computergraphik 2 & 3 lu 1. repetitorium

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Computergraphik 2 & 3 LU1. Repetitorium

Smart Pointers

2 ways to create objects in C++int myVar(5); // same as: int myVar = 5;

int* myVar = new int(5);

objects created with new must be deleted!delete myVar;

problem: what part of the code is responsible for deleting objects? - solution: smart pointers

...or roll your own:Handle<int> myVar = new int(5);

Handle<> Template Class

in handle.h

template<class T> class Handle {T* pointer;int* count;

public:Handle(T* t) : pointer(t), count(new int(1)){}

Handle(const Handle& copy) :pointer(copy.pointer),count(copy.count)

{ ++*count; }//...

Handle<> Template Class

to access the handled object‘s members

T& operator*() const{

if (pointer) return *pointer;throw runtime_error("unbound Handle");


T* operator->() const{

if (pointer) return pointer;throw runtime_error("unbound Handle");


Handle<> Template Class

even more operator overloading

Handle<T>& operator=(const Handle& assign){


if (--*count == 0) {delete count;delete pointer;


count = assign.count;pointer = assign.pointer;return *this;


Handle<> Template Class

we‘re almost done...

operator bool() const{

return pointer;}


if (--*count == 0) {delete count;delete pointer;


} // class Handle


the STL (standard template library) provides:a string class (std::string)

container templates:linked lists (std::list)

resizable arrays (std::vector)

maps (std::map)

hash tables (stdext::hash_map in 2003)


Using the STL

keeping track of game entities

typedef std::vector<Handle<Entity> > entityVec;entityVec weapons;

// ... we add a new gun to the containerHandle<Entity> gun = new Railgun;weapons.push_back(gun);

// ... at some point we may want to render the weaponsfor (entityVec::iterator iter = weapons.begin();

iter < weapons.end(); ++iter)(*iter)->render();

OpenGL Extensions

on Windows:to access features of OpenGL >1.1

to access vendor specific features

to access very new features

OpenGL Extension Registry

description of functions and how to use them

OpenGL Extensions: GLEW

OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library

#include <GL/glew.h>#include <GL/glut.h>

// initializationglutInit(&argc, argv);glutCreateWindow("GLEW Test");GLenum err = glewInit();

if (err != GLEW_OK) {cerr << "GLEW Error: " << glewGetErrorString(err);exit(1);


OpenGL Extensions: GLEW


if (GLEW_ARB_vertex_program) {// it is safe to use the ARB_vertex_program here


// checking with stringsif (glewIsSupported("GL_VERSION_1_4 GL_ARB_point_sprite")) {

// great, we have OpenGL 1.4 + point sprites}

Querying OpenGL Errors

at least once after each iteration of the game loop:

GLenum err = glGetError();if (err != GL_NO_ERROR)

cerr << "GL Error: " << gluErrorString(err) << endl;

Querying OpenGL Errors

querying the GLSL info log:

GLint logLength;glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObject, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &logLength);

if (logLength > 1) { GLcharARB* logString = new GLcharARB[logLength]; glGetInfoLogARB(programObject, logLength, NULL, logString); cout << "GLSL Info: " << logString << endl; delete[] logString;}

Low-Level Data Structures

Vector class to ease the use of cross product, dot-product...

Matrix class to simplify matrix-matrix multiplications, matrix-vector multiplications, matrix inversions...

Plane/Line class forIntersection/distance

Ray casting

Low-Level Data Structures

Bounding spheres/boxesFaster collision and visibility calculations

Axis aligned bounding box

Oriented bounding box

Frustum class for view-frustum calculationsList/stack of bounding planes

View-frustum culling


Basic Rendering

View-frustum cullingWhat we do not see, we do not render.

Test Bounding Volume of each object against view-frustum.

Make it hierarchical for faster execution

Basic Rendering

Backface cullingRemoves half the triangles

Done by HW glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE)..

Basic Rendering

Simple „scene graph“ - a list of objectsFor each object do view-frustum culling with its bounding volume

If visible render itSet state (activate texture, transformation, color...)

Draw geometry

Make it hierarchicalFrom list to bounding volume tree

From list to state tree



Orientation, some possibilities:Store angles around different axes

Incremental multiplication (e.g. each frame)

Depends on the game type and the DOF needed

Transformations: Treat cameras like objects!

Collision Detection

The best tests are those never executed!Depends on the scenario / game genreGeneral:

Broadphase: Bounding Volumes, spatial coherence, sweep-and-pruneNarrowphase: Bounding Volume Hierarchies, Polyhedra, Triangles

Depending on game type: Bounding sphere / AABB / OBB often will suffice

Collision Detection - 2

Different types:Spheres (simple; efficient testing; not very accurate)Axis-aligned Bounding Boxes (simple; efficient testing, but slower than spheres)Oriented Bounding Boxes (very accurate; construction is a non-trivial task for complex objects)

Bounding Volume Hierarchies:A parent contains/bounds his leavesEach leave bounds a primitive

Collision Detection - 3

If Bounding Volumes collide:

One step down the hierarchyE.g. triangle vs. triangle

Depends on the scene / game type about every intersection-routine ever developed ;)

2. Hand-In: Bounding Volume tests sufficient

Terrain Rendering - 1

Regular Gridsuse triangle strips!

Height Maps color encodes height at (x, y)

Space PartitioningEach block 1 efficient triangle strip

Geometry splitting along block borders

Terrain Rendering - 2

Advanced TechniquesOcclusion Culling

Levels of Detail (adapt complexity dynamically)

But: efficient preparation for hardware more important than LOD!

HeightmapsDraw manually

Use tools (Terragen)

Generate (fractals/midpoint displacement, …)

Space Partitioning - 1

Needed for various culling/visibility techniquesReduces amount of calculations needed

Quadtrees, Octrees, BSP Trees, …

Beware of memory requirementsBalance tree height VS geometry per partition (empirically)

View Frustum CullingFast approach with false positives better than slower, accurate approach (for games)

Make use of hierarchical data structure!

Space Partitioning - 2

Traverse Tree (DFS)Discard blocks as big as possible as soon as possible, example:

A visibleA1, A2, A3, A4 visible

B invisibleC visible

C1 invisibleC2 visibleC3, C4 invisible

D invisible→ render A1, A2, A3, A4, C2

Efficient OpenGL - Geometry

Use OpenGL vertex arrays forNormals



Use indexed geometrySaves memory (re-use of vertices)

Index-array: provide it when calling glDrawElements(…) or bind it before when using vertex buffer objects

Efficient OpenGL – Geometry 2

Indexed GeometryNot always best/applicable(e.g. cube: no shared vertices!)

Good for highly tessellated, curved surfaces (e.g. cylinder)

Shared vertices also have to share Normals



Efficient OpenGL – Geometry 3

Today’s hardware:able to transform up to 100 million triangles per second

One million triangles per frame at 100 fps!

Special requirements:Complex objects(many triangles per render-call)

Appropriate conditioned objects(triangle strips, many shared vertices)

Use of extensions(avoids unnecessary copy operations, …)

Efficient OpenGL – Extensions

Some useful extensions:GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object

GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap (OpenGL 1.4)


Vertex Buffer ObjectsAllows for storing vertex data in video memory

Further information (strongly recommended!):

Efficient OpenGL – Extensions

SGI MipmappingUses hardware to generate mipmaps automatically

Faster than gluBuild2DMipmaps(…)

Further information:

Efficient OpenGL – Extensions

Texture compressionReduces traffic on memory bus

Decreases load-time when stored compressed on hard-disk

Further information: