conclusions international seminar on online higher education october 2014

Partners académicos Conclusiones / Conclusions

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Page 1: Conclusions International Seminar on Online Higher Education october 2014

Partners académicos

Conclusiones / Conclusions

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Page 3: Conclusions International Seminar on Online Higher Education october 2014


International seminar on online higher education

Barcelona, 16th & 17th October, 2014 Participantes / Participants

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International seminar on online higher education

Barcelona, 16th & 17th October, 2014 Participantes / Participants

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International seminar on online higher education

Barcelona, 16th & 17th October, 2014 Agenda / Agenda

Page 6: Conclusions International Seminar on Online Higher Education october 2014


Exponemos de manera breve algunos puntos claves de las intervenciones que

se dieron en el seminario internacional sobre educación superior online y las

principales conclusiones que se compartieron en el mismo

We briefly highlight both the main conclusions from the presentations made at

the international seminar on online higher education and some interventions of the


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Las universidades y escuelas de negocio online suponen una disrupción en el sector de la

educación superior. Quizás no se trata de la aparición de un nuevo sector pero, con toda

certeza, no es simplemente una metodología o una simple estrategia de las universidades


Las necesidades y el marco de desarrollo de la educación superior online son muy

diferentes a los tradicionales del sector. Deberíamos considerarnos un subsector que está

liderando el cambio en el ámbito de la educación universitaria. No podemos considerarnos un

simple cambio en la prestación del servicio de formación, sino una transformación radical del

concepto de universidad.

Se están creando estructuras y sistemas organizativos nuevos para adaptar el sector online.

Es una relación nueva con el estudiante y estamos sólo al inicio de los cambios profundos que

provocará nuestra propuesta de educación superior.

Should online higher education be considered a sector itself or just

a methodology or strategy developed by he universities and BS?

Page 8: Conclusions International Seminar on Online Higher Education october 2014

Online universities and business schools pose a disruption to the higher education sector.

This doesn’t necessarily mean the appearance of a new sector, but certainly, it is not just a

methodology or a strategy by traditional universities.

The necessities of online higher education and its developmental framework are very

different from those in the traditional sector. We need to consider a sub sector that is

spearheading change in the area of university education. It can’t be seen as a mere change in

learning services, but as a radical change in the concept of the university.

New structures and organizational systems are being created to adapt to the online sector. It

is a new relationship to the student and we are only at the beginning of profound changes in

how higher education is put forward.

Should online higher education be considered a sector itself or just

a methodology or strategy developed by the universities and BS?

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M Morgan: It is more than just a methodology or strategy included in the university and BS structure.

La cuestión era si la UPC debía encabirse en las estructuras y seguir los procesos de la Universidad o

cambiar y decidir cuales eran los drivers del cambio a seguir. Finalmente, se creó un sistema organizativo

nuevo online. Esfuerzo enorme en la formación de profesores que iban a impartir docencia online.

La metodología online cambiará la universidad y no al revés.

T Gore: There will be more disruption coming to the sector. We don’t have to be afraid of being ourselves.

Coursera it is not the disease, it is the symptom.

S Xanthopoylos: I don’t see ourselves as a sector but as a different relationship with the students.

Sometimes we seem lost asking ourselves if online education should be premium o free access.

We are in a chaotic moment and it is normal due to the fast growth online education has experienced.

V Maestre: La realidad es que si necesitamos tantas cosas diferentes para desarrollar la formación online,

veo dos sectores diferentes o, como mínimo, muy diferenciados.

Si tan diferentes somos, entonces somos un sector propio.

Should online higher education be considered a sector itself or just

a methodology or strategy developed by he universities and BS?


Page 10: Conclusions International Seminar on Online Higher Education october 2014


Es clave crear la oferta de programas online a partir de las necesidades reales de los

estudiantes y las empresas y no únicamente duplicando los programas que ya se desarrollan


La innovación en la educación superior proviene, fundamentalmente, del diseño de

programas online: contenido, metodología, seguimiento y evaluación.

Una preocupación creciente de las universidades y escuelas de negocio online es organizar

un buen seguimiento del estudiante y colaborar de manera eficiente a que complete el


Best practices in managing online programmes

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It is key that online programs are created based on the real necessities of students and

businesses and not just duplicating existing programs that already exist in on campus classes.

Innovation in higher education comes fundamentally from the design of online programs:

content, methodology, follow up and evaluations.

A growing concern among online universities and business schools is how to organize

proper student monitoring and efficient collaboration so that programs are completed.

Best practices in managing online programmes

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V Maestre: Una clase online está más cerca de la realidad que una clase en el aula..

Estamos realizando transferencias de coste hacia el estudiante.

Aulas cerradas, con horarios y contenidos fijos es un fenómeno cultural finito en el tiempo. Encerrar a las

personas para aprender no tiene sentido. Estamos en un momento de cambio.

A Woodgate: It seemed old structures were impossible to impenetrate. Nevertheless online education is

producing innovation within university.

A Scatizza: Tenemos que crear oferta online des de las necesidades reales de estudiantes, empresas e


B Vanegas: Es importante trabajar a conciencia cómo será nuestra metodología de enseñanza online. Es

una de las garantías que damos a nuestros estudiantes.

Best practices in managing online programmes


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J Muir: Innovative development and growth comes from going online. We are leading the change within the


S Xanthopoylos : We have experienced 20 times growth in 5 years. Now, let’s focus on helping the student

to finish the program and improve quality.

Best practices in managing online programmes


Page 14: Conclusions International Seminar on Online Higher Education october 2014


Las universidades corporativas no pueden desarrollar la formación que ofrecen ni los

programas que necesitan sin contar con el apoyo de las universidades y BS. En este sentido,

el sector online cuenta con una clara ventaja en la sinergia con las empresas; ya que éstas

apuestan de manera preferencial por la metodología a distancia.

Las universidades corporativas pretenden liderar el cambio desde las compañías, así como

el sector online lo está haciendo desde la educación superior.

Special guest speakers: Corporate universities

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Corporate universities cannot develop the academic training nor the programs that they

need without the help from universities and BS. In this respect the online sector has a clear

advantage through its synergy with businesses. Business has already shown a preference for

long distance methodologies.

Corporate universities hope to lead this change from the business sector itself. In this same

way the online sector is doing so from the higher education side.

Special guest speakers: Corporate universities

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Las relaciones internacionales en el sector online no puede darse de otra manera que a

través de alianzas. Acuerdos de cooperación académica entre instituciones iguales o


Incluso los competidores (que lo son más en el ámbito online) deben buscar forma de

cooperación que aporte valor a los estudiantes.

Uno de los objetivos a los cuales tender es poder ofrecer titulaciones oficiales

internacionales (conjuntas).

Reasons and causes of online enrolling.

The online students profile.

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International relationships in the online sector cannot be established by means other than

through alliances and cooperative academic agreements between institutions that are equal

or complementary to each other.

Even competitors (there are even more in the online arena) should find a way to cooperate

so that students will gain in the end.

One of the objectives that should be to put forward is to offer official conjoint international


Reasons and causes of online enrolling.

The online students profile.

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No es admisible que se de por supuesto que la mayoría de participantes en programas

online mientan y sean deshonestos en sus evaluaciones. No es más fácil ni más evidente ser

deshonesto online que offline.

Los participantes del seminario se comprometen a trabajar en una declaración conjunta

sobre el significado de virtual presence

How To Prevent, Detect & Deter Dishonesty

in an Online Environment

Page 19: Conclusions International Seminar on Online Higher Education october 2014

It should not be acceptable to think that it is a given that the majority of online students cheat

and are dishonest in their evaluations. It is not anymore evident that it is any easier to cheat or

be dishonest online than in offline courses.

The seminar participants agree to work together on a declaration about the meaning of

virtual presence.

How To Prevent, Detect & Deter Dishonesty

in an Online Environment

Page 20: Conclusions International Seminar on Online Higher Education october 2014


A Bellot: Nos interesa mucho el proceso de aseguramiento de la calidad académica.

La calidad no está condicionada por la metodología.

A Woodgate: The right approach to this issue is to decide if we trust – or not – our students.

S Xanthopoylos : Results of online students seem to be better than on campus students. This is because of a

major motivation, compromise and self-discipline.

How To Prevent, Detect & Deter Dishonesty

in an Online Environment


Page 21: Conclusions International Seminar on Online Higher Education october 2014


Las instituciones online tenemos la obligación de perseguir la misma calidad académica que

la universidad tradicional, pero teniendo en cuenta los diferentes parámetros a considerar en la


Las claves son medir la calidad académica, los contenidos curriculares, la atención a los

estudiantes y la evaluación fiable.

Necesitamos nuevos ámbitos de reconocimiento de la calidad y prestigio del sector online.

Suitability and considerations on traditional

accreditations and rankings

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Online institutions have the obligation to attain the same academic quality as the traditional

university. But one should be aware of the different parameters used when measurements are


The key measurements are of academic quality, course content, student support, and credible


Needed are new areas of recognition for the quality and prestige of the online sector.

Suitability and considerations on traditional

accreditations and rankings

Page 23: Conclusions International Seminar on Online Higher Education october 2014


S Xanthopoylos: AACSB and EFMD are initiating parallel process for online institutions. They have just

began to think about it but acknowledges that we are a new sector that needs different parameters.

J Muir: Rankings like FT’s are reliable. It is a market leader. It is really difficult to have our own ranking

with the same credibility.

Suitability and considerations on traditional

accreditations and rankings


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Conseguir flexibilidad enorme de los programas. Fomentar la participación y facilitarla.

Las soluciones blended pueden ayudar muchas veces a conseguir una plena integración de

los objetivos del docente y las necesidades del estudiante.

No hay que renunciar a la creación de contenido y de conocimiento. No podemos limitarnos a

trasladar el contenido de las clases en el campus a online.

Ideal balance between lecturer participation and

course content

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Attaining programs that are as flexible as possible. Create participation and encourage it.

Blended solutions can often be a good way to achieve integration of both teaching objectives

and student necessities.

The creation of content and knowledge should never be given up. We should not merely

transfer contents from on campus classes to online programs.

Ideal balance between lecturer participation and

course content

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Una de las conclusiones más destacadas es la intención del grupo de participantes al

seminario de seguir reuniéndonos periódicamente y fomentar la creación de un network.

El objetivo del network de instituciones de formación superior online, será el de definir

líneas de actuación, procedimientos y estándares que permitan fijar las pautas a seguir en

la educación online.

Nos ponemos a disposición de la institución que desee organizar el próximo encuentro

(hayan asistido o no en la primra edición).

Los próximos pasos a seguir y actividades que se organizen se enviarán a los

participantes e invitados que declinaron su participación por motivos diversos pero

interesados en recibir información y formar parte del network.

Consideración final / Final statement

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One of the main conclusions of the seminar group participants is the intention to

celebrate a second international seminar and to promote the creation of a permanent


The objective of the higher education online network will be to define lines of action,

procedures, and standards which will establish the guidelines to be followed for online


We are at the disposition of institutions who would like to organize the next meeting

(regardless of whether they attended or not the first edition)

Next steps to be taken and future activity planning will be sent to participants and invited

guests who couldn’t participate for whatever reason but who are interested in receiving

information and want to be part of the network.

Consideración final / Final statement

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Partners académicos