competition objectives eligible ... - · • both a printed and electronic version...

EPA Region 6 invites all municipal/private praconers and students implemenng green infrastructure (GI)/low impact development (LID) projects within Region 6 to parcipate in its annual Outstanding GI/LID Project Compeon to be held during the 2020 EPA Region 6 Stormwater Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana on August 9-13, 2020. The Compeon objecves are to: 1) showcase the GI/LID pracces within Region 6 at any stage of planning to implementaon, irrespecve of type, size, complexity or primary purpose, and 2) educate praconers on the realisc applicaons and benefits of GI/LID within this region, regardless of climac or geologic condions. Anyone with a GI/LID project that falls within the Region 6 geographical area. Flood migaon Revitalizaon Open space • Xeriscaping Community impact Commercial Industrial Transportaon Instuonal Water conservaon New or innovave designs Retrofit or redevelopment projects Master plan projects Residenal 1. One complete Project Abstract Form is required for each GI/LID project and must include the below informaon. The completed abstract form must be submied to hp://submissions2.mirasmart. com/TAMUK2020/login.aspx no later than 11:59 PM CDT on June 1st. Project Descripon (300-500 words max): Describe all GI/LID element(s) and each element’s intended purpose (i.e., aesthecs, green space, LEED credits, runoff management, pollutant(s) removal, flood migaon, riparian protecon, water conservaon, etc.). Include project tle and locaon (Region 6 only), indicang whether on private or public property. Indicate the phase or status of project implementaon. Idenfy monitoring parameters included or planned, if any. Idenfy the enty tasked with operang and maintaining the GI/LID element(s). 2. Idenfy whether entering the Professional or Student compeon category. 3. Idenfy name(s) of presenter(s) and collaborave agencies/partners, if any. 4. Include full contact informaon for each presenter, including telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and a brief biography (150 words max). 5. Parcipants will be nofied of abstract approval, via e-mail, no later than June 15th. 6. Parcipants nofied of approved project abstracts must submit the final electronic project poster and a 5-minute video presentaon to Suzanna Perea ([email protected]) no later than 11:59 PM CDT on July 27th for judging. 7. Project presenters must be present during the compeon poster session event on August 11th and be available for addional quesons from aendees. To parcipate in this event, presenters must pay a $50 entry fee ($25 for students). There is no fee for poster session presenters who have paid for conference admission. The Project Abstract Form and addional informaon about the 2020 EPA Region 6 Stormwater Conference can be found at hps:// connued COMPETITION OBJECTIVES ELIGIBLE COMPETITION CATEGORIES AND PROJECT TYPES COMPETITION REGISTRATION INFORMATION

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Page 1: COMPETITION OBJECTIVES ELIGIBLE ... - · • Both a printed and electronic version (ppt or pdf) of the project poster are required to participate. Printed and electronic

EPA Region 6 invites all municipal/private practitioners and students implementing green infrastructure (GI)/low impact development (LID) projects within Region 6 to participate in its annual Outstanding GI/LID Project Competition to be held during the 2020 EPA Region 6 Stormwater Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana on August 9-13, 2020.

The Competition objectives are to: 1) showcase the GI/LID practices within Region 6 at any stage of planning to implementation, irrespective of type, size, complexity or primary purpose, and 2) educate practitioners on the realistic applications and benefits of GI/LID within this region, regardless of climatic or geologic conditions.

Anyone with a GI/LID project that falls within the Region 6 geographical area.• Flood mitigation• Revitalization• Open space• Xeriscaping• Community impact

• Commercial• Industrial• Transportation• Institutional • Water conservation

• New or innovative designs• Retrofit or redevelopment

projects• Master plan projects• Residential

1. One complete Project Abstract Form is required for each GI/LID project and must include the below information. The completed abstract form must be submitted to no later than 11:59 PM CDT on June 1st.

Project Description (300-500 words max): • Describe all GI/LID element(s) and each element’s intended purpose (i.e., aesthetics, green space,

LEED credits, runoff management, pollutant(s) removal, flood mitigation, riparian protection, water conservation, etc.).

• Include project title and location (Region 6 only), indicating whether on private or public property. • Indicate the phase or status of project implementation.• Identify monitoring parameters included or planned, if any.• Identify the entity tasked with operating and maintaining the GI/LID element(s).

2. Identify whether entering the Professional or Student competition category.3. Identify name(s) of presenter(s) and collaborative agencies/partners, if any.4. Include full contact information for each presenter, including telephone numbers, e-mail addresses,

and a brief biography (150 words max).5. Participants will be notified of abstract approval, via e-mail, no later than June 15th. 6. Participants notified of approved project abstracts must submit the final electronic project poster

and a 5-minute video presentation to Suzanna Perea ([email protected]) no later than 11:59 PM CDT on July 27th for judging.

7. Project presenters must be present during the competition poster session event on August 11th and be available for additional questions from attendees. To participate in this event, presenters must pay a $50 entry fee ($25 for students). There is no fee for poster session presenters who have paid for conference admission.

The Project Abstract Form and additional information about the 2020 EPA Region 6 Stormwater Conference can be found at continued




Page 2: COMPETITION OBJECTIVES ELIGIBLE ... - · • Both a printed and electronic version (ppt or pdf) of the project poster are required to participate. Printed and electronic

• Both a printed and electronic version (ppt or pdf) of the project poster are required to participate. Printed and electronic posters must not contain differing content or images.

• Printed poster dimensions: 36 inches wide x 48 inches long, maximum.• Photos, graphic designs, or a combination thereof may be used to meet judging criteria.• Project posters may be mounted on cardboard or foam poster board, to be displayed on easels (provided)

for the duration of the conference (August 9-13, 2020).

• Participants must prepare a project video presentation not to exceed 5 minutes. Videos longer than 5 minutes will not be viewed.

• For ease in describing various elements of the project posters, presenters may opt to include up to 4 additional slides of zoomed-in elements provided content and images do not differ from the final printed project poster.

• Video presentations must be created from original content and illustrate the judging criteria provided below. You represent and warrant that the work submitted is your own original work and that it does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any other person.

• Participants must upload their video presentation to YouTube or a similar video-sharing website and provide a link with their submission. Instructions on how to upload a video on YouTube is available online. The inability to review a video presentation will result in disqualification.

JUDGING CRITERIA AND COMPETITION EVENTProject posters (both printed and electronic) and video presentations will be judged by a panel of local experts that may include EPA staff, landscape architects, engineers, public officials, and/or academia. Project presenters will be allotted five minutes to present to the judges via the video presentation. Judges and other attendees may ask presenters clarifying questions during the competition poster session event on August 11th. Judges will score posters, video presentations and responses to questions using the following criteria, as applicable:

• Originality/uniqueness• Benefits obtained (design storm for BMP sizing and environmental/volume calculations, total/peak

flow and volume reductions, water quality benefits, creation or preservation of ecosystem(s), etc.)• GI/LID design elements and their function• Challenges/impediments to overcome for implementation • Outreach efforts used to inform and engage the community about the GI/LID practices implemented• GI/LID project aesthetics (line, form, color, texture)• Project presentation (content quality, graphics, verbal skills, color, photos, etc.)• Operation and maintenance techniques/strategies (feasibility & efficiency)

Additionally, Stormwater Conference attendees viewing the displayed project posters and/or attending the competition poster session event will have an opportunity to vote for the People’s Choice Award.

First and second place in the professional category, first place in the student category, and the Technical Merit and People’s Choice awards will be presented during the 2020 EPA Stormwater Conference Award Celebration and via EPA’s various electronic and social media mechanisms. Attendance at the award celebration is voluntary.

For additional competition information or questions, please visit or contact

Suzanna Perea ([email protected]).