i t appears t o mc that ills appropriate use o f thc fine nloncy uould be to help ol'licl some of the financial costs o f the Cat t l l l ld . id you explore thir with the department or did you discuss t l l i s

with anyone, and i f so, could you give mc thcir r c ~ p o n \ e \ ? Mr. L.IN'ION. Sure. The current legislation or the a m e n d

tncnt that we have before u, does not direct tliat tile money from the Cines would go t o the Cat Fund. There l,a\e beet, d i s cuss ion about that, hut tlle bill that u,e are prcscniitlg right

now docs not p t o ~ i d c that. U'c arc hoping to deal ui th the i5iue o f the Cat Fund by p a s i n g the seatbelt legislation, and lh;~t in fact in itself uould s:~vc the dwindling fund, that are akailablc in the Cat Fund. But currently, tlie stature o i the proposed anlcndmcnl doe\ not direct that the motley goes to tile Gal Fund.


Thc SPEAKER. Is the @entlcrn;~n finirhcd will1 intcr- l o f a t i ~ ~ l ?

Mr . FLICK. No. Mr. Speaker. I i\ottder, I guess a parlia- mCnt;lr). inqiliry.

The SPEAKER. Will tllc gentlema11 \late the inquiry. Mr. FLICK. Would i t not he permissible in this legislation

to direct that any fine5 recei\cd as a result of violations he directed to lhe Cat l,und?

The SPEAKER. 110 qou meall if you were to prepare an amendment, \\.auld the amendment be germane?

Mr. FLICK. Yes, Mr. Speahcr, if l wo~t ld . Tlic SPEAKER. O f course, the it l t i~natc decision on ger-

manenerr remains u i th ihc floor of thc House, but i t is t l ~ c opinion o f the Cliair that if you had such an a~nendment pre-

pared, i t \vould irideed relate to tlie \pccif ic of this bill, and the Chair would accept i t in the nb\ei~ce o f obieclion from the floor.

Mr. FLICK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. What 1 ~vould !have to d o is wait for tile fit131 vote of the

amendment that is cl~rrcntly before us and then have an amcndmcni prepared to the bill with this a~nendmcnt therein contained?

Thc S P E A K t K . No. You may amend the hill, but you may nut amend an amendment. In o t h e ~ \vurds, !'nu m;ty not stand ilou and of ler an anicndrnen~ lo this amendment, but once this amendment goes in, if in ihct i t docs, i t theti becomes part o f the bill. Yoil are then free l o olfcr whatever amendatory language you wish 31 thiit pciit~t, because then ~(111 would be amcndingr~ot tl iea~nendnlcnr itself hut the bill. Understood'!

Mr. IFLICK. Yes, rir. Thank you, V r . Speaker. The SPEAKER. Tlie Chair rci.ognircs tlic lady from

e a a r I . r t y , on the ;~mendment . hlrc. ARTY. Thank you, Mr . Speaker. I commend the pentlcnlan. Mr . I.inlon. for liis work in

plttting together \%hat I knot\ is to he ;I cornpromire aniend- mcnt. I a'uuld like to iec i t \cry much stronger. I have an idea that so, too, uou ld Mr. L.itltol1, but I rc;tlize that we have to de~i l with that ~ r h i c h i \ doable.

I think the u o i d s 1h;ll Mr. (Illadwick Iias told us about the Cat Fund arc really \ignificant. and I lliink th;rt w e \hould all k t ~ o \ \ thitt tlto\e people who de;~l L \ . I ~ / I nlolnr \chicle accidents and a t e ilieir i i c l i ~ n \ are silpportivc of thi, kind of legislatic>n.

The pcople \\lie 1-1111 i l l tlie erncrgcncy ;~n~brt lance and rcrcue squads, tile people \vho m:ln eniergenc) departments in hobpi- 1~11s. the physician !vho patch victinis togcthcr again, and the nulsc\ ivhci care 1.01 the pcople u h o arc injured a l e a11 \upper-

t i \ e o f mandatory se;tlbelt la \ \>.

Page 17: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general


Secondly. Mr. Speaker, I tliink i t is also siynificant that those of us uho livc il l si)uthcastern Pcnnsyl\ania and travel to places like Maryland and Ncw Jersey to the seashore in the summertime have learned just through (hat tra\eling through those States where seatbelt law5 are mandatory tlrat it really is thc thing to do.

We \\,ill be very much rcmi\s tllis afternoon if we do not make this law. I a ~ k that all of our colleagues vote "yes" on this amendment. Thank you.

l'he SPEAKEK. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Bucks, Mr. Heckler.

Mr. IJECKLEK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker. the proponent o f this amendment has said

that this amendment rcpresenls the best of the var iou~ amend- mcnts which were offered in the last session. This bill says to the citizens of this Comrnonwealtli, you must wear seatbclts becauhe they will save your life, and that is somc~hjng which I agree, and I d o not believe I have heard one persol1 spcak this afternoon who has not agreed with that proposi- tion. However, this amendment goes on to say, but i f you d o not wear a scatbelt arid the police officer sees you, he cannot d o anything about it unless you violate another motor vehicle law as well. And if you d o get a ticket from that police oflicer, i t will only colt you $10. And i f you arc in an accidenl and you are injured because you wcrc not wearing a seatbelt and sue someone, we will not let the jury know you were not wearing your seatbelt.

Mr. Speaker, if that is [he best we can do, I aould hate to see the worst we can do. I would suggest that l l~ i~ i l y o f the arguments against voting ior this amendment now are ~ 'al id. As important as having a good seatbelt law is in [his Com- rnon\vcalth, I would suggest that now is the time to wait, now is the time to get good language that will mean something to the peoplc o f this Commonwealth and then enact i t . Thank you.

The SPEAKEK. 'l'he Chair recognizes the gentleman from Berks, Mr. Lch, on theamendment.

Mr. LEH. Mr. Speaker, docs the author o f the amcndmcnt continue lo stand for interrogation?

The SPEAKER. The gentleman, Mr. Linton, indicates l ~ e will stand for further interrogation. You may proceed, Mr.

Mr. LEH. Mr. Speaker, you had mentioned in your figures 84 percent o f the people receiving Cat Fund awards were those not wearing scatbell, at the tirne o f their accident. I concur with those figures. There was a figure, though, also men- tioned on the information that I received from those that are strong supporters of this bill that mentioned a 40-mile-per- hour figure. The information stated that scatbelts were rela- tively ineffective against head i n ju r i r at speeds over 40 m i l e per hour. I was wondering, if that is the casc. \\.hat percelltage of that 84 percent were accidents involving speeds higher thrill 40 miles per hour?

Mr. ILINTON. Mr. Speaker, that is not information that I am privy to. All thc inforn~atior~ I have is the same that you read before, which indicates that 84 percent o f the Cat Fond

claimants in \,el~icles i~ivolved in accidents were not buckled up, and that is all the irlformatiori that I ha\,e.

Mr. LEH. I cannot help but wonder thal if seatbelts are not effective in reducing head injuries at speeds above 40 miles per hour, are we rcally going t o rcduce Cal Fund costs? That is my question, and until that is answered, that is another reaqon why 1 cannot support this pieceof legislation. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


The SPEAKER. Why does the gentleman from Berks, Mr. Da"ies, rise'!

Mr. DAVIES. Parliamelitary inquiry, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman state the question. Mr. DAVIES. Am 1 to understand your answer to a previ-

ous gentleman in asking about an amendment to this legisla- tion that if I would draft the amendment after we take action on this as an amendment, 1 would then be able to offer an amerldrnent to i t as i t is then acted on by this body?

The SPEAKEK. That is correct. It is the opinion of the Chair, it has always been the opinion of this Chair that once the Housc has passed an~erldatory language, i t is no longer ame~ldatory language; i t is part o f the bill at that ilistant. Thcrcforc, an amendment to that would be simply an amend- rnent to the bill. The failure, not on your part, on the drafts- man o f your amendment's part is that he entitled i t to amend an amendment, which thc rules of the House d o not permit, but i f the same larleuage were drafted lo aniend the bill and thih amendment went in, then that language would obtain and i t would be within the rules of the House. Yes.

Mr. IIAVIES. Now, Mr. Speaker, in affording my~e l f all the possibilities. 1 could ask for a suspension of the rules and get consideration o f this amcndmcnt, and if I failed at that, I could ihen try to amcnd i t by another amendment to that leg- islation.

The SPEAKER. That is correct. That is correct. Mr. DAVIES. 'Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 'The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes thc gentleman from

York, Mr. Foster, on the 1.inton amendment. Mr. FOSTEK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I had waved o f f earlier until 1 had heard the response to Mr.

Davies' request on amendments. I wanted to be clear as to what the policy of the House \rould be with respect to amend- ments on this important issue.

I chink there is no questior~ that this should have bccn brought belore us in such a manner that everyone would have had a chance to prcparc such amendments in advance. The proponents of this lcgi,lalion in the last session saw to it that all House amendments were stripped out of the conference committee report. 1 was fearful that the amendments would never have the chance to cuen come lo the floor on this occa- sion.

Nonetheless, as to the merits o f the bill, 1 would say it was a had bill then, i t is still a bad bill, and Pennsylvanians and Americans are ablc lo decide tor themselves whether or not

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they will wear seatbelt?. As for myself, le t LI\ just say I will rrot buckle under pressure. I urge a negali~c botc.

The SPEAKER. 011 the 1.intorr arnendmcnt, thc quebtion is, will the House adopt the amendment? For t l i e information of the members, hlr . Bunt and oltrcr\ \\ho asked for a f i ~ a l note, (he fiscal note i s being distributed right now.

Mr. GALLEN. h'lr. Speaker, a poirii o f parliarnelrtary inquiry.

'The SPFAKER. For thc second time on the amcndme~rt, the Chair recogni7es the gentleman from Berk,, hlr. Callen.

Mr. CALLEN. No, Mr. Speaker. I have a point o f parlia- mentary inquiry.

The SPEAKER. The geritlelnan \\.ill slate the point. Mr. GALLEN. In view of your response to Representative

Davies, maybe you could t e l l me, how do I go about preparing an amendment to this hill which wor~ld delete something ihat i s in this a~ncndmerit that we arc now considcrinf'!

The SPEAKER. Very \imply. You would draw an anrend- lnent to the bill with language striking out the languagc of which you did not approve.

Mr. GALLEN. Okay, but how does the Refc~ence Burcau know on which linc of the bill-

The SPEAKER. I t would probably have lo uait until the bill i s lined. That i s correct.

Mr . GALLEN. But i s i t not the majority leader's opinion that we want to move this bill today and pass i t today?

The SPEAKER. That i s the opinion of the Chair and the majority leader, yes.

Mr. CALLEN. So there i s some imminence lo whether or not I can get an amendment deleling certain language that i\ in this amendment. I s that right?

Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker? The SPEAKEK. The Chair recognizes the minority leader. Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, I had a conversation with the

gentleman, Mr. Gallen, a ~nornent ago. hly belief as to what the Chair's ruling meanr, i f you pleasc, i s that i f I offer an amendment, hlr. Callen offers an amendment, ii could restate the entire bill that i s before ur with or \vithout this new lan- guage, and the effect o f that ariiendrnent would rimply he to completely rechange the bill to whatever the amcrldment was

drawn to. The SPEAKEK. That i s absolutely correct. Mr. RYAN. And this in cffcct differ? from prior rulings of

the Chair when wc had there problems some year? ago with Mr. Seltzer and myself in tlie Chair.

The SPEAKER. Yes. Mr. RYAN. Thank you. The SPEAKER. Yes; the gentleman i s absolutely correct

On the Linton amendment, the Chair recognizes the gcntlc~ marl From Philadelphia, Mr. Korinski. Do you wish to speak on the Linton amendment?

Mr. KOSINSKI. Yes, I do, Mr. Speaker.

Tlic SPFAKFR. The ('llair rec~~:rni/.es l l r e gc'titlenran. hlr. KOSINSKI. h l i . h~~ru:llit I I ~ a point a few minutes

aso about t l ie lrurrrber of peopic \\caring healhell\, Cat Fund cl;liniantr. 0 f the Cat i.und claimant\ uho \\crc wearing bells, zero-repcat, ~ero-\i~ffered irea<l injuries. Olre lrundred and terl were \\earilrg belts. Kenrcrnher tlral lread ilriuries are the mo5t expensi\e for the ('at I ,u~ id to deal \vitli. The issue here, t l iou~lr , i s not >peed: t l r e ihsuc Irere i s in,iurics, \cverc injuries lo t i l e head, irauma injuriei. Scatbelt\ prevent illat

No\\, no matter how u,e dr:iv. up thi j aniendrnelrt, tio matter what \ \e do, i ~ c \rill \ t i l l gct at1 argulnenl fronl the forces opposilrg this. Tlic L.inton amcndmcnt i s a reasonable amendment uhich is a compromise. Thc) have sat doun for over a year to come l o a decision and a coticlosion 011 the i?suc'. But the bottom line For tlrose people who beliele in bouom lines i s very hiniply, sealbelts save your head from

in ju~) . will Iiclp us \\.it11 our Cat Fund, and the people of Pennsylvania. even tl io~lgll they mag no1 \+car belts now, a ycar or t\\o doivn tlie linc \\;ill thank you because the statistics \,.ill b c a ~ out tlrat \vc \\ ill h:ne 3 w l e ~ Pcnn\ylvania.

O n tlic q~lestion rccilrritr~, Will the House agree l o (he amendments?

The follouing roll call \\as iccorded:

Bx~ndr ll,,,,t Burn, lI,i\t, (alragirone P,il>pahianca Carimo ( a v n ( itnle) ( 'c\<~,T ( ' l ~adu lc i C l i c ia ('la! i. C l,n~e~ c i>llcn C trlill 'clla ('ole (' i l l l l~ll Ciirrlran (o \ \ c l l

Slrianili slab',ck Slciph~izr suci.1 Taylor. E . Z. 'Ta!lo~. 1. Tigoc Trunlail Val) Hornc vr<10,1 \Vanlhacli Wars Wi.~t"ll \Viggin< \Vopan wrigt,1. 1. I.. \ \ ~ i p h l . K . C. Y:~II~I~WVII\


.\~~p\l:tdl (i:1Ilc11 l e l l S c h c c I ~ Harlc) C,i . irc L c ~ l c ~ ~ i i a i l S c l ~ ~ ~ l c z Rirl1icl8n (;so~ge I lvcllwod Sr!llrnel Black Ciod,h,ill I l oyd S~nilh. H. Bou,er Haluska h l ~ ( a 1 l Snil lh, S. H. Boyci H;tru) h'la~lmillcz Sn!der. I). W Hrouju\ Hcck le i Moclilniann Sn!der. G .

Page 19: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general


krcind hc l~ l ledy S;~loom \\righl. U . K


The question was d e t e ~ n ~ i ~ ~ e d i n [he afFirmati\e, and the

arnelldmer~ts were agrccd lo.

O n tlie question recurring, Wi l l Ihc House a,crcc t o thc b i l l on th i rd consideration as

amended? M r . R E I N A R V offcrcd lhc fo l lon . in~ arnendn~cnts No.


Amend Title, page I. line 4, by inserting 21ftcr "1.0AUS;" providing t o r notice o f certain pen:iltie\ Ibr par t ic i~ pants in t l i r alcohol h ig l~\ \a) safety pro::ram;

Amend Sci. 1, page I, linc 8, hy strikinp out "Sectiori 1344" and inserting

Sections 1344, 1548(b), 154Y(b) alld 1303(b) Amend Sec. I, pagc I, line 9, b? slriking out "i\" and inscrt~

ing are

Amend I3i l l . page 2, linc X, hy striking orit ;dl o l raid linc and in,er,inu . . . . . -. . . . .- $ 1548. Keqoil-rmmt5 (or drivins under influence affendcrs.

* * a

(b) Attcndancu at alcoliol highway safely schi~oi.-In addi- tion to any olher require~nents ot the court, cvcry person con- victed o f a violation o l hection 3731 and every person placed on Accclcratcd Kehabilitative Disposition or othcr pi-uliminai-y dis- position as a result o f a charge o f a violation ofseclion 3731 shall, as a part o f sentencing or as a cor~d i l io~ i o f parole, probation or Accelerated Rehabilitarivc Ilisposition, he required to attend and s~iccessfolly colnplctc an approved alcohol highway safety school estabiislied ~nrsuant to section 1549 (relaling l o establishn~cnt o f

or revoked). * * a

$ 1549. Establishment o f schools. * * * (b) Alcohol highway salety schools.-Each county, multi-

county judicial district or group o f cot~ntics combincd under one program shall, i n compliance wilh regolation\ o f the dcpartmrnt and the Departrncnt of Hcalth, establish and mainlain a course o f instruction on the problem\ oialcohol and driving. Thcsc regula- tions shall include, hut not be l i~ni rcd to, a uniform curriculum for the course o f instruction [and],. rrain~ng and certification requirements for instructors and pro~ is ion for the giving o f both ilr;il and mritten notice o f the provision^ o f section 1543(b) (relak ing to driving wliile opers i r~g privilege i s ci~spcndcd i>i r r ~ o h r d ) to all program participatitr.

Amend See. 3, pagc 2, linc 20, b) striking nut "3" and insert- ing


,\nicnd Sec. 4, 12;l.e 2, linc 27, by strihing out "J" and insert- ing


,.\n~cnd Scc. 5, pagc 3. l inr 12, by striking out "5" and inserl~ ine


Wi l l the tJoosc agicc to l l ~ e arncndmcnts'!

'The SPEAKER. On the amcndmenr, the Chair recognizes

the gentleman f rom Bucks, Rlr. Kcinard.

M r . RE INAKD. T1ta11h you, M r . Speaker.

h l r . Speaker, this amcndtnenr addresses lhe Pennsylvania

drunk dribing 1a\v passed ;I nulnhei o f years ago by this

House. There was ;I provision ~ i l tdc r that hill which allowed

t l ~ c courts t o send first-lime ol'fenders to an A R D (accelerated

rcliabilitati\e disposition) alcohol rehabilitation program.

Tlicre i s albo a very tougli penally that goes onder the ARO

p rog ram The penalt) i o i dr iving during that suspended

period i s a Fine o f $1,000 and imprisonment o f no1 less thari 90 daqs. This legislation simply \%auld !require tl ic licensed A R D

facilities i n this State to give both \\ritten and oral notification

o f that fact to al l those attending so n o one woold be caught

d r i \ ing arid unaware o f the penallies that apply.

l ash for your support. 'Thank )ou.

On the queslion recurring,

Wi l l the Houseagrcc to iheanrendrnents?

I h c fol lowing ro l l call was recorded:

c u \ r . i 1)o)r L ;iogl,lin -\ng<!ad~ Dul'l) 1 ch Asgall Durham I c)co\iI/ Any Ebao\ ILcller~l~ac~ Haldiiin I.argu I cvdan,L! tlarlc) IFarn~c~ 11111011

B;trti$lo Frlllal~ I~vcncood l i c la i i i , I Ci. ILI"!tl IIclla!>l i k~scl~er LocyL I<i~ii~clin llick hld'all Black I 05lcr hIr.Clalr.hy Bi;ium lo\ : h4cllale Booi Bortlici Houlcy IBoa icr HO>C\ IIrandl Hroil~o< Burd H i l r ~ ~ i

Bu,h (:aliag#rooe Cnpp;ihtanca ('arlion Car81 i'aa1r.y c<<,;,, (l>;ida!i.!. i'iicra ( lark Cl!~r!cl (olic,, ( ~ ~ l . i l ~ l l d Cole c uilii.11 (~i>rr,g;in Coi\cll

1 r c ~ n l a l i IF~cilld <;;,11c,, (;amhlc (iaonon O e i v Cmcorgc Gladccl God<ll;tll C~,~,I~,~,,> Iiagarl!. IHaIuska Harper Hasay Ilaidcn Hitji',

Hechicr H c r i n a ~ ? lleirhc) I l c i $ Holl;,nldl,

I luphei Hotcl~u~\u>t Illill l a c l \ o ~ ~ li~dloa>cc

Killer Kobbioi Kurbuck K"d> Kynn Kyhak S;~luom Saoiinan Schcctr Scholcr Srmmi.1 Scr;din~

Page 20: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general


coy UeL~lca UeVrrter DeWccse Daley Davier Dawida Dicllcrich Ilistler Donihrourki Donatucci

Jalolin Pievsky lolinson Piirclla Joseph, I'ill$

Kaiunic Prosmann Kcorlcdy Plolon Ksnrw) Punt Kotiillii Ra~rnond Kukoiich Rehri I.aGrotla Rcinard Langny Kichardsol, Lashinger Kiegri



Dininni Giuiria Slc\ens

T h e question was determined in the affirmative, and the amendment5 were agreed to .

O n the question recurring, Will [he House agree t o the bill on third consideration as

amended? Mr. P I C C O L A offered the following amendments No.


Amend Title, page I, line 2, by inserting after "plates." for driving uilh suspended or revoked operating privilege,

Amend Bill, page 2, by inserting bctwecn lines 7 and 8 Section 2. Section 1543 of Title 75 is amended by adding a

subsection to read: 5 1543. Driving whilr operating pririlege is suspended o r


arid subsrciion (b), \\hich pro\'ides for a 61,000 finc and a 90- day imprisonment uhile driving undcr suspen5ion lor driving under the influence. T h e problem is that when tlre police olficer arrcsls a n individual, many rime\ thcy are only able to verify that they are driving r ~ n d e r suspension, but i l lakes a while lo determine uh ich suhsection they \yere driving under suspen~ion for . This amendment would nierely require the police officcr lo cite on the ciratiorr the subsx t ion which the individual was sucpended for orisinally; that is, cithcr subsection (a) o r sub5cction (b). This way [he d i t r i c t justice will be able to pick that up at the hearing and 10 issue the appropriate sentence which is a l rc i~dy provided for in the laby.

On lhc question recurling, Will the House a g e e t o the amendments?

The following roll call was recorded: / Burd

Amend See. 3, page 2, line 20, by striking out "3" and insert- ing

4 Amend Sec. 4, page 2, line 27, by striking out "4" and insert-

Amend Sec. 5, page 3. line 12, by striking out "5" and insert^ ing

O n the question, Will the House agree t o the amendments?

T h e SPEAKER. O n the amendment , the Chair recognizes thegentleman f rom Dauphin, Mr. Piccola.

Mr. P I C C O L A . Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This amendment deals with section 1543 o l the Vehicle

Code. That is [he s e c ~ i o n which provides for penalties when one is arrested for driving under a drivcr's suspension. Therc are two subsections. There is subsection (a), which provides for penalty when driving while under a n ordinary suspension,

Honamnl~ tioglier Iiu~chir~~or~ lthin Jackion Jadlowicc Jarolili Joilnioll Joseph\ K B T U I I ~ C Kennedy kcnne) holirlshi hukoiicl\ 12aGrolla l a n ~ l r ) 1 ashingcr I ;iughlin

~ ~~~

1 iisngoud Rybak l loyd Saloom L u q L SZ!,,, I,,:,"

hlcC,~ll Schreri IrlcClnlch) Scllk~lei blcHale Scmmel hlcVcrry Serafin< klaihc Scirnry Mandcrino Showeri \.lanol~llcr Sirinnoi hlarLnicL \la)rroih hlclic, \Icrr) Ivlicl~loiic bliller [rloelllmann lo^ I i < Zlumer) \Irkon~c \lurphy Nailill N O ~ C O'llr~co O'Oonnell Olav Oilier PerTcl I'clrarca lPc110112

Phillips l'iccola l'ic\sky Pisleila Pills Prermmaon Prf,l"ll I',l"l

Ra)mond Kcbcr Rciriiird Kiczcr

Sntilh. H . Snrilh. S. H. Snldcr. I ) . \V Snydcr. C;. Staback Slairr Slcighncr Stubart Sweel Taylor, E. L . lavlor. F.

I n i h ,


Page 21: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general


Uaulda IU~ch.ird~~rn Y i i l , c l h i \ c \ ~ l ~


I)iniimni Grull ia S11ic113

The ql~estiotl war de~crmined in llle affirmalive, a n d the amendments were agreed to .

O n the question recurring, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as


T h e SPEAKER. T h e Chair recognizes the gentleman f rom Berks, Mr. Davies. Do you lire to move for a suspension o f the rules?

Mr. DAVIES. Mr . Speaker, no . I am ha\,ine the aniend- ment redral'ted so that i t \bill-

The SPEAKER. You may be entirely loo late, Mr. Davics. You hetter talk t o the majority leader.

Mr. DAVIES. That beirrg thc care, Mr. Speaker, 1 wollld have t o ask for the- I mill talk t o the majority leader.


T h c SPEAKER. T h e Chair recognires the genilenian frorn Berks, Mr. Da\,ies.

h l r . DAVIES. 'Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Being unable to have this redrafted, a s I wanted lo , t o the

bill a s i t now stands, I would have t o go and ash Cor a suspen- sion o f the rules so that I may offer this a s a n amendment lo actually thc amendment [hat has already heen adoptcd.

T h e SPEAKER. Mr. Davics, through n o lault of his own, received a draf t of a n amendment , drafted hy our Legislative Referencc Bureau, a s a n amendment t o a n amendment, and of course that cannot be permitted under our rule\.

H e now moves for the suspension o f the rules so that he may o f fe r the amendment .

O n the question, Will rhe House agree lo rhe motion?

T h e following roll call was recorded:


Angctadt Uorr Laughlin Kittri Argall nt!fry Lch Kohhinr Art) Durllanl Lrir.oiili Kochuck Baldwin ttvanr Lcucrman R u d y Warlej Fn~po 1.cidansky K j a n Bntrirlo Parnler Linton Rjbal Belardi bartilh 1 iicnpood Saloom Eellanli FCC llojd S;iorman Birrnelin Fiichcr Lucyk Scllectz nlack Rich \IcCall Schttler Blaurn lioblsr "rlcClati'hy Scnlrncl Book box \.lcHalc Seta l~ni Ror tne~ 1-rutman h l ~ \ ' e r r ) S t i c n l ? Buulc) Frcind Maine Sboi\ci, Boiiicr Ciallen M;indciioo Sirim~x,i Bojcs Ciarnblc \Innoiillc~ S n ~ i l h . B. Brandt Gannon hl;irko\ck S > ~ ~ i r l > , S. I t .



Chadi\lcL Cibc~a Clark ( Iy l l i c r

Cc>ltcir Cola1ell;i ( ' 01~

Coillcll Corrieari Coscll CO! Dc1.11i.a DC\exlel I leN'eeh~ Ilale) l ) a \ Icr 1)ilnidd

Dicucricl D~rl lc r I>ombroa,hi Do~lalucii

Habdcn hfurphj HI)c( N.ihill Hecklel Nnyc ilcro~nr O'Hricn I l c r , hc ) 0'L)onnrll llei. Olau Ili?rliin~ar, Oliicr H u g h c l Periel Holcll inio~i I'cilzirca I l l i n I'u~rone .lach,on Phillips ladlau icc Piccola larollrl Pihre1I.a lobniori Pilli 10)sph) Prcrbmano Kasonic I'rerton K C I I I I C ~ ) Pun1 hc1111~') Ka)mond h,>i~n<hi Kebcr hukobich Rcinard l.a(i~olla Richard\on La~rglr)' Klagrr I n ihinpcl



succt Taylor, C . L . Tarlor. F. Tallor. I . Tclck I igoe rrello 1 it1111an

Van Horrlr Veon Vroon \Vamhach M'av Wehlori Wipglnr Wilson \\'ogun \\loiniak \I'riehl. D. K . \\'right, I . L . \\'right, R . C. Yaodriicvit,

Inis. Spuakrr

A majority of the members elected t o the House having voted ill the affirmative, lhe qucstion was determined in the ;iffirmativc a n d rhc motion was agreed to .

O n the question recurring, Will the I louse agree t o the hill o n third consideration as

amended? Mr. DAVIES offered the following amendment A41 10 to

amendment A4093:

Ainerld Arncndmcnts, page 2, line 26, by removing the period after "w" and inserting , or Srotn a psychiatriht o r other specialist qualified to make an informcd judgment that he is unable to wear a safety seat belt system for psychological reasons.

On thequest ion, Will t h r House agree t o thc amendment?

T h e SPEAKER. O n the amendment , the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Bcrks, Mr. Dasjies.

Mr. DAVIES. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, chis amendment is little different from a n

amendnient thac I had successfully added to this bill when h e considered i l in the last term as a separ;ile piece of legislation. \Vhat thi\ amendment does is allow people u h o are suffering f rom n severe case of claustrophobia created by the utilization of the belt t o be excused front wearing it, wcaring ~ h c belt.

Page 22: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general


What i t does i s allow either a psychialrist or someone elsc that is certified to make such an informed judgnicni to be able to excuse that person frotn \rearing the seatbelt and therehy actually making him a safer driver and not cl-cating an addi- tional h;~rard on thc road, as could well happen i f i t would be the case that the person would not be allowed to be without the scatbelt. Thank you. Mr. Spcaker.

The SPEAKER. Orrlhe Davies antmdment. the Chair rec- ogrti~es the gentleman froin Philadelphia, hlr. Kosincki.

Mr. KOSINSKI. Would ihe genlleman plcase stand for interrogation?

Mr. DAVIES. Yes, hlr. Speaker. Mr. KOSINSKI. Mr. Speaker, are you aware that lhcre i s

already an exception for a phys ic ia~~ '~ excuse for a drii'er or a passenger with a mental problem?

Mr. DAVIES. The question, Mr. Speakel, gets to the point o f whether we are going to just restrict it to the medical ternmi- nology of the psychiatrist, which I understand does hold a medical degree, or that person who i s art approvcd psycholo- gist who could also verify that the person suffers from this particular phobia. That would be the only extension beyond the parameters of the bil l as i t is no\\ draltcd. I think that i s a very important differc~ttial, and therelore, we should cortsider that as a person who, 01' course, would be certified, and that is someone who i s certified, not someoric who i h just o f f thc street.

The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recogni~es the gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Kosinski.

Mr . KOSINSKI. Very shortly, Mr . Speaker. 1 feel the Davies amendment i s redundant. I t i s already

taken care of within the 1.inton amendment, and I ask for a defeat o f the Davies amendment. Thank you.

On the question recurring, Will the House agree lo the amendment?

The following roll call was recorded:

YEAS- 126

Aogsiadl Barley Belardi Belfaliti Birrnelin Black Hook B O W E C ~ Hoych Hrandf Rlou,"s Bunt Hurd nuit, Callagiroo? ('arl%in Cawlry Ccrrar Chadwiuk C i ~ c r ~ Clark Clrrno~ Colaiclla Culc Corilcll Ile'dcne! U c U e c ~ e

Ihrham Fargo t a r ~ n c r Fee Fiicher t.lick Foster Frecntan Prcind Clal1i.n Gamble Geirr Cicorlu (iladeck Godrliall Hagarti Haluska Has*) Hayc+ Heillcr 1 lrrnlnn Hcrillc) Hi.,, tioilaman I I ~ l c h i ~ ~ ~ , ~ n J,tck\on Iadlow>ec

Lloyd hlcCall McClaictly McVcrry Manmiller hlarkosci I layern ik \'lelerr) Miller hloehlmam! hloivcr) "loye Olari Perrcl Pa~m~ca Peironc I'hilllp, I'iccoIa I'illi 1311111

Ra) mond Kchcr Kcinanl

Sa~irinan Scllrclr Schu1i.r Selnntel Sciaitnl Scvenry Sirianni Smilh, B. Smilh, S. 11. s,,y<ter, 11. \v Sabdur. G Staback Stairs Sieighlier Sulhan laylor. L . 7. r:,!l"r, I.. Ta!lor. I . 1'uli.k '1 i ~ u e Trcllo Venn \\'an,h,cI, \va,, M c(10n Wiggins \\'il,""

.1,~11!1~~1!1 Hi l lc l t i e~ lned) Kol?l>~~r\ hukoilcl~ K!:!,, I ;~llglr) I<! I h k t :,,,gl,l,,, S.,I,><,,,,


I)o~l~h~ini,kt I c\d:tz~bh! ll<~,,:!l,~cc, 11111,111

l l 1 1 1 i ) 1 01.1 h I:\an* L1cit;iIc 1.0.. 21.$~111' Oil r l i lo i> hl.ii~dcrinn (;loppi> \tcli,) I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L . ~ hrlchh,vic H;t>dcli Mcurpll! HII"IIC\ Y a i ~ ~ l l iilll,llll olIr1c1, IO\C[)I>\ O'Il111111~1l Ka<allii. 011tcr ho\l!lill l'~.lcll;t t ii(;lOl!d l'lii\\ii1dl,ll


The question \ \ a h dctcr~nined in the aflirmative, and the amendment was agreed to.

On the question recurring, \$'ill the House ayree Lo the bill on third conhiderarion as


The SI'EAKEK. The Chair recopnires the gentleman from Berks, Mr. Gallen.

Mr. GA1.LEN. Mr. Speaker, I havc ordered an ;r~tiendment and i t i s not down yet, and 1 \\,auld like to get the opportunity to havc i t distributed and-

The SPEAKF.R. 'The que5tion is , \\ill rhe Hou?c agree to the bill, and )'our amendment i s not yet here.

Mr. CAI.I.EN. That is correct. The SPEAKER. hlr. Manderino. do you wish to speak to

that quesiion'! Mr . MANDEKINO, Mr. Speaker, i t i s my understanding

that the gentleman has just ordered I t i s amendment. I t i s an amendment that amelids the Linton a~nendment in substanrial form. This matter of seatbelts was considered io both caucuses. Those members who came lo the floor prepared to offer amendments, even the Devies amendment that took a suspenhion of the rules, havc been given consideration. I think to give further consideration i s just ?\tending further than we ought to extend at this point.

Mr. Speaker, those who have indicated, including Mr. Ciallcn, that they liavc a~nendmcnts that the) uant to oifcr are

opponents of seatbelt5, expressed oppuncnts of seatbeltc, and any amendment in ~l ir ~taiorc of amending the 1Li111on arnend- lnertt I think \\.otild Icad us to where we n.cre the last time we considered scathelt\, and that \\as a Chriblrnas tree, a proliferation of amendn~ents to the point that we were unable lo come to an agreentent.

Page 23: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general


I \\.auld therefore, Mr. Spcaker. o p p o x ally delay i n voting final passa$i '~)l illis hill, n l ~ d I u ~ ~ i ~ i d ask that we lahc the vnte on the bill wit11 the inserled \ \ i t l ~ o r ~ t wailing furtlier, hlr. Speakct.


hl l . (iAI.L.EN. hlr . Spenkcr, I 1i5e to a jioini 01' pcr$o~lnl p r i ~ ilege.

The SPF.AKLII. The gentleman \ \ i l l state tile point. Mr. (;AI.LEN. Mr. Speaker. I ihinh it i \ paretllly unfair lor

llic majority leader to c;lIcgorirc me a5 a propollell1 or oppo- nent olanyrliing. A n d , hlr . Spixkcr, I-

Mr. MANIIEIIINO. h11. Spcahcl-, lie is entirely right on that, entircl) right.

Thc SPEAKER. Would lire gent lc~nan, hlr. C;r~llen, lik~. to restate Iris opirlion?

Mr. (iAL.I.I;N. Wh) . 1 ju>i d o not think i l is lair lor thc majorit) leadel to ca tegor i~e any ~ncrnber of thi, I lou5e in an) llartic~ilar area. And, hlr. Speaker, a c ~tctunlly saa Illis a n ~ e r ~ d ~ n c ~ i t \\hen \ \r canie 1 0 the lloor. This bill ,\as not con- sidered in any committee. I h a s not aware, really, that thi, languagc was in this lcpislarion concerning the right of miti- gating circumstancei and-

The SPEAKEK. hlr . Callen, you h a \ c gone beyond the point of pc~sona l privilege no\\..

Mr. GALLEN. Well, 1 am hoping I car1 talk 11)ngenough to get my arnendrnenr d o u n , Mr. Speaker.

l l i e SPEAKEK, I ilrought so.

On the queslior~ recurring, Will the l louse agree lo [he bill on lhird co~irideration as

amendcd? Rill as amended \\as agreed to.

The SPEAKEK. This bill has been considered on three dif- ferent dabs and agreed to and is now on final pashage.

Thequestion is, shall the bill pass finally?

0 1 1 final passage, the Chair recognires the gentleman from Chesler, Mr. Flick.

Mr. FLICK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I just wi$h the lne~rlhers ro know, and \e\eral habe

approached !lie asking that I d o offer the amendment that I had suggesled, but I have been advised b) Ihc lnakers of the Gordon Linton amendment and hy those in leadership here in the House that they will work to pursuc lhai the 810 fine that we arc no\\ passing into law as far as the House is concerned go directly to the Cat I:und, and for that rearorl I am support- ing thc bill and I beliere there are others in this chamber who are also supporting it.

On the question recurring, Shall the bill pass finall>? The SPEAKER. Agreeable to the provisions o f the Consti-

rution, the yeas and nays will now he taken.

Kiltci Kochoch Kurly R!an iR)ilai Saul elan

Scmmel \eri,li,,i Serenlv Slrnacri S i~ i i~ l i , S. H. S1a1x:i.l. Slclghrlcr 5tub.,,, Swcu1 i,,!lor. t. L. niy;or, I Taylor, 1 l i g n e Tlcllo I lillliiiil V i l r Horrle \'roo>, \Valoh;ich \\;I\\ , \VC\~"" \I ISgln, \I ilion W"8"" \ I l i ~ t , I . I . L ~ . W~igl l l . R . C. Y:$z~clr#\c\it\

(;allc,, f i e i i l Gcargc (,odrh;~ll Ilai~~.ha Ham) Herolan I I c \ \ H u l c l ~ i n i u i ~ l a ch iu i i ldrol~r~ Iuhr~rorl Kcnnrd)


1 . ~ 1 1 Kobbini 1.ellcrrnan Saloon1 1 ~vcngaod Sclizcri 1.loyd Schuler h'lcC,%ll S~>>II!>, b. \loct,lman~~ Snyder, U . \V >loner) Snyder. ti. \I, hunlc Slairs O'L)uni~ell Tclci r'cr~arca VCOII

Phill~pi Woniial Pun1 Wrighl, D. R . Kicllaid,on


The majority rcquired by the Constitution having voted in t l ~ e affirniative, thc question wa\ determined in the affirma- tive and ( h e bill passed fin;~lly.

Ordered, That tlir clerk return tile satnc ro the Senale with the i n f o r m a l i o ~ ~ that the House has passed the same with amendment in which the concurrence o l the Senate ir reqocstcd.

'The SPEAKEK. l l l c re i z i l l be no lurcher v o t e taken on the lloor o l the House.

Page 24: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL · 1987. 11. 9. · commonwealth of pennsylvania legislative journal monday, november 9, 1987 session of 1987 171st of the general

'The SPEAKER. The Chair recogni~es the lady from Susquchanna, Miss Sirianni. Why d o you rise?

Mirr SIRIANNI. My switch was no1 working. I uould like to be voted in thc affirmative on SR 637.

The SPEAKEK. O n the final p a s a g e o f the bill? The lady's remarks will hespread upon the record.

The Chair recogni~es the gentleman from Bucks, Mr.


Reinard. Why d o you risc, sir? Mr. REINARD. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On Representative Hunt's motion t o recommit SB 637, my

switch malfunctioned, and I wanted to be voted in the nega- tive.

Thc SPEAKEK. The gentleman's remark5 \ + i l l be spread upon the record.



H f l 1707, PN 2117 By Rep. RICH,ZRDS[)N protecting the llealth and of tl,e c i t i ,cns of thii

Commonwca l t~ , hy regulating tl,c * i t i n s ,If volllnlc reduction facilities.



HB 1143, Pl\i I291 By Rep. RICHARDSON An Act amending the act of July Y, I976 (P. L. 817, No. 143).

known as the "Mental Health Procedures Act," forther p rov id ing for payment ot'costs (or treatment.


SB 415. PN 452 By Rep. RICHARDSON An Act amending the act o f April 9, 1929 (P. 1 . . 177, No. 175),

entitled "The Adn~inistrative Codc ol' 1929," pro\'idins for alcohol and drug dctoxiricalion, Lrcatment and ,llcdiclll assistance payment\ by the Department of Public Wclfare.





H H 179. P\ 2353 Hy Rep. hlANDERINO hlerl~oiiali,in- thc (:oiigrc\\ i>l lllc tir~itcil Stale\ to erract Icgi,~

ialion lo ieiol!c the p n , h l i , ~ ~ ~ s :llihing iroln !he gro\\ing pr;lclicc b) wnploier\ 01' lcr~~iinatillf pcn\ion l ' u ~ r d ~ lo \ccure 50-called "ciwfi :%\\el\" and to i ~ \ c ihe\e ah\clr I'm ihcir O\LI I henelit\.

R U I E S .

HK 184, I'U 2404 By Rep. bIANDEKINO ('orrpr:~tulaiing hlii\ Florence linapp ol' L:ln\dale, I'ennibl~

bania, for being the ulllc5t citi~ell ill' (hi\ <:on~rnon~uealtl~ and of 1 1 1 ~ United State>; alld ivishinC- llcr ~ ~ l l l i l l l l ~ d pood I lc~l th .


)IH lS8. PN 2407 Il? Rep. b1ANI)EKINO Dciignating the ivcch ol' S o \ c ~ n b e i 16, tl~rough 22, 1987, as

"I'cnn\ylia~iia Childrcn'r I3ook Weuk."



Ttw SPEAKER. Wi t l~ou t objection, till remaining bills and resolution\ on today's caleildar \ \ i l l be passed over. The Chair hears n o objection.


The SPEAKER. The Committee on Rules \ \ i l l meet imme- diately on the declaration o f the rece5s.

The SPEAKER. The House will stand in recchs.

The SPEAKER. Thcrc heing no further business to bc brouplcl l~cl'ocr thib day'\ scssion, the Chair rccog~~izes the gentlcm;~n from Berks, I l r . 1 ell.

hlr. L L H . M r . Speakcr, 1 move tlia! this House d o now adjourn until Tuesday, Novcmber 10, 1987, until the conclu- s i o ~ ~ of the qpecial ses\ion o n that date, rlnlc\\ sooner recalled by tlic Speaker.

On the question, \'Jill the House agree t o the motion'! bfotiori \\as agreed to, and at h:12 p.m., e . , . ~ . ,

adiourneil. thc House