communique issue 7 july2012

Dukhan Toastmasters Newsletter Club No: 1054864, Area-51, Division-E, District-20 Visit us on: Join Toastmasters to explore limitless possibilies “Where Leaders are Made” Visit: Issue 7, July 2012 Communiqué New Executive Committee Achievements of 2011 - 2012 What made them Legends "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” - Henry Ford

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Dukhan Toastmasters Club Newsletter 7th Edition launched by Vice President Public Relations TM Risman Hatibi,CC CL


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Dukhan Toastmasters Newsletter

Club No: 1054864, Area-51, Division-E, District-20 Visit us on:

Join Toastmasters to explore limitless possibilities “Where Leaders are Made” Visit:

Issue 7, July 2012


►New Executive Committee ►Achievements of 2011 - 2012 ►What made them Legends

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” - Henry Ford

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Editor’s Desk The vision & action together has brought us to a Level where it’s just growing in the hearts of the masses & leaving a mark, with every passing moment & belief in ‘taking Action in what it preaches..’

Dukhan Toastmaster Club has created history for the first time by achieving 5 Falcon Awards during Division E, Qatar Toastmaster Annual Conference (TAC-Q) 2012 at Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC) Doha.

I’m very proud to be a member of Dukhan Toastmaster Club and I believe that all these achievement are because of the hard work, sincere dedication, excellent team work and commitment from all leaders and members of the club.

I’m honoured to be serving as the Vice President Public Relations of Dukhan Toastmaster Club for term 2012-2013. My personal involvement with Toastmasters has helped me grow as a person by providing opportunities that tap my hidden potentials and challenging my capabilities. In 2 years of being a member of Dukhan Toastmaster, I must say that the amount of knowledge and experience

that I have gained is overwhelming. It feels great to be in an environment where everyone shares the desire to learn, grow and contribute..

My goal as an individual and as the VPPR is to popularize the Toastmasters movement not only in Dukhan, but entire Qatar and create a positive, favourable image to the Toastmasters brand which will help a lot more peo-ple like myself to become better lead-ers and communicators.

I encourage everyone to look outside the box and find electrifying activities to promote our club and Toastmasters movement. Together, let us share with the world the proven and enjoya-ble way to practice and hone our communication and leadership skills.

Risman Hatibi CC,CL VP Public Relations

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Inspirational Quotes “ A leader is a dealer in hope “

(Napoleon Bonaparte)

“ If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader ”.

(John Quincy Adams)

“ To be a great leader and so always master of the situation, one must of necessity have been a great thinker in action. An eagle was

never yet hatched from a goose's egg “. (James Thomas)

“ Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds “. (Albert Einstein)

“ Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do “. (Orison Swett Marden)

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From the end springs new beginnings…

I congratulate the outgoing president TM Nasimudheen Abdul Hameed and his team for their outstanding leader-ship. And now it is the incoming Presi-dent TM Mohamed Salauddin and the new Executive Committee to carry on the legacy and to maintain Dukhan Toastmasters club as one of the best Toastmasters clubs in Qatar during this term. Playing a pivotal role in all the Toastmasters events at clubs, Areas and Division, Dukhan Toastmasters has always proved that distance is never a barrier. Eveready to serve the Toastmasters family, Dukhan Toastmasters has created a niche for themselves in the Division. Expectations, expectations and more expectations!! Yes, and I have higher expectations from the club in terms of quality and quantity. Division E has already set out on a journey to excel and looking at Dukhan Toastmaster club’s past achievements, I do not have a single doubt that the club will again take the division to soaring heights with their incredible dedication, commendable commit-ment and whole hearted support.

The Message from Division I believe that you have put together your ideas and goals for this term to be a high performing club in the Area and Division as well. Encourage your members to look for opportunities to promote the club and Toastmasters in general to the public and to the rest of Dukhan Community. It is indeed an honor and privilege to support such an eager, experienced and exciting club which will guide the division through this challenging term to reach our goal to be the BEST Divi-sion of District 20. On behalf of the whole Toastmasters Fraternity and Di-vision E, I extend my best wishes to the Incoming President and the new Executive Committee. I look forward to another successful term for Dukhan Toastmasters club. Aim High and Reach for the stars!! DTM Manzoor Moideen Governor, Division E, District 20 Toastmasters International

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Dear Mr. President & distinguished members of Executive Committee of Dukhan Toastmasters.

Please accept my best and sincere wishes on this great occasion of taking over noble responsibilities in building & developing the inner skills of fellow humans without any prejudice to common or privileged sections of our society.

It is no different than any other social services towards the betterment of humanity. We should feel proud to be part of such an international platform which has helped in grooming and de-veloping the personality of over 4 mil-lion people around the globe since es-tablishment of first club on 22nd Octo-ber 1924.

To me, it is elevating of standard of living of over 4 million families from one platform, i.e. Toastmasters Inter-national.

I do believe Leaders of Dukhan Toast-master Club are here today on this oc-casion to pledge for making a differ-ence in their life and of fellow club members during their tenure 2012-13.

The Message from Area I have full confidence in personal capacity of each member of the Executive Committee as a dedicated team can take Dukhan Toastmasters Club to new heights of achievements. I do believe also that as a team you will build and develop personality of each individual club member.

I once again extend my best wishes for all success and assure you from Area 51 Offices for all support.

TM Ashraf Siddiqui, CL

Area 51 Governor Div. E District 20

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Dukhan Toastmasters Club is a unique and strong club in Division E, Qatar and it certain-ly is an honor, privilege and a challenge to be the president of this club. Before we progress onto this term, everyone who has been working hand-in-hand with me deserves a sincere thanks. The term 2011 /2012 has been jubilant for Dukhan Toastmasters Club especially in achieving the President’s Distinguished Club Award which I am confident we will re-achieve again this term. And we plan to attain the Falcon Awards for the Best Club, Best Website, Best Newsletter, Best Toastmaster once again during this term as we did during 2011/2012. Community’s benefit has always been our primary outlook. And we will conduct further educational workshops for all adults and more creative youth workshops during this term as well in association and support of QP’s, Integrated Facilities Department We will also be actively involved in all Area, Division, District and TMI events and would promote Toastmasters all around Qatar and help create awareness about Toastmasters in every way possible to all professionals and amateurs. You can also expect more Web designing and newsletter drafting courses by our VPPR for the term. With the strong support of my team members (VPE, VPM, VPPR, Secretary, Treasurer, SAA and their respective sub com-mittee members, we would stand by and justify our new motto for the term “Enhance to Advance”, where we will strive to achieve quality in speeches, meetings and all events

undertaken, through which advancement will become a mere automated process. To go higher, our targets should also be set high. We plan to achieve at least 50 number of active members through a membership drive campaign. In addition all past members will be contacted in tandem with long term devel-opment strategy, where all members are welcome to contribute views and even contest and win at the club, area, division, district and even up to international level in all categories. Why? Because we have here more potential candidates like TM Koka Prasad, DTM Sameer Moosa and TM Sridevi Kiran to claim those championship awards in these events and make us proud to be a member of Dukhan Toastmasters Club. Our target is to achieve the best Toastmasters club award not only in the divi-sion or District, but the entire world. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford I wish every member and their families a blessed, prosperous and a quality year ahead. – Enhance to Advance Mohammed Salauddin, CC, CL President, Dukhan Toastmaster Club

The Message from Present

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“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." One more Toastmasters year concluded on 30th June, where, I successfully handed over the batten of leadership to my successor TM Salauddin. Indeed it was my pleasure and a wonderful moment in my life to serve as the President of a Club which is one of the most privileged position in such a great service oriented Organization. I believe that I had done justice to my position, which my fellow members entrusted on me. In a community like Dukhan, our fraternity could play a key role in developing a communication & leader-ship culture thorough Toastmasters & Gavels club. Dukhan Club’s achievements & performance were most remarkable in Division. I take this occasion to express my sincere gratitude to our founders TM Koka Prasad and TM Ravi Ramamoor-thy ACB, ALB and our mentor DTM Sameer Hassan Moosa who relentless-ly worked and supported our club and individual members to achieve their targets. TM Mark Pilling the

The Message from Past Immediate past president and TM Wilfred Gonsalves were always inspirational and highly supportive to me. I wish immense success to new officers of Dukhan Toastmasters, who are very enthusiastic and apt for that position. I am looking forward to see a more successful year for all my fellow Toast-masters. Nasimudheen A. Hameed CC,CL Immediate Past President Dukhan Toastmasters.

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Dukhan Toastmasters bagged 5 top awards from amongst 38 clubs in Qatar at Division E Toastmasters Annual Conference ‘12 held on 11th May at Qatar National Convention Center, Doha. District Governor DTM Khalid Alqoud presented the Best Club Award to Club President TM Nasimudheen A. Hameed. Truly a moment of joy for all members of Dukhan Toastmaster Club which has been declared as one of the best clubs in Qatar for first time in it’s history. Many enthusiastic Toastmasters, including TM Mark Pilling (Immediate Past president) witnessed the glory of Dukhan along with an overwhelming audience inside the convention center auditorium.

Hats-off to Falcon Awards Winners—2012

Dukhan club was recognized as a best club in Qatar Club website “” was declared as a best Website. Webmaster—TM

Nasimudheen Dukhan Toastmasters Newsletter "Communique" was declared as a best newsletter. Editor

TM Mustafa Sange. The Vice President Education of Dukhan Toastmasters, TM Mohamed Salauddin - was recog-

nized as one of the Best Toastmasters in Qatar DTM Sameer Hassan Moosa, founder Member and mentor of Dukhan Toastmasters was

recognized as The Best Area Governor (2011-2012) for Area-18.

Accomplishment Through Hard Work

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Award winners - Dukhan Toastmasters with District Governor DTM Khalid Al Qoud

President TM Nasimudheen receiving Best Website Award

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information available under a broad top-ic, certain things will stand out. Let us make a list of the ones that seem to apply to our objective. If we’re into online re-search, one of the ways to do this is with the public Google search. We can type in a broad topic, and they will usually give us a list of related subtopics. Reevaluate your objective: Now that we know what’s out there try to clarify our objective. This is really just a process of elimination. We need to narrow our list to things that seem to have specific appli-cation to our clearly defined objective. This part of the process will add even more clarity to our objective. Choose reliable sources: When we’re looking for answers to important ques-tions the reliability of our source should be a primary concern. This is especially true when we’re dealing with topics that are partially reliant on someone’s dis-cernment, experience, and opinion. We need to try to identify sources that we feel as loyal. Example to say, if we’re looking for marriage advice, we shouldn’t ask someone who’s been divorced sever-al times. There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. I urge to accept the responsibility for our decisions – and the responsibility to take action to make our life the way we want it, to change our conditions to what we desire.

Making decisions is a big part of life and we base most of our decisions on the an-swers we receive. This is because thinking people like to make informed choices. We like to weigh the information which we gathered, so we can choose the best option. Learning to ask the right ques-tions is among the top ten life skills we should learn, to get appropriate answers. The point is, without the right infor-mation we simply can’t make wise deci-sions. And if we are not asking the right questions we won’t have the information we need. To me, the 5 keys to find the better an-swers are: Don’t ask circular questions: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? That’s a question that will just lead us around in circles. Even if we could answer it, the answer has no relevance. It’s a good ex-ample of a worthless question. To find meaningful answers we need to ask meaningful questions that are 100% rele-vant. Identify your objective: The first thing we need to decide when looking for answers is what our true objective really is. What do we actually want to know? If we don’t know exactly what we’re trying to accom-plish, things can get confusing really fast. So spending some time to get a clear idea of what our objective is very essential be-fore we go any further. Scan the field: If we quickly survey all the

Towards Attaining Change

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Finally, in personal decision-making there is no one better to talk to than our self if we really want to get things worked out. No other person has as much information about our problems and no one knows our skills and capabilities better than us. The quality of our life today is a reflection of the decisions we have already made. The quality of our life tomorrow will de-pend on the decisions we make today. When we don’t make a decision, we’ve actually decided not to act. I think it’s paramount to not just make good decisions, but to make them as soon as possible too so that chances don’t pass us by. With this logical opinion, I have made a decision to join in Toastmaster club to have a qualitative change in social life and I hope it can be attained. Good Luck. Best Wishes A. Senthamizh Selvan

We all know the difference between "right" and "wrong", and we can tell "good from "bad". But we also know that the more difficult decisions come when we have to choose between good and better. The toughest decisions of all are those we have to make between bad and worse. Major decisions require courage and de-termination. We must have guts to bet on our decisions, to take the calculated risk, and to act. Many people believe that predetermined destiny rather than their own decisions govern the affairs of their lives. Personal mastery teaches us to choose. Choosing is a courageous act that entails opting for various courses of actions that will define one's destiny. Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice and it is shaped by our moments of decision. To be honest, we must fully accept that at this moment, we can only be what we are. No more, no less; however, with the inevitable passing of each moment of time, we will gradually, but surely change to become more or less, better or worse, stronger or weaker. Our choice is the direction of change: it is ours alone. The only true competition is the rivalry within our changing self. It is the very basis of a good decision making.

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was a strike on the hot iron when it was burning hot. Once he and his brother Hamid went to attend a per-formance by the renown K.L. Sai-gal. Unfortunately due to power failure Saigal refused to sing without the sound system. The agitated au-dience started to lose their pa-tience; whereupon Hamid persuad-ed the organisers to allow Rafi to sing for them until the power was back.

It just so happened that the great composer and music director Shyam Sunder was in the audience, who was taken on his toes by young Rafi with his mesmerizing voice. Shyam Sundar invited Mohammed Rafi to sing for one of his films in 1944 and thus at the age of 20 Rafi sang for his first film.

It was the song Soniye Hiriye, Teri Yaad Ne Bahut Sa-taya, for the Pun-jabi film "Gul Baloch". This brought Mohd. Rafi to the atten-tion of other music directors.

“It is not man who decides his desti-ny, but it is he who designs it with his will power” – SHM

Singing : Mohammed Rafi Mohammed Rafi who is one of the greatest playback singers in the history of Bollywood was born on December 24th,1924 in the small Punjabi village of Kotla Sultan Singh. Rafi's father was Haji Ali Mohammad Rafi was the youngest of five brothers and had the nickname "Pheeko", since he had an inclination towards music at a very early age when he used to imitate the songs of a wandering fakir that used to visit his village.

In 1935, Rafi’s family moved to La-hore, where his father ran a men's salon. But, this afforded young Rafi the ability to pursue his musical He utilized this opportunity to obtain musical instruction from great musi-cians as Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Ustad Abdul Wahid Khan, Pundit Jiwanlal Matto and Firoze Ni-zami.

Mohammed Rafi's rise to stardom

What Made Them Legends...

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avatar emerged on silver screen “An An-gry young man". But this was his one aspect. He was a po-et (Kabhi Kabhi), an decent professor (Kasme Vaade), a comedian (Chupke Chupke, Amar Akbar Anthony, Don), a dying lover (Mukaddar Ka Sikander).He did almost all kinds of roles. In 1973, after release of Zanjeer, Amitabh got married with Jaya Bhaduri. He became father at the time of release of Chupke Chupke. During the shooting of "Coolie" on 26th July 1982, he was in-jured and admitted to Breech Candy hos-pital. The whole nation prayed for his fast recovery and by the grace of God he was gifted with a new life. Mrs. Indira Gandhi, then P.M. of India, postponed her foreign trip and visited the hospital. After recovery Amitabh returned on sil-ver screen, with Sharabi and Giraftar like hit movies. In the original script of "Coolie" Iqbal (Amitabh) had to die but Teji Bachchan asked Manmohan Desai to change it for her personal reasons. The last scene where he stands in the balco-ny and thank the peo-ple, was the real scene, a way to thank the peo-ple of India, "Main to chala gaya tha, laut aaya hoon to bus aapki duaon se...." “Week hearts cry for their dreams, but strong hearts try for their dreams” – SHM

Acting : Amithab Bachan Amitabh Bachchan was born on Octo-ber 11, 1942 in Allahabad. Son of late poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan. He schooling was in Sher-wood College, Nainital and later pur-sued a degree in science from the Delhi University. His first job was in Shaw Wallace and later worked as a freight broker for a shipping firm called Bird and Co. But star destinies are not written by the stars, they are made by stars and so did Amithabs journey to Stardom. His de-but was Saat Hindustani (1969) directed by K.A. Abbas a huge box-office flop. But Amitabh was noticed by film makers like Hrishikesh Mukherji and Sunil Dutt. Hrishikesh Mukherji gave him a role in his two films, Anand and Guddi. Anand was the third film, which became a hit and he got best supporting actor film-fare award. Amitabh was still getting insignificant roles, but he finally got a chance to work in "Zanjeer", a role for which he was not the first choice. Film turned out to be super-hit and a new

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Artrist : M.F. Hussain Maqbool Fida Husain alias M.F.Hussain born in Pandharpur, Madhya Pradesh on September 17, 1915 to mother Zunaib and father Fida, was one of India's most gifted artists and an accomplished painter. He had a habit of getting into controversies. With a career of decades, he has made eye catching contributions in other fields as well - as a director, photographer and member of the Indian Parliament etc. Hussain was three when his mother died and his father remarried and moved to In-dore where he did his primary education. His association with painting began at an early age. Hussain learnt the art of calligraphy and practiced Kulfic Khat with its geometric forms. He also learnt to write poetry. At 20 he moved to Mumbai, determined to be-come an artist and joined Sir J. J. School of Arts for one year. In 1937, he started his career painting cine-ma hoardings for a livelihood. He had a tough time initially, but as the earning got better he visited Surat, Baroda and Ahmed abad to paint landscapes. He also tried his luck in other jobs and the best paid job was at a toy factory, where he de-signed and built fretwork toys. In between, he got married to Fazila had five children Raisa, Aqueela, Mustafa, Shamshad and Owais.

Hussain's painting 'Sunhera Sansaar' at 1947 annual exhibition of the Bombay Art Society won an award and marked his en-try into the world of art. In 1946. Hussain was influence by Emil Nolde and Oskar Ko-koschka, which led him to make some remarkable works like ‘The Spider and The Lamp', 'Zameen and Man' etc. In Delhi he encountered ancient Mathura sculpture and Indian miniature paintings. This was a turning point of his career as an artist as he assimilated ideas from Western and Indian art. In 1955 he won the national award at the Lalit Kala Akademi's first national exhibi-tion. His work was exhibited at the Tokyo Bien-nale in 1959 where he won the Interna-tional Biennale Award, the São Paulo bien-nales in1959 and in 1971 where he was invited to exhibit alongside Pablo Picasso. His work was first shown in the USA at In-dia House, New York, in 1964. On account of his immense contribution to Indian art, the Government of India hon-oured him with the Padmashree in 1966, Padma Bhushan Award in 1973 and the Padma Vibhushan award in 1989, all prestigious ci-vilian awards. He was nominated to the upper house of the Indian Par-liament, the Rajya Sa-bha in 1987; and during his six year term he pro-duced the Sansad Portfolio. “Any man can paint a picture with a brush, but successful men paint their vi-sion with their action” – SHM

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Dance : Michael Jackson He was known as the king of pop, but his reign on the throne was not always easy. Michael was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958 to his father, Jo-seph Jackson a guitarist and a crane op-erator. Believing his sons had talent, Joseph molded them into a musical group in the early 1960s and the lead singer was Michael. At first, the Jackson Family performers consisted of Michael's older brothers Tito, Jermaine, and Jackie. Michael joined his siblings when he was five, and emerged as the group's lead vocal-ist. He showed remarkable range and depth for such a young performer, im-pressing audiences with his ability to convey complex emotions. Older broth-er Marlon also became a member of the group, which evolved into the The Jackson 5. Michael and his brothers spent endless hours rehearsing and polishing up their act. At first, the Jackson 5 played local gigs and built a strong following. But they did not find much success till Mo-town founder Berry Gordy signed them to his label in 1968. At the age of 13, Jackson launched a solo career in addition to his work with

the Jackson 5. He made the charts in 1971 with "Got to Be There" from the album of the same name. His 1972 al-bum, Ben, featured the eponymous bal-lad about a rat. The song became Jack-son's first solo No. 1 single. Despite Jackson's individual achieve-ments and the group's great success, there was trouble between the Jack-sons and their record company. Ten-sions mounted between Gordy and Jo-seph Jackson over the management of his children's careers Jackson's Grammy victories showcased the diverse nature of his work. For his songwriting talents, he received the Grammy Award for Best Rhythm and Blues Song for "Billie Jean." Jackson al-so won Best Pop Vocal Performance, Male for "Thriller" and Best Rock Vocal Performance, Male for "Beat It." With co-producer Quincy Jones, he shared the Grammy Award for Album of the Year Michael Jackson went on to become one of the most in-ternationally fa-mous award-winning solo pop sensations to date. His 2009 death stirred controversy and was ultimately ruled an accidental overdose. “Spirits make Man and man makes spirit. Success depends on what sells more – man / spirit.” - SHM

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Speaking : Martin Luther King King was an American Nobel Peace Prize winner and one of the principal leaders of the United States civil rights movement, born on 15 January 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin whose original name was Michael was Son of a Baptist minister and a lady school teacher, joined the Morehouse College in 1944 and further pursued his postgraduate study, receiving his doctorate in 1955. Returning to the South to become pas-tor of a Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, King first achieved national renown when he helped mobilize the black boycott of the Montgomery bus system in 1955. This was organized after Rosa Parks, a black woman, re-fused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. The 382-day boycott led the bus company to change its regula-tions, and the supreme court declared such segregation unconstitutional. King was a protestant against all dis-criminations based on race, sex, caste, creed or religion. He advocated non-violent direct action based on Gandhian methods. The city of Birmingham, Alabama dur-ing his protest period was dubbed

'Bombingham' as attacks against civil rights protesters increased, and King was arrested and jailed for his part in the protests. On release, King participated in the enormous civil rights march on Wash-ington and this was where he delivered his famous speech 'I have a dream', predicting a day when the promise of freedom and equality for all would be-come a reality in America. In 1964, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1965, he led a campaign to register blacks to vote. The same year the US Congress passed the Voting Rights Act outlawing the discriminatory practices that had barred blacks from voting in the south. As the civil rights movement became increasingly radicalised, King found that his message of peaceful protest was not shared by many in the younger genera-tion. King began to protest against the Vi-etnam war and poverty levels in the US. He was assassinated on 4 April 1968 during a visit to Memphis, Tennessee. “Look for Earth in Heart, they where always one” – SHM

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Leading : Mahatma Gandhi One of the greatest souls 'Mahatma Gandhiji’ or Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Father of India, was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India. He became one of the most respected spir-itual and political leaders of the 1900's. GandhiJi helped free the Indian people from British rule through nonviolent resistance, and is honored by Indians as the father of the Indian Nation. Gandhi lived and advocated Truth so much that his motto became the na-tional motto “Sathyameva Jayathe”, which means “Truth Alone Prevails”. At the age of 13 Gandhi married Kas-turba, a girl of the same age a tradition-ally arranged marriage by their parents and Gandhi had four children. He stud-ied law in London and returned to India in 1891 to practice. In 1893 he took on a one-year contract to do legal consul-tancy work in South Africa which was also under the British then. When he attempted to claim his rights as a British subject he was abused, and soon saw that all Indians suffered simi-lar treatment. Gandhi stayed in South

Africa for 21 years working to secure rights for Indian people. He developed a method of action based upon the principles of courage, nonvio-lence and truth called Satyagraha. He believed that the way people behave is more important than what they achieve. Satyagraha promoted nonvio-lence and civil disobedience as the most appropriate methods for obtain-ing political and social goals. In 1915 Gandhi returned to India. Within 15 years he became the leader of the Indi-an nationalist movement. Gandhi was arrested many times by the British for his activities in South Africa and India. He believed it was honorable to go to jail for a just cause. He spent seven years in prison for it. More than once Gandhi used fasting to impress upon others the need to be nonviolent. India was granted inde-pendence in 1947. A partitioned India almost shattered Gandhi. On January 30 the 1948, at the age of 78, a Hindu fanatic, Nathuram Godse who opposed Gandhi’S idea of tolerance for all creeds and religion assassinated him. “Legends are those who cry when they are born and the world smiles, and who smiles when they die and world cries” – SHM

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“Legends are only what you decide to make out of your lives” Toastmasters can help you become one because,

Toastmasters are “where leaders are made” - SHM

DTM Sameer Hassan Moosa Immediate Past, Area 18 Governor

Legendary - Dr. Prof. RALPH C. SMEDLEY Founder of Toastmasters Movement

Toastmaster Annual Conference @ Qatar National Convention Centre

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First Club Officer Training

First Club Officer Training 2012 for all new leaders of Toastmaster Club Division E was held on 22nd June 2012 at New Birla Public School Doha. This training was conducted to give an idea of what is supposed to be done by the Executive Committee officers during their term and obtain new ideas to run club meeting with quality, fun and professional-ism and improve networking. Four Club Officers from Dukhan Toastmaster who attended the training were TM Salauddin (President), TM Risman Hatibi (VP Public Relations ), TM Sreedevi Kiran (Secretary) and TM KVSS Raju (Treasurer).

Area 51 Governor and Club Officers

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1. President : TM Mohammed Salauddin CC, CL

2. VP Education : TM Luis Peres CC, CL

3. VP Membership : TM Anil Malik CC, CL

4. VP Public Relations : TM Risman Hatibi CC, CL

5. Treasurer : TM KVSS Raju

6. Secretary : TM Sreedevi Kiran CC, CL

7. Sergeant @ Arms : TM Sheik Abdul Kadir

8. Past President : TM Nasimudheen A Hameed CC, CL

Sub Committee

VP Education : TM Pareeduddin and TM Mohd. Ismayil

VP Membership : TM Syed Raizulla and TM Seshacharan

VP Public Relations : DTM Sameer Moosa and TM Abdul Rasheed

Secretary : TM Sree laksmi, TM Tristan

Treasurer : TM Selvan and TM Selvaraju

Sergeant @ Arm : TM Sawant

New Club Officers 2012-2013

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Division E Council 2012-2013

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Dukhan Toastmasters Club No: 1054864, Area-51, Division-E, District-20

Visit us on:-