comparison and analysis vedio and audio using queues _practice

Comparison and analysis of FIFO, PQ, and WFQ Disciplines in OPNET

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Comparison and Analysis Vedio and Audio Using Queues _practice


Comparison and Analysis of FIFO, PQ, and WFQ Disciplines in OPNET

Comparison and analysis of FIFO, PQ, and WFQ Disciplines in OPNETPresentation OutlineIntroduction

Background Information

OPNET Implementation

Simulation Results

Conclusion and QuestionsIntroduction Queuing methods are used to handle network resourcesReal-time applications such as voice and video conferencing are especially susceptible to delays and packet lossesThe Quality of Service (QoS) network devices must employ proper queuing methods to differentiate among arriving packets Queuing disciplines are implemented in routers

BackgroundComparison and analysis of queuing disciplines in OPNETFocus on: FIFO First-in, First Out PQ Priority Queuing WFQ Weighted Fair Queuing

Apply each queuing method towards: FTP Voice Video ConferencingBackground - FIFOFIFO : First-In, First-Out QueuingSimplest queuing discipline First packet to arrive into buffer is the first packet to leave bufferAll packets treated equallyPackets dropped if buffer full, regardless of importance of packets

Background - PQBased on FIFO queues, but use multiple buffersArriving packets are tagged to reflect their importanceHigh priority packets are serviced and transmitted firstPackets dropped if they arrive at a full buffer

Real-time applications such as VoIP and video conferencing should in theory observe less delay under this queuing disciplineBackground - WFQArriving packets are tagged and placed in separate queuesAllocation and sharing of bandwidth is determined by weight factor given to each buffer WFQ scheduler serves buffers in circular manner WFQ is work-conserving: service is provided to next queue upon finding an empty queue

Background - WFQ

OPNET ImplementationScenarios and applications consideredScenario1Scenario2Scenario3QueuingdisciplineFirst-in,First-outQueuingPriorityQueuingWeightedFairQueuingSimulationTime150 MS 150 MS150 MSApplicationsconsideredFTPVoIPVideoConferencingFTPVoIPVideoConferencingFTPVoIPVideoConferencing

Network Topology

Campus network 10 x 10 km

5 workstations

2 routers

1 Ethernet server

Application, Profile, and QoSDefinitions

OPNET Implementation ApplicationDefinitionAttributesApplicationNameFTPVoIPVideoConferencingDescriptionHighLoadPCMQualitySpeechLowResolutionVideoTypeofService(ToS)BestEffort(0)InteractiveVoice(6)StreamingMultimedia(4)OPNET ImplementationApplication Attributes Simulation Results End-to-End Delay in Voice

Time taken for packets to be transmitted from source to destination.

Application : Voice, Video

ETE in voice and video should be small to provide natural conversationFIFO shows most ETE Delay (~ 2.2 sec)

PQ and WFQ have lower ETE delay. It is near from the zero Voice Traffic ReceivedSimulation Results


Video Traffic Received

Traffic received statistics for Video conferencing, where it can be observed that in cases of WFQ, FIFO, PQ.

WFQ started to drop packets roughly about 2.2 seconds of network operation while reaching a maximum of about 50.000 bytes of dataPQs performance was found to be the worst, as it is only a simple variation of the FIFO queuing method

FIFO reached a maximum of about 35,000 bytes and then started losing packets

Simulation Results IP Traffic Dropped

Simulation Results

the number of IP datagrams or packets dropped per second is found to be the highest for the FIFO queuing method, while PQ and WFQ showed fewer drop in packets across all IP interfaces during the simulation. The results obtained could be explained in terms of the queue sizes of each of the queuing disciplines employed. Since FIFO has just one queue, the number of packets dropped is expected to rise as the queue becomes full. PQ and WFQ, on the other hand, employ multiple queues and so the number of packets dropped will be fewer if either of those methods is employedConclusionEnd-to-End Delay in Voice PQ and WFQ have lower ETE delay. It is near from the zero.Worst: FIFOVoice Traffic ReceivedPQandWFQresultin moretrafficreceivedWorst: FIFOVideo Traffic ReceivedBest: Weighted Fair Queues and FIFOWorst: PQIP Traffic DroppedLess IP segment drop PQ and WFQWorst: higher IP segment drop FIFO

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