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OverviewOverviewThe Atlantic Defensive Tactics Training Institute offers a wide range of training services for Criminal Justice, Law and Security, Correction Programs, Police agencies and Military agencies. The use of force training we provide follows the PPCTTm

Systems which is a leader in research based defensive tactics training. Through extensive tactical, legal and medical research, the tactics and techniques taught are designed to be practical, simple and defensible in court. The Atlantic Defensive Tactics Training Institute and PPCTTm will provide court room support for any certified individual using a PPCTTm technique.

Based on Survival Stress research, our training provides minimal techniques which are simple and easy to use - “Keep It Simple”. The theory behind this tactical training increases the individual’s success for survival in crisis situations.

Our training extensively covers the “Use-Of-Force” Continuums and related sections of the Criminal Code of Canada.

We offer in house training at our Bedford location, as well as on-site training at your organization’s facility.

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• Defensive Tactics• Pressure Points and Control Tactics• Impact Weapons Training• Spontaneous Knife Defense• Weapon Retention and Disarming• Ground Avoidance – Ground Escape• Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention

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Defensive Tactics BasicDefensive Tactics Basic

The PPCT Defensive Tactics course is the first subject control system developed through tactical, legal, and medical research. Tactically, the system addresses the most common types of resistance officers encounter, allowing the instructor to maximize training on job related techniques. Legally, the PPCT System teaches a simple use of force continuum which clarifies the appropriate force level for every level of resistance. Medical research was conducted on every PPCT technique to refine technique efficiency and to ensure the medical implications were proportional to the level of resistance.

Course Goals:

1. To instruct a subject control system which is compatible to the effects of survival stress.2. To examine survival learning research and design methods for subject control systems.3. To teach a subject control system based upon the four most common types of resistance.

Course Topics:Survival Learning Research: This unit examines research from educational psychology, motor learning science and neurobiology, and applies the research to the design of use of force systems. The units explains why simple gross motor skills and systems with few techniques, are more compatible to use of force training.

PPCT Control Principles: The foundation of the PPCT training systems is based upon a series of training principles. This unit examines the PPCT Force Continuum, principles of control, survival reaction time and tactical positioning.

Tactical Handcuffing: Tactical speed handcuffing provides immediate subject control and reduces risk to the officer. This system is designed to train the student in a method which will be the same under handcuffing conditions of standing, kneeling or prone, with the completion time under three seconds.

Pressure Point Control Tactics: This unit will address a system of controlling subjects by applying as little as 2 pounds of finger touch pressure to selected pressure points on the head and neck. The application of these pressure points is to control passive or defensive resistance and are highly effective no matter what the size or strength level of the officer.

Joint Locks: Escort position resistance is one of the four most common types of resistance officers encounter. This unit provides officers with two joint locks designed specifically to control escort position resistance.

Defensive Counterstrikes: The defensive counterstrike unit teaches reflexive reaction to a physical attack when impact weapons or firearms are not appropriate. The students will learn to neutralize an aggressive assault with a basic system of blocks, punches, and kicks, designed to control a subject with minimal chance of injury.

PPCT Impact Weapon System: The training from this unit can be deployed with a traditional straight baton, riot baton or a collapsible/telescoping baton. This effective system employs the use of nerve motor points as targets instead of joints and bones which decreases the potential of creating connective tissue damage and bone fractures.

Handgun Retention and Disarming: This unit teaches a simple system of disarming and handgun or long gun retention. The unit will address holstered defenses, as well as, drawn weapon defenses.

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Pressure Points and Control TacticsPressure Points and Control Tactics

The PPCT Pressure Point Control Tactics course became the first subject control system which adopted the tactical, legal, and medical research approach to system design. This three day instructor course was originally developed for correctional agencies, or to supplement existing defensive tactics or impact weapon systems. The course is broken down into areas: controlling low level resistance with finger tip touch pressure to nerve pressure points and controlling high level resistance through a defensive counter strike and baton which creates motor dysfunctions and controlled stuns. All of the techniques within the system have been tactically, legally, and medically researched.

Course Goals:

1. To examine survival learning research and design methods for subject control systems.2. To identify the primary and secondary striking targets.3. To identify the medical implications of targets.4. To identify the PPCT Fluid Shock Wave Principle, a system of striking which enhances subject control.5. To teach the PPCT Collapsible Baton/Impact Weapon striking system.6. To teach the recommended PPCT methods of de-escalation.

Course Topics:Survival Learning Research: This unit examines research from educational psychology, motor learning science and neurobiology, and applies the research to the design of use of force systems. The units explains why simple gross motor skills and systems with few techniques, are more compatible to use of force training.

PPCT Control Principles: The foundation of the PPCT training systems is based upon a series of training principles. This units examines the PPCT Force Continuum, principles of control, survival reaction time and tactical positioning.

Pressure Point Control Tactics: The core of this program effectively teaches corrections officer/police officers how to control subjects by applying as little as 2 pounds of finger touch pressure to selected pressure points on the head and neck. The application of these pressure points is to control low level resistance.

Defensive Counterstrikes: The defensive counterstrikes unit teaches reflexive reaction (blocks, hand strikes and kicks) to a physical attack when impact weapons or firearms are not appropriate.

The PPCT Impact Weapon System: The training from this unit can be deployed with a traditional straight baton, riot baton or a collapsible/telescoping baton. This effective system employs the use of nerve motor points as targets instead of joints and bones which decreases the potential of creating connective tissue damage and bone fractures.

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Impact Weapons TrainingImpact Weapons Training

The PPCT Collapsible Baton / Impact Weapon System (PPCT) has developed a reputation as one of the simplest and most effective baton systems available. This three day instructor course is compatible to traditional straight batons or collapsible batons made by any manufacturer.

The system is based upon three principles: 1) the use of an impact weapon is justified when the officer perceives his skill level in empty hand control has been or will be ineffective. 2) the negative effects of stress which develop from high level resistance, require an impact weapon system to be simple. Therefore, the system is structured around three strikes and three blocks. All are gross motor skills, which are compatible to the affects of survival stress. This simplicity in design allows for quicker learning and retention under the stress of resistance. 3) The course emphasizes striking large nerve motor points which are four to five inches in diameter. These targets have been proven to be more effective and have less potential for permanent injury, than striking joints or indiscriminate targets.

Course Goals:

1. To examine survival learning research and design methods for subject control systems.2. To identify the primary and secondary striking targets.3. To identify the medical implications of targets.4. To identify the PPCT Fluid Shock Wave Principle, a system of striking which enhances subject control.5. To teach the PPCT Collapsible Baton/Impact Weapon striking system.6. To teach the recommended PPCT methods of de-escalation

Course Topics:Survival Learning Research: This unit examines research from educational psychology, motor learning science and neurobiology, and applies the research to the design of use of force systems. The units explains why simple gross motor skills and systems with few techniques, are more compatible to use of force training.

PPCT Control Principles: The foundation of the PPCT training systems is based upon a series of training principles. This unit examines the PPCT Force Continuum, principles of control, survival reaction time and tactical positioning.

PPCT Blocks: This unit addresses three blocks designed to strike the arms and legs. The blocks are directed primarily at the motor points of the target and are defensive in nature.

PPCT Striking System: The three strikes in this unit are restricted to the arms and legs to establish control of an aggressive subject. The strikes are directed at the nerve motor points of the arms or legs and will immediately cause a motor dysfunction to the target. All of the strikes are gross motor skills and can be learned in minutes and retained indefinitely.

De-escalation Techniques: The use of de-escalation techniques are critical to any impact weapon system. The PPCT Impact Weapon System employs de-escalation techniques before and after the use of a baton.

Use of Force Report Writing: Knowing how to justify the use of an impact weapon can be just as important as knowing how to use the baton in the field. PPCT has developed a simple Use of Force Reporting Model to help the officer accurately report the elements of using the impact weapon.

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Spontaneous Knife DefenseSpontaneous Knife Defense

In most situations, an officer would be immediately justified to escalate to deadly force when confronted with a knife attack. There are times when an officer is confronted by a spontaneous knife assault and the ability to retrieve their weapon is not possible. However, correctional officers face an even higher level of threat to knife assaults, since they are rarely issued a firearm.

The PPCT Spontaneous Knife Defense System has been designed to meet the needs of police and correctional officers. The students training will begin with a comprehensive course on offensive knife systems. The focus of this training is to raise the student's awareness to the sophistication of strategies, yet the simplicity which an officer can fall victim to a moderately trained subject with a knife. The second phase of training will focus on the PPCT Knife Defense techniques, based upon a realistic , yet highly aggressive check and stun philosophy. This system has evolved to the simplest form, where all of skills are gross motor skills that are compatible to the affects of survival stress. This simplicity in design allows for quicker learning and retention under the stress of a knife assault.

Course Goals: 1. To examine survival learning research and design methods for spontaneous knife defense systems.2. To identify the primary and secondary methods of offensive knife strategies.3. To learn the PPCT Spontaneous Knife Defense System and training methodologies.

Course Topics:

Survival Learning Research: This unit examines research from educational psychology, motor learning science and neurobiology, and applies the research to the design of spontaneous knife defense systems. The units explains why simple gross motor skills and systems with few techniques, are more compatible to use of force training.

PPCT Control Principles: The foundation of the PPCT training systems is based upon a series of training principles. This unit examines the PPCT Force Continuum, PPCT Control Principles, survival reaction time and tactical positioning.

Psychology of Combat Knife Systems: This section examines various philosophies regarding the tactical use of a knife as a lethal weapon. The research will explore the historical perspectives of the evolution of combat knife systems beginning with the influence of the Sykes/Fairbairn World War I system, the influence of Filipino knife training and the current view of military special operations units.

Analysis of Target Lethality: There is considerable mythology surrounding the lethality of specific targets, as well as their effectiveness. The purpose of this unit is to reveal facts about human incapacitation resulting from a knife attack. This unit will examine the difference between fatal cuts and cut which will immediately immobilize a subject. This unit will also provide a foundation for the design methodology of the PPCT Spontaneous Knife Defense System.

Analysis of Offensive Knife Attack Strategies: The effectiveness of any knife defense system, is based on the officer's knowledge of how a knife can be used offensively. This training block will teach the students the six basic knife strokes, and common offensive strategies to quickly disable an officer. This block will not only teach the officer how a trained knife practitioner will attempt to disable an officer, but it will also increase the student's visual reaction time and ability to recognize a threat quicker.

PPCT Spontaneous Knife Defense System: The PPCT Spontaneous Knife Defense System is based on a check, stun and control principle. This system is comprised of two check, followed by either a low front kick or a stunning technique. This combination allows an officer the option to disengage to cover or to follow-up for restraint and control. This unit will also examine the use of impact weapons to effectively control and disable a knife attack.

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Ground Avoidance Ground EscapeGround Avoidance Ground Escape

In most situations, an officer would be immediately justified to escalate to deadly force when confronted with a knife attack. There are times when an officer is confronted by a spontaneous knife assault and the ability to retrieve their weapon is not possible. However, correctional officers face an even higher level of threat to knife assaults, since they are rarely issued a firearm.

The PPCT Spontaneous Knife Defense System has been designed to meet the needs of police and correctional officers. The students training will begin with a comprehensive course on offensive knife systems. The focus of this training is to raise the student's awareness to the sophistication of strategies, yet the simplicity which an officer can fall victim to a moderately trained subject with a knife. The second phase of training will focus on the PPCT Knife Defense techniques, based upon a realistic , yet highly aggressive check and stun philosophy. This system has evolved to the simplest form, where all of skills are gross motor skills that are compatible to the affects of survival stress. This simplicity in design allows for quicker learning and retention under the stress of a knife assault.

Course Goals:

1. To examine survival learning research and design methods for PPCT systems.2. To identify the primary methods of ground avoidance & ground defense positions.3. To learn the PPCT common ground controls (4 common) and escapes.

Course Topics:

Survival Learning Research: This unit examines research from educational psychology, motor learning science and neurobiology, and applies the research to the design of spontaneous knife defense systems. The units explains why simple gross motor skills and systems with few techniques, are more compatible to use of force training.

PPCT Control Principles: The foundation of the PPCT training systems is based upon a series of training principles. This unit examines the PPCT Force Continuum, PPCT Control Principles, survival reaction time and tactical positioning.

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The PPCT SHARP Instructor Program has been specifically designed to meet the needs of women when control methods and assault prevention methods are required. Principles and strategies for effectively reducing the likelihood of assault through actual techniques of countering an attack are stressed in this program. Utilizing efficient and effective methods of subject control that do not rely on size and strength, PPCT has developed a training system that can be used by just about everyone who is interested in personal safety.

Course Goals:

The system of controlling techniques allow women to easily and effectively control situations that arise. The techniques do not rely on size and strength, and can be easily learned and retained.

Course Topics:

Survival Learning Research: This unit examines research from educational psychology, motor learning science and neurobiology, and applies the research to the design of safety and control systems. The unit explains why simple gross motor skills and systems with few techniques are more compatible to safety and control training.

Prevention Psychology: This non-physical unit is designed for lecture only. Utilizing techniques of mental awareness and survival, this section teaches women methods of preventing the situations from occurring.

Managing Social or Professional Physical Harassment: Control techniques for physical harassment in the workplace and social functions are stressed in this section. Low level techniques that can easily avert an unwanted physical advance are taught with an easily retained method.

Sexual Assault Countermeasures: When confronted with a criminal sexual assault, the techniques taught in this section can be used to neutralize the assailant. Among the techniques stressed are striking techniques utilizing the hands, legs and feet, followed by methods of escape and evasion necessary to reduce the chance of further attack.

Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention

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Weapon Retention and DisarmingWeapon Retention and Disarming

Handgun Retention and Disarming: This unit teaches a simple system of disarming and handgun or long gun retention. The unit will address holstered defenses, drawn weapon defenses as well as maintaining a long gun.

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Customized ProgramsCustomized Programs

Atlantic Defensive Tactics will customize specific training programs based on your organizations needs and requirements. We will provide an initial “Needs” assessment for your training and make recommendations for training courses required based on those needs.

These courses can be conducted at our training facility in Bedford or at your own location in your area.

Our programs can be offered as cost per participant for those organizations that are relatively small in size, so that many organizations can share a training course opportunity. As well, we offer a “Flat Rate” program which allows larger organizations to send as many officers as possible (maximum 16 to assure a quality training experience).

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InstructorInstructorBorn:April 1, 1967 in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada


Graduated Grade 12 (1985)Dalhousie University - Major in Marketing (1989)

Professional Background:

- 5th Degree Black Belt, Certified Instructor & Examiner (ITF Taekwon-Do)- Certified Defensive Tactics Instructor (PPCT Management Systems)- Certified Spontaneous Knife Defense Instructor (PPCT Management Systems)- Certified GAGE Instructor (PPCT Management Systems) - Certified SHARP Instructor (PPCT Management Systems) - Recognized Use-of-Force Instructor – Department of Justice- Defensive Tactics Instructor for CAC Career College- Defensive Tactics Instructor for Success College - International Instructors Course (2000) - ITF Taekwon-Do (Chicago, IL, US)- International Instructors Course (2001) - ITF Taekwon-Do (St. John's, NF, CA)- International Instructors Course (2003) - ITF Taekwon-Do (Quebec City, QC, CA)- International Instructors Course (2003) - ITF Taekwon-Do (Halifax, NS, CA)- International Instructors Course (2008) - ITF Taekwon-Do (Oakville, ON CA)

Mr. Ken MacKenzie5th Degree Black Belt

Certified PPCT Instructor

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2500 square feet of training space, change rooms, washroom facilities, audio visual learning aids & training 2500 square feet of training space, change rooms, washroom facilities, audio visual learning aids & training

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Contact InformationContact InformationAddress:Address:270 Bluewater Road,Bedford, Nova ScotiaB4B1J7


(902) 835-7111


(902) 484-6883


[email protected]