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  • 8/11/2019 Compliance With Mediterranean Diet


    Research report

    Compliance with Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) and nutritionknowledge levels in adolescents. A case study from Turkey

    Semra Akar Sahingoz a,*, Nevin Sanlier b

    a Gazi University Industrial Arts Education Faculty, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Food and Nutrition Technology Division, 06830 Golbas, Ankara, Turkeyb Gazi University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, 06500, Besevler, Ankara, Turkey


    Rapid developments in the food industry,as well as sociological

    and technological developments, have changed nutritional habits;

    many people are more likely to eat convenience (i.e. processed)

    foods (Horinger & Imoberdof, 2000; Serra-Majem et al., 2004).

    Eating patterns can have a significant positive effect on healthy

    growth and development during childhood and adolescence

    (Loewen & Pliner, 1999; Kroke et al., 2004) and on of health

    issues in later life (Garemo, Arvidsson Lenner, Karlge Nilsson,

    Borres, & Strandvik, 2007; Neumark-Sztainer, Wall, Perry, & Story,


    There are many factors that contribute to obesity, including

    over-eating malnutrition and lack of physical activity. Additionally,

    other factors related to obesity are genetic, environmental,

    neurological, physiological, biochemical, socio-cultural and psy-

    chological. The overall global rise in obesity, particularly inchildhood obesity, is too high to be explained by changes in

    genetic structure; prevailing beliefs are that environmental factors

    have a major role in obesity (Cowley, 2006; Dietz, 2004; Phips,

    Burton, Leithbridge, & Osberg, 2004; Rolls, 2009). The current

    prevalence of childhood obesity is 10 times higher than during the

    1970s. In a country-wide study the prevalence of adolescent

    obesity (1219 years old) was found to be between 5 and 17.6% in

    the USA (Ogden, Carroll, & Flegal, 2008); 1520% in England

    (Lopstein, James, & Cole, 2003) and 12.6% in China (Luo & Hu,

    2002). Health Behavior in School-aged Children Survey (HBSC), a

    large-scale study conducted in 20012002, of children aged 11, 13

    and 15, from 41 countries showed that 24% of the girls and 34% of

    the boys in the 13-year old group and 31% of the girls and 28% of

    the boys in the 15-year oldage group were overweight. In addition,

    5% of the girls and 9% of the boys in the 1315 year old age group

    were obese (HBSC, 1998). Data from the study Have Healthy Diets

    Protect Your Heart (conductedby the Ministry of Healthof Turkey

    on 15,468 individuals over 30 years old) obesity prevalence was21% for males and 41.5% for females; and childhood obesity had

    increased from 67% to 1516% in the previous two decades ( The

    Ministry of Health of Turkey, 2009). Obesity causes health

    problems: it has a negative impact on many of the bodys systems

    (endocrine system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system,

    skin, genitourinary system, and muscle-skeleton system) and on

    psycho-social status. Childhood obesity also leads to an increase in

    Type-2 diabetes and heart diseases (Dietz, 2004).

    Providing nutritional information to children when they are

    young, and introducing good nutritional habits are important for

    optimal, healthy nutritional preferences (Fuhr & Barclay, 1998).

    Appetite 57 (2011) 272277

    A R T I C L E I N F O

    Article history:

    Received 14 May 2010Received in revised form 12 May 2011

    Accepted 13 May 2011

    Available online 20 May 2011




    Nutrition knowledge

    Nutrition habit

    Nutrition education

    A B S T R A C T

    Adopting an eating patterncomplyingwith the Mediterranean diet not only decreases body fatmass and

    obesity risk, but also reduces development of various health problems. This study investigated thenutritional awareness and diet quality Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) of Turkish

    adolescents. Thestudy was conducted with890 voluntary participants (464boys and 426girls)aged 10

    14 years. A questionnaire form was used to learn demographic characteristics of the participants.

    Participants nutritional awareness was determined through a 20-item knowledge form and their

    nutritional habits through a 16-item Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED). The average

    nutritional knowledge score wasX= 82.22 0.42.Resultsindicated that17.9% of the participantshad a lowquality diet (3 points), 59.2% had a mid-quality/needs-improvement diet (47 points) and 22.9% had an

    optimal quality diet (8 points). The study results showed that the subjects diet quality was low and that

    their nutrition knowledge levels were related to their nutritional habits. 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    The authors would like to thank the adolescents who participated in the

    study; the school managers and teachers, who gave consent for the

    administration of the questionnaire; and the graduate students who adminis-

    tered the study questionnaire. The essay was finalized after arrangements were

    completed in accordance with the opinions and suggestions of the referees. We

    are grateful to the journal editors and referees for their invaluable opinions and


    * Corresponding author.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (S.A. Sahingoz).

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect


    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / a p p e t

    0195-6663/$ see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    doi:10.1016/j.appet.2011.05.307[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 8/11/2019 Compliance With Mediterranean Diet


    The nutritional choices made by an individual are directly

    related to the nutritional knowledge they possess (Manios,

    Moschandreas, Hatzis, & Kafatos, 1999; Pirouznia, 2001; Powers,

    Struempler, Guarino, & Parme, 2007).

    Nutritional preferences and health problems vary from society

    to society; but population groups who adopt a Mediterranean diet

    are reported to experience lower rates of chronic diseases,

    myocardial infarction, arthritis, various tumors (such as breast,

    colon and prostate cancer), diabetes, other pathologies related to

    oxidative stress, childhood asthma and rhinitis (Barclay, 2008;

    Benetou et al., 2008; Martnez-Gonzalez et al., 2008; Munoz, Fto,

    Marrugat, Covas, & Schroder, 2009; Panagiotakos et al., 2009;

    Serra-Majem, 2001; Serra-Majem, Roman, & Estruch, 2006). This

    diet has a preventive role in the development of Alzheimers

    disease and infections (Feart et al., 2009). A Mediterranean diet

    includes a high proportion of fruits, vegetables, unrefined natural

    cereals, legumes, dried nuts, poultry, eggs (3 times per week), fish,

    low-fat dairy products and a small quantity of red meat. This diet

    has positive effects on health. The fish and fruit in the

    Mediterranean diet provide antioxidant vitamins (E, C) and

    carotenes, and prevent insufficient micronutrient intake (Anony-

    mous, 2000; Serra-Majem, Ribas, Garca, Perez-Rodrigo, & Ara-

    nceta, 2003).

    The Mediterranean eating pattern warrants attention because ithas been repeatedly associated with protection against several

    chronic degenerative diseases and disorders. Although it is not yet

    clear which components of the diet provide the greatest health

    benefits, it is likely that certain components, eaten together,

    provide a dietary pattern that is highly protective. Several possible

    explanations and biological mechanisms have been proposed for

    these foods, against the pathogenesis of chronic disease (Brill,


    Obesity has gradually become a public health problem,

    resulting in initiatives throughout the entire world to reduce it.

    In Turkey, nutritional education is not effective because there are

    not enough practical cooking classes and limited curriculum time

    devoted to this subject. The nutritional knowledge, attitudes and

    behaviors of students cannot be changed efficiently and perma-nently. This study was designed and conducted to determine the

    level of nutritional knowledge amongst adolescents living in

    Turkey, a country with borders on the Mediterranean Sea, and to

    detect the extent to which their diet complies with the

    Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED).


    Subject and procedures

    The study was conducted in Ankara, the capital of Turkey,

    between January and May 2009. Turkey is partially European and

    nutritional habits from both the Mediterranean and Eastern worldare represented here. While Mediterranean eating patterns prevail

    in the coastal regions of Turkey, central and southeastern regional

    eating patterns are based mainly on cereals, pastry and red meat,

    rather than fruit and vegetables.

    This study, conducted to evaluate the nutritional status of

    children and adolescents, used KIDMED, which is a rapid and valid

    evaluation methodology. The required papers on the objective, the

    subjects and the method of the study; about the schools where the

    study would be conducted; and confidentiality for study partici-

    pants were submitted to the Ministry of National Education and

    permission was obtained before starting the study. Students and

    their parents were informed and only voluntary participants were

    included in this study. The study group included 464 boys and 426

    girls in the 1214 age range (mean = 13 0.82 years) (n= 890).


    The development of the KIDMED index is based on the

    principles of Mediterranean dietary patterns as well as the factors

    that undermine it. The index rangedfrom 0 to 12,and wasbased on

    a 16 questions test that could be self-administered or conducted

    via an interview (pediatrician, dietitian, etc.). Questions denoting a

    negative connotation with respect to the Mediterranean diet were

    assigned a value of 1, and those with a positive aspect were

    scored +1 (seeAppendix A)(Serra-Majem et al., 2004).

    According to the KIDMED index (16 questions):

    8 points shows optimal diet quality.

    47 points average (improvement needed).

    3 points very low (diet quality).

    In addition to the KIDMED index, a nutritional knowledge test

    developed by the researchers was used to determine the

    nutritional knowledge of participants. The nutritional knowledge

    test included 20 questions. Writers were asked to submit a

    questionnaire form with questions on nutritional knowledge.

    These questions were scored according to a 5-point Likert-type

    scale: very important = 5 points; considerably important = 4points; important to some extent = 3; minimal importance =2

    points; not important = 1 point. Potential scores ranged from 20 to

    100 points. The validity of the nutritional knowledge questions

    was tested, and found to have a Cronbachs alpha score of 0.844.

    Data collection

    Questionnaires were administered face-to-face during course

    hours. First, participants were given information on the study and

    thenthe questionnaires were given to volunteer participants. Eight

    interviewers collected the study data, and then they distributed

    112 questionnaires. Interviewers were trained postgraduates

    students who visited selected primary schools in Ankara, Turkey.

    The objective of the study was briefly explained to the girls andboys by interviewers. To guarantee anonymity of responses and

    easy identification of the questionnaires by individuals. Items in

    the questionnaire were explained when necessary and adminis-

    tered at one sitting as far as possible. Administering the

    questionnaire took between 10 and 15 min. Researchers collected

    them immediately upon completion.

    Data analysis

    The questionnaire responses were analyzed using SPSS version

    16.0 (SPSS Chicago, IL, USA). The evaluation of the demographic

    characteristics of the participants was based on numbers and

    percentages. The means and SDs of each question on nutritional

    knowledge were measured. The t-test was used to evaluatenutritional knowledge habits (KIDMED index) and total scores

    according to gender One way ANOVA Analysis were used to

    evaluate factors including parents educational status, whether

    meals were skipped, and the number of meals on the basis of

    KIDMED and knowledge scores. Tukeys test was used to determine

    the difference between the groups. In all analyses, a 5% and 1%

    significance level was used.


    Demographic characteristics

    Demographic characteristics of the adolescents are presented in

    Table 1.

    S.A. Sahingoz, N. Sanlier / Appetite 57 (2011) 272277 273

  • 8/11/2019 Compliance With Mediterranean Diet


    Amongst the adolescents who participated in the study; 52.1%were boys, and 47.9% were girls; 21.0% were 12 years old, 38.5%

    were 13 years old and 40.5% were 14 years old. With regard to the

    educational level of participants mothers, the results showed that

    4.8% were illiterate, 65.8% were primary education graduates,

    20.0% were high school graduates and 9.4% were university

    graduates. For participants fathers, these levels were 1.4, 50.4,

    31.3, 16.9% respectively.

    Data on skipped meals showedthat23.7%of adolescentsdid not

    skip any meal, while 18% always skipped meals and 58%

    occasionally skipped meals. Students who skipped meals included

    33.8% who skipped breakfast, 21.6% who skipped lunch and 23.1%

    the evening meal. Adolescents who skipped meals offered the

    following reasons: no inclination to eat a meal (49.1%); no time for

    a meal (23.1%); planning to lose weight (10.9%); and the difficultyof preparing a meal/non-necessity of having a meal (remaining


    Nutritional knowledge and KIDMED scores of adolescents

    Themeans andstandarddeviations (SD) of the answers foreach

    of the questions about nutrition knowledge according to genders

    are presented inTable 2.

    Girls scored high on these questions: should consume fruits

    (4.43) and vegetables (4.24); should not consume food late at

    night (3.76); should not eat too much (3.99); and should

    consume low-fat food (4.19). Boys scored higher on these

    questions: should enjoy eating (3.92); it is beneficial to

    consume food cooked with fish (3.75), with chicken (3.72),

    with veal (3.60) and with mutton (3.26). The difference

    between the genders is statistically meaningful (p < 0.05,

    p < 0.01).

    A gender-based breakdown of the KIDMED (Mediterranean Diet

    Quality Index), used to detect the nutrition habits of the

    adolescents, and is shown inTable 3.

    The table shows that 17.9% of the adolescents had a very poor

    diet, 59.2% had a diet that needed improvement and 22.9%

    followed a diet of optimal quality (Table 3).

    The KIDMED score for boys was 5.57 2.24, compared to

    5.72 2.47 for girls. This difference was not found to be statisticallysignificant (t= 0.907,p > 0.05) and no statistically significant gender-

    based difference was observed between the nutritional knowledgescores of boys and girls (boys = 82.15 12.68; girls = 82.32 12.80)

    (t= 0.197,p > 0.05).

    A comparison of KIDMED scores and nutritional knowledge

    scores according to the parents educational status, meal skipping

    and number of meals is presented in Table 4.

    There was a difference in the KIDMED scores of the children

    according to their mothers educational status. As the mothers

    educational status rises, so do KIDMED scores (p< 0.05) and

    nutritional knowledge scores. A difference was detected amongst

    both the KIDMED scores (p < 0.01) and the nutritional knowledge

    scores (p < 0.05) of the children who skipped meals. The scores of

    the children who do not skip meal arehigh. There is also a difference

    betweenthe KIDMEDscores andthe nutritional knowledgescoresof

    thechildrenwho eattwo meals perday andthosewho eatthree/fourmealsperday (p < 0.01).As the numberof mealsincreases, sodo the

    KIDMED scores and nutrition knowledge scores.

    Table 2

    The distribution of the nutrition knowledge scores of adolescents according to their genders ( n = 890).

    BoysXSD Girls XSD ttest p

    Should have balanced nutrition 4.630.71 4.62= 0.72 0.377 0.706

    Should have adequate nutrition 4.590.79 4.630.70 0.832 0.406

    Should consume fruits 4.251.04 4.430.89 2.689 0.007**

    Should consume vegetables 4.021.11 4.241.00 2.975 0.003**

    Should not consume food late at night 3.421.54 3.761.48 3.295 0.001**

    Should not overeat 3.661.36 3.991.26 3.657 0.000**

    Should consume low-fat food 3.941.22 4.191.08 3.162 0.002**

    Should chew the food properly 4.271.07 4.300.99 0.536 0.592Should adopt nutrition habits according to age and health status 4.37 .94 4.361.02 0.115 0.908

    Should avoid compound processed food 4.221.09 4.291.07 0.931 0.352

    Should avoid unnecessary calorie intake 3.991.18 4.071.13 1.095 0.274

    Should maintain ideal weight 4.161.12 4.301.05 1.866 0.062

    Should avoid overly salty food 4.151.07 4.211.07 0.860 0.390

    Should avoid sugary food 4.101.10 4.131.14 0.389 0.698Should have three main meals a day 4.211.06 4.111.14 1.338 0.181

    Should enjoy eating 3.921.26 3.701.25 2.568 0.010*

    It is beneficial to consume fish 3.751.24 3.491.23 3.109 0.002**

    It is beneficial to consume chicken 3.721.25 3.391.23 3.926 0.000**

    It is beneficial to consume veal 3.601.33 3.101.32 5.574 0.000**

    It is beneficial to consume mutton 3.261.45 2.721.40 5.517 0.000**

    Should consume pulpy fibrous products 3.201.50 3.411.42 2.070 0.039*

    Total nutritional knowledge score Boys= 82.1512.68 Girls = 82.3212.80, t= 0.197,p>0.05.* p

  • 8/11/2019 Compliance With Mediterranean Diet



    Currently in Turkish primary schools (1st8th grade), nutri-

    tional programs are still implemented with contributions from and

    the support of the students families, without any government

    support. Food-hour is the time when students eat grab-a-bite food

    (fruit, fruit juice, milk, ayran, sandwich, etc.) during the 15-min

    break (Sanlier & Arikan, 2002). While students are eating, they are

    questioned about food.

    If an individual uses his/her knowledge to make behavioral

    changes, it means that such knowledge is promoting positive

    behaviors and habits. This study determined the level of nutritional

    knowledge amongst adolescents, and the extent to which theirnutritional habits are in accordance with the Mediterranean Diet

    Quality Index.

    Previous studies have shown that children do not have regular

    eating habits, and that skipping meals is common (Akar Sahingoz,

    2009; Berkey, Rockett, Gillman, Field, & Colditz, 2003; Kelder,

    McPherson, & Montgomery, 2003; Unusan, Sanlier, & Danisik,

    2006). These findings are supported by the present study. In a

    previous study on adolescent and nutritional and eating habits,

    girls were found to eat mainlyvegetables and fruits, and boys were

    found to eat more sugary products (Kelder, McPherson, &

    Montgomery, 2003; Worsley & Worsley, 1992). In a study he

    conducted on adolescents in the 14th grade. Roos (2002)

    emphasized that girls and boys in this age group are not interested

    in healthy nutrition.Akhtar Khan, Ahmet, and Baig (2008)found

    that 62% of high school students had inadequate knowledge of

    health protection, ate few vegetables and had high fat and calorie

    intakes. The results of the present study also showed that students

    had low knowledge scores about vegetable and fruit consumption,

    optimal eating times/portions; about low-fat food consumption.

    Girls were found to know more than boys about the benefits of

    eating vegetables, and boys were shown to know more girls about

    fish,chicken, veal, and mutton consumption(Table 2). This gender-

    baseddifference may be thatTurkish males generally dislike eating

    vegetables and prefer meat and meat-based food. The Nin@s en

    movimiento program, developed for obese children between 6

    and 13 years of age in Spain, applied the Mediterranean diet

    (KIDMED) methodology; at the end of the study, participatingchildren showed a reduction in body-mass index (BMI) and

    consumption of cakes, and an increase in vegetable and fruit

    consumption (Gussinyer et al., 2008).

    In this study were found to obtain good KIDMED scores for

    adolescent diets (22.9%) (Table 3). Another study conducted in

    Turkey, in 2008, by Samur et al. included 84 elementary school

    students between the ages of 10 and 12. Of those, 76.2% had

    optimal KIDMED index scores; statistically, there were no

    differences according to gender. In another study, conducted in

    2008 by Koksal et al., 25.6% of the voluntary participants aged

    between 7 and 18 had optimal KIDMED index scores, and no

    meaningful difference according to gender. This studys results are

    similar to the Koksals findings (Koksal, Tek, & Pekcan, 2008). The

    results of these twostudies maydiffer from Samur, Gunebak Sahin,

    Table 4

    Comparison of KIDMED scores and knowledge scores according to the variables.

    KIDMED score Nutrition knowledge score

    Variables MeanSD F p MeanSD F P

    Mothers educational status

    1. Illiterate 5.022.11 79.9011.51

    2 . P rimary school gradua te 5.552.31 2.836 0.037* 81.7512.19 1.555 0.1993. High school graduate 5.982.46 83.5214.42

    4. University graduate 5.922.47 (13) 83.3812.57

    Fathers educational status

    1. Illiterate 5.912.77 81.0810.97

    2 . P rimary school gradua te 5 .502.39 1.123 0.339 81.9712.52 0.566 0.638

    3. High school graduate 5.722.25 81.9113.05

    4. University graduate 5.872.44 83.4312.89

    Meal skipping

    1. Skip 4.402.23 33.935 0.000** 80.0915.01 3.964 0.019**

    2. Never skip 6.352.47 (12), (13), 83.8313.49

    3. Sometimes skip 5.722.18 (23) 82.3111.38 (12)

    Number of meals

    1 3.832.31 72.8315.252 4.862.34 5.057 0.000** 79.2715.50 3.309 0.011**

    3 5.752.38 (23), (34) 83.4911.78

    4 5.782.18 82.5212.17 (23)

    5 6.262.16 83.5211.06

    F: one way ANOVA.* p

  • 8/11/2019 Compliance With Mediterranean Diet


    Donmez, and Besler (2008)because of different sample sizes. Two

    studies conducted in Spain, using the KIDMED index, produced

    results similar to each other. A 2004 study conducted by Serra-

    Majem et al. (2004)included a total of 3850 people between 2 and

    24 years of age; 46.4% had high KIDMED scores. In another study by

    Mariscal-Arcas et al. (2009), 3190people between 8 and 16years of

    age were included 46.9% of them had a good KIDMED index. In

    another study conducted in Spain, with 229 people between 8 and

    18 years of age, the high KIDMED index was calculated at 11.9%

    (Montero, 2005). A study by Perez-Gallardo, BayonaMarzo, and

    Benito de Miguel (2007) of the nutrition habits of university

    students (aged 1824 years) in five European cities found that

    31.7% of the students had good quality diets (KIDMED 8). In a

    study of 1140 children (10.7 0.98 year) in Cyprus, 37% of theparticipants had low KIDMED scores and it the studys authorsrecommended educating children about the benefits of a Mediterra-nean diet, in order to improve their diets (Lazarou, Panagiotakos, &

    Malatas, 2008). In a study of the KIDMED index scores of children(ages 113) living in Greece (n= 13 boys and 11 girls) and Sweden(n= 13 boys and 10 girls), there appeared to be no significantdifference between the two countries (KIDMED index of the Greek

    childrenwas 5.71 and 5.91 in Sweden) (Karlen, Lowert, Chatziarsenis,& Falth-Magnusson, 2008). Another study byLazarou and Kalavana

    (2009) showed that only a small number of children had highKIDMED index scores; that there were differences between rural

    (n= 442) and urban (n= 442) areas; and that children living in ruralareas had higher scores (urban 5.4%, rural 8.4%). Kontogianni et al.(2008) studied 1305 individuals in Greece, aged 318 years, andfound that 11.3% of the children and 8.3% of the adolescents achieved

    optimal KIDMED scores (8). Serra-Majem et al. (2003)suggested that children with an optimal diet are already fulfillingtheir nutritional needs and do not need vitamin or mineralsupplements.

    A study by Montero (2005), and previous studies in Turkey

    (Koksal et al., 2008; Samur et al., 2008) have shown no

    statistically significant difference between the KIDMED scores

    of boys and girls (p > 0.05). The results in this study correspond

    to those earlier studies in this regard (p > 0.05). The results ofthe present study are similar to the results reported by Gibson,

    Wardle and Watts (1998) and point to a relationship between

    how much children know about nutrition and their eating

    habits. Manios, Moschandreas, Hatzis and Kafatos (1999)

    emphasized that a nutrition training program aimed at primary

    school students would have limited effectiveness, and that

    continuous training programs are necessary to ensure that this

    knowledge generates long-term behaviors. Luisi, Pietrobelli,

    Lova and Gensini (2005) found that 24% of children had

    inadequate knowledge how to implement basic health protec-

    tion principles before the study; their post-study knowledge

    increased by 74%.

    In this study, the educational status of mothers and both

    KIDMED scores of their children are related (p < 0.01) (Table 4).Other studies show that the children of mothers with a high

    educational level also had a high quality diet (KIDMED scores 8),

    and that a mothers educational level and nutritional knowledge

    could have positive effects on their offsprings nutritional

    knowledge levels and eating habits (USDA, 2009).

    In later studies there were additional findings: that the number

    of meals/meal skipping not taken into consideration in the

    previous studies on KIDMED and nutrition knowledge affects

    KIDMED scores and the nutrition knowledge scores of adolescents

    (p < 0.01,p < 0.05) (Table 4).

    Comparable to the rest of the world, quality of life in Turkey is

    affected by factors like obese families, obese children, cardiovas-

    cular diseases, Type-2 diabetes, hypertension, psycho-social

    problems and cancer. The entire population can benefit from a

    Mediterranean diet and information and education about this diet

    should be distributed and publicized.

    For instance, the curriculums of educational institutions,

    including kindergartens, should highlight the importance of

    consuming olive oil, fruits, vegetables and wholegrain cereals;

    balanced and sufficient nutrition; and of physical activity The

    health benefits of a Mediterranean diet are profound enough to

    warrant inclusion and promotion, for the adoption of healthy

    eating habits by children.

    Governments at the regional, national and European level

    should take prioritize raising, producing, transporting and

    commercializing the foods that constitute the Mediterranean diet:

    olive oil, fruits and vegetables, fish, cheese and yoghurt, nuts,

    cereals. Families, also, should take responsibility for making the

    healthiest choices when purchasing food for the home, or at a

    restaurant (Serra-Majem et al., 2004).

    Including children in shopping activities and showing them

    how to choose healthy foods is also important. Governments

    should support the food industry in producing healthy food, and

    the state, family, schools and related sectors should cooperate in

    improving health.


    Based on theresults of thepresent study,the KIDMED indexcan

    also be successfully applied in Turkey in evaluating the Mediter-

    ranean diet and healthy nutritional practices. Because variables

    like regional habits, income level and sample size can affect the

    index scores, it is beneficial to use a food-consumption based

    method, anthropometrical measurements and biochemical mea-

    surements in evaluating thenutritional status of childrenat risk. In

    addition, further studies should be conducted on larger sample

    groups with wider age ranges, living in larger geographical areas.

    The limited agerange, regionand number of samples of thepresent

    study cannot be generalized to the whole of Turkey.


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    S.A. Sahingoz, N. Sanlier / Appetite 57 (2011) 272277276
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