comparison between stage 1 and stage 2 of meaningful use

Comparison between Stage 1 and Stage 2 of Meaningful Use For Eligible Professionals

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Comparison between Stage 1 and

Stage 2 of Meaningful Use For

Eligible Professionals

Stage1: Care providers are required to meet 15 core

objectives and 5 of 10 menu objectives, which makes it a

total of 20 objectives.

Stage 2: Care providers are required to meet 17 core objectives and three of six menu objectives, which makes it a

total of 20 objectives.

Stage1: More than 30% of unique patients who have at least

one medication in their list, one medication order needs to

be placed through a computerised physician order entry by

care providers.

Stage 2: This criteria has been increased to 60% of unique patients for medication orders, 30% of radiology and 30% of laboratory orders, which are created by the physicians need

to be ordered via a computerised physician order entry

Stage1: More than 40% of lab results need to be

incorporated as structured data to certified electronic

health records.

Stage 2: More than 55% of lab results need to be incorporated as structured data to a certified electronic

health records.

Stage1: The care providers need to perform a drug

formulary check with at least one internal and one external

drug formula throughout the EHR reporting period.

Stage 2: This objective has been merged with the e prescribing plan.

Stage1: Atleast 40% of the prescriptions need to be

transmitted electronically via a certified EHR technology

Stage 2: Atleast 50 % of the prescriptions need to be transmitted electronically and compared to at least one drug

formulary via a certified EHR technology

Stage1: Record Smoking status of more than 50% of all

unique patients who are 13 years and older.

Stage 2: Record Smoking status of more than 80% of all unique patients who are 13 years and older.

Stage1: Care providers need to record the vital signs like

height, weight, blood pressure of more than 50% of unique

patients over the age of two.

Stage 2: Care providers need to record the vital signs like height, weight, blood pressure of more than 80% of unique

patients over the age of two.

Stage1: Reminder notifications need to be given to more

than 20% of the patients of all age group, for preventive and

follow up care.

Stage 2: Reminder notification needs to be given to more than 10% of the patients provided they have visited more than twice in the 2 year period before the meaningful use

reporting period.

Stage1: Physicians are required to perform drug allergy

reaction tests along with drug to drug reaction tests for the

entire reporting period of 90days

Stage 2:This particular objective is included into clinical decision support.

Stage1: One clinical decision support rule needs to be performed

and attested by care providers in order to meet the measure

Stage 2:This measure has been expanded to 5 clinical decision support interventions associated to 4 or more

clinical quality measures for patient care, provided it is applicable and relevant. Apart from this physicians are

also required to conduct a drug to drug and drug allergy interaction checks throughout the EHR reporting period

Stage1:Care providers need to submit clinical quality measures to

Centers of Medicaid and Medicare Services electronically.

Stage 2:This measure is not considered as a separate objective but physicians are still required to report the

above to achieve meaningful use.

Stage1:Electronic copy of health records should be made available

on request to more than 50% of the patients of a physician within

3 business days.

Stage 2:50% of all unique patients must be given online access to all their health records within 4 business days after the information is available to the physicians and

also 5% of those unique patients must either view, download or transmit the records to a third party.

Stage1:More than 50% of the visiting patients of a physician should

be provided with clinical summaries within 3 business days.

Stage 2:More than 50% of the visiting patients of a physician should be provided with clinical summaries

within 1 business day.

Stage1:A risk management process should be in place with a

security risk analysis, which needs to be conducted or reviewed as

per 45 CFR 164.308 and accordingly updated with rectified

security deficiencies that are identified in the process.

Stage 2:A risk management process should be in place with a security risk analysis, which needs to be

conducted or reviewed as per 45 CFR 164.308, with the inclusion of addressing encryption or security of data at

rest and accordingly updated with rectified security deficiencies that are identified in the process.

Stage1:Generate at least one list of patients with specific

conditions to improve the quality with easier outreach, reduce

inconsistency and enhance research.

Stage 2: Same as Stage 1.

Stage1:More than 10% of all unique patients of a care provider

should be given patient specific education resources with the use

of a certified EHR technology.

Stage 2: Same as Stage 1.

Stage1:More than 50% of the patients of a doctor need to undergo

a medical reconciliation, if they are referral patients from a

different physician.

Stage 2: Same as Stage 1.

Stage1: Physicians need to maintain an active updated diagnosis

list of more than 80% of unique patients, with the inclusion of at

least one indication that no problems are known for the patient

recorded as structured data.

Stage 2: This is no longer a separate objective and has been merged in to the summary of care document at transitions of care and referrals.

Stage1: Care providers need to furnish summary of care records

for more than 50 % of the transition of care and referral patients ,

when such patients are referred to another set of physicians.

Stage 2: Care providers are required to furnish summary of care records for more than 50 % of transition of care and referral patients to another set of physicians when referring such patients, and 10% of such records need to be transmitted electronically via a CEHRT or a

government validated exchange system. Also the physician must conduct one or more of the exchanges where the receiver uses an EHR

technology designed by a different EHR vendor.

Stage1: Physicians need to maintain an active updated medication

list of more than 80% of unique patients, with the inclusion of at

least one indication that no medications are prescribed for the

patient recorded as structured data.

Stage 2: This is no longer a separate objective and has been merged in to the summary of care document at transitions and referrals wherein

when such a case arises, physicians are required to provide a summary of care record of more than 50% of such patients, out of

which 10% needs to be electronically transmitted via a CEHRT and one or more of such exchanges need to be between EHR technology

designed by two different developers.

Stage1: Physicians need to maintain an active updated medication

allergy list of more than 80% of unique patients, with the inclusion

of at least one indication that the patient has no known

medication allergies, as part of the structured data.

Stage 2: This is no longer a separate objective and has been merged in to the summary of care document at transitions and referrals wherein

when such a case arises, physicians are required to provide a summary of care record of more than 50% of such patients, out of

which 10% needs to be electronically transmitted via a CEHRT and one or more of such exchanges need to be between EHR technology

designed by two different developers.

Stage1: Care providers must conduct at least one exchange of

data electronically through a CEHRT to the immunization

registries and follow up submission if successful.

Stage 2: Ongoing successful submission of immunization data

through a CEHRT to immunization registries or immunization

information is essential throughout the EHR reporting period.

Stage1: Care providers must conduct at least one exchange of

electronic syndromic surveillance data through a CEHRT to the

immunization registries and follow up submission if successful.

Stage 2: Ongoing successful submission of electronic syndromic surveillance data through a CEHRT to immunization registries or

immunization information is essential throughout the EHR reporting period.

New Objectives of Stage 2

• More than 5% of the patients have to share secure message through the electronic messaging function of a certified electronic health record.

•Electronic progress notes needs to be created for more than 30% of all unique patients, along with edits if any and signature of physicians.

•More than 10% of all lab tests with image results ordered by the care providers needs to be either included or accessible through a CEHRT, applicable for only those patients who are diagnosed within the EHR reporting period.

New Objectives of Stage 2

•Care providers must record family history of more than 20% of all unique patients seen during the reporting period.

•Identify and submit reports of cancer cases to state cancer registrythrough a CEHRT throughout the reporting period following the guidelines of law and practice.

•Identify and submit reports of specific cases ( apart from cancer cases) to a specialized registry through a CEHRT throughout the reporting period following the guidelines of law and practice.