compact routing in theory and practice

Compact Routing in Theory and Practice Lenore J. Cowen Tufts University

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Compact Routing in Theory and Practice. Lenore J. Cowen Tufts University. The Theory Problem. Consider the following distributed view of shortest path routing on an n node network:. e1. v. e2. u. e3. V e2. T(u). The Theory Problem. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Compact Routing in Theory and Practice

Compact Routing in Theory and Practice

Lenore J. Cowen

Tufts University

Page 2: Compact Routing in Theory and Practice

The Theory Problem

• Consider the following distributed view of shortest path routing on an n node network:

u v




V e2


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The Theory Problem

• Consider the following distributed view of shortest path routing on an n node network:





V e2




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The Theory Problem

• Consider the following distributed view of shortest path routing on an n node network:





V e2





O(n log n) bit tables

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The Compact Routing Problem

• Can we “compact” the local routing tables if we allow short rather than shortest paths?

u v




V e2



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Compact Routing Scheme

• The stretch of a path p(u,v) from u to v is | p(u,v)|/d(u,v) where d(u,v) is the length of the shortest path from u to v.

The stretch of a routing scheme is the maximum stretch of any path.

Want: small stretch and small table size.

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• This graph algorithms problem has little to do with this:

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• Each router advertises some of its known routes to (some of the) destinations in the network it knows about, to its neighbors.

• Routers prefer short routes; if a router thinks a route is undesirable, it will fail to pass it on, or depreciate it by artificially inflating its length.

• Complicated by peering relationships

• Tables and routes can be arbitrarily long; no stretch bounds

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The Geni Initiative

• Clean slate redesign: what should the new routing protocols accomplish?

- low stretch -diff. QoS

- scalable table size -mobile nodes

- traffic engineering -updatable

- policy

- security

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The Geni Initiative

• Clean slate redesign: what should the new routing protocols accomplish?

- low stretch -diff. QoS

- scalable table size -mobile nodes

- traffic engineering -updatable

- policy

- security

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Back to Compact Routing Theory

• Early work: Santoro-Khatib (85) [rings, trees], van Leeuwen-Tan (86) [complete networks, grids], Fredrickson-Janardan (88) [outerplanar graphs, small separators]

• Compact Routing on Trees

• Universal compact routing schemes

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Compact Routing on Trees

Interval routing:




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Compact Routing on Trees

Interval routing:




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121-2 3-11


Space=O(d log n)

Header= O(logn)

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Compact Routing on Trees

Space hack (C-00):

Big nodes > sqrt(n)

only remember big



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Compact Routing on Trees

Space hack (C-01):

Big nodes > sqrt(n)

only remember big



45 6





Packet header: destination;

Name of the last big node on

The path from the root to it edge from last big node

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The Compact Routing Problem

• Can we “compact” the local routing tables if we allow short rather than shortest paths?

u v




V e2



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Compact Routing on Trees

Space hack (C-01):

Big nodes > sqrt(n)

only remember big


1 3

45 6





Packet header: destination;

Name of the last big node on

The path from the root to it edge from last big node


Space=O(sqrt n log n)

Header= O(logn)

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Compact Routing on Trees

• Fraignaud/Gavoille [01] and Thorup/Zwick [01]:

Stretch 1 Space O(log n) !!!! Header size O(log n)


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Compact Routing on Trees

Single source shortest path routing:

For each node, identify

Its heavy child; the one

with most descendents

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Compact Routing on Trees

Single source shortest path routing:

For each node, identify

Its heavy child; the one

with most descendents

Packet header

is the names of all

the light edges from

root to destination

along with their

parent names

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Compact Routing on Trees

Single source shortest path routing:

Packet header

is the names of all

the light edges from

root to destination

along with their

parent names

Can only be

O(log n) light edges

on any path!!!

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Compact Routing on Trees

This works to route down; need to know when to route up:

Add interval labeling

to know when to

go toward the root

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Universal Compact Routing Schemes

• Work on any graph:

-- ABLP-90, AP-92 early schemes -- EGP-98, stretch 5 -- C-00, stretch 3 -- TZ-01, stretch 3 (improved table size)

Gavoille and Gengler proved a lower bound of 3 on the stretch on any routing scheme with sublinear-sized routing tables.

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Universal Compact Routing Schemes

Define a node’s local neighborhood to be its closest sqrt n nodes.

From set cover: choose a set of sqrt n log n landmarks to hit every local neighborhood.

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Universal Compact Routing Schemes

Within a local neighborhood, store exact shortest path routing information

Outside store routing information to all landmarks; route through a destination’s closest landmark, and then use tree-routing from landmark to destination.

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Universal Compact Routing Schemes

Stretch bound follows from the triangle inequality:

Suppose d(u,v) >= d(L(v),v) Then d(u,L(v)) + d(L(v),v) <= d(u,v) + d(v,L(v)) + d(L(v),v) <= 3d(u,v)




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Universal Compact Routing Schemes

The construction sketched above achieves stretch 3 with tables of average size O(sqrt n log^2 n) to store local information for each node’s closest sqrt n nodes, and routing

information for every landmark.




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Universal Compact Routing Schemes

Remark: needs undirected

Graphs for triangle ineq bound

Roundtrip routing (C-Wagner-04 )

measure d(u,v)+d(v,u)




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The Internet Graph

• The Internet graph is not an arbitrary graph; it is believed to have a power-law topology.

Faloutsos^3 -99

(but see also CCGJSW-02)

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The Internet Graph

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The Internet Graph

• Performance of universal schemes on both synthetic models of power-law topologies and “real” maps of the inter-AS graph is much better on average than worst-case guarantees!

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So: shouldn’t we be designing schemes for Internet graphs?

• Brady-C 06: Compact Routing with Additive Stretch on power-law graphs.

• Breaks graph into a dense core, of diameter d; the rest of the graph is called the fringe.

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BC Scheme

• Let e be the number of edges that need to be removed from the fringe to make it into a forest.

Theorem. For any unweighted, undirected network, there is a routing scheme that uses O(e log^2 n)-bit headers and routing tables, and has additive stretch d.

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BC Scheme

• Constructed using a shortest path tree to route in the core, and e spanning trees in the fringe, and a distance labeling to choose between them.

• Estimates on the Inter-AS graph would give a worst-case additive stretch of 10 (and average stretch much smaller).

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Internet Graph Simulations: Our Results

Definition. A power-law graph G=(V,E) is an unweighted, undirected graph whose degree distribution approximates a power-law, i.e it has

c vertices of degree 1

c/x vertices of degree x

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Internet Graph Simulations

Definition. A power-law graph G=(V,E) is an unweighted, undirected graph whose degree distribution approximates a power-law, i.e it has

c vertices of degree 1

c/x vertices of degree x

Note: how to generate them randomly is non-trivial; slight differences in the model

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Internet Graph Simulations: Our Results

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Internet Graph Simulations: Our Results

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Internet Graph Simulations Results

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Internet Graph Simulations: Our Results

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Real Internet Data

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The Geni Initiative

• Clean slate redesign: what should the new routing protocols accomplish?

- low stretch -diff. QoS

- scalable table size -mobile nodes-mobile nodes

- traffic engineering -updatable

- policy

- security

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So far: Compact Routing is Static

• Routing table setup is centralized

• Node names are topology dependent:

-- in interval routing and BC scheme depended on place in the tree

-- in Cowen or TZ schemes depended on nearest landmark

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So far: Compact Routing is Static

• Routing table setup is centralized• Node names are topology dependent: -- in interval routing and BC scheme

depended on place in the tree -- in Cowen or TZ schemes depended

on nearest landmark

Separate naming from packet forwarding layers!!!

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Name-Independent Compact Routing

• v is any unique identifier

• h is initially empty!

u v




V e2



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Name dependent routing

00 01 02 03

10 11 12 13

202221 23

3031 32 33

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Name independent routing

2 10 5 15

6 13 8 1

316 12 9

1411 4 7

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Name Independent Routing

• Discover information about network topology as you “wander around”

• Idea (Peleg): place a distributed dictionary on top that couples names to new topology-dependent names, and stores them in the packet header.

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Name independent routing

2 10 5 15

6 13 8 1

316 12 9

1411 4 7


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Name independent routing

2 10 5 15

6 13 8 1

316 12 9

1411 4 7


9 =23!

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Name dependent routing

00 01 02 03

10 11 12 13

202221 23

3031 32 33

9 =23!

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Name-Independent Universal Schemes

Table size (soft O)

Header size

Max stretch

ABLP-89 O(n^1/2) O(log n) 2592

AP-90 O(n^1/2) O(log^2 n) 1088

ACLRT-03 O(n^1/2) O(log^2 n) 5

ACLRT-03 O(n^2/3) O(log n) 5

AGMNT-04 O(n^1/2) O(log^2 n) 3

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Name-independent simulations

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But is it practical yet?

• No.

• Still have to deal with updating routing tables in response to changing network topology.

• Brady-Cowen protocol has some attractive features that make this easier than for the universal schemes (work in progress)

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The Genie Initiative

• Clean slate redesign: what should the new routing protocols accomplish?

- low stretch -diff. QoS

- scalable table size -mobile nodes

- traffic engineering -updatable

- policy

- security

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Back to theory

• A distance labeling is an assignment of short (polylog n)-bit strings to vertices so that given the labels of two vertices their exact (or approximate) distance can be inferred.

• Exact distance labeling schemes are known for graphs with small separators or separators with small diameter.

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• Not possible for planar graphs (Gavoille, Peleg, x)

• Theorem (Brady-C 06) Exact distance labeling yield additive stretch compact routing schemes.

• Other connections between spanners, distance labelings, compact routing??

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Theory: open problems

• Stretch 1 or additive stretch compact routing schemes for planar graphs: do they exist?

• More classes of exact additive spanners

• More special classes of graphs that have exact distance labeling schemes

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• Marta Arias … and thanks to

• Arthur Brady the National Science

• Kevin Fall Foundation for their

• Dima Krikourov support of this work.

• Kofi Laing

• Rajmohan Rajaraman

• Ori Taka