computational algorithms for thermoelastic...

Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem Petr N. Vabishchevich, Maria V. Vasilyeva SCTEMM July 8-10, 2013, Yakutsk

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Page 1: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem

Petr N. Vabishchevich, Maria V. Vasilyeva

SCTEMMJuly 8-10, 2013, Yakutsk

Page 2: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva


The isotropic linear elasticity problem

µ∆u + (λ+ µ) grad div u = 0, x ∈ Ω,

u(x , t) = 0, x ∈ ΓD ,

(σ · n)(x , t) = f (x , t), x ∈ ΓN ,

(σ · n)(x , t) = 0, x ∈ ∂Ω \ ΓD \ ΓN .

Page 3: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva


Temperature problem

cρ∂T∂t− div(λ grad T ) = 0, x ∈ Ω,


= 0, x ∈ ΓN ,

T = g(x , t), x ∈ ΓD ,

− λ∂T∂n

= α(T − Tout), x ∈ ΓR .

Page 4: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Thermoelastic problem

Mathematical model

µ∇2u + (λ+ µ) grad div u − (3λ+ 2µ)αT grad(T − T0) = 0,


+ (3λ+ 2µ)αTT0∂ div u∂t

= div (k grad T ) .

Boundary conditions:

σ(x) = g , x ∈ ΓuN , u(x) = f , x ∈ Γu

D ,


(x , t) = a, x ∈ ΓTN , T (x , t) = 0, x ∈ ΓT


Initial condition:T (x , 0) = T0, x ∈ Ω,

Page 5: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Approximation by time

µ∇2u + (λ+ µ) grad div u − α grad T = 0,


+ α∂ div u∂t

= div(k grad T


where α = (3λ+ 2µ)αT , c = cε/T0, k = /T0.

Discrete-time form

µ∇2un+1 + (λ+ µ) grad div un+1 − α grad T n+1 = 0,

α div un+1 + cT n+1 − τ div(k grad T n+1

)= cT n + α div un.

Page 6: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Weak formulation

Find T ∈ H(Ω),u ∈ H(div,Ω) such that

∫Ωσ(un+1) ε(v)dx −

∫Ωα(grad T n+1, v)dx =


(g , v)ds,∫Ωα div un+1qdx +


cT n+1qdx −∫

Ωτ(k grad T n+1, grad q)dx



cT nqdx +

∫Ωα div unqdx .

for all q ∈ H(Ω), v ∈ H(div,Ω).

Page 7: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva


The process of numerical solution of the problem:

Building geometry and mesh generation;Numerical implementation of the solver using Fenics library;Visualization of the results.

Page 8: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Geometry and grids

Page 9: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Numerical result. Temperature

Page 10: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Numerical result. Displacement

Page 11: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Numerical comparision of schemes with weight

Discrete-time form

µ∇2un+1 + (λ+ µ) grad div un+1 − α grad T n+1 = 0,

α div un+1 + cT n+1 − wτ div(k grad T n+1


cT n + α div un + (1− w)τ div(k grad T n


Page 12: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Split schemes

Solution strategies:Coupled schemesThe coupled governing equations oftemperature and mechanics are solvedsimultaneously at every time step.Split schemesEither the temperature, or mechanical,problem is solved first, and then theother problem is solved using theintermediate solution information.

Page 13: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Split schemes

L-split (Drained split):freezing the temperature during solutionof the mechanic problem;uses updated mechanics when solvingtemperature problem.


µ∇2un+1 + (λ+ µ) grad div un+1 − α grad T n = 0,

α div un+1 + cT n+1 − τ div(k grad T n+1

)= cT n + α div un.

Page 14: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Split schemes

U-split (Fixed-strain scheme):freezing the displacement duringsolution of the temperature problem;uses updated temperature when solvingmechanic problem.


µ∇2un+1 + (λ+ µ) grad div un+1 − α grad T n+1 = 0,

α div un + cT n+1 − τ div(k grad T n+1

)= cT n + α div un−1.

Page 15: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Numerical comparision of split schemes


Grids Time step

Page 16: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Numerical comparision of schemes with weight

Page 17: Computational algorithms for thermoelastic · Computational algorithms for thermoelastic problem PetrN.Vabishchevich,MariaV.Vasilyeva

Future works

Poroelastic problems

µ∇2u + (λ+ µ) grad div u − α grad p = 0,

α∂ div u∂t

+ S∂p∂t− div


grad p)

= 0.

Elasto-plastic problems.

Thank you for your attention!