communication link september 2014 - ngumc

Communication Link September 2014 Rome - Carrollton District United Methodist Women “… will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (NIV) Inside this Issue… Spiritual Growth Retreat ROCA Annual Meeting “Stop Hunger Now” Executive Team From the Desk of the President Walk for Others “Stop Hunger Now” Pictures Giving Makes A Difference Mission Studies List North Georgia Conference Annual Meeting Spiritual Growth Retreat Pictures Devotional Booklet Mission U Picture Christmas Shoe Boxes 2015 Officers Registration Form Valerie Thomas Social Growth Coordinator “Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You're my God. You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me.” This was the atmosphere that was set for us at the Rome Carrollton United Methodist Women’s Spiritual Growth Retreat held at beautiful Shiloh United Methodist Church Campground in Burwell, GA. Nestled within 24 acres of God’s beauty, lies beautiful gardens, a covered bridge, and a 100 year old arbor that set the stage for our first sleepover weekend held September 5 & 6. United Methodist Women are known for our mission work. This weekend was no exception! We completed Christmas boxes for the Methodist Operation Christmas Child Shoebox project which is a simple gift that can affect entire families and show them God’s love. We filled the boxes with dolls, trucks, flip-flops, toothpaste and toothbrushes, soap, and so much more. We even put a coloring book in each box with the first page of the coloring book colored by us. Our mission projects took us outside as well. We explored Shiloh with a walk through their nature trail which benefited Murphy- Harpst Children Centers in Cedartown, GA with $5 from each registration. On Friday evening, the United Methodist Men of Waco United Methodist Church furnished us with an all American cookout. We were entertained with a talent show. Yes, our women are very talented. Ms. Irene Keith and friends wrote and performed a play. Sylvia Vick and Dorothy Burton- Callaway did poetic recitations. The women from Crawford Chapel UMC performed a skit, and Lana Norman danced to the hit song “Happy”. It was a hoot, and oh did we laugh. We then indulged in ice cream sundaes and coffee as we engaged in games, conversation and good ole’ fellowship. Some of the ladies’ fellowship of Mexican Railroad Dominos lasted until 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning. The dormitories consisted of MOST of the amenities found at a five star hotel. Yes, the dormitories had plug- ins and hot water. Hallelujah!! Saturday morning with the dew on the ground and the birds chirping, we were lead in devotion under the arbor by the new Pastor of Waco United Methodist Church, Rev. Donald Stevens, husband to our President, Heidi Stevens. He reminded us from the book of Nehemiah that when we have a mind to work, we can make it happen. We appreciated the United Methodist Men of Bowdon First United Methodist Church preparing breakfast and service. Cindi Hicks, our Vice President, and the New Vision dance ministry from Griffin Chapel U.M. C. led us in praise and worship. Rev. Karen Kagiyama, the Director and Campus Minister of the United Methodist Wesley Foundation at the University of West Georgia, was the guest speaker. “Becoming the woman of God through the power of God will allow us to make it happen” was the topic she shared with us. Pat Davis and Vannie Edge shared their testimonies, and a candle burned in memory of Ruth Wright, a very committed United Methodist Woman. The weekend is now over, but the fellowship, the friends made, and the memories will never be forgotten. Our prayers continue to be with Dr. Rev. Shirley Wright, Pastor of Shiloh UMC, who is convalescing and the Shiloh U. M. C family.

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Page 1: Communication Link September 2014 - NGUMC

Communication Link September 2014

Rome - Carrollton District

United Methodist Women

“… will be my

witnesses in Jerusalem, and in

all Judea and Samaria, and to

the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8


Inside this Issue…

Spiritual Growth Retreat

ROCA Annual Meeting

“Stop Hunger Now”

Executive Team

From the Desk of the


Walk for Others

“Stop Hunger Now”


Giving Makes A


Mission Studies List

North Georgia

Conference Annual


Spiritual Growth Retreat


Devotional Booklet

Mission U Picture

Christmas Shoe Boxes

2015 Officers

Registration Form

Valerie Thomas

Social Growth Coordinator

“Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You're my God. You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me.”

This was the atmosphere that was set for us at the Rome Carrollton United Methodist Women’s Spiritual Growth Retreat held at beautiful Shiloh United Methodist Church Campground in Burwell, GA. Nestled within 24 acres of God’s beauty, lies beautiful gardens, a covered bridge, and a 100 year old arbor that set the stage for our first sleepover weekend held September 5 & 6. United Methodist Women are known for our mission work. This weekend was no exception! We completed Christmas boxes for the Methodist Operation Christmas Child Shoebox project which is a simple gift that can affect entire families and show them God’s love. We filled the boxes with dolls, trucks, flip-flops, toothpaste and toothbrushes, soap, and so much more. We even put a coloring book in each box with the first page of the coloring book colored by us. Our mission projects took us outside as well. We explored Shiloh with a walk through their nature trail which benefited Murphy- Harpst Children Centers in Cedartown, GA with $5 from each registration. On Friday evening, the United Methodist Men of Waco United Methodist Church furnished us with an all American cookout. We were entertained with a talent show. Yes, our women are very talented. Ms. Irene Keith and friends wrote and performed a play. Sylvia Vick and Dorothy Burton- Callaway did poetic recitations. The women from Crawford Chapel UMC performed a skit, and Lana Norman danced to the hit song “Happy”. It was a hoot, and oh did we laugh. We then indulged in ice cream sundaes and coffee as we engaged in games, conversation and good ole’ fellowship. Some of the ladies’ fellowship of Mexican Railroad Dominos lasted until 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning. The dormitories consisted of MOST of the amenities found at a five star hotel. Yes, the dormitories had plug- ins and hot water. Hallelujah!!

Saturday morning with the dew on the ground and the birds chirping, we were lead in devotion under the arbor by the new Pastor of Waco United Methodist Church, Rev. Donald Stevens, husband to our President, Heidi Stevens. He reminded us from the book of Nehemiah that when we have a mind to work, we can make it happen. We appreciated the United Methodist Men of Bowdon First United Methodist Church preparing breakfast and service. Cindi Hicks, our Vice President, and the New Vision dance ministry from Griffin Chapel U.M. C. led us in praise and worship. Rev. Karen Kagiyama, the Director and Campus Minister of the United Methodist Wesley Foundation at the University of West Georgia, was the guest speaker. “Becoming the woman of God through the power of God will allow us to make it happen” was the topic she shared with us. Pat Davis and Vannie Edge shared their testimonies, and a candle burned in memory of Ruth Wright, a very committed United Methodist Woman. The weekend is now over, but the fellowship, the friends made, and the memories will never be forgotten. Our prayers continue to be with Dr. Rev. Shirley Wright, Pastor of Shiloh UMC, who is convalescing and the Shiloh U. M. C family.

From the Desk of the President:

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Hello ladies!

What a great year in our District so far! The Spring Banquet, the

Stop Hunger Now project, and the Spiritual Growth retreat. And

there is even more to look forward to. Mark your calendars now

for Nov. 15. We will be meeting at Cedartown First UMC for our

annual meeting and leadership training. Come find out how we

are doing, hear a great speaker, meet and vote on the new slate

of District officers, learn more about our mission outreaches, and

have fun and fellowship with ladies from around the district. And

all that is before lunch! After lunch we will divide into groups to

learn more about your job description or about United Methodist

Women in general. We would love to show off what each unit

has been up to this year. We would like to invite each unit that

can to make a display that highlights your ministry. There are

some great mission ministries going on this district! We will put

these up for everyone to enjoy and get ideas for their own unit!

Can't wait to see you there!


Cindi Hicks


[email protected]

Ellen Hester

Social Action Coordinator

2 Corinthians 9:6, 7 KJV

"But this I say, He who soweth sparingly shall reap also

sparingly; and he who soweth bountifully shall reap also


Every man according as he purposed in his heart, so let him

give, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful


This year we have placed our social action emphasis on poverty.

As individuals and as local units I know many of you have

provided for the less fortunate. It is right that we do this as

missions should certainly start in our own communities. Christ

left us instructions that we should help, love and care for one


This year we came together as a district with our “Stop Hunger

Now” project. Every UMW member in the ROCA District had

a hand in either raising money, packing meals, or both. These

meals go overseas to an area of great need. When we read in 2

Corinthians 9:9, we find Paul comments on sending aid abroad and the reward of doing so. (“As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad;

he hath given to the poor, his righteousness remaineth forever.........”).

I am pleased to report that we raised the full $2500.00 needed for our District project and had 51 people, some from WMU

members and others friends and family of members. I had hoped to let you know exactly where the meals we packed had been shipped,

but to date I have not been able to get this information. There are so many parts of our world in great need. Please check the Stop

Hunger Now website to see the wonderful work they do. Isn't it nice to know we have been a part of this work.

As fall takes our youth back to school and we look forward to cooler weather, I wish each of you good health, much love and success as

we move toward a new year. Let us not forget to pray for one another and for the needs of our Christian family, our

communities, our nation and our world. May we never forget to ask GOD's blessing and his will for each day.

2014 ROCA –United Methodist Women

Executive Team

Rev. Dr. David Naglee, District Superintendent-706-291-6113

[email protected]

Heidi D. Stevens, President – 770-301-9806

[email protected]

Cindi Hicks, Vice President – 706-233-2286

[email protected]

Secretary – vacant

L. Susan Stroup, Acting Secretary & Treasurer –


[email protected]

Valerie L. Thomas, Spiritual Growth Co. – 770-301-3722

[email protected]

Ellen Hester, Social Action – 770-748-7488

[email protected]

Sylvia Vick. Education & Interpretation – 770-258-0289

[email protected]

Jean Soules, Program Resources-770-748-3287

[email protected]

Communications – vacant

Vanessa Kirkland, Nurture and Outreach Memberships

404-904-5895; [email protected]

Lana Norman, Parliamentarian – 770-537-2097

[email protected]

Anne Miller, Historian-706-291-9085

[email protected]

Carolyn Martin, Nomination Chair – 678-901-0121

Ender Price, Member – 706-378-7706 (H)


Annie Vaughn, Member – 770-748-4200

Gussie Wood, Member – 770-748-1762

Winnie Holland, Member-706-291-0829

Page 3: Communication Link September 2014 - NGUMC

From the Desk of the President:

From the Desk of the President:

As I look over this newsletter and read the articles, it has made me realize what a successful and big year the ROCA District United Methodist Women have had for 2014 starting off with the banquet at Bremen First, then the Ubuntu Service Day at Anna Kresge-”Stop Hunger Now” event– raising $2,500 to make 10,000 meals that day which 51 people worked the event, and then we just had the Spiritual Growth Retreat at Shiloh United Methodist Church Campground where 18 ladies took the whole advantage of the retreat by spending the night Friday night. Many others attended Saturday. Please read Valerie’s article on the front page of this event. It was “GRAND” in every sense of “GRAND”. If you were not able to attend, you really missed out and that is saying it mildly. The next and last event for this year is the Annual Meeting/Leadership Training November 15 at Cedartown First starting at 10:00 a.m. Cindi has written an article in the newsletter about this event. Advanced registration is required and found on the back page. This event is for everyone!!! Something we have asked units to do this year is to make a display of what their unit has done in 2014 to be displayed at this Annual Meeting. This way the unit can show off what they have done and other units can get ideas.

The ROCA district United Methodist Women has a great and hard working Executive Team for 2014. I am so very proud of each person on this team.

The Conference Annual Meeting is October 4 at Bethlehem United Methodist Church. There is an article on this event in this newsletter. Please read for more details.

The North Georgia Conference United Methodist Women Leadership Development is November 1 for EVERYONE!!! not just for officers. If you are interested in attending, please let me know.

Ladies in case you have not heard I am not serving a second two year term as your ROCA United Methodist Women President. Let me tell you the story on this. Sometime this year I officially informed the Executive Team I would not be serving another term. I knew the Lord did not want me to. The Saturday that I had informed the team of this I was cutting grass Sunday, and jokingly I told the Lord, “ I told you I wouldn’t make a good President but I did what you wanted me to do Lord-I served a two year term as President like you wanted me to and now you don’t want me to serve another term.” I did laugh it off but, seriously, I knew He didn’t want me to serve again but I did not know why until May of 2014. Let me back track a little bit. In 2013 my husband, Donald Stevens, recently let it be known that he wanted to take the “Course of Study” to be a Pastor one day. One evening in May of 2014, close to the end of the month, I came home late from a meeting. Donald greeted me being excited and told me we needed to talk. I sat down and to Donald’s excitement, he told me our District Superintendent, David Naglee, had called and asked him if he was really serious about being a Pastor. Donald stated, “Yes!” David continued by saying I have a church for you in Waco if you are interested. He continued by saying pray over this and let me know something Monday. Donald was so excited and I was too!!! My first thought was I know why the Lord didn’t want me to serve a second two year term as President; I am to be serving side by side with my husband as a Pastor’s wife at Waco United Methodist Church. We didn’t say much more about this that night and really didn’t until Monday morning when I said, “Donald, you are crazy if you don’t take this position. The Lord has opened too many doors for this to be able to happen.” He said, “I know. I will be calling David today and tell him yes I have accepted.” Donald started his appointment at Waco United June 22. I resigned as United Methodist Women President at Bowdon First United Methodist Church and now am the President at Waco United Methodist Church. We are happy and blessed at Waco UMC and I ask for all of you to have us in your prayers that we will always do what the Lord wants us to do at Waco UMC and that this excitement that Donald and I have will never fade away.

Love and blessings



Who are your others?

Join ADOX and Relational Group 7 on October 25, 2014 at Stone Mountain First UMC and walk for your others. Your church

keeps whatever funds it raises to help the others in your community. Same Wesley Walk, Same Place, Different

Beneficiary….you decide.

For information:

Betty Jones- [email protected] Ellen Shepard- [email protected]

Sue Raymond- [email protected]

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From the Desk of the President: From the Desk of the President:


Measuring and Bagging

Packing for Shipping

Page 5: Communication Link September 2014 - NGUMC

Your giving makes a difference in a lot of lives!

*Excerpted from the United Methodist Women Renewed for Mission Annual Report 2013.

When United Methodist Women members learn all the places and ways they are touching lives, they are amazed and inspired to continue and expand their generosity. Telling United Methodist Women’s story is

a rewarding job. It can also be an overwhelming job – in a good way.

When people in your church or community ask where the money of United Methodist Women goes, what

do you say? The 30-second answer can be to tell them it goes to women, children and youth in 110

countries, including the United States where 2 million people are served.

When that piques their interest, then you can tell them United Methodist Women use their resources to:

Engage in Compassionate Service and Advocacy United Methodist Women will provide training

events, community organizing opportunities, and avenues to advocate for the marginalized and work towards racial justice. At the same time we will continue to challenge members to think

critically about the relationship between service and advocacy. United Methodist Women

accomplish this by developing leadership through participation in Leadership Development Days

(11/1/14 and 11/15/14), advocacy events (Stop Hunger Now), workshops, engagement with

partners, opportunities to participate in web-based learning and resources available on the web,

such as action alerts.

Mission Education Mission education is a priority for UMW! Your giving helps provide resources, preparation and training for Mission U making it more affordable to all. Mission U experiences

challenge members to dig deeper in their faith and then put that faith into action.

International Ministries Giving from United Methodist Women members helps address social

action issues, leadership and organizational development, compassionate service and advocacy

and equips women, children and youth around the world. Our combined giving through the

Pledge to Mission supports over one hundred projects, scholarships, Bible Women, Programs,

Ubuntu Journeys, Regional Missionary events and Global Justice Volunteers—all occurring in nearly 110 countries. Response magazine is a wonderful resource to learn about your mission

activities in the world.

National Mission Institutions National Mission Institutions meet ongoing needs of the most

vulnerable people in our communities. This mission has been ongoing since our foremothers first

began to reach out to help women and children in need and it continues today. The needs may

have changed, but the issues have not NMIs are a place a community can gather, organize,

network on issues, find support and speak on behalf of those in need. The budget will support the ongoing and new projects of the NMIs such as Clark College, New Bethlehem Community

Centers, Murphy-Harpst Children’s Centers, and Paine College in our own conference. Using

your Prayer Calendar introduces you to NMIs, missionaries, and projects around the world. And

if your pastor preaches from the Lectionary, you will up to date in your Bible reading!

Membership and Leadership Development Money and other resources are set aside to nurture and support existing members and leaders, engage more women at various life stages and equip more

laywomen to lead in a multilingual, multicultural and multiracial environments. We continue to be welcoming of multilingual, multicultural and multiracial women through resource translation,

language coordinators and consultations with racial ethnic women.

Did you realize your Pledge to Mission, Candle Burning, Gift to Mission Cards, Gift in Memory, World Thank Offering and, Special Mission Recognition Pins went so far? Want to learn more about where your

money goes or about the 5 Channels of Giving? I will gladly come to your unit or meet with your officers

to help you expand your impact on the world.

L. Susan Stroup, ROCA District Treasurer


[email protected]

From the Desk of the President:

Game Night At Spiritual Growth Retreat!

Page 6: Communication Link September 2014 - NGUMC

Persons Willing to Lead Mission Studies (2014-2015)

How Is It With Your Soul? (English language) Janine Bethel [email protected] 706.782.6761 Mary Anne Brannon [email protected] 678.386.1170

Kathy Cook [email protected] 770.979.6452

Glenda Creasy [email protected]` 770.596.4288 (local unit)

Suzanne Crossan [email protected] 706.864.9358

Brett DeHart [email protected] 706.866.2626

L. Dorothy Edmond [email protected] 404.349.1414 (local unit)

Martha J. Guy [email protected] 770.251.1984 (local unit)

Lou Ann Harris [email protected] 770.616.4537

Donna Hinson [email protected] 706.473.9011

Patricia Johnson [email protected] 404.610.4483

Cindy Jones/Debye Baird [email protected] 770.898.4129 (local unit)

Judy Kelley [email protected] 678.522.1117

Debra McCullum [email protected] 770.695.6877 (local unit)

Mary Lynn Merkle [email protected] 404.633.7183 (local unit)

Tonya Murphy [email protected] 404.691.8207

Mary E. Ragland [email protected] 404.243.6844

Barbara Rankin [email protected] 770.227.7416

Etta Reid [email protected] 770.982.7673 (local unit)

Addie Shopshire-Rolle [email protected] 404.849.9950

Cande Taylor [email protected] 770.265.4518

Lynda Teague [email protected] 770.424.2260 (local unit)

Vanessa Warner [email protected] 770.254.6889 (LaGrange District)

Cathy White [email protected] 770.474.7912

Yolanda Womack [email protected] 414.349.2525

Sara Worden [email protected] 770.665.3110

How Is It With Your Soul? (Spanish language)

Hilda de Leon [email protected] 269.861.2810

Mayra E. Escoberdo [email protected] 678.687.7989

Diana Flechas [email protected] 770.731.7510

Rosy Flores de Cruz [email protected] 770.769.0409

Marissa PerezdelaFuente [email protected] 678.913.8332

Laura Quintanilla [email protected] 404.376.1594`

Maria Rodriguez [email protected] 678.234.5551

Yuriria Soto [email protected] 678.334.8391

The Roma of Europe Dorie Hill [email protected] 678.396.2557

Eric Powell [email protected] 678.640.3324

The Church and People with Disabilities Kathryn Barb [email protected] 770.461.2866

Jean Bouts [email protected] 770.957.6645

Cindy Campbell [email protected] 770.971.3643

Takeisha Dixon [email protected] 404.388.5796

Jacqueline Evans [email protected] 404.552.8354

Diane K. Faw [email protected] 706.265.3780

Iris Green [email protected] 770.985.0381

Marilyn Robinson [email protected] 770.389.4309

Marilyn Savage [email protected] 770.402.8662

Jasmine Smothers [email protected] 678.533.1387

Tryphenia Speed [email protected] 770.981.0200

V. Ricki Stroud [email protected] 678.773.3235

Linda Wheeler [email protected] 404.683.5560

Lynne M. Wheeler [email protected] 706.757.2667

Marian Wilder [email protected] 404.297.6425

From the Desk of the President:

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From the Desk of the President:




….And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to

the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8b

Will you be a witness in making it happen? Imagine this-- it is a crisp autumn day, October 4, 2014. Why not come to

Bethlehem First United Methodist Church, in October? Where is it located? You will never guess, 709 Christmas Ave,

Bethlehem Georgia 30620. North Georgia Conference United Methodist Women will hold the 42nd Annual Meeting in

this place with a great reminder of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This will be a time of rejoicing and

celebration as persons from across the North Georgia will gather for a day of fellowship--“Making it Happen” through

Faith, Hope and Love in Action.

Please come and bring someone with you to be a witness to what God has done in the North Georgia Conference and

throughout the world using United Methodist Women. We will have an exciting time sharing in worship, celebration and

fellowship. The United Methodist Women of Bethlehem First and the Athens -Elberton District are making great plans to

welcome you to Bethlehem.

Be sure to check out the website——for the registration form and online registration.

Directions to Bethlehem First United Methodist Church:

From Winder/Barrow Co. area (North):

Travel south on HWY 11 to the intersection of HWY 316 and HWY 11.

Continue straight (SOUTH) on HWY 11

Travel approximately one mile and the church is on the right.

Traveling south on HWY 81 turn left (EAST) on HWY 316.

At the intersection of HWY 316 and HWY 11 turn right (SOUTH) on HWY 11.

Travel approximately one mile and the church is on the right.

From Monroe/Walton Co. area (South):

Travel NORTH on HWY 11.

Once in Barrow County travel until you go through the flashing yellow light in Bethlehem.

The church is approximately 1/4 mile NORTH on the left.

From Athens/Clarke Co. area (East):

Travel WEST on HWY 316 to intersection of HWY 316 & HWY 11.

At that intersection turn left (SOUTH) onto HWY 11.

Travel approximately one mile and the church is on the right.

From Lawrenceville/Gwinnett Co. area (West):

Travel EAST on HWY 316 to intersection of HWY 316 & HWY 11.

At that intersection turn right (SOUTH) onto HWY 11.

Travel approximately one mile and the church is on the right.

Please check out North Georgia Conference United Methodist Women website for

articles from our leadership team and information on upcoming events.

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From the Desk of the President:


Page 9: Communication Link September 2014 - NGUMC


Rome First United Methodist Church made 40 Methodist Christmas Shoe boxes and had them delivered to the ROCA United Methodist Women Spiritual Growth Retreat. At the retreat, 30 more boxes were made. Therefore, I have 70 Methodist Christmas Shoe boxes to take to the North Georgia Conference United Methodist Women Annual Meeting. Any other units who have made these please make sure they are delivered the day of the North Georgia Conference United Methodist Women Annual Meeting, October 4 at Bethlehem!!!

If you attend the North Georgia

Conference United Methodist Women

Annual Meeting Luncheon on October

4, you will receive a very special

Advent Devotional booklet that was

headed up by our Conference

Historian, Barbara Waldrop and the

district’s historians. All of the daily

devotions are written by Conference

officers and district officers. I asked

the ROCA United Methodist Women

Spiritual Growth Coordinator, Valerie

Thomas, if she would write our

devotional which Valerie so graciously

accepted. It is titled “Joy to the

World.” As always, she did a

wonderful job. If nothing else, you

need to attend the Conference Annual

Meeting Luncheon just so you can

receive your Advent Devotional


Two of the many people who enjoyed

Mission U at Athens First United Methodist

Church in July.

ALL Local Unit Presidents and Secretaries, Please, Please, Please ASAP e-mail me or mail me ALL 2015 officers of your unit: their name, office, e-mail, snail mail, and phone number. Even if nothing has changed from last year, STILL send me this info to: Heidi D. Stevens [email protected] or 1088 Old Columbus Road Bowdon, GA 30108

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What: Rome-Carrolton District Annual Meeting and Leadership Development

When: Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 10:00 AM

Where: Cedartown First United Methodist

Cost: $8.00 per person

Yes! We will be there! Please reserve the following:


Number attending: ____________

Amount included (@ $8.00 each) : _____________

Training sessions:

Number attending President/Vice-President: ____________

Number attending Treasurer: ____________

Number attending General: ______________

Names of those attending:

Does your unit plan to bring a display? _____yes _____no

Please return this form by Nov. 3 to:

Cindi Hicks, 413 Roberson Court, Cedartown, GA, 30125

From the Desk of the President: From the Desk of the President:

Heidi D. Stevens


Bowdon First UMW

1088 Old Columbus Road

Bowdon, GA. 30108