composite text book

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  • 7/30/2019 composite text book




    By:Dr. Mark V. Bower, P . E.

    Copyright 1992-2000

    The Un ivers ity of Alabama in Hunt sville

    Hun tsville, Alabama

  • 7/30/2019 composite text book



    Composite Mat eria ls


    In t roduct ion ................................................................................................................1

    Definition of Terms.....................................................................................................1

    CONSTITUE NTS AND F ABRICATION TE CHN IQUE S ............................................8


    Reinforcemen t For ms ...............................................................................................17

    Fabrication Techniques............................................................................................21

    Ha zards .....................................................................................................................42

    LAMINA MECHANICS ...............................................................................................48

    Preliminar ies ............................................................................................................48

    Constitutive Relations..............................................................................................53

    Engineering Properties for Orthotropic Materials..................................................57

    Pla ne Str ess Orthot ropic Const itu tive Relat ion .....................................................58

    Off-Axis properties of orthotropic lamina................................................................60

    STRE NGTH OF LAMINA ...........................................................................................65

    Tens or Polynomia l Fa ilur e Cr iter ion.......................................................................65

    Qua dr at ic Fa ilur e Crit er ion .....................................................................................66

    R-Factor analysis......................................................................................................73

    CLASSICAL LAMINATION THEORY.......................................................................75

    His tory ......................................................................................................................75

    Preliminar ies ............................................................................................................76

    Force -- Moment Resultants.....................................................................................77

    Equ ilibrium of a Pla te Elem ent ...............................................................................79

    Displacement Field Model........................................................................................83

  • 7/30/2019 composite text book



    Ort hotr opic Const itu tive Relat ion ...........................................................................86

    The Lam ina ted Pla te E qua t ions ..............................................................................91

    LAMINATES ................................................................................................................97

    In t roduct ion ..............................................................................................................97

    Alternate Expressions for Laminate Stiffnesses.....................................................97

    Simp lifying Assu mpt ions on Lam ina te Str uctur e ..................................................99

    St res s Dist r ibut ion in a Lam ina te .........................................................................112

    Lam ina te Fa ilur e Theories ....................................................................................113

  • 7/30/2019 composite text book




    This docum ent is a work in progress, as are most books. Every effort h as

    been made t o ensur e the a ccur acy of th e inform at ion cont ained in it. That does not,

    un fort un at ely, guar an tee that every equat ion is without error. Ha ving said th is,

    th e reader is encour aged to consu lt oth er text s on composite mat erials. A few ar elisted on th is page. Fu rt her, neither t he aut hor nor The University of Alabama in

    Huntsville is responsible for the application of the information contained in this

    docum ent . Good engineer ing pr actice requ ires th e ap plicat ion of sound engineer ing

    ju dgmen t .

    The author acknowledges the support of The University of Alabama in

    Huntsville, the Microsoft Academic Support Program, and the Dell Corporation

    Academ ic Sup port Pr ogra m. I acknowledge th e support an d assist an ce of my wife,

    Peggy, an d children, Renae, Amber, Elizabeth , an d Matt hew. Fu rt her, I

    acknowledge the support, inspirat ion, and a noint ing of J esus Christ . With out H is

    help, I could n ot h ave come t his far .


    1. Me c h a n i c s o f C o m p o s i t e Ma t e r i a l s , R. M. Jones, McGraw-Hill Book

    Compa ny, Wash ington, D. C., 1975.

    2. P r i m e r o n C o m p o s i t e Ma t e r i a l : An a l ys i s, J. E. Ashton, J. C. Halpin, and

    P. H . Pet it, Techn omic Pu blishing Co., Inc., Westport , CT, 1969.

    3. I n t r o d u c t i o n t o C o m p o s i t e M a t e r i a l s , S. W. Tsai and H. T. Hahn,

    Techn omic Pu blishing Co., Inc., Westport , CT, 1980.

    4. F u n d a m e n t a l s o f C o m p o s i t e s Ma n u f a c t u r i n g : Ma t e r i a l s , Me t h o d s a n d

    Appl ica t ions , A. B. Strong, Society of Manufacturing Engineers Dearborn,

    MI, 1989.

  • 7/30/2019 composite text book


    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 Pa ge 1



    A composite material is defined as a material composed of two or more

    constituents combined on a macroscopic scale by mechanical and chemical bonds.

    Typical composite ma ter ials ar e composed of inclusions sus pended in a m at rix. The

    const ituent s reta in th eir ident ities in t he composite. Norm ally th e components can

    be physically identified an d ther e is an int erface between them. Composite

    ma ter ials ar e classified based on th e sha pe an d r elative dimensions of the inclusion

    an d the stru ctu res. Composite mat erials are classified as:

    P a r t i c u l a t e F i l a m e n t a r y

    L a m i n a t e d

    In a particulate composite, the major dimension of the inclusion is small compared

    to th e str uctur al dimensions. Pa rt iculat e composites may be ma de with small

    par ticles, such as glass beads, or with chopped fibers. In filam ent ar y composites,

    one dimension of the inclusion is of the sa me order of ma gnitude a s t he st ru ctu ra l

    dimensions. Filament ar y composite ma terials ma y be made from uni-directiona l

    ta pe or cloth. In lam ina ted composite mat erials, two of th e major dimen sions of th einclusions are of the same order of magnitude as the structural directions.

    San dwich sections ar e examples of a lamina ted composite ma terial.

    Two additional distinctions are made in the classification of composite

    materials: advancedcomposite materials are those composites which are made with

    inclusions that have a modulus greater than that of steel (30 Mpsi, 207 GPa) and

    volume fraction of inclusions greater than fifty percent, and hybrid composite

    materials are those composites which are made with two or more different inclusion




    Containing plies alternately oriented at plus and minus a fixed angle other

    th an 90 degrees t o the r eference direction.

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower


    Not isotropic; exhibiting different properties when tested along axes in

    differen t d irections.


    A pressur ized heat ed cha mber used to cur e composite mat erials. An

    autoclave is pressurized with gas, typically air or nitrogen.


    A composite laminate whose lay-up is symmetrical with relation to the mid-

    plane of th e lam inat e.


    A nonstructural layer of material used in manufacture of composite parts to

    allow th e escape of excess gas a nd r esin du rin g cur e.


    An intermediate stage in the polymerization reaction of certain

    thermosetting resins; the state in which most prepregs are stored and



    A smooth meta l plate used in cont act with t he lay-up du ring cur e to tran smit

    norma l pressur e an d to provide a smooth sur face to th e finished lamina te.


    Rendered pa ra llel, applies t o filam ents.


    That part of a sizing or finish, which is designed to provide a bonding link

    between the reinforcement an d the lamina ting resin.


    Fine r esin cra cks a t or un der t he sur face of a plast ic.

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower


    Cont aining lamina alter na tely oriented a t 0 degrees and 90 degrees.


    To irreversibly change the properties of a thermosetting resin by chemical

    rea ction, i.e., conden sat ion, rin g, closur e, or addit ion. Cur e ma y be

    accomplished by addition of curing (cross-linking) agents, with or without



    The separa tion of th e layers of ma terial in a lam inat e.


    The a bility of broadgoods t o conform t o an irr egular sh ape.


    The amount of deformation of the fiber caused by the breaking tensile force,

    expressed as t he per centa ge of the origina l length.


    An au tomat ed fabrication process in wh ich th e ma chine places fiber bundles

    along predetermin ed paths t o build up th e stru ctu re.


    A long, cont inu ous length of fiber, mea sur ed in yar ds.


    An automated fabrication process typically used to produce cylindrical or

    spher ical shape. The machine winds fiber bundles ont o a ma ndr el th at is

    removed after the cure process.


    Yar n r un ning from selvage to selvage at right a ngles to the war p in a woven


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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower


    A relatively inert material added to a plastic to modify its strength,

    perm an ence, working pr operties, or oth er qu alities, or to lower costs .


    A mixtu re of ma ter ials for tr eat ing glass fibers. It cont ain s a coupling agent

    to improve the bond of resin to glass; and usually includes a lubricant to

    prevent abra sion an d a binder to promote str an d int egrity. With gra phite or

    other filamen ts , it m ay perform eith er or all of th e above fun ctions.


    Excess plastic material which forms at the parting line of a mold or which is

    extr uded from a closed m old.


    A quick-setting resin used in molding processes to provide an improved

    surface for composites; it is the first resin applied to the mold after the mold-

    release agent.


    The process of placing and working successive plies of the reinforcing

    ma teria l or r esin impregnat ed reinforcement in position on a mold by ha nd.


    A composite structure composed of more than two different materials, for

    example, a lamina te with out er lam inae of glass/epoxy an d inner lamina e of



    Similar to an autoclave except that the chamber is pressurized using heated

    water or other liquid.


    The shear strength at rupture in which the plane of fracture is located

    between the layers of reinforcement of laminate.

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower


    Ha ving un iform properties in all directions. The measu red properties of an

    isotropic material are independent of the axis of testing.


    A single layer or ply of ma ter ial. The fun dam ent al building block of a



    A laminate that has been assembled, but not cured; or a description of the

    component m at erials an d geometr y of a lamina te.


    A fabric, usually resin-impregnated, in which the reinforcements are

    continuous and unidirectional; layers may be crossplied.


    Ha ving th ree mu tu ally perpendicular planes of elastic symmetr y.


    A laminate of woven fabric in which the plies are aligned in the same

    position a s origina lly aligned in t he fabr ic roll.


    For epoxy, a lower molecular weight material added to reduce stiffness and

    brittleness; it results in a lower glass- transition temperature for the



    A fabrication process used to produce a highly collimated composite shape

    (rod, bar, etc.).


    Additional elevated temperature cure, usually without pressure, to improve

    fina l propert ies an d/or complet e th e cure. In cert ain resin s, complet e cur e

    and ultimate mechanical properties are attained only by exposure of the

    cur ed resin to higher temper at ur es tha n t hose of cur ing.

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower


    The length of time th at a resin system reta ins viscosity low enough to be used

    in pr ocessing.


    A combination of mat, fabric, non-woven material, or roving with resin,

    usually in the B-stage, ready for molding.


    A laminate approximating isotropy by orienting plies in several directions.


    A ma nu factur ing process used to produce large composite st ru ctu res. In t hispr ocess, a dry lay-up is infused with r esin in a molding process. May be

    found in various forms such as vacuum assisted resin transfer molding

    (VARTM) or Seeman Composite Resin Infusion Molding Process (SCRIMP).

    Not in wide spr ead u se for adva nced composites.


    A multiplicity of single ends of continuous filament with no applied twist

    drawn t ogether as par allel stra nds.


    The sequence of angles a nd possibly ma terials t ha t describes th e orient at ion

    of the individual lamina in a laminate from top to bottom, e. g.,

    +45/-45/+45/-45, or 0/90/90/0, or 0/+60/-60/0/+60/-60/-60/+60/0/-60/+60/0.

    Most laminates are composed of a large number of laminae, frequently in

    repeat ed pat tern s, which leads to th e use of shorth an d notat ion. Using

    shorth an d notat ion t he first example is written : 2[45]. The second an d thirdsequences are symmetric about the mid-plane, and thus can be written:

    [0/90]S an d 2[0/60]S, where th e subscript S indicates symmetr y.


    On glass fibers, the compounds which, when applied to filaments at forming,

    provide a loose bond between the filaments, and provide various desired

    ha ndling an d processing properties.

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower


    A lamina te th at is symmet ric in both geometr y and ma terial properties about

    th e mid-plane.


    With prepreg ma terials, th e degree of stickiness of th e resin.


    An au tomat ed process in which th e ma chine lays a composite t ape, eith er wet

    or prepr eg, on predeter mined pat hs.


    A loose, un twist ed bun dle of filamen ts .


    Ha ving uniform pr operties in one plane. The measur ed properties of a

    transversely isotropic material are independent of the axis of testing within

    the plane.


    A laminate with non-woven reinforcements that are all laid up in the same



    The yarn ru nn ing length wise in a woven fabric.


    A reinforced plastic which has liquid resin applied as the reinforcement is

    being laid u p.

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 Pa ge 8



    For the purpose of this discussion, composite materials are defined as a

    ma rr iage of two or more const itu ent ma ter ials on a macroscopic scale. To

    understand the fabrication techniques associated with composite materials it is

    important to discuss the types of constituent materials and the fabrication

    techniques used to produce composite structures.



    Polyester Resins

    Polyester is a thermoset polymer that is formed from a condensation

    polymerizat ion. Polyester h as been widely us ed in comm ercial app licat ions with

    fiberglass . Applicat ions include:

    Boat hu lls, Shower st alls, Bath tu bs, Car bodies,

    Building and roof panels, Molded fur nitu re, an d Pipes.

    Advan ta ges for t he u se of polyester r esin include:

    Low cost (genera lly lowest foun d in composite m at eria ls) and A wide assort men t of diacids an d diols can be used t o give physical a nd

    chem ical pr opert ies.

    Disadvantages for the use of polyester resin include:

    Poor tempera tu re capabilities,

    Poor weat her resistan ce, Shelf life ma y be limit ed, an d Poor mechanical pr operties (stiffness a nd str ength) as compa red t o

    adva nced composites.

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower

    Epoxy Resins

    Epoxy is a thermoset polymer that forms a strong rigidly crosslinked network

    of polymer chain s. Epoxy ha s been widely used in comm ercial applicat ions with

    fiberglass, graph ite, and ar oma tic fibers. Applicat ions include:

    Aircraft componen ts, Pr essure vessels, Rocket motor cases, an d Car bodies.

    Advan ta ges for th e use of epoxy resin include:

    Excellent adhesion Excellent mechanical properties (strength and stiffness), Excellent chemical resist an ce, Excellent weath er r esistance, Low shr inkage, Good fatigue st rength , Good corrosion protection, and Versa tility in pr ocessing.

    Disadva nt ages for t he u se of epoxy resin include:

    Poor h igh t empera tu re capabilities, Un cur ed resin is t oxic, Poor ha ndling properties (uncured), an d Relatively expensive.

    Epoxies are available in multi-component and single component systems.

    The cure of epoxy may be through the application of hardeners, a catalytic agent

    that activates or facilitates crosslinking between the polymer chains, (a two-part

    system), or through the application of heat or ultra-violet light (a one-part system).

    Epoxies may be stored at freezer temperatures, which prompts long storage/shelf

    life. Wide ran ges of cure cycles ar e available.

    Polyimide and Polybenzimidaole Resins

    Polyimide and polybenzimidaole (PBI) are thermoplastic polymers with

    excellent high tem pera tu re (600 to 700) propert ies. Polyimide and PBI ha s been

    used in comm ercial app licat ions with graph ite, an d ar oma tic fibers. Applicat ionsinclude:

    Aircraft componen ts.

    Advan ta ges for t he u se of polyimide and P BI resin in clude:

    Excellent mechanical properties (strength and stiffness), Excellent th erma l propert ies, an d Good pr ocessa bility on convent iona l molding equipmen t.

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower

    Disadvantages for the use of polyimide and PBI resin include:

    Var iable res ista nce to solvents depend ing on specific compoun d, Difficult synt hesis process, Difficult fabr icat ion met hods, Resin is t oxic and sh ould be ha ndled with grea t car e,

    Expensive raw mat erials, an d Very expens ive (more t ha n epoxies).

    Use of Polyimide and PBI compounds is growing as the knowledge base


    Phenolic Resin

    Phenolic is a thermoset polymer with good high temperature properties.

    Phenolic has had a long history of commercial applications as a general

    un reinforced plast ic an d is now being used a s a composite r esin with gra phite, an d

    ar oma tic fibers. Applicat ions include: Aircraft componen ts, Rocket nose cones an d n ozzles, an d Aut omotive a pplicat ions .

    Advan ta ges for th e use of phen olic resin include:

    Good mechanical properties (strength and stiffness), Good ther ma l properties with a n ablat ive nat ur e, an d Good pr ocessa bility.

    Disadvan ta ges for t he u se of phen olic resin include:

    Absorbs m oistu re ea sily, Brittle behavior, an d Relatively expensive (more t ha n epoxies).

    Carbon Matrices

    Carbon matrices are produced from polymeric resins that are carefully

    cha rr ed in a processed called pyrolysis. Car bon ma tr ices may also be produced by

    vapor deposition, but the process is limited to structures less that 3/16 thick.

    Applicat ions include:

    Aircraft componen ts, Rocket nose cones an d n ozzles, an d Aut omotive ap plicat ions, esp ecially bra ke componen ts .

    Advan ta ges for th e use of car bon m at rices include:

    Very h igh specific hea t capa city (highest kn own), Good mechanical properties (stiffness and strength), Good t ough ness , Good r esista nce to sh ock,

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower

    Excellent t herm al properties, and Excellent th erma l sta bility.

    Disadvanta ges for th e use of car bon ma tr ices resin include:

    Absorbs m oistu re ea sily,

    Poor wear resistan ce, and Very expensive (more t ha n five times t he cost of a phen olic abla tivecomposite).

    Thermoplastics Matrices

    Thermoplastic polymers have long chain molecules that are loosely

    int erconn ected by weak chem ical bond s and mechan ical tan gling. Becau se of th e

    structure of thermoplastic polymers they do not require reactive cure cycles or have

    a distinct melting temperature, displaying fluid like (viscoelastic) behavior at even

    room tempera tu re. Consequent ly, th ese ma terials lend themselves to molding

    processes. Ther moplast ics include: Polyethylene, Nylon, Polystyrene, Polyester, Polycarbonate, Polyvinylchloride (PVC), Acrylonit rile but adien e st yren e (ABS), Acrylic, Polyethylene t erepht ha late (PET),

    Polyethereth erketone (PE EK), Polyphen ylene oxide, et ceter a.

    Advantages for the use of thermoplastics resin include:

    Large number of processing methods, Lower fabrication tim es, (compa red t o th erm osett ing polymers), Good compression strength after impact, Good hot/wet compr ession st ren gth , Resista nt to moistur e absorpt ion, an d Ea sy dyed or given special propert ies (e.g. flam e ret ar da nt ).

    Disadvanta ges for th e use of therm oplastic resins include: High viscosity impa irs wet -out of reinforcement , High consolidation pr essures a re r equired, and Mechanical, chemical, thermal, and electrical properties depend on

    specific selected .

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower

    Ceramic Matrices

    Organic resins are characterized by the prevasive presence of covalent bonds.

    Ceramic matrices, by contrast, are characterized by the predominance of ionic

    bonds , however silicon-car bide (SiC) ha s covalent bondin g. Cera mic solids ma y be

    cryst alline, vitr eous (glass-like), or mixed.

    Advan ta ges for th e use of cera mic mat rix includ e:

    Dimensiona lly stable at h igh temper at ur es, High chemical stability, High thermal stability, Excellent mechanical properties (strength and stiffness), Resista nt to moistur e absorpt ion, an d Applicable t o extr eme t emper at ur es (2000 to 4000).

    Disadvantages for the use of ceramic matrix include:

    Very britt le, Very high consolidation pressu res a re r equired, and Very expensive to produce an d ma inta in.

    Phenolic and carbon matrice are sometimes classified as ceramic matrices.

    Metal Matrices

    In comparison to organic resins and ceramic matrices, metal matrix

    composites (MMCs) ar e cha ra cter ized by th e predomina nce of met allic bonds . In

    MMCs discontinous or continuous metal fibers are suspended in a matrix of a

    differing m etal (e.g. alum inum , tita nium , ma gnesium, copper, et cetera ).

    Advant ages for th e use of metal m at rix include:

    Outst an ding mecha nical pr operties (stiffness a nd str ength) forcont inu ous fiber MMCs,

    Good wear resistance, Ther ma lly conductive, Good fractu re t ough ness for cont inu ous fiber MMCs, Good fatigue st ren gth for cont inu ous fiber MMCs, Resista nt to moistur e absorpt ion, an d

    Applicable t o extr eme t emper at ur es (2000 to 4000).Disadvanta ges for t he u se of metal ma tr ix include:

    Significant difficulties associated with the inherent non-wetability offibers,

    Very high consolidation pressu res a re r equired, and Very expensive to produce.

  • 7/30/2019 composite text book




    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower


    While there is no restriction as to the material used as the reinforcing

    element for modern composites there are generally three materials that are

    commonly used: glass, graph ite, and organic. These mat erials ar e discussed in t his


    Glass Fibers

    Glass fibers ha ve long been used as reinforcing element s. Owens-Illinois an d

    Corn ing Glass developed a fiberglass ma nu factu rin g facility in 1937. Glass is

    produced from silica sa nd, limest one, boric acid, and other element s. Types of glass


    E-glass, S-glass (and the variation S2-glass), C-glass, and Quartz.

    These are t he four prima ry types of glass u sed in composite ma terials. The

    type of glass is defined by the chemical composition

    Advan ta ges for t he u se of glass fibers include:

    Applicable t o wide r an ge of geomet ries a nd sizes, Seamless construction, Good str ength a nd du ra bility, Lower tooling costs,

    Increa sed design flexibility,

    Minimal m aintenan ce, and Corr osion resistan t.

    Disadva nt ages for t he u se of glass fibers include:

    Mechanical properties are not as good as metals or other reinforcingfibers.

    The fiber glass pr oduction processes ar e shown in th e following figure. Note

    th at th e process ma y begin from stock (ma rbles) or directly from melt. The use of

    stock h as ha d bett er cont rol over th e properties.

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower

    F i b e r g la s s p r o d u c t i on p r o ce s se s ,

    (a ) m a r b l e p r o c e s s a n d ( b ) d i r e c t -m e l t p r o c e s s .

    Carbon/Graphite Fibers

    Carbon or graphite fibers for structural applications began production insignifican t qua nt ities in t he 1950s. Graph ite fibers a re am ong th e highest st iffness

    an d highest str ength m at erial known today. Types of graph ite fibers include:

    Polyacrylonit rile (PAN)-Based Fibers Pitch-Based Fibers Rayon-Based Fibers

    Advan ta ges for t he u se of gra phit e fibers include:

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower

    Excellent st rength , Excellent st iffness, Excellent specific strength and stiffness, and Corr osion resistan t.

    Disadvantages for the use of graphite fibers include: Significantly more expensive than glass fibers, and Brittle behavior.

    Two graphite fiber production processes (PAN-based and pitch-based) are

    sh own in th e following figur e. Note tha t both pr ocesses use a two step

    carbonization/graphitization process to convert the raw fiber into graphite.

    Char acteristic properties for graphit e fibers from th e th ree processes is listed in th e

    following t able.

    G r a p h i t e fi b e r p r o d u c t i on p r o c es s es ,

    (a ) P AN -b a s e d p r o c e ss a n d (b ) P i t c h - b a s e d p r o c e s s .

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower

    C a r b o n F i b e r M e c h a n i c a l P r o p e r t i e s4

    P AN-ba sed f ibe rs

    Low Modulu s High Modu lus

    Tensile Modulu s (Mpsi) 33 56

    Tensile Str engt h (kpsi) 480 350Elonga t ion (%) 1.4 0.6

    Den sit y (g/cc) 1.8 1.9

    Carbon Assay (%) 92-97 100

    P i t c h -b a s e d fi b e r s

    Low Modulu s High Modu lus

    Tensile Modulu s (Mpsi) 23 55

    Tensile Str engt h (kpsi) 200 350

    Elonga t ion (%) 0.9 0.4

    Den sit y (g/cc) 1.9 2.0

    Carbon Assay (%) 97 99R a y o n -b a s e d fi b e r s

    Ten si le Modu lus (Mps i) 5 .9

    Tens i le S t r en g th (kp s i ) 150

    Elon gat ion (%) 2 .5

    Den sit y (g/cc) 1.6

    Car bon Assa y (%) 99

    Organic Fibers

    Organic fibers for structural applications were introduced for commercial

    applicat ions in 1971. Graph ite fibers a re am ong th e highest st iffness an d highest

    st ren gth ma ter ial known today. Types of orga nic fibers include:

    Kevlar Fibers Nomex Fibers, an d Spectr a (ultr a highly orient ed polyethylene) Fibers.

    Advan ta ges for th e use of orga nic fibers in clude:

    Very high st rength , Very h igh st iffness, Very high specific st ren gth a nd st iffness,

    Excellent impact resistance, High toughness, and Corr osion resistan t.

    Disadva nt ages for t he u se of orga nic fibers include:

    Significantly more expensive than glass fibers, and Pr opert ies ma y be affected by environm ent al factors (e.g. ultr a violet


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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower

    Specialty Reinforcements

    Specialt y reinforcement s include:

    Boron, Silicon Ca rbide, an d


    These rein forcement s were origina lly developed in the 1960s. Advan ces in

    graphite and organic reinforcing materials coupled with lower costs associated with

    th em h as impacted th e growth in a pplicat ions for specialty ren iforcements.

    Advan ta ges for th e use of boron a nd silicon car bide fibers include:

    Very high str ength, an d Very h igh st iffness.

    Disadva nt ages for t he u se of boron a nd s ilicon car bide fibers include:

    Extremely expensive.


    The form of the reinforcements used in composite materials spans a wide

    range and has a direct impact on the mechanical properties of the structural

    componen t. The form of th e reinforcing element s also impa cts the fabr icat ion

    techniques tha t can be used. As discussed in the first chapter , composites ar e

    classified based on t he geometr y of the r einforcing element .

    Fiber Terminology

    Fiberous reinforcements have several specific terms used to describe the

    ma ke-up an d geometr y. These terms include:

    FilamentSingle fiber produced from a single port in the spinning process.

    Diameters for common filaments (glass and graphite) range from

    0.000015 inches to 0.0005 inches.

    FibersA gener al t erm comm only u sed t o refer to a collection offi la m en ts.


    Commonly a bundle or group of untwisted, collimated fi la m ents. Usedintercha ngeably with fiberand fi la m en t.

    TowA bundle or group of untwisted, collimated fi la m en ts usually with a

    specific coun t .

    YarnA twist ed bun dle of contin uous fi lam en ts.

    Rovin g

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    A number of tows or ya rns collected into a parallel bundle without


    TapeA collection of collimated (parallel) fi la m en ts usually made from tows

    held t ogeth er by a binder , which is t ypically a B-sta ge resin.

    Woven FabricA two-dimensional material made by interlacing yarn s or tows in

    various patt erns.

    Braid in gA three-dimensional material made by interlacing ya rns or tows in

    various patt erns.

    MatA two-dimensional material made of randomly oriented chopped fibers

    or swirled continuous fibers that may be held together loosely by a


    Weave types

    The textile industry has developed a number of different weaves that are

    commonly used in app licat ions from cloth ing an d uph olster y to composite ma ter ials.

    The specific weave used in a structure may impact the drape in the fabrication

    process and t he mechanical properties of th e stru ctu re. Typical weaves used in

    composite materials include:

    Plain weave Basket weave Crowfoot satin weave

    Long-shaft satin or harn ess weave Leno w eave

    The typical weaves are shown in the following figure with the machine directions as

    indicat ed in t he figure.

    The plain weave is the simplest weave that has uniform strength in two

    directions wh en t he yar n size and coun t a re similar in t he war p an d fill directions.

    Pla in wea ve fabr ics a re comm only us ed for:

    flat laminates, print ed circuit boards,

    na rr ow fabrics, an d tooling.

    The basket weave is similar t o plain weave except t ha t wa rp yar ns a re woven

    as one over and u nder t ow fill yar ns. The weave is less stable tha n plain weave.

    Consequent ly th e weave is more pliable and dr ape is bett er. Basket weave fabrics

    ar e str onger t ha n a n equivalent weight/coun t plan e weave fabr ic. Applicat ions for

    basket weave fabrics are similar to those for plain weave.

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    Crowfoot satin weave has improved unidirectional quality with more

    str ength in t he fiber directions th an pla in weave fabrics. The crowfoot satin weave

    is more pliable than pla in weave fabrics and can comply to complex contours and

    sph erical sh apes. Applicat ions include:

    Fishing r ods,

    Diving Boards , Skis, Aircraft du cts, Chann el, and Conduit.

    Long-shaft satin or harness weave has a high degree of drape and stretch in

    all directions. The weave is less st able th an in pla in weave fabrics. Applications


    Aircraft housings, Radomes, Ducts, an d Other cont our ed su rfaces.

    Leno weave produces hea vy fabr ics for r ap id build-up of plies. Leno weave

    fabrics are used:

    As inn er cores of thin coat ings, Tooling, and Repairs.

    The choice of weave for a particular application will generally be a

    compr omise between str uctur al and fabrication requirement s. Unidrectiona l ta pe

    will pr oduce higher st ren gth plies but ar e more difficult t o fabricate. Dra pe of th e

    cloth can be a ma jor consider at ion in st ru ctu res with complex contour s.

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    C o m m o n w e a v e s u s e d i n c o m p o s it e m a t e r i a l s.

    C lo t h D i r e c t i o n s a n d

    N a m e C o n v e n t i o n sP l a i n We a v e

    B a s k e t We a v e C r o w f oo t S a t i n

    L o n g -s h a f t S a t i n L e n o We a v e

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    For the purposes of this presentation the fabrication techniques for composite

    materials are arbitrarily divided into three catagories they are: manual processes,

    ma chin e processes, and ma ss production pr ocesses. The type of techn ique used in apar ticular applicat ion will depend on a mong oth er t hings:

    th e nu mber of par ts t o be produced, th e facilities a vailable, th e repeat ability of th e par ts to be produced, th e mecha nical properties required in the finished pa rt s, th e mat erials (resin a nd r einforecment) to be used, and th e size of th e part .

    Unlike metal manufacturing processes, composite fabrication processes can

    ha ve significan t impa ct on par t qua lity. Composite ma ter ials have received undo

    criticism in some a rena s due in par t t o ina dequat e quality cont rol in t he fabricat ion

    processes. Consequent ly, it is importa nt for t he designer an d ana lyst to underst an d

    th e composite fabrication pr ocesses a nd t o develop an app reciation for t he imp act of

    th e fabr icat ion pr ocesses on system beh avior.


    The majority of composite materials in production today are made with

    th ermoset polymeric resins. Consequent ly, the str uctur e requires some kind of a

    cur e process to produce the fina l part . A generic cur e cycle is shown in th e

    following figure .





    0 50 100 150 200 250 300

    t (minutes)







    2/min Heating

    5/min Heating


    Three hour hold at 250F

    with one hour at 150psi.

    G e n e r i c c u r e c y cle w it h t e m p e r a t u r e a n d p r e s su r e r e q u i r e d .

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    Vacuum Bag Processes

    Whether or not a cure cycle requires additional pressure to achieve

    consolidation of part the vast majority of all composites produced require use of a

    vacuu m bag. In t he vacuum bag process the pa rt is covered by a release ply, next a

    barr ier film, then th e appr opriat e nu mber of bleeder ply to absorb t he excess resinfrom the lay-up, a breather ply to provide a flow path for trapped gasses and

    volitols released du rin g the cur e cycle, an d fina lly a bag. The vacuum ba g ma y be a

    molded bag or sh eet of polymer fitted t o th e par t. Molded bags are more expensive

    but r equire less manu al labor to inst all. They ar e comm only used in high

    production applicat ions . A generic lay-up with t he various vacuu m bag componen ts

    is sh own in th e following figur e.

    Typical Vacuu m Ba g Componen ts .

    Bagging is an import an t pa rt of processing thermoset composite par ts. It h as

    a direct impact on par t qua lity. It is possible for a pa rt , carefully laid-up, to be

    scra pped due to poor bagging. It is essential tha t a ba g be tight ly sealed and leakfree and be in perfect cont act with t he work piece. A leak free bag is necessar y to

    achieve consolidation of the lay-up and to provide the necessary path to exhaust

    evolved gasses th at ma y be tra pped in t he lay-up during t he fabricat ion pr ocess or

    th ose tha t ar e produced by th e chem ical reactions in th e cure cycle. Pr oducing a

    leak free bag can be cha llenging, but is not in genera l impossible. Ther e may be

    times th at a ba g loses its seal during the cur e cycle. When th is ha ppens it is

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    typically unrepairable, but the part may not be lost, depending on when the leak

    develops a nd wha t type of cur e cycle is in us e.

    Perfect contact with the part must be established in the bagging processes.

    Fa ilur e to establish perfect cont act will produce a flawed part th at ma y or ma y not

    ha ve to be scra pped due to the failure. Perfect cont act appear s in two points in t hebagging process, bridges and dar ts . These problems ar e shown in the following

    figur es. Dart s are used in bag const ru ction when flat ba g ma ter ial is used inst ead

    of a molded bag. The seams produced on t he finished pa rt s due t o use of dar ts is a

    resin rich point that is not likely to adversly affect the mechanical properties of the

    par t. Bridges on the oth er hand are more than un sight ly belmishes. It is quite

    comm on t o have intern al voids an d delamina tions in th e finished workpiece in th e

    vicinity of bridges. Rubbing tools are u sed to compact th e bag and r emove wrink les.

    Vacuum Bag



    Gap due to bridging



    Vacuum Bag

    Gap due to dart


    Bridging in a vacuu m bag process. Dart used in vacuu m bag process.

    Auto- and Hydroclave processes

    Autoclave and hydroclave processes use additional pressure to consolidate

    th e lamin at e. Vacuum bags ar e used with both of th ese processes. The use of a

    hydroclave may produce a superior cure cycle due to the improved heat transfer

    from the liquid medium to the workpiece as compared to the gas used in an

    au toclave. Typically th e added pressu res us ed in th ese processes ra nge from 50 psi

    to 200 psi. Research on t he applicat ion of pressur e and du ra tion of th e vacuu m

    held on the part for phenolic composites has indicated that part quality can be

    significantly impacted by these steps.


    Manual fabrication techniques for composite materials include manual

    lay-up and man ua l spra y-up. Of th ese processes, th e ma nu al techniques ar e

    domina ted by th e man ua l lay-up process. Advant ages and disadvant ages for th ese

    processes a re list ed in t he following ta ble.

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    Design considera tions for m an ua l techniqu es include t he following:

    Minimum inside ra dius: 0.1875 to 0.25 inches. Tight er ra dii ar epossible but not desirable.

    Minimu m dra ft recomm ended: 2. Split molds can h ave 0. Under cut s: should be avioded but can be made by usin g split or r ubber


    Molded in h oles: lar eg diamet er only. Minium practical thickness: 0.03 inches for manual lay-up, 0.06 inches

    for ma nu al spray-up.

    Maximum pra ctical t hickness: un limited t ota l, 0.25 inches per cure. Normal thickness variation: +0.03/-0.015 inches for manual lay-up.

    0.025 inches for ma nu al spr ay-up. Special const ru ction p ossible: built-in cores, m eta l insert s, met al oroth er edge stiffener s

    Bosses: must be ta pered. Fins: special ha ndling required. Limiting size factor: none, oth er t ha n m old size, oven s ize (if requ ired)

    an d ha ndling considera tions.

    Sha pe limitat ions: none.

    Ad v a n t a g e s a n d D is a d v a n t a g e s of Ma n u a l F a b r i c a t i on T e ch n i q u e s

    A d v a n t a g e s * D i s a d v a n t a g e s *

    Design flexibility Labor -intens ive pr ocess

    Large an d complex part s can be


    Only one good (molded) su r face is


    Pr oduction ra te requ iremen ts ar e low Low-volume pr oduction processMinimum equipment investment is


    Quality is related t o the skill of the


    Tooling cost is low Longer cur e tim es requ ired

    Any ma terial t ha t will hold its sha pe can

    be used a s a m old form

    Pr oduct u niform ity is difficult to

    mainta in with in a single part and from

    part t o part

    Sta rt -up lead time an d cost are minima l Waste factor is high

    Design chan ges ar e easily effected

    Molded-in inserts and structural

    reinforcements are possibleSandwich constructions are possible

    Pr ototyping a nd pre-production meth od

    for high volum e m olding pr ocesses

    Semi-skilled worker s ar e needed an d ar e

    easily tr ained

    Hazards associated with handling the

    mat erials ar e higher

    * Note: the h orizont al alignment in t he t able is not int ended to imply a relat ionsh ip

    between the points.

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    Fin ished su rfaces: one (two with special t ooling). Gel-coat sur face: only one sm ooth sur face, reverse can be coat ed a fter


    Molded in la bels:

    Manual Lay-up

    In a ma nu al lay-up process each ply of a lamin at e is placed by ha nd. The

    advan ta ge to th ese processes is th at litt le in the way of equipment is required. The

    disadvantages to these processes include: high degrees of variablitiy between parts,

    even th ose produced by a single technician an d genera lly inconsistent quality even

    when per form ed by a h ighly qualified technician. As always the advan ta ges mu st

    be weighed a gainst t he disadvan ta ges in a given applicat ion.

    Wet Processes

    In wet lay-up pr ocesses the lamina or ply must be satu ra ted with r esin beforebeing laid-up in th e tooling. Following satu ra tion, excess resin mus t be rem oved to

    avoid having a part th at is una ccepta bly resin rich. The following ar e the basic

    steps in a wet lay-up pr ocess:

    1. Prepare patterns for each ply of the laminate locating all darts and folds

    requ ired to accur at ely follow the m old. Minimize the nu mber of overla ps an d

    never superimpose overlaps. If overlapping plies are required, keep th e

    overla p width t o 0.75 inches, +0.25 inches/-0.0 inches. A pat ter n ma y be used

    for m ultiple ply when t he pat ter n is repeat ed in the st acking sequence.

    2. Optiona l, prepar e a laminat ion kit, cut ting all plies to th e required patt ern,ma rkin g their order in t he st acking sequence with Teflon t ape.

    3. Coat tooling with releas e film or place releas e ply on tooling. If Gel-coat is

    desired it should be applied at th is time.

    4. Pr epare th e resin pot. Mix th e resin components as required and place in a

    cont ainer th at is sufficiently large to lay th e individua l plies for th e lamina te.

    5. Sat ur at e th e first ply of ma ter ial with resin.

    6. St rip excess resin from ply.

    7. Place first ply on tooling with the orientation specified in the stacking

    sequen ce, film side-up. Usin g a n on-stick (Teflon or st eel) tool press t he ply

    ont o th e tooling. Work out all air bubbles and wrinkles. En sur e th at t he ply

    is in total contact with the tooling, working out all bridges that occur at

    fillets an d gaps at corn ers t ha t occur at rounds. Draw excess resin from ply.

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    8. Remove Teflon tape mar king lam ina sequence. (This is very import an t.)

    9. Sat ur at e th e next ply of ma terial with resin.

    10. St rip excess resin from t he ply.

    11. Apply th e next ply with th e orien ta tion specified in t he s ta cking sequence,

    film side-up. Again , usin g a n on-stick (Teflon or st eel) tool press t he ply ont o

    th e lay-up. Work out all air bubbles and wrinkles. En sur e that t he ply is in

    total contact with the previous layer, working out all bridges that occur at

    fillets an d gaps at corn ers t ha t occur at rounds. Draw excess resin from ply.

    12. Repeat st eps 8-11 unt il the s pecified st acking sequ ence is completed.

    13. Dependin g on th e r esin syst em u sed, if th e fabrication pr ocess cann ot be

    completed in a single operation t he lay-up sh ould be bagged with a vacuu m

    bag a nd held u nder a cont rolled environm ent (especially low hu midity) until

    th e operat ion can resum e.

    14. Pr epar e th e par t for t he cure pr ocess following th e bagging procedur e.

    Manu al scissors, power shea rs, an d semi-au tomat ic an d au tomat ic machines

    ma y be used to cut th e plies for the lay-up. When compu ter n um erically cont rolled

    au tomat ic cut ting machines are used, pat tern s are not necessary.

    Prepreg Processes

    1. Prepare patterns for each ply of the laminate locating all darts and folds

    requ ired to accur at ely follow the mold. Minimize the nu mber of overla ps an d

    never superimpose overlaps. If overlapping plies are required, keep th e

    overla p width t o 0.75 inches, +0.25 inches/-0.0 inches. A pat ter n ma y be used

    for mu ltiple ply when t he pat tern is repeated in the sta cking sequence. As

    with th e wet pr ocess, if au tomat ic cut ting machines ar e used patt erns a re not


    2. Coat tooling with releas e film or pla ce relea se ply on t ooling.

    3. Optiona l, prepar e a laminat ion kit, cut ting all plies to th e required patt ern,

    ma rkin g th eir order in th e stacking sequence on th e backing film. Retur n

    th e kit t o stora ge as quickly as possible to ma inta in qua lity.

    4. Bring the prepr eg to room tem perat ur e for t he lay-up pr ocess.

    5. Place first ply on tooling with the orientation specified in the stacking

    sequen ce, film side-up. Usin g a n on-stick (Teflon or st eel) tool press t he ply

    ont o th e tooling. Work out all air bubbles and wrinkles. En sur e th at t he ply

    is in total contact with the tooling, working out all bridges that occur at

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    fillets and gaps at corn ers th at occur a t rounds. A hot air gun can be used to

    increas e ply flexibility a nd t ack t o place th e ply.

    6. Remove th e backing film from the prepr eg. (This is very import an t.)

    7. Apply th e next ply with t he orien ta tion specified in th e stacking sequen ce,film side-up. Again , usin g a n on-stick (Teflon or st eel) tool press t he ply ont o

    th e lay-up. Work out all air bubbles an d wrinkles. En sur e that t he ply is in

    total contact with the previous layer, working out all bridges that occur at

    fillets and gaps a t corn ers th at occur at rounds.

    8. Repeat st ep 7 un til the specified st acking sequence is complet ed.

    9. If th e fabr icat ion pr ocess can not be complet ed in a single operat ion t he lay-up

    should be bagged with a vacuum bag and placed in cold storage under

    vacuum until the operation can resume or held under a controlled

    environm ent (especially low hu midit y). When lay-up resu mes, if th e par twas placed in cold storage, the part must be brought to room temperature

    before fabr icat ion can contin ue.

    10. Pr epar e th e par t for t he cur e process following th e bagging procedur e.


    In the typical spray-up process chopped fibers, usually glass, and resin are

    simu lta neously spr ayed ont o or int o an open mold. Fiber roving is fed thr ough a

    chopper and injected into a resin str eam th at is man ua lly directed at t he mold. The

    resin system ma y be pre-mixed or mixed in the spra y-up nozzle. After t hecomposite is sprayed into the mold it is hand rolled to remove air, compact the

    fibers, an d smooth th e interior su rface. Becau se of th e nat ur e of th e process the

    fibers are randomly oriented within the laminate and the behavior is transversely

    isotr opic. Dependin g on th e resin system us ed the work piece will be bagged and

    cures in the sam e mann er as lay-up par ts.


    Machine processes are typically superior to manual processes in quality,

    qua nt ity, an d production tim e. However, th ey ar e also significan tly more expens ive

    th an m an ua l processes to implement. Simple winding ma chines are in the tens ofthousands of dollars, while the most advanced, sophisticated fiber placement

    ma chin es ar e millions of dollar s. With capit al equipment cost s of th is ma gnitu de

    th e decision t o use ma chin e processes is n ot a caviler d ecision.

    At this writing there are four principal types of machines used for composite

    fabrication. They ar e: filamen t winding, ta pe placement or tape laying, fiber

    placement , and pultr usion. Of th ese four , only the pultr usion pr ocess incorporat es

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    a cur e cycle in th e process. Pa rt s produced by filamen t winding, tape laying, an d

    fiber placemen t m ust be bagged and cur ed with t he specified cur e cycle.

    Filament Winding

    Filam ent win ding is the oldest of th e machine processes. The process isrelat ed to th e tur ning processes used in ma chining operat ions. Filament winding is

    used to produce axisymm etric str uctur es. Pa rt s produced by filamen t winding


    Tubes or pipes, Cylindr ical pr essur e vessels (Rocket motor cases), an d Spherical pressur e vessels.

    Fundamentally the process involves winding roving or tow around a

    ma ndr al. The winding an gle ran ges from near ly axial, or longitudina l (0, axial,

    can be obtain ed in special winding opera tions) to hoop, or circum feren tia l (90). In

    th e winding opera tion dr y roving is pulled thr ough a resin bat h wh ere th e roving issat ur at ed with r esin. The excess is stripped from the roving and th e roving is

    dra wn through a generat ion ring. The winding head with its generat ing ring

    tr averses t he longitudina l direction of the workpiece riding on a car riage an d laying

    th e roving on th e man dra l. The roving follows a helical pat h ar oun d the ma ndr al,

    see th e figures below. As th e car ria ge rea ches t he end of th e workpiece it reverses

    direction an d lays down anoth er layer in the opposite direction. The process

    continues until the mandral is completely covered and then the machine moves to

    th e next ply. Becau se th e roving does not complet ely cover t he work piece in a

    single pass (except in the hoop direction) the roving is laid down in stripes that

    alternate in direction (

    ). The resu lt is someth ing app roaching a woven cloth ,

    similar to a plain weave fabric, except that the fiber (roving) directions are not

    perpendicular . A typical filament winding machine is shown in t he figure.

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    Fu nda ment al components in a filam ent winding process.

    Hoop or circumferen tia l winding. Typical polar winding.

    Mult i-circuit h elical winding. Note th e overlap of windings.

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    Typical filament winding machine.

    One of th e most importa nt components in su ccessful filament winding is t he

    determina tion of th e relat ive speed between the man dra l an d winding head. These

    motions determ ine the wrapping an gle and overlap of th e roving. The winding

    an gle ma y be approxima ted from:





    where is the winding an gle,R is the radius of the workpiece, is the rotation r ateof the workpiece, and v is the longitudina l speed of th e winding head. Fr om th is

    equation you can observe that if the workpiece has a change in diameter along the

    length the rotation rate of the workpiece and/or the speed of the carriage must be

    adju sted t o hold th e winding an gle cons ta nt . The complexity of th e pr oblem is

    further complicated by polar winding at the dome of pressure vessels.

    Another important component in successful filament winding is tension

    contr ol. Tension affects resin cont ent , void cont ent , an d st ru ctu ra l propert ies.

    Roving tension ra nges from 0.25 lbs. to 1 lb. per bun dle or t ow. Tension is provided

    by guide eyes in line, center rotating guide eye, rotating scissor bars, drum-type

    brakes (which may be electromagnetically controlled), and/or drag through theresin bat h. The first t hr ee of th ese tensioners a re shown in a figure below.

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    Guide eyes in line. Cent er rota tin g guide eye Rota tin g Scissor bar s.

    Advances in filament winding technology include spherical winding

    ma chines and multi-hea d winders. Spher ical winding ma chines can producevessels tha t a re cylindr ical or sph erical with a single opening. Multi-hea d winding

    ma chines can produce vessels with a qua si-braided str uctur e. A spherical winding

    ma chine is sh own in th e following figur e.

    Ad v a n t a g e s a n d D is a d v a n t a g e s fo r F i la m e n t Wi n d i n g P r o c e s se s .

    Ad v a n t a g e s D is a d v a n t a g e s o r L im i t a t i o n s

    Applicable t o par ts of widely var ying


    Resin viscosity a nd p ot life mu st be car efully

    chosen an d m onitored.

    Par ts with strength in several

    directions can be ea sily ma de.

    Pr ogra mm ing of the windin g can be difficult .

    Excellent ma terial usa ge. Not all sha pes can reasonably be ma de byfilam ent winding.

    Forming after winding and other

    techn iques a llow noncylindr ical

    sha pes to be made.

    Opera tional cont rol of severa l key

    param eters is importa nt.

    Flexible mandr els can be reta ined in

    th e str uctur e to serve as liners for


    Ability t o ana lyze (design) impa ired du e to

    invalidation of key assum ptions in

    lamina tion th eory.

    Panels and fittings for reinforcement

    or a tt achment can be easily

    included du ring t he winding process.

    Par ts with high pressure rat ings can

    be made.

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    A spherical winder.

    Tape Lay-up

    Semi-au tomat ic an d au tomat ic ta pe laying ma chines h ave been developed to

    reduce production t imes, impr ove consistency with in par ts a nd between pa rt s, and

    improve part qu ality. Tape lay-up ma chines use prepreg ta pe, un idirectiona l an d

    cloth , and ar e compu ter n um erically cont rolled. Through appr opriat e program ming

    it is possible to eliminate the patterns use in the manual lay-up processes.

    Semi-automatic and automatic tape laying machines are used to produce flat and

    cont our ed lam inat es. Tape laying ma chines ar e limited in th eir capa bilities to

    sur faces with lar ge radii of cur vatu re. Tape laying machines can not produce highly

    geomet rically complex pa rt s.

    Typical automatic tape laying machines are described by the number of

    degrees of freedom (DOF) or axes of the tape laying head, for example, a head may

    have three translational degrees of freedom, two rotational degrees of freedom, theability to sta rt a ta pe, an d the ability to cut t he ta pe. This machine is described as

    a seven-DOF machine. Figures below show a tape laying head, a flat a ut oma tic

    tape laying machine, a coutoured laminate in a tape laying machine, and a

    mu lti-axis ta pe laying machine.

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    Grumm an t ape laying head.

    Flat a ut omat ic lay-up ma chine.

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    A cont our ed laminat e on a n a ut oma tic lay-up m achine.

    A ten DOF au tomat ic lay-up ma chine.

    Fiber Placement

    Automatic fiber placement machines combine and extend the capability of

    filam ent winding an d tape laying ma chines. Fiber placement machines place

    individual fiber bundles onto a mold. This is reminescent of the filament winding

    process and in contrast to the laying of a tape with a tape laying machine.

    However, the fiber placement machine places the fiber bundles in parallelth roughout a layer, without t he overlapping in a helical winding process. Becau se

    of the ability to place fiber bundles the fiber placement process can produce highly

    geometr ically complex sha pes with sma ll ra dii of cur vatu re. Int erna l radii ar e

    limited by the size of the placement head, approximately 6 inches on a Viper

    Placement Machine and external radii are limited to the minimum bending radius

    of th e fiber bund les, ap proximat ely 0.1875 to 0.25 inches. A fiber placement

    ma chine is shown in th e figure below.




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    NASA Viper fiber placement ma chine.

    Fiber placement is a compar ably ra pid process. Fiber placement m achines

    can place up t o 700 inches of fiber per minu te. Fu rt her, t he complexity of th e par ts

    produced by fiber placement is extrordinar y. For example, th e inta ke duct for t he

    F-16 is a geometr ically complex pa rt with m ult iple compoun d curves is produced by

    fiber placement with r elative ease.


    Pu ltru sion is an ada pta tion of the dr awing process to composites fabricat ion.

    This process produces long relatively narrow cross section with highly ordered and

    compacted reinforcement s. Cross sections produced by pult ru sion ra nge fromcircular to L-cha nn el to ha t sections. The r einforcing fibers, which ma y be glass,

    graphite, or arimid, are generally all oriented along the major direction of the


    In general the process begins with dry roving that is drawn through a resin

    bath an d into a compa ction die. Fr om th e compa ction die the mat erial is drawn int o

    a curing die where th e excess resin is st riped an d th e par t is cured with significan t

    press ur es. It is possible to draw th e work piece over a bench before the fina l cur e to

    produce cur ved (inst ead of str aight ) sections. Aut omotive composite leaf springs a re

    an example of curved pultruded parts, a pultrusion forming operation and

    au tomobile spr ings are shown in th e figur es. A microwave cur ing pr epreg basedpultr usion system is sh own in th e figure below.

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    Schematic of a Pultrusion forming system.

    Aut omobile leaf springs pr oduced by Pult ru sion form ing.

    Schema tic of a Pu ltru sion system u sing microwave energy to cur e th e resin system .

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    Manual production techniques by their very nature are limited in their

    production rat es. The ma chine processes ar e typically more expens ive an d do not

    lend th emselves to high pr oduction volumes . Pr oduction of composite par ts for

    applicat ions su ch as th ose foun d in t he a ut omotive indust ry n ecessitat e production

    processes th at h ave very high production ra tes. Molding processes ar e able to meet

    these demands.


    Molding of composite m at erials ha s its foun dat ion in t he m etals casting a nd

    form ing processes. These processes include: sheet molding, bulk molding, th ickmolding, an d liquid molding (resin tra ns fer molding). The advan ta ges of th ese

    processes include lower per part tooling costs and higher production rates.

    S he et Mol d i n g

    Sheet molding processes were developed in response to a request from the

    au tomotive indust ry. Their desire was for a composite ma terial process tha t

    allowed them to use the metal bending and stamping equipment and techniques

    with which t hey were fam iliar. The ma ter ial used in sheet molding is called sheet

    molding compound (SMC).

    In the sheet molding process chopped roving, usually glass fibers, is mixed

    with r esin an d deposited between plast ic films, usu ally polyethylene. The mat erial

    is then u sed in a sta mpin g like process. The schem at ic below shows a typical SMC


    P u l t r u s i o n

    Ad v a n t a g e s D is a d v a n t a g e s o r L im i t a t i o n s

    High mat erial usage compar ed with


    Part cross-sections must generally be


    High th roughput ra te Pr oblems can ar ise when resin or fibersaccum ulat e and build up at t he die opening

    Can give high resin conten ts When dies ru n resin rich to accoun t for fiber

    anomalies, strength is sacrificed.

    Close to fiber tow propert ies Voids can resu lt if dies ar e ru n with too

    mu ch openin g for th e fiber volum e.

    When quick cur ing systems a re u sed,

    mechan ical pr opert ies ar e often sa crificed.

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    Schema tic of th e SMC fabr icat ion pr ocess. Note th at th e flow is from left t o right .

    T h i c k a n d B u l k M ol d in g

    Thick and bulk molding operations are related to the closed die or

    ma tched-die cas tin g an d forming processes. In th ese processes the bulk molding

    compound (BMC) or the thick molding compound (TMC) is prepared similar to the

    SMC compound, however it is mixed in buld ra th er th an sh eet. Advant ages and

    disadva nt ages of th e process ar e listed below. The TMC pr ocess is shown in th efigure.

    Ma t c h e d -d i e Mo ld i n g

    Ad v a n t a g e s D is a d v a n t a g e s o r L im i t a t i o n s

    Both interior an d exterior sur faces

    ar e finished.

    More equipment is needed tha n for lay-up.

    Complex shapes including ribs a nd

    th in deta ils ar e possible.

    Molds an d t ooling ar e costly compa red t o

    lay-up m olds.

    High production ra tes ar e possible. Tran spar ent products ar e not possible with

    SMC and BMC.Labor costs ar e low. Molding pr oblems (tr app ed wat er, etc.) ma y

    cau se su rface imperfections such a s pitt ing

    or waviness.

    Minimum t rimm ing of par ts in


    Products have good mechanical

    propert ies and close par t toleran ces.

    Good consolidation of parts.

    SMC an d BMC ha ve limit ed shelf-lives.

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    Schema tic of th e TMC fabrication pr ocess.

    R esin T r a n sfer Mold in g

    Resin transfer molding is used in a number of variations with a number of

    differen t na mes to ident ify th e var iat ions. Among th ese processes are: Resin

    Transfer Molding (RTM), Structural Reaction Injection Molding (SRIM) Resin

    Injection Molding (RIM), Vacuum-Assisted Resin Injection (VARI), Thermal

    Expansion Resin Transfer Molding (TERTM), Vacuum Assisted Resin TransferMolding (VARTM), and Seamans Composites Resin Injection Molding Process

    (SCRIMP) to na me a few. All of th ese processes involvethe sam e basic st eps. The

    basic steps in RTM are:

    Place preform in mold. Close m old. In fu se/ in ject liqu id resin in to m old . Cure part in m old. Open m old. Rem ove part from m old . Clean u p part.

    One of th e significan t pr oblems in t he u se of th ese liquid molding pr ocesses is

    adequa te sett ing of th e stru ctu ra l preform by th e liquid resin. To produce a high

    quality composite part it is essential that the reinforcing fiber structures be

    th roughly impregnat ed with th e resin. The resin or ma tr ix in a composite tr an sfers

    th e load from one fiber to th e next. If th ere is no resin p resen t, th e loads do not get

    tr an sferred from fiber to fiber, which result s in an ina dequat e str ucture. Pr oper

    infusion or impregnation of the fiber preform requires a low viscosity resin and an

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    extend ed pot life (two hour s or more depend ing on t he size of th e par t). In a ddition

    it is very important to provide a leak path for all gasses that are native to the

    preform a s the resin is injected. Advant ages and disadvanta ges for th e RTM

    process a re listed below.

    Schematics for the resin transfer molding process and the resin infusion

    process ar e shown in th e following figures. Note in the RTM process th at a pum p is

    used t o force th e resin int o th e mold an d a pr ess is used t o hold the mold closed. It

    ma y be advan ta geous t o use pum ps to force the resin int o th e mold. However, high

    resin flowra tes m ay cause t he pr eform to be dislocated from th e desired position.

    R e s i n T r a n s fe r Mo ld i n gAd v a n t a g e s D is a d v a n t a g e s o r L im i t a t i o n s

    Very lar ge and complex sha pes can

    be ma de efficient ly and


    The mold design is critical and requires

    great sk ill

    Pr oduction t imes are m uch shorter

    tha n lay-up.

    Pr operties a re equivalent t o mat ched-die

    molding (ass um ing proper fiber wet-out ) but

    ar e not generally as good as with vacuum

    bagging, filament winding, or Pu ltru sion.

    Clamping pressure is low compared

    to ma tched-die molding.

    Cont rol of resin un iform ity is difficult .

    Radii and edges tend to be resin rich.

    Surface definition is superior to


    Reinforcement movement dur ing r esin

    injection is sometimes a problem.

    Insert s a nd special reinforcements

    can be added ea sily.

    The sill level requir ed for t he

    opera tor is low.

    Many mold ma teria ls can be used.

    Par ts can be made with better

    reproducibility th at with lay-up.

    Work ers a re n ot exposed t o chem icals

    an d vapors a s with lay-up.

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    Schema tic of th e Resin Tra nsfer Molding P rocess.

    Schema tic of the Resin Infusion P rocess.

    Automated Spray-up

    The automated spray-up processes are simply an automation of the manual

    spra y-up processes. In some ways the process is related to the au tomated pa inting

    processes used in indu str ies such a s th e aut omotive industr y. In th is applicat ion arobotic arm is programmed to spray chopped reinforcement and resin into a mold.

    A schematic of the automated spray-up process is shown in the following figure.

    The various letters in th e figur e designa te components of th e spra y-up m achine.

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    Revised: 10 Febr ua ry, 2000 M. V. Bower

    Schema tic of an au tomat ed spra y-up m achine.


    The hazards associated with the production and fabrication of composite

    materials is higher than in the production of parts from conventional materials.

    Some of the more exotic conventional ma teria ls, such a s tit an ium, ma gnesium, an d

    berelium, have significant healt hazards associated with their production and/or

    fabrication processes. Composite mat eria ls in gener al are produced from orga nic

    chemical compounds that in their uncured state may pose significant health

    hazards unless han dled with great care.


    To begin th e discussion we mu st a gain define some ter ms in th e field. Fir st

    of all we must define the difference between toxicity and hazard. Toxicity is an

    inh eren t ha rm ful effect of a chemical. It is a physical propert y of th e chem ical.

    Hazard is cont rolled by exposur e. Exposur e to a t oxic chem ical requ ired for a

    ha zar d to exist. A chem ical with Acu te Toxici ty has a harmful effect after single

    an d/or sh ort term exposur e.

    Toxicity is measu red in lethal doses and letha l concentra tions. The Mean

    Lethal Dose LD50 is expressed a s a r at io in mg of chem ical t o kg of body weight . Itis the amount of chemical administered by a specific route that is expected to kill

    50% of a group of experimen ta l an ima ls. The Mean Lethal Con cen tration LC 50 is

    expressed in mg/m 3 or par ts per million (ppm) in air. It is th e concent ra tion of

    chemical in air that is expected to kill 50% of a group of experimental animals.

    Ther e ar e for s ome chem icals levels below which th ere is n o observa ble effect. This

    level is defined as th e No Observable E ffect Level, NOEL.

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    The toxicity of a chemical is further characterized by the local effects it

    cau ses. These effects include:

    Irr it ationLocalized reaction resulting from either single or multiple exposures to

    a ph ysical or chemical ent ity at th e sam e site.

    CorrosionTissue destru ction in su ch a way tha t n orm al hea ling is not possible.

    SensitizationAllergic reaction to a substance that develops upon repeated exposure.

    Chron ic ToxicityChar acterized by adverse hea lth effects in a n a nima l or person, which

    has been caused by exposure to a substance of over a significant

    portion of that animals or persons life, or by long-term effects

    resu lting from a sin gle or a few doses.

    Two oth er h ealth term s t ha t ar e used t o describe the t oxicity of chemicals ar e

    used comm only today but h ave specific definit ions in t he hea lth field. The first iscarcinogenicity . This is th e ability of a subst an ce to cause tu mors. Long ter m

    test ing requ ired to deter min e if a subst an ce is car cinogenic. The resu lts of th ese

    test s ar e conclusive. The second is mutagenicity . This is th e ability of subst an ce to

    cau se cha nges in the genetic ma terials of cells. Short t erm t esting can be used to

    determine if a substa nce is mu ta genic. The results of th ese short term t ests are

    speculative (non-conclusive).

    To minimize the hazards associated with working with toxic substances

    exposure limits ar e defined. Exposur e limits t ha t a re defined in ter ms of Thresh old

    Limit Valu es (TLV). TLVs assu me th at th e exposed populat ion is composed of

    norma l, health y adu lts, an d does not a ddress a ggra vation of pre-existing conditions

    of illness es. These limits ar e not fine lines between safe an d da nger ous

    concentrations and should not be used by anyone untrained in the discipline of

    indust rial hygiene. Four importan t TLVs are:

    Th reshold Lim it Value Tim e Weighted Average (TLV -TWA)The time weighted average for a normal 8 hour workday and 40 hour

    work week, to which nearly all workers may be exposed, day after day

    without adver se effect.

    Th reshold L im it Value S hort Term E xposure Lim it (TL V-ST EL )The concentration to which workers can be exposed continuously for a

    short period of time (15 minutes) without suffering from (1) irritation,(2) chronic or irreversible tissue damage, or (3) narcosis of sufficient

    degree to increase the likelihood of accidental injury, impair

    self-rescue, or ma ter ially reduce work efficiency, an d pr ovided tha t t he

    da ily TLV-TWA is n ot exceeded.

    Th reshold Lim it Value Ceiling (T LV -C)The concentration that should not be exceeded during any part of the


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    Perm issible Exposure Lim its (PEL )PELs are legal binding airborne exposure limits, which are issued by

    th e Occupa tiona l Safety and Health Administr at ion (OSHA).

    Proper industrial hygiene is essential to minimize the hazards of working

    with toxic substa nces and to ensu re th at t he TLVs are not exceeded. Pr operindustrial hygiene requires controlling the routes of exposure to the toxic

    subst an ces. Rout es of cont act include:

    S kin an d E ye ContactAt risk through skin and eye contact are: Hands, Lower Arms, and

    Fa ce. Cont act with liquids, gases, vapors, or par ticulat es sh ould be

    minim ized to redu ce th e risk of cont act.

    Inhala tionInhalation can be a significant route of exposure to toxic substances in

    composite fabr icat ion. Solvent s and oth er volat iles ma y be releas ed

    from the resin systems during the manufacturing and curing of

    composites. Fu rt her, dusts may be generat ed in the machining ofcured composite materials.

    Inges tionIngestion is not typically not a major problem in the fabrication of

    composite ma ter ials provided th at th ere is sufficient cont rol.

    Proper industrial hygiene requires control of the processes in five areas:

    Administrative, Engineering, Operations/Process, Safety, and personal.

    Administrative Controls include proper: handling of materials, training, isolation of

    operations, personal protective equipment, personal hygiene, warnings and labels,

    housekeeping, dispensing and storage of chemicals, and emergency instructions.

    The Engineering Controls include proper: plant layout, design and use of

    equipment, an d exha ust ventilation. Operat ions/Process Cont rols include proper:

    mixing of resins (personal protective equipment as appropriate, and specific mixing

    instructions -- available and followed), curing operations (use product specific cure

    cycle), an d han dling of cur ed resin system s (as ap pr opria te). Safety Cont rols ar e as

    appr opriat e. Personal Cont rols include proper tr aining of all personnel and a

    commit ment by all personnel to mainta in a safe, hazard free workplace. This

    includes a commitment by employers to effectively instruct the employees on site

    hazards, warning labels, and ma terial safety data sheets. Fur ther, mana gement

    and employee are responsible for knowing about hazards and taking measures for

    minimizing exposure.


    The following section lists some of the toxicological properties of components

    of composite mat eria ls. The informa tion present ed below is generic an d fur th er

    specific information should be obtained regarding the specific compounds with

    which you ar e dealing.

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    Epoxy R esinsEpoxy resins a re a lways used with curing a gents a nd comm only with a

    series of oth er additives. Generally, more deman ding ha ndling

    procedures an d cont rols a re r ecommen ded for th e curing agent or oth er

    additives. Epoxies ar e prima ry skin and mucous membra ne irr itan ts.

    Some epoxies h ave s ensit izing effects. H a r d e n i n g a n d C u r i n g Ag e n t s

    Arom atic Am in e H ardenersThese hardeners have slight irritating effect on skin and mucous

    membr an es. They ha ve been shown to cau se damage to liver and

    may decrease ability of blood to transport oxygen to tissues.

    Exposur e should be minim ized or a voided.

    Aliphatic and Cycloaliphatic Am in e H ardenersThese har deners are strong bases. It is a sever irritant an d is

    corr osive. Exposur e should be avoided.

    Polyaminoamide HardenersThis hardener produces mild irritation of skin and mucous

    membr an es. It ma y cau se sensitization. Exposur e should be

    min imized or a voided.

    Am id e H ard enersThis har dener ha s a slight irrita nt effect. Avoid inh aling dust.

    Anhydrid e Curin g Agen tsThis hardener is a sever eye irritant and a strong skin irritant.

    Exposur e should be minimized or avoided.

    P o l yu r e t h a n e R es in s Isocyanates

    Most commercial isocyanates are highly toxic due to skin andrespiratory sensitization, or skin absorption and systemic toxicity.

    They produce strong irritation of skin and mucous membranes of

    eyes an d respir at ory tr act. Ext rem e care is necessar y! Good

    ventilation is r equired!

    T oluene d iisocyana te (TDI)Toluene is a mutagen . TLVs for toluen e are: TLV-TWA of 0.005

    ppm a nd TLV-STEL of 0.02 ppm. Toluene h as n o odor below TLV

    levels. At th is tim e th ere is no car cinogenic dat a. It is, however,

    class ified a s potent ially carcinogenic.

    PolyolsThese ar e cur e agents. At this time no par ticular hea lth hazar d is


    Phenolic and Am ino Resins Phenol-Form aldehyde R esins

    These resins ha ve low ha zard levels. Ph enol an d form aldehyde

    ma y be absorbed thr ough skin. Good vent ilation is recomm ended

    an d skin sensitization is possible.

    Urea- and Melam ine-Form aldehyde Resins

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    These resins have acute toxicity similar to the phenol-formaldehyde

    resin s. Skin sensitizat ion is possible.

    B ism aleim id esNo extensive studies have been performed on bismaleimides at this

    time. They ma y cau se skin irr itat ion or sensitizat ion. Dust or vapors

    ma y irr itat e eyes, nose, an d thr oat . Thermoplastics

    Generally thermoplastics are not considered harmful to workers

    hea lth . Skin irr ita tion is not observed an d no toxic effects are known

    to be associated with inh alat ion of dust s. Burn s may present sever

    hazard with thermoplastics.

    S tyrene MonomerStyr ene vapors can cau se eye irr ita tion. The liquid will cau se eye,

    skin, and mucous membra ne irritat ion. Styrene ha s systemic effects

    on cent ra l ner vous system , liver, and kidneys ha ve been observed. It

    is possibly car cinogenic to hum an s.

    Rein forcin g Materia lsMost reinforcing materials in and of themselves are non-toxic.

    However, inha lation of filler may be detriment al to health. Inh alat ion

    ma y produce effects similar to asbest osis.

    Carbon and Graphite FibersThreshold limits have been established for carbon and graphite

    fibers. The limit s ar e: (TLV-TWA) 10mg/m3 (OSHA) and 3

    fibers/cm 3 (U. S. Navy).

    Ara m id FibersThe exposure limit (TLV-TWA) is set by manufacturers at 5


    . No app ar ent effects from inh ala tion are observed. Fiber Glass

    The exposure limit (TLV-TWA) for fibrous glass is 10mg/m 3.

    NIOSH recommends 3 fibers/ cm 3. Exposur e ma y cau se

    mecha nical irr ita tion of eyes, nose, an d thr oat . It is classified as

    possible human carcinogen.

    Solven tsContact with most organic solvents causes drying and defatting of skin

    an d dermat itis. Some solvents ar e directly absorbed thr ough inta ct

    skin; absorption is enha nced if skin abraded or irr itat ed. An

    additional concern is the ability of a solvent to carry other substances

    th ough skin with it. AcetoneAcetone is a comm on labora tory solvent. It wa s placed on t he

    ha zardous list. However, it ha s been more recently removed.

    The threshold limits are: a TLV-TWA of 750ppm and a TLV-

    STEL of 1000ppm.

    Methyl ethyl ketone (M EK)

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    In addition to being a solvent, MEK is also used as an

    accelerat or for Gel-coat . It cau ses eye, nose, an d th roat

    irr ita tion. The th resh old limit s ar e: a TLV-TWA of 200 ppm a nd

    a TLV-STEL = 300 ppm.

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    A lamina is a flat or near ly flat t hin layer of ma terial. In t his applicat ion th e

    ma terial is a composite ma terial eith er ta pe or cloth . In pra ctical engineering

    applicat ions th e lam ina is the fun dam ent al building block of th e str ucture. To

    understa nd t he mechan ics of laminated st