company profile - convention bureau italia · each profile gets certifications and a contract...


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Page 1: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

Company Profile


Page 2: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

At Hostess & Promoter®, excellence in performing field and trade marketing projects is our mission.

The Brand meets the changing needs of the market through the synergy of innovation, experience and On-site Presence.


Page 3: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

ClientS FaSHiON




gaMBLiNg FiNaNCiaL






innOvatiOn and reSearCh

On-Site PreSenCe


Selection and training in e-learning mode with step-by-step verification

dedicated app for live-time control

live digital insights

Since 2006, Hostess & Promoter® has been on the market performing services for in Store Promotion, Street marketing and miCe. We have established direct long-term partnerships with brands and agencies

Over 50,000 working days each year in Europe

4 offices in Europe

More than 100,000 professional profiles

Over 100,000 registered meeting points (MA, Specialized Retailers, Public Spaces, PoS)

8 central warehouse and on-site ones with dedicated staff

Page 4: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000





Hostess & Promoter® is composed of 4 offices specialized in field marketing and Staffing SOlUtiOnS in Europe.

5 BUSineSS UnitS






4 OffiCeS in eUrOPe

Who We are

Page 5: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

for the PrOjeCt management

1 dediCated


100.000 PrOfeSSiOnal


available in eUrOPe




hOSteSS & PrOmOter.Where Brands meet People.

Contracts made according to national regulations

All required certifications (food handler, safety, airport license)

live e-photocasting

Page 6: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

100.000 meeting POintS in our database

COntraCtS according the internal regulations

all reQUired CertifiCatiOnS (food handler, work safety, etc.)

In StorePrOmOter & SaleS fOrCe

Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000 COmmerCial SPaCeS in our updated database. Our apps allow for real-time activity monitoring.

in Store

Page 7: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

In StoreIn StoremerChandiSer Brand amBaSSadOrS

Our offices furnish professionals to manage PreParatiOn and StOrage through dedicated software for controlling inventory turnover and visual merchandising.

For high-tech products Hostess & Promoter® proposes properly trained adviSOrS.The agencies are linked to distribution and sales channels proposing Brand amBaSSadOrS according to the brand philosophy and image.

Page 8: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

lOgiStiCS management for Promotional materials

PermitS management

apps for real-time mOnitOring

StreettOUr & rOad ShOW

Hostess & Promoter, thanks to our 6 OffiCeS in eUrOPe, directly manages eUrOPean PrOmOtiOnal tOUrS. We organize staff recruitment and the storage of equipment and promotional materials according to national laws.


Page 9: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

StreetStreetexPeriential marketing leaflet & SamPling

Our teams are selected for their personality and experience so your UnCOnventiOnal and exPeriential COmmUniCatiOn PrOjeCtS will be a success. We provide a wider brand visibility with minimal costs.

Hostess & Promoter provides everything you need in terms of leafletS and SamPlingS. We choose the optimal locations and deal with any bureaucratic rules in setting up the operation.

Page 10: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

Staff with exPerienCe and langUage knOWledge

live PhOtOCaSting

On-Site Staff

Fairs & MICEhOSteSS & SteWard

Hostess & Promoter® is specialized in providing hOSteSSeS, SteWardS and PrOfeSSiOnal interPreterS for welcoming, translations and interpreting.

fairs & miCe

Page 11: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

Fairs & MICE Fairs & MICECme hOSteSSeS SPOrt marketing

We provide specialized personnel for WelCOming infOrmatiOn deSkS for every type of event related to medicine and science.

We select hostesses, stewards and promoters with proven experience in Sport Marketing for hOSPitality, tiCketing, BOx OffiCe, SaleS fOrCe for merChandiSe and SeCUrity.

Page 12: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

Personalized Set deSign and uniforms for your project

Staff with SPeCifiC SkillS

OrganiZatiOn management

Other ServicesPOP-UPS & UnifOrmS

Hostess & Promoter® provides PrOfeSSiOnal UnifOrmS and every kind of customized POP-UP Stand, deSk, and tOtem, in a lightweight material that is easy to transport, able to be used again and again.

Other Services

Page 13: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

Other ServicesOther ServiceslOgiStiCS SPeCial PrOfeSSiOnalS

We independently manage shipments, stocking, necessary authorisation requests, and supplies. We provide specialized staff and a WarehOUSe direCtly On Site.

Hostess & Promoter® supports you with qualified professionals with special skills such as mOdelS, PerSOnal ShOPPerS, djs, make UP artiStS, danCerS, mUSiCianS, PhOtOgraPherS, videOmakerS, BlOggerS and PerfOrmerS.

Page 14: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

Clientshostess & Promoter® has directly supported the promotion of the following brands:

Page 15: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000
Page 16: Company Profile - Convention Bureau Italia · Each profile gets certifications and a contract according to the internal regulations of each POS (including airports) among the 50,000

FOLLOw [email protected]

flOrenCe milan PragUe BarCelOna

hP italy S.r.l.Via Fanfani 2/D,50127 Florence - Italy

Ph. +39 055 05461VAT ID 06689470489

hP italy S.r.l.Via Copernico, 38 20125 Milan - Italy

Ph. +39 055 05461VAT ID 06689470489

Promorange s.r.o.Rytířská 399/24,110 00 Prague - Prague 1Czech Republic

Ph. +420 226633832VAT ID CZ02494493

hostess & Promoter S.l.Carrer De Pujades 51-55Box 45, 08005 Barcelona Spain

Ph. +34 647761979VAT ID B66527441