comparative study...leonardo da vinci, st.john the baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in...

Comparative Study Jacqueline Martinez This comparative study compares and contrasts the pieces Dead Bishops and Madonna and Child by Colombian painter; Fernando Botero and the piece St.John the Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci. This study will address the formal qualities, composition and cultural context.

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Page 1: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Comparative Study Jacqueline Martinez

This comparative study compares and contrasts the pieces Dead Bishops and Madonna and Child by Colombian painter; Fernando Botero and the piece St.John the Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci. This study will address the formal qualities, composition and cultural context.

Page 2: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

The color palette creates a feeling of sadness because they are muted and washed out.

A sense of calmness is created because of the unbothered facial expressions and the crossed hands

A slight humor is created due to the over exaggerated volume placed on the bishops

Analysis of Formal Qualities: Dead Bishops

Although the colors are muted and washed out; there is a sharp contrast between the bishops and the dark background

Fernando Botero, Dead Bishops, 1965, oil on canvas, 68.9 in x 74.8 in

Organic lines are used throughout the piece to create the bodies.

There is a smooth textured gradient in the background.

Page 3: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Cultural Context Fernando Botero created the piece Dead Bishops in 1965. During this period in Botero’s art career; his study of the Renaissance period in Italy and his nostalgia of growing up in a heavily Catholic society strongly influenced his pieces during this time. While he was in Italy; he noticed that the power of the church had a strong influence on the politics and everyday habits in Italy. This piece was meant to humor the idea of putting the strong influence to rest.

Page 4: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Analysis of Formal Qualities: Madonna and Child

A playful but still serious demeanor is created due to the bright hues used in this piece

The viewer’s eye analyzes the entire piece because of the center composition. The eye first focuses on the Madonna’s face, then the child’s face and then the prop they are sitting upon.

A mixture of the geometric and organic lines are used on this piece

The texture of the piece is smooth because of the painting technique used and the canvas used.

The color palette for this piece is muted and focuses on making a softer color

There is a gradient going from black to white in the piece which creates a nice contrast

Fernando Botero, Madonna with Child 1965, oil on canvas, 84 in x 69 in

Page 5: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Cultural Context Fernando Botero created this piece Madonna with Child in 1965. In this period of Botero’s art career; his study of the Renaissance period in Italy and his nostalgia of growing up in a heavily Catholic society strongly influenced his pieces during this time. While he was in Italy; he noticed that the power of the church had a strong influence on the politics and everyday habits in Italy. This piece was meant to make religion more approachable and human.

Page 6: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Analysis of Formal Qualities: St.John the Baptist butter

Soft Contrast between dark and light makes it easy to tell where light is coming from

A serious and realistic demeanor is created because of the dark color palette

An approachable feeling is created due to the smirk on

his face

St.John being placed in the center creates an even balance in the piece

The background is washed out and gives the painting a rustic look

The texture of this piece is smooth

The color palette consists of brown hues being altered to create different shades

Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in

Page 7: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At this time Da Vinci was in the renaissance period turning into mannerism. The reason da Vinci painted St.John the Baptist pointing up is to show the importance of heaven and salvation through the form of baptism. Historically; St.John the Baptist was painted very masculine and Da Vinci made him look like a hermaphrodite.

Page 8: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Comparing and Contrasting: Fernando Botero and Leonardo Da Vinci

Fernando Botero

Is a Colombian artist from the modern era. He Creates humor Art to get messages across. He also creates parody like pieces to express his opinion.Botero uses bright hues to add his own flare to the piece. He also uses figures that look friendly to make the piece more of his style. He is heavily influenced by religion from when he was a child.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Da Vinci Was active in the High Renaissance period. He is an Italian artist, Da Vinci made the Pieces heavily based on religion Da vinci used a muted color palette to emphasize that the paintings he made were serious.

Similarities Both of the artists focus on religion but interpret it in their own meaning. Both artists use a smooth

textured canvas which creates a nice value when they create a gradient

Page 9: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Comparing and Contrasting: Formal Qualities Dead Bishops by Fernando Botero & St.John The Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci

Dead Bishops by Fernando Botero

The Figures in this piece are voluptuous. The muted background creates a Strong contrast between background and figures in the piece. There are a variety of different colors used such as a muted powder blue, a muted orange, muted red, muted yellow and browns.

St.John The Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci

The Figure is made to be very realistic to the human body. There is a significant amount of blending which creates a subtle gradient in the background. The colors palette here consists of browns and reds. They are altered

Similarities Both artists use a muted and warm color palette which impacts the tone of the piece. Both pieces are made to

seem approachable by using comedy or accurate depictions to do so. Both pieces include humans and have

a smooth canvas texture.

Page 10: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Comparing and Contrasting: Formal Qualities Madonna with Child by Fernando Botero & St.John The Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci

Madonna with Child by Fernando Botero

Voluptuous figures are featured on Madonna with Child. The figures are voluptuous to create a comedic effect to a serious topic which is religion. To make this piece; a bright color palette is used. The colors are toned down into a muted pastel. This also serves to make the piece whimsical and inviting. A mix of geometric and organic lines are used to create the figures on the piece.

St.John the Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci

Da vinci created a body that strongly resembles a human body. The realistic features make this piece serious as there isn’t a comedic feature added. Da Vinci used a Warm and Muted color palette. He altered different shades and used them as shadows and for creating depth. It brings unity to the piece as every color blends well into each other. The color palette also contributes to the serious tone of the piece. the Serious demeanor

Similarities Both of these pieces purpose is

to show and invite. Madonna with Child is inviting because of the voluptuous figures and Da

Vinci’s piece St.John the baptist is inviting because of the smile

on the figures face.

Page 11: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Comparing and Contrasting: Formal Qualities Madonna with Child by Fernando Botero & Dead Bishops by Fernando Botero

Madonna with Child by Fernando Botero

A bright color palette is used to make the piece inviting and sweet. The colors used are cool tones and muted down to a pastel. The color palette creates unity. Throughout the piece. There is an element of nature added to create a sense of nurture and peace. The element of nature is the tree they’re sitting on top of. It creates balance since it is in the center.

Dead Bishops by Fernando Botero

Fernando Botero used a muted color palette in this piece. The color palette consists of warm, muted tones and it is used by altering the shades to create depth or a completely different color. A melancholy feeling is created once all the colors are united. Balance is created because there is center composition that fits within each other.

Similarities Both artists included a central composition

Organic lines are included in both pieces to create the

silhouettes. The organic lines create voluptuous figures on a

smooth canvas. - Voluptuous figures

Page 12: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Comparing and Contrasting: Significance Dead Bishops by Fernando Botero & St.John the Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci

Dead Bishops by Fernando Botero

Botero’s intention with the piece Dead Bishops was to add comedy to a very serious topic in art which was Religion. He did this by creating voluptuous figures; it made the art topic approachable and comedic. New colors are used to show that the piece is modernized.

St.John the Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci

Da Vinci wanted to tell the importance of the heavens and salvation through baptism in this portrait. This piece is meant to be serious and nurturing at the same time. It’s supposed to praise baptism. Religion was the topic of this piece and it was a and it's supposed to show a devotion St,John the Baptist.

Similarities Both artists were inspired by religion in some sort of way. Whether it was to make the topic more welcoming or showing the importance of a topic.

Page 13: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Comparing and Contrasting: Significance Madonna with Child by Fernando Botero & St.John The Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci

Madonna with Child by Fernando Botero

Botero’s intention on Madonna with Child is to make the piece humorous, sweet and welcoming. The reason for this is because he wants religion to be eased down for others rather than making it a very intense subject. This piece is supposed to represent nurturement and is supposed to make the viewer feel at ease and taken care of when looking at it but at the same time bring a comedic twist to it.

St.John the Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci

Da Vinci wanted to show the importance of the heavens and salvation through baptism in the piece he created. This painting is meant to be serious and welcoming at the same time. Religion was the main topic of this piece and it's supposed to show a praise to St. John the Baptist.

Similarities Both artists were heavily inspired by religion and tradition. The purpose of these paintings is to make religion welcoming and to interpret a story.

Page 14: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Comparing and Contrasting: Significance Dead Bishops by Fernando Botero and Madonna with Child by Fernando Botero

Dead Bishops by Fernando Botero

Botero’s intention with the piece Dead Bishops was to add humor to a very intense topic in art which was Religion. By creating voluptuous figures; it made the art topic approachable and comedic. New colors are used to show that the piece is modernized.

Madonna with Child by Fernando Botero

Botero’s intention on Madonna with Child is to make the piece humorous, sweet and welcoming. The reason for this is because he wants religion to be eased down for others rather than making it a very intense subject. This piece is supposed to represent nurturement and is supposed to make the viewer feel at ease and taken care of when looking at it but at the same time bring a comedic twist to it.

Similarities Botero’s intention of making the topic of religion friendly and comedic to a new generation. It’s his interpretation of religion when he was a child.

Page 15: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Connecting to my own work: Leonardo Da Vinci

Unfinished is a self portrait that I created to create uneasiness. It was made using acrylic paints on a stretched canvas. I created to create uneasiness because I thought creating peace with paintings was used too much. This is a great difference from Da Vinci’s St.John The Baptist painting as it is made to seem welcoming and is praising religion. I did get inspiration from the position of the figure in Da Vinci’s painting

Page 16: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Connecting to my own work: Leonardo Da Vinci

A warm and bright color palette is used.

For the background, a fire is used to contrast the figure in the middle. Organic lines are used to create the flames.

A center composition creates balance within the piece.

Warm, dark colors are us ed to create the piece

The composition of the figure creates balance in the piece because it is placed in the middle.

Page 17: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Connecting to my own work: Fernando Botero

Dead Bishops:

Not just sad anymore is a piece about experiencing all types of emotions during the summer time. The piece was made using acrylic paints and a wooden canvas. The piece dead bishops by Fernando Botero is about easing the topic of religion in the world of art and a metaphorical piece signifying that religion is something that should be put to rest. Both of these pieces have a comedic effect by incorporating bright, different colors and voluptuous.

Page 18: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Connecting to my own work: Fernando Botero

Cool toned and bright color palette to make the piece kid like and friendly since it’s a sensitive topic.

Both pieces include organic lines to create the voluptuous figures. This is to add a comedic effect to the piece

Texture is added to the background of the piece to add a contrast between the figures and the background.

Warm tones and muted color palette are incorporated to signify a melancholy situation

Page 19: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Connecting to my own work: Fernando Botero

Can you please go to sleep is an illustrative piece inspired by Botero’s voluptuous figures. It is about the eccentric behavior of little kids. Madonna with child by Fernando Botero is about religion and nurturing a child but a comedic effect is added to both pieces because of the round figures.

Page 20: Comparative Study...Leonardo Da Vinci, St.John The Baptist, 1513, oil on canvas, 27 in x 22 in Cultural Context Leonardo Da Vinci created this piece St.John the Baptist in 1513. At

Connecting to my own work: Fernando Botero

Bright colors are used to support the cartoon like appearance since it is aimed at kids.

A round appearance for the figures gives the pieces a comedic effect

Background of the piece is blended into a gradient to create movement against the figure in the center.

The center composition of the figure creates an even proportion