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Connect with the English-speaking community in Quebec City!


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Your CommunityYour Voice Ch







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Message from the Mayoress of Québec City

The latest edition of the Community Connection directory is atreasure very much worth keeping. Not only does this guideprovide an inventory of English-language services available inQuébec City, but it also reflects the vitality of the English-speakingcommunity, to whom I give my warmest regards.

Happy reading!

The Mayoress of Québec City,

Andrée P. Boucher

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(418) [email protected], chemin Sainte-FoyPavillon Jeffery Hale, Office #2141Québec (Québec) G1S 2M4

Get involvedtoday!

• Celebrating community

• Promoting our institutions

• Helping individuals

• Welcoming newcomers

• Providing informationin English






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New to the Québec City region?Welcome to Québec City, in the heart of French Canada but also home to the oldestEnglish-speaking community in Québec.

A short visit to this UNESCO world heritage site will convince you that few cities inthe world offer the advantages found here. Québec City features the joie de vivre ofEurope combined with the convenience of North America. Her safe streets, vibrantgreen spaces, fresh air, reasonable cost of living and easy access to cultural events,shopping, nature, and sports activities may entice you to call Québec City home.

More than 12,000 English-speakers live and work in the capital region. That meansthat there are many resources here for residents and visitors whose principal language is English. These resources include a wide range of front line health andsocial services in English, an English community college (CEGEP), a newspaper, abookstore, a library, schools, a variety of churches, a synagogue, businesses, a community centre and radio, as well as television stations. Local English-speakers arepart of a dynamic, multicultural, bilingual community that’s proud of its city and province.

However, English-speakers make up approximately 2% of the local population and livingin a sea of francophonie can be both rewarding and challenging. Learning to speakFrench is a must in order to find work, make friends, and feel at home. Fortunately, theEnglish-speaking community, despite its small size, is very active and well organizedto help make your integration into Québec society a little easier.

Voice of English-speaking Québec (VEQ), a local non-profit organization is ready toassist you with the relocation process. We have created this book to help you enjoy yourstay here for however long it may be. Our Newcomers’ Service offers an informationpackage free of charge to anyone considering a move to this region. We are available toanswer your questions and to help you find services in English. Our office is locatedat 1270 chemin Sainte-Foy, Suite 2141 of the Jeffery Hale Pavilion. Call us today at(418) 683-2366, visit our web site at, or email us at [email protected]'s said that Québec City is a well-guarded secret... we invite you to come share it with us!6

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If you are new to this province and have a valid driver’s license from another provinceor country you have up to 90 days following your arrival to make the transfer to aQuébec driver’s license. If you are here as a student or on a work exchange, otherrules may apply.

For questions about the validity of licenses for newcomers (residents), whether fromother provinces or other countries, contact the Société de l’assurance automobile duQuébec (SAAQ) at 643-7620. For more information, visit their web site

You will have to pay the cost of a driver’s license and the fee to change the license(fees and procedures may vary depending upon your place of origin). If you have aregular driver’s license from another Canadian province or territory, Great Britain, orthe United States, you should receive the same license here. If your driving licensewas issued by another country, you may have to pass a driving test before receivinga Québec driver’s license.

You must make an appointment to obtain your Québec license by calling 1-800-361-7620if you are a Canadian citizen and 1-888-356-6616 for non-citizens. Before calling tryto have the following documents on hand: your current driver’s license, proof of former residency in the region where your license was issued, proof of Canadian citizenship or your immigration documents / Québec selection certificate, and proofof residency in Québec (ie. a hydro or telephone bill indicating your Québec address).If these documents are not written in French or English, be sure to take a legal translation with you to your appointment.

Québec drivers’ licenses and health care cards are personalized with your photograph.Your picture can be taken at a SAAQ outlet and sent on to the agency that issueshealth cards.

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If you bring a car with you when you move here, you have 90 days to change its registration and get Québec license plates from the SAAQ. Your car must first pass aninspection. Appointments can be made by calling the local CAA office at 872-6666.

The province of Québec insures all residents for bodily injury resulting from roadaccidents regardless of fault. Please understand that “no fault” does not mean thatdangerous or negligent drivers will not be prosecuted under the law. What it doesmean is that persons involved in car accidents have no legal right to sue for damagesregardless of who is at fault. All vehicle owners must carry a minimum of $50, 000 inprivate coverage as liability for property damages. Private insurance companies offerthis and an insurance broker can help you find suitable coverage. If you wish to haveprevious years of driving experience transferred to your Québec driving record, youwill have to provide proof of this to the SAAQ when exchanging your license. Thismay help to lower your insurance premiums. In the event of an accident, you mayhave to pay a deductible fee charged by your insurer.

You may turn right on a red light in cities across the province (except on the Island ofMontréal.) However, at many intersections in Quebec City and elsewhere, right turnson red may be restricted or prohibited. Pay careful attention to road signs posted nearthe traffic light for specific details. For example, right turns are often prohibited atcertain corners from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Seat belts are the law for Québec drivers and passengers. Proper seats are requiredfor all children whose seated height is less than 63 cm. This law applies to taxi carsas well as private vehicles. Please contact the CAA or SAAQ for more informationconcerning infant/child car seats.

The use of radar detectors in vehicles is strictly prohibited in Québec. You can befined for this offense. Québec City has many reserved lanes for buses and taxis. Besure to take note of the times and days when these restrictions apply.

The City of Québec has an impressive snow clearing system. Be on the lookout, however, for flashing orange street lights from mid-November until the end of March.8

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They mean that you must move your car from the streets between midnight and 6 allow for snow removal. If you do not move your car, it may be towed away andyou will pay a hefty fine to get it back. There are many city-owned or private parking lots (banks, office buildings, etc.) where you can park a car for a fee.


Québec City has a public transit network of buses that covers a good part of the cityand reaches many suburban areas.

The Réseau de Transport de la Capitale (RTC) services much of the north shore of thecity. Individual bus tickets, daily, and monthly passes are available. RTC photo-IDcards are required by anyone using a monthly pass. Children, students, and seniorsreceive special discounts upon presentation of their RTC ID cards. While most academic institutions offer full-time students a card made on the premises at the outsetof each academic year, locations certified by the RTC can also make cards. The RTCcard also serves to identify an individual in some cases when other forms of ID maynot be available. Bus schedules can be consulted online at information can also be obtained by calling 672-2511.

Transport adapté de Québec Metro inc. (TAQM – 687-2641) offers para-transit servicefor persons with restricted mobility. Autocar Québec St. Augustin (878-4486 services the town of St Augustin-de-Desmaures providingconnection to Québec and RTC bus lines. La Société de transport de Lévis (STL - 837-2401- offers bus service on the east side of the south shore (Charny, St-Romuald, St-Jean-Chrysostôme, Lévis, and Lauzon). A private bus service:Autocars des Chutes (831-2171 –, serves municipali-ties on the west side of the south shore (St-Étienne-de-Lauzon, St-Rédempteur, St-Nicolas, Breakyville, and St-Lambert). Both services connect to the north shore.

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La Société des traversiers du Québec is a ferry service that allows people to easilycommute between Lévis and downtown Québec City. This ferry ride offers a spectacularview of the city and is free for anyone having a monthly pass from either the RTC orSTL. Contact them at 644-3704 or 837-2408, or visit their web

Communauto offers another interesting transportation option allowing clients to renta car as required by the hour without the hassle of actually owning and maintaininga car. The duo-autobus option provides reduced bus pass fares for members. To learnmore about this environmentally friendly local service visit orcall 523-1788.


The Québec educational system oversees public schooling from kindergarten to university. Elementary and secondary (high school) education is available free ofcharge. Post secondary education in Québec is heavily subsidized, making college orCÉGEP, university, and vocational training extremely affordable.

Elementary schools offer kindergarten to grade 6. Secondary education starts withSecondary 1 (equivalent to grade 7 in other parts of North America) and continues toSecondary 5 (Grade 11). School attendance is compulsory for all children betweenthe ages of 6 and 16. The school year begins in late August or early September and usually finishes before June 24. It lasts at least 180 days.

The Québec public school system is language-based (Anglophone or Francophone).The English-language school board in Québec City is the Central Québec SchoolBoard ( For more information please consult the Schools listings inthis guide.


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In 1977, Québec’s National Assembly adopted the French Language Charter (Bill 101),which states that all children must be educated in French until the end of their secondary studies, whether in a public school or a subsidized private school. Itshould be noted that this ruling does not apply to Québec’s colleges and universitiesor non-subsidized private institutions.

For those students who are not fluent in French, the Ministère de l'Éducation, duLoisir et du Sport (MELS) offers a variety of language learning support measures incooperation with local school boards that dispense preschool, elementary school,and secondary school education.

The French Language Charter does provide for certain special cases where childrenare allowed to pursue their studies in English at public or subsidized private schools.Youth in the following three categories may be enrolled in English-language schools:

• Youth who are permanent residents of Québec and who qualify for a certificate ofeligibility for instruction in English;

• Youth who are permanent residents of Québec and who are entitled to receiveinstruction in English under a special authorization;

• Youth who are living in Québec temporarily and who qualify for a temporary authorization to receive instruction in English.

Anyone wishing to enroll their children in an English school (elementary or secondary)must first apply for an eligibility certificate for that child. A certificate of eligibility isusually given to children who fall into these categories:

• Those who did most of their elementary or secondary studies in English in Canada; or

• Whose brother or sister did most of his or her elementary studies in English inCanada; or

• Whose father or mother did most of his or her elementary studies in English inCanada; or

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• Whose father or mother attended school in Québec after August 26, 1977 and couldhave been declared eligible for instruction in English at that time.

Other cases may also be considered. This is a very complex process. Contact theCentral Quebec School Board at 654-0537 for additional information and assistance.You can also call the Ministry of Education (MELS) at 1-866-747-6626 or visit their website for more information,

There are no private English schools here. École Vision ( isa private trilingual school with instruction in English, French, and Spanish. For a completelisting of schools and school boards (French and English), look under the heading“Écoles, & institutions élémentaires & secondaires” in the yellow pages, or“Commissions scolaires” (school boards) in the business section of the phone book.


In order to vote in a federal or provincial election, you must:

• Be on the voters’ list• Be 18 years of age or older on election day• Be a Canadian citizen• Have been living in Québec for at least 6 months (does not apply to federal elections)• Not be under public curatorship• Not have been deprived of (lost) your electoral rights

For more information about federal elections, call Elections Canada at 1-800-463-6868 or visit their web site at For more information on provincial elections,call the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec at 528-0422, or visit their web site


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If you want to work in Canada, you need a social insurance number. You can get anapplication form at any Service Canada Centre or online at work in the Québec City area can be very hard if you do not speak Frenchwell, depending on the type of work you want. For help, see the sections in this guidecalled Schools – Language and Employment.

The federal and provincial governments offer a certain level of income security if youhave trouble finding work or if you lose your job.

If you have lost your job and have worked for a certain number of weeks, you may beable to get Employment Insurance (EI) benefits. Regular benefits are paid to peoplewho have lost their job and want to return to work. You must be actively looking forwork and be willing and able to do so at all times. You are not eligible, however, if youhave quit your job. To apply for EI, visit your nearest Service Canada office. You’llneed a record of employment from your last employer that tells how long you workedand how much you earned. You may have more than one such record if you haveworked at more than one job within the last 52 weeks or since your last claim.

Special EI benefits are also paid to people who are unable to work due to illness, injury,quarantine, pregnancy, or because they are caring for a baby or adopted child. For moredetails call 681-2599 or visit the Service Canada web site at

If you are not eligible for EI, you may qualify for one of the two programs created toprovide last-resort financial assistance for individuals and families whose income isunable to cover their basic needs: the Social Assistance Program and the SocialSolidarity Program.

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For more information about these programs, please contact your local employmentcentre (Centre local d’emploi - CLE), call the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidaritésocial at 643-4721, or visit their web site at


Child Assistance Payment is a benefit paid by the Régie des rentes to all families withdependent children under 18 years of age. The amount paid depends on the numberof children, family income, and family situation. There is also an allowance for handicapped children. For more details, call the Régie at 643-3381 or visit their website at

The federal government also provides to some families various benefits such as theCanada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), the National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS), thechild Disability Benefit (CDB), and the Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB).

To apply for the Canada Child Tax Benefit and Québec Child Assistance Payment, youare only required to complete one application form. For more details or to request aform, please contact the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-387-1194 or visit their website at

Québec has a network of childcare centres, either in a school, day care, or home settingat a cost of only $7 a day, for children under the age of five. Not all day cares are partof this plan. For more details, call the Ministère de la Famille, Aînés et de la Conditionféminine at 643-4721 or visit their web site at


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Most government offices and many businesses require that all women use theirmaiden names. The Québec civil code, passed in 1981, states that, “In marriage, bothspouses retain their respective names, and exercise their respective civil rightsunder those names.” Therefore, only women wed before 1981 can use their marriedname, so be prepared when you go to a bank, hospital, etc. to use your maiden nameon all official cards and papers.

Information on all federal government services, and many provincial governmentservices, is available in English upon request.

All government phone numbers and web site addresses can be found in the yellowpages phone book, which includes maps, business listed by headings, governments(the pages with the blue edges list federal, provincial, and municipal numbers) and analphabetical list of businesses. (Note: the names of independent business ownersare not always listed in the residential phone book, so also check the business sectionat the back of the yellow pages phone book when looking for a number).

For information on federal government services, including names of the Members of Parliament, call 1-800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232), or visit their web site

For information on provincial government services, including the names of membersof the National Assembly, call Services Québec at 1-800-363-1363 or visit the QuébecPortal online at

If you are unsatisfied with the service from a provincial government department, callthe Québec ombudsman, the Protecteur du citoyen, at 643-2688 or visit their web siteat

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If you need a lawyer and are on social assistance or have a low income, you may beentitled to the services of a legal aid lawyer. To find the address of your nearest legalaid office, look in the yellow pages of the phone book under “Aide juridique” or onlineat

The Québec City official information site is and general information is available at 641-6010. The line for inquiries and complaints is 641-6000.Tourists, business owners, and city residents can find useful information here.

There are a few foreign government offices in Québec City, including the United States,Sweden, and Italy. For more information, look in the yellow pages under “Consulats”.


Québec residents benefit from insured health-care services and products under theHealth Insurance Plan, as well as prescription drugs if they have registered for theBasic Prescription Drug Insurance Plan.

To get your health care card or for more information about the Québec Health Plan,contact the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) or Quebec health insuranceboard at 1125 Grande Allée Ouest or 646-4636. Their web site is

To qualify for a health care card, you must be a Canadian citizen who lives in thisprovince for 183 days of the year. You cannot get a card if you are a visitor, tourist, orstudent from another province.

If you are from another province, you must be here for three months before you can getyour card. Until then, your former province will pay for medical services. You may haveto pay for services up front and then request to be reimbursed by your former province.


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When you go for your card, take these papers: the completed application form, proof of citizenship, proof of residence, and a photo which meets the necessaryspecifications. If you were not born in Canada, you will need to provide your immigration documents or your Québec selection certificate.

If you have just moved here from another country, you should apply for your card rightaway. However, you will not be immediately eligible for Québec health insurance.You will be eligible for coverage after a waiting period of three months. During thiswaiting period, it is highly recommended that you have private health insurance coverage, as you will not be reimbursed by the Régie for any expenses incurred.

If you are in Quebec temporarily as a citizen of a country that has signed a socialsecurity agreement with Québec, you, your spouse, and your dependents could beeligible for the Health Insurance Plan under that agreement. You may also be eligiblefor a Health Insurance Card if you are in Québec temporary to work; have received a study or training scholarship; are the spouse of the worker or trainee and areaccompanying that person; and are a dependent of the worker or trainee and areaccompanying that person.

A photo and signature are required by most individuals over the age of 14. You willneed to provide a color photo 43 mm x 54 mm taken within the past six months (datedon the back with a date stamp), that has a white background, and shows a front viewfrom the shoulders up with your head uncovered. This photo can be taken at somepharmacies, by a photographer, or at the RAMQ office. There is a fee for this service.Self-portrait photo booths in shopping malls are not acceptable.

Everyone must be covered by prescription drug insurance. Two types of insuranceplans offer this coverage: private plans (group insurance or employee benefit plans)and the public plan, administered by the Régie de l’assurance-maladie du Québec. Ifyou have access to a private plan, you must choose that plan. Otherwise, membershipin the public plan is required.

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In order to receive free services covered by the Health Insurance Plan and PublicPrescription Drug Insurance Plan, you must present your valid health care card.Failure to present your valid card may result in you having to pay for the services youreceive and then apply to the RAMQ for a reimbursement. There is a special formavailable for this purpose. You cannot lend, give, or sell your card.

For more information about the Québec Health Insurance Plan, call the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec at 646-4636 or visit their web site

Quebec law states “English-speaking persons are entitled to receive health servicesand social services in the English language, in keeping with the organizational structureand human, material and financial resources of the institutions providing such servicesand to the extent provided by an access program”.

This “access program” means that some institutions have been specially chosen to provide services in English. NOT all of these places, however, must or can giveservices in English at ALL times. It depends on the staff there at any given time andthe type of services you need. If you do ask for service in English, you can expect thatan effort will be made to refer you to a staff person who is able to help you wellenough in English.

For further information about health and social services in English, you can call theJeffery Hale’s Community Services in English at 684-JEFF (684-5333) or visit their website at For more information about the Ministère de la Santé etdes Services sociaux visit

Info-Santé is a telephone information and advice service that responds to health andwell-being concerns 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the Québec City area call 648-2626. To obtain the number for your area, enter your postal code on the following web site to obtain the number to call,


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Most statutory holidays are recognized in the province including New Year’s Day(Jour de l’An), and Easter (Pâques). Victoria Day (Fête de la Reine) is known as theJournée nationale des patriotes. Labour Day (Fête du travail), Thanksgiving (Actionde grâce), and Christmas (Noël) are also all statutory holidays.

June 24 is a holiday called the Fête Nationale. At one time it was called St-Jean-Baptiste day and many still refer to it this way. In addition, July 1, Canada Day (Fêtedu Canada) is also recognized.

The last two full weeks of July are called the “vacances de la construction” or theconstruction holiday. Although it is not a legal holiday, it has become a tradition formany businesses to stop or slow down during this period. If you want to rent a hotelor cottage in the province at this time, it can be hard to get a reservation.

However, there is no civic holiday celebrated here in August.

There are festivals galore, such as the Summer Festival (Festival d’été) in July (, the Fête de la Nouvelle-France in August (, and the Québec Winter Carnival in February ( In the spring, be sure to visit a sugar shack (cabane à sucre)for a meal made with maple syrup and taste taffy on snow.

For local tourist information, call the Greater Québec Area Tourism and ConventionBureau at 641-6654 or visit their web site at For provincialtourist information, call Tourisme Québec at 1-877 BONJOUR (1-877-266-5687) or visittheir web site at

Québec Tourism Radio has an English station which broadcasts tourist information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tune in to it at 89.7 FM.

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In Québec, the size of most apartments includes a “1/2”, which refers to the bathroom.A “4 and 1/2” most often has two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom(see the vocabulary section for more helpful tips). Large appliances are not alwaysincluded in the rent. Local newspapers include listings of apartments for rent. Alsocheck bulletin boards for notices and signs posted on apartment buildings.

Leases are written on forms that are put out by the Régie du logement (RDL) or rentalboard. This provincial government body oversees relations between tenants andlandlords. It is very difficult to break a lease in Québec once it has been signed.

Before signing a lease, you should clearly set the terms with the landlord, such as themonthly rent, furnishings and appliances, and who pays what utility (electricity, hotwater, etc.). Make sure all terms are written down in the right spaces on the form.You can ask to see the previous tenant’s lease. The lease is written in French unlessboth parties agree to the use of another language. English leases are available at theRDL. In Québec, one-year leases are the norm, from July 1 to June 30. This meansthat July 1 is moving day for most Québecers, so if you need to rent a truck on thisday, book it as soon as you can. If you want a shorter-term lease, try to make a dealwith the landlord and make sure it is written on the lease.

You must give your landlord three months’ notice before the end of your lease, in writing,if you want to move out. Send your notice by registered mail so you have proof thatyour landlord received it.

Similarly, the landlord must tell you of any changes to your lease, such as a rentincrease, three to six months before it ends. You then have one month to reply. If youdo not, your lease will automatically be renewed for another year. You can eitheraccept the changes and the lease is valid for another year, or you can refuse the changes and try to renegotiate. The RDL can help decide what is fair when you


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renegotiate if you and your landlord cannot agree. These delays change if the leaseis for less than one year.

For all questions about tenant/landlord relations, call the Régie du logement at 643-2245 or visit their web site at

When you buy a house in this province, you will need a notary to prepare the legalpapers. He or she will arrange the legal aspects of your mortgage with the bank ofyour choice. Upon buying a home, whether or not it is newly built, you will have topay a one-time “welcome tax” to your municipality. This is a provincial law and it isapplicable to all municipalities.

There are free publications readily available that feature property listings; as well youcan search online at


Québec residents must file both federal and provincial income tax forms by April 30of every year. Forms may be done in either English or French. Your employer(s) mustprovide you with a receipt (i.e. T4, RL-1) stating your earnings and any deductions byMarch of the year after you earned the money.

You can get federal tax forms in English at some post offices, some banks, or by visitingthe Canada Revenue Agency at 165 de la Pointe-aux-Lièvres, in downtown Québec.You may also call 1-800-959-8281 or visit their web site at

You can get provincial income tax forms in English at some post offices, some banks,or by visiting Revenue Québec at 3800 rue de Marly. You may also call 659-6299 orvisit their web site at

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The Jeffery Hale’s Community Services in English, 684-JEFF (684-5333), offers help fil-ing basic tax forms for low-income earners.


Hydro-Québec is the provider for electricity. To open an account or for more information call 1-888-385-7252 or visit their web site at

Several companies supply natural gas in the region and can be found under “Gaz-Compagnies” in the yellow pages. One of the more well known companies is GazMétropolitain at 1-800-361-4568 or

Bell Canada supplies both local and long-distance telephone services in most ofGreater Québec. In addition, some private companies also provide telephone servicein various areas.

There is a monthly cost for a basic residential service, plus a one-time hook upcharge. If jack work is needed, more charges will apply, unless you choose to do yourown wiring inside your home or hire someone to do the work for you. As for repairs,there is a charge for fixing interior wiring; however repairs to exterior wires areincluded in your monthly rate. You can either rent or buy a telephone, but beware!Bell only repairs telephone sets rented from them.

It can take anywhere from 3 to 15 days before you are hooked up to a telephone line.Visit your nearest Espace Bell outlet or call customer service toll free for more information at 310 BELL (310-2355) or visit their web site at

A few companies provide cable TV service in the region. Vidéotron( is the largest serving most of the Québec City area.


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Coopérative de Cablodistribution de l’Arrière Pays ( servesStoneham and Tewkesbury, Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval, Lac-Beauport, Lac St-Charles,NDL Bon-Pasteur, and parts of Charlesbourg. Shannon Vision and theCablodistributeur Ste-Catherine Fossambault serve the towns that share their names.Consult the yellow pages for the telephone numbers for these cable companies under“Câblodistributeurs” or call your local municipal office.

There are also several companies that provide satellite TV service. Bell ExpressVu( and StarChoice ( are two of the largest suppliers.For more information, consult the yellow pages under “Satellite – Equipement & services de télévision”.


Did you know that there is an English section in your yellow pages phone book?Under each heading, the translation appears as it is found in the larger French section. This can save you a lot of dictionary use and keep your fingers from havingto do too much walking.

Bankingautomatic teller guichet automatiquedebit card carte de débitdeposit dépôtdirect payment paiement directloan prêtmoney argentpaycheque chèque de payewithdrawal retraitsafety deposit box coffre de sûreté

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Drivingback up reculerbrakes freinscar lights pharescar registration immatriculataion du véhiculedead end cul-de-sacdriver’s licence permis de conduirehood capotmotor moteurmuffler silencieuxoil change changement d’huileone way sens uniquepriority turn on flashing green virage prioritaire sur feu vert clignotantflashing light clignotantshocks amortisseursslow down ralentirspark plugs bougiesstandard manuelsteering wheel volantstraight ahead tout droittires pneustraffic lights feu de signalisationtrunk valise / coffretune-up mise au pointu-turn demi-tourwindshield pare-brisewindshield washer fluid lave-vitrewindshield wiper essuie-glace


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Governmentcity hall hôtel de villecity councillor conseiller municipal / échevinmayor maire / mairesseMember of the National Assembly (MNA) Membre de l’Assemblée nationale/

députéMember of Parliament député fédéralPrime Minister Premier Ministre du CanadaPremier Premier Ministre du Québecriding circonscription

Healthadmissions bureau des admissionsappointment rendez-vousbathroom salle de bain / toiletteblood tests prélèvements sanguins / de sangdoctor médecindoctor’s office bureau de médecinemergency urgenceexamining room salle d’examengeneral practitioner médecin de famillegynecology gynécologiehealth care card carte d’assurance-maladiehospital hôpitalintensive care soins intensifslaboratory laboratoirelocal community health centre Centre local de services

communautaires (CLSC)obstetrics obstétriquepediatrics pédiatrienursery pouponnièreout-patient clinic clinique externesurgery chirurgiewaiting room salle d’attentex-rays radiologie


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Home Huntingaffordable abordableapartment logementappliances appareils ménagersbasement sous-solbedroom chambre à coucher / chambrecaretaker / janitor conciergecarpet tapisdining room salle à mangerdishwasher lave-vaiselledryer sécheuseelectricity électricité (Hydro)elevator ascenseureverything included tout comprisfireplace foyerfreshly painted frais peintfurnished meubléhardwood floor plancher de bois francheated chaufféhot water eau chaudehouse maisonJuly juilletlandlord propriétairelaundry room buanderielease baillinoleum prélartlighting éclairageliving room salonmortgage hypothèqueparking stationnementpartially-furnished semi-meubléproperty (land) terrainquiet tranquillerefrigerator réfrigérateurrenovated rénovéroommate co-locatairesoundproof insonorisé


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storage rangementstove cuisinièretenant locatairewasher laveuse

Servicesambulance ambulancefirefighters pompiersfire station poste de pompierpolice policepolice station poste de policeprovincial police Sûreté de Québec (SQ)public transportation transport en commun

Shoppingclothing store boutique de linge/vêtementscorner/convenience store dépanneurdrug store pharmaciegrocery store épiceriehardware store quincaillerieshoe repair shop cordonniershopping mall/centre centre d’achats /mail /

centre de commercesstore magasin


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INDEX Community

COMMUNITY GROUPSCulturalEducationalRecreationalCommunity Development

EDUCATIONElementarySecondaryCEGEPAdult EducationSchool Boards



HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICESCSSSsHospitals / Nursing HomesCentre de JeunesseCommunity Support Services




COMMUNITYGROUPSC u l t u r a lAmerican Colony of Québec 527-9598An organization to promote & coordinate thecultural interests of Americans in the Québecregion. To meet & socialize with otherAmericans, please contact us.

Amnesty International 656-6921 (ext 244)c/o Champlain St. Lawrence790 Nérée-Tremblay, Québec G1V 4K2A worldwide movement dedicated to raisingawareness of human rights issues and pressuringgovernments to respect the human rights oftheir citizens.

Bibliothèque Charles H. Blais 641-62761445, av. Maguire, Québec G1S 2W9http:/ municipal library. Wide selection ofEnglish books, magazines & newspapers.

78th Fraser Highlanders 569-6903PO Box 161, Haute-Ville, Québec G1R 4P3Contact: Guy Morissete-mail: [email protected]

Irish Heritage Québec 651-5918C.P. 8733, Québec G1V 4N6A genealogical society for the study, preservation& promotion of Irish history in Québec.Membership inquiries welcome.


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Morrin Centre 694-914744, chaussée des Écossais, Québec G1R 4H3

The Morrin Centre is the LHSQ’s portal to theheritage of English speakers in Québec City. Itoffers English-language activities, heritage andcultural events as well as library services. (Seelisting under the Literary and Historical Societyof Québec.) Ad p.71

Québec Art Company 881-4090108, rue de la Piscine, St-Apollinaire G0S 2E0

English-language community theatre group inQuébec City presenting popular plays andmusicals for all ages.

Réseau des bibliothèquesde la Ville de Québec 641-6788350, rue Saint-Joseph E., Québec G1K 3B2http://[email protected]

28 branches. Gabrielle-Roy offers Englishbooks, best sellers, print media for adults &kids, language lab for independent study.

E d u c a t i o n a lA.P.P.E.A.L. 659-7616100, av. Joli-Bois, Québec G1V 3Z6Social, recreational activities in English withfrancophones. Bilingual activities & HappyHours for anglophones & francophones. Englishconversation workshops.

English Second LanguageTeachers’ Network 573-1767c/o 5560, Ave. Nicolas GirouxQuébec G1H 6T5http://[email protected] ESLTN supports and empowers teachers andconsultants working in the field of ESL in theQuébec City region.

Literary and HistoricalSociety of Québec 694-914744, chaussée des Écossais, Québec G1R 4H3The LHSQ fosters English-language culture inthe Québec City region and shares its diverseheritage. The LHSQ manages Morrin Centreand operates the largest general-interestEnglish-language library in Québec City.(See listing under Morrin Centre.)[email protected]


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Québec City Reading Council,Adult & Family LiteracyResource Centre 681-1258Pavillon Jefferey-Hale, suite 2109,1270, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1S 2M4www.qcrc.orgPromotes and supports life-long learningthrough a variety of literacy services forEnglish-speaking adults. Ad p.72

Everest Toastmasters Club(advanced bilingual) third Thursday from 6 to 8 pm at MikesRestaurant, 2960, boul Laurier, Québec.

Toastmasters Viewpoint ClubSpeak English before an audience in a learn-by-doing process with us! Join right nowViewpoint Toastmasters Club in Beauport fromSeptember to June. Meetings are held onWednesdays from 7:15 PM to 9:15 PM at theCentre Mgr. de Laval 2, du Fargy, close to thechurch La Nativité in the old Beauport area.I N F O : h t t p : / / w w w . t o a s t m a s t e r s

Toastmasters Quest Club 653-9927

Every Friday morning at 6:55 a.m. at MikesRestaurant, 2960, boul Laurier, Québec.

R e c r e a t i o n a lBetty’s QuiltersMeet Monday evenings from 7 to 9 pm at theSt. Gabriel-de-Valcartier Community Centre. If you enjoy quilting and want to share yourpassion with other quilters, please join us. For more information call Bev at 844-3578.

Fifty Plus Club 688-9847c/o St. Michael's Hall1800, chemin St-Louis, Québec G1S 1J5Provides social interaction and recreation forcitizens over 50 years of age.

Friday Night Traditional DancesValcartier Community Centre, 1743 Blvd.,Valcartier. Autumn and winter seasons. Livefiddle music. Each dance is explained, then called. Information, call Debbie Chakour at (418) 844-2273or email to [email protected].



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Girl Guides of CanadaGuides du Canada is the largest organizationfor girls and women in Canada. We welcomeall girls 5-17 + years old and women over 18 tobe part of the following groups:Sparks: aged 5 & 6 Brownies: aged 7 & 8Guides: aged 9 to 11 Pathfinders: aged 12 to 14Senior Branches: aged 15 to 17 +Adults: as leaders, mentors, team membersand more.For more information please contact 1-800-565-8111 to find a meeting area near you or goto our website

Knitters’ Club (CWL)Meets the second Monday each month from 7to 9 pm. at St-Patrick’s Church. For information,call Veronica Faguy at 682-0511.

Les Capitales de Québec 521-2255100, Cardinal Maurice-Roy, Québec G1K [email protected]

Québec CityWomen's Club 656-2131 (ext 4964)

c/o 196 Dublin Road, Shannon G0A 4N0

In existence since 1937, this club providesopportunities for all English-speaking womento get together for fun and interesting activities.The club also awards bursaries each year toyoung women for higher education.



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Saint Brigid'sGuild (1968) 681-4687 / 681-33761645, chemin St-Louis, Québec G1S 4M3

Volunteers serving residents at St. Brigid'sHome. ''The caring group''. Meeting2:00 PMlast Monday of month.

Ste-Foy Book GroupOur group meets once a month to discuss worksof literature including Canadian, internationaland classics. Books selected are paperbacks.Members provide refreshments. Group size islimited and meets in one member's home. Formore information contact Joanne McCalla at871-5650. [email protected]

Scouts Canada 844-3405 / 521-3820St. Vincent's, Base Valcartier & Village Divisions1681, boul. Valcartier,St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier G0A 4S0

Helps girls and boys become community-mindedand patriotic citizens. Beaver Colony, Cub Pack,Scout Troop, Venturer and Rover levels.

Shannon Senior Citizens 844-3323407, Dublin Road, Shannon G0A 4N0

Provides social and recreational interaction forlocal senior citizens. Meet at ShannonCommunity Centre every Thursday.

Stoneham Fifty Plus Clubc/o 925, Tewkesbury Ave, Stoneham G0A 4P0

An organization providing social interactionand recreational activities for primarily English-speaking citizens over 50 years of age. Forinformation call Audrey Smith at 848-2008.

Valcartier Golden Age Groupc/o 21 Rourke AvenueSt-Gabriel-de-Valcartier G0A 4S0

Activities for senior citizens of the Valcartiercommunity. Meet at Valcartier MunicipalCentre, 1743 boul Valcartier. Contact JoanRourke, 844-2793.



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C o m m u n i t yD e v e l o p m e n tCeDeC (418) 681-23451040, ave. Belvédère, suite 212, Québec G1S 3G3

[email protected]

CeDeC motivates community members to recog-nize assets and aspirations, and then guidesthem through the realization of goals throughpartnership building, strategic planning, sharingcommunity successes and promoting entrepre-neurship and employability as important elements of community economic development.

Ad p.75

Megantic English-speaking CommunityDevelopment Corporation (418) 332-385197 Notre-Dame O, suite 206, Thetford MinesG6G 1J4 [email protected]

We are a non-profit organization that providescommunity, social and cultural servicesand activities in English in the Chaudière-Appalaches and Érable regions.

Québec CommunityGroups Network 681-21121040, Belvédère, bureau 219, Québec G1S 3G3

Non-profit organization of 24 English-languagecommunity organizations across Québec suppor-ting the development of English-language mino-rity communities & the use of English.



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Voice of English-speakingQuébec (VEQ) 683-23661270, chemin Ste-Foy, bureau 2141,Québec G1S 2M4 [email protected]

VEQ promotes the vitality of our community bywelcoming newcomers, encouraging leader-ship, supporting institutional excellence andcontributing to the development of the widerQuébec City community.

EDUCATIONE l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l sDollard-des-Ormeaux School 844-145718, rue Ladas, Courcelette G0A 1R1

Community school providing strong academicprograms and a variety of extracurricular activities to Elementary and Secondary students.

Mauricie EnglishElementary School (819) 376-76761241, rue Nicolas-Perrot, Trois-Rivières G9A

Pre-kindergarten to Grade 6 classes. A studentbody of all ages provides a family atmospherefor learning.

Everest Elementary School 688-82292280, rue Laverdière, Québec G1P

Where new heights will be reached by workingtogether: students, parents, and teachers; andwhere the whole child is developed and valued.

Holland Elementary School 681-7705940, av. Ernest-Gagnon, Québec G1S

A school that strives to help each child reachfull potential through partnership with parentsand student-centered activities.

Jimmy SandyMemorial School (418) 585-3811C.P. 5152, Kawawachikamach G0G

School offering Pre-Kindergarten to Secondary5 to Naskapi students in Northern Québec.

MacLean MemorialSchool (418) 748-2038159, 5e Avenue, Chibougamau G8P

Small school welcoming students fromKindergarten to Secondary 5, where every childcounts.

Portneuf ElementarySchool (418) 285-231335, rue Richard, Cap-Santé G0A

Offering quality English instruction with lowteacher-student ratio in a caring family environ-ment to elementary-age students living inPortneuf County.



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Riverside RegionalSchool (Elementary) (418) 548-82961782, rue Neilson, Jonquière G7S

Our English school is located in the heart of theSaguenay Region. Our staff and growing popu-lation pride themselves on the fact that ourlearning community is close-knit and centeredon caring and growing.

Sainte-Foy Elementary School 651-43961240, rue Julien Green, Québec G1W

A safe, caring and respectful place where eachchild's learning and social skills will grow. Pre-kindergarten and daycare offered.

St. Patrick ElementarySchool (418) 335-5366919, rue Mooney Ouest,Thetford Mines G6G

St. Patrick Elementary School is the heart ofthe community.

St. Vincent School 652-2106995, avenue Wolfe, Québec G1V

A safe and caring learning environment. Westrive to maximize each child's academic, spiri-tual, social, artistic and physical growth.



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Valcartier Elementary School 844-22331748, boul. Valcartier,St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier G0A

A small child-centered school serving the commu-nity of St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier. We provide high-quality English and enriched French programs.

S e c o n d a r y S c h o o l sA.S. Johnson MemorialSchool (High School) (418) 335-5366919, rue Mooney Ouest,Thetford Mines G6G

A.S. Johnson Memorial High School is theheart of the community.

Dollard-des-Ormeaux School 844-145718, rue Ladas, Courcelette G0A

Community school providing strong academicprograms and a variety of extracurricular activi-ties to Elementary and Secondary students.

Jimmy SandyMemorial School (418) 585-3811C.P. 5152, Kawawachikamach G0G

School offering Pre-Kindergarten to Secondary5 to Naskapi students in Northern Québec.

La Tuque High School (819) 523-2515531, rue St-Maurice, La Tuque G9X

A bustling, dynamic Kindergarten to Secondary5 English school, fringed by the mountains &forests of the upper St. Maurice, in the heart ofFrench Canada.

Québec High School 683-1953945, av. Belvédère, Québec G1S

QHS is a public English Secondary school witha community focus providing quality inclusiveeducation with many options, including Frenchmother tongue. One of only 15 CommunityLearning Centres in the province of Québec.

Riverside Regional School(High School) (418) 548-31811770, rue Joule, Jonquière G7S

Our mission statement: Our responsible learningcommunity. We invite you to contact us, or visitour web site.

Shawinigan High School (819) 536-21161125, avenue des Cèdres,Shawinigan G9N

Situated in La Mauricie region. Serving theEnglish community, we offer Kindergarten,Primary & Secondary education as well as daycare.


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St. Patrick's High School 525-842175, rue de Maisonneuve, Québec G1R

Academic excellence, instrumental music,Spanish, Mandarin & computer programs,French mother tongue, strong student leader-ship program.

Three Rivers Academy (819) 375-23321875, rue Nicolas-Perrot, Trois-Rivières G9A

Small English school (in the St. Maurice Valley)educating students from Secondary 1 to 5, withdedicated and professional staff.

C E G E PCEGEP CHAMPLAIN –ST. LAWRENCE 656-6921790 Nérée-Tremblay, Québec G1V 4K2http://www.slc.qc.caFor information: slccegep

Offers post-secondary education to regular stu-dents on a full-time or part-time basis. Ourlibrary is open to the public. Your children wantto learn English? Inquire about our SummerEnglish Basketball Camp for young athletesaged 8 – 16. Ad p.69s

A d u l t E d u c a t i o nEastern QuébecLearning Centre 654-05373005, rue William-Stuart, Québec G1W 1V4[email protected]

Offering Vocational Training programs(Administration, Health and Hotel sector),General Education and French courses for students 16 years of age and older. Ad p.78

S c h o o l B o a r d sCentral Québec School Board 688-87302046, chemin Saint-Louis, Québec G1T Ad p.77

EMPLOYMENTEmploi-Québec 687-3540

Ad p.83

Ressources Entreprises 649-46362014, rue Cyrille-Duquet, bureau 290Québec QC G1N 4N6

Free info on government & private programs andservices. Business documentation centre.Consultation for businesses.



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Valcartier Family Center (VFC) 844-6060Box 1000, Stn. Forces, Bldg. 93,Courcelette G0A 4Z0

Free career or vocational counseling. Jobpostings and information on opportunities forEnglish speakers. Bilingual resource centre andassistance. Free access to Internet and officeequipment. Ad p.29s

Voice of English-speakingQuébec (VEQ) 683-23661270, chemin Ste-Foy, bureau 2141,Québec G1S 2M4 [email protected]

Our online Job Bank features employmentopportunities for English-speaking and bilingualjob seekers.

GOVERNMENTMunicipality of Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier 844-12181743, boul. Valcartier,Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier G0A 4S0E-mail: [email protected] Ad p.85

Municipality of Shannon 844-377850, rue St. Patrick, Shannon G0A 4N0 Ad p.87

Steven Blaney,député de Lé 1-877-630-0500

In past editions, the Community Connectiondirectory has already proven its worth forestablishing networks and meeting needs. Ithas thus become a vital player within its ownconstituency. Congratulations for this initiativewhich continues to respond to such felt needs.

ContributorsWe wish to gratefully acknowledge the part-nership of friends who have helped in ourefforts to bring you the 2007 edition of theVoice of English-speaking Quebec’s CommunityConnection:Margaret Delisle, ex-députée de Jean-TalonSylvain Légaré, député de VanierAgnès Maltais, députée de Taschereau



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HEALTH ANDSOCIAL SERVICESCommunity Health andSocial Services Network 684-22891270, chemin Ste-Foy, bur. 2000 Québec G1S [email protected] or [email protected]

CHSSN supports English-speaking communitiesacross Quebec in their efforts to improve accessto health and social services in English. Ad p.86

Jeffery Hale 684-JEFF (684-5333)Community Services in English1270, chemin Ste-Foy, suite 1124,Québec G1S [email protected]

Health & social services for all ages. Have aquestion? Call us. Activities for parents andseniors. Services for students in Englishschools.

C S S S sFor referral - Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

Hospitals / Nursing HomesFor information about a hospital's specialitiesor for a referral to a specialist, please ask yourfamily doctor or call Jeffery Hale at 684-5333.



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Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus 649-02521401, 18e rue, Québec G1J 1Z4

Hôpital du Saint-Sacrement 682-75111050, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1S 4L8

Centre de santé et servicessociaux de Québec NordCentre hospitalier Chauveau 842-3651Clinique Externe et Urgence29, rue de L'Hôpital, Loretteville G2A 2T7

Centre de santé et services sociaux du Grand LittoralInstallation Paul-Gilbert 832-29939330, boul. du Centre-Hospitalier,Charny G6X 1L6

Centre hospitalier universitaire de QuébecCentre hospitalier del’Université Laval (CHUL) 525-44442705, boul. Laurier, Québec G1V 4G2

L’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec 525-444411, Côte du Palais, Québec G1R 2J6

Hôpital St-François d'Assise 525-430310, rue de l'Espinay, Québec G1L 3L5

L’Hôpital Jeffery Hale Hospital 684-53331250, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1S 2M6

Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis 835-7121143, rue Wolfe, Lévis G6V 3Z1

Hôpital Laval 656-87112725, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1V 4G5

Saint Brigid's Home Inc 681-46871645, chemin St-Louis, Québec G1S 4M3

Ad p.87

C e n t r e d e J e u n e s s eFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

C o m m u n i t y S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s Fraser Recovery Program 527-58581270, chemin Ste-Foy, bur 1124Québec G1S 2M4 [email protected]

Non-profit organization providing individualassessment and counseling, twice-weekly sup-port meetings and 24-hour help line for membersupport. Camping program also availableweekends, holidays, summer.

Friends of the Jeffery HaleFoundation 684-22601250, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1S 2M6

François Lachance, director



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La Ligue La Leche 653-8849About Breast FeedingTelephone help from accredited leaders, library,accessory and baby carrier sales. Call Cynthia.Mother-to-mother support at monthly meetingsin French (7 pm).Ste-Foy: Sandrine - 651-5679(first Wednesday each month)Lévis: Marie-Josée - 838-1584(second Monday each month)Toddler meetings

Overeaters Anonymous 527-7266Men & women meet to share theirexperience, strength & hope to solve their com-mon problem.

MEDIACBC RadioBox 18800, Québec G1K 9L4Studios: 888, rue St-JeanQuebec [email protected]

Breakaway - [email protected] Fax: 691-3610 Ad p.90

Global Television 682-2020Cable 3, Channel 201000, av. Myrand, Québec G1V [email protected]




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Call, fax or e-mail us with Quebec City news,entertainment & community announcements.Fax : 682-2620. Ad p.91

Mountain Lake PBS (518) 563-97701 Sesame Street, Plattsburg, NY

Member-supported public television. Best ofPBS & more. Available on Videotron. Call for afree program guide or visit our web site. Ad p.90

Québec Chronicle-Telegraph 650-17643484, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1X 1S8http://[email protected]

The only newspaper serving the English-speakingcommunity. Your community every week. Fax : 650-5172. Ad p.68s

RELIGIOUSORGANIZATIONSAnglicanAnglican Churches of Portneuf CountyCanon Graham JacksonSt. John the Evangelist - Portneuf:Call Lawrence Christopher: 286-3168 orMary Farnsworth: 286-3168.

St. Bartholomew - Bourg Louis:Call Heather Beaumont: 337-7967 orDarcy Roberge: 337-4943.

Christ Church Valcartier 844-23131729, boul. Valcartier,St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier G0A 4S0

Contact Joyce Hamilton (844-2313) or AllanRourke (844-2793).

Church Societyof the Diocese of Québec [email protected]

Founded in 1842, the oldest missionary societyin the Canadian Church. Helping the expansion& maintenance of the Church's ministry.

Holy Trinity Cathedral 692-219331, rue des Jardins, Québec G1R 4M3

Walter Raymond, Dean. Caring community ofAnglicans and Lutherans. Quality worship andchildren’s program.

St. James Anglican Church 849-2219c/o 1008, boul du Lac, Lac Beauport G3B 0W8For dates and times, contact G. Loosli.

St. Michael Anglican Church 526-44541800, chemin St-Louis, Québec G1S 1J5

Sunday worship 10h30 with children's pro-gram. Home of the Atrium of the GoodShepherd, Taizé, the Thrift, Labyrinthe desJardins, the Quiet Garden and Espace St-Michael. Mia Anderson, Incumbent.




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St. Paul's Anglican Church 842-410380, boul. des Étudiants,Box 31, Québec G2B 3W6

Church service every second Sunday. ContactDenzil Cornforth at 842-4103.

St. Peter's Anglican Church251, rue St. Peter's, Stoneham G0A 4P0

Services twice monthly. For information contactWilliam Craig at 848-3105.

Trinity Anglican Church2687, chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois,Québec G1V 1X3

Worship Service : Sunday 11:00 AM. “A Friendlyand Welcoming Church”. 653-7119

BaptistQuébec Baptist Church 523-0663 70, Grande Allée O., Québec G1R 2G6http://[email protected]

Sunday Worship at 10:00 AM. Bible study onMondays at 7:30 P.M. Ad p.93

Truth Baptist Church of Québec 564-7984Meeting at: La Petite École290, rue Ernest-BéginSt. Romuald, QC G6W [email protected]

A Bible-believing church with straight, interesting,understandable preaching from God’s word.We want you to know God better! Ad p.93



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CatholicSt. Gabriel's Catholic Church 844-11381877, boul. Valcartier,St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier G0A 4S0

Providing a bilingual mass Sunday at 9:30 AM.and pastoral care.

St. Joseph's Catholic Chapel 844-324294, St. Patrick Street, Shannon G0A [email protected]

Sunday Mass: 9:30 AM. Chapel available forother religious ceremonies.

St. Patrick's RomanCatholic Church 524-35441145, av. de Salaberry, Québec G1R [email protected]

Masses : Saturday 4:00 PM; Sunday 10:00 AM;Weekdays 11:30 AM. Pastor: Monsignor JeanPelletier.

St. Stephen's & St. Vincent'sCatholic Chapel 527-66092160, rue Marie-Victorin, Québec G1T [email protected]

Masses : Sunday 11:00 AM.Correspondence : C.P. 47114, Québec G1S 4X1.St. Patrick's Church: Tel. : 524-3544.

PentecostalEvangel Pentecostal Church 681-2001845, av. Joffre, Québec G1S 3L8

Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Sunday Meeting/Kids’ Church at1:30 PM. Plus weekly activities.

PresbyterianSt. Andrew's PresbyterianChurch 844-3755 / 572-54272, chemin du Lac-Ferré,St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier G0A 4S0

Corner boul. Valcartier, ch. du Lac Ferré.Correspondence: 2, ch. du Lac Ferré, St-Gabriel,G0A 4S0. Sunday service: 9:15 AM. SundaySchool offered.

St. Andrew'sPresbyterian Church 694-1347106, rue Ste-Anne, Québec G1R 3X8

Worship and Sunday School : Sunday 10:30 AM.

SynagogueBeth Israel Ohev Sholem Synagogue1251, ave. de Mérici, Québec G1S 3H8Rabbi David Lewin 688-3277

Services: Saturday at 9:30. Hebrew school forchildren: Sunday morning. Torah courses:Tuesday night.



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UnitedChalmers-WesleyUnited Church 692-2640 / 692-043178, rue Ste-Ursule, Québec G1R [email protected]

English service with Sunday School & Nurseryat 11:15 AM. French service at 9:15 AM. (ÉgliseUnie St-Pierre). Rev. George T. MacDonald

St. Andrew's UnitedChurch 844-2980 / 572-54271755, boul. Valcartier,St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier G0A 4S0

Correspondence : 1625, boul. Valcartier, St-Gabriel G0A 4S0. Sunday service : 9:15 AM.Sunday School offered.

OtherBaha’i Centre 692-395575, rue d’Auteuil, Québec G1R 4C3http://www.bahai.orghttp://[email protected]

Scheduled family classes, 19 day feasts, Holy-day celebrations, study circles and firesides.Toll free : 1-800-433-3284.

Elizabeth Seton Center 681-51801130, av. de Bougainville, Québec G1S 3A8

House of Prayer. Spiritual renewal programs.Reflexology and healing touch available.

Quebec City PastoralCare to the Sick 688-9847c/o 2223 Brulart, Québec G1T 1G2

Committed volunteers offering a variety of free,confidential and respectful services to the sick.Services are for people of all faiths as well asthose with no religious affiliation.

Seaman’s Institute 692-3376(La Maison du Marin)C.P. 2268, Port de Québec G1K 7P7

Sailors worldwide of all faiths have use offacilities and equipment. Church service aboardship available on request.

CemeteriesBeth Israel Cemeteryboul. René-Lévesque

Arthur Aron : 527-3395 orRegina Rosenhek : 658-6677

Mount Hermon Cemetery 527-35131801, chemin St-Louis, Québec G1S [email protected]

Superintendent - Brian Treggett. A non-deno-minational garden cemetery overlooking the St.Lawrence; dating back to 1848. Office openweekdays.

St. Patrick's Cemetery 527-10451649, chemin St-Louis, Québec

Ministering to the spiritual needs of our com-munity. Alternate phone: 524-3544.



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VOLUNTEERSVoice of English-speakingQuébec (VEQ) 683-23661270, chemin Ste-Foy, bureau 2141,Québec G1S 2M4 [email protected]

Community development initiatives, services tonew arrivals, community coordination, informa-tion and referral. We can help.




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Index - Business


c Cr


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AccountantsAddiction - Information & Treatment CentresAntiques & CollectiblesArt Galleries

Bakery & Pastry ShopsBathroom RenovationsBeverages - Distributors & BottlersBicycle SalesBirth Control Information CentresBook DealersBuilding Contractors

CaterersChiropractorsClothing - RetailComputer ConsultantsCraftsCredit & Debt Counselling Services

DentistsDietitiansDistress Centres

Economic Development

Financial & Estate PlanningFinancial ServicesFuneral Homes

Gift ShopsGourmet ShopsGraphic Designers

Home BusinessesHome Health Services & SuppliesHotelsInsuranceInterior DecoratingInternet: Web Development & Programming

Landscape Contractors & DesignersLawyers

Marriage, Family & Individual CounsellorsMassage TherapyMedical ClinicsMoving & Storage



Pet ShopsPhysiotherapistsPostal ServicesPlumbing ContractorsPrenatal Classes & ExercisesPsychologistsPsychotherapy

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Real Estate AgentsReal Estate AppraisersRestaurantsRetirement ResidencesReupholstery

Schools – LanguageSecond-Hand StoresSignalization SystemsSocial & Human Service OrganizationsSpeech Therapy

Tax Return PreparationTelecommunicationsTransit CompaniesTranslators & InterpretersTravel Agencies



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A c c o u n t a n t sDallaire Forest Kirouac CharteredAccountants, SENCRL 650-2266Place Iberville Deux1175, av. Lavigerie, suite 580,Québec G1V 4P1Fax: (418) [email protected]

Audit and General Accounting. Tax specialist.Member of DFK International.

Sode, Saide mba, accountant 647-0460301-210, rue de La RandonnéeQuébec G1K [email protected] Fax: 647-0721

Accounting, Tax Advisor, Book-keeping,Business Plan, Payroll. Income Tax (specializing in small business, self-employed, investment & rental income).

Addiction - Information& Treatment CentresFor referral - Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

Antiques and Collectiblesl’Héritage Antiquité 692-1681Buying and Selling109, rue St. Paul, Québec G1K 3V8

Robert J. MathieuServing you since 1973 with honesty and com-petence. Fair dealings in complete confidence.

A r t G a l l e r i e sLe Chien d'or Gallery 694-99498, rue du Fort, Québec G1R 4M1

Specializing in rare Québec & Canadian books.Buy & Sell. Evaluations for insurance andestates.

Bakery & Pastry ShopsLe Paingrüel 522-7246375, rue St-Jean, Québec G1R 1N8

A creative bakery where you’ll discover bread ofa thousand and one kinds! Your daily bread isbaked with quality ingredients in warm surroun-dings, and you’re welcome to taste-test from6:00 AM, Tuesday through Saturday. Ad p.101

Paillard Le Café-Boulangerie1097 Rue St-Jean, Québec G1R 1S3Tel. : 418-692-1221 Fax : 418-692-1544

Come and get a taste of our trendy ambiancewith a European feel. An ideal setting to samplean outstanding culinary experience. Our goal:becoming Quebec City’s must go bakery, pastryshop, sandwich and gelato place. Ad p.101




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Bathroom RenovationsBain Magique 847-22242700, Jean Perrin, bureau 123Québec G2C

One-day bath remodeling. Bathtubs, showers,seamless walls, bathtub-to-shower conversions.

Ad p.101

Beverages - Distributors& Bottlers Alex Coulombe 687-27002300, rue Cyrille-Duquette, Québec G1N 2G5www.pepsi-alexcoulombe.comBottlers of Pepsi, 7UP, Crush, Canada Dry,Aquafina, Gatorade and more.“Have a Pepsi day!” Ad p.102



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Bicycle SalesLa Maison Du VéloDe Shannon 844-1083419, boul. Jacques-Cartier, Shannon G0A 4N0

Sales, repair and rental of bicycles and in-lineskates. Dealer for INTERCYCLE and KUWA-HARA bicycles.

B i r t h C o n t r o lInformation CentresFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

B o o k D e a l e r sCarraig Books 651-5918Box 8733, Québec G1V [email protected]

Books about the Irish in Québec - send for thebook list. Irish walking tours, history. Read andenjoy. Ad p.103

La Maison de la Bible 692-26981025, rue St-Jean, Québec G1R [email protected] Fax: (418) 692-4616

We sell Bibles in over 50 languages, NewTestaments, Bible study helps. Best choice ofChristian music in town at affordable prices.



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Librairie La Maison Anglaiseet Internationale 654-9523Place de la Cité2600, boul. Laurier, Québec G1V [email protected]

THE Quebec City English Bookstore. GeneralInterest, Special orders, Discount card, Spanishbooks and more... Ad p.103

Building ContractorsJ.P. Goodfellow Construction 844-2427163, Boul. St-Sacrement, Valcartier G0A 4S0

BUILDING INSPECTION: pre-purchase; consul-tation for home projects; building site supervi-sion – renovation and new construction; deco-ration consultation and service; project bids.Cell: (418) 808-3322 Fax: (418)

W. Rourke Ltée 687-24402360, boul. Hamel, Québec G1P 2H7

General Building Contractor, administrationservices, rental & sales of residential, commer-cial & industrial services.

C a t e r e r sBuffet du Passant Enr. 681-65831698, Côte de Sillery, Québec G1T 2A7Fax: 687-5897 Ad p.103

C h i r o p r a c t o r sOsteopathic Clinic 653-2992Stanley Robinson D.O. – Kevin Robinson D.O.3045, av. Maricourt, Québec G1W 4T8

Treatment for migraine headaches, neck andback pain, sciatic nerve pain, herniated discsand sports injuries. Ad p.104

Eglin, Elaine (B.Sc., D.C.) 652-81811300 boul. Laurier, Québec, Qc.G1S 1L8(the old CJRP building)

Neck pain, low back pain, headaches,migraines, arm and leg pain.Caring for the community since 1988.

Ouellet, Jay Chiropractor 688-07631369, chemin Ste Foy, Québec

20+ years experience providing relief toQuebecers and many international celebrities.




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C l o t h i n g - R e t a i lLa Maison Simons (418) 692-363020, Côte de la Fabrique, Québec, Qc G1R 3V9

QUEBEC CITY Place Ste-Foy, Galeries de laCapitale, Old Quebec, MONTREAL Downtown,Promenades St-Bruno, Carrefour Laval, SHER-BROOKE Carrefour de l’Estrie. Women's/men'sfashions, home decor. Ad p.105

Computer ConsultantsGlobal Trade 692-1145C.P. 47009, Québec G1S [email protected]

Excellence in both official languages.Integrated computer-assisted document pro-cessing. Rewriting – Editing – Translation.

Reports – Papers – Books – Manuals. Technical– Academic – Scientific – MultimediaPresentations. Governments – Businesses –Organizations.

C r a f t sScrapbooking 839-3972103 rue Dupont, St. Romuald, QC G6W [email protected]

Fun with a serious purpose! Preserve yourmemories for lifetimes of enjoyment. Learnscrapbooking techniques (manual/online).Earn free gifts! For superior albums/supplies(all ages & occasions), & ongoing personalizedservice/recruitment, contact independent con-sultant, Georgina Klassen.



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C r e d i t & D e b tCounselling ServicesFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

D e n t i s t sAuger, Dr. Pierre 527-25161330, av. Maguire, bureau 204,Québec G1T 1Z3

Family practice - 20 years experience. Cosmeticdentistry, diversified dental care, relaxingatmosphere. New patients, emergencies welcome. Ad p.107

Légaré, Dr. Charles 842-24421147, boul. Pie XI N., suite 101,Val-Bélair G3K 2P8

Dental Surgeon : fillings, esthetic dentistry,gum treatment, bridges & crowns, partials, rootcanals & general dental care.

Pagé, Dr. Lucie 656-6018872, de l'Eglise, Québec G1V [email protected]

Open daily from Monday to Friday. Ad p.106

Poulakos, Dr. Georges 842-40054010, boul. ces Cimes, Québec G2A 1M1

Ad p.106

D i e t i t i a n s &




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D i e t i t i a n sFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

D i s t r e s s C e n t r e sFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

E conomic DevelopmentBDC (Business Development Bank of Canada)1134 Grande-Allée West - Ground FloorQuébec, Québec G1S 1E5 (418) 648-3972

1165, boul. Lebourgneuf - Suite 310Québec, Québec G2K 2C9 (418) 648-4740

1175 boul. de la Rive-Sud - Suite 100St-Romuald,Québec G6W 5M6(418) 834-5144 Ad p.108

PÔLE Québec Chaudière-Appalaches1126, chemin St-Louis, suite 802,Québec G1S 1E5Tel: (418) 681-9700Fax: (418) 681-1535E-mail: [email protected] site: Ad p.110




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F i n a n c i a l &E s t a t e P l a n n i n gAron, Arthur (MBA) 647-5987BMO Nesbitt Burns720 - 500, Grande-Allée E., Québec G1R [email protected]

Investment Advisor.Toll free number : 1-800-680-3124. Ad p.109

CIBC Wood Gundy 659-87852954, boul. Laurier, suite 650, Québec G1V [email protected]

Marie-France Delisle, M.Sc. InvestmentAdvisor. Toll free 1-800-463-8317. Ad p.110

DFK Stratégies Conseils inc. 650-0934Place Iberville Deux1175, av. Lavigerie, suite 580,Québec G1V 4P1Fax: (418) 650-2529

Business development advisors working withyou to increase the value of your business.Joan Chandonnet, [email protected] [email protected]

Investment Advisory Service 527-8496George Lamarre5, Jardins-de-Mérici, Québec, QC G1S [email protected]



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Claude Paré,Investment counselor 527-3756RBC Dominion Securities801, Grande-Allée O., bur 210, Québec G1S [email protected] Ad p.110

Financial ServicesOmbudsNetwork 1-866-538-3766Website...

Provides a free information and referral serviceto help consumers resolve banking, insuranceand investment complaints.



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F o o t c a r eFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

F u n e r a l H o m e sCoopérative funéraire des Deux Rives280, 8e Rue, Québec

693, av. Nérée-Tremblay, Sainte-Foy7335, boul. Henri-Bourassa, Charlesbourg154, rue du Mont-Marie, Lévis950, av. des Érables, QuébecLotbinière418 Ad p.111

We are there for you 24 hours, 7 days a week.



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Harmonia 681-9797871, Grande-Allée O, RC 10, Québec G1S 1C1

The only commemorative services provider specialized in cremation, personalized rituals,dispersal of ashes, and preservation of memo-ries. A proud member of the community, ourservices are available in English. Ad p.111

Call now for estimates on pre-arrangements.

Les résidences funérairesWILBROD ROBERT738, av. Royale1010, boul. Raymond11241, av. Royale, Beaupré

A family business for over 65 years, serving laCôte de Beaupré and greater Québec.

• Chapel and reception room on site• Personalized funerals• Large receiving rooms

Contact us around the clock at 661-9223Fax: 661-6303

G i f t S h o p sBoutique Feejo inc. 692-00704, Côte de la Fabrique, Québec G1R 3V7

Souvenirs and gifts. Ad p.112

G o u r m e t S h o p sLe Crac Aliments Sains inc. 647-6881690, rue St-Jean, Québec G1R 1P8

Full line of natural foods, organically grown fruitand vegetables, vitamins & herbs. Ad p.112



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G r a p h i c D e s i g n e r sCommunication Mercier 681-4844520, rue St-Vallier Est, Québec G1K 9G4

Graphic design, concept, advertising, strategy.All media including web sites. Ad p.113

R-Design Inc. 529-08831120, av. de Salaberry, Québec G1R [email protected]

Graphic design studio, concept, illustration,exhibition and tradeshow stands, publicity,book covers, brochures, newsletters, folders,posters, logo design, etc.

Home BusinessesAdvantage [email protected]

A Christian Centered Home Entreprise. AnInternet based, direct sales concept applyingBiblical Business Principles. It is team based,using mentors who have years of experience,knowledge and wisdom in both the businessand spiritual realms. Ad p.113

Home HealthServices & SuppliesFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English




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H o t e l sFairmont Le Château Frontenac 692-38611 rue des Carrières, Québec G1R4P5Fax: 692-1751email:[email protected]

Fairmont Le Château Frontenac is not merely ahotel located in the heart of Old Québec - it isthe heart of Old Québec, offering exquisite dining opportunities, superior meeting facilitiesand a distinctive Gallic charm. Ad p.115

I n s u r a n c eRobert Drolet Insurance 687-40502784, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1V 1V8

Bilingual insurance broker for your home andautomobile. Commercial and life insuranceservices.

Interior DecoratingLes IntérieursGoodfellow Douglas (418) 844-4605Natalie Goodfellow Douglas, Interior

Services: Color consultations – Construction/Renovation consultations – Shop at home service– Home Décor Boutique – Custom Drapery –Home décor and design parties.

Internet / Web Development& ProgrammingPOPcliQ (418) 527-0681Bisson, Michelle402 - 2074, rue de la Presqu'îleQuébec G1P 3Y1 [email protected]

Free Joomla! Content Management Systemsoftware . You can now update your Web sitewithout any programming skills.

Landscape Contractors& DesignersLes Artisans du PaysageDu Québec inc. 871-83781930, rue Jules Verne, Québec, G2G 2R2http:/[email protected]

Award winning landscape execution anddesign by certified professionals.

Terrassement McKinley Inc. 844-32901664, boul. Valcartier,St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier G2B 3W4

Garden soil - Compost - Earth for seeding orsod - Sand - Gravel - Crushed stone. Excavation- Levelling





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L a w y e r sBlair, David 649-5483Heenan Blaikie Aubut900, boul. René-Lévesque E., bureau 600,Québec G1R 2B5Providing highly specialized legal assistanceand a commitment to excellence in service andproduct. Ad p.116

Cooper, Daniel 657-45452960, boul. Laurier, bureau 040,Québec G1V 4S1

Quality legal services. Fluently bilingual.Representing businesses, corporations and indi-viduals in the Québec City area.



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Donnelly, Monica Gourdeau 681-7007Joli-Cœur, Lacasse, Geoffrion, Jetté, St-Pierre1134, Grande Allée Ouest, bureau 600Québec G1S 1E5Our attorneys offer a broad range of bilinguallegal services in fields such as family law andmediation, civil litigation, administrative law,intellectual property as well as corporate andbusiness consultations. Ad p.117

O’Brien 648-1511O’Brien is an organization dedicated to theservice of corporations, banks, financial institu-tions, financial intermediaries, school boards,contractors, promoters and business people.Easy access by Grande Allée. You may reach usat 648-1551. Ad p.116



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Rourke, Ross J. (BA. LL.L) 687-2440140, Grande Allée E., bureau 600,Québec G1R 5M8

Barrister and solicitor, 33 years experience.Member of the Québec Bar Association.Alternate phone: 648-1511.

Marie-France Vincent, attorney 687-04162014, rue Jean-Talon N., suite 302,Québec G1N 4N6

Family law practice, youth protection and family mediation.

Marriage, Family &Individual CounsellorsFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

M a s s a g e T h e r a p yMassage Diana Stavert 571-42251270, chemin Ste-Foy, suite 2119,Québec G1S 2M4

A healthy body for a healthy mind.Client-based massage therapy. By appointment only. Receipts available for insurance. Ad p.119



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M e d i c a l C l i n i c sClinique Radiologique Audet 681-61211000, chemin Ste-Foy, suite 208,Québec G1S 2L6 Ad p.119

Family Medical Clinic 688-1385Cooper, Alec (MD, CCFP)1000, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1S 2L6 Ad p.119

For referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

M o v i n g & S t o r a g eDéménagement ParadisMovers 683-29311041, boul. Pierre-Bertrand, suite 160,Vanier G1M 2E8

Residential, commercial, industrial, local, longdistance and international moving / storageservices. Ad p.120

No t a r i e sCusan, Paolo (LL.B., D.D.N., PL. FIN.) 525-61581040 Belvédère, suite 102Québec, QC G1S [email protected] Ad p.120

Notary, Legal Counsel and Financial Planner.

Wright, Stuart (LL.L.) 688-9375871, Grande-Allée O, suite 100,Québec G1S 2L1 [email protected]

Notary, title attorney and legal advisor. Ad p.120

O r t h o t i c sPouliot 652-01002990, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1X 1P6

Back pain, bunions, burning sensation on soles,corns and calluses, heel pain, knee pain.Pouliot, the foot specialist. Ad p.121

Pe t S h o p sAnimalerie Belle-Griffe 688-12221435, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1S 2N7

In the heart of Québec since 1995- Large variety of Premium Pet

Foods and accessories- Boarding for cats and birds- Kittens, Fish

Ph y s i o t h e r a p i s t sFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

Physiothérapie St-Sacrement 683-67151000, chemin Ste-Foy, suite 404,Québec G1S 2L6

Complete physical therapy services includingspecialized approaches in osteopathy, posturalrehabilitation, urinary incontinence and jawdisorders. Ad p.121






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Plumbing ContractorsPlomberie Totale 822-2907Box 101, Boischâtel G0A 1H0

Complete plumbing services. On call 24 hoursfor emergencies. Drains and gutters cleaned.Repairs to all types of plumbing. Ad p.121

P r e n a t a l C l a s s e s& E x e r c i s e sFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

P s y c h o l o g i s t sMeagan Daley, PhD – PsychologistCentre Innovation, 2360 Ch. Ste. Foy, Suite 410, Québec, (418) [email protected]

Insomnia, anxiety disorders, stress, depression,burn-out, and other problems. Also speciali-zing in neuropsychological assessment. Adults,couples, adolescents. Brief therapy - eclectic butpredominantly cognitive-behavioural approach.

Jones, Yvonne 527-5900626, boul. René-Lévesque O., Québec G1S 1S8

Certified therapist, supervisor and trainer inIntegrative Body Psychotherapy. Individual,couple and group therapy.

Scullion, Maureen (M.P. s.) 687-6117845, boul. René-Lévesque O.,bureau 305, Québec G1S 1T5 Ad p.124

P s y c h o t h e r a p yFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

R e a l E s t a t e A g e n t sDonovan, Tom & Noëlline 948-1000RE/MAX ACCES INC.1538, rue Jules Verne, Québec G2G [email protected] Ad p.124

Egan Real Estate 683-440312, Jardins Mérici, bur. 902, Québec G1S 4Z8 [email protected]

Denis W. Egan, Chartered Real Estate Broker.Ad p.124

David Gagnon 657-8004Real estate in English with DAVID GAGNON.27 years of bilingual knowledge at work for you.Director-at-Large Canadian Real EstateAssociation ‘99 to ’06. President Quebec Real Estate Board ‘98-2000. [email protected] Capitale Cité DG Chartered Real Estate brokerat your service. Ad p.125




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Gendron & Associés 681-85852110 chemin Saint-Louis, Québec G1T 1P7

Paul Gendron - 27 years experience.Residential, commercial, rentals. Freeappraisals, personalized service. Satisfactionguaranteed.

Lauzier, Hélène 687-3211RE/MAX 1er CHOIX H.L.1264, av. Maguire, Québec, G1T 1Y7

In residential real estate since 1983. Ad p.125



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Real Estate AppraisersAltus Dorion 628-6019To assess commercial or residential property’scurrent market value, you can count on theexpertise of the Altus Group’s professional realestate appraisers. For more information, contact our Quebec City office at 418-628-6019

Ad p.125

R e s t a u r a n t sDazibo Resto-Bistro 875-330158, Route de Duchesnay RR 2 Ste-Catherine-De-La-J. Cartier G0A 3M0

A mix of everything you like in French bistrosand Irish pubs. Saturday and Sunday breakfastfrom 10 am till 2 pm. Ad p.126



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Le Continental Restaurant 694-999526, rue St-Louis, Vieux-Québec G1R 3Y9

Ad p.126

Le D'Orsay Restaurant-Pub 694-158265, rue Buade, Vieux-QuébecInternational cuisine & beer. Ad p.128

Flash Café 651-25262600, boul. Laurier, Québec G1V 4T3 Ad p.128

Garam Massala Restaurant 522-49791114, Avenue Cartier, Québec, QC G1R 2S5

Cuisine of India at its best. Mon-Tue. 11:45am- 2:45pm, 5:00pm-10:00pm;Wed. 11:45am- 2:45pm, 5:00pm-10:30pm; Thu–Sat. 11:45am- 2:45pm, 5:00pm-11:00pm; Sun.5:00pm-10:30pm Ad p.128

Poisson D'Avril Restaurant 692-1010115, Quai St-André, Vieux Port G1K 3Y3 Ad p.127

Le Pub Java 522-52821112, ave. Cartier, Québec G1R 2S5

As typical as a British/Irish pub can be, in themidst of Quebec City, this bright and cheerfulplace is a neighbourhood favourite, servinghigh-quality food until late at night. Relaxingthrough and through.

Le Pub Saint-Alexandre 694-00151087, rue St-Jean, Québec

Since 1988. Beer & scotch bar, sauerkraut,steak, sausage & salad. Ad p.128



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Le Pub Saint-Patrick 694-06181200, rue St-Jean, Québec

Irish beer and music. Historic vault, ideal foroffice parties. Ad p.129

Pub Thomas Dunn 692-4693369, rue St-Paul, Québec Ad p.127

Le Saint Amour 694-066748, rue Ste-Ursule, Québec G1R 4E2 Ad p.129

Samurai Japanese Restaurant 522-3989780, rue St-Jean, Québec G1R

Come discover a genuine Gourmet JapaneseRestaurant! We promise great food, fine serviceand a warm, friendly atmosphere. Ad p.129

Retirement ResidencesRobert Boissinot Agency 681-4906Centre Médical Berger1000, chemin Ste-Foy, suite 6,Québec G1S 2L6

Residential consultant since 1993Professional assistance in your search for seniors'housing adapted to your [email protected] Ad p.130

Le Saint Patrick 522-6444100, Grande Allée E., suite 100,Québec G1R 5N2

Senior residence with full services. 24-hournursing, houskeeping, activities, meals, busservice. For information please contactFrancine Boucher at 522-6444. Ad p.130



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R e u p h o l s t e r yDécor Reupholstery 796-2435Kim Nadeau & Gaston Côté

Reupholstering all types of furniture. Choice offabrics. Woodwork, repair, stripping and refini-shing. Wicker repair, picture framing and freeestimates. Antiques and furniture made to order.

S c h o o l s – L a n g u a g eLe Carrefour des Langues 652-1561Place Laurier, Carrefour Chauveau,le 4500 Henri-Bourassa.

3 locations to serve you! Learn Spanish,French, Russian, German, Italian, even English.Call now for business, travel, personal interest.Teacher CVs welcome.

Centre de francisationLouis-Jolliet 525-80381201, rue de la Pointe-aux-Lièvres,Québec G1L

French conversation - all levels. Improvementof writing skills. Language lab. Computer work-shop. Fax: 525-8772 Ad p.132

Le Centre du Phénix 652-2158 ext.1011094, route de l'Église, Québec G1V 3V9

French study centre for non-francophones. Oraland written communication: phonetic correc-tion, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, compre-hension, writing skills, cultural and open-airactivities. Ad p.131

École des langues vivantes(ELV) 656-2321Pavillon Charles-De Koninck, bureau 2301,Université Laval, Québec G1K 7P4Fax: (418) [email protected]

French language program: beginner, interme-diate and advanced levels. Courses in Arabic,Chinese, English, German, Italian, Japanese,Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. Ad p.132




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Second-Hand StoresLe Comptoir de Frédéric 651-39932901, chemin Ste-Foy, Québec G1V 1W4

Our goal is to provide furniture and appliancesat reasonable prices to people with limitedincome. Open Mon-Fri 10:00 AM to 4:30 PMand Sat 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Ad p.133

Signalization SystemsVer-Mac inc. 654-13031781, rue Bresse, Québec G2G 2V2

Manufacturers of road signalling equipment &portable electronic message boards. Ad p.133

S o c i a l & H u m a nService OrganizationsCentre de médiationfamiliale IRIS Québec 658-74732750, chemin Ste-Foy, bureau 263,Québec G1V 1V6Interdisciplinary team of social workers andlawyers. Crisis & conflict resolution, familymediation.

Speech TherapySykes, Lorraine (418) 558-8080Speech-Language Pathologist / Orthophonisteproviding services in English.Children’s speech and language difficulties.Adult accent reduction. Contactez-moi si vousvoulez améliorez votre prononciation en anglais!



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Tax Return PreparationFor referral – Jeffery Hale 684-5333Community Services in English

Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n sBrodeur Télécom (418) 808-9009Structured cabling Cat 3, Cat 5 and Cat 6 standardsWe program, install and maintain Norstar andPanasonic telephone systemsWe do individual or group training on thesesystems and voice mail systems such as VM,Call Pilot and the [email protected] Ad p.134

Tr a n s l a t o r s &I n t e r p r e t e r sComlabTelecommunications inc. 682-3380Translation Division2300, rue Léon-Harmel, suite 220,Québec G1N 4L2 Fax: 682-8996.E-mail: [email protected]

Professional translation of technical documents,web pages, manuals at competitive prices.English and



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Lynda Hayes Productions 522-0664Lynda Hayes Productions offers top-qualitytranslation, revision, writing, voice-over andacting services. Professionalism and customersatisfaction guaranteed. A connection to excel-lence in Quebec City.

Theriault, Marcia C. Tr. (418) 664-22903-1790, av. De Niverville, Québec G1J [email protected] Consultant: Revision, Translation,Copywriting, Editing, Diction Coach, SpeechPreparation, Consecutive Interpretation.

Word Perfect (418) 836-5735Dynamic Translation – French to English

Your project, when you need it… affordableand “in your own words” [email protected]

Tr a v e l A g e n c i e sVoyages Multi-Services 872-3335811, route Jean-Gauvin, Québec G1X [email protected]

Your travel specialists.Toll free: 1 877 875-3335Fax 872-0530 Ad p.134



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Ve t e r i n a r i a n sClinique vétérinaire de Sillery 686-2882Dre. Kathleen Chen1412, boul René-Lévesque O, Québec G1S 1X2

Providing medicine, surgery and food for: dogs,cats, birds and exotic animals. Consultation byappointment.

Lachapelle Veterinary Hospital 653-28583301, chemin St-Louis, Québec G1W 1S1Lachapelle Veterinary Clinic 878-0880185, Place Jean-Juneau, St-Augustin G3A 2W1

Serving you with total pet care. Ad p.136



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Source:Office du tourismede Québec

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Source:Office du tourismede Québec

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ALPHABETICAL LISTINGA.P.P.E.A.L. 71Addiction – Information 100Advantage Conferences 113Alex Coulombe 101Altus Dorion 125American Colony of Quebec 70Amnesty International 70Anglican Churches - Portneuf Co 92Animalerie Belle-Griffe 118Aron, Arthur – BMO 109Arthur, André, député. 82Les Artisans du Paysage du Québec 114Auger, Dr. Pierre 106Baha’i Centre 95Bain Magique 101Beth Israel Cemetery 95Beth Israel Ohev Sholem Synagogue 94Betty’s Quilters 72Bibliothèque Charles H. Blais 70Birth Control – Information 102Blair, David 115Blaney, Steven 82Boutique Feejo Inc. 112Brodeur Telecom 134Buffet du Passant 104Business Development Bank of Canada 108Canadian Forces 84Les Capitales de Québec 73Carraig Books 102Le Carrefour des Langues 131

CBC 90CeDeC (Community Economic Development & Employability Committee) 75CEGEP Champlain St. Lawrence 80Central Quebec School Board 80Centre de Francisation Louis-Jolliet 131Centre de Jeunesse 89Centre de médiation IRIS Québec 133Centre du Phénix 131Centre hospitalier Chauveau 89Centre hospitalier – Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus 89Centre hospitalier – Hôpital du St-Sacrement 89Centre hospitalier – L’Hôpital Jeffery Hale – Hospital 89Centre hospitalier de l’Université Laval (CHUL) 89Centre hospitalier – L’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec 89Centre hospitalier – Hôpital St-François d’Assize 89Centre hospitalier – Hôtel Dieu de Lévis 89Centre hospitalier – Hôpital Laval 89Centre hospitalier – Installation Paul-Gilbert 89Chalmers-Wesley United Church 95Le Chien d’Or Gallery 100Christ Church Valcartier 92Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec 92CIBC Wood Gundy 109Clinique Radiologique Audet 118Clinique Vétérinaire de Sillery 136Comlab Telecommunications Inc. 134Commissioner of Official Languages 86


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Communication Mercier 113Community Health and Social Services Network 88Le Comptoir de Frédéric 133Le Continental Restaurant 126Cooper, Daniel 115Coopérative Funéraire des deux rives 111Le Crac Aliments Sains Inc. 112Credit & Debt Counselling – Information 106CSSS – Information 88Cusan, Paolo 118Dallaire Forest Kirouac 100Daley, Meagan 122Dazibo Resto-Bistro 125Décor Reupholstery 131Déménagement Paradis Movers 118DFK Stratégies Conseils 109Dietitians – Information 108Distress Centres – Information 108Donovan, Tom & Noëlline 122Donnelly Gourdeau, Monica 116D’Orsay Restaurant-Pub 126Eastern Quebec Learning Centre 80École des langues, Université Laval 131Egan Real Estate 122Eglin, Elaine 104Elizabeth Seton Center 95Emploi-Québec 80English Second Language Teachers’ Network 71Evangel Pentecostal Church 94Everest Toastmasters Club 72Fairmont Le Château Frontenac Hotel 114

Family Medical Clinic - Alec Cooper 118Fifty Plus Club 72Financial Services OmbudsNetwork 110Flash Café 126Footcare - Information 11178th Fraser Highlanders 70Fraser Recovery Program 89Friday Night Traditional Dancers 72Friends of the Jeffery Hale Foundation 89Gagnon, Christiane, députée 83Gagnon, David 122Garam Masala Restaurant 126Gendron & Associés 124Girl Guides of Canada 73Global Television 90Global Trade 105Harmonia 111L’Héritage Antiquité 100Holy Trinity Cathedral 92Home Health Services – Information 113Les Intérieurs Goodfellow Douglas 114Investment Advisory Service 109Irish Heritage Quebec 70Jeffery Hale 88Jones, Yvonne 122J.P. Goodfellow Construction 104Knitters’ Club 73Lachapelle Veterinary Hospital 136Lauzier, Hélène 124Légaré, Dr. Charles 106La Ligue la Leche 90


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Literary & Historical Society of Québec 71Lynda Hayes Productions 135La Maison Anglaise 104La Maison de la Bible 102La Maison du Vélo de Shannon 102La Maison Simons 105Marriage, Family & Individual counsellors – Info 117Massage Diana Stavert 117Medical Clinics – Information 118Megantic English-speaking CommunityDevelopment Corporation 75Morrin Centre 71Mount Hermon Cemetery 95Mountain Lake PBS 92Municipality of Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier 82Municipality of Shannon 82National Battlefields Commission 73O’Brien Avocats 116Osteopathic Clinic 104Ouellet, Dr. Jay 104Overeaters Anonymous 90Pagé, Dr. Lucie 106Paillard le Café-Boulangérie 100Le Paingrüel 100Paradis, Christian, député 86Paré, Claude 110Physiothérapie St-Sacrement 118Physiotherapists – Information 118Plomberie Totale 122Poisson D’Avril Restaurant 126PÔLE 108

POPcliQ Web Design 114Poulakos, Dr. Georges 106Pouliot 118Prenatal Classes & Exercises – Information 122Psychotherapy – Information 122Le Pub Java 126Le Pub Saint-Alexandre 126Le Pub Saint-Patrick 130Le Pub Thomas Dunn 130Québec Art Company 71Québec Baptist Church 93Québec Capitals 73Québec Chronicle-Telegraph 92Quebec City Pastoral Care to the Sick 95Québec City Reading Council 72Québec City Women’s Club 73Québec Community Groups Network 75R-Design Inc. 113Réseau des bibliothèques de Québec 71Réseau de Transport de la Capitale 84Les résidences funéraires WILBROD ROBERT 112Ressources Entreprises 80Robert Boissinot Agency 130Robert Drolet Insurance 114Rourke W. Ltée. 104Rourke, Ross J. 117Le Saint Amour Restaurant 130St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 94St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Valcartier 94St. Andrew’s United Church 95Saint Brigid’s Guild 74


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Saint Brigid’s Home 89St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church 94St. James Anglican Church 92St. Joseph’s Catholic Chapel 94St. Michael’s Anglican Church 92Le Saint Patrick 130St. Patrick’s Cemetery 96St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church 94St. Paul’s Anglican Church 93St. Peter’s Anglican Church 93St. Stephen’s & St. Vincent’s Catholic Chapel 94Ste-Foy Book Group 74Samurai Japanese Restaurant 130Schools - A.S. Johnson Memorial (High School) 79Schools - Dollard-des-Ormeaux 76, 79Schools - Everest Elementary 76Schools - Holland Elementary 76Schools - Jimmy Sandy 76, 79Schools - La Tuque High 79Schools - MacLean Memorial 76 Schools - Mauricie English Elementary 76Schools - Portneuf Elementary 76Schools - Québec High 79Schools - Riverside Regional 78, 79Schools - Sainte-Foy Elementary 78Schools - Shawinigan High 79Schools - St. Patrick Elementary 78Schools - St. Patrick’s High 80Schools - St. Vincent 78Schools - Three Rivers Academy 80Schools - Valcartier Elementary 79

Scouts Canada 74Scrapbooking 105Scullion, Maureen 122Seaman’s Institute 95Shannon Senior Citizens 74Sode, Saïde 100Stoneham Fifty Plus Club 74Sykes, Loraine 133Tax Return preparation – Information 134Terrassement McKinley Inc. 114Theriault, Marcia 135Toastmasters International Viewpoint Club 72Toastmasters QUEST Club 72Translators & Interpreters – Information 135Trinity Anglican Church 93Truth Baptist Church 93Valcartier Family Centre 82Valcartier Golden Age Group 74Ver-Mac Inc. 133Ville de Lévis 86Vincent, Marie-France 117Voice of English-speaking Québec 76, 82, 98Voyages Multi-Services 135Word Perfect Translation 135Wright, Stuart 118


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For additional copies :Voice of English-speaking Québec1270, chemin Sainte-Foy,Bureau 2141, Québec, G1S 2M4Phone : 683-2366Fax : 688-3273http://[email protected]

Disclaimer :The information in this guide is meant as ageneral public service only. It is in summaryform, so please check with the communitygroup, government agency or business concerned for full details. Furthermore, thisinformation changes often, so some of thecontents of this guide may be out of date.Voice of English-speaking Québec assumesno responsibility for how this material isused by the public.

Design & layout :Mercier agence de pubFred Boutin

Photo credits :Ice canoe: Mike ReshitnykJeffery Hale Hospital: Diane KameenApple picking: St. Vincent SchoolCeltic Cross and Quebec Bridge: Joan RossHighland dancers: Morrin CentreChurch steeple: Fondation du patrimoine

religieux du Québec, 2003

Printer :Imprimerie Sociale

Printed in CanadaMay 2007


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Centre de Prévention du Suicide /Suicide Prevention Centre *


Drogue : Aide et Référence /Drugs : Help and Referrals


Gai Écoute / Gay Line1-888-505-1010

Jeffery Hale 684-5333

Jeu : Aide et Référence /Gambling Help and Referral


Jeunesse J’Écoute/Kid’s Help Phone1-800-668-6868

S.O.S. Grossesse / (S.O.S. pregnancy)*682-6222 or 1-877-662-9666

Tel-Aide (telephone listening)*686-2433

Tel-Jeunes (youth line)*1-800-263-2266

Your local CSSS see business section

of white pages

* Se


e in



not a


s av




, 877










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