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Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020 1 Church and Community news • views • inspiration • information £1 Community Magazine March 2020

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Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


Church and Community

news • views • inspiration • information £1

Community MagazineMarch 2020

St Thomas’ Mayflower Way, Holtspur (

Team Vicar:Revd Michael Johnson

Tel: 01494 675705

email: [email protected]

Churchwarden: Trevor Sharkey - Tel: 07811 393931

email: [email protected]

St Mary & All Saints Old Town


Team Rector: Revd Dr Jeremy Brooks

Tel: 07788 590762 (*Monday)email: [email protected]

For information phone Parish Office 01494 676690 email: [email protected]

Associate Priest: Revd Margot Suter

Tel: 01494 676952 / 07779 803519email: [email protected]

(*Thursday & Friday)

Churchwardens: Harriet Baldwin - Tel: 07973 397075

Bill Edwards - Tel: 07843 419504

St Michael & All Angels St Michael’s Green, New Town


Team Vicar:Revd Sharon Roberts

Tel: 01494 681766 (*Thursday)email: [email protected]

Church Office: 01494 [email protected]

Churchwardens: Daphne Scott - Tel: 01494 676938

John Gibbs - Tel: 01494 [email protected]

Licensed Lay Minister:Mrs Hazel Chow - Tel: 01494 675832

[email protected]

Holy Communion - 8.00am (Book of Common Prayer)

Parish Communion - 10.00am (except 1st Sunday)(Family Service non-Eucharistic: 1st Sunday)

Matins and Sermon - 11.15am (1st Sunday only)Evensong and Sermon - 6.30pm (except 1st Sunday)

Evening Eucharist with Ministry of Healing (1st Sunday only)

Junior Church each Sunday (except 1st) 10.00am in the Fitzwilliams Centre.

Baptism and marriage enquiries to the Parish Office.


Further information from the Parish Office (676690) in the Fitzwilliams Centre,Windsor End, Beaconsfield HP9 2JW. Open 9.30am - 2.30pm Monday to Friday

* Denotes normal day off

Holy Communion - 8.00am (traditional)Early Bird Service - 9.15am (1st Sunday in the hall

for children aged 0-7 and parents or guardians) Family Holy Communion - 9.15am (3rd Sunday)

Family Praise - 9.15am (4th Sunday)Holy Communion 10.30am (every Sunday)

Weekday Holy Communion 9.00am (every Wednesday)Messy Church for all ages 2nd Sunday in the hall at 4.00pm

For families there is a warm welcome and a varietyof activities each Sunday.

Holy Communion (1st and 3rd Sundays) 10.00am

Morning Worship (2nd and 4th Sundays) 10.00am

Crèche and children’s church each Sunday at 10.00am.

Baptisms and marriages by appointment .

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020 1

Editor:Tel: 07919 028741 email: [email protected]:Margaret MardallTel: 07919 028741 email: [email protected] and Distributions:Sally MastersTel: 07919 028741 email: [email protected] and Printer:Turville Printing ServicesTel: 01494 520322email: [email protected] Deadline:8th day of the preceding month

The editorial team is not responsible for accuracy of contributions nor the view expressed within them.Please send your contributions for our April issue no

later than 8th March to [email protected]

Contents this month include:

Note from the Team Rector Page 1Lent - A time for change 2A Lenten prayer 3Go green! 5Meet Andrea Smyth 6WI celebrating 8Poppy Cascade update 11Community & Church News 13-22Daffodil walk 18Tweens & Teens 23Tots & Toddlers 25Calendar of Events 26Parish Registers 29Local Information 30News from the Town Hall 33Community Festival update 34Small advertisements 37Art in Mind 40 Index of Advertisers 52

Note from the Team RectorOccasionally I am told by the powers that be in the church that I should allow Lent to be a period of reflection and quiet, rather than frenetic activity. I smile wryly and think how much extra work the season brings. Not much chance of quiet anything. This year is certainly no exception to the rule, but I am delighted that there is so much to offer people at this season.

The challenges of climate change are all around us and I am delighted that the church is catching up with many other community groups such as the WI and Beaconsfield Against Plastic, in challenging our members on what we should do about it. The lectures and talks that my colleague Sharon Roberts has organised with lay people from St Thomas’ and St Teresa’s looks really excellent and I commend it to you. I hope that many of you will also obtain copies of Ruth Valerio’s Lent book which is advertised in these pages, or the daily reflection resource that the Church of England has prepared.

There are many distinguished people saying that climate change is the biggest emergency of our time and part of the way we address it must be to look at our own behaviour and consider our own lives to make changes. I hope this Lent - whether it is busy or a time of peace for you - you will find the space to do so.

With best wishes, Jeremy

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 20202

LENT – A TIME FOR CHANGEIn just a few days’ time (26th February) we will be celebrating Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent. In many churches on Ash Wednesday, the minister places ashes on the foreheads of those who come forward and the following words are used: Remember that you are dust and unto dust you shall return. These words are not said to frighten those on whom the ashes are imposed, rather they are a reminder that we are called to conversion and just as we have been created by the Living God, so one day we will return to God. Lent offers us three traditional practices which will ensure that we take seriously that call to conversion. The first is prayer. Prayer is very much a staple of the Christian life, but it is not always so easy to enter into or sustain. My favourite form of prayer is to simply sit quietly in the presence of the Lord and allow His Holy Spirit to renew me and refresh me. When we give time to God in prayer we are quietly moulded into the people that God wants us to be. A second Lenten practice is fasting and there are many different ways we can enter into the spirit of ‘giving something up’: friends of mine in recent years have tried to cut down their use of social media sites. Of course, there are always the more traditional ways of fasting: giving up food or alcohol. Going without these things sensitises us to the things that are essential and brings us closer to God. The third practice of Lent is almsgiving: being aware of the needs of those less fortunate than ourselves and responding to those needs. It may not be about giving money but perhaps our time or supporting a charity event. Here in Beaconsfield the churches hold ‘Lenten Lunches,’ a simple shared lunch with

donations going to support the work of Christian Aid. The first of these begin on the 4th March at St Thomas’ Church. As Mother Teresa once said, ‘It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.’So Lent is something of a penitential season which leads us through the passion and death of Jesus to his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Every season of Lent is different but through its traditional practices we hope that our Lenten discipline will change us. It should deepen our relationship with God, make us more aware of ourselves and the things that really motivate us and make us more aware of the needs of those around us. As we journey through Lent we also see the signs of spring around us. These signs of new life and longer days also remind us of that spiritual springtime which, hopefully, is happening within us.Enjoy the season of Lent!Mgr Seán Healy Parish Priest, St Teresa’s Church

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020



A Lenten Prayer:

God of all mercy and steadfast love,

we do not always live the way you want us to.

Forgive us.

Help us during this season of Lent

to examine how we can be more faithful followers of Jesus Christ,

your Son.

Guide us in our pilgrimage of discipleship.

May our words and actions truly reflect your will for us.

In the name of Jesus, our Saviour, we pray.


Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 20204

THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS!Volunteer registration for Lighthouse 2020 has opened! If you have volunteered before in the last couple of years THANK YOU - please do it again! You will get an email and if you use the link all your details will be there. Please encourage friends and families to volunteer as well. We cannot do it without you!

Lighthouse Beaconsfield takes place on the first full week of the summer holidays. The dates are 27th to 31st July. It is held at The Beaconsfield School, Wattleton Rd, with parents & toddlers at the Fitzwilliams Centre, Beaconsfield Old Town.

Only volunteers’ children, grandchildren or volunteers’ younger siblings are guaranteed places. After this, places are given on a first come, first served basis. We will write to you in late June as soon as we have allocated places. Registration for children will open on 4th May.

BETTER CONNECTED BEACONSFIELDCongratulations to the new community network Better Connected in Beaconsfield which aims to support a more socially inclusive community for the benefit of all residents of Beaconsfield and the surrounding area, supporting healthy and fulfilling lives regardless of a person’s circumstances or age. It is early days but already there is a fledgling website to promote and link local organisations.

Help them make a difference and also share your thoughts on what’s needed. Follow them on Facebook @betterconnectedbeaconsfield, email [email protected], call 07979 194518, or visit the website

Better Connected Beaconsfield Trustees: Anita Cranmer, Deborah Sanders, Michael Johnson and Paul Henry.

NEW NEIGHBOURS PACKWe are looking for a part time worker to cover Beaconsfield. You will need a few hours per month and possibly a couple of hours every other weekend. You must enjoy meeting people as you will be welcoming new residents and giving them an Information Pack. Would suit a returner to work, a retired person or someone

looking for an interest. You must have a car, telephone and email. Earnings depend on the time you have to give. Call Diana on 01923 772185 for further information or email [email protected]

Diana ParkerNew Neighbours, the pack that welcomes you to your new home

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


GO GREEN FOR LENT OR LONGER?This year, instead of giving up chocolate or alcohol or some other indulgence for Lent, why not do something about climate change and go green for Lent? Perhaps you could:

• Give up red meat• Have a meat-free day once a week• Eat only free-range meat and sustainably

sourced fish• Buy loose fruit and vegetables• Don’t buy bottled water - keep chilled

water in the fridge instead• Don’t buy fruit or vegetables that have

been flown in from 1000’s of miles away• Make one less car journey than usual

every week - cycle, walk or car-share instead

• Don’t buy any new clothes• Don’t use the tumble dryer

• Turn the temperature in the house down by 1 degree

• Take your own container to the supermarket and buy from the counter

• Use a keep cup• Don’t leave the water running while you

clean your teeth• Plant a treeEveryone can do something!Catherine Davidson


o by



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Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 20206


Until meeting Andrea Smyth, I had never heard of Railway Mission. This is a Christian organisation established as a charity in 1881 at the time of the industrial age when railways were being rolled out across the country. The focus of Railway Mission is to be a care provider to the rail industry and the British Transport Police through the provision of a network-wide Chaplaincy Service. For the last eighteen months Andrea has worked full time as a chaplain within this organisation providing impartial, emotional, spiritual and practical support to those within the industry and to the travelling public who are experiencing problems or may be affected by railway incidents and suicides.

Please tell me a little about yourselfI was brought up in Warrington and studied at the Royal Northern College of Music. Music is a great passion of mine and I play both the violin and the piano. My focus at college was on academic music studies and I went on to study for a master’s degree at King’s College London

in Historical Music, specialising in early Italian Opera.After graduating, my husband and I lived in Kew whilst I finished my master’s and then I worked for the Health and Safety Executive. After my daughter was born, we moved to Beaconsfield from London and we have lived here for twenty years. I spent several years caring for my daughter before working again. After this I worked at the Beacon Book Shop in Beaconsfield and when it closed I worked for the local company Croatian Villa Holidays.I have a strong Christian faith. I was brought up in a Christian family but, following a dry spell, it was my husband’s family who encouraged me to think about my faith again. I have worshipped at St James’s Church in Gerrard’s Cross and at St Mary’s Church in Beaconsfield. I now attend the United Reformed Church in Beaconsfield and am also a lay preacher. In 2016 I decided to study theology and attended All Nations Christian College where I completed a degree in Biblical and Intercultural Studies. It was while I was

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


studying that I was approached about a role with Railway Mission.

I understand you did some missionary workIn 2013 I started volunteering for WEC

“World Evangelisation for Christ” who had their headquarters in Gerrard’s Cross. Whilst working for them I travelled regularly at weekends to churches in France and Belgium to train church musicians and to promote worship in music, often in a very secular environment. I was very touched by the financial and other support I received from local parishioners, friends and family members that enabled me to do this work.

Please talk about your work with the Railway MissionI am the Railway Chaplain for London North Region which includes both London Overground and Underground, Chiltern Railways, Eurostar and Thameslink. I am based at King’s Cross and Euston stations but most of my time is spent out of the office supporting rail staff, the British Transport Police and bereaved families. 70% of my work is in relation to suicides or other incidents on the railways. The work that I do supplements support offered to staff by the individual rail companies and it is these companies that pay my wages. There are generally 1-2 fatalities a day across the country on the rail network and in my area there is on average one fatality

per week. All incidents in my area are reported to me by Network Rail within an hour and contact with the rail employees, police, bereaved families or affected rail users often starts with a phone call or visit to the person. My role is to be an independent listener, offering people the opportunity to share their thoughts in a confidential, open and safe environment. I was able to offer this kind of support following our own recent tragedy at Beaconsfield Station. I support people from all backgrounds and faiths as well as those who have no faith and I will always wait to hear what the person I am trying to help says before, if at all, mentioning religion. I believe my training in intercultural studies helps me to understand other religions and cultures and my previous role as a Samaritan also gives me an insight into the sort of problems that are often experienced. Support for an individual can last for a short time or for many months. The work is exhausting but immensely rewarding and even in the most awful tragedies I can still see God at work, which is what makes my job possible.

Do you have a message for our readers?My message as a chaplain to anyone who might be struggling at the moment is to talk to someone you can trust. This may be someone you know or an outsider. By talking to someone there is an opportunity for help before things become too much for you.

Andrea SmythRailway Chaplain07708 [email protected]

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 20208

KIND HEARTS AND CAMPAIGNINGBeaconsfield WI will be turning 7 in May this year, and has a further, very important birthday to look forward to. The Women’s Institute movement took root in rural Buckinghamshire in 1920, and the Buckinghamshire Federation of Women’s Institutes (BFWI) is celebrating its centenary this year. When we delved into their archives in Wycombe, one of the treasures we were delighted to unearth was a banner from the early 1930s, beautifully stitched and embroidered by members of the town’s first, still fledgling, WI, founded in 1929 in the Old Town.

The early Minute Books show an active institute that encouraged women to learn and share skills, build friendships and contribute to their community. During our six years, we have seen this last as an important part of our own role. We have campaigned and raised funds for defibrillators in town, provided over 60 ‘twiddlemuffs‘ for a dementia centre in a local hospital and have recently raised funds for a refill water fountain in the town centre, in response to the national WI campaign on reducing plastic waste.

We’re proud to be part of a nationwide women’s movement that has always campaigned on issues that concerned women - often with significant national impact, from improving housing to lobbying on the Climate Emergency, as we did last summer. This February, we showed our continuing commitment to the national WI campaign with displays which encourage Beaconsfield to ‘Show the Love’ by wearing and sharing green

hearts with pride. We are immensely grateful to Tim Russ, who allowed us to use his Beaconsfield Estate Agency windows to display our handmade green hearts, and to the Library for giving us space to expand our story. And we are grateful to our town council for agreeing that some of the town’s summer floral displays will be in WI colours of green, white and purple.

The premise of the ‘Show the Love’ green heart campaign is simple: don’t lose what you love to climate change. We all know that there is so much in our world to love that is fragile and under threat, and we need to tell our politicians clearly that we want them to take decisive action now to protect our planet, which is why Beaconsfield WI sent a special green heart brooch to our new MP, Joy Morrissey.

At the local level, we continue to look for ways to support our community. In

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


response to requests from members, for example, we are organising an evening on Monday, 4th May on the sensitive but important subject of what to do when a partner dies. This event will focus on the practical challenges that bereavement brings and how planning ahead together can ease anxiety at this distressing time. We welcome all women to join us, not just WI members. More details will be in future magazines.

Beaconsfield WI meets in St Teresa’s Parish rooms behind Waitrose on the third Monday of the month at 7.30pm and visitors are always welcome. Our meetings are informal and each month brings something new, sometimes serious,

often light-hearted. We have a number of social and hands-on meetings each year, including a shared supper and a craft activity. We have outings, workshops and an active craft club and our walking group has made a great start with its plans to walk 100 miles over the year to celebrate the BFWI centenary. The walks are carefully chosen for all abilities and usually finish with coffee - and probably cake.

For more information, follow us on the Beaconsfield WI Facebook page or email us on [email protected]. We’ll send you our brochure and give you further information.

Deborah Sanders President

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202010


Every year Christian Aid provides a calendar for adults and children, to raise the awareness of how bad things are in the Third World in comparison with our style of living here in Beaconsfield. I hope

that it will encourage everyone to help in some way in the future. Calendars are available at churches in both Beaconsfield and Penn, or contact Tom Holyer (01494 676373).

LENT BOOKThe Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book this year is entitled ‘Say Yes to Life’ by Ruth Valerio, an environmental theologian who works for tearfund. It is an excellent read and I commend it. Published by SPCK it is available for £9.99. Tearfund is a Christian charity which is passionate about ending poverty.

Jeremy Brooks

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


VE DAY POPPY CASCADES UPDATE Since I launched this project last September, I have been overwhelmed by how the concept has grown. It’s been exciting to empty the poppy collection box and sort through the large variety of different shades of red, different wools, some even glittery! However, it is now time for me to give notice of the end date. I need all contributions of poppies to be delivered to St Mary & All Saint’s Church, Windsor End, Old Town, by Saturday 25th April. There is a clearly labelled box at the back of church.In the meantime, we still need another 2,000 poppies, so please keep going, knitting / crocheting at home! There are other opportunities to engage with this project. It would be lovely if every member of our congregation and many of our community were able to participate. Below are the dates when we will be tying the poppies onto the chicken wire frames to form the cascades. The two dates in March will also have a felt making workshop running alongside, to enable those less skilled in wool crafts also to participate. We would ask you to bring fabric scissors and a sewing kit if you have one.All these workshops will happen inside the church from 2.00pm-4.00pm and can be

done seated. All ages welcome, please do come along and join in. Children are very welcome provided they are accompanied by an adult. All materials and instructions are provided. Refreshments will be available.

8th March: Tying on

29th March: Tying on

26th April: Tying on

THANK YOU to everybody who has so willingly joined in and given so generously of their time and talents. Please do come along and view the two poppy cascades in situ in the church yard. The displays will be put up on Monday 4th May in readiness for the Town’s celebrations for the 75th anniversary of VE Day on Friday 8th May and will remain in situ until Sunday 10th. They will be on display again for Remembrance in November. Because VE day heralded the beginning of the end of the Second World War, the fresh flowers inside the church will be themed A Celebration of Home Comings. They will be arranged on Thursday 7th May, so please do use the Bank Holiday weekend to visit the church.

Angela [email protected]

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202012


�enten Re�ec�ons At The Fitzwilliams Centre, behind St Mary’s Church,

�indsor �nd, HP� ���, mee�ng at �.��pm for refreshments.  

�ith a focus on caring for crea�on in a variety of ways, these evenings will appeal to all who have a heart for our planet. 

Wed 4th March ‐ The environmental crisis and a Chris�an response 

Presented by the Revd. Margot Hodson and  

Dr. Mar�n Hodson  

Wed 11th March  ‐ Personal stories shared  

Wed 25th March ‐ Climate change ‐ a scien�st’s


Presented by Professor Henry Hutchinson  

Wed 1st April – CAFOD video “Global Healing”  

with discussion facilitated by Susan Seagrave of St Teresa’s  

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


COMMUNITY NEWSBeaconsfield Children’s Centre

We know that being a parent means you are constantly learning new things and being faced with new challenges. The Children’s Centre provides activities and support for families with children under 5yrs. We offer advice on a range of topics including health, speech and language, family routines, accessing specialist services, opportunities to widen social networks, employment and careers advice. We can signpost to other services to support victims of domestic abuse or substance misuse and one-to-one support in the home. You can find us at: Beacon Close, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 1RJ tel: 01494 678244. If you would like further information please email [email protected]. Follow us on facebook to keep updated

Beaconsfield & Chiltern Luncheon Club

We are a friendly club which meets for eight months of the year on the first Monday of the month at the Crowne Plaza, near Beaconsfield. A three-course lunch is followed by an interesting speaker and members can bring guests if they wish. You are most welcome to come along initially as a guest to see whether you would like to join. If you would like more information please contact our Membership Secretary on 01753 644370.

Beaconsfield Community Association - Lunch Club

Thursday lunch club is at the Curzon Centre, Maxwell Road. Did you know there is a warm welcome and a three course lunch

available every Thursday to people over 60? Arrive from 12 noon; lunch is served at 12.30pm and we finish at 1.30pm. This is a chance to make new friends or meet old ones. There is no membership fee to join the club - you only pay when you come - but we ask for a donation of £4 per head, to include tea/coffee and sweeties plus a chance in a weekly raffle. If you think you might like to see what it is all about you can contact Elizabeth Meares on 01753 884970. (We may also be able to provide transport to and from the Centre, if you need it).

Beaconsfield Cycle Path Action Group

The Group attempts to promote cycling to work, school and leisure pursuits for the people of Beaconsfield. To do this we are trying to negotiate the installation of cycle racks and a network of recognised and safe cycle paths within the Town. For further details about us please see our website or phone 07813 837225.

Beaconsfield & District Historical Society

Outings take place in the spring and summer months and we have talks in the winter on Saturday afternoons at 2.30pm in the Fitzwilliams Centre. Saturday 14th March is the Society’s AGM and the meeting starts at 2.15pm. The speaker on that day is Sarah Paterson and the subject Wilton Park in WW2 and after. Members are free and visitors are welcome for a small charge. For further details of the Society please contact the Membership Secretary, Mrs Irene Stanbury, 01628 530005/[email protected] or visit

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202014

COMMUNITY NEWSBeaconsfield Film Society

The Society screens films twice a month at the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield. On Friday 13th March we are showing Marriage Story (15) and on Saturday 28th The Children Act (12A). Doors open at 7.15pm with the film starting at 8.00pm. The charge is £6 for members or £10 for guests. Go online to view the full programme at

Beaconsfield Library

MarchSpecial story time with craft - Tuesday 3rd from 10.00am-10.30am to celebrate World Book Day for children under 5.Remember, remember - Friday 13th from 10.30am - 11.30am. Join us for a coffee and a chat about spring gardens. All welcome.Crafty Saturday - 14th from 10.00am-12 noon for children under 10. FREE drop-in session.Lego Club - Saturday 14th from 2.00pm-3.00pm. For children 4+ years old with parental supervision. A drop-in session.Weekly activities Story time - Tuesdays 10.00am-10.30am (children under 5). Wednesday Club (adults) - 10.30am - 12 noon, scrabble, knitting, crochet and a cuppa. Everyone welcome.Simply Walk (adults) - Thursday 10.15am ready to depart 10.30am. All welcome. Tea & coffee in the library after the walk.Get started online - Thursday 2.00pm-4.00pm, computer, IT and device. Help from our friendly volunteer. Booking essential.Family history sessions – every Thursday

10.00am – 11.30am, one-to-one sessions with our friendly volunteer. Booking essential. Did you know… you can reset your library card PIN yourself on the website and an email with a link will be sent to your registered email address. Find out more by calling into the library, tel: 01296 382415 or check the website

Beaconsfield Pickleball Club

BPC has been in existence for over three years and we have a membership of over forty. We play at the Beacon Sports Centre & Theatre on Thursday evenings between 5.45pm and 7.15pm.In case you haven’t heard of it before, pickleball is the world’s fastest growing racquet sport. Containing elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis, it is played on a badminton court and enjoyed by people of all ages, although our club is for adults. More details can be found at:

Beaconsfield Tennis CentreThe Oval tennis courts

Over 50’s tennis players welcome. Every Wednesday 1.30 to 3.30pm. No joining fee, turn up and play. Tel: 01494 672320.

Beaconsfield WI

We meet in St Teresa’s Parish Centre (behind Waitrose) on the third Monday of each month at 7.30pm for a glass of wine or a soft drink. This is an opportunity for members to chat and sign up for WI activities. The main meeting usually

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


COMMUNITY NEWSbegins at 7.50pm. The next meeting is on 16th March when the popular Mrs Potts returns to introduce us to another lovely craft skill, Cold Glass Fusion. This is a hands-on evening but there is an additional cost for materials and tuition. Please call Deb Sanders (01494 674634) for more information or come to any meeting. The charge for guests is £5.00. New members of all ages are welcome.

~CAP Job Club in Beaconsfield

If you are out of work and would like some practical and emotional support to help you find employment, book in to our job club. We meet on a weekly basis to equip you with the tools, skills and confidence to find work. In addition to workshops and group support sessions, ongoing one-to-one consultations are provided to help you in your personal job search. The job club is open to all regardless of age, experience, background, race, faith etc.If you would like to attend or find out further information, call the national freephone number 0800 328 0006 and ask about the Beaconsfield Job Club. You can also find out more information on the website Alternatively call Paul Rundell on 01494 678597.

Careers Springboard & GradNet

Careers Springboard is a registered charity based in Gerrards Cross, incorporating The Graduate Network (GradNet). It is a FREE service run by local volunteers to help managers and professionals find paid employment and

graduates to find their first professional role. Weekly meetings on Monday evenings at 7.30pm at: St Andrew’s United Reformed Church Hall, Packhorse Road, Gerrards Cross, SL9 7QE. The March programme is as follows: 2nd: The interview itself 9th: Tell me about yourself16th: Maintaining & boosting confidence and resilience23rd: Networking30th: What the DWP/Jobcentre plus can do to supportThe next meeting will be after Easter on Monday 20th April. In addition to these presentations we also provide one-to-one coaching services covering CV, interview practice, confidence building and many more jobseeker services. All our services are FREE.For further information visit

Chiltern Embroidery & Textile Group

The group welcomes stitchers from all over South Bucks who share an interest in the diverse world of Embroidery and Creative Textiles. Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month in Tylers Green Village Hall, Church Road, HP10 8LN at 7.30pm for 8.00pm with visitors welcome at a charge of £5.00, including tea/coffee. On Monday 9th March Georgina Bellamy will talk on the topic A new way to goldwork. Come along to CETG’s Chiltern Textile Showcase on Saturday 21st March to see some of their work and buy unique handmade gifts (see details on page 29). For more information visit

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202016


Members meet monthly in Beaconsfield Old Town for an evening meal followed by a speaker. The talks cover a wide range of subjects. If you appreciate good company with an evening meal and listening to an interesting speaker perhaps you would like to join us. (We are a social club with no political or religious affiliations). For more details phone Kate on 01494 671508 or email [email protected]

Holtspur Bank Local Nature Reserve

The next work party is on Sunday 29th March. Friends meet in the reserve, access off Riding Lane, at 10.00 am and continue until 12 noon approx.

Holtspur Senior Citizens Club

Meets at Kiln Court on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month usually at 2.30 pm. The March meetings:10th: Talk by Tony Griffiths on Tutankhamun24th: Where is that chocolate from? A quiz based on chocolate tasting! Further details from Tony Griffiths on 01494 674929 or email: [email protected]

Lunch Club

For older people who live alone, lunch at the Papermill, London Rd, Loudwater, HP10 9YL on the 4th Tuesday of the month. We meet at 12 noon and are usually finished about 1.30pm. Transport can be organised. Contact Alison on 673952 or 07760 311006.

Oasis Bereavement Support Group

The group offers a warm welcome to anyone who has suffered bereavement during the past two years. We meet once a month on the second Thursday in the lounge of St Thomas’ Hall, Mayflower Way, Holtspur from 2.30pm - 4.00pm. If you would like to talk about this, or you have any queries, please contact either Pat Edwards on 672117 or Lorraine Johnson on 672860. The next meeting is on Thursday 12th March.

Probus Club Old Beaconsfield

We are a club mainly for retired businessmen and professionals. We meet twice a month on a Wednesday at 9.30am in the Fitzwilliams Centre behind St Mary’s Church. Coffee and biscuits are served, followed by a speaker on a variety of subjects. We also organise outside events and lunches with wives and partners. We have a full programme of speakers and events which can be viewed on our website If you would like to attend a meeting as a guest email [email protected].

Probus Club of Beaconsfield

A friendly club for retired professional and businessmen. We meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at Revolution in Maxwell Road from 10.00am. When there is a fifth Thursday we arrange meetings for our ladies. We have talks on a wide range of subjects and a busy social programme. For more information visit:

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020



Walking is an easy way to get more active, lose weight, improve your health and meet new people. Why not start now on one of our volunteer led walks organised as part of our Simply Walk scheme. The walks are free and designed to cater for everyone, allowing you to walk at your own pace.Meet inside the Beaconsfield Library, Reynolds Road on Thursdays at 10.15am ready to depart at 10.30am. For more information contact Fiona Broadbent on 01494 475367 or email: [email protected]

South Bucks U3A

If you are retired from full-time employment and would like to extend your interests then come and join us at SB U3A. We hold monthly general meetings on the 3rd Tuesday at the Beacon Centre, Holtspur at 2.00pm. You would be most welcome to come along as a visitor for one of our meetings. In addition, we have nearly 50 varied interest groups. They range from painting, science, theatre, all things French, computing, philosophy, singing for fun and for lovers of the outdoors, garden visits, walking groups, tennis and ornithology, plus lots more. For more information contact; Jan Condon on 01628 633109 or

Sunrise of Beaconsfield

Two free regular community social events to bring people together and help combat loneliness in a relaxed

environment, at our friendly Beaconsfield residential care home:Memory Café 3rd Thursday of the month 3.00pm - 4.00pmDesigned for carers and their loved ones living with dementia. This is an opportunity to join in with an activity or simply have a chat over a cup of tea and a slice of homemade cake. Coffee & seated Yoga 1st Tuesday of the month 11.00 - 12.30Enjoy a coffee with our residents then join Anne for her ever popular seated yoga class in the lounge. Comfortable clothes are the dress code for the morning!If you would like to join us please call 01494 360882 to book, as spaces are limited.

The Arts Society Beaconsfield (TASB - formerly NADFAS)

We hold lectures at the Fitzwilliams Centre on art related topics on the first Thursday of most months and organise visits to museums, art galleries and historic buildings, as well as an annual longer cultural trip. On Thursday 5th March at 10.30am and again at 1.45pm Suzanna Perrin will lecture on Orientalism, Chinoiserie, Japonisme. Coffee and biscuits are served before lectures and guests are welcome to attend for a £5 charge. New members are welcome. On Thursday 19th March there is a Study Day in the Fitzwilliams Centre led by David Worthington – An introduction to sculpture, major figures, problems and possibilities. It starts prompt at 10.00am until 3.00pm and includes lunch. The cost is £35 and it is open to non-members. See our website for further details.

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The Club meets on a Tuesday evening at The White Hart, Aylesbury End, Beaconsfield Old Town (6.30pm for 7.00pm) for members to enjoy a meal and the fellowship of Rotary friends. We discuss and plan our various fund raising and community activities and frequently enjoy contributions from visiting speakers. To know more or discuss possible membership please contact Barry Moxley on 01494 672229.

Young at Heart

Now on 2nd and 4th Monday afternoons of the month at 2.15pm in the United Reformed Church, Holtspur, Crabtree Close. Open to all. The March programme:9th: The Rothschild Naturalists - Deirdre Janson-Smith23rd: The Old Melbourne Gaol and The Kelly Gang - Betty Bell

SPRING DAFFODIL WALK FOR LOCAL CHARITYJoin Rennie Grove Hospice Care for a Daffodil Walk in the stunning grounds of West Wycombe Park on Sunday 22nd March.

Daffodils symbolise the start of spring so what better way to mark the change of season than by enjoying an uplifting walk with the whole family whilst helping to raise funds for an important local charity?

Rennie Grove provides specialist care and support for adults and children with a life-limiting illness in Buckinghamshire and West Hertfordshire. Through its unique hospice at home service, available day and night, and a range of day services, the charity supports patients to live the best quality life they can with a choice about how and where they are cared for towards the end of life.

Why not make the walk a special treat for your Mum on Mother’s Day? The Daffodil Walk takes place between 11am and 3pm

so it will fit perfectly around plans for lunch or other celebrations.

In addition to the walk there will be a children’s treasure trail and the opportunity to plant a daffodil of your own, perhaps in memory of a loved one. Then refuel with tea and cakes at the nearby village hall.

Bring the whole family: ttickets are priced at just £3.50 for adults and £2.00 for under 16s. Under 3s go free.

Please note that the park admits assistance dogs only. Get your tickets from [email protected] or by calling 01442 890222.

Step into spring with Rennie Grove and enjoy a fabulous walk with all the family.

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


CHURCH NEWSSt Mary and All SaintsChurch, Windsor End

A service of Holy Communion in the Fitzwilliams Centre on Wednesday mornings at 9.00am. ‘Ignite’ - We start children’s church on Sunday with a lively worship session for all ages then we break into four groups: ‘sparks’ aged 3-4, ‘flashes’ aged 5-6, ‘flames’ aged 7-8 and ‘lazers’ aged 9-10. We learn and do more age-specific activities and then we come back together for a ‘share and prayer’ session where children are encouraged to share with us all and we pray together.We then all return to the main church to tell Jeremy what we have been learning which connects the young with all the members of the congregation and church community. The children join their families to take part in communion where they will receive the Eucharist or a blessing.The Prayer Chain is for anyone who would like prayer for themselves or others who are suffering from any kind of illness or anxiety e.g. before a medical appointment or job interview. We pray immediately upon receiving the request - which we hold in strictest confidence - and will continue to do so daily for two weeks, or longer, if appropriate. Phone Pat Edwards (01494 672117).Meditation - Tuesday mornings at 10.30am for an hour followed by tea and coffee.St Mary’s Evening Group – The next meeting is on Thursday 19th March when a talk will be given by Gareth Morely on From the police to the curate.Living Well Dying Well - Each week in

Lent, there will be discussion groups led by Jeremy together with visiting speakers, on growing old well and preparing for death. There will be different experts each week, including a solicitor, a doctor and a funeral director, who will help us think through the issues involved (see page 10 for further details).Lent lunches – See page 5; Lenten Reflections - See page 12.

St Michael and All Angels Church, St Michael’s Green, Beaconsfield

For further information or initial contact details for St Michael’s Church please refer to the inside front cover of this magazine. There is a board in our small chapel for prayer requests.Friday 6th March - 2:00pm Women’s World Day of Prayer ServiceWednesday 11th March - 12:30pm Christian Aid Lent LunchSunday 22nd March – 10.00am Super Sunday for Mothering SundayMonday 30th March - 12:45pm T Club Spring Lunch USUAL SUNDAYSSt Michael’s service times are 8.00am for traditional said Holy Communion, 9.15am for services and activities orientated towards families and 10.30am for a sung Holy Communion. Ministry of Healing Prayer is available each Sunday during the 10.30am service. Times of services vary for special occasions. All services (apart from 8.00am) offer tea and coffee afterwards. Please join us. 1st Sunday 9.15am - Early Birds in our Hall. A short informal service for 0-7 year olds and carers. 2nd Sunday 4.00pm - Messy Church is a

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CHURCH NEWSfun service with craft activities in our Hall. There is NO 9.15am Family Praise.3rd Sunday 9.15am - Family Communion. A shortened family friendly Communion service with children’s involvement, in our church.   4th Sunday 9.15am - Family Praise in the church.WEEKDAYS WITH ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH COMMUNITYWednesdays at 9.00am - Communion Service in the Lady Chapel, with a focus on personal prayers and those for the local community. Drop in for coffee in the meeting room behind the Church from 9.30am until 10.15am.  Everyone is welcome. You don’t have to come to church.  T-Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 2.15pm to 3.30pm in St. Michael’s Hall, Grenfell Road.  Please join us for tea, homemade cakes and a chat.  A nominal donation of £2.00 per meeting is appreciated. Men’s and ladies lunches are on the last Tuesday of every month. The men’s lunch is held in the meeting room behind the church. The ladies’ lunch is in a member’s home. Please note that March and June lunches have been brought forward to 24th March and 23rd June. For more details (and so we know numbers) please phone 01494 672949 and come for a pleasant lunch and chat in a friendly welcoming atmosphere.

St Thomas’ Church, Mayflower Way, Holtspur

Hall & Lounge - These can be booked separately or for joint use by contacting the Hall Secretary,

Christine Adali on 07517 151581 or email [email protected] groups - meet every fortnight. Please contact Mrs Helen Buchanan on [email protected] Court - An informal service at 10.30am on the 2nd Wednesday each month.Art in Mind - An inclusive, outreaching art series for Lent. We welcome anyone and everyone who is interested in the arts or healthcare and the positive impact that art can have on people’s lives. On Thursday 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th March from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. There is no charge, but please register before the day. For more information see page 40 and to register, please contact: Michael Johnson [email protected] or phone 07737 477193.Oasis Bereavement Support Group – The next meeting is on Thursday 12th March from 2.30pm - 4.00pm.Film Show in St Thomas’ Hall - On Saturday 28th March at 2.30pm with tea and homemade cakes in the interval. Transport can be arranged. More details from Mary on 077780 07879.

Hope Church, Baring Road

We meet every Sunday at 10.00am for a time of open worship followed by a talk to help us understand what the Bible means for us today. Children’s activities are provided at the same time.Prayer meetings take place in several homes and the church throughout the week. Options is for women of all ages and takes place in term time on Tuesdays from

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CHURCH NEWS10.30am - 11.30am. A crèche is provided for young children. The sessions begin with tea or coffee at 10.00am followed by a topical speaker or a discussion on a wide range of subjects from gardening to cross-cultural music to mission. Lifegroups - Focus groups and Interest groups meet at various times throughout the week in several places.  Everyone is welcome to attend a group - or more! These groups are designed to help us support each other in living out our Christian faith in a smaller group context.For further details on any of the above activities, please call the church office on 01494 675185 or see our website

Free Methodist Church, Shepherd’s Lane

Sunday morning church service: 10.45-11.45am followed by refreshments in the hall. 2nd Sunday of the month is a family service with an emphasis towards children.Coffee Mornings - Come and join us for a coffee/chat at 10am-midday on the 2nd Saturday of every month in the church hall.Bible Studies & prayer meetings - as arranged. Please call 681321 for more information.

St Teresa’s R. C. Church, Warwick Road, Beaconsfield, Tel: 01494 673018

A Prayer Group meets in the church every Wednesday morning at 10am following Mass at 9.30am. All are welcome. For further information please contact the church office. Bible Study - A group meets regularly on a Monday morning from 10.00am until 12.15pm in St Teresa’s Parish Centre. All

welcome. No prior knowledge required.Catholic services in Bradbury House and Sunrise Nursing Home, BeaconsfieldA ‘Word and Communion’ service is held at Bradbury House at 10.30am on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month and at Sunrise at 10.30am on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month.Coffee & company morning in the Parish Centre every Tuesday from 10.30am until 12.30 organised by The Saint Vincent de Paul Society. Open to all who would enjoy dropping in for tea/coffee, homemade cake and a chat.

United Reformed Church, Aylesbury End

All Age Family Café Service: Half-hour service at 9.15am on 2nd Sunday each month. New families especially welcome.Coffee and chat - Monday mornings 10.30am - 11.30am at the Blue Cottage, 18 Aylesbury End (next to the church).Coffee mornings: 1st Saturday of the month. All welcome. For further details please phone 07714 871505. Bible study: Fridays 10.30am (term time) at Holtspur URC led by Revd Nigel Douglas - What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? The influence of ancient Greek thought on the Bible? All welcome. For further details please phone 07714 871505. Bradbury House: Members of the URC church lead a half-hour service for the residents of Bradbury House on the 4th Sunday of each month at 3.00pm. Townspeople are welcome. Sunday afternoon worship at 4.00pm – The gathering place with refreshments in the church hall. Men’s Breakfast: Saturday 14th March at

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CHURCH NEWS8.30am when a full English breakfast will be served in the hall behind the church. The speaker is Roger Heppleston: Compete or cooperate, the evolutionary choice that will determine our future. Roger has had a successful international business career in planning and distribution, working for scientific and pharmaceutical companies. He has published two books, the first exploring the evolutionary history of mankind and how humanity came to dominate the planet and then threaten its ecology; the second explaining why understanding and shaping the forces of memetic evolution is so vital to all our futures. Anyone wishing to attend should phone 01494 674509.Women’s Breakfast: Saturday 21st March at 8.30am when breakfast will be served in the hall behind the church. The speaker is Anne-Marete Free, Tivoli Gardens in Denmark.

United Reformed Church, Holtspur Crabtree Close

Sunday morning church service at 10.00am, followed by refreshments in the hall.Young at Heart: on 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 2.15pm. Open to all. The March programme: 9th: The Rothschild Naturalists - Deirdre Janson-Smith 23rd: The Old Melbourne Gaol and The Kelly Gang - Betty BellBible study: Fridays at 10.30am during (term time) - What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? The influence of ancient Greek thought on the Bible? For further details please phone 07714 871505. All are very welcome.

Latimer Minster Stampwell Farm, Oxford Road, HP9 2XD

All are welcome to attend our Sunday morning service in the Big Top (yellow and white tent, you can’t miss it), from 10:30am to 12noon, every Sunday. Refreshments are served from 10.00am. There is children’s church (for children and youth aged 0-13 years) during the service each week. Just sign in before the service.  Prayer and Communion - Every Wednesday (during term time) we meet in the Small Barn for intercessory prayer between 9.00am - 9:30am. We have prayer and praise cards on the welcome table at the back of the tent if you ever want to submit a prayer request for this session. From 9:30am – 10.00am we share communion together. This is open to all - feel free to attend one or both sessions.Squirrels Nursery Farm and Forest School - comes to the farm each Tuesday to explore (8.30am - 2.30pm), learn and play! The children enjoy the animals, nature and fresh air! For more information please contact Penny Scott on 01494 670196.  The Eye of The Needle Sewing Group - On Fridays, from 11.00am to 1.00pm, we meet in the Small Barn at Stampwell Farm to catch up, eat cake, and get creative with all different types of material.To register or find out more, please email [email protected] further details on any of the above activities, please call 0300 303 8800, email: [email protected] or see our website

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020



2nd Wednesday in the month from 3.30 - 5.30pm, United Reformed

Church, Holtspur, Crabtree Close. Crafts, Bible stories, food and fun. Contact: 673490 or 07714 871505.

Next meeting on 11th March.

2nd Sunday in the month at 4.00 - 5.30pm,

St Michael’s Church, Grenfell RoadFriendly, fun, creative worship with

a chance to chat and meet other families. For children 4-11 come with

your adults and siblings welcome. Contact: 676931.

Next meeting 8th March.

3rd Wednesday in the month from 3.30 - 5.30pm,

United Reformed Church, Aylesbury End

Crafts, Bible stories, food and fun. Contact: 673490 or 07714 871505.

Next meeting on 18th March.

Sunday, four times a year only at 4.00pm - 6.00pm in the

Fitzwilliams Centre, Windsor EndCrafts, songs, stories and food. A fun

place for families finding faith. Contact: 676690

Team Messy Church on 8th Marchat St Michael’s Church.

Friday evening (term time) from 5:30pm - 7:30pm at The Curzon Centre, Maxwell RoadThis club is aimed towards children who are between the ages of 6-11. Here we have all manner of games, including table football, pool, group games, table tennis and an Xbox One and Wii. We also have a tuck shop, so bring your pennies! For more information, please contact Mark Humphries [email protected]

Hope YouthAlternate Friday evenings (term time) 6.30pm - 8.00pm at Hope Church, Baring RoadA great opportunity for those aged 11-16 to come and find out more about Jesus - with food, games, worship and a mix of short talks, practical sessions or small group discussions. There is plenty to do and engage with. For more information, please contact Mark Humphries: [email protected] or check out the Hope Youth Instagram for pictures of what we get up to (hcyouthbeaconsfield).

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Saturday 10.00am - 12 noon, Fitzwilliams Centre, Windsor EndFor all dads, grandads and pre-school children. This is an ideal opportunity

for fathers to spend some quality time with their children at the end of the working week while giving mums a break! Contact: 676690.

Next meeting on 14th March.

Holtspur Youth ClubFriday evening from 7.00pm - 9.00pm (term time), Holtspur Way, HP9 1DXYear 5 and above. Typically we play pool, table tennis, air hockey, table football, Nintendo Wii, dodge ball, three-a-side football and there is also access to laptops and the internet. We try to arrange an outing once per term; tenpin bowling, ice skating or swimming. We have a tuck shop and provide chips. Come and join us. Contact: 670627.

Fusion youth Sunday evening from 6.00pm - 7.45pm (term time), St Thomas’, Mayflower Way, HP9 1UFFor 10 - 14 year olds - space for young souls, shaping body, mind and spirit. Contact Michelle on 07973 921714 [email protected] Instagram: fusionbeaconsfield

After School Theatre Club Thursdays from 3.30pm - 5.30pm, St Thomas’ Hall & Church, Mayflower Way, HP9 1UFThe NEW after school club for children in school years 4, 5 and 6. Only £4.00 for each 2 hour session or £30.00 for the term. For booking form and further details email [email protected] or call 07737


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TOTS AND TODDLERSLittle Feet toddler group Monday from 10.00am - 11.30am (term time), Hope Church Beaconsfield For babies and pre-school children and their carers. The whole building is given over to this popular activity with ride-on toys, play house, craft, painting, sand-play, story-time and singing - and lots more. The cost is £1.50 per family. Contact: 675185.

Toms Tots Tuesday from 9.15am - 11.15am (term time), St. Thomas’ Church Hall, Mayflower Way, Holtspur Toddler playgroup for little ones and their carers. Plenty of toys, puzzles, games, crafts, singing and story time. Meet new friends over tea and healthy snacks for the children. We look forward to welcoming you. £1.50 for one child and 50p for each further child. Contact Ruth Moores on 673167 or [email protected]

Toddler Group Wednesday from 1.30pm - 3.00pm (term time), Fitzwilliams Centre, Windsor End Bring your babies and toddlers for company, play, snacks, stories and songs. Bring yourselves for socialising and a cuppa with other mums, dads, grandparents and carers. All welcome. £1 per family. Contact Ann Benstock 672314.

Babies & Toddlers Thursday from 9.00am - 11.30am (term time plus some holiday meetings), United Reformed Church Hall, Aylesbury EndToys, crafts, stories, songs, healthy snacks, good coffee and a friendly welcome. The cost is £1 per family. For further details call Barbara and Nigel on 673490 or 07714 871505 or e-mail: [email protected]

Bulrushes Toddler Group Friday from 9.30am - 11.00am (term time), St Michael’s Hall, Grenfell Road For children under school age. Mothers, fathers and carers enjoy chatting and making new friends in a happy atmosphere while children play. There are plenty of toys and things to do. The entrance fee is £1 per family (2 children max) with subsequent children at 50p each including refreshments for the children and adults. Come along and have fun with your children, or you might like to help serve the drinks for the children and adults. Contact 676931.

Minster Munchkins Toddler Group Friday from 10.00am - 11.30am (term time), Stampwell Farm, Oxford Road (opposite the Crowne Plaza Hotel on the A40). This is a parent toddler group that meets in the Big White Tent. It’s an opportunity for free play, coffee and chat - all are welcome to join. The cost is £2.00 per family. Contact: [email protected] for more information

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4.00pm URC Aylesbury End Church: Sunday afternoon community church, The gathering place. Refreshments in the church hall

TUESDAY 33.00pm-4.30pm

Fitzwilliams Centre: Living Well, Dying Well series - A talk by Revd Dr Jeremy Brooks, Old age matters, with tea and cake provided

WEDNESDAY 412.30pm - 2.00pm

St Thomas’ Church: Lent Lunch, soup & cheese with donations to Christian Aid

7.30pm The Fitzwilliams Centre: Lenten Reflections, with a focus on caring for creation in a variety of ways - The environmental crisis and a Christian response. Presented by the Revd Margot Hodson & Dr Martin Hodson

THURSDAY 510.30am & 1.45pm

Fitzwilliams Centre: The Arts Society Beaconsfield is holding a one hour lecture on Orientalism, Chinoiserie, Japonisme given by Suzanna Perrin

12 noon URC Aylesbury End Church Hall: Light Lunch

1.00pm -1.45pm

URC Aylesbury End: Lunchtime concert with ‘Aida Duo’, Alis Yu An, piano and Inês Delgado, violin

FRIDAY 62.00pm St Michael’s Church: The World

Day of Prayer service with the theme Rise! Take your mat and walk developed by women in Zimbabwe

SATURDAY 710.30am URC Aylesbury End Church Hall:

Missionary coffee morning


St Mary’s Church: Beaconsfield Festival of Choirs. For free tickets contact David Phelops [email protected]

SUNDAY 89.15am URC Aylesbury End Church Hall:

All age family café service2.00pm-4.00pm

St Mary’s Church: Poppy workshop

4.00pm URC Aylesbury End Church: Bible Course, The gathering place. Refreshments in the church hall

MONDAY 92.15pm URC Holtspur Church Hall:

Young at Heart – The Rothschild Naturalists, Deirdre Janson-Smith

7.30pm for 8.00pm

Tylers Green Village Hall: Chiltern Embroidery & Textile Group when Georgina Bellamy will talk on the topic A new way to goldwork

TUESDAY 102.30pm Kiln Court: Holtspur Senior

Citizens Club – Talk by Tony Griffiths on Tutankhamun


Fitzwilliams Centre: Living Well, Dying Well series – A talk by Natalie Boorer, BP Collins on The Law Matters, with tea and cake provided

WEDNESDAY 1112.30pm - 2.00pm

St Michael’s Church: Lent Lunch, soup & cheese with donations to Christian Aid

7.30pm The Fitzwilliams Centre: Lenten Reflections, with a focus on caring for creation in a variety of ways - Personal stories shared

THURSDAY 1212 noon URC Aylesbury End Church Hall:

Light Lunch

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS – MARCH 20201.00pm-1.45pm

URC Aylesbury End: Lunchtime concert Marianne Huang Yueyin, piano. Student from the RCM


St Thomas’ Church: Oasis Bereavement Support Group

FRIDAY 138.00pm National Film & Television

School: The film Society will be showing Marriage Story (15). Doors open at 7.15pm, film starts at 8.00pm prompt. Tickets £6 for members or £10 for guests

SATURDAY 148.30am URC Aylesbury End Church Hall:

Men’s breakfast - the speaker is Roger Heppleston, Compete or cooperate, the evolutionary choice that will determine our future

2.15pm Fitzwilliams Centre: Beaconsfield & District Historical Society’s AGM. The speaker is Sarah Paterson, Wilton Park in WW2 and after

SUNDAY 154.00pm URC Aylesbury End Church:

Healing service, The gathering place. Refreshments in the church hall

MONDAY 167.30pm St Teresa’s Parish Centre: WI

meeting when the popular Mrs Potts returns to introduce us to another lovely craft skill, Cold Glass Fusion. This is a hands-on evening but there is an additional cost for materials and tuition

TUESDAY 173.00pm-4.30pm

Fitzwilliams Centre: Living Well, Dying Well series – A talk by Drs Bryn Neal & Chris Foote, Chiltern Compass, Medicine Matters with tea and cake provided

WEDNESDAY 1812.30pm - 2.00pm

Hope Church: Lent Lunch, soup & cheese with donations to Christian Aid

THURSDAY 1910.00am - 3.00pm

Fitzwilliams Centre: Study Day led by David Worthington – An introduction to sculpture, major figures, problems and possibilities. The cost is £35, including lunch. Open to non-members. See our website for further details

12 noon URC Aylesbury End Church Hall: Light Lunch


URC Aylesbury End: Lunchtime concert with High March School, intermediate choir and soloists

8.00pm Fitzwilliams Centre: St Mary’s Evening Group when a talk will be given by Gareth Morely on From the police to the curate

SATURDAY 218.30am URC Aylesbury End Church

Hall: Women’s breakfast will be served in the hall behind the church. The speaker is Anne-Marete Free, Tivoli Gardens in Denmark

10.00am -3.00pm

Tylers Green Village Hall: Chiltern Textile Showcase with unique handmade items for sale. Proceeds to The Cure Parkinson’s Trust and CETG

SUNDAY 22 - Mothering Sunday

10.00am St Mary’s Church: Family Communion

10.00am St Michael’s Church: Super Sunday

11.00am - 3.00pm

West Wycombe Park: Rennie Grove Hospice Care Daffodil Walk. Tickets £3.50 (adults) £2.00 (under 16), free (under 3)

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202028

4.00pm URC Aylesbury End Church: Bible Course, The gathering place. Refreshments in the church hall

MONDAY 231.45 for 2.00pm start

The Fitzwilliams Centre: Cancer Research Charity Bridge Drive, £40 per table includes tea. Contact 01494 673140

2.15pm URC Holtspur Church Hall: Young at Heart – The Old Melbourne Gaol and The Kelly Gang, Betty Bell

TUESDAY 242.30pm Kiln Court: Holtspur Senior

Citizens Club – Where is that chocolate from? A quiz based on chocolate tasting!

3.00pm - 4.30pm

Fitzwilliams Centre: Living Well, Dying Well series - A talk by Peter Kenyon, Arnold Funeral Directors, The Funeral Matters, with tea and cake provided

WEDNESDAY 2512.30pm - 2.00pm

St Teresa’s Church: Lent Lunch, soup & cheese with donations to Christian Aid

7.30pm The Fitzwilliams Centre: Lenten Reflections, with a focus on caring for creation in a variety of ways - Climate change, a scientist’s perspective. Presented by Professor Henry Hutchinson

THURSDAY 2612 noon URC Aylesbury End Church Hall:

Light Lunch

1.00pm - 1.45pm

URC Aylesbury End: Lunchtime concert with London Flute Quintet

SATURDAY 282.30pm St Thomas’ Hall – Film show

with tea and homemade cakes in the interval. Transport can be arranged. More details from Ruth on 01494 673167

7.30pm Gerrards Cross Golf Club: Gala dinner with guest speaker Frederick Forsyth to raise funds for Rennie Grove Hospice Care

8.00pm National Film & Television School: The film Society will be showing The Children Act (12A). Doors open at 7.15pm, film starts at 8.00pm prompt. Tickets £6 for members or £10 for guests

SATURDAY 29 - British summer time begins

10.00am - 12 noon

The Reserve, access off Riding Lane: Holtspur Bank Local Nature Reserve work party

2.00pm - 4.00pm

St Mary’s Church: Poppy Workshop

4.00pm URC Aylesbury End Church: Bible Course, The gathering place. Refreshments in the church hall

MONDAY 3012.45pm St Michael’s Church: T-Club

spring lunch

TUESDAY 3112.30pm - 2.00pm

URC Aylesbury End: Lent Lunch, soup & cheese with donations to Christian Aid NB Tuesday

3.00pm - 4.30pm

Fitzwilliams Centre: Living Well, Dying Well series – A talk by Andy Chapman, Bucks County Council, Dementia Matters, with tea and cake provided



7.30pm The Fitzwilliams Centre: Lenten Reflections, with a focus on caring for creation in a variety of ways – CAFOD video Global Healing. With discussion facilitated by Susan Seagrave of St Teresa’s Church


Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020



St. Mary’sWeddingJanuary 25 Fredrik Wolff and

Natalie GrahamFuneralsJanuary 7 Ryan Burnett (49)January 24 Kathleen Barnes (88)

St Thomas’Funeral January 21 Tony Wells (76)St Teresa’sFuneralsJanuary 16 Veryan Rosanna Francis BunkerJanuary 22 John Anthony McCarthy

EAT SEASONALLYAlan Titchmarsh, writing in his recent column in Gardeners’ World, points out:

“We cannot berate members of the Royal family and global superstars for flying hither and yon in private jets if we buy strawberries in January, for they too will have necessitated the burning of fossil fuel to reach our table.” Titchmarsh says that if we really want to make a difference, we should eat seasonally. “I yearn for a return to …. English apples and pears in autumn and winter, strawberries and raspberries in summer, and asparagus from April to June.” And while he would not deprive anyone of ‘a slice of lemon for their G&T,’ he does worry “about the growing consumption of avocados, which is causing the destruction of Mexican rainforests to make way for avocado plantations.”So instead of avocados this month, why not consider some artichoke, beetroot, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (both Savoy and white), carrots, chicory,

cauliflowers, endives, fennel or spinach, to name but a few of the vegetables in season in March?

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202030

LOCAL INFORMATIONAge UK Buckinghamshire is an independent charity helping local older people to have a better quality of life. It provides a range of free services to support older people in their own homes, including Information & Advice, Befriending Plus, Welfare Benefits and Memory Advice as well as a number of other services, such as foot care, which are chargeable. For further information and details of all services call Age UK Bucks on 01296 431911 or visit the website at

Alzheimer’s Society Buckinghamshire – each local GP surgery has a named Memory Support Worker who can do home visits to carry out screening for people with memory concerns; provide support & guidance for people with a diagnosis of dementia and offer support and signposting for carers. There are Memory Information sessions for people with memory concerns and Dementia Information sessions for people with a diagnosis, all held within a short distance of the town. Singing for the Brain sessions are held on most Friday mornings at the Fitzwilliams Centre. For further information on all Alzheimer Society services please contact the local office on 01494 670909 or the Memory Support Service on 01296 331749.

Beaconsfield Advisory Centre 18 Aylesbury End (next to the United Reformed Church), supported by the local churches Tel: 01494 672987 email: [email protected]. Outside office hours the recorded message will give other numbers to call. The office is open: Monday-Friday from 10.00am to 12 noon. Appointments are available outside office hours and home visits can be arranged for the housebound. The BAC was founded 54 years ago so as to give anyone the opportunity to discuss problems and seek information in complete confidence with fully trained advisors, who will give initial advice on many cases such as benefits, debt, divorce, housing and legal matters. There are also specialist advisors who are available to follow up on more complicated matters. We also offer free transport for

medical appointments (donations always welcomed) for the elderly or infirm. New volunteer drivers always welcomed. We also offer use of a computer for applications for Universal Credit and Home choice.

Beaconsfield Carers Group - The group which is run by Carers Bucks, takes place on the first Thursday of each month from 1.30pm-3.30pm at St Teresa’s Church Hall, Warwick Road, Beaconsfield. There is ample parking. Carers Bucks is a registered charity which supports carers of all ages, from all communities, who are looking after a family member or friend who cannot manage without them. The group offers a range of services, advice and support in your role as carer. For further information please contact Timea Sharrad at Carers Bucks on 0300 777 2722.

Beaconsfield Community Association - Did you know there is a warm welcome and a three course lunch, available to people over 60 every Thursday at the Curzon Centre, Maxwell Road? If you think you might like to see what it is all about you can contact Elizabeth Meares on 01753 884970. For further information on the BCA please contact the Chairman, Sandy Saunders on 07931 518660.

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - The Magazine is delivered monthly to subscribers’ houses (the annual subscription for 2020 is £10.00 and for postal copies outside the area £21.00pa). To obtain details please contact 07919 028741 or [email protected]. Cheques are payable to ‘Beaconsfield PCC Magazine.’

Beaconsfield Twinning Association - Beaconsfield is twinned with Langres in the Haute Marne region. The Twinning Association promotes cultural, social and friendship links between our two towns. There are regular exchange visits as well as events and activities in Beaconsfield for all age groups. See the website or for enquiries / membership contact secretary@

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


LOCAL or the chairman Jacqui Hogan (01494 680997).

Beaconsfield Society - The Society celebrates the past, promotes the present and influences the future of Beaconsfield for the benefit of its residents and future generations. We campaign for sensible development, organise events, encourage community engagement and participation. Find out more on; on Twitter, @The BecSoc; our website or contact 07745 977838.

Beaconsfield Talking Newspaper - Free weekly recorded version of the local newspapers and also bi-monthly magazine, available on memory sticks for visually impaired. Free loan of BoomBox. Contact Barbara Francis 01494 673327 or [email protected]

Beaconsfield Town Council - Telephone: 01494 675173 (9.00am to 1.30pm).

Bellringers St Mary & All Saints Church - The bells are rung for Sunday services, weddings and funerals throughout the year - and also to celebrate other special local or national events. Practice night is on Friday from 8.00pm to 9.30pm and all are welcome to come and watch - or even better to come and join the band and learn to ring. Anyone from about age 12 can learn to ring - you should be able to ring simple rounds in a matter of a few months but to become fully competent can take a lifetime! For more information contact Andrew Halford at [email protected] or tel: 01494 671253.

Buckinghamshire County Council - Central access team Tel: 01296 383204. Children’s services Tel: 0845 460 0001. Emergency duty team, outside office hours, Tel: 01494 817750.

Cancer Research UK - For more information or to give a donation, please contact us on 677783 or 671671. Careers Springboard - A self-help group

for managers and professionals seeking work. Meetings every Monday at 7.30pm at the URC, Packhorse Road, Gerrards Cross. For full information visit

Chemist - Sainsbury’s has a pharmacy open on a Sunday in Beaconsfield. Pharmacies are also available in the Tesco stores at both Loudwater and Amersham.

Chiltern Train Information - For ticket enquiries (Monday-Sunday 07.00 – 22.00) call 03456 005 165 (press option 1 then option 2). National Rail Enquiries 08457 484950 (24 hrs)

County Library Beaconsfield Branch Reynolds Road. Tel: 0845 230 3232. Email: [email protected]

Monday Closed

Tuesday 9.30am - 7.00pm

Wednesday 9.30am - 1.00pm

Thursday & Friday 9.30am - 5.00pm

Saturday 10.00am - 4.00pm

Sunday Closed

CRUSE - counselling and social activities for bereaved people of all ages. Call 01494 766455 for local group and more information.

Free Home Library Service for housebound readers - For information or to use the service, phone Home Library Service on 01494 475573 or email [email protected]. WRVS volunteers choose library books and deliver them once a month, staying for a chat & a cuppa. If you know anyone who would like this service please let them know it is Free and available to those who are housebound.

Girlguiding Beaconsfield - Varied programme of activities for girls. Rainbows (aged 5-7) Brownies (aged 7-10) Guides (aged 10-15). Trefoil Guild (adults 18 and over). For more information contact Hilary Zayed (265482) or Morag Mason (680354).

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202032

LOCAL INFORMATIONHall bookings in Beaconsfield and Holtspur:Council Hall The Town Clerk (675173)Curzon CentreAnja Yates/Gillian Bleakley (672891)Fitzwilliams CentreHugh Suter (07596 136500)[email protected] Green Community HallMrs Joan Cyster (677583)Girlguiding HallAudrey Dunn (673372)Reading Room Pam Crawford (677386)St Michael’s ChurchGemma (676931) [email protected] Thomas’ ChurchChristine Adali (07517 151581)[email protected] Green Village HallTina Brown (819990)[email protected] Aylesbury End Dorothy Mulcock (676828)URC Holtspur Eleanor Wilson (678290)

Lunch Club, Papermill, London Rd, Loudwater, HP10 9YL - For older people who live alone, lunch at the Papermill on the 4th Tuesday of the month. We meet at 12 noon and are usually finished about 1.30pm. Transport can be organised. Contact Alison on 673952 or 07760 311006.

Medical Centres - Millbarn Centre, London End, 675303; Simpson Centre, Gregories Road, 671571.

Mobile Library - Wednesdays, Beaconsfield Old Town, Windsor End, 10.55am – 11.10am every 4 weeks.

Police - The Police are no longer based at the Town Hall. To contact the Police please call 999 in an Emergency, for all other enquiries please call 101. To attend a Police Station visit either Amersham or High Wycombe. The Neighbourhood Team will still be present in and around the town or email: [email protected]

Prayer Chain - The Prayer Chain is for anyone - of any denomination, or none - who would like a group of Christians to pray in confidence for their needs. Phone Pat Edwards (01494 762117).

Recycling Centres - accepting scrap metal, card, paper, engine oil, glass bottles, gas cylinders and hardcore are located at: Beaconsfield A40 after Pyebush Lane towards Gerrards Cross - opening hours 9:00am - 6:00pm (1st April to 30th September); 9:00am-4:00pm (1st October to 31st March); open Sundays tel: 01296 382307. London Road, Amersham - open daily 8.00-18.00. Trade waste also accepted. Additional recycling centres taking glass, paper, cans, and plastic are at Waitrose, Burkes Road, Beacon Centre and Sainsbury’s car parks. Waitrose car park also takes textiles. For further information on the environment and recycling waste see the website:

Registrars of Births, Deaths, Marriages & Civil Partnerships - Beaconsfield Old Town Registration Office, 29 Windsor End, Beaconsfield HP9 2JJ. By appointment only.

Births and Deaths 01494 475200/Marriages and Civil Partnerships 01494 475092

Relate (formerly Marriage Guidance) - for appointments, call Relate (Chesham) on 01494 791180 or (Wycombe) 01628 625320.

South Bucks District Council - Telephone: 01895 837200,

The Friends of St Mary’s - A charity to preserve, maintain and update the church. Contact Eddie Weiss on 01494 673479 or [email protected]

Tooth Booth NHS Dentist - 28 Aylesbury End, HP9 1LW, Beaconsfield 01494 730940. Open on Saturday mornings.

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


NEWS FROM THE TOWN HALL1. Sandy Saunders Chair of the VE Day Anniversary Arrangements gives readers a taster of what they might expect to see at the Commemorative Exhibition in the Town Hall (5th-9th May).

The setting was a dentist’s waiting room. I was in conversation with another patient. Quite how the subject of WWII arose is still a mystery, but very early on she and I were discussing the newly announced Government change of the May Bank holiday to the 8th May, to coincide with the 75th Anniversary of VE-day. I told her about the Tea Party planned for that afternoon, where I hoped that 3 nonagenarians who had served with HM Forces, the Emergency Services and the Women’s Land Army would attend. I added that I was keen to find family members whose relatives were no longer with us, who might have letters, stories, medals and other memorabilia which could be loaned to the Council to be displayed at the .Commemorative Exhibition, which will take place in the Town Hall Chamber.She emailed me:

“My mum was a local girl who was 13 when war was declared in 1939. Mum had two brothers who both went on to join the navy. Both boys left home within weeks of

each other as the older brother was a baker so his application was deferred for a year. Both my sister and I have photos of them in their uniforms. Plus other links to their lives in Beaconsfield. Our dad was posted to Wilton Park where we knew he worked with the German prisoners. What we didn’t know until recently was that he was part of MI6 and we only found that out by chance, nearly 25 years after his death.”If her email jogs the memories of any readers who may also have letters, telegrams, stories or decorations which help to tell the story of their family’s contribution to the 1939-45 war effort, please contact me - sandy.saunders@ 2. Safer cycling routes to schools and improvements to payments and street lightingThe implementation of the above items, as set down in the Town Plan, has been expanded to promote the recent proposed cycle paths. However, they cannot yet be formally designated as Cycleways as the Secretary of State would first need a public enquiry. Holding such an enquiry could be costly and the likely costs are being investigated before proceeding further.Sandy Saunders

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202034

THE BEACONSFIELD COMMUNITY FESTIVAL The Beaconsfield Community Festival including the VE Day celebrations will take place between May 1st and 17th 2020.We hope that residents of Beaconsfield will enjoy and support the festival events so please note the dates and look out for more details coming soon.


May 1st

‘Wilton Park’s Secret History in World War II and its Legacy’. Speaker - Sarah Pattison. Venue - The Fitzwilliams Centre. Organised by The Beaconsfield Society. Tickets £10 from the library.

May 3rd Pet Church Service. Bring along your well-behaved pets at 10am. St Mary & All Saint’s Church.

May 5th – 9th

VE Day Exhibition at the Town Hall. 10am - 4pm daily. Displays revealing local stories and events occurring during WWII in Beaconsfield or relating to Beaconsfield residents and relatives.

May 7th Concert to celebrate the end of WWII at the URC Church in Aylesbury End. Concert starts 1pm. No tickets required. Donations gratefully received.

May 4th – 10th Poppy Cascade in St Mary and All Saint’s churchyard with a display in the porch.

May 8th

3.15pm Pipers playing ‘Battle O’er’ and ‘VE 75 year tune’ and the Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of WWII.

3.30-6pm Tea party for over 65 year olds to include food, music and entertainment. Venue - the Masonic Hall. Tickets £2 available via lunch and tea clubs, residential homes or by phoning Debbie 01494 680289 (please leave a message) from March 1st.

7.00pm Ringing out for Peace.

7.15 for 7.45 Film -‘Their Finest’ – a comedy-drama starring Gemma Arterton, Sam Claflin and Bill Nighy set in 1940 at the height of WWII. The film tells the story of a British Ministry of Information film team, an unlikely ensemble of characters, making a morale-boosting film about the Dunkirk evacuation. Venue - the NFTS. Tickets in advance only - £10 available from the library to include a drink.

May 8th – 10thBekonscot VE Day events including street party themed workshops. Multiple children’s fun games and activities. The Nation’s Toast will take place at 3pm.



Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


BEACONSFIELD RUNNING SISTERSAre you interested in learning to run, starting to run again, improving your fitness level, meeting new friends and having fun!If your answer is YES, we invite you to attend the following:Running for beginners and returners - six week course

The course starts on Thursday 9th April at 7.00pm at the Reading Room, 10-12 Wycombe End, Beaconsfield Old Town HP9 1ND. The cost is

£20.00. You must be at least 18 years of age! Women only!For more information phone 07928 444521 or email [email protected]


May 8th – 10th Exhibition in the Fitzwilliams Centre by the Bucks Art Society.

May 10th VE Day Commemoration Church Service, 10am St Mary & All Saint’s Church.

May 11thThe Charter Fair, Beaconsfield Old Town. Afternoon until late. Parking available until 9.30pm at The Beaconsfield School £3/car.

May 14th-16th‘The Wedding Singer’ performed by the Beaconsfield Musical and Operatic Society. Venue - The Curzon Centre. 7.45pm Thurs – Sat; matinee Sat 2.30pm.

May 16th

RAF Halton area band performing at St Thomas’s Hall

St Michael’s Church Spring Fair and Plant Sale. Venue - St Michaels Church. Free admission.

‘Misbehaviour’ is a British Drama set in 1970 when the Women’s Liberation Movement decides to protest against the Miss World Pageant. Venue - NFTS 7.15pm for an 8pm start. Tickets £18 to include a drink & canapes. Box office details available end February.

May 15th – 17th

Beaconsfield School PTFA Art & Craft Fair. Fri-7.30pm-9pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 11am-3pm. Free parking and entry. Workshops and demonstrations as well as art and local handmade crafts for sale. Venue - The Beaconsfield School.

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202036

A.H. Tripp & Son Ltd Established 1867


Packaging materials for sale Reg. Office: 34 Aylesbury End

Beaconsfield Tel: 01494 675594

GARDEN TRENDS FOR 2020What plans do you have for your garden this year? Probably you will slow down on the digging, and maybe try making some mud pies by your new bee hotel instead. These are among the predictions of The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). The RHS reports a growing desire among gardeners to keep their soil healthy by adopting a ‘no dig’ philosophy, which limits damage to soil structure and wildlife.As for mud pies, the RHS hopes that more parents will tempt their children into the garden to enjoy themselves with simple fun and also to enjoy the benefits of soil bacteria on their immune system.And bee hotels? They are just one of many ways in which we can take positive steps towards helping nature. Gardens need to be a bit less tidy, with seed heads left for the birds to eat, fallen logs left for the hedgehogs and beetles to sleep in and piles of dead grass and weeds for

our woodlice and other small crawlies. Gardens also need simple ponds and plants for pollinators. Clipped shrubs, manicured lawns and pesticides do not help nature at all.As Guy Barter, RHS chief horticulturalist says: “There’s a rising tide of concern about the environment…. In the garden at least we can have some control. Now we are all wildlife gardeners, helping songbirds, helping beetles and woodlice.”

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


Dial codes (01494) unless stated otherwise.Our charges are 5p a character per month for a minimum of 3 issues.

To advertise contact Margaret on 07919 028741

Accountant (Chartered Management)Accounting, taxation and payroll services for Sole Traders, Partnerships and Limited Companies. References available on request. Gillian McAlister (FCMA) 01494 670375.

Alison Mobile Hair DesignQuality hairdressing in the peace and quiet of your own home. Tel: 07980 469208.

Chiltern Furniture RestorationFrench Polishers, Furniture Repairs, Upholsterers. Ring 01494 438052.

Dog Walker Do you want your dog to get more exercise going on walks? Please call me to discuss how I can help out. I am based in Beaconsfield. Natasha 01494 670869.

Driveway & Patio CleaningBeaconsfield 676923/07732 717328.

ElectricianBob Reid: 01628 819209.

Furniture Repairs/ReupholsteryRegluing loose chair joints, repolishing, all jobs large or small.Telephone Steve: 816115.

Garden maintenanceFree quotations call Adam Willis Tel: 01494 256195 Mobile: 07894 390084.

HairdresserI am a mature freelance and salon based professional hairdresser with a passion for my work. I will visit you in your home, to restyle and colour or just re-shape your hair. I will look forward to meeting you.

For an appointment please call Susie on 07761 822989.

Local, reliable lady Available for ironing. Please contact: Erika on 01494 816115.

Patio and driveway cleaning and restorationFree quotations call Adam Willis Tel: 01494 256195 Mobile: 07894 390084.

Piano TunerFully qualified; over 20 years’ experience. Telephone Gill Green. Marlow (01628) 485942.

Property MaintenanceAll types of work undertaken. No job too small. Tel: 672075.

The Car Clinic of BeaconsfieldFor all car servicing/maintenance. Free collection/delivery. All work guaranteed. Fully skilled, dealer trained, technician. Tel: Ian 771342.

WeldingSmall jobs. Call Peter 676923.

Yoga (Hatha) & Meditation ClassesMonday mornings 10.00am-11.15am, Thursday mornings 10.30am-11.45am Beaconsfield Old Town (free parking). Expectant mums welcome. Private classes offered. Also seated yoga/tai chi given on a 1:1 basis. Amanda Green, DipFRYOG (Excellent) on 01494 474698 or [email protected]


It is always advisable to obtain an estimate before agreeing to have work

undertaken. While the Community Magazine endeavours to serve the

community we cannot take responsibility for the services supplied, or claims made,

by our advertisers.

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202038

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020



Interior and Exterior Painting and Decorating

Professional and Reliable Service Quality Workmanship Guaranteed

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Buckinghamshire and Surrounding Area

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Soft Furnishings Specialist

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Competitive prices

Tel: 01844 342135Mob: 07850 592075

Photographic Services STUDIO 67

Specialising in Family & Children’s Portraits, Weddings, Passports and

commercial work Beaconsfield Town Hall HP9 2PP

Tel: 01494 681595 Mob: 07717 330601


Tree Pruning/Topped/Felling Hedge Cutting & Lowering High Pressure cleaning Winter tidy-up

Call Peter - 676923 07732 717328

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202040


We welcome anyone and everyone who is interested in the arts or healthcare and the positive impact that art can have on people’s livesOn Thursday 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th March from 7.30pm – 9.30pm at St Thomas’ Church, Mayflower Way, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 1UF.Each evening includes time for inspiration from a theme, reflection, artmaking, dialogue and listening. You are welcome to come for just one evening or to enjoy the whole series of four, each of which will focus our thinking on a different theme.During the workshop, we see how artmaking helps us make sense of ourselves and our place in the world, our personal stories and themes drawn from the season of Lent. Participants test this out, by making their own art, seeing the positive difference this process can have.Participants’ involvement in the workshop takes them on a journey along their own path through life,

which they may express in a number of different art-forms. The event provides the opportunity for creative, inclusive artmaking, in a variety of media. Participants can work with painting, collage, sculpture, film, photography, performance or dance. Participants discover that the art they make provides words, is telling, is transformative.This workshop is not a ‘usual’ art class

- it’s not about learning how to draw, it’s about expression and sharing. We welcome all people, anyone who is curious about what art can do. There is no charge, but please register before the day. For more information and to register, please contact: Michael Johnson [email protected] or phone 07737 477193Held in collaboration between Time to Change Bucks, the Anglican Parish of Beaconsfield, artSmart, Better Connected Beaconsfield and Stage-Fright Theatre Community.

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020



The Rotary Club of Gerrards Cross & Chalfont St Peter is extending a warm invitation to attend their gala dinner with special guest speaker Frederick Forsyth

- author, journalist, spy and occasional political commentator.Taking place on Saturday 28th March, please arrive at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. The dinner is being held at Gerrards Cross Golf Club and the organisers are using this glamorous event to raise funds for local charity Rennie Grove Hospice Care.After a 3-course dinner there will be an auction and raffle and the opportunity to hear more about Frederick’s fascinating and action-packed career in his after-dinner talk.The Rotary Club has chosen Rennie Grove Hospice Care as beneficiary of funds raised at the dinner following the care the charity provided to Nigel Foxwell, the late husband of club member Donna Foxwell.To purchase your ticket, £60.00, for what

promises to be a wonderful evening please contact [email protected] or call 01753 891877.

CANCER RESEARCH UK – FILM NIGHTA date for your diary - Saturday 16th May.Beaconsfield Friends of Cancer Research UK is organising a film evening at the National Film & Television School, 141 Station Rd, Beaconsfield, on Saturday 16th May at 7.15pm for an 8.00pm start.

Tickets are £18 to include a drink & canapes. The chosen film, Misbehaviour, is not yet

on general release. It is a British drama that tells the story of the 1970 Miss World competition and how the Women’s Liberation Movement hatched a plan to disrupt the pageant.

The film stars Keira Knightly, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Keeley Hawes, Lesley Manville, Jessie Buckley, Phyllis Logan and Greg Kinnear.

GGaallaa DDiinnnneerr With guest speaker Frederick Forsyth

SSaattuurrddaayy 2288 MMaarrcchh 22002200 77ppmm ffoorr 77::3300ppmm GGeerrrraarrddss CCrroossss GGoollff CClluubb,, CChhaallffoonntt PPaarrkk,, GGeerrrraarrddss CCrroossss,, SSLL99 00QQAA DDrreessss;; LLoouunnggee SSuuiitt AAuuccttiioonn aanndd RRaaffffllee ££6600 ppeerr ttiicckkeett FFoorr ttiicckkeettss ccoonnttaacctt DDoonnnnaa FFooxxwweellll ddmmffooxxwweellll@@iicclloouudd..ccoomm 0011775533 889911887777

The Rotary Club of Gerrards Cross and Chalfont St Peter invite you to their Registered Charity No. 1054714

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202042


The Real Easter Egg campaign has been running since 2010 and involves thousands of churches, schools and groups. It crosses all denominations and offers individuals a simple way to share the Easter Story while supporting Fairtrade and charitable projects. The idea began in 2008 when I was given a chocolate Easter egg. On the side of the box it read: ‘Easter is the festival of chocolate and loveliness.’ I began to wonder - was it right for the manufacturer of an Easter egg to change the meaning of a religious festival in this way? Imagine the outcry if this had been done to Christmas.I searched for an Easter egg which mentioned the Christian story of Easter. It became clear that out of the 80 million eggs on sale there was not a single manufacturer who was willing to mention the religious aspects of the festival. So, I started The Meaningful Chocolate Company to manufacture the UK’s first Real Easter Egg.For it to be a Real Easter Egg, it had to reflect the Easter themes of hope and new life and do three things - have a copy of the Easter story in the box, be made from Fairtrade chocolate and support charitable causes.The Real Easter Egg was launched in 2010. It was a struggle, as the supermarkets turned down the idea. It was left to churches and schools to place orders and fund the making of the egg.Ten years on, more than a million eggs have been sold, with over 750,000 sent through the post directly to customers. The rest have been sold through retailers

and supermarkets.Nearly £275,000 has been donated to charitable projects with Fairtrade premium fees paid to farmers, allowing them to buy everything from school books to solar panels and provide fresh water.For Easter 2020, there are five types of eggs available, all with new content. Each egg has an edition of the Easter story included. There is a new 24-page version in the Original and Dark eggs with activities, biblical text and a prize competition worth £200. There is a poster activity version of the Easter story in the Sharing Box and a simple guide version in the Special Edition. Both the Original and Dark 2020 eggs are free of plastic packaging and all our chocolate is palm oil free. Read more or order at

David Marshall Founding director of the Meaningful Chocolate Company

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202044


Construction Patios

Driveways Hard landscaping

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Phone: 01494 578427 Mob: 07931 735204 [email protected] I

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020



Thinking of selling your Jewellery?

Mallams specialist Louise Dennis FGA DGA, is available to give free con idential valuations on any piece(s) you are considering selling at auction.

Home visits also available

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Stay in the home you love Universal Care has been caring for people in their own homes in Beaconsfield and surrounding areas for over 30 years.

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Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202046

Residential Care Home in Beaconsfield Old TownRecently refurbished Bradbury House provides exceptional

care in the heart of Beaconsfield for 41 residents.

Visit our website for more information or call us on 01494 671780

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Held in Beaconsfield and Gerrards Cross Our 2019 / 20 Programme

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Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020



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Sales 01494 680018Lettings 01494 685518Visit our website for an instant ONLINE

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202048

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


Tel: 01844 261769 Mob: 07802 213381

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For personal, helpful service, please call

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Anxiety? Weight challenges? Have you tried hypnotherapy /

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A. StrideHeating & Plumbing

Roofing • General BuildingPainting & Decorating

Replastering & Guttering ServiceFree Estimates

Tel: 01494 440219Mobile: 07973 439781

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202050

Beaconsfield Friends of Cancer Research

Bridge Drive Monday 23rd March 1.45 for 2.00pm start

Prize giving at 4.45pm The Fitzwilliams Centre,

HP9 2JW £40 per table includes

afternoon tea Contact 01494 673140

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 2020


Kim PerryChiropodist

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Kim PerryChiropodist



Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202052

Please send your contributions for our April issue no later than 8th March to [email protected]

Adult Learning WEA courses 46 Architects Michael Dales 39 Carpentry Paul Burkey 51 Stephen O’Connell 51 Carpets & Flooring Beaconsfield Carpets 50 Computers Learn to love your PC 43 Decorators N Gillie 50 T Hayward 39 King Decorations 51 Shakespeare Decorating 43 Estate Agents Ashington Page 47 Fairs & Events Art in Mind 40 Beaconsfield running Sisters 35 Bridge drive 50 Charity Film night 41 Chiltern Textile Showcase 29 Daffodil walk 18 Gala dinner 41 Lent lunches 5 Lenten Reflections 12 Living well, dying well 10 Financial Services John Whittenbury 36 Footwear Wainwright’s 38 Funeral Directors Arnold Funeral Services 47

Garden Services Beaconsfield Garden 39 Norman Cox fencing, sheds & garden furniture 49 Penn Landscapes 49 Pukka Planting 43 Health Care Chiropodist Kim Perry 51 Hypnotherapy 49 Pediworx 38 Home Furnishings Westcot House 44 Home Maintenance & Improvements All Services (A Stride) 49 Heating & plumbing 47 Paving & construction 44 Plumbing & heating Back cover Professional Handyman 39 Home Services eXtremeclean 49 Housekeeping 47 L K Pestaway 47 Removers (A H Tripp) 36 The 50plus Independence In Your Home 50 The Oven Man 51 Medical Insurance M&L Healthcare Solutions 48 Photographic Services Studio 67 39 Residential & Home Care Bradbury House 46 Oxford Aunts Care 38 Universal Care 45

Soft Furnishings Anne Wilkinson Curtains 39 Graham Blake 49 Valuations Mallams 45 Weddings, Parties etc Curzon Centre Back cover Halls 32 Windows & Doors Warwick Doors 50

Please also refer to the Small Advertisements on page 37

Index of Advertisers

It is always advisable to obtain an estimate before agreeing to have work undertaken. While the Community Magazine endeavours to serve the community we cannot take responsibility for the

services supplied, or claims made by our advertisers.

St Teresa’s R.C. Church Warwick Road


Parish Priest: Monsignor Sean Healy

The Presbytery, 40 Warwick Road HP9 2PL Tel: 01494 673018

Parish Office email: [email protected]

Hope Church Beaconsfield(

Pastor and Lead Elder: Tom Williams

Church Office, Baring Road HP9 2NE Tel: 01494 675185

Free Methodist Church Shepherds LaneChurch Secretary: Tel: 01494 681321

Latimer Minster (

Rector:Frog Orr-Ewing

Stampwell Farm, Oxford Road HP9 2XDOffice Manager & PA to the Rector:

Rachel McKeeTel: 0300 303 8800

email: [email protected]

United Reformed ChurchAylesbury End


Minister:Revd. Nigel Douglas

Tel: 01494 673490 & 07714 [email protected]

Church Secretary:Dorothy MulcockTel: 01494 676828

email: [email protected]

United Reformed Church HoltspurMinister:

Revd. Nigel DouglasTel: 01494 673490 & 07714 871505

[email protected]

Church Secretary: Joyce Crang

Tel: 01494 866251

Religious Society of Friends

(Quakers) - JordansFriends Meeting House, Welders Lane

Jordans HP9 2SNClerk:

Michael Phipps Tel: 01494 876594

email: [email protected]

Mass or ‘Word & Communion’ - 9.30am Monday - FridayVigil Mass for Sunday - 6.00pm Saturday

Sung Mass with Folk Group 8.45am Sunday (with children’s liturgy)Sung Mass with Choir - 11.30am Sunday


Family Service 10.00am (crèche and children’s ministry)

Morning Worship & Holy Communion 10.30am (1st Sunday)

All Age Family Service 9.30am (2nd Sunday)

Morning Worship 10.30am (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sunday)

(Crèche and Junior Church available at all 10.30am Services)

Morning Worship - 10.00amHoly Communion - Monthly

Young at HeartMonday afternoons 2.30pm – 4.00pm

Morning Worship - 10.45am (with Sunday School and Young People’s activities)(Family Service 2nd Sunday; Communion 1st Sunday)

Meeting for Worship and Children’s Meeting10.30am

Morning service - 10.30am (refreshments served from 10.00am)

Children’s church during service (for children and youth aged 0-18 years)

Beaconsfield Community Magazine - March 202054

ISSN 2397-7809Cover Illustration: Daffodils at Cliveden

Chiltern DirectoriesL I M I T E D


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tel. 07712816336 (Jan)tel. 07500048230 (Coralie)


PREMIUMPlumbing and HeatingSpecialists in Plumbing, Heating & Bathroom Installations

Tel: 01494 256175Michael: 07737 007809Glynn: 07834 [email protected]