community and context: how physical and virtual communities influence individual identity

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  • 7/30/2019 Community and Context: How Physical and Virtual Communities Influence Individual Identity


    Community and Context:

    How Physical and Virtual Communities Influence Individual Identity

    Assignment No. 2


    Senthil Sukumar

    Group No. G17

    Academic Writing

    CORE 006, T2 AY 09-10

    I declare that this Assignment is my original work and all information obtained from other

    sources has been cited accordingly.


    Signature and Date

    Course Instructor: Elizabeth Rankin

  • 7/30/2019 Community and Context: How Physical and Virtual Communities Influence Individual Identity



    A physical community refers to the real world interaction of various individuals who share a

    common history and a common location. The virtual communities of the Internet turn this

    concept on its head by removing both shared history and location, yet in a metaphysical manner,

    keep the element of interaction intact. Interestingly, even without some of the defining aspects of

    physical community, both the rate at which new virtual communities are being created and the

    number of individuals who engage in them continue to increase exponentially.

    In his article The Heart of the WELL, Howard Rheingold (1993) discusses how virtual

    communities such as the Whole Earth Lectronic Link (WELL) can provide fellowship, comfort

    and the means through which online intention is transformed into real-world action. However,

    John Perry Barlow (1995), a formerly active member of the WELL community, makes a fair

    case for the inadequacy of virtual communities in his articleIs There a There in Cyberspace?

    Although both articles illustrate the ability of virtual communities to provide a positive

    atmosphere of communal support and comfort through stirring examples of personal crises,

    Barlow (1995) argues that virtual communities lack many aspects of communal living that are an

    intrinsic part of physical communities. The virtual community, while a legitimate source for

    support and solace, will never be able to supplant the physical community in shaping an

    individuals identity due to the convenient mobility and disembodied nature of cyberspace.

    Identity can be defined as the set of behavioural and personal characteristics by which an

    individual is most closely recognized as a member of a particular group whose members share

    those same characteristics. However, there is a clear distinction between offline and online

    identity. Some elements of who a person is are certainly more important than others, and the

    ability to selectively promote or obfuscate some of these elements online means that when

    translated to the virtual communities of the Internet, identity becomes a pliable and inaccurate

    representation of actual personality; an imitation that is best described as a virtual identity.

  • 7/30/2019 Community and Context: How Physical and Virtual Communities Influence Individual Identity


  • 7/30/2019 Community and Context: How Physical and Virtual Communities Influence Individual Identity



    virtual relationships, only to realize the incompatibilities of their identities when face-to-face.

    The opposite can also be true. Rheingold (1993) cites a suitable instance of this type of failure to

    communicate personality when he met fellow WELL resident Albert Mitchell in real life for the

    first time. Although their online exchanges had been verbally brutal, and the chances of physical

    fistfights negated only because of the geographical distance between the two men, in real life

    they got along amiably; their online tussles were merely a product of the impersonal medium that

    is the Internet. Were the situation reversed, with the two men meeting in real life first and

    exchanging verbal blows over differences of opinion, no one would ever expect them to later log

    onto the WELL and become fast friends. The difference between Rheingolds online and offline

    interactions with Albert, although told as a healthy anecdote, is a fitting example of just how

    misleading cyberspace can be in communicating actual personality. Like a pendulum that swings

    on a fixed axis, an individuals actual identity is compatible only with personalities that fall

    within its ambit. Virtual communities rarely influence an individuals actual identity sufficiently

    for it to swing beyond its fixed axis to accommodate an incongruous personality.

    To further understand why virtual communities have little effect in shaping actual identity,

    we need to know why individuals seek out virtual communities. Like the Deadheads, people

    search for an online community in a bid for the companionship and acceptance that comes with

    an atmosphere of commonality. Individuals do not seek out virtual communities hoping to alter

    their identities, but rather to find acceptance among peers; and to achieve this they select the

    virtual community that best fits their existing worldview. In this respect, virtual communities are

    altogether different constructs from physical communities. People dont normally have the

    luxury of moving between physical communities as efficaciously as the metaphysical residents

    of virtual communities are able to, and so the character of a physical community is determined

    by the diversity of its residents; the individuals who involuntarily invest spiritual, material and

  • 7/30/2019 Community and Context: How Physical and Virtual Communities Influence Individual Identity



    temporal resources towards the edification of their homes (Barlow, 1995, p. 167). However in a

    virtual community, the environment is first built to cater to individuals with a specific

    worldview, the idea being that the reciprocal nature of that community will then draw in the

    corresponding type of virtual inhabitant. These pre-planned and controlled environments restrict

    the real world conflicts that naturally accompany human interaction and are intrinsic to identity

    formation. As a result, the character of the constructed community is severely limited, and there

    is little room for unbiased nurturing of the already established identity.

    In addition, the abundance of alternative virtual communities means that when an

    individuals adoptive virtual community no longer suits the sensibilities, that person can

    effortlessly move to another virtual community. The availability of accessible alternatives makes

    it almost impossible for virtual communities to create a rooted and long-lasting society, which is

    essential to the formation and preservation of any community (Barlow, 1995, 167). However, the

    convenience and accessibility of virtual communities is one area where physical communities

    trail behind. Virtual communities are not affected by the same economic forces that till today

    continue to draw people away from their physical communities and towards the suburbs (Barlow,

    1995, p. 166), and are thus able to sufficiently imitate physical communities by providing a

    medium through which the same quantity (but not quality) of discourse and social engagement

    can be carried out. Although Rheingold (1993) asserts that these virtual communities are places

    of conviviality where the aspects of community that are being lost to the forces of production

    could potentially be regained (p. 157), the pliable nature of the virtual identity, coupled with the

    generous freedom of movement afforded by cyberspace does little to inspire confidence in the

    ability of virtual communities to properly recreate the communal spirit.

    In his article, Barlow (1995) mentions another element as being a key characteristic of the

    physical community: shared adversity (p. 167). Both Rheingold (1993) and Barlow (1995) agree

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    that in times of adversity, virtual communities can be a source of immense comfort and support.

    The common experience of death is a hardship shared by every person, regardless of affiliation,

    and virtual communities provide a mesh of round-the-clock support that can ease the burden of

    loss. However, we must realize that the adversity of death is common to all, and that the

    indispensible support of community in times of grief can be found both online and offline. The

    highly networked nature of virtual communities does not mean that physical communities are

    any less capable of providing solace for the grieving heart. Instead, what virtual communities do

    offer is a medium for the expression and amelioration of emotional pain. Sometimes, putting

    feelings into writing behind the semi-private veil of cyberspace is simply easier than saying the

    words out loud.

    Another advantage that virtual communities have over their physical counterparts is speed,

    and their ability to disseminate information quickly and synchronously over vast geographical

    distances is unmatched by any physical community past or present. Rheingold (1993) mentions

    how in 1992, the WELL community had mobilised to effect a rescue plan for Elly van der Pas, a

    former member of their virtual community who had moved to the Himalayas and became a

    Buddhist nun, and who not long after succumbed to liver failure (pp. 160-163). Within days,

    members of the WELL community had managed to leverage their online networks to get the

    right contacts, proper equipment, and sufficient funds to save Elly, and they were rewarded for

    their expansive efforts. This powerful example of human compassion casts no doubt on the

    virtues of virtual communities and the extraordinary possibilities they can engender. But on the

    issue of identity, the case of Elly serves to highlight the real manner in which the individual

    identity is influenced: through physical experience and human interaction. It was the real-world

    exposure to a new physical community at the Buddhist monastery in the Himalayas that had

    compelled Elly to devote herself to a new religion and a completely different mode of existence

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    from the one she was used to, and in doing so, she had fundamentally reshaped her identity. The

    virtual community of the WELL had only played the minor role of facilitating the maintenance

    of her ties with her former commune.

    Even as we lament the erosion of physical communities, we have to accept the fact that

    virtual communities can never truly replace them. They lack a certain quality present in physical

    communities that Barlow (1995) describes as prna, the Hindu term for breath and spirit (p.

    166), and thisprnais deficient in virtual communities due to their fundamental reliance on the

    virtual identity, itself an inadequate and misleading representation of actual identity. However,

    for all their shortcomings, it is undeniable that the virtual communities of cyberspace are havens

    wherein the support of community thrives even as physical communities continue to deteriorate,

    and like most things in life, they should not be subjected to the uncompromising classifications

    of moral absolutism. Ultimately, the virtues of physical and virtual communities in influencing

    individual identity simply lie along different paths. The physical community shapes and nurtures

    identity, while the virtual community serves only to augment it.


    1. Barlow, J. P. (1995). Is There a There in Cyberspace?Utne Reader, pp. 164-169.

    2. Rheingold, H. (1993). The Heart of the WELL.In H. Rheingold, The Virtual Community (pp. 151-163). Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.