computer science - paper i & ii.pdf

Computer Science - Journal Paper I - Software Visual Basic Program No 1 : Program to calculate Area of circle and Rectangle Private Sub area_circle_Click() Text2.Text = 3.14 * Val(Text1.Text) * Val(Text1.Text) End Sub Private Sub area_rect_Click() Text5.Text = Val(Text3.Text) * Val(Text4.Text) End Sub Private Sub circle_Click() Shape2.Visible = False Label2.Visible = False Label3.Visible = False Text3.Visible = False Text4.Visible = False Text5.Visible = False area_rect.Visible = False Shape1.Visible = True Label1.Visible = True Text1.Visible = True Text2.Visible = True area_circle.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub clear_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = ""

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Computer Science - Journal

Paper I - Software

Visual Basic

Program No 1 : Program to calculate Area of circle and Rectangle

Private Sub area_circle_Click() Text2.Text = 3.14 * Val(Text1.Text) * Val(Text1.Text) End Sub Private Sub area_rect_Click() Text5.Text = Val(Text3.Text) * Val(Text4.Text) End Sub Private Sub circle_Click() Shape2.Visible = False Label2.Visible = False Label3.Visible = False Text3.Visible = False Text4.Visible = False Text5.Visible = False area_rect.Visible = False Shape1.Visible = True Label1.Visible = True Text1.Visible = True Text2.Visible = True area_circle.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub clear_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = ""

Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub exit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub rectangle_Click() Shape2.Visible = True Label2.Visible = True Label3.Visible = True Text3.Visible = True Text4.Visible = True Text5.Visible = True area_rect.Visible = True Shape1.Visible = False Label1.Visible = False Text1.Visible = False Text2.Visible = False area_circle.Visible = False End Sub

Program No 2 : Program using Drag-Drop Private Sub Form_Load() Picture1.BackColor = vbRed End Sub Private Sub object_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single) Picture1.BackColor = vbBlue End Sub Private Sub object_DragOver(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single, State As Integer) Picture1.BackColor = vbGreen End Sub Private Sub Picture1_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single) Picture1.BackColor = vbBlue End Sub Private Sub Picture1_DragOver(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single, State As Integer) Picture1.BackColor = vbGreen End Sub

Program No 3 : Program using List Box Private Sub addl1_Click() Dim str1 As String str1 = InputBox("please enter name of new item") List1.AddItem str1 End Sub Private Sub addl2_Click() str2 = InputBox("please enter name of new item") List2.AddItem str2 End Sub Private Sub backward_Click() List1.AddItem List2.Text End Sub Private Sub end_Click() End End Sub Private Sub forward_Click() List2.AddItem List1.Text End Sub Private Sub reml1_Click() Dim r1 r1 = List1.ListIndex List1.RemoveItem r1 End Sub Private Sub reml2_Click() Dim r2 r2 = List2.ListIndex List2.RemoveItem r2 End Sub

Program No 4 : Program to declare Result using Case Condition

Private Sub clear_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub exit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub result_Click() Dim t1 As Boolean t1 = True s1 = Val(Text1.Text) s2 = Val(Text2.Text) s3 = Val(Text3.Text) s4 = Val(Text4.Text) s5 = Val(Text5.Text) s6 = Val(Text6.Text) Avg = (s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 + s6) / 6 Select Case t1 Case s1 < 40 Or s2 < 40 Or s3 < 40 Or s4 < 40 Or s5 < 40 Or s6 < 40 Text7.Text = "Failed" Case Avg < 60 Text7.Text = "Second Class" Case Else Text7.Text = "First Class" End Select End Sub

Program No 5 : Program using scientific calculator Private Sub cmdsin_Click( ) Dim s As Double s = Sin(Val(Text1.Text) * 3.142 / 180) Text2.Text = s End Sub Private Sub cmdcos_Click( ) Dim c As Double c = Cos(Val(Text1.Text) *3.142 / 180) Text2.Text = c End Sub Private Sub cmdtan_Click( ) Dim t As Double t = Tan (Val(Text1.Text) * 3.142/ 180 Text2.Text = t End Sub Private Sub cmdlog_Click( ) Dim I As Double I = Log(Val(Text1.Text)) / 2.303 Text2.Text = I End Sub Private Sub cmdreciprocal_Click( ) Dim r As Double r = 1/(Val(Text1.Text)) Text2.Text = r End Sub Private Sub cmdsqroot_Click( ) Dim sq As Double sq = Sqr(Val(Text1.Text)) Text2.Text = sq

End Sub Private Sub cmdsq_Click( ) Dim squa As Double squa = Val(Text1.Text) * Val(Text1.Text) Text2.Text = squa End Sub Private Sub cmdclear_Click( ) Text1.Text = “” Text2.Text = “” End Sub Private Sub cmdexit_Click( ) Dim S1, S2 As String S1 = MsgBox(“DO U WANT TO EXIT”, vbYesNo) If S1 = vbYes Then S2 = MsgBox(“THANKS”)

Unload Me End If End Sub

Program No 6 : Program to create Graphic Editor Private Sub big_Click() Shape1.height = 2500 Shape1.Width = 2500 End Sub Private Sub blue_Click() Shape1.FillColor = vbBlue End Sub Private Sub green_Click() Shape1.FillColor = vbGreen End Sub Private Sub medium_Click() Shape1.height = 2000 Shape1.Width = 2000 End Sub Private Sub red_Click() Shape1.FillColor = vbRed End Sub Private Sub small_Click() Shape1.height = 1500 Shape1.Width = 1500 End Sub Private Sub thick_Click() Shape1.BorderWidth = 5 End Sub

Private Sub thicker_Click() Shape1.BorderWidth = 10 End Sub Private Sub thin_Click() Shape1.BorderWidth = 1 End Sub

Program No 7 : Program to calculate sum of 100 numbers Dim i, a, s As Integer Private Sub add_Click() i = 0 a = 0 s = 0 Do While i <= 100 a = InputBox("Please enter 100 numbers to be added") s = s + a i = i + 1 Loop End Sub Private Sub clear_Click() Text1.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub exit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub result_Click() Text1.Text = s End Sub

Program No 8 : Validate Name, Date of Birth and Telephone number

Private Sub clear_Click() name1.Text = "" dob.Text = "" tele.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub exit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub valid_Click() Dim a, L As Integer a = 0 L = Len(name1.Text) If L = 0 Then MsgBox ("Name cannot be Blank") a = 1 Else For i = 1 To L ch = UCase(Mid(name1.Text, i, 1)) If Not ((ch >= "A" And ch <= "Z") Or (ch = "")) Then MsgBox ("Invalid Name") name1.Text = "" name1.SetFocus a = 1 i = L + 1 End If Next End If If IsDate(dob.Text) <> True Then MsgBox ("Enter a valid Date of Birth") dob.Text = "" dob.SetFocus a = 1

End If If IsNumeric(tele.Text) <> True Then MsgBox ("Enter valid Telephone number") tele.Text = "" tele.SetFocus a = 1 End If If a = 0 Then MsgBox ("All fields are valid") MsgBox ("Thank you") End If End Sub


Program No 1 : Calculate area and circumference of circle using class #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class circle { private: float r,a,c,x,y; public: circle() { r=7; x=6; y=8; } void area() { a=3.14*r*r; } void circum() { c=2*3.14*r; } void print() { cout<<"The radius of the circle is"<<r; cout<<"\n\nThe x,y coordinate of center is"<<x<<","<<y; cout<<"\n\nThe area of circle is="<<a; cout<<"\n\nThe circumference of circle is"<<c; } }; void main() { clrscr(); circle c; c.area(); c.circum(); c.print(); } Output The radius of the circle is 7 The x,y, coordinate of center is 6,8 The area of circle is 153.860001 The circumference of circle is 43.959999

Program No 2 : Search a number using binary search #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int bsearch(int[],int); void main() { int a[10],i,d,loc; clrscr(); cout<<"enter any 10 numbers in ascending order"; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"enter the number to be searched"; cin>>d; loc=bsearch(a,d); if(loc) cout<<"\nNumber found at location:"<<loc; else cout<<"\nNumber not found"; getch(); } int bsearch(int y[],int dt) { int mid,lb,ub; lb=0; ub=10-1; while(ub>=lb) { mid=(ub+lb)/2; if(y[mid]==dt) return mid+1; if(y[mid<dt) lb=mid+1; else ub=mid-1;

} return 0; } Output Enter any 10 numbers 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 12 14 15 Enter to be searched 8 Number found at location 6 Enter any 10 numbers 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 12 14 15 Enter to be searched 18 Number not found

Program No 3 : Sort numbers using Bubble Sort #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a[10],i,j,temp; cout<<"Enter the elements of the array\n"; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"Original array is"; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<a[i]; } for(i=0;i<10;i++) { for(j=0;j<10-i;j++) { if(a[j]>a[j+1]) { temp=a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; a[j+1]=temp; } } } cout<<"After Bubble sort Ascending order is\n"; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<a[i]; } getch(); }

//Output Enter the elements of the array 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Original Array is 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 After Bubble sort Ascending order is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Program No 4 : Program using class inheritance #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class student { protected: int rollno; public: void setno(int a) { roll no=a; } void dispro() { cout<<"Roll no="<<rollno<<endl; } }; class test: public student { protected: float marks1,marks2; public: void setmarks(float x,float y) { marks1=x; marks2=y; } void dismarks() { cout<<"Marks obtained in 1st test="<<marks1<<endl; cout<<"Marks obtained in 2nd test="<<marks2<<endl; } }; class sports { protected: float score; public: void setscore(float x) { score=x;

} void dispscore() { cout<<"\nScore in sports="<<score<<endl; } }; class result: public test, public sports { float total; public: void display() { total=marks1+marks2+score; dispro(); dispmarks(); dispscore(); cout<<"Total marks"<<total<<endl; } }; void main() { clrscr(); result s1; s1.setno(100); s1.setmarks(20,20); s1.setscore(10); s1.display(); getch(); }

Program No 5 : Program using Constructor and Destructor #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class ratio { public: ratio() { cout<<"\n\nThe Object is born"; } void f1() { cout<<"\n\nNow object is alive"; } ~ratio() { cout<<"\n\nObject dies"; } }; void main() { clrscr(); ratio r; r.f1(); getch(); } Output The object is Born Now object is alive Object dies

Program No 6 : Program polar-rectangle & rectangle-polar conversion #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> class rectangle { float x,y; public:void getdata1() { cout<<"Enter the rectangular coordinates"; cout<<"\nx="; cin>>x; cout<<"\ny="; cin>>y; } void con_rec_pol() { float r,t; r=sqrt(x*x+y*y); t=atan(y/x)*180/3.14; cout<<"\nRectangle to polar conversion is"; cout<<"\n r="<<r; cout<<"\n theta="<<t; } }; class polar { float r,t; public:void getdata2() { cout<<"\n\nEnter the polar coordinates"; cout<<"\nr="; cin>>r; cout<<"\ntheta="; cin>>t;

} void conv_pol_rec() { float x,y; x=r*cos(t*3.14/180); y=r*sin(t*3.14/180); cout<<"\n\nPolar to Rectangle conversion is"; cout<<"\n x="<<x; cout<<"\n y="<<y; } }; void main() { clrscr(); rectangle rect1; rect1.getdata1(); rect1.con_rec_pol(); polar pol1; pol1.getdata2(); pol1.conv_pol_rec(); getch(); } Output Enter the rectangular coordinates x=2 y=3 Rectangle to polar conversion is r=3.605551 theta=56.338493 Enter the polar coordinates r=3.605551 theta=56.338493 Polar to rectangle conversion is x=2 y=3

Program No 7 : Program with a Ratio class using Member Function #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class ratio { int num,den; public:void assign(); double convert(); void invert(); void print(); }; void ratio::assign() { cout<<"Enter numerator"<<endl; cin>>num; cout<<"Enter denominator"<<endl; cin>>den; } double ratio::convert() { return (num/den); } void ratio::invert() { int temp; temp=num; num=den; den=temp; } void ratio::print() { cout<<num<<"/"<<den<<endl; } void main() { clrscr();

ratio r; r.assign(); cout<<"Original ratio is="; r.print(); cout<<"Inverse ratio is="; r.convert(); r.invert(); r.print(); getch(); } Output Enter Numerator 2 Enter Denominator 3 Original Value is = 2/3 Inverse Value is = 3/2

Program No 8 : Program using virtual function #include<string.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class Person { private: char name[80]; public: Person() { strcpy(name,"BOB"); } virtual void print() { cout<<"\nName of the person assigned through base object is"<<name; } }; class student:public Person { private: char name1[80]; public: student() { strcpy(name1,"TOM"); } void print() { cout<<"\nName of the person assigned through derived object"<<name1; } }; void main() { clrscr(); Person *p,x; student y; p=&x; p->print();

p=&y; p->print(); getch(); } // Output Name of the person assigned through base object is BOB Name of the person assigned through derived object is TOM

HTML Program No 1 : Design a HTML Page for College Home.html <html><head> <title> College profile</title></head> <body bgcolor="green"> <marquee behavior=alternate><h1 align="center"><font color=red> PACE Junior Science College</font></h1> </center></marquee><br> <p><font face="Century" color="white"> Four years ago, IIT-ian's Pace introduced the unique concept of integrated learning for Competitive Exams, Board Exams through partnerships with the most reputed schools and colleges across Mumbai.</p><br><br> <p>In 2009, the Government of Maharashtra entrusted IIT-ian's Pace with the responsibility to manage two Junior Science colleges in collaboration with the MCGM. These colleges offer integrated Competitive Exam preparation and Board preparation under one roof.</p><br><br> <p>Today, the success of this concept has led to a revolution for competitive exams and boards. In a landmark ruling, <u>the Government of Maharashtra awarded IIT-ian's Pace</u> special permission to run 6 Pace Junior Science colleges across Mumbai.</font> <br><br> <h3><a href="courses.html">Courses</a><br> <a href="admission.html">Admission process</a><br> <img src="pace.jpg"></img > </body> </html>

Admission.html <html><head><title>Admission</title></head> <body> <marquee><font color=red><h2>6 Pace Junior Science Colleges (Andheri, Borivali, Dadar, Nerul, Powai, Thane)</h2></font></marquee><br><br> <b><u>Eligibility Criteria</u>:</b> Direct admission to the students scoring 90% and above in PCM in X Boards or IX Final exams. Aptitude test is compulsory for other students.<br> <br><br> <b><u>Admission Form</u>:</b> To be collected from the respective Pace Junior Science Colleges/ centers <br><br> <b><u>Documents required</u>:</b><br> <ol type="A"> <li>X standard mark sheet (original with attested copy)</li> <li>School Leaving Certificate</li> <li>5 passport size photographs</li> </ol> <br><h3><a href="courses.html">Courses</a><br> <a href="home.html">Home</a> </body> </html> Courses.html <html><head> <title> Courses offered</title></head> <body bgcolor=green><font color=black> <marquee><h2>Courses available at PACE Junior Science College</h2></marquee></font> <font size=5 color=white><pre> <ol> <li> XI and XII IITJEE / AIEEE </li> <li> XI and XII MH-CET </li> <li> XI and XII </li>

</ol></pre></font> <u><i><h3> <font color=black>Vocational subjects offered at Pace Junior Science College</font> </h3></i></u> <font size=4 color=white><ul> <li>Electrical Maintenance </li> <li> Computer Science </li> </ul></font> <br><h3><a href="admission.html">Admission</a><br> <a href="home.html">Home</a> </body> </html>

Program No 2 : Design a HTML Page to draw Table Table1.html

<html><head><title>table</title></head> <body bgcolor="brown"> <font face="Arial Rounded MT Bold" size="2" color="yellow"> <marquee>Record</marquee> <table border=1 align=center> <caption>College cut offs</caption> <tr> <th align="center">Year</th> <th align="center">Stream</th> <th align="center">Cut off (%)</th> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan="2">FYJC</th> <td align="center">Commerce</th> <td align="center"> 75 </th> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">Science</td> <td align="center">90</td> </tr> <tr> <th align="center">FYBCom</th> <td align="center">IT</td> <td align="center"> 70 </td> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan="2">FYBSc</th> <td align="center">IT</td> <td align="center"> 80 </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">CS</td>

<td align="center">85</td> </tr> </table> <p><a href="home.html"><img src="Sunset.jpg" height=200 width=250></img></a></p> </font> </body> </html>

Paper II : Hardware

Programs for 8085 Microprocessor

Q 1) A Block of data is stored in memory location starting from C040. Length of the block is stored in register D. Write a program to transfer the entire block of data to another memory location starting from memory location C050

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040

H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 LXI B, C050H ;Initialize the register pair BC to memory location C050

H C004 50

C005 C0

C006 MVI D, 05 H ;Set the counter for 05 numbers in register D C007 05

C008 :UP MOV A,M ;Copy the data content of HL pair to accumulator

C009 STAX B ;Store the data content of accumulator to register pair

BC C00A INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00B INX B ;Increment the memory location of BC register pair

by 1 C00C DCR D ;Decrement the counter by 1

C00D JNZ UP: ;If counter 0 (reg.D0)then jump to memory

location c008 C00E 08

C00F C0

C010 RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 01 H C041 = 02 H C042 = 03 H C043 = 04 H C044 = 05 H

After Execution :

A =

D =

F =

C050 = C051 = C052 = C053 = C054 =

F =


Q2) A Block of data is stored in memory location starting from C040. Length of the block is stored in register D. Write a program to transfer the entire block of data to another memory location starting from memory location C050 in reverse order.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040

H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 LXI B, C054H ;Initialize the register pair BC to memory location C054

H C004 54

C005 C0

C006 MVI D, 05 H ;Set the counter for 05 numbers in register D C007 05

C008 :UP MOV A,M ;Copy the data content of HL pair to accumulator

C009 STAX B ;Store the data content of accumulator to register pair

BC C00A INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00B DCX B ;Increment the memory location of BC register pair

by 1 C00C DCR D ;Decrement the counter by 1

C00D JNZ UP: ;If counter 0 (reg.D0)then jump to memory

location c008 C00E 08

C00F C0

C010 RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 01 H C041 = 02 H C042 = 03 H C043 = 04 H C044 = 05 H

After Execution :

A =

D =

F =

C050 = C051 = C052 = C053 = C054 =

F =


Q3)A block of data is stored in memory location starting from memory location C040 . Another block of data is stored in memory location starting from memory location C050. Length of the blocks is stored in register D. Write a program to exchange / swap the data contents of both these blocks

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040

H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 LXI B, C050H ;Initialize the register pair BC to memory location C050

H C004 50

C005 C0

C006 MVI D, 05 H ;Set the counter for 05 numbers in register D C007 05

C008 : UP


;Load the data contents of register pair BC to

accumulator C009 MOV E , A ;Copy the data content of

accumulator to register E C00A MOV A ,M ;Copy the data content of

register pair HL to accumulator

C00B STAX B ;Store the data content of accumulator to register pair

BC C00C MOV M , E ;Copy the data content of

register E to register pair HL C00D INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00E INX B ;Increment the memory location of BC register pair

by 1 C00F DCR D ;Decrement the counter by 1

C010 JNZ UP: ;If counter 0 (reg D 0 )then jump to memory

location c008 C011 08 C012 C0 C013 RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 01 H C050 =


C041 = 02 H C051 =


C042 = 03 H C052 =


C043 = 04 H C053 =


C044 = 05 H C054 =


After Execution :

A =

D =

F =

C040 = C050 =

C041 = C051 =

C042 = C052 =

C043 = C053 =

C044 = C054 =



Q 4) A block of data is stored in memory location starting from C040 . Length of the block is stored in register B. Write a program to add the data content of the memory location and store the result at the end of the block.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 XRA A ;Clear the data content of accumulator

C001 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040

H C002 40

C003 C0

C004 MVI B, 05 H ;Set the counter for 05 numbers in register B C005 05

C006 :UP ADD M ;Add the data content of register pair HL to

accumulator C007 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C008 DCR B ;Decrement the counter by

C009 JNZ UP: ;If counter 0 (reg B 0 )then jump to memory

location C005 C00A 06

C00B C0

C00C MOV M ,A ;Copy the data content of accumulator to register pair

HL C00D RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 01 H C041 = 02 H C042 = 03 H C043 = 04 H C044 = 05 H

After Execution :

A =


F =

C045 =



Q 5) A block of data is stored in memory location starting from C041 . Length of the block is stored in memory location C040. Write a program to add the data content of the memory location and store the result at the end of the block.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 XRA A ;Clear the data content of accumulator

C001 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040

H C002 40

C003 C0

C004 MOV B , M ;Copy the counter stored at memory location to register

B C005 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C006 :UP ADD M ;Add the data content of register pair HL to

accumulator C007 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C008 DCR B ;Decrement the counter by 1

C009 JNZ UP: ;If counter 0(reg B 0 ) then jump to memory

location C005 C00A 06

C00B C0

C00C MOV M ,A ;Copy the data content of accumulator to register pair

HL C00D RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 05H C041 = 01 H C042 = 02 H C043 = 03 H C044 = 04 H C045 05 H

After Execution :

A =


F =

C046 =



Q 6) A block of data is stored in memory location starting from C040 . Length of the block is stored in register B. Write a program to find the largest number from the given block of data and store it at the end of the block.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040 H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 MVI A, 00 H ;Assign the lowest value of data to accumulator C004 00

C005 MVI B, 05 H ;Set the counter for 05 numbers in register B C006 05

C007 : UP CMP M ;Compare the data content of register pair HL with the

data content of accumulator C008 JNC NEXT : ;If carry flag is not set then

jump to memory location C00C C009 0C

C00A C0

C00B MOV A , M ;Copy the data content of register pair HL th

accumulator C00C :

NEXT INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00D DCR B ;Decrement the counter by 1

C00E JNZ UP : ;If counter 0 (reg B 0 )then jump to memory

location C007 C00F 07

C010 C0

C011 MOV M , A ;Store the largest number at the end of block

C012 RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 01 H C041 = 02 H C042 = 0A H C043 = 04 H C044 = 05 H

After Execution :

A =


F =

C045 =



Q 7) A block of data is stored in memory location starting from C040 . Length of the block is stored in register B. Write a program to find the smallest number from the given block of data and store it at the end of the block.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040 H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 MVI A, FF H ;Assign the highest value of data to accumulator C004 FF

C005 MVI B, 05 H ;Set the counter for 05 numbers in register B C006 05

C007 : UP CMP M ;Compare the data content of register pair HL with the

data content of accumulator C008 JC NEXT : ;If carry flag is set then jump

to memory location C00C C009 0C

C00A C0

C00B MOV A , M ;Copy the data content of register pair HL th

accumulator C00C :

NEXT INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00D DCR B ;Decrement the counter by 1

C00E JNZ UP : ;If counter 0 (reg B 0 )then jump to memory

location C007 C00F 07

C010 C0

C011 MOV M , A ;Store the smallest number at the end of block

C012 RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 06 H C041 = 07 H C042 = 0A H C043 = 08 H C044 = 01 H

After Execution :

A =


F =

C045 =



Q 8) A block of data is stored in memory location starting from C040. Length of the block is stored in register B. Write a program to find the first occurrence of the number AB H from the given block of data and if the number is not found store FFFF H in HL - pair

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040 H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 MVI A, AB H ;Load the data AB H to accumulator C004 AB

C005 MVI B, 05 H ;Set the counter for 05 numbers in register B C006 05

C007 : UP CMP M ;Compare the data content of register pair HL with the

data content of accumulator C008 JZ NEXT : ;If Zero flag is set then jump

to memory location C013 C009 13

C00A C0

C00B INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C00C DCR B ;Decrement the counter by 1

C00D JNZ UP : ;If counter 0 (reg B 0 )then jump to memory

location C007 C00E 07

C00F C0

C010 LXI H, FFFF H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location FFFF H C011 FF

C012 FF

C013 :NEXT RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Case I:

Before Execution :

C040 = 01 H C041 = 02 H C042 = AB H C043 = 04 H C044 = AB H After Execution :

A =


H =

L =

F =

F =

Case II: Before Execution :

C040 = 01 H C041 = 02 H C042 = 03 H C043 = 04 H C044 = 05 H After Execution :

A =


H =

L =

F =

F =



Q 9) A block of data is stored in memory location starting from C040. Length of the block is stored in register B. Write a program to find the number of times the data AB H occurred from the given block of data and store the result at the end of the block

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040 H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 MVI A, AB H ;Load the data AB H to accumulator C004 AB

C005 MVI B, 05 H ;Set the counter for 05 numbers in register B C006 05

C007 MVI C , 00 H ;Clear the data content of register C C008 00

C009 : UP CMP M ;Compare the data content of register pair HL with the

data content of accumulator C00A JNZ NEXT : ;If Zero flag is set then jump

to memory location C013 C00B 0E

C00C C0

C00D INR C ;Increment the data content of register C by 1

C00E :NEXT INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C00F DCR B ;Decrement the counter by 1

C010 JNZ UP : ;If counter 0 (reg B 0 )then jump to memory

location C006 C011 09

C012 C0

C013 MOV M , C ;Copy the data content of register C to register pair HL

C014 RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = AB H C041 = 02 H C042 = AB H C043 = 04 H C044 = AB H

After Execution :

A =


C =

C045 =

F =


Q 10) A block of data is stored in memory location starting from C040. Length of the block is stored in register B. Write a program to find the total number of odd and even numbers from the given block of data and stored it at the end of block

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040 H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 MVI B, 05 H ;Set the counter for 05 numbers in register B C004 05

C005 MVI D, 00 H ;Clear the data content of register D C006 00

C007 MVI E , 00 H ;Clear the data content of register E C008 00

C009 : up MOV A , M ;Copy the data content of register pair HL to

accumulator C00A RRC ;Rotate the data content of

accumulator 1-bit position to the right L.S.B. will shift in carry as well as in M.S.B.

C00B JC NEXT : ;If carry flag is set then jump to memory location C012 C00C 12

C00D C0 C00E INR C ;Increment the data content

of register C by 1 C00F JMP DOWN : ;Jump to memory location

C013 C010 13 C011 C0 C012 : NEXT INR D ;Increment the data content

of register C by 1 C013 : DOWN INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C014 DCR B ;Decrement the counter by 1

C015 JNZ UP : ;If counter 0 (reg B 0 )then jump to memory

location C009

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C016 09

C017 C0

C018 MOV M , D ;Store the number of odd numbers in the next memory

location of register pair HL C019 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C01A MOV M , E ;Store the number of even numbers in the next memory

location of register pair HL C01B RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 01 H C041 = 02 H C042 = 03 H C043 = 04 H C044 = 05 H

After Execution :

A =


D =


F =

C045 =

C046 =


Q 11) Two numbers are stored in consecutive memory location starting from C040. Write a program to multiply the numbers and store the result in the next memory location.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 XRA A ;Clear the data content of accumulator

C001 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040

H C002 40

C003 C0

C004 MOV B , M ;Copy the counter stored at memory location to register

B C005 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C006 :UP ADD M ;Add the data content of register pair HL to

accumulator C007 DCR B ;Decrement the counter by 1

C008 JNZ UP: ;If counter 0(reg B 0 ) then jump to memory

location C006 C009 06

C00A C0

C00B INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C00C MOV M ,A ;Copy the data content of

accumulator to register pair HL

C00D RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 03 H C041 = 04 H After Execution :

A =


F =

C042 =

F =


Q 12) An one byte number is stored in memory location starting from C030. Write a program to separate the two nibbles of the one byte number and store them in the next memory location. Also write a program to multiply the separated nibbles and store the result at the end of the block

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C030H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C030 H C001 30

C002 C0

C003 MOV A , M ;Copy the data content of register pair HL to

accumulator C004 ANI , 0F H ;AND immediately the data

0F H with the data content of accumulator C005 0F

C006 MOV B , A ;Store the separated lower order nibble to register B

C007 INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C008 MOV M ,A ;Store the separated nibble

to register pair HL C009 DCX H ;Decrement the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00A MOV A , M ;Copy the data content of register pair HL to

accumulator C00B ANI , F0 H ;AND immediately the data

F0 H with the data content of accumulator C00C F0

C00D RRC ;Rotate the data bit of accumulator one bit position

to right L.S.B will shift in carry as well as in M.S.B

C00E RRC ;Rotate the data bit of accumulator one bit position

to right L.S.B will shift in carry as well as in M.S.B

C00F RRC ;Rotate the data bit of accumulator one bit position

to right L.S.B will shift in carry as well as in M.S.B

C010 RRC ;Rotate the data bit of accumulator one bit position

to right L.S.B will shift in carry as well as in M.S.B

C011 INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C012 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C013 MOV M , A ;Store the separated nibble to register pair HL

C014 XRA A ;Clear the data content of accumulator

C015 :UP ADD M ;Add the data content of register pair HL to

accumulator C016 DCR B ;Decrement the data content

of register B by 1 C017 JNZ UP : ;If counter 0(reg B 0 )

then jump to memory location C015 C018 15

C019 C0

C01A INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C01B MOV M ,A ;Store the result of

multiplication of the separated nibble at the end of

block C01C RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C030 = 32 H

After Execution :

A =


F =

C031 =

C032 =

C033 =

F =


Q 13) Two numbers are stored in consecutive memory location starting from C040. Write a program to subtract the numbers and store the absolute difference result in the next memory location.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040

H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 MOV A , M ;Copy the data content of register pair HL to

accumulator C004 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C005 SUB M ;Subtract the data content of register pair HL with the

data content of accumulator C006 JP DOWN : ;If the result in accumulator

is positive then jump to memory location C00B C007 0B

C008 C0

C009 CMA ;Compliment the data content of accumulator

C00A INR A ;Increment the data content of accumulator by 1


INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C00C MOV M ,A ;Copy the data content of

accumulator to register pair HL

C00D RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Case I :

Before Execution :

C040 = 09 H C041 = 04 H

After Execution :

A =

F =

C042 =


Case II :

Before Execution :

C040 = 04 H C041 = 09 H

After Execution :

A =

F =

C042 =




Q 14)Two numbers are stored in memory location starting from C040 . Write a program to divide the two numbers and store the quotient and remainder in the next consecutive memory locations.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040

H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 MVI C , 00H ;Clear the data content of register C C004 00

C005 MOV A , M ;Copy the data content of register pair HL to

accumulator C006 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C007 :UP CMP M ;Compare the data content of HL pair with the data

content of accumulator C008 JC DOWN : ;If carry flag is set then jump

to memory location C010 C009 10

C00A C0

C00B SUB M ;Subtract the data content of register pair HL from data

content of accumulator C00C INR C ;Increment the data content

of register C by 1 C00D JMP UP: ;Jump to memory location

C007 C00E 07

C00F C0

C010 :DOWN INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C011 MOV M , C ;Store the quotient in the

next memory location C012 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C013 MOV M , A ;Store the remainder in the next memory location

C014 RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 09 H C041 = 02 H

After Execution :

A =

C =

F =

C042 =

C043 =



Q 15)A 4-byte number is stored in memory location starting from C040. Write a program to find whether the given 4-bybe number is a palindrome or not . If it is a palindrome then store 00 H in memory location C060 and if it is not a palindrome then store FF H in memory location C060. For eg. Take the 4-byte number as AB5005BA H

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040

H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 LXI D, C043H ;Initialize the register pair DE to memory location C043

H C004 43

C005 C0

C006 MVI B , 02H ;Set the counter for 2 numbers in register B C007 02

C008 : UP LDAX D ;Load the data contents of register pair DE to

accumulator C009 RRC ;Rotate the data bit of

accumulator one bit position to right L.S.B will shift in carry as well as in M.S.B

C00A RRC ;Rotate the data bit of accumulator one bit position

to right L.S.B will shift in carry as well as in M.S.B

C00B RRC ;Rotate the data bit of accumulator one bit position

to right L.S.B will shift in carry as well as in M.S.B

C00C RRC ;Rotate the data bit of accumulator one bit position

to right L.S.B will shift in carry as well as in M.S.B

C00D CMP M ;Compare the data content of register pair HL with data

content of accumulator C00E JZ NEXT: ;If zero flag is set then jump

C00F 19 to memory location C019

C010 C0

C011 MVI A , FF H ;Load data FF H immediately to accumulator C012 FF

C013 STA C060 H ;Store the data contents of accumulator to memory

location C060 C014 60

C015 C0

C016 JMP END : ;Jump to memory location C024 C017 24

C018 C0

C019 :NEXT INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C01A DCX D ;Decrement the memory

location of DE register pair by 1

C01B DCR B ;Decrement the data content of register B by 1

C01C JNZ UP : ;If counter 0(reg B 0 ) then jump to memory

location C008 C01D 08

C01E C0

C01F MVI A , 00 H ;Load data FF H immediately to accumulator C020 00

C021 STA C060 H ;Store the data contents of accumulator to memory

location C060 C022 60

C023 C0

C024 :END RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Case I

Before Execution :

C040 = AB H C041 = 50 H C042 = 05 H C043 = BA H

After Execution :

A =


F =

C060 =


Case II

Before Execution :

C040 = AB H C041 = 50 H C042 = 55 H C043 = BA H

After Execution :

A =


F =

C060 =




Q 16) A 2-byte number is stored in memory location starting from C040 beginning with lower order byte byte. Another 2- byte number is stored in memory location starting from C050 beginning with lower order byte. Write a program to add these two numbers and store the result in memory location starting from C060 beginning with lower order byte.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040

H C001 40

C002 C0

C003 LXI B, C050H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C050

H C004 50 C005 C0 C006 LDAX B ;Load the data contents of

register pair BC to accumulator

C007 ADD M ;Add the data contents of register pair HL to

accumulator C008 STA C060 ;Store the data contents of

accumulator (Lower order byte)to memory location


C009 60

C00A CO C00B INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00C INX B ;Increment the memory location of BC register pair

by 1 C00D LDAX B ;Load the data contents of

register pair BC to accumulator

C00E ADC M ;Add the data contents of register pair HL along with

carry to accumulator C00F STA C061 ;Store the data contents of

accumulator (Higher order byte)to memory location


C010 61

C011 C0 C012 RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C050 = C2 H C051 = FE H

After Execution :

A =

F =

F =

C040 = C9 H C041 = AB H

C060 = C061 =


Q 17) A 4-byte number is stored in memory location starting from C040 beginning with lower order byte byte. Another 4- byte number is stored in memory location starting from C050 beginning with lower order byte. Write a program to add these two 4- byte numbers and store the result in memory location starting from C040 beginning with lower order byte.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 XRA A ;Clear the data content of accumulator

C001 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040


C002 40

C003 C0

C004 LXI B, C050H ;Initialize the register pair BC to memory location C050 H C005 50

C006 C0 C007 MVI D , 04 H ;Set the counter of 4

numbers to register D C008 04

C009 :UP LDAX B ;Load the data contents of register pair BC to

accumulator C00A ADC M ;Add the data contents of

register pair HL along with carry to accumulator

C00B MOV M , A ;Copy the data contents of accumulator to register pair

HL C00C INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00D INX B ;Increment the memory location of BC register pair

by 1 C00E DCR D ;Decrement the data content

of register B by 1 C00F JNZ UP: ;If counter 0(reg D 0 )

then jump to memory location C009 C010 09

C011 C0 C012 RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

After Execution :

A =

D =

F =

F =

C040 = C9 H C041 = AB H C042 = FD H C043 = FE H

C050 = C2 H C051 = FF H C052 = C9 H C053 = FF H

C040 = C041 = C042 = C043 =


Q 18) A block of data is stored in memory location starting from C041. Length of data is stored in memory location C040. Write a program to add this numbers by using DAD instruction. Store the two byte result at the end of the block

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040


C001 40

C002 C0

C003 LXI B, 0000H ;Initialize the register pair BC to

0000 H

C004 00

C005 00

C006 LXI D, 0000H ;Initialize the register pair DE to

0000 H

C007 00

C008 00

C009 MOV A ,M ;Copy the data contents of register pair HL to

accumulator . C00A : UP INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00B MOV C ,M ;Copy the data contents of register pair HL to register C

. C00C XCHG ;The content of register H are

exchanged with that of register D and the content of

register L are exchanged with that of register E

C00D DAD B ;The content of register pair BC are added to the contents of Hl pair. Result is placed in

register H and L C00E XCHG ;The content of register H are

exchanged with that of

register D and the content of register L are exchanged

with that of register E C00F DCR A ;Decrement the data content

of register A by 1 C010 JNZ UP : ;If counter 0(reg A 0 )

then jump to memory location C00B C011 0B

C012 C0

C013 INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C014 MOV M , E ;Copy the data contents of

register E to register pair HL C015 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C016 MOV M , D ;Copy the data contents of register Dto register pair HL

C017 RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Case I : Before Execution :

C040 = 05 H C041 = C9 H C042 = AB H C043 = FD H C044 = FE H C045 = C9 H After Execution :

A =

F =

C046 =

C047 =


Q 19) A block of data is stored in memory location starting from C041. Length of data is stored in memory location C040. Write a program to sort the content of the block in ascending order.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 :START MVI B ,00 H Set the data content of register to 00H C001 00

C002 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040


C003 40

C004 C0

C005 MOV C, M ;Copy the data contents of register pair HL to register C

. C006 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C007 MOV A , M ;Copy the data contents of register pair HL to

accumulator . C008 DCR C ;Decrement the data content

of register C by 1 (Decrement the counter by

1) C009 : UP INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00A CMP M ;Compare the data content of register pair HL with data

content of accumulator C00B JC DOWN : If Carry flag = 1then jump to

memory location C015. C00C 15

C00D C0

C00E MOV D , M ; Copy the data contents of register pair HL to register D

. C00F MOV M , A ; Copy the data contents of

register pair HL to accumulator .

C010 DCX H ;Decrement the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C011 MOV M , D ;Copy the data contents of register D to register pair HL

C012 INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C013 MVI B, 01 H

C014 01

C015 : DOWN

DCR C ;Decrement the data content of register C by 1

(Decrement the counter by 1)

C016 JNZ UP : ;If counter 0(reg C 0 ) then jump to memory

location C009 C017 09

C018 C0

C019 DCR B ;Decrement the data content of register B by 1

C01A JZ START : If Zero flag = 1 then jump to memory location C000 C01B 00

C01C C0

C01D RST 1 ;Stop the execution


Before Execution :

C040 = 05 H C041 = 04 H C042 = 03 H C043 = 02 H C044 = 05 H C045 = 01 H

After Execution :

A =

B =

F =

C041 = C042 = C043 = C044 = C045 =



Q 20) A block of data is stored in memory location starting from C041. Length of data is stored in memory location C040. Write a program to sort the content of the block in descending order.

Memory Location


Labels Mnemonics Comments

C000 :START MVI B ,00 H Set the data content of register to 00H C001 00

C002 LXI H, C040H ;Initialize the register pair HL to memory location C040


C003 40

C004 C0

C005 MOV C, M ;Copy the data contents of register pair HL to register C

. C006 INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C007 MOV A , M ;Copy the data contents of register pair HL to

accumulator . C008 DCR C ;Decrement the data content

of register C by 1 (Decrement the counter by

1) C009 : UP INX H ;Increment the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C00A CMP M ;Compare the data content of register pair HL with data

content of accumulator C00B JNC DOWN : If Carry flag ≠ 1then jump to

memory location C015 C00C 15

C00D C0

C00E MOV D , M ;Copy the data contents of register pair HL to register D

. C00F MOV M , A ;Copy the data contents of

register pair HL to accumulator .

C010 DCX H ;Decrement the memory

location of HL register pair by 1

C011 MOV M , D ;Copy the data contents of register D to register pair HL

C012 INX H ;Increment the memory location of HL register pair

by 1 C013 MVI B, 01 H

C014 01

C015 : DOWN

DCR C ;Decrement the data content of register C by 1

(Decrement the counter by 1)

C016 JNZ UP : ;If counter 0(reg C 0 ) then jump to memory

location C009 C017 09

C018 C0

C019 DCR B ;Decrement the data content of register B by 1

C01A JZ START : If Zero flag = 1 then jump to memory location C000 C01B 00

C01C C0

C01D RST 1 ;Stop the execution

Output :

Before Execution :

C040 = 05 H C041 = 04 H C042 = 03 H C043 = 02 H C044 = 05 H C045 = 01 H

After Execution :

A =

B =

F =

C041 = C042 = C043 = C044 = C045 =
