comparison of double page spreads

Amelia Patchett Comparison of both Double Page Spreads White White space Drop Drop Headlin Headlin Kicke Kick Pull Gutters Gutte Body Image Image Tex Captio Captio

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Post on 17-Jan-2017




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Amelia Patchett

Comparison of both Double Page Spreads

White space

White space

Drop cap

Drop cap




KickerPull Quote


Gutters Body Text






Amelia Patchett

There are many comparisons between the two of these magazines for instance the colour scheme of white, red and black however they portray different meanings such as Adele portrays a sense of sophistication due to the sepia colouring; Lily Allen creates a sense of attitude towards the article which could interest the reader. The use of the Guttenberg principle is also used in both of the double pages yet it is used in different ways as the Adele magazine uses the primary optical area as a way to promote her image then in the terminal area it shows her article. On the other hand, the Lily Allen page shows the headline in the primary optical area to catch the reader’s attention and her image in the terminal area. In addition, the text layout on Adele’s is compact into one long paragraph instead of bodied text like the other. This could lead to the reader being disinterested in the article as it seems a lot of writing all together. However, this is why there is more white space due to the writing being squished together in one column whereas the other article has less white space due to putting the article into columns going along the page to fill most of the white space.

They both include a drop cap which is very common in magazines as it shows the reader where to start reading and to interest the reader more to the page. Furthermore, they both include a Kicker and a pull quotation, but the Lily Allen magazine uses the quotation as the headline whereas quotes are used throughout the article and kicker in the Adele one. Both images cover at least one page and continue over to the other side. Also, there are captions on both articles to inform the reader on who has wrote the piece and taken the image. Therefore, for two different magazines (NME and Q) they have similar qualities of how they set out their articles, this may be because they are a similar type of genre rather than a magazine such as Kerrang which is a totally different type of magazine and would target a different audience therefore would be set out with more differences than Q and NME.

In addition, the text also shares some comparisons however is also quite different to each other due to the different writers on each piece. For example, they both use ellipsis by converging words such as ‘I am ‘‘it is’ into ‘I’m’ and ‘it’s’ making them both less formal then it would be in a newspaper. However, a contrast would be that on the Lily Allen uses a pun of “In a world of bland, identikit popstars, LILY ALLEN is a tabloid-baiting breath of fresh air.” this connotes meaning of sarcasm towards her and how she thinks she is better than everybody else in the music industry. On the other hand, Adele’s magazine uses a simile is on the line “her hands are fluttering around her head like butterflies”. Personification is also used when the “weeping piano” is mentioned suggesting that the piano is like a human when in fact they imply the music which is played by the piano. As well as that, there is a triple used in “her voice booms and swoops and soars” representing how Adele is singing. It quotes ‘cursing words’ such as “I was shitting myself” and “I’m always fucking starving” which suggests that they magazine id trying to portray Adele in a different way that she is shown on stage, possibly trying to reveal her bad side. This is also something that Allen’s article quotes when the piece mentions “Jools fucking Hollands fucking hootenanny” therefore both portraying a sense of immaturity at the beginning of their career.