communica instittute indonesia

KOBE COMMUNICA INSTITUTE / School Guide Sekolah Bahasa Jepang di Kobe 650-0031 116-2, Higashi-machi, Chuo-ku, KOBE TEL+81-78-333-7720 FAX+81-78-333-8570 URL KOBE COMMUNICA INSTITUTE

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Sekolah Bahasa Jepang di KOBE!!


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Sekolah Bahasa Jepang di Kobe

〒650-0031 116-2, Higashi-machi, Chuo-ku, KOBE

TEL.+81-78-333-7720 FAX.+81-78-333-8570



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E-mail.[email protected]

� Apa arti ‘Communica’ ? –dasar dari semangat pendirian sekolah–

Nama “Communica Institute” bermula dari “communicatio yang berarti “saling berbagi” dalam bahasa

Latin dan dari sanalah asal kata “komunikasi”. Arti ‘membagi’ di sini bukan membagi sesuatu barang

akan tetapi adalah untuk menunjuk ‘tindakan milik bersama’ misalnya cara menilai, cara berpikir,

cara bertindak dll. yaitu sesuatu yang siapa pun punya tetapi tidak pernah disadari.

� Apa tujuannya? –gagasan pendidikan–

Kelakuan dan cara berpikir kita, sebagian besar dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan. Itu bukannya sesuatu

yang tidak bagus, akan tetapi kalau selalu terjerat didalam rangka berpikir seperti itu maka dalam

rangka pertukaran kebudayaan akan diketemukan kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi. Communica

Institute menyadari hal tersebut dan mentargetkan cara saling berbagi “kebudayaan” yang biasanya

tidak diperhatikan tersebut yaitu dengan cara menilai secara alamiah. Target kami adalah membuat

landasan untuk siswa-siswa agar dimasa depan dapat melakukan cara penilaian yang baru lewat

“kebudayaan” sambil tetap menjunjung tinggi “kebudayaan” masing-masing tentunya.

Di Communica Institute bukan hanya belajar bahasa Jepang untuk sebagai ‘bahasa’ saja. Kami

mengajarkan bahasa Jepang sebagai sebuah ‘Pendidikan antar kebudayaan yang berbeda’.

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� Bagaimana cara belajar? –arah tujuan pendidikan/pelajaran–

: “Mengertilah diri sendiri”

Kata-kata ini berasal dan terukir di kuil Apollo di Yunani.Communica Institute menafsirkan

secara harfiah agar tujuan pendidikan dan pelajaran sebagai pengenalan terhadap diri sendiri.

Biasanya banyak orang belajar bahasa dan kebudayaan tradisional dengan rajin, tetapi jarang

memperhatikan budaya yang ada didalam diri sendiri. Akan tetapi, bilamana kita tidak tahu

akan diri sendiri, kita juga tidak bisa mengerti hal diluar diri kita.

Mari mencari ‘?’ yang ada didalam diri Anda bersama-sama.

: “Cobalah dengan cara sendiri”

Kata-kata ini diambil dari kitab suci agama Buddha. Kalau bicara secara sepintas, ini artinya

adalah “cobalah sendiri”. Artinya mencoba dulu, melakukan dulu bukan hanya membaca dan

berpikir, tetapi menggunakan badan dan kelima indera, lalu berpikirlah mengenai hal itu.

Mendapat peran berikutnya karena sudah mulai bertindak.

� Apa yang ingin dipelajari ? –isi pelajaran-

Memupuk kemampuan komunikasi yang bisa mengungkapkan “sifat sendiri” adalah unsur

penting untuk pelajaran bahasa Jepang. Memupuk kemampuan dari tingkat dasar untuk bisa

mengatakan hal yang ingin disampaikan didalam bahasa Jepang dengan cara sendiri, bukan

belajar mengungkapkan yang hanya sesuai dengan buku pelajaran. Sekaligus termasuk

memupuk kemampuan ‘ketepatan’ keduanya yaitu, ‘tata bahasa yang tepat’ dan ‘lafal yang


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− The Contents of Classes (the purpose and teaching materials of each step)

Classes are separated from step 1 (foundation class) to step8 (advanced

class) and changed every 3 months by periodical examinations.

Lesson hours *12:50~13:30:lunch break

Day Hours Classes

Morning(Advanced / Business) Monday to Friday 9:00 – 12:50 50 min × 4 lessons

Mid-day(Intermediate) Monday to Friday 11:00 – 15:20 50 min × 4 lessons

Afternoon(Beginner) Monday to Friday 13:30 – 17:20 50 min × 4 lessons

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Step 8〜7

(Foundation~ Beginner Class)

《The purpose》

・You can build up fundamental communication ability to express yourself (your character) in Japanese.

・Compare and consider own and other’s rules and social standards, under knowing yourself,

others and differences to be able to control your behavior.

・Aiming at a Japanese user with property, and build up fluency with well-balanced ability.

・In a class activity, we do actual practice, so that “you understand” is linked to “you can do ”.

《Teaching Materials》


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(Beginner~ Intermediate Class)


《The purpose》

In daily scenes or general topics, you can build up skills to communicate in Japanese and live

autonomous with other’s help. It is included the ability of ‘receive and accept understanding’,

which gasp a theme and summary with reading a paragraph. It is also included the ability of

produce and create, which is speaking and writing about something around you (almost accurately

in sentence level/not perfect in paragraph level).

《Teaching Materials》

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(Intermediate~ Upper Intermediate Class)

《The purpose》

① You can build up the ability of ‘receive and accept understanding’ through reading, speaking and

writing dialogues which have some extent of length in any fields.

② You can build up the ability of ‘produce and create expression’. State logically, separated facts

and opinion, using some paragraphs in fields which you have interests or closely topics.

③ The ability of Japanese that you use in daily life is linked to ‘Academic Japanese’ that you need to

enter an university.

《Teaching Materials》


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(Upper Intermediate〜Advanced Class)

《The purpose》

① The ability of “receive and accept understanding.” You can develop the ability of reading a

paperback in a field which you have preliminary knowledge or an interest. Also you can build up

the ability of grasping a subject and summary in a field that you have not interest or knowledge.

② The ability of ‘create’. You can describe facts and opinions separately, put together opinions

logically, and write some paragraphs with complex structures.

③ The ability of ‘Academic Japanese’. You can build up skills of research activities and study after

entering an university with using proper Japanese.

《Teaching Materials》

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Business Japanese

Subjects Targets Syllabus

Oral skills Can properly interact face

to face or on the phone

First time meeting, getting directions, reporting, attending

meetings, receiving guests, making requests, refusing, consulting,

receiving phone calls, & making appointments, etc.

Written skills

Can write e-mails and

business letters according

to the purpose, and can read

business articles

Writing e-mails to make enquiries, ask questions, answer, thank,

apologize, and make appointments, or writing reports, and reading

Nikkei business articles, etc.



Build business specific

vocabulary and expressions

The meaning and usage of words and expressions specifically

used in business situations


honorific terms

Understand the system of

honorific terms and can use

them without serious


Mechanism of business honorific terms, parameters to determine

the politeness level, etc.



Grasp the tendency of BJT

(Business Japanese

Proficiency Test) and get

familiar with its style

Listening (Description, Expression, Listening), Listening & Reading

Comprehension (Description, Listening and Reading), Reading

Comprehension (Grammar and Vocabulary, Expression, Reading of

Short Texts)



Understand the business

manners and their premises

and can practice their basics

Exchanging name-cards, visiting & having guests, attending

meetings, transportation, coming and leaving the office, clothes,

hairstyle, telephone, etc.



Know the characteristics of

Japanese business culture

Confidence, team-working, nemawashi (groundwork), concept of

time, responsibility, etc.


in Japan

Know the circumstances of

job-seeking in Japan or at

Japanese companies

Circumstances of job-seeking in Japan, how to find companies,

how to read job information, how to have a job interview, how to

write the entry-sheet, etc.



Strengthen Japanese skills

and communication


Rich vocabulary, grammatical correctness, communication skills,

fluency, etc.

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School Record


*It is issued every three months.

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◇ Points & Criteria of Evaluation

【Japanese language subjects】

Criteria A (Excellent), B (Good), C (Fair), D (Poor), E (Bad)

【other than Japanese language subjects】

Criteria (five-grade)

A+: Excellent / prominent growth

A : Good / moderate growth

B+: Fair / no change

B : Need effort / small regression

C : Need substantial effort / huge regression

Points of Evaluation

<Willingness to learn>


(Participation & concentration)

(Finding & pursuing questions)


<Interpersonal skills>

(Contribution toward forming and sustaining

the class community)

( Compliance to the rules within the



(Consideration to others)


(Adjustment of human relations)

<Management of learning>


(Establishing learning style)

(Using resources)

(Planning and doing)


( Reporting, making contact & seeking


<Management of daily life>


( Reporting, making contact & seeking




(Part-time job)



<Cross-cultural ability>


(Suspension of judgment)



(Reflection & awareness)

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(Cross-cultural knowledge)

Kepada murid baru, selamat datang di Institut Communica.

Kehidupan di Jepang dimulai sekarang. Apakah anda

menantikannya dengan semangat atau gugup? Saya juga

gugup ketika masuk sekolah pertama kali. Tapi tenang saja.

Semuanya juga baru ketemu untuk pertama kalinya. Jika anda berada dalam masa yang

sulit, dan merasa bahwa diri anda tidak bisa melakukannya, tenang sejenak. Setelah anda

tenang, pikirkan kembali “apa tujuan saya studi ke sini?”. Seperti perkataan orang Jepang,

“初心、忘るべからず” (shoshin, wasurubekarazu). Artinya, jangan lupakan tujuan utama

anda memulai sesuatu hal. Saya yakin, selama kita memiliki motivasi, apapun juga pasti

bisa dilakukan.

Saya sangat menyukai lingkungan Kota Kobe karena daerahnya luas

dan orangnya tidak terlalu banyak, tidak seperti Tokyo yang daerahnya

selalu dikelilingi gedung tinggi dan orangnya sangat banyak. Dengan

suasana lingkungan Kota Kobe seperti ini saya bisa berjalan-jalan atau

berkeliling kota menggunakan sepeda dengan santai. Dan Kota Kobe

juga dikelilingi oleh gunung dan laut.

Hidup di kobe teh gampang. lebih-lebih di sannomiya,

barang-barang keperluan sehari-hari mudah didapatkan.

pas lagi harus beli perabot rumah tangga, pas lagi laper,

pas lagi pengen beli baju, saya selalu pergi ke daiei.

terus supermarket B2 nya daiei teh, makin malem,

sushi sama gorengan perlahan-lahan makin murah.

apalagi lantai 8 nya teh gelo pisan, menurut saya. surga dah pokonya! tiap kali datang

ke lantai 8, duit sama waktu selalu ilang ga kerasa. mau gimana juga, saya mah senang

sama daiei, tp orang tua saya mah ga terlalu senang kayanya. ayo mari kita lihat ada apa

di lantai 8...

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Graduate School Kobe University / Kobe City University of Foreign Studies / Kobe University of Commerce /

Tsukuba University / Osaka University of Foreign Studies / Kansai University etc.

Public University Kobe University / Kobe University of Commerce / Kobe City University of Foreign Studies /

Hyogo University of Teacher Education / Hokkaido University / Nagoya industry University etc.

Private University Kwansei Gakuin University / University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences /

Kobe Gakuin University / Osaka Institute of Technology / Kobe International University /

Kobe Shinwa Women’s University / Kyoto University of Art and Design / Ritsumeikan University /

Hannan University / Kansai University / Osaka Sangyo University etc.

Vocational School Osaka Communication arts / Kansai Design Zokei College /

Osaka School of Music / Osaka Sogo College of Design etc.

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❖ “The Former Foreign Settlement of Kobe,” the historical district where Communica Institute is,

has developed since the opening of Kobe Port, and has created its own unique culture. It is

located in the center of Kobe where many of municipal office buildings gathers.

❖ Communica Institute is located at the 7 minute walk from the Sannomiya station on JR and other

major railways.

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Nationality of Enrollment

・The other of Asia Singapore / Nepal / Pakistan / India...

・Europe / America / Africa Italy / France / Spain / Porland / Swiss / America / Australia / Kazakhstan...

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The “7” courses from which you can select!

1.【Long term】General Japanese / University and college preparation

course (6 months - 2 years / Student VISA) This is a course for those who plan to enter a Japanese college and university or who

want to improve their working knowledge of Japanese. Classes start in April, July,

October, and January.

2.【Long term】 Graduate School entry class (6 or 9 months / Student VISA) This course offers individual guidance for writing a “Research Plan” as well as

introduction to graduate schools fit for you. Classes start in July (9 months), October

(6 months).

3.【Long term】 Basic / Practical Business Japanese Course

(6 months each / Student VISA) This is a course for those who seek to find jobs in Japan or at Japanese firms at home.

It deals with business Japanese and Japanese business culture (corporate culture /

business manners). You can choose from two different levels (Basic:6 months /

Practical:6 months). Classes start in April and October.

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4.【Short term】 Intensive Course (1 month - 3 months) This course is for people who has a visa of dependent, spouse, temporary visit or

trainee. Entrance term: April, July, October, January.

5.【Short term】Business Japanese / Business manner Course(3 months) This is a course for those who seek to find jobs in Japan or at Japanese firms at home.

It deals with basic business Japanese and Japanese business culture (corporate culture

/ business manners) for 3 months.

6.【Study tour】Summer Course (2 weeks - 1 month)

7.【Study tour】Winter Course (2 weeks - 1 month)

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1.【Long term】General Japanese / University and college preparation course

� Outline

This is a course for those who plan to enter a Japanese college and university. You can

choose from four different learning periods (6 months - 2 years). Classes start in April, July,

October, and January.

� Features

- We understand that knowing how to communicate your own "uniqueness" is an integral part

of learning Japanese. Free yourself of the model conversations in textbooks, and learn how to

say what you really want to say using Japanese from the very beginning. Here, you can do just

that without losing your own "uniqueness".

- In Japanese communication, both "correctness" (in grammar and pronunciation) and "oral

fluency" are important. We can help you learn Japanese "appropriately" from both points of


- In intermediate level classes and above with our Pre-college course, we shift our focus more

to academic Japanese necessary to study and do research in Japanese colleges. It is not just

for passing entrance exams, but to allow yourself to truly enjoy your college life as well.

- We help you acquire the ability of autonomous learning so that you can lead a successful life

at your colleges or university. In some classes, we offer "seminar" style lessons where

students choose their own themes, make their own plans and go along with them. All of our

staff will support you to act more autonomously in the classroom as well as outside the


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2.【Long term】 Graduate School entry class (6 or 9 months / Student VISA)

◆ Description:

- Individual guidance for writing the “Research Plan” required on entering graduate schools.

- Introduction to graduate schools fit for your purposes, based on our academic network dating

from 1988, the year of our school’s foundation.

- Development of “Academic Japanese” skills enabling research at the graduate level.

◆ This course is for the following people:

・Those who have graduated from 4-year-colleges and universities at home

* Bachelor’s degree required

・Level N2 or higher on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.

◆ Courses:

July class(9 months) October class(6 months)

Capacity 5 people 5 people

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3.【Long term】 Basic / Practical Business Japanese Course

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4.【Short term】 Intensive Course (1 month - 3 months)


Promoting synthetic Japanese communication skill.

- We understand that knowing how to communicate your own "uniqueness" is an integral part of

learning Japanese. Free yourself of the model conversations in textbooks, and learn how to say

what you really want to say using Japanese from the very beginning. Here, you can do just that

without losing your own "uniqueness".

- In Japanese communication, both "correctness" (in grammar and pronunciation) and "oral

fluency" are important. We can help you learn Japanese "appropriately" from both points of


◆Level From Basic to Advanced. ◆Period (2016 - 2017) *Application deadline: By 2 weeks before the class starts.

Start 60 lessons (1 month)

120 lessons (2 month)

180 lessons (3month)

4/4 〜 4/26 〜 5/23 〜 6/16

6/28 〜 7/21 〜 8/25* 〜 9/21*

10/6 〜 10/31 〜11/28 〜 12/19

1/5 〜 1/30 〜2/20 〜 3/16

*8/6〜8/21:summer vacation (no lessons)

◆Documents to Submit Application form / Needs readiness sheet / 3 photos / Passport (copy)

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5.【Short term】Business Japanese / Business manner Course(3 months)


• Acquisition of basic Japanese for business purposes.

• Japanese business culture (corporate culture / business manners).

• Japanese for daily life (daily conversation).

• Aiming to take BJT (Business Japanese Test) J2.

◆This course is for the following people

• Foreign people who seek to find jobs in Japan.

• Foreign people who seek to find jobs at Japanese firms at home.

• Foreign people who hold a working holiday visa.

◆Period etc. (2016 – 2017) *Application deadline: By 1 month before the class starts.

Period 4/6~6/16 6/30~9/21* 10/11~12/19 1/10~3/16

Capacity 15persons 15persons 15persons 15persons

*8/6〜8/21:summer vacation (no lessons)

◆Documents to Submit

Application form / Needs readiness sheet / 3 photos / Passport (copy)

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【1.2.3. Long Term Course】

*Textbooks / Insurance fee is NOT included. (Text fee: 7,000~10,000YEN/3 month)

*Short term/3M + Long term/6M special discount:Admission fee 30,000YEN discount.

【4. 5. Short Term Course】

4.Intensive Course

5.Business Japanese / Business manner Course

60 lessons / 1month 120 lessons / 2month 180 lessons / 3month

Registration fee ¥10,000 ¥10,000 ¥10,000

Tuition fee ¥70,250 ¥123,250 ¥176,250

School Facilities ¥3,000 ¥4,000 ¥5,000

Activities fees ¥1,750 ¥2,750 ¥3,750

TOTAL ¥85,000 ¥140,000 ¥195,000

*Textbooks fee is NOT included. (Text fee: 7,000~10,000YEN/3 month)

*Working Holiday VISA special discount:Registration fee(10,000YEN) discount.

《Foreign Student Comprehensive Insurance fee 》

Period 1 year 9 month 6 month 3 month

Amount ¥9,900 ¥8,700 ¥7,400 ¥4,200

Bank Account The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Sannomiya Branch Swift : BOTKJPJT

An ordinary account: No. 1104182 Account name: COMMUNICA INSTITUTE

Bank Add.: 8-3-10 Isogamidori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, JAPAN.

1. General Japanese / University and college preparation course

2. Graduate School entry class

3. Basic / Practical Business Japanese Course

First semester

(6months) Second semester


Examination Fee ¥30,000 ― ―

Admission Fee ¥60,000 ―

Tuition fee ¥335,000 ¥335,000

School Facilities ¥10,000 ¥10,000

Activities fees ¥7,500 ¥7,500

TOTAL ¥412,500 ¥352,500

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The Entrance Procedure

Pogram terdiri dari tingkat 8 (dasar) sampai tingkat 1 (tingkat atas), dan setiap tingkat bisa diselesaikan sekitar 3 bulan.Disetiap tingkat akhir pelajaran akan ada ujian berkala, dan jika lulus siswa dapat melanjutkan ketingkat berikutnya.

❖ Syarat untuk masuk sekolah (Jika calon siswa tidak ingin melanjutkan sekolah di Jepang, syaratnya bukan seperti di bawah ini saja)

-Riwayat Pendidikan:Lulusan SMA atau lebih atau orang yang pernah mendapat pendidikan

lebih dari 12 tahun

✓Masuk sekolah April Juli Oktober Januari

✓Program yang

disediakan Program dalam

jangka 2 tahun

Program dalam

jangka 1 tahun

9 bulan

Program dalam

jangka 1 tahun

6 bulan

Program dalalam

jangka 1 tahun

3 bulan

✓Batas waktu



Sampai akhir


Sampai akhir


Sampai akhir


Sampai akhir


✓Perolehan izin Akhir Februari Akhir Mei Akhir Agustus Akhir Nobember

✓Upacara masuk

sekolah (rencana) Tgl.6 April Tgl.29 Juni Tgl.5 Oktober Tgl.5 Januari

❖Dari mulai sejak pendaftaran sampai masuk sekolah

1) Diadakan penilaian didalam sekolah berdasarkan wawancara dinegara masing masing calon

siswa, ujian tertulis dan berdasarkan dokumen yang diserahkan.

2) Mendaftarkan permohonan untuk mendapatkan Eligibility ke imigrasi bagi calon siswa yang

lulus dalam penilaian sekolah.

3) Setelah mendapatkan Eligibility dan setelah membayar biaya sekolah maka setiap siswa

dapat mendaftarkan VISAnya di Kedubes atau Konsulat Jendral Jepang.

KOBE COMMUNICA INSTITUTE Petunjuk Prosedur untuk Masuk Sekolah Dengan

Program Kursus Jangka Waktu Panjang

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< Mengenai dokumen yang diserahkan > Untuk calon siswa dan orang yang menanggung biaya, mohon disiapkan dokumen yang diperlukan dengan memahami sedetail mungkin mengenai list dokumen yang diperlukan.

*Setiap dokumen harus ditulis tangan oleh calon siswa atau orang yang menangung biaya atau orang yang menerbitkan dokumennya.

*Jika dokumennya ditulis dengan bahasa negara asal siswa maka semua tulisan harus diperjemahkan kedalam bahasa Jepang (termasuk ijazah sekolah). Mohon tulisan atau keterangan yang diperjemahkan pada putih dengan ukuran A4 diberi nama lengkap penterjemah dan nama lembaga yang didaftar.

Ⅰ Dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan bagi calon siswa/pendaftar(yang dikasih tanda * ada formulir dari sekolah)

Dokumen yang

diperlukan Perhatian

①Poto 8 lembar

(4cm * 3cm)

• Foto terbaru 3 bulan terakhir dengan wajah menghadap dan menulis nama lengkap di


②Kartu Keluarga • Isilah nama seluruh anggota sekeluarga

③Foto kopi paspor • Bagian halaman yang ada identitas dan cap keluar/masuk ke Jepang dari Imigrasi

④ * Pendaftaran masuk

sekolah • Harus ditulis oleh calon siswa/pendaftar dengan tulisan tangan.

⑤*Riwayat hidup

※Surat penjelasan

mengenai masa vakum

dalam riwayat hidup

(Jika diperlukan)

• Harus ditulis oleh calon siswa/pendaftar dengan tulisan tangan.

• Menulis nama lengkap sekolah, tanggal masuk sekolah, tanggal lulus sekolah dengan benar

sesuai dengan yang tertulis didalam ijazah sekolah.

• Jika ada masa vakum lebih dari 3 bulan dalam riwayat hidup, tulislah penjelasan pada lampiran

(formulir tersedia) mengenai apa yang dilakukan selama masa vakum tersebut.

⑥* Surat alasan

keinginan bersekolah

• Tulislah mengenai tujuan belajar, riwayat hidup, rencana kelanjutan pada masa depan dan

ingin menjadi apa dimasa depan secara mendetailnya.

*Jika penjelasannya kurang mendetail maka ada kemungkinan akan diminta tulis ulang.

⑦Ijazah pendidikan


• Ijazah asli pendidikan terakhir

*Untuk calon siswa yang sedang bersekolah di SMA, diperlukan surat keterangan mengenai

jaminan lulus SMA.

*Untuk calon siswa yang sedang bersekolah di sekolah tinggi dan akan berhenti sekolah untuk

datang ke Jepang, diperlukan dokumen di bawah kedua ini;

a) Ijazah SMA b) Surat Keterangan Sekolah dari universitas dll.

⑧Surat keterangan nilai

pendidikan terakhir

• Menyerahkan surat keterangan NEM/daftar nilai secara lengkap dari sekolah/pendidikan


⑨Surat keterangan

pengalaman belajar

bahasa Jepang

• Mengisi jangka waktu bersekolah, lama masa belajar, nilai dan persentase kehadiran dll

dengan jelas.

*Jika calon siswa yang telah pernah mengikuti atau ada rencana akan mengikuti Ujian

Kemampuan Bahasa Jepang/Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken (diadakan oleh Japan Exchanges and

Services/Japan Foundation), diperlulan dokumen di bawah ini;

a) Calon siswa yang telah lulus menyerahkan foto kopi surat keterangan hasil ujian

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kemampuan bahasa Jepang, yang tidak lulus menyerahkan foto kopi surat pemberitahuan


b) Calon siswa yang mempunyai rencana mengikuti ujian tersebut menyerahkan foto kopi

kartu pendaftaran ujian.

⑩Surat keterangan


• Calon siswa yang punya rencana kembali bekerja setelah pulang ke negaranya menyerahkan

surat jaminan kembali bekerja.

Ⅱ Dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan bagi orang yang menanggung biaya(yang dikasih tanda * ada formulir dari sekolah)

Dokumen yang

diperlukan Perhatian

①* Surat jaminan


• Menulis jumlah biaya sekolah・kehidupan yang ditanggung dan cara pembayarannya dengan

jelas dan ditandatangani・dicap oleh orang yang menanggung biaya.

• Menulis mengenai hubugan antara orang yang menanggung biaya dengan calon siswa secara

jelas oleh orang yang akan menanggung biaya.

②Surat keterangan saldo

bank • Surat keterangan saldo bank atas nama orang yang akan menanggung biaya.

③Keterangan bekerja

<Jika karyawan perusahaan>

• Surat keterangan bekerja (diisi dengan cap perusahaan, cap orang mewakili perusahaan,

alamat dan nomor telepon dll yang bisa dihubungi).

<Jika mengusahakan perusahaan atau pejabat>

• Surat Akta Pendirian Perusahaan/ Badan Hukum(Hojin tokibo tohon)

<Jika perusahaan milik sendiri>

• Surat Izin Perusahaan atau dokumen mengenai transaksi dll

④Keterangan mengenai


• Surat keterangan pembayaran pajak pendapatan/Nozei shomeisho yang diterbit dari badan

resmi (1 tahun terbaru)

⑤Keterangan mengenai

hubungan dengan calon


※Jika selain sanak famili

<Jika ada hubungan transaksi pedagang dengan calon siswa atau orang tuanya>

• Pendaftaran Akta Pendirian Perusahaan/Badan Hukum(hojin tokibo tohon) yang perusahaan

dimiliki oleh calon siswa atau orang tua siswa

• Ringkasan perusahaan (pamflet perusahaan dll)

<Jika ada hubungan patungan dengan calon siswa atau orang tua siswa>

• Pendaftaran Akta Pendirian Perusahaan/Badan Hukum(hojin tokibo tohon) (Surat Izin


• Surat keterangan mengenai persentase keikut-sertaan sebagai penyetor modal

*Jika kasus lain, diperlukan dokumen yang menjelaskan hubungan yang sangat kuat antara

orang yang tanggung biaya dan calon siswa.

*Perhatian* Bilamana dokumen yang diserahkan atau data di bawah ini tidak berlaku. Mohon diperhatikan. (1) Jika hal yang harus ditulisnya masih ada kekurangan. (2) Jika tidak ada nama dan atau cap orang yang membuat dokumen. (3) Jika tidak ada perbaikan secara tepat.

(4) Jika ada kesalahan didalam penulisan. (5) Jika tanggal penerbitan dokumen sudah lewat lebih dari 3 bulan. (6) Jika tulisan tangannya tidak ditulis sendiri oleh pengisi.

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Introduction of Faculty Staff

• Takeda Etsuko / curriculum chief

“Why don’t you learn in KOBE where different cultures meet?”

• Fujisaki Hirokazu / chief of educational department

Let's learn to live happily and deeply, here at Communica! We are

waiting for you!!

• Maruyama Tomoko / teacher

KOBE is a beautiful city, safer than Tokyo and Osaka. If you study abroad, KOBE is the best choice!!

• Yatsuzuka Sachie / teacher

We will support you realize your dreams through learning Japanese.

Let’s learn and enjoy together!

• Hisatsugi Yuko / teacher

Why don't you get to know different cultures and rediscover yourself in

a cosmopolitan city, KOBE?

• Uchida Satsuki /teacher

You may feel uncertain about living abroad, but marvelous friends are waiting for you here!

• Shuto Mika / teacher

How about learning Japanese with us in this beautiful port city, KOBE?

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• Onoe Masanori / teacher(Business Japanese)

If you learn Japanese, come to Japan! Japanese learning environment, 24 hours, 360 degrees! Enthusiastic teachers and joyful friends are waiting for you.

• Noguchi Junji / teacher(Business Japanese)

Let's learn Japanese with us here in KOBE, a comfortable place to live in for people from overseas.

• Konomi Hiroko / teacher

Why don't you share memorable moments with us in an international and brilliant city, KOBE!

• Yada Mariko / teacher(Business Japanese)

Why don't you enjoy learning Japanese with us! Precious encounters await here!

• Hino Yoshihisa / administrative department(Manager)

You can do it in KOBE! You can do it at Communica! Come to KOBE to increase what you can do.

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【Examination/Guidance counseling】 【Activity】


*An entrance ceremony(10th)

*A physical examination *Classes of the first semester starts *Course Orientation *First Orientation for college plan


(about daily life for new students)

*Welcome Party for new students

May *Orientation(EJU*) *Investigation about what to do after graduation

*KOBE festival


*Midterm examination of first semester *An individual Interview (continue until decided) *EJU

*Exchange activity with university students *Kabuki appreciation class

*KOBE festival


*An entrance ceremony(1st)

*A physical examination

*Orientation (before summer vacation) *Orientation (EJU)


(about daily life for new students)

*Welcome Party for new students

(Suma Beach)


*Summer vacation (about 1 month)

*Summer course starts *Classes start

*KIMONO-wearing class

*Kobe Port fireworks appreciation

September *Final examination of the first semester *Sports Festival


*Second semester starts(1st) *An entrance ceremony

*A physical examination


(about daily life foe new students)

*Welcome Party for new students

November *EJU *Exchange activity with university students


*Midterm examination of the second semester *Orientation (before winter break) *Second Orientation for college plan

*Winter vacation (about 2 weeks)

*The Anniversary of School Foundation(5th)

*Kizuna(絆)Party by students


*Classes starts(10th)

*An entrance ceremony

*A physical examination

*A New Year’s party *’Hatsumoude’

(The first visits of the year to shrine) *Volunteer activity / Participating for a

memorial service of Hanshin earthquake


February *Final examination(Second semester) *A collection of works

*Speech contest

March *A graduation ceremony *Graduation party


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Free/discount benefit for Cultural facilities

• “Happy Memory Pass(issued by KOBE city)” and “Hyogo Culture Pass(issued by Hyogo pref.)”

• “Happy Memory Pass (issued by Kobe International Center for Cooperation and

Communication)” is a card which enables you to use Kobe city cultural facilities free of charge

such as Kobe City Museum, Suma Aqualife Park, Kitano Foreign Residences, Mt. Rokko

Pasture, and Kitano Museum.

• “Hyogo Culture Pass” issued by Hyogo pref. is a card which enables you to use Hyogo

prefectural facilities free of charge or at a discount rate.

• The both cards will be given to all the students enrolled in Communica Institute Long-term


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About KOBE

Until 1868 Japan was a closed country, yet

opened 5 ports to foreign

countries. Kobe port is one of

them and opened for all over the world.

After that, ‘people’, ‘things’, ‘information’,

‘culture’ etc. coming into Kobe from all

over the world. People came from overseas

live and go into business, and schools for

their children are made. Now there are 9

schools (English, Hangul, Chinese, German

and Norwegian) for foreigners from the age of 5

to 18.

“The Former Foreign Settlement of Kobe”, which Communica Institute is in, is established as the

same year of opening Kobe port and diplomats, traders, cultured people, newspaper reporters etc.

lived. They brought European life style, culture, construction and industry. Culture characteristic of

Kobe are made by them. These history of Kobe and great natural environment (around sea and

mountain) make nice town to live for foreigners.

In addition, Kobe is the prefectural capital and the population is one and a half million. We have

nice view consisting of artificial island as if future city, such as Port Island and Rokko Island.

Neighboring cities of Kobe is high technology area which symbolizes modern Japanese industry such

as shipbuilding, steal manufacturing, heavy chemical(s) industry, electronics and so on.

Not only nature and industry, also shrines of Nara and Kyoto, temples, castles, racial performing

arts and industrial arts having history and tradition are equal to a Buddhist temple. There are a

skiing ground, which has good facilities such as the Kannabe highlands, and famous hot springs (e.g.,

Arima, Kinosaki, Yumura, etc.).

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☞ Life @ KOBE


s f



Living expenses



While the cost of living in Tokyo is ¥100,000/month over, that of

Kobe is ¥70,000 - ¥80,000.

Usually a guarantor is needed to rent a room in Japan,

Communica is a member of “Comprehensive Renters Insurance

for Foreign Students Living in Japan” and can be your

guarantor. One month rent is ¥40,000 to ¥50,000.


Facing the Seto Inland Sea, Kobe enjoys a temperate weather

throughout the year and does not have much rain. The annual

average temperature is around 16 to 18C. Seasonal average is

26 to 30C in summer, and 3 to 5C in winter.

Part-time job It is permitted up to 28 hours /week.

(During long vacation: up tp 8hours/day.)

☞ Insurance

National Health Insurance Insurance for foreign students

Insurance fee Around ¥1,800/month ¥9,900/year

Coverage 70% 30%(Up to ¥800,000/year)

Rescuers’ expenses × ○(Up to ¥1,000,000)

Liability insurance × ○(Up to ¥20,000,000)

Students are required to join both of the above. If you do, all the expenses will be covered.

Scholarships (pre-college students only)

1. Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students (JASSO, ¥48,000/month)

2.Rokko Scholarship (Kobe Student Youth Center Rokko Scholarship Foundation, ¥50,000/month)

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