compilation of narratives -set 1

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  • 7/29/2019 Compilation of Narratives -Set 1



    Question 1: Write a story ending with:

    An incident you wished never happened

    As it was the festive season, almost every supermarket in town was having a sale. My friend, Joanna and I

    decided to get some Christmas gifts for our families. At Joannas suggestion, we went to the Store Supermarket in

    Jalan Taiping. The supermarket was crowded with shoppers. Everyone was busy choosing whatever they could

    garb from the bargaining counters.

    Joanna and I made our way to the ladies department on the second floor. We were pushed and jostled by

    the crowd. We began going through the items on sale. Joanna picked up a few T-shirts while I chose a pair of

    faded jeans which had a 50 percent discount tag on it. We queued up at the counter. After paying for the items, we

    went to the ground floor to pick up some stationery. Joanna was choosing a fountain pen for her Dad while I was

    browsing through some magazines, when suddenly a security guard came up to us to one corner. He told us that

    he wanted to check our purchases. When I insisted on knowing the reason, he informed us that someone had seen

    us shoplifting. We were speechless. Joanna and I stared at each other in disbelief.

    Meanwhile, a small crowd had gathered around us. Everybody was looking at us suspiciously. I felt very

    embarrassed. I wished that I had not been influenced by Joanna to accompany her on her shopping spree. I was

    close to tears but Joanna was calm and composed. The security guard went through all the items we had

    purchased and checked them against our payment receipt. Satisfied that we had paid for all the items in our

    possession, he allowed us to go. Joanna insisted on an apology from the management. The manager of the

    supermarket immediately came down and apologized to us.

    As we made our way to the exit, I felt as though all eye were on us and the people were giving us

    suspicious stares. I vowed never to step into that supermarket again. It was the most embarrassing incident of my

    life, an incident which I wished had never happened.

    Question 2: Write a story ending with:

    a gift I treasure most in my life.

    It was just a week before my sixteenth birthday. Party preparations had started. My family usually does not

    celebrate birthdays on a grand scale. It was usually a family affair. However, this was a double celebration. I had

    passed my PMR examination with flying colours and my parents thought this was an occasion to celebrate. This

    was the first time in my life I will be celebrating my birthday on a grand scale.

    The whole house was a hive of activity. Everyone was busy with something. Spring-cleaning on the housestarted a week before. There was a continuous hustle and bustle as everyone went about doing their share of the

    work. My mum, who was the chief event organiser, was busy planning the budget and the menu. My dad was in

    charge of paying for the different purchases. My siblings were busy sending out the invitations. Even Grandpa, who

    enjoys watching his favourite Astro channel from the comfort of his armchair, did not want to be left out. He made

    numerous trips to town to run errands for mum.

    Grandpa and I shared a special bond. Perhaps it was because I was his oldest grandchild. Though

    grandpa was eighty-five years old, he was still very active. Everyone in our neighbourhood knew grandpa as a

    quiet and humble man. Though he was temperamental at certain times, he was a down to earth person. I was very

    close to grandpa. In fact, I was closer to grandpa, than my dad. It was grandpa who would be accompanying me,

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    whenever I was burning the midnight oil. Sometimes dad would be shouting at grandpa for pampering me too

    much. Grandpa was more like a friend to me. He was always there for me and he would offer me his shoulder to

    cry on whenever I was depressed.

    Two days before my birthday, Grandpa complained of chest pains. We rushed him to the hospital but he

    refused to be admitted. He was given a lot of medicine. When he came home, he remained in his room. Whenever

    I went into his room, he managed a smile. I could see that he was very tired and too weak to move from the bed.

    The skin around the corners of his mouth and eyes had numerous wrinkles while the skin on his skinny limbs had

    shrunken. I felt so sad each time I saw him.

    It was during the early hours of my birthday when I was awakened by my mothers loud sobbing. I knew

    something was wrong. I rushed to Grandpas room only to see him lying motionless. Grandpa had died in his sleep.

    The realisation hit me like a bolt of lightning. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. It was then, I noticed a parcel

    with a birthday card stuck to it beside him.

    I only opened the present two days after Grandpas funeral. It was a laptop. Grandpa had withdrawn all his

    savings to buy the laptop for me. It is a gift I treasure most in my life.

    Question 3: Write a story ending with:

    ..please forgive me.

    As the only child in the family, Tony was the apple of his parentss eyes. Born with a silver spoon, Tony

    could have anything he wanted. His father was a successful entrepreneur while his mother was a consultant. Their

    busy careers left them little time to spend at home. As a result, Tony was lonely and bored.

    Tony longed for attention. He mixed with the wrong group of friends and started playing truant and

    smoking. Soon, he started taking drugs. When his parents came to know about Tonys behaviour, they tried to

    make Tony change over a new leaf. However, their efforts proved futile.

    Soon, Tony was on the wrong side of the law. He was arrested by the police at a nightclub. Tony was

    caught for being an underage nightclub patron and also for taking drugs. Tonys devastated parents took him to a

    doctor. At the doctors advice, he was enrolled for counseling sessions. However, all their attempts to reform Tony

    were to no avail.

    Tony ran away from home at the age of 17. To support his expensive habit of taking drugs, he got involved

    in other crimes. Soon, Tony became a hardcore addict. His heavy dependence on drugs took a toll on his health.

    He was soon a bag of skeletons.

    One day, Tony became very ill and had to be rushed to hospital. After several tests, he was diagnosed with

    AIDS. Tony knew that his days were numbered. At the spur of that moment, he wanted to go home and apologise

    to his parents. He knew it would break their hearts to see him in that condition.As his dependence on drugs grew, he went deeper into crime. Robbery, snatch theft, burglary and

    extortion were added to his list of crimes. He was high on the police wanted list and began a hide-and-seek game

    with the authorities.

    One day, Tony was waiting for a potential client. He was in possession of dangerous drugs. Acting on a tip-

    off, a police team arrived managed to arrest Tony. The Taiping High Court imposed the capital punishment, which

    was the death penalty. Before he was sent to the gallows, Tony met his parents. As he bid his final farewell, his last

    words to them were Please forgive me.

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    Question 4: Write a story beginning with:

    It was a cold morning.

    It was a very cold morning as it had been raining very heavily the previous night. As my mother was feeling

    a little under the weather, my sister volunteered to drive me to school. I had overslept and as a result, was running

    a bit late for school. We got into the car hurriedly. The road was already congested with traffic.

    My sister was a careful driver and despite the fact I was already late, she refused to drive fast on the

    slippery road. A few hundred meters away from school, we witnessed tragic accident. It all happened very quickly

    as most accidents do. A car full of school children had left turning without signaling and as result a school bus

    crashed into it. A few cars behind the school bus rammed into the bus as they could not break in time and soon it

    became a pile up. I told my sister that I wanted to help the victims and she nodded silently. She brought the car to a

    halt not too far from the accident spot.

    The scene that greeted us was something I would never forget. The impact of the accident had plunged

    three school children out of the car. The driver, a lady, lay lifeless on the steering wheel. I rushed to the children

    who were preschoolers. Two of them were seriously hurt and bleeding profusely from the head and hands. They

    were conscious although too weak to realize what had happened. One of them had a left hand severed and

    appeared unconscious. I think she was killed on the spot. In the mean time passes by had called the ambulance

    and while waiting we tried as best as possible to help the victims.

    The passengers in the school bus too were injured. I dashed into the bus and saw the driver laid slumped

    on the wheels. He had severe injuries on the head. While my sister helped him down from the bus, I told the injured

    school children to stay calm. Most of them appeared to suffer form minor cuts and bruises on their arms and

    bodies. It was really fortunate that nobody was badly hurt. By then a few adults had entered the bus and together

    we instructed the children to come out of the bus slowly. The children were crying and screaming for their parents

    and we had to hug them to keep them quiet.

    Meanwhile, two ambulances had arrived. A traffic police car was there too. Two policemen were taking

    down statements from eyewitnesses. The injured and the dead were whisked away to the hospital. My sister and I

    later gave an account to the police of what had happened.

    I was late for school. In fact, many drivers were also late for their work. I informed my teacher of the

    accident and both felt that it could have been prevented if the drivers had been more careful. Innocent lives would

    not have been lost otherwise.

    Question 5: Write a story ending with:

    ..I will never again judge a book by its cover.

    I live in a five-storey walk up flat. Since there were no sundry shops around there, I used to go the

    supermarket every Saturday to get all my provisions for a week. As my Myvi was just slightly over two months old, I

    would wait until late in the evening when the rush hour traffic would dwindle. I did not want any scratches or dents

    on my car. Besides, I do not want to be caught in jam for hours.

    It was on one of these Saturday evenings while I was driving alone, that I found my car suddenly veering to

    the left. I felt something was wrong with my car. I pulled over by the side of the road to inspect my vehicle. I

    discovered that I had flat tyre. I started sweating and panicked because I did not have the slightest idea of how to

    change a punctured tyre. Gosh, I amstranded, I thought. I felt helpless and terribly alone. I had always been told

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    about what an unsafe place the city was. At that moment all sorts of shady characters waiting to prey on insolated

    targets especially ladies came to my mind.

    A number of vehicles whizzed past me, nobody stopped to find out if I needed any help. Night was

    creeping in. I was becoming more worried. I started praying to the Big Man hoping that He would sent someone

    to help me. All of a sudden, a grey van pulled over just behind my car. A big sized man in overalls alighted from the

    car. He looked shabby in his stained overalls. His hair was unkempt and he looked mean.

    Whats wrong? he asked.

    A flat tyre, was the only reply I could give..

    He asked me to step aside, while he went about remedying matters. He opened the booth and took out the

    spare tyre and a few other tools. I did not say a word. I was so terrified that I did not dare take my eyes off what he

    was doing. Although, I was glad that someone was there to help me, I was afraid of my own safety. I was very

    suspicious of the mans intention.

    Was he going to rob me of my cash and jewellery after changing the tyre? Was he going to drive of in my

    brand new car? Was he pretending to help me so that he could rob me? All kinds of questions raced through my

    mind. Occasionally I glanced at what he was doing. I just couldnt wait to get into my car and drive home. At that

    moment, I felt time was moving slowly. Finally, after about twenty minutes, he managed to change the punctured

    tyre. What a relieve it was.

    O.K. Madam, heres your car. Have a nice journey, he said with a big grin. He took out his handkerchief

    from his pocket and started to wipe out the grime and dirt from his hands. I thanked him profusely. He just nodded

    and got into his van.

    As I turned the key in the ignition, I saw him looking over his shoulder to make sure that everything was all

    right. As I made my way to my destination, I felt very bad and foolish for suspecting the man. I told myself that I will

    never again judge a book by its cover.

    Question 6: Write a story ending with: I left him, I knew I had done the right thing.

    I first met John when both of us attended tuition classes together. We were then in Standard Six. John got

    straight As in his UPSR examination. John was a happy-go-lucky person. We became the best of friends. The

    following year, we attended the same secondary school.

    Then, the change came. Johns grades started falling. He was often absent from school. Nothing would

    make him talk about his problem. Apparently, Johns parents were always quarrelling. The hostility robbed John of

    his self-esteem. Staying with his father who was an insurance manager brought him little cheer as he was often


    John started mixing with the wrong company. When he was 14, John ran away from home and dropped out

    of school. All efforts by the school authorities and his father to trace him proved futile. Meanwhile, I passed my

    SPM and STPM exams and took up medicine at the University of Malaya. One evening I received a call. It was

    from my long-lost friend, John.

    I rushed to the place where he said he wanted to meet me. I found him sitting sadly on a bench by a

    roadside. I was shocked by his poor appearance, his dirty clothes and unkempt hair. He then related to me his

    story. After running away from home, he bowed to peer pressure and got hooked on drugs. To support his habit, he

    became a drug pusher. Seven years of addiction to drugs had taken a toll on his body and his spirit. Now he

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    wanted my help. I took him home with me. I knew he required professional help and I was determined to help him

    kick his habit.

    The next few days were very hectic. With the help of a few friends, I managed to get John into a drug

    rehabilitation center. I bought him all his necessities and one evening I took him there. I hugged him as I said

    goodbye. As I left him, I knew I had done the right thing.

    Question 7: Write a story ending with: was the happiest day of my life.

    It was the most trying period. Things at home were getting from bad to worse. Dads alcoholism had

    become worse especially after his retrenchment. Mum was always temperamental as she could not make ends

    meet with her meager income as a factory operator. My grades at school kept falling.

    I hated coming after school. Dad would come home late and shout at mum. When he fell asleep, I would

    often hear mum sobbing. I could do nothing to ease the situation at home and this realisation caused me a great

    deal of anguish and frustration.

    It was at this point that Mrs. Paru entered my life. A soft-spoken woman in her late forties, she was my

    class teacher. An alert woman, she was quick to notice the change that had come over me. One day, during

    recess, I was standing alone in one corner of the canteen when Mrs. Paru spotted me. She told me to follow her.

    We headed for the library where she asked me to take a seat next to her. I sat with my head bent.

    Maria, she called. I lifted my head and looked at her. I saw the warmth, the love and the compassion in her lovely

    eyes. Tears welled up in my eyes and I tried my best to hold them back. However, I could not. Tears started flowing

    down my cheeks. She held my hands and waited. When I had finished, she asked me if I wanted to confide in her

    and tell her my problem. I told her. She listened intently with the patience of a saint. At the end of my story, she

    gave me a lesson on life ups and downs. As I heard her talk, my admiration for this woman grew. My perception

    changed. Before this meeting, I felt so helpless. However, as the meeting progressed, I felt different, I knew Mrs.

    Paru cared for me.

    In the days that followed, Mrs. Paru made it a point to discuss my work at school. For the first time in that

    year, I felt I was worthy of being loved. Things at home remained quite the same but there was a profound change

    in me. The end-of-year examination approached. Two weeks after the exam, Mrs. Paru announced to the class that

    I was the top student in the class. As I looked at her, I felt a sudden surge of happiness. It was the happiest day of

    my life.

    Question 8: Write a story beginning with:

    It was going to be one of the best trips of our lives..

    It was going to be one of the best trips of our lives, dad promised us. Dad had to cancel our overseas trip

    because of some last minute financial problem. Instead, we were packing to go to Batu Feringgi. Mum smiled and

    assured us that once our financial situation improves, we would be spending our holidays overseas.

    Thus, we started our exhausting car journey on the long and winding road to the famous tourist destination

    in Penang. Dad had booked a week-end suite at the popular Rasa Sayang Hotel which boasts of 5-star facilities.

    The only saving grace as far s I was concerned about the whole trip was the fact that I enjoyed swimming. Penang

    is famous for its deep blue and unpolluted beaches. My younger sister too loved swimming and hence, we chatted

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    about our plans while we are there. Mum was engaged in deep conversation with dad as it was a long journey and

    we did not want him to fall asleep on the wheels. Too many accidents had occurred that way.

    Suddenly, dad made an abrupt stop. Both my sister and I were jolted from our sleep. Someone had

    knocked into us from behind. We turned back and saw a car with three men who had pulled up from behind. We

    quickly followed dad and got out of the car. The first thing I noticed about the men was the fact they look rather

    burly and mean. Dad was in front of us and started raising his voice angrily at the men. Without warning, one of the

    men drew a knife and stabbed dad in the abdomen! We were stunned and too shocked to do anything. We

    realised that we had been waylaid on a lonely stretch. Mum started crying. The men told us to keep quiet. Then,

    they tied us up. I saw dad holding on to his stomach. I was pretty sure it was a deep wound.

    The men ransacked our car and took our cash and belongings before making a quick getaway. They

    deliberately punctured all our tires before leaving. We were left stranded in the middle of nowhere. I was anxious

    for dads health. He seemed weak and finally fainted in mums arms. I think he lost too much blood. Fortunately, a

    tow truck approached us.

    We were glad to see two men alighting from the truck. We quickly told them what had happened and the

    men quickly drove us to the nearest hospital. Dad was admitted to the ward but luckily none of his vital organs were

    punctured as a result of the stabbing. He received a few stitches and was told to rest in the hospitals for a few

    days. A police officer took our statement and told dad to formally lodge a report at the station when he recovers.

    We gave details of the robbers including their physical appearance. The police promised to apprehend the thieves.

    We were just very lucky that dad sustained minor injuries and that none of us were harmed in any way. As

    for the trip to Feringgi Beach, we postponed our holiday until after dad recovered fully. It was indeed an

    unforgettable incident in my life.

    Question 9: Write a story beginning with:

    All that came to my mind at that moment was my father.

    All that came to my mind at that moment was my father. I was at the canteen buying some food. Then, I heard

    a faint sound like that of an alarm. At first, I ignored it. It sounded like a fire alarm, like the ones I always heard

    during fire drills at my apartment. I had taken part in so many fire drills that when the alarm in the hospital went off, I

    was as calm as the sea. I thought that the hospital, where my father was a patient, was conducting its monthly fire

    drill. But when I saw the nurses running in hurriedly with that faint look on her face shouting "Fire!", only then, I

    realised it was a real fire.

    Leaving the food behind, I ran with all my strength to my father's ward. People were running helter-skelter and

    dashing into one another along the corridors. I could hear the voices of people shouting Fire! Fire! ". As, I reached

    the ward, I made my way straight to the bed where my father was. Seeing him I was a bit relieved.

    Being fairly well-built myself, without second thoughts, I reached down and lifted my father who was asleep in

    bed and started walking towards the exit. By now, the doctors and nurses were running here and there shouting

    orders. I saw some patients gallantly helping others and taking them to the exits.

    We started to file out. We were on the first floor and the fire seemed to have started on the second floor, so we

    had to hurry. I held my father close to me. He was awake now and realising what was happening, he smiled at me

    weakly. I returned the smile reassuringly. I realised that my father had lost a lot of weight. It was easy to carry him.

    He had been admitted to the hospital for nearly a month due to diabetes. I was quite worried that the smoke might

    affect him and cause breathing difficulties. Thank God he was doing fine.

    As we neared the exit, I heard the familiar sound of the fire brigade sirens. Soon a burly fireman walked in and

    instructed all of us to calmly move down the stairs. Once we reached the ground floor, I saw my mother crying and

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    pushing the police away in her efforts to enter the hospital. I called out to her and the moment she saw me, she

    immediately ran towards us.

    Then, an ambulance staff approached us and helped to put my father on a stretcher before taking him into the

    ambulance. The staff informed us that my father was going to be transferred to another hospital. My mother and I were

    relieved that everything was under control. I held her tightly and consoled her as best as I could.

    Question 10: A life changing experience

    As a seventeen-year-old teenager, I have had many interesting experiences in my life. However, there was

    one life-changing experience I encountered which made me realise the importance of spirituality and belief in God.

    It happened about eight years ago during the economic slowdown that affected many countries. My dad was a

    supervisor in a company which saw red as a result of the economic crisis. The company began retrenching its staff and my

    father, unfortunately, was among the thousands affected by its cost cutting measures. Mum became the sole bread winner

    but her income was barely enough to make ends meet. I had five other siblings and all of us were still schooling.

    We went through a rough time. Dad was constantly depressed and was always in a foul and grumpy mood. We tried to

    avoid making him angry but sometimes it was difficult as he constantly flew into bad tempers at the slightest of mistakes or

    noise. Mum tried talking to him but to no avail. I helped by completing the household chores that left me tired at the end of

    the day as I also had to finish my homework. In addition I had to assist my siblings with their school work.

    My family is not religious. We used to go to the church / temple / mosque but dad had stopped believing in God. Icannot remember the circumstances surrounding that but mom said that it was due to some complications he faced with his

    family members. Thus, we the children grew up deprived of strong religious values though mom did teach us the importance

    of good moral behavior.

    Things at home did not improve. Mum and dad were constantly arguingover financial matters mainly. One day, a

    nun who called herself Auntie Ross, visited us. She claimed to be my mother's sister though we had never seen her before. I

    told her the family troubles. Thankfully both mum and dad were not home. Auntie Ross taught me and my siblings how to

    pray. She even taught us the method of meditation which was basically emptying our mind of thoughts and just focusing on

    one single object or subject. She left before mum and dad returned home.

    Since that day, I prayed very hard for dad to get a job. So did my siblings. We believed that would definitely

    improve the situation at home. We had almost given up on God when one day, dad came home with a bouquet of

    flowers for mother and told us to get ready for dinner. We were puzzled and thought it was some kind of a joke. But

    he was serious. His expression was one of great happiness. His company had re-hired him as the economic situation

    was gradually improving. In fact, they even offered to double his pay. He was also to receive backdated salary from the day

    he was retrenched.

    I could not hold back my tears. My prayers had been answered. It was truly a life changing experience for me. My siblings

    and I told mum and dad about Auntie Rosss visit. Mum looked at me surprisingly. She said she never had a sister and in fact,

    she was the only child in the family. Dad looked equally puzzled and my siblings joined in with me to explain the encounter.

    Dad was quiet. The next day, he took us to the church / temple. Since that day he started praying. We believed that divine

    intervention had taken place in our lives.

    Question 11: Describe an occasion when you did something foolish which you regretted afterwards.

    I wish I had not done it. If I had been more sensible, the accident would not have happened but as the

    saying goes, Its no use crying over spilt milk .

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    Though, it happened two years ago, it is still green in my memories. It was during the end of school term

    and we didnt have very much to do. The teachers had all gone to a staff meeting, and most of us in Form 5

    classes were chatting, joking and reading magazines. Poh Lim, who had to prepare for an overseas examination

    was the only one who was working. He had a large Physics book in front of him and was making careful notes in

    an exercise book.

    He looked so serious that I suddenly had a mischievous idea for a joke. I crept up behind him and

    quickly snatched his glasses from his face. The others in the class roared with laughter, as I took him completely

    by surprise. Even the girls on the other side of the room giggled. One girl told me to give the glasses back, but I

    knew she was not serious. Everybody was enjoying the joke except for Poh Lim.

    Please, he begged, Give me my glasses. He stood up and moved towards me. I quickly turned round

    and threw the glasses to Nicholas, who was behind me. Unfortunately, Nicholas wasnt expecting this and he

    missed them. The glasses fell on the cement floor and both lenses were shattered. One or two people laughed,

    but then the room fell silent. They had been expensive glasses with metal frame, and the lenses were tinted

    because Poh Lim had to wear them in the sun as well as indoors. He could not see clearly without his glasses.

    Poh Lim, Im sorry, I apologised. I meant it as a joke

    Poh Lim didnt reply.

    Ill help you buy a new pair, I promised. But he wasnt listening to me. If he had been angry, it would

    have been better; but by ignoring me, he made me feel very guilty. I didnt know what to do.

    After school I saw Poh Lim go to the stand by the gates, pull out his motorbike, get on it and ride off

    alone. He did not speak to anyone. I knew he was still upset about the incident in the class. I felt sorry about

    what I had done, but I thought that if I could find enough money for a new pair of glasses we might be friends


    I managed to borrow RM100 that evening, and although it wasnt really enough, I decided to offer it to

    Poh Lim at school the next day. But when I went into class the next morning, Poh Lim was not at his desk.

    Instead, I saw everyone surrounding Jamal. They were listening attentively to him. I wondered why, as Jamal

    was a quiet boy who was not normally the centre of attention. Jamal saw me and became silent. Then, all eyes

    were on me. All my classmates were staring at me as if I have caused World War 3. I quickly went to sit at my

    desk and whispered to Muniandy, who sat in front of me, Whats happening? Muniandy did not turn round.

    Its Poh Lim he said. He met with an accident on the way home yesterday. A car knocked him down.

    He didnt see the car coming. He was badly hurt. Theyve taken him to the Columbia Asia Medical Centre.

    Dont worry, its not your fault, Muniandy added.

    I was grateful to him for saying that, but I did not know if he really meant it. Deep in my heart I felt very

    guilty because I could have been the cause of the accident. It was one foolish act that I would regret my whole


    12. Write a story ending with,

    . without her support, I would not have made it.

    It was the happiest day in my life. The day I graduated from college being honoured the best student of the

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    year. Without my aunts support I would not have achieved all these. There she was sitting on the front row, looking

    at me with loving eyes, proudly as I stood on the stage giving a speech. She was my angel. She protected me and

    cared for me since the demise of my parents.

    As an orphan, it was not easy for me to get acquainted to strangers. I was lost and felt worthless and

    hopeless after the terrible incident which struck my family. The fatal incident left me broken and shattered. I could

    vividly remember the bloody tragedy. After my tuition class on Friday night, I came home in my friends car. When I

    arrived, I felt strange as mom and dad did not lock the door and left the gate wide open. Quietly and suspiciously, I

    walked into the house sensing something terrible might have happened. In front of the doorstep, to my horror were

    my parents and brother sprawling right across the carpet. I was paralysed with fear. Blood was oozing. Mom and

    dad were lying on their stomachs holding each others hands. My brother was seriously injured with slashes of knife

    cuts on his head and back.

    Wh-whats going on? I asked with a quivering voice. Mom, dad, Ram, please wake up, I pleaded but

    they were motionless. It was a very horrifying scene. I found myself screaming and howling hysterically. After that,

    everything was a blur. My neighbours came to help. The police arrived and cordoned the house. The ambulance

    and paramedics arrived within minutes but they were too late. I was so shaken that I could not stop crying. No one

    could calm me down. I was escorted to the hospital. Somehow, they managed to contact my aunt. Her hug and

    consoling words relaxed me a little. I was given a sedative jab and I fell asleep instantly. When I woke up, she was

    right there by my bedside. I felt safe and secured in her presence. The police came to interview me. My aunt was

    with me all the while. I was kept away from the press and television for weeks for fear of my recurring hysteria. The

    doctor-in-charge put me in a psychiatric ward for half a year, under close observation to help me cope with the

    terribly haunting tragedy.

    After six months in the psychiatry unit, I was finally discharged and reported as being in a stable condition. I

    went back to the house where the killing took place. It was a very emotional experience. Tears kept rolling down my

    eyes. I could not stop it. However, I was quiet and not hysterical anymore. My aunt was there holding my hands

    and rubbing my back, giving me all the moral support and love she could. I packed my belongings, took the family

    pictures hanging on the wall and put them in my bag. I was put under my aunts custody.

    My parents and my younger brother were brutally killed in a home robbery. The prime suspects were two

    middle aged man. My parents were shot whereas my brother was stabbed to death. It was reported that about

    RM20,000.00 worth of money and jewellery were stolen. They were finally arrested, convicted and sentenced to life

    imprisonment. Despite that, the life of my loved ones could not be returned.

    Asha, you must let go off the past. Dont keep that hatred in your heart. Do not disappoint your late

    parents. You have a bright future ahead of you. Stay focused in your studies, pass with flying colours and live your

    life to the fullest. Realise your dreams of joining a forensic team. Make your parents proud of you. Its not the end of

    the world. Im still here for you, my aunt advised and encouraged me.

    Fortunately, her caring words and actions awakened me. I picked myself up from feeling worthless andhopeless. I was only fifteen then. However I strived hard and I succeeded. Today, I am celebrating this new joy, this

    new me with my loving aunt. Without her support, I would not have made it.

    13: Write a story with the ending,

    "..if only I had been more careful, that wouldn't have happened".

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    It was a cold and stormy night. The doors slammed shut as the rustling sound of the leaves could be heard.

    The storm had been like this for the past three days. I sat on my bed thinking if I had upset the Gods above in heaven. As I lay

    my head down soft and gently on my comfy pillow, I wondered if mom and dad were ok. They had gone for a vacation to

    Singapore and I had to stay back because of my exams. I wasn't worried about it as I've stayed alone many times.

    Suddenly, the lights went out. My heart raced in agony as the storm got worse. I could see lightning lashing onto my gate and the

    roaring sound of thunder that came along. I pulled myself together and realised I needed to light some candles. So, I

    headed downstairs with my trusty torchlight and worked my way to the storage room. I found the candles and begun to

    light them all over the house. I couldn't stand the fact that the darkness was playing games with my mind.

    An hour had passed till I realised something wasn't right. I felt as if something else besides me was in the

    house. I panicked. My mind filled with fear but I had to be sure I was right. So, I searched all the rooms on the

    same floor and found nothing. So I carefully walked down the staircase. As I was walking, I realised all the candles

    that I had lit were put out. I was surprised but aware that there could be someone else in the house. My mind

    pondered as to how i was going to sneak around without alerting the possibly dangerous stranger.

    Then, it happened. As I hid behind one of the room's doors, I saw someone walk by me. He was a huge

    muscular guy who wore a beard and had hair that was so curly a fly could get stuck if it went through it. I was puzzled. Why someone

    would want to break into my house, I asked myself. I noticed the man had a huge revolver on his belt. The same one the cops used. I

    didn't want to stick around and ask questions. I had to call the cops. So I crept towards the phone and thank God it was still working. I

    made a distressed call and the cops said they would be at my house in five minutes.

    As I crept back upstairs, I accidently knocked over a small lamp and it broke. This alerted the stranger. I

    cursed myself for being so careless. I was scared and feared for my life. My fears turned into my worst nightmare as I

    heard a loud noise. I was shot in the chest. I could feel blood oozing all over my shirt. The stranger walked towards me

    while mumbling words I just couldnt understand. I thought I was a dead man. Then, a miracle happened just as the

    stranger was about to finish me off. I heard a second gunshot and the stranger was down. It was the cops who had arrived.

    I was rushed to the hospital and the doctors commenced emergency surgery on me to remove the bullet. I

    was then transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) as the bullet had hit my lungs and I was unable to breathe

    properly. My parents rushed back as soon as they got the news. I was lucky to be alive. The doctor had explained that if the bullet

    had hit me a bit more to the left, it would have hit my heart and I would be dead. Nobody knew who the stranger

    was or what he wanted. If only I had been more careful, that wouldn't have happened.

    14. Write a story ending with:

    .with tears in her eyes, she hugged me tightly.

    It was the wettest December I had ever experienced. The torrential rains had ruined my holiday plans asfloods continued to wreak havoc in several states. I had pleaded with dad to allow me to go to the east coast with

    my friends but he had been unyielding. The thought of having to stay indoors for the next two weeks was not only

    depressing but also unbearable. Television did not excite me anymore. I was fed up of watching the same old

    movies on cable television. Even the other channels had nothing exciting to offer. Finally, I decided to go into the

    attic to retrieve some books which I had not read for a long time.

    The attic was surprisingly clean - a sign that mum had finally completed the chore that she had kept putting

    off. I looked around and noticed a teak chest that I had never seen before. Curiosity got the better of me and I

    walked towards it. I lifted the lid slowly and was pleasantly surprised to see a variety of things in it all of them

    reminders of my childhood. I looked nostalgically at the clothes I had worn as a child and the toys I had played with.

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    Bobo the teddy bear, which I had slept with until I was ten, had been dry-cleaned and kept in a box which also

    contained the first Mothers Day card I had made myself. I was not prepared for what I saw next. Lying at the

    bottom of the cardboard box was an old black and white photograph of a young woman. I stared at it incredulously.

    It was as if I was looking at a female version of myself. All sorts of questions and dreadful thoughts flooded my

    mind. I held the photograph tightly in my hand and dashed out of the attic, only to bump into my mother.

    Mum....who is this? I asked in a quivering voice.

    From the look on her face, I knew it was a question she did not want to answer. Quietly, she held my hand

    and led me towards the study where dad had been working all morning. She knocked on the door once beforeopening it. Dad looked up, and his expression of annoyance disappeared when he saw the photograph in my hand.

    What I heard that day was something I will never forget for the rest of my life. The woman in the

    photograph was my mother, my biological mother Lily Lee.

    Son, Lily loved you very much; just as much as we love you.

    Dads statement made me uncomfortable. It took a great deal of effort on his part to narrate the painful

    past. According to dad, my biological mother was six months pregnant when the incident happened. She had been

    walking towards her office when a motorcyclist came from behind and grabbed her handbag before speeding off.

    As a result of the sudden assault, she had lost her balance and fallen on the kerb. The head injuries she had

    sustained had a devastating effect on her health. The only option was to perform surgery, but due to her condition,

    this option was risky.

    The doctors had wanted to terminate her pregnancy to save her life but she had refused. A month later she

    fell into a coma. Although the doctors had given up hope, Lily continued to live, though in a comatose state. It was

    as if she was not giving up on life till her baby was born. When the doctors deemed it safe, they performed an

    emergency C-section. Lily breathed her last breath the moment I was born into this world.

    Dad sobbed softly as he finished relating the heart-wrenching story. All sorts of emotions consumed me. I

    was sad, confused and angry. Was I adopted? What about my father? Who was he? Had he abandoned me? After

    a while, I braved myself and stated what I thought was obvious.

    So, that means you are not my real parents. I am adopted!

    No, son. You are not adopted. I am your father. Lily was my first wife and also your mothers sister. Lily made me

    promise her that I would marry your mother if anything happens to her, so that you would not grow up motherless.

    The sense of relief that I felt at that moment was indescribable. I looked at mum and I saw the pain and

    anguish in her eyes, as though she was anticipating rejection. Quickly, she looked down.

    Slowly, I got up from my chair and walked towards her. I went down on my knees and held her hands in

    mine. Her eyes remained downcast, fearful of rejection.

    Mum, I know I am only seventeen but I am more mature than you think. You might not have given birth to me but

    you are and will always be my mother. I comforted her as much as I comforted myself.She looked up slowly, her eyes searching my face for sincerity. Then with tears in her eyes, she hugged

    me tightly.

    15. Write a story ending with,.that was the last time he saw her.

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    Jack Raymond was the most popular boy in school. He was like the typical Mills & Boon hero tall, dark

    and handsome. He was like a Greek God with a well-sculpted body and features that even men envied. Every girl

    in school admired him openly. Jack was also warm and caring. This endeared him to one and all. He had several

    close friends of both genders but he was closer to Jennifer, a childhood friend.

    Soon after finishing high school, both Jack and Jennifer were accepted into the same local university. Jack

    studied accountancy while Jennifer studied psychology. In their final year, they fell in love with each other. It was

    like a match made in heaven. They complemented each other in every possible aspect looks, intelligence and


    Upon graduation, Jack was hired by a leading accounting firm while Jenifer joined a private university. Both

    worked hard and they flourished in their respective careers. They were also ready to settle down. The marriage

    was simple, attended by close family members and friends. Initially, they rented an apartment in one of the

    suburbs. Within a short span of five years, they became well-established in their chosen fields and they prospered

    financially. Jack was offered a senior management post in his company and Jennifer decided to quit work to

    become a stay-at-home mum.

    Life was good for them. They bought a semi-detached house in an exclusive neighbourhood. They dined at

    the best restaurants and frequented popular clubs. Their two children were literally born with a silver spoon in their

    mouths. They went to the best private schools and had the best tutors to coach them personally. Life was good for

    them until Lily came.

    Lily was Jennifers younger sister. Lily had got married and divorced, not once but thrice. She seemed to

    change husbands faster than movie stars. Knowing that her sister needed her support after her recent divorce,

    Jennifer welcomed Lily into her home but she soon came to regret this decision. She realised that Lily was trying to

    attract Jack! Lily unashamedly took every possible opportunity to flirt with Jack. Jennifer also realised that Jack was

    giving Lily too much attention and falling into her clutches.

    At first, she advised Lily to maintain her distance from Jack. Of course, Lily brushed it off by saying that she

    saw Jack as a good friend and nothing more. Being a psychologist, Jennifer knew Lily was lying through her teeth.

    She could read the tell-tale signs from Lilys behaviour. Finally she confronted Jack. He accused Jennifer of being

    jealous of her sister. This led to many arguments between them. Finally, when she could not tolerate it anymore,

    she gave Jack an ultimatum:

    Either she leaves or I leave!

    Jacks response shocked her, to say the least.

    You can go wherever you want. Lily is staying.

    Hurt and disappointed Jennifer packed her bags and left, taking with her both her children. Jennifer

    decided to move to another town. She started working again. Slowly, she picked up the pieces and rebuilt her life.

    Meanwhile, Jack fell deeper and deeper into Lilys clutches. He spent lavishly on her. He bought her expensive

    cars and clothes, and took her for frequent holidays abroad. As a result, his work began to suffer. His performance

    was dismal and the companys profits started to dip. He lost his job! Devastated, he related this to Lily. Instead of

    commiserating with him, she smiled and said:

    My revenge is complete.

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    What do you mean, Lily? asked a bewildered Jack.

    You snubbed me in school! You knew I was interested in you but you said I was nothing more than a little sister. I

    felt hurt and humiliated. You were responsible for my failed marriages, Jack. I tried looking for you in all the men I

    had married but to no avail. Now, I have made you fall for me but this time I am the one in control. I no longer love

    you, Jack. I waited for fifteen years to execute my revenge. I have destroyed you and Jennifer.

    It finally dawned upon him that Jennifer had been right about her sister. She was a gold-digger and very vengeful.

    With no one left in his life, he turned to alcohol to drown his sorrows. He tried to locate Jennifer, but no one knew

    where she was. One day, while going to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, he saw her. He called out to her and

    he begged her for her forgiveness.

    I forgive you, Jack. But I cannot forget the pain and humiliation I have suffered all these years. Goodbye, Jack.

    With that she walked away. That was the last time he saw her.

    16. Write a story beginning with,

    It was still fresh in my mind, the memory of..

    It was still fresh in my mind, the memory of the first time I met her. I was a Form 5 student while she was

    just a new Form 4 girl on her first day. I was heading to the canteen with a group of friends when I bumped into her.

    She was just a timid girl, shy and quiet. She muttered a quick apologize and went on her way. Her soft voice caught

    my attention; her intriguing scent stopped me in my tracks.

    Ever since that memorable day, my mind had been thinking of her. Who is she? Whats her name? Where

    is she from? My heart ached to talk to her, to get to know her better. Every time I walked around the school, my

    eyes would be on the lookout for her.

    A few weeks after that, I finally got the chance to meet her. I was chosen to help out with their orientation

    programme, along with some other Form 5 students. I was appointed to a group, and much to my surprise, she was

    in that very group. I was jumping over the moon, but I had to cover my excitement. I could not let anyone know how

    I felt about her, especially when I learnt who she was.

    Her status as the headmasters daughter caught me by surprise. Knowing how strict Mr Luqman could be, I

    decided to stop. I forced myself to forget her. I kept myself busy with basketball tournaments and my studies so I

    would not have time to think of her.

    The more I tried to resist her, the harder it became. After months of trying to wipe her name out of my mind,I stopped. I realized that nothing I do could erase her from my life. The image of her smiling stuck in my head, and I

    knew I had to see her.

    I have never felt this strong towards someone in my life. It seemed like everything she does is beautiful.

    The way she walks, the way she talks, the way she says my name. I realized I was deeply in love with her. It

    sounded crazy to me, but I had to tell her how I really feel.

    I wrote her a letter. It was a long one, mind you. I poured out everything I felt about her, every single thing

    that crossed my mind every time I see her smile. I inserted my email and phone number, with hope that she would

    reply the letter. That evening, during prep time, when the Form 4 students were having a meeting with the prefects,

    I went to her class and slipped the letter into her bag.

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    For days, I waited for her reply. I checked my phone for her message, but none came. I opened my email

    account every single day, but there was no email from her. I was worried. Did she get the letter? Was she mad at

    me? Suddenly I regretted sending her the letter. She mustve thought I was crazy.

    Suddenly, I heard the news that she changed schools. The rumour spread around the school like a wild

    fire. Somebody said the headmaster moved her to a new school because someone was stalking her. I was

    shocked. How did he know about this? I could not think straight for the next few weeks. I was anxious, scared that

    the headmaster might send for me.

    One day, I woke up at 4:00 a.m. because my phone vibrated, indicating that a message was received. With

    eyes half-closed, I read the message. It was a short one, but after reading it, I was wide awake. I smiled to myself,


    In the morning, I overheard the juniors talking about her. Apparently she had moved to England to stay with

    her elder sister. Nobody knew the exact reason why she went there, but some people said that it was because of

    her stalker. The rumours did not stay long as they stopped talking about her after a while.

    On my 27th birthday 10 years later, I received a text message from her, Happy 27th Birthday Azmir! Im back in

    Malaysia, I hope youre still waiting. I smiled while I typed a reply, Thank you Dyna. Of course Im still waiting, I

    promised, remember?

    After sending the reply, I opened the Saved Messages folder in my phone. There it was, the message I

    received from her 10 years ago. Her last words to me before she flew to England. Her last words that Ill remember

    forever, If you truly love me, wait for me. Ill be back in Malaysia in 10 years. Wait for me.

    17. Write a story ending with,

    ..I discovered that I had only been dreaming.

    Dreams reflect our thoughts, impressions and desires. Some of our desires which cannot be fulfilled in our

    waking life are fulfilled in our dreams. In this way we find some relief. On the other hand, the feelings that we

    sometimes experience in our dreams are so unpleasant that we derive extreme pleasure from the eventual

    discovery that we had only been dreaming. What I am about to relate concerns such a discovery.

    One night I was alone in my room, reading a story book about ghosts. My parents were not home as they

    had to attend a wedding reception in Ipoh. Since it was a weekend, my siblings had gone to stay with my

    grandparents. The book was so interesting that I continued to read it until I did not realize that it was past mid-night.

    Out of the blue, I heard a knock at the door.

    Disturbed by the interruption caused by the knock, I arose reluctantly to open the door, leaving the book

    open on my table. But to my surprise, the door opened by itself and I felt at once that someone was entering myroom, thought I could see no one.

    Moments later, my clothes which were hung on the wall, began to change positions and some of them

    simply disappeared. The appearance of things in the room showed clearly that someone had been moving about

    and had a change of clothes as well. Then, the book that I had left on the table was lifted and the chair, near by

    moved a little. The position in which the book and the chair were now placed indicated clearly that someone was

    reading the book. And, any doubt that I had about the presence of someone in my room was removed when the

    pages of the book were turned successively. A sudden fear came over me now and I began to observe every


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    After sometime the book was put back on the table and the chair shifted slightly backwards, and the

    windows, which I had left open began to close one after the other. Then, the lights were out and someone slowly

    walked into my bed. This was indeed too much for me to bear. I began to shake with fear and suddenly cried out for

    help. At once the lights in the other rooms of my house were on. My parents came rushing towards my room. I

    opened the door, and, to my great joy, and my parents amusement, I discovered that I had only been dreaming.

    18. Write a story beginning with the following lines:

    The wind was blowing strongly..

    The wind was blowing strongly and the door outside kept on banging. I was at the study table doing some

    last minute revision for my trial examination. I was all alone, as my parents and sister had gone for an engagement

    reception in Ipoh. Out of the blue, the lights went out. There was total darkness. Then, I heard footsteps.

    Getting up slowly, I braved myself and inched my way to the switch on the wall. The sound of the footsteps

    grew louder. Desperately I kept playing with the switches but nothing happened. Shivering in fear and praying that

    my parents would be home soon, I crouched in a corner of my room. In the darkness, I saw two figures entering the

    room. My heart was in my mouth and I panicked.

    Who were they? What were they doing here? Were they burglars? Were they going to hurt me? What was I going

    to do? All kinds of questions raced through my mind. I closed my eyes and started praying hard that it was only a


    When I opened my eyes, they were not there anymore. I slowly crawled out of the room so that I could get

    help. However, I accidentally knocked my head against a table and my mothers glass vase fell on the floor. There

    was a loud crashing sound. Alerted by the noise, the two men shone their torch-lights on my face. That was it, I

    screamed on top of my voice hoping that someone would hear my scream.

    Get her! one of the men shouted as I tried to get up and run. A hand grabbed me roughly but I managed

    to free myself. Unfortunately, I stepped on a piece of broken glass and fell onto the floor. I shouted in pain as the

    men dragged me to the sofa. They quickly tied my hands after my mouth was gagged. Then I heard them

    whispering and opening the other room doors. They ransacked the whole house looking for cash and jewelleries.

    Half an hour later, I heard the sound of a motorcycle roaring. It must be the burglars. They had managed to

    get away with some of our valuables. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I thought of my fate. I was in pain and

    helpless. Nevertheless, I kept fumbling with the ropes to free myself.

    Finally, I succeeded and quickly limped to the telephone but the line was dead. Of course! The burglars

    would have cut the wires! Suddenly, I heard the sound of a car. It must be my parents. I quickly limped to the front

    door. When my mother opened the door, I threw myself on her and started crying like a baby. They were stunned to

    see me and the condition of the house. I explained what had happened. My parents were relieved that the burglars

    did not harm me. Then, we went to the police station to lodge a report. After that, my father took me to the clinic totreat my wound.

    A few weeks later, the police managed to arrest the two men who had broken into our house. They were

    drug addicts desperate looking for cash. We never recovered our stolen goods but my parents were thankful that I

    was safe. Since that day, I never stayed alone at home. It was indeed an unforgettable experience.

    19. A Frightening Experience

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    I am not one who is frightened easily, but I must admit that one night I saw a figure that struck terror into

    my heart.

    It was a moon-lit night. I was returning home on foot from a town a few miles away. That was the first night

    in my life that I was out alone. The road along which I was walking was not used much at night. Even during the

    day, it was used only by those who worked in the rubber and banana farm along that road.

    As I was walking, I could hear the noises made by squirrels, insects and owls. Creatures that love the night

    world such as, bats, were very active, and there were hundreds of shadows. All these did not, however frighten me.

    I held a stick in my hand and moved rapidly towards home for dinner. Then, suddenly, I caught sight of an old lady,

    a short distance away. Her head was covered with a white cloth, and she was waving to me.

    Curious to know why she was there at that time of the night, I stopped for a while. As I stood there,

    however, vague memories of stories about ghosts began to come back to my mind. I was soon gripped with fear

    and took to my heels. I ran as fast as I could, and when I reached home, I could hardly speak.

    On the next day, however, I visited that place again to make sure that the woman was indeed a real person

    and not a ghost. But I could find no footprints there. Only a banana plant stood there with its leaves moving in the

    breeze. I realized then that it was the banana plant with leaves moving in the breeze that looked like a woman

    waving her hand. I had indeed made a fool of myself; but after the previous nights experience, this discovery was a

    small relief to me.

    20. Write a story ending with the following lines:

    .I shall never forget this day for the rest of my life.

    One rainy day, last year, while I was returning home from Mersing, a town in the East Coast of Malaysia, I

    witnessed an accident which I shall never forget.

    I was returning home in my fathers car. It was raining heavily and the road could not be seen clearly. My

    father, an old man, was driving slowly to avoid an accident. The journey, therefore, seemed unusually long, and I

    began to feel tired.

    Then, out of the blue, a small car, running at great speed, overtook our car. My father was shocked at the

    recklessness of the driver of that car. We could not count the number of persons in that car, but were sure that

    there were at least five, including two children My father at once predicted that tragedy would befall the occupants

    of that car. After this prediction, I began to grow impatient. I did wish to see any ugly scene resulting from an

    accident. Though the car had gone quite far, its rear lights could still be seen.

    In the distance there was a narrow bridge. Looking at the way the car was being driven, I too was now sure

    that an accident would occur, and sure enough it did occur. This is how it happened.

    A lorry was coming from the opposite direction. It was already on the bridge. The driver of the small car,

    however, could not slow down in good time. He lost control of the car which skidded and plunged into the swollen

    river. Somehow, the driver managed to slip out of the car, but the others were doomed. When we arrived at the

    bridge, we were touched deeply by what we saw. Two children were struggling in the river and we could do nothing

    to save them. Their mother, as we came to know later, was at the bottom of the river, trapped in the car, and they

    were swept away by the rush of the current and drowned. The father of the children, began to cry pitifully for the

    wife and children he had lost so suddenly.

    It was indeed a very touching scene, and I shall never forget this day for the rest of my life.

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    21. Write a story beginning with the following lines:

    I could see by his face that he was very angry...

    I could see by his face that he was very angry. I was almost convinced that I saw steam emitting from his

    nostrils as he stood there in front of the cinema.

    Slowly, I approached my brother, Jason and apologized. His blazing eyes and stern glare made me feel

    guilty. We were supposed to watch the latest horror flick by Steven Goldberg together, but I had broken my

    promise. I had left him all alone to watch the movie while I went window shopping with my friends. For days, he

    begged me to follow him to watch the movie as he was afraid to watch the horror movie alone. However, I totally

    forgot about that and went out with my friends. That made him really furious.

    I am so sorry, Jason. Please forgive me, please. I pleaded. I have a good reason please listen to me

    You are an ungrateful person! You broke your promise and I will never go out with you, again! he shouted

    at me like a raging bull. Then he turned away and walked off. I tried to catch up with him, waving frantically asking

    him to wait. Yet he never turned back and moved on. The crowd outside the cinema stared at us, pointing fingersas they babbled away. I wished the earth could move and swallow me in so that I could avoid their piercing stares.

    Hurriedly, I chased Jason who had already crossed the road and was on his way home.

    Finally, I managed to catch up with him. I rattled on with my apologies but he was just silent. Exhausted, I

    gave up and walked quietly beside him. The night grew darker and the dim lights of the lamp-post blurred my

    vision. It was eerie and quiets as only our footsteps could be heard.

    Suddenly, two dark figures loomed in front of us, blocking our way. One of them pointed a knife at my

    Jasons throat. The other grabbed my handbag. It all happened in the split of a second that I was rendered


    Give me your wallet! the armed man shouted at Jason. As I watched helplessly, Jason took out his wallet

    and deliberately dropped it. As the other man bent to pick it up, I kicked him hard with my high heels. At the same

    moment, Jason elbowed hard to the other assailants ribs, causing him to drop the knife. He then gave him a few

    punches and kicked him hard before attacking the other man who was on the ground, groaning in pain. Realising

    their attempts to rob us had failed, the two men sped off.

    Jason looked at me and smiled. The anger in his eyes had gone as he looked at me with great concern.

    Immediately, I flashed him my million-dollar smile, relieved that we were safe and that my brother had at last

    forgiven me. Jason clutched my hand tightly as we walked home, leisurely.

    22. Stories based on Proverb (Peribahasa)

    Title : No Pain No Gain

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    Meaning: Achievements require some sort of sacrifice

    (A story on diligence)

    Mazlan stopped his car and walked to the old dilapidated wooden house. As he pushed open the creaking

    door, memories flooded him. This had been his home a long time ago. It had been ten years since his family moved

    out but he could never forget the hard life he has experienced in this house.

    Mazlan was the eldest child in a family of eight. Though poor, they had enough to make ends meet. The

    elder children managed to go to a nearby school. The father, being the sole breadwinner did some odd jobs to get

    extra cash. However, tragedy struck the family when Mazlans father died in a road accident. The whole family was

    devastated when no relatives or friends came forward to offer help. Realising his responsibility as the eldest child,

    Mazlan made up his mind to stop schooling and look for a job. He consoled his mother and told her of his plan. His

    mother was against it as Mazlan was a bright student in school. After much persuasion, she agreed that he found a

    part-time job and continued schooling.

    A few weeks later, Mazlan managed to get a job washing plates in a restaurant. After school, he would

    rush to his work place and helped out till late at night. Then he returned home and completed his schoolwork.

    Studying and revising for examinations were done in the early hours of the morning. He sacrificed things that other

    children would be doing at his age.

    Supporting a large family was a heavy burden and Mazlans small income was not enough. So he asked

    his mother to make some cakes that he could sell. Every morning, before going to school, he would carry the

    basket of cakes to the restaurant where he worked. His mothers cakes became popular and Mazlan decided to

    venture further by operating small family stall. He helped his mother to prepare the food in the morning and his

    sisters would take turns to look after the stall with their mother.

    The following year, Mazlan sat for his SPM examination and got through with flying colours. Now he had

    more time to take care of the stall, while waiting for replies from the universities he had applied to. Luckily he

    managed to get a place in the University of Malaya. His mother had some savings which helped him through his

    first semester. Later, he was successful in obtaining a loan which enables him to complete his studies in

    mechanical engineering. His mother shed tears of joy on his graduation day which was celebrated together with his

    other siblings.

    The sound of a dog barking awoke him from his memories of the past. He looked at his car parked by the

    road and signed, offering thanks to God for being with him always. Now, Mazlan is working for a large firm and his

    high income has made it possible for him to buy a house as well as a car. He is also supporting his younger

    brothers and sisters besides looking after his aged mother. Mazlan is a good example to show that success needs

    a lot of sacrifice. As the saying goes, No pain no gain.