conceptual paper environmental campaign

Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Executive Summary 2 1.2 Natural Environment Policy3 1.3 Concept and basic Knowledge of Environment………………………………………………………………………………5 2.0 Background of Study 7 3.0 Problem Statement 10 4.0 Conceptual Framework 11 5.0 Research Objectives 13 5.1 Programme Objective 12 5.1Research Questions 12 Description of Program 14 Importance of Program 15 6.0 Environmental Management Plan 16 7.0 Conclusion and Recommendation 17 8.0 Reference 19 1

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Proposed project on Pulau Perhentian for Social Impact Assesment


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Table of Contents1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Executive Summary 2

1.2 Natural Environment Policy 3

1.3 Concept and basic Knowledge of Environment………………………………………………………………………………5

2.0 Background of Study 7

3.0 Problem Statement 10

4.0 Conceptual Framework 11

5.0 Research Objectives 13

5.1 Programme Objective 12

5.1Research Questions 12

Description of Program 14

Importance of Program 15

6.0 Environmental Management Plan 16

7.0 Conclusion and Recommendation 17

8.0 Reference 19


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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Executive Summary

This conceptual paper focused on needs for environment awareness program , which stresses biophysics environment interest and local eco tourism in Pulau Perhentian society. The program proposed is in accordance with policies was inaugurated by Malaysian governments in improving environmental awareness among society especially society that stay in Pulau Perhentian Kecil area. Pulau Perhentian environmental area experience pollution that can affect natural beauty especially coral reef and society on island in general still not realized this issue. Based from survey results data obtained from respondent (communities) in the island shows positive feedback than society on awareness program on local environmental and environment concept knowledge proposed. Environment awareness campaign is the key to increase awareness of the need to keep environment. Institutions, which related like Education Ministry, State Education Department and educational bodies that is other, encouraged for with time make the program successful like this especially in area with biophysical interest like in Pulau Perhentian Kecil.


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1.2 National Environment Policies

In Malaysia, conservation and management of environmental matters in the context of sustainable development based from economic development, social development and environmental protection. Sustainable development cannot be achieved if one of the pillars is compromised. Therefore, the National Environment Policy (NSP) created to take into account the merger of the three pillars. Environment Policy was formulated to protect the interests of economic, social and cultural development towards sustainable and eventually improve the quality of life and the environment.

At the national level, the Conference of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth, held on October 12, 1989 in Langkawi, Langkawi Declaration signed on the environment. Langkawi Declaration has set a resolution that is achieved by these countries to act together to save the environment from destruction. Among the actions that have been agreed upon is to design and implement an effective education program to increase public awareness on the preservation and conservation of the environment (Ministry of Education 1998). Through environmental education to increase skills and attitudes towards environmental issues and allows an individual to participate in order to protect and conserve the environment actively.


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The Fisheries Act also sets out the definition of Marine Park then there is the establishment of a marine park or marine reserve on the island stops. Through this Act, the minister may, by order in the Gazette establish any area or part of an area in Malaysian fisheries waters as a Marine Park or marine reserve to give special protection to the aquatic flora and fauna in the area or in parts of the area and to protect, preserve and manage the natural breeding grounds and habitats of aquatic life, with particular regard to the species of flora and fauna that are unusual or function of the National Advisory Council for Marine Parks and Marine Reserve.

National Advisory Council for Marine Parks and Marine Reserve shall advise the Minister on any matter relating to a marine park or marine reserve in particular to determine guidelines regarding the protection, conservation, use, control, management and development of marine park areas and marine reserves for implementation at the national level to coordinate the development of any marine park or marine reserve with the Federal Government and any other body corporate.


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1.3 Concepts and Basic Knowledge of Environment

In Malaysia, environmental education can be acquired either through formal education or through informal education. It is a lifelong activity and multidisciplinary nature. As outlined in the three main goals (UNESCO 1980), environmental education involves duties such as willingness to participate as members of the community, the ability to debate public policy and a willingness to contribute to the interests of others. Three main goals of environmental education (UNESCO 1980), namely;

i. Provide awareness of interdependencies between economic systems, social, political and ecological urban and rural areas;

ii. Provide opportunities for every individual to gain knowledge, develop values, attitudes and commitment and skills needed to protect and improve the environment;

iii. Develop a new attitude in the individual, groups and communities in addressing environmental problems;

Three goals stated above appear to consistent with the concept of Environmental Literacy. Environmental Literacy attitude built in three stages: Environmental Literacy.


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However, the eventual goal is based on the awareness, concern, understanding and finally take an action. Someone who is just aware of the environment cannot be said to be an 'environmental literacy'. It must involve an individual's understanding of the danger of damage or contamination of the environment and be able to explain to others about the issue. Next is to practice in behaviors that can help reduce pollution, such as the practice of recycling to reduce trash dumping and so on.

To gain a better understanding and better about the concept of environmentally sound and sustainable development and concern for the environment, education and environmental awareness will be promoted extensively by the merger of the dissemination of information and training, as well as in accordance with the recommendations in Agenda 21. The Agenda 21, the issues of environmental education have been a major focus in Chapter 36. Through Chapter 36, the main thing being discussed is how to orient the environmental education system towards specialization, continuous monitoring and development (Nasaruddin 1993). In addition, emphasis given to enhance public awareness and sensitivity to the environment and to introduce specific training for the management and protection of the environment.


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2.0 Background of Study

Eco-tourism is travel that is responsible on environment aim enjoy and appreciate nature experience and culture. Eco-tourism should be having adverse impact that is low on environment and should contribute to local population welfare. Eco-tourism has different definition that translated according to comprehension every individual. Nearest meanings that define eco-tourism is tourism that based on natural environment and has value that is enough to be applied without prejudice the original source. There are various definitions given by scholar figure on eco-tourism. By the summary, eco-tourism is tourism that based on natural environment, of which, hoped so that this tourism will be able to contribute to maintenance for natures protection and conservation and wildlife. To ensure these natures continue to be preserved, source for the eco-tourism need to be developed by under control to minimize impact on environment. Coral reef in Pulau Perhentian is economic asset that important, that contributes much economy in island in eco-tourism activity. Damage to reef will cause economic loss that significant, and damage that serious can cause beauty of the beach affected. Following is coral reef threat factor in Pulau Perhentian Kecil. Pollution from sewage occurring at Pulau Perhentian because from wastewater disposal continue ashore, algae growth encouraging surplus nutrient fly in the ointment coral reef habitat. This factor also due to from tourist who come with big


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number. It is encouraging drastically Alga growth and member adverse impact in coral reefs in Pulau Perhentian. Nitrogen inorganic dissolved also is threat to reef quality and with coral fading has become a problem, reef damage due to alga which cause everyone's concern.

Climate change also among reasons mass coral fading which affects reef in Peninsular Malaysia, but reef can still be healed from fading but still exposed to different disorders. The matter cause worry between diver and local angler on angle commercial trawl that sometimes catch fish near reef area in some areas. Coral reef large area around Pulau Perhentian still cannot be protected perfectly because attitude does not consider this matter is serious. To safeguard environment stability, ad hoc working to increase coral reef total in protection of marine area gazette being performed by the government to be listed into natural resource place protected to ensure enforcement that is more effective.


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Resources: Malaysia Marine Department, 2014.


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3.0 Significant Issues/Problems Statement

Coral reefs in Perhentian are an important economic asset, which contributed much of the island's economy in eco-tourism activities. Damage to the reef will result in significant economic losses, and serious damage can cause the affected beaches. Here is a factor in coral reef threats Small Perhentian Island. Pollution from wastewater that occurs in Pulau Perhentian result of sewage discharge directly to the beach, excess nutrients encourages the growth of algae that damages the coral reef habitat. These factors also result from the tourists who come with large amounts. It promotes the growth of algae and member drastically adverse effects on coral reefs in Pulau Perhentian. The dissolved inorganic nitrogen is a threat to the quality of the reef and coral bleaching has become a problem, due to algal reef damage caused concern for all parties. Climate change is also one of the reasons large-scale coral bleaching affecting reefs in Peninsular Malaysia, but was able to recover from coral bleaching but still susceptible to other disorders. This caused concern among divers and local anglers on commercial trawler fishing sometimes catch fish near the coral in some areas. Large areas of coral reefs around Pulau Perhentian still cannot properly protect because attitudes do not consider this a serious matter. For maintaining the sustainability of the environment, immediate efforts to increase the number of coral reefs in marine protected areas managed by the government gazette to be list in place of the natural resources are protecting to ensure enforcement that is more effective.


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4.0 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework shows the process on how the awareness programme applied in context of ecotourism producing an environmental

literate human capital.


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The overall results show that sustainability certification accepted as a useful tool for scaling up small-scale tourism development. However, the results also indicate that before sustainability certification can be develop and several issues have to be taking into consideration including from the aspects of small-scale stakeholders especially whose understanding towards sustainable tourism and certification, as well as their acceptance and willingness to participate. In addition, the implementing agencies capabilities to conduct the programs should also be measured in term of their understanding of tourism, the expertise possessed and the documents, which will assist its implementation.


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5.0 Research objectives

5.1 Objective of Program

• Raise awareness of flora and fauna in the context of eco-tourism in Pulau Perhentian.

• Instill the concept of tourism to the exotic natural environment that supports the conservation efforts of natural beauty.

• Increase awareness of local communities, farmers and travelers about the importance of maintaining and managing the environment so as not to affect the coral reef on the island stops.

5.2 Research Questions

How to create the environmental literate in community of Pulau Perhentian?

What are the action need to change negative attitude of people towards environment?

How can environmental awareness relates with eco-tourism?


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5.3 Descriptions of Program

Environmental campaign program is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, develop attitudes, motivation and commitment to make decisions and take responsible action (UNESCO, Declaration Tbilisi, 1978). environmental awareness programs for the local population are also necessary to reduce the unsystematic fishing that can damage the environment, particularly coral reefs, and to create awareness about the economic importance of the reefs for future generations.

Environmental awareness is seen as an investment to be able to open the minds of the surrounding communities for sustainable ecotourism. Environmental awareness program either through formal and informal methods that can solve the environmental problems in the present and prevent the emergence of new problems. This report aims to propose an environmental campaign that can be carried out at the school level can produce a host of environmental literacy and the love of the environment can contribute and increase the quality of life. Environmental education is a lifelong activity and multidisciplinary nature. Approach and filling in the environmental campaign consists of three aspects of the approach through Environmental Education, Education in the Environment Education and public awareness on issues that affect the environment in Small Perhentian Island. The development of environmental consciousness of late based on environmental sustainability important for the integration of the three


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approaches of environmental education and enhancing the quality of life of Malaysians in the future.

5.4 Importance of the Program to Community

Environmental campaign is one of the most important aspects of environmental conservation, and perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects. A common problem we face over the years is the lack of a deep understanding of how human activities harm the environment, and how it in turn affects the individual. This stems from a lack of education in environmental issues. Man has the choice of whether to protect or destroy their environment based on the choices made and actions taken by them. This in turn is determined by the level of understanding and awareness of the natural world, their knowledge of their effects on the environment and their ability to do something about their effects.

Environment campaign is a process in which individuals gain awareness of their environment and acquire knowledge, skills, values, experience, and determination, which would allow them to act - individually and collectively - to solve environmental problems in the present and future. It is a learning process that increases knowledge and awareness about the environment they live in and the challenges associated, developing the skills and expertise needed to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations and commitment to make decisions and take responsible action. The main goal of environmental awareness campaign is to create a responsible behavior towards the environment.


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Some of the reasons for the development of environmental awareness is slow in Pulau Perhentian are the obstacles like indifferent habits that need to be overcome if Malaysians to increase their understanding of the environment around them and how they can manage their impact on the environment.

6.0 Environmental Management Plans

To achieve the goals outlined in the Environmental Policy Program requires an Environmental Management Plan. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is management documents that provides details of the policy and guarantee the protection of nature in Pulau Perhentian while ensuring the sustainability of activities and programs. This document is a comprehensive guide to the environmental management program, including detailed descriptions of flora and fauna, ecosystems, environmental values and useful information about climate, geography and so on. It is one-step to help meet Environment commitment and action plan that will help the process of environmentalmanagement. This plan is reviewed and updated in the future if there is improving in the plan are implemented.


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7.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

From the above study, the conclusions that can be made is environmental education modeled on environmental literacy can be seen to contribute towards improving the quality of life in Malaysia. This is because environmental education itself is a form of management tools that can be applied at all levels no matter the young or old. The approach requires a qualified environmental officer should teach environmental curriculum. All parties need to work together like the same hill climb, climb into the same groove to strengthen eco-tourism industry. The whole country is responsible for keeping the image of our homeland in the eyes of tourists to Malaysia will continue excellence, glory and distinction. The issues related to the environment often the center of discussion in the newspapers.

This is because the environment is increasingly polluted our country. The issue of environmental pollution on Perhentian Island is not to be underestimated. Actually, there are several advantages of the environment. Among the benefits of protecting, the environment is the environment will be clean. Therefore, all levels of society must practice good values to environmental sanitation can keep awake. Clean


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environment enable us to enjoy the beauty of the environment. Clean environment will also provide peace of mind to us. In addition, environmental well-maintained can also prevent environment pollution. There are several common pollutants such as river pollution, and air pollution. Pollution happens to be many problems to themselves, the public and the government. Therefore, if there are those who pollute the environment, the complaint shall be made immediately to the authorities such as the Department of Environment.

If we keep the environment well, certainly we live in a healthy and happy. Indeed, a dirty environment can cause illness to us for many pests like living in a dirty environment. Some of the animals that prefer to live in a place that is dirty rats, cockroaches and mosquitoes. If we live in a healthy, our lives will be happier and happier. In addition, a clean environment to promote the country's tourism sector. The tourism sector is very important to the country as if the tourism sector developed the indirect economy will also be developed. For example, when the environment clean and beautiful, definitely a lot of tourists coming to our country. The presence of these tourists will add to earnings next country to develop the country. Clean environment will also reduce government spending on environmental clean up dirty. A project to clean a dirty environment requires considerable expense. If the environment is clean, then the government can use the money to build schools, community halls and other public facilities. In addition, the government could focus its efforts and energy towards the development of the country.


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In conclusion, there are some advantages to keeping the environment clean and cheerful. Dirty environment will bring negative effects to the country. In my opinion, all parties must play a role in keeping the environment clean. Indeed, the environment is clean and cheerful will make Malaysia more prosperous and developed. By conducting the awareness program, will indirectly ensure born talent to become responsible citizens to preserve and conserve the environment for the universal heritage.


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