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BBC Children in Need Grant Funded Projects South and West and Channel Isles

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BBC Children in NeedGrant Funded ProjectsSouth and West and Channel Isles



Adur Kangaroos £69,023 This project will provide weekend play sessions and holiday activities for disabled children. Children will have a choice of activities and will increase their confidence, improve their social skills and make new friends.

Basingstoke and Deane

Home-Start North West Hampshire

£31,050 This project will provide weekly group sessions to multiple birth families and young mothers experiencing parenting difficulties. Children will learn to play together and make new friendships, improve family relationships and confidence.

Basingstoke and Deane

Sebastian’s Action Trust £98,301 The project will provide counselling and art therapy to life-limited children and young people and their brothers and sisters to help them and cope with bereavement. Children & young people will experience increased emotional well-being and better coping skills.

Bath & North East Somerset

Off The Record Bath & North East Somerset

£78,187 This project will provide advocacy support to disabled children and young people, by representing and explaining their views and wishes. This will reduce barriers and empower young people to feel more confident and independent.

Bath & North East Somerset

South Side Family Project £77,274 This project will provide play therapy to children who have experienced domestic violence and abuse. It will help the children to be happier, more confident and able to manage their emotions.

Bath & North East Somerset

Bath Area Play Project £9,933 This grant will deliver weekly sessions for disabled young people, to support them to keep safe, have healthy lifestyles and increase their skills and independence.

South and West and Channel IslesBBC Children in Need supported-projects as at November 2015.



Bath & North East Somerset

Developing Health and Independence (DHI)

£93,560 This project works with disadvantaged young people who are vulnerable due to their alcohol use. The project aims to reduce alcohol related harm, improve mental health and help young people to access alcohol support.

Bath & North East Somerset

Percy Community Centre £6,074 This project provides a weekly youth club for young people experiencing socio-economic disadvantage. The activities including sports and trips will increase confidence and aspirations and improve relationships with peers and adults.

Bath & North East Somerset

South West Action for Learning and Living Our Way

£8,736 This project will provide an after school youth club for disabled young people. This will enable the young people to build friendships and become more independent and confident.

Bath & North East Somerset

Three Ways School £30,301 This project provides lunchtime and after school activities for disabled childrne and young people. Activities provided such as trampolining and fishing help increase confidence, communication skills and expectations for themselves,

Bournemouth Bournemouth Churches Housing Association

£60,000 This project will fund a child support worker to help children & young people who are staying in refuges. Children and young people will receive 1-2-1, group support & learn new skills, resulting in better relationships and confidence.

Bournemouth Diverse Abilities Plus Limited £15,183 This project provides open play sessions for disabled children and young people during the school holidays. The sessions will help to increase confidence, reduce isolation and improve family relationships.

Bournemouth Home-Start South East Dorset £28,867 This project will provide structured play sessions for disadvangaged pre-school children and their parents. This will help to increase the children’s social interaction, speech and language development and increase their self- confidence.

Bournemouth International Care Network £9,960 This project will deliver a homework club and crèche for children from asylum seeker or refugee families. By attending the club children will have help with their school work, become less isolated and have improved family relationships.



Bournemouth Linwood School Charitable Trust £8,976 This project will provide a monthly Saturday youth club for disabled children and young people. This will help to improve social skills, increase independence and the chance to develop and increase friendships.

Bournemouth Springbourne Family Centre £113,983 This project will provide structured play and support for deprived children to improve emotional health and social and communication skills.

Bristol Acta Community Theatre £60,000 This project will provide a weekly youth theatre and school holiday activities for young carers, the sessions will enable young people to feel less isolated, gain new skills and feel more confident.

Bristol Basement Studio £26,090 This project offers music sessions for children and young people living in deprivation. The young people gain a support network, develop confidence and have access to better opportunities.

Bristol Bristol Refugee Rights £75,789 This project will run a crèche for asylum seekers and refugee children. This safe play space will help reduce distress and improve communication and language skills.

Bristol Jessie May Trust £83,296 This project will provide a nurse to care for terminally ill children and young people in their own homes aiming to reduce stress and trauma on the young person, increasing the relationships in the family and quality of life.

Bristol Knowle West Media Centre £86,106 This project will provide a wide range of media based activities for young people living in a disadvantaged area. The after school and holiday sessions will have a positive impact on educational attainment, improve digital literacy and creative skills.

Bristol Lawrence Weston Community Farm

£37,399 This project offers disadvantaged young people the opportunity to volunteer on the farm at weekends and during the school holidays. This will help young people to learn new skills, improve their behaviour and confidence. The project also promotes healthy living.

Bristol Life Cycle UK £47,817 This project will teach disadvantaged young people to repair and build bikes as well as ride them safely. Through taking part in the activities it will help to improve physical fitness and confidence, broaden horizons and have fun.



Bristol Rosemary Early Years Centre £17,137 This project will work with children living in deprived areas who are experiencing disadvantage. The children will attend Forest school camps and in doing so will become more confident, have improved emotional well being and communication skills.

Bristol WECIL Ltd £81,840 This project will provide inclusive support and activities for disabled and disadvantaged children and young people. The sessions will help break down barriers between disabled and non-disabled young people, improve confidence and help build new skills.

Bristol Wish for a Brighter Future £118,312 This project will provide 1-2-1 support for young people who are exhibiting violent and aggressive behaviour due to experiencing distress. It will help to increase self-confidence and improve family relationships.

Bristol Youth Moves Ltd £85,890 This project will provide 1-2-1 mentoring and activities to young people experiencing multiple deprivation. Young people will have improved emotional well-being, feel less isolated and have increased aspirations for themselves.

Bristol Children’s HIV Association £153,310 This project works with young people living with HIV. The young people are supported through regular residential activities and an online forum and website. As a result, young people feel more empowered and have increased confidence and self-esteem.

Bristol BAND Ltd £2,125 This project will deliver workshops for children living in poverty. Through taking part in the activities, children and young people will improve their skills and behaviour, increase in confidence and make new friends.

Bristol Barton Hill Settlement Family Playcentre

£71,265 This project will encourage disadvantaged families and their young children to attend sessions and gain support from the local family centre. This will help to reduce isolation, increase social and play skills and provide some fun.

Bristol Bluebell Playgroup £10,000 This project is for young children and their mothers who have experienced mental health problems. It will help to improve the children’s development, increase self-esteem and enhance their life chances.



Bristol Bristol Musicspace £9,370 This project provides music therapy sessions for young disabled children to develop their listening and communication skills.

Bristol Family Centre (Deaf Children) £6,754 This project will offer activities and trips for hearing impaired children and young people. This will enable young people to have fun, develop friendships and become more confident and independent.

Bristol Hartcliffe & Withywood Teenage Parents Project

£99,414 This project works with teenage parents, particularly young mothers and their children to decrease isolation, improve life skills and raise confidence and aspirations.

Bristol Keynsham & District Mencap Society

£10,000 This project will provide a Saturday club for disabled children and young people and includes activities such as pizza making and art therapy. This provides a safe environment to meet new friends and build confidence, whilst also offering respite to families.

Bristol Mothers for Mothers £10,000 This project will deliver two postnatal depression support groups for young mothers and play activities for pre-school children. This will improve social skills, develop relationships and improve emotional well-being.

Bristol Travelling Light Theatre Company

£9,484 This project offers weekly therapeutic drama sessions to children and young people with complex needs. In this safe space, children and young people will be able to increase confidence and improve communication and social skills.

Bristol UBU Volunteering £9,500 This project supports young carers through monthly sessions and fun activities such as bowling and boat trips. This will provide the children and young people with positive experiences, help develop relationships and build confidence.

Cheltenham Winston’s Wish £109,568 This project will offer direct support to young people before, during and after bereavement to help them begin to deal with their grief and explore difficult feelings.

Cherwell Sunrise Multicultural Project £77,397 This project will provide after-school clubs, weekend sessions and activities for children and young people of Pakistani and Muslim heritage. Children and young people will have improved confidence and communication skills and have greater aspirations.



Chichester Home Start Chichester & District £10,000 This project will provide support to disadvanteaged children and families experiencing a range of issues, enabling them to form better relationships, learn more about personal safety and increase their self esteem.

Chichester Lifecentre £73,090 This project will provide a counselling service to children & young people who have experienced sexual abuse and rape. Young people will have improved confidence and self-esteem, develop coping skills and learn strategies to keep safe.

Chichester Youth Dream (Selsey) Ltd £7,568 This project will offer focused, issue-based workshop to young people living in low income families. Young people will have increased confidence and self-esteem, devlope their life skills and have improved aspirations

Christchurch Christchurch Activities for Young People CIC

£17,200 This project will support children and young from low income families who have a variety of needs. By taking part in drama activities they will learn new creative skills, improve their self-esteem and increase their life skills.

Cornwall Active 8 £17,400 This project runs monthly residential weekends for disabled teenagers. It enables them to try a range of new activities, learn new skills and make friends. The young people will be less isolated, grow in independence, confidence and well-being.

Cornwall BF Adventure £53,783 This project will support disabled children and young people to access a range of outdoor activity sessions. This will help them to learn new skills, increase their confidence and the chance to have some fun and meet other children.

Cornwall Carefree - Fostering Independence Cornwall

£99,491 This project will provide peer mentoring to young people in care. The young people will be better able to manage relationships, increase self-esteem and become more self-aware.

Cornwall Children’s Hospice South West £88,708 This project will work with life-limited children and their siblings. It will provide activities to enrich their time at the hospice and give them the chance to have some fun and make new friends.



Cornwall Circo Kernow (Swamp Circus Trust)

£64,963 This project will provide weekend and after-school activities and educational programmes for disadvantaged children using circus and dance skills. Children and young people will have improved health and confidence.

Cornwall CLEAR (children linked to & experiencing abusive relationships)

£42,700 By providing counselling for children and young people who have witnessed or been directly affected by abuse, this project will help to improve their ability to cope with difficult situations, develop better relationship skills and feel safer.

Cornwall Communities 4 Kids £9,995 This project will provide access to play opportunities for disabled children and young people. By taking part in the activities it will help to increase independence, become less isolated and give them the chance to have fun and make new friends.

Cornwall Cornwall Advocacy £106,315 This project will represent and explain the views and wishes of learning disabled young people at the stage where they are making the move from childhood to adulthood. It will increase their independence and confidence.

Cornwall CORNWALL DEAF CENTRE £3,772 This project provides indoor and outdoor play sessions to children who are deaf or experiencing hearing impairments. This activities will enable the children to have fun playing with other children and to develop friendships.

Cornwall Cornwall Women’s Refuge Trust £10,000 This grant offers support to children and young people who have been affected either indirectly or directly by domestic abuse & violence. The organisation provide home based activities, outings/day trips, therapy and anger coping sessions.

Cornwall Hayle Youth Project £10,000 This project will provide after school and holiday activities to children and young people who face a range of disadvantages. By taking part in the sessions it will help to improve social skills and increase confidence and self-esteem.



Cornwall LGBTQ Youth Cornwall £9,000 This project provides support for young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. The group offers a safe space for young people to explore issues, socialise and receive support, helping to reduce isolation and increase confidence.

Cornwall Penhaligon’s Friends £95,232 The project helps children who have suffered a bereavement of a close family member or friend. With a variety of support, activities and bereavement days it helps the children feel that they are not alone in their experiences and rebuilds their confidence.

Cornwall Pentreath Ltd £9,770 This grant will deliver one-to-one support for young people not in education or employment who are also experiencing mental illness, and engage them in various activities to assist their social interaction and increase their wellbeing.

Cornwall The Dracaena Centre £9,005 This grant enables young people who are not in education or employment to be trained to become Dracaena ‘Activators’ and then deliver play activity days for up to 60 younger disadvantaged children. It will increase confidence and provide skills.

Cornwall TravellerSpace £102,659 This project will provide support and activities to Gypsy & traveller children and young people. Through taking part in the sessions it will help to reduce isolation, and increase access to education, employment and training.

Cornwall Trelya £84,716 The project will support disadvantaged children by providing activities with positive adult role models. Through 1-2-1 work and small group work the children will be encouraged to develop a healthier lifestyle and increase aspirations.

Cornwall Wave Project £60,033 This project will provide surfing lessons to young people who are experiencing mental and emotional health problems. The project will improve confidence and help the young people make friends and learn new skills.

Cornwall West Cornwall Women’s Aid £99,092 This project provides support and activities for children and young people living in a refuge. The children will gain confidence, rebuild relationships and remain safe from harm.



Cornwall White Gold Cornwall CIC £53,131 This project will support vulnerable young people with behaviour issues or who are at risk of offending. It will provide support and mentoring to develop life skills, improve self confidence and reduce offending.

Cornwall WILD Young Parents Project £59,566 This project will deliver peer training on domestic abuse issues for young mums, helping them and their children feel safer and more relaxed in family relationships.

Cornwall Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (Cornwall)

£86,935 This project will provide creative workshops for girls who are victims of sexual or domestic abuse. The sessions will help to increase self-esteem, raise confidence and reduce isolation.

Cornwall YMCA Cornwall £73,282 This project will provide youth club activities and advice for children and young people with a range of disadvantages. It will help to increase self-esteem, develop social skills and increase their involvement in the local community.

Cornwall Young People Cornwall £72,673 This project will provide youth clubs and advice for children and young people from disadvantage areas. This will help to develop skills and increase self-confidence.

Cotswold Cirencester Opportunity Group £46,797 This project will provide a weekly musical learning programme for learning disabled children and those with special needs. Children will make new friends, be better able to communicate and reach key development milestones

Cotswold Churn Neighbourhood Project £30,868 This project will provide holiday activities and outings for disadvantaged children. The young people will build friendships, improve their confidence and build happy memories.

East Devon Link-up £9,500 This project will support learning disabled young people through the Safe Place Support Scheme. By giving them the knowledge about the scheme and providing safe spaces and support it will help to develop life skills, increase independence and confidence.

East Devon Dwarf Sport Association UK £10,000 This project will provide two recreational weekends for children and young people affected by restricted growth. The activities will provide new opportunities, reduce isolation and develop friendships.



East Hampshire Home-Start Weywater £15,129 This Project provides support, weekly activities and holidays for pre-school children affected by disability, terminal illness, mental health problems and social isolation, many from military families. Children will have healthier lifestyles and reduced risky or harmful behaviour.

East Hampshire Kings Arms £26,634 The project works with young people experiencing family breakdown or in danger of exclusion from schools. It provides anger management courses and mentoring. The young people improve their mental and social well-being and perform better in school.

Eastleigh Eastleigh Youth & Community Trust

£49,102 This project will provide safe cycling opportunities for children and young people with disabilities using specially adapted cycles. Children and young people will improve their health and well-being and feel more confident.

Exeter Community Equality Disability Action (CEDA)

£10,000 This project provides a range of fun trips and activities for disabled children and young people. Through taking part in the activities the children will have increased self-esteem, the chance to make new friends and to reduce isolation.

Exeter Home-Start Exeter and East Devon

£47,660 This project will support disadvantaged children by providing group family sessions where they can play, learn and read. The sessions will help to improve the children’s confidence and social skills.

Exeter Living Options Devon £9,967 This project will provide a monthly group for children and young people of deaf adults. The sessions will help the children to forge friendships, to feel less isolated and increase self-esteem and confidence.

Exeter Socops £9,462 This project provides a youth club activity programme, working with children and young people on the Autistic spectrum. Children and young people will experience improved confidence and self-esteem, and have increased independence and social inclusion.

Exeter Superact! C.I.C. £9,135 This project will provide a variety of art projects to young people who are living in temporary accommodation or who are homeless. The sessions will help the young people to feel more positive, increase peer relationships and develop confidence.



Exeter University of Exeter Students’ Guild: Community Action

£9,980 In the summer holidays this project will provide activities for young carers. It will give them the chance to have fun with their peers, and help to improve their self-esteem and confidence.

Exeter Stop Abuse for Everyone £114,885 This project provides one to one and group support for children and young people who have been affected by domestic violence. By taking part in the sessions it will help to improve their self-esteem, enable them to feel safer and improve family relationships.

Fareham 4Children £8,829 This project provides group support for young parents aged under 18, which will help to reduce isolation, increase life skills, raise confidence and self-esteem.

Fareham The YOU Trust £9,960 This project will provide 1-2-1 counselling and group support for children and young people who have been affected by domestic violence. Children and young people will have improved emotional well-being and self-esteem and better family relationships.

Forest of Dean Cinderford Area Neighbourhood Development Initiative

£5,900 This project will provide dance and music sessions to disadvantaged children and young people. Through attending these sessions young people will enhance their social and creative skills, improve in confidence and have increased aspirations.

Forest of Dean Crossroads Care - Forest of Dean & Herefordshire

£9,943 This project runs two weekly youth clubs for high functioning young people on the autistic spectrum. The activities are designed to build confidence, develop personal and social skills and enhance wellbeing.

Forest of Dean Forest Of Dean Childrens Opps Centre

£110,749 This project will provide specialist pre-school years support to disabled children with additional or complex needs. Play and learning activities will help children become less socially isolated, more confident and able to learn new skills.

Forest of Dean Restricted Growth Association £9,950 This project will provide a residental event for children and young people with restricted growth. The activities and workshops will provide information and support to children who will be able to share their experiences, improve confidence and make friends.



Forest of Dean Teens In Crisis £9,820 This project provides 1-1 counselling sessions with young people who have or are experiencing emotional trauma such as abuse, bullying and bereavement. The sessions will help build self esteem, improve relationships and help young people to manage their emotions.

Gloucester Gloucestershire Young Carers Project

£97,702 This project will provide regular group sessions for young carers. Young people will feel less isolated, have improved emotional well-being and increased confidence.

Gloucester GymNation & Friendship Café & St James City Farm

£73,212 This project will work with children and young people from disadvantage areas providing a range of educational and practical activities to help them make positive changes in their lives and support them into employment, education and training.

Gloucester InfoBuzz Ltd £66,372 This project will provide 1 to 1 and group support for children and young people who have an immediate family member in jail. The activities and support will reduce the risk of anti-social behaviour, improve emotional wellbeing and involvement at school.

Gloucester Venture: White City £103,997 This project will provide after school and holiday activities for children and young people living in a disadvantaged area. The sessions will improve resilience & well-being, provide opportunities to be more engaged in the community & learn new skills.

Gloucester Glo-Active CIC £10,000 This project will provide activity sessions for pysical and learning disabled children and young people. The activities will consist of cooking, arts, sports and crafts which will reduce isolation and improve life and social skills.

Guernsey Drug Concern £79,746 This project works with children and young people whose home environment is affected by drugs and alcohol abuse. By providing whole family support it will help to increase self-esteem, improve family relationships and communication.

Guernsey Guernsey Sports Commission LBG

£66,171 This project will provide sport activities for disadvantage children and young people. The sessions will help to increase confidence, improve fitness and give them the chance to have fun outdoors and make new friends.



Guernsey Safer LBG £84,210 This project will provide support, advice, information and activities to children and young people who have witnessed or experienced domestic abuse. Children will have increased resilience, better family relationships and confidence.

Guernsey Young People Guernsey LBG £112,839 This project supports children and young people who are experiencing a range of disadvantages. By providing a variety of 1-2-1 and group sessions it will help to increase confidence, self-esteem and improve family and peer relationships.

Hart Aerobility £9,720 This project will provide an aviation education programme for learning disabled young people. Young people will develop improved self confidence, improve their employability skills and increase their aspirations

Hart The Brain Tumour Charity £87,156 This project offers support for children and young people who have brain tumours or a family member with a brain tumour. It will provide online information, an interactive forum and family and sibling days. Children will have increased communicaiton skills and increased emotional well-being.

Hart Tourette Syndrome (UK) Association trading as Tourettes Action

£61,504 This project will provide workshops and activities for children and young people with Tourette’s Syndrome. This will empower young people, increase confidence and allow for better life chances and educational attainment.

Havant Home-Start Havant £9,563 This project providesfamily group sessions and fun activities for children and young people with a complex range of disadvantages. These activities will reduce isolation and improve social and life skills.

Isle of Wight Ellen Macarthur Cancer Trust £35,422 This project will provide sailing trips for children and young people who have been treated for cancer and leukaemia. The young people will make friendships with those who have had a similar illness, build confidence and gain a sense of achievement

Isle of Wight Island Womens Refuge £93,262 This project will work with children who have experienced domestic abuse. It will provide one-to-one support, play therapy and group work. The children will learn ways to cope with their experiences, grow in confidence and build healthy relationships.



Isle of Wight Nature Therapy CIC £9,770 This project will deliver pop-up sensory theatre sessions for children and young people experiencing distress and behavioural issues. Children and young people will feel less isolated and improve their emotional well-being

Isle of Wight Saturday Club For Deaf Children £3,000 This project supports deaf and hearing impaired children and young people to go on trips and take part in activities. Children will be able to communicate better, feel less isolated and have more confidence.

Jersey Inclusion Project £85,747 This project provides specialist youth clubs, sports and art activities for disabled children and young people. The activities will help to increase independence, reduce isolation, have some fun and make new friendships.

Jersey Jersey Child Care Trust £43,051 This project will provide one to one support to enable disabled pre-school children to access nursery education. This will decrease social isolation and help the children reach their personal development goals.

Mendip Positive Action on Cancer £104,254 This project supports children and young people who are either affected by cancer themselves or a have a family member affected. By providing counselling sessions it helps them to understand their emotions, develop coping strategies and improve their access to education.

Mendip The Pod Youth Club £9,970 This grant will provide weekly sessions and leisure activities for young people who are brothers and sisters of children with additional needs such as Downs Syndrome, autism or learning disabilities. It will increase confidence and provide life skills.

Mendip The Women’s Community Forum £10,000 This project will provide after school activities and a residential during the summer for disadvantaged children & young people. This will enable young people to develop their creative skills, have better expectations for themselves and improve confidence.

Mendip Escape Support Group £6,275 This project will provide weekend activities and outings for disabled children and young people. By attending the sessions young people will build friendships, gain confidence and have fun.



New Forest Forest Forge Theatre Company £9,246 This small grant will provide drama workshops & group theatre work for children and young people from settled gypsy & traveller communities, resulting in increased confidence, self-esteem and social skills

New Forest Parent Link £10,000 This project will provide a range of clubs, activities and individual support for disabled children and young people. Children and young people will have improved emotional well-being, feel less isolated and do better at school

North Devon Children’s Society £113,975 This project will provide one to one support to young people at risk of child sexual exploitation. The project will help reduce the number of children who go missing, increase their likelihood of completing school and improve their life chances.

North Devon Encompass Southwest £92,141 This project works with people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. It offers a drop-in advice service and intensive support to help them return to the family home or find somewhere new to stay.

North Devon Families in Grief (FiG) £47,184 The project will provide bereavement support to children and young people at weekly themed sessions and a variety of activities. The project will enable them to explore and express their emotions and improve self confidence.

North Devon North Devon Against Domestic Abuse

£119,021 This project will support children living in a refuge who have experienced domestic abuse. Through play, activities and parent training the children and young people will better understand healthy relationships and help to improve family relationships.

North Devon Wren Music £30,624 This project will provide a wide range of music sessions to improve the confidence and self-esteem of disadvantaged children.

North Dorset MOSAIC £59,994 This project will provide one to one counselling support and a weekend residential trip for bereaved children and young peoplet. Children will be more confident in expressing their feelings, and able to socialise and communicate better.



North Somerset Crossroads Care North Somerset £94,589 This project will support young carers by providing workshops, day trips, residentials and counselling. Young people will feel more confident, make new friends, learn coping strategies and feel less isolated.

North Somerset Wanted not Wasted (WOW) C.I.C £72,283 This project will provide counselling and mentoring for young people experiencing social and economic disadvantage. This will help young people to increase their coping mechanisms, improve their emotional wellbeing and have better peer relationships.

North Somerset XTND-Improving Futures £85,435 This project will provide after school activities for children who live in a deprived area and often have difficult family lives. Through play and outdoor activities the children will grow in confidence and learn to make positive relationships.

North Somerset 34th Weston-super-Mare (The Firs) Scout Group

£8,000 This organisation provides scout sessions for disabled young people with additional needs, it will include residentials and trips out. This will help to develop their social and life skills.

North Somerset Boomsatsuma Creative CIC £9,600 This project will support young people who are not in education, employment or training. By providing weekly spoken word workshops it will help to increase self-esteem, develop better relationships and help reduce anti-social behaviour.

Oxford Ark T Centre £9,912 This project will provide a weekly after-school creative arts club for children and young people with behavioural issues and who are isolated. Children and young people will feel more confident, have better peer relationships and learn new skills.

Oxford Blackbird Leys Adventure Playground

£10,000 This project will provide after-school clubs and play sessions for children and young people living in families on low incomes. Children and young people will have improved confidence, manage their behaviours better and improve their physical health by being active

Oxford Donnington Doorstep Family Centre

£9,969 This project will provide drop-in youth sessions for disabled children and young people and those with additional needs. Children and young people will improve their confidence and self esteem and make new friends.



Oxford Helen & Douglas House £113,054 This project will work with brothers and sisters of children who have a life limiting condition. It will provide counselling and residential activities to help them cope with their feelings and meet other children in a similar situation.

Oxford Home-Start Oxford £29,468 This project supports children suffering from difficult and complex family issues. A dedicated family support worker will support for those children most in need, enabling them to have better family relationships and increased emotional well-being.

Oxford Pegasus Theatre £90,671 This project will provide after-school workshops and activities within a theatre environment for young people who are excluded or at risk of exclusion from school. Young people will gain confidence, develop new life skills and improve their aspirations.

Oxford Yellow Submarine Holidays £65,263 This project will provide holiday activities for disabled children and young people giving them the opportunity to have fun, make friends and increase their self-confidence.

Plymouth Effervescent Social Alchemy £9,520 This project will support looked after children who are at risk of child sexual exploitation. By participating in drama workshops and film making it will help to raise self-esteem and give them the tools to cope better with challenging environments.

Plymouth Friends & Families of Special Children Ltd

£78,588 This project will provide activities, workshops and support groups for young carers and disabled young people. It will provide young people with the opportunity to socialise; helping them to improve their confidence and social skills.

Plymouth Honicknowle Commnet £89,129 This project will boost the health and resilience of young women living in an area of high deprivation. By providing one to one support, group work and trips it will help them build resilience and make positive decisions about their future.

Plymouth NSPCC £60,000 This project will support and provide therapy for children who are victims or at risk of sexual exploitation. This provision will help them to become aware of harmful environments and to increase their self-esteem.



Plymouth One Step Beyond CIC £9,988 This project provides holiday and evening play sessions to children and young people from low income families. By taking part in the activities it will help to increase confidence and encourage healthier lifestyles.

Plymouth Pembroke St Estate Management Board Ltd

£59,159 This project will provide after schools clubs for disadvantage children living in poverty who have a range of needs. Through individual and group support it will help to increase self-esteem, improve relationships and better educational attainment.

Plymouth Plymouth & Devon Racial Equality Council

£55,296 This project will provide one-to-one support and group activities for young people from ethnic minority communities who have experienced racial discrimination. It will help them to gain confidence, cope with challenging environments and feel less isolated.

Plymouth Plymouth Hope £9,140 This project will provide football sessions for children and young people from asylum or refugee backgrounds and also those living in deprived areas. It will help increase confidence, reduce isolation and improve physical health and wellbeing.

Plymouth Plymouth Vineyard £10,000 This project provides good quality donated clothing and toys to disadvantaged children and young people and it also offers craft and play sessions. The items and activities will help meet the basic need of the children and give them the chance to play, makes friends and have fun.

Plymouth Sanctuary Housing Assn £72,441 This project will work with young people who have experienced domestic abuse by offering them support and advice. This will help them feel safer, engage in education and improve emotional well-being.

Plymouth Southway Playcare £5,155 This project will provide a residential trip to the New Forest for disadvantaged children. The young people will engage in a range of outdoor activities and team building exercises. It will reduce social isolation and improve social skills and independence.



Plymouth Theatre Royal Plymouth £38,380 This project will provide a weekly drama group and school workshops for migrant children experiencing racial discrimination in order to increase their self esteem, improve communication skills and inclusion in mainstream opportunities.

Plymouth Trevi House Ltd £51,002 This project will support pre-school children and babies whilst living in a rehabilitation centre with their mothers who have an addiction to either drugs or alcohol. It will help the child to develop and improve the attachment between parent and child.

Plymouth Twelves Company £108,127 The project provides art psychotherapy for children who have been victims of domestic or sexual abuse. The children will be helped to express their feelings, develop resilience and build better relationships with others.

Poole Dorset Rape Crisis Support Centre

£41,977 This project will help children and young people who are victims of rape and sexual abuse. Through targeted support it will assist the children and young people to have better coping skills, increase their self-esteem and to become and remain safe.

Poole Frontier Youth Trust (AIMCommunity FYT)

£99,809 This is a creative arts project that works with deprived children & young people. The project will provide weekly activities to help young people better engage in school, learn new skills and have an increased involvement within the community.

Poole Space Youth Project £32,549 This project will run evening youth clubs for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people. The young people will be happier and more confident as they will be able to make new friends and get help with any problems they may have and cope better.

Portsmouth Connors Toy Libraries £29,745 This project provides two community based toy library sessions each week for pre-school children in a deprived area. Through play the children are happier and develop better social skills.

Portsmouth E. C. Roberts Centre £9,945 This project will provide holiday play activities for vulnerably housed children and young people. Children and young people will feel more confident, make new friends and have improved emotional well-being.



Portsmouth Enable Ability £9,805 This project provides a regular weekend club for children and young people with physical and moderate learning difficulties. Children and young people will have more confidence, be more independent and make new friends

Portsmouth Motiv8 South Ltd £74,014 This project will support young people with behavioural issues and living in families on low incomes with 1-2-1 and group sessions and trips out. Young people will have improved confidence, develop life skills and improve relationships with their peers

Portsmouth Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service

£68,321 This project will provide one-to-one counselling to children and young people who have experienced recent or historical sexual abuse. Young people will be more resilient, be better able to cope with their feelings and feel more confident

Portsmouth The Elizabeth Foundation £103,213 This project will provide intensive speech & language therapy sessions to young children with permanent hearing loss. Children will have improved language and speech skills and better relationships with other children

Reading Berkshire Autistic Society Playscheme

£9,884 This project will provide trampolining and swimming sessions for children and young people with autism. Children and young people will have reduced anxiety, better social skills and improved physical well-being.

Reading Dingley Family & Specialist Early Years Centres

£90,585 This project provides play opportunities and massage therapy for disabled children. The children will be able to explore, learn and play with other disabled children in a safe and stimulating environment.

Reading Home-Start Reading £30,492 This project will provide a family group for deprived children to help improve their communication skills, language skills and social skills. The project will also promote healthy eating.

Reading Launchpad Reading £3,450 This project provides weekly art workshops for pre-school children living in families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Children will feel more confident, have better communication and feel ready to go to school.



Rushmoor Step by Step £48,717 This project will provide support for homeless young people. The young people will attend a variety of training courses which will help to prevent future homelessness and prepares them for independent living.

Sedgemoor Home-Start Bridgwater Area £10,000 This project will provide home support and group activities for disadvantaged families with young children. Helping them to access play opportunities and offering parenting advice, leading to a healthier lifestyle and better family relationships.

Slough Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Services

£99,488 This project supports families with children that have a life limiting or life threatening illness. By providing individual play activities the children will be better prepared for medical procedures, able to feel calmer and have the chance to play.

Slough Crossroads Care Slough £10,000 This project will provide evening sessions of arts & crafts, music and provide life skills for young people who care for a family member. Young carers will experience increased emotional well-being, make new friends and feel less isolated.

Slough Home-Start Slough £110,572 This project will support children from low income families and experiencing poor health. Children will develop a healthier lifestyle, improve family relationships and have greater confidence.

Slough National Institute for African Studies

£8,065 This project will support disadvantaged African and Caribbean children and young people by organising trips and activities involving media and creative industries. Children and young people will have improved aspirations and increased skills

Slough Slough Refugee Support £9,610 This project will provide a crèche for young children, support and training for parents and a homework club for refugee families. Children and young people will increase in confidence, learn new skills and have improved family relationships.

Slough Thames Valley Positive Support £100,156 This project will support children and young people who have HIV or have a family member affected by HIV. Children and young people will develop friendships becoming less isolated and make sence of challenging life experiences.



Slough The Dash Charity £103,321 The project will provide a range of sporting and cooking activities and trips and one-to-one work with children and young people who have witnessed domestic abuse. Children will have improved resilience, increased emotional well-being and a better quality of life.

Slough YMCA Slough £60,000 This project works with ethnic minority children in a deprived area. It will provide after school activities, a homework club and dance sessions. The young people will have somewhere safe to go, will engage better with local communities and have improved expectations of themselves.

South Gloucestershire

Survive £99,598 This project will provide 1-to-1, group and family support plus activities and outings for children and young people affected by domestic violence. They aim to improve their self confidence and well being.

South Gloucestershire

FACE - Foundation for Active Community Engagement

£88,382 This project will run a weekly youth group with a quarterly weekend away for learning disabled young people. Through attending young people will have improved confidence and self esteem, increased independence and a reduction in isolation.

South Gloucestershire

Incredible Kids £9,950 This project will provide after school and Saturday activities for disabled children and young people in order to reduce isolation, improve family relationships and offer regular access to play.

South Gloucestershire

South Glos Parents and Carers £10,000 This grant provides weekly play sessions and trips for pre-school children who have learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorder and physical disabilities. It will reduce family isolation, develop confidence and imcrease social skills.

South Hams Bidwell Brook Foundation £80,545 This project will provide life skills workshops to enable learning disabled young people to develop practical and social skills, giving them more independence and greater confidence.

South Oxfordshire Circles South East £120,000 Circles South East will provide volunteer mentoring support and trips out for young people who are displaying harmful sexual behaviour. Young people will reduce risky behaviours, learn new skills and have better expectations for themselves.



South Oxfordshire Home-Start Southern Oxfordshire

£9,668 This project is for disadvantaged families with children under five to provide support for mothers with post-natal illness. The group sessions will provide a place for children to play and build a bond with their mothers.

Southampton Avenue Centre £51,241 This project supports pre-school children and their parents who are living in poverty. Through targeted support it will help the children to play and build a bond with their parents, raise their self esteem and to develop their communication skills.

Southampton Choices Advocacy £8,279 This project will provide advocacy support to learning disabled young people. Young people will become more independent and gain confidence to help them stay safe and access vital services

Southampton Maytree Nursery & Infants School

£38,783 This project will provide a breakfast club for deprived children from disadvantaged and minority communities in order to help improve their communication skills and emotional well-being.

Southampton New Dawn Child Contact Centre £8,766 The Centre provides a safe, friendly and impartial space where children can spend time with their absent parent or other family members. Children and young people have the chance to improve their emotional well-being & build better family relationships.

Southampton No Limits £64,548 This project will support disadvantaged teenagers. It will offer services such as counselling and support groups to tackle a range of issues to help them take control of their lives, have better relationships and to reduce anti social behaviour.

Southampton SOS POLONIA TRUST £8,022 This project will deliver a mini soccer school for children and young people from migrant communities. Children and young people will develop improved communication skills, better engage with their communities and feel less isolated

Southampton Southampton Community Family Trust

£9,728 This project will deliver a strengthening families prevention course for young people with behavioural problems and their parents. Young people will have improved school attainment, better family relationships and decrease involvement in anti-social behaviour



Southampton Southampton Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Counselling Service (SRC)

£107,374 This project will provide support for children and young people who have been the victims of rape and sexual violence. It will help to improve emotional well-being, confidence and self-esteem.

Southampton Southampton Society For the Blind

£8,621 This project will provide a monthly weekend club for visually impaired children and young people and their siblings. Participants will have increased confidence and self-esteem, make new friends and feel less isolated.

Southampton Southampton Voluntary Services Young Carers Project

£9,598 This project will provide support and activities to young people who care for a family member. The young people will develop coping skills, feel less isolated and have fun, making new friends.

Southampton Stonewater Housing Association £62,358 This project will provide childrens workers at refuges supporting children affected by domestic violence with 1-2-1 and group support. This work will increase the childrens emotional well-being, increase confidence will keep them safe.

Stroud Stroud Beresford Limited £87,872 This project provides 1-1 support sessions and group activities for children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse. The sessions will help children and young people to be more confident, more resilient and have better family relationships.

Stroud Meningitis Now (Meningitis Trust)

£76,812 This project will support children and young people with, or who have had meningitis, by providing a series of family days. The activities will increase confidence, reduce isolation and signpost to other support available.

Stroud Allsorts £45,717 This project will provide a youth club for disabled young people. The workshops and activities will enable young people to feel less isolated and will improve their social and communications skills.

Stroud Creative Sustainability CIC £10,000 This project supports disabled and disadvantaged young people to participate in residential outdoor camps, this will increase their confidence, reduce social isolation and be an opportunity to make new friends.



Stroud Door Youth Project £7,835 This project supports disadvantaged children and young people through mentoring. Each young person is supported by a mentor who helps them to feel more valued, have improved preparation for employment and better peer and family relationships.

Stroud Read for Good £19,964 This project provides a mobile library and story tellers for seriously ill children in hospital. It will provide young people with a distraction and an escape from their situation, improving their well-being and make them feel less isolated.

Swindon Parks Volunteer Resource and Retail Outlet

£12,169 This project will support children and young people living in low income families to experience forest school outdoor activities. Children and young people will improve their confidence, develop life skills and know how to stay safe.

Swindon Reach Inclusive Arts £9,995 This project will provide drama workshops for disabled children and young people leading to a finale show. The sessions will help to increase confidence and social skills and increase aspirations.

Swindon SCWAD £37,657 This project will organise weekend activities and holiday outings for young people with rare disabilities and their brothers and sisters. This will help them make friends with others like themselves, grow in confidence and reduce feelings of isolation.

Swindon Swindon Downs Syndrome Group

£10,000 This project will provide a speech and language therapist to help learning disabled children and young people. Children and young people will improve their communication skills, engage better at school and develop new life skills

Swindon Swindon Mentoring & Self Help Youth Project

£93,249 This project provides tailored mentoring support for young people experiencing family breakdown, drug and alcohol misuse and mental health issues. Young people will have improved self esteem and life chances.

Swindon Youth Adventure Trust £9,800 This project will provide a residential weekend break to Brownsea Island for children and young people experiencing personal and emotional challenges. Young people will become more confident, feel more independent and improve their emotional well-being



Taunton Deane Taunton Opportunity Group £34,398 This project will provide a specialist worker for a multi-sensory room to support pre-school disabled children and babies. This will help them become more confident, interact better with others and improve physical co-ordination.

Teignbridge Dame Hannah Rogers Trust £7,799 This projects provides outdoor play and activity sessions during the school holidays for disabled children and their siblings. By taking part in the activities it will help to increase confidence, reduce isolation and the chance to play and have fun.

Teignbridge Home-Start Teignbridge £9,959 This project will provide home support and group activities for disadvantaged families with young children. Helping them to access play opportunities and offering parenting advice, leading to a healthier lifestyle and better family relationships.

Teignbridge Sirona Therapeutic Horsemanship CIC

£9,210 This project will provide disadvantaged children and young people educational and therapeutic activities with horses. The sessions will improve confidence and emotional wellbeing as well as increasing resilience and life skills.

Test Valley Andover Young Carers £83,185 This project is dedicated to helping young people who are caring for another member of their family. It provides a specialist worker who will deliver after-school activities, life skills workshops, a homework club and buddying scheme.

Test Valley Romsey & District Carers Forum - Young Carers

£70,351 This project offers year round activities and one-to-one befriending for young carers, giving them a break from their caring duties, decreasing their isolation and building their confidence.

Test Valley Romsey Opportunity Group £10,000 This project will provide specialist play sessions for pre-school disabled children. Children will feel less isolated, improve their communication skills and have more confidence.

Torbay Acorn Youth, Community & Sports Centre

£9,984 This project will provide a youth club for disadvantaged children and young people. Through taking part in the activities at the club it will help to improve life skills, raise aspirations and raise self-esteem.

Torbay Doorstep Arts £9,761 This project will provide music, art and drama workshops to pre-school children living in low income families. The sessions will help to build self-esteem and to develop family relationships.



Torbay DownSouth £9,675 This project supports Down Syndrome children by providing a monthly club with trained speech therapists. The sessions will help to improve communication skills, increase self-esteem and the chance to make new friends through fun and social activities.

Torbay Ellacombe Community Partnership

£7,928 This project delivers physical activities and well-being sessions twice a week to children and young people who are from low income families. This will give them the opportunity to learn new skills, increase emotional well-being and make new friends

Torbay Play Torbay £93,670 This project will provide a range of play activities for young people who are disadvantaged, disabled or isolated. It will help to improve health, social skills and access to play and recreation.

West Berkshire Home-Start West Berkshire £10,000 This project will fund family group sessions at two locations for pre-school-age children and their parents on low incomes or who experience other challenges. Children will have better communication skills, make new friends and be ready for school

West Berkshire Living Paintings £10,000 This project supports blind and partially-sighted children and young people across the UK by providing a library of sensory books and learning packs. Children and young people will feel less isolated, learn more and engage better with family and friends.

West Berkshire West Berkshire Mencap £21,720 The project provides a weekly youth club and a range of activities and trips for young people with special needs. The young people will have improved self-esteem as well as social and life skills.

West Devon Country Holidays For Inner City Kids (CHICKS)

£62,540 This project provides a one week activity holiday for disadvantaged children and young people. It will help to improve confidence, develop better peer relationships and give them the opportunity to have lots of fun.

West Devon Tor Support Services £99,401 This project provides one to one counselling to disadvantage children and young people. The sessions will help to increase self-esteem & confidence and enable the children to feel safer and be better equipped to face challenges in their lives.



West Dorset Activate Performing Arts Ltd £9,000 This project will work with disabled children and young people providing drama and arts workshops. Through performance based activities young people will be able to make new friends and grow in confidence and self esteem.

West Dorset Home-Start West Dorset £108,543 This project provides home support for disadvantaged families with complex needs who have children under the age of five. The activities will help to increase the children’s social skills and to improve their emotional and educational development.

West Oxfordshire A2Dominion £92,452 This project will provide 1-to-1 support and group activity sessions for young people affected by domestic violence who are living in refuges. This allows them to rebuild their confidence and self esteem in a safe environment.

West Oxfordshire Dogs For Good £81,005 This project will provide training for dogs to be placed with disabled children. This will enable the children to have greater independence and improve their self- esteem and confidence.

West Oxfordshire Guideposts Trust £87,670 This project will provide outdoor activities and challenges in the natural environment to children and young people with learning disabilities and behavioural problems. Children will improve their social skills, self-esteem and health.

West Oxfordshire Home-Start Banbury & Chipping Norton

£28,634 This project will provide individual support to young children with physical and mental health issues, poverty and abuse in their own homes. Children will have improved family relationships, better health and improved development.

Weymouth and Portland

Portland Drop In £92,643 This project will support disadvantage children and young people by providing a range of youth work sessions. These activities will help to improve emotional well-being, increase confidence and help them to engage more positively with local community.

Wiltshire Aster Living £98,317 This project will provide specialist support through a Child Support Worker at a safe house for children who have experienced domestic abuse. This is a place where they can feel safe, play and learn to cope with their experiences



Wiltshire Devizes & District Opportunity Centre

£33,485 The project will provide specialist speech and language support to disabled young children with life-limiting conditions. Children will be able to communicate better, make new friends and improve their confidence.

Wiltshire Jamie’s Farm £126,538 This project will provide farming residential trips and therapy to hard to reach disadvantaged young people. Young people will feel calmer, happier and be able to express their feelings.

Wiltshire Relate Mid Wiltshire £9,858 This project will provide counselling sessions for children and young people suffering from emotional distress. These sessions will help them to express their feelings and emotions, providing strategies to cope with stress and to help improve relationships.

Wiltshire Splitz Support Service £100,000 This project provides 1 to 1 and group counselling to young people affected by domestic violence. This will enable them to better express their feelings and experience a greater sense of well-being.

Wiltshire Springboard Opportunity Playgroup

£21,513 This project provides a specialist play group for young disabled children. Children will have an improved relationship with their carer and will meet and play with other children, developing communication and friendships.

Wiltshire St Peter’s CEVC Junior School £6,271 This project will provide a supported walk to school and breakfast club for deprived children attending the school. The children will benefit from a healthy breakfast, increased educational achievement and a healthier lifestyle.

Winchester Home-Start Meon Valley £6,596 This project will provide indoor and outdoor play activities for pre-school children living in families on low incomes or who have experienced abuse. Children will improve communication and motor skills and have better family relationships.

Winchester Home-Start Winchester & Districts

£5,267 This project provides a weekly group for families with pre-school aged children to provide fun activities and support for parents. Children will become more confident, gain new social skills and become school ready.



Winchester The Rowans Hospice (Rowan’s Meerkat Service)

£90,000 This project will provide bereavement support to children and young people who have lost a significant person in their lives. The children and young people will better understand their loss, be able to communicate their feelings and feel less isolated

Winchester Winchester & District Young Carers Project

£26,931 This project delivers a drop in service as well as peer and one to one support for young people who care for a family member. The young carers are happier, more confident and have the opportunity to make new friends who understand their situation.

Winchester Winchester Goalball Club £5,263 This project will provide a goalball club for young people with visual impairments and who are blind. Young people will develop increased confidence, reduce their isolation and make new friends

Winchester Winchester Youth Counselling £9,946 This project will support young people suffering from depression and anxiety by providing weekly counselling sessions. Young people will have improved resilience, greater knowledge about personal safety and have reduced feelings of anxiety and distress.

Windsor & Maidenhead

Family Friends in Windsor & Maidenhead

£97,689 This project will work with absent or single fathers and their children within the local Asian community to deliver sports, arts and activities to enjoy together. Children will build stronger relationships, have less anxiety and be more confident.

Wokingham Me2 Club £84,510 This project will train volunteers to support children and young people suffering from challenging behaviours and physical disabilities to access social and leisure activities. Young people will have increased confidence and self esteem and social skills

Wokingham Woodland Centre Trust £70,850 This project will provide indoor and outdoor activities in the summer holidays for disabled young people, helping them to improve their social communication, coordination and confidence.

Worthing Home-Start Worthing & Adur £91,764 This project will provide 1-2-1 support, play and social outings to families with children aged under 4 years to help prepare them for school. Children will develop social and personal skills, improve their language and communication and have fun.



Worthing Women’s Aid Worthing £95,232 This project will provide support, information and activities for children and young people who have witnessed or experienced domestic abuse within a refuge. Children and young people will be more resilient and have better family relationships