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  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    Annual Report from Band 2012/2013

    General Comments

    In the academic year of 2012/2013, KE7 hall band was involved in various gigs that included both

    internal and external performances. Thanks to the seniors and hall alumni who helped out, we were

    able to cope with the number of events throughout the year. We also focused our efforts on

    improving the condition of the band room as well as the equipment in the room. We hope that KE7

    band will continue raising its standards over the next few years and contribute to KE7s reputation as

    a culturally vibrant hall.

    Main Projects for the Year

    Project/Event No. of




    Orientation, 2012

    5 Performance during the finale night of KEWOC 2012 by

    the seniors and some alumni.

    FHD 1, 2012 4 Lacking in manpower (this was before CCA recruitment),

    the remaining members of KE7 band put up an acoustic

    performance instead. Reception was good nevertheless,

    with minor problems with the sound system in the dining


    ICN, 2012 17 All members participated, with the help of members of

    the alumni.

    FHD 2, 2013 9 Acoustic performances; mainly by the newly recruited

    members of KE band.

    IHG closing, 2013 3 Invited to perform at the ceremony by the IHG convening

    committee. Acoustic performance of 3 songs.

    Rockfest, 2013 10 Major inter-hall annual concert; involved both new

    members as well as members of the alumni. Combined

    performance was also put up with members of RH band.

    DnD, 2013 Internal full band performance

    RWS, 2013 10 Invited by KR band to perform in Resorts World Sentosa,

    Hard Rock Caf. Performances were put up by all 6 halls.

    Little support from KE7 people due to lack of publicity.

    KEVIIans Day,


    2 Last event of the year; acoustic performance

    Band Room,

    2012/2013Bought new equipment for the band room; placed labels

    on the equipment to prevent misplacement; put up

    hangers on the wall for easy storage of the wires; a

    lockable cabinet was used to store equipment; various

    stock taking exercises carried out, and other

    improvements made to the room

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    Major Problems Encountered

    Problems Faced Recommendations for the Future

    Complaints by PGPR residents that overly noisy late-

    night band rehearsals were making them unable to

    sleep. (recurrent problem)

    For the short term, avoid practising after

    11pm, and use the drum mutes if

    necessary. Future band heads can also

    consider other ways to sound proof the

    band room.

    Lack of manpower, especially instrumentalists. This

    resulted in problems with forming a full band for

    performances as well as a reliance on alumni.

    More publicity during CCA recruitment

    for members.

    Performances in dining and communal halls are always

    plagued by problems with the house sound system

    Recommend upgrade of communal and

    dining hall sound system to the JCRC.

    Given the high number of CCAs using the band room, it

    is difficult to keep track of all the equipment.

    Enforce the logbook system as well as

    conduct regular equipment checks.

    Lack of chemistry and closeness as a band, as a CCA Organize more bonding activities and

    games and suppers


    2012/13 was a good year for KE7 band. We had both internal and external performances, and was

    able to improve the conditions of the band room. This was important for the future generations of

    KEVIIans to enjoy the facilities the hall provides in a safer environment. We would like to thank the

    SCRC, especially our in-charge Prof Chau, the JCRC, our hall manager Mr Johnny Yap for helping in

    the improvement projects of the band room, as well as the hall residents for their support for the

    band. We hope to continue raising the musical standard and public profile of the band.

    Prepared by,

    Miss Claris Oh & Mr Reggie John

    KE7 Band Co-Heads 2012/13

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    Annual Report from Cheerleading 2012/2013

    General Comments

    On the whole, the work year for the KE Titans Cheerleading team in 2012/2013 was tough due to a

    number of factors, but the team still pulled off an excellent performance during Open Day 2013. Theteam has also managed to retain valuable and enthusiastic seniors to carry the team through the

    upcoming year.

    Major Events for the Year

    Semester 1 ICN: There was insufficient time for the freshmen to practice properly andmaster the basics to prepare for a performance. The team did its best nevertheless to put up

    a performance for ICN.

    Semester 2 Open Day: It was a very intense and challenging period for everyone on the team,such that a few freshmen actually pulled out of the team and performance. However, the

    hardship bonded the remaining members of the team and the camaraderie amongst

    everyone helped with boosting the team morale for a spectacular performance on the actual


    Major Problems Encountered and Recommendations for the Future

    Problems Faced Recommendations

    Insufficient members and lack of preparation


    The pioneer batch of cheerleaders left the team

    to focus on final year commitments, and only ahandful of seniors from the previous work year

    stayed on, so the team strength shrunk

    significantly. The team had to start right from

    the basics again.

    The late start of IBG and its length, as well as the

    late date of CCA fair caused the team to lose

    precious time recruiting members and

    commence training; hence the amount of

    preparation time for ICN was very scarce. 8

    training sessions are not enough for a newlyassembled cheerleading team to train up to

    performance standards.

    The freshmen were not able to enjoy themselves

    preparing for the performance, and as a result

    their interest in the CCA dropped after ICN,

    causing more manpower problems for the team

    in Semester 2.

    IBG should not take more than 2 weeks and

    could CCA recruitment (at least for cheerleading)

    and trainings be allowed to start as early as

    possible (Week 1 or 2)?

    While the number of members who stay on in

    the CCA cannot be controlled, it can be helped if

    they enjoy the CCA, which can be achieved by a

    smoother work year.

    Coaching Fees: This work year, our coach

    generously offered to coach for free in Semester2 despite the increased training frequency and

    The budget allocated for coaching requires

    adjustment as all our stunt trainings necessitatethe supervision of the coach for safety reasons.

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    longer hours because there were insufficient

    funds. That would have translated into at least

    $1000 worth of fees, which we did not have at

    that point in time.

    Safekeeping of team logistics: 10 new rolls ofelastic bandage bought for the teams usage

    were stolen from the Sports Room around

    May/June 2013, along with a set of speakers.

    The items together are worth about a $120

    dollars to replace.

    In addition to the sports room where the matsare kept now, the team could do with a locked

    cabinet to put our logistics in.

    Sports Room: The use of the sports room for

    storing the cheerleading mats has effectively

    reduced their misuse. However, the sports room

    is usually very messy and cluttered with the

    equipment from other sports CCAs.

    Could a proper management structure be set up

    to allow the sports room to be more organized?

    For example: labeled shelves, cabinets and


    New Improvements or Initiatives

    The team is considering taking up the management and maintenance of the hall gym since our usage

    of it is very high. We have fixed the walls and repainted the gym. More funds should be allocated for

    the acquisition and maintenance of gym equipment and additional CCA points should be allocated to

    the CCA for this added stint.

    Conclusion and Acknowledgements

    Though cheerleading in our hall is classified as a Culture CCA, it is actually just as physically

    demanding as any other sport, similar to Wushu - a performance sport. Many hours need to be

    clocked in by the team with the coachs presence. With more support, the KE Titans will benefit

    greatly and can be nurtured into a more dominant public face and pride of our hall.

    It has been a challenging year but the team is very thankful for the understanding and support that

    hall has provided thus far. I would like to thank the teams coach, Joseph, for his continued guidance,

    dedication and commitment to the team.

    Prepared by:

    Miss Lim Zhi Yi

    KE Titans Captain 2012/2013

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    Problems Encountered

    There was a lack of practice venues and the choir had to at many times make do with practising in

    the car park or the foyer. The dining hall which we used rather often is also in a bad condition which

    made practice for some of our sections rather difficult.


    It has most certainly been an impressive year for the choir. We have grown significantly and

    achieved a lot this year. We would like to thank A/Prof Chau for his invaluable assistance and

    guidance. We would also like to thank the SCRC and the JCRC for their support.

    Prepared by:

    Mr. Colin Peeris

    KEVII Hall Choir Head 2012/13

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    Annual Report from Dance AY2012/13

    General CommentsKE Dance did KE proud this year, far exceeding not only internal, but external expectations for ICN,

    Dance Uncensored, and the inaugural Dance Camp. With our 5 main committee members ( 1xPresident; 1x Vice President; 1x Treasurer; 1x Secretary; 1x Welfare) we are happy to say we

    achieved all the following aims and objectives we laid out at the start of the year.


    1.Improve all dancers, in terms of ability & attitude2.Get dancers to bond more with each other


    1.Successfully execute ICN & Dance Uncensored 20132.Hold a dance camp in December 2012

    The year went according to plan, and Dance was one of the most organised groups in KE. This was

    only made possible because the main committee members were all dedicated, capable and talented

    in their own right, and also because we had a supportive Resident Fellow in charge Ms Angeline,

    who promotes welfare for dancers, and Culture Secretary from the JCRC Colin, who was efficient in

    communicating updates to us.

    Main Projects for the Year

    Project/Event ParticipationRate


    ICNSem1, Nov2012

    [100%] 51/51 Performed 4 items in KE Comm Hall.

    Dance Camp

    Sem1, Dec2012

    [59%] 33 dancers of 56

    campersOpen to ALL hall members. We recruited new

    dancers for Sem 2 in this period.

    Dance Uncensored (DU)

    Sem2, April2013

    [83%] 44/53

    38 dancers stayed, 9

    dancers quit, 4 dancers

    went SEP & 6 dancers


    Performed 3 items at UCC that were all well

    received for being eye catching and


    Major Problems Encountered (AAR)

    Problems Faced Recommendations for the Future

    Poor monetary support from JCRC Received

    $560 for speakers and costumes for ICN &DU

    $480 + Ms angelines food welfare for the dance


    More monetary support from JCRC, to cover

    dancers welfare. E.g. Cover all lunch/dinners of

    dancers when at UCC for dance uncensored


    Dance Studio too small Consider buying mirrors to put in the dance

    hall, forming a portable studio

    Dancers did not improve that much Get a resident choreographer. I believe Yi Fan

    (ex KEVIIan, and Jitterbugs instructor) is in


  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall


    KE Dance does hope to continue growing better in the coming year. With JCRCs support, be it

    emotional or monetary, we will definitely be better able to strive for excellence and do KE proud.

    Prepared by,

    Miss Valerie Tan Huali

    KE Dance Head 2012/13

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    Annual Report from Music Ensemble AY2012/2013

    Overview of activities

    The King Edward VII Hall Music Ensemble (hereafter referred to as KEnsemble for short) was

    founded in September 2012 upon the initiative of Colin Peeris, Culture Secretary of the 56


    JCRC,with the aim of putting up our inaugural performance for Inter-cultural Night (ICN) 2012. Gareth Lee

    and I (Low Zi Qian) were appointed as leaders of the ensemble, with Gareth in charge of recruitment

    and me in charge of arranging suitable music for the upcoming ICN.

    Initial recruitment was successful with 8 performers and we managed to prepare 2 songs for

    performance during ICN 2012. Afterwards KEnsemble went on a hiatus for the examinations and

    resumed in the December holidays, this time with 5 performers (one of whom was new to us). Our

    holiday performance was coupled with the KEVII Choir performance at the Elder Care Centre in

    Clementi. We performed 3 arrangements of traditional Christmas carols, in the spirit of the festive

    season which had just passed us then.

    For Semester 2 AY2012/2013, KEnsemble was formally established as a Hall Regular Culture CCA,

    with me as the Chairperson and Gareth as the Vice-Chairperson. Out of our 9 previous members, 5

    decided to stay on for the semester and 5 more players were recruited for our next performance,

    Dinner and Dance (DnD) 2013. A further Dinner Concert was planned but did not materialize due to

    insufficient time between DnD and the examinations to prepare for the performance. Thus were our

    activities concluded for the academic year.

    Evaluation of performances1. Inter-cultural Night 2012

    Songs performed:Fantasia on the Dargason, I See the Light

    Performers: Low Zi Qian Flute, Gareth Andrew Lee Cheng Guang Cello, Zhang Jiyuan

    Violin, Joan Fun Rui Shan Viola, Yvonne Fong Ching Ying, Zheng Huize, Patrick Er Clarinet,

    Angie Zhang Qi Piano

    Recruitment for the ICN started via email blast to the whole hall, asking for prospective

    members to sign up with Gareth. In the meantime, I was asked to find suitable pieces for the

    ensemble to perform. As I could not find pieces arranged with our (projected)instrumentation, I decided to arrange these pieces myself.

    The ICN performance recruitment was notable as within a short recruitment period, we

    were able to obtain enough players of the instruments that are suitable to form a small

    ensemble. Without this we would not have been able to go ahead with the performance.

    The songs chosen were coincidentally related to the theme of ICN 2012: Tales and Legends.

    Fantasia on the Dargason is based on a folk tune about a bear-like beast rumoured to roam

    the Irish countryside, interspersed with the familiar tune of Greensleeves which sings of a

    man spurned by his love. I See the Lightis, of course, from the Disney version of the fairytale


  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    Rehearsals commenced from late September onwards (after recess week), with about two

    practices a week. Progress was steady and optimistic. The performance was a success in the

    sense that we managed to prove that it is indeed possible for the formation of a hall music

    ensemble, with the relatively small number of players and instruments we have. This

    performance would also serve to raise awareness of us within the hall and hopefully,

    encourage more people to join for our next performance.

    2. Christmas PerformanceSongs performed:Carol of the Bells, One Small Child, Christmas Song Mash-up

    Performers: Low Zi Qian Flute, Gareth Andrew Lee Cheng Guang Cello, Zhang Jiyuan

    Violin, Yvonne Fong Ching Ying Clarinet, Yeo Yun Han Piano

    This performance was arranged with Colin (also the Choir head) in conjunction with the

    annual choir performance at the Elder Care Centre during the December vacation. For thisperformance, we did not expect full attendance as it was set during the holidays, when some

    would be overseas. Therefore the performance was prepared with a small ensemble in mind.

    Yun Han was recruited as a piano player as the previous player, Angie, had gone overseas for

    an internship. The pieces were chosen out of a pool of Christmas carols not being sung by

    the Choir, as we did not want to repeat songs.

    Rehearsals were held irregularly. Due to the late beginning ofrehearsals as well as members

    own holiday schedules, we were forced to have rehearsals whenever most members could

    attend. Progress was more halting as due to some members having other commitments,

    some pieces could not be rehearsed more thoroughly. In addition, as the venue did not have

    a piano, the KORG keyboard from band room had to be transported to the venue with a taxi,

    in the rain. This resulted in a significant delay, as the choir had already finished with their

    performance some time before we arrived with the keyboard. The harried nature of the

    performance may have contributed to its suboptimal quality. However, our audience

    seemed to be cheered by the performance, which was a relief to us.

    This performance was aimed at giving our members experience with performing at an

    external venue. Through this experience, we learned that a venue without proper logistics

    (esp. a piano/keyboard) would pose significant difficulties for us to prepare our performance.

    We would require more careful selection of venue and better planning with regard to

    transportation of logistics, if we decide to hold another external performance. Our holiday

    practice schedule should also have been better defined in order for members to anticipate

    and plan their schedule accordingly.

    3. Dinner and Dance 2013Songs performed:The Lion King Medley

    Performers: Low Zi Qian Flute, Gareth Andrew Lee Cheng Guang Cello, Zhang Jiyuan,

    Joan Fun Rui Shan, Benjamin Ham Violin, Yvonne Fong Ching Ying, Anna Ikarashi Clarinet,

    Eamon Quinlan Gallego Saxophone, Bryan Ng Jeng Haur Piano, Yu Chengfen Percussion

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    The song was chosen with regard to the theme for DnD 2013: Tribal. Rehearsals started in

    February for twice a week, adding practices nearer to the concert date when necessary. We

    made good progress within a first few practices, and by the last few rehearsals the

    performance was quite satisfactory.

    On the day of the performance itself, due to there not being enough microphone stands

    prepared, we had to share microphones at the external venue (Kent Ridge Guild House). As a

    result the balance was affected with some instruments not being able to be heard. Through

    this experience the point was driven home that regardless of how well we sounded during

    sound checks, when there were large crowds of people our instruments will still be drowned

    out by the ambient noise. Therefore we will have to secure the cooperation of the Culture

    Management Board (CMB) even more for future performances and take enough time to

    ensure that our sound balance is correct and of suitable volume for all to hear.

    Closing comments

    In summary, KEnsemble has enjoyed a rather successful first year with great support from the hall

    administration and population. Although we are still not musically very polished, we are after all a

    young group and we hope that our musical ability will continue to mature well into our second year.

    Some of the problems we faced last year were logistic-based and while we had suggestions by Dr

    Seow, our Resident Fellow in-charge, to purchase instrument microphones, we felt that it was not

    necessary due to the high cost and specialized nature, meaning they could not be used by other

    groups. Instead, we hope that more microphones could be purchased in order to ensure every

    players sound is amplified and our sound balance could then be adjusted accordingly.

    We have also gotten into contact with the Raffles Hall Music Ensemble (RH Rebels), who are keen on

    pursuing a combined performance with the KEnsemble. RH Rebels has a long history and regularly

    gives performances within and outside hall, one of the most prominent of which is their live

    soundtrack for each years Raffles Hall musical. Due to this, I felt that they are a good choice to

    partner with and learn from, to improve our ensembles quality and showmanship. Whether or not

    such a combined performance will be possible would depend on the hall administration for next year

    and if RH Rebels could work out a logistics and administrative plan that is to our satisfaction.

    With these closing words, I would like to thank all who have supported us during our inaugural year,

    and wish my successor as Chairperson of KEnsemble, Yu Chengfen, all the best.

    Prepared by:

    Mr. Low Zi Qian

    KEnsemble Chairperson 2012/13

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    Annual Report from Wushu 2012/2013

    General Comments

    After one year of struggling to revive the team in the previous academic year, this newly formed

    team took a step forward based on what has been established by the last batch.

    With the help of some new seniors retained in the team, many juniors were trained to be competentto perform inside and outside the hall. Besides, some of the juniors, who have acquired sufficient

    skills, are now able to assist trainings as new seniors.

    One of our goals at the start of the academic year was to increase the publicity of Wushu in hall as

    well as outside of hall. This was well achieved by conducting twice the number of performances in

    hall and also outside of hall.

    In general, our team goals were all well accomplished. Although the trainings were tiring and tough,

    many of our members were still showed great perseverance. As a result, the performances were of

    great quality, though with limited trainings with professional coaching.

    Main Projects for the YearPerformance Participation Comments



    50% This new opportunity of in-hall performance for Wushu has greatly

    increased awareness among hall residences. It was delivered by

    primarily senior members with very short time of preparation

    ICN 90% This was the first performances for all junior members, who

    demonstrated great quality with newly learned skills


    Performance at

    Elderly Home

    40% It was the first time for KE Wushu to go to a local elderly home to

    entertain the elderly. We brought joy and enjoyment for the old

    people while celebrating New Year with them

    NUS Staff ClubMembers Night

    20% We were invited to perform for the members of NUS Staff Club,who are mainly professors in NUS. This has greatly improved the

    publicity of KE Wushu as well as KE Hall.

    Major Problems Encountered

    Training with the professional coach was assumed to be not enough for the preparation of so many

    proposed performances, regardless ensuring the quality. Thus, we tried to conduct only half of the

    trainings with the coach and the remaining under the leadership of the head. Although this concern

    did not result in any bad consequences, due to the cancellation of two performances by the host of

    the performances, this still can be a major drawback if it happens in the future again.

    One other problem was significant time clash for members in semester 2 during the period whenXQRJ and Chinese Drama prepared for their productions. Although we were willing to support them

    even making sacrifices in training time, necessary pre-arrangement and negotiations should be done

    to ensure basic requirement of training time and thus avoid undermining the quality of Wushu


    Recommendations for the Future:

    Pre-arrangement of time and venue to avoid clash with XQRJ and Chinese Drama Replace the rusty weapons with new ones. Be more careful during the training.

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    Annual Report from Xin Yao 2012/2013

    General Comments

    KE Xin Yao has truly risen in both vigour and standard during AY12/13. With the vision to share the

    appreciation of Chinese popular music, we embarked on not only monthly concerts in hall, but alsoexternal performances. We launched good relations with St. Lukes Elderly Care Centre and NUS

    staff club for semi-annual and annual performances to raise the profile of KE Xin Yao.

    While Xin Yao performers achieved abundant stage experiences, our composers also demonstrated

    their talents via producing our annual album, Perhaps. Good feedbacks have been received from KE

    residents, RF, friends outside hall and our original songs website.

    Main Projects for the Year

    Date/Period Project/Event Comments


    31/08/2012 Xin Yao PromotionProject

    Designed and printed stand-up banner for KE XinYao

    Produced KE Xin Yao promotion video20/09/2012 Dinner Concert



    Internal concert for KE residents2 hours with 2 times repeat

    16/10/2012 Dinner Concert (East

    Wing Supper)

    Internal performance for East Wing residentsInvited by East Wing Supper Organizing

    Committee to work up the crowd

    19/10/2012 Charity Performance

    (St. Lukes Elderly

    Care Centre)

    External performance for the elderly1.5 hour event with performances and games

    designed for the elderly in St. Lukes Elderly CareCentre

    01/11/2012 Inter-Cultural Night Internal performance as a cultural group in KE VIIHall

    20min mini-concert with 5 songs in total as anapt ending to ICN

    14/11/2012 Dinner Concert

    (Thanks Giving Day)

    Internal concert for KE residents2 hours with 2 times repeat

    26/12/2012 Charity Performance

    (St. Lukes Elderly

    Care Centre)

    External performance for the elderly duringChristmas celebration

    1.5 hour event with performances and gamesdesigned for the elderly in St. Lukes Elderly CareCentre

    04/02/2013 Dinner Concert

    (Chinese New Year)

    Internal concert for KE residents2 hours with 2 times repeatInvited Pi Pa performer from NUS Chinese

    Orchestra for traditional Chinese songs

    07/02/2013 CNY Microphone

    Concert (NUS

    Chinese Studies


    External performance for CNY MicrophoneConcert organized by NUS Chinese Studies


    Performed Xin Yao original songs22/02/2013 CNY Concert (NUS

    Staff Club)

    External performance for CNY Concert at NUSStaff Club

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    11/03/2013 Dinner Concert

    (Annual Album


    Internal concert for KE residents2 hours with 2 times repeatPromotion of Xin Yao annual album




    Weekly Workshops Topics include:

    Music theoryComposing theoryComposing software FL studioSoftware plugin Real GuitarRecording Adobe AuditionArtistic Processing Studio1 & Adobe Audition



    Composing Period Compose songs, write lyrics, recording, artisticprocessing



    Album Design


    Proposed topic of albumDesigned CD coverDesigned lyric book


    Album SponsorProject

    Collected donations from NUS canteens01/12/2012-


    Album Production


    Contacted various vendors to print lyric booksand produce CDs

    Problems Encountered

    Problems Faced Recommended Solutions

    Performances in dining hall sometimes face

    problems in the house sound system, and the

    dinner concerts need to be delayed due to

    sound issues.

    Trainings on sound check could be provided

    so that performers can be more familiar with

    the sound system in dining hall, and when

    sound issues happen, they could take

    alternatives to ensure the progress of the



    Overall, there has been an impressive growth of Xin Yao for the year 2012/2013. I believe our group

    of members could continue to raise our musical standard and public profile during the next year

    with our great passion and love for Chinese popular music.

    Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to KE VII Hall for its firm support, and all ResidentFellows especially Prof Daniel J. MacAllister and his family for their encouragement as well as Mr

    Goh Chong Leng, Jenson for his constant supervision. I would also like to thank JCRC Culture

    Secretary, Colin Peeris, for his strong support and valuable advice, and all members from Culture

    Management Board (CMB) for their substantial assistance in sound checks and performances.

    Prepared by,

    Miss Jiang Xinyi

    Head of KE Xin Yao 2012/13

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall

    Annual Report from Culture Management Board 2012/2013

    General Comments

    The main events of Culture Management Board (CMB) are Inter-Cultural Night (ICN), Dramafest and

    Amplitude. Dramafest is an inter-hall drama performance where CMB provides stage support onbehalf of KEVII hall. ICN is an intra-hall performance by all different culture CCAs such as Wushu,

    Xinyao and Band. This year's theme is called "Tales and Legends" and it was a major success despite

    the shortage of manpower and technical difficulties.

    In the second semester, we provide stage support for Amplitude. Amplitude is an inter-hall

    performance that involved choir performances by the six halls of NUS at UCC. We also provide stage

    support for hall events such as Malaysian Night, Graduation Night, Xinyao dinner concerts as well as

    Formal Hall Dinners. Requests for video playing in dining hall are also done by us. Below is the

    summary of our main events and the general comments for them.

    Major projects of the year

    Event Participation



    Dramafest Stage support The lack of stage crew was a problem. There was overall poor

    communication and organization in the event. Many last minute

    preparations. The poor timing of the event also meant that some of

    our members could not help out due to midterms. However, it was a

    major success because our team was able to pull through without any

    technical glitches or major mistakes.

    ICN 100%- stagesupport,

    publicity etc

    This year's ICN is a major success despite the difficulties we faced. TheICN program booklet and tickets have been widely praised for its

    artistic value and professionalism. However, we faced were

    manpower issues and equipment failures. To make matters worse, we

    have faulty equipment such as damaged lights, aging speaker systems,

    poor walkie-talkies and damaged curtains. We also have poor

    communication with the other culture CCAs regarding stage etiquette

    and rules. However, the event went on smoothly with everyone

    having a good time.

    Amplitude Stage support This year's Amplitude went on smoothly with a major success.


    Events Recommendations

    ICN Recruit more members during CCA fair. A more assertive way of communication with

    other CCA groups as well as a plan to upgrade the comm hall speakers and lighting


    Dramafest Having a more pro-active role in communication with other halls e.g. regarding stage

    requirements. Have more people to help out in stage crew.

  • 7/30/2019 Compiled Reports from Culture.pdf


    Annual General Meeting Report

    56th JCRC, King Edward VII Hall


    Organizing culture events in hall has been interesting and exciting. Our committee has been able to

    fulfil the number of working hours required of a major CCA even with the shortage of manpower and

    ageing equipment. Our achievements were only possible with the hard work and commitment of

    every member as well as the continuous support from the Culture Secretary Colin.

    Prepared by,

    Mr. Ng Wee Yang

    Culture Management Board Head 2012/13