compleate company managment system

AffiliatesBox – our vision to make your business easier Ready for the new EU VAT online filing

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Post on 11-Jun-2015




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Best system for VAT filing with the new EU VAT system. File your client's VAT refunds with Affiliatesbox is fastest and easiest solution.


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AffiliatesBox – our vision to make your business easier

Ready for the new EU VAT online filing

Page 2: Compleate Company Managment System is a strategy for success based on the collaboration between a company, its clients and affiliates. The system combines in itself customer management, full control on the employees and the

chance to build own unique partnership system.

Our vision to make your business easier

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VAT management

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VAT management

• Very easy way to enter invoice data and scanned copies of the invoice/s

• The system allows remote invoice entering. Data and copies can be entered into the system either by your office employees, remote employees or customer himself

• Working with invoices – confirming data, changing data, removing or adding invoices, comments for client for each invoice if needed

• With the different level of access to the system you have full security

• Easy organization of the waiting time for invoices in order to get to minimum allowed amount to file for VAT refund

Enter and work with invoices

Remote collaboration

Tracking applications


Ready to file online

•Connect offices in any location in the world through secure Internet connection

•Collaborate with your clients through secure Internet connection

•Clients can insert invoice data and invoice scans from anywhere in the world, so that you receive them immediately and process them in no time

•Clients can follow up the progress of their applications. You can see the history of old applications. You will have everything at one place and will be able to submit any next request very easy

•With our unique special progress tracking system you can optimize the work of your employees. Your employees will be in control of all applications in very easy and secured way. Time sent, time accepted, time expected, time received, tax office correspondence and much more.

•Provide the best value for your clients by setting statuses of their applications and money transfers; history of all operations, amounts paid and anything else you would like to show to your clients in order to make them feel secure and happy with your services

•In order to keep a good eye on your applications you can get immediate report according to the statuses of your applications: New Applications, Prepared, Applied, Finished…

•Finance report for amounts applied per country or per client/s. Paid money to companies. Calculating interests etc.

•History of all transactions allowing very good planning and individual offers for each of your clients.

•By using reports you can push your clients to claim more VAT by giving bonuses for amounts applied and other promotions

•Our system is already prepared for the new EU regulations and requirements.

•Using our system will allow you to prepare very easy the required forms for any tax country. With a single click you can generate your VAT application and then upload it to the web page of the given tax office . The application will be generated according to the relevant country’s requirements in formats XML, CSV, PDF, RTF, HTML.

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AffiliatesBox gives you the opportunity to manage your company fast and easy from anywhere in the world!




Full company management

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Affiliates management

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Affiliates management

Multilevel marketing




Bonuses and deductions

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Clients management

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Clients management

If you have an existing customer database, you can import the records in AffiliatesBox. The system supports different formats of the initial database from which the you make the import. There is also an option to export the

data. Thereby you can provide flexibility and mobility of the corporate information.

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After a registration for a product, the system creates automatically a personal account for every client. The customer can login into the account, using username and password; he can track out the progress of the

product the company is registered for.

Clients management

Personal account

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company information uploads

Client profile

Clients management

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statuses documents

Client profile

Clients management

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financials comments

Client profile

Clients management

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Employees management

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Employees management

As a part of AffiliatesBox, you can also add your employees to the system. They receive limited access to the system, depending on

the substance of their work and needs. Thus, you are able to allow your employees to work online in

Personal account, worktime check in, personal tasks, permissions, messaging system for internal communication – these are just a

few of the options, which will cover all your requirements.

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Employees management


Personal tasks


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Messaging system

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Messaging system

AffiliatesBox supports a messaging system – you can communicate with employees, affiliates and clients. It’s possible to receive, reply and send messages, which will ensure the close and secure connection with your

affiliates and clients.

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•100 % security;

•256bit data encryption;

•https secure transfers;

•secured server with non-stop

mirroring of the data;

•remote server providing 3rd level

data securing.

We appreciate your security and privacy. So that we provide complete confidentiality and 100% protection of uploaded into the system data.

You are the only ones who have access to them.

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AffiliatesBox – a step ahead of your competitors!